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Lesbian Marine Ave

FREE! Serving Lesbians, Gay Men, and Their Friends in the Redwood Empire December 1988 Vol. I No. 8

Vets Honored in Guerneville AIDS Quilt Returns Marine to%F: Jailed for Will Visit Lesbianism Santa Rosa

CCORDING TO A U.S. Navy by Pamela CanyonRtvers______- report, kept seerfetseem sincesine 1956, t h ^ is no basis for the policy N DEC. 14 AND 15 the Names that bars lesbians and gay men Project Quilt, honoring the lives from serving in the armed forces, but three and memories of over 9,000 women marines. Corporal Barbara Baum, people who have died firom AIDS SergeantA Cheryl Jameson, and Sergeant comes home fo the San Francisco Moscone Glenda Jones, are sitting in the brig at Quan- OCenter after a nation-wide tour. It will then tico, V A, because the Uniform Code of Mili­ be displayed at the Santa Rosa Fairgrounds on tary Justice still maintains that homosexual­ Febqiary4and5.Local Face to Face advocate ity is a Felony. and , Rick Dean notes that in the An investigation that began last Febru­ wake of the quUt’s travels, the number of vol­ ary atPairis Island, South Carolina, where all unteers and donors, as well as awareness of women marines receive basic training, has the scope c i diis pandemic markedly in- d e s tr o ^ the military career of 16 women, including the tbiee currently incaiocraled at Dean believes that “ for many viewers, Quantico. They have been charged variously the Names Project Quilt provides a first-time with “sodomy", ‘Tratemization”, and “en­ exposure to the devastation the disease and FLAG donated by gaging in indecent acts”. AN AMERICAN to the subsequent education r^arding its ~ Vats CJLR.E. and presented to curtailment” AIDS organizations across the Susan Masling, a civilian counsel for the town of GuemevHle high­ nation believe this increased awareness of the Barbara Baum, believes that Baum and lighted a Veterans Day ceremony Jameson, the first women to be investigated, held in GuemevNie, Saturday gravi^ of our nation’s need to mobilize re­ were Court Martialed to provide an example Nov. 12. sources to cope with the disease brings to the others. She also said that some of the The ceremony was attended financial and medical solutions closer. women under investigation “^^^t out and got by 75 people who gathered to Initially, the Names Project Quilt grew pregnant" so they could receiWa^discharge honor all veterans and especially out of indivUhial and community need to the memory of Leonard Madovich, remember and commemorate the lives of' and avoid a court martial Staff Sergeant a '^ay American hero* and a resi­ Bonnie FergusoriT^eson’s ex-lover was dent of GuemeviBe. The new flag those who died. As deaths increased and honorably dischargra after testifying against is set to fly from the flag pole panels continued to appear, the idea of creat­ Jameson and allegedly supplying the investi­ erected by Matlovich many years ing m<^.an«ng and power out of despair and gators with the names of ^ women through­ ago in front of his business, now loss, began to emerge. The gay community, out the Marine Corps. tlw Russian River Video Store. whose losses have been severe during the Guest speakers at the event early stages of the pandemic, were the first to included Sonoma County Super­ recognize that eradicating the denial and fear he investigators tactics have visor Ernie Carpenter and Carol been called into question by Owens, a Korean era veteran, around the disease was the first step toward some of the women involved. who was given an ‘outstanding realizing and achieving any sound program of Recanting her testimony against citizen award* by Vets C.AR.E. mobilzation. Sergeant Mary Kile, Navy Pettyfor Officer her work with people with "The degree of personal involvement and TTerry Knox said that during her eight hour AIDS as founder and director of worir required to educate, raire conscious­ Face to Face, the Sonqma County interrogation by the Naval ‘Investigative ness and , while simultaneously creat­ AIDS Network. ing and running support services for those Service she was denied legal counsel and The moving ceremony in­ afflicted is phenomenal,” says Face to Face threatened with incarceration and the loss of cluded the participation of the "O- custody of her child. Other women claim Reverend Jack Isbell of the Rus­ Executive Direcuv, Sharon Thomas. AIDS their testimony was “twisted” or that whole sian River Metropolitan Commu­ paragraphs were added to their statements.. nity Church and Chuck Schoen of Vets C.AR.E. who emphasized "For many viewers, After bearing witness in behalf of Ser­ the contribution of all veterans by the Names Project geant Jameson, two drill sergeants were re­ saying; “Because of their sacri­ lieved of their duties and reassigned to office fices we can freely assemble here 'Quilt provides a first- jobs. The reassignment of the two drill ser­ this morning. Because of our vet­ time exposure to the geants has had a chilling effect on the women erans we can choose to wear a at Parris Island. CapL Laura Hinkley who is pink triangle on our lapel and no* devastation of being honorably discharged after investiga­ be forced to wear one in a ooncen- the disease" tors failed to turn up an evidence of homosex­ tratioh camp...* JANET ZAGORlA/PHOTCXSENICa | ual behavior, says, “the women are scared to Education demonstrates that success in the death to testify

