Realising Terang Community priorities for township development 2013 to 2023

Prepared for the community of Terang with the assistance of Corangamite Shire’s Building Stronger Corangamite Communities project – a partnership between the Department of Planning and Community Development and the Corangamite Shire to support communities to plan and implement improvements to their towns.

May 2013

OVERVIEW CONTENTS This plan is a guide to action which contributes to the liveability and future prosperity of Terang. It outlines a set of interrelated Overview initiatives which local residents see as crucial to Terang’s future, to Little town, big heart be implemented over the next 10 years. Demographics The planning process The Realising Terang plan offers a vision for Terang drawn from The Soapbox those aspects of the town most valued by the local community. The Survey This centres on retaining the outstanding health, education, Identifying assets sporting, and recreational assets Terang currently possesses and Public meeting developing them in a manner which enhances the recognition of Issues and themes Terang as a ‘lifestyle town’. It relies on preserving and enhancing Additional consultation those attributes which are valued by locals and attractive to Vision visitors, and calls for a systematic program to communicate the Priority objectives many advantages Terang has to offer to new residents who will Summary of projects value the lifestyle opportunities that are available to the active Implementation citizen with an interest in being part of a genuine community. Review

Initial projects include cleaning up the shopfronts in the centre of town to create an attractive environment which contributes to References This is the eighth plan to be increased retail trade and encourages new investment; designing Appendices developed as part of the Building and building a new playground for Terang, developing a longer- Survey instrument Stronger Corangamite Communities term plan to incrementally realise the potential of the Terang Lake Ranking of issues and projects project, which aims to produce a area as an attractor for the town while enhancing its value to Summary of survey responses plan for each of Corangamite Shire’s current stakeholders, and planning an integrated services hub Detailed survey and voting results 12 towns. which is attractive to young families and supportive of parents and young children. Other actions relate to long-term aspirations for connections to natural gas; the release or more industrial land and the provision of additional retirement accommodation in Terang.

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The progress of these and other projects will depend upon the active involvement of community members, but many will also depend on the establishment of effective dialogue between and partnerships with community organisations, Corangamite Shire and the State Government and its agencies. Some projects will be dependent on the decisions of private business interests and/or commercial investment.

Recommendations and priorities listed in this plan have been identified through a community survey and three public meetings. The plan also draws upon the work of individuals and community organisations. The community planning Recreation and sport; Provision of A total of 22 priority projects have Further public meetings and process unearthed 153 ideas services; Arts and cultural been identified across these forums are foreshadowed to for Terang, ranging across eight development; and Business, themes, which need to be scoped, develop the scope of listed broad themes: Town industry and economic scheduled and implemented over projects, as part of a development and tourism; development. the next 10 years. continuous planning process Town promotion; Town which will create further amenity and appearance; opportunities for involvement Access, safety and roads; and partnership formation.

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LITTLE TOWN, BIG HEART There are those who point to an Irish Catholic ancestry contrasting The story goes that on the eve of with the English and mainly the Hampden League grand final Scottish squatter influence which in 1972 (with Terang to play Port prevailed in both local and State Fairy the next day in governments. The small farmer ) local larrikin Snow holdings to the north and south of Murfitt laid out a message on Terang supported large families Mount for his beloved which made the town a bustling Bloods and the townsfolk to take community service centre up until in. Even those who don’t care the early 1960’s. too much for tales of distant sporting glories can identify with Established in 1908, the Terang Co- the motto that summed up op is another local institution Terang’s premiership triumph which carries the DNA of the that year – ‘Little town, big town’s community spirit. One heart’. would be hard-pressed to find another latter day reference to The spirit of Terang is evident in ‘people before profits’ as a a long list of community governing business principle. Burnt Fire at Terang: Former Bennett’s Pharmacy, High Street achievements, and might be out in 1944 and being reduced to a Photograph: Albumen silver cabinet on mount: created 1916 traced to several sources, shadow of itself in the late 1970’s, Source: including exceptionally generous the Co-op rose again to post an and dedicated men and women. annual revenue approaching $20M. Despite Terang’s many successful Terang has missed out, and it That Terang has a strong businesses, institutions and must be some-one’s fault. Yet religious lineage is undeniable, A more recent Terang community community groups, there are despite this thinking and and some would say that it finds achievement – the town’s new those that still dwell of the town’s despite tough trading expression in a practical gymnasium – is counted by the losses, like the Factory at Noorat, conditions, Terang is growing Christianity. Others like to speak Department of Planning and the rail line to Mortlake and the again, more than any other of Terang’s early history of a Community Development as the saleyards. They may not know or Corangamite town. Its great town of ‘little’ people with much most successful community project count them all (like the fire of natural assets, its infrastructure, in common who built their idea in the , built as it was on 1916), and they may not its institutions and above all its of community through helping the spirit of local individuals and acknowledge the setbacks of community spirit promise each other. institutions. other local towns, yet somehow Terang the prosperity it seeks.

