Imposing Array of Pitchers S- ‘- Amo-rg a Different Teams in Leagues—Guisto Ma Making Coa- st Cleveland.

There . nro few clubs ri; h, , _ Ih** two major leagues th. flashing some youngster, i, out. In some position as a r, > old-timers, seemingly, nro fount collectively. There than five clubs who have

shortstops ?• performing . , there is a horde of new r, tit her positions. Tiie Reds have three re regulars. Cueto. an omti.v Slienn and Kopf art- and. t.,j . charmed circle of major i and they're getting aunt Slienn is a veteran ns a but he has taken a veteran's j 1 Rudolf von Plnnimerdiitglie. former min th- crown prm<-* * regiment m Prussia. lu> ha- ■<■ i<; the in the majors. Kopf has . federal authorities ■ i -ensut tonal story ol tt conspiracy to hlo" up 1 !<• shipyards at Long Beach. t til ff "Battleships" league duty, hut never as i in on tho strci'l railways of and other nli. now it mother ~ for submarines tmil ti of her "pups." 1 1111 Hoot 4 British him! I'i-* in ti Reds. Cueto is a youthful ('ni, .j soldiers nt tlio point on tin- "*-st front "her,- tlmir linos- moot, with :t Berman signpost In tho Imokgroiiiiil. knows how to bang the bail sin-l ; the outfield. Risberg is the new White . it he known officially that it "syrupa reiiort cam*- tlm announcement Unit Sox stop. Pahrique has taken *(;.• tillzed with Rihoi’s position, and there 8.-nnan submarines had sunk Hu* over burden for the Dodgers, \v NEWS REVIEW OF were intimations that tin- government British transport Transylvania and Chick .•<; won Id in the same fix with the lira;,.- soon make a formal statement r.-ncly steamer Sonlay. in tin* M*-di- I Wortman proved a of its attitude toward the "no annex telTali.-an with the loss of ff.'.S livis. sensation in shortfield for the ■ ution. no indemnities” slogan of the Anotlier Vessel torpi-doed TWIRLERS WHO ARE HEAVY Cults until he THE PAST was an un- HITTERS. The ■ WEEK Russians, and .lured. Phillies Brave- i named American steamer of s.txK) tons haV- The old idea that a couldn't hit is being rapidly placed newcomers on the Lansing Against Stockholm Meet. carrying a cargo for Switzerland. The dissolved. tiench Caldwell is the wait developments. British admit they Jug Ka.v main pineal hitter of the Yankees. Both !trk shi.r- uvents in Austria-Hungary Arc What America thinks, officially, of are conduit tint stops. MeGaffigan Walter is the leading pinch is with tiie I'i, ... I boats only with "hard work in- Johnson hitter of the Nationals. the coming peace conference of soci and and Rawlings Indicative of Break With litiite pains," hut Bur the premier bird of them is of the Red Sor. Ruth is with the Braves. a ali-t- iii Stockholm w as made clear last American inventors probably the best pitcher There is an imposing army „f ... are still busy. Hudson said he hitting that has ever known. George Sisler week when Secretary of Stale Lansing Maxim pitchers. Nearly Germany. i started out ns a pitcher, and lie may have challenged Ruth's every dull has , had perfected tt device that would title, but not even I announced that passports would he de the big new sensation. .Toe Oeschgir make ships immune fnfm tit.- subma- Brownie star is as feared as tin* left-hander on the Red Sox staff. He is i- | nieil any Americans desiring to g> to ing new spurs • not only a consistent batsman, but he is as likely to crack one over the fence his on for tin- firsi tin- meeting any rine peril, ami ia-xis Herzog, an ami that Ameriiatts up into the stands man for the Phillies. Urgan S: ... "its said to have dcvjscd a method for or as any in baseball. KAISER’S MAN, TISZA, ISCIiT participating therein would tic liald*- many drawing all ids pay from Hie y painting vessel- that Last season Ruth hud us home runs as Tris Speaker or Joe Jackson, ' to prosee -.Boil lioder lie J.ogati act for greatly reduces tiiis year. is Dodger I two of tin* game’s leading sluggers, who played as Cadore a re..