LESBIAtLANa GAY YOUTH: By Jay Smith of them had died. Ifthcre was any chance I could help, it would make me feel better about my being in the world. ~Th£ following artirU wax writnn fnr a recent ixxu^ n f th* — An examination of local agencies turned up few job op- EST INVISIBLE MINORITY Special Libraries Association Bulletin (SJ^. Bay Region portunities: most were for social workers or medical techni­ By_pamela CanyonRivers become igimary~'ntpycts and shakers, talking to schooL Chapter) which I have in the past helped edit and produce. I cians. But I soon found myself in the right place, at the right boards, princii^es and teachers.” wanted to explcun my low visibility on the library scene lately time, to help launch a gay newspaper. We The People, and Co-founder of BANGLE (difi^y Area Network of Gay Birle claims the demystification of homosexuality with but let people know that I had come as close as I ever have to write about the subject We were a passionate but practical I and Lesbian Educators,) Cotiro Costa high school teacher, the substitution of facts is necessary to remove the strong finding my true vocation in my work on We The People. I’ll group of men and women, academics, writers, community or­ Robert Birle, told a recent meeting of the Sonoma County charge the subject carries. When asked by his students if he is continue to contribute as one o f your foreign correspondents ganizers, newspaper people, creating a place for a political chapter that he had committed his time and energy to the youth married, he tells them he married in Washington at the Na­ as time permits. viewpoint that would never make the pages of The Press population because he “didn’t want another generation to go tional Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights March last October. Democrat We wanted to support a community that was beset through the negativity he had experienced as an adolescent” A year or so ago, joining the ranks of the unemployed after with AIDS, intolerance, and the threat of arepressive initiative After sharing his own adolescent experience as a gay young a stint at Sonoma State University, my life went on hold. Not in November. man, he claimed gay and lesbian youth are “robbed their You see these "gay books" that I minded the hours all that much. It was a beautiful There was plenty to do. I wrote articles, proofread sub­ youth.” Birle characterized gay arid lesbian youth as “isolated, in the libraries - their pages are summer in Sonoma County. I had time to think and was missions and word-processed documents, learned enough of alienated from their peers, victims of self:;£S1Eem and self- dirty and torn, but the librarian inclined to view the situation as a somewhat vexatious inter­ PageMaker to assist in the Macintosh part of production, and I hatb^ functioning with little reinforcement or validation.” lude. Money was not a problem at first but my plans to buy a editorialized. Managing editorsh^jnssed to me during one He noted that many student teachers continue to train in says the books never get house and settle down seemed farther and farther away as the firantic month of twelve-hour days when I lost weight peering environments, citing Bay Area coUegestand checked out. months went by. into the video screen and rounding up late articles and ad copy. I universities, among them San Francisco State University, No, the'real problem with unemployment is finding some I went to print shops and cut and pasted till I was sick. But I located in the heart of the gay stronghold of San Francisco, as direction. Between spates of resume preparation and inter­ loved it unresponsive to homophobia in theclassroom. “These student “I have the same rights as everyone else, and I will not views, there were long stretches when I took walks or stared My personal experience led me to start writing articles teachers become teachers who insure the continuation of censor myself simply because they will react to me. It’s at the four walls considering alternative careers —gas-station about AIDS information agencies. Sadly there are by now so homophobia in the classroom because they have no informa­ important to establish situations where we’re affirmed for our cleridng, truck driving, selling my body—or wondering many of them, and they are so busy, that they are scarcely tion about people who are gay.” He said many teachers are everyday lives. It is professionally defensible to be a real whether I shouldn’t justacceptmy grandmother’s entreaties to aware of each other. The only way the various services can either unaware of the gay students in their classrooms or failed person and share who you are. It is unfair that gay teachers are comestay fora while. Many avenues seemed cut off: travel, connect is at conferences. I covered on of these in San to address gay and lesbian “put-downs” as they might any expected to be unreal and dishonest I function like everyone for instance, meant hassles with unemployment checks or Francisco in July and was thrilled to be there wearing a green other expression of intolerance or discrimination, because else. This news is not that I’m functioning openly. The news possibly missing the chance for an interview. It became hard " ^ b o n labeled PRESS. I’m aiming now for the 5th Intema- I they feared they would be charged with “being gay,” or of is that nobody else is.” to make any move at all, mentally or physically. Even while tional Conference on AIDS in Montreal next summer. “contkviing homosexuality in the classroom... Whenji teacher Birle said homophobia has to be addressed in the class­ rediscovering how marvelous it is to cook or garden or go to - Now that I’m back at work, things are different—or I calls attention to a racial slur toward Blacks, does this insinu­ room if support for and validation of gay and lesbian youth is the public library, I was having a hard time focusing because maybe I should say, things will never be the same. Had I not PHOTO BY JANET ZAGORIAd>HOTOGENICS ate the teacher is Black?” to become a reality. “Little has changed in today’s classrooms. all this was only “tempmary.” had the time to be unemployed, I would never have gotten Birle noted the high iiKidence of drop-out, drug abuse These kids fear peer rejection, rejectidirby their parents and Finally I took a friend’s advice and invested in a job involved, found the energy, had the sheer audacity to start a Lesbian Caregivers Plan Progressive Coalition they are unsupported by school teachers. They are the most counselor, a man who helped me look at my skills and see (that project I knew I could never finish. It all worked out, you see, invisible minority in our country.” what I had done with my life so far was only one path.) What although I still don’t quite know where the path I’ve taken is AIDS Conference On Saturday, November 12, at the Friends Common When a teacher calls attention Meeting the needs of gay and lesbian youth involves were my other paths? One, I decided, was AIDS research. I leading me. Room in Santa Rosa a group of political activists met to reflect raising the veil from homosexuality, demystifying and substi­ A Conference entitled “L e s b ^ Caregivers and the AIDS to a racial slur toward Blacks, had friends who wefe^iagnosed with AIDS and ARC,andone on the recent election and to consider forming a coalition to tuting facts about the everyday lives and reality of gay pecqile. Epidemic’is being organized fo f^u ary of1989. The confer­ select a {»ogressive candidate for the House of Representa­ does this insinuate the It requires establishing a quotient of tolerance and respect for ence will be held at the Seven H ills Conference Center at San tives in 1990. Participants represented several interest groups differences and an ^ipreciation of the uniqueness of individu­ Youth Counseling Francisco State University from 6:30 pjn. on Riday, January including the lesbian/gay community. teacher is Black? als. To this effect BANGLE is preparing letters of introduc­ Under Attack You, Trees and AIDS 20th, to 5KX) p.m. on Saturday, January 2IsL Many expressed a desire to work towards filming an on­ tion to school district superintendents and principles through­ This event will address the qiecial issues and concerns of going coalition between the various communities to siqqrort out Sonoma County. San Jose State curriculum material, AssemblymanPhil Wyman of the 34ih Assembly District The tree in your home is an important part of your lesbian caregivers, wtaking both professionally and non- each other in the coming years uruler yet another Rqiublician and suicide among gay and lesbian youth and said that because which addresses homosexuality as a variant sexual orienta­ will introduce a bill on December Sth to “prohibit public holidays... it can also be a caring contribution to children in professionally with People with AIDS. The conference will administration. Another meeting will be held January 7 to gay and lesbian youth are such an invisible minority, the tion, will be used to bring homophobia and curriculum schools... from imt^emeoting or continuing a program that by need. feabrre woritshops, entertainment, qieakers, and a chance to plan for a regional meeting in Mendocino County. causes of their distress often are unknown. Concerned with wotkshtq» to Sonoma County schools. design or effect encourages homosexuality as a viable life Get a premium quality, moderately priced, $15.50 - relax and socialize with each oth^. All interested groups and individuals are encouraged to these invisible issues at the July 1988 conference, the NEA Local BANGLE founder, Jaye Miller says that “if the alternative.” This bill is suppmted by the Reverend Lou Shel­ $36.50, tree • fresh cut only 24 hours before you take it home. Woricshtqis will focus on a variety of issues, including attend. Call 874-2638 or 874-2248 fw the time and place or drafted C-11, a statement of i^osophy that calls for school Sonoma County PuUic Health response to local AIDS educa­ don of the Traditional Values Coalition who have declared Satisfaction Guaranteed! Your purchase will benefit Grief and Loss, Sexism in AIDS Agencies, Healing and further information. districts across the nation “to assist students struggling with tion efforts is any indication, this endeavw will be difficult “open warfare with the Gay and Lesbian cqmmunity” and Starcoiss’s Care of Children with the AIDS Virus. Humor, Partners of Lesbian AIDS workers, Co-Dependency, sexual orientation” by providing counseling that addresses Only three schod districts in the county —Forestville, Gey- have armouncecT a full-scale campaign to halt sympathetic Starcross trees and wreaths have been praised for years. ahd Lesbians of Coltv and AIDS. and validates this issue. serville and Healdsburg have even nibbled upon the AIDS counseling of gay and lesbian youth. They belong to Califcrnia Christmas Tree Growers and Son­ This conference was conceived of and wganized by a We Need Your Skills He said, “The parents of Gay and Lesbian students have Education outreach that has been offered.” Please write letters of t^iposition to the Education Com­ oma County Farm Trails. group of lesbian AIDS caregivers who wanted to share the We The Petqile is kxddng for people to help with ad sales, tremendous power to put superintendents on the ‘hot ^ t ’ BANGLE welcomes contributions of student alumni like mittee at the State CaoitoL Room 3111. Ca 9S814 or call at (916) Trees are brought to three Santa Rosa Locations for you struggles and the joys of working within the AIDS field. This Macintosh desktop publishing, writing and editing. If you about issues of support for gay youth and eradication of the GLSU, patents of gay and lesinan youth, and gay and 445-9431. (Major article to follow in January issue of the to pick iq). Their guarantee is that if for any reason you are dis- event is cqien to any lesbian who has acted as an AIDS have an interest in learning and working in the exciting homophobia in the classroom, lliey face issues of “coming- lesbian youth and any concerned citizens. They can be reached treatment of homosexuality in current sex and AIDS tqipointed they will rqrlace the tree or refund your money. caregiver. This is a woman only event For more information newq>aper world, call Jerry at 526-7264. out” on behalf of their child, but once resolved, they can at (707) 433-9158. v- ‘^ucation.) To order your tree call Sister Marti 886-54^ at Starcross. caU: 647-5866. ___ _

