Program Director's Message ______2 Founders' Corner ______4 Karis Journey - Ebenezer ______5 Diocesan Secretary's Message ______6 Karis Family Link minsitry sta! ______7 Other Minsiters & Priests involved ______8 Volunteers ______10 Partnerships ______11 Contents Family Links ______12 Parents' Meetings & Trainings ______24 Distributions ______30 Camps through the years ______40 Christmas parties ______67 Success Stories ______81 Guardians ______81 Students ______83 Finances ______85 Karis @13 celebrations ______87 A word from the Karis Program Director

t is a pleasure for me to talk about Karis learnt that God can do mighty things when funding. "e charity too has grown through a IMinistry. hearts of commi$ed people pray and purpose Board of Trustees who provide leadership and Karis is a specialized ministry that supports to work together. Karis ministry has supported Directors managing operations. needy families who are caring for vulnerable its bene%ciaries through paying school fees, orphans and children in the diocese of . medical bills, provision of sanitary items, We are indebted to the generous English people Karis grew out of a shared vision between Bibles, Life skills training and general capacity who chose to share the resources God has given Bishop Zac Niringiye, (the Assistant Bishop of building seminars. Today we celebrate 13 years them with the less privileged families that are Kampala Diocese then) and the Peppiats - Dr. of smooth schooling for about 400 children, not related nor known to them. I pray that we Timothy and Mrs. Pippa Peppiat. "e Ministry improved self-image, spiritual revival, %nancial take up the challenge of sharing what God has is named a#er Annie Karis-a daughter to the relief, healthier families and restored hope given us with others in our communities and Peppia$s who at the age of eight years started among the current with 582 bene%ciaries. beyond. “It is more blessed to give than to saving her pocket money to save Ugandan receive” Acts.20:35 orphaned vulnerable children, blessings upon "e partnership between the Diocese and Karis her. Kids UK has worked well. "e Diocese has To the UK churches (Winchester Vineyard, provided leadership, oversight and technical Christ Church Beckenham, Holy Trinity I was a$racted to Karis Ministry because of its support. Karis ministry was integrated into Richmond, Christ Church Winchester, Woking uniqueness. Supporting a family as an entity, the Diocesan structures as a Unit under the Vineyard and the Downs Bene%ce churches), through Church partnerships was exciting for department of Planning, Health and Social thank you for allowing to be used of God to me, as opposed to individual child support Transformation, shortly a#er its inception. link with the churches here through Karis programs which I was involved with. model. You had many options: Turning away, We thank God for continued growth through saying No, keeping quiet and opening doors; Karis started with 10 families in 2006 and has change of leadership of Bishops, Assistant you chose the la$er, may God extend your now grown to 103 families being supported to Bishops, Diocesan Secretaries, Vicars and boundaries. On a sel%sh note, my %rst &ight care for needy orphans and vulnerable children Priests in Charge of linked churches. Karis was to the UK, funded by Winchester Vineyard from largely the slums of Kampala city. So, it Kids UK on the other hand faithfully mobilised church, I am forever grateful. really started small but God was in it. I have churches, House groups, families and provided Diocesan Karis sta! commitment cannot died out of negligence. "e o'ce contributed be ignored. Mrs. Solome Kalagala the towards their decent send o!. May their souls Communications O'cer, Mr. Omu Steven rest in peace. the Program Accountant and Mr. Aloysius Mutalindwa the Administrative Assistant and Future prospects: myself, have served unreservedly to make the Step up our IT section Ministry what it is today. Re%ne “Finishing Well” plans for families However, we have had a few challenges such Fundraising for a Karis training centre as some children dropping out of school, the bene%ciaries providing inconsistent information, To God be the Glory. inadequate funding especially for Further Education & “Finishing Well” projects and heavy workload. Ketrah .B. Turyakira Obituary. "e records show that 16 people Program Director passed away, but we thank God that none of them Karis Family Link Ministry "5A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. 6God sets the lonely in families, he leads Founders' Corner out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." ur involvement with Karis has been one of the blessings of our life. We feel so happy and privileged Psalm 68:5-6 to have seen God at work and been part of the journey since 2006. From the %rst day when we shared Odreams with Bishop Zac in his o'ce, to seeing the %rst ten families chosen to be linked with UK families. It I can not forget the day I met with Tim. has been an adventure in which we have truly seen the Lord at work. It has been wonderful to truly partner He had arrived in to discern the with you all- our fantastic Ugandan team, the church priests and Church Community Mobilisers, the diocese, guiding of the Lord, towards a prophetic and the families. It has felt like Gods vision he had received. A colleague in the worldwide family serving together. And ministry had recommended that while in we have so appreciated you all, and all Kampala, he looks me up. your prayers too!! May the Lord continue to bring health, fruitful lives and blessing I had barely completed a year in my service to, in and through our Karis families. as bishop. I too was seeking the Lord, on engaging the challenge of the orphans We love you all! and vulnerable children, particularly in Tim and Pippa the slums of Kampala. I was persuaded that the pertaining child sponsorship model was not the way to go; I had long concluded that the orphanage model was not only theologically untenable, but was also unsustainable. I remember vividly, as we drove together that day, around the slum communities in Kampala, the Lord con%rmed to us, that we needed to work together to %nd a way in which Psalm 68:6 can be ful%lled. Our hearts were warmed as we both realised that the Lord was birthing something and our job was to listen and obey. I thank God that Karis Family Link Ministry was born and continues to grow. Bishop Zac Niringiye EBENEZER for thus FAR! June 2006 to June 2019

