Page 6 Rear Cover Page Front Cover Page Page 1 Winchester

n g i n l n o e on e in vi s v r v l r o itica e ed m r red va s va l lo o y Nigel Long Design,

f c o floor o e ooms n r s r st p er er s k u s t e p a pi ds sto r eturn d e n o p Illustration b l r upper cloak r u si FLOOD ADVICE FOR BUSINESSES er c -r o u c n eco r Business critical w r B e o sewer pipe serving e Non- r r s N Please fill in those contacts relevant to your business in case of the

event of a flood, and keep in a safe place.

e n g n s ai s e r h d e e m i n aina r c w t when r r u c a d o drainage d an e ounds r e t b r n t g d o otect main a d d n r u g l b o e p INTRODUCTION entrance n c S lo n in F Flood barriers - e ur e s can p r l E ca es included e b P

scapi A AD BUSINESS a d ur s n High impact disaster events are a frequent occurrence in since 2011, a landscaping g r a l e stain measu r Sustainable urban u m

S Emergency Contacts Office Emergency Contacts affecting an average one million people annually. During the period 2005-15, n i

e floods alone have affected 64% of the total Sri Lankan population. r

a GUIDE TO FLOOD / e in u e t d r e ea ni a MEASUR r Disaster Management e & equipment e & equipment n ais r fu s l r d furnitu r E e In May 2016, a record high rainfall affected 24 of the 25 districts across Sri y y l l a o o Call Centre 117 ptio i b y raised/ r s e lo lo a e c asi flood F F floor t a E e

f f Lanka. 493,319 people were affected by floods and landslides causing 93 vable s a ov eception a r d d r of Easi l o R Police Emergency 119 n a m m s a e furnitu r furnitu r t g ENC ide em o deaths and 117 reported missing (210 lives lost). The disaster damaged 58,925 r r r n n i I e e e e r t t i erings ide Police Hotline 112 e s v v v L sil v as houses and caused a loss in income for over a million people dependent on l t esilient materials Plaster and I e c o r P r co n

S Fire and Rescue 110 e agriculture, trade and industries. and districts which are

e & g tm RE s

Ministry of Defence 118 concentrated with more than 45 percent of Sri Lanka’s industries were the r a

’ s r e g o i ’ estment ideas o e t r a r v to

st most affected. Over 85% of the houses affected were from these two districts. D a v B p ow/no co ow/no a es es e

l Sri Lanka Telecom 1212 ea b r b n m to raise/m o to raise/m o ed i , a a u N t d d

r The recorded total effect of the disaster was SL Rupees 105 billion. Private p o n

G o e m ‘ ‘Grab Ba g ica l A & Water Supply Board 1939 m flood barriers & f h r d r c p r r sector losses were 90.2% (SLR 94.66 billion). e term i n e it Dedicated storage o time time for e D f m E kitchen a r k t t u -term, low/no cost ideas - Ambulance Service 1990

Sump & pump S IMPACTS OF DISASTERS IN 2016/17 t r r e o May 2017 saw a repetitive heavy southwest monsoon rain over 600mm in two g Electricity CEB 1987 h Longer Shor t n ANC S Level of Severity

Jaffna o Level of Severity days (May 25 and 26) triggering flash floods and massive landslides affecting s d T valuable valuable Electricity LECO 1910 r L n o e a

S Not Affected o Highly Affected n Kilinochchi

fifteen districts. The disaster affected 879,778 people causing 219 deaths and 74 doors e d I o Kilinochchi Low Affected one e Moderately Affected t z RDA Road Access 1968 g Mullaitivu

S Moderately Affected t Mullaitivu d anc i Not Affected u reported missing (293 lives lost). 80,000 houses were damaged and affected r r Highly Affected t Out z 2016 O n

e f e 2017 sistan s esistant Southern Expressway 1969 fridge and

e Mannar s RE e Mannar d livelihood of over 342,000 people dependent on agriculture, trade, and ff ff esilience measu r esilience measu r Vavuniya o on plinths a Rai d r d o Goods

o Raise st washer can be raised

G Child Help Line 1929

industry. o Flood r l t 24 out of 25 districts o

F Trincomalee t Anuradhapura dis h Women help line 193 (16 districts twice) affected OOD