Jim Spahr, CLU, ChFC Enjoy a M assage by: Agent Vlfcxncir« MeaKh & M arjorie IViiRKETTLE "A WOMAN’S TOUCH" Artemis Excrume GnilcT desiqna Licensed Marriage, Family, Child Therapist RELAX without alcohol or drugs License: ML 021923 Naw Yorh Lifa Insuranca Company P. O. Box 2626 SWEDISH / ESALEN iiONOMA’S OWN clB S iq n o Petaluma. CA 94953 Towards the heart / in Rhythm / p lu b X. 707 762-0107 800 237-0107 (707) ^76-1657 P.O. Box 1446 Affordable Full Body M assage desiqna l5373'/j River Road Atgisitftt) n«or«Mntaiive (o* Guerneville, CA 95446 (707) 869-3304 NYLIFC StcuMti«». Inc New York NY 10010 $20 - one hour session 3451 Airway Drive 578-0616 i'lb'l Airwuy l)r. • ,Sanla Dora • OA. 95403 For appt. call 544-7838 Q u ick silver M in e C o . furniture General Contractors Cal. Lie. #525164 I JAMES FOSTER, MA, MFCC

850 Third S». • Santa Rosa. CA 93404 • 707 526-3800 Ballard & Nunes Home Repair Art Gallery CA. Marriage, Family Sc Child Counselor • Lie. 22191 SUPPORT GROUP & HEALING CIRCLE ^ Remodeling • Additions • Decks H andcrafts It's a Big Number For those of us affected by the A ID S crisis Gourmet Foods Thofs about how many Lesbians and Gay Men In Sonoma W inç This group is based on the recognition that there is no RO. 80x815 Ralph J. Ballard C ounty stnjggle w ith alcohol a n d other drugs. M ost o f us separation: no separation between those who have AIDS and Guerneville, CA 95446 (707)8696017 with thk-broblem hove done things under the Influence that ADULT, CHILD AND RELATIONSHIP THERAPY those who don't: those who are sero-positive and sero-negative; p u t our health and Bves In jeopardy. Even *Sock3i Users' between gay and straight, male and female This Is a time for all may experlerK:e Impaired judgement otter o drink or M a d e' of us to loin together to heal. tyro , a In e . or a Joint. in - So, If you drink or d o drugs: As we journey Inward to that place of truth, we can begin to / Sonoma County acknowledge and release our fears and confusions, honor who we Cut down or stop. There Is help. are. and open to new levels of healing. D on't shore needles. If you do. team to Weekly sessions iiKlude: Cleon them bleach Follow safer sex guidelines. V WOMEN'S BOOKS • RECORDS • TAPES A MoveiKcnl fk Mcditallo« * Rituals CARDS • JOURNALS • CHILDREN'S BOOKS ■*' Eat w e l. g e t plenty o f steep. Try m e d ita tio n , 14028 Armstrong woods FUt MONDAYS. 7«0-M0 P.M. exercise, try support groups to reduce Guerneville • 869-9357 OPEN EVERY DAY DONATIONS REOUESTED 887-2813 stress... , Call 707-865-2159 For Intormotion orteferrol coll DAAC AIDS 1110 PTTAUJMAHRX RO. SUITES PSYCHIC READER Project. (JutftoumofHwy 12) SANTAROSA.CA 9 5 4 0 4 (707) 575-8879 ______(707) 544-3295 J