January 2006 2007 2012 Bishop Zac meets the Peppiats Church Links Formed: St. Peter’s Naguru, M.O.U signed between DoK Vision shared, planning/ St. Luke’s , St. John’s Kamwokya. "e & Karis Kids UK Consultative meetings held 10 families were “sold” to the 03 churches that Policy document governing 2014 were geographically nearest to them. the partnership put in place. Recruited fourth Sta! June 2006 More families were registered First Sta! recruited to manage operations 2009 2019 2009 New church links formed St. Nicholas Synod approved Karis Kalerwe, St. Peter’s Wandegeya. June 2006 Second Sta! Recruited. Handbook Administrative base was More families got registered through Bank Account Opening for A guide to ministry work strengthened. the new church links. managing funds centrally. processes & operations

June - December 2006 2015 2017 10 Pioneer Families registered (Pilot phase) 2011 New Directors KK UK take Held 1st Graduation Kisaakye, Arayo, Akello Be#y, Sekibuule Late Purchased $rst over from the Peppia#s VT - 32 students Munsi, Nassanga, Tumuhimbise, Amony, O%ce Car – Rav 4 Smooth transition Auma and Laker Councy.

November 2006 2009 2015 Peppiats Visit with Winchester Vineyard First Children’s Camp held at St. Michael High Finishing Well Policy Team. school-Sonde. introduced Visited All Saints' Cathedral, participated in - "e $rst camp for most of the children, about 50 In built Exit Strategy Katanga mission children got saved, was life changing for some of As part of mapping and checking out them. Annual Camps eventually became part of partnership practicability. Karis program. 2019 December 2006 103 families linked currently registered 2011 through 06 linked churches Ist Christmas Party New church link formed 582 people are currently bene$ting from celebrated with the families. St. Paul’s Okuvu "e $rst families get-together. Karis Ministry

13 Years of Karis in the Diocese Mr Nick and Mrs Julie of Kampala Winning Directors Karis he smiles on the faces of the members of We thank our Team leaders – Most Rev. Stanley Kids UK bene%ciary families, the joy in their hearts, Ntagali, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Thopes restored, destiny changed. What more! "e and the Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala; and Nick and I are impact will live on! the Rt. Rev. Dr. Hannington Mutebi, the Assistant privileged to Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala, for the leadership serve as Directors We thank the Lord who initiated this link and and pastoral oversight you provide relentlessly in all of Karis Kids UK. We are overjoyed to be ministry. It was God’s agenda for the families to aspect of the ministry. undergo transforming experience out of such an celebrating the amazing journey of the Karis endeacour. "e Karis UK Family, Bishop Zac, the "e Diocese of Kampala will remain commi$ed, Family Link Ministry over the past 13 years. clergy at the frontline, the volunteers and the Karis focused and faithful to ensuring that all is done What a story there is to tell of God’s goodness Uganda sta! – Mrs. Ketrah Turyakira, Mrs. Solome to see Karis Family Link Ministry growing from and grace, both in Kampala and the UK, as Kalaggala, Mr. Stephen Omu and Mr. Aloysius strength to strength, glory to glory and to see God touches lives and transforms families and Mutalindwa for every e!ort you have made to that it achieves its short, medium and long- churches linked by their mutual partnership in see Karis Family link established; the realization term objectives and goals. We will continue to the Gospel through the Karis Ministry. of the vision and mission of the ministry and the provide enabling environment, the technical and implementation of the programmes taking shape. infrastructural support as well as the administrative oversight for the ministry.

