
Welcome to MusicMaster CS

Written by Jill M. Sorenson Last Revision: 5/2/2019

- 1 - MusicMaster CS Table of Contents

Welcome to MusicMaster CS 1 MusicMaster CS Table of Contents 2 Using Help 15 General Functionality 16 Other General Features 17 File Options 17 Print 17 My Account 17 Account 17 Notification Events 18 User Tools 18 Options 20 Sever Connection 20 Client Options 21 Cache 22 Select Station 22 Logout 22 Exit 22 Help 23 About 23 View Read Me 23 View License 23 Send Feedback 23 System Info 23 Folders 23 Program Folder 23 State Folder 23 Logs Folder 23 View Menu 23 Docking 24 Pinning 24 24 Search Bar 24 24 24 History Graph 25 Web Browser 25 Menu 25 Enterprise 26 Automated Tasks 26 Add New 26 Manage Automated Tasks 28 Other Notes 29 Change Log 29

- 2 - MusicMaster CS Table of Contents

Create Backup 30 Enterprise Configuration 30 Enterprise Attributes 30 Notification Events 32 Enterprise Data 32 InfoBar 32 Library 33 Managing Inventory 33 Import Enterprise 33 Schedule 34 Basic Setup 35 Options 36 History Browser 36 Notification Queue 36 Stations 37 Stations - Add New Station 37 Manage Stations 42 Users 43 Add New Users 43 Active 45 Manage Users and Roles 46 Add Role 47 Add User 48 Import 48 Export 48 Logged in Users 48 Library 49 Library Editing 49 Adding Music 49 AutoComplete 50 AutoFill 51 AutoLink 52 AutoMove 53 Copy and Paste 54 Field Overrides 56 Field Tips 57 Find Values 58 Find 58 Find and Replace 58 Find Matching Values 59 Find Similar Attributes 59 Library Analysis 59 Library Editor Options 60 Library Editor Options 61 Library Search Options 62

- 3 - Key Mapping 62 Marking 63 Mass Changer 65 Move History 66 Moving an Element to a New Category 67 Printing 67 QuickPrint 68 User-Designed Reports 68 Creating or Editing a Design 68 Copying Log Designs 71 Query 71 Categories 71 Search Filters 71 Filter Mode 72 Sort Keys 74 Private Queries 74 Query Icons 74 QuickEditor 75 Building a QuickEditor Design 75 Fields 75 Grid Properties 76 Saving a QuickEditor Design 77 Loading a QuickEditor Design 78 Card View 78 Song Performance Review 79 Undo 80 Library Setup 80 Attributes 80 Categories 81 Category QuickMove 83 Chart Editor 84 Setup 84 Updating the Database 86 Export 89 Export Design 90 Design Pages 91 Design Page "X" 92 Field Properties 92 Design Properties 93 Fields 94 Display 94 Create New Field 95 Properties 96 Import Enterprise Songs 97 Running the Query 98

- 4 - MusicMaster CS Table of Contents

Key Mapping 99 Keywords 100 Kickoff Category Wizard 102 Separation Wizard 104 Packets 108 Query the Library 110 Song List Editor 110 Synchronize 116 Running Synchronize 117 Library Synchronization Definition File 118 Description 118 LibSynch 118 Import 119 Import Properties 120 ImportFields 121 ImportValidation 121 LibImport 122 LiblmportProperties 122 LibImportMap 123 [LibImportMapAdd] 123 [LibImportMapUpdate] 123 Export 124 ExportProperties 124 ExportFields 125 LibExport 126 LibExportProperties 126 LibExportFields 126 LibExportMap 127 [LibExportMapAdd] 127 [LibExportMapUpdate] 127 [LibExportMapDelete] 127 Library Synchronization Definition File Sample 129 Trivia 131 Finding Trivia with a Query 133 Printing Trivia on Your Logs 133 Exporting Trivia in Library Export or Schedule Export 134 Clocks 135 Assignment Grids 135 Clock Maintenance 136 Creating a Clock 136 Clock Elements 136 Combo 137 Fixed 139 Forced 141 Format List 142

- 5 - Library Query 144 LogNote 146 Manual 148 Migrating 149 Proportional 151 Random 153 Special Sets 154 Additional Resources 158 Time Marker 158 Traffic Merge 160 Non Import of Sorts 162 Import of Spots 162 Description 162 Import 163 Import Properties 163 Import Fields 164 Import Validation 165 TrafficMerge 165 TrafficProperties 165 TrafficData 166 Complete File Sample 167 Schedule Editor Features 168 Filters 168 Clock Properties 171 Timing Options 173 Clock Import-Export 175 Export 175 Import 175 Additional Considerations 177 Clock Mass Changer 177 Clock Views 179 Grid and Graphic Display 179 180 Pie Chart View 180 Element Colors 181 Format Lists 181 Format Scheduler 182 Calendar 182 Grid Rotation 183 Clocks Used 183 LogNote Text 183 Virtual Breaks 185 Virtual Breaks 185 Designating Virtual Breaks in your Clocks 186 Hourly Breaks 186

- 6 - MusicMaster CS Table of Contents

Export Design Adjustments 187 Rule Tree Menu 188 Attribute Rules 188 Disallowed Pattern 189 Favored Pattern 190 Hour Target 191 Match Flow 192 Maximum in Sequence 193 Min Max Hour Average 195 Min Max Hour Opener Value 195 Min Max Quota Per Hour 196 Min Max Quota Per Sweep 197 Min Max Record Average 198 Min Max Record Sum 200 Min Max Step 201 Min Max Sweep Average 202 Min Max Sweep Opener Value 203 Min Max Value 204 Not Allowed 205 Other Code Time Separation 205 Other Code Title Separation 206 Record Target 207 Segue Protection 209 Sweep Target 211 Time Separation 212 Title Separation 213 Cross Station Rules 215 Cross Station Keyword Time Separation 215 Cross Station Minimum Rest 216 Format Clock Rules 216 Clock Hour Timing 217 Clock Segment Timing 217 Format Clock Filter 217 Scheduling Session Filter 218 Hour Rotation Rules 218 Auto Kick 219 Day Exclusion Mask 220 Day Offset Window 221 Exclusive Day Offset Window 222 Exclusive Play Offset Window 223 Play Exclusion Mask 224 Play Offset Window 225 Shift Pattern Rotation 226 Shift Rotation 228 Sliding Day Offset Window 229

- 7 - Sliding Play Offset Window 230 Keyword Rules 231 DMCA Performance 232 Keyword Adjusted Time Separation 233 Keyword Hour Rotation 234 Keyword Sliding Hour Rotation 235 Keyword Time Separation 236 Numeric Rules 237 Hour Target 238 Min Max Hour Average 239 Min Max Hour Opener Value 240 Min Max Record Average 241 Min Max Record Sum 242 Min Max Step 243 Min Max Sweep Average 244 Min Max Sweep Opener Value 245 Min Max Value 246 Record Target 246 Sweep Target 248 Time Separation 249 Title Separation 251 Optimum Goal Scheduling 252 How Goals Work 252 Rule Tree Options 255 Rule Tree Properties 255 Rule Tree Views 256 Full Rule Tree 256 Filtered Rule Tree 256 Individual Category 257 Category Properties 257 Category Rule List 258 Rule Tree Wizard 258 Related Options 260 Rule Tree Category Groups 260 Scalable Rules 260 Song History Rules 261 Absolute Maximum Rest 261 Dayparting 262 Library Setup 263 Rule Setup 263 Max Plays Per Day 264 Maximum Rest 264 Minimum Rest 266 No Repeat 267 Special Rule Tree Items 268

- 8 - MusicMaster CS Table of Contents

Rule Group 268 Availability 269 Time Restrictions 269 Group Mode 270 Clock Restrictions 271 Song Restrictions 271 Adding Rules to the Group 271 Text Rules 271 DMCA Performance 272 Time Separation 273 Title Separation 274 Yes No Rules 275 Maximum in Sequence 275 Min Max Quota Per Hour 277 Min Max Quota Per Sweep 277 Not Allowed 278 Time Separation 279 Title Separation 280 Scheduling 282 Schedule Editing 282 Schedule Editor Design 282 Building or Modifying an Editor Design 282 Fields 282 Grid Properties 283 Saving an Editor Design 284 Loading an Editor Designer 285 Editor Layout 285 Schedule Editing Features 285 Close Hours 286 Delete an Element 287 Direct Data Entry 287 Editing an Element 288 Element Properties 288 Finding Songs that Fail 290 Highlighting 290 Hour Marker 291 Insert an Element 291 Jump To 292 Key Mapping 293 Log Memo 293 Moving a Song 294 Replace an Element 294 Replace a Song Element - F9 or double-click 294 Other Replacement Choices 295 Replace a LogNote Element 297

- 9 - Replace an Element by Specific Field 297 Schedule Analysis 298 Hour/Day Analysis 298 Instant Analysis 300 Schedule Editor Options 302 General 302 Rule Failure Search Options 303 Shift+Insert Function 303 Failure Alert 304 Additional Options 304 Direct Data Entry 305 Replacement Songs 305 Schedule Recap 306 Schedule Status 307 Show-Hide Elements 308 Swapping Songs 308 Test Results Panel 309 Text Search 309 Timing Mode Options 310 Toggle 310 Test Results 310 Instant Analysis 311 Results Bar 311 Hour Selection 312 Unschedule an Element 313 Unscheduled Positions 313 Vicinity Viewer 313 Schedule Setup 314 Autoburn 315 Automatic Scheduler 316 Session 317 Options 318 Scheduling Session Style 319 Manual Assist Style 319 Replacement Dialog 320 Exit to Full Schedule Editor 320 Save Thinking Process 321 Show Recap Report 322 Rule Stats 322 Goal Stats 323 Category Stats 323 Launch Schedule Editor after scheduling 324 Filters 324 Auto Platoon 325 Check the Log 329

- 10 - MusicMaster CS Table of Contents

Clone Hours 330 Export 331 Export to Automation 331 Time Period 332 Properties 332 Export Design 333 File Types 333 Design Pages 334 Design Page "X" 336 Field Properties 336 Design Properties 337 Export to Web 339 Exporting the File 339 HTML Export Definition File 340 Description 340 Export 340 Section Reference: [Export] 340 Section Reference: [ExportProperties] 340 Template File Information 341 Export to Affiliates 345 Elements 345 Categories 346 Fields 347 Destination 348 Gold Recycling 349 History Snapshot 351 Import from Network 353 Printed Logs 358 QuickPrint 358 User Designed Log 358 Creating or Editing a Design 359 Copying Log Designs 361 Purge History 361 QuickView 363 Reconcile 365 Reconciliation Definition File 366 Description 366 Import 367 Section Reference: [ImportProperties] 367 Section Reference: [ImportFields] 368 Section Reference: [ImportValidation] 368 Reconcile 369 Section Reference: [ReconcileProperties] 369 Section Reference: [ReconcileData] 371 Reconciliation Definition File Sample 372

- 11 - Schedule Calendar 373 Calendar Display 374 Icons 374 Colors 374 Calendar Options 375 Operation Buttons 375 Context Menu 376 Schedule Order 376 Toolbar options 377 Find 377 View Schedule Order 377 Category Order Management 377 Set AirPlay Pointer 379 Arrange Category 379 Schedule Analysis 380 Schedule Order Editor Properties 380 Print 380 Save 380 Close 380 Schedule Properties 380 Shift Editor 382 Traffic System Interface 383 Traffic System Interface Definition File 384 Description 384 Import 384 ImportProperties 385 ImportFields 386 ImportValidation 386 TrafficMerge 387 TrafficProperties 387 TrafficData 388 Traffic System Interface Definition File Sample 389 Unschedule 390 Analysis 392 Analysis Turnover 392 Analysis Calculations (Statistics and Suggested Settings) 392 Graphic Display 393 Slot Count 394 Map Weeks 394 Included Hours 394 Blank Rows 394 Graph Display 394 Category Usage 395 Davpart Avails 395 Autoburn 395

- 12 - MusicMaster CS Table of Contents

Coding Analysis 395 Turnover Calculator 395 Custom Time Periods 396 Special Library Reports 397 Report Designer 397 Special History Reports 398 Notes on Specific Reports 399 History 402 History Browser 402 Setup 402 Time Period 402 Categories 403 Filters 403 Display 403 Favorites 403 Graphic Options 403 History Graphs 405 Graph Options 405 Play History 405 Daily Spins 406 Weekly Spins 407 Shift History 407 Display Options 407 Graph Display in the Schedule Editor 408 Technical Reference 410 Active Directory 410 Server Configuration 410 User Setup 411 Command Line Options 413 Server Monitor 413 Start / Stop MusicMaster CS Server 414 Restart MusicMaster CS Server 414 Reset Server Cache 414 Force Logout 414 Server Configuration 414 Data Provider 414 Network 416 User Authentication 416 Nexus 418 Email Notifications 419 Options 421 Web 422 Launch Data Converter 422 Create new MMCS Database 422 Create Backup 423

- 13 - Restore Backup 423 View Read Me 423 View Log File 423 About 423 Exit 423 Glossary 425 Index 427

- 14 - Using Help

Using Help The Help is set up like the program. There are topics for the major areas of the software along with topics for other menus options. You will see the typical Contents, Index and Search tabs. Contents is laid out like the menu options. Index lists major features and areas. For Search, typing in words will look for matches with those words. If you are looking for a string and want the most exact matches, encase the string in quotation marks.

Along the way you might see pictures that are smaller. Hover over those pictures to enlarge them.

You might also see some language in blue. These are terms specific to MusicMaster. Hover over those and the meaning will pop up if you are unfamiliar with the term.

Explore and dig into the Help to take advantage of all that MusicMaster has to offer. Of course, you can always give your Music Scheduling Consultant a call as well.

If you would like to print the entire help, you can get the PDF version here:

MusicMaster CS PDF

- 15 - General Functionality This section describes general functions and menus of the software including:

File Options (MusicMaster logo) Help Menu View Menu Window Menu

The icons you see may be different depending upon your user rights. The look of the screen may also be different due to the Theme used as well as where various menu options are located. You can click on the gripper bar header of an area to float and/or move it to another location. A right-click on the menu option allows you to indicate the option can be docked.

The main toolbar menu has options for the major areas of the software and combined with the InfoBar (displayed on the left side of the capture) are an easy way to get around the software quickly.

- 16 - General Functionality

Other General Features It won't be nearly this big, but you may see this in a few places in the program. This is the gripper control. It will appear over the double-line that you may see in the Clocks when using a Migrating position or in the History Browser. In these cases, this allows you to show or hide an additional panel. This is not intended to size the displayed area. You can click anywhere else on that same horizontal plane to move the panel up and down. This icon let's you quickly show or hide the panel without having to resize it. File Options This section details the options available in the , designated by the MusicMaster logo. Print This option will only engage if you are in a section of MusicMaster CS where you can print. For instance, if you have Library Maintenance open and select this option, you will see a list of all your printed report designs. If you are in a Clock, the clock print dialog will appear.

If you would like to print the entire help, you can get the PDF version here:

MusicMaster CS PDF My Account This option contains options for your Account as well as Notification Events and User Tools.

Account Here you will see the Username you are logged in with. There is also an option to change your Password.

- 17 - Notification Events The drop down here shows you the available types of Notification Events. Once you select a Task, you can determine which station(s) it is applied to.

You must confirm several other settings to ensure you receive the Notifications: Set your email address in the Account as discussed above. Under Enterprise, Automated Tasks, you'll need the task for Send Queued Notifications. Finally, confirm with your Administrator that the Server Configuration, Email tab has been configured.

User Tools User Tools are additional buttons you can configure to launch a website or application.

- 18 - General Functionality

Select the green plus sign at the bottom of the screen to Add a Tool. Once you do this, the Details on the right will be active.

l Type - This can be either a URL or application.

l Caption - The name you list here will display on the toolbar

l Tool Tip - The name you list here will display when you hover over the toolbar icon

l Image - If you'd like a specific image associated with your Tool, select it here. If you do not choose an Image, a default wrench icon will be used.

l Key - This dropdown gives you the ability to specify a keystroke combination to launch the User Tool.

- 19 - If you have selected a Type of URL, you will have an option to specify the location and determine if you want to use an internal browser.

If you have selected a Type of Application, you will have options to specify the Executable, Windows Mode (how it is displayed) and the Start In.

Once saved, you will have an additional menu option at the top of MusicMaster CS for User Tools.


Sever Connection

- 20 - General Functionality

Client Options

KEY SETTING Interface When checked, this option forces the display to be read and used right Force Right to Left Display to left. Language This option allows you to set the language for the program Region This option allows you to determine what Theme will be used to dis- Theme play the program Misc Set this to True to create additional log file in the Client\Logs folder Performance Logging called MusicMasterClientPerformance.log Print Preview Set to True if you'd like a preview before printing Proxy Use Proxy When checked, enables the use of a proxy server Proxy Server The name or IP address of the proxy server Proxy Port Port for the proxy server; default is 80 Proxy Username The user name if Basic authentication is used Proxy Password The password if Basic authentication is used Web Browser Overrides the file path settings that are configured at the Station level ExternalLinkPath for this instance of the Client. This is the list of valid extension that can be viewed by the Web ValidExtension Browser. These are separated by a comma. You do not need to put the period, just the extension name; i.e., htm, html

- 21 - Cache

Select Station This option allows you to change the Station you are viewing without closing the Client. All Stations in the database will be listed here in alphabetical order. Logout If you wish to log out of the data, but leave the program open, you can do so with this option. Exit No surprise here, this closes the Client.

- 22 - General Functionality

Help Menu F1 is your magic keystroke to find context-sensitive Help for MusicMaster CS. You''ll also see a small question mark icon in the upper right corner of the software.

If you would like to print the entire help, you can get the PDF version here:

MusicMaster CS PDF

There are a few other options on the Help Menu. About This gives you specific information about your MusicMaster CS version. There is a tab for both Server and Client. View Read Me This is the technical document that lists the changes that have been made. Information about functionality changes are incorporated into the Help itself. View License When you install MusicMaster, you are required to Agree to the License statement. This option allows you to view the license statement. Send Feedback Should you have feedback for us, you can use this option to send us a message. System Info This lists information about the Server and Client that are using the software. You may be asked to send this to us to assist in reviewing your components. Folders This is a quick way to access various folders that contain MusicMaster CS information.

Program Folder This option takes you directly to the root Client directory.

State Folder State files control the look and function of the Client.

Logs Folder This option takes you directly to the folder where the Client log are located. View Menu This menu has options to help you configure MusicMaster with the look you want. There are different ways you can manage the look of these options.

- 23 - Docking All of the options here except the Status Bar have a gripper which allows you to dock or float the menu option. By clicking on the gripper, you can undock the option. Once you do that, you'll see docking "stickers" that will indicate where you can place the option.

Pinning Pinning is a way for you to "roll up" an option so it takes up less screen real estate. When you see the pin icon and click on it, the menu option will shrink leaving just a small indicator for that menu. Hover over that indicator to restore the option ToolBar This is one of the options we'd recommend you include. The ToolBar gives you quick access to the major areas of the software:

When displayed, you'll see icons for Enterprise, Library, Clocks, Rule Tree, Schedule, Analysis and History. Each has its own drop down to open specific sub-areas.

Search Bar This is another powerful option you'll likely find useful. The Search Bar looks for whatever information you type into the field. Since you can set up which fields are searched, you'll always be able to find what you need quickly.

Set up the search fields under Library, Fields. There is a Miscellaneous option called Search. Set that to True for any field you want the Search Bar to review. Status Bar The Status Bar is the bottom line of the program. This gives you information about what the program is processing. For instance, if you were printing your large library, it may take a bit to do that. The Status Bar would indicate the progress. If it's not processing anything, it will simply be "Ready".

You'll also see an indication of your login as well as what station you are viewing InfoBar This is another option we would highly recommend you use. This option gives you quick access to Library, Clocks and Schedule information.

At the bottom of the Info bar are the tabs for these options.

- 24 - General Functionality

l Library allows you to access Categories, Queries and Song Lists. A typical use is to click a category from the Categories tab to open it.

l Clocks accesses Format Clocks, Format Lists, Clock Grids, Lognotes . You can drag categories from the InfoBar into a clock.

l Schedule accesses two weeks of logs centered on the last scheduled log. While in the Schedule Editor, you may wish to close the Info Bar to give you more screen “real estate” to view your log. You can go to View to close it or you can use the Schedule Editor toolbar icon.

The individual tabs can be docked or floated by right-clicking on the tab name. You can then float the tab wherever you'd like or use the stickers to reposition it. To recombine the tabs, simply drag the tab back to the area and use the center sticker. History Graph The History Graph shows you when a song, artist, keyword or packet played. There are options on how to view the information as well.

The history graph displays the history of your music. This window can float outside the program or be docked within the program. Right-click on the header and select Floatable. See History Graphs for more information. Web Browser The Web Browser is an internal URL viewer. If you have URL information in your data, like artist websites, you can display the Web Browser and see that information as you click from song to song.

The web browser opens to show any link files that have been set up. This window can float outside the program or be docked within the program. Window Menu The Window menu allows you to arrange the windows you have in a different displays.

You can tile open windows either horizontally or vertically. This may be handy to have, for instance, a clock open while editing a log. This menu will also show you which windows you have open at any given time.

Of course, with floating windows, there’s always the possibility of moving one so you can’t locate. The Find Floating Windows option will find any open panels and move them to the center of the screen.

- 25 - Enterprise This section of the software allows you control various settings in the Enterprise database.

Setting up Automated Tasks Reviewing the Change Log How to Create Backup Reviewing the Enterprise Configuration Using the Enterprise Data Setting up the Notification Queue Manage Stations Users Automated Tasks This section details how to add and manage tasks within the system. This function is controlled by User Rights. There are options under Enterprise, Users, for rights to Access Enterprise. Here you'll have options to Add, Delete and Edit Automated Tasks. Add New When you open this section, you will see a setup box for the task on you are adding to the system.

Task Types include:

l Create Database backup - The Details option to save only "x" number of recent backup files can be circumvented by simply renaming the backup. It has to start with MMCSBackup_ and end with .BAK for the deletion to occur. Any backup that does not follow this pattern will not be deleted.

l Export Special History Report - This option allows you to select any of the Special History Reports and run them at a specific time.

l Export to Automation - This option allows you to send the export design for a station.

- 26 - Enterprise

l Import from Network - This option allows you to import the log from another station.

l Library Sync - This option allows you to pick the specific Synchronize you want to use from those available.

l Nexus Publish Meta Data - Publish changed songs with Nexus

l Purge Database - This is done on the entire database.

l Purge History - This is done by station.

l Reconcile Schedule - This option allows you to pick the specific Reconcile you want to use from those available.

l Send Queued Notifications - This Automated Task will be in the system by default and must be set up if you want Notifications sent.

l Start Automatic Scheduler - This option allows you to schedule an automatic scheduling session for a station.

l System Maintenance - This option can be used to perform database maintenance. Since this is updating the database, we strongly recommend making a backup of your database prior to this being run.

l Purge Database - Purging your database archives your recent history, which makes the general system operations faster; however it can slow down any reports that need this history. Use this with caution.

l Purge Deleted Songs - When you delete a song from your libraries, it is not physically deleted, thus it can be recovered. Purging songs removes them completely and makes your database smaller, however recovery is not possible after purge is complete. You should only Purge Deleted Songs after a complete backup.

l Rebuild Indexes - Indexes are used to speed up the system; over time they can become fragmented. On larger databases we recommend rebuilding your indexes once per month.

l Shrink Database - Shrink Database in not recommended as part of normal system maintenance tasks, as it can have a temporary detrimental impact on overall performance. You should only Shrink your database after a full and complete system backup, and it shouldn’t be set up as an automated task unless directed by your MusicMaster Scheduling Consultant.

l Delete log files - MusicMaster logs all of its Server activities in log files on your system. Over time, these log files can take up a lot of disk space. We recommend you delete log files once a month, but only after you perform a complete backup of your computer's hard drives.

Several of these options have a Details in the lower left corner where you must configure further options in order to save the Task.

Stations is a drop down where you indicate which Station the Task will apply to.

Recurrence Type, Day of the Week, Month and Day, Hour and Minute are all the various options you can set for when the Task will be run.

- 27 - Run Task Now will immediately start the selected task.

You must check Enabled if you want the Task to be performed.

Manage Automated Tasks This option gives you an overview of all the Tasks created in your database.

Along with Editing and Deleting existing Tasks, you also have the option to Add a new Task at the bottom of the screen.

Watch how here:

- 28 - Enterprise

Other Notes There are settings in Enterprise Configuration that control how the Automated Tasks function. These are in the Automated Task section. The Automated Failure Limit can have an impact on how your Automated Task runs. Let's say you have a Library Synch set to run every five minutes but the process actually takes eight minutes to complete. The Tasks will not stack up. The task will fail since it is already running. It will then start again about two minutes after it finishes. The Failure Limit is set to 10 by default. Change Log The Change Log gives you multiple ways to understand what has occurred in the data.

To make this work, you must set the Enterprise Configuration, Enterprise Attributes, Enable Change you Log option to True.

When you select Enterprise, Change Log, you will see the report setup screen.

Options on the left include selecting the date and time range and the ability to look up a specific song. When checking the box for a specific song, you will the Select option to find the song you wish. Once you've selected the song, the song information will be displayed directly below the check box.

There are different Entry Types and Properties you want to include.

Once you have set up your configuration, use the Search button to process the report.

- 29 - The display panel is divided into two. The top half will list all the entries related to your search. The date/time displayed here will be from the computer running the report. The bottom half will list specifics for the entry that is highlighted in the top half of the display. The date/time displayed here will be from the source that made the change. For example, let's say a user in the Eastern time zone makes a change. Now a user in the Central time zone runs the report. The Central time zone user will see the time as 9:30a at the top of the screen and the detail at the bottom at 10:30a.

Should you be reviewing Library changes made by the Mass Changer, the Change Log will only show you the value set by the Mass Changer, not the original value.

This report is most useful for those who wish to know who is making changes in the data and what those changes are.

When you run this from the Enterprise station, you will see changes across all stations in the database. If you run this within a specific station, you will only see changes from that station.

Create Backup Select Enterprise, Create Database Backup. This option automatically starts the backup process. The backup will be located in the Server\Backup folder. It will include the name of the database (MusicMasterCS is the default), followed by the name of the station and the full date/time. Enterprise Configuration There are tabs here for different Enterprise options. Enterprise Attributes

KEY DESCRIPTION AUTOMATED TASK This is the number of times the Automated Task can fail before it is Automated Task Failure Limit disabled. This is set to 10 by default. Automated Task Timeout This is the time in seconds for the Automated Task to connect. Automated Task User ENTERPRISE Enterprise ID Enterprise Name This is the name the Enterprise, or master database, will use LIBRARY DEFAULT LAYOUTS Library Maintenance Default This is the default layout that will be used when opening library

- 30 - Enterprise

KEY DESCRIPTION Layout maintenance This is the default layout that will be used when viewing music cat- Music Category Default Layout egories NonMusic Category Default Lay- This is the default layout that will be used when viewing non-music out categories LIBRARY EDITOR OPTIONS Skip the confirmation prompt when entering attribute values not NoAttrValidation defined for an attribute. This option will show any category groups at the top of the InfoBar, Show category groups on top Library, Categories tab. Show extra category information This option gives you the choice of displaying song count, slot count in the InfoBar or average runtime in the Library/Category tab of the InfoBar MISC AuthenticationTokenTImeout AllowMultipleActiveSessions This is the tolerance value in seconds when using the "Close CloseToRange to" filter option DatabaseVersion This is a non-editable field indicating the database version This option turns on the Change Log entries seen in Enterprise, Enable Change Log Change Log Enable Event Notifications This option enables Notifications This is the delimiter used to separate multiple keywords. You can MultiValueDelimiter also use "X" (that actual character) to only include the primary keyword. UseSingleStationMode This is used to add subseconds to the runtime. When entering the time, the subsecond divisions are denoted by the culture's decimal point. The number you put here is the highest allowable entry. If SubSecondDivisions you put in a number equal to or higher than the setting, this will res- ult in a change in the seconds. A setting here only applies to Enter- prise. If you wish to set this for a station, please go to Stations NEXUS When checked you must have a MusicMaster CS user account and password to perform any actions via Nexus. This will require an authorization token to perform Nexus commands. Changes made by Nexus will be logged as being made by the user that you used to NexusAuthRequired create the token. If you have multiple applications that use the Nexus API, you can now create multiple Nexus users that could all have different rights and see those changes logged as separate users. By default this is set to the Admin user. With that setting, the API can do anything and any changes logged will be shown as per- NexusUser formed by Admin. This can be changed to any user in the program allowing you to restrict the stations and functions as well as logging the changes as being performed by this user. When Nexus is

- 31 - KEY DESCRIPTION called, it will have the rights and capabilities of the user selected. Changes made via Nexus will be logged as being made by this user.

Notification Events MusicMaster CS can send Notifications on the following events.

l Automated Task Added

l Automated Task Disabled

l Automated Task Failed

l Automatic Scheduler Completed

l Automatic Scheduler Failed

l Enterprise Configuration Updated

l Song Added to Category

l Song Added to Library

l Song Added to Station

l Song Deleted from Library

l Song Removed from Category

l Song Removed from Station

l Station Added

l Station Deleted

l User Added

If the item is listed here, individual users will be able to set up notifications for these items. Enterprise Data When you launch MusicMaster CS you will see the list of all the stations in your data. The first entry on the list is your Enterprise data. This contains all of the music and non-music elements in your database.

If you'd like to name this something other than Enterprise, go to Enterprise, Enterprise Configuration and select the Misc, Enterprise Name option to make your change.

In this "station" you can manage the library, schedule logs and review history. InfoBar The InfoBar while in Enterprise focuses on Library features. You'll still have a Categories and Queries tab, but also have a Stations tab. This lists all the stations in your database. A double-click on a station will automatically create a query displaying only elements for that station.

- 32 - Enterprise

Library The basic functionality of library maintenance works the same here as it would if you were in a station. There are a couple of things to point out that allow you to management the data from multiple stations.

Managing Inventory The display will have fields for each station. This allows you to quickly see which songs are available on specific stations.

You an simply check or uncheck elements as needed.

There is also a context menu option called Station Assignments, giving you the option to either mass assign or remove elements from a station.

Select the songs and then choose the option. In both cases, the top of the box will indicate how many songs will be affected. Once you select the desired stations, you select the appropriate option at the bottom of the box.

Import Enterprise Songs This option is the setup for a feature that is actually used in a station. When opened, you will first get messaging about setting this up for use. This is followed by the Query. The Prompted Query is used here. This allows you to set up a specific set of fields users will search as well as the categories allowed. This same option is then available in a station. When opened there, the query will run, allowing the user to find songs in the database that they can then add to their specific station.

- 33 - Schedule MusicMaster CS gives you the ability to schedule any number of stations at the same time. When you open the Automatic Scheduler, you'll see what, if any, Active Sessions are occurring.

If there are no Active Sessions, this box will automatically appear:

- 34 - Enterprise

The settings here are self-explanatory. There are still many things to you'll want to consider here. If you are scheduling multiple stations, is one the driver of the format? If so, perhaps you schedule and edit that one independently. Now you can come to Enterprise and schedule the secondary stations in the format. You might also consider scheduling all the stations in a format, but ordering them in a specific way and not scheduling them simultaneously. A lot will depend upon the rules you have in place.

Once the session is started, there will be a Cancel All button available.

Users will only be able to see stations they have permissions to see. Other sessions could be running. When a user uses the Cancel All button, it will only terminate those sessions where the user has permissions.

Basic Setup Here you will determine which stations are scheduled. There is a drop down where you can use Stations Groups (Created in Enterprise, Manage Stations). Using Station Groups would allow you to select numerous stations at one time.

- 35 - There is a check box to determine if you want to Schedule selected stations simultaneously. Consider the rules you have in effect and how those rules interact with other stations when determining your choice.

Hours to Schedule

l Schedule starting at each station's last scheduled hour

l Schedule Specific hours

l Schedule all hours from each station's last scheduled hour through the specified end hour. Be sure you no station is significantly behind the end time you pick or this could take time. You can hover over any station and see the date/time it is scheduled through.

Options The Options in place that you'd see when you opened the Automatic Scheduler in the station are applied when you run the Scheduler in Enterprise. You can override those settings here.

You'll be able to override the Scheduling of Special Sets and Library Query elements, the Scheduling Session Style, advancing the last scheduled date/hour, saving the thinking process and sorting categories by rest prior to scheduling. History Browser The change here is to give you the opportunity to select which stations you want to review. A new Stations tab allows you to do so.

The Display tab will also an option to analyze Cross Station Separation. Notification Queue The Notification Queue will list the notifications you have requested.

- 36 - Enterprise

You must set up the individual Notifications under Enterprise, Automated Tasks.

The options here allow you to determine how many days of notifications will be shown.

Stations This section details how to add and manage the stations within the system. Stations - Add New Station When you open this section, you will see a setup box for the station you are adding to the system.

- 37 - When using Nexus, the Automation System Interface Configuration gives you options to pick your System as well as determine which Hours to Public and which Public Export Design to use. After you pick an Automation System, specific Configuration options will be displayed.

- 38 - Enterprise

By far, the majority of the settings are in main Configuration section. Common settings here include the color of clock elements as well as setting broadcast weekday and hour start. Here is the complete list:

KEY SETTING CLOCKS In the Pie view of the clock, the color Combo elements will be Pie Color: Combo displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Forced positions will be Pie Color: Forced displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Format Lists will be Pie Color: Format List displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Library Query elements will Pie Color: Library Query be displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color LogNote elements will be Pie Color: Log Note displayed Pie Color: Migrating In the Pie view of the clock, the color Migrating elements will be

- 39 - KEY SETTING displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Music elements will be Pie Color: Music displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Non Music elements will be Pie Color: Nonmusic displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Proportional elements will Pie Color: Proportional be displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Random elements will be Pie Color: Random displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Song List elements will be Pie Color: Song List displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Special Set elements will be Pie Color: Special Sets displayed Pie Color: Stop Set In the Pie view of the clock, the color Stop Sets will be displayed In the Pie view of the clock, the color Traffic elements will be Pie Color: Traffic displayed HISTORY This is the History graph background color for the current Graph Color: Current Hour day/hour This is the History graph background color for fully dayparted Graph Color: Daypart Full Hour hours This is the History graph background color for partially dayparted Graph Color: Daypart Partial Hour hours Graph Color: Weekend This is the History graph background color for weekend plays Graph Color: Weekend Back- This is the History graph foreground color for weekend plays ground Auto-scroll history graph to hide songs beyond the last scheduled HideFuturePlays hour when set to -1 or beyond "x" days in the future (1-999) ShowExtraTotals Shows an extra totals row at the top of the History Graph SpecHistOutputPath MISC Field ID to use when matching values on description field in AutoMatchField Editor. The color chosen here will display behind the category name in BackgroundColor station lists Checking this box changes the Daily and Weekly history graph dis- Fixed Spins Start Date plays to the last scheduled date if it is earlier than the first avail- able play dur to pre-scheduling. This option allows you to specify the FieldID of the field you want ForcedSongSearch to use when performing a Forced Song Search in a clock The color chosen here is used for the text display of the category ForegroundColor name in station lists Highlight the Results Bar segue panel header if any matching HighlightSegues segue is found

- 40 - Enterprise

KEY SETTING HistoryLinkingField IgnoreAbsoluteMinimumRest Disables the Absolute Minimum Rest song bypass IgnoreDST If you do not observe Daylight Savings Time, set this to True Songs in priority categories that fail unbreakable rules are KeepPriorityPattern skipped. When set to 1, this applies to skippable fails only. When set to 2, it applies to all unbreakable failures MaximumDayLength Maximum desired day length in seconds MaximumHourLength Maximum desired hour length in seconds MinimumDayLength Minimum desired day length in seconds MinimumHourLength Minimum desired hour length in seconds Keyword field to use for Sort-by-Rest calculations (default=Song PrimaryRestField Rest) Allows the optimum goal scheduler to relax unbreakable rules RelaxUnbreakableRules when all songs fail them ReplacementSongDig Number of songs to dig for replacement songs Adjust the Rolling Airtimes by the specified number of seconds (- RollingTimeAdjust 3599 to 3599) The maximum element time in seconds to ignore between songs SegueGapTime for the Results Bar Segue Panel. The range is 0-15 with 0 being the default. SingleUser Allow only one user in a given time period SkipPriorityUnbreakableFails Skip songs from priority categories that fail unbreakable rules. This is the hour that will be used by default throughout the station StartHour when displaying information like the history graph or the opening of the Editor. In Enterprise, Library Maintenance, if the width of the Station Abbreviation field for the station is too small, this abbreviation will be used. The text entered here will replace @STATIONID() when included Station ID Macro Text in lognotes. If this is not designated and @STATIONID() is used, the Station Name will be used. This is used to add frames to the runtime. When entering the time, the subsecond divisions are denoted by the culture's SubsecondDivisions decimal point. A setting here only applies to the Station. If you wish to set this for Enterprise, please go to Enterprise Con- figuration. By default, the Timezone of the Server is what is used. If you need to override that Timezone, you can select that here. Keep in Timezone mind that this setting impacts the observance of Daylight Saving Time. Gives timing rules more flexibility to play longer/shorter than TimingFlexibility average songs Maximum number of seconds tolerance to add when searching Timing Tolerance for songs to meeting a timing rule (0-1800) Use12HourClock This setting determines whether you use a 12 or 24 hour clock UseLinkedHistory

- 41 - KEY SETTING This is the day of the week that will be used by default through- Week Start Day out the station when displaying information like the hsitory graph or calendars NEXUS This option causes History purging and advancing of the last sched- Nexus_AutoHistoryPurge ule date when calling getSchedule, reconcileSchedule, recon- cileElements and modifySchedule when set to True. Field that contains the automation-specific unique ID values, if Nexus_CutIDField applicable. This is an alternative to looking up songs by the MusicMaster SongID Nexus_LogFileSpec Export path and filename to override the design settings Reset elements that exceed the length of an hour to show a start Nexus_NormalizeTimes time of 59:59 Nexus_ReadOnly Allows you to restrict any functions that can modify data Nexus_ReconciliationDefinition Reconciliation.def file name used for reconcileSchedule SCHEDULE Recap Minimum Performance Highlight recap report performances values less than this value Empty hours will cause the rolling time display to reset to the RollingTImeMode next hour When set to True gives timing rules more flexibility to play short- TimingFlexibility er/longer than average songs The maximum number of seconds of tolerance to add when TimingTolerance searching for songs to meet a timing rule WEB BROWSER AutoURLField Use the dropdown to pick the URL field The default file path for all users on all machines for this station. ExternalLinkPath This can be overridden for a specific instance of the Client under File, Options, Client Options. ValidExtensions Valid extensions are listed, separated by a comma

Manage Stations Along with editing your station configurations here, you can also delete a station, create or restore a backup, create Station Groups and add a station.

The same set of properties you see when you Add a New Station will be shown when you edit a station.

- 42 - Enterprise

l Add Station - Here you'll see the same options as described in the Add Stations section.

l Edit Station Configuration - This opens the configuration section as described above.

l Clone Station - This will make an exact copy of the station. You will see a box where you can rename the station

l Delete Station - Be sure you really want to do this.

l Create Backup - This creates a backup of the selected station.

l Restore Backup - This restores the selected backup for the station

l Station Groups - This is a way to organize stations to make selecting the stations elsewhere in the software more convenient. For instance, you might want to make a group of all your Rock formats. With that in place, you'll be able to select that Rock Station Group throughout the software to quickly call up those stations. Users This section details how to add and manage the users within the system.

You must have Roles created to assign Permissions to Users. We recommend that you create Roles first, then add Users.

Add New Users When you open this section, you will see a setup box for the user you are adding to the system.

- 43 - Most of the fields here are self-explanatory.

You must create Roles to assign to the User. Roles are discussed below.

When you click on Add, you will get an Add Role box where you will have a drop down listing the available Roles. You can then determine which Stations the user will have access to.

- 44 - Enterprise

You will see an individual listing for the Roles assigned to the User. For instance, if your user gets the Programming Role for stations MMCS-AM and MMCS-FM, there will be two lines listed that will indicate the Role of Programming and then the specific station. This allows the Administrator to quickly review what permissions a user has.

You can add as many Roles to a user as you'd like. As permissions are added, the right- side Permissions display will update to show what permissions have been enabled. This is a cumulative list of all the permissions the user has. That display is locked and only allows you to view those Permissions. If you add the same permission with the same station more than once, it will only be listed once. Should you add the Super Administrator, all other permissions will be removed.

Active Directory If you are using Active Directory (see the Server Configuration, User Authentication section of the Server Monitor setup), you will see one other option when configuring a user, External Account.

When you click Select button, you will then pick which Active Directory user matches the MusicMaster CS user.

- 45 - Manage Users and Roles This option can be used to manage as well as add Users and Roles.

The top section will list your Users.

- 46 - Enterprise

The bottom section lists the Roles you have created. The Super Administrator is a Role that cannot be changed. Any Roles you create will be listed by Type, then alphabetically by name.

Add Role Role are designed to create complex permissions for many user without the need to create numerous roles to do so. This is done by separating the permission set from the station assignments. When you add a Role, you will fill in basic information and what permissions are included in that Role

The Type choices are either Enterprise or Station.

Security Level - This allows the scaling of control in the permissions. Users will be unable to edit, create, delete or assign roles with a higher security level than their own. This includes a user being unable to add, edit or delete another user with a higher security level than their own. The lower the number ("1") the higher the security level.

- 47 - As you select Permissions, the lines will turn color. If the line is green (or any sub- node), that means the user can access those features. If the line is yellow, that means the user does not have full permissions. The line could also be red. This is the same as not being checked at all; there is no access to that station.

Should you need to make a new Role with slightly different permissions, right-click and use the Clone option. You will be given the opportunity to save the Role with a new name.

The advantage of separating the permissions from the station is that it allows you to create a Role with a specific set of rights, no matter what station it is applied to.

Add User If you choose Add User, that screen will look exactly as it would had you selected Enterprise, Users, Add New Users.

Import You can import a .CSV file to speed up the adding of Users. To do this, your file must have no header and columns in this order:

Email First Name Last Name User Name Active Directory Account Name (if applicable) Password

You must have User Name and Active Director Account Name OR User Name and Password. If these fields are not filled in, you will receive an error message indicating there is a problem. The Show Details box will list the specific row from your file where the issue occurred.

Export Should you wish to export the User list for import into another database, this option will create a file that can be used to do so. Logged in Users This opens a window that shows the user name for each logged in user. It also indicates when the session was created, when it will expire and what Station the user has open.

- 48 - Library

Library The Library Menu gives you access to all the areas where you set parameters for your music. These topics are subdivided between Library Editing and Library Setup.

Library Editing Library Setup Library Editing This section covers the options you need to maintain your library.

Keep in mind that while multiple users can be editing the library at the same time, should those users edit the same song, users may see messages appear indicating that other changes have been made. For instance, if two users were on the same song but editing different fields, the changes made by one user could cause the other user to see this.

Adding Music AutoComplete AutoFill AutoLink AutoMove Copy and Paste Field Overrides Field Tips Find Values Library Analysis Library Editor Options Key Mapping Marking Mass Changer Move History Moving an Element to a New Category Printing Query QuickEditor Song Card View Song Performance Review Undo Adding Music There are three ways you can add music to your database: Pick a category and selecting Library, New Song if you are already in Library Maintenance, use the toolbar icon to add songs in Library Maintenance or Library, Add New Songs,, if you are not in Library Maintenance.

- 49 - This is the icon on toolbar in Library Maintenance to add songs.

Each of these three ways will bring up the New Song Entry box.

The Add to Category option determines which category the songs will go into. The arrow to the right is a where you can set options to make the currently selected category the default category for new songs adds or to clear the existing default category.

You can also determine how many blank song cards to add to the system at one time.

The final two options in the New Song Entry box allow you to simply add blank song cards to the database (Add new songs to the existing song list) or allow you to duplicate fields (Clone all fields the active song). The Clone feature can be very handy if you add one song and information from that song card can be duplicated to the next song card. For example, if you add several songs from the same album, that album title would be the same, as would the artist. By using this option, you can reduce the amount of duplicate data entry you need to do.

If you check off one of these two boxes, the new songs will be added to the existing list. If you do not check off either box, the songs will be added, but any existing songs in the category will be temporarily removed from the screen. To reload the entire category, simply double-click on it.

As you continue to use this feature, you may have an instance where you have selected more than one song to add. When you add songs the next time, the previous number will be displayed. If you do not change this number, you will receive a confirmation box that you want the specific number of songs listed. If the number is correct, you can click on “Yes”. If not, you can click on “No” and change the number of song cards you would like to add.

AutoComplete AutoComplete is a feature that will finish fields as you start typing. This is available for Keyword and Text type fields. You must activate this feature in the appropriate fields under the Library, Fields screen. To do this, highlight the field and when the details box

- 50 - Library comes upon the right-hand side, adjust the AutoComplete line to say "True."

When you type in a field with this feature activated, the field will complete with the first match available. The more you type in the field, the more you narrow the choices.

If you backspace in the field, you will disable the feature. The feature will be re- enabled if you press [Home], [End] or after typing at least two characters. if you do this, the characters behind the cursor location will not change their text case as the string is completed. Characters already typed will remain as you have typed.

There is a visual indicator when the option is in use. The icon will on the toolbar will have a yellow background.

AutoFill AutoFill is a feature that will allow you match any given list of fields and have another list of fields filled in when the utility is run.

The AutoFill functions can be accessed right clicking on a song card and selecting AutoFill, AutoFill Function Editor or by using the icon on the Library Maintenance toolbar.

This will open a box where you will choose which fields to Match and which fields to Copy. You will also determine which categories will be included in the procedure.

To pick a field to match, highlight it and use the arrow keys for the appropriate boxes. You can make AutoFill match and copy several fields. In the example above, when the Artist field is matched, the Artist Keyword and Gender will be filled in.

- 51 - Be sure to select the appropriate categories to be used in the search. Also, click Save and name the AutoFill function. This name can be up to 32 characters long.

You also need to determine which songs will be affected by the AutoFill. While you can click on one song or SHIFT-click to highlight more than one song, you could also click on the square in the upper left corner (to the left of the header names) to highlight all songs on the list.

When you want to run the utility, you will right-click on a song card and select AutoFill. You will then have the option to run a specific AutoFill function or all AutoFill functions you may have set up. You can also run all AutoFill functions by using [F8].

Keep in mind that the AutoFill function is only as good as the data entry. When the match is done, it will be based upon the song with the lowest SongID on the current list. We recommend that you review your library so that all songs have the information in them that you want and then use AutoFill as you move forward to ensure the data is correct and will populate properly. Common usage:

Here are some ideas on possible uses for AutoFill:

l Artist Keywords and Gender could be filled automatically for an Artist as in our illustration.

l If you have a field called Year where you put the year of release; and, Jingle, where you have a code for a specific year, you might use AutoFill to put in the jingle information into the database.

l Another excellent use would be for classical stations that have a pronunciation field, musical period, nationality and/or birth and death fields for a composer. Additional AutoFills could be created to update conductor and ensemble pronunciation fields if those exist as well.

l Any field where the information will always be the same, is a good candidate for AutoFill. AutoLink This feature can save you time when used in conjunction with a feature like AutoComplete.

When configured, AutoLink will only show you a limited choice of possibilities for fields, reducing data entry time.

This feature would be quite handy for a classical or oldies format. In each case, you might have many titles by the same composer or artist. Let's say you set up the Composer or Artist field along with the Title field for AutoLink. When you type in the Composer or Artist, only those Titles associated with that Composer or Artist would show up in the Title field. For instance, if you linked Artist and Title you could type in “Beatles” and instead of seeing all the songs that start with “P” it might show “P.S. I Love You” right away. Here’s another example: if you linked Composer and Title you

- 52 - Library could type in “Beethoven” and instead of seeing all the works starting with “F” it might show “Fur Elise” right away. If AutoComplete is used on the Title field, this will greatly reduce the possible number of matches as you fill in the Title.

This feature is activated on the appropriate fields in the Library, Fields screen. To do this, highlight the field and when the details box comes up on the right-hand side, fill in the AutoLink Group line to say 1, 2 or 3.

AutoMove The AutoMove feature is designed to move songs automatically from one category to another

Under Library, select AutoMove. The AutoMove Properties box will appear.

To begin with, the box will be empty. Select Add. This will open the AutoMove Properties box. In this box, you will determine which category the song should move to and when that will happen, either by date or after a certain number of category plays. The bottom of the box determines when the song will return to the original category.

- 53 - Most of these options are self-explanatory. The options for when the song is moved are in OR mode. This means that whichever comes first, the scheduling date or the category plays will cause the song to move.

Keep in mind that as songs are moved in or out of a category, music rotations and rules may need to be adjusted.

If you need to add the same AutoMove date to many songs at once, you can do this in the QuickEditor. Click on the pointer column1 selecting all the songs you wish to change. Right click and select Move, the context box will have several options at the bottom including “Add an AutoMove to all Selected Songs”. Should you need to remove the AutoMoves, that option is also available.

All AutoMoves are performed each day at the .Week Start Day and Start Hour regardless of what categories are scheduled. If you do not automatically schedule this hour, the AutoMoves will not occur.

Copy and Paste You can copy information from the QuickEditor or Song Card to other fields in the program, the Window clipboard or other programs like Excel. There are various methods to copy information:

l When the cursor is on a single field, only that field is copied when you use Edit, Copy.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 54 - Library

l If a group of cells, rows, or columns are selected in the QuickEditor, all information marked will be copied. You can either right-click and use the Context Menu or Edit, Copy option from the top of the screen.

l You can click in the gray square in the upper left hand corner of the QuickEditor to highlight the entire contents of the QuickEditor. Use the Edit, Copy option from the top of the screen when doing this.

l Right-click the upper-left cell in the Song Card editor for an option to copy the entire song card.

l Right-click and select Copy from the context menu and copy the current song, selected songs or marked songs.

l When multiple songs are shown in the QuickEditor or Song Card, you can also copy values from one song to the next. In either editor, you can press [CTL-D] on any field to copy the value from the same field on the previous song. In the QuickEditor, you can also select a group of cells and copy the values from the first selected song in each column down through all the remaining selected songs.

If you copy a memo field by itself, the entire contents of the memo will be placed in the clipboard. If a memo field is included as part of a group of selected cells, only the first line of any included memos will be copied.

After you have copied, methods for pasting include:

l When the cursor is on a single field, Edit, Paste.

l When pasting information from the Windows clipboard, it will attempt to fill multiple cells based on the number of rows and columns of data that were copied. If you have a group of cells selected in the QuickEditor, you will only be able to paste information within that selection. If you are only on a single cell, the clipboard data will fill in as many rows and columns as needed, or until it runs out of space on the grid.

