si i:;> Kill! LIBEL. The Heglater ami Neue Wasliteiiaw WHILE CALLING YOUR ATTENTION PONt Botli Called to Ansucr, •/ TO OUR Last Thursday, just after our last is- MAGNIFICENTYICTORY! sue had gone to press, papers were served upon Air. Helber, the editor of FALL AND WINTER STOCK the Neue Post informing him that a certain article in last week's issue of SATURDAY SALE. OF the Post had damaged Mr. Sukey, tho REPDBLICANS SWEEP ABOUT EVERYTHING democratic candidate for county treas- urer, to the amount of $25,000. Mr. FROM MAINE TO CALIFORNIA. Helber had published an article severe- 5UltS and ly criticising Mr. Sukey's official con- UNDERWEAR! duct and declaring that he was entirely incompetent to serve as county treas- urer, that many errors had already The Next Congress Strongly Re= been made in the books which were li- Overcoats able to make serious trouble for prop- LADIES' VESTS AND erty holders in regard to the payment We wish to impress upon your mind the fact that we carry a super- publican. of their taxes. Mr. Sukey got wind of ior quality of ready-to-woav Clothing. Everyman in Washtenaw County, no matter what his occupation, will find it to his interesl the preparation of such an article be- PANTS to examine our immense si > \ of suits and overcoats for fall anc fore the Neue Post came out and at- winter. tempted to have an injunction issued to THE STATE REPUBLICAN BY ALITTLE LESS stop the paper containing the said art- A es t0 icle. Failing in this he at once began 19c. IN CHILDREN'S SjiTS, * \ & Carrj THAN 100,000. suit for libel. Mr. Sukey claims that the statements made in the aforesaid THE LITTLE GIANT, THE COLUMBUS and He B. 0. E. article are a tissue of falsehoods gotten We will place on sale Satur- day, Nov. 3, one case of Ladies' (Best on Earth) Doublo-Breasted Coats. Pants made double seat up and published just before election and knee. We call special attention to our all wool combination especially for the purpose of defeating Egyptian Ribbed Pants and Vests—goods that have never Suits, Double-Breasted, two pairs of Pants and Hat to match at Spalding Elected Over Anarchist Barkworth by anhim. He therefore asks that damages §3. ^5. be given him to make good the loss sust- sold for less than 35c a garment, for that day only we will sell Our Men's $7.00 All Wool Suits, Our Men's $8.00 AH Wool Suits Overwhelming Majority. ained oy the publication of such state- them for and our Men's $10 All Wool Suits are world beaters. We believe we ments. stand head and shoulders above all competition both in variety and value. We invite the comparison. Why not make it ? The Register, Too, IK Sued. 19c. KEMPF, WATTS AND WORTLEY ALL VIC= Saturday last as ye editor was walk- Ladies' Half Wool Vests and ing along the street he was hailed by a T0RI0U5. deputy sheriff with the greeting "You Pants are just the man I've been looking for," 40c. WADHAMS'9, RYAN & REULE and he then proceeded to reach for 28 S. MAIN STREET. one of his pockets. We weren't paral- These goods are extra heavy OLD ROCK-RIBBED DEMOCRATIC WASHTENAW SURPRISES THE izod, nor did we run, and, as a result, in- ribbed fleece lined and equal to stead of seeing a pair of handcuffs, were anything offered heretofore for NATIVES WITH ITS BIG REPUBLICAN MAJORITY. handed a paper containing the start- $1.00 and will greatly add to the pine Art Goods ling imformation that we, too, had been value of our Saturday sale at libeling somebody. Further investiga- tion proved that THE REGISTER had, WASHINGTON BLOCK. And Gibson, for Justice of the Peace, Gets 240 with malice aforethought,done deep ami 40c. irreparable injury to the feelings of Mr. BLAKE Majority in Ann Arbor! W. B. Voorheis, the candidate of a Etchings—Remnant Frames. A new and elegant portion of the local democracy, for Jus- Men's Scarlet Wool The Republicans held an election in (•ateat K<-tiirn«. tice of the Peace. Well, we were line of Frames just received at Blake's, 13 E. WASHINGTON ST. these United States, in Michigan, Up to last night no returns had been stunned. Never before had we supposed Shirts. Washtenaw county and in Ann x\rbor received from the town of Lima. Omit- that the publication of what was com- ting that, which will not change the to- mon report on the street was libelous. We have on hand of these last Tuesday. The Democrats stood by But maybe it is. We are glad to know, goods 25 doz. Shirts only. They tals more than thirty either way, the It's A Bad Habit and looked on, or else turned in and however, that either Mr. Voorheis does are the dollar value to be sold majorities for county officers are as fol- For a man or woman to get into the way of not looking about helped the Republicans carry the day. not value his character as highly as Mr. Saturday at and ascertaining what is going on all around them.—They fre- From Maine to California the tidal lows: Sukey does, or else wo onwlttir.glj quently lose good hard-earned dollars by not learning to buy in wave swept in relentless force carrying Judson, Sheriff Slti bore down less severely on the innocent 45C the best market—the cheapest market— Dansingburg, Clerk 670 head of the object of our unholy wrath. everything with it. In New York Of course THE REGISTER is wholly to McKinstry, Register of Deeds 882 Ladies, Men and Children will Morton is elected by a majority be- blame for the defeat of Mr. Voorheis find in our Underwear Depart- tween one and two hundred thousand. Rehfuss, Treasurer 1192 and the largo majority given Mr. Gib-ment the more lines and better J. D. STIMSON & SON, GROCERS, Even N. Y. City has elected a Repub- Randall, Pros. Atty 7">7 son his opponent on Tuesday. This is values than we have ever shown of 24 South State Street, keep the best groceries in the city and Kempf, Rep. 1st Dist 4.V2 still another evidence to the public of before this fall. THE STORE want people to know that at their store is the place to get fine lican mayor and recorder. Congress- the wide circulation and influence of Wortley, Rep. 2nd Dist 356 has a mania for bargains and goods and at the same time save each week a few of those hard- man Wilso n, the author of the nefari- THE REGISTER. We regret, if the article Gibson, Justice of the Peace 240 everything that has been offered earned dollars. ous Wilson Bill, has, from latest reports, did actually do Mr. Voorheis an injustice, this fall, bearing the merit of been turned down 'n his district in hat he should have allowed himself great value, has been snapped W. Va. Ohio has risen up and endorsed Silas R. Mil IN to' have been persuaded by some fool up by us. TThese bargains we in- ONE TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK, A large and appreciative audience, friends, as was evidently the case, to tend to use to popularize our Because after that it won't be a trial—you will be one of our regu- McKinley almost unanimously. Bloody- consisting of Prof. Mills many friends make the matter still more public by business and increase our trade. Bridles Waite, of Colorado, has been and musical admirers in Ann Arbor, ailing the attention of as many people lar customers. retired in a manner that even Waite greeted him at the Inland League con- as possible to the so-called libelous art- cannot fail to fully appreciate. Iowa cert last Monday evening. He was as-icles just before the eletion. If Mr. sisted by Miss Blanche Deering, of De-Voorheis had consulted Atty. Lehman One of the Specially falls back into the Republican column troit. The program for the evening, as Defore placing his name upon the pa- with one of its old time majorities of published in last week's REGISTER, Ders as counsel in the case, he certainly Wm something like "5,000. Anarchist Alt- was given without change. Mr. Mills would not have made such a bad break, Goods Things geldt, of Illinois, has also heard some- was certainly at his best on this occa- and might have been elected instead of 'PHONE, 1S2. thing drop all over the praires of his na- sion and delighted every one with the laving been so badly snowed under! We have to offer is a line of pleasing manner in which he rendered extra fine, heavy Egyptian Rib- A 10Cent Cake of tive heath. He will never pardon another his part of the program. The Schubert bed Vests, Handsomely Em- bloody-handed murderer. In Michigan, numbers were especially well rendered, Michigan Academy of Sciences* broidered and fleeced lined we CIRCASSIAN An effort is being made to organize nothing is heard of except Immense Re-while the ballads, in which Mr. Mills are offering at BOQUET publican majorities every where—from always carries away his hearers, were a society of which tho above is to be enthusiastically received. Miss Deer- .ho name. The movement is being sup- SOAP old Democratic strongholds, as well as ing showed remarkable musical ability, ported by the most noted scientists in Republican precincts. The congress- especially for one so young. Her ren- ,he state. Already meetings have been and are far superior to the num- ional delegation from this state will be dition of Chopin and of Vagrich were leld and steps taken towards a perman. ber we sold last year at 50c, And a 15c Bottle of a solid Republican one. This district especially fine, while her encores were nt organization. The following con- stitute the advisory board to perfect ar- repudiates Democrat - Populist -Anar- equally well rendered. As an accom- BAKER panist also, Miss Deering showed her angements for a regularly organized Men's Natural Color Heavy FOLEY'S CREAM chist-Barkworth by a rousing majori- unusual ability as a musician. Prof. academy:—W. J. Beal, Agri. College; Ribbed Shirts and Drawers are ty, and will have a magnificent repre- Mills has a large number of admirers J. B. Steere, Ann Arbor; F. C. New-nowhere else sold for less than Keeps Your Hands Smooth combe, Ann Arbor; W. B. Barrows, sentative in the Honorable Geo. Spald- in Ann Arbor, who hope he may be 50c; we have them at and Free From Chaps. ing. In Washtenaw county,however, was heard here frequently in the future, Agri. College; I. C. Russel, Ann Arbor. The purposes of the organization are, AX/> JOBBER OF the greatest surprise of all. The Repub- while Miss Deering may be assured of a cordial reception should she again ap- "The study of the agriculture, archeol- licans, even the most sanguine, were not pear before an Ann Arbor audience. ogy, botany, geography, geology, min- eral resources, zoology, etc., of the Men's Swits Conde make Shirts expecting to elect more than two men and Drawers, extra heavy Silk Foreign Fruits B. & M. on the ticket, while irany would have State of Michigan, and the diffusion of V. \V. C. A. the knowledge thus gained, among faced, worth one-third more, we been satisfied to have simply reduced The Y. W. C. A. will render the men." All persons who may be inter- are selling at Vegetables, DRUG STORE/ the Democratic majority in the county following program at the concert ested in a society of this nature are re- 46 SOI'TH STATE ST.] to a few hundred. They could not con- which has been arranged for tonight quested to apply for membership to tain themselves, however, when the re- at the Baptist church, at 8 o'clock. Prof. F. C. Newcombe, secretary, Ann Men's Pine Heavy Fleeced ports began to come in and in every Organ. Selected. Arbor, Mich. Prof. Stanley. Lined Shirts, the very best and 32 EAST HURON STREET. precinct Republican gains were shown. Alto Solo. Call me Back L. Denza- Prof. H. L. Willctt. most comfortable garment made, It is now clear that every man on the Mrs. R. Kempf. On account of a previous engage- at ticket is elected by a good big majority Recitation. At the Gate. ment made by Prof. H. L.VVillettit will Miss Vincent. be impossible for him to lecture before Even in Ann Arbor, with a desperate Piano. Scherzo Chopin. fight being made by Voorheis and his Op 39 c sharp minor, the Inland League next Monday night. Men's Fine Heavy Jersey Rib UTOPIA MILLINERY PARLORS Miss E. Fisher. Mr. Willett has, however, consented bed Vests and Pants, deep Satin friends, Gibson carried the day with Soprano. Solo. E. ternamente to come two (lays earlier and will be gored Waist elegantly finished. 240 majority. THE REGISTER would be Max Zonk-. here next Saturday night, when he You will pay $1.50 for their glad this week to give the exact figures Mrs. R. C. McClure. will deliver his lecture entitled "Tho equal, selling at New Patterns showing the majorties of the Republi- Recitation. Christmas night in the Golden Fleece," before the League. can candidates througout the state, but Quarter. Mr. Willett is too well-known in Ann $1.00. Miss Mosley. Arbor to need any commendation from lack of space and the necessity of having us. We wish to state, however, that in Men's Extra Fine Camel's Hair BaDJo. Normandie March. .Armstrong. Shirts and Drawers, Dr. Leob's, The Utopia is where you always find Hats and Bonnets in the to order a large additional supply of fig- the lecture ho will deliver next Satur- latest styles and shapes. Miss H. Long. day night Prof. Willett is certainly The Lewis Underwear are the ure type, in order to print the big ma-Tenor Solo. Recitation Arir.. .Grunod. From the Renic de Saba. at his best. This is the only time he finest goods known to the trade. The Ladies are invited to call and see the New York Patterns jorities received, makes it impossible. Mr. Watson. will appear before an Ann Arbor audi- Just Received. ence this year. Do not fail to hear Mr. Agents for Ypsilanti Under- Piano. Last Hope Gottschalk. Willett, if you wish to hear one of the wear. Our aim is to always keep right up to date. Miss E. Fisher. rising young orators of the day. Ad- The U. S. Oov't Reports Recitation. Aunt Peggy on high art mission, 15 cents. show Royal Baking Powder Miss McMonagal. superior to all others. A cordial invitation is extended to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder PARLORS, 59 S. flain St. all. Admission, 10 cents. World's Fair Higher; Medal and Diploma. ARBOR REGISTER, THUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 81894

During the past year 3T3 houses have STATE NEWS NOTES. MICHIOAN HAPPENINOS. n built in Battle Creek. About All of Lansing's factories are run- Edward Ellsworth, a brakeman on An Oil Stove ning. the South Shore road, was killed at A CHAPTER OF THE DOINGS OF Ira Sigmiller, of Kingsley, was fatally Marquette. -THAT IS- Knives. MICHIGANDERS. shot by a hunter through accident. Caleb J. Brown, of Sturgis, has suf- The contract has been let and work fered a fracture of the hand while A Big Steamer Collides With and Sinks a begun on a casket factory at Belding. spanking his young son. An Oil Stove A cheap Pocket-knife can be bought S. S. Bailey and wife celebrated The body of John Laerty was found -»t every Store, but it is not the kind Steambarge.—A Farmer Killed by a their golden wedding at Grand Kapids. floating in the river at Saginaw. An THE LADIES' DELIGHT. you want. Wagon Load of Lumber Falling into a inquest resulted in a verdict of acci- •* * * Coppers and fire laddies at Lansing Ditch.-A Youth Murdered With an Ax. have been forbidden to drink while on dental drowning. One dollar is the lowest price that a duty. Farmers around Bangor raised about really good knife can be sold for. This 100 acres of cucumbers the past season, sdoumn is placed in this paper to adver- Burglars Left Him for Dead. The Davis mine has shut down at and the crop proved to be so profitable tbe very best Pocket-knife ever Between 11 and 12 at night Watch- Negaunee, throwing 75 men out of that a pickle factory is to be built :-s©lG. It is J. C. TIDMARSH'S Sheffield man A. T. Sopher heard groans pro- work. there. steel Knife. ceeding1 from the basement of Hodges' The state fish commission has de- drug store at Utica. Mr. Hodges was cided to re-stock Green Bay with Harry Tice, of Ionia, a brakeman on Never buy a knife only because it aroused. The men found W. E. Harris, whitefish. the D., L. & X., w'as badly hurt while 'looks well. l( blades are not the best a prominent furniture dealer, lying in uncoupling cars in the yard at Grand Sheffield steel they will soon bend, no a pool of blood near the rear window. The trial of ex-Deputy Secretary of Ledge. One rib was broken and he •^matter how they will look. Still, you He was unconscious. When revived, State August W. Lindholm has been was hurt internally. •nxrant a fine-looking kaife. .Mr. Harris said that he was aroused to postponed till Nov. 13. Mrs. Lauretta Stand ley, the older for the doctor. Passing through George Welch, one of the five men of the women who were beaten with The United States law provides that the alley, he saw some one moving who escaped from Hillsdale jail, Sept. hammers near Columbiaville is dead. >only samples to agents and to the trade near the store. Before he cculd in- 6, has been recaptured. Mrs. Fred Skinner, the other injured will be admitted tree of duty. You vestigate, he was seized from behind woman, is recovering. •e*n, therefore, eee the advantage that and hurled through a window upon a Burglars stole 8100 worth of mer- 1 have in sending samples to agents coal heap. Then he was struck on the | chandise from the American Express The Downington cheese factory, •over those who deal in Sheffield goods head by an iron bar. The burglars company at Otter Lake. after four years' successful operation, in America. made their escape, and Harris lies in a William David's barn, three miles has closed down on account of the m critical condition. north of New Haven, was destroyed by inability during the past few months 'I in an advertising agent I 1 am on- fire. Loss about $2,000. to secure enough milk. trusted with a certain amount to spend Ktvnmbarge Sunk by an Iron Ore Steamer A Kalamazoo lady has been studying Ex-Lieut.-Gov. John Strong suffered advertising those knives (the best The steambarge Iron King, bound the culture of pineapples and is meet- another loss by fire when his brick hall Shown in this cut is the newest and best oil heater by all odds "alue ever seen in America at One down, ore laden, collided with the ing with hopeful success. and frame residence burned at South Dollar eachi. Now. the knife is its steambarge S. C. Baldwin, knocking Kockwood. Loss 89,000. Strong has It is odorless, safe, handsome, cheap, and readily moved. own best advertisement about ten feet of her bow off, the Emmet village will shortly have a suffered a total loss by fire in the last Baldwin sinking in :io feet of water. system of water works. There are The handsomest, most popular and best heater ever put up- * * only 225 inhabitants there. twelve months of $60,000. Imagine a Pocket-keife (31 indies The crew were saved. The Baldwin, A. S. Berg, a prominent Fremont on the market. i) with the most beautifully-grained lumber laden bound down, was round- Rev. Alfred L. Howard and wife left farmer, is reported as missing. He rory handle—genuine African ivory ing to with two barges in tow and Schoolcraft for Africa, where they will drove from home several days ago almost in to the dock. The King tried teach in the missionary schools. with *80 in his,pocket and there are h »we blade* of the very best to get by and opened her engines wide, SCHUMACHER'S, 66 S. Main St. I that will last a lifetime Ewing (amp, aged 20. of Hartford, strong grounds for apprehending that but was so close to shore that she nar- he has met with foul play. •HI Ilkea razor. The tips of th rowly escaped smashing into another shot himself in the left breast and will dies are heavily plated with sterl- die. A love affair was the cause. ing silver. And then a very nice barge lying near the coal dock. The Marlette ladies and gentlemen are chamois leather cane ^ors with each force of the blow and the sheer the A lantern exploded in Andrew very sporty. A certain lady has a pair knife Now, would it not be easy work King took sent her hard aground. Hi-art's barn, near New Haven. Five of belligerent cats. She is willing to The river at this port is very near a cattle perished. Total loss, $2,000. match them both against any dogs in [ng this knife at One Dollar i mile wide and the King could have town. One fight has already taken Do You Want t would, (or it looks as if i taken the starboard without any in- William Smith, aged 1(5, son of Patrol- place and more are on the tapis. • worth.two dollar.:. convenience. man Lc Hoy Smith, fell from a build- * * ing at Grand Kapids. breaking his While o\it bird shooting Jeptha neck. He died instantly. Bradshaw, of the firm of Glyshaw & And so it is if you compare it with A Careless Clerk and a Match. Bradshaw, carriage manufacturers at A Bargain ad In the ordinary Store. One of the clerks of J. G. Johnson, Since last spring five immigrants North Branch, received a charge of flt t Ills knife its own best adver- druggist, at Traverse City, went into have arrived at Grand Haven from shot in the face from the gun of eat. the basement to draw some alcohol. Holland, but in the same time 5(> have a companion and may lose both his While doing so he stepped on a match returned to their old home. eyes. You can make $4 per day sellinj. on the floor and the alcohol was in- stantly in a blaze. Johnson and Harry The Paine Lumber company's big The Michigan Central railroad has e knives. This is a genuine and planing mill at Marinette was de- bought the St. Joseph Valley railroad, straigtforward statement. This is Luke, another clerk, rushed into the stroyed by fire. Loss $3,500. Tlie counting that you show it to only basement to put out the fire. They running from Kalamazoo to lierrien were not successful and Luke was cause was undoubtedly incendiary. Springs. They will at once built a twelve buyers every day. And everj spur to the dam. and undoubtedly CARPETS -one that sees it will say it is gooc caught in the flames. He broke out Muskegon grocers have commenced ,alue for $1. The knives are sold to the front basement window, but could war on all peddlers and hucksters, will improve the road and extend it to v cm at $8 per dozen; you sell them at $1 not get through and became unconsci- claiming that their business has been St. Joseph. each. ous. He was rescued with difficulty, injured by the traveling merchants. Frank Henry, of Colon, recently # • badly, perhaps fatally, burned ou the Alfred Ewer committed suicide at married his stepmother and ever since I determined to use large sum of ad- head, face and arms. The loss is quite Flint while temporarily insane by the couple have been busy trying td •vertieing money entrusted to me in large on the stock. hanging himself in his barn. He had figure out what relation they bear to flATTINGS and •sending out free samples to those who been a resident of Flint for 40 years. each other and their other relatives, promise to act as agents for the sale of An Aged Veteran Assaulted. lie lias children by his first wife and 8 knives. Three men broke into the house of A team belonging to V. L. Parsons & she of course by her first husband. E twin Crisher, an old soldier, at Di- Co. became frightened and ran away I will send you a .rree sample, but mondale, and murderously assaulted at Elmira, throwing out and instantly A small alligator crawled out a FURNITURE h m. The dog's barks and the noise killing the driver, George- Wise, aged sewer at Cadilao the other day and it the promise at the about 85. is thought that it is one of an increas- L8column, and make a deposit to awoke the old man. He came to the ing family of alligators which have , that in asking for the knife you d lor in his night clothes, asking who The mailing facilities at Paw Paw 1 was there, and what was wanted. been hatched out by an alligator that in good faith. 1 are of the worst possible. There are ped in the city a few years ago Tin old man thought he recognized but two trains per day and the Detroit from an exhibition of Florida's living OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! The deposit that I ask of you is H the voice as his son, Ed. Crisher, and and Chicago papers are received 12 curiosities. tout half the wholesale cost of unlocked the door. As soon as this hours late. , and less than one-third >\h,it was done, the three rushed in, and Traverse City seems to be a model would have to pay for a knife like some one commenced striking him ou Mrs. Argalus Reed, an old lady, fell corporation in one respect. Since the We have bought, for the fall trade, a tremendous stock of the head, at the same time, it is al- from the top of a long flight of stairs village was organized in 18S1 there these goods and are going to sell every yard of Carpets and \ ou bought one leged, threatened him with death. at Dowagiae inflicting a severe scalp has never been a single piece of prop- ney* b*y a I'ostal Order or Robbery was the motive, but nothing wound ami breaking two ribs. She is erty advertised for taxes. Even in the every piece of Furniture at a lower price than they ever were one-cent sts., and put a was secured. in a critical condition. past year, with its hard times, offered at before. Rye-cant stamp on the letter, which M. I). Beaver recently tried to drive there is but $4.00 unpaid on a total tax than one-half A Dollar Quarrel Ends in Murder. a cow into Ed O'Donnell's barn when roll of 917,755. thi fil11 this is ice. Sam Smith and Minard Mix, young the animal charged him and rammed District Attorney Powers, of Grand Tf you will furnish STUDENTS' ROOMS ^ * * men north of Onekama got into a her horn through the man's groin. Rapids, received instructions from At- your chance. Don't miss it. ;1hii.depositi • will be placed quarrel that may prove fatal for Mix. 11 is injuries, while serious, ara not torney-General Olney to proceed with io y It, £B<1 will be deducted The affray took place at the residence necessarily fatal. the prosecution in the case of the gov- We have two piece Chamber Suits for $11.50. of Stephen Mix, where Smith went ernment against the Michigan Land