Polonnaruwa r g L t 503 deaths

a Puttalam n c

F s / Batticaloa An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster s aci a

f e n e on Kurunegala t t 1.3 Million people affected l r Matale eas o ur u a s t o r p ept r outes/car g e o l itica e n s o i r t 139,000 houses damaged b l s floors k f k Asia Pacific Alliance for c a t Ampara

r e Gampha s e Gampha Kegalle 80% of companies that do not recover from a disaster within n a er er s Nuwara Eliya e p parking a r e p for as long possible buys for as long possible buys Disaster Management Sri Lanka (A-PAD SL) t 1.4 Million People lost their acc one month are likely to go out of business n

m Badulla p Colombo ermeable surfacing Colombo upper erm o u si p to access r P Monaragala i t P

Business critical Monaragala u No 24, Kassapa Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka. income and livelihood u esistance and r esistance and r equipment k B q out out Kaludara Ratnapura e Tel/Fax: +94 11 2 502 192 Kaludara t 90% of losses were to the An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster Website:

Galle Hambantota private sector e o Matara Matara t n water water Facebook: SRI LANKA p d to zo d l o m t n u t one u For further information, please contact: [email protected] u u o to d p o h ound r e O s ed & s g v s v Out z d o p e l o m c m o i Total Recovery Needs 2016/17 Disasters eeping eeping LKR 257.4 Billion ombined r ombined r h gher gher e G i Su b be m o ehicles should h higher g r Goods C - k C - k Sump & pump Ve V Page 6 Rear Cover Page Front Cover Page Page 1 Winchester

n g i n l n o e on e in vi s v r v l r o itica e ed m r red va s va l lo o y Nigel Long Design,

f c o floor o e ooms n r s r st p er er s k u s t e p a pi ds sto r eturn d e n o p Illustration b l r upper cloak r u si FLOOD ADVICE FOR BUSINESSES er c -r o u c n eco r w Business critical r B e o sewer pipe serving e Non- r r s N Please fill in those contacts relevant to your business in case of the

event of a flood, and keep in a safe place.

e n g n s ai s e r h d e e m i n aina r c w t when r r u c a d o drainage d an e ounds r e t b r n t g o d otect main a d d n r u g l b o e p INTRODUCTION entrance n c S lo n in F Flood barriers - e ur e s can p r l E ca es included e b P

scapi A AD BUSINESS a d ur s n High impact disaster events are a frequent occurrence in Sri Lanka since 2011, a landscaping g r a l e stain measu r Sustainable urban u m

S Emergency Contacts Office Emergency Contacts affecting an average one million people annually. During the period 2005-15, n i

e floods alone have affected 64% of the total Sri Lankan population. r

a GUIDE TO FLOOD / e in u e t d r e ea ni a MEASUR r Disaster Management e & equipment e & equipment n ais r fu s l r d furnitu r E e In May 2016, a record high rainfall affected 24 of the 25 districts across Sri y y l l a o o Call Centre 117 ptio i b y raised/ r s e lo lo a e c asi flood F F floor t a E e

f f Lanka. 493,319 people were affected by floods and landslides causing 93 vable s a ov eception a r d d r of Easi l o R Police Emergency 119 n a m m s a e furnitu r furnitu r t g ENC ide em o deaths and 117 reported missing (210 lives lost). The disaster damaged 58,925 r r r n n i I e e e e r t t i erings ide Police Hotline 112 e s v v v L sil v as houses and caused a loss in income for over a million people dependent on l t esilient materials Plaster and I e c o r P r co n

S Fire and Rescue 110 e agriculture, trade and industries. Colombo and Gampaha districts which are

e & g tm RE s

Ministry of Defence 118 concentrated with more than 45 percent of Sri Lanka’s industries were the r a

