
Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019



Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4 [email protected]

Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia

Info Artikel : Abstract Sejarah Artikel : The objective of this research is to know what is antisocial disorder that was conducted by Diterima watching the dark movie. In this paper, the writers used descriptive qualitative method by 20 Maret 2020 visited the library and browsed of internet to get the references and data that related to the topic. Disetujui For data collection, all information was collected by librarian research to obtain the theories of 16 Mei 2020 literary work and all support information that related to the objective of the research. The next Dipublikasikan stage was analyzing of The Dark Knight movie by watching several times . The result of this 28 Oktober 2020 research indicated that; (1) there are seven symptopms of antisocial disorder that occurred in joker character such as failure to conform to social norm, deceitfulness, impulsivity, irritability and aggressiveness, reckless disregard for safety of self or others, consistent irresponsibility, and lack of Keywords : remorse (2) antisocial disorder in joker character developed by childhood trauma and abuse which antisocial disorder, is caused by his father’s treatments (3) there are three moral messages that can learned from the descriptive qualitative dark knight movie such as humanity, teamwork, and consideration. method, film Kata Kunci : Abstrak gangguan antisosial, metode deskriptif kualitatif, film Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa itu Gangguan Antisosial yang dilakukan dengan menonton film The Dark Knight. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif semua informasi dikumpulkan untuk memperoleh teori karya sastra dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan library research dengan mengunjungi perpustakaan dan menelusuri Internet untuk mendapatkan referensi dan data yang terkait dengan topik tersebut. Tahap selanjutnya adalah menganalisa dengan menyimak dan menyaksikan film tersebut untuk memperdalam karakter Joker yang menjadi objek utama penelitian dengan mengunjungi perpustakaan dan menelusuri Internet untuk mendapatkan referensi dan data yang terkait dengan topik tersebut.. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Ada tujuh gejala Gangguan Antisosial yang terjadi pada karakter Joker seperti kegagalan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan norma sosial, tipu daya, impulsif, dan agresif, ketidakpedulian, ceroboh untuk keselamatan diri sendiri atau orang lain, tidak bertanggung jawab secara konsisten, dan tidak ada rasa penyesalan (2) Gangguan Antisosial dalam karakter Joker terbentuk karena trauma masa kecil dan pelecehan yang disebabkan oleh perlakuan ayahnya (3) Ada tiga pesan moral yang dapat dipelajari dari film The Dark Knight, seperti kemanusiaan, kerja tim, dan pertimbangan.

INTRODUCTION acts of the characters while their listening to the conversation. Movie can Literature has a lot of genres in its be media to deliver message to the presentation, such as poetry, fiction, and audience through the characters in drama. In Literature also, there are movie. As we know that film is an several ways to improve English skills audio-visual communication to convey a such as through song lyrics, poem, message for group of people in a novel, movie, and many more. In this particular place. The movie messages of case, the authors choose movie or film as a communication can be anything a tool to improve English skills because depending on the mission of the film. through movie the audience can see the gestures, expressions, movements, and ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 129 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


However, in generally a movie can trauma. The appearance of sociopath is include a variety of messages, it can be manipulating people for personal gain. educational, entertainment and Antisocial disorder is not the same with information messages. The messages of schizophrenia because people with the movie are using the mechanism of Antisocial Disorder really concious symbols that exist in the human mind in about all that done. Same as the the form of message content, sounds, antagonist character in The Dark Knight words, conversations, and so on. Based movie, Joker, he does all sadistic acts in on Carroll (2008:80) argues that, consciousness. “Movies are typically comprised of a The antagonist character of The series of moving pictures, called shots, Dark Knight movie, Joker, is a terrorist which themselves are animated as a and villain of city who wear succession of still pictures, called make up like a joker in the play card to frames, pass before the projector beam”. cover up the scars made by his own Several aspects of character can be father when he was a child. Joker is discussed such as physiology, sociology, clever and proficient in making strategy antropology, and psychology. Quotes by such as trapping people in dangerous Card (1974:30) tagged as character condition. After he terrorized and showing that, “The Seven Social Sins disrupting the , are: Wealth without work, Pleasure gives an offers to the Gotham city crime without conscience, Knowledge without syndicates who start to fear the character, Commerce without morality, that he promises to finish and kill the Science without humanity, Worship Batman, in return for half of their assets. without sacrifice”. The authors take the Joker then gives the demands that the psychology one and focuses on the topic Gotham city must hand over Antisocial Disorder. Based on American or Joker will kill more people again until Psychiatric Association (APA) Batman surrenders. (2013:660), states that, “The essential In this paper, the writer will limit feature of antisocial personality disorder and focuses on antisocial disorder of is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, Joker character in The Dark Knight and violation of, the rights of others that movie. The Joker character in The Dark begins in childhood or early adolescence Knight raised a lot of his trauma from and continues into adulthood”. the past, so in this film we will tell the Antisocial disorder sometimes called by origin of why the Joker became a social sociopath are often violate the rights of deviation in the form of a super-villain. others, disregard social norms and Based on the movie, the writer tries to conventions, and in some case break the discuss about the symptoms of antisocial law. The reason the writer chooses The disorder that occurred in Joker character, Dark Knight movie because in this the causes of Joker’s antisocial disorder movie has a lot of antisocial aspects that or social deviation, and the moral can be analyzed by the writer. Antisocial messages contained in the The Dark disorders are usually caused by children Knight movie. abuse or experienced and emotional 130 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