CLOSING IN ON PORT ARTHUR. I.I I IK VIC\ NOTES. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR- Japanese Capture Fort in the Chinese George K. Holmes, the census expert, GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES Stronghold and Prepare fora Hot Fight. Washington: Two important and | is the author of a recent paper entitled significant Japanese victories are re- "A Decade of Mortgages,"* published Are You Fortified? corded by U. S. Minister Denby in a by the American Academy of Political When you are in a low state of health, and on the verge of cable from Pekin. lie says that the and Social Science. In this paper Mr. illness, there is no nourishment in the world like SAPOLIO Chinese forces have been defeated at Holmes gives the results of the Census Chin Lien Cheng, and have retreated to .Moukden; he also reports that the investigation into mortgages and shows Japanese have' taken one of the Chi- what conclusions can be drawn from Scott's Emulsion nese forts at Port Arthur. It is be- these figures. That the real estate lieved here notwithstanding the taking of a Chinese fort by {Re at mortgage debt of the whole country to refltore s'rength. Scott's Emulsion nourishes, strength- Port Arthur the place will be able to amounts to 811,000,000,000 seems almost ens, promotes the making of solid hold out for a long time. Inasmuch incredible. flesh, enriches the blood and tones un us its capture would result in giving the whole system. D. WSCOCK & SON Japan control of the gulf of I'e-Che-Li *Holmes. George K. "A Decade of and cut off the Chinese capital from Mortgages." American Academy of Por Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, coin mil vacation with the sea. it is be- T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A ; Political and Social Science. Publica- • ss, Consumption, Scrofula, Anasmia, H(?ved that tie Japanese will make a tion, No. 120. 8vo. Paper. Pp. 16. most determined effort to capture the Loss of flesh, Thin Babies, Weak Children, and fortress. The belief that they are pre- Price, i5 cents. Philadelphia: 1891. paring to do this, even if it involves a all conditions of Wasting. Large Shipment of j Two notable educational articles are long siege und a winter campaign, is Buy only the genuine! It has our trade- borne out by the fact that the agents to appear in the November Popular Sci- 1 of the Japanese government in this ence Monthly. The one on Preparation ma k on salmon-colored wrapper. country have quietly bought up a vast LEHIGH VALLEY COAL store of goat skins and have practically for College by English High Schools, TR.OE M.RK. Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. /•/, cornered the market. As these skins written by John P. Casey, of the Boston Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 5O cents and SI. are commonly used in China and Japan High School, shows what boys who en- .ALSO OF as a necessary part of the soldiers' ter Harvard without Greek are doing. winter raiment, it is fair to presume that the Japanese are msking- ready The other is the first of a series on KENTUCKY BIRDSEYE CANNEL COAL for a winter campaign. Manuel Training by Dr. C. Hanford Other War Gossip. Henderson, who is well-known to the London: A dispatch from Chefoo readers of the Monthly.—D. Appleton says a fleet of Japanese transports, >.*>: ('o.. New York. OF Especially fine for grates. Leave orders protected by 19 warships, has been seen landing troops, on the mainland Necessaries LIFEI with of >,he Kwang-Tunk peninsula, to the Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for northward of Elliotts Island. A dis- November describes and illustrates patch from Tien Tsin says the greater "Niagara in Harness," in an elaborate In some climates all a man needs is JOHN MOORE or The ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK. part of the Chinese forces was des- food, but in Michigan he must have food, troyed before Chu Leang Cheng was article written by Arthur Vaughan Ab- evacuated. Gen. Hung's official report bott, JC. E., which gives an idea at once clothing and fuel or join the great major • praises that valor of the troops, but clear and 'most impressive of the ity. confesses that they were outmatched Wood of all Kinds and of Best Quality, Cheap. by the enemy's weapons and training. stupendous achievement of diverting The Times publishes a dispatch, from the power of the mighty cataract to Pekin that the government is assum- mechanical use. Other illustrated ing a complete initiative in national articles are: "To Rio in a Sailing Ves- WE HANDLE WOOD affairs ivhich have hitherto been di- Which is the very cleanest, cheapest and rected by Li Uung Chang. sel," by Henry Wysham Lanier, and "Costume'on the Stage," by Percy An- most cheerful fuel. We have all kinds of derson. — Frank Leslie's Publishing To Those Along the Line of- War ISetwecn Mexico and Guatemala. wood but poor wood. Order some and The republic of Mexico recently took ! House (Department B), 22-24 Bond St., you will find this true. We also have the possession of a considerable tract of 1 N. Y. (!ity. land on the Guatemalan border which BEST FLOUR, in fact, was claimed as the territory of Guate- mala. Neither government would There is no magazine that maintains relinquish their claim and their rela- a more uniform or higher degree of lit- PILLSBURY'S BEST, THE LATERAL SEWERS! tions became severely strained and erary excellence than the old, well- now it seems that belligerent measures known weekly eclectic, Littell's Living Which is known everywhere is the best f are beiag started. The following dis- in the world. We also have Buckwheat You will want attachments patch is from the City of Mexico. Age. "The Outskirts of Europe,'" by J and plumbing to enable you Miguel Torruco is the owner of a large D. Rees; "A Greek Courtship,"by P.M. Flour, Cornmeal, Grain, Peed, etc. Order to take advantage of the timber traGt near the Gautemalan F. Skene: "Surgery and Superstition,'1 by telephone if you cannot come down frontier. Quite recently the authori- ties of Peten, Guatemala, arrested by Frank Rede Fowke, "The Rajahs of town. arid took away six Mexican subjects Sarawak," by HughuesLe Roux; "The who were employed by Torruco. The Question of Korea," by Henry Nor- Sewer System. Guatemalans have occupied both sides man: "Time-Gauge of Niagara," by of the stream 'Agua Azul and have planted their flag on its bank. This is Thos. W. Kingsmill; "The Hadramut: HEIN2MANN & LAUBENGAYER, It wi'l pay you to se- an invasion of Mexican territory. A Journey in Southern Arabia," by J. cure estimates from Gen. Lorenzo Garcia, whose troops Theodore Bent; "The Buried Elephants 9 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor, Mich. the new firm of : : : SCHNEIDER BROTHERS, were transported from Vera Cruz to in the Arctic Regions," by D. Gath the frontier by two Mexican men-of- war, has landed and is proceeding Whitley : "Hobbes," by Frederick Pol- Plumbers, Gas Fitters, dealers in all kinds of Steam Heating Ap rapidly to Tenosique. The state of lock: "Mr. Rubkin as a Practical paratus. None but skilled labor employed. RATES REASONABLE. Tabasco is arming its military. Unless Teacher," by M. Kaufman; "The Khe- the Gautemalans get back to their own RESTORE We should be glad to have you give us a call ac our new store on side of the line hostilities will begin dive of Egypt," by Stuart ('umberland, at once. are some of the many valuable papers West Washington Street contained in recent issues and constitute Wrecked the Train to Kob the Dead. about one-third in number of those re- LOST VIGOR HPW ducorary Wil> brace you upin » weefe Sod with WRITTB5 Wholesale murder and express rob- published during any four weeks.—Lit- ilARAJf ES to Car« Nervous Debility, Loss of Setual Power in either «-s. bery were the objects that inspired the Invohuitnrv Kmiseione from any causo. If bcglerted. 8ucb troubles lead U tell & Co., Boston. cnnflumpti6n or maai ity, $].m p<-r box by mail,6 !>• xesforfti. Wit»i ev. rrjj. plot to derail the through Minneapolis- or to cure or rtiund tLts niou*7. Addrsw lioston limited, near Heafford Junc- PEAL M-LUiCINfi GO., Cleveland. Ohio. tion, Wis., on the night of Oct. 7. In Henry Loomis Nelson contributes to the THE NEW flARKET, that wreck Fireman Charles Cottrill November Harper's a delightful article, was instantly killed and Engineer entiled "At the Capital of the Young Re- James Dutch was seriously injured. BUCKEYE ROUTE ! 40 SOUTH STATE ST., The man who confessed is Levitt public." in which he offers glimpses of TOLEDO llazelton, about 20 years old. His official life at Washington at the begin- companion is Frank Williams. Both ning of the century.The initial article in THE COLUMBUS, T[ / HANDLES ALL KINDS OF were arrested recently. Williams stoutly maintains that he knows the same Number also treats of by-gone OGKING VALLEY nothing of the wrecking. Hazleton days, when sea-robbers of New York ,.NORTH MICHIGAN says they sawed the supports and carried on the Red Sea Trade, regard- H AND TOLEDO R'Y< J- i RAILWAY. braces of the high trestle and then ing it as a business rather than as a fS T11K SHORTEST AXf) QUICKEST Fresh and Salt Meats waited calmly for the disaster. The crime: and "agreeable and companion- TO VOLUMBUS, ATHENS, POMEROY, and train was running slowly, however, all CENTRAL and SOUTHERN OHIO able pirates" (in a town that may still, POINTS. MARIETTA, PABKEBSBl in,. , ALSO LARD OF OUR OWN MAKE. and only the engine was wrecked. BOANQKE, NORFOLK, RICHMOND, and unfortunately, count among its officials the VIRGINIAS and CABOLINAS Czar Nicholas II. "agreeable and companionable" per- St. Petersburg: The second morn- sons who regard robbery as a business The Best Ice in the City ing after the death of Alexander III Time Card June 7Hi. 1894. the imperial heralds, in brilliant uni- rather than as a crime), are described forms, attended by a troop of trumpet- by Thomas A. Janvier. GOING SOUTH. ers, announced the death of Alexander STATIONS. We handle nothing but the best. Give us a trial. III and the accession to the throne of Detroit Lv. Kussia of Nicholas II. The two her- Harper's Weekly for October 27 con- Toledo Fostorla 11 SS We know we can please you. alds, with their escorts, traversed all tains timely articles on War in theCarey 12 01 the principal streets of the city, and Hast, giving illustrations of Port Ar L'p. Saudusky 12 3-i after the trumpeters had delivered Marion.... 1 OS thur, one of the strong-holds of theProspect .. 1 20 three ringing blasts upon their trum- Delaware 1 VI pets, they made public the proclama- Chinese navy that is now being be- Columbus 2 26 tion of Emperor Nicholas II. Through- sieged by a land and sea force of Japa- t3 00 J. H. & S. B. NICKELS, out St. Petersburg the accession of the Lancaster. 4 15 nese, and also giving portraits of theLoean 5 06 new czar was celebrated as a festival, Nelsonville.. 5 35 40 5. STATE STREET for this event takes precedence of the Japanese military leaders. A full page Athens 6 05 mourning ceremonies, and all signs of is devoted to the Japaneso navy yard McArlhur.. 6 00 public mourning were withheld for the Galllpolts... 7 31 at Yokosko. "The Judgment Books." Mlddleporc. 8 OH day. P. nieroy 8 15 P. M. The Empress of China Suicided. Harper's Bazar will devote a great GOING NORTH New York: The Herald's special deal of space during the next month to THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK STATIONS. A. M. from Shanghai confirms the reports winter wraps, reception toilettes, and Columbus. TIHE TABLE. Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of tills State. which have hitherto been published tlO 10 furs. Children's winter clothing will Delaware 11 55 TAKING EFFECT regarding the death of the empress of Prospect 11 13 China as follows: ''The young empress i( [ve special attention, both from the Marlon • 11 30 CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 Up. Sandusky • 12 17 SUNDAY, AUGUST i, 1893. of China has committed suicide. She beautiful and the economic points of Carey ' 12 34 Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this was rebuked by the emperor, who view. Articles on Golf and other out- Foshiria • 12 58 Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- slapped her face, whereupon she took Toledo Ar. 2 O.i ard time. door sports will appear, and a very Detroit Ar. t6 20 poison." practical series on dinners and evening e. M. Safe and Convenient Miimi. SOI III. Seven Lives Lost in a Tenement Fire. entertainments is among- the prominent ih/. t Daily except Sunday. Place to make Deposits and do Business. Interest is aMowed at the rate, of ^ PEE Seven people were smothered to features promised.—Harper & Brothers, CENT, on all Savings Deposits of $1.00 and upwards, according to the rviesof tin Publishers, Xew York. THE III < Ki:t K FL.VKK leaves Toledo 7:15 A. M. >7:i". A. M. bank, and interest compounded scmi-annually. death by smoke in a five-story tene- at 10.30 A.M., carrying Day ('caches and Parlor ment house fire at -'10 West Thirty- Cars connecting with through trains for Norfolk. Wilt P. M. 11:30 A. M. second street, New York City. The Richmond and all cities in the Virginias and Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. The Michigan Central railroad will Carolina*. 4:15 p. H. 9:00 p. M. fire came suddenly and cut off all es- Parlor and Palace fare on all express trains. Secured by unlncumbered real estate and other good securities. cape by the stairways. In the excite- run the last excursion of the season to Any ticket agent will give you full information DIRECTORS: Cliriftian Mack, W. I). Harriman, William Deubel, David ment everybody looked only to his or Detroit, Michigan, on Friday Novem- concerning the Buckeye Route, or you c»n ad- •Trains run between Ann Arbor und To- ber the ninth. The very low rate of dress ledo only. Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock, W. B. Smith ami I.. Cnmer. her own safety and rushed down the only 84 c-ts. for the round trip will be W. H. FISHER. General Passenger and OFFICERS: Christian Mack, President; W. D. Hwrrimam, Vice-President; Clias fire escape. charged. 37 Ticket Agent, Columbus, Ohio. All trains daily except'Sunday. E. Hiscock, Cashier; M. J.Fritz, Assistant Cashier. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. The Marquis of Lansdowne, formerly viceroy of India and governor-general W. II. BENNETT, G. I'. A., Toledo, Ohio REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK of Canada, has been created a Knight At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, October 2,18W. of the Order of the Garter. KESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Ex-Premier Mercier, of Quebec, died H1CHIGAN CENTRAL. Loans and Discounts $385,685 75 Capital Stock paid in » 50,000 00 at Montreal. Mr. Mercier had been Stocks, Bonds. Mortgages, The Evening News, Falls Route.'' Surplus fund 150,000 00 suffering from a complication of dis- The yi etc 477,551 91 Undivided profits 12,191 65 eases for years past, diabetes predom- Overdrafts 1,589 31 Dividends unpaid 050 00 Banking house 20,500 00 inating. "The Great Daily of Michigan." '•/•.-.WA'.I/. STANDARD TIME. Furniture, Fixtures and Safety Deposit Vaults... 0,915 72 DEPOSITS. Sulphur Bank and Cayote Indians Tit A INS AT ANN AltltoIC. Other Real Estate 4,997 07 had a terrible tribal fight in Lake Current Expenses and Banks and Bankers t 5,200 68 at least is s ent for Hvin Taking Effect July 1, 189&* Taxespaid 2,533 25 Certificates of deposit.... 81,852 11 county, C'al.; one buck being killed, P S expenses every ye*r Commercial deposits 208,102 62 three fatally stabbed and a score SSSbSHIX^XZ^Z. by subscribers of The Detroit Ev«n»o N«w* GOING EAST. CASH. Savings deposits 612,900 05 -$907,564 46 badly injured. Due from banks in reserve The shrewd advertiser knows this, and by using the advtrtisinj columns kail ,t Express 4 BTP.-JC cities 1)58,266 08 While a numl er of men were dig- of THB NEWS secures his share of this enormous sum. 60.000 «obscribers N y. ,ic Boston Special 5 10 Due from other banks and $1,120,406 11 ging a deep trench at the new John- l-'ust Eastern 10 3T> bankers 1,592 87 probably means 200,000 readers, and instead of the «um ab«re, we should Atlantic Ex 7 47 A.M Check*and cash Items... 1,319 74 stone steel works in Lorain, Ohio, the Detroit Night Ex 5 40 "ickles and pennies 205 41 STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WASHTKNAW, ssl earth caved in. A man named Griffin hare said $200,000,000.00. (iraiid Rapids E.x 11 05 Gold coin 30.000 00 I, CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier of the above nametf was instantly killed and a companion Advertise in The Evening: News it you want Results. GOING WEST Sllvercoin 2,500 00 Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- 0. S. and National Bank was fatally injured. Read The Evening News if you want News. Hall k Express MU.« N'oteB 23,749 O0-J217,633 10 ment is true, to the best of my knowledge and Boston, N. V. & Chicago 7 OS North Shore » 25 belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. The National Cash Register company EVENIN ti.20 FOR 3 MOUTHS BY BAIL. Subtcribtd and moorn to before me this Sttt day of May, mi. MIVHAKL ./. FRITZ, the Detroit Cash Register company, of Pacific Ex 13 15 New York City, for infringement of Agencies in every rfflaee. to»n anxJ ofty to OM> BltU »t iDcUfma. 0. W. RUGGLES. II. W HAYES. Notary Public. m valuable cash register patents. " *"Xt&VW G. P. T A. Chicago. Ag't., Ann Arbo TfliL AN1M ARBOR REGISTER. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1894 HARD=WORKINQ WOMAN ow Committee has made the methods Those drawing books from the La- May Festival a distinct advance over the A PLUCKY WOMAN —sooner or later suffers THE REGISTER. of Tammany an eyesore to respectable dies' Library' will please notice that first. Berlioz monumental work, from backache, nervous, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY people of all parties they have risen in after Nov. 6th the Library will not be "The Damnation of Faust," will be worn-out feelings, or their strength and, it is to be hoped, open on Tuesday afternoon, during the given at the closing concert. a sense of weight in SELBY A. MORAN, the abdomen, drag- have crushed Tammany so thorougly winter. It will be open an hour longer Associate membership tickets, admit- And What She Was Able to ging down sensations ANN AHBOR, MICH. that it will never be able to rise again. on Saturday, from two to five p. m. in- ting to entire series (including festival) and dizziness. It will Accomplish. all come to an end stead of from two to four, and from ten $2.50. The price for single tickets will with Dr. Pierce's Fa- TERMS: to twelve a. m. as usual. be $1.00 for numbers I, III, V, VII; 50 vorite Prescrip- THE election Tuesday is an object One Dollar per Year In Advance. lesson which the democracy should take cents for numbers II and IV. The SHE AND HER KM I II II It HAVE tion for it's wo- The two literary societies of the High man's special 1.50 if not paid until alter one year. to heart, as it no doubt will. The re- price of tickets for the May Festival A REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE. School have united in securing Mr. tonic and ner- sults show very conclusively that the will be $2.50. vine ; it restores EST" Fifteen Cents per Year additional to Sub- Sidney H. Morse to deliver a lecture in her strength, reg- scribers outside of Washlenaw Comity. people of this country may be deceived High School Hall next Saturday night. She VU A IliM.I \» orkiuc Person ulates and pro- Fifty Cents additional to Foreign countries. for a time, but the great mass of voters Death of William II. Price. Entered at Ann Arbor Postofflce as Second- His subject will be "The Sculptor's and 'I'llIK will Interest All motes all the natural functions Class Matter. of the United States are thinking peo- The sad intelligence was received a new woman of her. Uterine _ Art, or What Mud is Good For." Mr. Workers. ple who have seen, and felt, the results last Monday evening of the death of regularity and inflammation are most ol- Morse will give exhibitions of model- All kinds of diseases and weaknesses ten the cause of the extreme nervousness of tariff tinkering and were ready to say William B. Price, at noon Monday in THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1894 ing, showing how works of sculpture leave their marks on the system. It is and irritability of some womenTthe tnedi- to those in power, we havo had enough Ashville, N. C, where he went some cine to cure it is the "Prescription" of are carried forward in clay, plaster, very easy for the stomach, liver, bowels Dr Pierce All the aches, pains and weak- of it. And they said it in a way that time ago, accompanied by his sister, in THE REGISTER requests all of its and marble. Mr. Morse will also make and kidneys to become deranged, and nesses of womanhood vanish where it is cannot be mistaken. Having elected a the hope that the climate would be faithfully employed. Dr. Pieree's Favorite friends, wlw have business at the Probate a few sketches in charcoal during the when they do, the person soon feels Prescription is therefore just the medicine majority to the lower house of con- benetii ial to his health. A turn for the Court, to be sure and request the Judye or evening. Admission, fifteen cents tired, languid, weak, low-spirited and for young girls just entering womanhood gress there can now be no more changes worse in Mr. Price's condition took and for women at the critical "change of Probate or Probate Register to send their gloomy. before December 1897, as that will be place the latter part of last week, one life." printing to THE REGISTER. Rea- There will be an evening recital to The nerves become weak, and insan- the time of the convening of congress of his lungs commencing to fill up and sonable rates only are charqed. morrow night at the Methodist Epis- ity or paralysis may follow. The blood DR. PIERCE'S after Grover Cleveland will have been impede his breathing, and it was then copal church at 7:45 o'clock, under the gets bad, there is coated tongue, bad FAVORITE succeeded by a Republican president apparent that the end was near. In re- direction of Mrs. Prof. Thos. C. True, taste in mouth, constipation, the com- IT IS reported that in the cyclone of and the senate redeemed from the sponse to this announctment his broth- PRESCRIPTION blood. The program is as follows: plexion grows sallow and life looks last Tuesday the court house janitor es- bourbons. By that time the people of er Claude had made arrangements to CURES THE WORST CASES. Music.