’ s r e g o i ’ estment ideas o e t r a r v to

st most affected. Over 85% of the houses affected were from these two districts. D a v B p ow/no co ow/no a es es e

l Sri Lanka Telecom 1212 ea b r b n m to raise/m o to raise/m o ed i , a a u N t d d

r The recorded total effect of the disaster was SL Rupees 105 billion. Private p o n

G o e m ‘ ‘Grab Ba g ica l A & Water Supply Board 1939 m flood barriers & f h r d r c p r r sector losses were 90.2% (SLR 94.66 billion). e term i n e it Dedicated storage o time time for e D f m E kitchen a r k t t u -term, low/no cost ideas - Ambulance Service 1990

Sump & pump S IMPACTS OF DISASTERS IN 2016/17 t r r e o May 2017 saw a repetitive heavy southwest monsoon rain over 600mm in two g Electricity CEB 1987 h Longer Shor t n ANC S Jaffna Level of Severity

Jaffna o Level of Severity days (May 25 and 26) triggering flash floods and massive landslides affecting s d T valuable valuable Electricity LECO 1910 r L n o e a

S Not Affected o Highly Affected n Kilinochchi

fifteen districts. The disaster affected 879,778 people causing 219 deaths and 74 doors e d I o Kilinochchi Low Affected one e Moderately Affected t z RDA Road Access 1968 g Mullaitivu

S Moderately Affected t Mullaitivu d anc i Not Affected u reported missing (293 lives lost). 80,000 houses were damaged and affected r r Highly Affected t Out z 2016 O n

e f e 2017 sistan s esistant Southern Expressway 1969 fridge and

e Mannar s RE e Mannar d Vavuniya livelihood of over 342,000 people dependent on agriculture, trade, and ff ff esilience measu r esilience measu r Vavuniya o on plinths a Rai d r d o Goods

o Trincomalee Raise st washer can be raised

G Child Help Line 1929

industry. o Flood r l t 24 out of 25 districts o

F Trincomalee t Anuradhapura Anuradhapura dis h Women help line 193 (16 districts twice) affected OOD

Polonnaruwa Puttalam Polonnaruwa r g L t 503 deaths

a Puttalam n c

F Batticaloa s / Batticaloa An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster s aci a

f Kurunegala e n e on Kurunegala Matale t t 1.3 Million people affected l r Matale eas o ur u a s t o r p ept r outes/car g e o l itica e n s o i r t 139,000 houses damaged b l s floors k f k Asia Pacific Alliance for c Ampara a t Ampara

r Kegalle e Gampha s e Gampha Kegalle 80% of companies that do not recover from a disaster within n a er er s Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya e Badulla p parking a r e p for as long possible buys for as long possible buys Disaster Management Sri Lanka (A-PAD SL) t 1.4 Million People lost their acc one month are likely to go out of business n

m Badulla p Colombo ermeable surfacing Colombo upper erm o u p si to access r P Monaragala i t P

Business critical Monaragala u No 24, Kassapa Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka. income and livelihood u esistance and r esistance and r equipment k B q out out Ratnapura Kaludara Ratnapura e Tel/Fax: +94 11 2 502 192 Kaludara t 90% of losses were to the An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster Website: Hambantota

Galle Galle Hambantota private sector e o Matara Matara t n water water Facebook: SRI LANKA p d to zo d l o m t n u t one u For further information, please contact: [email protected] u u o to d p o h ound r e O s ed & s g v s v Out z d o p e l o m c Total Recovery Needs 2016/17 Disasters m o i LKR 257.4 Billion eeping eeping ombined r ombined r h gher gher e G i Su b be m o ehicles should h higher g r Goods C - k C - k Sump & pump Ve V