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DEMOGRAPHICS The ID Community Profile on small area populations within According to the ABS Census Corangamite Shire describes a 2011, the Urban Centre Locality larger ‘Terang and district’ area, (UCL) of Terang has an estimated with a population of 2,200 – this residential population of 1,962 includes additional agricultural people, an apparent increase of land surrounding the urban about 1 per cent on the recorded footprint. population of 1,824 in 2006.

The Terang population profile shows the typical gap where people in their early 20s move away for education and work

opportunities, and the over- Five year age-structure for ‘Terang and district’ area compared to Victoria as representation of people aged a whole, derived from the ABS Census 2011. The detailed profile shows that 55 and over. Terang has a Terang has fewer residents in the 29 to 49 age groupings, and a greater marked higher proportion of percentage of older residents in the 55 and over age groupings. elderly people, well over double the State average. A breakdown of the change in Source: ABS Quickstats 2013 the population profile from 2006 to 2011 reveals an inflow This increase (110 people) of people in the 15 to 24 age contrasts with the recorded group, possibly associated with decrease of 249 across the observed increase in infants Corangamite Shire as a whole, in the 1 to 4 years grouping. making Terang, along with A decrease in the percentage of Cobden (+90 people), one of the 10 to 14 year-olds suggests that few towns in the Shire to a number of families with young experience population growth. children are leaving the area. Changes to the method Almost half of Terang’s employed by the ABS to calculate population increase relates to the estimated residential the influx of retirees to town, population (ERP) mean that this Change in five-year age structure for ‘Terang and district’ compared to particularly across the 50 to 64 Victoria as a whole. growth is understated. age groupings.

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Like much of South West Victoria, Terang’s population is decidedly Anglo-Saxon, with 97.4 per cent of the population having Australian, English, Irish and Scottish ancestry. Ninety-two per cent of Terang residents were born in Australia compared to the Victoria average of 68.6 per cent. Whereas 31.8 per cent of Victorians report that both parents were born overseas, for Terang that figure is only 5.7 per cent. Terang residents have strong religious affiliations, (88% of the population) reflecting the ancestry of its population. In a wide departure from the Victorian average, Catholics make up the largest religious group (39.3%), reflecting the influence of

Terang’s Irish settlement history, Source: ABS Census 2011 followed by Presbyterians (13.4%), reflecting the early The unemployment rate for employment sector for Terang Terang’s acknowledged Scottish influence. Anglicans Terang is about half the State residents, as is dairy farming community spirit is also captured make up 11.3 per cent of the average. The workforce is employment. Hospitals and in Census statistics. Of the total population, similar to the State characterised by above average education institutions are major population of 1,962 in 2011, 444 average. Around a quarter of percentages of technical, trades employers for Terang , and sales people (27.6 per cent) undertook Victorians report ‘no religion’ – and labour jobs and fewer and supermarket jobs are also voluntary work as part of a group for Terang this figure is 17.4 per professional and managerial significant, provided mainly by the or organisation over the previous cent. positions. The road freight Terang Co-op, which employs 12 months. This compares to the transport industry is a significant more than 100 people. State average of 17.8 per cent.

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made by communities also serve as a decision tool for Corangamite Council to better meet local needs and aspirations.

The creation of community plans is designed to build capacity within local communities. The process design relies on making best use of deep local knowledge, talents and skills to scope and implement local projects, and as necessary, to identify opportunities to access funding and other resources to implement priority projects. This includes the establishment of relationships within and beyond communities and working with the Council on an ongoing basis.

