2017-03-04 Saturday History Call


A BBS RADIO Go To www.bbsradio.com ; click on Talk Radio Station #2; click on “64K Listen”

Thursday: 9 pm – 12:00 pm EST Stargate Round Table Host: MariettaRobert

Friday: 9 pm – 2 am EST Friday Night Hard News Hosts: Tara & Rama

Saturday: 2:30 pm – 2 am EST History of our Galactic World & NESARA T & R

Friday, Saturday: From 10 – 11 pm EST, for one hour, the call moves to the Conference Call Line [8-9 pm MST 1-641-715-3650 pin 353 863#] and then returns to BBS Radio.

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● The 2013 website also has an archive section: http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ look under the “Archives” tab for written notes.


A Sunday, Mondays: 9 – 10:30 EST Cheryl Croci's Activation Calls By telephone only: 1 – 605-475-5950; PIN 9467441#

B Tuesdays, 2Nd & 4th of each month: Ashtar on the Road 9:00 – 10:30 pm EST Host is Fran; Susan Leland channels Ashtar & others www.Ashtarontheroad.com ▪ Phone Number: 1 – 559 – 726 – 1300; PIN 972400## ▪ Call is free [except for long distance charges] ▪ Can also listen to the call via Skype

C Wednesdays: 7:00 – 9:00 EST The Friends of The Aboriginal Moabite Nation Call By telephone only: 1–712-432-0900 PIN 666238# Replay # [good for 1 week] 1-712- 432-0990 PIN 666238#

Opening Meditation: Cheryl Croci – introductory words: St Germain

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 1 / 48 Housekeeping: Rainbird

BBS: • A listener-supported radio program; we can access program archives on BBS • The radio program costs $300 per week. And we need $340 this week. SO MUCH GRATITUDE FOR KEEPING US CAUGHT UP !!! • Go to BBSradio.com/Station2; find listing for True History call; find Paypal button • BBS appreciates getting checks through the mail – no fees taken off by Paypal • NO COST TO ACCESS BBS ARCHIVES for either of the 2 T & R PROGRAMS, or the Thursday night program or MariettaRobert's Stargate Round Table

• The mailing address for those who do not like paying electronically: BBS Network, Inc. [Please put “Attention Don” on the envelope.] 5167 Toyon Lane [Please note inside that it's for T&R; MR] Paradise, CA 95969 • Sending a check to BBS means all your money is received; using Paypal incurs a fee.

T & R: • Their full-time, life time commitment is to be tuned in to what is really going on behind the artificial world we see around us. They don't ask for anything but they do require food, gas, a home, and BBS Radio access to get this information out to the world.

• This week: need $$$ for food, gas Thank you, thank you, thank you!

• We can donate via the Paypal button on the homepage of 2013 Rainbow Roundtable

• Please notify them if you're sending something: k oran999@ comcast.net

• Rama's mailing address for cheques, Money orders: Ram D Berkowitz 1704-B Llano St, #249 Santa Fe, NM 87505 • phone contact is via MariettaRobert Pickett: 317-773-0061 or by e-mail: [email protected] • Remember you can book a session with Mother, as well!

• THE GO FUND ME A/C Also requires more help! $12, 916 of $14k https://www.gofundme.com/RamaSurgery as of today

FROM ASHTAR ON THE ROAD: donate to the Santa Fe Coop so T&R can access organic, fresh food

• Your donation here supports an account set up for Tara & Rama with Beneficial Farms Community Supported Agriculture in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

• These funds will be exclusively used to maintain this weekly account for a steady supply of fresh produce to Tara and Rama. They and we are very grateful for your assistance.

• Please make the donation through the A-O-T-R store. People can do multiples if they want: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/10263880.htm

• Fran has put a link on the Ashtar page as well. http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/tara__rama_A_A_news_reports.html

MR: • Please remember to support MariettaRobert's show, too • You can also book a session with MR for a transformational clearing.

T: Any trouble hearing means an issue with the sound: it's an emergency – call 1-888-710-8061

Intro Notes The following audio link allows you to listen to the entire program. https://bbsradio.com/podcast/true-history-march-4-2017

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 2 / 48 HARD NEWS

R: Lady Freya, Thor’s Mother – St Bridget another name for her: she is celebrated at the time of the return of spring • Talks of the great energies on the planet and how things are happening more and more quickly

Richard Wolff: Guest was Ellen Brown, webofdebt.com EB: • 21,000 is the Stock Market number, and it is all fake; there is no money there • As we approach the Ides of March, Janet Yellen of the Fed will bring down the cleaver and raise interest rates: will cause a lot of fiascos across the planet • the few who have hoarded the money will find themselves in hot water with their creditors and lenders • being told the same thing about Orange 45 who has no money • more and more is coming out about . . . a TV show on Home and Garden network – flipped a house, flipped his business; Mitt Romney was involved with this: people are taught how to take $5,000 and make ½ million with it – • this is tied in with the fake bubble of mortgage lending stuff and how Wall Street has become a gambling casino and there is no longer boring banking: What Ebenezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley did was boring banking! And Bob Cratchet was trying to use one turnip and a potato to make stone soup for Tiny Tim • Glass Steagel lifted those regulations RW, EB: going to have to come to terms with some harsh realities - the lies told by Hillary, Trump and others except for Bernie – no one wants to talk about him because it will bring up NESARA and the whole game is over - NESARA brings a debt jubilee and that is all there is: we are watching arch criminals, vampires running our financial system • someone described Congress has been described as vampires and zombies who do nothing – except for the 64 good members • Nancy Pelosi – pedophile! Pizza gate; • House of Cards Kevin Spacey – pedophile and did a movie about an Et coming to earth [Kpass ?] • Elijah Wood/Frodo talked about this yesterday: when you go to Hollywood and talk to producers, film makers, agents: one of the really slimy ones is Dick Morris, a prominent booking agent in Hollywood; he’s on KOS’ list of people leaving the planet: • KOS has a list of those leaving the planet - the ½ million or so • Arnold Schwartzeneger, Mel Gibson have messed around like Trump

Many Good Things Happening Tom the Cat, Ray McGovern: • Obama didn’t wire tape Trump Tower, but maybe Mr Putin did! • Donald Trump has no money, owes his soul to the lenders and as Katrina said on Right, Left and Centre: • they want their money back – some of them want his organs, not the money – they are angry with him because of the cheap deals which are less than honorable – and Bankruptcy, Chapter 11, etc • Tom and Ray spoke of us being in an interesting moment: Venus has paused and will go retrograde until April; the retrograde is about the energies being brought into the mix; the solar eclipse energies are going out across the galaxy for another 6 months • these energies are creating more opportunities for the total exposure and downfall of this empire

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 3 / 48 T: when all this goes down, remember that owns the US • who bought and paid for the creation of Israel is an important question: and Israel was bought and paid for and it was an illegal invasion; as the Israelites did not win that territory, it was done by a deeper state action - • She reviews what has been read fore: While Britain and France were dividing the Middle East and screwing with the Hashabites in 1917, Br Foreign Secretary Balfor wrote to Waltker Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish organization, that England intended to create an Israeli homeland on the - the League of Nations established Israel • the jewish holocaust had not yet happened: but the empire that had subdued the world for Christianity to help keep going their story of who and what Jesus was and to give the holy land to the Jews to help them perpetuate the story of jesus as their true Messian • Balfour 1917 – who would pay for the creation of Israel? The Zionist Christian Alliance

R: from NPR – a story from a lady with a story on the League of Nations, state of Israel and Palestine – the LoN was figuring out what to do with East European and European so-called “Jewish people” aka Khazars – talked of moving them to Greenland, changed their minds and moved them to land of Palestine, took it over, then called it Isreal T: the Jews in Britain were already not who they said they were: they were Khazarians! • they provided the funds to invade and occupy Palestine: they just took it. • Another important thing: the Middle class jews in Germany who were slaughtered had Palestinian background because the true Jewish people came from there; the true Palestinian people were of the tribes of Israel, and we all are also descendents except for the invaders • the invaders came from another time/space continuum and the Atlantean war; they invaded and occupied this planet, as they had already blown up their former home [Maldek] – had been using nukes long before they came here. Earth was just another disaster along the way. • And we as enhanced human beings by our works – love, truth – are involved in the pursuit of knowledge – there is a certain order to ascension which brings a resonance to our beings; has to do with the Aquarian Age and heart: we are moving out of the patriarchy which is without heart • The Hunab Ku brings a resonance of the heart – we work and think with our heart and not with what what we know, void of the heart • The Right Use of Will, name of a book: when we use our divine will, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven in HER name. • Even at that, those teachings are so wrong in terms of teaching us we are stupid and are not gods/goddesses; then these guys decided they were gods – which they are, yet they and took out the DNA strand to do with love so they could operate without heart – did it out of power, lust, greed and made the rest of us worthless as they were the rulers • all of us are kings and queens and that means we have to move to the fullness of evolution: there’s an never-ending – we don’t know it all and if we think we do, we’ll get another lesson from the Universe

Legion: a new show on the Sci Fi channel: • rumours are that the main character is the secret son of Prof Xavier of the X Man – he can do a lot of things with his consciousness: time travel, teleport, be in 3 different timelines at once – starting to show what kinds of abilities people can have when they are aligned with the Force – which is what our extra strands of DNA are for • this is hanging on the edge of the good things, the new reality that will be revealed with full disclosure – which is their biggest fear • they think that Enki, Enlil will come back and when they receive a tribute of gold from our planet, the current leaders will remain in power - NOT!!!

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 4 / 48 • Nibiru is here, as is Mother: the bus stops here, and she is collecting her wayward children on the way to the Void, to un-creation as they have violated Cosmic Law across the Universe of Nebadon • as the stories get revealed, what will be revealed is the gold dust in the blood that they want us to forget about – the melanatied blook • There are also 520 missing years of our calendars because of the Aboriginal Moabite Nation and Mound Builders [cutting this out of the story] • some of the people from long ago who were called Barrow Rights – kind of elves, goblins who turned to the dark side & amassed gold, silver, treasures • the hobbits on their way to destroy the ring, found magical swords in the mounds and many other things • Mother: in the early 90s said that when the time comes, so many uncovered facts, artifacts, teachings scrolls • need to re-read When Rocks Cry Out – Mesopotamia IS NOT THE SEAT OF civilization though they made it so with money, power and control • the UN established the state of Israel in Palestine and the immediate result was war with the Muslim neighbours; yet this began in 325 AD, then the church cursed Jeshua, called him a heratic – in today’s terms, a treasonist • Aruhabi carried the cross and played out the story [which was not what happened; the story is/was a metaphor] yet it allowed Magdalene, Mary, the apostles [12 men, 12 women] to escape in land speeders, go to the Langedoc and live in a Light City underground – they were known all over the world at that time: they had to lay low for a long time because there was a call out by the Romans for their heads! • some went to Scotland, Ireland

• This is NOT OUR LAND [North America]; IT WAS STOLEN and it has to be reconciled with the Native American people – same as in Palestine; Standing Rock was also stolen this summer and treaties have not been honoured! • The idea that winner takes all, as Trump says – no! and we have to open our hearts to open up to the truth and knowing the whole of ourselves and more energy than ever is available to us • She gives more history of Palestine taken over by Khazarians – after millenia of people living together, Muslims, non-muslims, suddenly changed.