All Windows standard clipboard operations are supported: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete. You can use commands on the , or the traditional Windows shortcut keys: Cut [Ctrl-X], Copy [Ctrl-C], Paste [Ctrl-V], Delete [Del].

There are some things you might need to watch out for:

When pasting into Excel, entries like 8-20 or 1-2-3 will be converted to dates. You can prevent this by not including the separators, the dashes, or by wrapping the values in other characters, for instance parentheses. In the examples above you could do 8 20 or (1-2-3) and the values would be preserved.

- 55 - When copying Keyword fields, you can also determine the character that is used to separate the entries with Enterprise Configuration, Enterprise Attributes, Misc., MultiValueDelimiter. By default, keywords will be separated by a semi-colon. You can change this to another character, or set it to the letter X to disable this function and only copy/paste the first keyword in the field.

The only fields where copying and pasting doesn’t work are Dayparting and Packeting.

Field Overrides When you created your MusicMaster CS database, you determined many field values. One of these was the ability to override the field information.

This is done to allow the user the ability to change the value in the field depending upon the station or category the element is used in. While you might still have a "master" field value, you not have the ability to refine the value depending upon where the element is located.

Here are some examples of how this could be used.

Let's say you have an Enterprise field for Tempo. You use a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the fastest. Tempo is a subjective field. Depending upon the other elements, a song could a different tempo--a song considered fast on an Adult Contemporary might be middle of the road on a Dance Mix station.

You could take this one step further: If the field was a Station field and could be overridden, you could determine the Tempo when the element was in different categories. What if you did a love-song show at night? That song that is a tempo 3 during the day, might be more like a tempo 5 during the more mellow love songs.

Now that you have some ideas on how you would utilize the override, here's how to access it: On the field, press CTRL-O. This opens the Override box.

- 56 - Library

In this example, the field was given a value of 5 at the Enterprise level. The user decided at the Station level, it should be 6.

Once you click OK, the display in the Station will be 6. If you looked at the song in Enterprise, it would show 5.

The radio buttons on the far right can be clicked to move to a different field. The Up arrow is designed to "push" the value up to the parent level.

Watch how here:

Field Tips Field Tips are turned on and off on the tool bar while in Music Maintenance. This is shown as the balloon icon with the “i” inside of it.

When activated, this will display tips indicating more information about the field. For instance, on a keyword field, only the first keyword shows, but if you hover your cursor over the field, the Field Tip balloon will show all the keywords. If you hover your cursor over an attribute field, you will see the meaning of the codes in that field.

There is a visual indicator when the option is in use.The icon will have a yellow background.

- 57 - Find Values

This section goes over the three different ways to find elements in Library Maintenance: Find, Find and Replace and Find Matching Values. These options are accessed through these icons.

Find The Find icon is a single magnifying glass. This icon opens a box that lets you search for specific text. Where ever your cursor is when you click on this icon will determine the default setting in the box. For instance, if you are on an artist's name, that name will appear in the Find What space. You can change this to search for anything. Be sure to double-check the settings in the to determine where the search will take place and the Direction settings as well. Another option you can set is how a match will be made.

Find and Replace The Find and Replace icon is the magnifying glass with arrows in each direction. This icon opens a box that is nearly the same as the Find box. The addition is a Replace With line that will allow you to find text and replace it with something else. You will able to replace a single instance or all instances that are found.

- 58 - Library

Find Matching Values The Find Matching Values icon is represented by a magnifying glass with a page. This icon opens a Song Lookup box that lets you search for specific information. Where ever your cursor is when you click on this icon will determine the default setting in the box. For instance, if you are on an artist's name, that name will appear in the window at the top of the box. The drop down box will allow you to see all other entries in that field.

Find Similar Attributes You can configure the Find Similar option on attribute Fields. When using this option, MusicMaster will look for all songs that have similar attributes. The more you check off, the more must match. The matching songs will be displayed. Library Analysis Library Analysis allows you to review your data to determine the composition of the various fields.

Open Library Maintenance and click into the field you wish to analyze. Right-click on the field and select Library Analysis. A box will pop up with the Analysis. For instance, if you wanted to review the gender codes in your data, you could right-click on that field and after selecting Library Analysis, you'd a display with information in list form:

- 59 - The drop-down box on the left-hand side allows you to pick a different field from the one you are currently looking at. The drop-down on the right-side allows you to determine the way the information is displayed. In the illustration above, it's set for Individual codes. In the case of gender, however, you might have more than one code on each song. By clicking in this box, you can select Group Codes and see this Analysis:

In both cases, the number of unique values will be listed at the bottom of the box.

Depending upon what field you are in, you may not get the option for Individual Codes and Code Groups. For instance, this option is not available when analyzing the Artist field.

If you are analyzing a numeric field, the bottom of the box will display the minimum, maximum and average values available. Library Editor Options The options here control various Library Editor options along with determining layout defaults and search options.

- 60 - Library

Library Editor Options

You can access this option by using the icon on the Library toolbar.

l Query Options - If you have designated a Favorite Query you can check this box to have it run by default.

l Warnings

l Confirm before using Cut or Delete functions - If you a warning before you proceed with cut or delete functions, check this box.

l Do not validate attribute codes - By default, you will receive a warning if you enter an attribute code that is not defined. Checking this box defeats that option.

l InfoBar Options

l Show category groups on top - If you have created groups of Categories these typically are shown below your individual categories. Checking this box, would place these category groups at the top of the InfoBar

l Show extra category information - You can choose to have either Song Count, Slot Count or Average Runtime appear after the category name in the InfoBar using this option

l Library Default Layouts - The options here allow you to determine what the default layouts will look like. You can choose to simply define this overall or pick a different layout for music and non-music.

- 61 - Library Search Options

The Search Mode has different options available. Each allows you to determine the Default Category List. Key Mapping Key Mapping allows you to determine specific functions with specific keystrokes. When you are in Library Maintenance, the Library Menu will have the Key Mapping option. This opens a setup screen where you can configure 10 different hotkeys to open various functions within Library Maintenance.

- 62 - Library

The Select option gives you dozens of options. You can assign any function to any key command that you’d like. Marking Marking is a useful way to have operations performed on a sub-set of your data. You might mark songs to move them to a new category or perform a mass change operation.

You'll see this icon in Library Maintenance and the Schedule Editor. The only difference is that when you mark in the Editor, it only affects the song while there. If you want to mark the song program-wide, use the Library Maintenance option.

When engaged, MusicMasterwill calculate the marked songs in the displayed list.

- 63 - Options here include mark or unmark all songs, reverse marks or mark matching songs.

Reverse marks and mark matching can both be quite handy. For instance, it may be simpler for you to put up a list of songs that don't meet your criteria. Using reverse marks now marks the songs you want.

Mark matching brings up the Song Filter Entry box that will allow you to create as many filters as you'd like to have songs marked that match the filters.

If you would prefer to use marking function on individual songs, you can use the context menu in Library Maintenance to access this option (right-click on a song and go to Marking). You’ll have options to Mark, UnMark, Toggle Selected Songs or open the Song Marking Tools.

If you would like to see the marked status as you look at a list of music, simply use the Show/Hide fields button and move the “Marked Status” field to the Included Fields list.

In Library Maintenance, you can jump to the next or previous song in a QuickEditor list. [SHIFT-F7] jumps to the next song. [CTL-SHIFT-F7] jumps to the previous song.

In the Schedule Editor, you can also use [SHIFT+F7] to jump to the next marked song and [CTL+SHIFT+F7] to jump to the previous marked song. If you display a highlight column and your cursor is in that column, these keystrokes will take you to the next or previous highlighted song.

- 64 - Library

Mass Changer The Mass Changer allows you to make changes to many songs at once.

The Mass Changer utility is available in Library Maintenance by right clicking on the header row in the QuickEditor or in the field column of the Song Card. If the field does not allow mass changes, the option will not appear. These fields include: Add Date, Category, Category Plays, Dayparting, Library Plays, Non-Music, Packet, Performance, and Song ID.

The Mass Changer will default to the field you clicked on originally, but you will be able to select any available field by selecting the Target Field.

When you have selected a field to change, you can select from the available mass change Operations. The type of operations available will change depending upon whether you are in a keyword, attribute or text field.

Text and Keyword Field Operations:

l Search and replace – Finds the value and replaces it with the new value.

l Replace specific value – Changes the value to the new value.

l Append to field contents – Adds the value to the end of the field.

l Prepend to field contents – Adds the value to the beginning of the field.

l Add specific keyword – Adds an additional keyword to songs where that keyword is not already in use. (Multiple Keyword fields only).

l Add specific keyword – This will add the specified keyword to the field.

l Remove specific keyword – Removes a keyword when that keyword is in use. (Multiple Keyword fields only).

l Assign specific value – Changes all values to the new value.

l Assign sequential values – Assigns numbers in order to the field.

l Clear field contents – Removes all information from the field.

l Extract sub-string – Allows the setting of the start character and length and then the field contents will be replaced by that portion of the existing field contents. (Text fields only).

l Extract delimited sub-string – Allows the picking of a delimiter character and substring and then the field contents will be replaced by the substring at that position. Substring one is the text prior to the first matching delimiter. For example, if the text contains "^1234^Description" (without the quotes), the deliminator is "^", substring one is blank, two is "1234" and three is "Description." (Text fields only).

l Convert names to Last, First – This will reverse the list so will become Lennon, John. Keep in mind any groups you have like Crosby, Stills and Nash will be affected by this switch if they are on the list.

l Convert names from Last, First – This will reverse the list so Lennon, John will become John Lennon. Keep in mind any groups you have like Crosby, Stills and Nash will be affected by this switch if they are on the list.

l Convert to UPPER case – This will convert the field to upper case.

l Convert to lower case – This will convert the field to lower case.

l Convert to mixed case – This will convert the first letter of each word to upper case, the rest will be lower case.

l Convert to initial caps – This will covert the first letter to upper case, the rest will be in lower case.

- 65 - l Remove leading spaces – This will remove any spaces at the beginning of the field.

l Remove trailing spaces – This will remove any spaces at the end of the field.

l Remove leading and trailing spaces – This will remove any spaces at the beginning or ending of the field.

Attribute Field Operations:

l Replace specific attribute – Changes the value to the new value.

l Append specific attribute – Adds the value to the field.

l Remove specific attribute – Removes value from the field.

l Assign specific value – Changes all values to the new value.

l Clear field contents – Removes all information from the field.

To assist the mass changer, you can use the “Confirm each change” option. This will bring up a box that has “Replace” and “With” lines. You can then either choose “No,” “Yes” or “Yes to All.” However, if you need to adjust the mass change, you can edit the contents of the “With” line for that song. This can be very handy for those songs that don’t quite meet the mass change operation you desire. For instance, if you had your Artist field in First Name, Last Name order and wished to switch it to Last Name, First name, you could use the mass changer to do that. However, if you had Crosby, Stills & Nash in your database and set the mass changer to invert it to Last Name, First Name, Crosby, Stills & Nash would end up being Nash, Crosby, Stills &. Obviously this would not be wanted. With the “Confirm each change” option set to “Yes” you could edit the “With” line and prevent the mass changer from making that change.

When you perform a mass change, it will only apply to songs that are in the active song query list.

There is a separate mass changer for Keywords. See Keywords for more information.

Move History If you would like to see the Move History of a song, you can do so by selecting the Move History icon.

- 66 - Library

The box that pops up displays the Move Date and Time, what category it was moved To and what category it moved From. The final three columns give you information about the Duration the song was in the category, the number Plays it had and its Performance rating.

The Artist/Title will be listed at the top of the box.

Moving an Element to a New Category Moving an element to a new category is as simple as dragging it to the InfoBar and the category you want. You'll see a two musical eighth notes as you do this.

Since you can have an element in more than one category, you can also do this while dragging to the InfoBar as long as you hold the [SHIFT] key while you drag.

You can also display the Category field in Library Maintenance. With that displayed, you can click on the edit helper button1 to make the change. Printing There are two ways you can print reports in MusicMaster: User- designed reports and QuickPrint. Each has their own icon. The printer with white paper is for user-designed reports and the printer with red paper is for QuickPrint.

1The edit helper button has three dots in it. When you click on this button, further options will appear.

- 67 - QuickPrint This is the fastest, easiest way for you to print a report. What you see is what you get. There is no designer or any other configuration that you need to do. The only caution has to do with the number of fields you might have displayed. Should you pick so many fields that they cannot fit on a single line, QuickPrint will automatically wrap the additional lines under the first. If you would rather not have a wrapped line, you would want to set up the screen so that it shows just a few fields. The more fields on the screen, the more likely it will wrap. You could reduce the print size to enable you to print more information on one page. Once you have your screen set up with the information you want to print, simply click on the QuickPrint icon.

You can also quickly print out the contents of the current QuickEditor grid, or the active Song Card by pressing [Ctrl-Shift-P].

User-Designed Reports If you would like to create and save reports, user-designed reports can be created and printed based upon the current Library Maintenance song list. This requires you to create a design. While in Library maintenance click on the printer with white paper to open the Custom Library Reports box.

If you have designs, you can simply click on it and select the Print button to run it. The other button selection on the right side of the box allows you to create a New design as well as Edit or Delete one.

Creating or Editing a Design

The MusicMaster Report Designer will open. This screen is divided into three main sections: Fields, Page Configuration and Properties.

- 68 - Library

The Fields section lists all the fields you have available to you. Please note what fields you can pick from will change depending upon the page configuration. For instance, only certain fields are available on a PageHeader line, but every field is available to you in the Music section. You will only be able to drag fields to appropriate lines.

Generally, you will pick the page to work on first. There are pages for all elements you might include in your printed report: ReportHeader, PageHeader, GroupHeader1, Detail (Music), GroupFooter1, PageFooter and ReportFooter. When you highlight one of these lines, the field list will change. Drag the field you’d like to include to the line and let go. You can now click on it to change its size, position, typeface and color to name a few. Continue to do this for each field and page that you would like to have printed information.

l ReportHeader and ReportFooter lines control the information printed one time only at the beginning and end of the entire report. You might use these lines to indicate the number of songs in the list or the total running time of the songs in the list.

l PageHeader and PageFooter lines control the information printed at the top and bottom of each page. Typically a PageHeader line would contain the names of the information that will appear below; for instance, Artist or Title. A PageFooter might contain the page number, for instance. The Song line is where you’d also list Artist or Title, but when the report is run, the actual names will be printed.

l GroupHeader1 and GroupFooter1 control information printed for break points. For instance, if you want to break the report on a category or the letter of the alphabet, these lines will accomplish this.

l Detail is where you will indicate the fields in your data that you wish to print.

- 69 - There can sometimes be confusion as to whether some information should be put on the ReportHeader or PageHeader line. We recommend that information that is static, like a graphic logo, fixed text or page number be placed on the ReportHeader while information that is derived from information in the log like Description, be placed in the PageHeader line.

On the Detail (Music) page, you can determine the background color (Appearance), whether empty spaces will be left if the field is empty (Behavior, CanShrink), whether the field can enlarge if there is more information (Behavior, CanGrow) and whether information can be split on two pages (Behavior, KeepTogether).

If you find your design is causing empty pages, there are two settings you can check. The Page Setup icon on the toolbar allows you to change the margins. A decrease of as little as one-half inch to the right and left margins typically corrects this issue. Another option to check is the Behavior, Visible option on a page. It is possible for nothing to be configured on a line, but for it to still have height. This means the extra space has to display. If you do not need the line you can simply switch the Visible option to False.

Should you wish to put in any custom text into the design, you can do this using the Text feature. This is found on the tool bar, identified by the "A". After you click on the "A", click in the design and you will see a symbol similar to the plus sign (+). You will use this to size a box for the text. Once you have your box, you will type the information for the text in the Properties box under Data, Caption, replacing the "Label1" currently there.

When you're ready to preview your design, click on the printer icon. The preview will display. You can now choose to proceed with the printing by selecting the printer icon in the preview or click on Exit to return to the design.

One report that is fairly common is a “print if changed” report. This allows you to have one entry instead of multiple lines with the same information. For instance, if you were doing a catalog of your data, you might use this option on the artist field. This would print the artist’s name once and all the songs by that artist in the library. Typically this is viewed as a “cleaner” report since there is less repetitive information.

This is easy to do. The GroupHeader1 line that is illustrated above accomplishes this. Add Artist to this line. In the Properties on the right-hand side, adjust the Behavior, UnderLayNext to True. Set the MusicMaster, GroupField to Artist. You can put the Title in the Detail line. When printed, the artist name will appear once, followed by the titles. When the Artist changes, the new artist’s name will be printed.

- 70 - Library

Copying Log Designs

It is possible to copy printed log designs between MusicMaster stations. While the design is open, use the icons for Import and Export on the toolbar. Please keep in mind that since MusicMaster stations are typically custom-created, it is possible the fields will not be same from station to station. While the basic design will be copied and can be imported, you may have to make some adjustments to the design to ensure you are printing the correct fields. The design will be saved to the My Documents folder by default.

Query The Query is used to find something throughout your database. The Query box will show up not only in Library Maintenance, but also in other places throughout the program.

There are three areas to configure: Categories, Search Filters and Sort Keys.

Categories You can pick the categories you would like to include in the search. You can check off the categories to search, or choose from the groups you have created using the dropdown. There are also boxes for "Check All" or "Uncheck All" and “Invert Checks”.

Search Filters This section lets you look for specific characteristics in the data. The filter is based upon any field you have in your data. Once you pick the field, you will determine how that filter be used. For instance, the filter may be "Equal," "Contain" or "Not Blank" to name a few. These are called operators. The operators you will have available will

- 71 - change depending upon the field you pick. Be sure to look through the whole list for the best operator to meet the criteria you are trying to find. While most operators are self-explanatory, a few need a bit of clarification so you configure them properly.

l Close To – By default this will use 10 seconds total on either side of the time you pick; i.e., if you chose 3:30, it will display results of 3:25-3:35. You can go to Enterprise, Enterprise Configuration, Enterprise Attributes and change the Misc, Close to Range to adjust this.

l Not Close To – By default this will also use 10 seconds total on either side of the time you pick. You can make adjustments to this as noted above.

l Month Matches – Use the drop down to pick the month you want. While the display will put in a full date, it will only use the month.

l Day Matches – Use the drop down to pick the day you want. While the display will put in a full date, it will only use the day.

l Year Matches - Use the drop down to pick the any day in the year you want. While the display will put in a full date, it will only use the year.

Once you’ve chosen your operator, you will then list the specific instance you are looking for. Be sure to click on Add to include the filter.

Filter Mode

The Filter Mode gives you two options, plus a third variation. These options allow you to construct a query in a way where you could drill down to something very specific. For instance, you could use the All mode to look for songs by that contain "Baby" in the Title. The Any mode could be used to find songs in your data from 2015 or 2016.

There may be times when you need both of these modes, though. Here's an example: Let's say you want to find works by two different composers, but you'd like those works only in a specific range of times. This requires a filter to find the composers as well as filters to find the upper and lower range of the times. Here's how that could be configured by using the Add Subgroup option:

- 72 - Library

Notice that the Run Time has Match All Filters while the Composer has Match Any Filters. By clicking on Add Subgroup prior to setting up the filter, you will have another "node" for your query. You can click on any of these "Match" lines to adjust the filter. You can also add to the existing filters by clicking on the Match line first then adding your new filter.

If you have multiple filters that are similar, for instance looking for a series of Song IDs, you can shortcut the procedure for adding them to the list. Once you've created the first filter and added it, hold down the ALT key and click on the filter. This will copy the filter back up to the boxes above where you can make a change to the value.

Another option to the Query is the Prompt feature After picking the specific filter and operator, use the @ symbol to open the right of the value field. This will open the Prompt Query box where you can make any changes to how the text will display when you run the Query. When run, a pop up will appear with your prompts, allow you to enter specific information, like an Artist or Title.

- 73 - When the Query is run, a box will pop up showing Artist and Title and allow you to fill in the choices you want (Whatever you've put in parenthesis will show up in the box). The order of the prompts will be based upon the order the filters were entered.

You further enhance the Prompted query by combining fields. Let’s say you want to search the Composer, Orchestra and Soloists, all the “players” in the classical format. Simply give them all the same Prompted text and you’ll get one line where you can enter something rather than multiple lines for each field.

This can be very useful if you are looking for the same thing across many fields. For instance, James Galway might be the flute soloist or he might be the conductor. With the Prompted query set up this way, you can type in “James Galway” into the Players field and it will search all three looking for matches.

For Keyword, Date and Attribute fields, an edit helper button will also appear allowing you to see the available choices.

If you leave any of the prompts empty, that filter will be removed when the Query is run.

Sort Keys This option lets you sub sort the list up to three ways. Simply click on the Sort field and pick the field. The sort order will either be ascending or descending order. When a field is picked the ascending, descending button will be activated to the right of the sort key.

Private Queries If you would like to make a query private, you can do so when you use either the Save or Save As icons. Along with allowing you to name the query and give it a description, you will have a check box option to Keep Private. Only the user who created that query or someone with Administrator rights will see this query.

Query Icons If you are already in Library Maintenance, you call up the Query box by using binocular icons. The first icon is New Query. This will call up the Query box. The dropdown will allow you to select Marked Songs Only, UnMarked Songs Only, Marked and UnMarked songs automatically without further configuring the Query box. If you are already using a query with the Match Any operator with more than one filter, these options will be disabled.

The icons with the forward and backward arrows call up the Previous and Next Query. These will be activated once you have changed the query. For instance, let’s say you bring up a query sorted by artist. Then, you resort the list to title. Once resorted, the

- 74 - Library

Previous icon will now be lit and you can return to the artist sort. When the artist sort is displayed again, you’ll have the Next icon since you can now go forward to the title query. These options allow you to move backwards and forwards through the queries you’ve done. This is the same functionality you’re probably familiar with in a web browser that allows you to move between pages.

The icon with the heart is the Favorite Query option. This allows you to quickly access your queries and determine which one is your favorite so you can reload it at any time by clicking on the icon.

When you use the drop down box, you will see the queries in your database. By selecting one from this icon, it will become the default. Now, when you wish to call up this same query again, you can simply click on the icon to launch it. You can use the drop down at any time to pick a different query or change your favorite.

When you first open MusicMaster, you can load your favorite query immediately. Click on the Toolbar icon for the musical note while holding down the CTL key. Your favorite query will automatically load.

This feature is also in the schedule editor replacement window. Which query is favorite can be different in both places.

QuickEditor QuickEditors are designed to give you complete flexibility in how you look at your data in Library Maintenance. You can build any number of designs for whatever needs you may have. When needed, you will then be able to load the appropriate design.

This section will go over building, loading and saving QuickEditor designs. There are three icons that you'll use to access these functions:

Building a QuickEditor Design The Show/Hide icon is used to build a design.


The Field Order box on the left determines which fields are show and in what order. The A to Z list will show the fields alphabetically, the other icon will sort the list based upon the category you gave it under Library,Fields. The category under Fields should

- 75 - not be confused with the music category. The category under Fields is only for purposes of grouping fields together to make it easier to include them in the Selected Fields list.

Highlight the fields on the left, and then click on the single arrow pointing to the right to add fields. To remove fields, highlight on the right, and then click the single arrow pointing to the left. If you would like all fields to be added or removed, you can click on the double-arrow icons to do that. To adjust the order in which fields appear on the right, highlight the field (a gray box will appear around it) then use your mouse to move it so it is in the desired order.

Grid Properties

Grid Properties give you the control to color various element types, how the cursor will react and change the look and size of the font.

KEY VALUE COLORS Songs: Marked The color of marked songs Songs: Music The color of music elements Songs: Non-Music The color of non-music elements Selection Highlight The color of highlighted areas CURSOR With this option set to True the cursor will follow whatever your “Enter Clone Cursor Cursor option is set to. Set at False it will stay in the same field. This option determine which direction the cursor will move when you press Enter Cursor enter. With this option set to True the cursor will follow whatever your “Enter Mark Cursor Cursor” option is set to. Set at False it will stay in the same field. FONT

- 76 - Library

KEY VALUE Bold With this option set to True bold will be in effect. Set at False it will not be. Italics With this option set to True italics will be in effect. Set at False it will not be. Size This controls the size of the type face Typeface There are options here for numerous typefaces. With this option set to True underlining will be in effect. Set at False it will Underline not be. GRID This options determines how the lines between rows and columns will Grid Lines appear.

You can further refine the overall look of the Editor by resizing fields. There is a line or bar that separates each field header from the one next to it. Hover your cursor over the bar until it turns into a double arrow. Then left click your mouse and drag the bar to the desired location.

Saving a QuickEditor Design Saving the design allows you to reload it at any time. We'd suggest you be creative here and make designs for different purposes. For instance, a design for adding music with the fields in an order that makes sense for you. You might have several of these, one for each person who adds fields. You might make a design that has your coding or research scores listed. If there is any view that you use consistently, save it for future use.

In the Save Grid Layout box, name the layout design. You can also determine if the design will be a new design as well as the default design by checking off the appropriate boxes. Be sure to click Save to finish.

- 77 - Loading a QuickEditor Design Now that you've built and saved different designs, this option will allow you to load any of them.

Keep in mind you may have many fields in this design so you may need to use the scroll bar at the bottom of your screen to see them all. Should you wish to jump to a particular field quickly, you can use the Field Header context menu (right click on the header) and select Find Field. The drop-down box will list those fields that are available. When you click on one, you will automatically be taken to that field.

Song Card View You can view your library in one of two ways: by the QuickEditor or the Song Card views. Whichever view you choose, MusicMaster will default to that view the next time you open the program. The icon for this is a simple toggle. The displayed icon is what the display will change to.

The QuickEditor view looks similar to a spreadsheet. Check out QuickEditor for more information on that view.

Clicking on index card icon on the tool bar enables the Song Card view. You can also use ALT-F3 to toggle this on and off.

This will change your screen so you see only a small portion of the QuickEditor, with the majority of the screen taken by the Song Card view. The gripper can be used to adjust the sizes of both views. To move to another song, simply click on the QuickEditor line and the Song Card will automatically change

The view you see here is separate and distinct from the QuickEditor view. This means you can set up the fields and display specifically for this view and save it.

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Song Performance Review There may be times when you would like to review why a particular song, or group of songs, are not being scheduled. This can be done by using the Schedule Recap report.

You must set up the Automatic Scheduler to save the Thinking Process, which will give you this information.

Load the category or group of songs you'd like to review into Library Maintenance. Right-click on one of the songs you wish to review. From that context menu, select Scheduling Recap. You will then be able to choose the Current Song, Selected Song(s), Marked Songs or All. MusicMasterwill then load the information for review. In the following example, one song was reviewed. The Viewer indicates what song is being reviewed, the scheduling time , and the specific times and rules violated when the song was considered. You have options to Save and Print this information from the ToolBar.

- 79 - Undo Sometimes you change your mind or realize the change wasn't a good idea. Where would we be without an Undo feature?

As long as you don't close Library Maintenance, you can undo any changes you make there, including mass changes in one step. Once you close Library Maintenance, though, you'll have to change the content by hand.

Under Edit, you'll find Undo. An almost unlimited number of operations can be undone with this option. When you go to Edit, Undo, you will see a brief description of the next available undo option. We even give you an option to Redo, in case Undo wasn't really what you wanted to do!

At this time, only options that load a new list of songs, sort the current song list as well as adding or deleting songs cannot be undone. Library Setup This section covers areas where you will be configuration general library information.

Attributes Categories Category QuickMove Chart Editor Export Fields Keywords Packets Query the Library Song List Editor Synchronize Trivia Attributes Attributes are characteristics your data may have. These characteristics allow you to control the occurrences of the specific codes you define.

When specific codes are assigned, you will have the ability to control how that code appears in many ways, including separating it by time or title. You will also be able to control what other codes can or cannot play near it.

- 80 - Library

Under Library, Attributes, you’ll have a pull-down box that will list the Attributes available in your data. A typical Attribute would be Gender, which we’ll use to explain how these screens are set up.

Once you’ve picked your attribute, you will see three columns: Code, Value and Name. The Code is a single character; both upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers or other characters on your keyboard. Using Gender as our example, this is where you’d place the "F" and "M." You would tab over to the Name field and list “Female” and “Male.”

The Value field would be used for a numeric attribute, like Tempo. In this case, you might have S=Slow but give the Slow a value of one. The value applied defines how the rule will work.

You must fill in the value if you use a code other than a number, otherwise the codes will be given a value of zero, which will be ignored.

The number of unique codes for the attribute will be listed at the bottom of the box (the above graphic has been condensed so does not illustrate this).

If you would like a printed list of the attributes, you can use the toolbar option to do so.

While doing data entry, if you try to enter a code that is not defined or do not complete the field in an Attribute Combo or Attribute In/Out type field, you will receive a warning indicating this.

Categories A category is a group of “something” that rotates at a specific speed. You might have categories for all of your music, as well as liners, jingles and other programming elements.

- 81 - To access this, select Library, Categories.

There is no limit on how many categories you may have.

The Category Editor box will display the Code, Name, Type and Count.

l Code - The code you created for the category. This can be any three numbers or letters.

l Name - The name you created for the category.

l Type – This refers to whether the category contains music or non-music. By default every category will be a music category until designated otherwise in the Properties. Non-music categories will be represented with the slash.

l Count – This indicates how many songs are currently in the category.

Options on the right side include:

l Add

l Delete - No songs are deleted if you delete a category. Songs will be moved to the Uncategorized category.

l Properties – This feature allows you to name and color-code your categories. When you click on the button, the Category Properties box appears for the category with the blue arrow1.

l Groups - This handy feature allows you to create groups of categories for quick reference in other parts of the program. We've created three defaults: all categories, music categories and non-music categories. You might further refine this by creating a group that includes only those music categories that you rotate. These groups will appear on the Info Bar for easy access.

l Scheduling - This option opens the Schedule Properties screen. Please seeSchedule Properties

1The blue arrow appears in the pointer column and indicates your location in the software.

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Category QuickMove This feature allows you to drag and drop songs to different categories. When you first open this, you will be asked to determine which categories you’d like to view. You can pick up to eight categories to view. Once displayed, you’ll see the songs in the category (with a scroll bar if necessary) as well as information at the bottom of the screen indicating the original and current song counts. You can click on any song and drag it to another category. When you do this, you’ll see a musical note icon.

If you’d like, you can view the Song Card here by using that option on the toolbar.

No changes will be made until you click on the Save option or try to Quit and are prompted to save your changes.

When you return to this utility, the categories you previously selected will be retained and the screen will open automatically.

This feature was designed primarily for quick category adjustments of small, current rotation categories. We do not recommend you use this to manipulate large categories.

- 83 - Chart Editor The Chart Editor is designed to update your library data to reflect changes to a weekly in-house music chart. Using fields in your data that contain chart information, the Chart Editor will update these fields as you update the contents of the Chart Editor.

Since this process updates your data, we strongly recommend you make a backup of your data under Enterprise, Create Backup before you start this process

Setup If you have not set up the Chart Editor, you will need to do this first before you can edit a chart.

Select New and this will open the Chart Setup screen.

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This mapping editor tells the Chart Editor where the information is located in your data. There are various types of fields available:

In order for the Chart Editor to function, you must select the "Rank: This Week" field. While you can use text fields for the Rank fields, it is recommended that you have fixed numeric fields. You can check your field type under Library, Fields. Should you pick the same field more than once, you will receive a message warning you that you have duplicated your entries.

Peak Fields are optional. You can store the full date or just the month and year. It is recommended that the Peak Date field be a date field, although a text field can be used. Generally you would pick Peak Date or the Peak Month and/or Peak Year fields, not both. We recommend that the Peak Month and Peak Year fields be numeric fixed, but text may also be used.

Debut Fields, including Weeks On, are optional. You can store the full date or just the month and year. It is recommended that the Debut Date field be a date field, although a text field can be used. We recommend that the Debut Month and Debut Year be numeric fixed, but text may also be used. We recommend the Weeks On field be a numeric fixed field, but text may also be used.

- 85 - The Rotation field is designed to be a text field, but this field is not currently updated.

The Chart Note field is optional. It typically is used to signify if a song has been added or dropped each week. You must designate a text field for this function.

The Label field would be the field that holds your record label information. The Chart Editor does not update any information in this field, but it will display on the Chart Editor screen if available.

While you can match fields, only certain fields are actually displayed in the Chart Editor. These fields are displayed: Rank This Week, Rank Last Week, Rank 2 Weeks, Ranked 3 Weeks, Rotation, Note and Label. Note will appear regardless of whether it has been mapped to a field. The following do not display: Peak Date, Peak Date Month, Peak Date Year, Peak Position, Peak Weeks, Debut Date, Debut Date Month, Debut Date, Year, Weeks On.

Should you pick fields that do not allow updating due to the data configuration, you will receive a message indicating that.

When you have configured this screen, the settings will be saved. You will be able to use the Setup function if you need to change these settings at a later time.

Please remember that the Chart Editor will update data in any specified fields automatically with the exception of the Rotation and Label fields. Anything you might do manually may be changed or deleted when the Chart Editor is run. You can make adjustments manually in many of these fields. The Chart Editor will simply use and maintain the information you enter. As such, it would be a good idea to make a backup of your data prior to running this feature.

Updating the Database Your data should already have information in the "Rank: This Week" field. Since the Chart Editor brings in all songs that have numbers in the field designated for “Rank: This Week”, if this field is empty, the Chart Editor will be empty. This can be handy if you wish to start over. Simply erase the contents of the field you’ve designated and begin again.

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When you open Manage Charts and select your chart, the songs will be loaded based upon the "Rank: This Week" field. You are already in Edit mode at this point so can begin to make any changes to the Chart that you need.

The Rank column in the example above is considered the “This Week” field. Once the chart is up and running, any new songs you add to the chart will show “Add” in the Note field. Should you remove a song from the list, it will drop to the bottom of the chart and will show “Drop” in the Note Field.

l Edit - When you first open the Chart, the toolbar will show Edit. When you click Edit, you will be editing the Chart you see. At that point, the toolbar will replace "Edit" with "Save". Save updates the fields after you have made your Chart changes.

l New Week - This function allows you to create a new Chart for the subsequent week.

l Date - This function allows you to change the date of the current Chart

l View Snapshots - This function allows you to view previous charts. If you Edit the Chart Snapshort, you will be able to Add or Remove songs from the Chart, helpful if you need to make changes after the fact. If you have external Chart information you can use the Import option to bring it into your database.

- 87 - l Spins - Spins function will allow you to add spins according to actual play history. This can be useful to help you sort the list by Spins before making your final Rank. l Saved List – This function allows you to create a Saved List, which can be called up in your clocks for scheduling or through the InfoBar, Library, Save List option.

l Copy – This function copies the Chart Editor information to the clipboard. You might copy this and then e-mail it to someone.

l Print – This function will print your Chart Editor information.

l Setup - This is the same screen when you originally configured your chart. It can opened and modified as necessary.

To move songs up and down the list, you can use the fixed column at the left of the grid. When you have everything in place, the Save function will write this information back into the database.

Following is the order of events that will happen when you your Chart:

l All songs that have any data in any of the Rank fields are loaded. Data is scrolled down chronologically. Information is then moved. So, for instance, anything in the This Week field moves to Last Week; anything from Last Week moves to 2 Weeks; from 3 weeks is lost. This operation would be adjusted to reflect the number of Rank fields that you've specified.

l The rank for This Week is updated with the numbers on the new chart. Any dropped songs are cleared from the list and new numbers are written for all others. The Chart Note is also updated for all songs on the active chart so that the Chart Note column of the data matches the same column in the Chart Editor.

l For any new adds, the Debut Date will be set to the chart date.

- 88 - Library

l Should the new rank be greater than the existing Peak Position, several things will occur. The Peak Position will be updated; Peak Date will be set to the Chart Date and the Peak Weeks will be set to one. Should the new rank be equal to the existing Peak Position, the Peak Weeks will be incremented by one.

l The Weeks on Chart value will be incremented for all songs that are not dropped from the list. Export This option exports your library using a design you create.

When the design has been created, you can run this in one of two ways: You can go to Library Export or you can use the icon from within Library Maintenance.

Using the menu option you will see options to pick the categories. The option for Marked Songs below the Category list could significantly change the number of songs that are exported. If you do not get your expected result, double-check that there is no check in this box and that you have checked off all categories you wish to include.

From within Library Maintenance, the program will export the songs displayed. Here are the two screens: Menu:

Within Library Maintenance:

- 89 - Export Design This section lists the exports designs available to you. As you click on each one, the Properties information may change, including the export path and file name. Be sure you have clicked on the design name if you want to change this information.

Of course you have to have a design first.

Most of the options here are self-explanatory, but we'll go over Edit as this is the main option you'll use. Whether you have an existing design and simply select Edit or select New and create a design, you'll end up in the same place.

- 90 - Library

The Design page has three main areas, Design Pages, Design Page: "X" and Field Properties:

Design Pages

Design Pages lists the types of pages available for configuration. These include

l Song – This will export song card fields l File Header – This is the information that will appear at the top of each file

l File Footer – This is the information that will appear at the bottom of each file

Each of these design pages will have specific fields that will be available to you. Some fields appear on all pages:

l Comment - This is an internal note to help clarify for you what the field does.

l Fixed Text – This option allows you to place specific text in the export file.

l Line Break – This will create a line break in the export file.

l Script Function – This advanced option will let you modify the data on the export.

l Spacer – This option allows you to add spaces into your design.

l Song Counter – Counts the number of songs in a log. . If used on a File Header line, the program will go back at the end of the export to update the Header with the final values.

Above the listing of various design pages you will see these icons. These icons allow you to add or delete additional lines for Song, Break and Spot lines. The last icon is design properties.

- 91 - These additional lines will allow you to create custom filters and control which elements use each design page. These pages can be ordered in the list by a simply click and drag/drop. Each exported element works from the top of the list until it finds a matching design page with no filter or where the element matches the filter. The list should be ordered so that the pages with the least matches are on the top and the most matches on the bottom. You might also consider setting up the last design page for that element in such a way to catch all the remaining lines. If this is not done, it could be possible that some elements would not be exported.

If an existing design page is close to what you need for a new page, hold down the [SHIFT] key on that design name while you click on the plus sign and pick the design page you would like to add. This will create a copy of the page. It won’t copy the unique Page Name you may have assigned, but all the fields will be there.

The design properties icon will give you different choices depending upon the type of line you are working on.

Song - Page Name allows you to name the page. The Category Filter is where you will control what elements will use this design page. Options include category groups as well as picking specific categories.

Design Page "X"

Design Page: "X" where "X" is replaced by one of the page types listed above. This will ensure that you are on the right line when making a design. This section is where you will pick the specific fields you want. Each page will have different applicable fields listed.

Field Properties

Field Properties: "X" where "X" is replaced by one of the available fields. This will ensure that you are on the right field when making any properties changes. This section is where you would configure specific properties for the field picked. Each field will have different applicable properties listed.

Comment – This is an internal note to help clarify for you what the field does.

Delimiter – This is used in conjunction with the Substr option. The Delimiter indicates the character that delimits the line. This is associated with the Break Text field, which appears on the LogNote, Commercial and Traffic Merge lines. For instance, in this example, the carat (^) is the delimiter: ^1234^Description

- 92 - Library

Function - This property allows you to modify or format the field value. When used on a field other than Script Function, the syntax "mm.CurrentValue" is used to create that change. This syntax represents the current field value. For instance, you might wish to modify the artist field prior to export so that it is in all upper case. You would adjust the Function line to read as follows: UCase(mm.CurrentValue)

Following is a list of options:

l Ucase – Upper Case

l Lcase – Lower Case

l Ltrim - Trims leading spaces to the left

l Rtrim – Trims trailing spaces to the right

l Keyword – This properties allows you to choose a keyword other than the first keyword

l Len – This is the number of characters that will be exported

l No - Yes/No field can specify what text to use for Yes and/or No values

l Pos –This determines where in the field you wish the export to start. This is almost always "1," however, if you exported an automation number, for instance that always started with "DA", you could start with the third character and the "DA" would not be exported. l Text – This is the specific text you wish to have inserted. It is used in conjunction with the Fixed Text option

l Yes – Yes/No field can specify what text to use for Yes and/or No values

Design Properties

There are several properties you can set for the design by default. In the Designer, select the Design Properties icon on the toolbar.

- 93 - Destination

l Append to Existing - A Yes/No question that allows you to append information to the existing file.

l EncloseValuesinQuotes - This is a true/false value.

l Encoding

l Export as Temporary File -This option will write the output file to a temporary file name. After the file is complete, the temporary file will be renamed to the actual file name. Note: This option will not take affect if the Append to existing file option is in use.

l Export Destination Folder -This is the default output path for the export.

l Export Filename Pattern - This is the filen ame structure

l FieldDelimiter

l Include Byte Order Marker

l LineDelimiter

l Prevent Edit or Export Folder and File name Pattern - This option would prevent users from changing the export path.

l Prevent Saving changes to Export folder and File name Pattern - This option would prevent users from saving the export path.

l PreventEditUseBroadcastWeek

l PreventSaveUseBroadcastWeek

l Use Broadcast Week Start Hour Day XML

l NestHeaderElements

l RootXMLTag Fields This is where you'll see information about how the Fields were configured for your customized version of MusicMaster.

Display The opening display gives you an overview of the fields in your data and specific settings for those field. If the field has a white background, including on check box fields, you can edit that field directly.

There are several columns of information.

This Editor includes columns for ID, Name, Abbreviation, Prompt Text, Category, Type, Length, Rules, Hidden, Level and Override. Specifics on each are below.

l ID – This is the internal number for the field. The user cannot change this.

l Name – This is the name assigned to the field.

l Abbreviation – There are times when either on the screen or in a printed report, the full Name cannot be seen because the columns have been sized too small. You can select an abbreviation that will show up if the full Name cannot be seen.

l Prompt Text – This is text that you would like to appear when the field is being used. This can be quite handy as a reminder for data entry personnel to make sure the appropriate information is included. The information will appear on the Status Bar (See Screen Appearance) to the right of the active list song count and name panels.

- 94 - Library

l Category – There are various places in MusicMaster where lists of fields will appear. An alphabetical list may not be the easiest to navigate. It’s quite possible that you will have various groupings of fields. For instance, you might have several fields relating to coding or chart information. By typing in “Coding” and “Chart” on the appropriate fields, you will now be able to change the Field Order from A to Z to the Category type thus grouping like fields.

l Type – This is the kind of field. The user cannot change this. Types include Attribute, Currency, Date, Internal, Keyword, Length, Memo, Numeric, Text, Time and Yes/No. These field Types were determined when your database was created.

l Length – This is the number of characters you can put into the field. The user cannot change this.

l Rules – This indicates whether the field is tested. The user cannot change this.

l Hidden - This indicates if the field is hidden. You can click in this field to change the setting. You can click this field to check or uncheck.

l Level - Fields can be created with different Levels. This field indicates whether the field is an Enterprise, Station or Category field.

l Override - This indicates if the information in the field can be overridden. The user cannot change this.

Create New Field

If you are in the Enterprise data, you will have this option at the bottom of the screen. This allows you to add any field type and configure how it will be used.

Options here include the Name you'd like the field to have, what Type it should be, what Length the field should have, what Level it should have and whether a user will be able to Override the field.

Once added, the field will show up on the list in alphabetical order. It will also be available at the station level for adding.

Add Enterprise Fields

- 95 - It is possible that the Enterprise data has fields in it that are available at the Station level. This option will allow you to see what fields you can add at the Station level. Simply check off the box for the fields you would like to add to the station. If you would to Enable Rules for the field, check that box as well

Properties There are Properties that you can customize for each field. The Properties available will depend upon the field. Not all Properties will be available for all Fields. When you click on a field, the Properties column will display so you can see what settings are available. The list below lists the Properties and their functions.

KEY VALUE DATA ENTRY Default Value There are cases where having a pre-set value would be handy for a field.1 If you have fields in your data that you do not use, you can set this option to Hidden Yes.2 This Numeric field option indicates the lower number that will appear in some Range Lower rules like the Target rules. This Numeric field option indicates the upper number that will appear in some Ranger Upper rules like the Target rules. When set to “Yes” this Numeric field option will show zeros in the field rather Show Zeros than just leaving a blank space.

1With this option, you can do this for all non-Memo user fields, as well as RunTime and Marked Status. Any values entered here will be automatically filled in when new songs are added to the database. If you do this on a Yes/No field, you can enter values of 0, True, Y or Yes for “Yes” and 1, False, N or No for “False.” Should you do this in a Time or Date field, you should format the field the way you these options would normally be formatted by Windows on your PC. 2The fields will now appear red on the list. Any data in these fields is retained, but the field will not appear on any list of fields in the software. You can change this setting at any time and the field will reappear on the list.

- 96 - Library

KEY VALUE Each field can be assigned up to 10 field Security Levels by entering the num- Security Level bers into this field.1 This option adds an edit helper box in Library Maintenance that assists you in Unique Values finding unique values on text and fixed numeric fields on your songs. 2 EDITING AutoComplete See AutoComplete for more information AutoLinkGroup See AutoLink for details on setting this up. IDENTIFICATION You can categorize your fields into sub-sets of information; for instance, all chart- or coding-related fields. When looking at the designers (for reports or Category even the way your Editor is set up), you can look at the list of field by category or alphabetically. This could help you remember all the fields associated with a particular category. This is the main field when viewing reports. This is set to your Title field by Primary Field default. The Schedule: Description option in the Editor is controlled by this. This is the lesser field when viewing reports. This is set to your Artist field by Secondary Field default. The Schedule: Description option in the Editor is controlled by this. SCHEDULING This is set to “No” by default. If it is set to “Yes,” there must be something in this field orMusicMaster will not schedule the song. If the field is blank, the Must-Fill song will violate this unbreakable rule. This could, for instance, prevent songs without a hard drive number from being scheduled in your system. This can be used to turn the Rules on or off for a field, especially useful if it is Rules Enabled not configured properly when originally adding the field to the station. SEARCHING This is set to “No” by default. If this is set to “Yes,” the field will be available for Search Bar searching when the Search Bar is used. This is above and beyond the setting of the Primary or Secondary fields.

Import Enterprise Songs Import Enterprise Songs is an option that allows users to find songs that are in the Enterprise database, but not currently in their station. When used, Enterprise will be updated to indicate the song has been added to the Station.

1There are options available in Enterprise, Users in the Library section of a station to prevent users from editing fields from any of these levels. Any field not assigned to a level can be edited by any user that has Edit Songs rights. 2The edit helper box will allow you to not only find a unique value for the field, but it will also pop up automatically if you manually enter a value that is not unique in the field. You will have the option to override the warning and continue to enter the duplic- ate. The edit helper screen will also allow you to search for the next great value above a specified value. This feature searches the entire library, including uncategorized songs.This option will not pop up automatically for any copy/paste or other mass change-type operations.

- 97 - You can access this option either through the Library menu or when in Library Maintenance by using the icon on the toolbar.

This feature is set up in Enterprise. If you do not like the options presented, you will need to work with your System Administrator.

Running the Query When you click on the icon, the query that has been created will automatically appear. For our example, the query allows searching in the Artist and Title field:

Here's an example of the result when "LOVE" is put in the Title option of this query:

- 98 - Library

Any songs with a gray background are already in the station. Those with a white background are not in the station.

There are just a couple of items to point out:

After you select the songs you wish to add by clicking on the pointer column1, you can use the option in the lower left to determine which category these songs will be added to.

If you already have a category list on your screen and want these newly added songs to be added to that list, check the box in the lower left.

Should you wish to see other fields, you can use the Design option, which options the Modify Layout screen where you can add or remove fields.

Once you have selected your desired songs, use the Select button to add them to the station. Key Mapping Key Mapping allows you to determine specific functions with specific keystrokes. When you are in Library Maintenance, the Library Menu will have the Key Mapping option. This opens a setup screen where you can configure 10 different hotkeys to open various functions within Library Maintenance.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 99 - The Select option gives you dozens of options. You can assign any function to any key command that you’d like. Keywords Keywords are used to separate content. You might have keywords for artists and titles, but can set these up for any concept where you need this type of separation. This area also allows you to create a Kickoff category for doing special programming like two- fers.

You’ll most likely add keywords when you do data entry in Library Maintenance. If your keyword field allows it, you will be able to add as many keywords as you need for protection. To access additional keywords, click on the edit helper button1. This will open the Keyword Entry box. If you need to add additional keywords, add those to the next empty line. As you add keywords another empty line will continue to appear:

If you want to work on your Keywords in one place, it’s best to do that under Library Keywords. You will have a drop-down box allowing you to choose the keywords you wish to edit. Changes you make here will update keywords throughout your database so it’s much more time-efficient to correct any mistakes in the Keyword Editor.

1The edit helper button has three dots in it. When you click on this button, further options will appear.

- 100 - Library

The screen will display the Keyword, Separation time and Hour Rotation setting. Auto settings will be configured in the Rule Tree. To create a specific setting, remove the check mark and put in the Separation or Hour Rotation setting desired.

Keyword separation indicates the minimum amount of time that must go by before the keyword can play again.

Hour Rotation refers to the rotation of the keyword, not the song. For instance, you might configure a Keyword with a one day, one hour rotation rule. This would mean that if a song with that keyword played in the 6am hour today, no song by that Keyword would be able to play in the 6am hour tomorrow (provided the test is configured as unbreakable). This can be a very restrictive rule and is typically not placed on keywords that are core to your database.

The hour rotation rule is in full hours; i.e., 1 day, 1 hour. Entries like 1 day, 1:15 will be rounded down to the nearest hour.

Other toolbar options include Find, Delete, Lookup, Trivia and Tools.

Find will allow you to type in the first few letters of the keyword. When you press enter, you will be taken to that point on the list.

- 101 - Delete will remove a keyword from the database. Please use caution when using this feature.

Lookup will show you all of the songs that contain that keyword.

Trivia – Please see Trivia for complete information on how to include Trivia for Keywords.

Tools has a drop down box with several options:

l Show Usage Count – This option will bring up a box where you can pick the categories that will be included in the usage counts. This is very helpful in determining how many of an artist keyword you have in, for instance, your active rotation. You can then sort on the Slots column in either ascending or descending order. Keep in mind if you did not pick all categories, you might have some artist with zero keywords.

l Print Keyword List will print a list of your keywords including the columns you see on your screen. If, for instance, you have the Records column in your display like the above example, that will be included in the printed report.

l Remove Unused Keywords - This utility will remove any Keywords that are not found in your data. This is the best way to remove Keywords to ensure you do not remove an active Keyword.

l Kickoff Category Wizard The wizard will help you create a Kickoff category for special sets based upon the keyword currently displayed. The first decision is to pick the eligible keywords. The box below shows the options available. Minimum usage count should be considered carefully. For instance, let’s say you wanted to do a two- fers based upon your artist keyword. In this example, you pick categories where there is an artist that has only two songs. Every time that Kickoff comes up, the same two songs will play. A setting of three would consider this artist ineligible. If you had an artist with three songs in the categories you pick, you have the possibility of different songs playing in pairs.