We appreciate the very open, cordial and sincere relationship existing between the Karis UK and the Diocese of Kampala together with all the stakeholders in this link. "is is the way to practical evangelism and we thank the Almighty Edward Law God for granting us this opportunity to reach out Treasurer Karis to the bene%ciaries. So we celebrate this milestone Kids UK registered in the thirteen years of existence as we declare EBENEZER! I’m thrilled and honoured to have been working with the Karis team in Kampala since Karis was founded. I believe the true extent of the ministry will Rev. Canon Awodi John only be known when the records of heaven are th Diocesan Secretary/29 August 2019. opened; glory be to God! Every child ma$ers. Karis Family Link Ministry Staff

I joined Karis FLM in April Karis Ministry has grown from 2009 as a volunteer, what amazes infancy to teenage. Iam believing me about Karis is “the Holistic God for continued growth in approach of supporting family, numbers and quality for greater providing everything I have impact. never heard and seen such an organization, very unique “and may the Lord bless Karis and yes long live Karis. Program Director Steven Omu Amitingo Karis Program Accountant

It is a joy to pause a bit and re&ect Karis is a life changing ministry in at the goodness of the Lord and various aspects of life spiritually, try to count the blessings that the Socially and $nancially. I have to Lord has endowed to us through say that “I have seen the hand of Karis FLM. We are forever God touch people’s lives through grateful for the far the Lord has rese#lements from the slums of brought this ministry and for the Kampala and earning a be#er numerous testimonies families living while out of Kampala” continue to share with us. He is worthy of our praises and You will never remain the same adoration. once you have witnessed the Lord’s marvelous works to the Solome Kalagala vulnerable through Karis. Communications O!cer/Deputy Aloysius Mutalindwa Program Director Administrative Assistant Other Ministers & Priests involved

Rev. Samuel narrates that the children and their parents have greatly bene%ted from the support given by Karis.

He says the church in Ntinda bene%ted more because it is easy to preach to people when you support them.

“With the support they get, they are positively responding to the messages Rev. Samuel Kyakulagira given to them.” Rob Hinton Gail Wells - Karis Kids Co-ordinator Vicar of Christ Church Beckenham

Kamwokya being a slum, Rev. Canon Stephen narrates that there’s so much use of drugs and alcohol. "e mothers, grandmothers and aunts are usually le# alone to care for their children

He said” Karis is an answered prayer because as a church, we cannot a!ord to look a#er even one family.” Rev. Canon Stephen Gelenga Nigel Hemming, Vicar and wife Edward & Catherine Law Finance & Admin KK UK

Karis is doing what Okuvu as a church is not able to do.

I am sure these families will not forget what the church and what God has done for them.

Rev. John Atiku Rev. Jax - Vicar Carol Ward, Coordinator Kalerwe, Rev. Herbert has seen families being transformed.

He says the lives of these people have changed %nancially, spiritually and socially especially due to the monthly fellowships they have as they distribute food. “Health improved and the children are no longer malnourished.” He said.

He adds that Karis has renovated a toilet for Rt. Reverend David Williams Rev. Simon Cansdale & Wife Julie-Winning Rev. Herbert Kiviiri Bishop of Basingstoke the incoming Vicar the cordinator the church which has greatly improved hygiene (Former Vicar of Christ in the community. Church Winchester)

According to Rev. Nathan, many families from Naguru could not support themselves %nancially.

He says Karis has changed the community and helped the church reach out to needy people "e Woking Team be$er.

Rev. Nathan Natukunda

Rev. Moses of St. Peter’s Wandegeya says chil- dren are being educated at all levels and others have already graduated from the university.