How the Hebrews Became Jews – an important book • comes back to the melanin, the power in the blood • all Hebrews are Jews; all Jews are not Hebrews

• They – the non-human invaders - made up the stories of Abrahamic religions [Muslim, Christian, Jew] and used religion set them at each other’s throats, • Trump is an archon, part of the non-human group of beings whose origin is a place in the stars where they destroyed other civilizations and looked to set up shop on this planet: if we don’t believe this, we remain in the polarity game which is not real • the story of the Grand Lelah has been completed: the new beings coming to this planet are not incarnations any more – except for those who died after 9/11 have the opportunity to return • we who are here now, the new souls coming in are here to end the lie that we have to live like this and die: that was never, ever on the ticket: grew out of various kinds of fear, torture, war, etc etc etc

• Revelations is not literal: the return of the Christ is ALL OF US, the Whole of us – in the concept of not conquering, using guns, war: we have to go for the higher intervention

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 5 / 48 Tom the Cat, Ray McGovern, Katrina – • said Obama did not tap Trump Tower • Katrina said someone slipped Trump some bad acid & he woke up at 7 am and said Obama did it R: all this is about evil vindictive hatred of black people, and there is zero evidence • to do something like that, need a FISA warrant which is given out rather freely! • Bush didn’t have a FISA warrant to go into the middle east where he wanted to create the next great war – this was part of the plan • Netanyahu is not human either: a reptilian – none of this is on the up and up! • Pedophiles: Nancy Pelosi, HRC, Trump – all this stuff is submerged • and all the alphabet agencies are criminal enterprises and they are playing one-up- manship • there is something else coming in from left field which is Nibiru and there is heaven to pay!!

• Jim Langevin from Rhode Island laid it out today: Sessions knew what he was doing – has to be a full special prosecutor investigation, not of just Sessions but also 6 or 7 others all through the campaign

• Stephanie Miller, John Fugelsang yesterday said • the whole Trump administration will be gone, sooner than later • Trump has a way with people because he has people trusting no one: he knows how to make deals with the mafioso ones: there are lots of dead people in his wake – which also has been submerged. • The people waking up will be the only way to change this • there will be the lower level fighting and arguing about who does what, and all the stuff in the Middle East was planned 2000 years ago: the minut an enlightened being showed up and the Romans didn’t like it much

R: this ties in with the intergalactic races – all of us are from other places and are star seeds - we created a paradise on this planet - coming full circle T: Gotta take it higher: nothing will come of staying in this non-democratic, fascist state - Ray and Tom said there’s been too much killing on this planet! • Katrina said someone will be coming out to tell all of what they have just been talking about; T thinks it will be Patrick Fitzgerald; Rama can get no answers from his people.

Caller: T’s answer to the question about what she was reading 2017-02-08 The Zionist-Christian Alliance and the Great Deception [SEE BELOW]

• Not much air time on this: In 2005 the US congress was going to move over to the Golan Heights in Israel, and govern from there – Caller: how would that have been explained? T: Obviously, they didn’t figure that out!! Caller: Her explanation of what happened in Roman times [see above] explains current events in Middle East. T: it’s the same folks in one way or the other!!! A good Ah-Ha for us all. T: got the hit that Mr Sessions is a Judas Iscariot Caller: on AM Joy this morning, Rev Wm Barbour was trying to get Sessions to come to Peddis Bridge; comments that he was probably an archon or something, and would not change T: he’s [Sessions] an allasaurus – a large dinasour 15-20’ tall, eat raw flesh, walk on 2 hind legs like T Rex and eat a bison whole – yes, he is slimy – can run almost 45 mph • HRC is a 50’ dragon; breathes fire and fly too

Caller: Question about T Rex: nothing going on [Rex Tillerson]

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 6 / 48 T: Andrea Mitchell – went to a meeting with Rex Tillerson; was rude, would not answer, either on AM Joy or on the following program • democrats are saying that the Russians have been messing with the elections – NO EVIDENCE! NONE! Making it up as they go along. Caller: Is it both dems and reps? T: it’s both - the answers the democrats give are lies – Putin DID NOT mess with the election so people go to Trump, yet he’s tied in with the Mafioso • Roy Cohn’s name was mentioned: T reads from the article • Trump is 100% creation of the Kosher Nostra because he was created and mentored by Roy Cohn, one of the key kingpins of the KN. Trump is a front for organized crime. • Trump and the people who planned him had no ties to the heart – plotting for power, control, greed – no qualms about killing those in the way. • Trump was gene spliced from Hitler and Mussolini – they plotted for power, control, kill all in your way – this is an aberration in our society • Now higher powers are intervening – they have reached such a brain mind control thing, luring people with crassness, lewdness, money – and exemplying it in the media, movies -

• Yet there are also some outrageous movies: at the last minute, Moonlight won the Oscars – a completely black cast; dealt with the heart whatever the issue • LaLa Land was OK - a spectacular musical beginning, plot took a dive -

Caller: brings up article about Trump’s lack of money, out of Time magazine – all of his dealings • It’s never been read into the record – sent it a while ago • Time Magazine is compromised too – probably going at it from a less than neutral place Time Magazine is from AOL-Time Warner – Verizon wants to buy out AT&T, as well as Time Warner • Not the place to go: we need a better news source than Time magazine

Reading: 2017-02-08 The Zionist-Christian Alliance and the Great Deception [SEE BELOW]

Reading: 2004-06-09 The Masons and the Moors [SEE BELOW] Please listen to the commentary from both T & R as she reads this article – various kinds of insights and ideas on history.

Audio: Chris Hedges On Contact 2017-03-05 – Resistance in the age of Trump


On this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges discusses successful strategies for resistance in the age of Trump with activist and attorney, Kevin Zeese. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil looks at how Republican lawmakers are attempting to quell demonstrations across the U.S.

Reading: 2009-10-06 The Jews, the Hebrews and the Israelites: Not Your Same Old, Same Old [SEE BELOW]

ASTROLOGY – Richard [Ri]

The week ahead:

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 7 / 48 Venus: retrograde this morning; Mercury conjunct Neptune Sun: moon in Gemini squares Neptune, Mercury & the Sun; trines Jupiter at night; Mars trines Saturn Mon: moon in Cancer; sun conjuncts Mercury Tues: moon Squares Venus; trines Sun, Mercury; opposes Pluto, Squares Jupiter and Uranus Wed: moon into Leo; Mercury sextiles Pluto Thurs: moon in Leo; Mars goes into Taurus which will help calm things down March is beginning of planting season Fri: moon into Virgo in afternoon; trines Uranus and Saturn first. Sat: Moon opposite Neptune at 3 pm; Full moon is Sunday the 12th

Audio: The Pele Report 2017, March 1


click here to download/listen to the Pele Report mp3

I need to repack the trunk of this car, Before I continue this trip. For there are some things, I need to review, And some I can no longer take with.

Indeed, this is a strange week where you may feel the pull between wanting to get on with it and wanting to get out of it (at the same time)! It is very wonky wonky, bipolar energy, extreme in some cases, that pulls us in opposite directions simultaneously.

The key here, as I mention in the report, is that yes, it is time to start, to go, and move on BUT there is still a need to go through all our ¨stuff,¨ and leave the old behind.

Sorry that I mentioned the 18 to 28 degrees in the beginning and then never went into it haha! Guess you´ll have to tune in next week! In the meantime, check out the FREE webinar I´m doing this Friday CLICK HERE See you there!

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 8 / 48 Ri: hopes politicians everywhere will take a look at how they treat their people T: the people will not let the politicians get away with much • people going to town halls: a lady at Tom Cotton’s town hall said to him that removing the program would mean she had no treatment as she has a pre-existing condition – he didn’t respond to this and wanted to people to give him more questions: • everyone there stood up and told him to do his job! • lots of things happening – like “Moonlight” winning the Oscar – we can expect the unexpected!

Ri: Juno went into Capricorn around the 5th of Feb – has to do with relationships including with our governments: there until Dec/17 – • this is additional help for help with situations of injustice – • this is easy at the county level: eg, in his county, they have a jail, a sheriff’s department; 7 commissioners and a school board. When this gets to level of a State, and then to the level of a national gov’t – things then bog down due to increased layers of bureaucracy

• Pallas in in Pisces: her compassionate wisdom can be used to teach merciful justice • goes into Aries at end of March; • Ceres goddess of Agriculture: in Taurus Feb 8th until May 1st – adds earth energy; helps keep the fires down a bit • Venus goes direct on April 15th – and Mercury goes retrograde on April 9th – backs into Aries on Ap 20th and goes direct on May 3rd • Also Saturn goes retrograde on Ap 5th; Pluto around Ap 18th • we now have sun in Aries for a while yet • Vesta in in Cancer and is retrograde – started in Leo, went into Cancer on Jan 14th and goes direct on March 10th and stays in Cancer until May 8th – Vesta is the flame that burns away non-essentials - simplicity • We are on the 7th plane of creation which is the most complex plane; this is why it takes so long to change large issues of nation states & planet as a whole; true, we can’t walk away – all the Pisces energy can lead to staying in bed, relaxing, etc etc – and we need to get on with things or get left behind. • Finished reading his history of 13th century Europe, mostly of France and England: • in those days, land was held by the barons who wanted to be close to the king – when he needed money, the baron would talx the people – for a hearth, for example; a town would be taxed too if he wanted to go on a crusade or fight another baron for a piece of property • church was a big player: owned lots of land; could tax in its own right - so here are people controlling wealthy and a particular region – they were absolute rulers in their own territory: were also nuts! A knight on a horse was the way to go: a serious problem with vanity! • Today the players are governments; the people who lend them money; government land; councils; • Ri sums up much of what he had read

Reading: Oracle Report for March 4th and Sunday March 5th

CONFERENCE CALL Go to 2013 Rainbow Roundtable and look under “Archives” and go to “Audio”: here you will find the link for the conference call


Reading: T finishes an article started previously ????????????????? pacha cuta mesa tradition

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 9 / 48 • the USA will be sanctioned by the UN in September if they do not quit building pipelines and doing other exploitation of native american lands and artifacts, etc • Heartofthehealer.org – to learn more of Don Oscar’s work • Cynthia Greer is sponsoring his visit to the UK

Reading: Last part of “The Jews the Hebrews and the Israelites: not the same old, same old” • sons of Jaffa, sons of gomer - not of shem – so not true jews [SEE BELOW] • 9/10th of Jewish people – maybe closer to 100% - are not jews at all: they are Khazars

Reading: How the Hebrews Became Jews – there are mystic ties that bind the races of men

Audio: Greg Bredin – Missing Links: heart brain harmony https://www.gaia.com/video/heart-brain-harmony

Alfred Wallace, a contemporary of Charles Darwin, stated that nature never over-endows a species beyond its needs for existence. But as we will soon see, humanity is indeed genetically over-endowed. The mysterious fusion of human DNA, 200,000 years ago, did more than just produce the first anatomically modern human. It created a being with amazing abilities that are still awaiting to be awakened. Gregg Braden expounds upon the science underlying the untapped human potential, which becomes active when we learn how to help the heart and brain work in harmony. This presentation by Gregg Braden was originally webcast on March 2, 2017.

Audio: Dwarka: Atlantis of the East (FULL MOVIE) a city in India near Mumbai – part of Atlantis - a place in india that is ancient Lemurian


Published on 2 Jun 2014 http://www.ancientexplorers.com

COULD THIS FORBIDDEN ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY BENEATH THE ARABIAN SEA FORCE MANKIND TO REWRITE HISTORY? • Welcome to the home of Dwarka: Atlantis of the East. In just 54 hours, over 28,000 viewers across 7 continents uncovered answers to this ancient mystery. • DWARKA: ATLANTIS OF THE EAST THE SUBMERGED TRUTHS UNCOVERED ON A 2012 EXPEDITION TO MODERN-DAY DWARKA

• These truths, as you are about to discover, may force humankind to reconsider everything we know about historic civilizations, ancient technology, and what lies in store for our uncertain future.

IN DWARKA: ATLANTIS OF THE EAST, YOU'LL DISCOVER... • A look at the strange ancient artifacts that regularly wash up on the shores of modern-day Dwarka... and what they could mean. • Astronomical expert Dr. Narahari achar's irrefutable evidence that Dwarka could be one of the oldest civilizations in human history. • Did Dwarka possess futuristic flying machines and nuclear weapons thousands of years before the rest of the world? This compelling evidence is impossible to ignore. • Why the indian government abruptly forced the original dwarka excavation team to halt all exploration of its ruins on the arabian sea bed. • and much more.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 10 / 48 Audio: Max Keiser 2017-03-04 Episode 1040

https://www.rt.com/shows/keiser-report/379419-episode-max-keiser-1040/ Max and Stacy discuss cognitive dissonance in US stock markets. Max continues his interview with economic researcher, writer, and trend forecaster, Chris Martenson of PeakProsperity.com about “the mother of all bubbles” in US equity markets.