Page 6 Rear Cover Page Front Cover Page Page 1 Winchester

n g i


o e on e in vin s v r v r o itical e ed m r red val s val lo o y Nigel Long Design,

f c floor

o e ooms n r s r sto

er s k u s t e p a pip ds stor

eturn d o p Illustration b l r upper cloakr u sin FLOOD ADVICE FOR BUSINESS ES er c -re o u c n ecor Business critical Business critical w r B e o sewer pipe serving e Non-r r s N Please fill in those contacts relevant to your business in case of the

event of a flood, and keep in a safe place.


n s ain s e r h d e e m i

n ainag r w t when

r u c a d o drainage dr anc e ounds r e t r n t g o d

otect main a d b n r u g l b o e p INTRODUCTION entrance

S lo inc F Flood barriers Flood barriers - e ur e s can pr l can es included

b P scapin A AD BUSINESS d ure s n High impact disaster events are a frequent occurrence in Sri Lanka since 2011, a landscaping gr a l e staina measur Sustainable urban u m

S Emergency Contacts Office Emergency Contacts affecting an average one million people annually. During the period 2005-15,

n i

e floods alone have affected 64% of the total Sri Lankan population. r

a GUIDE TO FLOOD / e in u e d r ea nit a E MEASUR

Disaster Management e & equipment e & e & equipment e


r fur

s l r d furnitur

e In May 2016, a record high rainfall affected 24 of the 25 districts across Sri y l a o o Call Centre 117 ption i b y raised/ r s e lo lo e c asil flood F floor t E e

f Lanka. 493,319 people were affected by floods and landslides causing 93 vable s a ova eception ar d F r of Easil o R Police Emergency 119 n m m s


e r furnitu r furnitu t g E ENC idea emo deaths and 117 reported missing (210 lives lost). The disaster damaged 58,925 r r r n n

i I e e e e r t i erings idea Police Hotline 112 e

v v v L sil ast houses and caused a loss in income for over a million people dependent on l t esilient materials Plaster and I e co r P r cov n Fire and Rescue 110 agriculture, trade and industries. Colombo and Gampaha districts which are

e &

g tme S RE s

Ministry of Defence 118 concentrated with more than 45 percent of Sri Lanka’s industries were the r a

’ s

r e g o i ’ estment ideas e t r


r v to

sto most affected. Over 85% of the houses affected were from these two districts. D a v B p

ow/no cos ow/no a

es es e

l Sri Lanka Telecom 1212 ea r b n m

o to raise/m o raise/m to ed i , a a u N d b

r The recorded total effect of the disaster was SL Rupees 105 billion. Private p o n

G o e m ‘ ‘Grab Bag icat l A & Water Supply Board 1939 m flood barriers & flood barriers

h r d

r p r f sector losses were 90.2% (SLR 94.66 billion). e term in e itc Dedicated storage Dedicated storage o time time for e D f m kitchen ar k t t u -term, low/no cost ideas -term, low/no - Ambulance Service 1990

Sump & pump S IMPACTS OF DISASTERS IN 2016/17 t r r e o

g Electricity CEB 1987 May 2017 saw a repetitive heavy southwest monsoon rain over 600mm in two h Longer Short n E ANC S Jaffna Level of Severity

Jaffna o Level of Severity days (May 25 and 26) triggering flash floods and massive landslides affecting s d T valuable valuable

r Electricity LECO 1910 L

n o e a

S Not Affected o Highly Affected n Kilinochchi

fifteen districts. The disaster affected 879,778 people causing 219 deaths and 74 doors d I o Kilinochchi Low Affected one


z RDA Road Access 1968 Moderately Affected g Mullaitivu Moderately Affected t Mullaitivu d ance i Not Affected reported missing (293 lives lost). 80,000 houses were damaged and affected r r Highly Affected t Out z 2016 Ou n

e f 2017 sistant s esistant

fridge and Southern Expressway 1969

e Mannar

S RE Mannar d Vavuniya livelihood of over 342,000 people dependent on agriculture, trade, and ff r measu esilience r measu esilience Vavuniya o on plinths Rais d re o Goods

o Trincomalee Raise sta washer can be raised washer can G Child Help Line 1929 industry. o Flood r l t 24 out of 25 districts o