There is no one planning model – the project is experimental and communities shape their own THE PLANNING PROCESS The project manages and advice and administrative process – however each plan facilitates an inclusive process assistance to communities so that observes some fundamental The Building Stronger Corangamite that helps communities identify they can come to a consensus principles. They are inclusive of as Communities project sets out to local priorities, set short, about what they value most many voices in the community as develop community plans for the medium and long term goals and about where they live and to work possible and seek to reflect local Shire’s 12 townships. These are work with the Corangamite Shire towards their preferred future. demographics, and are plans developed by each local Council and other levels of As well as steering the transparent in the way priorities community, for the community, government to achieve them. development of local public are identified and decided upon. and owned by the local It provides structure, support, assets, events and services, plans community.

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Forty-nine people attended the Terang Soapbox event in the Rose Room at the Terang Civic Centre on Tuesday 2 October 2012, with some 20 passionate locals stepping up to offer their views on ‘What Terang needs’. Those who had previously registered their interest spoke first about their ideas.

The Terang Soapbox was the second for the Building Stronger Corangamite Communities project, and was designed to generate discussion and interest to build the both questions and answers Another major theme related to A report on the Soapbox event number of completed surveys offered by members present. the aesthetics of the town, the appeared in the Terang Express returned. Invitations were taken Conversations initiated at the idea being to improve the on Thursday 4 October 2012. up to speak with a number of Soapbox continued over supper. appearance of the main street, community groups prior to the approaches to the town and The Soapbox attracted the conduct of the Soapbox event. A range of projects to improve recreational areas. Other ideas interest of a mature demographic, the social, cultural and economic included sculpture, monuments, including a number of local The format of the evening involved life of their town were outlined. floral and shrub plantings, community leaders. Persons a brief outline of the community Several speakers spoke of the cleaning and painting of shop under the age of 55 make up planning process in train, followed need to form an organisation that frontages, a kite festival, use of more than 60% of Terang’s by an invitation for individuals to could represent the town in vacant shops, a range of tourism- population, yet this group was come forward and speak for political circles, work in related proposals and a severely underrepresented at the between three and five minutes on partnership with Council, as well Corangamite Shire office in Soapbox event. any of the questions outlined in as instigate and lead key town Terang. the town survey. At the conclusion improvement projects. of the meeting there was a general question and answer session, with

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The Town Survey attracted a total of 88 responses. This was augmented by written submissions from 42 Terang College primary school children, bringing the overall total to 130. Together these contributions represent a response rate of 6.6 per cent of the estimated residential population of the Urban Centre Locality of Terang – (1,962 persons at the ABS Census 2011). Putting the children’s work to one side, the response rate for persons over the age of 15 years is 4.5 per cent.

The gender distribution of respondents was uneven, with and district population shows the local newspaper – the Terang Despite efforts to reach some of twice as many females good representation of persons Express. The survey opened on 20 the recognised ‘difficult to reach’ responding as males. The vast 45 years of age and over, and an August and closed on 30 October groups, the survey response no majority of respondents provided over-representation of primary 2012. doubt skewed to the literate, age and gender information, school students (double the 1-14 socially-connected and perhaps although 12.5 per cent did not years quota). The big gap in the The survey form was distributed more comfortably placed provide any Postcode survey is the non-participation of as an insert in the newspaper and members of the community. information. Of those that did, younger adults. In the critical 15 copies made available through a The sample certainly included around 90 per cent gave Terang to 44 age range only two males number of local Terang people with a passionate interest as their postcode address. participated. businesses as well as from in their town and their Corangamite Shire. Completed community, but did not secure A comparison of the response The conduct of the survey was survey forms were collected the involvement of many people profile with current ABS data on advertised in and editorially through Terang businesses and in the 15 to 44 age range. age distribution of the township supported by WD NEWS through the Shire.

