The malacological society of Japan

Rn VENUS (Jap,Jour. Malac.) Vol. 42, No. 1 (19S3): 26-33

pt.,n} re 7 . - ir t gb}o 3 lenpt

P-7Y・97-IV (--;,L・;F---Ittelpt."Mfiwtmstt{)

Three New Tropical Muricacean Species (: )

Roland HouART

(St. Jobsstraat, 8 B-3330 Landen

"1lfuTex Since 1976, when Radwin and D'Attilio's Shells of the World" and Ruth H. Fair's " Book" were published, a number of new rnuricid species "La have come to light. The lists of these are found in Conehiglia" no 144-145 (1981: 6-10), and 148-149 (1981: 16-17), although even this is not complete,

as other species have been deseribed since then. Three additional new species are here described: (Chicoreus)

"Vauban" boucheti n. sp. was dredged by the R!V in New Caledonia. It may in that be survprising to find sueh a species, related to some Australian torms, region, but the same dredging brought sueh unusual species as Takia infrons E.H. Vokes, 1974 (a Japanese speeies); Chicoreus () pticiferoides (Kuroda, 1942) (another Japanese species) and Murex (Murex) cf. macgilLivray・i (an Australian species). These speeies have never been reeorded in NevLr Caledonian waters. ChicoTeus (Chicoreus) paini n. sp. was illustrated by Alan

"Guide Hinton in his to the Shells of Papua New Guinea" (1980: 26, fig. 11) as Chicoreus sp. It is related to the Australian Chicorezas (Chicoreus) tTiviatis A. Adams. AspeLta vokesiana・ from Madagascar is relatively different from all other Aspelta speeies; however, it is here eompared with two more or less related forms: Aspelta producta (Pease) and Aspetla 7n,amitiana Radwin and D'Attilio.

Family MURICIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 Subfamily Rafinesque, 1815

Genus Chicoreus Montfort, 1810

Subgenus Chicoreus Montfort, 1810

Type species: Murex "'es・mosus Linnaeus, 1758 (ICZN opinion 911, 1970)

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Houart: Three New Tropical Muricids 27

Chi(m'eus (Chie[il'etts) boucheli n・ sp・

(Figs. 3 and 4; PL 1, figs. 1-2)

Description: Shell small for the ; color cream with light brown blotches.

The first 3 whorls, the axial costae, the area below the suture and the spaee

between the earinal spines very light cream eolored, almost white; spines and

other surfaees light biown.

Aperture broadly ovate; columellar lip smooth, adherent on its major

posterior part, barely erected anteriorly. Anal notch large and moderately deep,

well delimitated by a small callus. Outer lip erect and denticulate; interior

briefly sculptured with 10 small lirations.

Spire high, consisting of one and one-half smooth, rounded nuclear whorls

and 5 rounded, slightly angular postnuclear whorls. Suture appressed.

Body whorl bearing 3 variees ornamentated with 3 open, upward recurved and barely foliated spines; additional spinelets present between second and

third spine; carinal spine longest. Other axial sculpture consisting of 2

moderately strong intervarical eostae.

Spiral sculpture of numerous, almost smooth, fine threads.

Siphonal canal long, open and dorsally recurved, ornamentated with one

upward recurved open spine.

MateTiat examinea: Holotype, in the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.

Dimensions: 31.2 × 22 mm (spines included).

T・ype tocality: South of New Caledonia, 22008'S, 167004'E; 230-=260 meters,

"Vauban". by RIV

Etymotogy: It is a real pleasure for me to name this shell in honor of Dr.

Ph. Bouchet (M.N.H.N., Paris).

Discussion: This shell can be compared with only one speeies: Chicoreus (Chicoreus) tongicornis. (Dunker, 1864) [=Murex recticornis ven Martens in

L6bbecke, 1880; =- iczarranulta Garrard, 1961]. The new speeies differs

by the following eharacters: It has 3 open, slightly foliated varical spines, but Chicoreus tongicornis. always has 2 elosed and sharp spines (Fig. 3a). Moreever, it has a more appressed suture and shows distinct longitudinal

Chicoreus (C) boucheti n. sp. Chicoreus 'FirstwhorlSecondwhorl (C.)lo}rgicornis

4 small spirai cords.costae. 3 small spiral cords.

12 sharp axial 12 to 15 rounded axial costae, ---r --・

5 to 6 spiral cords and 3 to 6 spiral !5 cords and 3 obsolete varices bearing 2 open spines. varices bearing 1 sharp, already blosed 3 to 4 intervarical axial costae. carinal spine. 1l 3

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28 VENUS: VoL 42, No.1(1983)

striae in the aperture, where C. tongicomis is smooth. The protoconchs are

almost the same but the ornamentation of the first and second whorls is dis-

tinctively different as shown on the above table.