Audio: AM Joy and Rev Wm Barbour [Couldn’t find the segment]

Audio: The Rachel Maddow Show [SEE BELOW FOR TRANSCRIPT] why would Demetry R ak “fertilizer guy”’s jet plane show up where Trump is? 2017-03-03 MADDOW: Nice place – Concord, North Carolina. Population roughly 80,000.

Audio: from the Oscars – ending with a song by Sting

Audio: the late show with Stephen Colbert – Comedian Mo Amer Shared His Refugee Background With Eric Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QviPgC3Vmms

Published on 4 Mar 2017 The comedian riffs on his experience as a Muslim American and how it informed a conversation he had on a plane with Eric Trump.

Reading: Mahala Gayle 2017-02-24 Planet Alert March 2017 [SEE BELOW] Trump has 560 lawsuits against him at this time

Reading: The mind blowing secret behind the numbers 3, 6 and 9 is finally revealed [SEE BELOW] http://www.lifecoachcode.com/2016/10/11/the-secret-behind-3-6-9-revealed/


Music: This we have now – Rumi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O1XFScTFUQ

This we have now is not imagination.

This is not grief or joy.

Not a judging state, or an elation, or sadness.

Those come and go.

This is the presence

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 11 / 48 that doesn't.

It's dawn, Husam, here in the splendor of coral, inside the Friend, the simple truth of what Hallaj said.

What else could human beings want?

When grapes turn to wine, they're wanting this.

When the nightsky pours by, it's really a crowd of beggars, and they all want some of this!

This that we are now created the body, cell by cell, like bees building a honeycomb.

The human body and the universe grew from this, not this from the universe and the human body.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 12 / 48 INFORMATION RELATED TO THE NOTES

2017-02-08 The Zionist-Christian Alliance and the Great Deception By Kevin Barrett http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/02/08/zio-christian/

“O you who know in your hearts, do not take the [Jews and Christians] as friends…” (5:51) With those words, Shaykh Imran Hosein explains, the Qur’an warns us against the psychotic heresy known as “Judeo-Christianity” — the prime force behind the Zionist invasion, occupation, and genocidal destruction of the Holy Land. The Satanic “unholy book” of “Judeo-Christianity” is the Scofield Bible, commissioned by the Rothschilds, published by Oxford University Press, and attributed to a two-bit swindler who could barely scratch his name in mud with a stick. Tens of millions of Americans belong to this satanic cult. Some of them are currently very close to Trump, and have their sulfurous fingers around the nuclear trigger. So please read the article below by Tony Smario, and don’t say we didn’t warn you. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 13 / 48 The Zionist-Christian Alliance and the Great Deception by Tony Smario (listen to him live on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio Friday, February 10th – schedule here, archived here)

There is a war starting, but it’s not one of the wars we are being told about. The plans for this war may be a hundred years old or more, and they provide the path by which the “Great Work” of returning humankind to its Golden Age may be achieved. This is World War Three, the Apocalypse, Armageddon. And it promises to come on the heels of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

Observation #1 – A Strange Alliance

There is something remarkable, and telling, in the fanatical unity of the Judeo-Christian alignment over the past hundred years. Remarkable, because these two religions have no way to reconcile their theological differences: one waits for a future “messiah”; one blames the other for killing the “messiah” more than 2,000 years ago. The two make an all the more unexpected pair considering the Christians were originally persecuted by the Jews, whose holy writings in the Talmud reject Jesus as a bastard who is boiling in hot excrement for eternity, whereas Christianity went on to persecute the Jews mercilessly for killing their messiah, while warning everyone that if you don’t believe in Jesus you’re going to hell forever. What’s telling, then, is that Western Christianity is so committed to Zionism that it undertakes extraordinary political and social machinations to preserve the union. In the seventh century, the two were united by the loss, to Islam, of the “holy land,” which they both held sacred, and by the loss of the city at the center of their religious history. Today, they are united by ancient prophecies about the arrival of the messiah, the end of the age, and the kingdom to come.

That land and city were mandated to “Christians” more than a hundred years ago in the Sykes- Picot Agreement of 1915, which put modern-day Syria and Lebanon under French jurisdiction, with Iraq and Palestine under British jurisdiction. England disregarded the agreement it had made with Hashemite king Faisal I of Iraq (1883–1933) to support him in establishing a Muslim caliphate in that land (i.e., Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia) after asking the Hashemites to help the British defeat the Ottomans in World War One, which they did. Instead of a caliphate, the Muslims were eventually divided into puppet governments like those that exist today and, at that time, faced the birth of “radical Islam” in the newly created Kingdom of Saud, founded and supported by the same British government that had just double-crossed the Hashemites. It is worth observing that the current Hashemite king (of Jordan) has made it clear that he expects England to make good on its word to help establish a Hashemite caliphate on that land, and ISIS is not what he envisions.

While Britain and France were dividing up the Middle East and screwing the Hashemites, in 1917 British foreign secretary Arthur James Balfour declared in a letter to Walter Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, that England intended to help establish a Jewish homeland on the piece of land called Palestine. The Jewish holocaust had not yet occurred, but this empire that had subdued the world for Christianity declared that it wanted to give the “holy land” to future generations of Jews in order to help them perpetuate their rejection of Jesus as the messiah and enable them to await the true messiah in their renewed homeland. Who thought this was such a good idea in Christian England in 1917, and why? Who would pay for the creation of Israel? I will

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 14 / 48 attempt to put the answers to these questions in perspective in the following observations about where all the money and political pressure to create the State of Isreal came from, and continues to come from, and to what end.

History records that thirty years after the Balfour Declaration, in the wake of the atrocities of World War Two, a new organization called the United Nations established the State of Israel in Palestine, the immediate result being war with its Muslim neighbors, who had been living side by side with Jews for a millennium until the sudden, hostile occupation of their land. The wars continued for thirty years, and then an international “peace process” was begun that continues to this day. The peace process has resulted in the death of untold millions, the demise of stable governments, and the near destruction of the region and much of the culture. It is easily observed that the entire pretense for the current wars in the Middle East, and for the continuing threat of “terrorism,” is based on lies and underwritten by Zionist-Christian money.

The final point in this first observation is that the Muslims of that land, as well as orthodox Muslims everywhere in all corners of the globe, still on the losing end of this hundred-year-old agreement by the Hashemites to help the British defeat the Ottomans, are the ONLY other people on the planet, besides Christians, who believe Jesus is the true messiah of the Jews, and they are currently awaiting His return in fulfillment of their scriptures. Keep that in mind.

Observation #2 – Follow the Money

Why did Walter Rothschild want a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, why did England pledge its support in the Balfour Declaration, and what kind of support did England provide? A couple years earlier, England was in a bad spot in the war with Germany, and it seemed as though the English would lose their country. Rothschild had promised to get the United States involved on the side of the British IF England gave Palestine to Rothschild. History has recorded, though journalism rarely does, that the financing FOR Germany in World War One was also supplied by Rothschild’s banking cartel. The Rothschilds would go on to own 80 percent of the land comprising the State of Israel three decades later, according to some records.

The Rothschilds’ financial exploits and methods are well documented, including loaning money to both sides of a conflict or funding a war to drive one side to compliance, as in the War of 1812. The French Revolution, in 1789, was the coming-out party of this mode of financial terrorism, which was destined to rule the world from then til now. In this second observation, we notice where the money was flowing a hundred years ago, when the United States was brought into World War One, so unpopular with its citizens, and instigated under methods of intrigue and propaganda familiar to every military conflict since.

In 1913, after a hundred-year struggle against an obstinately aware Congress, the Federal Reserve banking system was formerly institutionalized in the United States, with no doubt regarding the system’s origins and benefactors. In 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated, prompting European powers to go to war, including Russia, with Rothschild money supplying both sides of the conflict. In 1915 the Lusitania was sunk, the event designed to drag America into the war that the Rothschilds had promised England the United States would enter. Also in 1915 the Sykes-Picot Agreement was signed, dividing the Muslim Middle East into French and English mandates, financed by the Bank of England, which was owned by the Rothschilds, and

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 15 / 48 forcing the British to double-cross the Hashemites regarding their caliphate and Muslim self- determination on that land. In 1917 the Balfour Declaration was sent to Lord Rothschild in recognition of England’s intent to “support” the establishment of a Jewish homeland. This was shortly after political Zionism began in response to “anti-Semitism,” which itself arrived mysteriously in history without precedent in 1894 in France in what is known as the Dreyfus Affair and unexpectedly in Russia, Poland, and Bulgaria at the end of the nineteenth century as well. Lord Rothschild happened to be president of the British Zionist Federation at the time of the Balfour Declaration.

Something else happened in 1917 that was clearly financed by the same Rothschild money responsible for the Federal Reserve system in America and that was behind the intention to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine: the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Why did Zionist Rothschild want the czar replaced, and why with “communists”? Of all the possible answers to that question, the one central to this second observation is the one least recognized or understood in popular culture. The RESULT of the communist revolution was the unending genocide of one particular type of people for nearly a century: orthodox Christians. It was Christian Russia that sought the ancient orthodox Christian land of what is today called Turkey, and its strategic city of Constantinople, during World War One. Christian Russia might have stood against Rothschild’s Zionism. The Rothschild-funded Bolshevik Revolution made sure that wouldn’t happen. And it did something else in preparation for the future war that the third observation makes clearer: it set Christians up as future enemies of Islam, when Western Christianity became one with the Zionists, who require ever more weaponry, pointed at their Arab neighbors, for “security.”

I will finish this second observation by noting that the Rothschilds’ agents drafted the terms of the treaty with Germany after World War One and that those terms were designed to provide the conditions for World War Two. The Rothschilds’ money also funded Morgan, Rockefeller, Herriman, Carnegie, Ford, and like industrialists, through Jacob Schiff, who in turn supplied Hitler with the money, and technology, to fight the war and to create slave labor camps, which benefited the industrialists. But why did Zionist Rothschild want slave labor camps in Germany for Jews and a war with the Allies? War had already proven grossly profitable, but were the wars intended only to provoke nations to borrow in order to fight them? Or could a war be planned to do more than sell debt?

In 1811 when the American Congress had voted to throw the Rothschild-funded banks out of the country, Nathan Rothschild famously said, “Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself in a most disastrous war.” That war began the following year in response to the obstinate refusal of the American Congress to renew the Rothschilds’ bank charter.

Until the terms of the Versailles Treaty created the conditions for World War Two, the country where Jews enjoyed the most peaceful and integrated existence anywhere in Europe was Germany. The Zionist plan from at least 1901 was to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, but Palestine was full of Palestinian Arabs, not Jews. Europe was full of Jews living happily and safely. The question was how to get the Jews to WANT to leave Europe and immigrate to a new and strange land. We know the answer as “World War Two,” and it was funded by the same people who gave us the Federal Reserve system in America, political Zionism, the Jewish homeland, the Bolshevik Revolution, and Nazi Germany, not to mention the Cultural Revolution in China. After

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 16 / 48 World War Two, Rothschild money was behind the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, as it had been behind the League of Nations decades earlier. Shortly afterward, in 1948, the United Nations created the State of Israel, and the so-called “Judeo-Christian alliance” was inseparably forged. Meanwhile, the same Rothschild money was funding the “radicalization” of Islam. What have the Zionist-Christian elite got in mind for the future?