THEORETICAL REVIEW feature of antisocial personality disorder is disregard and violate others rights that Definition of Antisocial Disorder begins in childhood or early adolescence Antisocial personality disorder and continues into adulthood. describes an ingrained pattern of According to Morizot & Kazemian behavior in which individuals (2015:2) : consistently disregard and violate the The term antisocial behavior, rights of others around them. typically used in psychology and The disorder is best understood psychiatry, refers to these analogous within the context of the broader behaviors. It is a generic concept that category of personality disorders. A encompasses criminal offending but also personality disorder is an enduring several related behaviors that are socially pattern of personal experience and disruptive or go against established behavior that deviates noticeably from social and societal norms or rules. the expectations of the individual's From the statement above, the writer culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has concludes that the term antisocial an onset in adolescence or early behavior usually used in psychology and adulthood, is stable over time, and leads psychiatry. The concept of to personal distress or impairment. antisocial behavior includes criminal The symptoms of antisocial offenses and also some socially personality disorder can vary in severity. disruptive behaviors or against The more egregious, harmful, or established social and societal norms or dangerous behavior patterns are referred rules . to as sociopathic or psychopathic. There As stated by Nevid et al (2014:446): has been much debate as to the Antisocial personality or is distinction between the two descriptions. associated with a wide range of traits, Sociopathy is chiefly characterized as including failure to conform to social something severely wrong with one's norms, irresponsibility, aimlessness and conscience; psychopathy is characterized lack of long-term goals or plans, as a complete lack of conscience impulsive behavior, outright lawlessness, regarding others. Some professionals violence, chronic unemployment, marital describe people with this constellation of problems, lack of remorse or empathy, symptoms as "stone cold" to the rights of substance abuse or alcoholism, and a others. Consequences of this disorder disregard for the truth and for the can include imprisonment, drug abuse, feelings and needs of others. and alcoholism. In means the traits of antisocial Based on APA (2013:660), states personality which is includes deviation that, “The essential feature of antisocial of acts and attitudes such as failure to personality disorder is a pervasive conform to social norms, pattern of disregard for, and violation of, irresponsibility, violence, lack of the rights of others that begins in remorse or emphaty, lawlessness and childhood or early adolescence and disregard for the truth, the feelings and continues into adulthood.” It means that needs of others. ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 131 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


Based on the statement of the disregard for safety of self or others; (6) experts above, the writer concludes that Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated antisocial disorder is deviation of by repeated failure to sustain consistent societal norms or rules and violate others work behavior or honor financial rights that begins in childhood or early obligations; (7) Lack of remorse, as adolescence and continuous to indicated by being indifferent to or adulthood. Antisocial disorder is also rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or characterized by continuous violations, stolen from another. failure to conform to social norms, According to Stout (2006:123) : irresponsibility, lack of remorse, By the same mathematical model, disregard for the feelings for others, and eight sociopathic symptoms and their other deviation of acts and attitudes. absence were found to be significantly heritable. They are, in descending order Symptoms of Antisocial Disorder of theoretical heritability: “fails to According to Wade et al (2014:413) conform to social norms,” “aggressive,” argue that, “In antisocial personality “reckless,” “impulsive,” “fails to honor disorder (APD), symptoms may include financial obligation,” “inconsistent the remorselessness of psychopathy but work,” “never monogamous,” and “lacks the major criteria involve a lifelong remorse.” pattern of aggressive, reckless, From the definition above, the impulsive, and often criminal behavior writer concludes that symptoms of (although not necessarily a lack of antisocial disorder includes fails to empathy and other social emotion).” conform to social norms, aggressive, From the definition above, the writer reckless, impulsive, fails to honor concludes that a lifelong symptoms financial obligation, inconsistent work, pattern of antisosial disorder such as never monogamous, and lacks remorse. aggressive, reckless, impulsive, and Based on symptoms of antisocial often criminal behavior. People with disorder by experts, the writer concludes antisocial also sometimes lack of that symptoms of antisocial disorder are empathy and other social emotion. failure to conform to social norms, Based on APA (2013:659) aggressive, impulsive, deceitfulness, Antisocial Personality Disorder indicated reckless disregard for safety of self or by three (or more) of the following: (1) others, lack of remorse, and Failure to conform to social norms with irresponsibility. respect to lawful behaviors, as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are 2.1.2 Causes of Antisocial Disorder grounds for arrest; (2) Deceitfulness, as According to Black (2013:132) indicated by repeated lying, use of states that Bad parenting, defective aliases, or conning others for personal genes, childhood trauma, poverty−these profit or pleasure; (3) Impulsivity or are but a few of the proposed causal failure to plan ahead; (4) Irritability and factors in antisocial personality disorder aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated (ASP), a list as varied as the selection of physical fights or assaults; (5) Reckless experts who stand behind their favorite 132 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019