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Dear Councillors, Children in Years 1 and 2 at I thing Terang needs a patting zoo Terang College were doing letter where people can go and pat writing and decided they would animals. Firstly if you don’t have a like to write to ‘Terang Council’ on pet you can pat the animals and what they believed Terang needs. see them at the zoo. Secondly I Their teacher forwarded 40 think it will be good because if you letters like the one on the left, can’t go the Fun 4 Kids you can go where Toby makes a strong case down the road to see the animals. for setting up a Paint Ball Centre It will go next to the Skate Park just outside of Terang. From Hannah, Room 1 He suggests the paint balls could be made ‘soft’ for grown-ups and BAKERY MAGIC SHOP ‘hard’ for kids, to make sure LOLLY SHOP everyone has fun. Hannah (top TRACTOR SHOP right) is similarly considerate of MUSEUM people in her community, COSTUME SHOP explaining that Terang needs an KMART ‘animal patting zoo’ for people ZOO who do not have a pet. One of her BEN 10 ULTIMATE ALIEN CENTRE classmates writes in a similar vein, PAINTBALL CENTRE explaining how it would be MINIBIKE STADIUM especially good for elderly people PET SHOP RSPCA CENTRE who are lonely to go down to the HOVERCRAFT INDUSTRY patting zoo. HORSE RIDING CENTRE AQUARIUM Terang’s defunct BP Petrol Station CINEMA comes in for much mention for its CIRCUS ‘ugliness’, with a range of ideas WATER PARK outlined for re-purposing the site. SHOPPING CENRE A key argument behind many FERRIS WHEEL proposals is that ‘you wouldn’t CRAFT SHOP have to drive all the way to LUNA PARK ANIMAL PATTING SHOP Warrnambool’.

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The first question on the survey asked the question ‘What things do you most value about Terang, which need to be maintained or protected?’ The clear consensus was Terang’s impressive oak avenue in High Street is the town’s most valued attribute. This heritage listed asset received 31 mentions across the 88 returned surveys. The town’s trees came in for 14 separate mentions, bringing the trees/avenue count to just over half of all survey respondents. A cluster of other attributes were mentioned in association with the avenue, including the town’s notable rose The town’s hospital, medical ‘Community’ and ‘community Terang’s heritage buildings are a plantings, shaded parking and facilities and district nursing groups’ also came in for strong highly valued attribute of the Terang’s natural surroundings. services were highlighted by a mention, with heartfelt mention town, and education services, The value and appreciation of quarter of survey respondents, of the generosity and caring walking tracks, the library and sport to the Terang community with a further 16 per cent of nature of Terang’s friendly Terang’s retail centre also was expressed in 25 survey respondents mentioning the value community and active volunteers. attracted substantial mention. mentions (28 per cent of of Terang’s aged care facilities This is substantiated by ABS respondents). The range of and services to the community. statistics on volunteering, but Having regard to the survey sporting facilities available in Together these health and well- respondents went further to draw sample, it remains an unanswered Terang was counted as a being services were mentioned by attention to the town’s strong question as to what young adults significant asset, with 44 per cent of respondents. sense of community and its value about Terang, particularly respondents making mention of community spirit. younger men. the gym, Lake, golf course, swimming pool and the trotting and race tracks.

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The evening commenced with an The process of voting involved outline of the community each attendee being given six planning project and reference to coloured stickers and one gold work completed in six sticker. Instruction was given that Corangamite towns. The the coloured stickers should be outcomes of the Town Survey applied to the six ideas people were presented, based on the 84 would like to see implemented, completed returns. (A further with the single gold sticker to four completed surveys were then be applied to each submitted on the evening and individual’s top priority. This was over following days.) expressed as – if there was only one action to be implemented out It was explained that all the of the community planning survey ideas had been process, what should it be? summarized and grouped under a PUBLIC MEETING From the outset it was clear that a number of broad headings. Following the voting period, number of factors were operating Similar ideas were grouped to attendees returned to their chairs A public forum was held at the which adversely coloured local give a summary of the most and an informal verbal summary Terang Civic Hall on Thursday 15 disposition to become involved in frequently mentioned proposals of voting patterns was described, November 2012, with 38 people another community consultation for change or action. This highlighting the transparent attending. This figure represents exercise. Residual animosity over representation of all the survey priorities to emerge. less than two per cent of Terang’s the handling of Terang’s advice was posted around the population and an unexpected streetscape upgrade was room on large-print A0-size It was reported that the next dropping off of involvement from apparent, as was a collective sheets, with room for attendees steps would involve the formation the October Soapbox function. under-appreciation of the to add any further ideas which of Action Groups and scoping of It was latter reported that a achievements of Terang’s CBI had not been mentioned to date. projects, and that a summary of number of people had decided to project. Given the number of Members of the public then voted priorities would be circulated in boycott the public meeting based elephants in the room it might be on priorities from the 153 listed advance of the completed plan. on commentary aired at the considered a small triumph of ideas that had been identified and A ‘vision’ would be drawn upon Soapbox event. The mood at the community spirit that 38 people added a few more. those ‘most valued’ aspects of Public Meeting was decidedly found space enough to think Terang identified in the survey subdued, often negative and about a better future for Terang. responses. occasionally aggressive.