Observation #3 – The Hegelian Dialectic

In 1769 Mayer Amschel Rothschild “became a court agent for Prince William IX of Hesse-Kassel, who was the grandson of George II of England, a cousin to George III, a nephew of the King of Denmark, and a brother-in-law to the King of Sweden.”[1] Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s creation of the Illuminati via Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria in 1776, on the heels of Rothschild’s association with Prince William IX, points to a more profound web of control over future events than the whims of one man or one family, particularly given reports of the Illuminati’s agenda:

The purpose of the Illuminati is to divide the goyim (all non-Jews) through political, economic, social, and religious means. The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst themselves; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other.”[2]

The aim was to divide and conquer by infiltrating the religions and every other spectrum of humanity. The plan was, over time, to arm each side with ideals that were hostile to one another and to promote violent confrontation, including the ever-advancing weaponry needed to achieve the most offensive violations of moral conduct and the most ruthless and efficient taking of life. The media were to be used to pit one side against the other and to program humanity to accept war as an eventuality and “religions” as the cause. “Terrorists” were to be created and fought. All of this was a classic application of what has become known as the “Hegelian dialectic.” Meanwhile, any number of depopulation and eugenic programs have been administered under the cover of “humanitarianism,” and the average citizen is helpless, hopeless, ignorant, and impotent to interfere.

Our current state of affairs fits the strategy supposedly outlined by General Albert Pike in 1871, which called for three world wars to achieve world dominance. Recall the power that had been wielded sixty years before Pike provided his strategy when England was forced into a war with the obstinate United States over renewing the Rothschilds’ bank charter. And observe the statue of General Pike just blocks from the Capitol building In Washington, the only confederate general so honored. The accuracy of Pike’s “predictions” regarding the first two world wars demands attention to the third. The control displayed in the past hundred years over media, politics, education, medicine, justice, and the weather indicates that popular narratives are highly subject to propaganda and manipulation. Observe also the slogan of the State of Israel’s secret service, – “By Deception We Shall Rule and Do War” – and ask yourself what deception has gone on over the past sixty-five years during a constant state of war in Palestine. Terrorizing the Arabs while creating and blaming Arabs for ongoing acts of “terrorism” is an observable possibility.

The great deception is this: the Zionists intend to use religious prophecy to dominate the world by reclaiming the “promised land,” by rebuilding Solomon’s Temple, by REPLACING the messiah according to a perverted interpretation of Jewish scripture called the Talmud, and by ensuring their perpetual reign forever through superior

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 17 / 48 military force. What remains in the way of Pike’s strategy of 1871? Only the remnants of orthodox religion, namely Christians, Muslims, AND orthodox Jews. Each of these groups has pointed out the Zionist lie from the beginning and was undoubtedly targeted during World War Two, as orthodox Christians have been continuously targeted for a hundred years.

The desire to eliminate orthodox Jews explains Britain’s “white paper” of 1939, in which it suddenly withdrew its support conveyed in the Balfour Declaration by prohibiting European Jews from immigrating to Palestine until AFTER World War Two and the Jewish holocaust had largely fulfilled the task of eradicating a certain population of Jews, most likely those with Semitic connections to Palestine, and instilling the rest with fear of “anti-Semitism.” Only then did Britain facilitate their return to Palestine in order to repopulate it with “Jews” seeking a homeland, then a state, and eventually a temple, all paid for by American “Christian” industrialists, originally reimbursed by the Nazi slave labor camps they knowingly funded.

Lastly, observe how the United Nations, formed in 1945 on the basis of ELIMINATING armed conflict, has managed instead to mold a modern world where the largest market is weapons, the largest industry is war, and the ONLY way conflicts are settled is through advanced weaponry and superior military alliances. For what reason has a Zionist-Christian alignment created this reality if not to ensure the (new world) order that its overseers plan to create from the ashes of chaos?

Despite being obscured by a sea of distractions, the end game has only three observable goals, on which all action is focused: a centrally controlled and universal electronic monetary system, a far less populated “new world” upon which to impose “order,” and a final temple in Jerusalem from which to rule the world forever.

Therefore, on the one hand, if I’m funding “radical Islam” with Zionist-Christian money, if I’m building Zionist-Christian weapons to bring the world peace and security but I’m not giving them to certain Arabs, and if I’m planning to rebuild Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem and to rule the world forever, then all I have to do is create an excuse for the Zionists to kill certain Arabs, while making a “peace deal” with the other Arabs (which I will later break), a deal that includes my new temple on their hill. And since Muslims themselves also expect a final “great war,” the decimation of Islam, and the emergence of their true “Mahdi” at the time of the return of the true messiah of the Jews, who they regard as Jesus of Nazareth, it is imaginable that Muslims will be easily led into colluding in their own demise.

On the other hand, if I want to start a war that kills all the Zionists and Christians, I need another enemy, one that I will have to provide with sufficient weapons for it to be able to do just that. Among this enemy, I will have to introduce, foster, and fund every anti-Christian-Zionist ideal so that when the peace deal over the temple is broken, someone can be drawn into a war over it. I’m thinking of Russia, China, and their friend Iran, joined by a host of others. By that time, the excuse for world war may not be the new temple in Jerusalem and the Zionist-Christian fight with Islam but economic existence in the new world. It is not hard to observe the future financial conflict being set up and the eerie possibility of a complete collapse of the money system, as anticipated by ancient prophecy … but that’s a different story.

Tony Smario has decades of experience interpreting eschatology with a unique voice. You can find him at the channel BroSal.org on YouTube, where he provides weekly commentary on geopolitical

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 18 / 48 events and a nontraditional Bible study demonstrating the false understandings of modern Christianity.


[1] David Allen Rivera, “The House of Rothschild,” in Jefferey Trent McGill, White Darkness: The Financial Apocalypse, 21-26 (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2005), 21.

[2] Andrew Hitchcock, “The History of the House of Rothschild,” Rense.com, October 31, 2009, http://rense.com/general88/hist.htm.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 19 / 48 2016-12-02 The Judeo-Russian Mafia – From the Gulag to to World Domination By Ian Greenhalgh http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/12/02/the-judeo-russian-mafia-from- the-gulag-to-brooklyn-to-world-domination/

[Editor’s note: The Judeo-Russian Zionist mafia AKA the Kosher Nostra has come a long way in the last century. They came to America from the Russian Empire, largely penniless, and through their extraordinary ruthlessness and murderous ambition, came to dominate organised crime in the USA and Canada to such an extent that by the mid 20th century, they WERE organised crime in north America.

Donald Trump is 100% a creation of the Kosher Nostra, which should be abundantly obvious from the single fact that he was created and mentored by Roy Cohn, one of the kingpins of the Kosher Nostra; further digging into Trump’s business dealings show that everyone he has done business with, from the NYC mafia families to Felix Sater and the Brighton Beach Russian mafia is part of the organised crime cabal.

Trump is nothing more than a frontman for organised crime; that is why he is now loading up his cabinet with representatives of the various arms of the Judeo-Zionist organised crime cabal, be they Israeli stooges like Steve Bannon (a Netanyahu puppet) or traitorous military yes-men who serve Jewish high finance like Gen. Petraeus.

The Kosher Nostra got their man into office, they had to call in a favour from their associates in Russia to do so, but now it’s been achieved, the future looks extremely grim for the USA. The last time a major world power fell into the grasp of the Judeo-Zionist mob was in 1917 when the Bolsheviks (a bunch of Jewish thugs and killers) seized control of the Russian Empire. Over a hundred million dead Russians later and the country is still recovering from the damage done. Ian]

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 20 / 48 The Judeo-Russian Mafia

From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Domination The Barnes Review, Aug 03, 2013 by A.J. MacDonald, Jr.

While the FBI and major media obsess about the Sicilian Mafia (the “Cosa Nostra”) a far more powerful and sinister force is in existence that has controlled most of the globe’s organized crime for at least two decades—the Jewish mafia from Russia (a “Kosher Nostra”). Yet there is not even a desk at the FBI for their crimes, which dwarf those of the Italian gangsters in scope, violence and depth…


The investigative stories of Robert I. Friedman (1951-2002) appeared from the early 1980s. Allegedly, he died of a tropical blood disease. But many had their doubts and believed he was poisoned. The daring Jewish journalist made headlines exposing politicians, bankers and mobsters who preyed on the powerless. The ADL maligned him, death threats poured in, and he was badly beaten by West Bank thugs. Friedman warned the FBI of the threat posed by the first World Trade Center bombers and delivered vital reports on the long arms of the Russian Jewish mafia, which offered $100,000 to have him killed.

On April 28, 2002, a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary, Gen. Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene.

Almost immediately, the international press blamed “heavy fog” for the incident. However, at the time, every member of the Russian military was convinced the death of Lebed was no accident, but rather another hit by the international Jewish mafia, an organization that had long since taken control over much of Russia’s economy.

Lebed, likely the most popular man in Russia at the time, was going to build a national socialist empire—possibly with Chinese assistance based on the massive oil and mineral wealth of the region. Had he succeeded, world history could have changed, and the 21st century would look very different.

Prior to that, dozens of anti-Zionists in Russia had been murdered by car bombs or other devices, while none of the cases was ever solved. Only a handful was even investigated. The very fact that the Jewish mafia (often misnamed the “Russian” mafia) was capable of completely covering its tracks, being completely left out of all news reports surrounding the incident, while the common people (in Russia) were utterly convinced of their complicity, proves the immense strength of this rather new movement of organized crime.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 21 / 48 The Jewish mafia is nothing like their Irish or Italian predecessors in its American or European operations. They are richer, more international in scope, and far more violent and ruthless. They kill children. They kill policemen and their families. They kill whomever they like. There has been nothing like it before in the history of the globe. And they are just getting started.

The major figure in uncovering the web of secrecy that surrounds the Jewish mafia was a journalist named Robert I. Friedman, who died at an early age from a “tropical disease.” He has interviewed the major figures in this underground and has uncovered their hiding spots and plans. After his book on the subject was published, major mafia leaders put a bounty on his head.

The “Russian” mafia knows that it can kill with impunity, and, given their cozy relationship with European and American intelligence agencies, their immunity from real prosecution will only get more pronounced. Friedman’s work is breathtaking in scope, and this essay will cite him extensively, especially his book Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America.

Friedman is not afraid to state the obvious, namely, that the entire “Russian” mafia is Jewish, without exception, and that they have used this as a shield to deflect criticism. This shield has permitted them to grow and prosper. Further, Friedman is also not afraid to admit that Jewish organizations throughout the world, led by the Anti-Defamation League, are the beneficiaries of largesse coming from organized crime, and that the organizations in question are aware of it. In other words, Jewish organized crime is considered an acceptable part of Jewish life, and that Jewish organizations have actually lobbied law enforcement to stop investigations into this phenomenon, almost always with success.

The confirmation of Zionist Michael Chertoff, to the post as chief of Homeland Security guarantees that Jewish organized crime in America will not be at the receiving end of the many stings that have targeted the Italian Mafia. The roots of Jewish organized crime, it is said, go far back into tsarist times. Organized crime syndicates assisted Lenin’s gangs in bank robberies and the creation of general mayhem. During the so- called revolution, it was difficult, sometimes impossible, to distinguish between Bolshevik ideologues and Jewish organized crime syndicates. They acted in nearly an identical manner. However, in more modern times, they seem to have had their roots in the waning days of the stagnant USSR under Leonid Brezhnev.

General Alexander Lebed, a real Russian hero and patriot. He first rose to prominence during the 1991 coup attempt when he refused orders to storm the White House and capture Yeltsin.

By the late 1970s, the Russian economy was driven by the black market, and the early stages of the Jewish mafia were involved in this black underground. In fact, the Russian socialist economy would have collapsed much sooner if it had not been propped up by the extensive black economy. Soon, the rulers of the black market became so powerful they were able to form their own “people’s courts,” which dispensed “justice” completely apart from the Soviet state, and away from its control.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 22 / 48 Many of these black marketeers had been recently released from the gulag system of prison camps in an earlier era for their black market activities, and the toughness that was required to survive these dungeons served this new criminal elite very well (Friedman, 9). The black market acted as a safety valve for the Soviet state for decades, making all estimations of the strength of the Soviet economy subject to speculation. The black market provided many goods and services the overextended Soviet system could not provide. In the gulag, they had formed brotherhoods, much like blacks and Hispanics currently do today in prison.