https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index explanation for the disorder. This parenting and childhood trauma such as statement explains that causal factors of physical punishment and children abuse. antisocial personality disorder comes The role of parents is very influential. from bad parenting, defective genes, and How they act with their children is childhood trauma. affected to childrens’s behavior and Quoted by Morizot & Kazemian mental in further. (2015:25) : “…. the causes of antisocial 2.2. Definition of Movie behavior vary for children who start Movies, also known as films, are a being deviant at different ages. At the type of visual communication which earliest ages (birth to 6), the three most uses moving pictures and sound to tell important factors are neuropsychological stories or teach people something. deficit and difficult temperament (e.g., People in every part of the world watch impulsiveness, negative emotionality, movies as a type of entertainment, a way fearlessness, poor emotion regulation), to have fun. For some people, fun parenting deficits (e.g., poor monitoring, movies can mean movies that make them low affective ties, inconsistent laugh, while for others it can mean discipline, physical punishment), and movies that make them cry, or feel structural adversity (e.g., poverty, afraid. unemployment, welfare dependency, a Most movies are made so that they disorganized neighborhood).” can be shown on big screens at movie From the explanation above, the theatres and at home. After movies are writer concludes that the causes of shown on movie screens for a period of antisocial behavior are varieties in weeks or months, they may be marketed children with different ages. One of the through several other media. They are causes is parenting deficits such as poor shown on pay television or cable monitoring, low affective ties, television, and sold or rented on DVD inconsistent discipline, and physical disks or videocassette tapes, so that punishment. people can watch the movies at home. Based on Johnson et al in Nevid You can also download or stream (2015:520) states that, “Research shows movies. Older movies are shown on that many people with APD were raised television broadcasting stations. in families characterized by lack of Based on Carroll (2008:80) argues parental warmth and nurturing, as well that, “Movies are typically comprised of as parental neglect, abuse, rejection, and a series of moving pictures, called shots, use of harsh punishment.” It means which themselves are animated as a many people with antisocial personality succession of still pictures, called disorder were raised in family with lack frames, pass before the projector beam”. of parental warmth and nurturing pattern It means that movie consists of a series such as parental neglect, abuse, of moving pictures called shots which is rejection, and harsh punishment. animated as a series of still pictures In the end, the writer concludes that called frames, and passed before antisocial disorder is caused by bad projector beam. ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 133 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


In other side, according to Giannetti even more, a character is what he means (2007:104) states that, “ “Movies,” to do. It means character is more than “motion pictures,” “moving what he does, but character is what he pictures”−all these phrases suggest the means to do. central importance of motion in the art of Based on Jannidis (2010:213) argue film. Cinema drives from Greek word that Character is a text- or media-based for “movement,” as do the words kinetic, figure in a story world, usually human or kinesthesia, and choreopraphy—terms human-like. It means character is a text usually associated with the art of dance”. or media based figure in a story world. As Giannetti’s states there are many Character also usually a human or term for movie again movie is humanlike. considered as an art of visual movement Based on the definitions above the and can not be separated with writer concludes that character is a kinesthesia and choreography as content. person who play an important part in the Quoted by Bertino et al (2004:123) story. Character is more than what he argue that, “For the purpose of does, but character is what he means to exposition, a movie is a tuple do. Character is also a text or media characterized by the attributes “director”, based figure in a story world that usually “actor/actress”, and “genre”.” It means a human or humanlike. movie is a tuple that characterized by the Here is a Characterization according attributes of director, actor or actress and to Hallet (2010:7): genre as a purpose of exposition. A. Methods of Characterization From the definitions above the (show and tell; or telling versus writer concludes movie is a series of showing): (1) Expository/Direct moving picture called shots which is Presentation: described and/or explained animated as a series of still pictures by the narrator; (2) Dramatic/Indirect called frames, and passed before Presentation: actions show the kind of projector beam. Movie is also a tuple person the character is: (a) His/Her own characterized by the attributes of actions, behavior, speech, and recorded director, actor/actress, and genre that can thoughts and/or; (b) Qualities are not be separated with kinesthesia and apparent by what other characters say choreography as content. about him/her. B. Types of Character: (1) Flat: a 2.3 Definition of Character one-dimensional character, typically not According to DiBattista (2010:vii) central to the story; (2) Two-dimensional argues that, “Regarded as people, characters may be used as vessels to characters are more likely to appear as carry out the plot; (3) Round: a complex, familiars of our world and in fact play an fully-developed character, usually prone important part in our experience of it.” It to change; (4) Static: these can be either means characters play an important part round or flat characters, but they do not in our experience of it. change during the story. Folktales, Quoted by Card (1988:6) states that, fairytales, and other types use and A character is what he does, yes—but flat characters whose actions are 134 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019