- 102 - Library

Next, you’ll select a category to put the Kickoff positions into. If you do not want to put them in an existing category, you have the option to create a new category.

- 103 - Should you pick a category that already has songs in it, you will receive a warning message asking you how to proceed. You'll either choose to Add the new kickoff songs to the category, Delete any existing songs in the category and add the new kickoffs or Cancel the operation

Finally, you’ll likely want to leave the check in place to shuffle and optimize the category so identical Kickoffs are not near each other.

l Separation Wizard The Separation Wizard calculates which keywords should have specific separation settings and displays the recommended values. This is calculated from the active Clock Assignment Grid. On the toolbar, first select the Keyword you wish to run the Wizard on. Once selected, you'll see the configuration screen:

- 104 - Library

You have various options in this box:

Recommend separation times that are no more than what percentage of the estimated keyword turnover time: This option allows you to put a “cap” on how high the recommended values can be. For instance, if the keyword turnover time is two hours, with the 40 percent setting above, the most that could be recommended would be just under three hours of separation.

Set to Auto when the recommended separation exceeds the following value: Should any keywords exceed the value placed in this field, they will be given the Auto setting.

Consider putting in what you might consider a silly time for the program to calculate. The worst that will happen is that it will tell you every keyword needs a special time. The upside of doing this is that you will know specifically what kind of separation you can get on every keyword.

Round recommended separation times to the nearest: This option lets you be more or less discreet in how the Wizard creates settings.

Avoid full-hour recommendations will adjust the suggested value either slightly higher or lower if the true suggested separation value would have been an exact hour like 1:00, 2:00, etc.

- 105 - Don’t recommend values that are higher than the existing settings, Remove separation from keywords that do not require any and Recommend basic Hour Rotation settings are all check-box options that will perform these tasks if chosen.

Select Next when you’ve made your choices. Once the Wizard has completed the calculations, you will see a box similar to the one below indicating how many changes are recommended. You can select the information you’d like to see.

When you click Finish, the Keyword Maintenance box will reappear, displaying the columns you’ve requested. Any changes will be highlighted.

- 106 - Library

You can now review the recommended changes and enact any you wish. If you want to change a single keyword setting, you can click on that settings and use the Change button on the toolbar.

Should you wish to change all settings, you can select that tool bar option. You will receive a final confirmation box before all keywords are changed if you choose this option.

The Filter button will show you only those keywords that have recommended changes.

When you have completed your changes, select Done. This will revert the screen back to the Keyword Maintenance box where you will see the changes reflected.

All settings are saved through this process, so you can simply select Close from the toolbar to end the process.

l Mass Changer - This mass changer is specifically designed to let you change the separation values or hour rotation settings to a specific value on all keywords at once.

- 107 - Packets The Packet Editor is designed to group elements together to slow down the rotation of the individual elements in the packet. There are no rules on what can be in a packet. You might packet several songs by the same artist, several versions of the same song or songs you want to rotate, but not that often.

To access this, select Library, Packets. You can also access while in Library Maintenance, by right-clicking and selecting Packet, Packet Editor from the context menu.

First a description of the Editor: On the left you will have a list of all the packets in the program, showing their name and category they are in. The drop-down box in the upper-left lets you choose which category you look at. This information is repeated in the Description and Category boxes in the center of the screen. By clicking on any packet name, the main center box will show you the songs in that packet.

Various options are available to you including:

l Description – This is the name given to the packet to identify it. You may change it by clicking into this box.

- 108 - Library

l Category – This screen indicates what category the packet is contained in. Should you wish, you can use the drop-down box to move the packet to a different category.

l Keep Packet Together – With this box checked, if you move a song that is within a packet, all songs in the packet will be moved. If this is not checked off and a song is moved, that song will be removed from the packet and sent to the category specified. The remaining songs will still be in the packet.

l Packet Type – There are three types of packets: standard, diggable and weighted.

l A standard packet keeps track of the next song that should be considered. When the packet comes up, that song is tested. No other songs in the packet will be tested.

l When a diggable packet comes up for consideration, songs in the packet will be tested up to the search depth that has been set to see if the song passes the tests on the category.

l A weighted packet allows you to determine how many times a song in a packet plays before moving to the next song in the packet. For instance, if you have a two-song packet and you want one of the songs to play twice as much as the other, place a two in the Weight column that will be displayed when you choose this option. While this feature can be helpful to any format, classical stations will find particular use for this to play some performances more often.

The actual list of songs within the packet is in current scheduling order. The next song that will be considered is at the top of the list. Since the display is in scheduling order, when you add songs to the packet, you might see them appear in the middle of the list. This is normal and expected. The added songs will go to the “end” of the list.

To create a new packet, select Create and confirm that you want to do this. Name the packet in the Description window. After you name the packet, select Add. This will open the standard Database Query box where you will be able to pick categories, filter and sort the list to narrow down the songs you view. When the list comes up, you can select as many songs as you’d like. To select more than one at a time, hold down the . When you have selected all the songs, click on Add. This will bring the titles into the packet creation window. When you click Close, the packeting process will be complete.

Other options at the top of the screen include Delete, AutoPacket and Unpacket.

l Delete – This will remove the packet description and the songs will be unpacketed.

l AutoPacket – This utility allows you to pick specific criteria to create packets. You will pick the categories to include, the minimum number of songs there must be to create a packet, the maximum number of songs in a packet and the packet name. The standard Song Filter box is used to create the filter.

l Unpacket – This will remove the packets from the categories selected. There are two additional options. One check box allows you to “Only remove songs from packets with less than two songs”, the other check box indicates whether you wish to “Delete empty packets.” With the “Only remove songs from packets

- 109 - with less than two songs” box checked off you could unpacket songs that exist in a packet of one. With the “Delete empty packets” box checked off, the songs will be removed from the packets and the descriptions will be deleted. Without this box checked off, the songs will be removed from the packets but the descriptions will remain. If you used both check boxes, you could remove packets of one and their descriptions in one step.

On music lists, you can add the Packet field, which will show you the name of the packet. If you hover the cursor over the Packet field, it will tell you the number of songs in the packet and the number of restricted hours for dayparts.

You will also be able to see a combined history graph showing all plays of the songs in a packet. This is accessed on any History Graph window by using the drop-down arrow and selecting Packet. If you have the packet field showing, you can click [SHIFT F6] in the field do to this as well.

Keep in mind that packeting does slow down the rotation of the individual songs in the category. This slow-down is taken into account in Analysis Turnovers.

When using a standard packet and sorting a song list by rest, the packet history will be used to calculate the rest time for each song. The rest time will be the same for all songs in the packet. In the Schedule Editor, this means the way the list is displayed in the replacement window may show some individual song rest times that are higher than the songs around it. Be sure to check for packets in this case. You should be able to spot the song from the packet that is being used to calculate the rest. Query the Library This function allows you to call up various lists of music using the Database Query, Saved Query or Saved Song List.

When you open Library, select Query the Library. You will have three options:

l New Query will open the standard Database Query box. See Database Query for more information.

l Saved Query will bring up any Queries you have previously created and saved in the database. See Database Query for more information.

l Saved Song List will bring up any Song Lists you have previously created and saved in the database. See Song List Editor for more information.

For detailed information on how to use take full advantage of this, please see Query Song List Editor Song Lists are simply that have some characteristic in common. This might be the top songs you played last year, all the songs about cars or love. The Song List Editor allows you to review and modify these lists.

- 110 - Library

You can access the Editor by using Library, Song Lists or by right-clicking on a saved Song List in the Info Bar. If you using the option of right-click on a saved Song List in the Info Bar, it will automatically load into the Editor. If you enter through the menu option you will need to load the list you wish to edit. This is done from the toolbar at the top of the Song List Editor box:

When you click on this icon, the Load Song will appear which will list all the Songs Lists available. When you pick one, it will display in the Editor.

There are two toolbars: One for the Song List Editor and one for the Song List Contents.

As shown above, the Song List Editor icon gives you the ability to load a list. It also allows you to create a new list and save a list.

The Song List Editor is divided into two sections. The right side shows Library Search Results while the left side shows the Song List Contents. This side has several icons to manipulate the list.

l Add Song - The standard MusicMaster Query box will appear to help you find the songs you wish to add to the list. Songs will be added in Category/Song ID order.

l Remove Song

l Clear

l Add Song to Library

l Edit Song Card - The MusicMaster song card will appear so you can make any adjustments you wish.

l Set Pointer

- 111 - l Arrange Song List - You can use one of the many criteria to reorder the list including shuffling it, sorting it by a field or rest or distributing marked songs to name a few. There is also an option here to find duplicate songs in your database based upon the text or keyword field you choose. Please note that this is a “sounds-like” match. In other words, you will get exact matches as well as those that sound similar. If you have put numeric values in a text field, this will attempt to group those together.

l Copy to Clipboard- This option will copy what you see in the Editor to the clipboard, including any additional fields you’ve added.

l Export

l Share – This options allows you to Import or Export a song list and then import it to another MusicMaster station. There are multiple options:

If you do not have a Song List open, the options for Export to Station and Export to File will be grayed out.

Import from Station - Simply select the station and list you wish to import. The List Add Mode contains options that allow you to replace the list currently in the Song List Editor or add the imported songs to the list currently in the Song List Editor. You also have the option to add any songs that are not part of the station.

- 112 - Library

Import from File - This option requires you to specify the file you've received from another MusicMaster station as well as the field that will allow the songs to match to your current station. The List Add Mode allows you to replace the list currently in the Song List Editor or add the imported songs to the list currently in the Song List Editor. There are also check boxes to add songs to the station and/or Enterprise if they are not already included.

- 113 - Export to Station - This option allows you to send your song list to another station. After picking the station, you'll also specify the song list name. You will also be able to indicate that songs not in the receiving station are added as well how the exported list will be handled should the name exist in the receiving station.

- 114 - Library

Export to File - This option simply requires you to specify the field that will match in the receiving station.

- 115 - Synchronize Library Synchronization designed to import new songs and song changes from an external software system; and also export information about songs that are added, deleted or changed in MusicMaster. A definition file is required for this process to work

Using this feature, you can automatically import new songs and song changes from an external software system, and also export information about songs that are added, deleted or changed in MusicMaster.

The user can also run these functions at any time using the Library, Synchronize menu option.

Many stations use automation software. This type of software typically uses its own complex database that manages its audio file inventory and assigns unique IDs to those audio files. The Synchronization process can help improve your work flow. If you did not use this feature, you would have to enter all song values twice, once in the automation software and once more in MusicMaster. With the feature, and the different modes available, you can keep MusicMaster up-to-date automatically.

- 116 - Library

Some stations also get their new music through a digital delivery service. These services typically provide text metadata about the songs that are downloaded in a format that can be imported into MusicMaster. Library Synchronization can make this happen automatically.

Another common use could allow you to import fresh research scores. As long as a common piece of information is available in the database of MusicMaster and the third party software package, it may be possible to synchronize database information between the systems using this feature.

No matter why you are using this option, for this process to work, MusicMaster and the third party software must both follow a system of importing and exporting data in shared files that each software package can access. MusicMaster can work with a variety of file formats, including delimited or fixed ASCII, Excel, dBase, and XML file. This system can work whether all song changes are written to a single file, or each change is written to an individual file.

Following are some basic examples of what you might do:

Let’s say you add new songs to your automation software. Using the Synchronization process, you can import the basic fields into MusicMaster. These might include Artist, Title, Runtime and automation software ID. As part of the import process you might create a special category, say NEW, for these songs to appear in. Once they are in MusicMaster, you can add any other information you might need, like keywords, and move it into the appropriate category.

Let’s say your automation software allows you to edit the information it has. This might be used to update the Runtime of a song. You can use Synchronization to take that information and update what appears in MusicMaster, updating only a specific field.

Certainly it’s not uncommon to update the information in MusicMaster. Every time a change is made, Library Synchronization can be set up to write an export file. This file then updates the automation software.

Running Synchronize Under Library select Synchronize. You can also access this option from Library Maintenance with the arrow icon. Any files you have available to use will appear in the upper box. Select the definition you would like to do and use the “Run the selected synchronization” button.

If you have MusicMaster PRO definition files that you would like to import, use the Select Sync Definition option to do so. The bottom box will update you on the import of files.

- 117 - Library Synchronization Definition File Definition files used by MusicMaster are formatted as basic Windows .DEF files. These are very easy to create and edit using any basic text file editor, such as Windows NotePad. The following reference describes the sections, keys and values that can be used in this file.

If Unicode characters are required in the Definition file and you are editing in Notepad, you need to manaully Save As "Unicode" and not let it save as "UTF-8".

The file can have two components: Import and Export. You do not need both. Some sections apply to both areas. These will be discussed first and then you’ll find sections for Import and Export.


The Description section is required and should generally be the first section in every MusicMaster definition file. This section provides a display name for the definition file and defines its purpose.

KEYS VALUE 1 - Used when creating a definition file for MusicMaster CS, not imported from other MMCSDef=1 MusicMaster products Listing the specific database name as shown in the DataFile Manager; i.e., "Sample" Data= [without quotes] will prevent the file from showing up in any other station's list. Name= Required – Display name for definition file. Any text string is acceptable. Type= Required – Definition file type or purpose. Must be =LibSynch


[Description] Name=Automation Interchange Type=LibSynch (Required)


This section is required, but it can be blank.

- 118 - Library

KEYS VALUE AddMsg= Provides a message box to the user when songs are added. 0=No; 1=Yes This option allows songs imported to be included in the export portion of the ExportImported= same synch operation. Normally, songs imported would be excluded and only songs changed prior to the last synch would be exported. 1=Yes LogFile= Writes synch details to a text file. 0=No; 1=Yes Normally the time is recorded when the synch is run. When you need to export the same changes to more than one system, you can set this option to SetLastSynchTime= “0”. With this setting, the time will be recorded only after the last export in the sequence.


[LibSynch] AddMsg=1 LogFile=1


This section must be present when importing from another system.

KEYS VALUE Determines the type of input file. Choices include: - AsciiD – Delimited ASCII text file (IOStandard) - AsciiF – Fixed-length ASCII text file (IOStandard) - AsciiS – Used when the file type is delimited by the field name surrounded by some type of delimiter character like square brackets. - XML – Imports from an XML file - Dbase – Imports from a dBase data file - MSExcel – Imports from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet - ADORS – Imports from a Microsoft ADO Recordset. This can be used with MS Access, SQL Server, etc. SourceType= - MultiAsciiD – Imports multiple Delimited ASCII text files at once (IOStandard) - MultiAsciiF – Imports multiple Fixed-length ASCII text files at once (IOStandard) - MultiFLAC – Imports metadata from Flac-type audio files including all the fields defined in the Vorbis comment section and stream information including runtime (MM:SS and seconds), sample rate, bits per sample, number of samples, channels, MD5, signature and vendor ID. - MultiXML – Imports multiple XML data files that contain metadata about a single song MultiMP3 – MP3 ID3v1 tag import Defines the path where the input file can be located, relative to the SourcePath MusicMaster program folder. (Example: C:\Logs\) Defines the input filename or filename specification. Can include some SourceSpec date/time macros. (Examples: @m1@[email protected], HISTORY.DBF)


- 119 - [Import] SourceType=AsciiD (Required) SourcePath=A:\ (Required) SourceSpec=*.ASC (Required)

Import Properties

[ImportProperties] is a subsection of [Import].

KEYS VALUE Only used with XML SourceType. This property indicates the base path in BasePath= the XML file for the XPath queries. Specify the regional setting used to create files for import; i.e., Culture=de- Culture= DE. When not specified the regional settings of the CS Server running user will be applied. Used when doing multi-file imports. This option allows you to set a date/- time value so the program will ignore any files where the modification time DateFilter= is later than the specified value. This can be used in conjunction with the [LibImportProperties] option of AutoDateFilter, which will set the DateFilter value automatically when you run Library Synchronization. Used when the SourceType=AsciiD. This indicates what character is the delimiter. For example if the pipe is the delimiter, you’d indicate Delim- Delimiter= iter=| The default is tab. You can either leave the line as Delimiter= or Delimiter=tab to accomplish this. UTF-8 or UTF-16 are the possible options. These option can be used with single or multiple AsciiD or AsciiF important but SkipLen and RecLen Encoding= options are not available when using this option. For Unicode-type files, you can add “(nobom)” to the string to write the file without a byte order mark header; i.e., Encoding=UTF-8 (nobom). Can be used to designate whether the input file contains a header row. Header= 0=No header; 1=Header is available. When creating a file using AsciiD or AsciiF, you can specify the line sep- arator to use in this property. The default value is 0, indicating a CR/LF pair. LinSep= You can specify 13 for a CR only (Macintosh-type file) or 10 for a LF only (unix-type file). 1 – This will remove quotes in the field. This is primarily used in comma Quotes= delimited files that have information surrounded by quotation marks. The number of bytes in each input record. This would be used when you are reading a fixed-length ASCII file where each record does not end with a RecLen= carriage return/line feed pair or when records may contain embedded con- trol characters. Every record is assumed to be this exact length. Used when you want to search any subfolders of the path. 0=import from Recurse= the specified path only; 1=search subfolders “x” is the number of bytes at the beginning of the input file that should be SkipLen= bypassed Can be used to sort the list of imported file names before importing data. SortFiles= 0=default; 1=Sort the list Translates hex characters to other text characters. Values are separated by TransVal= a comma.

- 120 - Library


[ImportProperties] Header=0 Delimiter=,

Here is an example of what a TransVal line might look like:


This example converts character 02 to left bracket and character 03 to right bracket.


[ImportFields] is a subsection of [Import]

KEYS VALUE - For a fixed length ASCII file specify a field name followed by a pipe character, and Fldx= x must be a then the start column and field length; i.e., Field1=CutID|1,8 unique value for - For delimited ASCII when no header is present, you will simply specify a field each defined name for each field in the order that they appear in the input file. field. (Fld1, Fld2 - For dBase and Excel import files this section is optional since the field names etc,.) from the actual input file will be used.

Sample: Fld1=AutomationNumber Fld2=Title Fld3=Artist Fld4=Intro Fld5=Ending Fld6=Runtime Fld7=Year Fld8=AddDate


[ImportValidation] is a subsection of [Import]. This subsection is optional and defines validation filters that are performed against the data rows in the input file. Only rows that pass these validation tests will be imported. When this section is not defined, all input rows will be considered.

KEYS VALUE Valx= x must be a A valid Script expression to perform against the input rows. This can be done in unique value for AND or OR mode. For example, you only wanted to import lines with a colon at each defined fil- column 13 and the letter "A" at column 134, it would look like this: Val1=Mid ter. (Val1, Val2, (Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A" etc.)

- 121 - LibImport

This section controls the import of data from an external system into MusicMaster.

KEYS VALUE With a setting of 1, this allows songs with the same ID to be considered AllowMultipleCategories=1 the same song for the purpose of importing so that the category field is updated rather than creating new instances of the song. Add - This adds songs to new categories, leaving the song in the cat- CategoryUpdateMode= egories they might already be in. This option restricts imports. Options include:

Add - Adds all songs as new songs into MusicMaster Update - Updates songs that already exist in MusicMaster skipping songs Mode= that don’t exist in the database. Add + Update - Adds songs that are not found AND updates existing songs

AddNew - Only adds any songs that do not already exist in MusicMaster


[LibImport] Mode=Add


[LibImportProperties] is a subsection of [LibImport]

KEYS VALUE A value of “1” automatically sets the [ImportProperties] DateFilter property to AutoDateFilter= the date/time each time Synchronization is run. DeleteSource= This option determines if the import file is deleted after being read. 0=No; 1=Yes This option is used to define how to find a matching song between the import file and MusicMaster. This option is used in conjunction with LocalID. Both must be present. SourceID is the definition of the unique Song ID in the Import file. This is SourceID= typically a field. It should be noted that you can just list the field here. If there are differences in field lengths for the field you are matching, a script function will likely be necessary. The example below shows how that script would look. This option is used to define how to find a matching song between the import file and MusicMaster. This option is used in conjunction with SourceID. Both must be LocalID= present. LocalID is the definition of the matching Song ID in MusicMaster. This is typically a field, but can include script. This option restricts the lookup of matching songs. This can be useful if you want IncludeCat= to bypass a hold or rest category. The list would include only those categories you wish to search. If this option is used, ExcludeCat cannot be used. This option indicates the categories to skip. If this option is used, IncludeCat can- ExcludeCat= not be used.

- 122 - Library

KEYS VALUE This will allow blank and missing fields from the field map to delete existing data from those fields. Without this command, the default behavior is to import new UpdateBlank= values, but leave data alone in MusicMaster when no data is provided in a field from the external file.


[LibImportProperties] DeleteSource=0 SourceID=(im.InFld(“CutID”)) (Required) LocalID=(mm.GetField(101)) (Required)


[LibImportMap] is a subsection of [LibImport]


[LibImportMapAdd] is a subsection of [LibImportMap]


[LibImportMapUpdate] is a subsection of [LibImportMap]

KEYS VALUE Mapx=FieldNumber,Name This section lists the fields you will be importing. The Field Number can be x must be a unique value found under Fields; and, the Name is the name of the field as listed in for each defined field. Import Fields. (Map1, Map2, etc.)

Each of the three sections above works the same way. You map the MusicMaster field number, the Source field name and any optional script commands.

You can use [LibImportMap] by itself. If you want different mappings for adds versus updates, you can then add the option [LibImportAdd] and [LibImportUpdate] sections.

Following are several samples:

[LibImportMap] [LibImportMapAdd] Map1=12,Length,mid(im.CurrentValue,4,5) Map2=104,MusicID Map3=108,Performer Map4=109,Title Map5=3,,"NEW"

- 123 - In the above example, Map1 equals Field 12 in MusicMaster and has a source file field name of Length. The script after that indicates to go to this field, start at the fourth character and take five.

In the above example, Map5 has a different kind of script function. In this case, the name is being forced by putting it in quotes at the end of the line. When you wish to force a fixed value like this, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.

[LibImportMap] [LibImportMapUpdate] Map1=12,Length,mid(im.CurrentValue,4,5) Map2=104,MusicID Map3=108,Performer Map4=109,Title

In the above example, Map3 equals Field 108 in MusicMaster and has a source file field name of Performer.


This section must be present when exporting MusicMaster changes

KEYS VALUE Determines the type of output file. Choices include: AsciiD – Exports an ASCII delimited file. Multiple Delimited ASCII text files can be created if a filename macro is used (IOStandard); for example %%Field=SongID%%.asc OutputType= AsciiF – Fixed-length ASCII text file (IOStandard) MSExcel - Exports a MS Excel file. dBase – Exports a dBase file XML – Exports an XML file. Multiple XML files can be created if a filename macro is used; for example %%FLD(SongID)%%.xml OutputFile= The Path where you would send the export file along with the name of the file.


[Export] OutputType=AsciiF OutputFile=C:\Temp\Library.asc


[ExportProperties] is a subsection of [Export]

KEYS VALUE Append= Allows MusicMaster to continue appending changes to an existing file. 0=No;

- 124 - Library

KEYS VALUE 1=Yes Note: This option is only available for ASCIIF and ASCIID output file types. BaseTag= Songs - This is the base XML tag that contains the song records Specify the regional setting used to create files for export; i.e., Culture=de-DE. Culture= When not specified the regional settings of the CS Server running user will be applied. RecTag= Song – This is the XML tag used for the actual song records


[ExportProperties] Append=1


[ExportFields] is a subsection of [Export]. This section determines what fields are exported, indicating the column and length to be exported.

KEYS VALUE -For a fixed length ASCII file, you will specify a field name followed by a pipe character, and then the start column and field length; i.e., Field1=CutID|1,8 Fldx= x must be a -For delimited ASCII when no header is present, you will simply specify a field unique value for name for each field in the order that they appear in the input file. each defined field. - For dBase and Excel import files this section is optional since the field names (Fld1, Fld2, etc.) from the actual input file will be used. -For XML files, fields are given a name used to populate them, then a pipe character, and then are defined as tags or attributes. For instance, Name1|field1

In the example below for an AsciiF file type, Field 1 is the AutomationNo field, starting at column 1, exporting eight characters.

[ExportFields] Fld1=AutomationNo|1,8 Fld2=Artist|9,35 Fld3=Title|44,35 Fld4=Intro|79,8 Fld5=Runtime|87,5 Fld7=Ending|93,4

There is an optional third piece of data you can add that specifies the row number. Let's say you wanted to put everything starting with the Intro field on a second row. You need to designate row 2 in that third position, and also recalculate the start columns for the new row.

[ExportFields] Fld1=AutomationNo|1,8,1 Fld2=Artist|9,35,1

- 125 - Fld3=Title|44,35,1 Fld4=Intro|1,8,2 Fld5=Runtime|9,5,2 Fld7=Ending|14,4,2


This section controls the export of song changes in MusicMaster

KEYS VALUE Mode= This option restricts exports. Options include: Add – Exports new song adds only Mode= Update – Exports songs that have changed since the last export Delete – Exports deleted songs only Add+Update+Delete – Exports Adds, Updates and Deletes


[LibExport] Mode=Add+Update+Delete


[LibExportProperties] is a subsection of [LibExport]

KEYS VALUE Filter= A filter is used to export only those songs that match your filter criteria.

For instance, let’s say you had the letter “A” in a field as part of your automation number and only wanted to export those songs. You would add a line


This is translated as: Go to field ID 102. Start at the second character in that field and take one character. If that character is “A”, export the song.


[LibExportFields] is a subsection of [LibExport]

KEYS VALUE Fldx=Name x must be a unique value for each defined This section lists the fields you will be exporting. field. (Fld1, Fld2, etc.)

- 126 - Library

This section assigns a unique name for each field you wish to export. The map sections are used to indicate which MusicMaster data to export in each of those fields.


[LibExportMap] is a subsection of [LibExport]


[LibExportMapAdd] is a subsection of [LibExportMap]


[LibExportMapUpdate] is a subsection of [LibExportMap]


[LibExportMapDelete] is a subsection of [LibExportMap]

Each of the four sections works the same way. You map the MusicMaster field number (see Fields), the Source field name and any optional script commands.

You can just use [LibExportMap] by itself or if you want different mappings for adds, updates or deletes, you can use the optional [LibExportMapAdd], [LibExportMapUpdate] and [LibExportMapDelete] sections.


[LibExportMap] Fld1=Command Fld2=ID Fld3=Runtime Fld4=Artist Fld5=Title

In the above example, Fld3 equals the Runtime field.

[LibExportMap] [LibExportMapAdd] Map1=12,Runtime,mid(mm.CurrentValue,1,2) + mid(mm.CurrentValue,4,2) Map2=108,Artist Map3=109,Title Map4=0,Command,"AddNew" Map5=1,ID

In the above example, Map3 equals field 109 in the MusicMaster database and has a source name of Title.


- 127 - [LibExportMapUpdate] Map1=12,Runtime,mid(mm.CurrentValue,1,2) + mid(mm.CurrentValue,4,2) Map2=108,Artist Map3=109,Title Map4=0,Command,"Updated" Map5=1,ID

In the above example, Map2 equals field 108 in the MusicMaster database and has a source name of Artist.

[LibExportMap] [LibExportMapDelete] Map1=12,Runtime,mid(mm.CurrentValue,1,2) + mid(mm.CurrentValue,4,2) Map2=108,Artist Map3=109,Title Map4=0,Command,"Delete" Map5=1,ID

In the above example, Map1 equals field 12 in the MusicMaster database and has a source name of Runtime.

If you are using an XML Export, here is additional information on how that would be constructed:

Sample XML Export section:

[Export] OutputType=XML OutputFile=C:\Test.xml

[ExportProperties] BaseTag=Songs RecordTag=Song

[ExportFields] Example 1: Adding a field value in its own tag. This adds a tag called field1 with the song data as the tag value value Fld1=Name1|field1

Example 2: Adding a field as an attribute of a specified tag. This adds a tag called record and adds the field value as an attribute of that tag called field1 Song> Fld2=Name2|record@@field1

- 128 - Library

Example 3: Adding a field as an attribute of the record tag. The record tag is defined in the [ExportProperties] section as the main tag for each song exported. This adds a field to that tag as an attribute with a designated name. In this sample, field 1 is an attribute of the Song tag Fld3=Name3|@@field1

Filenames for this section can contain the current data, a unique number or data from one of the fields you are exporting. The following macros enable this functionality: %%DATE(format)%% %%UNIQUE%% %%FLD(name)%%

Library Synchronization Definition File Sample Here is a sample of how the whole file might look for importing information from an automation system. In this example, an .ASC file is used for importing the AutomationNumber, Title, Artist, Year, AutomationCategory, AddDate, Intro, Runtime and Ending on any new songs. This file will also check to see if any changes have been made. If any are found, only the Intro, Runtime and Ending will be adjusted.

[Description] Name=Automation Import Type=LibSynch

[LibSynch] AddMsg=1 LogFile=1

[Import] SourceType=AsciiD SourcePath=A:\ SourceSpec=*.ASC

[ImportProperties] Header=0 Quotes=1 Delimiter=,

[ImportFields] Fld1=AutomationNumber Fld2=Title Fld3=Artist Fld4=Intro Fld5=Ending Fld6=Runtime Fld7=Year Fld8=AddDate

- 129 - [ImportValidation]

[LibImport] Mode=Add+Update

[LibImportProperties] DeleteSource=0 SourceID=im.InFld("AutomationNumber") LocalID=101


[LibImportMapAdd] Map1=101,AutomationNumber Map2=103,Title Map3=102,Artist Map4=100,Intro Map5=109,Ending Map6=12,Runtime Map7=3,,"NEW"

[LibImportMapUpdate] Map1=107,Intro Map2=109,Ending Map3=12,Runtime

Here is a simple example of how the whole file might look for exporting information to a file. In this example, a delimited file will be created when adds or changes occur in the database. When found, the artist and title will be exported.

[Description] Name=LibExport Type=LibSynch

[LibSynch] AddMsg=1 LogFile=1

[Export] OutputType=AsciiD OutputFile=C:\TEMP\LIBRARY.CSV



- 130 - Library

Fld1=Artist Fld2=Title

[LibExport] Mode=Add+Update+Delete Trivia There are two types of trivia available: Keyword Trivia and Song Trivia. Trivia is available for any individual songs and any fields that have a type of Keyword. While you access the two types in different places, the way you manipulate the information is the same.

To access Keyword Trivia, select Library, Trivia. You can use the drop-down box to pick the keyword field you wish to work on. The Trivia icon is signified by a piece of paper and a paper clip. If the icon is yellow, that means there is no trivia attached. If it is green, there is trivia.

If you are in Library Maintenance and have keyword field showing, you can click the edit helper button to open the keyword box and you’ll also be able to access trivia there with the same icon.

When you click on the song or artist that you wish to have trivia on, the trivia editing box appears. The only difference in the screen is the information printed at the top of the box indicating what you are looking at.

- 131 - There are three types of trivia you can use: Rotating, Fixed and Hidden. Which usage you pick will determine how the lines will appear on logs and reports.

l Rotating trivia will use the most-rested line to print.

l Fixed Trivia is always available to print.

l Hidden Trivia will never print.

You can use any combination of these usages. For instance you might have some trivia that is Fixed and always prints along with several Rotating trivia lines.

The columns on the right allow you to determine a First Date/Hour, Last Date/Hour, whether the trivia should be used Yearly, Kill Count and Usage.

First Date/Hour and Last Date/Hour allow you to begin and end trivia on specific dates and times. Should you not include a time when you enter a date, it will default to midnight. Times are inclusive; i.e., a Kill Hour of 11pm will allow the line to play through 11:59pm.

The Year option is used in conjunction with the First Date/Hour and Last Date/Hour options. By checking off the Year box, the year in the First Date/Hour and Last Date/Hour will be ignored and the trivia lines will be available during those dates in any year.

Kill Count allows you to prevent a line of trivia from wearing out its welcome. The trivia line will be prevented from printing after it hits the number you enter.

Usage shows you the current count for each trivia line. If you edit the Kill Counter and enter a value greater than zero, the Usage counter will automatically be rest to zero.

The other options on the tool bar allow you to copy and paste a group of trivia lines all at once. The details button will hide the additional options and only show you the trivia line.

The order the trivia lines appear in does factor into the order they are printed. Should you need to, you can adjust the order by clicking on the gray pointer column and moving the line of trivia to its new location.

Trivia can be up to 255 characters long.

There is also a global Trivia editor available in Library, Trivia. This editor allows you to look at song trivia or keyword trivia. The Lookup button will show you what songs or keywords use the line of trivia. The Tools Option contains options to show usage counts for the trivia lines, print the trivia, removed expired trivia and purge unused trivia.

- 132 - Library

Finding Trivia with a Query It would be slow to click on each song to see if the trivia icon turned green. A much faster way to find songs with trivia is to use the Query box and set the filter to Song. Operators available include Has Trivia or Has No Trivia.

Printing Trivia on Your Logs Song Trivia can be added to your printed log design by adding that field to your design. In the Properties box, check the MusicMaster CS, Trivia option. Use the drop-down box to make your selection. Your choices include Rotating, Fixed or Active.

l Rotating trivia will use the most-rested line to print.

l Fixed Trivia is always available to print.

l Active Trivia will print all of the Fixed Trivia plus the most-rested Rotating Trivia.

Remember if you want to print multiple lines, simply drag Song Trivia over to your design multiple times and adjust this property.

Keyword trivia is added by adding the keyword field to the design. For instance if you had trivia associated with an artist, you would add the Artist Keyword field to your design. In the Properties box for this field, check the , MusicMaster CS, Trivia option. You will again determine which type of trivia you wish to print using the drop-down box to make your selection. You may add the lines multiple times if you wish to print multiple types of trivia.

Since you may have more than one keyword associated with a song, the Keyword option allows you to determine which keyword is used for the printing of the trivia. The default setting of “0” or “1” will print only the trivia for the Primary Keyword. If you setting is higher, it will print only trivia for the specified keyword; i.e., a setting of “2” would only print the trivia associated with the second keyword. A setting of “-1” will print the trivia for all available Keywords.

Since these lines would be listed on individual lines in your design, it is also a good idea to make sure the Behavior, CanShrink and Multiline are set to True.

- 133 - When printing logs, trivia lines must pass the Start and Kill date tests based upon the hour being printed.

When printing music reports, these tests also apply, but are based upon the current real date and time when you print the report.

Exporting Trivia in Library Export or Schedule Export You can export trivia for both your library and logs using the Export Designer. Song Trivia requires that you place the “Song” field in your design. When you do this, you will see a Property for Trivia.

This Property allows you to determine which type of Trivia will be exported.

To export Keyword trivia, place the Keyword field (perhaps your Artist or Title). You will get the same options as described above.

If the “None” option is used, the “Song” field will print the song description. If “None” is used with a Keyword field, it will print the keywords.

- 134 - Clocks

Clocks The Clocks menu covers not only how to create individual clocks, but also how to manage the other options that control the creation of your log elements.

Assignment Grids Clock Maintenance Format Lists Format Scheduler LogNote Text Virtual Breaks Assignment Grids The Assignment Grid is how you tell MusicMaster when the specific clock should be used.

On the Format Clock Maintenance box, select the Assignment Grid tab or select Clocks, Assignment Grids. The screen will have options to manage your Grids. When you select New, you'll need to give the Grid a Name. This should be something that will tell you what the Grid is used for. For instance, you might have a Regular grid and a Holiday grid.

Once you have named the grid, click Okay. A grid with 168 squares will now open, one for every hour of the week. The drop-down box will have a listing of all of the clocks available to you. You can quickly fill this grid using your mouse to click on an hour then drag your mouse to highlight a group of hours. If you then click into the drop-down box and pick a clock, that clock will go into the highlighted hours.

To make changes to an existing Grid, you can simply type in the clock ID or select it from the drop down list. You may also find the Find and Replace function on the Grid toolbar helpful in replacing matching clocks within the selected cells. Should you not choose specific cells, the Find and Replace would be performed on the entire grid.

If you see any clock IDs in red, this indicates that the clock does not exist in the data. While you will be able to save the grid, these invalid entries will be removed.

When you save the Grid, you will be asked whether you want to make this Grid the active grid. If this is your only grid, indicate "Yes". Once you have multiple grids made, you will be able to open any of them and make it the active grid by saving it and answering “Yes” to the activation question or use the Activate button on the Clock Assignments tab. The active grid will always display the name in bold.

- 135 - The functions on the right side of the Assignment Grid tab allow you to do various other tasks that are self-explanatory. The Copy function, however, does have an additional option. When you select this, you can copy the Grid and assign a new name. You will also be able to indicate whether you would like to make copies of all the clocks and have those copies assigned to the new grid you will create. This would allow you to have a second grid with the exact same clock elements, but with a different name, you can make any adjustments necessary without impacting the original Grid. The final option lets you determine which character the clock code should begin with. This character will be used until no more codes are available. At that point, the program will automatically create more codes if needed.

Clock Maintenance This section includes how to create a clock along with how to use the clock mass changer and send or receive clocks between different stations.

Creating a Clock Clock Mass Changer Clock Import-Export Clock Views Creating a Clock There are other options to consider besides what element to include in a clock and this section covers those choices.

Clock Elements Filters Timing Options Clock Properties

Clock Elements Which element is the right one to accomplish your goals? Review each element type here to make that determination.

Combo Fixed Forced Format List Library Query LogNote Manual Migrating Proportional Random Saved List

- 136 - Clocks

Show Marker Special Sets Time Marker Traffic Merge

Each type of element may have up to four tabs for configuration. These topics only cover the Details tab. There are separate topics for the other configuration tabs.


A combo element allows you to consider more than one category when a position is filled. MusicMaster will schedule a song from the earliest category in the pass order where it can find a song that does not fail any rules ensuring the best available song will be scheduled. Keep in mind your Schedule Properties can impact this.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Combo. A box will pop-up with a Details, Filters, Timing and Properties tab.

- 137 - Under Details, click in the Category selection window to pick the categories you would like scheduled. At the bottom of the box, you will also have the ability to “step down” to the next category if it breaks a rule level of your choosing. If you are not getting the result you expected, this is a good option to review as it is telling the program when to move on to the next category in your list.

- 138 - Clocks

Since Combo positions are looking for the best song to schedule, there is a situation where the position could change. If you schedule the log with Combo positions and the songs that schedule break any rules and if you then run the Automatic Scheduler again, those positions will be reconsidered. Should the Automatic Scheduler now find songs that meet your rules, the originally scheduled songs will be changed.


The Fixed element is the most commonly used. It determines which category will be scheduled in the position each time the clock is scheduled. Only one category can be selected for the position.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Fixed. A box will pop-up with a Details, Filters, Timing and Properties tab.

- 139 - Using the drop down, select the category.

While you are in the clock editor, you can also simply drag a category from the InfoBar directly into the clock (insert or overwrite) and bypass this screen entirely if you'd prefer.

- 140 - Clocks


A Forced element specifies a unique element that will always play in the position. This is most commonly used when you have an element that is repeatedly in the same position like a theme song for a show or a jingle introducing a countdown show.

You can choose to either enter the internal MusicMaster SongID or Search the library for the element you need.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Forced. A box will pop-up with a Details and Properties tab.

- 141 - If you use the Search option, the standard Query will appear.

Format List

A Format List is like a linear clock. It will keep repeating the pattern as you call for it within the larger clock. You can think of this as a clock within a clock. The Format List will have its own element list and that list will be called for within the larger clock.

- 142 - Clocks

If you have not created the actual Format List yet, please see Format Lists for information on their creation.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Format List. A box will pop-up with a Details tab.

- 143 - After you have selected your Format List, there are various ways you can have the elements import.

1 l Next - This option uses pointer column to indicate where the list will draw from when scheduled. You would want to ensure that the pointer is in the correct place for the programming elements you are scheduling. Only a single element is imported.

l First - This option picks the first element on the list. Only a single element is imported.

l Random - This option will start at a random position on the list. Only a single element is imported.

l Position - This option allows you to specify where in the list to start. Only a single element is imported.

l Multiple - This option allows you to specify the number of elements that are scheduled each time

l Minimum Time - This option imports a minimum amount of time. This time is only an estimate. Elements are imported based upon their average runtime in the Format List editor. It would be common to have songs scheduled that were above or below this average. This import takes place before any scheduling occurs. For instance, if the average runtime of the elements is 3:30 and you asked for a minimum of 17:00, it would import five elements (3:30 x 5 = 17:30). When scheduled, however, there would likely be variation around the 17:00 minutes requested based upon the actual runtimes of the songs scheduled. Multiple elements can be imported.

l Checkpoint - This option is useful to schedule an entire feature using a Format List. For instance, if you had a 90-minute countdown show that aired at two different times in the week, you could use the List to import the proper portions. Here's how it would work: At the end of each half hour in the Format list, you would put in a Time Marker. In this example, the first airing of the countdown is Friday at 7pm; the second is Sunday at 12:30pm. In the Friday 7pm clock you would need two elements that each import one segment from that list. The Friday 8pm hour you would add one more of these elements followed by 30 minutes of other programming. In the Sunday noon clock, you would start with 30 minutes of programming followed by one Format list element. The Sunday 1pm hour would contain two elements importing the second and third segments of the list. Overall, this allows you to edit the list once and schedule it multiple times in a week. Multiple elements can be imported.

Library Query

A Library Query element allows you to use user-defined search criteria when the position is filled, targeting elements that match the filter.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Library Query. A box will pop-up with a Details, Timing and Properties tab.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 144 - Clocks

The filter set up looks like the Query you see throughout the program. You will have Filter Mode options should you have more than one filter.

There are two icons to the right of the operator. The folder icon allows you to choose a saved query that you have already created. The disc icon allows you to save a query you create in this clock element.

- 145 - This element was not intended to use queries with prompts. Should you use a prompted query, the prompt box will not be displayed and the query will run as if you entered no value.

The bottom of the setup gives you the ability to pick the categories that will be used and what order they will be used in. The final options allow you to determine what rules are applied, either from a specific category or the rules from the category of each song.


A LogNote element type is used to enter non-music notes or commands within the log including stopsets.

It is typically used to send commands to a third-party system, like an automation system. If you are using the LogNote for this purpose, please be sure to follow the syntax of your system when entering data.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select LogNote. A box will pop- up with a Details and Properties tab.

- 146 - Clocks

The Description field is where you’ll type the information you want to include in the LogNote. You will also be able to determine the runtime of this element.

The final option to configure is whether this LogNote should be a Sweep Marker. A check mark in this box, will do that. This could be used to simply designate the LogNote is where a commercial break will occur. There are many rules that allow you to also cut off the count and reset when a Sweep is encountered. For that reason, you may also wish to designate a LogNote as a Sweep Marker.

- 147 - Manual

A Manual position is left unscheduled when the log is created allowing the user to fill the position by hand.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Manual. A box will pop- up with a Details, Filters, Timing and Properties tab.

Use the drop down to select the desired category.

- 148 - Clocks


A migrating position allows you to have controlled randomness in your clock. You will pick the categories and parameters that will be used, but how the individual categories are actually scheduled will change from clock to clock. This means your log is fresher and the competition won't know what you'll be playing next!

A migrating clock element selects a song from the specified categories. The combinations are checked as each element is tested in every clock position. This places the best songs in the best possible positions within each hour. The FlexRules help to determine how the position is scheduled.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Migrating. A box will pop-up with a Details, Filters, Timing and Properties tab.

- 149 - After you have picked the categories and the position is in the clock, you can set the FlexRules.

- 150 - Clocks

The FlexRule screen is where you’ll code specific criteria about the way the music is scheduled. There are several options you can now configure.

l Usage - This is the number of times the category is called for by a migrating position.

l Min/Hour - The minimum number allowed for the category. This number should be the same or lower than the Usage number. If it is higher, you will get an error when trying to save the clock indicating there is a problem with your FlexRules.

l Max/Hour - The maximum number allowed for the category

l Maximum per sweep - This determines how many of the category can be between LogNote positions which have been designated as a sweep marker.

l Minimum separation - This option lets you keep the same category from playing too close to itself.

l No Segue - This allows you to put in the categories that shouldn’t play near the one you’re configuring.


A proportional position allows you to choose the weight associated with each category. The category selected is chosen at random based upon the weight given to each category. You will pick the categories and weights used, which causes the log to not follow a specific pattern.

In the clock, use the drop down in Element Type box to select Proportional. A box will pop-up with a Details, Filters, Timing and Properties tab.

- 151 - In the Category selection window, pick the weight each category will have. The higher the number given to a category, the more often it will play in relation to the other categories.

- 152 - Clocks

The numbers do not have to add up to 100. In fact, you may wish to weight one category more heavily than others, which would make those lighter-weighted categories act more like “spice” categories, as they would play far less than a more heavily weighted category.


The name says it all. The random element will be scheduled from one of the selected categories. Which category is chosen will be a purely random selection from the list of categories. Each category has an equal chance of being selected

Click in the Element Description box and select Random. When you do this, a box will pop-up with a Details, Filters, Timing and Properties tab.

- 153 - Special Sets

There is so much you can do with Special Sets from Two-Fer Tuesday to Artist ID intros to hook teasing. The Special Set element allows you to create multiple appearances of the criteria you pick, including which direction you want to do the match on and what type of element you want to match.

- 154 - Clocks

The first decision is which direction the Special Set will go in. Many are used to a Special Set being built upon the song that has previously been scheduled. You have many options:

l Previous Song (Any) – This position will match the previous song for the field designated. This might be a music or non-music position.

l Next Song (Any) – This position will match the next song for the field designated. This might be a music or non-music position.

l Prev (Music Only) – This position will match only the previous music position for the field designated. This is helpful if you use non-music positions between songs.

- 155 - l Next (Music Only) – This position will match only the next music position for the field designated. This is helpful if you use non-music positions between songs.

l Prev (Non-Music Only) - This position will match only the previous non- music position for the field designated.

l Next (Non-Music Only) - This position will match only the next non-music position for the field designated.

l Prev (Same Set Pass) – This position will match the previous song from the same Special Set Scheduling Pass. This position allows the match to skip over elements, including other Special Set elements when looking for the match.

l Next (Same Set Pass) – This position will match the next song from the same Special Set Scheduling Pass. This position allows the match to skip over elements, including other Special Set elements when looking for the match.

If you are using a Keyword-Multiple field type, you will need to decide what basis the set will have. A typical usage would be Artist. This might be familiar to you as a “double-shot” or “twofers.” We’ll use Artist Keyword in this example. There are six operators you can choose from. These are all determined by song from the kickoff to match “to” the target song (the song of the special set position); i.e., 1st to Any means match the first keyword on the kickoff to any of the keywords on the target. “Primary” keyword means the first keyword on the song.

l 1st to 1st - This will match songs where the primary keyword of the kickoff matches the primary keyword of the target song. There can be other keywords that exist that do not match.

l 1st to Any – This will match songs where the primary keyword on the kickoff matches any of the keywords on the target song. Other keywords may exist.

l Any to Any – This will match songs where any keyword of the kickoff matches any of the keywords on the target song. There can be other keywords that exist that do not match.

l Any to 1st - This matches songs where any keyword found on the kickoff song is the primary keyword on the target. There can be other keywords that exist that do not match.

l All – This matches songs where all keywords match from the kickoff to the target. There can be other keywords that exist on the target that do not match.

l All (Exact) – This matches songs only where all keywords on the kickoff match all keywords on the target. The keywords must be in the exact same order. No other keyword may exist.

Keeping in mind that there be instances where there are more than one keyword available, you will also want to indicate whether to “Match other set members.” This option will allow you to include other matches. For instance, if you had the Beatles in your dataset, you might also have each of the individual members listed as other keywords. This option can also be used if you have more than one special set scheduling pass. For instance, if you have a typical Two-fer Tuesday set up, you might also want artist-specific liners to play in front of these elements. That can be done by setting up a second pass of Special Set elements. By checking the “Match other set members” option, the program will search forward to do the match.

- 156 - Clocks

Should the song that leads the Special set not have the appropriate coding, the Special set songs will remain unscheduled. Here's an example: Let's say you are doing a Theme Special set. You decide that the song to lead the set will be just a song from your regular rotation using a Fixed position. You follow that with a Special set position asking it to look back at that Fixed position to determine what the Theme will be. If that Fixed position doesn't have a Theme, the Special set position will remain unscheduled so you can easily identify it. You would also be able to change the Fixed position so it has a Theme and then rerun the Automatic Scheduler if you desired.

“Match other set members” is an incredibly cool feature not found in other schedulers. This option, which only works when the Previous mode is used, allows you to make "Six Degrees of Separation" sets. Here's how it works: While a default Special Set is based upon the nearest non-Special set song, the “Match other set members” feature allows each set to be based upon its immediate neighbor, even if that song is also part of the same Special Set. This means song three is based upon song two and song two is based upon song one, hence the six degrees of separation. Here's an example: The first song could be by the Beatles, the second song by the Traveling Wilburys (Harrison common) and the final one might be by (member of Traveling Wilburys).

You can then pick which categories will be included when the position is filled. This category list is done in order of preference. Categories higher on the list will be favored when filling Special Sets.

Next, you must determine how the rules will be applied. You can either pick one category to have all songs use for testing, or the rules associated with the individual category.

Bypass all rules based on the target field will almost always be left at the default of checked off. This ensures that your set will fill. For instance, in the example above, Artist Keyword is the target field. All rules for Artist Keyword will be bypassed when filling the position. If you did not do this, those rules would be in effect and it would be unlikely that the position would ever be filled.

Finally, you will need to review the Special Set Scheduling Pass. You can set the Special Set to one of three Special Set passes. Here’s an example of why you might wish to have different scheduling passes. Let’s say you use Special Sets to schedule artist two- fers as well as artist intros that match the song by the artist coming up. You want the artist two-fers to be filled first. Once that is complete, then you want the jingles to match the songs by the artist coming up. You can accomplish this by assigning a Scheduling Pass of “1” to the artist two-fer positions and a “2” to the jingle positions. Now that they have different pass numbers, you can go to Schedule Properties. You can now move the Special Set Pass to the position in the pass order that you wish. The most important thing to remember is that whatever the Special Set is based upon needs to schedule before the Special position. In other words, the categories for the songs need

- 157 - to schedule before the artist intros or there will be nothing for the Special Set to match. This is why these passes are at the bottom of your Schedule Properties by default.

Additional Resources

If you'd like to learn more about Special Sets, see our four part blog article series:

The Art of Special Sets (Part One) The Art of Special Sets (Part Two) The Art of Special Sets (Part Three) The Art of Special Sets (Part Four)

Time Marker

A Time Marker is a way to determine how long a section of the clock should be. This can be done for the entire hour or for a segment of the hour.