Chi(mreus (eniooreus) paini n・ sp・ (Fig. 1; PL 1, figs. 3-4)

Description: Shell small for the genus; color alternating dark brown and light

brown bands. Aperture ovate, bordered with pink; peach or sometimes completely white. Columellar lip completely smooth or barely denticulate on its posterior part; eolor pink or peaeh. Adherent posteriorly; anteriorly detached and erect. Anal noteh small and deep, well delimitated by a strong callus. Outer lip slightly erect and strongly denticulate; interior briefly sculptured with lirations leading

from the teeth.

Spire high, consisting of one and one-half somewhat shouldered nuclear

whorls, and 7 to 8 convex post-nuclear whorls. Body whorl bearing 3 foliate vaTices and 2 or 3 relatively low intervarical

axial costae. Varices of the body whorl bearing 5 frondose spines and inter-

mediate fine spinelets. Spiral sculpture consisting of 5 to 6 strong dark ridges, bearing small

finely squamous eords; these also present between the ridges, eovering the whole shell. The strong spiral ridges and intervarical axial eostae giving the shell a tubereulate appearance. Principal and intermediate foliated spines

present where the ridges cross the varices.

Siphonal eanal moderately long, open and distally recurved, bearing 3 to 4

frondose spines.

Materiae examined: Holotype in the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de

Belgique. IRSNB n" 265541396: Honiara, Solomon Ids.; 1 paratype IRSNB ne 265541396: Honiara, Solomon Ids.; 1 paratype Australian Museum ne C.104189: Cape Hoskins, West New Britain, on intertidal dead reef in

entrance to small ship channel, 14 June 1974 (A. Hinton); 4 paratypes Aus- "Sea tralian Museum ne C.107127: Wall", Korere, Rabaul, New Guinea, on

large coral stones. 30 m, 29 April 1977, night (W.J. Beasley, May 1977);6

paratypes Australian Museum nO C. 107842: Rabaul, New Guinea, on rocks at

outer edge of reefs, 3-30m, 1976-77 (C. Prior, Sept. 1977); 1 paratype Aus-

tralian Museum ne C.136905: Submarine Base, Rabaul, New Britain, Papua,

New Guinea, 24m, on coral rock, May 1976 (C. Prior, 1977);1 paratype

Australian Museum ne C.136906: KoreTe, Rabaul, New Britain, Papua, New

Guinea, 30 m, on coral rock, J'uly 1976 (C. Prior, 1977). 3 paratypes R. Houart eoll.: San Cristobal, Solomon Islands; 1 paratype R. Houart coll.: Honiara, Solomon Islands;2 paratypes R. Houart coll.: Tioor Island, Banda Sea, The

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Houart: Three NewTropicalMuricids 29

Figs. 1. Operculum of Chicoreus (C) Paini n. sp, Paratype (diam. 6mm) 2. Protocench and first whorl of Chicoreus (C.) paini n. sp. Paratype (Australian Museum C. 107127) (height 1.6mm)

3. Chicoreus (C.) boucheti. Varice of body whorl.

3a・ Chicoreus (C.) tongicernis. Varice of body wherl.

4. Protoconch and first whorl ef Chicoreus (C.) boucheti n. sp. (height 2 mm)

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30 VENUS: Vol. 42, No.1(1983)

Moluccas;1 paratype T. Pain coll.: San Cristobal, Solomons Islands;1 para-

type T. Pain coll.: Rabaui, Papua, New Guinea (A. Hinton, 1980);1 paratype

O.H. Rippingale coll.: Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Dimensions: Holotype: 43 × 25mm; Largest paratype: 52.5 × 32mm. Type tocatity: Honiara, Solomons Islands.

Distribution: Banda Sea (Moluceas) to the Solomons Ids.

Etymology: Named after Mr. Tom Pain, of Londen, an ardent muricid col-

lector and friend,

Discussion: Chicoreus (Chicoreus) paini can be compared with 3 species:

namely, Chicoreus (Chicoreus) bTunnezas (Link, 1807), Chico7ie"s (Chicoreus) trivia・lis (A. Adams, 1854), and Chicoreus (Chicore"s) microphyLlus (Lamarek, 1822).