https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index predictable, so the reader is free to In fictional literature, authors use concentrate on the action and theme as many different types of characters to tell each moves toward an often times their stories. Different types of universal discovery; (5) Dynamic: a characters fulfill different roles in the developing character, usually at the narrative process, and with a little bit of center of the action, who changes or analysis, you can usually detect some or grows to a new awareness of life (the all of the types below. human condition); (6) Stock: Major or central characters are vital “borrowed” personage or archetype (ex. to the development and resolution of the Western hero in white hat; old, long- conflict. In other words, the plot and nosed, straggly-haired hag as evil witch). resolution of conflict revolves around Closely related to stereotype; (7) these characters. Minor characters serve Stereotype: a character so little to complement the major characters and individualized as to show only qualities help move the plot events forward. of an occupation, or national, ethnic, or Dynamic - A dynamic character is a other group to which s/he belongs (ex. person who changes over time, usually Irishman, Sicilian, soldier, nerd, dumb as a result of resolving a central conflict blonde, obnoxious brat, silly teenager); or facing a major crisis. Most dynamic (8). Universal: characters with problems characters tend to be central rather than and traits common to all humanity; (9) peripheral characters, because resolving Individual: a more eccentric and unusual the conflict is the major role of central representation of character. characters. C. Function of Character: (1) Static - A static character is : the principle figure in the someone who does not change over story; (2) Antagonist: the character with time; his or her personality does not whom the protagonist is engaged in a transform or evolve. struggle. Note: a conflicting agency not Round - A rounded character is embodied in an actual character is called anyone who has a complex personality; an antagonistic force as is the weather in he or she is often portrayed as a Tales of the Yukon or the sea in stories conflicted and contradictory person. like “The Open Boat”; (3) "Confident" Flat - A flat character is the opposite for confidant(e): the character in whom of a round character. This literary another character (usually the personality is notable for one kind of protagonist) confides, much like Watson personality trait or characteristic. is confidante to Sherlock and Tonto is Stock - Stock characters are those confidante to the Lone Ranger; (4) Foil: types of characters who have become a secondary character serving as a conventional or stereotypical through backdrop (mirror) for a more important repeated use in particular types of character. Typically, the foil is rather stories. Stock characters are instantly ordinary and static so that the unusual recognizable to readers or audience qualities of the primary character will be members (e.g. the femme fatale, the more striking in contrast. Often this cynical but moral private eye, the mad same character is both confidant and foil. scientist, the geeky boy with glasses, and ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 135 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019

https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index the faithful ). Stock characters aspect of society. For example, in Lord are normally one-dimensional flat of the Flies, Piggy is a symbol of both characters, but sometimes stock the rationality and physical weakness of personalities are deeply conflicted, modern civilization; Jack, on the other rounded characters (e.g. the "Hamlet" hand, symbolizes the violent tendencies type). (the Id) that William Golding believes is Protagonist - The protagonist is the within human nature. central person in a story, and is often Direct presentation (or referred to as the story's main character. characterization) - This refers to what He or she (or they) is faced with a the speaker or narrator directly says or conflict that must be resolved. The thinks about a character. In other words, protagonist may not always be admirable in a direct characterization, the reader is (e.g. an anti-hero); nevertheless s/he told what the character is like. When must command involvement on the part Dickens describes Scrooge like this: "I of the reader, or better yet, empathy. present him to you: Ebenezer Antagonist - The antagonist is the Scrooge....the most tightfisted hand at character(s) (or situation) that represents the grindstone, Scrooge! A squeezing, the opposition against which the wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, protagonist must contend. In other covetous, old sinner!" - this is very direct words, the antagonist is an obstacle that characterization! the protagonist must overcome. Indirect presentation (or Anti-Hero - A major character, characterization) - This refers to what usually the protagonist, who lacks the character says or does. The reader conventional nobility of mind, and who then infers what the character is all struggles for values not deemed about. This mimics how we understand universally admirable. Duddy, in people in the real world, since we can't Mordecai Richler's The Apprenticeship "get inside their heads". In other words, of Duddy Kravitz, is a classic anti-hero. in an indirect characterization, it's the He's vulgar, manipulative and self- reader who is obliged to figure out what centered. Nevertheless, Duddy is the the character is like. And sometimes the center of the story, and we are drawn to reader will get it wrong. the challenges he must overcome and the goals he seeks to achieve. THE METHOD OF THE Foil - A foil is any character RESEARCH (usually the antagonist or an important supporting character) whose personal In this study, the writer used qualities contrast with another character descriptive qualitative research using (usually the protagonist). By providing content analysis. According to Nazir this contrast, we get to know more about (1988:63), qualitative descriptive the other character. method is a method in exaamining the Symbolic - A symbolic character is status of a grup of humans, an object, a any major or minor character whose very set of conditions, a system of thought or existence represents some major idea or a class of events in the presents. 136 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