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Survey responses were categorised under 8 key themes and an ‘Other’ category. Adding the public meeting ‘votes’ and ‘gold sticker’ priorities provides a rough map of the major issues of concern to participants, with ‘Town amenity and appearance‘ the top issue, followed closely by ‘Provision of services. ‘Recreation and sport’ came in as a close third, followed by ‘Business, industry and economic development’ and “access, roads and safety’.

Sifting through the detail of proposals and commentary contained within these themes uncovers some key concerns which are at the heart of a variety of proposed ‘solutions’ around given topics. There are seven broad concerns which provide context to the 21 priority objectives which follow, several of which could be combined into a single project.

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1 2 5 Town appearance and amenity Terang lake development New playground

While there was no clear The primary concern to emerge Participants in the survey and consensus on the location and from the survey and voting is the voters at the public meeting form, there was strong support need to do something to improve acknowledge that the dry Terang for the development of a new the presentation and appearance Lake area is an outstanding town playground for Terang in both the of Terang’s town centre. This is asset of which better use could be survey and the voting at the summed up in the idea that a made. Recognition of the current public meeting. Commentary town can’t hope to be recreational uses and the efforts 3 included an assessment that the ‘prosperous’ in the future when of the Lions Club and Lake Retirement village current Apex Playground needs to its present physical appearance Trustees was given by many be upgraded or replaced, as it is speaks of the very opposite – in participants throughout the The provision of additional not a pleasant place for families. the words of respondents community consultation process, retirement accommodation Other commentary proposed that ‘shabby’, ‘dirty’ and ‘unloved’. however it was suggested that options within Terang is a long- Terang should have a playground work could be undertaken to add standing priority for Terang, that is different to standard off- Across many Victorian towns – to these efforts to provide for an recognised here as it was in the the-shelf models, which could large and small – there is a degree expanded range of recreational Terang Community Building serve to encourage passersby to of distress and disappointment pursuits. There is a suggestion Initiative (CBI). The previous stop in Terang. Others suggested amongst locals at the increasing that while the development of the obstacle of obtaining land in a a new playground would play a number of empty shops, and this Terang Lake area could add to its suitable location remains. role in upgrading the general was evident in the present Terang attraction for visitors the amenity of the town to make it survey. This is exacerbated for improved recreational amenity 4 more attractive to families with Terang with the central Johnstone could also serve to distinguish Natural gas connection young children to make their Court building remaining under- Terang from other towns in the home in Terang. utilised for many years. Locals competition to attract new This remains a priority for Terang would like to see some action to residents. This idea fits with the residents, some of whom are clean, paint and repair High Street Bernard Salt prescription that frustrated at the slow pace of facades, along with a range of soft Terang is well placed to adopt a implementation of the scheme and hard treatments to improve role as a ‘lifestyle’ commuter supported by the Shire and the presentation and town to the expanding offered by the State government. attractiveness of the town. Warrnambool.