As there are so many variations of C. brunneus, it is very diffieult to say

that the new speeies differs by its more elongate form, as some examples of

C. brunneus are also elongate. But, other differenees appear: the 2 or 3 inter-

varical nodes, where adult speeimens of C. brunneus bear always just 1; the

different anal noteh, which is not so deep but is Iarger than that of C. brunneus;

and the interior sculpture of the operculum. The protoconch is also different. This new speeies is also very near C. triviatis (the true C. trivialis is very

well illustrated in Radwin and D'Attilio 1976: pl. 6, fig. 12), but C. paini has

a deeper and larger anal notch and a different opereulum. Moreover, C. triviatis

has, like C. bTzennens, enly 1 large intervarieal node; the new species has 2 or 3.

C. microphyltus, which oeeurs in the same area as C. pa・ini, is twiee as large,

but young speeimens ean perhaps be confused. C. paini can be distinguished by its different protoconch and its more rounded opereulum with different

interior sculpture. C. microphyllus usually has blaek spots between the small

sharp denticles en the outer apertural lip; C. pa・ini never does. C. paini has a

proportionally longer siphenal canal eompared with the aperture: Of 10 young specimens of C. micTophyllzas examined (from 27 to 47mm), including 6 from the same locality as C. paini, the average lenght of the aperture is 9 mm while the lenght of the canal is 10.5mm. Of 10 specimens of C. paini (from 37 of 49 mm), the average lenght of the aperture is 10mm, while the lenght of the

canal is 14mm. Color of the aperture and eolumella in C. microphyltus is

bluish-white, while that in C. paini is peach to light pink. Varices of C. micro- phytlus on early whorls are generally of a bluish-white color, as are those on

the 4th, 5th and 6th whorls, but only on the upper part of the carinal spine up

to the suture of preceding whorl. Centrary, variees of C. paini are entirely

brown, on all whorls.

Varieal spines on the body whorl in C. microphytlus are 5: Carinal spine very

short, followed by 2 of equal size and the 2 last are the longest. Those in

C. paini are also 5: A Iong carinal spine followed by 2 short equal ones and

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Houart: Three New Tropical Muricids :31

the 2 last are approximately the same size as the carinal one.

Genus Aspetla M6reh, 1877

Type species: Ranella anceps LamaTek, 1822, by monotypy.

Aspella vakesiana n. sp・ (PL 1, figs. 5-6)

Shell moderately high for the genus and laneeolate; eovered with an axially striate flat white intritacalx. Aperture small, ovate, with a completely adherent smooth columellar lip. No anal notch visible. Outer apertural lip erect and bearing 5 almost imperceptible

denti ¢ les on its inner surface.

Spire high, consisting of 7 flattened post-nuclear whorls and a protocench

of undetermined nature. Suture appressed. Axial sculpture consisting of 2 major lateral varices, from the first post- nuclear whorl tQ the body whorl, and of 1 axial intervarical costae, weakly developed except at the anterior end, where it is ereet and prominent. Spiral seulpture only visible in part, from the fourth whorl, eonsisting of 5 to 6 broad fiattened eords of equal br'eadth, almost completely eovered by

the intritacalx.

Siphonal eanal short, open and distally reeurved. Operculum and radula unknown.

Mntterial examined: Holotype, in the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.

Dimensions : 14 × 6.1 mm.

Type loca・lity: Tulear, Madagasear, out slope of big reef, 36 m, by B. Thomassin. Etymotogy: It is a great pleasure for me to name this new species in honor of the leading authority on this family: Dr. Emily H. Vokes. Discuss・ion: Two related speeies oceur in the same area and must be com-

pared: AspeLla producta (Pease, 1861) and Aspella maur?ltiana. Radwin and D'Attilio, 1976. From the first it differs by its narrower shell, its smaller and more ovate and almost non-dentieulate aperture in the new speeies but strongly sculptured with 6 to 7 denticles in Aspetla・ pToclucta. The new speeies differs also appressed suture by its and its different intritacalx. From Aspella mazeTi- tiana it differs by its appressed suture, the number of variees on the early whorls, its size (A. mauritiana has a maximal high of 9mm) and the number

of whorls.

Acknowlettgements:-I am very grateful to Dr. Bouchet (Museum National d'Histoire

Naturelle, Paris), who gave me the opportunity to examine the murieids recently

dredged in different parts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans; my special thanks also to

the malaeologieal staff of this Museum for their hospitality and kindness. I am

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32 VENUS : VoL 42 , No ,1 (1983 )

grateful also to Dr . W . Ponder (Australian Museum > for the loan of specimens of ・ σ.p α ini; to Mrs . A . Richards (New Guinea ) and Mr . T . Pain (England ) who both

me of this new species and 伽 ally I express my warmest gratitude procured specimens ,

, to Dr . Emily H . Vokes (Tulane Un 重versity ) who s advice and critical comments are

lnost useful for any of my papers , including this one ・

要 約

Chicoreus (Chicore % s ) boucheti n . sp .