They formed Jewish bunds that, upon release, served to create deep bonds that exist today, maintaining a highly secretive organization almost impossible to deal with or penetrate. Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson’s famous bill, the Jackson-Vanick law, linked Soviet trade privileges to the treatment of Soviet Jews. It was a bill lobbied heavily for by American Jewish organizations. And while non-Jews could not emigrate from Russia, Jews could. Quickly, the KGB took this opportunity to dump its hardcore criminals into the United States, many who were Jewish, as conservatives cheered, believing, naively as usual, to have scored a major victory against the USSR. Much of the Jewish mafia’s penetration into the United States came as a result of these Soviet “boat lifts,” which were partially financed by groups such as the ADL or the Hebrew Aid Society.

Given the substantial nature of the black market and the Soviet criminal underground, and its exclusively Jewish character, it is difficult to believe that the Jewish groups who were financing the immigration of Russian Jews to America were unaware of the connections of many of the new arrivals. Regardless, much of the money earmarked for immigration to Israel was pocketed by the mafia and redirected to settling Jews in —the New Promised Land. Marat Balagula was one of these. A major Jewish crime figure, he bought a restaurant in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, named it the Odessa (a major port city in Ukraine), and quickly converted it into a central recruiting base for mobsters.

It was also closely linked with Zionist agencies in the area, including the women’s group Hadassah, who used the establishment for meetings and fund raising dinners (Friedman, 17). This restaurant also became the seat of real political power in Brooklyn for, in the upstairs part of the establishment, Balagula and other Jewish mobsters would convene the “People’s Courts,” and their word was (and is) law.

Ordinary courts in the area could not hope to compete with the mobsters, well protected by powerful Jewish groups within the city and the municipal government itself. These courts, controlled by the Jewish mob, were more powerful and acted more quickly than the regular municipal courts of . Balagula had created a state within a state. The Italian gangs in New York didn’t know what hit them. Public executions and torturings were common in Brooklyn, and in broad daylight. Often, public murders would happen for the tiniest offenses, or to prove one’s toughness. While the Italians were very cautious and deliberate, the Jewish mob was flamboyant and gratuitously violent. Yuri Brokhin, another Jewish mobster who had already made a name for himself in America, and Balagula were heavily into stealing diamonds from jewelry stores and replacing them with cheap fakes.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 23 / 48 At one incident, narrated by Friedman, the pair pulled such a scam in Chicago, and was caught at the airport with $175,000. As it turns out, the duo was seen by a Jewish security guard in Chicago’s O’Hare Airport wearing their phony Hassidic garb on the eve of Yom Kippur, when Jews are strictly forbidden to travel. This sloppiness got them caught.

The duo was convicted but, as proof of the power of the Jewish mafia, they both got off without a jail sentence, having committed major grand larceny, among other crimes. Of course, Friedman does not speculate as to why this would be, since a major felony such as this often carried sentences over 20 years. Both Brokhin and Balagula were criminals in the USSR, and were able to transfer their wealth to America via Zionist and “charitable” organizations of Jewry.

A major connection between the halls of American political power and the Jewish mafia is the Ronald Greenwald. He knowingly did business with con artists and mafia figures, and used his major political connections to shield them. Greenwald was a major player in CREEP, the re-election campaign for in 1972. Greenwald was used heavily by Nixon and other Republicans to gain the Jewish vote, which he doubled for Nixon during that election (Friedman, 31) in the state of New York.

Soon, the rabbi was given a post as an “advisor” to Nixon on “Jewish poverty programs,” a post which certainly made some snicker at the time, though it was clear that Nixon owed Greenwald, and the rabbi made quick use of his new-found powers. He used his power to protect the mafia’s bilking of Medicaid programs and other crimes that were never investigated by the authorities. His post as head of the “Jewish poverty” initiative permitted him to shield those involved with such financial scams, as well as call off any and all FBI investigations of his friends. Part of the rise of Jewish mafia groups was the protection afforded it by Greenwald’s political connections.

Greenwald was also instrumental in protecting , a billionaire Jewish investor with mob ties. Rich, a major player in the Clinton administration, swindled investors out of billions. Nothing was done, again, though negative media treatment against Rich was permitted largely because he did do business with Iran, and thus was considered a traitor by his fellow Jews. Eventually, Clinton pardoned Rich in a much-publicized case, and Rich is now free. Jewish mafia investors all but took over Las Vegas, also with the political protection and patronage of Greenwald.

Some years back, a movie was released called Casino, starring Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci. Concerning itself with the takeover of Las Vegas, the film depicted Mr. Rothstein (played by the Jewish DeNiro) as the suave and successful entrepreneur, and Pesci as the typical Italian wiseguy, brash and insolent. Of course, the purpose of the movie was to absolve Jewish organized crime and transfer all blame to Italian mobsters. The opposite was true. Balagula, before taking over Jewish mafia interests in the United States, acted as a mob functionary for the KGB. In his very own words, Balagula said that the “KGB gave him visas, no problem” (Friedman, 44) and was instrumental in sending him stolen art and jewels, which he sold to foreign tourists. The KGB also set him up as head of the largest food co-op in Ukraine, a position he quickly turned into a major black market operation with the blessings of the KGB. Near the end of the Cold War, members of the KGB viewed the Jewish crime syndicate as a source of possible new jobs for them after the old system was destroyed. So not only did they have the

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 24 / 48 patronage of the American political establishment under Greenwald, but also the decaying intelligence apparatus of the USSR as well.

Semion Mogilevich

BOOTLEGGING What needs to be kept in mind about the bootlegging operation is that it was never small time. Nothing the Jewish mob did was ever small. This operation was multinational in scope. They had a fleet of massive oil tankers, tanker trucks and hundreds of gasoline stations and distributorships, all owned by Jews loyal to the mob. Balagula had created a massive mafia empire leading from North Africa to Saudi Arabia to Venezuela to Brooklyn. The Jewish mobsters developed an infrastructure within the oil trade that made them invincible.

Mafia influence is substantial in the price of oil, as well as acting as the occasional go-between between the Mossad and Arab oil-producing sheikdoms. No one of substance was ever brought to justice. With all the power that the Jewish mob has amassed, they are merely a pimple on the back of the master of them all, and a man who truly controls much of the globe.

There is no one on Earth more powerful than he, and, as per usual, he remains unknown, left out of all press and television reports on the subject. The CIA considers him a “grave threat ”to global security and the “ world’s most dangerous man” (Friedman). The fact that he remains almost unknown shows the power of the Zionist-controlled media and their relentless drive to suppress all investigation into Jewish crime. He has created a massive, global communications network and employs hundreds of Ph.D.s in computer science, physics and economics to run his massive financial empire. He has penetrated every stock exchange in the world and controls much of the trading therein. He was also the mastermind of the largest money-laundering scheme in U.S. history, “washing” $7 billion through the Bank of New York, which is a major branch of the Federal Reserve and his bank of choice.

His name is Semion Mogilevich, born in 1946. Basing his first operations in Israel, where he fleeced Jewish refugees from Russia, Mogilevich acquired Hungarian citizenship after making the comment that the biggest problem with Israel is that there are “too many Jews there.” However, he single-handedly controls the brothels in Israel, where Ukrainian and Russian girls are forced into sexual slavery. This is legal in Israel if the girls are non-Jews.

The name of Mogilevich has been left out of every report on the phenomenon in Israel, Ukraine or the United States. Mogilevich also controls the vodka trade in Russia and Central Europe. Most ominously, Mogilevich has bought Hungary’s armaments industry. In other words, he controls the military equipment being manufactured in Hungary. He has his own army, artillery, mechanized infantry, anti aircraft guns and missiles of all types. NATO has said that he is a “threat to the stability of Europe,” though his name remains little known. This mobster is militarily more powerful than many

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 25 / 48 European countries. He has nuclear weapons from the former Warsaw Pact countries and is presently trading with various governments and providing them with nuclear technology.

He has agents in the intelligence agencies of all European countries, which means that he may never be prosecuted, for he is made aware of any pending investigation into his activities, which quickly gets quashed. German television reported that the German intelligence service, the BND, had entered into secret negotiations with Mogilevich whereby the latter would supply information on his rivals in Russia. He has a similar arrangement with French intelligence. He has close connections to the Mossad, which destroyed his criminal file (Friedman, 245-247).

Therefore he is immune to prosecution and travels freely. He controls the black market from Central Europe to Russia. He has a Rockefeller connection as well, as his main economics advisor, Igor Fisherman, was a consultant to Chase Manhattan Bank. Friedman writes, concerning the Fed and its relations to Mogilevich: “While the bank has not been charged with any wrongdoing, some investigators believe that the money laundering could not have taken place unless senior bank officials were bought off or otherwise involved “(259).

When the Justice Department began a criminal investigation into Mogilevich (which went nowhere), he accused the Department of an “anti-Semitic conspiracy.” George W. Bush’s professed mentor, , has long and deep ties to organized crime. The Congress, State Department, and the CIA all have lengthy dossiers on Sharansky, who acted as a bridge between the Republican Party and Jewish thugs in a similar manner to Rabbi Greenwald. Sharansky, knowing his power, simply refused to sever his ties with organized crime, infusing the Jewish mafia into the highest echelons of the Bush administration. A pattern emerges in relation to the Republican Party: Russian Jews usually pose as “anti-Communists.”

They did this partially because they had been arrested by security services for their black market activities, but also because this posture would make them valuable to Republican operatives and the Beltway “conservative movement.” Their reputations as “dissidents” protected them almost as much as their religion. Because of this, George W.’s father also refused to cooperate with several investigations into Russian mob activities in Switzerland. The CIA has commented that there is no “major Russian mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport,” but the Israeli state refuses to take any action against the gangsters.

Yitzhak Rabin was the one exception, and met with Mossad figures, as well as Shin Bet and Israel’s FBI, to combat organized crime, believing that it could destabilize Israel. Within a few days, he was murdered. His successor, Shimon Peres, shelved the recommendations formulated under Rabin, where they collect dust to this day.

CAUSES It might be worthwhile to delve into some of the causes of this phenomenon. Why the Jews? It is true that many culture groups have engaged in ethnic based organized crime, but it seems only the Italians get frequently mentioned. Today, Chechen, Hispanic and Albanian gangs are growing in power, but none has come close to being even a footnote to the Jewish clans. Few people in the FBI, CIA or DEA speak Hebrew or Yiddish. Some Jewish mobsters go back and forth between languages, including Russian, so as to make themselves more indecipherable.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 26 / 48 The power of the Jewish gangs is wielded more ruthlessly than any other criminal gang. Jewish mobsters enjoy inflicting pain, they murder children as well as unarmed men and women. The old code of honor among Irish and Italian gangsters is nonexistent. These old-time mobsters would only kill another mobster. The Jewish gangs have no regard for these rules, and thus are more feared. The sheer arrogance of the Jewish gangsters and their outrageous self-assurance have allowed their “competition” among the Italian gangs to take a very cautious stance toward their Jewish counterparts.

The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel. Israel does not consider these to be crimes, again, so long as the victims are non-Jews. The mafia proved its power in the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. The Israeli state will not extradite its citizens to non- Jewish countries, and, therefore, Jewish murderers can quite easily escape punishment in Israel. The unique situation in the former USSR, and the fact that Jews predominated in the Soviet bureaucracy, provides another link in the rise of the mafia.

Jews predominated in the earlier and more primitive black market in Russia, and thus these groups were physically more ready to take advantage of the crisis in Russia beginning in the mid- 1980s. Jewish organized crime, connected to both the KGB and Mossad, automatically had the skids greased to remain off the radar screen for allied intelligence agencies. George W.’s father refused to cooperate with several investigations into Russian mob activities in Switzerland.

