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Lysionotus coccinus (), a new species from southwestern Yunnan,

Article in Nordic Journal of Botany · November 2020 DOI: 10.1111/njb.02912


7 authors, including:

Caifei Zhang Peng Shuai Wuhan Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences



Guang-Wan Hu Qing-Feng Wang Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences



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NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY Research Lysionotus coccinus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southwestern Yunnan, China

Jing Tian, Cai-Fei Zhang, Shuai Peng, Jun-Jie Wang, Yan Wang, Guang-Wan Hu and Qing-Feng Wang

J. Tian, C.-F. Zhang, S. Peng, J.-J. Wang, Y. Wang, G.-W. Hu ( ✉ ([email protected]) and Q.-F. Wang, Key Laboratory of Germplasm Enhancement and Specialty Agriculture, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei, PR China. S.P., J.-J.W. and Y.W. also at: Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PR China.

Nordic Journal of Botany Lysionotus coccinus G.W. Hu & Q.F. Wang, a distinct new species from Yingjiang 2020: e02912 County, southwestern Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. It belongs doi: 10.1111/njb.02912 to L. sect. Lysionotus, but has scarlet flowers while all other known species in this sec- tion have white, yellow, purple or pink flowers. Color photographs and a chart are Subject Editor: John Parnell provided for comparing the new species with related species. Editor-in-Chief: Torbjörn Tyler Accepted 9 October 2020 Keywords: , Lysionotus, new taxon, taxonomy Published 27 November 2020


Lysionotus D. Don (1822) (Gesneriaceae) contains about 30 shrubby or suffruticose species distributed from northern and eastwards through , , , , northern and southern China to southern Japan (Wang 1983, Wang et al. 1998, Li and Wang 2005, Möller et al. 2017, Möller 2019). The genus has two diversity centers: 1) karst regions of the Guangxi-Guizhou-Yunnan prov- inces in China and 2) western Yunnan, southwestern Xizang (China) and northeastern India (Wang 1983). With both diversity centers, China harbors the highest diversity of the genus with at least 25 species and six varieties hitherto known (Wen et al. 2019, Qin et al. 2020). Of these species, more than half (15 species) are endemic. The genus was last revised by Wang (1983) for Chinese taxa and Hilliard and Burtt (1995) for taxa from South Asia and the Indochina Peninsula. Wang (1983) divided the genus into three sections, viz Lysionotus sect. Didymocarpoides W.T. Wang, L. sect. Lysionotus and L. sect. Cyathocalyx W.T. Wang. The former two sections were fur- ther divided into two (L. ser. Longipedunculati W.T. Wang and L. ser. Oblongifolii W.T. Wang) and three series (L. ser. Gamosepali W.T. Wang, L. ser. Heterophylli W.T. Wang and L. ser. Serrati W.T. Wang (= Lysionotus)) respectively. Later authors accepted the sectional classification but did not further divide sections into series (Wang et al. 1998, Li and Wang 2005). Since the revisions by Wang (1983) and Hilliard and Burtt (1995) and some adjustments in Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae (Wang 1990) and Flora of China (Wang et al. 1998), the circumscriptions of the genus and its species have hardly changed except that four new species and one new variety from China to India have been described (Pal 2000, Lu and Li 2002, Nong et al. 2010, Joe et al. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– © 2020 Nordic Society Oikos. Published By John Wiley & Sons Ltd