— Piano and Violin, Misses Mc- dark. All persons complaining of any Mr. HOMER CLARK, of No. 208 West 3d Street. caped unhurt. this country will have had ample time start for Ashville last Monday night, Kenzie; A Scene from Acadia. Miss of these troubles will read with wonder to have tried Wilson tariff rates to but the telegram, announcing Will's " My wife was troubled Carolyn EL B.ibbitt; Christmas Night the following letter from Mrs. James with female weakness, Ir has proved just as THE REGISTER their heart's content. We may then death, was received before he got start- and ulcers of the uterus. predicted. The Democrats foresaw in the Quarters; Miss Nellie Moseley; ed. Roake, a well-known lady living at 145 I She had been doctoring look for another landslide. Dot Leedle Boy, Mr. C. G. Clark; Lit- I with every doctor of any what was coming when they cut down Mr. Pi ice was a young man who en-Washington Street. Peekskill, N. Y.: I good reputation, and had tle -ister and I. Miss Clara MeMonagle: I spent lots of money in the salaries of the county officers. joyed the esteem and confidence of a "About fifteen years ago I was taken I) hospitals, but to no pur- Recitation, Miss Amelie Baetcke; LOCAL, large circle of friends who will sincere- very sick. Afte- seven months I got ' pose. She continued to Mother's Revolt, Miss Allie Russell; get worse. She was THE grass upon the court house, ly regret his early demise. over thut, but have never been well. I greatly prejudiced Sam's Letter, Mr. J. S. Handy: The t patent medi- square has actually turned a number of Ten Milanites don't give a conti- The remains arrived in Ann Arbor have suffered terribly with pains in the cines, but M a last resort nental for election. So on the 1st day Volunteer Organist, Miss Hattie I. chest, back, kidneys and head. There we tried a bottle of Dr. Lades greener and looks fresher since at 11 o'clock Wednesday night.—Times Pierce's Favorite Pre- of November they packed their satch- Stebbins. was a disagreeable feeling in the eyes scription. We had seen : election of a full set of Republican els, filled their powder horns, shoulder- The funeral will occur this afternoon some of your advertise- Eftcials, Tuesday. ,,:ii- rifles and departed for the Those in authority in the law depart- and 1 would be very sick in the morn- ments, and Mr. Cum- 1 at 3:30 o'clock at the family residence V^'"-'' miners, a west-side dnig- north woods to ''shoot politics,' and ment are bound to suppress the sale ol ing. capture some vonison.—Adrian Press. oa S. Fifth ave. MRS. CLARK. gir-t. advised us to try a THE Argues can now fatten up its printed lectures. In their efforts to do •• y mind was always gloomy and I bottle We tried ii with the following results : Ten to one they were, every mother's The first bottle did her so much pood Out we ooster and have it for Thanksgiving, this they have gone so far as to require hi 9 felt very low- spirited. I had terrible bought another, and 1. ive continued until she son of them, dyed in the wood Demo- Ther«* is I>ang."i* in Delay** numb spells and would havo to be rub- has been cured.1' iat is if it can find anything to feel every student in the department to be Since 1861, T have been a great suffer- lankful for. It will have no further crats, who couldn't get ,up courage prepared to show his note book with er from catarrh. I tried Ely's Cream bued some time before I could get se of it for, lo, these many years. enough to vote the Republican ticket the lectures written in it in longhand. Balm and to all appearances am cured. around. Some of these numb spells and would not vote for a Democrat. Terrible headaches from which I had were so severe my friends thought I This is an unreasonable demand upon long suffered are gone.—W. J. Hitch- MARY F. MILEY, IT is unfortunate that there is not those who wish to take the lectures in cock, Late Major U. S. Vol. and A. A. would not recover froxn them. J, KM./•:/; rx= more really humorous things taking The Y. W. C. A. will give a musical shorthand, of which there is a large Gen., Buffalo, N. Y. "1 tried doctors and medicines but )lace about the University to enable and literary entertainment at the Bap- number. A working knowledge of short- Ely's Cream Balm has completelj got no better. Finally I began the use ART EMBROIDERY, tie editorial staff of the Wrinkle to tist church this evening at 8 o'clock. cured me of catarrh when everything of Dr.Greene's Nervura blood and nerve FANCY hand is one of the most valuable else failed. Many acquaintances have GERMANTOWN YARNS, nd something to dilate upon besides The entertainment promises to be a very acquirements a young attorney can used it with excellent results.—Alfrec remedy, as my husband had been he matter regarding Prof. Steere good one as some of the best talent of W. Stevens, Caldwell, Ohio. most miraculously cured by it. After GOODS STAMPING. T have and it is ridiculous that students AND A e would advise the editorial force up- the city has been secured to take part. should be discouraged in the study of it Price of Cream Balm, fifty cents. using it a short time there was a most A Fine Line. n that journal to send for a few col- The proceeds will be used for the pur- by such regulations. In fact, most of wonderful improvement. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, FINE Be Sure To See it, umns of ''plate humor" if they cannot chase of an instrument for their rooms. the students think it is a peculiar law Ftufttonablt J'I inHll it THE Argu8,/ia speaking of the libel mission, 10 cents. melodrama with scenic display acknowledged'-;/ all. Monday night was very prolific in NERY. uits against The Neue Post and THE places to go if a man wanted an excuse enough to make it more than ordinarily REGISTER says: ' In either case the interesting from this standpoint alone. The council held its regular meeting to take an evening off. The Inland It shows several familiar New York lo- No. 30 East Washington Street, sandidatefl assailed have found new Monday night. Politics, however, League and tho Unity Club, each gave calities, including the Battery, with the riends, and lost none of the old. * * were too numerous and but little was especially good programs; and there 1 arrival of a patrol boat, the interior of * Many have declared that they done besides regular routine business. was the Democratic meeting at the the Tenderloin police station, the office W. H. BUTLER, will now cut their ticket for no Kepub- The finance committee reported and Opera house, and the Republican meet- of Inspector Byrnes at police headquar- ican but vote solidly for the ticket and ters and pawnshop "fence.'' with a raid I\ O.KLIMi., ANN ARBOR, MICH. the report was adopted Several side- ing at tho rink. Then the royal Arch by the officers of the law. One of the work particularly hard for both Sukey walk mutters came up and were ilis Masons had an initiation at their scenes depicts the taking of a criminal's and Treasurer &at. Savings and Loar and Voorheis." If they did, how much Asso- posed of. The str et railway was given temple, to which tho public was not in- photograph for rogues' gallery, the more overwhelming their defeat would another mouth in which to complete vited, but the orethern were. The plate being developed and tho picture MONEY TO LOAX. nave been had their friends not been tlie Hill-st. loop. The council then ad- Harugari Society had an invitation shown to the audience. spurred on to greater efforts by The journed until 7:30 to-night. sapper at their hall on S. Main-st., ami The company is a well-balanced one there was a concert at the A. M. II. and contains some clever people. The Neue Post and '1 HE REGISTER. comedy element is entertaining and the QROSSMAN & flCHLENKER Unity Club has purchased a line life church. And there were other doings specialties introduced are bright.—In- The signal defeat of Hill in New York size bust if Ralph Waldo Emerson, it is presumed, if one only knew of the dianapolis News, Aug. 7. '94. state and the overthrow of Tammany in which will be placed permanently in private parties and entertainments of I'rices 35c, 50c and 75c. New York City were two of the most the vestibule of the Unitarian church. the city. Still this is but an ordinary MRS. JAMES ROAKE. hopeful things about the recent elec- The "unveiling" of the bust will take Monday evening for Ann Arbor.— KEEPING THE DEVIL AT BAT. "I continued to steadily gain in every Courier. tion. It has been a matter of wonder place at the church social next Mon- How the Chinese Circumvent the Enemy respect until I was cured of all these to people all over the country why it day evening, when an appropriate ad- of Mankind, at a Funeral. terrible ailings. This wonderful medi- was an organization like Tammany could dress is expected from the President of Choral l.iilon Series. A Chinese funeral is a constant suc- cine had now cured my husband and so long literally rob, openly and to the tho Club, and a talk of twenty minutes The following is the list of concerts cession of efforts to cheat the devil, myself of the most fearful suffering, extent it has, a great city like New giving rtminisri rices of Emerson, by to be given by the Choral Union during who is supposed to be lying in wait but this was not all. 1 now want to tell York. Now that the work of tho Lex- Mr. Sidney H. Morse, the sculptor. this year. These merit the hearty sup- to capture the soul of the departed. about my little girl. port of our citizens and will, as usual, So long as the body remains in the ''She has never been well since she without doubt, be largely attendod. house the soul is safe, for the devil cannot come in; the risk begins when was born. No doctors have known just I. November '.'. M94. Anton SeidVs the funeral procession starts. When what ailed her. She was out of her Metropolitan <>j/

Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report Use Prof. Bress Red Drops for ner- Campus. Personals. vous headache, diarrhoea and pain frorh cold of the stomach, and for infantile The week of prayer among1 colleges M. Seery was on the sick list last catarrh. Price 25 cts. a bottle. Order ANOTHER MEAT MARKET! week. will be Nov. 11-18. by mail and the medicine will be de- Loren J. Honion is now with Mack & The sophomore medics elected class 'ivered and your postage will be dis- DUNLEVY & FRUHAUF Sehmid. g counted. Address, Prof. Wm. Bress, officers last Wednesday. Baking PROPRIETORS, B. F. Schumacher spent Sunday at City- (37tf) Physical examinations at the gymans- Brighton. 18 EAST HURON STREET. Get your mattresses made over at ium began last Thursday. Judge Babbitt was laid off last week Martin Haller's. 37 FINE FRESH MEATS Miss Anna Van Housen, lit. '93, is by illness. PPowded r teaching at Lavona, N. V. Jas. Duffy, law '94, is practicing law OF ALL KINDS. E. M. Walsh has been elected presi- in Bay City. ABSOLUTELY PUBE GAME IN SEASON. dent of the senior law class. Atty. Waters, of Manchester, was in Steps Into Journalism Best Fish and Oysters In the the city Monday. City. Ulve us a rail. The S. C. A. will give a general re- By I IIH IN 1,. SHIT.TIAN, Pli. _H. Z. Roath is convalescing- from his re" w ins i i ii ception next Saturday night. cent serious illness. LATEST COUNTY NEWS. New, helpful and practical book by a One lone Michigan man is registered Mrs. Henry Kenny is visiting Mrs Chicago editor, for all young writers. Samuel Krause left last Friday for John Kenny. It tells how to get a start, how to con- »t Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Denver on business. GEDDES, The Misses Reed, of Pittsfield, were struct a newspaper article, and gives a Regular work will begin in the J . A. Dibble spent last Friday and C. M. Weed has an aunt from Iowa thousand details in a delightful style. visiting him. guests of Miss McColl last week. Waterman Gym. next Monday. Saturday in Salem. Mr. Geo. W. Phelps and family are pp. 230; Price, $1.25. Miss Lelia Brouillette, '94 lit., is A. L. Nowlin, of Ypsilanti, was in A new porch makes quite an im- "It is thoroughly practical. I know THE BEST provement to C. M. Weed's residence. moving to Ann Arbor this week, where teaching school at Port Huron. the city last Saturday. they will now reside. of no other book which can approach it The Geddes school raised their new in reliability, utility and value."—S. C. The second number of the Michigan Miss Bell Brewer, of Marshall, visit- The Webster Farmers' Club meets ed Miss Porter, last week flag last Friday, followed by speaking WADE, M. A. LL. D., Lit. Critic for Alumnus will be out next week. by the scholars and Mr. Foster and next Satnrri-i.- ..* \jr Boyden'e, Mr. McClurg & Co. L. C. Noble, of 24 S. Fifth-ave., was Cavanaugh. Ilalapn'an, Of Ann irbor is expected No person who expects to write, even Prof. Trueblood entertained Sol home for a few days last week. to be p went, Our school had a grand time at the occasionally, for the press should be Smith Russell while in the city. G. W. Doty, father of ex-mayor Doty, school house on Friday of last week. without this invaluable treatise. It is Harvard has turned out over 20,000 is down with an attack of rheumatism. They raised the national flag over the A DOCTOR'S run. w riiicorii v . universally commended by the news- Ed. Taylor, mailing clerk at the P. school house with appropriate exer- napers of the country. graduates since its organization. K vim. K,I by Rhronlc fa- Address: ('<»•. School of Journalism, O., was off on a week's vacation last cises with singing and speaking by the tarrh Under Free Treatment. R. Quinn, C. E., '94, is with the ele- week. scholars; also with a speech delivered Kvanston, 111. The lirst day of November, 1893, Dr. vated railyoad company of Chicago. Mrs. Thos. Speechly, of the North by Mr. M. J. Cavenaugh. The school NURSER. passed the following resolution: Hartman gave his consent to take A large number of students living Side, is visiting her daughter in Wash- A Few Testimonials. charge of the treatment of 10,000 cases GRAND OPERA HOUSE. -near Ann Arbor went home Tuesday to ington, D. C. Resolved, that the thanks of the Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Holmes are visit- school board of school district, No. of chronic catarrh free of charge. The NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM— vote. The nursing bottle known as "The Best," ing their daughter, Mrs. Prof. Briggs, eight, of Ann Arbor town and the teach announcement was at once published in The U. of M. Daily regrets that there or and scholars of said school, do here- SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10th, 94.las been tried at the Asylum and is re- in (.'old water. all the leading papers, when the ap- •ommended most warmly especially for :.s no Press Club at the University this Aaron Sehairer and brother Jesse by extended to the officers and man- agers of the Washtenaw County Agri- plications came pouring in from ever}' he facility with which it can be kept year. left for their home in West Point, Neb., The latest New York sensation, >erfectly clean. last Saturday. cultural Society for the magnificent gift state in the Union. With a large num- The S. C. A. in Ann Arbor is the of the beautiful flag that today Boats ber of clerks and stenographers to as- NEW YORK LYING-IN ASYLUM— largest organization of the kind in the James Judson, who has been spend- over our school house. THE have used the nursing bottle "Tfo ing the past year in Minneapolis, has sist him, the doctor actually directs the Best," and find it superior to any I have U. S. returned home. I. N. S. FOSTER, treatment of thousands of eases by cor- i seen as having combined all essential W. R. Payne, son of Prof. VV. H. INEZ STOCKING, Director. Mrs. G. S. Suker, nee Dunstev. of To- Teacher. respondence, which costs the patients qualities I therefore heartly recommend Payne, is stoward ol the Univ. ot Ten- ledo, Ohio, visited in the city a few POLICE INSPECTOR! it. E. E. TULL, M. D. nothing, except the necessary medi- A new and realistic picture of police nessee. days this wee'e. NEW YORK MKDICAL COLLlXiH SALli.H TOWN. cines, which are obtained at the near- ife in New York City, produced with The Freshmen and High School play- Mrs. Russ, who has been visiting her special scenery and mechanical effects. AND HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN—I sister, Mrs. P. B. Rose, left this noon Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Renwiek, est drug store. To become a patient it am pleased with your Nurser "The ed a tie game of football last week. The for San Francisco. October 27th, a 10 pound girl. is only necessary to send name and ad- The Battery and arrival oi the Pa- I list." it does all you claim for it. trol Boat. score stood 4 to 4. Prof. Silas R. Mills and Miss Dcering G. D. Renwick commenced the win-dress, describe symptoms, and minute L. A. DELL, M. D. The U. of M. team met Cornell last were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ter term of school at (Train's Lake, Interior of Tenderloin precinct Po- directions as to diet, sanitary regula- ice Station. Saturday and left a score of 22 to 0 in Jacobs last Monday night. vJonday. tions, and other advice will be sent The Inspector's Office. favor of their opponents. Mr. and Mrs. August Haidlau, of Wa- Rev. Shannon preached a temper- promptly. terloo, who have been visiting at M. J. ance sermon at the Congregational The Pawnshop Fence. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity gave Wherever Dr. Hartman is known Seethe "Air-Inlet!" (as Lehman's, left for home Monday. church Sunday evening. easily adjusted as a Cork; it a banquet at their house on Washte- the name of i'e-ru-na has become a naw-ave. last Friday evening. Paul V. Perry, Atty.-at-law, Detroit, School district, No. 3, have purchsed cannot leak or be pulled out Mich., spent a few days in the city last some more land of David Waters and household word. It is safe to say that BIG CAST! NEW S0N6S by baby) lets in air Back Food as Walter Camp will spend the winter week visiting relatives and friends. are building a fence around the school no medicine in existence is used by so fast as food is sucked out, and making it yard. AND SPECIALTIES! in California. While there he will Miss Dora Fraser, of Campbellford, many families as Pe-ru-na. This is impossible for nipple to collapse and coach the Leland Stanford team. Ont., will spend the winter with her Mrs. Elmer and Miss Harvey, who especially true of this time of the year, thus prevents wind colic. See how easi- aunt, Mrs. D. H. Brown, of No. 7 E. have been visiting their sister, Mrs. F. ly "THE BEST" is cleansed! The University registration up to Univ.-ave. R. Lovelace, returned to their home in when the people are liable to carrhal BRIMFUL OF COMEDY! A clean bottle prevents bowel trouble. date is 2,660, which is an increase of 150 Mrs. Tibbals, mother of Dr. Frank B. Canada, Tuesday. affections, coughs, colds, la grippe, etc. AT DRUGGIST, 35C. ; if yours declines • over a corresponding date last year. Tibbals, of Detroit, visited last week The Ladies' Society of the Lap- Pe-ru-na has cured more cases of to get it, send us 50c. for one by mail, The S. C. A. is arranging a course of with Mrs. J. L. Babcoek and Mrs.hams church have purchased materials chronic catarrh than all other medi- PRICES: Reserved seats, 75c; Ad-post-paid. Philip Bach. and are making elegant new cushions nission, Parquette and first row in Our "Clingfast" Nipple, pure gum, lectures to be given during the year by for the church pev.-s. cines combined. The great majority 3arquette circle,7~ic: Parquette Circle, 50c. doz , post-paid. Jerry Taylor, of Northville, who has of those who use it buy the remedy prominent pastors in Detroit, Chicago been visiting for the past six weeks at Mr. Charles Austin, oldest son of 50c; Gallery, 35c. Reserved seats on THE GOTHAM CO., 70 Warren St., New York. and other places. his uncle's, Prof. F. M. Taylor's, has Perry Austin, and Mrs. Phebe Van themselves, use it according to direc- sale at Watts' Jewclrv Store. The Oracle Board has decided that returned home. Atta, of Salem, were married in Bay tions, not even reporting their case to City at the home of the bride's sister. Dr. Hartman until after they are en- the Oracle for this year shall be out the L. H. Clement, who left last week for Mrs. Clara Bristol. Wednesday, Oct. 3li second week after thanksgiving. That an extended business trip in the we-t- tirly cured. But now that a limited era part of this state and 111., came number of cases can secure the person- will make the board of editors hustle. home over Sunday. al attention of Dr. Hartman free of A -'Student" writes to the U. of M. Miss Harriet Campbell, daughter of WillT.iIOIEK UK!!. GEO. WAHR, Daily and kicks because there is no Prof. G. Campbell, of Dartmouth col- Mrs. T. Holmes visited friends in charge, it is not to bo wondered at that Webster last week. recital upon the Columbian Organ upon legers visiting her uncle, Robert Camp- many prefer to do so. Pe-ru-na never bell, on Packard-st. Mr G. M. Fiel'ls was on the sick li^t fails to cure catarrh when properly -Headquarters fur all kinds of the list of concerts given in the Choral last week but is better at this writing. Union course this year. There was a pleasant surprise party used. given Edward Lucas, at his home on Thirty-two couple attended the hop Ths Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing A chapter of Delta Delta Delta soror- W. 6th-st., last vVednesday evening at the Clifton House on Saturday even- ity was organized in Ann Arbor last by his young friends. ing. Company, of Columbus, Ohio, are send- Thursday evening, with thirteen mem- W. A. ( lark took possession of the Mr. Chas. A. Pray and family, of ing free to any address a book on bers. Mrs. Priddy and Miss Rhoick, of books of the Electric Light Company Lansing, visited relatives here last chronic catarrh which gives the latest AND Adrian, instituted the chapter. last Thursday. He may be found at week. treatment for catarrh, coughs, colds, la the A. L. Noble clothing store. Mrs. David Wilson, of New.York, grippe, bronchitis, and all other affec- It was a miserable wet night, yet Miss Marion Smith, with her mother spent the Sabbath with relatives here, tion^ of head, throat and lungs. there were neary 500 co-eds at the and brother are back from a two years' she has been visiting friends in Sagi- freshman spread last Friday night. stay in Florida. They will go to house naw. Any G. A. It. comrade who wants a keeping in their old home on Wash- Mrs. C. Weber has been seriously ill copy of either of the following books: The '97 girls, who gave the spread, tcnaw-ave. but is recovering. Her two daughters, "Volunteer Officers of the Army and STATIONERY were assisted by Mesdames Angell, Albert Heinzmann, who has been in Mrs. Guthrie and Mrs. liiehards, of Navy" or "Regular Officers Qf the Ar- Thompson, Demmon, Cheever, Reed, Wyoming tor the past dozen years, ar- Chelsea, have beeu attending her. my and Navy" can secure them at the rived in Ann Arbor last Thursday THE REGISTER office at one-third their Nanerede, Markley, Hoff and Lombard. Messrs. Jay Pray and John Turner retail price. (40) This spread, which was wholly in charge morning to the great surprise of his and the Misses Ida Deyhle and Louisa relatives, who had not heard from him Dalkey, attended a "Photograph'' so- A fine lot of leather furniture for li- of the young ladies, is one of the prin- in some time. cial at Dexter last Friday evemug and Genuine Linen Bond Fine Albums at Lowest Prices. cipal social events of. the season and was braries is shown at Martin Hallar's Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Taber left Mon- report a good time. furniture M :S7 Just the thing for cor- a delightful affair. day morning for Detroit. From there The Political speeches made by respondence, for Largest Line of Wall Paper in the City. The Detroit Evening News last they left Tuesday for the East. They Messrs. D. A. Hammond and F. Grove The ftoldeu Secret <>i' Lutis Lii'r. Thursday contained a sensational arti- will go to Boston, New York and a Campbell, at Cliiton House, on Mon- Keep the head cool, the feet warm Sole Agents for the Ideal Fountain Pen. number of other eastern points, then day evening, was attended by a large and the bowels open. Bacon's Celery Only 25c Per Pound. cle about a prospective war in the law visit at Orient, L. I., for a couple of and appreciative audience. King for the Nerves is a Vegetable department. The News reporter claim- weeks, when they will return to Ann The 1. O. G. T. lodge of this place IMvparation and acts as a natural laxa- ed that there was to be a revolt of the A rbor for the winter. mourns