Click in the Element Description box and select Time Marker. When you do this, a box will pop-up with a Details tab.

- 158 - Clocks

Timing Mode – You can choose from these options.

l Hour Timing would be used to time a full hour or to a single point within an hour. You can have several of these in the hour. For instance, you might have a marker with a time of 29:30-30:30. The program will try to pick elements so that the marker falls within this range. It also means that the element immediately after this marker would occur between those times. You might also have a marker with a time of 59:30-60:10. In this case the program will again try to pick elements so that the marker falls within this range. Each marker you include works independently of any others in the hour. All Hour Timing markers go back to the beginning of the hour to do their calculations.

- 159 - We do recommend that you review the Length column in your clock to make sure the times you’ve set are close to what the average clock will do. For instance with a marker of 59:30-60:10, you would not want your total hour length to be 65 minutes or 55 minutes. This would make it difficult for the program to finds songs to meet your timing objective.

l Segment Timing would allow you time a section in the middle of the hour. Segment Timing positions should be placed in pairs, although they don’t have to be. These markers look forward for the next marker to do their calculations. For instance, you might want to time to a point in the hour like a weather break at 18:00. A Segment Timing element would be placed at the top of the hour indicating the segment should be 17:45-18:30 in length. A second Segment would be placed around that time in the clock and set to "End of Segment". This could also be done in the middle of the hour. Wherever the Segment Timing element is listed is the start of the Segment and it runs until it hits the "End of Segment" listing. The "End of Segment" is indicated by simply leaving the time range at 00:00.

l None - This option will prevent the marker from being tested by the Hour or Segment timing rules.

Elapsed Time has multiple options to determine how the that Elapsed Time is used. After picking the time, you can determine when it will apply. Choices include when writing play history, when calculating rolling air times and when exporting logs. The checking of each box would reset the Elapsed Time to the time listed. For instance, let’s say you scheduled music and typically sweep the top of the hour. In the 2pm hour, the last song ended up playing two minutes into the 3pm hour. If you checked off any of the boxes (with a reset time of 00:00), the time listed on the first song in the next hour would revert to 3:00:00 instead of 3:02:00 when it actually aired.

This clock element requires you turn the Rule on in the Rule Tree. Clock Hour Timing or Clock Segment Timing can be turned on for all categories, preferably unbreakable. Should you have any non- music categories scheduled, those should either be first in the scheduling session or also have the rule turned on. You can also choose to “scale” the rule by adding it to each category. In that case, we would recommend the rule be breakable on the first categories that schedule and then be unbreakable on the last categories that schedule.

Traffic Merge

The Traffic Merge positions allow you to indicate positions in your clock where the commercial content is loaded. You can use these positions to either indicate where that content will occur for reference purposes or you can use these elements to import the actual traffic content.

- 160 - Clocks

Click in the Element Description box and select Traffic Merge. When you do this, a box will pop-up with a Details and Properties tab.

Capture spots scheduled between mm:ss and mm:ss - The time frame for spots should match the time of your traffic system. Spots that fall outside this range will be considered loose and not fall into a break.

The Traffic break code is used to merge spots rather than using airtime. The code value that you would include must be indicated on the spots in the traffic log that you are importing. Only one code can be listed. This feature can be used instead of airtime or used in conjunction with it. For instance, you might indicate that the traffic merge

- 161 - point only include certain break codes. You could further narrow this by indicating it could only include certain codes as well as being within a certain time frame. If you are merging in the traditional way, by airtime, leave the break code field blank.

Traffic positions will use the default run length before a log is merged. The actual spot load will be used after the log is merged. Should there be no spots in the break, the runtime will show 00:00. This functionality occurs when you have set up the Traffic System Interface under Schedule, Traffic System Interface. If you are not importing traffic, you should not set up the Traffic System Interface. Otherwise, the default times you have listed will be removed when the log is edited.

Non Import of Sorts

If you are simply using the Traffic Merge positions to be "placeholders" for your traffic and automation system to process, you do not need to do anything further than this setup.

Import of Spots

If you would like to import the actual spots to see and potentially edit in the Schedule Editor, you will need to create a file to import that file.

When configured, you will see the specific amount of time and specific spots in each break. This would allow you to properly time out the music. Should you wish, you would also then be able to export a combined music and traffic file to send to your automation system. Not all automation systems can accept a combined music and traffic file, however, so please check with your specific system to see if this is possible.

To import spots, you will need to create a .DEF file. MusicMaster will only recognize fiels with this extension. You can create this file using Notepad. It should be located in the same directory as the MusicMaster executable. Please contact your MusicMaster Scheduling Consultant for assistance as we have created many of these files for common systems. We may be able to provide you with a file that will require minimal changes on your part.

The following will go over the individual sections of the file with examples. This will be followed by a full example of what the file could look like. Description The Description section is required and should generally be the first section in every MusicMaster definition file. This section provides a display name for the definition file and defines its purpose.

KEY DESCRIPTION Name= Required - Display name for the definition file. Any text string is acceptable. Type= Required - Definition file type or purpose. Must be =Traffic

- 162 - Clocks


[Description] Name=WXYZ Traffic Merge (Required) Type=Traffic (Required) Import This section is required for operations that import data into MusicMaster. This includes all reconciliation and traffic merge definition files. This section, and all related subsections, define the input data source file location, type and contents.

KEY DESCRIPTION Defines the first hour of programming expecting in a history-based input file. FirstHour= (Default: 0= Midnight) NumHours= Defines the number of hours expected in a history-based input file. (Default: 24) Defines the path where the input file can be located, relative to the MusicMaster SourcePath= program folder. (Example: C:\Logs\) Defines the input filename or filename specification. Can include some date/time SourceSpec= macros. (Examples: @m1@[email protected], HISTORY.DBF) Required – Identifies the file type and required import filter. Must be one of the following: AsciiD = Delimited ASCII text file (IOStandard) AsciiF = Fixed-length ASCII text file (IOStandard) SourceType= MultiAsciiF - Imports multiple Fixed-length ASCII text files at once (IOStandard) dBase = dBase database (IOStandard) MSExcel = Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (IOStandard) SAWTraffic = SAW Traffic traffic log export file (SAWTraffic)


[Import] SourceType=AsciiF (Required) SourcePath=C:\Logs\ SourceSpec=@m1@[email protected]

Import Properties [ImportProperties] is a subsection of [Import]

This subsection is optional and defines various import properties that are specific to the type of input file being processed.

KEY DESCRIPTION Used when the SourceType=AsciiD. This indicates what character is the delim- Delimiter= iter. For example if the pipe is the delimiter, you’d indicate Delimiter=| Header- Used when the SourceType=AsciiD. This indicates what character is the delim-

- 163 - KEY DESCRIPTION iter. For example if the pipe is the delimiter, you’d indicate Delimiter=| Can be used to designate whether the input file contains a header row. 0 = No header. 1 = Header is available. When creating a file using AsciiD or AsciiF, you can specify the line separator to LineSep= use in this property. The default value is 0, indicating a CR/LF pair. You can specify 13 for a CR only (Macintosh-type file) or 10 for a LF only (unix-type file). 1 – This will remove quotes in the field. This is primarily used in comma delim- Quotes= ited files that have information surrounded by quotation marks. “x” is the number of bytes in each input record. This would be used when you are reading a fixed-length ASCII file where each record does not end with a car- RecLen=x riage return/line feed pair or when records may contain embedded control char- acters. Every record is assumed to be this exact length. Used when you want to search any subfolders of the path. 0=import from the Recurse= specified path only; 1=search subfolders “x” is the number of bytes at the beginning of the input file that should be SkipLen=x bypassed Can be used to sort the list of imported file names before importing data. 0=d- SortFiles= default; 1=Sort the list


[ImportProperties] Header=0

Import Fields [ImportFields] is a subsection of [Import]

This subsection is optional and defines data fields within the input file.

KEY DESCRIPTION Fldx= x For a fixed length ASCII file, you will specify a field name followed by a pipe char- must be a unique acter, and then the start column and field length. For delimited ASCII file when no value for each header is present, you will simply specify a field name for each field in the order defined field. that they appear in the input file. For dBase and Excel import files this section is (Fld1, Fld2, etc.) optional since the field names from the actual input file will be used.


[ImportFields] Fld1=AirDate|2,8 Fld2=AirTime|11,8 Fld3=RunTime|95,5 Fld4=ID|23,16 Fld5=Title|59,32

- 164 - Clocks

The Spot ID field can be no more than 16 characters and the Sponsor/Title can be no longer than 64.

Import Validation [ImportValidation] is a subsection of [Import]

This subsection is optional and defines validation filters that are performed against the data rows in the input file. Only rows that pass these validation tests will be imported. When this section is not defined, all input rows will be considered.

KEY DESCRIPTION Valx= x A valid Script expression to perform against the input rows. This can be done in must be a unique AND or OR mode. For example, you only wanted to import lines with a colon at value for each column 13 and the letter "A" at column 134, it would look like this: Val1=Mid defined filter. (Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A" (Val1, Val2, etc.)


[ImportValidation] Val1=Mid(Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A"

The "Mid" command listed above allows you to import portions of a field. This sample will only consider input rows with a colon in column 13 and a capital letter A in column 134. You do not need to use AND, you could simply specify a location in the file for validation. TrafficMerge This section is required for traffic merge definition files. This section, and all related subsections, define the actual traffic import and merging operations.



TrafficProperties TrafficProperties is a subsection of TrafficMerge.

This subsection is optional and defines various import properties that are specific to the type of input file being processed.

- 165 - KEY DESCRIPTION 1 – This option can be used if the traffic system has air times for spots in a break that are identical. This property will add the runtime to the spot airtime to give AirTImeFudge= each spot a distinct air time so the spots will be loaded in the same order they appear in the traffic file. X – Where “x” is the first hour of the day in the input file of the traffic system. For instance, if the traffic log contains hours starting with 6am through 5am the next day, you would set the option DayStartHour=6. This prevents the final five DayStartHour= hours of the day from being imported in the first five hours of the day for the log being imported. The default is 0 (midnight) which would be the correct value in most cases. 1 – This option is for where break codes are used to merge spots into the traffic position and where the break codes are unique throughout the day. With this FullDayMode= option, the merge can be done without air hours being present in the traffic log. Note: This style of merging is very uncommon and should only be used if neces- sary


[TrafficProperties] AirTimeFudge=1

TrafficData [TrafficData] is a subsection of [TrafficMerge].

This subsection is required for traffic merge definition files and defines the location of the required fields in the traffic system export file. Not all of these keys are required. However, you must specify enough fields to clearly indicate the Air Time, unique Spot ID, and a description for each commercial that airs. If the file can contain more than one single day of programming, then an AirDate field must also be defined. The values shown below are the type of data expected. You will actually enter a location where this value can be found using a Scripting expression. The most common expression in this section will be InFld(“fieldname”) where fieldname is the name of a field defined in the data import source file.

KEY DESCRIPTION AirDate Complete air date string (mm-dd-yyyy or similar) AirTIme Complete air time string (hh:mm:ss or similar) AirMonth AirDate month numeric value (1-12) AirDay AirDate day numeric value (1-31) AirYear AirDate year numeric value (2 or 4 digits) AirHour AirTime hour numeric value (0-23) AirMin AirTime minutes numeric value (0-59) AirSec AirTime seconds numeric value (0-59)

- 166 - Clocks

KEY DESCRIPTION AirHourTime AirTime within the hour as a string (mm:ss) AirAP AirTime am/pm indicator (a,am,p,pm,etc) AirHourID AirTime hour ID as calculated in MusicMaster (include AirDate and Hour) AirDateTime Air date and time combined as one string (mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss or similar) BreakCode Used when specifying a BreakCode in the Traffic Merge clock positions RunTime Complete runtime string (mm:ss) RunSecs Complete runtime in seconds only (0-9999) RunHour Runtime hours numeric value (0-23) RunMin Runtime minutes numeric value (0-59) RunSec Runtime seconds numeric value (0-59) SpotID Unique traffic system ID code for commercials Used when the combination of SpotID and SpotTitle does not result in unique SpotKey spots. This might happen if the same SpotID is used on multiple spots with dif- ferent titles. SpotTitle Title or description for commercials SpotSponsor Name of commercial sponsor or advertiser SpotValue Monetary value for commercials UserX (X=1-3) Additional data fields for commercials from the import file

Additional Notes:

RunTime and RunSecs will accomplish the same thing. Only one should be included in the file. For instance, if you import 300 into RunSecs, the runtime will be 05:00; which is the same thing as importing 05:00 into Runtime.

RunHour, RunMin and RunSec should be used together in cases where the runtime is formatted in an unusual way that doesn't apply to the RunTime and RunSecs options. Sample:

[TrafficData] AirDate=InFld("AirDate") AirHour=InFld("AirHour") AirSec=InFld("AirTime") RunSec=InFld("RunTime") SpotID=InFld("ID") SpotTitle=InFld("Title") Complete File Sample [Description] Name=WXYZ Traffic Merge (Required) Type=Traffic (Required)

[Import] SourceType=AsciiF (Required) SourcePath=C:\Logs\

- 167 - SourceSpec=@m1@[email protected]

[ImportProperties] Header=0

[ImportFields] Fld1=AirDate|2,8 Fld2=AirTime|11,8 Fld3=RunTime|95,5 Fld4=ID|23,16 Fld5=Title|59,32

[ImportValidation] Val1=Mid(Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A"


[TrafficProperties] AirTimeFudge=1

[TrafficData] AirDate=InFld("AirDate") AirHour=InFld("AirHour") AirSec=InFld("AirTime") RunSec=InFld("RunTime") SpotID=InFld("ID") SpotTitle=InFld("Title")

Schedule Editor Features

You can view spots in a break by right clicking on a Traffic position and selecting the View Spots option. The traffic will be loaded automatically any time a MusicMaster log is referenced and a matching traffic log file is available. You can also set up the Show/Hide Elements button on the Schedule Editor toolbar to show Child Element. This will show all the spots within the editor along with the music. Finally, it is important to note that should the capture times of your traffic merge positions not be set to match your traffic system, it would be possible to have spots that do not fall into any of your breaks. You can double check that all spots have been placed, by right-clicking on any hour marker line and selecting View Loose Spots for this Hour or View Loose Spots for this Day.

Filters Clock Filters are designed to give you a way to target characteristics on a specific position in the clock.

- 168 - Clocks

This option does require the program to search for all the qualifying songs first before proceeding with other tests. You may wish to use a Library Query element to pre-filter the list of available songs.

When you open the clock position, click on the Filters tab if available.

- 169 - The Filter function is similar to the one you'll see in a Library Maintenance Query You first pick the field you wish to filter on, followed by the operator. Next, you'd include any specific information you want the filter to search for. For instance, you might want to filter on the Gender field using the contains operator and then pick the specific code you want to include.

Clock Filter Level - By checking different boxes here, you can control what level this filter is associated with. This can be important when you consider the rules. Since you must turn on the Format Clock Filter rule, using the different options here means you could configure some Filter Levels are unbreakable rules while others are breakable rules.

Apply Session Filters - This option can be used when the Automatic Scheduler is set to run. When you are creating your clocks, you can configure an element to allow it to have a filter applied to it. When you are in the Automatic Scheduler, Filters tab, you then select which filter you want to apply. The rest of the filter box is set up like the Database Query in the program.

The real power here in how you can modify your music programming with very little effort. Let’s say you have songs in your library with “love” in the title. Let’s say you also have songs that you’ve assigned a “driving” theme to. In this example, let’s say you have two positions in every hour that have Filter 1 checked off.

Now, when Valentine’s Day approaches, you can simply go to the Automatic Scheduler Filter tab and configure it to look for “love” in the title field. Those songs will now be favored when the scheduler comes to those clock positions. When the weekend rolls around, you change that Filter to look for “driving” in the Theme and you’ve just created your specialty weekend programming. While you may have created dozens of clocks in other programs to do this, in MusicMaster you can use your normal clocks and create special programming with a couple of clicks.

Once you have configured and click OK, the clock display will update to show you the Filter is in place.

The number shown corresponds to the Clock Filter Level that was configured.

- 170 - Clocks

If Clock Filter Level and/or Apply Session Filters are engaged, you must turn on the applicable Format Clock Filter and/or Scheduling Session Filter Rules to ensure compliance.

Clock Properties Clock Properties are specific options you can set. All clock element types have a Properties tab, but not all types will have all of the following options.

- 171 - l Element is Locked - When checked, users will not be able to change this element. l Hide from Log Export – This position will not be exported. l Hide from Log Reconciliation – This position will not be included in the reconciliation process. l Hide from Printing – This position will not be printed or included in the hour time or song count totals that can be printed on the hour footer line. l Transition – This code is any string up to 16 characters. Whatever you enter here will become part of the elements in your logs when they are created. This information can be edited in the Schedule Editor, but the change will only affect that one element, not the original clock element. You can add the Schedule:

- 172 - Clocks

Transition column to your Editor design or you can use the context menu available when you right-click in the Editor and select Element Properties to make any changes. This information will be available using the “Transition” field when you export your logs.

l Comment - A text field for any comments you wish to include.

There is a column in the Clock called Properties where configuration information is displayed. Columns include:

l Details - Nothing is displayed here, but the Details tab will open if you double- click.

l Filters - When configured you will see a funnel with the number 1, 2 or 3 indicating the Filter level.

l Timing - When configured, you will see a clock face here.

l Properties - When Element is Locked, Hide from Log Export, Hide from Log Reconciliation or Hide from Printing are engaged, a lock icon will appear in the Element Properties column of the Properties header. You can hover over the lock to see a balloon tip indicating the specific options engaged.

Double-clicking on any of these squares will open Element Properties.

Timing Options This option allows you to determine if the position will be a Fill position for scheduling purposes.

When you open the clock position, click on the Filters tab if available.

- 173 - You will enter a time in MM:SS. Should the song schedule at that time or past it, the song will be considered a fill song. There will be no run time shown on this song in the Editor and it will not count toward the total hour time. Should it schedule before the time listed, it will be treated as a non-fill song.

Fill Song Display Mode options include:

l Use for timing only – With this option, the songs will display in the Schedule Editor but show no runtime in the Schedule: RunTime field. They will not show up or print as fill songs.

- 174 - Clocks

l Show as fill song - With this option, the song will show as a fill song when the Schedule: Fill Limit Field is included in your Editor design. For instance, if the Fill Limit was 50:00, the Schedule: Fill Limit Field would say “50:00 Fill”. When printing the log, we would suggest you change the design style so that the fill song looks different from the rest of the songs in the playlist. The Schedule: RunTime field will show 00:00.

l Show as extra song – With this option, the song will show as a fill song when the Schedule: Fill Limit Field is included in your Editor design. For instance, if the Fill Limit was 50:00, the Schedule: Fill Limit Field would say “50:00 Drop”. When printing the log, we would suggest you change the design style so that the fill song looks different from the rest of the songs in the playlist. The Schedule: RunTime field will show 00:00.

l Remove from log when closed – With this option, the song will be removed when the log is closed in the Schedule Editor using the Close Hours icon (padlock) on the toolbar.

If you are trying to time an hour or a segment in an hour, please see Time Marker.

Clock Import-Export You can Import/Export clocks from one station to another.

This feature does not include the ability to import Flexrules on Migrating positions, Element Filters (including those on a Library Query element), Forced positions or Saved List positions.

Export On the Format Clock Maintenance screen, Format Clocks tab select all the clocks you wish to copy and then click Export. You will be prompted to save the file. By default the file will go to the MusicMaster directory. Unless you have a reason to change the path, you can simply click Save here. When completed, you will receive a message box indicating how many clocks were exported.

Import On the Format Clock Maintenance screen, Format Clocks tab, select Import.

- 175 - Import Clocks from another station in this database - Since the MusicMaster CS database is one entity, you can easily copy clocks from one station to another by selecting this option. Use the drop down to select the station. The Select button will then display the clocks available. Check off the clocks you'd like to import and click OK. The display will update indicating how many clocks you have selected.

Import Clocks from an external file - Using this option, you can navigate to the clockx.mmdex (default name) file that contains the clocks you wish to import.

Options include:

l Assign an unused code to the clock - This default option is the typical use to prevent overwriting any existing clock.

l Overwrite the existing clock - You may wish to backup your data if you are going to select this option to prevented any unexpected changes to your clocks.

- 176 - Clocks

When completed, you will receive a pop-up box indicating how many clocks were imported. You should also see the Status window has information about the clocks imported.

Additional Considerations There are several important things to consider when copying clocks from one station to another:

You should review the imported clocks to make sure the categories are correct. The categories will be the same category codes from the original database, but those could reflect different categories in another database. Should any category be listed in the clock but not in the target database, that category will be added to the target database.

As noted above, if you are using Migrating positions, the Flex Rules will not be converted.

Clock Mass Changer The clock mass changer gives you the ability to make changes inside or outside of the clock. Using can either use this icon you see inside a clock or you can choose the Changer option on the Format Clock Maintenance screen. There are minor differences in how the process works depending upon which open you open. We'll point those out as we go along.

Mass changes cannot be undone. We strongly recommend you make a backup of your data prior to using this feature so you can restore a backup if necessary.

The Format Clock Element Changer screen will have default settings based upon the clock position you were on when you clicked on the icon. The settings you will see are the same ones you’d see if you simply added the element to the clock. This allows you to configure all options when using the Element Changer. The position you are on is signified by the pointer column1. You can either change the elements in this screen or close and reopen on the element you wish to change.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 177 - The Clocks to Change option is one that will look different depending upon how you entered the Mass Changer. If you were in a clock and used the icon, you can change either the “Selected Clock Only” or for “All Format Clocks” in your station. When you enter from the Changer option of the Format Clock Maintenance window, you can pre- select multiple clocks first. This allows you to perform the change on a sub-set of your clocks.

You can change the Search For or Replace With options to whatever you'd like. This utility allows you to change positions from one type to another as well. For instance, if you wanted to change a Fixed position to a Proportional position, you can do that by using the drop down box for Element Type.

When changing a position, keep in mind all the possible options available on the screen. For instance, a LogNote could be used in a clock with a stopset marker and in another clock without. Times might also be different. If the Mass Changer does not change as many elements as you’d expect, check to see that you have configured all possible settings.

- 178 - Clocks

Any filters you have on clock positions will not be considered when determining if the elements are the same for changing.

When you click okay you will see a message that will either indicate the changes will be made on all matching elements in all available clocks or only in the active/selected format clocks.

A final message will indicate how many changes were made.

If you have any clocks open, they must be saved to retain the mass changes you’ve made.

Changes done by the Mass Changer are considered edits to the clock. This means these changes will display immediately if you open a log in the Editor. This would include any hours where you have previously scheduled some element. Clock Views There are various ways you can configure the look of your clocks.

Grid and Graphic Display You can view the clock in one of three ways: a list, a pie chart or both using the icons at the top of the clock display.

The grid icon gives you a linear listing for the clock while the pie chart icon gives you a visual, circular view.

- 179 - The bottom of the clock will give you information about the number of elements included and the average runtime of the clock using either view.

Grid View

Aside from the actual listing of the elements in the clock, the final columns are for Properties.

l Sweep Marker - This is in the first column and is represented by the red circle with "S" in the middle

l Filters - This is the second column and is represented by a funnel with a number representing the filter number.

l Fill Songs - This is the third column and is represented by a clock.

l Properties - This is the fourth column and is represented by a lock.

Pie Chart View

This view has three options.

Pie Chart View - This view allows you to see a visual representation of the hour. As you hover over any section, the bottom will show you the name of the element. There is a difference between the inside and outside circles. The outside circle corresponds to the music position colors you have created. The inner circle designates the type of elements. The inner circle colors can be configured. Select Enterprise, Stations, Manage Stations and the Clocks section to do so.

Category Usage - This option shows you the specific categories and how many of each are included in the clock. Keep in mind if you use some of more advanced clock types, the usage numbers are estimates. Calculations are prepared for several weeks of logs. The resulting usage number is an estimate of what you should typically see if you schedule logs with those clocks.

- 180 - Clocks

Element Usage - This option shows you the specific element types and how many of each are included in the clock.

Element Colors The description column shows the color you have designated for the category.

Format Lists Formats Lists are way to introduce variability within your clocks with little maintenance. Format Lists are scheduled within Clocks and are a subset of elements to schedule.

We'll use an example to illustrate the benefit of Format Lists. Let's say you have multiple gold categories. In order to have those categories appear at difference positions and in the correct proportions, you would likely need to create many clocks to account for those variables. Not only is that a lot of work to create, but it also multiplies the work you'd need to do to maintain those clocks. Using a Format List, you can still get the variety of gold categories in your clocks but with much less work to create the clocks and long-term maintenance.

Creating a Format List is as simple as creating a clock. On the Format Clock Maintenance box, select the Format List tab or select Clocks, Format Lists. The screen will have options to manage your Lists. When you select New, you'll need to give the List a Name. After that, the clock editor will appear.

At this point, you can create the List with the elements you want, in the proportion you want. The idea is to create a list of how this sub-group will rotate. One of the things to keep in mind here is how often the Format List will be called for in the larger clock. In order to ensure variability, you'll want to make sure the number of elements in the Format List is different from the number of times you call for the Format List in the clock.

The final step is to go to the clock and insert the Format List. When scheduled, an element from the List will be included. Each time the clock is scheduled, another element from the List will be included.

You might consider using Format Lists to rotate different non-music elements or even your entire clocks. If you had Format Lists for various types of elements in your station, you could create one clock that controlled it all. A Format List for different sub-sets of music categories and Lists for non-music elements would mean you could simply manage those Format Lists to make any change in how many of those elements are included in the List. With a clock filled with Lists, you'd have controlled variability throughout your day.

- 181 - Format Scheduler The Format Scheduler allows you see what clocks and grids are scheduled for use, pre- schedule clocks for special programming and rotate assignment grids. You can access this under Clocks, Format Scheduler.

The screen has three sections: Calendar, Grid Rotation and the clocks used on the specific day you are looking at. The active window will be highlighted as you move about the screen. Calendar The calendar will display scheduled dates in red. If you see yellow, this means there are forced clocks somewhere in that day.

The calendar will open to today’s date by default. When you click on a day the clocks currently scheduled will appear to the right in a list.

The Calendar context menu has several options.

l Remove all Forced Clocks from this date – This will remove any changes you might have made, returning the listing to its original form.

l Assign a Specific Grid to this date – This allows you to assign a grid from those currently available to a specific date. There will be a drop-down listing the grids available.

- 182 - Clocks

l Assign a Specific Grid to this week – This allows you to assign a grid from those currently available to a specific week. There will be a drop-down listing the grids available. Grid Rotation This section shows you which grid is in effect. Using the drop-down box, you can add different grids to rotate your programming. If you have the InfoBar showing, you can also drag a grid into this section.

The order the grids appear is the order they will rotate. If this is not the order you wish, you can click and move the grids to the order you prefer. You can also right-click and use the “set to current week” option to determine which grid will start the rotation. You likely will want to be on the date when the grid takes effect so you know the grid will start when you wish. From that point, the grids you pick will rotate.

Clocks Used The right-hand portion of the screen shows what clocks have been assigned to each hour of the day you have selected.

You can use the drop down box on each line to specify a different clock for the hour. If you have the InfoBar showing, you can also drag a clock into the appropriate hour. If you change your mind and wish to revert back to the original clocks, you can right-click and use the “Remove all Forced Clocks from this Date” option. Any changes you made will be removed.

You may also notice different icons to the left of the time.

l Lock - This indicates that the clocks are locked for those hours and cannot be changed in the Format Scheduler.

l Clock - When you assign a specific clock to an upcoming day, the clock icon is used and the clock name is shown in bold. This indicates that the clock will be used when the hour is created, as long as you save the change.

l Calendar/Clock - If you see a calendar with a clock over it, this means that a specific grid has been selected for a given date. This is done by right-clicking on the calendar and selecting that option.

LogNote Text LogNotes are exactly what their describes--notes in the logs. These may be used for simple notes to the air staff or to pass commands on to your automation system.

Under Clocks, LogNote Text, you'll find your LogNote Editor. The box will appear with the available LogNotes in it.

- 183 - LogNotes can be up to 255 characters in length. The Editor will prevent you from typing more than this maximum.

Options you have here include:

l Add – To add a new LogNote

l Delete – To remove a LogNote. Using this option deletes the LogNote from the station, whether it is used in a clock or not. To ensure you do not delete a LogNote that is in use, use the Purge option.

l Purge – This is the best way to remove any LogNotes from your database as it only deletes LogNotes that do not appear in any clocks or logs, active or not. There are two different ways you can do the purge.

l Use automatic settings – This is the recommended and default option. The program will remove only those LogNotes that are not in any clocks or logs.

l Manually set the history cutoff date – This option allows you to pick a date and time for the purging. When you do this, any LogNotes from unused clock and inactive history will still be removed as they are with the automatic settings. Additionally, LogNotes will also be purged from any active history prior to the date/time you select.

l Print – To print a list of your Lognotes

l Save – To save any changes you’ve made

While you can add any LogNotes you'd like in this screen, you may also add them through the clock positions. Any LogNotes you add through clock positions will also show up on the list. For information on how to add LogNotes to your clocks, see LogNote.

- 184 - Clocks

Virtual Breaks The Virtual Break Table is designed for use with your automation export designs. Its most common use is when you need to export the same log to different systems so need different commands that meet each system's standards. The Table includes replacement text for LogNote and Stopset positions as well as let you define criteria for the automatic insertion of break text into the log.

Select Clocks, Virtual Breaks.

The Virtual Break Editor opens on the Virtual Breaks page. There is also an Hourly Breaks page.

The toolbar icons do not change. You will always have New, Open, Save, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Import options. Virtual Breaks

The LogNote text you enter is a replacement for the dummy entry you will configure in your clocks. This is typically the syntax of an automation system.

l LogNote Text - This is the syntax as it will be exported to the automation system. Rather than putting that specific information into the clocks, the LogNote syntax is listed here.

l Override - This option allows you to determine whether the length and sweep status you list in the Virtual Breaks table should override what is in the clocks. If you check Override, the Length and Sweep status in your list will replace whatever is listed in the clocks.

l Length - The duration of the break.

l Sweep - An indication of whether the break should be a considered a sweep marker.

- 185 - Designating Virtual Breaks in your Clocks To work properly, you'll need to adjust your clocks to call for the Virtual Break. Use the macro @VBREAK=xx where “xx” is the number of the Virtual Break from the table. When the log is exported, the “@VBREAK=” line will be replaced by the matching line in the table.

You can now begin to see the advantage of using this system. Rather than having multiple stations simply because the LogNote is different, Virtual Breaks allow you to maintain one station and have the breaks changed accordingly. This means you could send the same music, but have specific the LogNote text needed for an automation system, without having to manage multiple stations. Hourly Breaks

No information is needed on individual clocks for this option to work. You’ll create an Hourly Break Table for each sequence of hours that is the same. For instance, if your overnight hours all have the same format, that would be considered a table and you’d put, for instance “1” in all of those hours.

As each hour is exported, the appropriate table is loaded and any breaks from that table are inserted into the export file based upon the log position or hour time.

Begin by filling in the Table Assignment Grid with a number to reflect the Break Table number. Next, insert the specific break information into the Break Table below the Grid by clicking on the Edit Helper box (the box with three dots). When you do so, a box will appear.

- 186 - Clocks

This allows you to decide which song to precede or follow or at what time to insert the break. Please note that “song” refers to all positions in the clock, music or non-music. Once you pick one of these options, you’ll be able to type the specific text that you would like to appear when the log is exported.

Hourly Breaks also have columns for Length and Sweep which are discussed above in the Virtual Breaks section. It also has a “Remove” column. This is used to hide elements from the export file. You can enter either the number of song positions to be hidden following the position of that break or an amount of time (in the format of MM:SS) which includes any non-virtual elements following the inserted position of that break. The inserted positions for all Hourly Breaks will still be calculated based upon the original, complete hour of history even if some elements are hidden. Export Design Adjustments The other change you will need to make is in the actual log export design you are using. When you open your design, go to File, Design Properties and look in the Break Text section. There you will edit the Break Text Properties option. Here you'll list the name you’ve given to your Virtual Break File (a file with the extension .mmbrk).

Each export design can use a different break table by adjusting this option.

- 187 - Rule Tree Menu All the rules you set up in MusicMaster CS are done in the Rule Tree. Determine which rules you want to implement and what the settings for those rules should be.

Attribute Rules Cross Station Rules Format Clock Rules Hour Rotation Rules Keyword Rules Numeric Rules Optimum Goal Scheduling Rule Tree Options Song History Rules Special Rule Tree Items Text Rules Yes No Rules Attribute Rules This section covers the various Attribute rules available.

Favored Pattern Disallowed Pattern Hour Target Match Flow Maximum in Sequence Min Max Hour Average Min Max Hour Opener Value Min Max Quota Per Hour Min Max Quota Per Sweep Min Max Record Average Min Max Record Sum Min Max Step Min Max Sweep Average Min Max Sweep Opener Value Min Max Value Not Allowed Other Code Time Separation Other Code Title Separation Record Target Segue Protection Sweep Target Time Separation Title Separation

- 188 - Rule Tree Menu

Disallowed Pattern Disallowed Pattern allows you to create patterns of the attribute that you would like to prevent.

Drag the Disallowed Pattern rule to the appropriate folder.

There is no limit on the number of patterns you can create. You may also use the wildcard “?” to match any attribute code in a given position.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or

- 189 - until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Favored Pattern Favored Pattern allows you to create patterns of the attribute that you would like to have.

Drag the Favored Pattern rule to the appropriate folder.

There is no limit on the number of patterns you can create. You may also use the wildcard “?” to match any attribute code in a given position.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element

- 190 - Rule Tree Menu

that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Hour Target Hour Target allows you to determine a range of values for the hour. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Hour Target rule to the appropriate folder.

- 191 - Average Value - This indicates where on the gauge the parameter will test.

Tolerance - This slider indicates how large the window of ranges will be.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Match Flow Match Flow is designed to match one or more common codes for a specific attribute from one song to the next, creating a flow to the music.

Drag the Match Flow rule to the appropriate folder.

- 192 - Rule Tree Menu

Segue Search Properties - These options allow you to determine which way the test is performed. Choices include Test Forward and Test Backward.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Maximum in Sequence Maximum in Sequence determines the number of songs with the same attribute code that may play in a row.

- 193 - Drag the Max in Sequence rule to the appropriate folder.

Max in Sequence - This determines the maximum that can play in a row.

Min Sequence Separation - This is the minimum number that must play before the sequence may start again.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these

- 194 - Rule Tree Menu

criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Hour Average Min/Max Hour Average allows you to determine a range of values for the hour. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Hour Average rule to the appropriate folder.

Minimum - The minimum average that must occur in the hour.

Maximum - The maximum average that can occur in the hour.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Hour Opener Value Min/Max Hour Opener Value determines the range of values that must be met on the first song in the hour.

Drag the Min/Max Hour Opener Value rule to the appropriate folder.

- 195 - Minimum - The minimum number or percentage of the code that must occur in the hour.

Maximum - The maximum number or percentage of the code that can occur in the hour.

Test Intro Value - Checking this box means the test will be performed on the Intro value. This option will only be visible on Attribute-Combo fields (where you list three codes: beginning/overall/ending).

Test Overall Value - Checking this box means the test will be performed on the Overall value. This option will only be visible on Attribute-Combo fields (where you list three codes: beginning/overall/ending).

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Quota Per Hour This is a number or percentage of a particular code that must occur within the hour in the range specified.

Drag the Min/Max Quota Per Hour rule to the appropriate folder.

- 196 - Rule Tree Menu

Minimum - The minimum number or percentage of the code that must occur in the hour.

Maximum - The maximum number or percentage of the code that can occur in the hour.

Percentage of elements in time period - When checked the numbers change to percentages.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Quota Per Sweep This is a number or percentage of a particular code that must occur within the sweep in the range specified.

Drag the Min/Max Quota Per Sweep rule to the appropriate folder.

- 197 - Minimum - The minimum number or percentage of the code that must occur in the hour.

Maximum - The maximum number or percentage of the code that can occur in the hour.

Percentage of elements in time period - When checked the numbers change to percentages.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Record Average Min/Max Record Average allows you to determine a range of values for a specific number of songs. The average combination of these songs must be in the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Record Average rule to the appropriate folder.

- 198 - Rule Tree Menu

Minimum - The minimum average when combining the total number of records specified.

Maximum - The maximum average when combining the total number of records specified.

Records - The number of records that will be included to create the total.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

- 199 - l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting. Min Max Record Sum Min/Max Record Sum allows you to determine a range of values for a specific number of songs. The combination of these songs must be in the range in order to be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Record Sum rule to the appropriate folder.

Minimum - The minimum sum when combining the total number of records specified.

Maximum - The maximum sum when combining the total number of records specified.

Records - The number of records that will be included to create the total.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

- 200 - Rule Tree Menu

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting. Min Max Step Min/Max Step lets you determine the value for the step of the attribute that must be met before a song is scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Step rule to the appropriate folder.

Minimum - The minimum step of the attribute that must occur.

- 201 - Maximum - The maximum step of the attribute that can occur.

Transition test direction - This option allows you to determine in which direction the transitions will be tested. Choices include testing all transitions, test upward step only or test downward step only. Typically, this rule would be used to test in all directions, but there may be situations where you wish to test in only one direction or the other. For instance, you may wish to only go up three and down two steps. In a case like that, you would need to add the rule to your Rule Tree twice, indicating the Step size and then setting the transition direction for each.

Segue Search Properties - These options allow you to determine which way the test is performed. Choices include Test Forward and Test Backward.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Min Max Sweep Average Min/Max Sweep Average allows you to determine a range of values between sweep markers. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Sweep Average rule to the appropriate folder.

- 202 - Rule Tree Menu

Minimum - The minimum average that must occur in the sweep.

Maximum - The maximum average that can occur in the sweep.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Sweep Opener Value Min/Max Sweep Opener Value determines the range of values that must be met on the first song after a sweep marker in the hour.

Drag the Min/Max Hour Opener Value rule to the appropriate folder.

- 203 - Minimum - The minimum number of the code that must occur in the hour.

Maximum - The maximum number of the code that must occur in the hour.

Test Intro Value - Checking this box means the test will be performed on the Intro value. This option will only be visible on Attribute-Combo fields (where you list three codes: beginning/overall/ending).

Test Overall Value - Checking this box means the test will be performed on the Overall value. This option will only be visible on Attribute-Combo fields (where you list three codes: beginning/overall/ending).

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Value Min/Max Value lets you determine the value range for the attribute that must be met before a song is scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Value rule to the appropriate folder.

Minimum - The minimum value an element must have.

Maximum - The maximum value an element can have.

Test Intro Value - Checking this box means the test will be performed on the Intro value. This option will only be visible on Attribute-Combo fields (where you list three codes: beginning/overall/ending).

- 204 - Rule Tree Menu

Test Overall Value - Checking this box means the test will be performed on the Overall value. This option will only be visible on Attribute-Combo fields (where you list three codes: beginning/overall/ending).

You can check both of these boxes. If you check both, the song must meet both tests to pass the rule.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Not Allowed Songs containing this code would not be allowed to play.

Drag the Not Allowed rule to the appropriate folder.

There are no other settings to configure here. By clicking OK, the rule will be in place. Other Code Time Separation Other Code Time Separation determines the separation time that must occur between the one specified code and any other code within the same overall attribute.

Drag the Other Code Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 205 - Codes to Protect Against - Pick the code that you would like to protect against.

Enter the separation time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Other Code Title Separation Other Code Title Separation determines the number of titles that must occur between the one specified code and any other code within the same overall attribute.

Drag the Other Code Title Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 206 - Rule Tree Menu

Codes to Protect Against - Pick the code that you would like to protect against.

Title Separation - Pick the number of records for separation

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Record Target Record Target allows you to determine a range of values for a specific number of songs. The average combination of these songs must be in the range specified before a song would be scheduled.

- 207 - Drag the Record Target rule to the appropriate folder.

Average Value - This slider indicates where on the gauge the parameter will test.

Tolerance - This slider indicates how large the window of ranges will be.

Records - This is the number of records that will be included to create the average.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break

- 208 - Rule Tree Menu

Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting.

Segue Protection Segue protection allows you to prevent songs with specific attribute codes to play back to back.

Drag the Segue Protection rule to the appropriate folder.

- 209 - The grid will show all of the codes for the attribute you have picked. By typing “X” in any square, you will prevent that transition from occurring. Should you wish, you can right-click anywhere in the segue box area to bring up a context menu that will all you to clear, select or invert all choices. You will see a written description of the transition at the bottom of the screen.

Highlighted Transition - This give you information about the transition that is currently active, the highlighted box.

Segue Search Properties - These options allow you to determine which way the test is performed. Choices include Test Forward and Test Backward.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

- 210 - Rule Tree Menu

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

If your attribute codes change, it is possible you will see these old codes in the grid. They will be displayed in italics. Click OK and this will reset the attributes, removing any no longer included in your data.

Sweep Target Average Target allows you to determine a range of values between sweep markers. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Sweep Target rule to the appropriate folder.

- 211 - Average Value - This slider indicates where on the gauge the parameter will test.

Tolerance - This slider indicates how large the window of ranges will be.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Time Separation Time Separation determines the amount of time that must occur before the same code may play again.

Drag the Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 212 - Rule Tree Menu

Enter the separation time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Title Separation Title separation determines how many titles must go by before the same code can play again.

Drag the Title Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 213 - Select the separation count.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these

- 214 - Rule Tree Menu

criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting. Cross Station Rules With MusicMaster CS you're managing many stations. If you are concerned about hearing the same song or artist to close to another station, this set of rules will help you set up that protection.

Cross Station Keyword Time Separation Cross Station Minimum Rest Cross Station Keyword Time Separation The Cross Station Keyword Time Separation rule is designed to protect a keyword against a play on a different station. You will have listings for each keyword that is tested in the station.

Drag the Cross Station Keyword Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

This example shows the rule for an artist keyword field.

Check off the stations you wish to include in the rule.

Enter in a time in hours and minutes. This will automatically convert to days, hours and minutes (if applicable) when you click Okay. If you already know how many days you wish, you can indicate this by typing the number then the letter “d” followed by any hours and minutes you may need.

- 215 - Other check box options include

l Ignore individual keyword settings for this rule

l Category exclusive mode Cross Station Minimum Rest The Cross Station Minimum Rest rule is designed to protect a song against a play on a different station.

Drag the Cross-Station Minimum Rest rule to the appropriate folder.

Check off the stations you wish to include in the rule.

Enter in a time in hours and minutes. This will automatically convert to days, hours and minutes (if applicable) when you click Okay. If you already know how many days you wish, you can indicate this by typing the number then the letter “d” followed by any hours and minutes you may need. Format Clock Rules This section covers the various Format Clock rules available.

Clock Hour Timing Clock Segment Timing

- 216 - Rule Tree Menu

Format Clock Filter Scheduling Session Filter Clock Hour Timing Clock Hour Timing is a way to determine the length between Time Markers in a clock.

The configuration of the Time Marker is done in the clock. Information on how to set up this element can be found in Time Marker.

Drag the Clock Hour Timing rule to the appropriate folder.

There are no other settings to configure here. By clicking OK, the rule will be in place. Clock Segment Timing Clock Segment Timing is a way to determine the length between Time Markers in a clock.

The configuration of the Time Marker is done in the clock. Information on how to set up this element can be found in Time Marker.

Drag the Clock Segment Timing rule to the appropriate folder.

There are no other settings to configure here. By clicking OK, the rule will be in place. Format Clock Filter Format Clock Filters give you the ability to specify that certain characteristics are met when the clock position is scheduled.

The configuration of the filter is done on the clock element. Detailed information on how to do this found under Filters.

- 217 - There are three Clock Filters available when you configure the clock. Each of these is listed separately in the Rule Tree. Be sure to drag the appropriate Filter number to the category.

There are no other settings to configure here. By clicking OK, the rule will be in place. Scheduling Session Filter Scheduling Session Filters give you the ability to specify that certain characteristics when the Automatic Scheduler is run.

There are two parts to the configuration of the Scheduling Session Filter: You must apply the session filter to the clock position and you must configure the Filters tab of the Automatic Scheduler.

Information on how to configure the clock is located in Filters.

Information on how to configure the Filters tab of the Automatic Scheduler is located in Filters

There are three Scheduling Session Filters available when you configure the clock. Each of these is listed separately in the Rule Tree. Be sure to drag the appropriate Filter number to the category.

There are no other settings to configure here. By clicking OK, the rule will be in place. Hour Rotation Rules This section covers the various Hour Rotation rules available.

Auto Kick Day Exclusion Mask Day Offset Window

- 218 - Rule Tree Menu

Exclusive Day Offset Window Exclusive Play Offset Window Play Exclusion Mask Play Offset Window Shift Pattern Rotation Shift Rotation Sliding Day Offset Window Sliding Play Offset Window Auto Kick Auto Kick is used to prevent a song from playing at the same time on consecutive days. You can adjust the windows size, which is the amount of time around a play yesterday that you would like to protect.

Drag the Auto Kick rule to the appropriate folder.

The drop down box will allow you to choose the window size. There are three window sizes to choose from:

l Full Hour – If the song plays anywhere in the same hour, the song will be dropped.

l Half Hour – If the song plays anywhere in the same half hour, which is defined as the first half of the hour or second half, the song will be dropped.

l Quarter Hour – If the song plays anywhere in the same quarter hour, which is defined as four 15 minute segments, the song will be dropped.

- 219 - Ignore plays from other categories - The option allows you to ignore potential failures if the song being tested was in a different category than it is now. This lets you bypass possible problems as you move songs in your station provided you are not concerned about the plays when the song was in a previous category. Day Exclusion Mask The Day Exclusion Mask is a custom hour rotation test designed to prevent a song from playing in any hours marked. Where the Exclusive Day Offset Window allows only symmetrical settings, the Day Exclusion Mask allow you to check off any combination of days and hours to set the protection you need.

Drag the Day Exclusion Mask rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the hour or hours you wish to restrict and use “X” to indicate the restriction. To remove a restriction, use your space bar. Should you wish, you can right-click anywhere in box area to bring up a context menu that will all you to clear, select or invert all choices.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

- 220 - Rule Tree Menu

It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Day Offset Window The Day Offset Window keeps a song from playing in the defined window of time. This window is for the hour. For instance, if you had a setting of one day, one hour and tried to schedule a song in the 10:05 am, it will look to yesterday and tomorrow and if the song played anywhere in the 10am hour it will fail the rule. You can disable the ability to look at plays in the future. It is important to note that given the example above, if the song played the previous day at 9:55a, it would not violate the rule. This rule only looks at the hour. To prevent this type of play, you would want to use the Sliding Day Offset Window.

Drag the Day Offset Window rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the number of days to check and the window size.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

- 221 - It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Exclusive Day Offset Window The Exclusive Day Offset Window allows you to prevent a song from scheduling if it has played in the window of time specified. This window is configured in days (up to 99), hours (up to 59) and minutes. For instance, if you had a play Friday at 10:15a and you set the rule to two days, one hour, the rule would prevent a play in the 10am hour on Sunday but not in the 10am hour on Saturday. The rule goes back the specific number of days and checks only that day in the hour range selected. Another typical example would be protecting plays on a weekly show. With a setting of seven days, one hour, you would only be looking back to that play a week ago in the same hour. In other words, while the song might play during the week, you are only concerned that your weekly show does not play the same song in the same hour.

Drag the Exclusive Day Offset Window rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the number of days to check and the window size.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

- 222 - Rule Tree Menu

It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Exclusive Play Offset Window The Exclusive Play Offset Window allows you to prevent a song from scheduling if it has played in the window of time around the current time. This window is configured in plays (up to 99), hours (up to 59) and minutes. For instance, let’s say you had a play Tuesday and Friday at 10:15a and you set the rule to two plays, one hour. If the song came up for consideration Saturday at 10:30, it would fail the rule because two plays ago (Tuesday), it played in the same hour. The rule goes back the specific number of days and checks only that day in the hour range selected. In other words, even though there is a play Friday, that was is not considered when testing the rule. It is only looking back to two plays ago, the Tuesday play. Other options to set include testing Past Plays only and configuring the Rule Time Restrictions, which are located in the clock button.

Drag the Exclusive Play Offset Window rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the number of plays to check and the window size.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

- 223 - Max Days - This can be quite handy if you know a play so far back in time would not bother you. For instance, you might do this on a holiday category. Let's say you were testing the last two plays. What if the second of the two plays was from last year! The current position would fail the rule because of a play 12 months ago. In this case, you could set the Max days back to perhaps 99 or even 60 days and you wouldn't have to worry about last year's holiday plays.

It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Play Exclusion Mask The Play Exclusion Mask is a custom hour rotation test designed to prevent a song from playing in any hours marked. Where the Exclusive Play Offset Window allows only symmetrical settings, the Play Exclusion Mask allow you to check off any combination of plays and hours to set the protection you need.

Drag the Play Exclusion Mask rule to the appropriate folder.

- 224 - Rule Tree Menu

Select the play or plays you wish to restrict and use “X” to indicate the restriction. To remove a restriction, use your space bar. Should you wish, you can right-click anywhere in box area to bring up a context menu that will all you to clear, select or invert all choices.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

Max Days - This can be quite handy if you know a play so far back in time would not bother you. For instance, you might do this on a holiday category. Let's say you were testing the last two plays. What if the second of the two plays was from last year! The current position would fail the rule because of a play 12 months ago. In this case, you could set the Max days back to perhaps 99 or even 60 days and you wouldn't have to worry about last year's holiday plays.

It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Play Offset Window The Play Offset Window keeps a song from playing in the defined window of time. This window is for the play. For instance, if you had a setting of one play, one hour and tried to schedule a song in the 10:05 am, it will look to the last play and if the song played anywhere in the 10am hour it will fail the rule. You can disable the ability to look at plays in the future. It is important to note that given the example above, if the previous play of the song was at 9:55a, it would not violate the rule. This rule only looks at the hour. To prevent this type of play, you would want to use the Sliding Play Offset Window.

Drag the Play Offset Window rule to the appropriate folder.

- 225 - Select the number of plays to check and the window size.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

Max Days - This can be quite handy if you know a play so far back in time would not bother you. For instance, you might do this on a holiday category. Let's say you were testing the last two plays. What if the second of the two plays was from last year! The current position would fail the rule because of a play 12 months ago. In this case, you could set the Max days back to perhaps 99 or even 60 days and you wouldn't have to worry about last year's holiday plays.

It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Shift Pattern Rotation The Shift Pattern Rotation rule allows you to divide up the week into different time frames requiring plays in specific shift order.

- 226 - Rule Tree Menu

The Shift Editor must be configured for this rule to have any effect. See Shift Editor for details.