The purpose of this study was to signs of immorality that exist in the make a description, or painting Joker character systematically, factually and accurately There are several procedures used of the facts, characteristic, and by the writer to analyze the movie. First, relationship between phenomena the writer watching the movie several investigated. The process of research times. Second, reading the movie script was done through two stages, namely repeatedly to get more understand the data collection and data analysis. For conflicts that occur in the movie. Third, data collection, all information was the writer collects all necessary data collected by librarian research to obtain related to the topic. Fourth, the writer the theories of literary work and all collects theory according to the experts support information that related to the through books research and Internet objective of the research. The next stage acces to support the data that has been was analyzing of The Dark Knight collected. After that, by using theory movie by watching it several times to from the experts, the writer gets the deepen the character of Joker that results to answer the statement of the become the main object of the research. problem above. In this process, the writer conducted analyzing by choosing the information, RESULT AND DISCUSSION collecting the utterances, looking for the relationship and comparing with The Joker () is a antisocial disorder theory as background terrorist and villain of Gotham City who Joker’s character which can be analyzed wear make up like a Joker in the play on this research. Finally to answer the card to cover up the scars on his mouth. statement of the problem, the data would The Joker always against the heroes of be classified into some points that Gotham City named Batman (Christian namely the symptom and the cause of Bale). Joker is also clever and proficient antisocial disorder, including the moral in making strategy such as trapping message behind the story of the movie. peole in dangerous condition. The results of data analysis are Joker first appears in The Dark presented in the form of a narrative Knight movie, as part of a six-member description. If we look at the back, The gang wearing clown masks who rob Dark Knight film is one of the film that Gotham City Bank. He tricks four of inspired the audience to commit immoral them into killing each other, then kills acts. This film is a superhero fil of the last one himself and escapes with the Batman with the antagonist Joker. Joker money. One day, Joker comes to a is one super villain who is full of meeting of mob members and immoral acts. His action were not interrupting a video conference between intended for money or power, but only mob leaders , the Chechen one for pleasure. and Gambol with their accountant, Lau. Based on the above statement, we were Joker offers to kill Batman for half of the interest to be appointed this film as a mob's money. research. This research aims to see the ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 137 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


The Joker announces that people then laughs hysterically as he is taken will die each day until Batman reveals into custody. Batman ultimately foils the his true identity. When Gotham's district Joker's plan by taking the blame for attorney, Harvey Dent, identifying Harvey Dent's crimes. himself as Batman, the Joker tries to In this session, the writer used the kidnap him. Batman interrogates him theory from American Psychiatric after Dent goes missing. The Joker also Association (APA) to support the data reveals that Dent's girlfriend which is analysis because the theory is related to Batman’s ex lover, has the symptoms of Joker’s antisocial also gone missing and divulges their disorder. The symptoms of antisocial separate locations, both rigged up with a disorder shown by Joker in this movie time bomb. Joker tricks Batman to save are following below: Dent, who is difective in the explosion, while Rachel is killed. The Joker then 1. Failure to Conform to Social Norms escapes the police station with Lau. Based on the theory of APA stated To prevent that one of the symptoms of antisocial M&A law accountant, Coleman Reese, disorder is failure to conform to social from revealing Batman’s alter ego on norms with respect to lawful behaviors, TV. The Joker makes a phone call to the as indicated by repeatedly performing TV station and says that he will blow up acts that are grounds for arrest. Gotham General Hospital if Reese does not die within 60 minutes. During the panic, the Joker sneaks into Gotham General Hospital disguised as a nurse to meet with Harvey Dent, and persuades him to take revenge on those responsible for Rachel's death. He then blows up the hospital and takes a busload of hostages. After he blows up the hospital, the Figure 1 Joker set up bombs on two ferries in Gotham bay. One of ferry containing In a scene (times 01:20:23 prison) citizens and the other containing described Joker is held in jail for what he prisoners, and tells the passengers that he has done. Then he blew up the prison to will destroy both boats unless there is escape. Imprisonment did not make him one that blows up another boat. The wary, after escaping he committed more hostages chose not to blow up each criminal acts. This fact shown that Joker other. Batman then captures the Joker, has symptoms of antisocial disorder and the Joker states that they are meant which is failure to conform to social to fight each other forever. The Joker norms with respect to lawful behaviors, gloats that he has won "the battle for as indicated by repeatedly performing Gotham's soul", because the city's acts that are grounds for arrest. inhabitants will lose hope after knowing Harvey Dent's became a killer. The Joker 138 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


2. Deceitfulness Gotham City Bank. Joker manipulated The second symptom shown by his whole crew into robbing the bank Joker is deceitfulness. It is one of and told them they would all split the symptoms of antisocial disorder that money. However, the Joker ends up indicated by repeated lying, use of killing his crew and getting away with aliases, or conning others for personal the money. The Italic sentences profit or plasure. It is stated by a dialog explained about “Deceitfulness”. between Gordon and Joker below: From two scenes above, it proves that the joker has a symptom of antisocial disorder which is deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying for personal profit or pleasure.