N 'omen's Health items, and if you have a qiecial need —low-sodium, dairyless, percent of the total donations received during the quilt’s display at or whatever— just ask for recommendations. both the San Francisco Moscone Center and the Grace Pavilion in Sanu Rosa. “Total esuma^ddonations at the quillexhitaiian may lare May be Non- Maricey’s is also a M o f a cultiii^ cenler^ilh work of range from $50,000 to $ l6 o ,0 0 0 , and this could mean an atklitional local artists on the walls each month, poetry readings on the $6,000 to $l5,000'to Face to Face’s 1989 budget,” said Dean. third Thursday in Petaluma and the first Saturday in Cotati Volunteers are need at both exhibition sites. The quilt has grown ’raditional -----U\7III ft-in rwYt Iff y^Yf;r fifjhtjCT«« rniighly the sirr nf two football If your’e looking for a place that has a great vegetaliaif fi^ds. Names Project volunteers across the nation have staffed Brenda Jackson IS in menu plus lots of other healthful selections from main courses volunteer regeneration and education booths, fundraising and organ­ to salads to drinks to desserts in an atmosphere that welcomes izational task forces to create the circle of light energy iu>d money around the quilt to reach those in need of care and support. you to relax and be yourself, stop in at the new location in omen’s is rapidly moving toward Cotati or the one in Petaluma at^16 Western Ave. The hours preventative health, self-help, and non-in are 8:30 to 9:30 every day. See Markey’s ad and tell them you Cotati too vasive measures. Womenarenolongerwill- read about them in We The People when you go in. Christmas Review W ; to let an outsider ^ t r o l their gynecologic health. By Jerry Noakes - ‘ r - CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Saturday, Dec. 17 at 9 pjn. at the Santa Rosa Irm, 4302 Santa Rosa I are many options availaUe, and knowing which alter- idve or group of alternatives to choose can he confusing, NEOFMYFAVORITE MACES to eat has been Lesbian Marine Ave. Maikey’s Cafe in Petaluma, and I have always Rowland’s Review is featuring an all male chorale singii^ die important issue is knowing when to use alternatives, , CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sounds of Christinas in a black and white affair. * ^ e had originally I to use alk^MOhic (regular) medicine, and when to blend wished that we had one like it in Santa Rosa. It’s V for the Navy said that all 12 women confessed to being homosexuals hoped for response from both the women and the men to organize a ;two. For the most part, preventative self-care will be the not exactly Santa Rosa, but Maikey’s is now in mix choir, but the feedback and interest came primarily from the and are set for discharge”. However, the “Blade” continues, “Four of cus. An exception to this is the yearly pelvic exam with pap CotatinextdoortotheCo-opat8340OldRedwoodHwy.the 12 Thewomen contend they made the confessions only afto'Seuig'' men,: said Rowland. Foreseeing what has become the final result we Oopening was November 28. — mtcTTOgaied tor hoiBs in the middle of the night and bein&«mfined selec^chprriammgementsfomen. Nextyearwillbe^ffei^and (Cervical dysplasia can be ¿ e « ed witlLheibs. vita- Markey’s is owned by Peter Markey, who is very much to the brig”. we’d like to see everyone get involved in this annual event s, suiqilements and visualization if detected early, yet has like his Cafe, laid back and kind of down home. Miukey’s According to Chuck Shoen of “Veterans’ Care” in Sant^osa ^^hristmas Buffet w in be offered from 7-8:30 pm., donated by ^y^Btiiig consequences if undetected. “every couple of years something like this comes up”. Since the the staff and management of the Saiita Rosa Inn. . t are other ailments which will respond vrall to natural _catm to ey ^ o n e of all walksjpf life. As someone once said Eyqyane is invited to nijoy the communal warmth of Christa UnifuiinCode of Military Justice was enacted by Congress “our only , butmahy them ulmoits havebeen ovnMated , “you hang out at Markey’s for any length of time, you’re hope is to get the elected officials to do something about the Law”. mas and show their support to Face to Face. A suggested donation of likely to run into your chiropractor, your high school English Cheryl Jameson, who is from Napa, wrote to Congressman $5.00 will be taken at the door. You may also want to make a larger I harsh mediciiies and procedures. Vaginal infections can The Dance Brigade; Kim Eptfano, Krissy Ke^er, Aldgail Stage, Nina Fichter. Performing from the Heart, teacher, an aerobics classmate and maybe an old friend you Bosco for help; but according to Nick Tibbits, Bosco’s aide, “it’s up donation at this time. AU proceeds wiU go directly to Face to Pace. ibetreated with herbs, diet, and poultices. Infectionsof a Fund Raiser for Face to F a ^ which took place on Nov 5th in Petaluma. A Political statement that Itft both the Give the gift of love this year to those so desperately in need, and join haven’t seen in years”. to her to do something about it. Her options are to ask for a review i cervix usually require antibiotics, and infections of die a audience and the performers exhausted and exhilarated. The new cafe will have an expanded dinner and breakfast or a reduction in sentence. If she does we can expedite it if the Marine Rowland’s Review in “A Christmas Concert”. I and fallopian tubes always do. However, side effects menu which includes some fish and foul and plenty of vege- Corps, is dragging it’s feet”. Since the review process is supposedly fantibioticscanbe lessened if herbs are used in conjunction automatic and Jameson has been waiting in the brig for five months for the process to begin, maybe Congressman Bosco needs a little I the drugs. and self-hypnosis, this distressing condition can be elimi­ BBRT((XMitlnued from Paga 3) As someone once said, you hang prod to take some action on her behalf. Gallery • Custcùn Framing • Gifts I cysts respond well to hypnosis and visualization. A nated. In rare circumstances exogenous hormones may be Thecolleclivesaysthat getting the message of recovery Cheryl Jameson’s address is Building 3247, MCCDC Brig, t pdvic exam is usually sufficient, but depending on needed temporarily. I have not found one case of PMS that and sobriety out to other lesbians and to heterosexual profes­ out atMarkey's for any length of Quantico, VA., 22134. She would probably appreciate hearing from I physical finding, a sonogram may also be needed. Once couldn’t be reversed if the woman was committed to doing sionals woridng in recovery programs, is only part of what someone close to home. time, you’re likely to run Into your J. S. CHASE & CO. I mtdignancy or pre-malignancy has been ruled Old, surgery so. Life does not have to become unmanageable because of Brown Bag Readers Theatre is all abouL “Tbe weekly chiropractor, your high school Eng­ I usually be eliminated. PMS. connection, performances and shared scripts enhance our lish teacher, an aerobics classmate Names Project Quilt Tracy Keefer ' traa infections respond beautifully to heiinl tieat- There are so many myths about menopause in this own recovery process. It’s hard to separate th£;2ecovery CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 707 575-9564 aL Not only the infection itself is treated, but the urinary society that many ofthe facts have been lost MargaretMead process from the creative pro c ^ . This kind of commitment and maybe an old friend you in the guise of monitoring, providing a nurse case manager to study 125 Fourth Street, Railroad Square t and Madder can be toned and strengthened at the same coined the term ‘PMZ’ • post menopausal zest She states, to the collective process requires clear and conscious com­ haven’t seen in years” and document the cost comparison of in-home versus hospital care of Santa Rosa, California 95401 Professional help is recommended for this as you “The most creative force in the world is the menopausal munication. Like the 12 S t^ Program that gets us through patients. Id need to use antibiotics with the herbs if the infection woman widizest” Itdoesnotsignalatimefordegeneration, every day, this Jbeatre collective and our performances in­ Thomas says 75 percent of Face to Face funding ctnnes directly tarian entrees. Scratch cooking best describes the type and from private donors. To this effect, the Names Project has recently 1 to the kidneys. Amenorrhea (missed periods), but rather an acceleration into a new phase of life. This volve a kind of personal emotional woric that k e ^ us on quality of food. Soups, dressings, baked goods etc., are all extended the national tour of the Names Project Quilt to its first rural inmenotifaea(pamfulperiods).aiidabnonnaluterineMeed- transition is not dependent on drug th e r ^ , but reqxmds to track. The bottom line is the feedback we receive fiom others made from scratch. The bakery has a list, letting the buyer exhibition in Sonoma County. The quilt will be on display Feburaiy ; also respond to the combination of herbs, hypnosis and acombiiutionofnatiiialmeastlies. Also, the best prevention , embarking on recovery and our sobriety.“ know which items are natural baked goods and which are 4 and S in the Grace Pavilion at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. iMuaBzatiorL . for menopausal difficulties is to resolve PMS. The iiMeiview for this story was conducted within the traditional baked goods with all the ingredients listed.- Dean araiounced that The Names Project extends a helping hypnosis is an important tool, as it otn empower oneself to While all of these measures can be used for healing, they collective process and the writer wishes to credit the contri- Markey’s staff is'able to answer questions about the menu hand to its sister agency, Soribma County Face to Face, offering 5 t in choge of the healing process. Essentially aU hypnosis can also be used to tone, strengthen and balance - thus em­ butioatrfeach member pre^cC a^L ongo, Mary Hinsdale, pself-hypnosis, and the procedure caiibe taught in one to two powering you to achieve a state of physical, emotional and Kerry Blume, Batricia Pbmbo, Sue Stagnitto, Sari Lettzke, »sessions. Hypnosis can be used to obtain information spiritual health. Geoiigia Prescott and Maiiiieen Kfoore. PHOTOGENICS I the past, to gain insight into proUems, or it can simply lusedtoheaL Brenda Jackson, R K ., N P „ who is a nurse practitioner nHfCesma^ peifection- STOCK PHOTO AGENCY.SPECIAL ASSICNNENTS r PMS isastresscondition thatproducesaphysiologicim- with the Santa Rosa Medical Graiq), specializes in women’s PHOTOGRAPHY - Massage It affects as much as 90% of the women in this health issues. Santa Rosa Medical Group also treats AIDS andfPeifection is no trifU WEDDINGS . BkRTIES • LEGAL. REAL ESTATE f. With diet, siqiplements, herbs, exercise, Tiyptophan patients wholistically. (AMIY RELATIONSHIf>S . COUPLES . PETS (Midiebm^Co ^Buonarroti - SPORTS . EVENTS * PORTFOLIOS. ADVERTISING Bodywork PHOTOCRAPHEBS: JANET ZAGORIA . CHERYL TRAENDLY Herbal Facials P.O.Box607 • Forestville • CA954-36 JOHnDARRAGH ------(707^67-1651 ------WORLD PREmiERE & ASSOCIATES wOtiTl DARtlAQI”l ^ Jerry Noakes & Deborah Leoni FiriAtlCIAL PLAMMERS Bnancial Planner mu rune b e nM e to 707/575-7526 Massage Therapists escape the lionds o f Jealous Jesntin to H()liil;i\ (iitt ( c'liitkatL's A\;til;ihle surrem ler lnto Ote sisinc ■tootna arm s o f Hmry? 723 HUMBOLDT STREET • SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA 95404 (ii\L‘ the (iilt ol Hc’illlll Sm uMIm oHirad «rajsh PratHMd kwMMra ol/WiMrta JACKIE SPAHR Fouomdi984-ni||imwtfin iminix iwmor Aat-ni Z36 Mon^onwy SMI. Sun* 1060. 8«i FrandKO, CA M104 416/3M-4363