- bolding their visibility at s,-a. William .Mar- in almost three times many 1 individual n)*-ddlit:g in foreign contests. lias a whole ti- . France’s Reply to Russia's Peace Pol coni. who ( anil- over relations Evidently the government with tin- Italian them. Howard Ehmke is t icy—ltalians Make Another Big war miss-ou, >,( vs Italians at-*- now Ad i believes, as does most of the rest ot tlt* regular. Cliristy Mathewson vance Toward Using a ib-v ice v.ith which Iff stiluna- Trieste—House of the World, that the conferences is ten! ing a bevy of them how he used ; rities were destroyed in the Representatives Passes Great- "tie of th<- kaiser's schemes to disrupt lirst tiiree the boys. "eek' est of of its operation. TO PAY LARGER PRICES War Tax Bdls. the entente Russm and all neutral I.ouis Guisto is hammering th- '■ i’li, liist ili'taeliineiil ot t'niled nations were notified of tiffs aclion. DIAMOND and fielding like at . , a demon fir i. > Club owners in the major * ■ stalls army engii reto ited I,melon • >U's • for the Indians. It's his first s, s - , By EDWARD W PICKARD. About the same time rumors cattle to leagues expect to pay au on Wednesday on its way to Trance. ml 11- .. Washington ari honest-to-goodness big . • Austria iiug’ii that 11 11^ : , already had 11 , stepped min the Two units of the American hospital tional $2,000 for hotel bills this e. m hided an armistice with lin NOTES And even witli this array uf . • limelight Bei or Inst week. him! the dot clop corps also in l.iiglnml. season. Several of the club pres- \ arrived Those Cardinals are playing a good ’“ague talent making good .Tin,' . . inetits in the dun were ienna, or hotli. idents have been notified that I inowiretiy out game of hail. That nil the fangs were not drawn Doings in Congress. lahan is using an outfielder s r.r- calculated to please Kaiser Wilhelm. some of the hotels where their * * * combing ; - jaws I(,e iinse and is tiie hushes Itt the first phe'- Count l'isy.u, pre- 1 from the of the old Russian houso m representatives on teams stopped have found it nec- r, giuie was Dilhofer, the neXv catcher of the Chi- man to take his place. mier of Hungary, tiie "iron man" | evidenced Tuesday when Wchie-hty passed the greatest essary to raise their rates .70 who war i'ago Ctihs, seems to be a find. tor years has been the o the j an unsuccessful attempt was made to ax iffl! in tie* cents to a day for each man. leader history of any tut.loti. $1 * * * pro Gormans of Austria Hungary 1 assassinate Minister of War Kerensky. It can-ie- a total of at,tut! SI..ST(I.(NJ,- The clubs usually carry about, ONE TIGER WAS OVERLOOKED was Barney Dreyfus says be is not dis- finally foreed out office, together To to the perplexities "*' in till of Hie vote on twenty-five on tlie road, and of add of the pro kinds taxes men couraged over the showing the Pirates with his entire eiibluet. visional of the measure was 7*',. this will the payment of Manager Rowland of White Six Ur. Then came government Russia, the to Tin-re was mean are making. the from a ,v Ns edisli bitter additional derrated Hitting Ability o' story, s <'atholi. paper, ’■'W political party, representing opposition t,, many features of sls to $25 each day. * * * •that Ktnpres- Zita I most of the wealthy and inftuentiat Ihe hill, ami many of those win, finally or about s2.o**o for the season. Southpaw Coveleskie. If som** ball players were permitted that Alistl ;a would soon lie pen*a el:i filibuster, one ball game would last a cohsuuitimtioii for which declared for complete of ter of “When I had my abort* try-nr both she a separation patriotism all summer. mid the emperor had tin- grand duchy of Tinland from Bus file White Sox.” says liod id! r been striving The Semite tinam-e committee at MACK'S GOOD HITTING TEAM * * * I his statement of the empress was sia and its establishment as a stiver on,,- began down the