1 2017, Taram et al. 2019) and Lysionotus bijantiae D. Borah & stems taupe; younger stems green, glabrous, with enlarged A. Joe from China to India which was recently re-identified nodes. Leaves usually 3-whorled, sometimes opposite on as oblongifolia (Roxb.) D. J. Middleton & Mich. lower stem, anisophyllous; petiole 1.5–2.0 cm long, glabrous; Möller (Cai et al. 2020). blade thickly herbaceous to sub-coriaceous, glabrous on both Yunnan Province has the highest biodiversity in China surfaces, oblong-elliptic, 3–18 cm × 4–6 cm, attenuate to and there are many new plant taxa found in Yunnan every acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, sometimes slightly asym- year. During a field investigation in southwestern Yunnan metric to oblique, with entire to repand margin with faint in July 2019, we collected an unknown epiphytic species of glandular teeth; vernation with one midvein and 7–10 pairs Lysionotus with scarlet flowers. After a comprehensive review lateral veins, evident, flat, veinlets inconspicuous. Cymes of the relevant literature (Wang et al. 1998, Li and Wang axillary, solitary at top of stem, 6–15-flowered; peduncle 2005, Mukherjee et al. 2008, Nong et al. 2010, Do et al. 6.0–12.5 cm long, glabrous; 2(–3), deltoid-ovate, 10 2013, Sinha and Datta 2016, Joe et al. 2017, Borah and Joe × 8 mm; paired bracteoles ovate to broadly ovate, ca 6.5 × 2018, Akhil et al. 2019, Taram et al. 2019) and specimens, 4.0 mm, glabrous. Pedicel 6–10 mm long, glabrous. Calyx we confirmed that it represents a species new to science. 5(–8)-parted from base; segments linear, 10–12 × 1–2 mm, slightly unequal, glabrous, cuspidate at apex. Corolla scarlet, with 5 yellow stripes each from throat to the sinus between Material and methods adjoining lobes, 2.5–3.0 cm long, with outer surface glabrous and inner surface with dense glandular hairs at the throat; Our description of the new species is based on observations tube funnelform-tubular, ca 1.5 cm long; throat dilated, ca 7 of fresh materials, photographs from the field and speci- mm in diameter; adaxial lip 2-lobed, strongly revolute, with mens. Specimens from Herbarium of Kunming Institute lobes semicircular, ca 5 × 8 mm; abaxial lip 3-lobed, spread- of Botany, CAS (KUN) and digital specimen images of ing, with lobes ca 8 × 8 mm, ovate-orbicular. 2, gla- related species from Herbarium of Institute of Botany, CAS brous, adnate to ca 1.2 cm above the corolla base, ca 3.5 mm (PE; ), Edinburgh Herbarium (E; long; anther broadly ovate, ca 1 × 2 mm, without connective ) and Tokyo appendage; filaments linear, 2 mm long, bowing. Staminodes University Herbarium (TI;

Type: China, Yunnan Province, Yingjiang County, Xima Notes town, 24°47′N, 97°41′E, elevation 1400 m a.s.l., 27 Jul According to the classification of Wang (1983),Lysionotus 2019, G.-W. Hu, S. Peng & J.-J. Wang HGW-1180 (holo- coccinus is a member of L. ser. Heterophylli W.T. Wang in type: HIB; isotypes: HIB). L. sect. Lysionotus as defined by its epiphytic habit, usually 3-whorled leaves, calyx divided from base and stamens unap- Etymology pendaged. However, it is easily distinguished from all other The specific epithet ‘coccinus’ is derived from the ancient known species in L. sect. Lysionotus in China by the scarlet Greek word kókkinos (scarlet) referring to the scarlet flowers corollas with five yellow striations at the middle. All other of this species. known species in L. sect. Lysionotus have white, yellow or purple flowers (Li and Wang 2005, Sinha and Datta 2016). Description Although L. longipedunculatus (W.T. Wang) W.T. Wang has a Evergreen epiphytic subshrub. Rhizomes of several condensed very similar flower color (Fang Wen pers. comm.), it belongs ellipsoid segments at base; segments 3.5–4.5 × 2.3–2.5 cm. to L. sect. Didymocarpoides W.T. Wang which is characterized Stems branched, 20–90 cm tall, 5–10 mm in diameter; older by having much shorter seed appendages.

2 Figure 1. Lysionotus coccinus sp. nov. (a) , (b) older stem, (c) habit, (d) abaxial leaf surface, (e) bract in abaxial view, (f) flower in front view, (g) dissected corolla, (h) pistil, (i) . Drawn by Jing Tian from the holotype G.W. Hu et al. HGW-1180 (HIB).

In Lysionotus sect. Lysionotus, L. coccinus, L. atropurpureus only in southeastern Xizang in China and neighboring coun- H. Hara and L. sulphureoides H.W. Li & Yuan X. Lu all have tries; L. sulphureoides is also found in southwestern Yunnan, glabrous stems and leaves, and similar leaf shapes and sizes. but differs by yellow color of flowers, denticulate leaf margins, However, the new species is distinguished from L. atropur- apically obtuse and 4–7 mm long calyx segments and 1.5 cm pureus (Fig. 3d–j) by longer petioles (15–20 mm versus 4–15 long corolla tubes (Fig. 3A–C). Table 1 provides more details mm), entire to repand (versus denticulate) leaf margins, more for morphological comparison among the three species. numerous flowers in the cymes (6–15 versus 1–4), deltoid- ovate (versus linear) and longer (5–10 mm versus 2–4 mm) Additional specimens examined bracts, apically cuspidate (versus acute) and longer calyx seg- Lysionotus sulphureoides: Yunnan, Bao Shan, Nan-Kang-Da- ments (10–12 mm versus 4–5 mm), and shorter corolla tube Ma-He-Tang, elevation 2200 m a.s.l., 4 May 2000, Y.X. Lu (ca 1.5 cm versus 2–4 cm). L. atropurpureus has been found 023 (holotype, KUN!).