Flamingo Hotel . WhMt happens w tten SPAliH INSURANCE SERVICES. INC. 38 d y k e s a il com e P.O. BO X 2 6 2 6 . PETAU MA. CA 4th and Farmers Lane to g e th e r for Hourtd-up? H«MV2 .t7 0 IO*’ 7 ( r . 7 6 2 « It n Call 579*1470 for an Appointment

mu w icked QuiU succeed In keeping her FRESH W hole foods unsuspecting sister Oert from getting to round-up In ante to collect the Y e s ! Y o u c a n s u b s c r ib e t o W e T h e P e o p l e Inheritance? ? HIghost quality Lowest prices -I .Global aw arenass Subscription Form I What's nancy doing I up In that tree anyway? I want to have We the People mailecj to me. Enclosed is my check of $12.00 Qet ready for th e tim e 12B Morgan Streoi I o f y o u r Ufe. Orab y o u r (707) 546-1806 Santa Rose. CA 9 5 4 0 4 for a one year subscription. Please mail to: I partner, saddle up. and I ride o ff In to th e riaing “u r - T E r a " aunaetofaaOl on sale at I PRCMICRC Name Address WOMEN AT LARGE I HYPNOTHERAPY » THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE I The FIRST Peatnte Length X Rated Leehlan Video EXERCISE CLASSES Phone number I Made By at For Women .J PLACE: COTATI CABARET — V ------TtC lirrS AVAILABLE AT as LA PLAZA. COTATI ClaireUght Women's Bookstore MARLANE SPILLINGER, MS, C H T v BY HAIL Mail to: We The People, P.O. Box 2204 DATE: SUnDAY DEC 11, MOfIDAY DEC. 12 1988 V fid nOnCY OaOCA plus SASE To; DiAHOdD enTERPIUSeS 707-526-3032 Santa Rosa, Ca., 95405 TIM ES: 8 0 0 a n d 8:30 Each Night P.O. Box 7585 • S an ta Rosa. CA 95407 for Information about an4 DRESS: WEAR YOUR DUDS 6 5 0 B LARKFIELD CENTER • SANTA ROSA, CA 9 5 A0 3 other fine lesbian vMeoa send SASE tO : TIOER ROSE OfSTRtBUTinO DONATION: $ 10.00 P.O. Bos 609 • CoU tI, CA 94926 TfllS CVCHT PROÖUCCO BY DIAMOflD CnTCRPfllSES • Info: ( 707) 575-1937 ■Decembgl988 WE THE PEOPLE II