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6 7 8 9 Access, safety and parking Railway Station Industrial land Footpaths, drainage and Streetscape improvements Whereas the fixing and extension There was strong support through Another thread relating to the of the footpath network headed the survey for something to be future prosperity of Terang has to Allied to the number one issue of the list on the theme of ‘Access, done about activating the Railway do with supporting local improving the appearance and safety and roads’, there were a Station. Some suggested that the businesses and developing new amenity of Terang, multiple cluster of ‘solutions’ around Station should be open and employment opportunities which references were made to perceived safety concerns to do staffed, offering a cafeteria and can support population attraction improving footpaths and with traffic, parking and assistance to elderly passengers. objectives. This point was raised drainage, particularly in the pedestrian crossings. There was a Others suggested that the waiting in relation to the number of centre of town. Streetscape call to reduce speed limits room needs to be opened and vacant shops in High Street, but improvements attracted votes through Terang and to rationalize heated and additional lighting another strand was connected to across a range of topics. It has the different limits currently provided to make the Station a the idea of providing more been suggested that this topic applying along High street. more welcoming place. The role affordable industrial land to would have received more votes The angle parking/ parallel of the Station was seen to be attract new enterprises to Terang. except that for many people this parking debate smoldered away important to capitalize on the is a project which is in hand if not with limited mention, however advantage Terang has of being on commenced at the time of voting. the idea of providing additional the to Warrnambool Whereas drainage and footpath car parking – both on-street and line, with some commenting that improvements, along with rubbish off-street received some support. this could become even more bins and additional seating have important to Terang in future since been delivered, there is where additional services would further suggested scope for enhance the attraction of Terang streetscape improvements, such as a commuter town. as placing power lines underground, gazebos, public art and renewed garden beds. Improvements to Terang’s public toilets also received mentioned under the topic of improving the amenity of the town centre.

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It was appreciated that a number consultation with younger active of issues were operating against a community members and the successful community formation of the Terang Playspace consultation at this time, and Action Group and estimated 50 without naming them all, they additional people contributed included conflict arising out of the their thoughts on the priorities long-drawn out Terang and projects identified through Streetscape upgrade, (including survey and public meeting voting. the previous deferral of the This brought the overall project), consultation fatigue participation rate above seven per following on from the recently cent of the township population. closed Terang CBI project, differences of opinion amongst Sixteen people responded to the breaking into small groups to vote Additional consultation brought leaders of community groups, and 60 invitations issued by the Shire on the issues/projects identified the overall participation rate a reported concern that Terang through Mayor Chris O’Connor, through the public consultation as above seven per cent of the had not managed to form a and a meeting was held on well as identifying other matters Terang township population. united leadership approach to Monday 18 March 2013 at the attendees would like to add to create and secure more Middle Hotel where Councillors these lists. A similar sticker voting Within the consultation with the opportunities for the town. Beard and O’Connor outlined method was employed, with data younger members of the Terang opportunities for involvement in sheets gathered and combined. community (a group missing) Without seeking to discount or planning for the future of Terang. A summary of findings is provided from the public consultation) are dilute the purity’ of the initial The group was primarily made up on page 20, showing that this a range of possible actions consultation, arrangements were of younger women, many with group also supported the top six relating to improve activities for made to include other voices babies and small children. It was priorities identified at the public teenagers, to bring the through additional consultation. noted that the future of Terang meeting. Very strong support for community together and to Through consultations with would belong to them. the Playground proposal was develop a strong identity for Terang Progress, Terang Residents matched only by a new project – Terang to better market the town and Ratepayers Association, A broad discussion was facilitated a new Kindergarten/ Playgroup/ to prospective new residents. Terang Resources, Terang Lake on the question of ‘What does Maternal Child Health Centre Hub. Trustees, an invitation-based Terang need’, with attendees

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KPMG demographer and Terang favourite son Bernard Salt works several themes on what makes some towns grow and others become unviable. He says that many small towns suffer long- term population loss because of an exodus of youth and people aged up to 40. He proposes that this is linked to the fact that young people today have an expectation to participate in further education and training and people in small towns mostly have to leave to access this based on its ‘lifestyle’ advantages. buildings are also a highly valued in a genuine way to those who opportunity. Mr Salt speaks of Although proximity to a large attribute of the town, along with value the town’s ‘lifestyle’ two kinds of small towns which population centre throws out a surrounding natural assets and offering, then it can continue to are growing – ‘lifestyle challenge to local retail and urban greenspace, including Lake retain and build its population in a communities’ and ‘creative professional services, in Bernard Terang and the old and new oak virtuous cycle which will improve towns’ which attract and retain Salt’s terms, the key to Terang’s tree avenue plantings. This is not its viability and enhance its future people who apply their creative future is linked to creative ways of to underplay the value of Terang’s prosperity. thinking to their community. ‘The developing the town’s lifestyle friendly residents and active things that cause population assets and communicating these volunteers which contribute to The projects the community has growth are rarely a government advantages to a receptive market. the town’s strong sense of identified in this plan all have a initiative’, he contends. community and its community larger or smaller part to play in The community of Terang spirit. realizing this strategy for Terang, Bernard Salt has long argued that recognises and values its many from an innovative community Terang has a promising future as a infrastructure assets, including If Terang can protect, maintain hub supporting families and commuter town – a future that the town’s hospital, medical, and develop its assets in a way children, a great new playground, becomes stronger as nearby district nursing , aged care, that enhances the lifestyle an outstanding recreational Warrnambool grows. This is education, library, sporting, opportunities it can offer its greenspace in , a because the town can retain and recreation and retail facilities and residents, and if it can vibrant commercial centre to build its residential population services. Terang’s heritage communicate these advantages connection to natural gas.