Drag the Shift Pattern Rotation rule to the appropriate folder.

Use the arrow keys to pick they shifts. As you do this, they will move to the Shift Pattern box. The order they appear in is the order that will be used to move songs through your shifts. Songs will be restricted to playing only in the shift that follows the last shift they played in within this pattern.

Max Days - This can be quite handy if you know a play so far back in time would not bother you. For instance, you might do this on a holiday category. Let's say you were testing the last two plays. What if the second of the two plays was from last year! The current position would fail the rule because of a play 12 months ago. In this case, you could set the Max days back to perhaps 99 or even 60 days and you wouldn't have to worry about last year's holiday plays.

- 227 - Shift Rotation The Shift Rotation rule allows you to divide up the week into different time frames requiring plays in the specified number of other shifts before repeating in the current shift.

The Shift Editor must be configured for this rule to have any effect. See Shift Editor for details.

Drag the Shift Rotation rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the number of other shifts a song must play in before returning to the same shift again.

Count each other shift only once - There is a difference in testing when this box is or is not checked. For instance, let's say you had five shifts and were currently testing a song in shift number one. The song up for consideration had played in shifts as follows:

1-2-3-4-5-1-3-1-5 (most recent at the end)

The last shift it played in was shift 5, before that shift 1 and so on. As you can see there are two instances where the song played in shift 1 that are close to each other. If you set the option to count each other shift only once, the last four plays


- 228 - Rule Tree Menu would indicate only three other shifts. With the box unchecked, it would be four shifts.

Another way to think about this is distinct shifts versus shifts. The 1-3-1-5 example is three distinct shifts (with the box checked off) or four shifts (with it unchecked).

Keeping in mind that MusicMaster is very flexible in the way you can set up rules, it is possible to set this up where both the number of shifts and the “Count each other shift only one” option might not come into play. For instance, let’s say you set the rule to two other shifts. The option to count each shift once wouldn’t come into play.

Play in a different hour than the previous plays in the current shift - Checking this box ensures that the next play will not be in the same hour of the shift, provided the shift is longer than one hour.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

Max Days - This can be quite handy if you know a play so far back in time would not bother you. For instance, you might do this on a holiday category. Let's say you were testing the last two plays. What if the second of the two plays was from last year! The current position would fail the rule because of a play 12 months ago. In this case, you could set the Max days back to perhaps 99 or even 60 days and you wouldn't have to worry about last year's holiday plays. Sliding Day Offset Window The Sliding Day Offset Window sets up protection zones that are accurate to the nearest minute. For instance, let’s say you have a song that is 3:00 long. If you have a rule of one day, 30 minutes and try to schedule that song at 10:15am, it will fail the test if it played anywhere between 10:00am (15 minutes before and 10:33am (15 minutes after the song would finish). The time is split on either side of the attempted play.

Drag the Sliding Day Offset Window rule to the appropriate folder.

- 229 - Select the number of days to check and the window size.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Sliding Play Offset Window The Sliding Play Offset Window sets up protection zones that are accurate to the nearest minute. For instance, let’s say you have a song that is 3:00 long. If you have a rule of one play, 30 minutes and try to schedule that song at 10:15am, it will fail the test if it the last play is anywhere between 10:00am (15 minutes before and 10:33am (15 minutes after the song would finish). The time is split on either side of the attempted play.

Drag the Sliding Play Offset Window rule to the appropriate folder.

- 230 - Rule Tree Menu

Select the number of plays to check and the window size.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

Max Days - This can be quite handy if you know a play so far back in time would not bother you. For instance, you might do this on a holiday category. Let's say you were testing the last two plays. What if the second of the two plays was from last year! The current position would fail the rule because of a play 12 months ago. In this case, you could set the Max days back to perhaps 99 or even 60 days and you wouldn't have to worry about last year's holiday plays.

It is important to check Purge History to make sure the settings have enough history available so that this test will work to its fullest based upon the settings you use with this rule.

Keyword Rules This section covers the various Keyword rules available.

DMCA Performance Keyword Adjusted Time Separation Keyword Hour Rotation

- 231 - Keyword Sliding Hour Rotation Keyword Time Separation DMCA Performance The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 requires internet streams to comply with the DMCA Statutory Sound Recording Performance Compliant. This rule can assist you in complying with those standards.

Drag the DMCA Performance rule to the appropriate folder.

Configure the maximum quota over the specific number of hours.

Max in Sequence - This determines the maximum that can play in a row.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

- 232 - Rule Tree Menu

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Keyword Adjusted Time Separation Keyword Adjusted Time Separation allows you to make a change to the settings on keywords currently in the system by percentage and time to keeps songs with the same keyword from playing too close together. Each song has a keyword or keywords assigned to it (see Keywords). Each of those keywords has a time value associated with it. When the keyword plays, the adjusted separation time is the minimum amount of time that must pass before that keyword can play again.

Drag the Keyword Adjusted Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

Separation adjustment - Select the percentage of separation for those keywords with the “auto” setting. If you make the percentage higher than 100, the separation time will be longer; if you make it less than 100, it will be shorter. The Auto Separation time will be calculated automatically by opening the Edit Help button. By indicating the

- 233 - amount of full separation in the box, the system will calculate the Auto Separation time for you. You must configure the Separation Adjustment. If you do not do this, all keywords using the default separation will have a separation time of 00:00.

Enter in a time in hours and minutes. This will automatically convert to days, hours and minutes (if applicable) when you click Okay. If you already know how many days you wish, you can indicate this by typing the number then the letter “d” followed by any hours and minutes you may need.

Category Exclusive mode - This option ignores failures against songs from other categories. In other words, the rule is only tested against songs in the same category. If you apply this option in All Categories, it will ignore failures against songs from categories that are set to not use the All Categories rules at all. Should the rule be in a Rule Group under All Categories, it will observe the category filter. This means it would only test against other categories that use All Categories rules but will use the Rule Group category filter instead if one is defined. Keyword Hour Rotation Keyword Hour Rotation keeps songs with the same keyword from playing in the window of time specified. Each song has a keyword or keywords assigned to it (see Keywords). The window of time configured will be a window of protection for the keyword. For instance, if you had a setting of one day, one hour and tried to schedule a keyword in the 10:05 am, it will look to yesterday and tomorrow and if the keyword played anywhere in the 10am hour it will fail the rule. You can disable the ability to look at plays in the future. It is important to note that given the example above, if the keyword played the previous day at 9:55a, it would not violate the rule. This rule only looks at the hour. To prevent this type of play, you would want to use the Keyword Sliding Hour Rotation.

Drag the Keyword Hour Rotation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 234 - Rule Tree Menu

Select the days and hours for separation.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box.

Ignore individual keyword settings for this rule -While you can also set specific keyword separations under Keywords, you can bypass their use in the setup of this rule. If you do not check the “Ignore..” box, any specific settings you have in Dataset, Keyword will be used. Only those with “Auto” will use the setting you place in this box. If you check “Ignore..” all keywords will use the setting you place in this box. Keyword Sliding Hour Rotation The Keyword Sliding Day Offset Window sets up protection zones that are accurate to the nearest minute. For instance, let’s say you have a keyword on a song that is 3:00 long. If you have a rule of one day, 30 minutes and try to schedule that song at 10:15am, it will fail the test if that keyword played anywhere between 10:00am (15 minutes before and 10:33am and 15 minutes after the song would finish). The time is split on either side of the attempted play.

Drag the Keyword Sliding Hour Rotation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 235 - Select the number of days to check and the window size.

Test past days only - This test works on future plays as well. Should you only wish to test days in the past, be sure to check off that box. Keyword Time Separation Keyword Time Separation keeps songs with the same keyword from playing too close together. Each song has a keyword or keywords assigned to it (see Keywords). Each of those keywords has a time value associated with it. When the keyword plays, the separation time is the minimum amount of time that must pass before that keyword can play again.

Drag the Keyword Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 236 - Rule Tree Menu

Enter in a time in hours and minutes. This will automatically convert to days, hours and minutes (if applicable) when you click Okay. If you already know how many days you wish, you can indicate this by typing the number then the letter “d” followed by any hours and minutes you may need.

Category Exclusive mode - This option ignores failures against songs from other categories. In other words, the rule is only tested against songs in the same category. If you apply this option in All Categories, it will ignore failures against songs from categories that are set to not use the All Categories rules at all. Should the rule be in a Rule Group under All Categories, it will observe the category filter. This means it would only test against other categories that use All Categories rules but will use the Rule Group category filter instead if one is defined.

Ignore individual keyword settings for this rule -While you can also set specific keyword separations under Keywords, you can bypass their use in the setup of this rule. If you do not check the “Ignore..” box, any specific settings you have in Dataset, Keyword will be used. Only those with “Auto” will use the setting you place in this box. If you check “Ignore..” all keywords will use the setting you place in this box. Numeric Rules This section covers the various Numeric field rules available.

Hour Target Min Max Hour Average Min Max Hour Opener Value Min Max Record Average Min Max Record Sum

- 237 - Min Max Step Min Max Sweep Average Min Max Sweep Opener Value Min Max Value Record Target Sweep Target Time Separation Title Separation

Hour Target Hour Target allows you to determine a range of values for the hour. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

You must set the Min Value and Max Value under Library, Fields in the Data Entry section of that field’s Properties.

Drag the Hour Target rule to the appropriate folder.

- 238 - Rule Tree Menu

Average Value - This slider indicates where on the gauge the parameter will test.

Tolerance - This slider indicates how large the window of ranges will be.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Hour Average Min/Max Hour Average allows you to determine a range of values for the hour. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Hour Average rule to the appropriate folder.

- 239 - Select the minimum and maximum numbers that must be met for songs to schedule in the hour.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Hour Opener Value Min/Max Hour Opener Value determines the range of values that must be met on the first song in the hour.

Drag the Min/Max Hour Opener Value rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the minimum and maximum numbers that must be met for a song to schedule.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

- 240 - Rule Tree Menu

Min Max Record Average Min/Max Record Average allows you to determine a range of values for a specific number of songs. The average combination of these songs must be in the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Record Average rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the minimum and maximum number range that must be met for songs to schedule. The Records option indicates how many will be included in the average.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break

- 241 - Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting. Min Max Record Sum Min/Max Record Sum allows you to determine a range of values for a specific number of songs. The combination of these songs must be in the range in order to be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Record Sum rule to the appropriate folder.

The minimum and maximum settings are the totals added up when specifying the number of records.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

- 242 - Rule Tree Menu

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting. Min Max Step Min/Max Step will prevent songs from play next to each other if the difference is outside the range specified.

Drag the Min/Max Step rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the minimum and maximum numbers that must be met for a song to schedule.

- 243 - Transition test direction - This option allows you to determine in which direction the transitions will be tested. Choices include testing all transitions, test upward step only or test downward step only. Typically, this rule would be used to test in all directions, but there may be situations where you wish to test in only one direction or the other. For instance, you may wish to only go up three and down two steps. In a case like that, you would need to add the rule to your Rule Tree twice, indicating the Step size and then setting the transition direction for each.

Segue Search Properties - These options allow you to determine which way the test is performed. Choices include Test Forward and Test Backward.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Min Max Sweep Average Min/Max Sweep Average allows you to determine a range of values between sweep markers. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Sweep Average rule to the appropriate folder.

- 244 - Rule Tree Menu

Select the minimum and maximum numbers that must be met for a song to schedule between sweep positions

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Sweep Opener Value Min/Max Sweep Opener Value determines the range of values that must be met on the first song after a sweep marker in the hour.

Drag the Min Max/Sweep Opener Value rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the minimum and maximum numbers that must be met for a song to schedule.

- 245 - Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Value Min/Max Value lets you determine the value range that must be met before a song is scheduled.

Drag the Min/Max Value rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the minimum and maximum numbers that must be met for a song to schedule.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Record Target Record Target allows you to determine a range of values for a specific number of songs. The average combination of these songs must be in the range specified before a song would be scheduled.

You must set the Min Value and Max Value under Library, Fields in the Data Entry section of that field’s Properties.

Drag the Record Target rule to the appropriate folder.

- 246 - Rule Tree Menu

Average Value - This slider indicates where on the gauge the parameter will test.

Tolerance - This slider indicates how large the window of ranges will be.

Records - This is the number of records that will be included to create the average.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break

- 247 - Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting. Sweep Target Average Target allows you to determine a range of values between sweep markers. The songs scheduled must meet the range specified before the songs would be scheduled.

You must set the Min Value and Max Value under Library, Fields in the Data Entry section of that field’s Properties.

Drag the Sweep Target rule to the appropriate folder.

- 248 - Rule Tree Menu

Average Value - This slider indicates where on the gauge the parameter will test.

Tolerance - This slider indicates how large the window of ranges will be.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Time Separation Time separation allows you to control the occurrence of the next element. You can specify the number of hours (up to 23), minutes and seconds before it is allowed to play again.

Drag the Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

- 249 - Enter the time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Test Blank Values - Checking this means songs with a blank field will be included in the test.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

- 250 - Rule Tree Menu

Title Separation Title separation allows you to control how many other songs must be between instances of the same song. That value can be up to 99 songs.

Drag the Title Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the number of records for separation.

Test Blank Values - Checking this means songs with a blank field will be included in the test.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break

- 251 - Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting. Optimum Goal Scheduling As a programmer, you have goals for the way you want your station to sound. You’ve probably set up lots of rules to accomplish those goals. What if you could just set the goals and let MusicMaster do the work? With Optimum Goal Scheduling, you can do just that.

You may or may not have Keyword and Numeric Goals. The list of Goals that you have is dependent upon the types of fields in your data and whether those fields are tested. Your list will be smaller or larger depending upon the number of Keyword and Numeric tested fields you have. Available rules include:

Optimum Song Rest Optimum Hour Exposure Optimum Shift Exposure Optimum Quarter-Hour Exposure Optimum Spin Consistency Optimum Radial Spread Optimum Rule Performance Optimum Keyword Rest Optimum Keyword Hour Exposure Optimum Keyword Shift Exposure Optimum Keyword Quarter-Hour Exposure Optimum Numeric Max Value Optimum Numeric Min Value How Goals Work Optimum Goal Scheduling is a way to break the tie when songs that pass your rules are considered. If you had the time and could hand-pick every song, you might look at every song in the search depth. If you discovered many songs that all passed your rules, how would you decide which song to pick? Would it be most rested, most artist separation? The answer to that question can help you pick the Goal you’d like to use.

Here's how this works:

- 252 - Rule Tree Menu

When no Goals are in place, MusicMaster looks through the search depth and the first song that meets all the rules is scheduled. When Goals are in place, all the songs in the search depth are tested against the rules. As the program does this, it remembers the best song it finds according to those rules along with any others it finds that are equally as good as the best one it has found. It's possible at some point in that process it will find a new "best" song. If that happens, it deletes the list it has made and starts again until it reaches the end of the search depth.

Unless every song violated an unbreakable rule, that list would always include one or more songs. It could certainly include all the songs in the search depth. That list is then passed on to the Goals. All of the songs on the list are tested against all the Goals. Scores are calculated for each song/Goal. Should there be multiple Goals in place, the Goals higher on the rule list are given more weight. This results in a final overall Goal score being calculated for each song. The song with the best overall score is the one that gets scheduled.

It’s a good idea to have regular rules applied to the category as well. This ensures that songs must pass certain thresholds in order for the Goals to consider which is the best available song. Without regular rules in place, you may get unintended results like the same artist appearing more frequently than you’d like.

In the Rule Tree, select Optimum Goal Scheduling. Keep in mind, you will have listings for each of your keyword and numeric fields.

In each category, you will also have an Optimum Goal Scheduling folder.

Simply drag the Goal to the Optimum Goal Scheduling folder to implement it.

Since the scheduler will look through the entire search depth for each category where you have Optimum Goal Scheduling, it can take longer for the automatic scheduler to run. While it may take a bit longer to schedule, you will likely do far less, if any, editing, so you will still save considerable time.

l Optimum Song Rest – The song that has rested the longest. If Song Rest were the only goal, any song that scores over 100% is treated as equal by the Goals. That means you might find a song that rested more than then one picked, but again, since it is over 100%, those songs are all treated equally.

l Optimum Hour Exposure – The song that has played in as many of the other 23 hours of the day as possible. It is important that your Purge History settings

- 253 - have enough plays to test. This Goal would need a minimum of 23 plays to work to its fullest.

l Optimum Shift Exposure – The song that has played in as many of your other shifts as defined in the Shift Editor as possible.

l Optimum Quarter-Hour Exposure – The song that has played in as many of the other quarter hours as possible.

l Optimum Spin Consistency – This goal scores replacements songs on the number of times the song has played relative to other songs in the same category so it can favor songs that are difficult to schedule.

l Optimum Radial Spread – This goal favors songs that have rested the longest in the part of the day being tested.

l Optimum Rule Performance – This goal takes into account the song’s Performance score (see Schedule Order) so songs that are more difficult to schedule are given a higher weighting.

l Optimum Keyword Rest – The keyword that has rested closest to the ideal amount as calculated for the specific keyword.

l Optimum Keyword Hour Exposure - The keyword that has played in as many of the other 23 hours of the day as possible.

l Optimum Keyword Shift Exposure – The keyword that has played in as many of your other shifts as defined in the Shift Editor as possible.

l Optimum Keyword Qtr-Hour Exposure – The keyword that has played in as many of the other quarter hours as possible.

l Optimum Numeric Max Value – The song that has the highest value in the field. This Goal requires consistent, sensible values on all songs in your library. Songs with no entry are given a score of 50%, so they are midway between the highest and lowest values found. This prevents the song from being on one end of the range or the other where it would be either favored or disfavored. The range of values in the field is also important. Let's say the range is 1-100 in the field. The difference between a song at 97 and 98 is very slight. The Goal is designed to not give songs with values that are very close to each other a different priority. The Goal is trying to favor songs with higher scores than most over those songs with lower scores. This means it could select a song that doesn't have the highest score.

l Optimum Numeric Min Value – The song that has the lowest value in the field. This Goal requires consistent, sensible values on all songs in your library. Songs with no entry are given a score of 50%, so they are midway between the highest and lowest values found. This prevents the song from being on one end of the range or the other where it would be either favored or disfavored. The range of values in the field is also important. Let's say the range is 1-100 in the field. The difference between a song at 97 and 98 is very slight. The Goal is designed to not give songs with values that are very close to each other a different priority. The Goal is trying to favor songs with higher scores than most over those songs with lower scores. This means it could select a song that doesn't have the highest score.

Optimum Goals can be used in conjunction with other rules you may have set up in your system. Most users have the All Categories rules above the individual category rules in the Rule Tree. All the rules are considered. The program will determine what group of songs are the best available. For instance, if you had five breakable rules on the category and a group of songs all passed the second breakable rule, but none tested any better, it would be these songs that would be passed on to the Goal to break

- 254 - Rule Tree Menu the tie. If there was a song that passed the third breakable rule, it would be considered the best available. If there was only one song that passed the third breakable rule, that song would be scheduled without the Goals coming into play, since there would be no need to break the tie.

If you have more than one Goal applied to a category, the Goals are listed in the order of importance—the higher on the list, the more weight it will get when compiling the scores of all the songs.

Goals can be tested in the replacement window in the Editor. If the song would not be considered the best, it will always show in yellow on the list. The results you see in the Editor do not necessarily reflect the exact scores the songs had at the time of scheduling. Spin Consistency cannot provide an accurate score in the Editor because its score is based upon the entire list of songs that the Goals are evaluating relative to itself. That will result in a score of 100%. To enable this, use the Options icon in the Editor and check the “Test Optimum Scheduling Goals” box in Additional Options.

Rule Tree Options Options discussed here include

Rule Tree Properties Rule Tree Views Rule Tree Wizard Related Options Rule Tree Category Groups Scalable Rules Rule Tree Properties Rule Tree Properties allow you to determine how the All-Category Rules will e considered as well as which categories will be bypassed from these rules.

Rule Folder Merging - When a category is considered, the rules in the All Categories folders are combined with the rules in the Category folders. This setting, allows you to determine the order the rules will be merged together.

All-Category Bypass – You may have many rules that can apply across Al Categories, but have a few exceptions. This option allows you to check off which categories should NOT be included when the All Categories list is considered.

- 255 - Rule Tree Views There are many ways you can view the contents of your Rule Tree.

Full Rule Tree Using the plus signs next to each folder allows you to see the sub-contents where you might find more plus signs to open.

If you prefer, there are context menu options that will allow you Expand All, which will open all the folders and sub-folders available.

The context menu also has an option to then Collapse the back to a single line or if you prefer a Collapse All options that will still show you the categories in the Rule Tree

Filtered Rule Tree

Right click on a specific Rule and select the Filter option to view a filtered list showing you only those instances where the Rule is enacted. This allows you

- 256 - Rule Tree Menu make sure you have configured the rule correctly.

To clear the filter, click on the icon or select another Rule to filter.

The icon shown here is how it looks when the Tree is filtered. When not filtered, you will simply see the outline of the tree in gray.

Individual Category When you have clicked on an individual category, the context menu changes and you will now have the ability to review the Category Properties as well as View Category Rule List.

Category Properties

This option controls how Manual-Assist Scheduling is set up and also how songs are handled in the Schedule Editor when they fail rules.

When you check off the Manual-Assist Scheduling option in the Automatic Scheduler you will cause the automatic scheduler to stop and prompt you should no perfect song be available. Instead of the possibility of trying to fill unscheduled positions after the schedule is completed, you fill the positions as you go. A schedule editor-style display will appear for you to choose the song. Once you have done that, the scheduling session will continue. As part of this feature, you must set up the individual category settings in the Rule Tree. Right-click on a category and select Category Properties. The drop-down box in Interactive Scheduler will allow you to choose folder level where this feature will be activated.

You can also set up how the Schedule Editor treats songs that fail rules. This allows you to have the Automatic Schedule obey the rules when creating the schedule but those same rules are ignored when you are editing a log. You can then streamline your editing process so that only the most critical rules will show as failures in the editor.

- 257 - Category Rule List

This is another way to review the rules that will be performed for any specific category on any specific day or time.

When opened, it will show you all of the rules, combining any All Categories rules with the rules applicable to the category. If you are using Optimum Goal Scheduling, those will be listed at the bottom of the list.

Should you wish to view the rules on a particular day and time, simply change that in the box and select “GO” to see the updated rule list.

Rule Tree Wizard It might seem like magic, but the Rule Tree Wizard is just doing the heavy lifting to look at the current settings in your Rule Tree and then comparing those to the information it has. The result is a quick, easy way to confirm that the rules you have put in place are as effective as they can be.

All rules get reviewed. We'll tell you which rules will be no problem, which rules should be made harder and which may be too tough. For coding rules, we'll give you information about how many songs were impacted by the settings.

With easy options, you'll be able to pick and choose which rules you’d like to implement with one click or you can pick the whole list!

Simply click the magic wand and wait for the resulting analysis.

- 258 - Rule Tree Menu

As you review the recommendations, you may wish to implement them.

This is easily done using the Rule Wizard toolbar.

From left to right, the options include:

l Close the Rule Wizard

l Implement this Suggestion – This allows you to cherry pick which rules you would like to implement

l Implement all Suggestions

l Hide Suggestion – There may be suggestions for categories where you don’t need rules, like non-music categories you may use. This option allows you to hide these suggestions so you’re only looking at the ones that are important to you.

l Restore Hidden Suggestions

l Recalculate – If you implement changes or make other adjustments to the Rule Tree, you can use this option to Recalculate the Recommendations.

- 259 - Related Options This option gives you quick access to other areas of the software that you may wish to reference while building your Rules.

Schedule Properties Schedule Order Shift Editor Keywords Attributes Show Recap Report Rule Tree Category Groups By default, your database has a Category Group for All Categories, Music Categories and Non-Music Categories. You can add any other Category Groups you'd like by going to Library, Categories.

These Category Groups are useful throughout the program, including in the Rule Tree because every Category Group you create will be available in the Rule Tree.

This means that you can quickly assign rules to a class of categories in your database.

Rule Tree Category Groups will always be listed at the top of the Rule Tree. Scalable Rules Rules are infinitely scalable in MusicMaster. This means you can scale your rules to have as many different settings with different weights as you desire. As a basic example, while you may want the system to give you three days of rest for a Gold category, you would accept two, but would not want anything less than one. Here’s how you would set that up:

You would drag the minimum rest rule to the unbreakable folder and make the setting 24 hours. Next, you would drag minimum rest again, but this time put it in the breakable folder with a setting of 48 hours. You would drag minimum rest to the breakable folder again it a setting of 72 hours.

It would also be important that there be other breakable rules between the two minimum rest settings. As an example, let’s say the dayparting rule was also on the breakable list and was placed between the two minimum rest rules like this

Gold Unbreakable Minimum Rest – 24 hours Breakable Minimum Rest – 48 hours Dayparting Minimum Rest – 72 hours

- 260 - Rule Tree Menu

Now, when MusicMaster schedules a song from the Gold category, it must rest at least 24 hours before scheduling (unbreakable rule).

If the song passes that, then the breakable rules will be looked at, starting at the top and working down. If the song has rested 48 hours, it passes that test and looks at dayparting. If it passes that, then it will go to the rest rule of 72 hours. If it passes, the song would schedule and the largest rest setting will be achieved. If it doesn’t it will look for other songs that might meet the rule based upon the search depth for the category. Should it not find one, the song that passed the 48-hour rule and dayparting would schedule, still achieving more than the absolute minimum of 24 hours allowed.

A good rule of thumb to remember when creating Scalable Rules is to make the easiest rule the first on the list, the most difficult at the bottom.

The complexity you can build into the system with Scalable Rules is endless. In fact, while you have two default folders (Unbreakable and Breakable) you may consider adding more folders to have various degrees of rules using the scaling principles. The tool bar in the Rule Tree lets you add folders.

If you decide later to remove the rules from a Breakable2 or higher folder, once that is saved, the next time you return the folder will be removed. You will always have an Unbreakable and Breakable1 folder.

The exclusive ability to scale rules in MusicMaster means you can put all your "wishes" into your Rule Tree and leave all the work to us. Song History Rules This section covers the various Song History rules available.

Absolute Maximum Rest Dayparting Max Plays Per Day Maximum Rest Minimum Rest No Repeat Absolute Maximum Rest Absolute Maximum Rest is a ceiling. When a song hits the time specified, all the rules below the Absolute Max Rest setting are dropped. The remaining rules are not tested. Where Maximum Rest would still have the song subject to Optimum Scheduling Goals, Absolute Max Rest will also override Goals.

Drag the Absolute Maximum Rest rule to the appropriate folder.

- 261 - Enter in a time in hours and minutes. This will automatically convert to days, hours and minutes (if applicable) when you click Okay. If you already know how many days you wish, you can indicate this by typing the number then the letter “d” followed by any hours and minutes you may need.

The placement of this rule is critical. All rules below where this rule is listed will be ignored if Absolute Maximum Rest is reached. Keep in mind the placement in relation to any All Categories rule you may have set. You may wish to right click on a category and select View Category Rule List to see the complete list of rules applied to the category and the order in which they will be considered.

If you are using the Standard Card file for category Management the rotation weight will affect the setting you use. The rotation weight setting will affect the rule by the same percentage. For instance, if you have a song with a rotation weight of 50%, the rule will use 50% of the rule minutes setting. Dayparting Dayparting keeps songs from playing at certain times. Each song that requires dayparting will have a setting on it representing the times when it cannot play.

When the Scheduler is considering music for a particular hour, it will determine whether any of the songs in the search depth have restrictions preventing the song from playing. Those songs with restrictions will be bypassed for consideration during that time and not counted against the search depth. When each new hour is scheduled, the songs will be reconsidered.

- 262 - Rule Tree Menu

Library Setup When you click into the Daypart field, a grid will appear. This grid covers the whole week. You can restrict any combination of hours you wish.

Restrictions are indicated by a red "x" in the square. You can also use the context menu option to Restrict Play to do this.

Time Restrictions can be more discreet than an hour. Using the icon on the toolbar, you can open Hour Mode and go to full, half or quarter hour coverage on specific hours.

When you have finished, select Save As, where you’ll name the daypart. This name can be anything you like, up to 64 characters long.

Once named, it will be available in the drop-down box for use on other songs.

Click Apply to actually assign this daypart to the song you have selected.

Rule Setup Drag the Dayparting rule to the appropriate folder.

There are no other settings to configure here. By clicking OK, the rule will be in place.

- 263 - Dayparting will affect the Shift Rotation Rule in certain circumstances. If a song is dayparted so it can only play in one shift, the Dayparting rule is smart enough to see that and not fail the rule in that case. Otherwise, it would never pass. If the Shift Rotation Rule is set up to play in a different hour when it comes back to the same shift and that shift is only a single hour, the Dayparting rule, will again realize this and not fail.

Max Plays Per Day Max Plays Per Day allows you to determine how many times a song can play in a day. There is a built-in field, Max Per Day, where you can enter the number of plays allowed.

Drag the Max Plays Per Day rule to the appropriate folder.

Enter a value from 0 to 99 for the Max Plays. If you leave the Rule setting at zero, this will cause the rule to use the individual values entered on each song. With a Rule setting of zero, any song that also has a zero setting would not be restricted. Maximum Rest Maximum Rest is a ceiling. When a song hits the time specified, all rules below the Max Rest setting are dropped. The remaining rules are not tested. The song would still be subject to Optimum Scheduling Goals if applicable.

Drag the Maximum Rest rule to the appropriate folder.

- 264 - Rule Tree Menu

Enter in a time in hours and minutes. This will automatically convert to days, hours and minutes (if applicable) when you click Okay. If you already know how many days you wish, you can indicate this by typing the number then the letter “d” followed by any hours and minutes you may need.

The placement of this rule is critical. All rules below where this rule is listed will be ignored if Maximum Rest is reached. Keep in mind the placement in relation to any All Categories rule you may have set. You may wish to right click on a category and select View Category Rule List to see the complete list of rules applied to the category and the order in which they will be considered.

Should this rule be included in a Rule Group, the box will have the additional option of determining how the remaining rules in the Rule Group are handled. The default will drop all remaining rules for the song. If you chose, you can check the box so that it drops only the remaining rules in the Rule Group. Songs that have never played will be considered rested since the time they were added to the category they are currently in.

If you are using the Standard Card file for category Management the rotation weight will affect the setting you use. The rotation weight setting will affect the rule by the same percentage. For instance, if you have a song with a rotation weight of 50%, the rule will use 50% of the rule minutes setting.

If you are using Packets, the maximum rest time will be derived from the packet rest.

- 265 - If you are using Optimum Goal Scheduling, it is possible for a song that has hit the Maximum Rest time to not be one of the songs considered by the Goals. If you are using Optimum Goals Scheduling, you may wish to use the Absolute Maximum Rest instead.

Minimum Rest Minimum Rest is the minimum amount of time in hours and minutes that a song must rest before airing again. It does not mean that a song will immediately schedule when this time has elapsed.

Drag the Minimum Rest rule to the appropriate folder.

Enter in a time in hours and minutes. This will automatically convert to days, hours and minutes (if applicable) when you click Okay. If you already know how many days you wish, you can indicate this by typing the number then the letter “d” followed by any hours and minutes you may need.

If you are using the Standard Card file for category Management the rotation weight will affect the setting you use. The rotation weight setting will affect the rule by the same percentage. For instance, if you have a song with a rotation weight of 50%, the rule will use 50% of the rule minutes setting.

If you are using Packets, the minimum rest time will be derived from the packet rest.

- 266 - Rule Tree Menu

No Repeat No Repeat allows you to set up time frames where you do not want songs repeated. A typical usage of this feature is the No Repeat workday, where the same song is not heard during that time. You'll be able to determine the time frames and which categories are included.

Be sure to determine the number of times you'll call for a specific category during the No Repeat time frame and make sure there are more than that number of songs in the category. Use the musical note icon on the tool bar in the lower portion of the Analysis, Graphic Display screen. This is the Format Clock Category Usage grid. This grid will show how many times each category is called for throughout the week.

Drag the No Repeat rule to the appropriate folder.

Description - This should be a name that is meaningful to you.

Week Start Day - This is the day of the week the No Repeat rule will start on.

Time Restriction - This is where the setup of the rule is done. If you have previously created daypart restrictions, those will be available in the drop down. If not, you can use the Modify button to create a restriction. The screen looks exactly like it does in Dayparting. Any hour with an "x" in it is an that will have No Repeat applied to it.

- 267 - The biggest mistake we see in setting this up has to do with how those restrictions apply. Let's say you wanted a No Repeat Work Day set up. This would require you to drag the rule over five times, once for each weekday, and set up that weekday with the appropriate time restriction.

If you set up one No Repeat rule with all the weekdays restricted, you would be setting up a No Repeat Work Week.

Any hour with an "x" in it is considered part of the No Repeat time restriction, so consider that when you are setting up this rule. If you see failures in your Editor due to this rule it is either due to the way the Time Restriction is set up or the lack of an appropriate number of songs to fill the positions.

Special Rule Tree Items This area contains the Rule Group, used to manage multiple rules.

Rule Group Rule Group Rule Groups are the workhorses of the Rule Tree. From determining when the rules will be in effect, to how the rules are grouped, to determining which categories and filters apply, the Rule Group gives you pin-point control over your rules.

Drag the Rule Group to the appropriate category.

When you enter a Description, give it a name that will be meaningful for you without having to look at the specific rules inside the Group. For instance, DayTime Gender Rules or Tempo-Night.

- 268 - Rule Tree Menu

Sections to configure include Availability, Time Restrictions, Group Mode, Clock Restrictions and Song Restrictions. You do not have to configure all of these options, only those you need.

Availability This section allows you to choose when the Group will be in effect. There are four choices.

l Rules in this group are always tested

l Rules are only available in the Automatic Scheduler - This means when you are in the Editor, these rules will not apply. This can be helpful if your rules are a bit restrictive and you'd like to skip those rules while editing.

l Rules are only available in the Schedule Editor - This means when the Automatic Scheduler creating a log, these rules will not be tested.

l Rules in this group are never tested - You might be wondering, “Why would I ever use this?” If you have built a Rule Group but need to turn it off for a special or any other reason, it is far more efficient to simply indicate the group is never tested than to delete it and have to rebuild all the individual rules later.

Time Restrictions This section allows you to put the Group into effect for only the time frame you wish. This essentially allows you to create “levels” of rules that take effect at different times. For instance, if Tempo were one of your fields and you wanted to play slower songs at night, you could, for instance, set up a Night Rule Group and include Tempo rules that allowed more slow songs to play. Once you pick a restriction, you will be able to set the play mode to one of three options.

Test against plays in any time period.

l Ignore failures outside this time period will ignore any failure against a play outside of the Rule Group time period. This means that while MusicMaster will see the plays outside the time period, those plays will not cause any of the rules in the Rule Group to fail.

l Ignore plays outside this time period will not even test those plays outside of the Rule Group time period. This means that MusicMaster will not even see the plays that occur outside the time period. Rather, it will keep looking back to the next valid time in the restriction for failures.

This mode will apply to minimum rest, maximum rest, max plays per day, hour rotation rules, Keyword rest and the DMCA rules. If these rules are not present, the Group will Test against plays in any time period. Should you have your rules set up to count the number of plays backwards or forwards, it will not

- 269 - count the plays outside of the Rule Group time period when the "Ignore plays outside this time period" mode is chosen.

Time Restrictions can be more discreet than an hour. By right clicking on the hour header, you can open Hour Mode and go to full, half or quarter hour coverage on specific hours.

Another Time Restriction option that is handy is the Invert feature, which will flip the restriction on the screen. Right click in the restriction window to do this.

The final Time Restrictions option determines when the Rules in the group apply. The options are Not Restricted or Restricted. By default, “Not Restricted” will be the option. This means that the restriction you have set up will be enforced as you see it. If you chose “Restricted” this has the effect of reversing the daypart restriction, much like using the Invert feature.

Group Mode This section gives you the opportunity to determine how the Group will be treated as it passes or fails tests. Options include:

l Rule group fails when any included rule fails – This option means if any rule within the group fails, the entire rule group will fail and MusicMaster will move on to the next song. MusicMaster will not waste time testing any other rules in the group once a rule fails.

l Rule Group fails when all included rules fail – This options means all rules within the group must fail before the entire rule group will fail. This means MusicMaster moves on when it finds a rule that it passes. The only way the group fails is if every rule in the group fails. The benefit of this option is that you might include several variations of a rule, perhaps an Hour Rotation rule. If MusicMaster tried to find a song that met all of the variations, it might not be able to do so. With this setting, as long as the song considered passes one of the rules, it can move on through the testing process (if there are other rules yet to be tested) or get scheduled. Should the song not match any of the rules, then it would be passed as the program looked for something better. This basically creates an either/or option in your rules. You are telling MusicMaster that any of the options is acceptable, but at least one must be met. The more options you give the program, the easier it will be to find an acceptable song.

l Test rules as if they are not in a rule group – This option simply means the rules are tested individually. One of the primary uses of this option it to keep your rule list tidy. For instance, you might group all your Tempo rules into a Group so they are together, but condensed on the list. That would allow you to view more of your Rule Tree at one time or only open those rules you wish to review.

- 270 - Rule Tree Menu

Clock Restrictions Clock Restrictions allows you to determine which clocks will be impacted by the Rule Group. If you are listing multiple clocks, separate those by a comma. You can also use a wild card to apply to all clocks that match. For instance with this restriction:

AA,G? the rules will be applied to Clock ID AA as well as any other clocks that start with “G”.

This restriction also gives you the choice to apply it so it either matches what you have set up or does not match what you have set up.

Song Restrictions Song Restrictions allow you to create a filter that will apply to the Rule Group and determine what categories will be included for the purposes of that filter.

Under Create Filter, the filter box that appears is same as described in Query.

Under Categories you will be able to check off which categories must follow the Rule Group.

If you have bypassed any Category using the All Category bypass option in the Rule Tree, that designation will supersede any settings here. In other words, if you bypass Category A, even if you include Category A on the category list here, it still will not be tested.

With both of these options, you will also have a choice to apply it so it either matches what you have set up or does not match what you have set up.

Adding Rules to the Group Once the Group has been established, you can then add as many rules to the group as desired. Be careful when you do this. When you drag the rule to the Rule Group, make sure the Rule Group name is highlighted. If you see a single red line, the rule will be outside the Group. If you discover this after the fact, you can do a drag and drop to put it into the Group.

Text Rules This section covers the various Text rules available.

Time Separation Title Separation DMCA Performance

- 271 - DMCA Performance The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 requires internet streams to comply with the DMCA Statutory Sound Recording Performance Compliant. This rule can assist you in complying with those standards.

Drag the DMCA Performance rule to the appropriate folder.

Configure the maximum quota over the specific number of hours.

Max in Sequence - This determines the maximum that can play in a row.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a

- 272 - Rule Tree Menu

gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Time Separation Time separation allows you to control the occurrence of the next element. You can specify the number of hours (up to 23), minutes and seconds before it is allowed to play again.

Drag the Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

Enter the time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Test Blank Values - Checking this means songs with a blank field will be included in the test.

Ignore text case - This can be useful if the text of the entry is not critical to the overall testing.

- 273 - Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here. Title Separation Title separation allows you to control how many other songs must be between instances of the same song. That value can be up to 99 songs.

Drag the Title Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the number of records for separation.

- 274 - Rule Tree Menu

Test Blank Values - Checking this means songs with a blank field will be included in the test.

Ignore text case - This can be useful if the text of the entry is not critical to the overall testing.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music. Yes No Rules This section covers the various Yes No rules available.

Maximum in Sequence Min Max Quota Per Hour Min Max Quota Per Sweep Not Allowed Time Separation Title Separation Maximum in Sequence Maximum in Sequence determines the number of songs with the same code that may play in a row.

Drag the Max in Sequence rule to the appropriate folder.

- 275 - Max in Sequence - This determines the maximum that can play in a row.

Min Sequence Separation - This is the minimum number that must play before the sequence may start again.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or

- 276 - Rule Tree Menu

until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting.

Min Max Quota Per Hour This is a number or percentage of a particular code that must occur within the hour in the range specified.

Drag the Min/Max Quota Per Hour rule to the appropriate folder.

Minimum - The minimum number or percentage of the code that must occur in the hour.

Maximum - The maximum number or percentage of the code that can occur in the hour.

Percentage of elements in time period - When checked the numbers change to percentages.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Min Max Quota Per Sweep This is a number or percentage of a particular code that must occur within the sweep in the range specified.

Drag the Min/Max Quota Per Sweep rule to the appropriate folder.

- 277 - Minimum - The minimum number or percentage of the code that must occur in the hour.

Maximum - The maximum number or percentage of the code that can occur in the hour.

Percentage of elements in time period - When checked the numbers change to percentages.

Ignored record types - This determines which type of element will be ignored in the testing. Choices here allow you to select Music, Non-Music or None. Ignoring a record type means that this type will not be included in the count for the test. Not Allowed Songs containing this code would not be allowed to play.

Drag the Not Allowed rule to the appropriate folder.

There are no other settings to configure here. By clicking OK, the rule will be in place.

- 278 - Rule Tree Menu

Time Separation Time Separation determines the amount of time that must occur before the same code may play again.

Drag the Time Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

Enter the separation time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

- 279 - Title Separation Title separation determines how many titles must go by before the same code can play again.

Drag the Title Separation rule to the appropriate folder.

Select the separation count.

Tested record types - This option allows you to determine which record types are included when the test is run. Choices here include Music, Non-Music or Music/Non- Music.

Rule Cutoff - There are various points where you you can cut off or restart the test count.

l Hour Marker - This option resets the rule when it comes to an hour marker.

l Sweep Marker - These are designated on a LogNote position. A sweep can be no longer than three hours. Once the second hour marker is encountered, the program will not look any further. A usage example might be for use on a gender rule. While you might not want to females back-to-back, you might not care if one is before a sweep and after the sweep.

l Break Element - MusicMaster defines a Break Element as any non-library element that interrupts the flow of the music. This would include any element that isn’t scheduled from a category (like Stopsets, Lognotes, Traffic positions) provided that the run time is greater than 00:00. Since Hour Markers and Timing elements have no run length, they are never counted as Break Elements. A Lognote that has a runtime of 00:00 or an empty Traffic position would also not be counted.

l Record Type - You can choose either Music or Non-Music here.

- 280 - Rule Tree Menu

l Elapsed Time - This option allows you to choose a specific time when to cut the rule off. If you wanted to separate female songs by three other titles, the program will look in either direction until it finds three non-Female titles, or until it finds another Female title, whichever comes first. It’s possible the program may have to look back a considerable amount of time to meet these criteria. This setting would allow the program to try to meet the criteria you’ve set until it reached the time specified, then it would ignore the setting.

- 281 - Scheduling From scheduling a log, to editing it to all the other features like Gold Recycling, this section covers the various aspects of the Scheduling process.

Schedule Editing Schedule Setup Schedule Editing It's one of the areas of the software where you'll spends lots of time. This section covers the information you need to know to be an effective schedule editor.

Schedule Editor Design Schedule Editing Features Schedule Editor Design The Editor is designed to give you complete flexibility in how you look at your logs. You can build any number of designs for whatever needs you may have. When needed, you will then be able to load the appropriate design.

This section will go over building, loading and saving Editor designs. There are three icons that you'll use to access these functions: Load Editor Layout, Modify Editor Layout and Save Editor Layout.

Building or Modifying an Editor Design The Modify icon is used to build a design.


The Field Order box on the left determines which fields are show and in what order. The A to Z list will show the fields alphabetically, the other icon will sort the list based upon the category you gave it under Library,Fields. The category under Fields should not be confused with the music category. The category under Fields is only for purposes of grouping fields together to make it easier to include them in the Selected Fields list.

- 282 - Scheduling

Highlight the fields on the left, and then click on the single arrow pointing to the right to add fields. To remove fields, highlight on the right, and then click the single arrow pointing to the left. If you would like all fields to be added or removed, you can click on the double-arrow icons to do that. To adjust the order in which fields appear on the right, highlight the field (a gray box will appear around it) then use your mouse to move it so it is in the desired order.

Grid Properties

Grid Properties give you the control to color various element types, how the cursor will react and change the look and size of the font.

KEY VALUE COLORS Hour Markers The color of hour markers LogNotes The color of lognotes If you turn on the Grid/Attr Graphs property listed below, this color will be Songs: Graph the background color of the graph If you turn on the Grid/Attr Graphs properly listed below, this will be the Songs: Hi Graph color of graph line Songs: Marked The color of marked songs Songs: Music The color of music elements Songs: Non-Music The color of non-music elements Songs: Uncategorized The color of uncategorized elements Spots The color of spots Stopsets The color of stopset Time Markers The color of time markers Traffic Merge The color of traffic merge positions

- 283 - KEY VALUE Unscheduled The color of unscheduled positions Selection Highlight The color of highlighted areas FONT Bold With this option set to True bold will be in effect. Set at False it will not be. Italics With this option set to True italics will be in effect. Set at False it will not be. Size This controls the size of the type face Typeface There are options here for numerous typefaces. With this option set to True underlining will be in effect. Set at False it will Underline not be. GRID If you would like a visual graph applied, set this to True. This is used in con- Attr Graphs junction with the Songs: Graph and Songs: Hi Graph listed above. This options determines how the lines between rows and columns will Grid Lines appear. Set this to "True" if you would like Child elements to be fully visible. Child Auto Expand Children elements includes the spots within a Traffic Merge position.

You can further refine the overall look of the Editor by resizing fields. There is a line or bar that separates each field header from the one next to it. Hover your cursor over the bar until it turns into a double arrow. Then left click your mouse and drag the bar to the desired location.

Saving an Editor Design Saving the design allows you to reload it at any time. We'd suggest you be creative here and make designs for different purposes. For instance, a design for the Music Director and a different one for the Program Director. You might have several of these, one for each person who adds edits or reviews logs or you might have designs with specific information visible, like coding or research scores. If there is any view that you use consistently, save it for future use.

- 284 - Scheduling

Loading an Editor Designer Now that you've built and saved different designs, this option will allow you to load any of them.

Keep in mind you may have many fields in this design so you may need to use the scroll bar at the bottom of your screen to see them all.

Editor Layout You can also access the Editor Layout function by right clicking in the Editor or right clicking on the pointer column1 and selecting Editor Layout. Choices include:

l Load – This option lets you load a previously saved design.

l Modify – This option opens the Edit Grid Layout box where you can change the Selected Fields and the Grid Properties.

l Save – This option allows you to save the design you have created.

l Autosize All – This option allows the system to determine how big each field should be based upon the contents. Schedule Editing Features The process of editing a log is a personal one for each programmer. Our hope is that you’ve set up your rules and music rotations in a way that you have to make minimal adjustments.

Keep in mind that while multiple users can be editing logs at the same time, should those users edit in a way that results could be different, messages may appear indicating that. For instance, if two users were in the same hour but on different positions looking for replacement songs, the changes made by one user could affect what the other user's results.

This section goes over the various options you have available to you to make any editing as efficient as possible.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 285 - Close Hours Delete an Element Editing an Element Element Properties Finding Songs that Fail Highlighting Hour Marker Context Menu Insert an Element Jump To Key Mapping Log Memo Manual Scheduler Moving a Song Replace an Element Schedule Analysis Schedule Editor Options Schedule Recap Schedule Status Show-Hide Elements Swapping Songs Test Results Panel Text Search Timing Mode Options Toggle Toolbars Unschedule an Element Unscheduled Positions Vicinity Viewer

Close Hours The Close Hours icon allows you to close the schedule history for the time period specified. There are several options available when the box appears.

- 286 - Scheduling

l Lock all remaining elements in this time period - Once run, the items in the log will not be allowed to change.

l Delete all unscheduled music positions - This is the fastest way to remove unneeded unscheduled positions in the log.

l Delete fill songs beyond their limit as specified in the clock properties - This is the fastest way to remove unneeded fill positions in the log.

Delete an Element It's as easy as using your delete key to remove an element from the log. You can also right-click and use the context menu option for delete. Either way, when you do this, you will receive a confirmation box where you will indicate "Yes" to complete the process.

Should you wish to delete multiple items, you can do so by holding the CONTROL key while you click on various lines. The delete key or the context menu option will then delete the selected lines.

If you would like to delete unscheduled positions, there is another option in the context menu specifically for this type of deletion. You will choose between deleting unscheduled elements in the hour or in the day.

Direct Data Entry You can significantly speed up the process of replacing a song if you know what criteria you want. You need to put your cursor in the specific field you wish to search in. There are several ways you can search

l Exact match – Simply type exactly what you are looking for.

l Begins with – This operator requires a format of “Text..”

l Ends with – This operator requires a format of “..text”

l Contains – This operator requires a format of “..text..”

A list of music that matches the criteria will then show up in the replacement window. This will not overwrite any song card information.

For instance, let's say you only wanted to see songs by females. If you went to your gender field and typed in the code for females, let's say "F", the list of songs by females would appear. You might do “John..” looking for all songs in your library that start with “John” like Lennon, Waite, Fogerty and Mellencamp. In that example, you would not get Elton John as his name ends with “John” and the operator used was Begins with.

This can be done in coding fields and even your artist and title field.

This function does not work in the Category and Dayparts fields.

- 287 - Should you wish to only search in “Contains” mode, you can set this as default value in Schedule Editor Options, Direct Entry.

Editing an Element From time to time you may wish to edit an element already in the Schedule Editor. This might be to correct information about the song or lognote already scheduled.

To edit a song card, use the icon on the toolbar. This is a live song card. Any change you make here will be made throughout the station and potentially the entire Enterprise database.

If you want to edit a lognote, you can do this with [ALT-F3]. The LogNote Editor box will appear allowing you to make any changes you wish.

Element Properties There are properties that can be configured for a specific position in the log to determine how the position is handled. These properties are only for the specific instance and will not be implemented in other logs.

If you want specific element properties to always be applied to a position, make those changes in the Element Properties of the specific clock.

While in the Editor, right-click on a song or LogNote and select Element Properties.

- 288 - Scheduling

Options here include:

l Element is Locked - This option prevents further editing

l Hide from Log Export

l Hide from Reconciliation

l Hide from Log Printing

l Transition

l Comment

l User Code 1

l User Code 2

- 289 - If you would like to set the properties for multiple elements at once, left-click on a line and hold down the CONTROL key, highlighting as many lines as you would like. When you’ve completed the list, right-click on the pointer column1 and choose Selected Elements Properties.

Should you wish to see a visual cue to these properties, add the Schedule: Properties field to your layout.

Finding Songs that Fail There are two icons you can use to quickly find failures in the Editor. These icons either take you to the next or previous failure.

Of course, this is MusicMaster so we give you the ability to determine what is a failure. By default a failure is an element that violates a rule or is unscheduled. If you would like to refine that, you can do so by selecting the Options icon on the toolbar.