Gardening - The Four Seasons OtonysM: Th* God of Eoolofy in dw Ago of Saturday December 10 Ooddaaai Raoovering Our Loet Anoiant. AIDS, nn evoninu wilh Arttarr É m m s . Benefil for Uarhaga. praseitlalion by Morning Qkiry. 8 pm. Marga Gmink • Womah OR Color, an evening Women’s Coffeehouse. 640 Orchard S .. Ukiah. the traditional pines and sfmice, I suggest cedar. With its Wo tho Pooplo. (See article lost issue.) 7:30 By John O'Malley Christinas tree this year, enjoy it ^ doors throughout the pm. Santa Rosa Senior Center, 704 Bennett of intimate comedy. She wowed them at Wheelchair aooeesMa, chNdcara. sign language year and have it for years to come. wonderful scent and growth habit, the deodara cedar is a good Valley Rd. at Santa Rosa Ave. Donations Yosemita and on national television. Recently interpretation available, dreg and alcohol free. Living Christmas Trees The Cap ad o blue and green spruces are similar in their clKMce. ThcXDliage^s^ayJriueandtoc&dariskiww^ requested. For information cal Sandy at S27- voted S.F.‘s Entertainer of the Year. Special Open for socializing at 6 pm. $3-5. Forinforma- "C iniS m aC hii tmas tree. A moderate growing treeitcanbe 90^2. guesl. Gayto neiltm . Get your tickets eartyl 8 ^k>n call 485^»03 dr 468-1158.------Christmas is upon us once again - time to deck the halls growth habit and are excellent choic^lt you want a laiger pm, ClaireLighL $6-9 sliding scale. 57&-S879. and trim the trees, living Christmas trees are gaining in tree. These ^truce grow horizontal branches fc»iningabh>ad brought in for Christiras use for three y e i ^ Sunday December 18 popularity throughout the country. A living Christmas tree pyramid. The green spruce is of dark green color and the blue A f t e r you have chosen the best livirigC ^tm as tree for Sunday December 11 will give you beauty indoors at Otfutmas time as well as spruce is a definite gray blue. These spruce’s can be grown your h o m e , fcmeiriber that it is a living plant and certain care DIgnity/San Frandaoo holde its last mass at S t is required. Place it away to m any heat vents and water it Hey Fever, an erotic oowgiif comedy - world Boniface Church, 133 Golden Qata Ava., S.F., beauty outdoors all year..Theie are many difierent varieties in their nursery container (guierally IS g ^ o n ) for up to three premiere. The first feature length X-ratad lesbian 5:30 pm, followed by a march to S t Manr's to choose tom , including Albeita spruce, Colorado green years, before being planted in the ground. once or twice a week. The soil should always be evenly video made by and for women. 6:30 and 6:30 Cathedral promsnno Dignity's ouster and re(eclion spruce, Colorado, blue spruce, NorfoDt pine, Monterey pine, Norfolk pine is another popular, living Christmas tree. moist, never allowing it to dry out You should not keep your pm. Cotali Cabaret, 65 La PtazsL $10.00. Tickets by the Catholtc Ctiurch. All weloome. For tree in the house for more than . After Christmas alendar available at Claireljght information cdl (415) 255-9244. and cedar. Of the many trees tochoose from the Norfolk is about the only Let’s start with the Alberta spruce. This dwarf spruce one you can keep indoors throughout the year as a beautiful put it on your patio or in your yard and water it about once a LGRN Men'a Polluok meets at 6:30 p.m. For tree has short five green needles which are soft to the touch. house plant. Montereypinesarealways popularas Christmas week. Living Christmas trees in an assortment of sizes to Tuesday December 6 information cal Mert at 579-5306. With its natural pyramidal growth habit it makes a perfect trees. Beóiuseofitsfas^growthitisrecoriímen^thatyou enjoy this year and for years to come are available at your Veterans CA.R.E„ gdy and lesbian veterans and Christmas tree. It Will live in its coiitainer for many years plant it afro: the first year. local garden center. Enjoy! their friends, meets 1st Tuesday of the month. Friday December 2 Dinner, 6:30 pm, Petaluma Veterans Building. Monday December 12 growing to seven feet in thiity-five years. Use it as a If you would enjoy a more unusual Christmas tree than Femlnlel Film FeethraL 8 pm. Women’s FdHnformation cal 829-5393. Hay-Fever, an erotic cowgirl comedy - world Coffeehouse. 640 Orchard St. Ukiah. Wheel­ premiere. The first feature length X-raled lesbian chair aeceeaibte, ohHdcare. sign language video made by andforwomen. S'SO and8:30 interpretation available, dtug and alcohol free. We^esday December 7 pm, Cotati Cabaret, 85 La Plaza. $10.00. Tickets Open for socializing at 6 pm $3-5. For informa­ “LHo and Thnea of Harvey Mlk", a film available at ClaireLight tion call 485-0903 or 468-1158^______presented by the SRJC Gay and Lesbian Student • •••••••••• •«••••• • • • • • • • • • • • Union (GSLU), commemorali^ the 10th anniversary of the assassination. Discussion on Tuesday December 13^ Saturday December 3 ‘coming out* to follow. 7-10 pm, SRJC Ubrary, Acting our Age, swrard-winnlng video documen­ lassi fieds Dignity, gay Catholic organization, meets 1st Room 1. Donations requested. tary. The mowng stories of six old women who C Saturday of the month. 6:30 pm, Santa Rosa. share toeir feelings about themselves, their lives Mass at 7 pm, followed by potkick dinner. For and futures. 7 pm, ClaireUghL No admission infonnation call Jim F. at 544-1769 or Mert a t ' Thursday December 8 clwge. 575-8879. F o r Rent Share RentaH Holiday Gift Idea, Give the Holiday Greetings to Beth Dermis, it was nice to meet 579-5306. Gay Men's Minority Support Group meets 2nd Gift of Health, Give a Gift Thursday of tho month, 7 pm. For information call Freedom Song Nebrrork Songewap, affirming from the one with the Red you hope we see each other through songs and music, the right of el peoples Seek Woman Roommate Certificate from Body Donne« at 528-3011. Gays Welcome— Hair. n.J ’ Sunday December 4 at home and sferoad to estabfiab more free, just Benefits, Massage, Saturday, December 24 ■ Apt Bldg injanta Rosa has to share 2 bdrm A pt quiet/ 3rd Anmial ClalrelJght Holiday Party - this year and equal sociatias, and live in peace. Multira­ Bodywork, and Herbal Fa-, ’‘CaroforCandalighl and Communfon,” lX & 3 bdritis avail. Newly respectful, SRJC aiea $235 Ken I was to shy to call M.F. means Mighty Fine at tie Annex Bring an ornament to decorate the cial, riHiticulhirai, mtargeneratioital, and of Bl sponsored by Metropolitan Community Church, decorated (of course!) — -i-V2Util. NoSmtAers 528- cials located at the Fla­ tree. Hotiday cheer abounds with refreshments sexual orientations. 6:30 pm. SCOPE Uniori Santa Rosa, 11 pm, 515 Orchard St. For again but maybe you will and that’s fine with me. and door prizes. 10% off all in-stock books in , 613 48) St, Santa Rosa. Wheelchair Call Sport at 578-4552 6244 Magi. mingo Resort Hotel. 4th information cal 526-4673. _ and Farmers Lane. 579- see this and call me. Your devotee. JaZee main store for this day only. 12:00-5:00 p.m., accessible, kids weloome. For information call ClaireUght Annex. 575-8879:^ Dave at 887-9450. 1470. FOR-RENT - One bed-' For Sale GM, 47 An exception per­ Trying to locate an old Saturday December 31 room nicely furnished Sonoma County LeaMan/Gay Democratic Heeling Altsrrwttvee Group, for people with Gala Naur YMr’a Party, 8 pm, Women’s MUSICIAN NEEDED: son if I do say so myself. friend in the Bay Area, if Ckib, heading toward tte Califomia Democratic AIDS/ARC or HIV porilive, meets 2nd Tuesday of lower duplex A pt on one Russian River Metropolitan Coffeehouse, 640 Orchwd SL, Ukiah. Wheel­ ORGAN-KIMBALL- Down home kind of guy. you knowjire-whereabouts Convention in February. First stop: Yountvile. the month. 7-9 pm. Face to Face; Guemevile. chair aooessible, childcare, sign language acre by a creek with leaded ’’ENTERTAINER” Corilmunity Church needs a Being more and more out is of Paul Rooney, black hair, For detals contact Adam Richmond at 579-9347. 865-2411. irrterpietetion available, drug and alcohol free. glass windows. Great for Lesson-music-books and PianistA^rganist for Sunday important Eating out is OK blue eyes, 5’10" and about Open for sodaiizing at 6 pm. $3-5. For informa­ that country get-away or Sunlight vrit read from her new book. Beino: tion cNI 4859903 or 468-1158. bench. Services. CaU 869-0552. but Dining out is not my 39 p l e ^ call 579-1470 and «iWto tn ■ New Wav, which came to her through Wednesday December 14 full-time residency. Lo­ Little used. Exc/cond. thing. I like camping, hik­ leave message. automatic writing. She wM tak about the process BXMm P Bay Area Network of Gay and Leebian Personals cated at Russian River close $875 or Best Offer 579- ing, good times with friends and how we can each find our own wise inner- Educators, meets 2nd Wednesday of the month. Tuesday January 3 voioe for guidanoe in our Kvae. 5 pm, ClairelJght 7S0 pm, Sants Rom Junior Cotege, Faculty to Guemeville. Non- 5308 serious sharing, and laugh­ Valarana CA.ILE^ gay and leabian vetarans and smokcr preferred. Small pet GWM With Chronic Fa­ Annex. No adntission charge. 575-8879. Qenato Room. For infomuttion cal Jaye Miler a t . their friends,meats let Tuesday of tw month. ing at myself. Integrity, This could have been your 433-9158. Ok . Rent $450 a mo. $300 tigue Syndrome (ak.a. Ep- • i|-; * ’ Dfonar, 6S0 pm, Petaluma Vaterana Bu8dfog. Services love and involvement are ad and you might have re­ Monday December 5 For infonnation cal 829-5393. security, 869-3154, Leave stein-Barr Syndrome) key words for me. Relation­ ceived 14 calls or letters al­ Friday December 16 message. would like to meet other Baoohue and Nie CiiH of Barnial Madneee In Friday Decentber 9 Getting M arried? Having ships come first I don’t ready. The deadling fm “Deep Dtah” - Gay Man’s PaMuek meets 3rd men in similar situation. I Anoleni Greece, a precerttation by Arthur Evans. Gay FaRiers Group meets 2nd Friday of the (contmued on page 12»,) a baby? Call us for all your . smoke, drink or drug. I am January's classifieds is the 12 noon, Santa Ro m Jureor Cologo. Newman Fridm of tiw momh s( 7 pm. For infonnation caU 2 Bdrm Poolside Guest­ month for potiuck in members’ homes. For photc^graphic needs. Por­ am 42, masculine, attrac­ also shy in some ways, be­ 20th of the month. The cost Audlorium. informa tion cal 823-6190. 544-4109. house, GWM couple offer traits in studio or your tive, HIV-, & have many at­ lieve me. Jerry, 526-7464. is only 100 per wind. Mail mountain-top getaway. home. 25% off on profes­ tributes (energy not being your ad to Q ose to town, fireplace, sional time with mention of one of them). 8050 Old Mom and Dad If you read WeThePeojrfe view, space to roam, plus this ad. PHOTOGENICS, Redwood Hwy Suite 133, this then you will know PO Box 2204 more. $775/mo. Call pnr Janet or Cheryl 887-1651 Cotati.-94928 more of who I am, which is Santa Rosa Ca, 95405 2nd ANNUAL . (415)826-6493 or wk’ends why I put this in the paper. (707)538-104 FACE TO FACE BENEFIT JV I love you lots and hope I’m learning who I am. Bill you know it RK M. ^ AROMATHERAPY HAIR AND SKIN CARE " ^ z u C a n d 's fTouily presents APPaNTMENTS: 707/575-1719 angtry 1110 PETAUJMA m u RD. #6_* SAffTA ROSA CA 95404 Christmas Concert*^ Plants & Pipes ______i£L and Brrakfait FEATURING; 637 Steiner Sonwcxicisco. CA 94117 Garden Center \ An all Male Chorale and Gueat Soloist from frtc Bay Area 1