of the Cincinnati recruit pitcher- paring measure Mike Massey, playing second for the hot ne out By pouter eign state. shared in some marvelous uu tiie discus-ions ill with Hi*- intention of reuneing the to- Enthusiastically Braves in the absence of Evers, is a t!o Speaks gerial instructions. Yea. wt Vienna papers They printed \u- mu in t'ldiui the l.aiser lost a noth tal yield of taxes to about Si .OUn.dtH*,- tidy smooth and workman. r of Athletics’ Chances—No Slacker the good book says. I'll never f rg- trios repudiation of er point .w!ien President Iff Yuan I lung ★ * * annexation and planning to raise tin- additional in Bunch. indemnity Premier our first gr ne against Detroit, M cinims with reference to dismissed from office Tuan .vSIHI.tMHt.IKKI hy issues of bonds. The twirlers are < ger Ru.-slit, and ;io o 'hi ,lui. w ho had effect ually blocked the Rowland carefully went flu .. went to the astonish The see,in,| adinittistration measure James W. Gantz. a Philadelphia now restricted to three throws in lug length of announcing efforts of tin- rest of tin* cabinet and that Vn-tto-t dealing with Ho *.t food and writer, speaks enthusiastically of Con- warming up before innings. was ready to abandon all a bilge part of tin* parliament to have * * * claim- to ml other necessaries was iue, trator. said tlie hill should make it tlicir reputation as minor league -lug- Viislria Hungary i- in,ha il tired of th.- cabinet. possible to eliminate hoarding, speeuitt- gers, there is every reason to believe It’s pretty tough on a guy who is war and may Be -poediiy Ila fa ion of war hy Brazil against approaching t tiou and waste in distribution. that Connie will put on the field this both a baseball and boxing fan. The Hie breaking point widi ieTiiiani • d-iiiiany was hrotigh: nearer hy the provisions o| gets iln- chief tlm hill are; year a team which in hitting strength poor fish never a vacation. ' request n( Prestdeni tlint * * * Trying to Hold Russia Steady. Bra? eon- I Prohibits the hoarding or corner- will be flit equal of any that lie has . less revoke tile d(*e|e • of l lell 11 aii ’ V Pittsburgh ing of tilt* necessaries of life. ever had. Every man who is counted fans are pulling strongly ’**’* The sin-ailed pa--ing of 'he eri-i- tti in*l , hid Bra/.lt along take i stand *- Jimmy I’rohib injurious speculation upon for a regular position in tiie in- for Callahan in his efforts to iiiissiit has not relieved to any great sail- i*t the I Tilted Si a t --s up a Smoky city. iu the !i*-*‘es-aries of lit'*- and gives field or the outfield knows how to build winner in the extent tile anxieties of the other adie- * * * On Battlefields of France. the president power to regulate or pro- handle his bat. There isn't one of us to the future . oinltte; of that na- t hibit th*l operation of stork or grain them wiio. to use tin' language of the The Athletics are moving up in the f miF* tion Its nrmie- -till rest passive S i*-li progress as was mail** during exchanges. players, puts his foot in the water standing and 'Manager Mack’s men will along the ensieru fronts, the '! week ill pushing hue!, (lie Bermans soldier- bucket. Them batting certainly watching tiiis Iratenii/ing the 1 Vance ff. Hives ti:- president power to fix isn’t it slacker bear summer. with common enemy, was mainly Ivy lh*- I reach * * ■ am) in the bunch. Every man faces the despite the appeals of W ar M eNt. ur their campaigns south and south- maximum minimum prices on nec- ■ ot pitcher fearlessly anil steps into tiie Pitcher Fred Herbert, former Giant Kerensky and others of tiie gov.