Highlighting Highlighting is a way to visually display characteristics in your data. Each of these can then be individually displayed as a column in the Editor design.

The Details section lets you name the Highlight, pick the color and determine the Mode. The Mode allows you to determine what is included in the test for the highlight. You can choose to test against “All Songs,” “Music Only” or “Non-Music Only”.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 290 - Scheduling

The Search Filters area works like the query you see through the program.

To display the Highlight in the Editor, Modify the Layout and add the field. These will be listed in the "Schedule:" section.

Hour Marker Context Menu There are several options available to you when you right-click on an hour marker. These include:

l Jump To - This option lets you jump to a specific hour in the log.

l Bookmark - When you want to come back to specific time in the log, the bookmark will take you there.

l Clone Hours - This is the faster way to copy hours to another time

l Lock Hour - When engaged, this prevents further editing to the hour.

l View Format Clock - This opens the clock used to create the hour.

l View Loose Spots - If you are importing traffic, you can view loose spots by the day or hour.

l Insert Element - See Insert an Element for information on the choices here.

l Delete Element

l Unschedule Element

l Delete Unscheduled Elements

l Element Properties - See Element Properties for information on the choices here.

l Check-the-Log Report - See Check the Log for information on this option.

l Editor Layout - See the end of the Schedule Editor Design section for information on this option.

Insert an Element There are several ways you can insert an element: Right-click in the Editor and select Insert Element, use the [Insert] key or [Shift-Insert].

- 291 - When you right-click, you will have these options:

l Insert and Schedule Song – This option will open the Database Query box for you to select your parameters. You can now configure the Categories, Filters and Sort Keys tabs to narrow your search. You may also wish to Load a previous Query using the Load button. If you configure a new search, click OK to start the search. The inserted element will appear below the line you have selected. If you have your windows arranged so you can see both a music category and the Schedule Editor, you may also drag a song from the song list directly into the Editor. Please note that a song inserted this way will not be tested and should be checked for any possible violations to your rules.

l Insert Unscheduled Position – This option will open the Category Selection box for you to pick which category the unscheduled song will be from. This position can be filled by the Automatic Scheduler. If you have Infobar displayed, you may also highlight a category there and simply drag it into the Schedule Editor

l Insert Unscheduled Manual Position – This option will open the Category Selection box for you to pick which category the unscheduled song will be from. This position can only be filled manually in the Schedule Editor.

l Insert Lognote – This option will open the LogNote Editor box to allow you to type in the description (there is a drop down box so you can see all LogNotes currently in the system), as well as determine the time and if it is a Sweep Marker.

l Insert Traffic Merge – This open will open the Element Properties box of a Traffic Merge position.

l You will be able to set the time frame of the traffic merge along with its duration.

If you use the [Insert] key, the only option is to insert a song. It will be placed below the current element. The Database Query box will appear for you to select your parameters. You can now configure the Categories, Filters and Sort Keys tabs to narrow your search. You may also wish to Load a previous Query using the Load button. If you configure a new search, click OK to start the search.

[Shift-Insert] can be configured by you. This is done in Schedule Editor Options.

Jump To This option allows you to go to a specific date and time in a log.

There are several ways you can do this: Right click and select Jump to or use the short- cut of CTL-J.

When you right-click to do this, Jump to will give you the option to navigate to the time you'd like. CTL-J takes you right to a box where you can type in the time.

- 292 - Scheduling

Key Mapping Key Mapping allows you to determine specific functions with specific keystrokes. When you are in the Schedule Editor, the Schedule Menu will have the Key Mapping option. This opens a setup screen where you can configure 10 different hotkeys to open various Schedule functions.

The Select option gives you dozens of options. You can assign any function to any key command that you’d like.

Log Memo The Log Memo is a way to have notes on a specific day. These can be used for any purpose. You can create these Log Memos from the Schedule Calendar or within the Schedule Editor.

From the Schedule Calendar, select your date and right-click. From within the Editor use the Log Memo icon.

Either way, an editing box appears where you can simply start typing. You will have options to Import and Export if desired.

Be sure to use the Save icon when you are done. Also note that you can leave this editor open and use the drop down to select other days as needed.

When there is a Log Memo available the icon will turn green on the Schedule Calendar and in the Editor

- 293 - Moving a Song To move a song in the Editor, left click on the pointer column1 of the song and drag it to where you’d like it. You should see a gray line across the screen indicating where the song will be located when you release the .

Replace an Element There are various ways to replace both song and lognote element types. Both are described below.

Replace a Song Element - F9 or double-click

The most common way to replace an element is to either double-click on it or press F9. This will call up a list of replacement elements based upon the existing category.

When you do this, the replacement window will appear.

The replacement window is looking at the entire category. If you find a perfect song, that is one that MusicMaster did not have available when it considered that position.

The replacement window has its own toolbar with icons.

l Schedule Song – Clicking on this icon will place the song in your schedule.

l Cancel – This option will close the Replacement Song List window

l Database Query – See Query the Library for more information on the Query. When you load a Query here, the list will be called up in rest order unless you have other sort keys in the Query. When using a standard packet and sorting a song list by rest, the packet history will be used to calculate the rest time for each song. The rest time will be the same for all songs in the packet. T means the way the list is displayed in the replacement window may show some individual song rest times that are higher than the songs around it. Be sure to check for packets in this case. You should be able to spot the song from the packet that is being used to calculate the rest.

l Favorite Database Query – The icon with the heart lets you choose your favorite query in the Replacement window. When you use the dropdown box, you’ll see all the queries in your database. When you select one, it will become the default. To choose this in the future, click on the icon. You can change your favorite at any time. This feature is also in library maintenance. Which query is favorite can be different in both places.

l Sort Songs by Rest - By clicking this icon (the clock with the down arrow), you will sort the list from most rested song to least rested song.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 294 - Scheduling

l Replacement Song list – There are three icons that can be used to determine which Replacement Songs will appear. The triple flag shows you all songs in the category; the double flag shows you songs that pass unbreakable rules; and, the single flag shows you only perfect songs. You may notice that in double- or single-flag the number of the song doesn't match the list; i.e., the first song says "5 of..." The number listed represents where on the entire list this song is. This is designed to give you an idea of how deep into the category you are looking. If you went back to triple- flag, the song would still be "5 of..." on the full list.

l Finding a Perfect Song – You can be taken immediately to a perfect song by clicking on these icons (green flags with arrows), going either forward or backwards through the list.

l More – This icon will appear if there are more songs you can test. The replacement window will generally show the top 10 or less songs that are available. If you sort the list by rest, the songs shown will be the ones that satisfy the test filter in rested order. If you would like to see more songs, you can click on this button and more songs will be loaded. To see all remaining songs, hold the [Shift] while clicking on the More button to test and load all remaining songs. The advantage of this function is that your replacement list will come up much quicker and the replacement you’d be likely to pick will be on your screen immediately. If you need more choices, they are always available to you. If you do not see the More button, it is because all of the songs that meet the test filter are already showing.

l Load Grid Layout – This works like it does for the Schedule Editor. See Query the Library

l Show/Hide Fields –This works like it does for the Schedule Editor. See Query the Library

l Save Grid Layout – This works like it does for the Schedule Editor. See Query the Library

l Song Card View – Opening this icon will allow you to edit the Song Card of any replacement song.

l Toggle Display View – This icon will rearrange the display of your editor. This is a continuous loop, so if you keep clicking on the icon, you will eventually return to the display you started with.

The replacement song list does look at the entire category. Your list may already be sub-sorted if you use the double or single flag. As you click on columns to resort the list, the number of songs can change in what appears to be a random way. This is because the sort is always done on the entire list so elements can be moved within the list. If you looked at the entire list in triple-flag mode, you would not see this type of change.

Other Replacement Choices

You can also select [SHIFT-F9] which will automatically schedule the most-rested perfect song. If no songs are perfect, the most-rested song that only violates a breakable rule will be scheduled. If all songs violate unbreakable rules, a message will appear on the screen telling you this.

- 295 - If you need more options, right click on the song and select Schedule Song. The drop down box will then give you many choices. You may either highlight the option to choose it or use the hot-key listed:

l Match category of scheduled song or clock element – This option will search for replacement songs in the category shown in the editor. [F9]

l Enter song description search phrase – This option opens a Quick Query box where you can type in anything you’d like. If no matches are found in the category you are searching in, the Query box will appear, allowing you to pick the categories to choose from and any filters or sort keys you may want. [ALT- F9]

l Select from Category List – This option will give you a list of the songs in the category, in most rested order. What is included on the list will depend upon the option you set (all songs, those that pass breakable or those that pass all songs). [CTL-F9]

l Match field value on existing song – This option will find a matching song depending upon the field you are in, matching the existing song. The replacement window will automatically open showing possible matches. For instance, if you are in the Artist field, it will already list that Artist’s name in the Filter, ready for you to Add the filter and choose any Categories or Sort Keys you need. [CTL-1]

l Match field value on previous song - This option will find a matching song depending upon the field you are in, matching the previous song. The Query box will come up with the Filter automatically configured for the field you are in. For instance, if you are in the Artist field, it will already list that Artist’s name in the Filter, ready for you to Add the filter and choose any Categories or Sort Keys you need. [CTL-2]

l Match field value on next song - This option will find a matching song depending upon the field you are in, matching the next song. The Query box will come up with the Filter automatically configured for the field you are in. For instance, if you are in the Artist field, it will already list that Artist’s name in the Filter, ready for you to Add the filter and choose any Categories or Sort Keys you need. [CTL-SHIFT-2]

l Search by field query - This option is dependent upon the field your cursor is currently in. For instance, if you were in the Artist field and selected this option, the Query box would appear with the Filter tab open and the Filter set to Artist. You would then have the option to pick which Artist or Artists to include. [CTL-Q]

l Search by field value - This option is dependent upon the field your cursor is currently in. For instance, if you were in the Artist field and selected this option, the Query box would appear with the Filter tab open and the Filter set to the specific Artist you were on. [CTL-R]

l Search using Saved Query – This option will allow you to call up replacement songs based upon any previously saved Queries you have in the program.

l Search using a Saved Song List – This option will allow you to call up songs based upon any previously saved Song Lists you have in the program.

l Search for a song to fill the hour – This option will automatically open the Query box with the specific time needed to fill the hour. You can modify this to look for a slightly larger range of times by changing the MinimumHourLength and MaximumHourLength properties in Enterprise, Stations

l Search the list of deleted and replaced songs – The songs that you see in your schedule are the ones that should play based upon your rules and rotations. If

- 296 - Scheduling

you delete a song from the schedule or replace a song, you might be causing that song to lose its turn in the rotation. This option will allow you to pull up only those songs you’ve deleted or replaced in the schedule to hopefully find a better place for them in your log.

Replace a LogNote Element

To replace a lognote element, you can double-click on it which will bring up the LogNote Editor box. This box has AutoComplete automatically activated. This means you can start to type what you are looking for and the line will fill in if there are any matches.

If you clear the line and then use the editor helper button, a list of all lognotes will appear in the Break Text Lookup box.

A hot-key is also available to edit lognotes. If you use [F2], it will also open the LogNote Editor box. Pressing [F2] again opens the LogNote Editor box where you can continue your search.

Replace an Element by Specific Field

You can significantly speed up the process of replacing a song if you know what criteria you want. You need to put your cursor in the specific field you wish to search in. This is called Direct Data Entry. There are several ways you can search:

l Exact match – Simply type exactly what you are looking for.

l Begins with – This operator requires a format of “Text..”

l Ends with – This operator requires a format of “..text”

l Contains – This operator requires a format of “..text..”

A list of elements that matche the criteria will then show up in the replacement window. This will not overwrite any song card information.

For instance, let's say you only wanted to see songs by females. If you went to your gender field and typed in the code for females, let's say "F", the list of songs by females would appear. You might do “John..” looking for all songs in your library that start with “John” like Lennon, Waite, Fogerty and Mellencamp. In that example, you would not get Elton John as his name ends with “John” and the operator used was Begins with.

This can be done in coding fields and even your artist and title field.

This function does not work in the Category and Dayparts fields.

- 297 - Schedule Analysis Schedule Analysis is a very powerful tool allowing you to keep track of any number of concerns you may have about your programming. Whether you want to know where the unscheduled positions are, what gender is playing more throughout an hour or perhaps you have governmental requirements you must meet, all of these things can be accommodated (and more) with the Schedule Analysis.

There are two components to Schedule Analysis: Hour/Day Analysis and Instant Analysis.

Hour/Day Analysis

This tab is opened by default. You can configure one property here. We'd recommend it be important or useful to you as you'll be able to show the information on the status bar of the Editor.

- 298 - Scheduling

Click on the Setup button to open the Statistics Editor.

- 299 - In this box, you have several options:

l Period – This option is grayed out since the feature uses the whole day. Use Instant Analysis discussed below if you would like to do a portion of a day.

l Target – This is where you will determine what the window will show. Your choices range from Total Elements to Unscheduled Songs to Marked Songs to every attribute code in your database. Be sure to scroll through the whole list so you can see all of your options. The secondary option on the Target line is to determine which type of element will be looked at, everything, music or non- music.

l Against – When you choose a Target like Unscheduled Songs, you can configure the Against mode so that the Display will show how the Unscheduled Songs relate to it. For instance, let's say you made the Against mode Song Elements. When the box is displayed, you will see the relationship of Unscheduled Songs against the total number of Song Elements in the Hour. The secondary option on the Target line is to determine which type of element will be looked at, everything, music or non-music.

l Display – Using the example above, you could now determine how you want your display configured. Options include count, percentage and combinations of these.

l Label – This is what will appear in the Statistics box when it is displayed

l There are two other boxes to configure: Low and High. Using these boxes, you can determine a range for the Target. If the calculation is outside that range, the Statistics box will highlight the Target in a different color for you.

l Always Show - When you pick a specific Period, you must be in those hours for Instant Analysis to display the information. If you would like to see the statistics at all times, check this box.

Instant Analysis

The Instant Analysis tab allows you to configure the Statistics box that can float or be docked on your screen at all times while you are editing. This is quite helpful to make sure each hour contains the proportions you require. Click on Add to bring up the Statistics Editor.

- 300 - Scheduling

The Statistics Editor for Instant Analysis is exactly like the one for Hour/Day Analysis listed above. The only difference is that Instant Analysis lets you configure as many parameters as you want.

Click the Add button to create a new panel (or Clone if you already have one that is similar). The same Statistics Editor described above appears.

When selected through Show-Hide Elements, the panel looks like this:

- 301 - The Timing tab shows you the timing information for the hour and day.

Schedule Editor Options This section controls settings to customize your Editor.


Schedule Editor Options can be opened using the icon on the toolbar.

- 302 - Scheduling

Rule Failure Search Options

This section allows you to determine search options for rule failures, including the ability to stop on unscheduled positions. The drop-down box lists the various folders of rules you can choose from. This is handy if you wish to bypass the review of songs that fail a certain level of rules. These rules may have such a low importance, that you can pass the failure and move on to more important rules. You can also determine whether you'd like to stop on unscheduled positions. Unless checked, unscheduled positions will not be considered failures. If you want to stop on these positions, check the box.

Shift+Insert Function

This option allows you to configure how this keystroke combination works in the Schedule Editor. By default it works from a menu that lists all of the options. If you use one exclusively, you can set that option here so each time the keystroke combination is used in the Editor, it always selects the option you wish:

l Insert and Schedule Song – This options inserts an unscheduled element and opens the Library Query box so you can choose the parameters to fill the position.

- 303 - l Insert Unscheduled Element – This option inserts an unscheduled element with no categories chosen.

l Insert Unscheduled Category - This option will open the Category Selection box so you can choose the category of the unscheduled position.

l Insert Manual Position – This option will open the Category Selection box so you can choose the category of the manual position.

l Insert LogNote – This option opens the LogNote Editor box.

l Insert Traffic Merge – This option opens the Traffic Merge Element properties box.

Failure Alert

This open gives you choices on how you’d like additional information to appear in the Editor should you select an element that has a rule failure. Settings include:

l Status Bar Flag Only - This is a flag that appears on the status bar of the Editor and will change color to indicate the rule status.

l Colored Panel – This opens a panel in the Editor that can be floated or docked, setting the size to whatever you’d like. An unbreakable failure will display red while a breakable failure will display yellow. If there is no failure, the panel will disappear from your screen.

l Audio Alert – This plays the Windows “New Mail Notification” sound effect by default. You can also create file called “notify.wav” and place it in the MusicMaster program folder if you would a custom sound effect.

l Colored Panel and Audio Alert

l Message Box Alert – This option will pop up a window that must be cleared before you can continue.

Additional Options

l Test Optimum Scheduling Goals – Scheduling Goals are tested in the Schedule Editor. These will be listed at the bottom of the Test Results panel. If you would prefer not to tests Goals in the Editor, you can disable this feature by clearing this check box.

l Show the description of non-song elements in the secondary field - By default, non-song elements display their title in the field designated as the primary field in Dataset, Library, Fields. If you wish to use the secondary field, check this box.

l Show song lists in list order in replacement song window – By default, song lists are sorted by rest in the replacement window. If you would like the display in the order of the list, check this option. The bookmarked song will be at the top of the replacement list in this mode. If you schedule the song in the bookmark position, the bookmark will advance to the next song. While you can resort this list, once you do this, you cannot return to the list order. This setting works whether you drag a list from the InfoBar or select it from the context menu.

l Emulate Hot Keys - Check if you’d like to emulate common hot keys from other music schedulers. These hot keys will work on any non-editable field in the Editor. This will enable: l 1 – Load replacements matching primary field on current song

l 2 – Load replacements matching primary field on previous song

l 4 – Vicinity Viewer

l A – Toggle History Graph based upon the Auto-Match field

- 304 - Scheduling

l J – Swap songs

l K – Load songs from the category of the current song into the replacement song window

l O – Undo

l S – Select category

l U – In the Editor this will unschedule the active element

l X – Toggle the Element Mask

l Y – Yesterday (Schedule Review Window for same hour one day ago)

l Show Log Memos Automatically - Check this if you would like this memo to pop-up automatically when opening the Editor

Direct Data Entry

Check boxes are available for two settings when you are using direct data entry:

l When searching text fields, use a “contains” search

l When searching by Category, use a “begins with” search

Replacement Songs

This option lets you determine the list of categories that will be searched when using many of the song replacement functions in the Editor. You'll find many options under the Search Mode drop down. Each mode can have its own default category list.

- 305 - The final two options to determine are the “Show selection box” and “Sort matching songs by rest” check boxes at the bottom of the screen.

Schedule Recap There are times when you would like to review what rules a particular song, or group of songs, is failing. You must set up the Automatic Scheduler to save the Thinking Process, which will give you this information.

In the Editor, right click on a song or songs and select Scheduling Recap. MusicMaster will then load the information for review. In the following example, one song was reviewed. The Scheduler Recap Report indicates what song is being reviewed, the scheduling time frame, and the specific times and rules violated when the song was considered. You have options to Save and Print this information from the ToolBar.

This feature is useful to determine what rules prevented a song from playing. Keep in mind the schedule rule, though. A song that fails one day can easily pass the next, so adjusting rules after reviewing on Schedule Recap is not recommended. Rather, review the song over the coarse of a week or so to see if there is a pattern.

This display shows all the times the song came up for consideration. When you use the Summary button, you will see a digest of the schedule attempts and the rule failures.

- 306 - Scheduling

Schedule Status One of the fields available to yourSchedule Editor Design is called Schedule: Status. When this field is displayed, it will display the highest rule violation on the Rule Tree. Songs with red backgrounds indicate a failure of an unbreakable rule. Songs with a yellow background indicate a failure of a breakable rule.

When you replace, move or otherwise change music in the log, this column will be automatically updated. This is actively testing. Each change you make will cause the Editor to retest and show any new violations as a result of the change you make. This can cause a slowdown in response for the Editor as it retests all songs.

Use of this field can slow down the speed of the Editor as it has to retest and update after any change that is made.

- 307 - Show-Hide Elements As much as you use MusicMaster, it should look exactly the way you want it, down to what fields of information you display while editing a log. Show/Hide Elements allows you to narrow down what you see.

l The Elements, Day Count and Hour Count - These all have the same options available.

l Categories - This option lists all your categories. If you typically edit your currents and recurrents first, consider making a design that only shows those categories. You'll spend less time scrolling through the log and more time making sure the log is terrific.

For any of these tabs, you can configure a Favorite and Save it for later loading.

Swapping Songs To swap two songs in the Editor, double-click on the song until the color background of the pointer column1turns red. Double-click on the song that you would like to swap with and the change will be made.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 308 - Scheduling

If you wish to do this with keystrokes, you can use [F5] on the first song to swap and [F5] again on the second song.

Another option available is [SHIFT-F5]. This option will automatically look for swaps of the song element you are on and other elements in the same category. This is done for the previous, current and next hour. If a combination is found that returns a better test result for one or both of the songs, the swap will be saved. If no better combination is found, the original song will be left in place. Depending upon how many songs are scheduled in the same category in these three hours, it can take a minute for the program to test each combination.

Since it’s possible that the swapped songs will not be close in the log, there is a handy way to jump back to the last tested song. If you are displaying the Hour Selection bar from Toggle Toolbars, you will have the ability to use the dropdown to select “Jump to Last Tested Song”.

Test Results Panel The Test Results Panel is a toggle that can be displayed at all times using the icon. It will always display when you Replace an Element.

This Test Panel has icons at the top you can configure: All Rules, Rules that Fail and Top Rule Failure

l All Rules – If this icon is depressed, you will see all tests that are applicable to the category. If the test is listed in green it means it passed the test. If the test is highlighted in yellow it means it breaks the breakable rule. If the test is highlighted in red it means it fails the rule. If the test is in black, it means that rule is not in play at this time due to time restrictions. If you have any special Rule Tree items in effect, those will be indented under the Rule Group listing for clarity.

l Rules that Fail – If this icon is depressed, you will only see the tests that fail the rules.

l Top Rule Failure – This flag may or may not appear depending upon whether the element violates any rules. If it does, the flag will be the appropriate color (yellow or red). If you hover over it, it will tell you the rule violation. If you click the flag, it will take you to that point in the list. This option only occurs when you are in All Rules (triple-flag) mode.

Text Search Text Search is designed to find a matching value based upon the field you are currently in. When you select this option, it will default to the field you are in and populate it with that information.

- 309 - Other options here allow you to change where the Search is conducted, what direction the search is done in and how the match is processed.

Timing Mode Options There are several timing mode options you may wish to use in the Editor. Unscheduled positions can be controlled with an option that allows you to determine how the position is calculated. When pressed in, Unscheduled positions will be considered to have a 0:00 length for all timing calculations. When it is not pressed in, the estimated average runtime from the format clock will be used for these positions.

Toggle Toolbars The Toggle Toolbars icon allows you to turn on various additional toolbars within the Schedule Editor.

Choices here include:

Test Results

The Test Results panel is automatically displayed when you replace a song, but you can also have it visible all the time. Test Results displays a window showing the results for each song in your schedule. The flag options allow you to determine what is displayed.

l All Rules (Triple Flag) – If this icon is depressed, you will see all tests that are applicable to the category. If the test is listed in green it means it passed the test. If the test is highlighted in yellow it means it breaks the breakable rule. If the test is highlighted in red it means it fails the rule. If the test is in black, it means that rule is not in play at this time due to time restrictions. If you have any special Rule Tree items in effect, those will be indented under the Rule

- 310 - Scheduling

Group listing for clarity.

l Rules that Fail (Double Flag) – If this icon is depressed, you will only see the tests that fail the rules.

l Top Rule Failure (Single Flag) – This flag may or may not appear depending upon whether the element violates any rules. If it does, the flag will be the appropriate color (yellow or red). If you hover over it, it will tell you the rule violation. If you click the flag, it will take you to that point in the list. Note: this option only occurs when you are in triple-flag mode.

Instant Analysis

See Schedule Analysis for information on this feature

Results Bar

The Results Bar is a configurable bar that allows you to select from numerous panels. These panels are snapshots of the information you have asked to see.

If the panel corresponds to a rule you have turned on, the panel will change colors-- green for pass, yellow for violating a breakable rule and red for violating an unbreakable rule. The panel could be grayed out, which means there is nothing to display for that element. It might also have a blue "i", information, icon. This means there is no test, MusicMaster is simply providing information to you.

Right-click in the Results Bar to select Customize and open the setup box.

- 311 - The options you will have in this panel will vary depending upon how many keyword fields you have in your database. For instance, you may have an artist keyword and also a title keyword. Entries for both of these will appear. The following list describes each option:

l Current Hour Display – This shows the log hour in bold numbers

l Cross-Station Keyword Separation - This panel shows the separation of the keyword to other stations.

l Cross-Station Separation - This panel shows the separation of the song to other stations.

l Hour Rotation Map – This shows the hours the song previously played in

l Keyword: Nearest Plays – This shows you the date and time of the closest plays by the keyword

l Keyword: Separation – This shows the time back and ahead of the keyword

l Nearest Play - This shows the nearest play.

l Nearest Play in Same Hour – This shows you how far back the song played in the same hour.

l Nearest Play in Same Shift – This shows you how far back the song played in the same shift

l Nearest Play Yesterday – This shows the nearest play in the previous day

l Segue Nearest PlaySong Segue: Nearest Plays – This shows the nearest plays of a song segue of the song you are highlighted on and the song immediately before it. The songs can be in the same or opposite order. Note: If there are any elements between the two songs with a runtime greater than 00:00, then they are not considered a segue and the check is not performed. l Shift Hour Rotation – This shows you the last five shifts the song played in

l Shift Rotation Map – This shows the shift numbers of the previous ten plays

l Segue Separation – This shows the separation time between the song you are highlighted on and the song immediately before it.

l Nearest Plays – This shows the closes plays backwards and forwards

l Song: Rotation - This is a mini version of the history graph

l Separation – This shows the time back and ahead for the song plays.

The panels are actively tested as you change the log. If you have numerous keyword and history fields displayed, this can cause a slowdown in response for the Editor as it retests the songs so it can populate the panels.

Hour Selection

This option is an hour bar that includes all hours so you can quickly jump to a new hour in the log.

- 312 - Scheduling

Unschedule an Element There are a couple of ways to unschedule an element: You can right-click and select the option from the context menu or you can use [CTRL-U]. Both options will pop up a box asking you to confirm your choice.

You can unschedule multiple elements at the same time by selecting the elements (hold down the [CONTROL] key). When you've selected your list, right-click on the pointer column1 and select Unschedule Selected Elements.

Unscheduled Positions Unscheduled positions happen from time to time when MusicMaster schedules a log.

At any given time, MusicMaster looks at only a portion of the category, based upon the search depth that you set in Schedule Properties. As you set up Unbreakable Rules on categories, MusicMaster must now find a song in that portion of the category that meets your rules.

For instance, let’s say you have a small category of 15 songs. You specify that the search depth is five. You have several Unbreakable Rules on the category including Artist Keyword separation and Minimum Rest. When MusicMaster schedules a log, it will look at the next five songs. Should those five songs fail either of the Unbreakable rules, the position will be left as Unscheduled.

This brings up the common question of, “Why can I find a replacement song that is perfect? Why didn't MusicMaster pick this song>?” This is because you are looking at the entire category, not just the five songs that the Scheduler had to look at.

To alleviate Unscheduled positions, you may wish to increase the search depth or perhaps review the Recap Report to find out what settings are causing songs to fail.

Vicinity Viewer The Vicinity Viewer is an option that allows you to see music on either side of the position you are currently looking at in the Schedule Editor. Options at the top include setting the date/time to review, the ability to see a detailed schedule review, determine the field you are reviewing and the number of hours to include in the view.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 313 - The Viewer will open to the date and hour you currently have selected in the Editor. Should you wish to view a different date or hour, you can use the drop-down arrows to do so. When you have picked your new settings, the green button will load it.

The arrows to the left and right will go backwards and forwards around the time you have picked. If you wish to go back or forward one whole day, hold the [Shift] key down while clicking on the appropriate arrow.

The magnifying glass with the plus sign is the single-hour mode. By clicking on this icon, only one hour will appear in the Viewer. If you close the Viewer, it will revert back to the previous hour setting.

There is also a drop-down box to allow you to configure the window to display whatever field you wish.

The window size will be five-hours by default. You can adjust this to a range of odd numbers between three and 13 hours. Whatever setting you pick will be the new default the next time the Viewer is opened.

Double-clicking on a position will close the pop-up box and take you to that position in the Editor.

Schedule Setup This section covers the areas that help you set up the schedule process.

- 314 - Scheduling

Autoburn Automatic Scheduler Auto Platoon Check the Log Clone Hours Export Gold Recycling History Snapshot Import from Network Printed Logs Purge History QuickView Reconcile Schedule Calendar Schedule Order Schedule Properties Shift Editor Traffic System Interface Unschedule Autoburn The Autoburn feature allows you to “burn” a certain number of songs at a specified time. Prior to an Automatic Scheduling run, the AutoBurn charts are checked for each category and hour. You can also access this feature in the Graphic Display portion of Analysis. Should settings be found, the number of songs list will be passed.

Under Scheduler, select AutoBurn. You can pick the category you wish to adjust using the pop-down box. The large box below that will show the full 168 hours of a week.

Click into the day and hour you wish to assign AutoBurn and type in the number. This is the number of songs that will be bypassed by the scheduler when the next log is scheduled.

The use of Autoburn speeds up a category. You can review the result in the Analysis Turnovers.

- 315 - The option for Display Burn Spreadsheet can be used with categories that have a search depth of one, 26 or less song and no dayparting or Auto Kick. When enabled, it will show you how the songs in the category will rotate through the hours given the Autoburn setting.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when you are reviewing this graph:

This graph will assign letters to each song in the category. For instance, if you have five songs in the category, they will be assigned the letters A-E. The “A” song will be highlighted in the graph. These letters are only to allow you to see where each song would plot. They do not refer to the music categories you might have in your data.

It is possible for more than one letter to appear. This would mean multiple songs from that category are anticipated to play in that hour.

Automatic Scheduler The Automatic Scheduler allows you to configure the session and options, automatically scheduling music. Only one user can automatically schedule music at any given time. Other users will receive a message indicating another user is scheduling and ask that they retry or cancel their scheduling request.

Under Scheduler, select Automatic Scheduler.

- 316 - Scheduling

Session The Session tab allows you to configure the dates, times and categories to be scheduled.

Options include:

l Do not advance last schedule date/hour -This is particularly useful if you schedule your log in passes.

l Sort selected categories by rest before scheduling - This option will resort the scheduling list by rest prior to the scheduling sesion.

l The Categories to Schedule not only lists your categories, but has your category groups available as well. This might speed up your scheduling process if you schedule in passes, discussed in Options below. If you create a category group for each set of categories you wish to schedule, you could simply pick that group.

l Schedule Special Elements allows you to determine if you want a level of special sets are scheduled. The specific levels are determined in the special set element on the clocks. Also listed here is the Library Query element.

- 317 - l Holiday Override allows you to force the Automatic Scheduler to treat certain testing options as if it were a different day, rather than what it really is. Rules affected include Rule Group dayparting settings, shift assignment grid and song dayparting assignment grid. For instance, if Monday is a holiday, you can specify Sunday and it will use the rules associated with Sunday. This affects the first day you schedule, should you schedule more than one day at a time. Also, this feature does not affect the Test Results Panel in the Editor. If you want different clocks for holiday programming, please use the Format Scheduler as this option does not affect clocks assignments in any way.

l The Session Song List options allows you to determine what Song List you’d like to schedule from. This allows you use the generic [Use Session List] option in the Saved List Clock Element and change the list easily each time you schedule music, eliminating the need to have multiple clocks for specific Lists.

Options There are multiple choices on the Options tab that control how a log is scheduled, what happens during the process and afterward.

- 318 - Scheduling

Scheduling Session Style

This determines how the session will be conducted. There are four options. To describe these options, we’ll use an example of a station that schedules categories in the order of A, B and C. We’ll start a scheduling run on Monday and go through Sunday, seven days.

If Schedule Entire Session is picked, it would start with Monday and schedule all the category As through Sunday. Once it finished scheduling the As on Sunday, it would go back to Monday and schedule the category Bs, etc.

If Schedule Each Day is picked, it will schedules all the category As on Monday, then go back to the beginning of Monday and schedule all the category Bs, etc. When Monday was complete, it would then schedule Tuesday, etc.

For Schedule Each Level, our example needs to be modified. In this case, we’ll schedule one day and Schedule Properties has the advanced setting of 1s from midnight to 11am and 2s from noon to 11pm. The program will look at the level of the first hour scheduled, midnight, and see a level of 1. It will schedule each category according to the pass order (A, B, C) until it reaches noon. When that section is done, it goes to the next level and repeats the process. Here’s another, more complicated example: Let’s say 6-9am is level 1 and the rest of the day is level 2. We’ll schedule one day. The scheduler will look at the first category from midnight to 6am and then the subsequent categories in those same hours until all passes are done for that block of hours, in this case, level 2. Then it will do the same thing for the morning drive block of hours, level 1. It will finish by scheduling the music for the rest of the day, which is level 2 again. The scheduling has nothing to do with the level numbers themselves, but with the consecutive block of hours with the same level.

If Schedule Each Hour is picked, it will start with midnight and schedule the As, then go back to the top of the midnight hour and schedule the Bs, etc. Once the midnight hour is completed, the process would repeat in the 1am hour.

Many programmers like to schedule their most important categories first, making any changes before the rest of the log is created. These options allow you do that. Used in conjunction with the Categories to Schedule option where you can set up category groups, you can schedule in passes quickly.

Manual Assist Style

When you check off the Manual-Assist Scheduling option, you will cause the Automatic Scheduler to stop and prompt you should no perfect song be available. Instead of the possibility of trying to fill unscheduled positions after the schedule is completed, you fill the positions as you go. For either mode, the list of replacement songs will be displayed in schedule order, giving you the exact conditions the Automatic Scheduler had in effect at that time.

- 319 - Manual-Assist will not stop on Library Query, Migrating or Special Set positions.

There are two modes available: Use Replacement Dialog and Exit to Full Schedule Editor.

Replacement Dialog

With this option, a schedule editor-style display will appear for you to choose the song. Once you have done that, the scheduling session will continue.

The icons in the upper right allow you to toggle options on and off: the history graph, the results bar and the test panel. The final red “x” allows you to cancel the Manual- Assist Scheduling process. A box will display asking you to confirm this choice.

Exit to Full Schedule Editor

Like its name, this option exits you to the same view you'd see if you opened the Schedule Editor.

After making your selection, choose from one of the icons you'll see at the top of the Editor to continue.

l Resume – This will allow the Automatic Scheduler to continue until it either finishes or finds another position it needs assistance with.

l Suspend – This option cancels the Manual-Assist functionality and the Automatic Scheduler will continue scheduling the log until it is complete. You will need to review the log to fill in any unscheduled positions.

- 320 - Scheduling

l Cancel – This option will leave you in the Schedule Editor and the scheduling session will be stopped.

l Find the original element position – This option returns the Pointer Column to the position where the Automatic Scheduler stopped. This is helpful should you scroll around the log and need to return to the last position.

This feature also requires you to set up the individual category settings in the Rule Tree. Right-click on a category and select Category Properties. The following box will open. The drop-down box in Interactive Scheduler will allow you to choose folder level where this feature will be activated.

Save Thinking Process

The option to Save Thinking Process to Disk will give you a file you can review later showing the decision process made by the program in creating your log (this can be handy if you want to see how MusicMaster constructed the log).

Certainly there are many times when you simply want to review the scheduling decisions for just one song. This can be done from either the Schedule Editor or Library Maintenance. From Library Maintenance, load the category and right-click on the song you wish to review. From that context menu, select Scheduling Recap. You will then be able to choose the Current Song, Selected Song(s), Marked Songs or All. MusicMaster will then load the information for review

If you are in the Editor, right-click on the song you wish to review and also select Scheduling Recap.

The Thinking File will also be available if you display the Recap Report, which is discussed below.

- 321 - Show Recap Report

The Recap Report is a graphic display of how the program did in relation to the rules that you have set up. You can click on any of the columns to resort the list.

There are three types of Recap Reports you can view: Rule Stats, Goal Stats and Category Stats.

Rule Stats

This display gives you detailed information on each rule that was tested.

l Rule Folder is the folder as designated in your Rule Tree.

l Rule Description is the specific rule. A yellow Rule Folder and Rule Description line indicates a breakable rule, while a red line indicates an unbreakable rule. Test Count indicates how many times the rule was tested during the scheduling run.

l Pass Pct is a percentage. Low percentages can be an indication that the rules may be too difficult. A Pass Pct below 50% will show up in red for quick reference.

l If the Failed All column shows a number, this would indicate the number of positions where each rule either caused an unscheduled position or caused a song to be scheduled that did not pass all of your rules at the time.

An example of the Rule Stats Report is below:

- 322 - Scheduling

Goal Stats

This report is activated when you use Optimum Goal Scheduling. You can sort by any of the column headers that you have.

When using Optimum Goals Scheduling, you’ll see one entry for each category where that Goal is used. In the example below, you can see that Artist Keyword, Song Rest, Hour Exposure and Shift Exposure are used.

l Keyword Rest – This applies to either Artist or Title Keyword Rest. The percentages listed here are based upon the predicted turnover for songs using that keyword. That calculation is the same as the one you’d receive if you ran the Rule Wizard in the Rule Tree. The Min Value would be the percentage of that turnover the worst song received. The Max Value is the best a scheduled song received. As you’ll notice in the illustration below, there are several instances where the program was able to schedule songs where the keyword had rested significantly more than average.

l Hour Exposure – The minimum value means that the worst song scheduled played in that percentage of the other 23 hours.

l Shift Exposure – This rule does depend on the number of shifts you have set up in the Shift Editor.

l Song Rest – This gives you the smallest, average and longest turnovers for the songs that were scheduled. You always get two lines with Song Rest. One indicates the time while the other indicates the percentages.

Category Stats

This report gives you information on how far into the search depth the scheduler had to go to find the songs it scheduled. It also will give you the number of unscheduled positions at the time the category was scheduled. This is an important clarification since depending upon your clock construction, the number of unscheduled positions listed may not necessarily reflect the final result. For instance, if you use Migrating clocks, categories may be considered but not filled due to rules. Other categories may then fill these positions as the scheduler continues. The number listed represents what happened as each category scheduled.

- 323 - Launch Schedule Editor after scheduling

If you would like the Editor to automatically open once the scheduling session is completed, check this box.

Filters This powerful tool can be used in many ways. Clock elements now have a Session Filter option at the bottom of the Filters tab. When you are creating your clocks, you can configure an element to allow it to have a filter applied to it. When you are in this tab, you then select which filter you want to apply. The rest of the filter box is set up like the Database Query in the program.

The real power here in how you can modify your music programming with very little effort. Let’s say you have songs in your library with “love” in the title. Let’s say you also have songs that you’ve assigned a “driving” theme to. In this example, let’s say you have two positions in every hour that have Filter 1 checked off.

Now, when Valentine’s Day approaches, you can simply go to the Filter and configure it to look for “love” in the title field. Those songs will now be favored when the scheduler comes to those clock positions. When the weekend rolls around, you change that Filter to look for “driving” in the Theme and you’ve just created your specialty weekend programming. While you may have created dozens of clocks in other programs, in MusicMaster you can use your regular and create special programming with a couple of clicks.

Checking off the box to “Rotate through the assigned filters” takes this one step further. With the clock still configured to use a Session Filter, the rotate option can give you even more flexibility. Let’s say you want to alternate the position between male and female singers. On Scheduling Session Filter 1, you would list both of those; i.e., Gender contains any of F and Gender contains any of M. When you check off the

- 324 - Scheduling box, the scheduler will alternate between these two filters on the positions you’ve designated in the clock. This means you can still use just one Session Filter on a clock but still have it rotate through various filters you specify during the scheduling session.

You must turn on the Session Filter rule in the Rule Tree for this to be actively tested.

The Session tab of the Automatic Scheduler window will note in the lower left-hand corner that “Session filters are active!” if you use this feature as a reminder. The Session Filter will remain in effect until you delete it.

Auto Platoon Platooning is a feature that moves songs automatically between two categories. Songs that have been in the category the longest move out and are rested, replaced with songs that have been out of rotation. This allows you to have a larger library of songs to choose from, but maintain control over the size of your categories.

Before setting up Auto Platoon there are some things you’ll want to do:

Determine the size you would like for the category that will be platooned; i.e., what size the category should be after songs are moved out.

Since you’ll be moving songs from one category to another while they rest, you may wish to set up additional categories for this purpose under Library, Categories.

If you’ve made Category Groups, you may wish to update those to include the new categories you’ve made. This can also be done under Library, Categories.

- 325 - Confirm there are songs in the secondary category. If there are no songs in this category, the platoon will not work.

Under Scheduler, select Auto Platoon. The Auto Platoon screen will appear.

When you select Add, you'll see the actual set-up screen:

Categories - This is where you pick the two categories that will share songs. You can see in the example that one category has Rest in the name to make it clear what is happening. You do not need to create a separate category for the resting songs, but many users find it helpful.

- 326 - Scheduling

Move by - This option allows you determine which songs are moved during the platoon. You can choose to move songs by a Move Date or by Category Plays. Move Date would move the songs that have been in the category the longest to the “rest” category and back. Category Plays would move songs that have the most Category Plays to the “rest” category and back.

Determining the number slots to move can be either a number or a percentage of the category.

Amount - This can be either a number or percentages of slots that are moved.

Filters - You may find it useful to only move a subset of a category. Filters can be used to do this. That subset might be your up-tempo songs or songs by a specific artist. You can filter by any field in the station.

The Schedule option is where the fun beings because this is where you create the time frame the platoon will use.

l Daily – This option will perform the platoon at the day interval you specify. The Repeat box will let you pick the interval of days.

l Weekly – This option will perform the platoon at the week interval and day you specify. The Repeat box will let you pick the interval of weeks.

l Month by Date - This option will perform the platoon at the month interval and day you specify. The Repeat box will let you pick the interval of months.

l Month by Day – This option will perform the platoon at the month, week and day of the week you specify. This option would allow you to add multiple platoons. For instance, you could do first Tuesday every month and a second platoon for third Tuesday every month.

l Year by Date – This option will perform the platoon at the year interval, month and day you specify. The Repeat box will let you pick the interval of year.

l Year by Day – This option will perform the platoon at the year, week, day of the week and month you specify.

Each of these options will have a Starting window where you will pick the date to start the platoon.

Depending upon the option you choose you may see an option at the bottom of the screen to determine how the platoon will be performed if the time you’ve picked falls on a weekend. You can choose to Perform the Event, Skip the Event, Move to Previous Friday, Move to Next Monday or Move to Nearest Weekday.

Once you have picked a schedule, the Analysis button in the lower left corner will give you information about how that category will rotate. It will include information on the number of songs in each category and the amount of time it will take to cycle one song out and back as well as how long it will take the whole category to cycle.

- 327 - If there are not enough songs available to move from either category, the number of songs moved will be adjusted to try to maintain the current size of the primary category.

When you click OK, you will be back at the original setup screen, but it will now list the platoon you've created.

You can set up as many different platoons as you’d like. Each is maintained separately and can have different settings.

After you have complete your Auto Platoon set up, there are a couple of things you’ll want to do:

l Since you will be changing the size of the category by using this feature, rules like Minimum Rest, Maximum Rest, Hour Rotation will need to be reviewed and likely updated. Other rules you have in place should be re-evaluated for the smaller size of the categories.

l You may wish to optimize the smaller category for artist separation.

Auto Platoon is performed when the log is automatically scheduled, starting at midnight. You can choose to perform the Auto Platoon at anytime by using the Perform option.

- 328 - Scheduling

Check the Log After you have completed editing a log, Check the Log can be used to retest the log to look for violations. The log is retested on only the rules you select. A list of violations is then available for you to review.

Under Scheduler, select Check the Log. The following box will pop-up:

The top of the box will indicate when music has been scheduled through. You can then adjust the First and Last hour should you wish to check a different log.

The Categories box allows you to configure which categories you wish to retest. Any category groups you have created will be available here. You may wish to create a category group for the purpose of retesting the log. See Categories for more information on setting up groups.

Rule Folders will allow you to determine what level of test will be retested. This can be handy should you not wish to worry about low-level rules.

The actual rule list contains all the possible rules available in the program. All rules are checked off by default. Simply uncheck any rules you do not wish to retest. Once you run the report one time, the category list and rule list will be kept as a default setting for the next time you run Check the Log.

- 329 - There is also an option for Rule Groups. Any Rule Group failures will be displayed unless this box is unchecked.

When you click OK, the print set-up box will appear followed by the report. You can watch the progress in the lower-left hand corner as the log is retested. Then, you can either just review or print the report. The report will indicate the date and time of the violation along with the specific rule and its setting. It will also indicate below the reason for the failure. A red flag on the report means the rule was an unbreakable, a yellow flag means it was a breakable rule. Here’s a portion of a report to show the format:

Clone Hours The Clone Hours option is an easy way to copy entire hours from one time period to another. You can access this by either selecting Schedule, Clone Hour or by right- clicking in the Schedule Editor and selecting it from the context menu.

When you open this option, you will see a set-up screen:

- 330 - Scheduling

After you select the date to start/end and times you wish to include (again, this is for whole hours only), you can pick the date and time where the copy will be done.

Should you wish to copy only a portion of an hour, we would recommend select the elements, right-click to “Copy Selected Elements” then navigate to where you’d like to paste, right- clicking and selecting “Paste Elements”.

When you use clone, keep in mind the types of things you are cloning and what you are cloning to. For instance, once you schedule a log that contains a Format List, those elements might now be music or non-music elements. If you are copying to a log that contains unscheduled Format List positions, the program does not know what those should be. In a case like this, using the option to make an exact copy would ensure you get what you are likely expecting. Export This area gives you choices on how to export your log.

Export to Automation Export to Web Export to Affiliates

Export to Automation This option is used to export your log to your automation system.

- 331 - You can use the icon on the Schedule Editor toolbar or select Schedule, Export, Export to Automation. Once you configure and export a log, those settings will be saved.

Time Period

The time period can be viewed in different date/time selection modes. You can toggle between. Using [CTRL-ALT-D] you can display date only, date/hour and date/time where you can start and/or end the export time period in the middle of a specified hour.

The date/time export will export the elements that are airing in the time frame; i.e., with a start time of 9:30a, whatever element is playing at that time, will be exported first.


The export path and filename are configured here. The output folder can contain date macro commands that will expand based upon the date and hour of the log that is exported. Any missing output folders will be created automatically

- 332 - Scheduling

Export Design

This section lists the exports designs available to you. As you click on each one, the Properties information may change, including the export path and file name. Be sure you have clicked on the design name if you want to change this information.

Of course you have to have a design first.

File Types

There are different file types available:

Delimited ASCII text - A file where a delimiter is used to separate content Fixed-Length ASCII text - A file where each field is a fixed length Generic XML - This uses standard XML constructs and tab naming conventions

We've created many designs for various systems. Feel free to check with your Music Scheduling Consultant to see if we have already pre-build the design you need.

Most of the options here are self-explanatory, but we'll go over Edit as this is the main option you'll use. Whether you have an existing design and simply select Edit or select New and create a design, you'll end up in the same place.

- 333 - The Design page has three main areas, Design Pages, Design Page: "X" and Field Properties:

Design Pages

Design Pages lists the types of pages available for configuration. These include

l Song – This will export song card fields

l Break – This will export lognote information

l Spot - If you are importing traffic spots, this will export them

l Traffic Merge – This will export traffic merge points

l File Header – This is the information that will appear at the top of each file

l File Footer – This is the information that will appear at the bottom of each file

l Day Header – This is the information that will appear at the beginning of each day

l Day Footer – This is the information that will appear at the end of each day

l Hour Header – This is the information that will appear at the top of each hour

l Hour Footer – This is the information that will appear at the bottom of each hour

Each of these design pages will have specific fields that will be available to you. For instance, on a Song page, all the fields in your station will be available to you. On a Break page, you will have fewer options.

Some fields appear on all pages:

l Comment - This is an internal note to help clarify for you what the field does.

l Element Counter – Counts the number of elements in a log. If used on a File Header line, the program will go back at the end of the export to update the Header with the final values.

l Fixed Text – This option allows you to place specific text in the export file.

- 334 - Scheduling

l Line Break – This will create a line break in the export file.

l Script Function – This advanced option will let you modify the data on the export.

l Spacer – This option allows you to add spaces into your design.

l Song Counter – Counts the number of songs in a log. . If used on a File Header line, the program will go back at the end of the export to update the Header with the final values.

Above the listing of various design pages you will see these icons. These icons allow you to add or delete additional lines for Song, Break and Spot lines. The last icon is design properties.

These additional lines will allow you to create custom filters and control which elements use each design page. These pages can be ordered in the list by a simply click and drag/drop. Each exported element works from the top of the list until it finds a matching design page with no filter or where the element matches the filter. The list should be ordered so that the pages with the least matches are on the top and the most matches on the bottom. You might also consider setting up the last design page for that element in such a way to catch all the remaining lines. If this is not done, it could be possible that some elements would not be exported.

If an existing design page is close to what you need for a new page, hold down the [SHIFT] key on that design name while you click on the plus sign and pick the design page you would like to add. This will create a copy of the page. It won’t copy the unique Page Name you may have assigned, but all the fields will be there.

The design properties icon will give you different choices depending upon the type of line you are working on.

Song - Page Name allows you to name the page. The Category Filter is where you will control what elements will use this design page. Options include category groups as well as picking specific categories.

Break - Page Name allows you to name the page. The Break Prefix is where you will control what elements will use this design page. For instance, you may have some breaks that start with a square bracket and some that do not. You can put “[“ in the Break Prefix line and then configure how those lines will export. A second line can then be used with no Break Prefix listed, which will ensure all other lines are exported.

The Break Prefix only allows one character, which determines the qualification needed for the line to be exported with that design.

- 335 - Design Page "X"

Design Page: "X" where "X" is replaced by one of the page types listed above. This will ensure that you are on the right line when making a design. This section is where you will pick the specific fields you want. Each page will have different applicable fields listed.

When configuring the Traffic Merge page, only fields that have been designated in the [Traffic Data] section of the Traffic.def file will be available for exporting.

Field Properties

Field Properties: "X" where "X" is replaced by one of the available fields. This will ensure that you are on the right field when making any properties changes. This section is where you would configure specific properties for the field picked. Each field will have different applicable properties listed.

Comment – This is an internal note to help clarify for you what the field does.

Custom – This property is only used by the Break Type field to override the "L" and "S" values of a Lognote or Stopset.

Delimiter – This is used in conjunction with the Substr option. The Delimiter indicates the character that delimits the line. This is associated with the Break Text field, which appears on the LogNote, Commercial and Traffic Merge lines. For instance, in this example, the carat (^) is the delimiter: ^1234^Description

Format - This is the file name format. A complete list of option to create the file name can be found under File Name Macros.