Presents ûnvitad 416)863-0538 to An Inn of distinction with the woman traveller in mind. Living Christmas Trees Sxown ¡Bag

S mmss**. Á^emmeté. Coe/eiH. ^eUemoAex*) COMPLEMMST8 OF: Imem Employer Staff and Mdnagemant of the SANTA ROSA INN Uc. MKS0I9335 Sue Brawn, MA MFCC YOUR COMPLETE IRRIGATION & GARDEN CENTER A SSifO auoqtttfd dMtWffn wWt ba necfflrtf«* 1 Vm _A

• v-ar^rere-arrem re ««««rere « a re ■« a H T aa«yG »w o»W «w /=df^; Couples Group Sonoma County L a ^ 0 ^ Damocrafc AIDS H»iinq Oroyp. 8plrifc^ > sshaia one w^oiTparB>«Tw »WToaWyoof CM> stearing comnuttBe maeta ^ o tnoolL^ thoM involvad wttt and aflaclad I haws AIDS/ARC; w d a Support Group lor Time a i ^ p b ^ to bo announced. For niarmabon crisis. fsriWtsSnri by Oan Psntos andl cal 527-0435. O'Nail, masts av«fy Monday, 7:304:30 pm. Cal woman wlio are HW poeWve or have AIDS/ " ARC. Boti groups fadltated by Marjorie (707)3664150 far mOre intonnation and locadoo. tor woman on the 8 solar (Sea ailida last issus.) TWritoBa, MFCC (MUg1923). For intecmation cal 860-3304. holidays in YAa Grande. For information cal 865- 2642 FuH Moon CIrolee for women and seen every monfo in HeakJsburg. For information cal Other Programs: 433-8365. Laebian BiMbieaa Owner’s Asaodatlon meets Women In the W est lecture series at Sonoma once a monto. For dates, tintes and furiher State University, co-sponsored by the History information cal 585-7654. Departnnent and the Women's Sludes Program. r~ Wednesdays. 4 pm - 5:50 pm. Sept 7th - Dec. alendar Metropoltan Community Church, oriented 7ti. SSU, Stevenson 3006. Open to the pubic. toward a gay cortgregation. Service every Surtday at 1130 am with Pastor John Tones. Women In Touch, a lesbian social group irteets (continued from page II..) Church of Religious Sderice, 515 Orchard S t, every second Sunday for brunch. For informa­ Santa Rosa. For information cal 526-5399. tion cal 526-2938. Drop-in Group for Battered Leablana meets Saturday January 7 every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the morrih. 7-9 The Names Project Quilt on display at the Diflnlly- 007 Calholc organizalion, meets 1st pm. YWCA 865 3rd S t, Santa Rosa $2.50410. Moscone Center in San Frandsco. Wedrtesday Items for the Calendar c f Events should be Salurdi^ offlta monto. 630 pm. Mass at 7 pm, sliding scale. For inforrnation cal 546-1234. Dec.14 through Sunday Dec. 18. followed by potfock dfoner. For information call submitted in writing by the 15th ^ th e Mert at 570-5306. HIV and AIDS/ARC Support Group fadltated Ortho-BlorMmy. a form of bodywork which deals month. Late items will be included as space by Marjorie Thsketde, MFCC (ML021923), meets with the whole essence of an indhricfoal. 15- every Thursday, 230-430 pm 'NorfbelAnatiori mirxite damonsbalions on Thursdays between 10 permits: Please note that because of our accepted). For information cal 869-3304. am and 3 pm at M. Lavele's. $5.00. For more Sporisoted by the Russian River Metropolian information cal Sharon Alvarez at 829-9677. press time, events scheduled b^ore the Community Church. Ruaalan Rhrar Metropoltan CommurtHy fourth of the month should be submitted two HIV Positive and Spirituality Support Group Church is a church for all people regardless of meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. sexusri orientation. Service every Sunday at noon months in advance. We the People. P.O. 730-9 pm, Knox Presbyterian Church, 1650 West with Rev. Linda Laster. 14520 Armstrong Woods Box 457, Groton, CA 95444. 3rd Ave., Sertta Rosa. For informatfon cal Rd.. Guemevie. For information and counseling Dennis at 575-5132. Sponsored by the Santa cal 8694552. Rosa Metropoltan Community Church.

