The General Jonas Žemaitis Academy of – Institution of Changes

Ms. Alina Zebrauskaite-Yepishkiniene

conducted to which courses for military Gen. V. Karvelis and Gen. St. Raštikis. By Historical review of officer materiel officers were attached in 1926. 1940, three officer classes had been trained. training in Lithuania Here qualified pioneers, railway, commu- During the Soviet occupation a lot of nications and transport officers were graduates and instructors were deported In 1918, after the declaration of the trained. By 1940, the School had trained to the Soviet Union or killed. This meant Independence of Lithuania, the Armed 21 classes of officers. In the autumn of that the officer training in Lithuania, Forces of the country experienced short- 1940, with the beginning of the Soviet which at that time was sufficiently strength- age of officers. On 25 January 1919, a occupation, the Military School was trans- ened, was disrupted. Military School was established in . ferred to and stopped operating. In 1990, after the restoration of the Its first chief was Gen. J.Galvydis- In 1931 a Higher Military School was independence of Lithuania, the Armed Bykauskas. Initially, studies lasted half a established in Kaunas. Its objective was to Forces of the country were in need of year or a year because after a short train- train officers with higher education eli- officers. Therefore, the same year an of- ing the majority of the trainees were im- gible to work at the General Staff and ficer course at the Department of National mediately sent to the front. From 1921 command military units. The chiefs Defence was established in Kaunas. Jun- to 1929 advanced courses for officers were of the School were Gen. P. Kubiliunas, ior reserve officers that had served in the

15 Soviet Army underwent re-qualification Vaiceliunas, who is a graduate from the “I started heading the Military Academy of there. Commander Academy, Ger- Lithuania in the year 2000 which is a signifi- The Gen. Zemaitis Military Academy many, was appointed the Commandant cant historical point relating to the new social of Lithuania started as a National Defence of the Military Academy of Lithuania and existence that embodies the era of changes, new School, which was established in 1992 the period of changes started. information technologies and awareness”, says under the decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Young people Photo by K. Dijokas were trained here in two specialties: mecha- nized riflemen and border guards. By the 18 January 1994 decision of the of the Republic of Lithuania, the Military Academy of Lithuania was established. In May of the same year the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania approved the Stat- ute of the Academy which stated that the Military Academy of Lithuania is a higher educational institution training command- ers and specialists of top qualification for the . In 1998, the Academy became directly responsible to the Minister of National Defence.

The foresight of the Military Academy of Lithuania

By the 24 February 2000 Order of the Minister of National Defence Col. Algis The Commandant of the Military Academy of Lithuania Col. Algis Vaiceliunas.

16 Col. A.Vaiceliunas. “The experience and skills accept high school graduates not older than 23 in the entrance competition. 281 school accumulated by a number of developing coun- years of age and 25-year-old conscripts. Both – leavers met physical test requirements. tries are becoming a needless stuff in the 21st will have to pass a professional suitability test This year, for the first time in the history century, and consequently we face the necessity and meet medical standards. of the Academy, we have 8 female cadets, to essentially reform the professional training This year, 540 candidates including 62 which testifies to the irreversible proc- system. The year 2001 applicants to the Mili- females expressed their wish to participate esses not only at the Military Academy of tary Academy will find it completely changed. Changes will be reflected not only in the pro- Photo by K. Dijokas grams of studies but also in the possibility for the future cadets to choose one of the 3 Bachelor- degree programs - personnel management, trans- port and engineer management, and interna- tional relations. There are more novelties to come which, you will learn about after having read this article I consider the Military Academy as the institution of changes. Change is the only steady process in the world. To change in this variable world is a must although many people have not been able to do that in the ten years of independence. I am deeply convinced that we will succeed in every- thing and the Military Academy will be one of the most modern and prestigious higher educa- tional institutions in the nearest future. The first signs have already appeared – this is indicated by the constantly growing number of applicants. The Academy, on competitive basis, will Female cadet of the Military Academy of Lithuania.