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The additional consultations (involving a younger demographic than the public meeting attendance) identified an additional project – a new Kindergarten/ Maternal Child Health Centre/ Playgroup Hub – which interested members of the Terang community could scope and pursue development opportunities in partnership with the Corangamite Shire. This concept has at least 12 identified supporters, placing it somewhere between Priorities 9 and 11.

S means survey mentions, V means votes at public meeting, and G means ‘gold sticker’ applied to single top voter priority

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In considering how to confront the list of potentially 22 projects, it is useful to sort them into groups under the principal agency through which action will need to be carried out. This approach gives the following breakdown:

Community (6 projects) State Government (3) Council (8) Private commercial interests (4)

Given that the Terang Community Plan has a 10 year horizon, it would be possible to complete the plan in that timeframe by addressing two priorities each year, although those that involve private commercial interests might be less amenable to influence. There is some scope to connect to existing work in progress, and perhaps to combine Experience suggests there is value One of the identified priorities, a some of the listed projects. in focusing on two or three retirement village for Terang, priorities at a time, lest the list of represents unfinished business In developing a schedule of proposed projects becomes from the Terang Community activities, there might be value in overwhelming for the people Building Initiative. Other local establishing Action Groups to involved. Early achievement of a towns have utilized community work on individual projects and tangible project can provide networks and endeavor to involve relationships with the key confidence that time spent on a not-for-profit organisation to government agencies. community planning is develop and operate retirement worthwhile. accommodation facilities.

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The clear priority for those who participated in the formulation of Terang’s community plan is cleaning up the appearance of the town’s central shopping precinct. This concern outnumbers all others in terms of survey mentions and was the highest Projects led by the community or the community with partners priority for a significant percentage of voters. The proposal is linked to broader concerns about the prosperity of Terang, its attractiveness as a retail service centre and the filling of vacant premises. This project is a strong candidate for obtaining leveraged funding using BSCC Projects involving the State Government and its agencies seed funding, linked as it is to common community, commercial and economic objectives. Terang The Terang Lake Development to how the area could be Of the three projects which Progress has indicated its project has been raised with the enhanced for the benefit of require State Government preparedness to contribute funds Lake Trustees and the Lions Club existing and prospective residents agency, natural gas connection is to this work, and the project holds of Terang, both of which have as well as visitors. the most advanced. All three promise to capitalise on the indicated their willingness and provide opportunities for new or The other priorities which round investment already provided in enthusiasm to consider additional advocacy by Council out the group of projects which the Streetscape upgrade works. improvements to the recreational and the local community. could be advanced through amenity of this highly-valued The other two major projects community agency (15, 18, 19 and The four priorities which require town asset. A substantial which attracted substantial 21) did not feature so strongly the involvement of private consultation process will be support are the Terang Lake through the survey, but they business interests (see following needed to develop concepts Development and a New could be taken up by interested page) are now three, now that which integrate and/or prioritise Playground for Terang. Both are individuals or groups. Terang has a new Bakery. candidates for BSCC seed funding. the suggestions put forward as

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Nine of the 22 priorities identified through the survey and public meeting intersect with the responsibilities of local government, with Corangamite Shire actively involved in six of these areas.