The CIA has commented that there is no “major Russian mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport.” Likely the most important factor is the complete control of the media by Jewish families and the power of the ADL in American culture. The power of the Jews in America is so great that any serious investigation into Jewish crime will see shrill attacks from every major media outlet in America. In terms of public relations, it is just not worth it. Therefore, one will see a television program like The Sopranos about Italian mobsters, but one will never see the same program featuring Jewish mobsters.

WHAT CAN BE DONE? There is very little that can be done at this time. There is every reason to believe that soon, nationalists and Revisionists will be targeted by Jewish criminals with strong ties to the Mossad. The fate of the west is being decided in Moscow, not in Washington, D.C.or New York. Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to continue to centralize power in his own person. His elimination of provincial governors was meant primarily as a crime fighting campaign, as local governors were making peace with the crime bosses.

Putin also needs to continue to reform the military and security services, making them more and more loyal to the new Russian order. Putin should begin publicly drawing attention to the global power of the bosses and the connivance of western powers in their rise and present prosperity. The ruble should be made non-convertible (so as to prevent its manipulation by crime bosses in the currency markets), and a strong Sino-Slavic trading bloc needs to be solidified. Police work in Russia is now a rough business.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 27 / 48 Poorly paid policemen need to be supplemented by local militias to begin direct and militant confrontations with organized crime and corruption wherever it might arise. Putin has the popularity and the power to create a major security bloc against organized crime, as well as capitalist imperialism. Russian banks need to come under state control, and be purged of all criminal elements.

Furthermore, the church, currently the second most popular institution in Russia after Putin, needs to place its powerful seal on the development of a mob-free Russia, and call on all Russians to repent and begin building a nationalist and communitarian system. Agriculture and the village commune should receive government support to repopulate the countryside, making Russia self- sufficient in food. And, of course, Russia’s extremely important and strategic oil and natural gas reserves need to be protected by interior ministry troops and placed under government control if need be.

Putin, the nationalists, and the church have tremendous popularity and influence. This capital should be spent on developing a nationalist system dedicated to purging Russia of Jewish-inspired crime, imperialism, depopulation and liberalism. He is already moving in this direction, and Russian economic growth and a low inflation and unemployment rate are its fruits.

ENDNOTE: This article is based chiefly on: Robert I. Friedman, Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America, 288 pages,hardcover, Little, Brown; May 1, 2000; mass market paperback publisher: Berkley Publishing Group (2002). Other books of similar interest:

• Russian Mafia in America: Immigration, Culture, and Crime by James O. Finckenauer; • Comrade Criminal: Russia’s New Mafiya, by Stephen Handelman; • Godfather of the Kremlin: The Decline of Russia in the Age of Gangster Capitalism by Paul Klebnikov; • Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State, by David Satter.

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2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 28 / 48 2004-06-09 The Masons and the Moors By davidjones http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/the-masons-and- the-moors By MEHMET SABEHEDDIN

The origins of Freemasonry – as would be expected of such a “venerable secret society” – are shrouded in myth, legend and almost impenetrable obscurity. Since at least the late 18th century, Masonic writers have sought to establish a link between the Knights Templar and the Freemasons. Freemasonic lore and symbols have been traced to ancient Egypt and Phoenicia. Yet, despite all the books and articles exploring Freemasonry published over the last hundred years, there is one area that has not received attention. It concerns Freemasonry’s debt to Islamic mysticism and a shadowy tradition connecting the Masons with the Moors of North Africa.

Moorish Science

The involvement of Freemasons in the establishment of the United States of America is well documented. In fact, Masons featured so prominently in drafting the American Declaration of Independence that many people believed it a thoroughly ‘Masonic project’. Not only George Washington but also the US founding fathers Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were high- degree Masons. Masonry had a profound influence on the formation of American society, but there was also another secret power which has gone completely unnoticed.

The Kingdom of Morocco under the leadership of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, known as King Mohammed III, was the first country in the world to recognise the United States of America as an independent nation in 1777. This historic act by the North African Muslim kingdom highlights the relationship then existing between America’s Masonic leaders and the Moors. Before exploring this strange connection further, we need to understand the part played by the Moors in the transmission of knowledge to Europe.

Moor is the classical name in Europe of the Muslim people of North Africa. In Spain, where Muslims ruled for over five hundred years, Arabs are still called Moros. The term “Moor” came to be synonymous with “Muslim” in many contexts; for example, the Muslim communities in the Philippines are known to this day as Moros. The Supreme Wisdom of the Moors, much of it derived from ancient Egypt, has come to be known as “Moorish Science”.

The Moors provided the vital link between ancient and modern civilisation. The light of knowledge which illuminated the Moorish lands of Spain and Sicily was instrumental in dispelling the gloom of ignorance that enveloped mediaeval Europe.

“It was under the influence of Arabian and Moorish revival of culture,” writes Robert Briffault in The Making of Humanity, “and not in the 15th century, that the real renaissance took place. Spain and not Italy, was the cradle of the rebirth of Europe. After sinking lower and lower in

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 29 / 48 barbarism, it had reached the darkest depths of ignorance and degradation when the cities of the Saracenic world, Baghdad, Cairo, Cordova, Toledo, were growing centres of civilisation and intellectual activity. It was there that the new life arose which was to grow into a new phase of human evolution. From the time when the influence of their culture made itself felt, began the stirring of a new life.”

The Orientalist Stanley Lane-Poole acknowledged the great impact Moorish civilisation had on Europe when he wrote:

For nearly eight centuries under her Muslim rulers, Spain set to all Europe a shining example of a civilized and enlightened state. Art, literature and science prospered as they then prospered nowhere else in Europe. Students flocked from France and Germany and England to drink from the fountains of learning which flowed only in the cities of the Moors. The surgeons and doctors of Andalusia were in the vanguard of science; women were encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and a lady doctor was not unknown among the people of Cordova.1

The 19th century French writer on the esoteric sciences, Gerard Encausse, known as “Papus”, noted how “the Gnostic sects, the Arabs, Alchemists, Templars” form a chain transmitting ancient wisdom to the West. This explains why within the Ritual of Freemasonry, there is the admission “we came from the East and proceeded to the West.” A Masonic author Bernard H. Springett says:

The plain fact that much of what we now look upon almost entirely as Freemasonry has been practised as part and parcel of the religions of the Middle East for many thousands of years, lies open for anyone who cares to stop and read, instead of running by. But it is frequently and scornfully rejected by the average Masonic student…2

So we find that just as Europe borrowed considerably from the learning of the Moors, European Freemasonry took its “secret wisdom” from the Muslim East.

With the end of Moorish rule in Spain, the Europeans began to colonise Africa, Asia and the Americas. In time, European Christians conquered Muslim territories and the great debt Western civilisation owed to the Moors was quickly forgotten. By the 18th century, European Christians saw themselves as the predestined rulers of the world with a divine mission to “civilise” the heathen. Western historians conveniently ignored the immense contribution of the brilliant and energetic Moorish civilisation in delivering Europe from mediaeval barbarism. We can only conclude this is a result of the pride and presumption of Westerners, which prevent them from recognising the truth or importance of their debts to the East.

Seekers of Truth The founders of the American republic, as high-degree Freemasons, were aware of the importance of Moorish wisdom and culture to the birth of Western civilisation. This may explain why Morocco was the first nation in history to recognise the United States, and what’s really behind the story of George Washington being presented with a Moorish flag. Some researchers believe this flag consisted of a red background with a green five-pointed star in the centre of it. The star or pentagram, which the Moors called the Seal of Sulaiyman and coloured green to honour Islam, also figures prominently in Masonic art and architecture. The layout of the city of Washington D.C. – designed by Freemasons – incorporates the pentagram.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 30 / 48 When Freemasons travelling in the Moorish lands encountered Sufis, the mystics of Islam, they soon recognised a common bond. “Sufi-ism,” said Sir Richard Burton, was “the Eastern parent of Freemasonry.” John Porter Brown, an American diplomat in Turkey in the mid 1800s, was a Freemason who wrote sympathetically of the Sufi path. In The Darvishes, he admits finding it “rather strange that the Dervishes of the Bektashi Order consider themselves quite the same as the Freemasons, and are disposed to fraternize with them.” Brown commented how in Turkey Freemasonry had come to be generally regarded as “atheism of the most condemnable character.” A position not unlike the one held by Papus, the celebrated French occultist and Gnostic bishop, who tried to counter the Masonic lodges which, he believed, were in the service of British imperialism and the international financial syndicates. Papus also viewed Freemasonry as a diabolical perversion of the ancient secret tradition and atheistic at heart.

When Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891) set out in search of hidden wisdom, it was to the Moorish land of Egypt that she journeyed. Blavatsky claimed to be a disciple of the Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi. The researcher K. Paul Johnson convincingly shows her tales of the “Masters” to be modelled on real people, many genuine occult adepts. Prominent among them Jamal ad-Din al- Afghani, a Sufi scholar, tireless political intriguer, and the leader of radical movements throughout the Muslim world, whose travels enigmatically paralleled those of Madame Blavatsky for more than thirty years. Best remembered for co-founding the Theosophical Society and helping to popularise Buddhism and Hinduism in the West, Blavatsky also proudly wrote of “living with the whirling dervishes, with the Druze of Mount Lebanon, with the Bedouin Arabs and the marabouts of Damascus.”

Madame Blavatsky’s “Masters” are very close to the Sufi tradition of Khwajagan (Persian: “Masters”). Ernest Scott states “the Khwajagan teachers are entirely corporeal and literal, having been physically located in the Hindu Kush area since the 10th century. The Hindu Kush range is in Afghanistan: geographically, it forms the Western extreme of the Himalayas.”3 Scott quotes from a paper by a Turkish writer who describes how members of the Khwajagan:

…intervene from time to time in human affairs. They do this, not as leaders or teachers of mankind, but unobtrusively by introducing certain ideas and techniques. This intervention works in such a way as to rectify deviations from the predestined course of human history. This inner circle, it is claimed, concentrates its activities in those areas and at those times when the situation is critical for mankind.”4

Certainly Madame Blavatsky’s teacher Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, who was raised in Afghanistan, fits the description of a Master Adept. His life is described as a mysterious odyssey that led through lands as far apart as India and America. Received by heads of state in Cairo and Istanbul, he moved in both underground radical circles and the highest centres of power in European and Oriental capitals.

The idea of living ‘spiritual guides’ or masters is central to Sufism. In the words of Sir John Glubb Pasha: “Sufism cannot be defined in words, nor can it be comprehended by the human intellect. It can only be imperceptibly ‘caught’ or imbibed by association with a Sufi master.” The Sufi master is revered by his disciples for being in contact with a level of higher consciousness, his mission on Earth directed by higher powers. Studying the lives of some of the greatest Sufi masters we often find them to be wandering holy men (& women) whose actions are usually misunderstood by orthodox believers. The shrines of Sufi masters are centres of trance dancing, exorcism, and miraculous healings.

The Sufi tradition is integral to Moorish Science.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 31 / 48 Sufi masters are also renowned for communicating with their followers through dreams. There are numerous stories of Sufi saints appearing in a disciple’s dreams and using telepathy to direct followers to undertake a special mission.

Mission to America A few years after Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, the Master Adept Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani turned up in America around 1882. Two Americans of African descent, who are rumoured to have studied under al-Afghani, were the parents of the man who would one day establish Moorish Science in the United States.

Noble Drew Ali (born Timothy Drew) early in the 20th century took a job as a merchant seaman and found himself in Egypt. According to one legend, Noble Drew Ali made a pilgrimage to North Africa where he studied with Moorish scholars and received a mandate from the king of Morocco to instruct Americans of African descent in Islam. His association with the ruler of Morocco is significant when we recall the historic relationship between this Moorish country and the early United States.

At the Pyramid of Cheops, his followers believe he received initiation and took the Muslim name Sharif [Noble] Abdul Ali; in America he would be known as Noble Drew Ali. On his return to the United States in 1913, he had a dream in which he was ordered to found a movement “to uplift fallen humanity by returning the nationality, divine creed and culture to persons of Moorish descent in the Western Hemisphere.” He organised the Moorish Science Temple along lines similar to Masonic lodges, with local temple branches and “Adept Chambers” teaching the esoteric wisdom derived from the secret circle of Eastern Sages, the Master Adepts of Moorish Science.