3. Impulsivity According to APA, impulsivity or failure to plan ahead is one of symptoms of antisocial disorder. People with

Figure 2 antisocial disorder planned seemingly impossible tasks without thinking about Joker lies about kidnapping Rachel the consequences afterward. One Dawes and Harvey Dent. Joker example shown in a scene (time pretending not to know about the :00:50:57 party) when Joker starting abduction of Harvey Dent and Rachel cornered in a fight, he throws Rachel out Dawess and instead blame others, but in of the window to distract Batman. When fact he was the mastermind of the the Batman helps Rachel who fell from abduction. Joker conceal them in the window, Joker is blurred so the separate locations and both rigged up Batman can not catch him. with a time bombs Another data that support this symptom can be seen in this picture below.

Figure 3 Joker robbed a Bank Time 00:04:11 Figure 4 Time 01:49:04. Hospital

From the scen above, Joker dressed as Bozo the clown while robbing the ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 139 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


The picture above is when Joker tried to blow up the Gotham General Hospital. Hitting his detonator, the majority of the bombs failed to blow therefore causing him to steal a nearby city bus as a quick getaway. Based on this data above, it proves that the Joker planned seemingly impossible tasks without thinking about the consequences afterward. It means that he has Figure 6 symptoms of antisocial disorder which is Time 00:50:26. Party impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. From the picture above, Joker 4. Irritability and Agressiveness describes he and his subordinates APA confirms that irritability and attacked the Batman in the party. He aggressiveness is a symptoms of kicked Batman with his shoe which there antisocial disorder which is indicated by was a pointed object on its tip. It proves repeated physical fights or assaults. that Joker has a symptoms of antisocial Without a doubt the Joker was disorder which is irritability and constantly fighting assaulting, torturing, aggressiveness, as indicated by physical or murdering another individual. fights and physical assaults to his rival, Batman and detective Stephen.

5. Reckless Disregard for Safety of Self or Others Reckless disregard is an act of preceeding to do something with a conscious awareness of danger, while ignoring any potential consequences of so doing. Reckless disregard, while not necessarily suggesting an intentnto cause

Figure 5 harm. It is a harser condition than Time 01:30:51. Detective’s Room ordinary negligence. APA suggests that one of symptoms of antisocial disorder is Joker holding detective as a hostage reckless disregard for safety of self or From the dialogue above, the Joker takes others. Based on APA (2013:659) the detective as a hostage and held a Antisocial Personality Disorder indicated piece of broken glass to the detective’s by three (or more) of the following: (1) throat just to get his phone . It shows the Failure to conform to social norms with aggressive nature of Joker by doing respect to lawful behaviors, as indicated physical assaults against others by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest; (2) Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of 140 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019

https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index aliases, or conning others for personal from his Batpod. It evidence that Joker profit or pleasure; (3) Impulsivity or experienced symptoms of antisocial failure to plan ahead; (4) Irritability and disorder, which is reckless disregard for aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated safety of self or other by ignored and physical fights or assaults; (5) Reckless careless about the safety of the people on disregard for safety of self or others; (6) the boat. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent 6. Consistent Irresponsibility work behavior or honor financial Another symptoms of antisocial obligations; (7) Lack of remorse, as disorder is consistent irresponsibility, indicated by being indifferent to or which is indicated by repeated failure to rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or sustain consistent work behavior or stolen from another. honor financial obligations.

Figure 7 Time 01:57:51. Boat Figure 8 Joker threatens people on Ferry Time 00:04:25. Bank Boat Joker : “ …. So I’ve left you both a little In the scene above, describes the present. Each of you has a remote to Joker and his accomplices robbed the blow up the other boat. At , I Gotham City Mob Bank. Joker also blow you all up. If, however, one of you threaten customers and employees used presses the button, I’ll let that boat live. weapons. He takes all the money and You choose …..” escaps using the school bus to avoid From the text above, the Joker police suspicions. From the scene above threatening people on the boat and said proves the theory of APA that the one of that he would blast the boat at midnight symptoms of antisocial disorder is if the passenger did not presses the consistent irresponsibility. The Joker is button to blast other boat. never considered to have a job. Based on the scene above, Joker However, he will steal to receive cash describes that he cared very little about payments and money to support himself his own safety considering he told in crime acts. Batman to run him over with Batman’s Batpod. Batman who won’t kill anyone, tries to avoid him and then Batman falls


Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


7 Lack of Remorse mayor to the ground and causes lieutnant The Joker never apologizes for his Gordon takes shots on his back. Based behavior nor having any remorse for on the scene above, the writer concludes killing innocent people. He enjoys chaos that Joker experienced symptomp of and hurting people around him. antisocial disorder, which is lack of remorse because he never apologized for his behavior nor having any remorse for killing innocent people and he always enjoyed it.