F Trincomalee t Anuradhapura Anuradhapura dish Women help line 193 (16 districts twice) affected OOD

Polonnaruwa Puttalam Polonnaruwa r g L t 503 deaths

a Puttalam c

F Batticaloa s / Batticaloa An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster s

acin a Kurunegala e n e on Kurunegala Matale t t 1.3 Million people affected

r Matale eas o urf

u a s t


r p ept r outes/car g e o

l itical n s o i r t 139,000 houses damaged b l s floors ke f k Asia Pacific Alliance for c Ampara a t Ampara r Kegalle Gampha

s Kegalle e 80% of companies that do not recover from a disaster within

n Gampha a er s Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya e Badulla p parking ar e p buys as possible long for as buys possible as long as for Disaster Management Sri Lanka (A-PAD SL) t 1.4 Million People lost their acce one month are likely to go out of business

m Badulla p Colombo ermeable surfacing Colombo upper erm o u sin p to access r P Monaragala i t P

Business critical Business critical Monaragala u No 24, Kassapa Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka. income and livelihood u esistance and r and esistance r and esistance equipment k equipment B q out out Ratnapura Kaludara Ratnapura e Tel/Fax: +94 11 2 502 192 Kaludara t 90% of losses were to the An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster Website: Hambantota Galle Galle Hambantota private sector e o Matara Matara t

water water Facebook: SRI LANKA


d to zon d l

o m t n u t one

u For further information, please contact: [email protected] u o to d p o


ound r

e Ou s

ed & s g v

s v Out z d o p e l o

m c Total Recovery Needs 2016/17 Disasters o i LKR 257.4 Billion

eeping eeping

ombined r ombined r ombined gher e i G Sum b be mo ehicles should ehicles should h higher gr Goods - k C C - k Sump & pump Veh V

Page 6 Rear Cover Page Front Cover Page Page 1 Winchester

n g i n l n o e on e in vi s v r v l r o itica e ed m r red va s va l lo o y Nigel Long Design,

f c o floor o e ooms n r s r st p er er s k u s t e p a pi ds sto r eturn d e n o p Illustration b l r upper cloak r u si FLOOD ADVICE FOR BUSINESSES er c -r o u c n eco r Business critical w r B e o sewer pipe serving e Non- r r s N Please fill in those contacts relevant to your business in case of the

event of a flood, and keep in a safe place.

e n g n s ai s e r h d e e m i n aina r c w t when r r u c a d o drainage d an e ounds r e t b r n t g o d otect main a d d n r u g l b o e p INTRODUCTION entrance n c S lo n in F Flood barriers - e ur e s can p r l E ca es included e b P

scapi A AD BUSINESS a d ur s n High impact disaster events are a frequent occurrence in Sri Lanka since 2011, a landscaping g r a l e stain measu r Sustainable urban u m

S Emergency Contacts Office Emergency Contacts affecting an average one million people annually. During the period 2005-15, n i

e floods alone have affected 64% of the total Sri Lankan population. r

a GUIDE TO FLOOD / e in u e t d r e ea ni a MEASUR r Disaster Management e & equipment e & equipment n ais r fu s l r d furnitu r E e In May 2016, a record high rainfall affected 24 of the 25 districts across Sri y y l l a o o Call Centre 117 ptio i b y raised/ r s e lo lo a e c asi flood F F floor t a E e

f f Lanka. 493,319 people were affected by floods and landslides causing 93 vable s a ov eception a r d d r of Easi l o R Police Emergency 119 n a m m s a e furnitu r furnitu r t g ENC ide em o deaths and 117 reported missing (210 lives lost). The disaster damaged 58,925 r r r n n i I e e e e r t t i erings ide Police Hotline 112 e s v v v L sil v as houses and caused a loss in income for over a million people dependent on l t esilient materials Plaster and I e c o r P r co n