17 Lithuania but also in the democratization Minister of National Defence. The Acad- All graduates of the program are ap- of the country. emy is also an independent scientific and pointed to command a motorized infan- First of all, I felt the necessity to re- educational institution training scientists, try platoon or take a position analogous consider the mission of the organization, and developing and popularizing funda- to that of the platoon commander. Quali- the corporate philosophy, as well as such mental and applied military sciences. fication requirements determine the man- concepts as perfection, quality of educa- The main tasks of MAL, defined by datory training level of the officer and tion, innovations, imparting of national the Law on the Organization of the Na- they define the post of the platoon com- identity, patriotism, humane qualities of tional Defence System and Military Serv- mander and the educational objectives as the future leader and, what is most im- ice as well as the Academy statute, are the well as tasks. The platoon commander is portant, strategic aims, necessary to achieve following: responsible for the platoon, its training, and retain the competitive edge. - to train qualified officers and mili- discipline, administration, safeguarding It is inventiveness and not resources avail- tary unit leaders for the National Defence and maintenance of weapons, equipment able that the future depends on. Inventiveness System of the Republic of Lithuania, pro- and other requisites. springs not from the elaborate strategic architect, viding them with higher education; The main task of the platoon com- but from a deeply perceived objective together - to improve the qualification of offic- mander is to command the assigned pla- with the vision of the tempting possibilities of the ers of the National Defence System; toon at the barracks, during training and future.” - to train officers in accordance with military activities. He must be able to or- the NATO requirements and methodology; ganize and execute combat, peacekeeping, Mission of the Military Academy - to provide conditions and possibili- territorial defence, military assistance to of Lithuania ties for studying personnel to achieve a civilians and evacuation actions, humani- high proficiency level in English language, tarian assistance and other tasks under vari- The Gen. Jonas Zemaitis Military Acad- which is necessary for the integration into ous physical, organizational and psycho- emy of Lithuania (MAL) is a higher state NATO, and for cooperation with mili- logical conditions. While executing tasks, officer training and qualification improve- tary structures of NATO countries, as well he has to effectively utilize his knowledge ment military institution of the Republic as participation in international exercises, and skills acquired during his studies. of Lithuania – a constituent part of the peacekeeping and other operations on An officer graduate from the Academy National Defence System responsible to the equal basis; will have the following merits dutiful,

18 independent, have high moral principles, onry, military and specialized material, strong will and leadership capabilities. He engineer training, protection from means Officer training perspectives in must not skip responsibilities, and he must of mass destruction, military topography, Lithuania tend to the welfare of his soldiers, serve means of communication, medical train- his country faithfully, and follow the Oath ing, military administration and method- In Brussels at the end of October 2000, and laws of Lithuania, the Statute require- ology. Lithuanian diplomats and defense officials ments and the orders of his commanders. In case of war or crisis MAL will oper- submitted to NATO Political Committee He must keep his professional confiden- ate as a military unit. The Commander of on Senior Level an updated programme tiality of the state and military and im- the Armed Forces in this case assigns tasks for the year 2001 on the preparation of prove his military knowledge and skills. to the Academy. Lithuania for membership in NATO. An officer graduate has to be able to or- By the year 2000 MAL has prepared Thereby Lithuania has officially begun the ganize education and training of military 1294 officers and 43 NCOs. 185 officers second round of preparation for the personnel, uphold combat readiness, dis- had completed the studies at the Corre- membership in compliance with the Mem- cipline and order in accordance with com- spondence Department. 499 young peo- bership Action Plan confirmed last year bat documents and statute requirements. ple with university education had com- in Washington. A long–term development He must be physically fit and hardened, pleted a platoon commander course run plan of the Armed Forces of Lithuania well versed in military training subjects, in accordance with the military train- was also submitted in Brussels. The Min- pass the required tests and examinations ing and had undergone a military train- ister of National Defense and the former with not less than 7 points out of the ten- ing course. English language teaching Head of the Lithuanian Mission of point national assessment scale and achieve and computer skill training were NATO, ambassador L. Linkevicius stated not lower than Level 2 (STANAG 6001) granted special attention. 198 officers that the current NATO command posi- of English language proficiency. An of- attended a course in English and 84 in tively assesses the progress made by the ficer graduate must be able to use com- computers. Armed Forces of Lithuania, especially in puters in his every day work, apply the Cadets actively participated in inter- the military personnel training and edu- knowledge gained in management, peda- national exercises in the cational system. gogy, psychology, ethics, aesthetics, law, (1994), the USA (1997 and 1999), Canada We will try to make a short survey of tactics and general military training, weap- (1999) and Romania (2000). the officer career possibilities in present-