Causes of Antisocial Disorder of Joker Character Based on the theory of Black (2013) stated a variety of causes that result in

Figure 9 antisocial disorder to Joker’s character. Time 00:22:30. Downtown. There are some various causes such as bad parenting and childhood trauma as Joker kills Gambol’s bodyguard explained below. According to scene above, Joker comes to a meeting of gangster 1. Bad Parenting syndicates and kills the Gambol’s The role of parents is very important bodyguard by face down Gambol’s for the development of children in the bodyguard head to the pencil and Joker future. Any treatments from parents will says that it is a magic trick. affect the nature of the child when he is an adult. Like Joker character in The Dark Knight movie, he gets a bad parenting from his father that causes him to become a sociopath.

Figure 10 Time 01:00:10. Parkside Avenue

In the scene (time 01:00:10) parkside Avenue, Joker plan to shoot the mayor and pass off as a police sniper in a Figure 11 parade of Gotham City. The sniper turn their weapon to the mayor and taken a In a dialog (Time 00:29:03. Pool shot, but lieutenant Gordon slams the Hall) Joker tells his scars to Gombal 142 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019


Joker : “Wanna know how I got these scars? My father was a drinker and Joker : “I only have one . Where a fiend. One night he goes off crazier is Harvey Dent? (silence). I’ll settle for than usual, mommy gets the kitchen his loved ones…” knife to defend herself. He doesn't like Oldman: “We’re not intimidated by that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he thugs.” takes the knife to her, laughing while he Joker :“You know, you remind me of does it. He turns to me and says 'why so my father . I hated my father.” serious?' . Comes at me with the knife- 'why so serious?' Sticks the blade in my In the dialogue above, Joker mouth- 'Let's put a smile on that face' describes how he hated the oldman who and... Why so serious”. reminds him to his father. The Joker Based on the dialogue above, it does not want to remember his father describes how Joker got a bad treatment because of what his father had done to from his father when he was a child. him and Joker’s mother in the past. It Joker’s father is a drinker and a fiend, he means Joker had a childhood trauma killed Joker’s mother and sticks the with his father and hated to remember blade in Joker’s mouth which causes the him. From this data, it can be assumed scars on Joker’s mouth. From the that antisocial disorder in Joker explanation above, the writer concludes developed by bad parenting and that Joker got a bad parenting from his childhood trauma which was caused by father that causes the scars on his mouth his father. It means the role of parents is and he become a sociopath. How parents very influential on the development of act with their children is affected to children’s character in further. children’s behavior and mental in the future. Moral Messages

2. Childhood Trauma 1. Humanity Black suggests that one of causes of Humanity is qualities that make us antisocial disorder is childhood trauma. human, such as the ability to love, be Childhood trauma describes negative kind, be creative, and have compassion. events that are emotionally painful and Humanity aims for peaceful and beyond a child’s ability to overcome the beautiful society makeup as we all know problem. without love and help we can not develop a healthy society, so it is highly needed to be kind and loving each other and develop our society. As a human beings, we must have love and compassion feeling for others. The feeling love and compassion is not just for human, but also for animals, plants, and for the environment in which we Figure 12 live. In One The Dark Knight movie, it ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 143 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019

https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index reflects when the Joker threatened to Joker character, so that it is blast all boats if one of the boats did not recommended to watch this movie, press the button to blast another boat. especially if you are a DC fans and are But people in both boats do not want to interested in getting to know the Joker blow off each other, it shows that people character further that cannot be seen in have a sense of humanity that causes the comic book. them to care and love each other. But one thing to keep in mind, the film has an “R” rating or Adults, without 2. Teamwork clear reason. Various scenes of violence Successful teamwork is built on a and murder are common throughout the foundation of dependence. Each member film progresses, with one or two of of the team must establish a trust, then which ended in a brutal while others cultivate it through their actions and were able to give a discomfort feeling, words. Each member also needs to be eventhough perhaps it should have able to have confidence to make a scenes of violence or murder is not commitment to the team and its goals. usually give a bad feeling when They must work competently with those watching another movie. goals in mind, and communicate consistently about any issues that affect CONCLUSION the team. In The Dark Knight movie, both Joker and Batman always works as The Joker film again reminds us that a team with their partners to achieve mental disorders are very dangerous for their respective goals. their impact, both on ourselves and others. In the film, it is told that Arthur 3. Plan Ahead Fleck experienced pseudobulbar affect, Planning ahead is a common which is defined as episodes of laughing ingredient to a successful. Having a plan or crying accidentally, suddenly, will not only help to reach the goals, but uncontrollably, and often recurring it can help to stay on track with the which are generally disproportionate or goals. Sometimes there is no control inappropriate for the situation. In over the amount of time to complete a addition, his mother, Penny Fleck, has project or something, if there is planning both narcissistic personality disorder and ahead these unexpected things will be delusional disorder. Regardless of much more manageable. Have a plan A, whether it is possible that Penny's plan B, and even plan C, it is more likely medical record was faked by Thomas to stick with goals, which will make Wayne to cover up her past story with happier at the end and will have given a Penny or it is true that Penny has a perfect recipe for a success. In The Dark mental disorder, we will focus more on Knight movie, both the Joker and these mental disorders. Batman do planning ahead before acts, The definition of mental disorders is so that their goals are achieved perfectly. a syndrome characterized by a clinical This movie provides more different disorder that significantly interferes with and fresher picture and to develop of the an individual's cognitive, emotional or 144 | Jurnal Kredo Vol. 4 No. 1 Oktober 2020