-m east of I,non and east of Reims. In essaries life in certain instances. Rive*, bull instead of pulling away from it. and Brooklyn Fed twirler. has an- meat. Admiral Coßrhak eotitt ander both sectors they guiited Important I tin- president power to pre- Connie had tie* minor leagues combed nounced his retirement from tlie game. of the sett , , seizing dominating heights vent ns,, of grain or food in the manu- Rll-sian itlack fleet. a: i votiie.l. the ♦ * * for hitting talent last year, and lie ap- v 'sit to the front, said; "The army at,,,'* ihe Allot te valley and in the vi facture of liquor at liis discretion. pears to have landed what he sought." Quinn, efficiency expert of may lie said t>> have pructieally eon : , intty ot Moroitvilliers. Beneral Petain Hives tlie president power to *‘,>u- Robert rtn* Browns, so far i lias confined his hided pence with Germany at a mo ,! ■(i s put iff, troops in position to tro! all distriburioii agencies by means erti'-ieu- y exporting to tin* business of- nii'iit when a Rus-iau offensive might by of licensing. LEGORE TURNED DOWN OFFER thtVHien tlie Reims salient held fice. Ini v *' pin veil a divisive part in tin* Bormans, (** ti Hives the president power to tiie Eli and attack the Rami tix Hod Eller. repeal! campaign Albert Thomas fortress from tlie rear and compel the food and grain standards. Informs President Phd Bad of St. H. B. (Happy) Harrison, formerly a French minister of munitions, told the retirement of the Teutons in tiffs on 7 president power pur- Louis Browns That He Wouldn't the list of the in ! Hives tin* to well-known minor league player, Detroit batters workmen's and delegate- tire Play Professional Ball. has plained soldiers' in sector chase, store ami dispose of m**-es-ari**s been just what each Tiger Moscow that elected city clerk of LaPorte, thousands of Item h and The litt’ish were busy ensisohdu! i ng, of life in order t*> break "corners" and and could not lilt. British soldiers were perishing while Harry Legore. football Tex. Cr:c* tin- positions they had won along (In otherwise regulate supply and prices. and baseball * * “He told us what Cobb, and awaiting Russia's ro operation, on mdeuburg for taking -tar of Yale university, has refused a ford, Veach, . II line from Vrrns to littlle V Provides over by tlie In addition to being a golf caddy. and and Vitr. an which the) hud a right to count. Gey • ,‘tirt contract with the St. Louis Ameri- rest were mis- and repelling tin- repeated ’and government of factories, mines, *>r Jack Adams, of the Quakers, once was supposed to eniment officials and deli gate- all ad vigorous of do com- cans. He was offered a position at the the at:- counter attacks of Hie Bet- plants the owners which not a chauffeur, although he tlie job absorbed instructions mil these farts, but they seem clo-e of tiie present college year. Phil held * to have mans. Voti llindetvhurg was prodigal ply with tin- pres'deiit's orders. for only few days. "When Rowland had finished small effect on the president a individual soldiers Bail, of the club, said Le- * * body in the use of the fresh troops brought '.* Bivi’s Hu* p-esident.power to per- ♦ spoke up and asked: 'llf. Addressing a convention Uu-stun of from the Russian front, l*tit in every mit mixing corn ffottr Coveleskie?’ Rowland laughed t army the of and wheat Dave Bancroft of the Phillies was and navy commanders, command ly. < important instance his attempts to re ami to establish percentage of tlmil To candy butcher; that ‘Never nfiud about ct itt Alexteff pleaded once a is. he sold ■ chief well th -m g lin lost ground was fruitless, and !*** said he. t h the obtained from wheat. refreshments, fruit, candy and newspa- ‘That fellow can Bring ttie diet's Back to Hour slaughter body, si ! was terrible. to. Provide' that the president may pers railroad train. i what's the use m I duty, and to stum! firm for the prose on a In reply to the Italian push toward delegate any or all of tlie powers con- * * * with him?’ And that fatal after. ution of the w ary and ties % prom- in tti< Trieste the Xustriatis began a on by to any per- they Coveleskie made four hits ised great violent ferred him the hill Can’t blame the fans if don’t with enthusiasm times - counter offensive In tin- Trentino, lent son iu* may designate. turn out this season to the games of at bat. and won his ■ lhe council oi peasants' deputies * against poruriiy gaining smite g.