19 day Lithuania. While studying at the Mili- The Course for Captains is conducted ing for battalion commander or brigade tary Academy of Lithuania cadets cover in 2 stages: company tactics and company staff officer can be selected for a Senior the overall infantry platoon commander service, battalion tactics and battalion staff Staff Course at the Baltic Defence Col- programme, perform practice in military service. This course can also be associated lege. At the the units, and participate in exercises. After with the Masters-degree program (stage 2). officers study for a year and this educa- having attained the program and passed Officers that have most successfully com- tion will qualify them for a position as the qualification requirements, they ac- pleted stage 1 studies and achieved the members of a battalion staff or a higher quire qualifications as a motorized rifle- best results in their service could be sent position. The officers can also go abroad men platoon commander and are com- to study at stage 2. While studying at stage to study at military academies of various missioned as lieutenants. 2 the officer must achieve Level 3 of the NATO countries. A Bachelor graduate in military science English language proficiency. The Course The officer service system in the Armed is assigned to one of the units of the for Captains is planned to start in 2002. Forces promotes constant improvement Armed Forces of Lithuania and starts his The Minister of National Defence will and wishes to seek higher levels of educa- service as the platoon commander. The determine the number of students. tion and professional knowledge. top of his career in this position might After the Course for Captains, offic- be the deputy company commander. ers can continue their career in 2 direc- Commander Development at the After 3–4 years of service in the Armed tions: Military Academy of Lithuania Forces, in the position of the platoon com- -The most distinguished and best mander or deputy company commander, course officers who have already served Commander development is a gradual, the officer might have a possibility to in the battalion staff are assigned the po- progressive, and integral part of the mili- achieve higher qualification in 2 ways: sition of the company commander. tary training when the cadets train as com- - Serve in the battalion staff or depart- -Those with no service in the battalion manders of academic military units, ex- ment (not in a commanding position) and staff will be assigned for service and after- ecute tactical tasks during field training, attend a shorter Course for Captains af- wards promoted to company commander. and practice in Army units as platoon terwards. After 3-4 years of service in the Armed sergeants and platoon commanders. - Complete a 6-month Course for Cap- Forces as company commander, battalion While studying at the Military Acad- tains. staff officer and officers, who are study- emy of Lithuania cadets are granted the

20 possibility to obtain practical skills as cadets to perform the functions of the get acquainted with modern automatic commanders of military units at differ- infantry platoon commander such as plan- grenade launchers, anti-tank guided mis- ent levels. ning and executing various combat op- sile system, portable air–defence weapons, In the first term, cadets are taught erations both in daytime and at night, as and they learn to fire small arms, antitank individual military actions in different well as to fulfil various duties of platoon weapons, and mortars and antitank gre- types of battle in summer and winter to soldiers. They get acquainted with sniper nade launchers. get acquainted with the organizational rifles, Makarov, Czech, Colt pistols, mod- After 3 years of studies the cadets will structure of the Army and with the evo- ern submachine guns, night–vision devices, practice for four weeks in Army units as lution of weapon and their classification. APC armaments, and infantry combat ve- platoon sergeant and platoon commander. Training in shooting of automatic weap- hicles. The aim is to provide cadets with self-con- ons and small arms is conducted. In the 3rd year of studies cadets per- fidence and experience, methodological and In the second term, cadets are trained form the duties of the squad leader, pla- leadership skills in conducting soldiers’ to function as infantry squad leaders un- toon sergeant and company sergeant. In training, in planning, organizing and con- der different conditions that simulate the 5th term the cadets are trained to per- trolling every day activities. It is also the various battle types. They must learn to form as platoon commanders executing aim to improve the skills to employ and operate as squad commanders. defensive and offensive operations under maintain armaments and machinery. Cadets get acquainted with illuminat- different circumstances and are also trained In the 4th year of studies cadets per- ing and signaling means, learn to handle to execute territorial defence operations form the duties of the platoon commander optical surveillance devices and different with no support from central place. and battalion commander. Rotation is medium and heavy machine guns. They Cadets are acquainted with optical and applied meaning that after a certain pe- learn to master the basics of internal and lasers range-finders, modern mortars, and riod of time the cadet may be promoted external ballistics, and learn to conduct must master the firing rules from the APC to a higher position, remain in the same theoretical and practical exercises in shoot- armaments. position or demoted to a lower position ing and armaments. In the 6th term cadets get acquainted if he is not able to handle his position’s The second–year cadets’ functions as with the duties of the company com- responsibilities. mentors for the first-year cadets. The ob- mander. They organize, plan and execute The objective of the 7th term is to ac- jective of the 3rd and 4th terms is to teach different combat operations. Young men quaint cadets with the work of the battal-