Function - This property allows you to modify or format the field value. When used on a field other than Script Function, the syntax "mm.CurrentValue" is used to create that change. This syntax represents the current field value. For instance, you might wish to modify the artist field prior to export so that it is in all upper case. You would adjust the Function line to read as follows: UCase(mm.CurrentValue)

Following is a list of options:

l Ucase – Upper Case

l Lcase – Lower Case

l Ltrim - Trims leading spaces to the left

l Rtrim – Trims trailing spaces to the right

l Keyword – This properties allows you to choose a keyword other than the first keyword

l Len – This is the number of characters that will be exported

l No - Yes/No field can specify what text to use for Yes and/or No values

l Pos –This determines where in the field you wish the export to start. This is almost always "1," however, if you exported an automation number, for

- 336 - Scheduling

instance that always started with "DA", you could start with the third character and the "DA" would not be exported.

l Substr – Short for Substring. Whatever is before the first Delimiter is considered the first substring. This field is where you indicate which substring will be exported. This is associated with the Break Text field, which appears on the LogNote, Commercial and Traffic Merge lines. For instance, in this example, substring two is "1234" and substring three is "Description": ^1234^Description

l Text – This is the specific text you wish to have inserted. It is used in conjunction with the Fixed Text option

l Yes – Yes/No field can specify what text to use for Yes and/or No values

Design Properties

There are several properties you can set for the design by default. In the Designer, select the Design Properties icon on the toolbar.

Break Text

l Break Map - The path to and name of the Virtual Break File that is used in conjunction with Virtual Breaks.

l Expand Lognote Macros - A Yes/No question that determines if breaktext macros will be expanded upon export.

l Lognote Prefix - This feature allows you to determine what prefix must be on your LogNote lines to permit them to export. Should a line not start with the character(s) specified, it will not be exported. If you have more than one possibility, you can separate them with semicolons. For instance, to export lines that have either a comma, asterisk or pipe at the beginning, you’d type in: ,;*;| Should you need to indicate the semicolon denotes a valid line, just make sure it’s the first entry. Using the same example, if you also wanted to indicate a semicolon is valid, the line would change to: ;;,;*;| Any lines that do not have the prefix listed will not export at all. Note: This feature is different than the

- 337 - Break Prefix option that is available on the Design Page, which allows you to create different designs for different prefixes.

l Merge Traffic Before Exporting -This property allows you to prevent the merging of music and commercials in your output file. By indicating “Yes,” music and commercials will be included in the export. Destination

l Append to Existing File(s) - A Yes/No question that allows you to append information to the existing file.

l EncloseValuesInQuotes

l Encoding -his property is used to specify the encoding of the data in the output file. Values like “UTF-8” and “UTF-16”, etc. can be used. For Unicode-type files, you can add “(nobom)” to the string to write the file without a byte order mark header; i.e., “UTF-8 (nobom)” Note: This option should be left blank for ASCII- encoded output files.

l Export as Temporary File -This option will write the output file to a temporary file name. After the file is complete, the temporary file will be renamed to the actual file name. Note: This option will not take affect if the Append to existing file option is in use.

l Export Destination Folder - This is the default output path for the export.

l Export Filename Pattern - This is the file name structure. See File Name Macros.

l FieldDelimiter - The character that functions as the delimiter.

l Include Byte Order Marker

l LineDelimiter

l Prevent Edit of Export Folder - A Yes/No question that determines whether changes to the Export Folder can be made.

l Prevent Saving changes to Export folder and Filename Pattern - A Yes/No question that determines whether changes to the Export folder and file name pattern can be saved when the export is run.

l PreventEditUseBroadcastWeek - A Yes/No question that prevents editing of the Use Broadcast Week option when the export is run.

l PreventSaveUseBroadcastWeek - A Yes/No question that prevents saving of a change to the Use Broadcast Week option when the export is run.

l Use Broadcast Week Start Hour and Day - A Yes/No question that determines whether the export will start with the Broadcast Week. Misc.

l Normalize airtimes - By default this option is not checked. When checked, this will change airtimes that exceed 60 minutes into an hour to export as 59:59.

l Time Shift Offset (-12 +12) - This option allows you to adjust the output for use in a different time zone. For example, if you were programming a schedule in Los Angeles that could also be heard in New York, the music scheduled for the midnight hour would be heard at 3am in New York. To export a log for New York with the proper times, you could use this property with a setting of 3, exporting everything from three hours back. This would create the perfect export file for a time zone three hours ahead of you. If the situation were reversed, programming in New York and sending to Los Angeles, you would use a setting of –3. Note: If you include Air Date in your export design, this setting will not change the Air Date. If you include Air Hour, you will see this changed based upon the settings; i.e., the midnight music will show with a 3 am Air Hour, not a midnight Air Hour.

l Restricted Hours - Lists the hours to be ignored during export, separated by commas. Consecutive hours may be listed with a dash between the low and

- 338 - Scheduling

high hour. For instance: 0-4,12,15-18 would ignore midnight to 4am, noon and 3-6pm in the export.

l Default Action Code - See the Schedule Export section of Lognote Macros for more information. Songs

l Category Codes to Exclude from Export - Lists the categories to be ignored during export, separated by commas. For instance A,B,P3,GLD would remove the four categories named A, B, P3 and GLD from the export.

l Export Fill Songs - A Yes/No question that determines whether fill songs will be exported.

l Marked Only -A Yes/No question that determines whether only marked songs will be exported. Xml

l DisableOutputEscaping

l NestFootersinHeaders

l NestHeaderElements

l OmitXMDeclaration - Checking this box omits the very first line in the XML design.

l RootXMLTag - This is named MusicMasterExport by default.

l Standalone

Export to Web This utility allows you to export your log in an HTML format for web use. It requires a definition file and HTML template file to work.

Exporting the File

With the definition file and template built, select Schedule, Export, Export to Web.

You will have options to pick the start/end date and start/end time along with the specific definition file.

- 339 - HTML Export Definition File

The HTML export definition file determines which template to use, the output path for the HTML file(s), the output file name pattern, and any other necessary options. This file is located in the MusicMaster program directory. It can have any name you choose, as long as it ends in .DEF. All definition files in MusicMaster must have the .DEF extension. MusicMaster will only recognize files with this extension.

The following will go over the individual sections of the file with examples. This will be followed by a full example of what the file could look like.


The Description section is required and should generally be the first section in every MusicMaster definition file. This section provides a display name for the definition file and defines its purpose.

KEY VALUE Name= Required - Display name for the definition file. Any text string is acceptable. Type=LOG2HTML Required - Definition file type or purpose. Must be =Log2HTML

[Description] Name=WXYZ Web Export Type=Log2HTML


Section Reference: [Export] This section is required for data export merge definition files. This section, and all related subsections, define the actual fields and data to export.

KEY VALUE OutputType=HTML This is required and must be specified as HTML. OutputPath= The path where you the exported file is sent The naming structure the file should have when exported. You can use the start date/hour and end date/hour of the requested time period here. Use OutputSpec= @start(format) and @end(Format) to do this. The “format” gets replaced with the desired formatting string.

Section Reference: [ExportProperties] [ExportProperties] is a subsection of [Export]

This subsection is optional and defines various export properties that are specific to the type of output file being created. The following commands are available when defining a web export definition file:

- 340 - Scheduling

KEY DESCRIPTION Lists the categories to be ignored during export, separated by commas. For CatFilter= instance A,B,P3,GLD would remove the four categories named A, B, P3 and GLD from the export. Lists the hours to be ignored during export, separated by commas. Con- secutive hours may be listed with a dash between the low and high hour. For HourFilter= instance: 0-4,12,15-18 would ignore midnight to 4am, noon and 3-5pm in the export. 1 – Creates folders as specified in the output file specification should they MarkedOnly= not exist when the utility is run. Template= Required. The name of the Template to be used when the export is made This option allows you to shift the schedule data in your web export to spe- cific time zones. You can enter a number between –12 and 12 which will be the offset in hours. If you had a setting of –1 and exported from midnight, it TimeShift= would start the export with the 1am hour. If you had a setting of +1 and exported from midnight, it would start the export with the 11pm hour of the previous day.

[Description] Name=WXYZ Web Export Type=Log2HTML (Required)

[Export] OutputType=HTML (Required) OutputPath=C:\TEMP OutputSpec=@m1@[email protected]

[ExportProperties] Template=C:\MMWin\Template.htm (Required)

Template File Information

A Template file is also required to make the HTML export work. We would recommend using NVU or NotePad to create this file.

The template file uses ordinary HTML markup code. You can create multiple templates of each type, each with a script function after the template name. When an element of that type is exported, it will be evaluated against each script function and will export using the first one that returns a “true” result. A blank or missing script function is always used when encountered, so a blank or default template needs to be entered last in your template file.

There are a few non-standard marker elements are used to define the template sections, and to indicate where to insert MusicMaster data.

- 341 - The {LOG} marker indicates the location of the various log element templates. You must start this section with {LOG} and end it with {/LOG}. You can only create {TEMPLATE} sections within the {LOG} area. Templates outside this area are ignored. Also, any HTML created before the {LOG} marker is considered the page header HTML, and any after the {/LOG} marker is considered the page footer HTML. These sections are included on every page you export.

Inside the {LOG} section you will define you various log element templates. Although many are available, you only need to define the ones you want to use. For example, if you do not want any lognotes or stopsets in your HTML output file, do not create templates for those elements. The follow sections may be defined:

KEY DESCRIPTION HOURS Hour marker MUSIC Scheduled song elements (music) Scheduled song elements (non-music) Note: The MUSIC template is used if NON-MUSIC this template does not exist LOGNOTE Lognotes STOPSET Stopsets TRAFFIC Traffic merge elements SPOTS Individual spots in a traffic merge element

A section template begins with a {TEMPLATE} marker, and ends with a {/TEMPLATE} marker. The name of the section must be included in the opening marker only. For example, an hour marker section template might look like this:

{TEMPLATE,HOURS} … html markup here … {/TEMPLATE}

Within your section templates, you can use any valid HTML code that you like. In addition, you can enter replaceable markers where log data will be substituted. These markers can be used:

KEY DESCRIPTION AIRTIME Valid anywhere, indicates the date/time of the current element Valid anywhere, can only be used to export the element description and ELEMENT runtime SONG Only valid in the music section. Used to export song field data. SPOT Only valid in the spots section. Used to export commercial data. ROLLINGTIME Valid anywhere, indicates the rolling date/time of the current element

You will create these types of markers with the marker name followed by a comma, and then a number or command to indicate how to export that element. For example:

- 342 - Scheduling

{SONG,101} Export the data from field 101 for the active song {ELEMENT,100} Export the current element description {ELEMENT,12} Export the current element runtime {AIRTIME,mm-dd-yyyy} Export the element airtime as a date only {AIRTIME,h:Nnam/pm} Export the element airtime as Hour:Minute

You can create multiple templates of each type, each with a script function after the template name. When an element of that type is exported, it will be reviewed against each script function and will export using the first one that returns a True result. A blank or missing script function is always used when encountered, so those need to be entered last in your template file.

Note that formatting commands for the AIRTIME markers use Windows/Office-style date/time formatting commands.

Tags can include script functions. A script function must follow the “@” symbol.

Element markers (lognotes) may use the following field numbers:

12 - Runtime (always exported as mm:ss) 100 – Description

You can also use Rolling Time and AirTime with lognotes. Element tags can also execute a script function they say way you can with a Song tag.

Song markers may simply use a valid number. See Fields for valid numbers. Should you wish, you can export song trivia as well. This requires a third parameter after the Field ID number.

To export song trivia, use Field 100 in the tag format {FIELD,100::X} where “X” is:

1 – To print fixed trivia lines 2 – To print the next rotating trivia line 3 – To print all active trivia lines (all fixed, plus the next rotating)

This same formatting applies to keyword fields, whether or not you use the second parameter to select a specific keyword from a multiple keyword entry.

Spot markers may use the following field numbers:

12 - Runtime 100 – Description 101 – Cut 102 – Title 103 – Sponsor

- 343 - 105 – Value 111 – User1 112 – User 2 113 – User 3

Should it be necessary to adjust the look of the output, there are several formatting commands available to do so:

KEY DESCRIPTION APPEND:text Append “text” to the field contents if not blank This is a formatting code for SONG fields that will prepend a
tag if the field is not blank. If there is a value, it is forced down to the next line. This is useful if you want to remove empty space should the field be empty. For BREAK instance you might not have the Album information or Soloist information on each song card. Using this command will prevent the wasted space. For example, if Album was field 108, the command would look like {SONG,108,,,BREAK}. DEFAULT:text Output “text” to replace the field contents if the field is blank LC Export the field in lower case LZ Export the field with leading zeros MC Export the field mixed case UC Export the field in upper case

The syntax to use these commands is


l ID – The number of the Field is inserted here. You can see a list of ID numbers in Dataset, Library, Fields.

l POS – This is the position in the field where you’d like to start.

l LEN – This is the number of characters you wish to export.

l FMT1, FMT2, etc. – These are replaced with the specific formatting codes listed in the table above.

l A very simple file might look like this:


The {SONG} sections above reference the fields from the data. You can check your field numbers under Library, Fields.

- 344 - Scheduling

Export to Affiliates If there are similar formats in your market or cluster or if you are a network with affiliates who use your playlist, Export to Affiliate can quickly send the other station the information from your log, reducing preparation time and ensuring consistency in sound. Create your main log and then send it to other stations who can decide to take the whole log or just the parts they need, like overnights. You can create as many designs as needed.

Under Scheduler, Export, select Export to Affiliates. The following box will appear:

Select New to make an Export Profile. A box with appear where you will configure Elements, Categories, Fields and the Destination for the Profile.


Elements you can include in the file are Songs, LogNotes, Stopsets and Traffic Merge positions. Simply check off those that apply to this Profile.

Do consider what types of elements you include. For instance, if the Affiliate will not need your LogNotes, there is no reason to include them in the file.

- 345 - Categories

The Categories tab allows you to pick the categories that will be included in the Profile. All categories are included by default. Here again, you should consider which categories are appropriate for the Affiliate. For instance, they may not need any of your non-music categories.

Any Category Groups you have created will also be available in the drop down to assist in picking the categories. See Categories for more information on Category Groups.

- 346 - Scheduling


The Fields list will show all fields available in the station. By default, Artist, Title and Runtime will be checked off. There should be a common number, like an automation system number, that will match in the Affiliate’s data. Check that box to assist the Affiliate with the matching. You can check off as many fields as you’d like. The Affiliate will determine whether they want to import the fields you send.

The list will come up in field category order if you’ve assigned those under Library, Fields. If you have not assigned a field category, the list will still show the Category of Misc. and everything will be in alphabetical order beneath that. If you do have a field category in your database, you can revert the list to alphabetical by right-clicking and using the context menu that is available.

The toolbar has options to select different value options.

- 347 - Destination

The Destination tab is where you will determine the output location for the file. Filename Macros will work here. Additionally, you can also use the special @X1 command. This macro will either export the period as MMDDYYYY or MMDDYYYY- MMDDYYY depending upon whether you are exporting multiple days or a single day.

- 348 - Scheduling

Gold Recycling Gold Recycling is used to make your library sound larger than it is by reusing the music in a different time period.

You'll create a Gold Recycle period for a specific category. This period indicates the hours music will be picked up from and what hours that music will be dropped off to play again. A Gold Recycle period is every place that has the same number in the graph.

Gold Recycling will cause the Automatic Scheduler and the Schedule Editor to ignore any failures of Minimum Rest, Hour Rotation, Keyword Separation and Keyword Hour Rotation rules where a failure is between two instances of the same song within the same Gold Recycle period (the pick-up and drop-off periods).

Under Scheduler, select Gold Recycle. This will open a graph that will show all 168 hours of the week.

- 349 - To create a period, click on the recycling icon. This will open a secondary box for the category that has been highlighted.

The pickup period is where the music will be collected. You'll determine the day of the week, time and number of hours. The drop-off period is where the music will be played again. You'll again determine which day of the week, time and number of hours.

The final decision will be the Recycle attitude. This attitude determines how the pool of music will be used. Choice include:

l Schedule the best song, recycled or not - This is the least restrictive option allowing the program to look at not only the recycled songs but the regular schedule order when selecting a song.

l Schedule from recycle pool, if possible - This is the most popular option. This option causes the program to look in the recycle pool for a song. Only when it cannot schedule a song from the pool will it go to the regular schedule order.

l Schedule only from the recycle pool - This is the most restrictive option. This option causes the program to only look in the recycle pool for a song. If it cannot schedule a song from the pool, the position will be unscheduled.

When finished, it will look like this:

- 350 - Scheduling

You can create up to nine different pickup and drop-off periods for each category. Each of these Gold Recycle periods will be displayed with a number and a red up arrow signifying the pickup time and a blue down arrow signifying the drop-off period.

You can copy and paste gold recycle periods from one category to another by using the icons on the tool bar.

Keep in mind that Gold Recycling makes your music rotations slower. You can see the effects of this in Analysis Turnover. The Graphic Display will show recycled hours with an “r” in the graph. History Snapshot History Snapshot is a way for you to compare your log at any point in time. With a couple of quick steps, you’ll have a record of the log and then will be able to compare it to any other point in time.

You can access History Snapshot by using the context menu on the Schedule Calendar icon, going to Schedule, History Snapshot or using the icon in the Editor.

The screen will indicates the available Snapshots you have as well allow you to Compare, Delete and Create new ones. The most current Snapshot will be listed at the top of the list.

- 351 - When you have created a Snapshot, it will be listed. You are now ready to Compare this to an existing log.

The left side shows you the Snapshot you saved, while the right side show the current log.

Icons you will see include:

l X – This indicates the element was deleted.

l + - This indicates the element was added.

l Arrows – The direction of the arrow indicates which way the element was moved. This would be due to a swap or simply moving the element to a new location.

l Musical Notes – This indicates the song was changed.

l Sheet of paper/pencil – This indicates the element was changed.

l Clock – This indicates the run time changed.

- 352 - Scheduling

These icons will appear when changes are made by users as well as through processes like Reconciliation and Nexus.

The upper left corner allows you to Show All, Show Changed or Show Unchanged to dial in the display for your specific needs.

There are several places where you will see check boxes so you can automatically create a History Snapshot. These include the Automatic Scheduler (Options tab), the Schedule Calendar context menu. Import from Network This feature allows you to import a log from another station. For those users who program similar stations or provide a network stream to affiliates, this process will greatly improve your efficiency.

You will have your choice to import the log either via a log file or by simply selecting the station and log you wish to import.

Choosing to import from a station is as simply as picking the station and log date(s).

Should you use the option to import from an external station or network, you will specify the path to the .MMDXF file. Some users import schedules from different network sources. Since MusicMaster matches songs and uses that when subsequent

- 353 - schedules are imported, it is possible that songs are not matched correctly due to the different network sources. The bottom option allows you to clear these references. As you proceed, you will be able to re-match the songs.

Next you will determine the Import Time Period. This is important since you may not wish to import all 24 hours of the log or logs provided by the network. For instance, you may only carry the network during the overnight hours. In the Hours to Import box, any green dot means that you will be importing that hour. Click on the dot to remove it. This is a simple toggle, so clicking on it again will return the green dot.

The Time Shift option allows you to account for any time difference between you and the network. You can choose to do this based upon the Station's time zone settings or you can pick a specific Shift Offset. When you do this, you can shift back or ahead 999 hours. For instance, if the network is in Los Angeles and the affiliate is in Milwaukee, you’d have a setting of 2. If the network was in New York and the affiliate was in Denver, you’d have a setting of –2. Both of these settings would ensure that the music was playing at the same “time” in both parts of the country.

The final option on this screen is Merge Network Songs with Local Clocks. There are multiple options available:

l Yes: Replace Music Only – This option will merge songs from the network with the local format clocks. Only songs from the network will be imported, even if the network included other element types. Songs will fall into the local clocks by replacing scheduled song elements. If there are more songs in a given hour than the local clock can hold, additional songs will be added to the end of the

- 354 - Scheduling

hour. If there are less network songs than the local clock can hold, the remainder will be left unscheduled.

l Yes: Replace Non-Music Only - This option will merge non-music elements from the network with the local format clocks. Only non-music elements from the network will be imported, even if the network included other element types. Non-music elements will fall into the local clocks by replacing scheduled non- music elements. If there are more non-music elements in a given hour than the local clock can hold, additional elements will be added to the end of the hour. If there are less network non-music elements than the local clock can hold, the remainder will be left unscheduled.

l Yes: Replace All Songs – This option will merge music and non-music elements from the network with the local format clocks. All music and non-music songs from the network will be imported. Songs will fall into the local clocks by replacing scheduled song elements. If there are more songs in a given hour than the local clock can hold, additional songs will be added to the end of the hour. If there are less network songs than the local clock can hold, the remainder will be left unscheduled.

l No: Use Network Log Only – This option will remove the local clocks and include only what is in the network log.

l No: Use Network Breaks Only – This option will remove the local breaks but leave the local music. The network breaks will be placed relative to the songs in the same order as they appear in the network log.

At this point, the screens can look different depending upon which import option you choose. If you are importing a log from another station within MusicMaster CS you will now be asked to determine how songs not currently within the station are handled.

- 355 - Once you select your option and Next, the program will have enough information to import the log and you can Finish the process.

If you are importing from a file, there is a bit more work to do since you must tell MusicMaster CS how to match songs in the file to the station. This typically involves a common number like an automation system number between the stations. Generally the first few times you run the import, you will be notified of many new songs that appear in the network data but have not been matched in your local data. Potentially as you continue airing network logs, these numbers will decrease. You import these songs so that you have appropriate history.

When you select “Import New Songs” a window will appear showing you the list of music. At the bottom of this will be a “mapping” utility. You will see the Source Field, Target Field, Formula and Sample. Should the Target Field not be the appropriate field for your station, you can access a drop down box and change it. By clicking in the upper half where the “Incoming Song List” is show, the Sample field will be adjusted.

As you go through this import process, you should use each of the toolbar options in order: Match, Query, Import and then Exit.

You can match any fields you’d like that are available. Should you be importing a keyword field, it is important that you match this to a target field that is also the same type of keyword field (multiple keyword field in source data to multiple keyword field in your station).

- 356 - Scheduling

When you have properly mapped the incoming songs to your station, you can now see if those songs are in the affiliate database by selecting Match. This feature allows you to use any field from the imported file to match to a field in the affiliate database, for instance, an automation number. The names do not have to match; it’s only necessary that the field you are matching is what you call it in your database.

When you click OK, the program will scroll down the list, matching any songs it can. Should there be more than one match, a Search Results box will appear where you can select the correct version or bypass the song and continue the Match process. If you bypass a song, it will be left on the list of songs not Matched.

When completed, it will tell you the total number of songs matched and linked. Anytime these songs are imported again, they will be automatically matched so will not be included in the process. This is why the number of songs that needs to be matched will decline over time.

It’s possible not all songs will match. These will remain on the Incoming Song List. You can then use the Query option on the toolbar. This brings up the standard Query box from MusicMaster that you can use to try to find the remaining titles. If you select a song in the Affiliate database that is already linked to another Network song, you will have the option to re-link it with the current song.

After going through these two processes you may still have a few songs left, which are new to the affiliate database. These will be added to the affiliate database when you select Import on the toolbar. You will then be prompted to pick a category for these new songs.

You will receive confirmation that the songs have been imported. When that happens, the Import Wizard will continue with the final import of the logs.

- 357 - It is recommended you match all songs before you Exit this screen. If the Wizard screen still shows songs in red and shows the message to “Import New Songs”, this means some songs still remain unmatched. If you attempt to import logs without matching all songs, you will get a warning message.

If all songs have been matched, when you Exit, the Wizard will continue indicating it has all the information it needs to import the log(s). When completed, the screen will close and then you would be able to open the Schedule Editor and review the log(s). Printed Logs There are two ways you can print your log in MusicMaster: User-designed log and QuickPrint. Each has their own icon. The printer with white paper is for user-designed reports and the printed with red paper is for QuickPrint.

QuickPrint This is the fastest, easiest way for you to print a log. Quick Print is accessed with the printer icon with the red sheet of paper coming out of it. This option will print whatever you have on your screen. Should you pick so many fields that they cannot fit on a single line, the Quick Print will automatically wrap the additional lines under the first. If you would rather not have a wrapped line, you would want to set up the screen so that it shows just a few fields. The more fields on the screen, the more likely it will wrap. You might reduce the print size to enable you to print more information on one page. Once you have your screen set up with the information you want to print, simply click on the Quick Print icon. You could then use the Save Layout option to keep this design for future use.

User Designed Log Under Schedule, select Print Logs. A Schedule Print box will appear.

- 358 - Scheduling

The box will indicate when music has been scheduled through at the top. Beneath this will be the configuration where you’ll pick the date and hour to start and end the printing session. Other options include:

l Print each day as a separate print job - This would be helpful if you print multiple days to file and would individual files for each day.

l Included Hours - By default this will be on All. When you open the box, it will show the hours to schedule. Selected hours appear indented on the list. If the hour is “raised” it will not be included in the print session. You can configure any number of different combinations, which will be especially helpful if you take any network programming and do not need a printed log. Up to ten sets of hours can be configured and saved. Once created, the dropdown will list the available options. Should you use this feature, the Included Hours portion of the set-up box will reflect the number of hours scheduled to print out of the 24 possible hours.

The button selection on the right side of the box allows you to create a New design as well as Edit or Delete one.

Creating or Editing a Design

The MusicMaster Log Designer will open. This screen is divided into three main sections: Fields, Page Configuration and Properties.

- 359 - The Fields section lists all the fields you have available to you. Please note what fields you can pick from will change depending upon the page configuration. For instance, only certain fields are available on a PageHeader line, but every field is available to you in the Music section. You will only be able to drag fields to appropriate lines.

Generally, you will pick the page to work on first. There are pages for all elements you might include in your printed log: PageHeader, HourHeader, Music, Non-Music, Fill Song, LogNote, Stopset, Traffic, Spots, Unscheduled, HourFooter and PageFooter. When you highlight one of these lines, the field list will change. Drag the field you’d like to include to the line and let go. You can now click on it to change its size, position, typeface and color to name a few. Continue to do this for each field and page that you would like to have printed information.

There can sometimes be confusion as to whether some information should be put on the PageHeader or HourHeader line. We recommend that information that is static, like a graphic logo, fixed text or page number be placed on the PageHeader while information that is derived from information in the log like Description, be placed in the HourHeader line.

There are also several other settings you may wish to configure.

- 360 - Scheduling

The Properties box on the right-hand side of the screen will allow you to control various options depending upon what line you are on. The following are typical settings you may wish to configure:

On a Music, Non-Music, Fill Song, LogNote or Unscheduled, you can determine the background color (Appearance), whether empty spaces will be left if the field is empty (Behavior, CanShrink), whether the field can enlarge if there is more information (Behavior, CanGrow) and whether information can be split on two pages (Behavior, KeepTogether). To have the hour start on a new page, you should select the Behavior option NewPage, setting it to "Before".

If you find your design is causing empty pages, there are two settings you can check. The Page Setup icon on the toolbar allows you to change the margins. A decrease of as little as one-half inch to the right and left margins typically corrects this issue. Another option to check is the Behavior, Visible option on a page. It is possible for nothing to be configured on a line, but for it to still have height. This means the extra space has to display. If you do not need the line you can simply switch the Visible option to False.

Should you wish to put in any custom text into the design, you can do this using the Text label feature. This is found on the tool bar, identified by the "A". After you click on the "A", click in the design and you will see a symbol similar to the plus sign (+). You will use this to size a box for the text. Once you have your box, you will type the information for the text in the Properties box under Data, Caption, replacing the "Label1" currently there.

When you're ready to preview your design, click on the printer icon. The preview will display. You can now choose to proceed with the printing by selecting the printer icon in the preview or click on Exit to return to the design.

Copying Log Designs

It is possible to copy printed log designs between MusicMaster stations. While the design is open, use the icons for Import and Export on the toolbar. Please keep in mind that since MusicMaster stations are typically custom-created, it is possible the fields will not be same from station to station. While the basic design will be copied and can be imported, you may have to make some adjustments to the design to ensure you are printing the correct fields. The design will be saved to the My Documents folder by default. Purge History The Purge History feature allows you to remove extra history from the Active History window. Using this feature will ensure that MusicMaster runs quickly and efficiently since the Automatic Scheduler and Schedule Editor will only process the active history.

- 361 - History that is purged is automatically stored in the Archive History Window. NO history is lost using this feature. Archive history is available for any Special History Reports or Special Library Reports and would also be available for viewing on the history graph by using the shovel icon. Archive history is not available for log copying, so you will want to take that into account when creating your settings.

The more history you have active, the more likely it will take longer for the information to be displayed in the Schedule Editor at you test and replace songs.

Under Scheduler, select Purge History. When the box pops up, you will see what the current Active and Archive History Windows contain.

When you determine what settings you will use here, it is important to keep in mind any rules you may have in place, specifically Hour Rotation Rules. The settings here should allow for the number of plays or days for the rule to properly function. This is also true if you are using the Optimum Goal Scheduling. The Optimum Hour Exposure Goal, for instance, would need a minimum of 23 plays to work to its fullest.

l Minimum days of active history to retain – This is the number of days that will be in the active window and visible on graphs.

l Minimum number of song histories to retain – This will be the minimum number of histories you will see on the history graph regardless of how old they might be (even if they pass your “Minimum days of inactive history to retain” setting).

- 362 - Scheduling

Remember, you can also see inactive history by using the “shovel” icon on the history graph.

l Automatically purge history when necessary – There are two different ways you can do the purge.

l Use automatic settings – When checked, the utility will automatically run saving the active history needed for editing and printing program logs and moving the other history to the archive.

l Manually set the history cutoff date – This option allows you to pick a date and time for the purging. When you do this, the purging of the history will be based upon the selected date/hour. This can be useful for station that rarely or never run the Automatic Scheduler.

There are also other options including Purge, Trim and Clear All.

Purge will run the history purge at that time.

Trim allows you to remove history from your database prior to a certain date and time. This can be useful if you’ve been using the program for a long time and have no need for history that may be many, many years old. When run, the history will be removed.

The final option is the “Clear All” button. This function will remove all traces of scheduled histories, including active and archived play history, skip and fail counters, library and category plays, schedule performance counters and traffic merge history. This function will be most useful if you wanted to clear out test schedules you may have run before setting up a new database or if you changed format.

We know some users do not use the Automatic Scheduler and in that case, the purge is never automatically triggered. While you can run it manually at any time, History Purge can also be accessed using the Schedule Calendar screen. If these conditions are met, you will be prompted to run the Purge:

l If the Purge function is active

l A Purge is recommended

l The last scheduled date is two weeks or more behind the current date

l The user has rights to access the Automatic Scheduler

Once run, this will also advance the last scheduled date to the end of yesterday. QuickView QuickView is a way to get an overview of logs that have been scheduled, looking at where unscheduled positions are and even reviewing the hour.

You can choose several different ways to access QuickView. Select Schedule, QuickView or use the icon on the Schedule Editor toolbar.

- 363 - The Schedule Day/Hour is based upon your Broadcast Week settings. Any unscheduled positions will show in yellow, with the number indicating how many unscheduled positions are in that hour. If the box is green, that means there are no unscheduled songs in that hour. If the box is red, this means the hour is part of Inactive History (not illustrated in the above example). If you see a lock icon with a dark background, this means the hour has been locked for editing and no changes can be made to the hour.

You can navigate in several ways using toolbar options.

The drop-down box allows you to pick any date and load it into the Quick View. You will see one week ahead from the date you pick. Once you change the date, you will need to use the green “go” button to load.

You can also use the up and down arrows to go ahead or back one week at a time. If you’d like, you can use [SHIFT-PAGE UP] to go back or [SHIFT-PAGE DOWN] to go forward one week at a time.

Schedule Review allows you to review that hour of the log. Click on the hour you’d like to review first, then use the toolbar icon. This opens a box where you can see the hour.

The Schedule Load option will open that hour in the Editor.

- 364 - Scheduling

You can load a different date and time by using the drop down options and then clicking on the green button. The up and down arrows will take you to the hours before or after the one you are currently viewing.

The magnifying glass will give you the Vicinity Viewer where you can see the music around the specific song in the window size you’ve specified.

The final option allows you to change what field you are looking at. Reconcile This utility is used to reconcile the aired log of your automation system with the log MusicMaster created.

Your automation system has an "aired" file. This file lists the music that played. MusicMaster references this file and compares it to the log that was scheduled. If it finds any changes, MusicMaster updates its log so it contains a correct representation of what actually happened on the air.

A discrepancy report will be displayed when the utility is finished. This report appears in a text viewer and can be saved to file, copied to the clipboard or printed. It will list those elements not found in the Library that were aired. The list will show the automation system number and title of those elements.

- 365 - Under Scheduler, select Reconcile. You will be asked to pick the time period to reconcile and the definition to be used. Should you need to run more than one reconciliation process for a single time period, you check off all the appropriate definition files

Reconciliation Definition File This utility requires a Reconciliation.def file to be created. Please contact your MusicMaster Scheduling Consultant for assistance as we have created many of these files for common systems. We may be able to provide you with a file that will require minimal changes on your part.

The following will go over the individual sections of the file with examples. This will be followed by a full example of what the file could look like.


The Description section is required and should generally be the first section in every MusicMaster definition file. This section provides a display name for the definition file and defines its purpose.

KEYS VALUE Name Required - Display name for the definition file. Any text string is acceptable. Type=Reconcile Required - Definition file type or purpose. Must be =Reconcile


[Description] Name=WXYZ Automation Reconciliation (Required)

- 366 - Scheduling

Type=Reconcile (Required)

All definition files in MusicMaster must have the .DEF extension. MusicMaster will only recognize files with this extension.


This section is required for operations that import data into MusicMaster. This includes all reconciliation and traffic merge definition files. This section, and all related subsections, define the input data source file location, type and contents.

KEYS VALUE Defines the first hour of programming expecting in a history-based input file. FirstHour= (Default: 0= Midnight) Defines the number of hours expected in a history-based input file. (Default: 24) NumHours=

Defines the path where the input file can be located, relative to the SourcePath= MusicMaster program folder. (Example: C:\Logs\) Defines the input filename or filename specification. Can include some date/- SourceSpec= time macros. (Examples: @m1@[email protected], HISTORY.DBF) Required – Identifies the file type and required import filter. Must be one of the following: AsciiD = Delimited ASCII text file (IOStandard) SourceType= AsciiF = Fixed-length ASCII text file (IOStandard) dBase = dBase database (IOStandard) MSExcel = Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (IOStandard)


[Import] SourceType=AsciiF (Required) SourcePath=C:\Logs\ SourceSpec=@m1@[email protected]

Section Reference: [ImportProperties]

[ImportProperties] is a subsection of [Import]. This subsection is optional and defines various import properties that are specific to the type of input file being processed.

KEYS VALUE If you are using an AsciiD file Type, you must include this line indicating what Delimiter= character is the delimiter. For instance if the pipe ( | ) is the delimiter, you would have Delimiter=| Can be used to designate whether the input file contains a header row. 0 = No Header= header. 1 = Header is available. 1 – This will remove quotes in the field. This is primarily used in comma delim- Quotes= ited files that have information surrounded by quotation marks.

- 367 - KEYS VALUE “x” is the number of bytes in each input record. This would be used when you are reading a fixed-length ASCII file where each record does not end with a car- RecLen=x riage return/line feed pair or when records may contain embedded control characters. Every record is assumed to be this exact length. Used when you want to search any subfolders of the path. 0=import from the Recurse= specified path only; 1=search subfolders “x” is the number of bytes at the beginning of the input file that should be SkipLen=x bypassed Can be used to sort the list of imported file names before importing data. 0=d- SortFiles= default; 1=Sort the list


[ImportProperties] Header=0

Section Reference: [ImportFields]

[ImportFields] is a subsection of [Import]. This subsection is optional and defines data fields within the input file.

KEY VALUE For a fixed length ASCII file, you will specify a field name followed by a pipe Fldx= x must be a character, and then the start column and field length. For delimited ASCII unique value for each when no header is present, you will simply specify a field name for each field defined field. (Fld1, in the order that they appear in the input file. For dBase and Excel import files Fld2, etc.) this section is optional since the field names from the actual input file will be used.


[ImportFields] Fld1=AirDate|2,8 Fld2=AirTime|11,8 Fld3=RunTime|95,5 Fld4=ID|23,32 Fld5=Title|59,32

Section Reference: [ImportValidation]

[ImportValidation] is a subsection of [Import]. This subsection is optional and defines validation filters that are performed against the data rows in the input file. Only rows that pass these validation tests will be imported. When this section is not defined, all input rows will be considered.

- 368 - Scheduling

KEY VALUE Valx= x must be a unique value for each A valid Script expression to perform against the input rows. defined filter. (Val1, Val2, etc.)

Sample One:

[ImportValidation] Val1=Mid(Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A"

Sample Two:

[ImportValidation] Val1=Mid(Data,1,1)=" " OR Mid(Data,1,1)="]"

The "Mid" command listed above allows you to import portions of a field. The Sample One will only consider input rows with a colon in column 13 and a capital letter A in column 134. The Sample Two shows that two different types of lines could be valid. In this case, valid rows will be those with a space at column one or a right bracket at column one.


This section is required for reconciliation definition files. This section, and all related subsections, define the actual reconciliation operation.

KEY VALUE Required – Defines the location of the unique automation system song ID within the MusicMaster library. This can be a MusicMaster field number or a SongID= Script expression that can process data from one or more MusicMaster fields It is important that the number is not in the database twice as this could cause the wrong song to be reconciled.

Sample: [Reconcile] SongID=101

Section Reference: [ReconcileProperties]

[ReconcileProperties] is a subsection of [Reconcile]. This subsection is optional and defines various import properties that are specific to the type of input file being processed.

- 369 - KEYS VALUE 1 = This will bypass all scheduled music song elements automatically. BypassMx= This has the same effect as if you had locked all the music elements manually in the Format Clocks or in the Schedule Editor. 1 = This will bypass all scheduled non-music song elements auto- matically. This has the same effect as if you had locked all of the non- BypassNonMx= music elements manually in the Format Clocks or in the Schedule Editor. 1 = With this setting, the source files will be deleted after reconciliation DeleteSource= is completed. 1 = With this setting, all scheduled songs in hours that do not appear at all in the as-run log will be deleted after applying the Import Validation commands. By default, if no elements are available for an hour, that DeleteMissingHours= hour will remain unchanged in MusicMaster. This option will not break elements or records with the NoReconciliation property setting. If this option is used in conjunction with SkipHours, it will not delete hours that were excluded from the process from the SkipHours setting. This command is used to eliminate duplicate copies of songs that may be present due to problems in the aired log or songs that were pre- DupeCheck= viewed prior to air. The time must be specified in MM:SS up to 59:59. When more than one instance of the same cut appears within the time limit, the earlier one will be eliminated. These two options allow you to specify categories that are excluded or included when reconciling. You should use one or the other, not both. This property would be used to determine which songs are found when matching the data in the aired log to MusicMaster. For instance, you may have a rest category with valid but obsolete song ID codes. A song ExcludeCat= IncludeCat= in the aired log may be found that matches based upon the ID and then included in the log. The ExcludeCat property can be used to exclude the rest category from being included in the search process. ExcludeCat does take priority. For both, list the categories separated by commas; i.e., ExcludeCat=P,J,LIN 1 = Hides any warning messages that might normally pop up relating to no data found in the reconciliation input files or attempts to reconcile to HideWarnings= the archived history. This would be most useful if you are running the process unattended as a managed task 1 = Reconciled elements are locked from further changes in the editor LockElements= (Default: 0 = Elements are not locked by reconciliation) The minimum run length to be reconciled. This is listed in seconds or as “MM:SS”. Elements in the input file with a run length shorter than MinLength= MinLength will not be considered for reconciliation. (Default: 0 = All ele- ments will be considered regardless of length) 1 = Repositions non-music and other non-reconciled elements to try to appear following the same element that they originally appeared dir- NonMusicPositioningMode= ectly after. (Default: 0 = Elements appear in the closest chronological position within the hour to where they were originally scheduled or the as-run time.)

- 370 - Scheduling

KEYS VALUE By default, MusicMaster does not attempt to reconcile the current hour or any future hours when reconciling logs. This allows reconciling ProtectFutureHours= today’s log without it unscheduling the portion of the day that has not aired. If you wish to disable this functionality, use this option with a set- ting of 1. 1 = Airtimes from the reconciliation input file are saved in the MusicMaster history. This can cause gaps between elements, but also SaveReconAirtimes= provides more accurate information for reporting purposes. (Default: 0 = Airtimes are recalculated to compress any time gaps) 1 = Runtimes from the reconciliation input file are saved in the MusicMaster history, instead of the runtime set on the song card. The runtime is changed only in the log history. The LockElements= property SaveReconRuntimes= must also be set. With both in place, the Editor will show the Runtime field from the song card; Schedule: Runtime will display the runtime from the schedule history. This is used to skip hours in the reconciliation file. You can enter indi- vidual hours and/or ranges of hours. The hours are 0-23. Any sequence SkipHours= should be separated by commas. SkipHours=1,2,3,14-18 would skip the 1am, 2am, 3am hours along with 2pm through 6pm. This option will adjust the air times of songs imported from the auto- mation system aired log. This property can be set to the number of TimeShiftSecs= seconds to add or subtract from the air times. The ranges for this option is –3599 to 3599. 1 = Indicates whether elements in the input file from the hour just prior to the expected start hour can be appended to that previous hour. UpdatePrevHour= (Default: 0 = Elements from prior hours are discarded) (Note: This option was called ‘Slack’ prior to 1.0.0043)

Sample: [ReconcileProperties] MinLength=2 SaveReconAirtimes=1

Section Reference: [ReconcileData]

[ReconcileData] is a subsection of [Reconcile]. This subsection is required for reconciliation definition files and defines the location of the required reconciliation fields in the input data. Not all of these keys are required. However, you must specify enough fields to clearly indicate the Air Time and unique Cut ID for each element that airs. If the file can contain more than one single day of programming, then an AirDate field must also be defined. The values shown below are the type of data expected. You will actually enter a location where this value can be found using a Scripting expression. The most common expression in this section will be InFld(“fieldname”) where fieldname is the name of a field defined in the data import source file.

- 371 - KEYS VALUE AirDate Complete air date string (mm-dd-yyyy or similar) AirTime Complete air time string (hh:mm:ss or similar) AirMonth AirDate month numeric value (1-12) AirDay AirDate day numeric value (1-31) AirYear AirDate year numeric value (2 or 4 digits) AirHour AirTime hour numeric value (0-23) AirMin AirTime minutes numeric value (0-59) AirSec AirTime seconds numeric value (0-59) AirHourTime AirTime within the hour as a string (mm:ss) AirAP AirTime am/pm indicator (a,am,p,pm,etc) AirHourID AirTime hour ID as calculated in MusicMaster (include AirDate and Hour) AirDateTime Air date and time combined as one string (mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss or similar) RunTime Complete runtime string (mm:ss) RunSecs Complete runtime in seconds only (0-9999) RunHour Runtime hours numeric value (0-23) RunMin Runtime minutes numeric value (0-59) RunSec Runtime seconds numeric value (0-59) Unique automation system ID code for elements in the reconciliation import CutID file CutTitle Title or description for elements in the reconciliation import file

Additional Notes:

RunTime and RunSecs will accomplish the same thing. Only one should be included in the file. For instance, if you import 300 into RunSecs, the runtime will be 05:00; which is the same thing as importing 05:00 into Runtime.

RunHour, RunMin and RunSec should be used together in cases where the runtime is formatted in an unusual way that doesn't apply to the RunTime and RunSecs options.


[ReconcileData] AirDate=InFld("AirDate") AirTime=InFld("AirTime") RunTime=InFld("RunTime") CutID=InFld("ID")

Reconciliation Definition File Sample Here is a sample of how the whole file might look like.

[Description] Name=WXYZ Automation Reconciliation (Required) Type=Reconcile (Required)

- 372 - Scheduling

[Import] SourceType=AsciiF (Required) SourcePath=C:\Logs\ SourceSpec=@m1@[email protected]

[ImportProperties] Header=0

[ImportFields] Fld1=AirDate|2,8 Fld2=AirTime|11,8 Fld3=RunTime|95,5 Fld4=ID|23,32 Fld5=Title|59,32

[ImportValidation] Val1=Mid(Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A"

[Reconcile] SongID=101

[ReconcileProperties] MinLength=2 SaveReconAirtimes=1

[ReconcileData] AirDate=InFld("AirDate") AirTime=InFld("AirTime") RunTime=InFld("RunTime") CutID=InFld("ID") Schedule Calendar The Schedule Calendar is a quick way to access many common scheduling features as well as get an overview of your scheduling status.

- 373 - The top of the calendar will note the date music is scheduled through.

Use can use the arrows at the top of the calendar to change the month. You can also use [F3], which changes the display, replacing the month/year with a box where you can enter a date.

Calendar Display


You may see icons displayed within the calendar. These include the green arrow, “r” and paperclip icon. The green arrow means the log has been exported. The “r” indicates the log has reconciled. The paperclip icon means there is a memo for that date.

If you skip dates, the program will indicate all previous dates have been exported and/or reconciled.


The calendar days can be one of three colors: white, yellow or red.

- 374 - Scheduling

A white date means nothing has been done on that log.

A yellow date means the log has been schedule.

Should you go back in time far enough, you may see a red date. This is a date in the archive and while you could open it, you will just see hour markers. You would need to use the History Browser if you wanted to review a red date.

If you work ahead on dates, the program will indicate all dates in between have been edited.

Calendar Options There are several ways you can customize the look of the Calendar.

Operation Buttons

Operation Buttons are buttons that appear at the bottom of the Calendar. Right-click anywhere in the Calendar and select Customize.

Available panels are on the left, displayed panels on the right. Use the arrows left and right to add or remove the panels. You can also drag any panel on the displayed side up and down to reorder it on the list.

- 375 - Context Menu There is a context menu available in the calendar when you right click. Options include

l Edit Log Memo - This will open the Schedule Memo editor.

l QuickView Selected Week - This will open QuickView for the selected week.

l Take a History Snapshot - This will open the History Snapshot feature. Schedule Order How your music schedules can be affected by the order of the music. Schedule Order allows you manipulate the order.

Under Scheduler, select Scheduler Order. By default this will bring up the first category in your pass order. You can pick a different category to look at by accessing the drop- down box.

The box will give you information about the song including number of Fails, Skips, Performance, Category Plays and Library Plays.

l Fails indicates the number of times MusicMaster attempted to play the song but could not due to test failures.

l Skips indicates the number of times a song has gone through the Max Fails process.

l Performance – This is the Performance Counter. The higher the number, the more difficult that song is to schedule. This is the average number of test failures a song accumulated before it was scheduled. You can display this value in your Library Maintenance grid designs, and can be used as a filter field in the query box. These options would be helpful if you want to see what songs were having difficulty scheduling.

- 376 - Scheduling

l Category Plays – This is the number of times the song has played in the Category.

l Library Plays – This is the number of times the song has played in the Library.

There are several other functions that work in the Schedule Order screen:

l Marking - The example above shows marked songs in color. Should you wish to toggle the marks on or off, you can do so with [F7].

l Viewing History - If you have previously opened the history graph (View, History Graph), you will also be able to view the history graph of a song in this screen.

Toolbar options


This is quick way to locate a song on the list.

View Schedule Order

This option is only available if you have set your Category Order Management to Dynamic Rest Compensation (see discussion of this in the next bullet point). When you open the Scheduling Order, the list of music will be in “file number” order. This is necessary for MusicMaster to keep track of the song’s location within the category. By clicking on this option, you will see a list of music in the order MusicMaster will consider it in. This list will take into account those songs that previously were in the schedule queue from the last scheduling session and now have fails on them. For clarification purposes, should you be using the Standard Card File method (see discussion of this in the next bullet point), the list when you open Scheduling Order, top to bottom will be the order the music will be considered when scheduling, which is why this icon is disabled for this method.

Category Order Management

The card catalog icon allows you to determine the category order management. You can choose between a standard card file or dynamic rest compensation.

- 377 - The Standard Card File option will place the card at the back of the stack after it schedules. This method will activate information in the Rotation Weight field, allowing you to determine how far back into the stack the card goes. The higher the number, the further back in the stack it goes. For instance, if you wanted the song to go back 50%, you would put the number 50 in the Rotation Weight field. If you wanted the song to go to the back of the stack, you would put 100 in the field. You do not, however, have to put 100 on the songs if you wish them to go to the back of the stack. If the field is left empty, it is assumed the setting is 100. You can also put in a number higher than 100. For instance, 500 would indicate the song should be skipped the next four times it comes up, putting it back 500% in the category.

Other things to consider and remember:

l When a song is moved back in the category, simple math will be done to do this. For instance, a five song category with one song having a 50 in rotation weight would calculate as 50% of five or 2.5. As with typical rounding, a number has to be greater than .5 to round it up. Using this example, the song would move to the second position in the stack. If you wanted the song to go back to the third position, simply making the rotation weight 51 would accomplish that. If you do not see the result you expect, consider making minor adjustments to the rotation weigh number.

l If you are using Minimum Rest or Maximum Rest, any songs with rotation weight will have the rule minutes property adjusted accordingly. For instance, if you have a rotation weight of 50, the rule will use 50% of the rule minutes setting.

- 378 - Scheduling

l The Optimum Song Rest Scheduling Goal will also take Rotation Weight into account.

l Should you have a value in the Rotation Weight field but have your stack management set to Dynamic Rest, the functionality will be disabled.

l If you are using standard packets, the combined packet history will be used when calculating song rest.

You should exercise caution in adding these settings on songs as it could have unintended side-effects. If you make half the songs go back 50%, you’ve made all the rest go back 200%. This field is built into every database. This is a field you must maintain. You can add it to any library design.

The Dynamic Rest Compensation considers the songs, but leaves the song in place in the stack. This allows songs that have difficulty scheduling to come back up for consideration more quickly. This method tends to even out rotations without the need for manual adjustments. If you manually remove a scheduled song, that song will have its fail count set to one. If you manually add a scheduled song, that song will have its fail count cleared and return to its normal file position. These two things will also happen if you use Reconciliation.

Whichever option you pick, it will be listed at the bottom of the screen for each category.

It should also be noted that any songs that you manually schedule or unschedule in the Schedule Editor songs will have their category order updated automatically. When removing a song, that song will move to the top of the list when using the Standard Card File or will have its fail count set to one when Dynamic Rest Compensation is used. When manually schedule a song, the song will move to the bottom of the list when the Standard Card File is used or will have its fail count cleared and return to its normal file position when Dynamic Rest Compensation is used.

