Picture of family in front of

Our Family Can Be Forever We want to always be worthy to go to the temple.

Signature of family members. The House of the Lord

Now you know a little more about the temple. You know something about . . .

Baptism for the dead

The Endowment

Temple Marriage

Sealing Families

You know that you will learn many things. You will make promises and you will receive priceless gifts from Heavenly Father. You cannot go by paying money. You can only go by being worthy and by living the gospel. As you grow up, there will be more temptations, but if you love the temple and want to go there, you will choose the right. When children are adopted into a family, the family goes to the temple to have the adopted children ―sealed‖. Then they belong to their family forever. It is the same as if they had been born into that family.

Picture of family with adopted children

Sometimes the parents were married outside the temple. Later they are able to go to the temple to be married for eternity. When they are married for eternity, they can take their children with them so that they can be ―sealed‖ to their parents.

We can do sealings for people who died without the gospel. Then they will be sealed together, husbands and wives and children.

Celestial Room, Columbia River Washington Temple

After you are married, you will need to keep the promises you made in the temple. Both the husband and the wife must keep these promises all of their lives. Then they will have the greatest blessing Heavenly Father can give. The couple will be ―sealed‖ forever and their children will be sealed to them. They will live with Heavenly Father once again. They will be like Heavenly Father.

Celestial Room, Vernal Temple

Whenever you go to the temple, you will learn and remember more about the kingdom of God.

Another gift is Temple Marriage. When you are ready to get married, you will need a special recommend. Getting married is a very important decision – so you will want to pray to Heavenly Father about it. If it is right, He will confirm it by the Holy Ghost and you will know you are doing the right thing. What a wonderful day to be married in the temple, to someone you love.

Celestial Room,

After you have your own endowment, you can go back to the temple and receive endowments for those who have died. Each time you will do an endowment for one person. You will know the person’s name and when they were born.

You will need a new recommend every two years. The bishop will always ask questions to make sure you are still worthy.

Terrestrial Room, Salt Lake Temple

In the endowment, you will learn all about why we are here on earth. You will make promises to Heavenly Father. He will promise you great blessings. When you leave this world, the endowment will help you return to Heavenly Father.

Creation Room, Salt Lake Temple Later, when you are a little older, you can go to the temple for your most wonderful gift, your own endowment. You will want to treasure this endowment. If we are faithful, the endowment will bring the greatest blessings we can receive in this life.

Scene from the Garden Room, Los Angeles California Temple If you want to go to the temple, you must get a ―Temple Recommend‖ from your bishop. To get a recommend, you must be a good person and keep the commandments. Your bishop will ask questions like…

Are you always honest?

Do you accept and follow the prophet?

Do you keep the Word of Wisdom?

Are you morally clean?

. . . and other questions.

Picture of family

There are wonderful blessings that will be given to you in the temple. Each blessing is like a very special gift from Heavenly Father. These gifts can not be bought for money, not even a million dollars—but they are worth more than all the money in the world.

Baptismal Font, Washington D.C. Temple

If you are 12 years old, you are old enough to be baptized for the dead. You will need a recommend. You will need to be worthy. When you are baptized One of these gifts is the for the dead it is like opportunity for you to be being a missionary to baptized for the dead. That people who never had means you can go to the the blessing of belonging temple and be baptized for to the Church of Jesus people who died without Christ. having the gospel. Some of these people might be your relatives who have died. Our Temple Book The temple is the most wonderful place on earth. When you go there you feel Heavenly Father’s spirit. The temple is beautiful inside and everyone dresses in white clothes.

Picture of Salt Lake Temple taken from the packet of temples You can purchase from Deseret Book




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