Laebian and Gay Overaatora Anonymoua meets every Wednesday at 8: pm, Christ MethodKt Church, 1717 Yukipa Drive, Room 5, Santa Rosa For information call 823-5845. A Benefit for LaoUan Co-Oapandanta Arwnymoua meets every Monday at 7 pm, Santa Rosa Setnior We the People Center, 704 Bennett Valley Road. For informa­ Tuesday January 10 tion call Faye at 829-5392. Freedom S osiq Nalarorlt SonQasvap, Lasbian Support Group, fadMatad by Marjorie through songs artd music, the right ot al peoples Thirketlle. MFCC (ML021923), meets every Dionysos:The God of Ecstatty at home and abroad to estabish more tree, just Wadrtesday at 7 pm. For information cal 889- and equal sodelies, and live in peace. MuNira- 3304. dai, muMcuHural, ¡ntorgeneralonal, and of al ^ in the Age of AIDS aaxiiai orientations. 6'30 pm, SCOPE Union Laabiarw In Comaiittsd Relation shipa Support Oflfoe, 613 4th S t. Santa Rosa. Wheelchair Group, fadltated by Marjorie Thitkeale, MFCC accessible, kids welcome. For infocTnation can (ML021923), meets every Friday at 6:30 pm. For Dave at 887-0450. information cal 869-3304. an evening with llaaSng Aitamelivas Group, for people with Living srith AIDS Support Group for PWA/ AIOS/ARC or HIV positive, meets Tuesday of PW ARC, fa d ita lB d by Carol Owens, M.A, meets the month. 7-9 pm. Face to Face, Quemevlla. every Monday. 7-9 pm. Face to Face oflfoe. No Arthur Evans 865-2411. — fee. Cal 887-1581 to enroll. author of: PaeMIvo for PeaMvoe, support group for HIVW “Withcraft and the Gay Counterculture” and Weekly Meetings: AIDS/ARC, iTteels every Wednesday at rMon. For infotmiilion cal 865-1834 or 8893255. “The God o f Ecstacy” AA G a y Fieodem Group Ihursday, 8 pm, MaOwdst Church. ITTSO'àreger Ava., Boyes Santa Roaa AIDS Awarsnaea Group. An open Springs. irtformaliortal(tupprwt group oomnsttsd to decreasing the isoMfon of peopla «Ah HIV, ARC, AA Gay Man’s Group Sunday, 8 pm, Unilaiian and AIDS. The program is sponsored by Face to Monday, December 5,1988 Church, Stony PL and Todd Rda., Santa Rosa. Face. Monday nights, 7-9 pm at foe Btraiy of Community Hospital, Santa Rosa. Newcomers, 7:30 p.m. AA Gay Newoomar’s Group Friday, 6:30 pm. famly, and friends atre «welcome. For information Benton S t Clubhouse, 1055 Benton St., Santa cal 5784655. Santa Rosa Senior Center Rosa. 704 Bennett Valley Road at Santa Rosa Avenue Support group for Issblsna living with Me AA G a y Paopla’a Msedng Friday, 8 pm, Benton Ihraataning Mnaas aa, facKtated by Carol S t Clubhouse, 1055 Benton S t, Santa Rosa Owens, MA., meets every W e d n es^ . 6:45- 8:45 pm. For information cal 869-0669. AA òravanalstn Gay Group Wednesday, 7 pm. $2.00 - $5.00^donation. No one turned away. Church of Christ 420 Murphy Ava., Sebastopol. Support group for «mmen lowors of women who «were sexually abused a s c h ldrerv meets AA Stain Group (Lesbian) Sunday. 8 pm. 167 every Tuesday. 7-9 pm. Free. For information High S t. Sebartopol. cal 523-3953.

. vintage clothing 6 costumo jewelry from the 1920's to the tOOO". (707) 887-1651 Janet Zagoria

Linnet Lockhart, M.F.C.C. Individual. Couple And Fatnily Psychotherapy GRAPHIC DCSIGN As. purPHOTOGRAPHY MERCHANTILE CO. 331 E. Colati Ave LOGO S o BUSINESS CARDS » LETTERHEADS 3 Cotati. CA 94928 «19 Kentucky St FORMS o PHOTOGRAPHY o AND MORE Lie • MS 22660 (707) 792-0856 Petahune 783-7908 1 Tor foe butch or femme in you' Buy Set Trade P.O. Box 462 Forestvile C A 9S436


r m e s ^ u m Karen Gabriel MxmcMaoGY ' 5 7 8 - 4 3 2 2 eeusteeD MH ttmueet canwcD MWNoecBAfisr Crxfstal W ork canvco oeausivt nctevisr Bod^ Healtnj • commurvcoting effectiveiv channeling • «nprovirig seii-esteem Prospect Park-..'-^ ' \ • ocKil chWfen ot olcoriotcs reducing jlre is • se«uoi Ossouil issues I 7 o 7 ' S 3 7 • Z 6 83 Restaurant 515 Fouflh Street • grief work • dependencv issues i Santa Rosa. CA 95401 » tberoting creotivity » spntuol devetopment | (707) 526-2662