21 ion staff and its departments, to plan psychological endurance and improving tics, firing, and combat support (field operations and prepare combat orders for cadets’ physical fitness. After they have fortifications, installation and negotiation defensive and offensive operations. Fu- achieved the theoretical knowledge prac- of obstacles, demolition operations, pro- ture commanders learn about different tical skills are assessed. tection against means of mass destruction, types of Command posts, their siting and 2-3 weeks of the summer training is communications etc.) is conducted at the installation. They also acquire knowledge assigned for tactics. The training in tac- firing range. During tactical training ca- in the rules for accounting and storing of armaments and ammunition, and fa- Photo by K. Dijokas miliarize themselves with heavy antitank grenade launchers and recoilless rifles. In the final semester the structure of the is presented as well as its operations, its objectives and its tasks. During the combat commander course the readiness of cadets to carry out the duties of the platoon commander in vari- ous combat operations both in daytime and night is tested.

Field Training at the Central Firing Range

Every summer cadets go for 3-4 week training at the Central Firing Range. The training aims at developing future lead- ers, expanding knowledge of combat op- erations and developing practical skills, Field Training at the Central Firing Range.

22 det’s leadership-skills are developed by execute the simplest demolitions as well Summing up the overall duration of using various forms and methods of teach- as organize and uphold radio communi- the four-year studies (Daytime Depart- ing (leading sub-units, to arrange am- cations among sub-units. They learn to ment), cadets undergo 1,588 hours of lec- bushes, marches, raids, attacks, setting up teach military personnel of sub-units to tures. Their practical training covers 2,548 camps, guarding and defending objects, operate as sub-unit commanders in case hours (tactical field training takes up more and organizing offence and defence un- radioactive, chemical, bacteriological and than 1,000 hours) and 2,406 hours are der various conditions). Combined train- incendiary weapons are used. Field train- allotted for self-study (homework). The ing exercises are held during which ca- ing is the basic form of training and it overall time amount of studies are 6,542 dets are assigned special tasks, which they provides a possibility to consolidate theo- hours which is sufficient for cadets who must execute independently. Having been retical knowledge under combat like con- have successfully completed their studies given assignments, cadets make decisions, ditions. for the Bachelor’s degree. prepare orders and command sub-units. Academic studies comprise three parts: Later, the results are discussed, instruc- The System of Studies at the - Humanities and social education; tors point out shortcomings and assess Military Academy of Lithuania - Technical education; the work of cadets. To prepare the cadets - Management education. for organizing and conducting firing The Academy provides training for Humanities and social education studies exercises in sub-units, they learn to fire cadets and officers. Applicants admitted include foreign languages, history of the weapons assigned to the squad and pla- to the Academy are also called up for the State of Lithuania, political science, ethics, toon in daytime and at night under any mandatory military service, which they aesthetics, pedagogy, psychology, logic, phi- weather conditions. perform during their studies at the Acad- losophy, sociology, and language culture. In combat support training the cadets emy. Technical education consists of math- are taught general military engineering: During eight terms, three blocks of ematics, physics, chemistry, applied me- to install and negotiate engineer obstacles studies – academic, military science, for- chanics computer science, engineering and barricades (antitank and antiperson- mation and physical training are allotted computer graphics, electrical engineering, nel minefields, wire and other obstacles), an approximately equal period of time. and electronics. to set up battle field fortifications and In other words, the Academy combines Management education comprises man- structures, to camouflage positions, to academic and military training. agement, economics, fundamentals of law,