C .longicornis に 酷似 し て い る が ,木 新 種 は 縦 肋 は 3 方 に あ り 3 本 の 開 い た や や 葉 状 の 棘 を も っ て

い る の に 対 し C .」硼 g 吻 ア 〃 ゴ3 は 常 に 2 本 の 閉 じ た す る ど い 棘 を も っ て い る . ま た 縫 合 は 更 に 深 く ,殻

凵 内 に ぱ す じ が あ る 。体 層 に は 螺 状 肋 は 4 本 で ,12木 の 鋭 い 縦 肋 が あ る 。殻 高 31.2mm ,殻 径 22mm ー ° / ° . : ニ カ レ ド “ア 22 08 167 04E 230 260mm 。 産 地 ュ 南方 ( S , ) Chicoreus (Chieoreus) Paini n . sp . 〜 本 種 は ガ ソ ゼ キ ボ ラ C.brunneus に 似 る が ,.縦 張 肋 闘 の 結 節 は 2 3 個 (ガ ソ ゼ キ ボ ラ は 1 個 )

あ り ,ま た 後溝 は 深 く は な い が 広 い .胎 殻 と ふ た の 内面 彫 刻 も 異 な る 。 オ オ ガ ソ ゼ キ C .〃microPhyltus も 同 所 的 分 布 を す る が , 二 倍 も大 成 し 卩若 幼 個 体 の 場 合 区 別 し に く い が ,外 唇 外 縁 に 黒 点 が あ る の で . ガ ン ゼ ボ ラ 本 種 と は 区 別 さ れ る 。 ま た , 水 管 は 殻 Ll に 比 し 本 種 の 方 が 長 い 。 ま た , C. trivialis は キ 25mm ’ 52 .5x32mm 同 様 ,縦 張 肋 問 結 節 は 1 個 し か な い 。殻 高 43rnm ,殻 径 。 最 大 標 本 。

一 一 バ ・ = ン 二 ニ ア ラ ウ ル ソ τ モ ン , モ ル カ 分 布 : .・. ブ リ テ , = ギ , , 群 島 ッ 諸 島

AsPeUa voleesiana n ・sp ・ の 口 と の な い で る .mauritiana 本 種 ぽ A ,Producta と は 幅 の 狭 さ ,小 さ く卵 形 殻 歯 状 突 起 点 異 。 A , ・ 一サ ズ 14mm lil 6 1mm と は 深 い 縫 合 と 初 生 層 の 縦 張 肋 の 様 K イ で 区 別 出 来 る 。殻 高 ,殻 冨 . 。 − 産 地 : 7 ダ ガ ス カ ル 島


Fair R . H .1976 . The Murex β oo た. An ∬llu,str α ted Cat α logtte o μ んθ Recent 1臨 吻 掘 α θ ,

M γ 葱o 褊 α θ 貳na ・e Oeeneb γ 乞nae 138 . 23 pls . ( , Muricops , ) pp , ‘‘ ,, . Garrard T . A .1961 . collected by M . V . Challenge off the eoast of Aus ,

. M 「α泌α 君 . Soo . 8f γ α 麗 α : − . tralis. Jo ?{r , A , (5 ) 3 38 ・ ’. Hillton, A . G .1979 . G 痂 d θ 加 S ん¢ ♂〜s o / Pap ua New G u inea . Hong Kong .68 pls . , D Attilio A .1976 , Murex shells o the world . A7z IU ?Lstrated Radwin G .E . and , / , ’ tlt,.e 匹∬屍 れ cid α e . .284 ・ 32 ・ Gui (le to 1 Stanford , California PP , Pls − Vokes E . H .1971 . Catalogue of the genus M ztrex Linn6 (Mollusca : Gastropoda): , . ・. − Muricinae , Ocenebrinae. B ?t ll. Amer . P α leont 。61 (268 ): 1 141.

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Houart : Three New Tropical Muricids 33

Plate 1

5 1

2 4

Figs.1-2.3-4.Chicoreus (Chicoreus) beucheti n. sp, (Holotype)

Chicorezas (Chicoreus) Paini n. sp. 3, Holotype; 4. Paratype (R, Houart coll.) 45. 2 × 23mmTioor Island

5-6. Aspelta vokesiana n. sp. (Holotype).

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