Karis helped put up an o'ce for the priest, room for children’s church and a library. Rev. Moses Nyombi Wandegeya Rev. Dan - Vicar Becky Edwards - HTR Cordinator Volunteers According to Wyclif, Church Community Mobiliser of Wandegeya, the children in that community were lacking school fees, clothes and the behavior was not good. Steven, Church Community Mobiliser of Okuvu tells how Karis has revived the dreams of families Karis changed the lives of children that led to some of that had lost hope. He says most of the children them giving their lives to Christ. "ey are in school and were not going to school due to $nancial challenges others have already graduated from the university. in the families. As a Church Community Mobiliser, through Karis he “Children are now living happily; they are growing Wycli!, CCM St Peter’s Church has developed a passion to serve and help other people. spiritually because Karis inspires them to a#end Wandegeya. Sunday school.” Steven CCM St Pauls church Okuvu Margaret, Church Community Mobiliser Kalerwe narrates that people would storm the o%ce of the priest asking for help. "ey kept moving from one place to According to Alfred, Karis has gone beyond another trying to make ends meet. providing the basic needs, they provide for people and also care for them as a family. She says Karis changed that for the people when they started providing for these families food, medication, "e families are given health sensitization so that school fees and others. they are able to prevent themselves from ge#ing sick. Children are now studying and others have reached the university level. Parents are able to save and start their Karis organizes camps using themes that deeply own businesses, others are even building. touch the people. Alfred CCM St Peters church Naguru Margaret, CCM St Nicholas Kalerwe "ey have also been spiritually natured and there’s hope and happiness in their lives. As a Church Community Mobiliser, Topista meets the Karis families and shares with them their di!erent stories. She tells of a family that wished to have a house and Karis built for them one in the Joan says that Karis ministry has upli'ed her in all aspects village. and for the families that you are taking care of Karis has been a blessing. "ank you for the work well done may “I’ve seen Karis move lives of families. Some God reward you abundantly. children had failed their parents, but Karis has "ank you once again helped through counselling and guidance.” CCM Ntinda She adds that the families are doing be#er and Topista, CCM St John’s Church much happier. Kamwokya Joan Semaganda aris FLM is organized around partnerships known as links. "e Diocese and Karis Kids UK as Partnerships the Umbrella partners identify and oversee church links. "e linked churches identify families Kand form family links .Family links are kept strong through exchanging le$ers, gi#s and prayer items.

We are believing God for more church links.

Christ Church Beckenham & St. Luke's Ntinda Christ Church Winchester & St. Nicholas, Kalerwe

"e DownsBene%ce & St. Paul's Okuvu Winchester Vineyard Church & St. John's Kamwokya

"e Woking Group & St. Peter's Naguru Holy Trinity Richmond & St. Peter's Wandegeya Family Links

Christ Church Winchester - Kalerwe Winchester Vineyard Church - Kamwokya The Woking Group - Naguru cont'd Holy Trinity Richmond Wandegeya Holy Trinity Richmond Wandegeya cont'd Activities: Partner visits Visits are a signi%cant way through which links are developed, maintained and deepened.

Parents' meetings & Trainings

Karis FLM conducts special sessions with both children and adults to build their capacity to handle life situations. Speakers with suitable expertise are normally invited to facilitate such trainings. Examples include sessions about self-esteem, mental health, con&ict resolution and managing sexuality.

Child Protection training HIV training & Testing Pneumonia Training & Sensitization Basic Health Sensitization Menstrual hygiene & Safe Male Circumcision Trainings Malaria Prevention Training

Typhoid Training Distributions Families are provided with Bibles, household materials like beddings, mosquito nets, food items, washing soap, sanitary towels for girls and clothes. "is has caused %nancial relief to families.

Karis provides school fees, scholastic materials to children through Primary, Secondary EDUCATION and Tertiary education as well as start up kits a#er their Vocational Training.

Children at school Career Guidance Graduation celebrations for some of the Karis children

Vocational Tranining Graduates receive start up kits

CAMPS Children’s camps are run annually; to preach, teach and equip children holistically. Camps provide a child friendly environment for children to express themselves as they interact, play and engage with 2009 each other. Ten camps have been held out of which many children accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour. THEME: For I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)

2010 THEME: Do not conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2) 2011

THEME: God Knows My Name (Isaiah 43:1)

THEME: 2012 Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9)

THEME: 2013 Call to me and I will answer you (Jeremiah 33:3)

2014 THEME: Remain in Christ to bear fruit (John 15:4)

2015 THEME: Forgive as the Lord forgave you (Colossians 3:13b)

2016 THEME: (Colossians 2:6)

2017 THEME: The Joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10)

2018 THEME: Lemera Ku Yesu (Hebrews 12:2)

CHRISTMAS PARTIES 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2017 2018 Toilets revamped at St. Nicholas Church, SPECIAL PROJECTS Kalerwe Community Primary School

Installed water tank at St. John's Church, Kamwokya children's church at St. Peter's Church, Wandegeya Constructed pit latrine for Noreen's family

Financed a Start up business for Alex's family

Installed a water tank for Joyce's family Supported Jane to relocated from Kalerwe and set up a farm on her land in Maddu Constructed a house for Rachael in Nyenje, Mukono

Contributed to the extension of Margeret's house in Katadde, Buwambo SUCCESS STORIES - Parents/ Guardians

“I lost my parents and my husband but God gave me parents, i.e. Karis.” Said Margaret.