-ouud from the tail-end clubs. The submarine us.” on 1 hUfsiluy passed, a le-olut 'h -up Liberty Bonds Selling Fast which they were driven later. The T* j peril something awful. I'ortitig the present govermaent ad- J is amt officials, press * • vance on Trieste slackened sotuew hat Public the and tin-un- ■ WANTS TO RETAIN BASEBALL ministry cial institutions nr** everywhere during tlie first part of the week, hut com- Ray Richmond, a pitcher who had a this,w ;l s gather bining to push the Liberty loan bonds, Ribot Teds France’s Aims only to force, for **ti trial with the Bloomington Three-I Vice President Marshall Says Count’'? Thursday Beneral t itilnriiti's troops and tin- demand for those securities league club, quit the ruling powers in if they has baseball and join- Needs Game—Mav Be Utd zed Uusmii. way was groat throughout the country, and sinasluff their through the Aus tie* army aviation • ran In- called such ding to the idea ed service. for Patriotic Purposes. ’riati lines on a wide front ('as increased every day. it was predict- • * • that the other entente allies ran Be from ’• gm vt. a to the l.ulf of Trieste ed that the bonds would sell at a pre- Fortune, brought io iidopi tiie policy of a peace Gary the youth from North Notwithstanding the war. Vic- I 'us 1 been mium a> soon a* the war is over, and without annexations or frmit ha strongly fotitied Carolina, is tlie soldier pitcher of Pat ident Marshall hopes the An mdeiutiitie- by tit*- Austrians vvas they are already popular with the ami desire a conference t'oi .!•.- pur and ixtlisiderisl Moran’s squad. He belongs to the Na- people will not be deprived of b' them almost Impregnable. small investor. pose of modifying the demands m he The tional Guard at Asheville, N. C. ball. His views are set forth ir Italians took the town of The treasury department * * > made on ti e central powers. I Juuinino. and announced ter to President Johnson of He ’■ Premier x.j, captured *nt prisoners, ,'!oo that the s_'i km f ;f BLI Carrigan is ns. there to catch otic purposes by the thought: .(. P. Morgan that they would not be gore had him that he would trl'v.'iion yviihii ys inflicted - n tier U. S. Help* in War on U Boats. Informed him. zens at the present time." H j readily absorbed. professional • • • for wrong d.-ue, requirement which not piuy baseball for J.V3- president wrote. “And as they The Brff.isit n*ltniraity in its weekly ff- hn I*. S".", I*'- Both law ami equity demand, France, Rockefeller added 000 a year. Ping Bodfe. "Ith the Athletics, is contending clubs play to the 1 report showed t,ig increases ,Kt to lie not oppress j in tlie ar- the endowment of the Rocke- There is no doubt that this famous making good his promise to “show up their for success, -aid. could any nation riv *>' "*>'! ability club ; sa-iitigs and decrease in the feller trustees ' ;tV. cvetl that of its. am! foundu’.: -n and the de* nthiete. were tie so Inclined, could Callahan.” Ping is staging a real cry iri gr enemies it umh. rof N, ss,.js si,tik Ivy man and woman the seeks, J - 'effmiarim's "He-! -ha! Niff,,k! mid of it should be take his place of the greatest is big not vengeance. But justice. and gave as one comeback and his hitting a fig- be Impressed with th,: duty of p ample crtalit t*> the Vu.ert* an used for war tin reports peached purposes the same players in the game, but Le prefers ure in what success the Athletics are the game * When of this speeth des*rovers for this gratifying of patriotism to th" st,owing day a of cents gallon m 1 - use having. W> lii.gtou ! a the bin' khaki. triumph. the state department let eUi'Wing vt -s*.*ly ot, adif,;rilitv American arms may price of gasoline w.-. *, announced.