the loss of a good member. tive, and is the greatest remedy ever P. G. laws against the amount of work Samuel Hanmail, who lelt for hishome discovered for the Cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and all Blood, Liver given them by Prof. Mechem. It ap- Autuniu. in Canada last Friday, A farewell TWO LARGE STORES, A wake once more In ecstacy and price. party was given in his honor at ttfe and Kidney Diseases. Call on John pears that there is nothing whatever in O youthful heart, nursed in the summer's home of Mr. C. Weber on Thursday Moore, sole agent, and get a trial pack- the story more than that the boys sun. evening. age free. Large size, 50c. While yet the zpheyrsbreathe, yet nature's • thought that they were given more free, The experience of Dr. Tatlock re- Yet summer's bountious prizes to be won! Mortgage Sale. 4 N. MAIN ST. - 20 S. STATE ST. work than they could well do and that cently published is only equalled by Default having been made in the con- the amount was reduced when the mat- The hand that e'er wastes beauty without that of Prof. Kempt's mother-in-law, who, while visiting in company with ditions of a certain mortgage made by ter was brought to the professor's at- end. Randolph K. Fellows and Kmily H., his The "golden touch" to crown the year ap- South Lyon friend?, took the feminine wife, and Pyron V. Fellows and tention. plies. portion of the party to pass their opin- Rosetta H., his wife, to Warren Kimble, And now with beauty countless riches blend; ion on her "Good Luck'Yig which, how- The nature smiles, and breathes her dying W. H. Webb and Mrs. D. B. Morgan, Xlie Ann Arbor Celery Co. sighs. far as the horse was concerned, as trustees of the First Universalist WM. G. REINHARDTS SHOE STORE "•will supply celery in tubs of from 45 to Ah, pleasant calm before the winter's storm, did not seem to answer the description Church of Manchester, Michigan, and «5heads according to size for $1.25. The genial heart basks in thy dawning for she beheld a large, fine fourteen to their successors in office, dated De- This is put up so that families may sup- rays; hundred horse, fully seventeen hands cember 24th, 1885, and recorded in the doesn't take a bad shoe ply themselves for the winter with the Forgets the danger at thy bosom warm, high, valued at one hundred and fifty office of the Register of Deeds, for the best quality of celery and have it al- And lives but with the by-gone summer- dollars. In due time the horse turned to County of Washtenaw, and State of days! speak for itself and the laaies simulta- Michigan on the 7th day of January, long to expose its true ways ready for use. A card addressed O Autumn, fairest on Columbia's hills, neously agreed that their neighbor had to the Ann Arbor Celery Company, box That vie.s with lovely springtime for the 1886, in Liber 66 of mortgages, on page character. A little wear and 214, city, will receive prompt attention. wreath, known her own horse, much to the a- 158, on which mortgage there is claim- Who takes not, when thy bountious goodness musement of the by-standers who wan- ed to be due at the date of this notice tear makes the revelation. We Tubs nicely packed will be delivered to fills, dered, aloud, whether the owners would the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars and any part of the city. 31tf And strolls not joyfully through wood and trust the women uut of sight again an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars, are not content with one trans- heath! with their property. and no suit or proceedings at law hav- Now mirth, while nature offers, warm with ing been instituted to recoven the action with a customer. Our love, moneys secured by said mortgage or Her parting smile, the sweetest to behold; rule is to make one purchase Now quaff the blessings wafted from above; DR. KILMER'S any part thereof. ! Joseph Is All Right Now out fond youth, enjoy this world of gold! Therefore, by virtue of the power of insure another, and that's why einee he took Hood's Sarsaparllla, and I thlni -T.S. sale contained in said mortgage and Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Creates! Medicine the statutes in such case made and pro- we take care to tell you just em Earth. My boj Prof. Bress Triple Flavoring Ex- vided, notice is hereby given that on what you are buying. Shoes had Catarrh in tha Tuesday, the twelfth day of February, Dead so badly he lost tracts are guaranteed for their superi- or strength and purity. For sale at A. D. 1895, at one o'clock in the after- which will not cost you much, his hearing, and medi- noon, we shall sell at public auction, to cal treatment failed to grocers and at No. 32 E. Huron-st., 3rd floor. (37tf) the highest bidder, at the east front and yet give abundant satisfac- ' Iw ^E* "*f\\ he'phim> Then * waa door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place where tion, can always be found at £J/) advised to try Hood's Excursion. the Circuit Court for the said County of Sarsaparilla, and be- Last Excursion of the season via Washtenaw is holden) the premises de- WM. C. REINHARDT'S fore he had taken all Michigan Central to Detroit on Friday, scribed in said mortgage to pay the of one bottle, he began Nov. 9, '94, at the following round trip amount due on said mortgage, with SHOE STORE. to break out with boils rates: seven per cent, interest, and all legal all over his back and Station. Time. Rate. costs, the premises being described in neck. They were not Jackson 7:15 a. m. $1.75 said mortgage as the undivided two- very large, but they Leoni 7:31 1.50 fifths and the undivided two-thirds of discharged freely. Grass Lake 7:38 1.40 one-fifth of all that certain piece or par- Joseph E. Zuber, Slowly his hearing be- Francisco 7 -A't 1.40 Rheumatism cel of land situated in the township of Red Oak, Iowa. gan to come back and Chelsea 7:57 1.20 Sharon, in the County of Washtenaw 42 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. by the time the third bottle had been taken, the Lumbago, pain in joints or buck, brick dust ID Dexter 811- 1.00 urine, frequent calls, irritation, inflammation, and State of Michigan, and described Sarsa- Delhi 8.19 1.00 gravel, ulceration or catarrh of the bladder. us follows, to-wit:—The north eas1 Mood' Ann Arbor S:27 .85 quarter of the south east quarter of sec- parilla Ypsilanti 8:44 .!>.-> Disordered Liver tion number thirty-two of said town- boils had all disappear- Arrive 1 te'troit 9:55 a. m. Biliousness, headache, indigestion or gout. ship. ed and his skin was as I teturning, leave Detroit... .6:00 p. m. SWAJIP-HOOT Invigorates, cures kidney clear as a baby's where- ures Tickets good oil this train and date difficulties, ISright's disease, urinary troubles. Dated. Nov.5th, 1894. GIBSON & CLARK, I photographers as before It was dull C only. W LRREN KlMBLE, and yellow and dark under the eyes. He can H. W. HAYES, Impure Blood SARAE !•',. .IAYVKS, 8UCCE8S0B8 TO KMII,Y E. FAKBEL, now hear well and is taking his fifth bottle." (37) Agent, Ann Aroor. Scrofula, malaria, general weakness or debility. MORGAN & GIB5ON. MRS. M. J. ZUBER, lied Oak, Iowa. Swamp-Root builds up quickly a run down Trustees of said Church, NO. 12 W. HURON ST constitution and makes the weak strong. Mortgd Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restoring Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Ai Druggist* 5° cent* and 8 1.00 Size. A. J. W.V! the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. cio Medsi Midwrnte- Fair. Sar Francisco. "Invalids' Guido to BealtJl" free- Consultation frea Attorney for .'> . (50) Leaders in Artistic Photography. Du. KILMER & C THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER: THURSDAY.. NOVEMBER 8 189*.

CONFEDERATE HORSE THE DRUMMER'S MISTAKE. THE SOUTHERN PLANTATION. Conducted Differently From the Way They He Took tho TVronff Bag and Didn't Managed Under the Old Regime. Do You Find It Out In Time. Plantations of to-day are conducted "OLD JIM," NOW ALIVE AT The small traveling bag is used for a very differently from the way they AIKEN, S. C. good many purposes nowadays. Office were managed under the old regime. girls carry them, typewriter girls use The one I have in mind comprises Use Salt? tbem and women who sell books dis- something over 5,000 acres, says the Is » Rival of ISHle Mosby. the Oldest guise their real business with. them. Boston Transcript. The proprietor It will pay you in numerous Trays J I'nion Horse- Has a Yankee Huliet in The latest use to which they have been to use the salt tHat'» all salt. This H reserves about 250 acres for his own Is especially true as to the butter 7\ His »ck and Is still Ginnl fur Several put is for marketing. Tho idea is said planting and rents out the remainder maker. You recognize a difference lv. {| Years More of Life. to have been originated by a young to small farmers, who give him so batter. We can point you out ••> married woman, who wanted to go to many pounds or bales of cotton for the ference in salt. You strive for the besti market, but who wouldn't be seen I milk, why not search for the lieslrj rent, in proportion to the quantity or salt' Test, compare, ask quesitionafi • G. CHAFEE, THE coining therefrom wi'th her arms full quality of the particular piece of IuvuBti;;-.ite what mayor of Aiken. 8. of packages or a basket in her hand. ground they cultivate, the sizo of ('.. writes the New At last she hit upon the idea of tha b©uge arid corn house of which they for Infants and Children. Diamond Crystal \ VorkWorld that the traveling bag. That would do first have the UBS, etc. Much discrimina- horse Belle Mosby, rate. Jt looked business like, i! tion is required in tho selection of KM whose picture ap- far b' i: a clumr.y basket. The tive or indifferent [OTHERS, Do You Know that Dairy Salt J - ; illtheWpr-Jj idea was approved by other young farming will impoverish the land and has done for others. There's no se< of Sunday, Ju! wives and now when young women endanger the landlord's chance of col- Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and about, it. Write find get particul.n jnost remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine t We grant that Bait la cheap, but i.~> not only not the are seen in the street in tho evening lecting his rent. Most of the tenants that u. good reason why you shou only equine veteran carrying traveling bugs they are prob- are negroes, fort,' families of that race Do Too Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons f not have the lje.-t? look (airly and?! of the ":"' but not ably lvu'le i for tho market, says the residing on the place. Jo Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcot v~ fully into the sail question, and you'll SB New Vork Serald- find the way to better favored batter, *j lest, Of these, there are a number who without labeling them poisons f and better prices through our Dulr M Ono of these neat, prudish young of the annual visitors to are excellent farmers,thrifty, industri- Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child Salt. Indispensable for cooking and JJ Aiken have seen or heard of old Jim, wives lives in an uptown flat. She is table use also. Write us about 1C ous.prompt in pa-ying their obligations, unless you or your physician know of what it is composed f an old gray horse, belter known to the right kind of a woman, for sheand thoroughly interested in every- DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO.. some as Wheeler. This old horse is helps her husband by driving close Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of St. Clalr, Mich. thing that pertains to their business, owned by Mr. W. T. Williams of Aiken. bargains on meat, vegetables ana pro- the wife working as hard as her hus- Its ingredients is published with every bottle 1 Old Jim is li){ hands high and weighs visions generally. She en-O)S market- band—harder, in fact, because when 900 pounds when in good health. ing and has one of those popular russet her field work is over she cooks the Do Yon Know that Cactoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. HY " For thirty years he has done service leather bags in which to carry homo simple meals, washes the clothes, and That it has been hi use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than on the plantation of Mr. Williams, his her purchases. patches the garments for her numer- of all other remedies for children combined t ARE work being gradually lightened as in- This little woman has a brother who r ous family by the blaze of a light w ood Do Yon Know that tho Patent Office Department of the United States, and of firmities have crept upon him. At the is a commercial traveler, and most of torch, after the members of the house- HEELER present time he has the run of the his time is spent on the read. Tha hold are rolled in their respective other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word pasture and enjoys a well earned rest. other evening the young wife returned "quilts" and voyaging in slumberland. " Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense f from a marketing trip and placed her For ten years after the war he fol- She does more than this, for she raises Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was IL SON'S lowed the fox hounds each winter. traveling bag on the dining-room table chickens and turkeys, sometimes geese Old Jim came from the mountains while she went to remove her hat and and ducks, using eggs for pocket because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? of East Tennessee, and took part in gloves. money to obtain the tobacco that is as Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 SEWING MACHINES Suddenly there was a sound of steps the battle of Atlanta. Falling back necessary to her comfort as that of her cents, or one cent a dose ? POPULAR? before Shermans advance, or hanging outside the door and a moment later a husband and sons. Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may on the flank of his army, old Jim's strong shake was given it and a hearty The majority of negroes go to work BECAUSE LADIES coat was daily stained by the red mud voice outside said: in the early morning, with no break- be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f "Let me in, Lou; I've got just three THEM THEM from the hills of Georgia. Crossing fast, or perhaps only a crust to nibble Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. into South Carolina.he bagged through minutes to spare." on. When they come in at 12 o'clock BUY LIKE It was her brother. She hadn't seen the swamps of the low country and bore a stirabout is made, (a dish concocted la on every his rider gallantly in the fight at Great him for months. She threw the door The fac-simile of corn meal, salt and water, and wrapper. AND TELL E Saltcateher in Barnwell county in open. The brother rushed in put his looking very much as the name sug- signature of South Carolina. From that point, ac- traveling bag down on the table and gests,) of which all the family partake, Many ladies have used our machines wrapped his sister in his arms. twenty to thirty years in their family work, companying Pique's command, under the elder members eating an "allow- and are still using the original machines Uen. Wheeler, he brought his master, ••J leave for Buffalo to-night, Lou," ance" of bacon. Any luxury they Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. we furnished them a generation ago. Lieut. MeMahon of East Tennessee, on he said. "I was going by on my way may enjoy appears at the evening Many of our machines have run more the left flank of the invading army to to the train and I thought I'd drop in meal, such as coffee, flour, etc. Usu- than twenty years without repairs, other Aiken. to get a look at you." ally their fare is of the simplest and than needles. With proper care they When Sherman's army, passing Three minutes were spent in lively cold water their beverage, except on never wear out, and seldom need repair. through Barnwell county, reached the conversation, then with a "Good-bye, We have built sewing machines for Sundays and high days, celebrated line of the South Carolina railway Lou! Give my regards to the old man, usually with reference to some relig- more than forty years and have constantly tho traveling brother picked up a improved them. We build our machines Gen. Kilpatriek, with his cavalry, made ious festival. Too much credit cannot on honor, and they are recognized every- a bold dash westward for the purpose traveling bag and ran down stairs. be given these hardworking wives and THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT & APPLIANCE CO. where as the most accurately fitted and of destroying the cotton mills at (Jran- He reached Buffalo that night, and mothers, who hoe, rake, cook, wash, 201 TO 211 STATE STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. finely finished sewing machines in the iteville, rive miles west of Aiken, and when he went to his room to retire he chop, patch and mend from morning- world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the opened the traveling bag to get a until night. Very often garments will Many WANTS YOU night shirt. But he didn't find it. result of our long experience. In com- be patched until scarcely a trace of Diseases TO SEND FOR THEIR LARGE petition with the leading machines of the What he did find were three tomatoes, world, it received the Grand Prize at the the original foundation material can Readily Yield to a small head of cabbage, an egg plant, be seen, and there are many cases Paris Exposition of 18S9, as the best, a box of baking powder, two boiled ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE other machines receiving only compli- where the wife is the best "cotton ELECTRICITY crabs, a bunch of celery, lettuce, ENGLISH, GERMAN mentary medals of gold, silver and bronze. chopper" of the two, and her work far WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL The Grand Prize was what all sought for, four lamb chops and a small package more desirable than her husband's. SWEDISH in which were samples of dress NORWEGIAN and our machine was awarded it. No other medium for the application of Electric:iti y goods. The traveling bag belonged Carmen iu the Flesh. BY MAIL Send for our illustrated catalogue. We is so good as want dealers in all unoccupied territory, to his sister. Minnie Hauk annoyed Ravelli very 6 CTS. much while playing Carmen to his Don WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. FISHING WITH DYNAMITE. Jose. For some reason she suddenly THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT 185 4187 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. One Man Tries It, Hut He Will Never embraced him in the middle of a high Klsk It Again. note. He was so furious that he tried J. F. SCHUH, "The method of fishing by ex-to throw her into the orchestra. She ploding a dynamite bomb under the held tightly to him to save herself, he AGNET, THE OLDEST WAR HOUSE OF THE CON- water and then gathering the killed shouting to her to let go the while, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. or stunned fish that rise to the sur- until her grip wrenched all the but- LOUIS ROHDE, FKDKKACY. face is not very favorably regarded," tons off his red waistcoat. Ravelli possibly the Confederate powder mills said D. L. Mason of Manchester, rushed to the footlights and shouted: in Augusta, Ga., thirteen miles further England. "I have a friend living Look, she has torn my waistcoat!" Lehigh Valley Coal, Hard & Soft Wood west of (Jraniteville. At Aiken they near me, who, when he first heard of The audience thought it was all acting, HARNESS met with the forces of Gen. Wheeler, this method, thought he would try it, and responded with thunders of ap- CALL AND GET PRICES. OFFICE: 36 E. HURON ST. YARDS: 50 W. HURON ST. and \\ere repulsed after a sharp skir- and the experiment came near costing plause. After this scene, Minnie Ann Arbor, OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. mish and retired to the main body of him his life. Early one morning he Hauk's husband stood at the wings Michigan. the army. This fight determined the went to a pond near his place, carry- every night, armed with a revolver, Fly Nets, Whips, Lap Dsters, Heave future fate of old Jim. ing with him a dynamite bomb, with ready to blow out Don Jose's brains if Cure, Hoof Cure, Bonner's Horse His rider, Lieut. MeMahon, charged which he intended to "make a haul" he dared to touch Carmen, while Ra- Walker s Colflml)ian Cleaner, Barn Dust, etc.; also repairing with him down a road, now South of the trout in the pond. He lighted velli threatened her with a huge knife of all kinds at Uoundary avenue, right in front of the the fuse and threw the bomb into tha if she attempted to approach him. As F. W. BLAKE i ' house of Mr. Williams. They had water. To the great consternation of Jose is supposed to be madly in love 15. JEFFKRSON ST. hardly passed the front door when my friend his dog, that had followed with the girl, it looked very absurd to both horse and rider fell, the rider DENTIST FRED. THEURER'S, him immediately plunged into see them dodging away from each Over Brown's Drug store, S. W. Cor 12 W. LIBERTY ST. with a mortal wound in the breast and the water, swam 9 the floating other all around the stage.—Argonaut. ner, Main and Huron-sts., Ann Arbor Horses Boarded, Hacks to Trains. old Jim with a ball in his neck. bomb, seized it in his mouth and Mich. Lieut. MeMahon was taken into the turned to swim ashore with it. The Good News, house of Mr. Williams, where he died man tried in every way to make the No other medicine in the world was Orders for Drives, Receptions, !TRUCK AND STORAGE in the dining room a few hours later. dog drop the terrible object, but the ever given such a test of its curative The stain of his life blood is still on animal showed the excellence of hisqualities, as Otto's Cure. Thousands LORIDA etc., etc., promptly attended to. PARCEL DELIVERY. the pine floor. Jim was condemned as training by holding fast to it. When of bottles of this great German remedy he saw that the dog was determined are being distributed free of charge, by F And the Sunny South. Carriages to let at reasonable worthless and ordered to be shot, but Mr. Williams begged for his life and to bring it ashore the man took to hia druggists in this country, to those VIA rates.—Good horses. C. E. GODFREY. nursed him back again to health and heels. The dog came ashore and fol- afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, usefulness. From that day to this the lowed him at a more rapid rate with Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and Residena and Office, bS FourthrAve., all Throat and Lung diseases, giving BIG FOUR ROUTE, old horse has never known a sick day, the bomb, its fuse burning, still in itsthe people proof that Otto's Cure will [North. and the indications are that he will mouth. It was a wild race for a high cure them, and that it is the grandest The frosty mornings, the chilly The American Hotel yet be able to show for several years wall not far away. My friend was in triumph of medical science. For sale nights, are the first warning notes from TELEPHONE 82. the scars of battle and the brand "C. despair, for he knew the bomb would Winter's trumpet, and we watch the by John Moore, Druggist. Samples Sun in his southward course, longing1 Under new management and everything S." upon his shoulders. explode presently with murderous free. Large bottles, 50c. new. force. He reached the wall and to follow him to a land where it is Judges of horseflesh pronounced Jim Notice to Applicants lor Certificates. summer always. 7 years old when he fell into the scrambled over it just in time, for at Are you going South this winter'? that instant the bomb exploded. The Teachers' examination for Washte- Fine table board at moderate rate by hands of his present master, which Where are you going ? the week. makes him now 36 years old. unfortunate dog was blown to atoms, naw county will be held as follows at The 'Big Four Route" is the best I« the Ureat External Remedy for Af- but the man escaped with a severe Ann Arbor: line from Chicago, Peoria, Sf. Louis, | I'ectioiiK of the Skin—Safe and Certain, shaking up and a disposition to fish in Special March, 8 and 9. Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, Take your meals here while your family Wealthy Charities. the future with a hook and line." Regular last Thursday and Friday of Benton Harbor, Sandusky and inter- IT CURES: March. is out of the city. The income of merely the principal mediate points, with Solid Vestibuled CHAFING—This disease ot the sweat Special April, 26 and 27. trains, Buffet, Parlor Cars, Wagner charitable institutions having their Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars to Cin- glands is instantly relieved. headquarters in London amounts to Fair Warning. MARTIN J. CAVANATJGII, Elegant Sunday dinners. A recent issue of tho Wellsvllle (N. Commissioner. cinnati, where direct connections are I ITCHING—It is a specific for itching over £7,000,000 per annum, or made with solid trains with Pullman from any cause. 835,000,000. That represents a sum Y.) Keportor oontained the following Sleeping cars of the Chesapeake & Ohio, | BURNS—The smart relieved at once equal to half the whole capital invest- unique notice: "To whom it may Children Cry for Queen & Cresent Route and Louisville Central Location. M. STABLER, Prop ed in the bank of England, says the concern: I do hereby say that I will & Nashville Railways, to Hot Springs, and cure follows prosecute any and all in the town of Pitcher's Castoria. I PIMPLES—Disappear by its use. Philadelphia Ledger. It exceeds the Old Point Comfort and all points in total revenue of all the British colo- Wellsvillo or in the county of Alle- Virginia and The Carolinas; to Jack- NF.TTLK RASH—Is relieved at once. gany who sells, buys or gives to me Ton 1- in the Borky mountains. nies together in 1884, and it is as much The "Scenic Line of the World," the sonville, St. Augustine and ail points Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and I ITCHING PILES—Quickly relioved as the present total annual revenues of anything that will intoxicate, such as Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, offers in Florida; to New Orleans and all carefully prepared Remedies, used (or years In and cured all the British colonies, excluding New ale. beer, wine, cider or whisky. I to tourists in Colorado, Utah and New principal cities in the South. private practice and for over thirty years by the I SUNBUHN—Relieved in two minutes. South Wales, Victoria and Canada. will prosecute them to the full extent Mexico the choicest resorts, and to the Through Wagner and Pullman Sleep- people with entire success. Every single Specific of the law. WILLIAM ing Cars dai'y between St. Louis and a special cure for the disease named. I BED SORES—Prevented, or cured if If there is added to this sum the in- transcontinental traveler, the grandest Washington via the "Big Four'' and so. cirsEa. PRICES. already formed come of the smaller charities the total scenery. Double daily train service the picturesque C. &. O. Ry. 1—Fevers* Congestions, Inflammations.. ,25 benevolence paid voluntarily in the ( with through Pullman sleepers and 2—Worm), Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 | FETID SWEAT—Comfort Powder is Tourist rates will be in effect. 3—Teethinci Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 metropolis does not fall far short of "Is he good-naturod?" tourists' cars between Denver and San Call on or address any Agent ©f the 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 sure euro. £10,000,000 , or 850,000,000. "Good-natured? Why, I have known Francisco and Los Angeles. For de- Big Four Route or its connecting lines, 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .25 iFORINl'ANTS—For Chafing, Scalding, scription and pamplets address S. K. 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache .25 that man to speak kindly to his wife Hooper, Gen. Passenger Agent, Den- or address 9—Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo. .25 I Infant Eczema or Scald Head it is the when she was removing a porous plas- ver, Col. (47) 10. O. KoOOKmCK, 10—Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation .25 J best remedy ever devised. Used as a A Well Guarded Kuler. ter from hisbaek!" 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods.. .25 raffic . 12-Whltes, Too Profuse Periods .25 Idusting powder it keeps the skin President Casimir-Perier is one of the D. It. MARTIN, «.. ii-l l-iiss. A Tkt. 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness.... .25 I healthy and firm and provonts eonta- best guarded rules in Europe. A fly- 14—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Eruptions. .25 15 -Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 ing brigade of police agents, in civilian BIG FOUR ROUTE, CINCINNATI, 0. 16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 \Doti 't Dose for Skin Troub- costume, has been created to follow 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 the president step by step wherever he 20-Whoopinir Cough .25 les. 27—Kidney Diseases 25 goes, says the San Francisco Argonaut. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, 28-Nervous Debility 1.00 Comfort Powder will cure you. When M. Casimir-Perier is about to 30—Urinary Weakness 25 start from the Elysee, the prefecture Dealer in American and Imported 34—Sore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat .25 of police is apprised by telephone of " 77 ti DR. HUMPHREYS' CDID OCf the place to which he is going, as well // NEW SPECIFIC FOR Oltlr, £0 . (JOTftfort .Soap as of the route he is to take. Before GRANITES! Put up in email bottles of pleasant pellets, Just fit and all kinds or your vest pocket. he has crossed the gate of the palace,a Sold by DruRetatH, or gent prepaid on receipt or price. I Devised for use in connection with Com ".arriage is already on the street, with BUILDING'STONE ! DR. HUHPBBSYB' MANUAL U4 pagfi,) MAILKD FREK. I fort Powder, is an Elegant Toilet Soap rders to follow the presidential con- IIIHPIIRKIS MKD.CO., Ill * 11:1 nilllam M., NKH'YORK. I for the Hands, the Face, the Complex- syance, and not to lose sight of it. Cemetery Work SPECIFICS. lion. bis maneuver is repeated several weakness easily cured by For Sale Dj A. E. T laes daily. rlWML. Dr.Miles' Nerve Plastere. bON'T ACCEPT IMITATIONS. Comer of Detroit and Catherine-its. All druggists euaranteo Dr. Miles' PAIN THE PROCTER & GAMBLE CO, CIN'TI. ANN ARBOR, MICH PILLS to stop Headache. "One cent a dose." . THE ANN AKBOR itElilSTER: THURSDAY, JNOVEMBEK 8 1894-

Removal. STATE OF miCHIGAN. THE CZAR IS DEAD. TWO FIREMEN KILLED. A. H. Roys has removed his wood A Large Packing Kstabllahment Burned 5T, JACOB5 OIL is the Perfect CURE for turning and pattern shop to Herman The Twenty-Second IIKII.HI Clrcu at Omaha, Neb. Krapf's Planing Mill on Detroit St., In Chancery. where ho will be glad to meet all of his ALEXANDER III SUCCUMBS TO . Just as the men were going to work Suit pending in the Circuit Court for ] old customers and as many new ones as the county of Washtenaw in Chancery HIS DISEASE. n the big beef house of the Hammond may see fit to give him their patronage. packing plant at South Omaha, Neb., at Ann Arbor on the eleventh day of All work done in first-class style and at October, A. D. 1894, wherein Thomas flames were discovered in the second reasonable rates. (03tf) floor and quickly spread. All the O'Brien is complainant and John Hie Last Moments Were Peaceful.—Grand NEURALGIA O'Brien, Mary O'Keefe, Bridget Bow- efforts of the firemen Were confined •Duke Nicholas to Succeed Him.—The r Mortgage Foreclosure. ler, Margaret Halligan, Mary Kelley, to keeping the fire from spreading, as WITHOUT RE1-AP5E, CCL.1 "iFSE, AMSHAP5 ° PERHAPS. Default having been made in the con- Reign of Alexander III One of Peace there was no possible show of saving James Kelley, Agnees Kelley, Gen- ditions of a certain mortgage made by ieveve Kelley, Earnest Kelley, Dennii the big beef house, a four-story struct- Marah A. Rogers to AretusiDunn of the »nd Quiet.—Other News of Interest. ure. 300 by 200 feet, which originally HIS LIFE SAVED. Probate Order. Kelley and Robert Kelley are defend- cost $200,000, and was filled with valu- TATE OF MICHIGAN.) city of Ann Arbor Michigan, dated ants. In this cause it appearing from the able machinery and a large amount of By a Brace of C.lla Monsters Which R« SCOUNTY OF WASIITKNAW. [""• March 4th, 1893 and recorded in the of- return of the sheriff of said county of The angel of death, in Hie shadow Had Tamed. At a session of the Probate Court for the fice of the Register of Deeds for Wash- Washtenaw and from affidavit on file cf whose pinions Alexander III, the beef. At 11 o'clock one of the walls County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate tenaw county on the 6th day of March, fell, and three firemen belonging to "All, this talk about the viciousne99 Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednes- that said defendants, Margaret Halli- autocrat of all the Russias, lay for the private fire department of the com- day, the aist day of October, in the year one 1893, in Liber 81 of mortgages, on page gan, Mary Kelley, James Kelley, Ag- many days, finally beckoned, and the of the Gila monster and the alleged thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. 118. on which mortgage there is now ness Kelley, Genieveve Kelley, Earnest .soul of the man who had in his hands pany were buried under tons of burn- mortality of its bite is nothing more , Present, J. Williurd Babbitt, Judgd of l'ro- claimed to be due the sum of two thous- ing timber and red hot brick. Two i bate. Kelley, Dennis Kelley and Robert the lives and destinies of millions upon were dead when recovered. Total than the veriest dry rot," said Major In the matter of the estate of Frances C. and two hundred and twenty-five dol- Kelley are not residents of said State millions of men was borne away. financial loss 8450,000. B. R. Lawrence, one of Arizona's rep- ) Sunnier, deceaaed. lars and seventy cents(the whole amount of Michigan, but are residents of other Calmly and peacefully as a sleeping resentative pioneers, to a St. Louis James YJ\ win SumrnT, executor of the il;tst of said mortgage having become due states in the United States; therefore babe he who by his slightest word will and testament of s;iid deceased, cornea and payable on account of the non pay- on motion of Noah W. Cheever, solici- 112 Passengers Drowned. Globe-Democrat man. "Of course," into court and represents thai he Is now pre- could have plunged Europe into a war. quickly added the major, with ono of pared to rondcr his final account ;is such exe- ment of interest) besides an attorney's tor for complainant, it is ordered that the horrors of which would defy des- The Union Line steamer Wairaipa, cutor. fee of twenty-five dollars provided for said defendants, Margaret Halligan, cription, fell into the dreamless sleep bound from Sydney, Australia, for his confidence restoring smiles, "it is Thereupon it is ordered, tliut Tuesday the in said mortgage and no suit at law or not to be denied that the venom of 27th day of November ten o'clockin the Mary Kelley James Kelley.Agnees Kel- which he feared not. For two days Auckland, N. Z., was wrecked on forenoon, be assigned for examining and al- proceeding in equity having been insti- ley, Genieveve Kelley, Earnest Kelley, before the end when the doctors in- Great Harrier Island, off the northeast this horrible creature's breath is alone lowing such account and that theaevisees, tuted to recover the money secured by Dennis Kelley and Robert Kelley enter formed the czar that there was nocoast of New Zealand. The steamer sufficient to inflict instant death upon legatees and heirs at law of said de- said mortgage or any part thereof. their appearance in said cause on or had a large number of passengers and ceased, and all other persons interested in longer room for hope, his majesty com- its unfortunate victim, but I stand to said estate, are required to appear at a ses- Now therefore by virtue of the power before four months from the date of this posedly waited for the end, attending 112 of them were drowned. The night prove by unimpeachable documentary sion of said Court,then to beholden at the of sale contained in said mortgage and the necessary state and family affairs was very dark and the officers and Probate Office, in feheCity of Ann Arbor, in order, and that within twenty days the evidence, secured by my own personal said County, and show cause, it any there be, the provisions of the statue in such cases eamplainant cause this order to be pub- in the short intervals of consciousness lookout on the steamer were ignorant made and provided notice is hereby and freedom from pain. of the proximity of land until the efforts, that this horrible representa- wh.v the sa'iil account should n t be allowed: lished in THK ANN ARHOK REGISTER, tive of the lizard species is not neces- A nd it Is further ordered, i hi r said executor given that on Saturday the 26th day of The morning of the great rulers steamer struck on the rocks. Captain give notice to the persons Interested In said a newspaper printed, published and Mclntosh, the master of the steamer, sarily ferocious and untamable. estate, of Hie pendency of said account. and January, 1895, at 10 o'clock in the fore- circulating in said county, said publi- lust day on earth opened with rain and 1 the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this noon at the east front doorof the Court cation to be continued once in each •wind and heavy clouds, and the was on the bridge at the time. He to- "While I was prospecting in the order i to be published in THK ANN ARBOR House in the city of Ann Arbor (that gether, with most of the crew was lost. K' I li is iKIi. a news pa per printed a nd circu lat- week for six weeks in succession. •weather much colder. As the day ad- Gila river country during the early being the place for holding the Circuit Dated, October 11. A. D. 1S!)4. vanced his weakness increased so eighties I had abundant opportunity Ing in said county t hive successive weeks pre- Court for said county of Washtenaw \ ions to said day of hearing. PATRICK MCKERNAN, rapidly that the czar himself, still Four Burglars Killed. to observe and study into the so-called J. WTXLIABD BABBITT, there will be sold at public auction to conscious, recognized that he could Three persons were killed and one [A true ('opv.l Judge of probate. the highest bidder the premises de- Circuit Court Commissioner for Wash» fatally injured on the Beach Creek monster very closely, and I found him \V. G DOTY, Probate Register. 39 tenaw County, Michigan. live only a few hours. He expressed a to be not only harmless when undis- scribed in said mortgage, or BO much desire to receive the sacrament, which railroad by the wrecking of a freight thereof as may be necessary to satisfy NOAH W. < IHEEVER, train about one mile west of Peale, Pa. turbed, but when captured and treated 4(1 Solicitor for Complainant, was administered to him by Court "THE TREE OF LIFE." 1 lie amount due on said mortgage to- Chaplain Yanisheff and l'r. Ivan in the It was at first thought that the menwith kindness he becomes tame and Was not any more coveted by Adam ancl gether with interest thereon from the were tramps, but upon search being affectionate as a pet dog. I captured Eve than is a Summer outing on the Wis. Morten;;"" Salei presence of the whole family. The consin Central by those who are posted. date of this notice at the r;ilr of six per czar then conversed long and earnestly made it was found they were a gang of two, a male and a female, which were cent, and the amount of said attorney's Default having been made in the con- with Father Ivan, concluding by ask-burglars. Revolvers were found on all of medium size, say three and a half fee covenanted for in said mort ditions of a mortgage executed by John ing his family to again gather around but one of the men as well as a full kit feet in length and weighing about The premises described in said mort- Calhoun and Mary Calhoun, his wife, him. He spoke to each member separ- of burglar tools, masks, etc. Xonc of gage to be sold as aforesaid are described to James FI. Begole, bearing date, the trainmen were injured. thirteen pounds. I named them Jo3 1 September 14th, A. D. 1870, and record- ately and at the greatest length with and Jessie, and they would answer as follows: The west ha of the north- the czarina, lie blessed all his children sveBt quarter aad the west half of the ed in the office of the Register of Deeds with alacrity to ny call, and were for Washtenaw County, Michigan. present. The scene was one of deep Guatemala Backs Down. southwest quarter of section twenty- 1 pathos, all being in tears. All this pleased immensely when rewarded one (21) in the township of Solo, Wusii- September 14th, A. D. 1876, in LibGi A dispatch from the City of Mexico with a bit of jelly cake, of which pas- time his majesty was sitting up in an says: Information has been received tenaw County, Michigan. 54, of mortgages on page 136, and said arm chair. After taking leave of his that the government of Guatemala, try they seemed exceedingly fond. They Dated, November 1, IN'I. mortgage was assigned by Louisa J. family he grew gradually weaker and went about with me everywhere, and Drury, administratrix do" bonla non following the usual course, has con- ARETUS DUNN, his voice became so indistinct that it sulted a foreign diplomatist in the city slept in my tent sometimes, causing with the will annexed, of the estate of was scarcely audible. About noon a Mortgagee. said James H. Begole, deceased, to A. of Guatemala as to the Mexican diffi- visitors to exclaim in horror when THOMPSON & HARRIMAN, convulsive fit of coughing was followed culty. The diplomatist held that their goggle eyes and stubby body sud- J. Kingsley by deed of assignment date- by a slight rally. Thence until the Guatemala's position was untenable, Attorn'es for Mortgagee. (49) ed October 16th, A. D. 1879, and re- -end the ezanemained quiet, seemingly denly appeared from underneath my hence that country has withdrawn its camp bedstead. For full particulars write viidled In said Register-s office, October free from pain. At 2:1"> o'clock he ti'oops precipitately from the disputed Commissioners' Notice. Ifltb, A. D. 1879, in Liber six, of assign- .heaved a deep sigh and breathed his frontier territory at Agua Azul. The fame of my pets spread rapidly, JA$. C. POND, Gen'l Pass'r Agent, TATE OK MIOH1GANJ ments of mortgages on page 357, and last in the arms of the empress, who and I was several times offered large WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. sCOUNTY OF WASUTE.NAW'"ss- said mortgage was also assigned by •then broke down with the weight of "'LWAUKEE, WIS. sa THE MARKETS. amounts to part with them, and I had The undersigned ii.u Ing been appointed by id A J. Kingsley to Leonard Gruner her grief. The doctors fear the results reason afterward to rejoice that I did ii;e Probate Court for said Comity, Cpmmlg- ! and Caroline P. Ellis, executors of the of reaction upon her already exhausted Blonera i<> receive, examine and at each oi said days, nd suit or proceeding in law or equitj No 2 December 5:i aig yell of terror and despair. 1 leaped to Edward Duffy, ivn. H. Mclntyte, Commis- debt aeoured by said mortgage or any sioners. 38 part thereof, and the sum of three to swear allegiance and they were Buffalo—LWe Stork. my feet and beheld, writhing in the I ^" EXTRA FINE. followed in the order of precedence by Cattle -Mixed shipments II 00 @ 4 25 thousand two hundred and seventy- %.J *2.*I.TS BOYS'SCHOOLSHOES. ProbatcOrdiT. the high court functionaries, court Sheep 2 00 ifH3 00 convulsions of the dof'Lh agony, my 'v,; four dollars 13,274) being now claimed Lamha 3 00 @ 3 90 foe and rivi'l, Joan Stiloi.;.a Fasten '1 •LADIES' CSTATE OF MICHIG \\. I officials, military officers and civil Hoga—Choice weights 4 70 (<^4 90 ' COUNTY OF WABHTESAW, >~S' to be due upon said mortgage. Notice is, i ials. Common and rough.., 3 BO @ 4 25 to his neck with a vise-like grip was At :i session of the 1'roliate Court for the therefore, hereby given that said mort- Alexander III was born March lo. 1845, and Cleveland. my trusty Joe, while Jessie was curled •Mt SEND FOR CATALOGUE ( oum y of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the married the daughter of the king of Denmark Cattle-Heat 4 50 @ 5 20 up in a ball around his right arm, in W-L-DOUGLAS, Office in the City Of Ann Arbor, on .Mon-mortgage premises therein described inl8aO. After hfe father's death, through fear 3 00 Jo 4 20 BROCKTON, MASS. day, the ~'2iul day of October, in the year nf assassination, he shut himself up in his Other grades the hand of w hieh was grasped a long- one thousand etebt hundred and ninety-four. or some part thereof, to-wit: All of the palace at Gatschina. His coronation was post- Hogs 4 oo ® 4 80 You can save money b>; purcfaasiue VV. £•• following described land situated in the poned until 18S3 and was celebrated with extra- -No 2 red 52 @ 53 bladed, vicious-looking knife, meant Present, J. WlUard Babbitt, Judge of Pro- ordinary magnificence, and national festivities. Corn—No 2 60 undoubtedly for my heart. Because, we are the largest manufacturers of bate. township of York in Wash tenaw County lijla ') 36 advertised slices ill the world, and guarantee In the matter of the estate of Maria and State of Michigan, viz. the west During the reign of this emperor Russia stead- Oats—No 2 white the value by stamping the name and pric;' on E i lodfrey, Incompetent. ily pursued her policy of conquest and of the Pittsburgh "The official report of the coroner's the bottom, which protects you against high (in reading and Mlintr the petition, duly half i W. i] of the south east quarter (S. in consolidation of her dominion. As regards Cattle 4 00 @ 4 75 inquest acquitting my brave defenders prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes verified, of David L.Godfrey, guardian, pray- E, i ' of section No. eleven (11); and the European affairs his policy on the whole much Hogs 4 90 @ 5 25 equal custom work in style, easy fittiug and lng that he may be licensed to sell certain west half i W. 11 of the north east quar- resembled that of his father with an evident Sheep and lambs I 50 @ 3 of homicidal intent was soon after pub- weiring qualities. We have them sold every- eat estate belonging to said incompetent. desire for peace. In IHKT there were repeated 5a3s where at lower prices for the value given than ter N. E. i) of section No/fourteen (14), attempts by the revolutionary partv on the life Wheat—Nr o 2 red lished in the Tombstone 'Kpitaph,' Thereupon it is ordered, thai Tuesday, the of the czar and on that account an invisible but \ o 2 5»14(S eo which, being reprinted in the territori- any other make. Tike no substitute, 'if your 80th day of November next,at ten o'clock in all in township No. four (4) south in impassable barrier has been maintained Oats—No 3 white 35 O 86 dealer cannot sr.pp'••••-> ecan. Sold by the foi-ei ii, be assigned for the hearing of range No. six (61 east in said Sta' between him and the public. By reason of this Cincinnati. al press, thrust much unpleasant noto- wm. IMJMI vit i said pel it ion, nud that the next of I; in of said Michigan, containing one hundred and barrier accurate knowledge of Alexander the Cat tie —Good to prime 4 00 @ 4 50 Incompetent and allother persons Interested riety upon myself and my heroic pets; ncomp estate, are required to appear at sixty acres, more or less, at public \ en- man was concealed, as all precise information Lower grades . 2 00 @ ;j u said concerning his empire and the world at large i'lO in fact, I have never fully succeeded in sesslonof said court hen to he holdenat the due, on Friday the fourteenth day of had been kept hidden from him. Hogs 4 00 @ 4 Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, In Sheep and lambs 1 GO 1 3 «0 living down The story. I 'struck it said County, and show cause, it' any there December next at ten o'olock in the The czar was a man of great strength and he Wheat—No 2 red 51 forenoon; at the east front door of the Corn—No 2 mixed 53H3 51 rich' the following spring and removed i.e. why the prayer of the petitioner should .v;js very fond of exercising himself when pos- E. N. BILBIB, injt lie'slanted. Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, sible by chopping logs, digging ditches and the Oats—No 2 mixed 30* 3 to Tucson, where 1 prepared to settle Audit is further ordered, that said peti- like. Among the peasants he was greatly Chicago. down to a quiet life amid more civilized HEB ')h- T1IK tioner give notice to the persons interested in said County of Washtenaw, that be- • <1 ami in fm-l he was known as the ('atl V -Best Bteera 4 75 @6 in said estate, of the pendency of said peti- ing the place of holding the circuit "peasant czar." In character he was a man of r,o surroundings. But unwilling to part r deep sympathy, but the fact that his advisers non 2 00 (ft 1 25 tion, and the bearing thereof by c:'UMllL a court in said county. liom him the true condition of his people 150 a 25 with my faithful little friends, I had copy of this order to be published in the «\ Dated. September 9th, 1894. prevented him from doing for them as he Lambs SCO d 4 50 them securely muz;led and applied to ARBOR REGISTER, •< newspapar printed and Hogs 4 85 VIOLIN! LEONARH GHUNEH, might have done. It',' was of strong will when circulated in said county three successive •once decided and was greatly devoted to the Wheat -No 2 red • >:! 3 the municipal authorities for a brace weeks i>re\ ions to said day of liea ring. CAKOLJNE I'. ELLIS, •czarina, as was she to him and she. of all who Corn—No 2 53* of dog licenses, which I proposed to Pupn of EMIL SA nun, .1. \\ I I.I. iBD B UiHITT. Executors of the will of Joseph J. Ellis, had free access to him, was the only one who Oats No 2 white 33 A true copy ' Judge of Probate. told him tht-truth, to make clear to him the Mess Pork, per bM 11 85 @ 12 IS fasten to their silver-plated steel chain BERLIN, GKRIHANT. W. G. DOTY. Probate Register. 38 deceased. Jeelings of amazement, horror and disgust that Lurd per cwt 6 90 a t; 95 collars. To my astonishment and in- is entertained toward Russia and its govern- Detroit. Rooms at the ANN ARBOR 0R6AN CO.'S, NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ment by the more enlightened nations of the tense grief the licenses were refused Hlortiiag** Sale. 42 Att'y for Executors. Cattle—Good to choice 3 25 (et. THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1894-