"e death of his three siblings le' John with Margaret found herself alone, with seven children orphans to care for, in addition to his own children. and no way to help themselves. “I stopped praying to God, I had too much anger He says he had his hope restored ,with Karis that caused me to abuse my children.” She said. paying his children’s school fees Bitamazire Margaret She says Karis restored her happiness. St. Peter's C.O.U Wandegeya. Kirya John St. Nicholas C.O.U Kalerwe

“I couldn’t a!ord to pay rent and my children “As a widow with seven children, God chose me couldn’t go to school.” and I joined Karis. I wouldn’t even be alive.” Says Beatrice. For years, she su!ered from high blood pressure that made her unable to work for her family. Now Beatrice and her family got closer to God through she gets medical facilities through Karis and her Karis. Her and some of the children volunteer in health has greatly improved. the church children’s ministries and worship team.

Molly says she is now relieved and her children are Beatrice Iharwe Abwooli, Molly Nabagereka being cared for well. St. Luke’s C.O.U Ntinda. St. Nicholas C.O.U Kalerwe. “We used to sleep on papyrus mats, now life has changed and we feel like human beings, my children are glowing.” Said Rachael. “Karis takes you as you are but you can never be the same.” Says Hadija, a struggling mother whose A single mum with three orphans, Rachael says she life has been greatly impacted by Karis. struggled for years until Karis picked her up. “if it wasn’t for Karis, I wouldn’t be looking like this "e food and fees given to the children enabled and my family wouldn’t be as happy as it is now.” Racheal to save money and buy household items. She said. Aloyo Hadijah Racheal Muyama She said. “My home is now !lled with joy and we St. John’s Church Kamwokya. St. Paul's Church Okuvu have less to worry about.” “I bene$ted within the shortest time, I got registered and in three days I saw a truck bring “At 30, I looked like a 70 year old person.” Jessica. things to my home. It was unexpected!” said Widowed with four children and no job, Jessica’s Phoebe, a single mother of six who lived in a children dropped out of school and they’d only eat once a day. single room with all her children, sleeping on the &oor. She was helpless a'er losing her job. “I used to wash peoples clothes for a living and I "rough Karis, she received school fees, food, could only a!ord to buy pain killers when my medical care, and a bigger house to live. Her children fell sick. “ kids got spiritually transformed and guided through their career. “God opened a way where there was no way by sending Karis to me.” Phoebe Ongom, “these people loved us, hugged us, gave us gi's, Jessica Onjiru St. Peter's Church Wandegeya. St. Peter's Church Naguru blessed us. "is love transformed us.” She said.

Karis found Christine when she was helpless with As a single mum, looking a'er 13 children her eleven children. "ey were chased away from with di!erent levels of education had become school and had torn clothes. di%cult for Catherine. "e children received education and counseling “I wanted to take back some of the children to since life on the streets was a!ecting their behavior. my mum but I remembered that she’s also an old woman with no income.” Said Catherine “"ey checked on us, how we’re doing, what we’re Karis picked some of the children and started thinking just to know that all is well with us.” “’I didn’t know that I’d also have children at the paying for them school fees. Even with the university. “she said. medical bills covered, the health sensitizations Nyakakye Christine St. Peter's Church Wandegeya that were given helped keep them away from Christine is now con$dent that her children will the hospitals. not go through the situation as herself because Catherine Namuheni "ey also got new friends whose visits Karis has secured a good future for them. St. Peter's Church Naguru. changed the lives of her family. Karis pays school fees, provides school uniforms, exercise books and school shoes for over 300 children, in Primary school, Secondary, Students Vocational Training and University. About 50 students have graduated from di!erent institutions during the 13 years. "is has boosted school a$endance and enhanced smooth schooling.

A'er her primary seven, Patience was at the verge Aziz hated going to school because they’d always of dropping out of school because she couldn’t send him back home for failing to pay school fees. a!ord to pay for secondary education.

“Karis changed that for me when they gave me all “People laughed at me because my friends had I needed for school.” Said Aziz. already started a#ending secondary school. Most of them said I would get spoilt since I was just at He has completed secondary school and is home.” She said. looking forward to joining the university. Karis started her o! for secondary school where “We no longer have family $ghts that were caused she is in her S.6. Patience is Studying hard and Aziz Kasuja by the hardships we had at home.” He said Babirye Patience performing well because she would like a good St. Peter's C.O.U Wandegeya St. Peter's C.O.U Naguru future for herself and to help others. .