Set AirPlay Pointer

When using the Standard Card File option, the song on the top of the list has the AirPlay Pointer. When using Dynamic Rest Compensation, use the View Schedule Order icon on the toolbar to reorder the list into Scheduling Order. At that point, the song on the top of the list will be the first to be considered. Should you wish to change which song is the pointer, click on the song, then click the AirPlay Pointer icon. The list will update, showing the song you’ve picked at the top of the list.

Arrange Category

This option allows you to mix up a category. You can pick all the categories or individual ones. There are several option for you to choose from for how you mix up the category. You might shuffle the category, sort it by rest or optimize it to keep

- 379 - artists as far away from each other as possible. There are many other options here that you might consider. The drop-down box in the Affected Categories section will have all Category groups previously created.

There are a couple of other options available that may be of interest:

l Distribute Matching Songs – This option allows you to create a filter and distribute songs based upon the filter.

l Burn Top Songs – Should you be using Autoburn, you can use this option to see what the schedule order will be once Autoburn is taken into account

l Clear Fail Counters – Should you wish to remove all fail counters, this option will do so.

You can also simply adjust the order by clicking on the gray Pointer Column and dragging a song to a different position.

Schedule Analysis

This option allows you to review why a song is not being scheduled. See Reviewing Song Performance for setup information.

Schedule Order Editor Properties

This options allows you to add three fields of your choice to the display.


This option allows you to print the information on your screen. Should you wish to copy this to the Clipboard, you can do with the [CTL-C].


If you make changes, you must save those changes prior to exiting.


If you use this option, any changes you make will not be saved.

Under Library Maintenance, you can click on the Field Header contact menu and select Arrange List. That sub-menu contains various options, including by Rest or Random Shuffle. These options in no way affect the Schedule Order.

Schedule Properties The Schedule Properties determines various scheduling parameters including pass order and search depth for each category.

- 380 - Scheduling

Select Schedule, Schedule Properties.

There are multiple columns here.

l Pass – This indicates the pass order for the category. The category listed as “1” will schedule first and so on. You can left-click on the pointer column1 to the left of the category’s pass number and use your mouse to move it to its new position. You can have multiple categories schedule in the same pass. You can hold the [SHIFT] key down and move the category to the position you wish. To have the category schedule individually, simply drag the category to its new position in the order.

l Category – This is a list of the names for each category. To change the names, please go to Library, Categories.

l Type – This indicates whether the category is Music or Non-Music.

l Songs – This is the total number of songs in the category.

l Slots – This is the number of slots in the category, the positions that will schedule. The Songs and Slots numbers will be different if you are using packeting.

l Depth – There are several ways you can determine the depth.

l Fixed Value - This is the number of songs the scheduler can look through to find a song that meets your rules. If does not update if you make changes to your category size. This option is useful on your most important category where you might set this to one so the songs play in order (provided there are no rule violations). This setting does not change if you change the size of the category.

l Fixed Percentage - This is the percentage of songs the Automatic Scheduler can look through to find a song that meets your rules. This option is helpful if the size of the category fluctuates since it will maintain the percentage you select. Keep in mind if you use Optimum Goal Scheduling the depth affects how many songs are considered. A category with a search depth of one is considered a Priority Category. If you attempt to schedule a category with no search depth, the Scheduler will automatically use a setting of 50%. This will prevent needless unscheduled positions on new categories added to the database. If there are Scheduling Goals in place with no search depth, the depth will be 100%.

1The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

- 381 - l Max Fails – This can be a number or percentage and indicates the number of times a song can fail before returning to its rightful place in the music list. This is used when your Stack Management is set to Dynamic Rest Compensation.

l Max Skips – This is the number of times a song can go through the Max Fails process before remaining at the top of the stack for consideration. For instance, let's say the Max Fails is 10. After a song has failed 10 times, that would equal one skip. If Max Skips were set at three, the song would have failed 30 times before remaining at the top of the stack. With a Max Skips of zero, a song can be skipped an unlimited amount of time. When skipped the song either moves to the back of the category in Standard Card File mode or to its rightful position in the order using Dynamic Rest Compensation. In this situation, the song has to work its way back through the list before coming up for consideration again.

Shift Editor The Shift Editor determines the individual periods for your week.

UnderScheduler, select Shift Editor. When you click on the Shift Editor, the following box pops up. To configure this box, you place a number from 1-9 in the box. The same number would represent the same shift throughout the week. For instance, following is an example showing five shifts across the week:

Dayparted songs are handled a bit differently to take into account their more limited ability to play. When MusicMaster comes to a dayparted song that must be tested for Shift Rotation, it will determine the number of shifts that song is allowed to play in. If this number is one or zero, the rule will be disabled for this song, otherwise, the song would have no opportunity to play. If the number of shifts the song can play in is less than or equal to the number of plays requested in the rule properties, then the actual number of plays in other shifts required for that song will be the maximum number possible minus one. This feature is typically used in conjunction with the Hour Rotation test Shift Rotation.

- 382 - Scheduling

Should you wish, you can use the Shift Names button in the lower left to name your shifts. Once named, you'll see that name as you hover over the numbers in the grid. You will also be able to print the shift names in your printed log design. Traffic System Interface The Traffic System Interface allows you to import your third-party traffic information. This can be very helpful to time out a log. If necessary, you can also export that traffic information on to your automation system.

This option requires you include Traffic Merge elements in your clocks.

Select Schedule, Traffic System Interface.

When you check the "Import spot information" box, it will enable the rest of the options on the screen.

Use the Import button to select your traffic.def file. Once imported, use the drop down arrow to engage the file.

- 383 - If the display is blank, no file has been selected.

Enable Editing of Spot Assignments - When checked allows you to move spots within a break, from break-to-break (including across hours) and delete spots. Any deleted spots will move to the loose spots list. These options are available when right-clicking on the traffic merge position and selecting View Spots.

Purge - If you make a change to your traffic.def file, we recommend you Purge to force MusicMaster to re-import the traffic log.

Traffic System Interface Definition File This file is designed to import your traffic spots. This is done to see the amount of traffic in each break so the music can be timed properly. This information can also be exported so you’ll have a combined music and traffic file to send to your automation system. Not all automation systems can accept a combined music and traffic file.


The Description section is required and should generally be the first section in every MusicMaster definition file. This section provides a display name for the definition file and defines its purpose.

KEYS VALUE Name= Required - Display name for the definition file. Any text string is acceptable. Type= Required - Definition file type or purpose. Must be =Traffic


[Description] Name=WXYZ Traffic Merge (Required) Type=Traffic (Required)


This section is required for operations that import data into MusicMaster. This section, and all related subsections, define the input data source file location, type and contents.

- 384 - Scheduling

KEYS VALUE Defines the first hour of programming expecting in a history-based input file. FirstHour= (Default: 0= Midnight) Defines the number of hours expected in a history-based input file. (Default: NumHours= 24) Defines the path where the input file can be located, relative to the SourcePath= MusicMaster program folder. (Example: C:\Logs\) Defines the input filename or filename specification. Can include some date/- SourceSpec= time macros. (Examples: @m1@[email protected], TRAFFIC.DBF) Required – Identifies the file type and required import filter. Must be one of the following: AsciiD = Delimited ASCII text file (IOStandard) AsciiF = Fixed-length ASCII text file (IOStandard) SourceType= MultiAsciiF - Imports multiple Fixed-length ASCII text files at once (IOStandard) dBase = dBase database (IOStandard) MSExcel = Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (IOStandard) SAWTraffic = SAW Traffic traffic log export file (SAWTraffic)


[Import] SourceType=AsciiF (Required) SourcePath=C:\Logs\ SourceSpec=@m1@[email protected]


[ImportProperties] is a subsection of [Import]. This subsection is optional and defines various import properties that are specific to the type of input file being processed.

KEYS VALUE Used when the SourceType=AsciiD. This indicates what character is the delimiter. Delimiter= For example if the pipe is the delimiter, you’d indicate Delimiter=| Can be used to designate whether the input file contains a header row. 0 = No Header= header. 1 = Header is available. When creating a file using AsciiD or AsciiF, you can specify the line separator to LineSep= use in this property. The default value is 0, indicating a CR/LF pair. You can specify 13 for a CR only (Macintosh-type file) or 10 for a LF only (unix-type file). 1 – This will remove quotes in the field. This is primarily used in comma delimited Quotes= files that have information surrounded by quotation marks. “x” is the number of bytes in each input record. This would be used when you are reading a fixed-length ASCII file where each record does not end with a car- RecLen= riage return/line feed pair or when records may contain embedded control char- acters. Every record is assumed to be this exact length. Used when you want to search any subfolders of the path. 0=import from the Recurse= specified path only; 1=search subfolders

- 385 - KEYS VALUE “x” is the number of bytes at the beginning of the input file that should be SkipLen=x bypassed Can be used to sort the list of imported file names before importing data. 0=d- SortFiles= default; 1=Sort the list


[ImportProperties] Header=0


Note: [ImportFields] is a subsection of [Import]. This subsection is optional and defines data fields within the input file.

KEYS VALUE - For a fixed length ASCII file, you will specify a field name followed by a pipe Fldx= x must be a character, and then the start column and field length. unique value for - For delimited ASCII file when no header is present, you will simply specify a each defined field. field name for each field in the order that they appear in the input file. (Fld1, Fld2, etc.) -For dBase and Excel import files this section is optional since the field names from the actual input file will be used.


[ImportFields] Fld1=AirDate|2,8 Fld2=AirTime|11,8 Fld3=RunTime|95,5 Fld4=ID|23,16 Fld5=Title|59,32

The Spot ID field can be no more than 16 characters and the Sponsor/Title can be no longer than 64.


[ImportValidation] is a subsection of [Import]. This subsection is optional and defines validation filters that are performed against the data rows in the input file. Only rows that pass these validation tests will be imported. When this section is not defined, all input rows will be considered.

- 386 - Scheduling

KEYS VALUE Valx= x must be a unique value for A valid Script expression to perform against the input rows. each defined filter. (Val1, Val2, etc.)


[ImportValidation] Val1=Mid(Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A"

The "Mid" command listed above allows you to import portions of a field. This sample will only consider input rows with a colon in column 13 and a capital letter A in column 134.


This section is required for traffic merge definition files. This section, and all related subsections, define the actual traffic import and merging operations.




[TrafficProperties] is a subsection of [TrafficMerge]. This subsection is optional and defines various import properties that are specific to the type of input file being processed.

KEYS VALUE 1 – This option can be used if the traffic system has air times for spots in a break that are identical. This property will add the runtime to the spot airtime to give AirTimeFudge= each spot a distinct air time so the spots will be loaded in the same order they appear in the traffic file. X – Where “x” is the first hour of the day in the input file of the traffic system. For instance, if the traffic log contains hours starting with 6am through 5am the next day, you would set the option DayStartHour=6. This prevents the final five DayStartHour= hours of the day from being imported in the first five hours of the day for the log being imported. The default is 0 (midnight) which would be the correct value in most cases. 1 – This option is for where break codes are used to merge spots into the traffic position and where the break codes are unique throughout the day. With this FullDayMode= option, the merge can be done without air hours being present in the traffic log. Note: This style of merging is very uncommon and should only be used if neces- sary


- 387 - [TrafficProperties] AirTimeFudge=1


[TrafficData] is a subsection of [TrafficMerge]. This subsection is required for traffic merge definition files and defines the location of the required fields in the traffic system export file. Not all of these keys are required. However, you must specify enough fields to clearly indicate the Air Time, unique Spot ID, and a description for each commercial that airs. If the file can contain more than one single day of programming, then an AirDate field must also be defined. The values shown below are the type of data expected. You will actually enter a location where this value can be found using a Scripting expression. The most common expression in this section will be InFld(“fieldname”) where fieldname is the name of a field defined in the data import source file.

KEYS VALUE AirDate= Complete air date string (mm-dd-yyyy or similar) AirTime= Complete air time string (hh:mm:ss or similar) AirMonth= AirDate month numeric value (1-12) AirDay= AirDate day numeric value (1-31) AirYear= AirDate year numeric value (2 or 4 digits) AirHour= AirTime hour numeric value (0-23) AirMin= AirTime minutes numeric value (0-59) AirSec= AirTime seconds numeric value (0-59) AirHourTime= AirTime within the hour as a string (mm:ss) AirAP= AirTime am/pm indicator (a,am,p,pm,etc) AirHourID= AirTime hour ID as calculated in MusicMaster (include AirDate and Hour) AirDateTime= Air date and time combined as one string (mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss or similar) BreakCode= Used when specifying a BreakCode in the Traffic Merge clock positions RunTime= Complete runtime string (mm:ss) RunSecs= Complete runtime in seconds only (0-9999) RunHour= Runtime hours numeric value (0-23) RunMin= Runtime minutes numeric value (0-59) RunSec= Runtime seconds numeric value (0-59) SpotID= Unique traffic system ID code for commercials Used when the combination of SpotID and SpotTitle does not result in unique SpotKey= spots. This might happen if the same SpotID is used on multiple spots with dif- ferent titles. SpotTitle= Title or description for commercials SpotSponsor= Name of commercial sponsor or advertiser SpotValue= Monetary value for commercials UserX (X=1-3) Additional data fields for commercials from the import file

Additional Notes:

- 388 - Scheduling

RunTime and RunSecs will accomplish the same thing. Only one should be included in the file. For instance, if you import 300 into RunSecs, the runtime will be 05:00; which is the same thing as importing 05:00 into Runtime.

RunHour, RunMin and RunSec should be used together in cases where the runtime is formatted in an unusual way that doesn't apply to the RunTime and RunSecs options.


[TrafficData] AirDate=InFld("AirDate") AirHour=InFld("AirHour") AirSec=InFld("AirTime") RunSec=InFld("RunTime") SpotID=InFld("ID") SpotTitle=InFld("Title")

Traffic System Interface Definition File Sample Here is a sample of what a complete file might look like:

[Description] Name=WXYZ Traffic Merge (Required) Type=Traffic (Required)

[Import] SourceType=AsciiF (Required) SourcePath=C:\Logs\ SourceSpec=@m1@[email protected]

[ImportProperties] Header=0

[ImportFields] Fld1=AirDate|2,8 Fld2=AirTime|11,8 Fld3=RunTime|95,5 Fld4=ID|23,16 Fld5=Title|59,32

[ImportValidation] Val1=Mid(Data,13,1)=":" AND Mid(Data,134,1)="A"



- 389 - AirTimeFudge=1

[TrafficData] AirDate=InFld("AirDate") AirHour=InFld("AirHour") AirSec=InFld("AirTime") RunSec=InFld("RunTime") SpotID=InFld("ID") SpotTitle=InFld("Title") Unschedule The Unscheduler allows you to remove a log or logs or portions of a log that have been previously scheduled.

Under Schedule, select Unscheduler. The Unscheduler box will appear. You will configure the date range to unschedule, which categories to include in the process.

Other options you can configure include:

l Reset the last hour scheduler hour – This option allows you to reset the last scheduler hour to the start of the time period that you are unscheduling.

l Remove all elements and clock templates – This option will remove all elements in the date range specified. If you have checked off “remove all elements” you will not have a category choice or the Song Filter choice. The Song Filter option would allow you to only unschedule songs in the specified

- 390 - Scheduling

time period that match the search filter you configure. Should Permissions be in place that prevents a user from unscheduling, this option will not be visible.

l Do not unscheduled any locked elements – This option will prevent any elements that are locked from being unscheduled.

l Song Filter - This option will only be activated when the "Remove all elements and clock templates" box is not checked. In that situation, it will allow you to open a Filter box allowing you determine which type of elements are unscheduled.

After you have configured the screen with all of your choices, select OK. You will get a final warning message before the procedure is completed. When you have run the Unscheduler once, the settings that you have used will be saved for future reference.

If your Schedule Order has a stack management of Card File, categories are sorted by rest when your run the Unscheduler.

- 391 - Analysis The Analysis menu gives you tools to review your data. The following subsections are available.

Analysis Turnover Custom Time Periods Special History Reports Special Library Reports Analysis Turnover The Analysis screen will give you information on how your categories are rotating. You will see information on how many songs are in the category, how the category is played, even suggested rest settings. There are various columns with different types of averages as well.

Some clock positions do not lend themselves to the ability to create turnover information. Manual Elements, Forced Songs and Song List elements are not counted. While a Format List doesn’t, in and of itself, call for a category, the list would and turnover information will be updated accordingly.

You can choose which Clock Assignment Grid you wish to calculate the turnovers for by using the context menu that appears when you right click in the panel. This can be helpful when you have situations described above that might include clocks where calculations are not possible. For instance, if you had a clock with Song List or Manual elements, you might create a dummy Fixed position clock that calls for the categories the same number of times. You could then create a dummy Clock Assignment Grid and use that grid to calculate turnovers.

If you go back and forth between making changes in your clocks and looking at Analysis, the context menu also has a Recalculate feature. By using this, it will take into account any clock changes it sees. You can also close and reopen the screen to accomplish the same thing. Analysis Calculations (Statistics and Suggested Settings) There are 16 columns of information available for each category at the top of the screen. You can have as many of these showing as you’d like. By clicking on any of the headers, you will resort the list for that average. You can right-click anywhere in the top-half of the screen to enable or disable any of the options:

l Songs – This indicates how many songs are in the category.

l Play Weekly – This indicates how many times the category plays in a week.

l Hours Used – This indicates how many hours during the week the category is called for.

l Avg/Hour – This indicates how many hours in a week where this category is called for.

l Short Turnover – This is the shortest amount of time the category turns over.

- 392 - Analysis

l Long Turnover – This is the longest amount of time the category turns over.

l Mean Turnover – This is what most people call “average.” The sum of all the turnovers of the songs is added up and divided by the number of songs.

l Median Turnover - A determination is made of all of the turnovers for the songs in the category. The point where half of the turnovers are above and below is the Median.

l Mode Turnover – A determination is made of all of the turnovers for the songs in the category. The turnover time that occurred most frequently is the Mode.

l RMS Turnover – This is the Root Mean Square turnover, the square root of the mean of the square. This average smoothes out the average turnover by squaring every value, finding the mean and then taking the square root of the mean.

l Avg Week Time – This is the average amount of time that the category plays during the week.

l Avg Spins/Day – This is the average number of spins per day for songs in the category.

l Avg Spins/Week – This is the average number of spins per week for songs in the category.

l Hour Exposure - This tells you the percentage of hours in which the music played before coming back to the same hour, 100% meaning it played in each of the other 23 hours. You can also see information on Hour Exposure in the box next to the graph. This graph shows you a visual display for the number of songs and number of weeks you choose. As you adjust this graph, the Hour Exposure information will change. It’s quite possible to have what appears to be a nice graph, but it plays the songs in the same hours. By adjusting the number of songs, you can see how the Hour Exposure might change.

l Qtr Hour Exposure – Quarter Hour Exposure indicates the balance of quarter hours that songs in this category are predicted to appear. For instance, if a song is expected to play in each of the four quarter hours during the time frame studied, the exposure would be 100%. If it was expected to play four times in the first two quarter hours and two times in the two quarter hours, the exposure would be 75%. If it didn’t air at all in the last two quarters, it would drop to 50%.

l Suggested Minimum Rest – The program will calculate a suggested minimum rest setting for the category, which is about 60% of the Shortest Turnover column.

l Suggested Maximum Rest - The program will calculate a suggested maximum rest setting for the category, which is three times the Mean Turnover column.

l Daypart Speedup – This column gives you the percentage a category is rotated faster due to dayparting in the category.

You can print this section of the screen by selecting File, Print. Graphic Display The graphic display allows you to see turnover information for a category with different options.

The display will show a colored circle representing each time the song plays. This is the same song as it moves throughout your schedule. Any places the category is not called for will be represented by a dash in the square. Each colored circle will also have a quarter hour indicator in a darker version of the color. This indicates where in the hour

- 393 - the song is predicted to play. Should you have more than one play predicted in the hour, the display will show the circle with different colors for each quarter hour play. You may also hover your cursor over a circle to see the number of predicted plays in that hour.

It should be noted that there are a couple of other things you may see on the graph; namely, a dashed line or an “r” representing Gold Recycling and a dashed line indicating the category is not called for in that hour. Keep in mind that if you have some of the more complex clock positions like Proportional or Migrating this may be simply due to that calculation.

These icons are available in the display:

Slot Count The power of the bottom portion of the screen is the ability to play with a category to determine whether adding or subtracting songs from it would improve its rotation. To do this, change the number in the Slot Count field. When you do this, you will see a positive or negative number showing the change

Map Weeks If you have a slow-spinning category, you can adjust the number of weeks shown in the Turnover Map, to a maximum of 52 weeks. As you adjust the numbers, review how the Turnover Info changes. Specifically, check the Hour Exposure and see if it improves or declines with any changes you make

Included Hours If you would like to look the projected turnovers for only a certain time frame, you can do it with this option. By default it will say "All Hours". When you click on the option, you will get a graph where you can remove any hours. When you click "OK", the icon will adjust and display the number of hours now included.

Blank Rows The “vice” icon is a way to condense the lines you see in the graph. In some slow-moving categories, you may have several days where you have no plays. Using this icon will remove all rows where no plays are expected to occur.

Graph Display The red “x” will change the graphic display from the colored circles to x’s

- 394 - Analysis

Category Usage The musical note icon displays Format Clock Category Usage grid. This grid will show how many times each category is called for throughout the week. This can be helpful to make sure you are calling for a category consistently.

Davpart Avails The clock with a red “x” represents daypart avails. This grid will show how many songs are available throughout the week. This can be helpful to determine if any rules may need to be adjusted because fewer songs are available due to dayparting.

Autoburn The musical note/fire icon allows you to adjust Autoburn settings. The current category will be selected when you open the Autoburn settings. Once you save any changes to the Autoburn settings, the Turnover screen will recalculate automatically to show you the new projected results.

Coding Analysis The musical note/chart icon is for coding analysis. This option will open an analysis window where you can pick any available keyword or attribute field. The analysis will show the individual codes for the field along with the number of songs using those codes, plays per day, plays per week, code turnover and airplay density. This gives you the projected turnovers like you see for your music / non-music categories.

Turnover Calculator The calculator icon allows you to play with the number of songs in the category (Slot Count), the number of times you call for it (Avg. Per Hour) and the turnover time (Avg.). By using the calculate buttons, you can see graphically what the turnover would like with various settings.

- 395 - To use this, change one of the three fields and then click on the calculate button you want to view. For instance, if you were setting up a new category and you knew you wanted a turnover for the category of 29 hours (1d 5:00) and you wanted to play four songs per hour, you would fill in those two pieces of information. You would then click on the Calculate button to the right of Slot Count. MusicMaster would then determine you need 116 songs in the category.

Should you wish to recalculate the screen for any changes you’ve made, you can use the double-arrow icon to do so.

Please keep in mind that any tests you have set up are not reflected when viewing these graphs. The graphs only take into account the number of slots in the category and the number of times the category is called for in the clocks.

Custom Time Periods Custom Time Periods are used by some analysis and history reports to report on a segment of the day. While any user can implement this, the typical use is for stations who must submit governmental reports that cover specific time frames.

Select Analysis, Custom Time Periods.

Click into the drop down boxes to pick the first and last hour for the time periods. You should make your most important or most common time period the first one. This will be the default in some of the setup screens for reports.

- 396 - Analysis

Special Library Reports There are various Special Library Reports that are pre-built in the program.

Select Analysis, Special Library Reports.

The left side of the screen allows you configure the categories to be included in the report. The right side of the screen is where you configure the matching fields for your station. If applicable, the last option on the right is where you configure the date/time for the report.

Once these settings are configured and the report is run, they will be saved for future reference.

Report types available include

l AirPlay Affidavit – This report is useful if you need to print a report indicating what time items occurred. This might be helpful for PPAs for instance. Used in conjunction with the Fields, Value option, you could determine the value of the time donated. Be sure the Value field is filled in on all the songs you are including in the report so an accurate total will be displayed.

l Category Move History – This report will indicate the move history for the song, including how many plays the song had in the category. Also included is the add date. An additional Report Option will allow you to determine the Maximum Moves. This can be useful if you only wish to see the last move or two of a song.

l Category Spins Analysis – This report will show the selected songs sorted by the average number of spins per day. This is calculated based upon the last move date or add date and the number of category plays since that date.

l Weeks in Category – This report will indicate the number of weeks and days a song has been in a category. Also included is the category and library play information. Report Designer The Report Designer button will open the actual design used to create the report. This allows you to make any adjustments you might want in the layout.

There are multiple types of lines available to you:

l reportHeader1 and reportFooter1 lines control the information printed one time only at the beginning and end of the entire report.

l PageHeader and PageFooter lines control the information printed at the top and bottom of each page.

l GroupHeader1 and GroupFooter1 control information printed for break points. For instance, if there is a break in the report on a category or the letter of the alphabet, these lines will accomplish this.

l Detail is the line where typical information like Artist and Title is included.

- 397 - The Fields section lists all the fields you have available to you. Please note what fields you can pick from will change depending upon the page configuration. For instance, only certain fields are available on a PageHeader line, but every field is available to you in the Detail section. You will only be able to drag fields to appropriate lines.

The Properties box on the right-hand side of the screen will allow you to control the color (Appearance), whether empty spaces will be left if the field is empty (Behavior, CanShrink), whether the field can enlarge if there is more information (Behavior, CanGrow). or when a new page will start (Behavior, New Page). The Properties will change depending upon which line you are on.

You can make any changes you’d like to these reports. Should you ever wish to reload the original report, you can use the blank page icon to do so.

The Page Setup icon allows you to configure the paper size, orientation and margins of your report. These options will be saved when you save the report. Should you stretch the report canvas wider than the default width, you will get extra blank pages. You will see this in the preview, signified by the red dashed line. That line indicates the report is too wide for the selected paper size and margins.

The “A” icon is for a . When set into the design, this allows you to print specific information in the report. For instance, you may want to have the column headers listed. You would create a text box for each and give it the appropriate label. It is possible to copy report designs between stations. While the design is open, use the icons for Import and Export on the toolbar. While their may be similarity between stations, it is possible the fields will not be same from station to station. The basic design will be copied and can be imported. You may have to make some adjustments to the design to ensure you are printing the correct fields.

All reports in MusicMaster have a Print Preview window available. What you see in the preview is what you’ll get when you print it to paper. You will be able to scroll through the report to review it. You can then either print it or discard it.

You might also include your own logo in the report. Go to Enterprise, Manage Stations and include the Station Logo to do this. Special History Reports Various organizations require Special History Reports. This section of the program contains pre-built reports to the specifications of the individual organizations. Should you have a need that is not covered by the included reports, please contact your Music Scheduling Consultant.

- 398 - Analysis

Select Analysis, Special History Reports. Use the drop down to select the report you wish to run.

The left side of the screen allows you configure the dates and times as well as the categories to be included in the report.

The right side of the screen is where you configure the matching fields for your station. The fields listed on the left are the names assigned by the various organizations. The right column is a pull down menu for you to choose the appropriate field from your station. For instance, a report may specify that the Artist be included. You might call that field Performer in your database. This Options tab matches the appropriate fields so that the organization will get the information they want.

Once these settings are configured and the report is run, they will be saved for future reference.

One Miscellaneous option that may appear is Primary Rest Merge. This Yes/No option would be used if you have previously set up a keyword field as the Primary Rest field in Manage Stations, Misc. Setting this to Yes will combine all the plays of all the songs with the same primary rest keyword into a single entry. Details like Artist and Title will come from one of the combined songs. It is also important to note that if you are using History Linking / Alternate Category for some purpose other than multiple instances of the same song, then you will not want to activate this option.

Some reports preview on the screen while other are sent directly to a file. For those that are sent to a file immediately, you can force the file to go to a specific folder. This is configured in the Manage Stations, History section. Notes on Specific Reports Artist/Title Analysis – This report allows you to see the plays for each song in a single report. The Options tab allows you to group the songs by artist to have all the songs by an artist displayed together. If a multiple keyword field is specified for artist, songs will show up under each artist that was entered in the artist field.

Category Turnover Analysis – This report shows a summary of the spins and turnovers for all songs in each category combined and averaged.

Content Airplay Affidavit – This report can be configured to select up to three user- selected attributes for the affidavit. A column will appear in the report and will show a number corresponding to the attribute assigned if the song has the attribute. For instance if Gender-F is Content 1 and Gender-M is Content 2, you might see “-2” in the field. This would mean the song has Gender code M. The user can also total up the usage by either count or time for the selected time frame.

Hourly Summary Report – This report shows the total count and time of song

- 399 - elements in each hour of the report period.

Relative Separation Analysis - This report will allow you to perform an analysis of the separation time of songs with the same value in a given field across two adjacent time periods. For instance, if you picked the field Artist, you would be able to find the plays too close to where that Artist played on the previous day. We would recommend you run the report for one day, typically the last day scheduled. The analysis will then show the separation between values in the field you picked looking at the day you picked for the report and the previous day.

CRTC – Canada - Users of this report should set the Included Categories option to “Music Categories.” This report would be used primarily if a station has been requested or issued a RAP report.

CRTC – Canada (Airplay Log) – Users of this report should set the Included Categories option to “Music Categories.” There is also an option to switch this between delimited and text outputs.

CRTC – Canada (Self-Assessment) – Users of this report should set the Included Categories option to “Music Categories.” If you use need to report the Vocal language fields, you’ll need to change the Report Format to French for this information to appear. This is the report that would be submitted to the CRTC. The Station Type property allows you to indicate whether your station is FM, AM or TV. This simply removes sections of the report that are not needed for certain stations types.

GEMA/GVL – Germany – This report has an EAN Number Mode setting under Misc. It gives you the choices of None, Order Number as EAN Number or you can define a separate field as the EAN Number. When you select Order Number as EAN Number, the EAN Number field will be used only when the Order Number field is blank. If you select to define a separate field as the EAN Number, you will specify that in the Song Fields section.

GEMA - Germany (DLN ) - This report has an EAN Number Mode setting under Misc. It gives you the choices of None, Order Number as EAN Number or you can define a separate field as the EAN Number. When you select Order Number as EAN Number, the EAN Number field will be used only when the Order Number field is blank. If you select to define a separate field as the EAN Number, you will specify that in the Song Fields section.

GVL – Germany – This report has an attribute filter that allows you select a specific attribute code so only songs containing that attribute would be included in the report. When left blank, all songs are included.

Sirius Third Party Vendor – USA – This report is designed for those MusicMaster users who supply programming to SiriusXM and need to submit playlist reports to SiriusXM.

- 400 - Analysis

Sound Exchange Affiliates Report - This report can use the Report Format option to create a report for Webcaster, NPR, Sirius or Moody.

Sound Exchange – USA – This report lists Performers 2, 3 and 4 in the Options. These were added specifically for classical music stations who have multiple soloists on recordings. A typical user will only need to use the Artist/Performer 1 fields.

- 401 - History From reviewing history graphs to digging into the History Browser, this section discusses how to understand what you are seeing and how to best utilize the information you are seeing. Sections covered here include:

History Graphs History Browser History Browser This section covers the setup and review of the History Browser. Setup The History Browser is opened through the History icon. When opened, you'll have tabs to configure Time Period, Categories, Filters, Display and Favorites.

Time Period You can determine the time and hour configuration by clicking into the windows and changing the parameters.

You can set up a time period longer than one year. However, keep in mind it will take longer to process this. Please do not End Task the program while it is doing this calculation for you.

If you need to only look at certain hours, you can change the Included Hours setting. Any "x" will mean the hour is included. If you would like to remove the hour from consideration, simply hit your space bar to remove it. You can also use your mouse to highlight a large area, using your space bar to clear that area.

There are also options below the Included Hours grid: Select All, Clear All, Invert All and Daily. Select All and Clear All are self-explanatory. Invert All will switch the selected hours. If there is a "x" to include it, it will change to a blank space to not include and vice versa. The Daily option works when you set the hours to something other than midnight to 11pm in the Time Period. This would allow you to look at only 6am-6pm Daily, for instance.

The option to "Add Hour Song Filters" opens a filter box allowing you to further refine what elements will be reviewed. This can be helpful if you want to review the history of a sub-class, like your Gender F songs.

- 402 - History

Categories The Categories tab determines which categories you would like to see in the report. By default all categories will be included. You can use category groups or check on and off any category individually.

Filters If you would like to see certain songs that match particular criteria, the Filter tab will give you that ability. Filtering can be done on any field if your database. You can add several filters at once and even determine if all songs must match these criteria or just one.

Display The Display mode gives you the ability to change criteria for the report. By default, this report will show the Individual Plays. You might select Individual Songs or if you were interested in seeing how a particular artist was playing, you could select Artist in the Display Mode window. Once you have picked the Display Mode, Properties appropriate to that mode will appear in the Properties box. The Properties you configure here will determine the columns of information displayed and available for printing in the History Browser.

Options that may be of interest for Individual Songs include Show Rank and the ability Include Zero Plays option. Setting Include Zero Plays to True and the Max Total Spins to zero would show you all songs that had not played during the time frame you picked.

There will be Display Options and Printed Report options to configure. To make a change to any of these options, click into the field and open the drop-down box. In the case of "Print TItle," you may simply type in the title for your report.

Favorites The final tab is for Favorites. This tab lets you load, modify and save whatever configurations you use most often. It also lets you manage your Favorites by saving them with new names, renaming them or deleting them. Graphic Options Once your report has been generated, you'll have the ability to display that information graphically below the columned report.

You can sort the report by any of the columns by clicking on it. To reverse the order, simply click again. You may also resize or move any column to suit your preferences. See the discussion on Favorites below to retain your settings. Under the display will be a graph that will visually display information. This information can be removed from the display by clicking on the splitter bar. If shown, this graph can be adjusted by clicking into the drop-down box on the lower-left. Options here include:

- 403 - l Spins by Hour – This will show the number of spins in each hour.

l Spins by Day – This will show the number of spins by the date.

l Spins by Week – This will show the number of spins by the week.

l Spins by Month – This will show the number of spins by the month.

l Spins by Weekday – This will show the number of spins by the day of the week.

l Spins by Shift – This will show spins by shifts that are set under Dataset, Scheduler, Shift Editor. The shift information loads when the History Browser is opened. If you configure or change your shifts when the Browser is open, simply close and reopen to see the updated results.

l Play History by Date – This will show a history graph with the dates and an indication of the number of plays in each hour. A total will be listed at the bottom of the graph.

l Play History by Play- This will show a history graph with only those dates that have plays, with a colored circle in each hour of play. The darker color in the circle indicates the quarter-hour the song played in. A total will be listed at the bottom of the graph.

l Spins Density – This will show the percentage of spins the target played in relation to the total Time Period chosen.

l Airtime Density – This will show the percentage of airtime the target played in relation to the total Time Period chosen.

l Turnover Distribution – This will show you what turnover time was the most popular for each song. The Y axis will indicate the total number of instances, the X axis will indicate the number of hours of turnover.

If your Display Option is set to Individual Songs or Individual Plays, you will also be able to view the History graph [F6].

The overall look of the History Browser will be saved for each user. Settings that are saved include whether the splitter bar is used, what the active graph display shows and the history sort order properties.

The toolbar in the History Browser allows you to change any of the original settings by clicking on them, save Favorite designs and Print history reports. There are a few other icons here:

l Song Card allows you to view and change the Song Card information.

l Recap allows you to review the Schedule Recap Analysis when you are using the Individual Song or the Individual Play Display Mode. This Recap will show you each time the song was considered for play and how it faired with your rules. For more information see Scheduling Recap.

l Saved List allows you to save the current History Browser view, including the sort order.

l Copy allows you to copy the top portion of the display so you can take it to another program like Notepad or Excel.

l Printing History - Whatever you see on your screen will be printed when you click on the Print icon. Since you have numerous ways of having the history information displayed, you can print many types of history reports.

- 404 - History

History Graphs History graphs let you see the play history of the song or any of the keywords associated with it.

There are various places you can view the History graphs. Typically these are viewed in the Schedule Editor or Library Maintenance. The graphs are also available in the History Browser if your display is set for Individual Plays or Individual Songs.

You can activate the History graph by selecting View, History Graph or by using [F6]. You may also use [SHIFT-F6] to view the history for the active keyword or packet field. The history graph must be open for this to work.

If you are in the Schedule Editor, you can use the icon on the toolbar to open the History graph.

Graph Options History graphs load only the amount of play history that the Scheduler loads when testing songs. There are several options on the toolbar for a History Graph.

Using the icon on the left of the graph, you can pick the specific graph you'd like to review. Choices include Play History, Daily Spins, Weekly Spins and Shift History graphs.

The graphs in this section are all shown in descending order, the most recent play at the top. You can click in the upper-left cell to change the order to ascending order.

At the bottom of the graphs, there will be totals. On the Shift History graph, this will give the total number of spins for each shift. Each shift will be listed, even if it is not set up in the Shift Editor.

Play History This graph will show you the date and time of the history with a colored circle in the appropriate time square. Each different color indicates the quarter-hour the song played in. You will also have a column indicating the Turnover of the song.

- 405 - You can double-click on anywhere in the graph. This opens a Schedule Review box showing you the log for the hour the song played in. You can load a different date and time by using the drop-down boxes then clicking on the green button. The up and down arrows will take you to the hours before or after the one you are currently viewing. The magnifying glass will give you a Vicinity viewer where you can see the music around the specific song in the window size you’ve specified. (See Vicinity Viewer for more information.) The final box allows you to change what field you are looking at.

Daily Spins This graph will show you the date of the history along with a column showing you the total number of plays that day. A number will be in each square showing how many times it played in that hour.

- 406 - History

Weekly Spins This graph will show you the date of the history along with a column showing you the total number of plays that week. The colored circles represent the quarter hours each play occurred in. If a number is in the square, this indicates how many times it played in that hour during the week.

Shift History This graph will show you the plays in each shift. The numbers on the graph represent the shift numbers as designated in the Shift Editor

Display Options The white line across the top of the graph will indicate the artist and title. There is a drop down on the far right where you can pick other graph types including Song, Keyword(s), Packets (if available) and Moves.

The “x” will show dayparting if it active. In the example below, the song cannot play during the middle of the day and this area is shaded gray. If no dayparting is available, the icon will appear gray.

- 407 - The musical note icon will only be displayed when viewing Keyword and Packet graphs. This option will allow you to see the specific plays that relate to the song you are looking at. For instance, in the graph below, only those plays with the black square are the specific song “One Moment in Time.” All other plays are other Whitney Houston songs

The shovel icon allows you to load all the available history (for songs or keywords).

The pushpin icon allows you to set the default graph display. By default, the graph will show the song history when you move to a new song. If you select another graph, for instance Artist Keyword, and then click on the pushpin icon, the graph will now display this choice as you move to a new song. Should the field contain no entries, the song history will be shown. This setting will be saved for each database.

The printer icon will print the history graph displayed.

Graph Display in the Schedule Editor While in the Schedule Editor, you will also have the opportunity to see what the history graph would look like if you selected that song. The history graph will display a star in the color of the quarter hour. This is designed to show you the projected rotation. Once you select the song, the typical circle icon will be shown on the history graph. If you do not choose the song, no history will be written.

- 408 - History

- 409 - Technical Reference The Technical Reference section contains information on settings and additional files that can be used with MusicMaster.

Active Directory Command Line Options Server Monitor Active Directory Active Directory authenticates and authorizes users and computers, allowing a user to log into their computer and subsequent programs with that single log in. Server Configuration In MusicMaster CS, the CS Server needs to be configured first. This is done in the Server Monitor, User Authentication tab.

There are multiple Authentication Modes available:

l Internal (Use MusicMaster accounts only) - This mode does not use Active Directory. This requires the MusicMaster CS user to log in to the program.

l LDAP / Active Directory (Use external LDAP accounts only) - This mode enables Active Directory. Most users will want to use this option. This mode allows the user to log into their computer and to be subsequently logged into MusicMaster CS automatically when it is launched.

l Mixed (use both MusicMasterr and external LDAP accounts) - This mode enables Active Directory and also still requires the MusicMaster CSuser to log in. We recommend this option while you are setting this up and testing it. This is because with full Active Directory mode, you cannot log in to MusicMaster CS unless you have already entered the credentials for a valid Active Directory user that is mapped to a MusicMaster CS user. Unless you already have the Client open while you are setting this up, you would not be able to log back in to set up these user mappings unless you can log in with a MusicMaster CS user account and you cannot set up the external account links until you active the Active Directory Interface.

Once you have you have selected LDAP or Mixed, the screen will have additional options.

- 410 - Technical Reference

l LDAP Server / Domain Controller Address - This is the IP Address or DNS name of the Active Directory LDAP Server. This is the server where Active Directory is running. The standard port for LDAP is 389 and this is rarely changed. You still will be required to enter the address and the port just in case it is different. There is an example listed here.

l Domain - This is the name you assign when you set up Active Directory. Again, there is an example listed here. Username / Password - This is a valid Active Directory username and password. This does not need to be the MusicMaster CS user, but it can be. This is simply the account used by MusicMaster CS to look up the list of valid names in Active Directory.

l Test - This allows you to confirm that MusicMaster CS is able to talk to the Active Directory Server. User Setup These steps are assuming you have set up Active Directory in Mixed mode as we recommended above for the initial setup.

Open MusicMaster CS and log in. and go to Enterprise, Manage Users. Edit a user. You should see the External Account option.

- 411 - Click Select and choose from the available Active Directory user accounts.

- 412 - Technical Reference

This will link this account to this user. Each user can only be linked to one Active Directory user account. Once this link is established, the MusicMaster CS user will now need to login using their password from Active Directory. Since they are mapped, either will work.

You can use the MusicMaster CS username or the fully-qualified Active Directory username on the CS login screen.

Once these external accounts are linked, you can go back to the Server Monitor, Server Configuration screen and switch to full Active Directory mode if you would like. Command Line Options These command line options can be used to further enhance your use of MusicMaster.

KEY VALUE X is replaced with the default language and culture settings. This uses the language- /LANGUAGE=x region code format; i.e., en-US, de-DE

Server Monitor The Server Monitor controls numerous functions of the Server

- 413 - Start / Stop MusicMaster CS Server This option Starts or Stops the MusicMaster CS Server. It will show you the option it will do if selected; i.e., if the Server is already running, the option will say Stop MusicMaster CS Server. Restart MusicMaster CS Server Should you need to restart the Server, this option will do so. Reset Server Cache Force Logout Should you need to force a user or all users out of the program, you can do so with this option.

The users will be listed and by checking off the box next to their name, you can force them out of the program.

Server Configuration The Server Configuration has numerous tabs for configuring MusicMaster CS

Data Provider The Data Provider tab indicates your connection string to your SQL Server.

- 414 - Technical Reference

- 415 - Network

Use Proxy - When checked, enables the use of a proxy server Proxy Server - The name or IP address of the proxy server Proxy Port - Port for the proxy server; default is 80 Proxy Username - The user name if Basic authentication is used Proxy Password - The password if Basic authentication is used

User Authentication This option is used in conjunction with Active Directory. This section only discusses how Active Directory is used with MusicMaster CS and presumes the user has an understanding of Active Directory and has it implemented.

- 416 - Technical Reference

There are three options when setting this up:

l Internal (Use MusicMaster accounts only) - This is the default option and means Active Directory is not in use. Users would log in using their MusicMaster CS credentials.

l LDAP / Active Directory (Use external LDAP accounts only) - This option only uses Active Directory accounts.

l Mixed (Use both MusicMaster and external LDAP accounts - This option is helpful when setting up MusicMaster CS with Active Directory and we recommend you use it this way during the setup. This allows you to get in with the CS username and password. You'll set up the address of the LDAP server and the fully qualified domain name. You'll then need to set up a username and password of a user that has rights to read the LDAP user directory. Once this is enabled and the server is restarted, the user editor will show a new field when creating users to specify their AD username. This then allows auto login for AD users if a CS user account with the Active AD account is available. Once you have confirmed everything is working properly, you can switch from Mixed mode to LDAP.

Use Mixed mode when setting this up. If you do not have credentials for a valid Active Directory user that is mapped to a MusicMaster CS user, you will be unable to log in to MusicMaster CS.

When choosing one of the Active Directory options, you will have further settings to configure.

l LDAP Server / Domain Controller Address - This is the IP Address or DNS name of the AD LDAP Server, the server where Active Domain is running. The standard port for LDAP is 389 and is rarely changed.

- 417 - l Domain - This is the name you assigned when you set up Active Directory.

l Username - This is the Active Domain username. We would recommend you create a username like "CSUser" within Active Directory to facilitate this.

l Password - This is the Active Domain password.

The Test button allows you to confirm that MusicMaster CS is able to communicate with the Active Domain Server.

To finish implementing the user Active Director for MusicMaster CS, must now log into the program and go to Users to configure the details for a specific user. See Active Directory for more information.

Nexus If you are using a Nexus interface with a third-party system, the connection information is listed here.

- 418 - Technical Reference

l Enable Nexus - This check box must be engaged to use Nexus with MusicMaster CS

l Nexus Base Address - This is the same location as the CS Server. This needs to be the IP or UNCS name that other services can connect to.

l Nexus Port - Default is 8080 and you can change this to any port you would like to use.

l Message Encoding -

l Include Byte Order Marker -

l Include XML Declaration Header

l Indent XML Text -

l Log Messages - This check box will enable logging of Nexus messages.

l Use SSL - Secure Sockets Layer creates an encrypted connection between two products, in this case, Nexus and a third-party system. To use Nexus with SSL, this box needs to be checked. This requires any Nexus-based third-party application to connect to your Nexus using SSL. When checked, you can browser to the security certificate. This is your own security certificate that is installed on the MusicMaster CS Server computer. This certification needs to be a .PFX file. You will also need the certificate password. When you click Save, MusicMaster CS will prompt you for the certificate password.

Email Notifications For email Notifications to be sent, this screen is set up once by an Administrator. All options should be configured. The Subject Prefix can be modified if you'd like.

There is a test button at the bottom to ensure this is working properly.

This must be set up if you want to use Notifications within MusicMaster CS

- 419 - - 420 - Technical Reference


The Backup Folder is set to the local drive of the Server in the \Program Files\MusicMaster CS\MusicMaster Server\Backups folder by default. If you have the SQL Server and CS Server on separate machines, there are a couple of things you'll need to do. You will need to create a share that both machines (SQL Server and CS Server) can access. That share is then listed in this Backup Folder path. We recommend using a UNC path name that both machines have rights to access, for instance, \\BackupServer\Backups.

Checking the Performance Logging box creates an additional log file in the Server\Logs folder called MusicMasterServerPerformance.log This is not something you would turn on all the time. This would be used in a case where more information might be needed on performance issues where MusicMaster, Inc. does not have access to your Server. When checked, the Server needs to be restarted. The users would then perform the operations that are causing issues. The log would then be sent to MusicMaster, Inc. for analysis.

- 421 - Maximum automatic scheduler sessions - This option controls how many automatic sessions run at the same time when using the Enterprise, Automatic Scheduler option. More CPU resources on your server are used when more sessions that are running at the same time. That could result it diminished performance for other users. This setting limits how many are running. For instance, if you started 50 stations, only the first 10 would actually schedule. When one finishes, the next in line will then start to take its place until all schedules are finished. We would not recommend raising this default. You may need to lower it if performance becomes diminished.

Client Refresh Delay (ms) is the setting for how often the Client will refresh and update with changes made by other users.

Enable Automated Tasks will be checked by default. This option should be disabled if you have multiple CS Servers. Only one CS Server should run Automated Tasks. This option allows you to determine which CS Server will do so.


Suppress XFrame Options Header - Checking this option prevents the CS Web interface from emitting this header. As noted, this can be a security risk so it is not enabled by default. Launch Data Converter This option launches the Converter to import MusicMaster PRO data to MusicMaster CS. Please see the information on this Converter for more information on it. Create new MMCS Database By default when you install MusicMaster CS, it creates a database called "MusicMasterCS". If you wish to create a new database, you can use this option. In order for the Client to use this new database, you will have to adjust the Server Configuration.

SQL Server does not support database names that are purely numeric or that start with a number. The first character must be alphanumeric, an underscore (_),

- 422 - Technical Reference

an at sign (@) or a number/hastag sign (#). Embedded spaces or special characters are not allowed.

Create Backup This option creates a full backup of the entire database. It will be located in the Server\backups folder under the application folder. The file will be named after the database and contain the date/time; i.s., MMCSBackup_MusicMasterCS_ 041520161930.bak.

If you wish to backup an individual station, open any station and go to Enterprise, Stations, Manage Stations. Click on the station you wish to backup and use the Create Backup button at the bottom of the screen.

Restore Backup This option will bring up a listing of the available backups. Once selected, MusicMaster CS will restore the file you've requested. View Read Me This opens a Notepad document that shows you the changes that have been made in the program. View Log File This opens a Notepad document that shows you the Server log. This log is located in Server\logs sufolder under the application folder. The log for today is the one named simply "MusicMasterServer.log". Previous logs will have the date in the file name. About This opens a box that indicates the specific version of MusicMaster CS you are running. Exit Thanks for using MusicMaster CS.

- 423 -



B blue arrow The blue arrow appears in the pointer column and indicates your location in the software.

E edit helper button The edit helper button has three dots in it. When you click on this button, fur- ther options will appear.

P pointer column The pointer column is the column to the far left of various screens. It is used throughout the software. You may see a blue arrow in this column.

priority category A priority category has a search depth of one

- 425 -




Analysis Turnover 392 Assignment Grids 135 Attribute Rules 188 Attributes 80 Automated Tasks 26 Automatic Scheduler 316


Backup 30


Categories 81 Category QuickMove 83 Chart Editor 84 Clock Elements 136 Creating a Clock 136 Cross Station Rules 215


Enterprise Configuration 30 Enterprise Stations 37 Enterprise Users 43 Export to Automation 331


Field Overrides 56 Fields 94 File Options 17 Format Clock Rules 216 Format Lists 181 Format Scheduler 182


Gold Recycling 349


History Browser 402 History Graphs 405 History Snapshot 351 Hour Rotation Rules 218

- 427 - K

Keyword Rules 231 Keywords 100


Library Analysis 59 Library Export 89 Library Key Mapping 62, 99 Library Synchronize 116


Mass Changer 65


Numeric Rules 237


Packets 108 Printed Logs 358


Query 71


Reconcile 365 Rule Group 268 Rule Tree Wizard 258


Schedule Calendar 373 Schedule Editing Features 285 Schedule Key Mapping 293 Schedule Order 376 Schedule Properties 380 Server Monitor 413 Shift Editor 382 Song History Rules 261 Song List Editor 110 Special History Reports 398 Special Library Reports 397

- 428 - Index


Text Rules 271 Traffic System Interface 383 Trivia 131


Unschedule 390


Yes No Rules 275

- 429 -