Company A have just received their Bargains pay for service during the encampment in August. BOWDISH & MATTESON, Amos Fowler, father of Mrs. Jerome in Freeman, of this city, died last week Tuesday, in Lansing. HEADQUARTERS FOR GENT'S WEAR. Housekeepings! John Baumgardner is erecting a large monument in the Webster ceme- SPECIAL SALE! tery for Mrs. C. H. Kenny. According to the Free Press "Dick'' Youman's Hats. — IN OUR Kearns is a German. By what method BACH & ROATH did he change his nationality? Gent's Fine Shoes. Friendship Lodge, No. 70, D. O. II., gave a social in their hall last Monday Fine Furnishing Goods. The Old evening. It was well attended. A gentleman by the name of Sellman, Mackintoshes, Rubbers of Grand Kapids, has bought the Cook Reliable photograph gallery on S. Main-st. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Holbrook, of Ypsilanti, celebrated their 50th mar- Dry Goods riage anniversary last Wednesday. 32 S. State St DEPARTMENT Potatoes are cheaper now. Those who laid in their winter's supply and If you want a Fur Cape, House. paid 70 cents now wish they hadn't. Karl Harriman denies that he sent in Election matter this week crowded out a Stylish Coat; or a Cloth Glen V. Mills is pushing the can- he highly colored report to the Detroit the closing article in the series of pa- or Plush Cape which will vassing work on his new city directory. Tribune about student capers here on pers on the Early History of Ann Ar- combine Style, Beauty 50 Pairs Cotton .Blankets, It will be out sometime in December. alloween night. Whoever did make bor by Prof. TenBrook. It will appear and Reliability, we can he report ought to be muzzled. next week. White and Grey, at Arthur Brown and James Kearns satisfy you. 52 Cts. Per Pair have moved their abstract business in- Next Saturday night is the only time The Ladies of Arbor Hive will give Double and Single- to their new office in the Lawrence Ann Arbor people will have this year a banquet in their hall over the Post Breasted Tailor - Made 50 Pairs Cotton Blankets, block. o hear Prof. H. L. Willett. Hear him Office next Tuesday evening, Novem- Coats, 36, 38 and 40 inches at the Church of Christ on S. Univ.- ber 13th. This being the third anni- long, in Blue, Black and White and Grey, at Rev. Dr. Ray, of Chicago, will lec- r ture in the Tappan course next e., at 8 p. m. versary of Arbor Hive, all friends of Brown. All New Gar- 63 Cts. Per Pair the Maccabees are cordially invited to ments. Golf Capes with Sunday evening at the Presbyterian The next entertainment of the Stu- church. attend. Tickets on sale at Watts Jew- Plaids hoods, in Black 50 Pairs Cotton Blankets, dents' Lecture Association will be on elry store, and W. F. Stimson's Grocery and Navy. The Warwick Saturday, Nov. 17. Gen. John B. Gor- White only, at The Arbeiter Verein gave an enter- storp, at 25 cents each. Cape, a very stylish gar- tainment in the A. O. U. W. hall last don will lecture ou "The Last Days of ment just received. 87 Cts. Per Pair Friday night. It was their 28th anni- the Confederacy." Another family gathering was held Misses' and Children's versary. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wa- 40 Doz. Huck Towels The Baptist Young People's Union Heavy Warm Coats at A general invitation is extended to will give an Equality Social tomorrow ters in Lodi, October 20th., this occa- $3.50, $5.00, $7.00 and Large size and extra heavy, all to attend a social and tea given at night in the church parlors. Ladies as sion being the 63rd anniversary of Mrs. $9.00. $2.00 per doz. would be cheap, the Presbyterian church this evening well as gentlemen to be on an equality Waters birth, the children being aJl Fashionable Fur Capes, at $2.50. at 6 o'clock. will need a few coppers. present. She was presented with a pair of handsome Rose Blankets with high quality, low prices, 25 Doz. Hem Stitch Huck The ladies of St. Andrew's church Worthy Sir and Lady Carbaugh of every garment new. a cute little presentation speech by the Even the lowest priced Towels will give a tea social at Harris Hall the order of the Star of Bethlehem baby of the family. A very enjoyable this evening. A cordial invitation is ex- organized a lodge of that order at I. O. time was had by all present. Capes have the late Very large size and very heavy tended to all. T. Hall on State-st. last Thursday Parisian sweep. (Soft Finish) to be sold at evening with about thirty members. The Bryant centennial, which was to Some one took exceptions to the state- 75 Pairs Lace Curtains $3.00 Per Doz. have taken place at Unity Club last Brown & Cady, the State-st. grocers, ment of the Ann Arbor Democrat that this week at 49c, 75c and Saturday night, was postponed until have dissolved partnership, Mr. Brown water froze there October 14, whereup- 10 Pieces Cream Damask Monday night. retiring from the business. The change on the editorial management promptly at 40c and 50c per yd., would be was necessitated by the poor health of avers that not only water froze, but that 50 Pairs large size Chenille Curtains, heavy fringe, new Remember that the Y. W. C. A. will near by all the potatoes that grew on cheap at 60c and 75c. give a musical and literary entertain- Mi'. Brown. Mr. Cady will continue colors—the $4.50 quality, at $1.95 a pair. the business. the outside of the hills were so badly ment at the Baptist church this even- frozen they were unable to get their 10 Pieces Colonial Drapery in Art Shades at 30c a yd. Wide Sheetings ing, at 8 o'clock. Miss Marry E. Dickey gave an enter- eyes open. Don't dispute the editor's All the best makes at lower taining talk last Friday evening at the weather statement, please. — Adrian The store now occupied by E.V.Han High School Hall on the subject of her prices than you have ever sterfer will be used for a barber shop Press. known. One of the leading travels in Europe. Sidney H. Morse, as soon as Mr. Hangsterfer moves into the sculptor, gave a few illustrations in makes in 9-4 Bleached Sheeting his new quarters. Solid Mahogany, birch and bird's eye at 17 cents per yd., worth 24c. the art of drawing. maple fancy rockers at Martin Haller's. There was a special meeting of Ann 37 SCHAIRER?. MILLEN The Adrian Press came out last week Comfortables Arbor Chapter, Order of Eastern Star with a finely illustrated sixteen-page If sill wives and mothers could fully at Masonic Temple, last Saturday even LEADERS OF LOW PRICES AND ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. A large stock of home-made at trade edition. The only thing that realize how apt each one is at all times ing at 7:30 o'clock. to be bereft of the protector and sup- prices that make them look prevented it from being a perfect news- port of themselves and their children, cheap. The Michigan Central had a freigh paper in every respect was a batch of they would be more fully able to ap- wreck in the 5'ards at Ypsilanti las free trade editorials. preciate the real benefits of a life in- Thursday afternoon, which delayed al surance policy. As an investment it is Our Store Among the recent patents which trains several hours. as safe and profitable as a saving's Is full and will be kept full of have been granted, is one to Eugene bank while in case of accident or fatal bargains until Jan. 1, '95, and illness the return is much larger. Per- Miss Alice Cramer has been elected Gregory, Ann Arbor, for a dice box; suade your husband to lay by some- we want it full of bargain seek- member of the choir in the Presbyter and one to Chas. H. Robbins, Owosso, thing in a life insurance policy and be E. F. MILLS & CO., ers. ian church at Marquette, Mich., with one-half assigned to S. Dean, Ann Ar- protected in case of misfortune which salary of $200 attached. bor, for a gas burner. sickness or accident may bring. A pol- 20 S. MAIN STREET. icy in the old reliable New York Life Lawrence and Buttertield may now Rev. Mr. Newnan, of the Central Insurance Company is unequalled for be found snugly ensconced in their new hristian Church, of Detroit, will ex- protection and investment BEST VALUES. offices in the Lawrence block, corner lange pulpits next Sunday with Rev. F. S. GAGE, Agent, Ann-st. and Fourth-ave. A. Young. Rev. Newnan will preach 3 Willard street. t the Church of Christ both morning Receiving Supt. Stein, of Owosso, received the nd evening next Sunday. LOWEST PRICES. other day from the Ann Arbor Celery OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Company a cabbage that weighed fifty- Gilbert Frederick, the three years WANTED. More Dry Goods for our money this fall thaa six pounds.—Corunna Journal. Id son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagner, AN'I'BU:-Sonie person wlio is well ac- ever; consequently we are Bach & Roath Prof, and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge gave a ied last Friday morning of liver com- W quainted with the farmers in Washte- naw county to do some soliciting during the pleasant tea party last Friday evening laint. Funeral services were held winter months. Here is a good change for unday at 2 p. m. from the house, on some wide awake farmer to put In his spare 26 SOUTH MAIN STREET. to those members of the faculty who time during the winter months and make spent the past summer in Europe. V. Third-st. Rev. Max Hein offic- from five to fifteen dollars per week. Address ated. 1). (..'are THK KEUISTEK and party will call. A fair sized audience listened to 89 iving ANTED—A few solicitors who wish to Q Barkworth at the Opera House last Dr. F.K.Owen will not get that war- W make big money by taking orders for ant for $500 for expert testimony in the the fastest selling article out. Call at once up- Monday night and then each one went on F.A.Wagner, SOS. State-st., third floor, any More Dry Goods for the money then ever. There is a Difference in Tuesday, and voted for Spalding. land trial, at least until after the Jan- day, at 4 p. M. 39 iary meeting of the board of supervis- Ann Mr. Chas. Fantel, of St. Paul, former- \\7ANTED-Apples by the Arbor rs. The size of the bill, so a member Vt Fruit and Vinegar (Jo. aotf ly of this city, and proprietor of a dry ANTED—Job work of all kinds. Special Fountain Syringes. f the board says, dazed the whole attention given to putting in cess pools, goods store, was in the city last week re- Wtaking care of yards, cleaning cisterns, Car- THE PROOF FOLLOWS: ward. pets cleaned, etc. Everything done in a neat Some are made to sell cheap— newing- acquaintance with old friends. and workman-like manner. Best of refer- for $1.00 or less. The report which was heard last Fri- ences given. Kates reasonable. J.W.Shaw, The plumbers of the city will have 49 tj. 4th-avo. 05tf 50c Dress Goods in 75c 10-quarter Blank- We have such. lay that the laborers on the Liberty-st. plenty of work from this on putting in ANTED— Parlies desiring to buy or sell plain and fancy ef- ets at 49c a pair Some are made of good rubber ewer had gone on a strike was not true. real estate will find it to their advantage connections with the sewers along- the tWo call at room 11, Hamilton Block, 2d floor, fects, All Wool 39c. andmll LAST. This rumor was started by the dis- Ann Arbor. Houses and lots for sale or rent $2.75 Half Wool We hare those, too. lines where the sewers are being built. charging of a few men whom the con- in desirable locality. OTtf Elegant Novelties, All Blankets at $2.00 a pair You get the kind you pay for tractor did not think were earning their FOK SAIOS. Wool and Silk and al our store. James Clement Ambrose has been en- $6.50 Fine California salary. L"«R SALIC — Having decided to remove Wool, value 65c to Come and (W them. gaged to lecture by the Epworth League IT from Ann Arbor, I offer, for sale,my resi- 75c, at 50c. Blankets at $5.00 a pair on the evening of Saturday, Nov. 2\ Mrs. Lena Staebler, of Scio, a sister of dence On the comer of Monroe and Packard Mrs. T. E.Grube, of S. Fourth-ave.,died streets. Terms to suit the purchaser. (> per Black Serges, 48 inch- 75c Chenille Table His subject will be "The Fool in Poli- cent, interest on deferred payments. 1 also Covers at , ..59c each CALKINS' PHARMACY, tics." of heart disease last Friday night. The offer for sale, lot Hi, Tappan Park Addition. es wide, Strictly All :uneral was held Monday at 10 o'clock H.M. Taber. 85tt Wool, value 65c, at.. 50c. $1.25 and $1.35 Fan- 34 South State-tit OK SALE — Mrs. Perkin's farm, Last Sunday was Reformation Sun a. m., and the remains interred in the F80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline, 7 miles cy Silks at $1.00 a yd. day at Bethlehem church. Special ser Scio cemetery. Rev. Julius Klingmann south of Ann Arbor, known as the Kellogg Black Serges, 48 inch- farm. Six acres good bearing peach orchard. $8.00 Value in Cloaks vices were held in the morning and a officiated. bouse, barn, stock and well water in abund- es wide, Fine Pure Farmers* ance, school within Yi mile. Price reasonable, Wool, value 75c, at.. 63c. at $6.98 Sunday School festival in the after The subject of Mrs. Sunderland's term-, easy, call on premises or 44 9. Ingalls- We wish to buy your beans, barley, noon. 8t., Ann Arbor. 94tf Black Serges, 48 inch - $1.25 Value in Black rye, oats and corn. Allrcendinger & Bible Lecture next Sunday evening at OK BALK - [•'innegau & Richards are sel- Schneider. 30tf The T. and A. A. train going north the Unitarian church will be, ' August Fling hailed bay and straw at wholesale es wide, Fine and Silks 98c. was about two hours late last Monda; Comte." In Mr. Sunderland's noon prices. No. !* Detroit St. 84tf Handsome as Silk, All Wool 65c Ingrain morning, being delayed at Pittsfieli OK SALE—The undersigned will sell the value 90c, at 75c. THE CITY. Bible class for young men, the subject F s|ile...idin ••• d• farm of Hanson Session (to close Carpets ' 48c. where a freight train had jumped th will lie "An TTvaminirlnn r>f the I 'ono ! the estatel laying on section tWO township of Finest line of Novelty track. win oe, An examination or tneuene- Northfleld, consisting ot a* acres of land for 8c Dark Fall Dress Halloween was celebrated in a very sis Story of Creation." ! he sell of seven thousand dollars which is Dress Goods from, less than $C1 per acre. Now is the time to get Ginghams 5C. mild way in Ann Arbor. The proposed plan to reorganize th il Miu^uni, 11101/ (^WIIIU 1I1OU O^l * 1 * I . X!i* i. 1 U(IU* Some one a bargain, first come first served. E. Tread- 75c to $1.50 a yard Ann Arbor road would leave all th started the rumor that will and II. s. Sessions, Executors of Hanson 20c Black Hose at 12c. Pros. Angell had been invited to take Session. Dated, Ann Arbor. Dee. 86,1888. 8tbt to be found any- The basement of the new /.ion's stockholders out in the cold. It i 1? A KM 1'OK 8ALK-120 Acrec s 01 Landand, six where. 25c Black Hose at 16c. church was used last Sunday. claimed that the first mortgage bond the pastorate of the late Kev. David JP miles from city , or wilill lexchang h e fof r citi y prop erty. Kaqmre at No. 3 K. Liberty-st. 31tf 40c Fur Tinin ings, represent all the road is worth. Swing's church in Chicago. There is J7VARM FOK SALE:—The Bullock or tverett Gent's 50c Natural Gov. Rich has set apart Thursday, nothing in the report which was proba- F farm. 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 with Gimp Heading 25c. miles from Ann Arbor, containing 109 acres, Underwear 39c r Nov. 29, as Thanksgiving Day. The Inland League will have its nex bly started by the fact that Pres An- house and barns, stock and well water in abund- lecture on the coming Saturday nigh goll was asked to deliver a sermon ance, timber; school and church with in a mile; There were nineteen additions at the land naturally the best; all seeded down. Price instead of on Monday night, as usual there last Sunday. and terms reasonable. Call on or addres: Andrew Presbyterian church last Sunday. On Saturday night, Prof. H. L. Willet K. Gibson, SO Mayuardst., Ann Arboi, Mich. 70tf Dr. V. C. Vaughan has been making will deliver a lecture on "The Golde Trinity English Lutheran congrega- extensive repairs on his residence. Fleece," at the Church of Christ, South tion will occupy the basement of their FOIt KENT. University-ave., at 8 p. m. new church for the first time next Sun- OI si:s TO BMW—Several Bouses with Thore was a slight cave-in in the modern improvements, unfurnished day. In the morning the pastor will Hrooms for sin all families, a 1 reasonable JJ rices. Liberty-st. sewer last Friday night. The Agricultural College has recent Gallon J.Q. A. Sessions, Seal Estate Agent, preach and in the evening there will be Office No. r. X. Main-st. 2nd door, Residence Bowdish & Matteson have purchased ly issued a pamphlet entitled "A Yea a children's meeting and concert. as E. Wllllam-st. :»f With Bees," by R. L. Taylor. An T) OOiHS for light housekeeping and f 11 riYish- a new safe for their store on State-st. Every member and friend of the church JX i'd rooms. Apply to Room ::. third Boor, u20 SOUTH MAIN STBTSE1, person at all interested in bees woul should be present at the first services. Hamilton block. Modern conveniences, In- OUR POPULARITY IS FOUNDED ON Sidney H. Morse, a Chicago sculptor, find this a valuable paper. It may b cluding steam heat. 1st f is in the city to make a bust of Judge obtained by addressing the Secretar Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder I^IR RENT—A very pleasant house of nine x rooms. One fifty per week. Inquire at QUALITY and PRICES Cooley. at Agricultural College, Mich. World's Fair Highest Award. io:j W. Liberty street. ' '39 THiii AJNJ\ AKBUR REGISTER: TKURSDA\, NOVEMBER 8 1894

ber on the rolls was only 200. When WANT TO STAR. Minn Lilly Flapi.ctt r.eauic^vj. AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS. ABOUT THE CAMPF1RE it entered the Vicksburg campaign Queer Ways of Housemaids Who Long Gus De Smith recently called at 400 men ware fit for duty. Among the residence of the Wi Jow Flapjack. CHELSEA STANDARD. to He Actresses. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES the other battles in which the regi- The widow and her daughter. Lilly Chas. Shultz made a run of 110 miles Young women employed in shopf OF THE WAR. ment took part were: Morganzia. and passably good looking housemaids Flapjack, received Gus in the parlor. on his bicycle Sunday last. Port Esperanza, Fort Gaines, Fort "Mr. De Smith, don't you think I are espeeially attracted by the glare 1 The Chrisanthemum show will be Morgan and Fort Blakely. One of- of the footlights, and it is a notorious resemble my mother? ' opened at the opera house, Friday even- The Crnener tli« So'dior the Heavier tho ficer and eleven man were killed in "Lilly," said Mrs. Flapjack, sharp- ing, November 9th, with a concert. Knapiack He Carrierl—1 he Giant of fact that when a great spectacle i.> ->ro- action and :;4(i ortieiii-s and men died • duced at the opera house or the Audi- ly, "don't display your vanity and Mr. Henry Hoffman and Miss Bessie th« Grand Army — My Comrade--1 ha of disease arul oth^r causes. egotism so much." Faulkner, both of Sylvan, were married Soldier's Sweetheart. torium servants immediately command Wednesday, October 31, 1894, by Rev. Giant of the G. A. If. a premium, says the Chicago Tribune. A I»iv]M!tr1n«fl She has taken three bottles of Dr. knapsack. When the green soldier Again, a former domestic servant in druggist and he will get the Kcuii u.. Miles' Nervine and has gained 31 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nordman wore first started out from camp this knap- Penn., and exactly seven feet in for you at once, if he has not got it In height. In addition he is very slender the employ of one of our most popular pounds. Her nervousness and symp- made happy by the advent of a fine, ten- sack usually weighed about twenty- comedians was found fault with by her stock. toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely pound boy last Friday morning. five pounds. Each mile of the march and always wears on dress occasions master after having given very serious gone, she attends school regularly, Mr. and Mrs. Freytag, of Detroit, who took off a few pounds until nothing a high silk hat, which adds greatly to his elongated appearance. cause of complaint. She used to fancy r'artern Inaugurals. and has recovered complete use of are on their bridal trip, are passing a was left except what was absolutely herself Mariana in the "Moated Washington's second inau^;u-..l ad- her arm, her appetite is splendid." f few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. necessary. Of course, he was not al- Bane was born in the neighborhood Grange," and just before the family dress contained but 134 words. Lin- MRS. B. E. BULLOCK, Brighton, N. Y. Lou Davenport, of Webster. lowed to throw away his gun or am- of Amity, Washington county, fifty- breakfast time, when she ought to coln used the personal pronoun "I" L. D. Alley has sold the Jas. Arms munition, says the Kingston Freeman. one years ago. He lived in different have been blacking boots or looking forty-three times in his first inaug- Dr. Miles' Nervine farm which he bought last week to He clung to his coffee and rations, parts of that county until the out- after the cooking- of chops or kidneys ural and only once in the second. Hay Buckelew, and Ray thus becomes but when he got really tired he would break of the war, when ho enlisted in possessor of the old homestead. or bacon for breakfast, she would be Cures. occasionally throw away his overcoat Company A, of the Twenty-second found mooning around the back gar- () one And his foot was firm and sprUhtly, "I only wish my wife had learned through the day with you in good time. It is just the article needed in and two years old horses to the Tatter- knapsack, it was particularly remem- As the line went on swift-paced. shape, no matter how hot or how busy every household. It will clean paint. sall annual sale of horses which will bered, contained forty or fifty Iov6 to play the piano before I married you get. You can clean one yourself Hoor, marble and tile work, soften water, letters, and as the soldier had not When the sulphurous smoke-cloudj drlftet her." in a minute, without dependence on disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. occur in New York, Nov. 27. They are Along the stricken field, of Sidney and Simmicolon stock. been away from home more than a ••You ought to be glad, my dear fel- busy wives, unskillful hired girls or un- By luminous breathings lifted. low, that she can't play." Mrs. Emma W. Crane, wife of Chas. month the girl must have written As thunderous voices pealed — certain and distant laundries. Simply THE PENN CHEMICAL WORKS- Crane, died at her home on Sum-pretty nearly two letters a day. It Where death was win -.ed with lii;htnia£ "You don't understand me. If she wipe them off. PHILADELPHIA. I Was sped with tumult frightening, was anything of a musician I certainly Every piece is marked as follows: mit-st., Wednesday at the age of 47.seemed a shame to destroy those | Was pent with horrors heigji tiling, She leaves a husband, a son and twoprecious missives, but they were Forward the good line ra^jjd. would not have married her. daughters. Mr. Crane is a son of ex- forced to do it, though they took oc- Justice Crane, who was in office here in They trembled—but, undaunted. casion to read some and carry a few Held on that pitiless way: / t»n Trial Thirty Tears. 