23 mathematical methods in management, upon completion of which the Bachelors from the captains course can apply for accounting and finance, marketing, man- Degree is conferred (4 years). Here the Baltic Defence College. agement information systems, psychology, basic studies of military training are in- Specialists from the American Com- and other studies. cluded, upon completion of which cadets mand & General Staff College, the Ger- Theoretical military studies encompass are conferred the qualification of platoon man Bundeswehr, and military experts courses in staff service, military adminis- commander and as lieutenants. from assisted in preparing this tration, history of military art, and safety It is planned to organize basic studies program. and ergonomics also known as special man- for the Bachelor’s degree according to the The Military Academy of Lithuania will agement education. Cadets also take many following programs of studies continue to organize a platoon com- special development courses: in tactics, ar- - Engineering management mander course for officers and civilians maments and shooting, wheeled combat - Personnel management with university education from the na- vehicles, combat vehicle maintenance tech- - International relations tional defense system and also a Reserve nologies, combat engineer support, pro- Stage II is studies for the Masters-de- officer course for students from higher tection against mass destruction means, gree alongside the course for captains (1,5 educational institutions. communications, commander training etc. – 2 years). It is planned to conduct pro- During the time assigned for forma- grams of studies for the Masters-degree Survey of the Departments for tion and physical training, cadets study in two directions – management and in- Academic Training the statute of the national defence, take ternational relations. Starting in the year part in formation and physical training 2002, the studies will be conducted paral- Academic training subunits include 5 classes, combined field training, and dur- lel to a 6 month course for captains. departments: ing the second term in the fourth year of The course for captains involves com- 1. The Department of Management; studies cadets take state examinations in pany commander and junior staff officer 2. The Department of Foreign Lan- tactics and management. training. The program of the course must guages; Starting in the year 2001 studies of how conform to similar course programs of 3. The Department of Applied Sciences; to reform the military educational system the other Baltic States, and must be coor- 4. The Department of Humanities; are planned: There will be a Stage I con- dinated with the study-program at the 5. The Department of General Techni- sisting of basic university studies, and Baltic Defense College because graduates cal Sciences.

24 Most of the teachers in all the depart- The level of Bachelor–degree training study of foreign languages. A modern elec- ments hold degrees in higher education. in management at the Military Academy tronic system of imparting and assessing Most of them have graduated from of Lithuania corresponds to the univer- knowledge has also been installed in some Vilnius University and Pedagogical Uni- sity level. This is confirmed by the fact of the lecture-rooms. This allows lecturers versity. 11 % of the teachers are profes- that even 45% of Bachelor–degree gradu- to interface with the individual learning sors (doctors habilitus); 33% are associate ates have continued their Master–degree process of the cadet at all times in order professors (doctors). Thus, the teachers at studies at Vilnius University. to specify or correct his or her answer to the Military Academy of Lithuania are There are 21 teachers at the Depart- the questions without interfering with the highly qualified and able to provide ca- ment of Foreign Languages: 15 teach Eng- learning process of others. dets with the academic education neces- lish, 4 teach German and 2 teach French. There are 8 teachers at the Department sary to acquire the Bachelor’s degree. The English Language Center with 4 of Applied Sciences: 2 professors (doctors In the Department of Management teachers is attached to the Department habilitus), 5 associate professors (doctors) there are 19 teachers, including 2 doctors of Foreign Languages. Officers and em- and 1 lecturer. The Head of the Depart- habilitus, professors, 9 doctors and 8 lec- ployees from the National Defence Sys- ment, prof. R. Rakauskas has taken part turers. Teachers base their lectures on the tem are taught here. They must reach in many prestigious European and World experience of West European and North Level 3 of English language proficiency congresses, and scientific NATO activities. American countries, the US West Point in accordance with STANAG 6001, which He has conducted lectures in the USA and Academy, the Canadian Royal Military means fluent professional communica- is the author of monographs and text- College, and the German higher military tion. books. Academies. They carry out scientific re- In the course at the Military Academy Scientists of this Department carry out search in the field of the state monetary the cadets are taught English and they must scientific research in the following di- policy and currency market, analyze the acquire Level 2 in English language profi- rections: mathematical modeling, appli- evolution of the democratic relation-ship ciency. In the third year of studies they cation of parallel computing to the mili- between civilians and military personnel, are given a possibility to choose a second tary science, creation of laser and real and explore the history of the Armed foreign language: either German or time management systems and applying Forces and sociological changes in mili- French. Lecture-rooms well equipped with them in Ecology, Biology and Military tary structures. tape and video recorders facilitate the Science.