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019

https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index behavioral regulation that reflects namely rationalization. "Bad people are psychological dysfunction, biological good people who are hurt." He said. In processes, or development that underlie fact, he only justified or rationalized his mental functioning. We need to mark in evil deeds by saying that he was a good the words "syndrome" and person who had been hurt by many. "dysfunction". Syndrome is a collection Then, is his statement completely of symptoms or symptoms. How, then, wrong? Certainly not. However, do we measure the psychological excessive rationalization will actually dysfunction, biological processes, or make someone run away from reality development that underlie mental even more and do not want to face their functioning? The American Psychiatric problems. He also did a displacement, Association (APA) has developed a when he took his anger out on the trash questionnaire as a diagnostic tool for can to reduce his anxiety and mental or psychiatric disorders, the disappointment. In addition, he also Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of blamed public officials and rich people Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5). [1] because they were only selfish and never Humans are the result of the cared for the little people like him. [3] interaction between body, soul and the In terms of Maslow's hierarchy of environment (physical and social). These needs theory, there are five kinds of three elements influence each other from human needs, namely: physiological the moment of conception. Therefore, in needs (physiology), safety, love, self- solving problems related to humans, we esteem, and self-actualization. As we must pay attention and consider all these know, the Joker's physiological needs aspects as a whole, which is called a are not met properly, he has a thin body holistic approach. What is the and I have a hypothesis that the Joker's importance of a holistic approach? In Body Mass Index (BMI) is under the this case, a holistic approach is also category of underweight or even needed in analyzing the causes of mental malnutrition. This, of course, worsened disorders in a person. [3] the mental health of the Joker. [4] In addition, according to Hendrik L. Based on the discussion and analysis Blum (1974), there are four factors that of antisocial disorder in Joker character affect the degree of health, namely: (Heith Leadger) in The Dark Knight lifestyle, environment (social, economic, movie, the writer can concludes that political, cultural); health services, and antisocial disorder began from an genetic factors (heredity). The four unpleasant events experiences in determinants interact with each other and childhood such as chidren abuse and will affect a person's health status. childhood trauma. Antisocial disorder on Arthur Fleck was mentally ill because Joker character developed by the trauma the four determinants were not fulfilled, which is caused by his father’s were not fulfilled, or were not sufficient, treatments, and also abuse by his father or all of them were not disturbed. [4] that caused Joker has scars on his mouth. The Joker decided to carry out one The writer used the theory from of the Ego defense mechanisms (MPO), American Psychiatric Association (APA) ANTISOCIAL DISORDER OF JOKER CHARACTER IN THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE | 145 DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Aprillia1, Endang Sri Andayani2, Chodidjah3, Khoirunnisa4

Kredo 4 (2020) KREDO: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Terakreditasi Sinta 4 berdasarkan Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 23/E/KPT/2019. 08 Agustus 2019

https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index to support the data analysis because the for the environment in which we live. theory is related to the symptoms of Therefore, it is highly needed to have Joker’s antisocial disorder. Patients with humanity feeling in social life. The next antisocial disorder had also longterm moral messages that occurred in The symptoms includes deviation of acts and Dark Knight movie is teamwork. attitudes to social norms and violate Teamwork makes all goals accomplished others rights such as failure to conform more easily. Successful teamwork is to social norms, deceitfulness, reckless built on a foundation of dependence. disregard, agrresive, impulsive, Each member of the team must have irresponsibility, and lack of remorse. confidance in their team members to Symptoms that exist in antisocial make commitment and trust each other disorder have negative impact on the to reach the goals. And the last moral lives of themselves, the environtment, messages in the movie is plan ahead. and also for the people around. Planning ahead is a common key The Dark Knight movie also ingredient to a successful. It is also contains some moral messages that can important to have plan B or even plan C be learned. The moral messages that the to reach the goals, which will make writer found in this movie consist of happier in the end and will have given a humanity, teamwork and plan ahead. perfect recipe for success. Having a plan Humanity is the ability to love, be kind, also will not only help to reach the goals, be creative and compassion to others. but it can help us to stay on the track The feeling of humanity is not just for with the goals easier. human, but also for animals, plants, and


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