3 Figure 2. Lysionotus coccinus sp. nov. (a) and (b) habit, (c) rhizomes of several condensed ellipsoid segments, (d) cyme, (e) flower in side view, (f) bracts and bractoles, (g) calyx lobes, (h) and (i) dissected corolla, showing stamens and staminodes, (j) pistil. Photographs taken by Guang-Wan Hu at type locality.

Lysionotus atropurpureus H. Hara: China, Xizang: Medog ESIK-802 (E00628358). Nepal, above Sedua, 8000 ft a.s.l., County, Nage to Hanmi, 2080 m a.s.l., Qinghai-Xizang 7 Oct 1975, L.W. Beer 25580 (E00056806); Descent from Exped. 74-4035 (PE 00141511 and 00141512). India, Sikkim Buje Danda to the Tamur River, 27°20′N, 87°35′E, 2520 m Himalaya, 1878, Anonymous s.n. (E00628361); Sikkim, a.s.l., 31 Aug 1989, Kew-Edinburgh-Kathmandu Exped. to 5000 ft a.s.l., 7 Nov 1878, V.Ohndem in Herb. Otto Kuntze N. E. Nepal 136 (E00628356). Panchthar District, Bhuspate 6947 (E00628360); Assam, Takubama, Naga hills, ca 7000 Danra to Bhandukay Bhanjang to Mai Majuwa, 3 Dec 1963, ft a.s.l., 16 Aug 1950, Walter N. Koelz 25972 (E00628357); H. Hara et al. 6300633 (paratype, E00628363, TI00010927); Assam, Takubama, Naga hills, ca 7000 ft a.s.l., 28 Aug 1950, Sankhuwasawa District, Mul Pokhari to Gorzu Kosir to Nissim Walter N. Koelz 25975 (E00628359); Sikkim, West District, to Dumhan, 30 Oct 1963, H. Hara et al. 6302801 (paratype, Rathong Chhu valley between Mintok Khola and Paha Khola, TI00010926); Tamur valley, Mewa Khola, 8000 ft a.s.l., 9 Aug 27°23′N, 88°13′E, 2000 m a.s.l., 27 Jul 1992, D.G. Long et al. 1956, John D.A. Stainton 1303 (E00628362).

4 Figure 3. Lysionotus sulphureoides H.W. Li et Y.X. Lu. (a) habit, (b) flower in side view, (c) flower in front view (photographs taken by Guang-Wan Hu). Lysionotus atropurpureus H. Hara (d) habit, (e) cyme, (f) abaxial leaf surface, (g) flower in frontal view, (h) flower in side view (photographs taken by Xin-Xin Zhu).

Acknowledgements – We thank Dr. Fang WEN (Guangxi Institute Funding – This work was funded by the Second Tibetan of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research (STEP) program Academy of Sciences) helped to confirm the new species. Dr. (2019QZKK0502) and the National Natural Science Foundation Xin-Xin ZHU (Xinyang Normal University) provided photos of of China (31970211). We also thank the National Wild Plant Lysionotus atropurpureus. Germplasm Resource Center for all kinds of support.

Table 1. Morphological comparison of Lysionotus coccinus, L. atropurpureus and L. sulphureoides. Characters L. coccinus L. atropurpureus L. sulphureoides Rhizome segmented not-segmented not-segmented Leaf margins entire to repand denticulate denticulate Cymes 6–15-flowered 1–4-flowered 6–15-flowered Bracts ovate, broadly ovate to cordate, linear, 2.0–4.0 × 0.2–0.8 mm narrowly ovate or narrowly elliptic, 5–10 × 4–8 mm 5–8 × ca 2 mm Calyxes linear, 10–12 mm long, apex linear-lanceolate, 4–7 mm long, apex linear-lanceolate, 4–7 mm long, cuspidate acute apex obtuse Flower colors scarlet, with 5 yellow stripes at purple, with 2 yellow stripes at throat yellow or pale yellow, with 2 throat vinaceous stripes at throat Corolla tubes ca 1.5 cm long 2–4 cm long ca 1.0 cm long Disc annular annular cupular

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