Noble Drew Ali is said to have made a historic visit to Washington, D.C. in order to reclaim the Moorish flag and obtain official recognition to call his people to their true faith, “Al Islam”. The US president, believing that African Americans would not embrace Islam, gave Noble Drew Ali full authority to teach Moorish Science in America.

By the end of the 1920s, membership in the Moorish Science Temple had grown substantially. With increasing numbers of African Americans rallying behind Noble Drew Ali, the Moorish movement soon came under the scrutiny of the FBI. In 1929 several Moors, including Noble Drew Ali, were detained for questioning by the Chicago police. Released from custody, Noble Drew Ali fell ill and never recovered. Many Moors suspected his death the result of a severe police beating.

Following the inexplicable ‘death’ of Noble Drew Ali, the Moorish Science Temple continued and gave rise to unique Islamic groups among the African American community. Much of the known history of Moorish Science in North America is extremely complex and obscure.

By the 1950s, some white American poets and jazz musicians came into contact with Moorish Science. The North African cities of Tangiers and Marrakech held a magic attraction for the leaders of America’s counterculture, with writers like William S. Burroughs spending years living in the Moorish lands. The Moorish Orthodox Church of America was formed by white Americans who held Moorish Science passports and had ties with certain “Wandering Bishops” of the Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

Joseph Matheny, the American author and media theorist, first encountered Moorish Science when he was researching time travel and quantum consciousness. In his book Ong’s Hat The

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 32 / 48 Beginning, the Moorish Orthodox Church is called “one of the most secretive and mysterious religious organisations ever known to man” and: a revolutionary and heretical sect of Islam that carries on an ancient tradition which sought to counterbalance the forces of orthodox Islam. Despite the controversial and dubious nature of the MOC, part of their tradition has been to serve as the torch bearers of freedom against the tyrannical and repressive aspects of the Earth’s patriarchal power structure as our planetary consciousness shifts to the Age of Aquarius and sets its sight on unlimited freedom and the expression of life in all of its true wonder and beauty.

Years before the “War on Terror” and Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, this writer attended a lecture organised by people associated with the Moorish Orthodox Church. The speaker, a Moorish Sheik returned from a long sojourn in the East, claimed Freemasonry is built on a twisting of the truth of Moorish Science. It is the secret power behind the West, based on the Supreme Wisdom derived from esoteric Islam. The European colonisers usurped the knowledge of the Moors and created a nefarious system of control that blinds man to his true identity. Freemasonry was identified as a chief player in the world “Babylonian” system, the mastermind of the institutions of indoctrination that prevent the full knowledge of the True God to be known. Moorish Science is the effective counter to the Freemasonic imposters and a force for Truth, Love, Peace, Freedom and Justice. The Sheik also revealed how Afghanistan and Iraq figure in sacred geography and numerology, and mentioned a secret war between the Anglo-American and Asiatic powers.

Is there a struggle between occult brotherhoods to influence human destiny? Are the dramatic events taking place in the world, from the continuing strife in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, to the rivalry between the forces of Atlanticism (Britain and the USA) and Eurasia (Russia and China), just surface manifestations of a deeper conflict? Certainly the strange saga of Moorish Science and the Moorish Orthodox Church adds weight to the observation made by one of the 20th century’s most controversial mystics:

…There is a history behind our so-called history that you cannot even conceive of. History has a deeper base. The periphery that we know as history is not the reality. Behind our so-called history continues another history, a deeper one about which we know nothing.5


1. Stanley Lane-Poole, Studies in a Mosque

2. Bernard H. Springett, Secret Sects of Syria and the Lebanon

3. Ernest Scott, People of the Secret

4. Ibid.

5. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, I AM THE GATE: The Meaning of Initiation and Discipleship

MEHMET SAHEHEDDIN is a researcher, writer, spiritual teacher and global traveller. He is a longtime contributor to New Dawn magazine. A “spiritual swaggie”, his areas of interest are wide ranging and include Sufism, Islam and esoteric Christianity. He can be contacted c/- of New Dawn Magazine, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia.

The above article appeared in New Dawn 86 (Sept-Oct 2004).

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 33 / 48 2009-10-06 The Jews, the Hebrews and the Israelites: Not Your Same Old, Same Old By Bishop Don Jaide 53 Comments

Ancient Hebrews of Lachish


According to the standard Jewish Encyclopaedia, 96% of all the Jews known to the world today are the descendants of the Khazar tribes of Russia, eastern Europe and western Mongolia; these are the Ashkenazi Jews; the other major sect of the Jews are the Sephardic jews, and they are a bastard people from the mixing of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Kenites, Edomites and some true Israelites. The Jews have never been Isrealites; they are not Israelites now; and they will never be Israelites.

Encyclopedia Americana (1985):

“Ashkenazim: the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands…it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel…In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population.”

The Jewish Encyclopedia:

“Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, , Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania.”

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 34 / 48 Khazar: Ashkenazi Modern Jew

The Encyclopedia Judaica (1972): The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:

“Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. During part of this time the leading Khazars professed Judaism…In spite of the negligible information of an archaeological nature, the presence of Jewish groups and the impact of Jewish ideas in Eastern Europe are considerable during the Middle Ages. Groups have been mentioned as migrating to Central Europe from the East often have been referred to as Khazars, thus making it impossible to overlook the possibility that they originated from within the former Khazar Empire.”

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:

“The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz…Krauss is of the opinion that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim…About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”

The Bible: Relates that the Khazar (Ashkenaz) Jews were/are the sons of Japheth not Shem:

“Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth;…the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz…” (Genesis 10:1-3)

New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, page 179,[GCP pg 68]

“ASHKENAZI, ASHKENAZIM…constituted before 1963 some nine/tenths of the Jewish people (about 15,000,000 out of 16,5000,000)[ As of 1968 it is believed by some Jewish authorities to be closer to 100%]”

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 35 / 48 The Outline of History: H. G. Wells

“It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew’s ancestors ‘never’ lived in Palestine ‘at all,’ which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact.”

Ancient Hebrews

Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).


The Bishop

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2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 36 / 48 2017-03-03 MADDOW: Nice place – Concord, North Carolina. Population roughly 80,000.

Concord has its own airport, small one. Little single runway. Concord calls itself the fastest gateway into Charlotte. Seems like sort of a co-dependent relationship if you ask me.

But one day in November, this past November, less than a week ahead of the general election, our future president held a campaign rally in Concord, North Carolina, and on that same day, flying into Concord`s single-runway airport was a man they called the King of Fertilizer. They called them that in Russia. I`m sure it sounds better in Russian and it probably rhymes. His name is Dmitry Rybolovlev.

Now, if you watched Monday show, Monday night`s broadcast of this show, you might remember us talking about Dmitry Rybolovlev, about this fantastically wealthy billionaire, Russian oligarch, the King of Fertilizer.

In what his ex-wife said was a bid to shield his gazillions of dollars from his white during a hard fought divorce battle, he went on a radical spending spree during the roughly the period of his divorce. He bought a private Greek island for $150 million. He bought a big French soccer team. He bought the most expensive apartment in New York City at the time.

And in 2008, the Russian fertilizer king bought this Palm Beach mansion from Donald Trump and he bought for $100 million, which was the most expensive U.S. home sale ever. A hundred million dollar price tag was remarkable for another aspect, another feature of that bottom line, which is that $100 million was like 2.5 times what Donald Trump paid for it just a couple years earlier.

That much we have covered on this show. We`ve covered that and the fact that the fertilizer guy who is so apparently radically overpaid Donald Trump for that property, he`s also a major shareholder to a bank in Cyprus that has ties to Vladimir Putin. The vice chairman of that bank is our new Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, long time friend of Donald Trump. So if you saw Monday night`s show, that much we have covered.

Here`s a new thing, though – as far as anybody can tell, the same Russian oligarch, the fertilizer guy, he also owns this nearly $100 million airport. Look at that, private owned airplane. Look how big it is. He owns it through a holding company in the British Virgin Islands and we know from flight records that on November 3rd – so five days before the presidential election – his plane, the fertilizer king, his plane showed up in little Concord, North Carolina, that tiny one-strip airport on the same day Donald Trump was in Concord, North Carolina, holding a rally.

The fertilizer king`s plane arrived in Concord, North Carolina, from New York at around 9:30 in the morning, stayed in Concord for a few hours, then took off for the roughly 25-minute voyage from Concord, North Carolina, to Charlotte, North Carolina, which is where we get this picture.

The fertilizer king`s plane you see there on the left, on the right that is Donald Trump`s plane. They were both spotted at Charlotte`s airport that same day at the same time, November 3rd, five days before the election, which is interesting, right?

And it`s not the only time the fertilizer king`s plane was in the same city as Donald Trump while he was campaigning that fall. A week before, October 30th, the fertilizer king, his plane was in Las Vegas. He`s in Las Vegas the exact same day that the Republican nominee was holding his Las Vegas rally.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 37 / 48 But then, hmm, last month, the president spent the weekend of February 11th in at Mar-a- Lago with the prime minister of Japan, remember the whole thing about the fake Situation Room with the missile launch at Mar-a-Lago? Right.

Well, that Friday night of that weekend, look, here comes the Russian fertilizer king flying into Miami where from where he had been previously, which happens to have been the south of France. You know, honestly, who knows what this means? It could be a big cowinky-dink.

The story has layers on top of layers. But tonight, we have someone here with us who put us on to the flight the number – or the tail number information here, who figured out this thing about these mysterious interactions of the flight paths of these two planes.

He may be able to decode this mystery with us and that special guest joins us next. Stay with us.


MADDOW: If you have spent a lifetime rooting around in the deepest secret of the richest and most powerful people on earth, if you found a way to make a career rooting around the lives and secrets of the gazillionaires on earth, then right now, you are a remarkable resource for the rest of us in this country trying to figure out this new presidency we`ve got, because we now need people who can follow like the tail numbers of private jets and start asking the question of why an airplane apparently belonging to a Russian fertilizer king keeps showing up in the same place as Donald Trump.

From the web site run by Pulitzer-winning financial reporter David Cay Johnston, quote, “Why would Dmitry Rybolovlev`s plane scurry back and forth from Moscow to odd destinations like Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina, as well as to Las Vegas, New York, Burbank and Miami, to arrive there precisely when Donald Trump was there?”

David Cay Johnston then asks what he calls the obvious question, “Was Rybolovlev a Putin emissary?”

Joining us now is David Cay Johnston. He`s editor and founder of the DCReport.org, which published that report. He`s also the author of “The Making of Donald Trump.”

David Cay Johnston, it`s great to see you. Thank you for being with us tonight.


MADDOW: We started looking at the fertilizer guy through the lens of him having bought this Florida mansion from Trump for more than what Trump paid for. It seemed like a way for somebody to pay Donald Trump more than $50 million. What got you started on him and on the mystery of his plane showing up so many places that Trump is?

JOHNSTON: Well, the report that we ran, which is about 10,000 words long, was actually written by Jim Henry, who has also been tracing bankers and wealthy people for as long as I have, 40 years or so. But we have been looking of these ties that Trump has with the Russian oligarchs.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 38 / 48 And, Rachel, remember, the oligarchs are a state-sponsored network of criminals and they are totally dependent to stay alive, as you showed in earlier segment, on being in the good graces of Vladimir Putin and when he wants things done, they do them.

In the case of Rybolovlev, he turned over $250 million, quote/unquote, “voluntarily” to the Russian government in dispute with Putin, where Putin was essentially bringing him to heel. When citizen journalists started noticing and then Jim Henry developed where this plane was, we began saying, what`s going on here? One or two cases, well, OK.