S Fire and Rescue 110 e agriculture, trade and industries. Colombo and Gampaha districts which are

e & g tm RE s

Ministry of Defence 118 concentrated with more than 45 percent of Sri Lanka’s industries were the r a

’ s r e g o i ’ estment ideas o e t r a r v to

st most affected. Over 85% of the houses affected were from these two districts. D a v B p ow/no co ow/no a es es e

l Sri Lanka Telecom 1212 ea b r b n m to raise/m o to raise/m o ed i , a a N u t d d

r The recorded total effect of the disaster was SL Rupees 105 billion. Private p o n

G o e m ‘ ‘Grab Ba g ica l A & Water Supply Board 1939 m flood barriers & f h r d r c p r r sector losses were 90.2% (SLR 94.66 billion). e term i n e it Dedicated storage o time time for e D f m E kitchen a r k t t u -term, low/no cost ideas - Ambulance Service 1990

Sump & pump S IMPACTS OF DISASTERS IN 2016/17 t r r e o May 2017 saw a repetitive heavy southwest monsoon rain over 600mm in two g Electricity CEB 1987 h Longer Shor t n ANC S Jaffna Level of Severity

Jaffna o Level of Severity days (May 25 and 26) triggering flash floods and massive landslides affecting s d T valuable valuable Electricity LECO 1910 r L n o e a

S Not Affected o Highly Affected n Kilinochchi

fifteen districts. The disaster affected 879,778 people causing 219 deaths and 74 doors e d I o Kilinochchi Low Affected one e Moderately Affected t z RDA Road Access 1968 g Mullaitivu

S Moderately Affected t Mullaitivu d anc i Not Affected u reported missing (293 lives lost). 80,000 houses were damaged and affected r r Highly Affected t Out z 2016 O n

e f e 2017 sistan s esistant Southern Expressway 1969 fridge and

e Mannar s RE e Mannar d Vavuniya livelihood of over 342,000 people dependent on agriculture, trade, and ff ff esilience measu r esilience measu r Vavuniya o on plinths a Rai d r d o Goods

o Trincomalee Raise st washer can be raised

G Child Help Line 1929

industry. o Flood r l t 24 out of 25 districts o

F Trincomalee t Anuradhapura Anuradhapura dis h Women help line 193 (16 districts twice) affected OOD

Polonnaruwa Puttalam Polonnaruwa r g L t 503 deaths

a Puttalam n c

F Batticaloa s / Batticaloa An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster s aci a

f Kurunegala e n e on Kurunegala Matale t t 1.3 Million people affected l r Matale eas o ur u a s t o r p ept r outes/car g e o l itica e n s o i r t 139,000 houses damaged b l s floors k f k Asia Pacific Alliance for c Ampara a t Ampara

r Kegalle e Gampha s e Gampha Kegalle 80% of companies that do not recover from a disaster within n a er er s Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya e Badulla p parking a r e p for as long possible buys for as long possible buys Disaster Management Sri Lanka (A-PAD SL) t 1.4 Million People lost their acc one month are likely to go out of business n

m Badulla p Colombo ermeable surfacing Colombo upper erm o u si p to access r P Monaragala i t P

Business critical Monaragala u No 24, Kassapa Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka. income and livelihood u esistance and r esistance and r equipment k B q out out Ratnapura Kaludara Ratnapura e Tel/Fax: +94 11 2 502 192 Kaludara t 90% of losses were to the An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster Website: Hambantota

Galle Galle Hambantota private sector e o Matara Matara t n water water Facebook: SRI LANKA p d to zo d l o m t n u t one u For further information, please contact: [email protected] u u o to d p o h ound r e O s ed & s g v s v Out z d o p e l o m c Total Recovery Needs 2016/17 Disasters m o i LKR 257.4 Billion eeping eeping ombined r ombined r h gher gher e G i Su b be m o ehicles should h higher g r Goods C - k C - k Sump & pump Ve V