25 The level of teaching physics and math- 6 associate professors (doctors of sciences). defence and wrestling, track- and field- ematics for the Bachelors Degree at the Prof. A. Ambrazevicius was awarded a athletics, cross-country race, triathlon, daytime department corresponds to the Republican premium for his merits in the heavy athletics, weight lifting, football and teaching for the Bachelors Degree of en- field of thermal energetic. Since 1994 the boxing. Every year cadets and teachers gineer specialties at Vilnius Gediminas teachers of the Department have issued participate in sports games. The Academy Technical University. 13 scientific methodological publications. team successfully participates in the sports There are 6 teachers at the Department In the Department there are specialized games of the National Defense System, in of Humanities: 5 doctors and 1 doctor computer and structure classrooms as well the higher school students and teachers habilitus. The principal objectives of the as electrical engineering, electronics and championships in Lithuania, in competi- studies are to develop “a citizen in uni- chemistry laboratories where research tions held in Vilnius and the Republic of form”, to foster cadets’ national conscious- work in the fields of automobile technol- Lithuania, in international competitions ness and civil awareness, to instill respect ogy, electroenergetics, chemistry, explo- and tournaments and Sports games com- for the history and cultural heritage of sives and computer science is carried out. prising , , and their country, and to develop the inte- The basic aim of studies in this Depart- Lithuania. gration of national and patriotic educa- ment is to provide cadets with theoreti- Since 1996 basketball players of the tion of cadets into the learning process. cal knowledge and practical skills in the Academy have been participating in the Scientists of the Department write scien- field of military materiel, on modern prestigious Basketball Tournament of tific studies in the following fields: for- equipment, chemical substances and tech- NATO Countries and their partners held mation of war psychology and the direc- nologies and their application, and teach in . tion of its investigation in Lithuania in them computer skills on a user level. The team of runners, one of the strong- 1918 – 1940; the correct usage of military est in the National Defense system, has terms; the problem of the development Sport at the Military Academy won the race to “The Hill of Three of national identity, the history of peda- of Lithuania Crosses”, five times in a row since 1994. gogy and Lithuanian school, etc. The military personnel of the Academy In the Department of General Techni- The Physical Training Section organ- widely participate in the international race cal Sciences there are 10 teachers working izes physical training and sport activities. “On the Road of Life and Death” to com- including 2 professors (doctors habilitus), The basic sports are basketball, combat self- memorate the events of January 13, 1991.

26 educational institutions. An Internet read- Academy. Officers and cadets of the Acad- Library ing room is being installed. emy participate in different international exercises arranged according to the pro- Since 1994, the library of the Acad- International cooperation gram “”. In addi- tion, the Academy has close cooperation emy has become recognized as a scientific The Academy participates in diverse with Higher Military Schools of Latvia, academic library. It is the youngest library international Cooperation Programs to- Estonia, the and other among those of Lithuanian higher edu- gether with military personnel of Great countries. cational institutions. Britain, Denmark and the The library has a very good collection of America. Resume of materials; therefore, cadets and scien- According to the bilateral cooperation tists can be timely supplied with materials plan with the Armed Forces of Great Brit- At present, the Military Academy of necessary for studies and work according ain the Academy has for two years been Lithuania is undergoing fast changes. A to the teaching plans and programs. The running a basic military training course three-direction Bachelor-degree program library subscribes to more than 60 peri- assisted by British officers and sergeants has been developed. It comprises person- odicals in different languages. The library as instructors. nel management, engineering management stock amounts to 80,000 copies (19, 000 Friendly relations have also been es- and international relations. For this pur- titles). tablished with the Danish Royal Military pose, the material base has been estab- Interlibrary orders are also available for Academy. Working meetings are held, and lished, staff positions determined and the readers. The library renders services exchanges of cadets and officers take place. teachers selected. for 1,125 users. There are departments of The Armed Forces of the United States In 2001 a training program for a course teaching materials and fiction and also a of America, primarily the West Point for captains as well as a three directions: 60-seat reading room. The library is pres- Academy, provide methodological assist- Masters degrees in personnel management, ently being modernized. The computer ance on officer training and administra- engineering management and interna- program ALEPH-500 has been acquired. tion issues. Visits are exchanged, and semi- tional relations well be developed. It will enable the creation of an electronic nars are arranged. Parallel to the preparation for the catalogue as well as integration into the Cadets from the Saint-Cyr Academy, course for captains, similar programs in combined electronic catalogue of higher , have made presentations at the NATO countries will be analyzed, a semi-

27 nar conducted by the USA experts will be arranged, and instructors that have bat- talion commander’s or a similar positions will be selected. During the preparatory stage for Mas- ter-degree studies, the Academy is going to expand the scope of scientific work, promote research in personnel manage- ment, development of security strategy and defence economy as well as mathemati- cal modeling of military operations and other fields. Wide-ranging relations and common research work with military academies of NATO countries and Lithuanian research institutions are planned. Also, the infrastructure of the Military Academy of Lithuania will be developed to ensure proper training and education of cadets and officers and living condi- tions will be improved. Only having completed these above- mentioned essential and necessary reforms, the level of officer training in Lithuania could be expected to correspond to NATO Standards.