Now, we can`t put Dmitry Rybolovlev and Trump in the same room, but the number of times their planes were in the same places during the election, particularly given all the other questions we have about what is going on and why is Donald Trump so eager to tamp down and make sure there`s no public inquiry, that`s what prompted us to decide this is a worth a big lift for our nonprofit news organization.

MADDOW: And, David, am I right Trump maintains he`s never met this person, he`s never had any dealings with this person even though he conducted with him what was the most expensive home sale in U.S. history? He said throughout that entire process, they never met each other, never came across each other.

JOHNSTON: Well, Rex Tillerson never pumped gasoline, either. I mean, that`s a silly – it`s on the line of the low grade thinking where Donald Trump says for every new regulation, we`re going to repeal two others. It`s moronic. It is so stupid, it`s moronic.

And I think voters – I hope voters look at that and go that`s ridiculous.That`s a non-answer about the issues.

MADDOW: David Cay Johnston is editor and founder of dcreport.org who has been doing incredibly thorough heavy lifting on this subject and I expect more to come. David, thanks for being with us. I really appreciate it.

JOHNSTON: Thank you, Rachel.

MADDOW: Dcreport.org. Do you have it bookmarked? You should bookmark it. DCreport.org.


2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 39 / 48 2017-02-24 Planet Alert March 2017 by Mahala

How are you handling all of the chaos that is going on in the world? Has it been hard to stay on a high frequency? I try to keep a positive attitude about what is going on right now so I can remain neutral, although I must say it is very interesting watching all of the drama. Pandora’s Box has been opened, and people are ready to demonstrate for their rights and for their freedom. It appears that we entered a very dark spot in our reality and it seems like the energy went from light to dark. What happened?

We started experiencing the 20th chapter of Revelation in the Bible. This is a very dark period of time in the scheme of things. The 19th chapter was all about the Third World War that started in North Africa in January of 2011 and continued to encompass many Middle East Countries which included the recent war in Syria. This war seems to be toning down, at least I hope so. If that is the case then we are definitely manifesting the 20thchapter of Revelation, which is the last chapter before the new Earth appears.

A war between the light and dark was going on for eons of time on the astral level. This war ended on March 19, 2016 and the dark ones were thrown down to Earth. The light won on the astral plane. Now the war between the light and dark is in full force on the Earth plane. It will be over after all of the dark stuff comes to the surface and has been revealed to humanity so they can see how much corruption has occurred on Earth for many thousands of years. Basically it is wake up time for all of humanity.

The 20th chapter of Revelation talks about how high frequency energy will come down from heaven and destroy the really dark ones who came here to take over the world. Their bodies cannot handle the high frequency energy so they will have to leave. They will soon be gone, at least from the higher frequency world. The separation is here now. Look at how the United States is divided. What will happen to cause us to start working together again so we can become a unit of one? Is this why there is so much chaos? Out of chaos comes a new creation and that is what Revelation says we will start manifesting after the dark ones are gone from our reality. The rest of us will then be living on a 5th dimension Earth.

Recently I have felt like I have been floating in and out of different realities. It is an interesting experience. A couple of days ago I received an email saying that the Astronomers had just located a new galaxy in our Universe, and they said it just appeared out of nowhere. My thought was that it was always there although we could not see it because it was on a different frequency and invisible to us. Now that we have raised our frequency we can see it. We are definitely moving into a higher frequency reality even if it doesn’t appear that way right now.

There will be a solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 at 6:55 AM PST. This is a very important eclipse and the last one in a series of Virgo/Pisces eclipses. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and this means the ending of a certain phase of progression and the beginning of the cry for freedom. The degree of this eclipse is “A call to participate in the service to humanity as an evolutionary crisis approaches.” Being this is the end of the Pisces/Virgo (health issues) eclipses for a while; it might mean that Obamacare will stay as is. I know a lot of people would like that to happen. The energy

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 40 / 48 from the eclipses in Leo and Aquarius will be much different and I think this will pull us totally into the Age of Aquarius which is the age of light. We have been in the transition stage since 1962 when the revolution of the sixties started.

The book “An Astrological Mandala” goes on to say that this eclipse degree is related to the feminist movement or the present women’s liberation movement. How true that is. Just look at all the demonstrations that have been happening all over the world and the women’s march right after Trump was elected president. Women want their rights and are ready to stand up for equality. The Goddess energy has awakened.

We are in a very critical time period right now because there are some very challenging planetary aspects in effect at this eclipse. There is a Cardinal (fast acting male Cross) in the heavens with Mars conjunct Uranus and Eris. This is a very explosive aspect. Mars and Uranus together bring in a very strong energy of discord, fires, fighting, arguments, and people can get out of hand. This conjunction is in the sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars so it is a double whammy.

Then we have Vesta, the goddess of great power in Cancer, the sign of emotions or water. Look at what is happening in California with all of their rain. Jupiter is in Libra and that is relationship challenges, both personal or between countries. Look at the challenge between the United States and Mexico right now. Pluto is in Capricorn and that rules all structures or governments. Pluto is the transformer and it was right over Washington D.C. when Trump was elected president. He is definitely a transformer, or trying to be one.

Saturn was opposing Trump’s Sun, node, and Uranus at the time he was elected. This caused a lot of angry energy against him from all over the world. The Democrats are ruled by Saturn, and he will have to neutralize Saturn’s energy if he is going to get along with them. This energy will also cause lots of law suits against him. Trump’s Node in Gemini at birth is conjunct Mars in the United States birth chart which is 20 Gemini. This energy is what is causing a lot of chaos in his life, and the lives of the people in the United States. Trump has a very challenging chart at this time. The Uranus, Mars, Eris conjunction in the heavens are all in a perfect trine to his Sun and Node. The node is his destiny. His Sun is on 22 Gemini and the last eclipse was on 22 Leo. He needs to have good protection around him at this particular time and for the next couple of months.

The energy from the February 10th lunar eclipse will be in effect until August 21, 2017 when there will be a total solar eclipse which will cover almost all of the United States. This eclipse will be on 29 degrees Leo and lines up with Regulus, the Royal Star of the Lion, which is now on one degree Virgo, the sign of the Goddess.

We are in a tremendous revolutionary time period and it is important that we not lose our cool, at least not too often. It’s time to do deep breathing when you feel stressed and take time to relax and enjoy life. We are in a time of change so let’s make it a good change. There is a wonderful world out there if you can find it. Our attitude is very important to living a good life. If you don’t like something, change your perception of it. It’s all an illusion anyway so enjoy the ride. So Be it! Written in light and love.

Mahala Gayle


2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 41 / 48 2016-10-11 The Mindblowing Secret Behind The Numbers 3, 6, and 9 Is Finally REVEALED! http://www.lifecoachcode.com/2016/10/11/the-secret-behind-3-6-9-revealed/

Nikola Tesla did countless mysterious experiments, but he was a whole other mystery on his own. Almost all genius minds have a certain obsession. Nikola Tesla had a pretty big one!

He was walking around a block repeatedly for three times before entering a building, he would clean his plates with 18 napkins, he lived in hotel rooms only with a number devisable by 3. He would make calculations about things in his immediate environment to make sure the result is devisable by 3 and base his choices upon the results. He would do everything in sets of 3.

Some say he had OCD, some say he was very superstitious.

However, the truth is a lot deeper.

“If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla

His obsession was not simply with numbers, but especially with these numbers: 3, 6, 9!

He did have an extreme case of OCD and he was superstitious, however, he chose those numbers for a reason.

Tesla claimed that these numbers were extremely important. Nobody listened.

He even calculated nodal points around the planet linked to the numbers three, six and nine!

But why these numbers?

What did Nikola Tesla tried to make the world understand? NOTE: Things will get a lot stranger below!

First, we must understand that we didn’t create math, we discovered it. It’s The Universal language and law. No matter where you are in The Universe 1 + 2 will always equal to 3! Everything in The Universe obeys this law!

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 42 / 48 There are patterns that naturally occur in The Universe, patterns we’ve discovered in life, galaxies, star formations, evolution, and almost all natural systems. Some of these patterns are The Golden Ratio and Sacred Geometry.

One really important system that nature seems to obey is “The Powers of 2 Binary System” in which the pattern start from one and continues by doubling the numbers. Cells and embryos develop following this sacred pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256…

Some call these patterns The Blueprint of God.

Math, by this analogy, would be God’s Thumbprint. (leaving all religion aside!)

In vortex math (the science of torus anatomy) there is a pattern that repeats itself: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, and 5, and so on 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4…

As you can see 3, 6, and 9 are not in this pattern. Scientist Marko Rodin believes these numbers represent a vector from the third to fourth dimension which he calls a “flux field.” This field is supposed to be a higher dimensional energy that influences the energy circuit of the other six points.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 43 / 48 Randy Powell, a student of Marko Rodin says that this is the secret key to free energy, something which we all know Tesla mastered.

Let me explain! Let’s start from 1, doubled it is 2; 2 doubled is 4; 4 doubled is 8; 8 doubled is 16 which means 1 + 6 and that equals to 7; 16 doubled is 32 resulting in 3 + 2 equals 5 (you can do 7 doubled if you want to which you would get 14 resulting in 5); 32 doubled is 64 (5 doubled is 10) resulting in total of 1; If we continue we will keep following the same pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2…

If we start from 1 in reverse we will still get the same pattern only in reverse: Half of one is 0.5 (0+5) equaling 5. Half of 5 is 2.5 (2+5) equaling 7, and so on.

As you can see there is no mention of 3, 6, and 9! It’s like they are beyond this pattern, free from it.

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 44 / 48 However, there is something strange once you start doubling them. 3 doubled is 6; 6 doubled is 12 which would result in 3; in this pattern there is no mention of 9! It’s like 9 is beyond, completely free from both patterns.

But if you start doubling 9 it will always result in 9: 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 576…

Why did Tesla say that 3,6,9 was the secret to the universe? https://youtu.be/5NHaUrm4QN0

This is called The Symbol of Enlightenment! If we go to the Great Pyramid of Giza, not only are there the three larger pyramids at Giza, all side by side, mirroring the positions of the stars in Orion’s Belt, but we also see a group of three smaller pyramids immediately away from the three larger pyramids.

We find lots of evidence that nature uses threefold and sixfold symmetry, including the hexagonal tile shape of the common honeycomb.

These shapes are in nature, and the ancients emulated these shapes in the building of their sacred architecture.

Is it possible that there is something special about the mysterious number three? is it possible that Tesla uncovered this profound secret and used this knowledge to push the boundaries of science and technology?

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 45 / 48 The magnificence of 9!

Let’s say there are 2 opposites, call them light and dark if you want to. They are like the North and the South poles of a magnet.

One side is 1, 2, and 4; the other side is 8, 7 and 5; Just like electricity, everything in The Universe is a stream between these 2 polar sides, like a swinging pendulum: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2… (and if you imagine the movement it’s something like the symbol for infinity)

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 46 / 48 However, these 2 sides are governed by 3 and 6; 3 governs 1, 2, and 4 while 6 governs 8, 7, and 5; and if you look the pattern closely it gets even more mindboggling: 1 and 2 equals 3; 2 and 4 equals 6; 4 and 8 equals 3; 8 and 7 equals 6; 7 and 5 equals 3; 5 and 1 equals 6; 1 and 2 equals 3…

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 47 / 48 The same pattern on a higher scale is actually 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6…

But even these two sides, 3 and 6 are governed by 9 which shows something spectacular.

Looking closely at the pattern of 3 and 6 you realize that 3 and 6 equals 9, 6 and 3 equals 9, all the numbers together equal 9, both ways excluding and including 3 and 6!

So 9 means unity of the both sides. 9 is The Universe itself!

The vibration, the energy and the frequency!

3,6 and 9!

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla

There is a deeper philosophical truth in this!

Just imagine what we can accomplish if we apply this sacred knowledge in everyday science…

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ― Nikola Tesla http://www.lifecoachcode.com/2016/10/11/the-secret-behind-3-6-9-revealed/

2017-03-04 Saturday History Call 48 / 48