1874. others along as mementoes. Up to the guns they flaunted / Kermott's Mandrake Pills nave Had New CHELSEA HERALD. Their tattered Basra thit day. Upwards of thirty years' trial, and are Amos Gregg, who was injured by a Old Abe Knew. But where the swath was deadly, probably better known by the people You must insist upon goods so marked train several weeks ago, received as a In that ra.'ing, roaring medley. of Michigan than any other anti-bilious and take nothing else if you expect Firm Mr. Lincoln was naturally very His blue all spotted redly. satisfaction. present from his K. O. T. M. tent, a My own brave comrade lay. pills. They attack the liver, and re- handsome pair of crutches. anxious to know who was really re- move bile instantly. If you are cos- If your dealer should not have them, Hubert B. Hamlet, who has been fill- sponsible for the calamitous surren- No praise for him is graven *- tive1, have sick-headache, or stomach we will send you a sample postpaid on ing the position of night operator at this der of Harper's Ferry. So he sum- On a granite proud and high. trouble, try; them, Price* 25c. receipt of price. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs station for the past few weeks, returned moned Halleck. The ge neral did not Who could not be a craven. 50c. pair. Give size, and specify stand- DIETAS know. "Very well," said the presi- Who did not fear to die! up or turned-down collar as wanted. to his home in Michigan City last Fri- Hts sleep is with that hundred For sale by J. Moore, Druggist. AND — day. dent, "then I will ask General Who fell where volleys thundered. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, The following merchants are nowShenck." That general merely knew While the nation wept and wondered 447•£9 Broadway, NEW YORK. that he was not to blame. The presi- And none recall—but L using the arc lights: W. P. Schenk it A I'oluter for the *.ugiistim«a. SCHANTZ, (Jo., J. S. Cummings, M. Boyd, Beissel dent sent for Milroy. Milroy averred Yet as the years grow older, "What are those people doing over ct Staffan, J. J. Raftrey, C. E. Whita- that he was not guilty. Hooker waa Forgotten thoujh the name. 48 5. STATE ST., ker, Chelsea House and F. P. Glazier & summoned. Fighting Joe hoped it was Shall brighter grow, and bolder, there?" [8SCOKD noon.] Co. clear to his excellency that he had The record of his fame. "Lynching an alligator." Nashville, Tenn. What though a tardy payment "Isn't that odd?'' Mrs. F. Girbach and two daughters, nothing to do with it. "Perfectly Yegrud;8 ths martyr claimant? Memphis, Tenn. clear," said our Uncle Abraham, His soul in shining raiment "No: there's a nigger inside the Knoxville, Tenn. Fine Miss Til lie and Paula, Mr. Fred. Heller Chattanooga, Tenn. and son, Mastor Adoph, and Mr. andsmiling. So he assembled all the Its heritage shall claim! alligator!" The —James Pitts, in the American Tribune. Harrogate, Tenn. Mrs.Michael Wackehhut and daughter, four generals in his room, - "Gentle- A Case of Ignorance. Decatur, Ala. Merchant Miss Ola, attended the Birkle-Schlee men, said he, "Harper's Ferry was wedding at Lodi last Thursday. To the West. Connoisseur—Women as a rule care Birmingham. Ala. surrendered, and none of you, it One of the important chang-es in the j nothing for art. Montgomery, Ala. Tailoring! seems, are responsible. I am very administration of the Grand Army Bachelor—Don't they? Well, you Way to Mobile, Ala. Dyspepsia seldom causes death, but anxious to discover the man that is." this year is the chang-e in the quarter- New Orleans, La. don't know much about woman's make- Atlanta, Ca, ^^UARANTEEliRST-CUSS permits its victim fo live on in misery. He walked up and down the room, Hood's Sarsaparilla cures dyspepsia and master's department. This has been up. Augusta, G,». WORK IN EVERY RESPECT^ all stomach troubles. while they still sat there. Suddenly held by the city of Philadelphia for Macon, Ca. he stopped. "I haue it," he said. "I so many years that the oldest com- Savannah, Ga. E keep on band samples know who is responsible." The gen- rade oannot remember when it com- Get Thomasville, Ca. W of all the LATE SI' erals crowded about the president, menced, and it was one of the bones VoungWives Columbia, S. C. each a little suspicious. "Who is it, of contention in many encampments. Charleston, S. C. and BEST STYLES of who is it, Mr. President?" "Gentle- But they had the "pull" and always Who are for the first time to Asheville, N. C. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Closing Out Sale. held fast to the office. The Grand Pensacola, Fla. men," replied our uncle, with a twin- undergo woman's severest trial St. Augustine, Fla. (i()(Jl)S. Call and inspect i Army believes in rotation in office, There! kle in his eye, "General Lee is the we offer Jacksonville, Fla. them. nan." and as a change of grass is good for Tampa, Fla. cattle, so a change of office might Texas Points. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE! The 34th Iowa. serve as well, and as Comrade Lawler Arkansas Points. "Mothers Friend" .\ Is<> <'leaning and FTC—Inji 4^ FARM TOOLS The regiment was organize d at was committed to this chunge it A remedy which, if used as directed a few shows the reason of the hot and close BUY TICKETS OVER THE Burlington, Iowa, in October, 186:2, weeks before confinement, robs it of its to serve three years. On Nov. 28, fight of the election. Comrade J. A. 1864, it was consolidated into a Burst of Syracuse, 111., is the newly PAIN, HORROR AND RISK TO LIFE At Cost, battalion of five companies. Five appointed quartermaster, and here- of both mother and child, as thousands who more companies were added Jan. 1, after will dispense the badges and have used it testify. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE supplies from the West. The Quaker % 1 Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapted 1805, by ths consolidation of the 3Sth "I used two bottles of MOTHERS FRIEND with to City. Village or Country. Needed in every Iowa with it It mustered out Aug. City boys had a strong pull, but they marvelous results, and wish every woman This line runs double (mtrning and home, shop, store and office. Greatest conven who has to pass through the ordeal of child-birth to ience and best Heller on earth. —And Many Things—• 15, 1805. Colonel George W. Clark did not pull hard enough this year. know if they will use MOTHERS FRIEND for a few evening departure) soli-! trains from Cincin- I Attentu make from #5 to 850 prr the principal Southern neighbors. Fin» instruments, no toys, work-, 1anywhere, any distance. Complete, ready for ing its service. He was brevetted Be WHS With Phil Kearney. >1RS. SAM HAMILTON, Montgomery City.Mo. cities. unti when shipped. Can be put up by. any one, brigadier-general March 13, 1865. Christopher Jarrett of Washington, This line affords two routes to points in never out of order, no repairing, lasts a life Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of V time. Warranted. A money matter. Write Less Than Cost to Warren S. Dungan, lieutenant-colonel it is said, is one of the survivors of price, $1.50 per bottle Sold by all druggists, liook the Southwest, via Memphis and via New W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus, 0 of the regiment, was brevetted colonel the battle of San Pasquale, Lower To Mothers mailed free. Orleans. March 13, 1865. On entering the California, in which a troop of Ameri- BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Gi. This line has double daily sleeping car Close Business at field the regiment was assigned to can cavalry belonging to General service to Jacksonville, and the only through Thayer's brigade, Steele's division, Kearney's command was almost anni- ME-GRIM, line of sleepers to Thomasville. Want Money? or a Home'.- and with it participated in the hilated. Jarrett in that engagement That distressing pain,usually This line has four dally trains between Cin- Want Work ? or a Farm ? on onpskli' of thr head,known battle of Chlckasaw Bayou. The next ;ut his way throug-h the Mexican line, is SICK HEADACHE cinnati and Louisville in each direction. Want to ojwn up a store in a K. J. ROGERS, battle in which if, was engaged was killing four of the enemy. After< quickly relieved and perma- This line has three daily trains between growing town? Want to raise nently cored by • live Stock? Want to know how Arkansas Post. Captain Dan. H. vvdrd he served with Walker, the fili- Cincinnati and Lexington in each direction. DR. WHITEHALL'S to buy improved farms in a Farm, Implement & Seed Store Lyons was mortally wounded in this buster, in Nicarag-ua, where in a well settled region without jn^agement. From the time of en- lael he killed Peter Vedder, one of Full information cheerfully furnished ujon ap- ME-GRIM-INE, plicatiuu to paying cash? Particulars and and 27 DETROIT ST., Ann Arbor, teriu(f the field there had been muoh the American adventurers. Jarreto a safe and sure cure for all publications sent free by sickness imoog the uUieers and men, ilso fought in the federal army during ii'adarhes, neuralgias or ither painful nervous attacks JACKSON SMITH, Dlv. Past. Agt., CINCINNATI, 0. F. 1. WHITNEY, and on April 30.. 1863, the total num- •he civil was In any part of the body. Sold C. P. ATMORE, Cien'l Pass. Agt., LOUISVILLE, KY. Michigan. by druggists. St. Paul, Minn TfiJii ANW ARBOR REGISTER. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1894

/»rter"Mmny Day*. An Improved UP IN A BALLOON. louonlnf Generosity. Tramp—-Would ye give a starving A curious instance of home coming A Virginia inventor has constructed What Mr. blaUber {Experienced When The a new engine of improved working ca- man some o' your old clothes to keep after many years is the return of the Miles High. lim from going naked, kind sir? iron chain that was stretched across Those pacity, among the advantages enum- When the balloon had attained a erated being that the valve is perfect- Cholly Chapleigh—Certainly, poor the Hudson in revolutionary days to eight of 29,000 feet, or about five illah. Here is a necktie and a pair RIngwood, N. J., where it was made. ly balanced; the steam pressure enters miles and a half, Mr. Glaisher suddenly Ann Arbor the valve in the center, and the pres- f kid gloves, and though they are a Ringwood is now the country seat of Tew aware that one of his arms was rifle worn they are of the latest style Abram S. Hewitt. Some time ago, Pimples sure being equal in all directions, per- ompletely powerless. He tried to fect balance is consequently main- —the very latest, I assure you.—Truth. when the chain was sold to a junk move the other, but from that, too, dealer for old iron, Mr. Hewitt heard Are tell-tale symptoms that your blood tained; by so doing the friction is 11 strength had gone. By this time Acrobatic Japs. is not right—full of impurities, causing Real Estate brought to a minimum, and but slight of it, bought as much of it as was left, horoughly alarmed, he tried to shake Every Japanese barrack has a gym- about 200 feet, and intends to use it a sluggish and unsightly complexion. wear is the result. As explained, this imself, but, strange to say, the re- A few bottles of S. 8. S. will remove asium.and the Japanese soldiers rank as a low fence around a grass plot on all foreign and impure matter, cleanse valve being balanced, and having ult was but a feeling that he had no mong the best gymnasts in the world, large, short and direct steam ports, his lawn. Not only this chain camo the blood thoroughly, and give a clear Exchange imbs at all. His head dropped upon n half a minute they can scale a four- originally from the old Continental with live steam being held at boiler 1 and rosy complexion. It is most effect- us left shoulder, and when he strug- een-foot wall by simply bounding on foundry, but also on the land that ual, and entirely harmless. pressure within the valve—and the gled to lift it erect, it toppled over to ach other's shoulders, one man aup- Will buy and sell Real Estate same being maintained in the steam forms part of Mr. Hewitt's place were Chas. Heaton, 73 Laurel Street, Phila., says: right. He reeled back and sank orting two or three others. cast most of the cannon balls used by "I have had for vears a humor in my blood in Ann Arbor and vicinity, cylinder until the point of cut-off—a gainst the side of the car, and there which made me dread to shave, as small boils or quick admission and a high degree of "Grin Like a Cheshire Cat." the Americans in the revolution. pimples would be cut, thus causing shaving te ind act as agent for the rent- ay, his arm hanging nervelessly over be a great annoyance. Aiter taking three bottles economy are reached. The construc- he side. A moment or two passed, Well, well! Didn't ever hear of a my face is all clear and smooth as ing of houses and farms. tion is such as to be automatic in grin like a Cheshire cat?' Why, you A Napoleon of Finance. it should be—appetite splendid, nd he found that all the muscular ee, a man down in Cheshire had a cat There are plenty of ways of raising sleep well and feel like running a taking up the slightest wear, and the x>wers that had still remained in foot race all for tne use of S. S. S. whole being completely balanced, only which grinned and grinned until there money in these hard times, but very Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. is neck were gone also, says the was nothing left of the cat but the grin, few of them are as original as that of SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. a small per cent of the engine's power iVorld of Adventure. He tried to ust as some scrofulous people, whodon't Reasonable Rate of Commis- is required to operate, thus saving the impecunious German, a citizen ^f peak—to call out to his comrade; but enow of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Munich, who, finding himself short of twenty per cent in power and twenty O words came. The balloon, mean- Mscovery, get a cough, and then cough sion. •"•*• csut in fuel. funds, had recourse to the following while, was steadily mounting; and, to and cough until there is nothing left of novel scheme for raising the wind: He E. C. MORRIS SAFE CO. iut a finishing touch to the terrors of hem to erect a monument to but the (Incorporated.) Hoir'i I lii- :ough." ordered a confectioner to make a pie See us before deciding upon We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- lis plight, his eyesight was failing for his wife's birthday, containing as a CAPITAL - S25O.000. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is Successors to E. C. MORRIS & Co. the purchase or renting of ward for any case of Catarrh that can- lim rapidly, feoon this, too, van-,he most effective, anti-billious, anti- surprise, a lining of twenty pfennig not be cured by Hall's Catarrh (Jure. shed, and pitchy darkness settled lyspeptic, strength-giving remedy ex- pieces. The man's financial strin- 64 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. house or farm. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. own upon him. ant. For weak lungs, lingering cough, gency was relieved, but the confec- We, the undersigned, have known F. Consciousness remained; hearing pitting of blood, scrofula, sores, pim- tioner, at last accounts, was still wsit- Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and )les and ulcers, it is a wonderful and believe him perfectly honorable in all lso might have remained, but there iotr far his monev.—Harper's isa^».. vas no sound to break the solitude of ifficacious remedy. Send 6 cents in A FEW BARGAINS. business transactions and financially tamps for a Book (160 pages) on these If the Baby In Cutliiig Teeth, able to carry out any obligation made he sky. He felt only that he was liseases and their cure. Address Be sure and use that old and well-tried till ascending—ascending, so to speak, MORE TO FOLLOW NEXT WEEK. oy their firm. World's Dispensary Medical Associa- remedy. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, nto mere nothingness. The mind ion, Buffalo, N. Y. SYRUP for children teething. It soothes Toledo, O. Walding Kinnan & Mar- orked, but all partnership with the the child, softens the gums, allays all No. 2. Lot, first block west of Cam-vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. >ody had failed: the reins of the pain, cures wind colic and is the best pus, fine location. Price, $1,500. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- The Chinese Gods. enses had slipped from the grasp. It was manifest that the visiting remedy fordiarrhoea. Twenty-five cents No. 3. Nice lot, 4x14 rods, house 7 nally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system. le could just think. "Was this the leathen was much impressed by the a bottle. rooms, china closet and pantry, on flrsi way in which men died? And did floor, 6 rooms, 6 closets, second floor: Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all nagnitude of the achievements of the Straflivarlus Must ' av> city water, 2 cisterns, barn; 8 minutes druggists. Testimonials free. ne faculty after another desert the Caucasian. oul in its extremity, as servile court- Violinist, to publisher of journal for walk from post-office. Price, $4,«00: "We might have all these things," art and literature—I told your re- half down as can be agreed upon. Didn't •• ake After" H18 Pa. ers may steal away from the presence ie said, "if we only had the time to porter that the violin on which I The distinguished school-master, if royalty when its last hour had ar-build them." played was a genuine Stradivarius, No. i. For sale or rent. House, Rev. Klcazer Cogan, had a profound ived?" And then the darkness of his rooms and hall, closet on first floor: - "Had the time?" and" one of the very best in existence. love of noble architecture,and was very senses settled also on his mind, and ••Yes. Our gods keep us so busy, Bank *»nl>—, Bank Vaults, Bank suites with closet on second floor, cis- Why did you cut that out of the re- Vault Doors, and Deposit Works of tern. Ten minutes' walk from Univer- desirous that his little boy, Richard, onsciousness faded from him. Hefou only have one, and he needs your port? should develop similar tastes. One was roused by a voice calling him, but all kinds. sity. Price, $1,800; $800 down, balance attention for so small a part of every Publisher—That's all right. If Mr. T7ie Bent Safe in the World. 150,000 in use. to suit purchaser. Rent, $15 perday he promised to take Kichard to ,t first could give no guess as to its seventh day. Verily, you have the Always preserve their contents. month. London and give him a very great >rigin, "Try. try!" it was saying. Stradivarius wants to get puffed up in •oyal edge on us." And the visiting our paper, he must advertise with C>Rm»l«n Itn•© «l In all th«**»r*-»t Flreu No. 5. Lot 4x8 rods, good location, treat. Accordingly, he once tootc the ie tried to answer it, but could not. leathen sighed. One of the largest and best equipped factories in boy by a roundabout way to St. Paul's ie opened his eyes. All was dim yet, us, that's all there is about it.—Scot- the country has just been erected near Boston, fitted blocks from campus. Price, $700.00, tish Reformer, Glasgow. with the lateBtand most improved tools, wblch ren- church-yard, in order that the full >ut through the dimness he could just When Others Fall der facilities for manufacturing the best work at the $300.00 down, balance in two years. lowest prices, unequalled by any other concern in grandeur of the cathedra * might burst nake out a figure kneeling over him. Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up the shat- An Angfi'ft Treasures. thecountry. No. 6. House adjoining campus, J ,ered system by giving vigorous action Our aim is to give the best construction and roost rooms, dining room and kitchen, hal at once upon his gaze. Emerging Very slowly the obscurity faded, and Accepted Suitor—-Why my an^ol, improvements for the leastamount of money. from a narrow passage into the open io felt his senses ebbing back. The to the digestive organs, creating an ap- '''.sttmates and speciflications furnished upon ap- and closets, first floor. 1 suite, 2 single petite and purifying the blood. It is what's the matter? l^ication. AUEJtTS WA.XTKO. rooms, closets, second floor. Rarn anc space where the first view was to be igure had left him now, but he could prepared by modern methods, possesses The Angel—Oh, the awfulest thing two cisterns. Price, $3,600. $600 down had, the delighted father paused. He see Mr. Coxwell sitting at the other ,he greatest curative powers, and has has happened, I have lost my engage- 30 years on balance, $100 each year, in looked up at the cathedral and down side of the car. He lay looking at the most wonderful record of actual ment ring. terest at r-Bo' e 1 AMD tire addition facing east Alley in rear, visit. —j\rofAin Tit he idea that his ailment is incurable laborers by the day, at any time of the Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, good location, 2 minutes' walk from s a personage frequently met with, year, 1 shilling 6 pence; free blacks, Coughs, etc Save "i ise of o>e street car line. Price, $900.00; cash Temperance Wlue lor Invalid*. disbelief in the ability of medicine to about 1 shilling; labor in harvest, 4 bottle. Warranted the most wonderful duwn $400 00, balances \ears, interest It is well-known, that there are cases cure is only a mild form of monomania, shillings, G pence; free blacks by the Blemish Cure over Win ' iold by POSITIVELY CURES 6 per cent This is a bargain. when the most strict advocates of tem-although in some cases repeated fail- year, £8 8 shillings; hired slaves, £7 H. J. Brown, Druggist. Ann Arbor. perance are obliged to use some sort ol ires to obtain relief from many dif- No.9. House and lot two blocks from 4 shillings; overseers, £22 10 shillings. to wine, especially those who are old and erent sources would almost seem to All these workmen received board and HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, crsity. :t rooms, and hall 'H\2, and infirm. Many weakly females as wel ustify the doubt. Hostetter's Stomach kitchen on first Hour, 2 suites, 2 cio.-e s as invalids and debilitated persons in fitters has demonstrated its ability to lodgings besides. Canal diggers in Tnfe CVMJI V.U!, Lrrejlrn: ri';. Nervous Prostration, ami large attic on second floor, city warm weather need a little strengthen- overcome dyspepsia, constipation, liver those parts then had 46 shillings per Midnight. water, recently built Price, $2,300; ing wine. The great difficulty has and kidney trouble, malarial complaint' month, with board, lodgings and all The i o:intess Gesundheimer, nee Sleeplestnees and all derangements of the $1,200 down, balance to suit piuchaser been in procuring a rich wine that is and nervousness, and its recorded necessaries. The hired slaves re- Porkin ,ham, listening iniently. N( nous System. at 7 per cent. reliable. There are many cases where achievements in the curative lino ceived clothing also. The building of The count was talking in his sleep. "No. 10. Mouse and lot, lot 4x8, twowine would be used to great advantage ought at least to warrant its trial by the city of Washing-ton at that time True, when she had exchanged her blocks from campus, 9 room house and in place of alcoholic drinks, if only any one troubled with either of the raised mechanics' wages at Baltimore. million. for his title she had waived Unexcelled for Restless Babies. l>ath, Iiir'iacc. city water, splendid lo- genuine article could bo had, and upon above ailments, even although his pre- Masons working at the new city re- all thoughts of his past, but with a cation. Price sSJ.OOO, half down, balance vhich physicians could rely as beinj vious efforts to obtain remedial aid strictly pure. The Wine of Alfret lave been fruitless. Used with per- ceived 6 to 7 shillings per day; car-woman's natural curiosity she wished to suit. This is cheap. penters, 4 shillings 9£ pence to 6 shil- to know for th<_ sake of knowing. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey, and hissistence, the Bitters will conquer the 0 irom opiates. 1OO full size doses, 5Oc. TTo. 11. For sale or rent, new house, Jnfermented Grape Juice have been most obstinate cases. lings, and negro laborers 36 shillings Breathlessly she hearkened. From •five recgoM and hall, first floor, three analyzed by chemists in nearly everj Der month, board and clotpx---- the finely chiseled lips of her aristo- suite* and closets, second floor, piped state, and have always been provec 'Ihe Pope as an Alpine Climber. cratic spouse came the words: .If. I). Bailey. Receiving Teller. Grand Rapidi, lor g«« electric bell and call, furnace, strictly pure and beneficial. Thesi Leo XIII. in his younger days was M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller, Grand ' 'Collar puttons, two for five. Nice Mick.) Savings Manic, nays he cannot say too cistern water. East Univ.-ave. wines are now being used in hospital an ardent Alpine climber. A monu- Rapids (Mich.) Savings Bank, says he '"""inn collar buttons, two for five.« much in favor of -'Adironda," Wheeler's Hear', Beat per month, $27.50. Price, $3,100. and by families for medical purposes cannot say too much in favor of "Adiror.- and Nerve Cure. b down; balance to suit. also by Churches for Communion ser ment is now being erected at Pietras- da," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. For Sale by all Druggists. Ne. 12. To rent, house 18 rooms, ice. It is principally sold by drug tornina, in the extreme corner of the Sold by druggists. A Spleuii I Free O Bar. ace, bath $48 per month. East ists.—Transcript. Parthenian district, as a reminder of There are thousands of people, who, lii .-avo. Kent after September 15th. his exploits as a mountain tourist. In while not exactly sick, are out of order n mutt Pena. 1844 Gioachimo Pecci was at this .No 13. For sale or rent—new house, An Albany, Ga., dame, who tried to or ailing in some way. They don't it till, pantry, china closet, first Authority states that the first pens place to meet a fellow prelate. The rid her premises of rats by soaking feel well and can't understand what floor: 3 suites, 5 closets, bath, second were made of bronze, steel and iron, ruins of the robber castle, that hominy in arsenic water says that the the trouble is. You can learn exactly sharp pointed like a bodkin. These of the prince of Siorno, which, ac- entire tribe of rodents now inhabiting floor; oak and Georgia pine finish; fur- what ails you, without its costing' any- nace, gas, city water, cistern and well. were used in producing hieroglyphics cording to the traditions of time and her place are of snowy whiteness, but — I"'UAT. S'"IM?. i8'"UJ\Y Zl"VKi Price $4,500, $2,000 down, balance to on stone in Assyria and other eastern place, no man had ascended for many still alive and frisky. thing, by writing a letter to the noted SfHflT PEFFER'S NERWGOR DID. suit at 6 per cent. Rent, $30 per month. countries. Then came the camel's decades, aroused the ambition of and successful specialist, Dr. Greene, of It nets Ppwertuliy antl quickly. Cures when all Four blocks from University Nearly True. ,-horsfail. ioungraen.regain lost manhood; old hair pencil for painting on the skin o Bishop Pecci. For the sum of twenty 35 West 14th St., New York City, and n>n recover youthful vigor. Absolutel e No. 14. New house to be finished animals, and next the stylus of bone paoli he secured the loan of a shep- "Hey, Chimmie! Dere's a show telling him just how you foel. He will inteer;otencyt to cureA'crroutnesi>J1,i?htly^Ki»«i, onLos.,It, Vo.Jr^|J; in«otencJlithe* sex, 1iillins1ihtl^- Memoryi , WuRtlne »!•- •Sept. 15, two blocks from campus; 5 ivory or metal. But parchment anc herd's suit, and, rigged out in this down to de teayter dat ta'ces de rag answer it, explaining every symptom •n«e»on<>*. or « for SS. with A Po.Hlve balance to suit purchaser. better than the reed, and it came into an apostolic legate. The monument » ritten Ouarantee to tine or Refund tk« universal use and continued so unti commemorates the anniversary oi Dr. Whitehall'* ltheitmatlc Cure explanations so clear that you under- No. 15. House 7 rooms, bath closets, far into the past century. Silver thfse exploits. For gout, lumbago, stiff, swollen ami stand exactly what the matter is, and first floor, two suits, 2 large single horn, tortoise shell and glass came how to cure it. And all this costs you Sold by John Moore. rooms, closets 2d floor. Price $2,800. tender joints, crick in the back, stiff along only to give way to steel, unti neck, or any other form of rheumatism. nothing. •$1,500 down, balance to suit purchaser. Once used, Dr. Pierce's Pellets are al in 1820 a gross of the latter pens was Relieves the distressing pain very He makes a specialty of treating pa- No. 16. For sale, house with nine made in Birmingham and sold at whole ways in favor. Specific for constipa quickly, reduces the fever, destroys the pen AFSS rooms and closets, furnace, city water, tion, pills, billiousness, and headache- poison, and eliminates it from the sys- tients through letter correspondence, Heenbearw d Nopain. I.TI.IHI,. F7Hin<-ox barn, fine location. Price $3,000, half sale for $33. The bast gold pens are ew York, srie Sepot. Send for* wkiSd p7 made in the United States. tem, preven'ing recuri g attacks. and this method has proved wonder- down. Also vacant corner lot two Price 50 cents p-jr box; sixboxe-, $2.50 blocks from campus, price $2,000. Journalists. fully successful. His vast experience PARKER'S This grewsome tale is told in a HAIR BALSAM No. 17. Farm of 120 acres for sale or enables him to understand from, read- Clcan«r «JM1 beantifiM th* h*lr. Pile tumors, rupture and fistulao, rac French paper: "The flying assassin o A Ilnreaa of Information. Promote* a luxuriant growth. exchange for house in Ann Arbor. Six ically cured by improved methods ing the symptoms, the exact nature of Never TmilB to Bestor« Gray miles from Ann Arbor and six miles M. Carnot was caught and held unti When the cook disturbed by tha Hair ti iU Youthful Color. Book, 10 cents in stamps. World apprehended by M. L , a good cit- fierce barking of the dog, opened the your complaint. He is the discoverer Cures fc»,t> diiwtMi * hair tailing. from Saline. House containing eight Dispensary Medical Association, Buffa of that wonderful preparation, Dr. rooms in good condition, two wells, barn lo, N. Y. izen of Lyons. Two evenings later he kitchen door, she observed a tramp 32x44 with sheds. Also tenant house was visited at his home by a pair ol hanging for dear life on the top of a Greene's Nervura blood and nerve CONSUMPTIVE with barns, fences A. I. well-dressed young men, who anclothes-lin- e post with the dog jumping remedy, the best nerve medicine in the Vie Parker's Ginger Tonio. It curn the wont (_ _, Curlett's Heave Remedy is a sure cur Weak Lungi, Debility, In<1igf»tinn, fain, T»k« In time.JN>eta. For exchange for Ann Arbor proper- for Heaves in the earlier stages, an nounced themselves as Parisian jour- up for him. She called off the dog.but world. People living at a distance M ty, a fine residence in Kalamazoo, nine warranted to relieve in advanced stages nalists, whose visit was for the pur he still hung on. from the city will at once see the great ttL J?£SS?J?BS room house, on one of the finest streets Guaranteed to cure Coughs and Cold pose of honoring the brave M. L "Why don't you come down off that advantage of this system. No long in Kalamazoo on lot 4x13, with large post?" GR AT EPU L—COMFORTING. Chas. Dwyer, ex-Sheriff of Washte and to beg a photograph for illustra- journey and no doctor's fee. Write him Jiarn, 4 stalls and carriage room. Will tion of a just article upon his admira- "Don't ask me, lady," answered the soil for cash, or exchange for Ann Ar-naw Co., Mich., says, "I cured two and it will probably bo the means of bor residence. different horses two different years o ble action. The good M. L com- tramp plaintively, "don't ask me; ask Heaves in early stages by use of Cur plied with modest pleasure. As soon the dog." your getting strong and well. lett's Heave Remedy." as the visitors had the gift fairly in EPPS'SIOCDT GettlnK Acquainted. <••!• ' errlble rate. Free horse and carriage to J. M. Allen, proprietor of the Dexte their possession, they withdrew, only BREAKFAST—SUPPER. stopping at the door long enough to Relative—I notice that you have at A Scotch minister, a few Sunday* show prospective customers Leader says, "I have used Curlett last got acquainted with your next "By a thorough knowledge of the Thrush Remedy with perfect satisfat say calmly: -Sir! we are not journal- ago, held out as a warning to his con- natural laws which govern the opera- the places advertised. ists, but anarchists. We have your door neighbor who has lived alongside gregation the case of an Aberdeen tion of digestion and nutrition, and by tion, having permanently cured a ver of you for the past ten years. Parties having property bad case of that disease with his Thrus head—look out for it—it is alread man who rode on hie bicycle on Sun-a careful application of the fine proper- Remedy." i ... Mrs. D'Avnoo—Yes, we were intro- days with the result that "he broke a ties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps which they wish to sell or rent duced to each other at the pyramids blood vessel on Monday, wont to hell has provided for our breakfast and sup- Curlett's Thrush Remedy is a sur of Egypt, and I found her a delightful per a delicate flavoured beverage which will find it to their advantage cure for Thrush and all rotting awa Danger From Catarrh. on Wednesday, and was buried on companion. We became very inti- Saturday." may save us many heavy doctor's bills.It to consult us before placing diseases of the feet of stock. One aj The most important feature abou mate. is by the judicious use of such articles of their property in the hands oi plication cures ringworm on man o that very common complaint, eatarr] diet that a constitution may be gradu- beast and removes lameness of calke in the head, is its tendency to develoj An Odd Collection. Relief In Six flours. ally built up until strong enough to re- an agent. All property w or craked hoofs. Applied once a da into some other more serious and dan A man in Colorado has a quaint col- Distressing Kidney and Bladder di- sist every tendency to disease. Hund- be liberally advertised and grows them out. gerous disease. The foul matter drop lection of bottles, it is divided into seases relieved in six hours by thereds of subtle maladies are floating Curlett's Pinworm Remedy, fi r ping from the head into the brouchia two sections. Section one is large. "New Great South American Kidney around us ready to attack wherever every effort possible made to man or beast, is a compound that etfec tubes or lungs is very liable to lead tc Section two is not. Section one con- Cure." This new remedy is a great there is a weak point. We may escape consummate deals. We are intualy removes these troublesome par bronchitis or consumption, that destroy tains hundreds of bottles, the con-surprise on account of its exceeding many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves asites, which are such a great anno1 er which causes more deaths in thi tents of which his wife swallowed, hop- promptness in relieving pain in thewell fortified with pure blood and a pro- the business to stay and expect ance to stock. If bowels are bound uj country than any other disease. A ing to find relief from her physical suf- bladder, kidneys, back and every part perly nourished frame."—Civil Servic* to build up a business seconc one or two doses will put them in pro| catarrh originates in impurities in tin ferings. Section two contains a few of the urinary passages in male or fe- Gazelle. er condition. blood, local application can do but littli bottles that once were filled with Dr. male. It relieves retention of water v to none iu Washtenaw county good. The common sense method o Pierco's Favorite Prescription. It was and pain in passing it almost immedi- ade simply with boiling water or Curlett's Remedies for sale at H. treatment is to purify the blood, am milk. Sold only in half-pound tins, by Brown's and B. & M. Drug Store. this potent remedy that gave the suffer- ately. If you want quirk relief and for this Durpose there is no prepara ing wife her health again It cures all cure this is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Orocers, labelled thus: tion superior to Hood's Sarsaparilla irregularitieSjinternal inflammation and Brown, Druggist. Ann Arhor -10 JAMES EPPS d- CO.. Ltd, Homoeo- The powerful action of this medicine ulceration, displacements and kindred pathic Chemists, London, England. B. J. CONRAD & CO., Children Cry for upon the blood expels every impurity troubles. It has done more to relieve 18 S. Injralls-st. and by so doing cures catarrh anc the suffering of women than any other Children Cry for has not-.liow with Dr. Miles' Pai/i Pills Pitcher's Castoria. gives health to the entire organism. medicine kuown to science. r^. »,., ,%, '.i-i-urodbvDr Miles' Pain Pills. Pitcher's Casti Dr MUee Paia ?:ilg stoc Headache THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1894,

To the Young Ladies Of Ann Arbor and Vicinity:— We have addressed this letter to the young ladies, but we mean it for the young men as well. We are confident that the young men will read it, if for no other reason than because it is addressed to the ladies. We want you to send to us or call for one of our circulars giving you a few points concerning Shorthand. We know that we can interest you. At least drop us a postal, and we will do the rest. We can tell you hoy? to fit yourself for a nice position in a short time and at small expense. Why continue to work at manual Jabor for a mere pittance when you could, in a few months, fit yourself for a nice situation that would pay you all the way from forty to seventy-five or one hundred dollars per month. You can do what others, no smarter than yourself, have done, if you will only have a little "spunk". Come and see us or write us any- way. We like to hear from people who are interested in the subject of shorthand as we are intensely interested in it our selves. Very respectfully yours, O. E. WAGNER, Prin. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 20 S. State St., Ana Arbor, Mich. 12 THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1894.

onstard-ple. It was some that WM BUSINESS CARDS. OUR BOYS AND GIRLS. entered in competition for a prize, JUU. HA5KINS' and it tasted so good that I'm sure if V?t need TWENTY or MORB original and I'd been a judge I'd give it the first striking designs for Newspaper Advertise- I K. WILLIAMS, HOW MUCH DO THEY KNOW ments of SANTA CLAUS SOAP. The manu- premium. facturers, The N. K. Fairbank Company, au- * Attorney at Law, Milan, MIc' ABOUT OYSTERS. "As for my towels, I hardly thought thorize us to pay TEN DOLLARS EACH for Money loaned for outside parties. All that they'd get a prize,for there were approved drawings with appropriate read- 'isiness given prompt attention. ing ; or $5.00 each for designs or reading mat- some other samples of spinning there ter only. This offer Is open to all. The com- They Are Wonderful Little Animals— petition will close December 1. As soon as W. 8. MOORE, The Three Linen Towels—A Heroine that I was afraid were better than possible after that date we will pay for accept- of the Great Forest Fires—The Jump- mine. Bet whfta the county paper ed designs and return the others. Remember, came out the next week, there for complete, acceptable advertisements wa ing Merrythought. pay DENTIST ! among the lists was this notice: We Feed and Boarding Stable, " 'Linen towels, two dollars; first REMOVED. Oysters. premium, Miss Mary Elmer, a little WEST HURON AND ASHLEY STS. Work done In all forms of moder dentist ry No shell fish is used more exten- Crown and Bridge work a specialty. 8a • girl 6 years old." t'<:ri hi'i'* to U t. •".i ranteed. sively upon our tables than the oyster, "And that was you, mamma!" ex- $10 Each Horses boarded nt reasonable rait. and there is no article of food about Pay Directions.—Make drawings with black Ink (U. OF M. GltADUATE.) gspei • iiikcii boarderi in good claimed Rosy, clapping her hands. which so little is generally known. on heavy white paper, or card board. Do the order. 27 South Main St., Ann \ rbor "Yes," mamma replied, smiling, work in outline. Elaborate shading will not I want every boy and girl to secure "and these are the very towels."—• print well. Space a papers will be four Inches COHE AND SEE US" An oyster and examine the wonderful square. Draw to larger scale if you prefer, but Wrt. W. NICHOLS, Youth's Companion. have design square. The Idea is most Impor- mecnanism of the little animal. If The Little Heroine. for tant. If that is good we can have It redrawn you can obtain a microscops so much and still give you credit. Avoid poetry. Get Tho flames in cyclones rolled on nigh the better; if not, you may readily up an ad. that would make you buy the article. Dental Parlors ! And swept alon.? a tidal wave. Points.—Santa Claus Is a pure, high-grade discern the different parts of the With blindin,' smoke dirk strew the sky Soap—made for laundry and general house- OVER SAVINGS BANK OPPO- oyster's anatomy with the naked eye. And everywhere was heard the cry, hold use—a favorite wherever known. Merits 'Oh, Goi, is thsre no power to sjve: " generous praise. Sold by all grocers, whole- Have the shell carefully removed so Ideas sale and retail. BALD SITE COURT HOUSE -SQUARE. that the oyster will lie upon the left Deep horror seized the multitude Da your best, and send results promptly. valve. And oa they rushei. they knew not wher^; Address (only) ARTHUR J. KITSON, The flames advancing thro' the wood Now, you know that great scien- And curlin: line aserpent-brood N. W. AVER & SON, HEADS tists have divided Mother Nature's Hi sed death thro' all the heated air. Newspaper Advertising Agents, numerous children into various fam- Contractor and Builder! The stron^e^t fell—ah, human power PHILADELPHIA. NO CURE. NO MUSTACHE. ilies, and the oyster belongs to the However great, at times how vain; NO PAY. NO PAY. Mollusca, or Mollusk, family, and is As froits lay low the fra lie flower DANDRUFF CURED. •Miniates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. classed as the acephalous, or headless, Bo did those flras in one short hour I will take Contracts to grow hair on the head RESIDENCE AND SHOP, 21 Geddes-avc. variety of this family. Leave awful run in their train. or face with those who can call at my office or at the office of my agents, provided the head is The Mollusks are distinguished by The strongest fell—but thsre was one, not glossy, or the pores of the scalp not closed. having a soft body surrounded by a A little . LYON, Trav. l'ass. Agent, "Look as though they'd scrub a principle "jumping frogs" are made. pound, when for ss CENTS you can get a Port Bt. Wist. Detroit, Mich. package of LINCOLN TEA, made from pure, where. fellow's face, though," remarked fresh herbs, with curative qualities far ex- Posy. Papa Was Relieved. ceeding any other tea or preparation on the SREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. "Papa," said little Tom one day market. "Well, I suppose the reason I'm TKAPB MAKK Directions simple and plain. All first-class when he came home from school, druggists sell LINCOLN TEA. Beware of in- proud of them is because I spun them Terior teas that druggists try to sell you as "just as good myself when I was just 6 years old," "teacher says you mu!;t have ma 'sas- as Lincoln Tea." None of them are as good. Take no other* said mamma. "It was a year or two sinated." THE T. JWALKE. R after the war, and the people down "Assassinated?" South were poor and had no slaves to "Yes, sir. She says every child grow cotton, so we Northern folks must be 'sassinated before he cornea CARRIAGE FACTORY, took to raising flax. Father planted back to school, because smallpox is some and I remember how pretty, the in town." NOS. 9 AND II W. LIBERTY ST., starry, blue flowers were. "Oh, vaccinated!" RINSEY&SEABOLT; "Yes, sir; that's it." Ripans Tabules act gently l>i"t place i/i Hit lily for "Grandma did the spinning and I No. 6[and[8iWashington -SI liked to watch the whirring little Atuiund Candy. ICE but promptly upon the liver, CARRIAGES BUILT TO ORDER wheel. One day I coaxed her to let Melt on« pound of sugar in a quar* Have always on hand a complete StocK stomach and intestines; cure me try to spin. I made sorry work at ter of a pint of water, and let boi' Telephone 19. everything in the -OR- dyspepsia, habitual constipa- • first; it took quite a knack to keep the nntil the syrup is thick enough not to tion, offensive breath and head- I ORDINARY VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS treadle going, and draw out tha run off a spoon. Warm three ounces ache. One tabule taken at the thread smooth and even. After of split almonds in the oven, remove first symptom of indigestion, At Lowest Prices. awhile, however, I could spin as well the syrup from the fire, and stir In E. V. HANGSTERFER as anybody and then I had a 'stent' the almonds and a little essence of GROCERY LINE biliousness, dizziness, distress SBPAIBIifQ Of nit kind/ neatly dotu nt reas- after eating, or depression of mihli rates. given me. Five 'knots' a day, and a lemon. Pour on to well buttered Pure up Rivei spirits, will surely and quickly The eo,,,:„•,,„/ 8B0BT-TVRN OXAR fur- 'knot' meant winding the thread tins, and when nearly cold cut into ,ls/i,,i when wanted. forty times around on a little 'reel,' shape. remove the whole difficulty. ''""" 'mine our Wort. which gave a loud crack at the forti- An Honorable Llttia Scotchman. Teas,Coffeesand Sugars T. J. WALKER. eth turn. A story of Scotch honesty comes All prime articles bought for cash and can Price, 50 cents a box. "Mother promised me all the cloth from Dundee. A small boy had taken ICE sell at tow figures. Our frequent large in- that should be made from my spin- the prize for an exceptionally well' voices of Teas is a sure sign we give bar- RipansTabules may be ob- ning, and so I had these three towels. drawn map. After the examination, gains in i tained of nearest druggist; or Aunt Jane thought they were good tne teacher, a little doubtful, asked enough to be taken to the county fair. the lad, "Who helped you with this Liberate Weight, by mail on receipt of price. "When we went to the fair it Quality and Prices. For free sample address Shoe Repairing! map, James?" "Nobody, sir." "Come None better in the city. All work seemed as though everybody knew now, t«ll me the truth. Didn't your Prices Moderate. We roast our ow;? coffees every iceek, al- RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. promptly done. Moderate priYo«. Open about those towels. Ths ladiei brother help you?" "J>To, sir; he difl ii/sfnsh and good. Our bakery turns NEW YORK. crowded around and kissed me, and all the yoar round. I solicit .-dare of it all." __ out the very best of Bread, Cakes and your patronage. said that it seemed hardly possibla Promptness in Delivery. Crackers. Call and see us. t*-..«#"'L I that [ could spin. Mother laughed, yiATf Knew Her Prayers. THOMAS SPEECHLY, and told them to come up to our housa Little Mary was in the habit of say- Send Postal C»r< for Graded Cata Bart Liberty, Near Slate. some day and see! Ing her prayers at night to an older logue of Band and "I Jelt very bashful at having so sister. One nig-ht the mother was _ Orchestra Music HI ANDREW E. GIBSON, much notice taken of me, and when I called to the room and told that Mary Band In- !••.,„<.,,!, lVn