The first part of the Terang Streetscape Stage 1 was Projects intersecting with the responsibilities of Council completed on 24 May 2013. This represents a culmination of many years of planning, after several setbacks and divided opinion over parking and other configuration issues. Now that this first part has been completed a new local consultation process is being rolled out on the next phase involving the Avenue, War Memorial and eastern approach to the shopping centre. Projects dependent on business decisions of private commercial interests Completion of the Streetscape Stage 1 in 2013 will address matters listed as Priorities 10, 11 impetus for planning work to take Plans for a new kindergarten for Issues relating to improved public and 17, as well as possibly touch place in 2013/14 to deliver on the Terang are also under toilets, off-street car-parking upon parts of the contested issue aspiration for a new playground consideration by the Shire, in industrial land zoning and bike of car-parking. for Terang. Eight potential sites association with other service trails can also be included in have been identified and a facilities. This presents another future Council considerations Council has a Playground Upgrade working group established to opportunity for a Council/ through local representations, scheduled for the 2014/15 plan, scope and cost a project in a Community partnership in the and may well be countenanced as financial year, which adds Community/ Council partnership. design and delivery of the project. components of other projects.

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Work is proposed to commence the implementation of the top 10 priorities of the Terang Community plan. Streetscape upgrade issues aside, these actions seek to address those matters which received the strongest community support through the planning process.

ACTION 1: Involves the community, Terang Progress and the Terang business operators and property owners developing a ACTION 4: Relates to Action 1 and ACTION 8: Involves community In terms of BSCC seed funds cost sharing scheme to clean and other approaches to reactivating advocacy for improvements in distribution, it is proposed to repaint High Street shopfronts. the Johnstone Court site. and around the Terang Railway notionally allocate $30,000 to Station. ACTION 1 (Clean up shop fronts), This may involve a grant ACTION 5: Involves the resolution application being made. $30,000 to ACTION 2 (Terang Lake of the current State Government ACTION 9: Involves local interests development), $30,000 to ACTION offer scheme, including renewed/ ACTION 2: Involves a planning working with Council and private 6 (New Playground)and leave additional advocacy measures. interests on the release of $10,000 unallocated at this stage. activity to come up with an additional industrial land at These unallocated funds could be integrated plan for the long-term ACTION 6: Involves a community/ Terang. used to support other priorities or development and conservation of Council partnership to plan, rolled into the implementation Terang Lake precinct, drawing on design, scope and cost a new ACTION 10: Involves the phase of these three priority suggestions already advanced as a Playground for Terang, including community working with Council projects. starting point. the securing of an agreed site and to design and develop an fundraising activities to permit integrated facility and to find a ACTION 3: Involves local interests implementation in the 2014/15 suitable site on which to construct working with private interests to financial year. identify and secure appropriate the proposed Hub. (This project land on which to develop ACTION 7: Involves private might also open up opportunities retirement living accommodation. interest establishing additional which can satisfy other priorities.) off-street parking.

Realising Terang Community priorities for township development – 2013 to 2023 May 2013 23


A primary goal of the Building Having arrived at a ranked list of It is proposed to formally review Stronger Corangamite project priorities it is evident that the Realising Terang plan after a Communities initiative is to a deal of detail work is required to period of two years, perhaps strengthen communities through specify and scope these shared towards the middle of 2015, to the establishment of linkages objectives. Such work might be assess project achievements within communities, between expected involve some against objectives and to community organisations, and adjustment to timescales and formulate revised objectives as between local communities and priorities depending on the required. government agencies, including negotiated outcomes. For this local government. This is on the reason it may be necessary to premise that development of countenance a more fluid and local capacity may be achieved continuous planning approach in through the sharing and place of the stepped Plan/ utilisation of talents and skills Implement/ Review process. within the community as well as In some cases this plan might through linkages to expertise not need to be adjusted as and when readily accessible to local some broader governmental organisations. This includes access parameters are confirmed. to assistance from local and State government agencies to seek out advice and financial and other resources to support local initiatives.

The implementation of the projects outlined in this plan will seek to support and strengthen local organisations, not the least through activation of local interest and involvement in projects deemed to be of high priority by the local community.

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Survey instrument Ranking of issues and projects Summary of survey responses Detailed survey and voting results

Realising Terang Community priorities for township development – 2013 to 2023 May 2013 25