Barbra did not expect to see her one dream come Trudy’s family was struggling so much to true because of her family’s $nancial situation. meet their basic needs when Karis found them. "ese problems had caused $ghts and "e only thing she ever wanted to become was a misunderstandings which made life within the lawyer. family very di%cult. “Karis has made my dream come alive.” She said. Even in her second year of law school, Barbra Karis came in and helped with a lot, reducing believes that nothing can stop her now. the problems hence bringing peace to the family. She’s now in her senior six and is working hard to Nakintu Barbra She hopes to start up a non pro$t organization Aromborach Trudy become a lawyer. St. Peter's C.O.U, Wandegaya. that will help the struggling children. St. Peter's C.O.U Naguru

With the help of Karis, Even was able to make a With a struggling Mother, Claire never thought career for himself. He studied up to senior four she would reach the stage she’s at, right now. a'er which he joined an institution where he did carpentry and joinery. Karis took care of her tuition and now she’s at Lugogo Vocational and Training institute where “I can do furniture very well and I hope to have she studies plumbing. She hopes to make a good my own workshop someday. If it wasn’t for Ayaa Claire plumber. Omuge Even Karis, I wouldn’t be here.” He said. St. Peter's C.O.U Naguru St. John’s Church Kamwokya Growing up as an orphan, Missa never imagined that God Watched over her life. “I lived a life of hostility, hunger, sickness, insecurities and hate. In the family, we survived on “We now feel like the rest of the students at one meal a day and struggling for education.” school because our lives are normal.” He says. He’s working hard to become an architect. God, through Karis answered their prayers and hope was revived. She has been able to grow spiritually and mentally. Amanya Daniel St. Nicholas C.O.U Kalerwe. Baluka Missa Missa recently graduated with a Bachelor’s St Peter's C.O.U Wandegeya degree in Development Studies from Majorie says she never thought she’d ever study University. up to secondary level , especially in a boarding school where only parents with money can a!ord. A'er losing both of her parents, Brenda had to live with her grandmother who was also $nancially She’s now working hard to have a be#er future as incapable of providing her needs. a lawyer and to help other people with whatever Nakibuule Majorine Joyce she can. Life was very hard for her until Karis took over St. Paul’s C.O.U Okuvu and gave her everything they could, including Ever since he was a child, Nathan had a passion for clothing, food and school fees. cars and dreamt of becoming a mechanic. “I report to school on time and do not miss “Karis made my dream come true. Right now I am out on anything. She said. She hopes to become a journalist and use her a complete mechanic and there’s nothing I can’t Nanyondo Brenda profession to change more lives. do in that $eld. St. John’s Church Kamwokya Bukenya Nathan He is already helping his younger siblings and his St. Nicholas C.O.U Kalerwe Auntie. Orphaned at an early age, Evelyn had to live with an aunt who was unable to provide for her the Gloria’s mum was unable to send her to school or basic needs. pay her medical bills when Karis found her. “Karis to me is a hope giving organization” said However, Karis found her in 2009 when they Gloria. started giving her $nancial, health and spiritual She is now at a Vocational institution (YMCA) support. where she is studying Early Childhood Development. She hopes to become a good Kengajo Gloria “I was spiritually natured through camps and I saw nursery school teacher. St. John’s C.O.U Kamwokya hope of a be#er future.” She said. Aguti Evelyn She is now a graduate with a diploma in St. Peter's Church Naguru agricultural production and hopes to get a good job to support her family. 2. Expenditures. FINANCES

Karis FLM received a total income of Ugx. 5,597,578,204/= (Five billion, %ve hundred ninety-seven million, %ve hundred seventy-eight thousand, two hundred four only) over a period of 13 years.

1. Income

Expenses are made in relation to incomes received. A total of Ugx. 5,490,018,942/= (Five billion, four ninety million, eighteen thousand, nine hundred forty-two only was spent."is was mainly spent on two categories; a) Direct Family support b) Administration

"e bar chart above shows that income progressively increased over the period. "is is because funding increases with increase in the number of bene%ciaries through linked churches and families. Income for the year 2016 was highest because of increased funding for the special projects. Income for 2019 covers only half a year ie January to June 2019. A). Family Support expenditures

B). Administrative cost KARIS @13 CELEBRATIONS