OFFICE OF THE TAHASILDAR, RAIKIA 'l'cl: o68.17-z647oo KANDHAMAL L.Nu. ....1..+,Y1... Email: tahasildarraikia @g:latLq.tr4 Date 10.()8.2o21 To The Deputy Dircctor, (Advertisement) Cum- Deputy Secretary to Govt. I & P.R. Deptt., Odisha, Bhubaneswar. Sub: - Publication of Advertisement for 5 years lease of Sairat Sources under Raikia Tahasil for the year 2O2l-22 to 2025-26 S ir, ln enclosing herer,"'ith the advertiseeement of Sairat Sources under Raikia Tahasil of Kandhamal District, I am to request you for publication of the same at an early date in one odiya daily news paper paper having circulation in Kandhamal District for 2 consccutive days for wide publicity. The Soft copy of the advertisement is also submitted through on line to the e- mail ID ipr.advt(ri, with copy to iprnews( A copy of the advertisement may kindly be supplied to this oflice for reference. Encl: As above Yours faithfully Tahasilda.r. Rakia . Memo No l)4\ Date 10.08.202 1 V' rrltldr' l11trr] Copy e ong with cop1, o1 enclosers submltted t" th5t'dlq#eoq\tandhamal, Phulbani/ Sub-Collector, Balliguda for information and necessary action. Copy along nith copy of advertisement forwarded to the D.I.O, NIC, Kar-rdhamal, Phulbani for information ald uploading of the same in District Websrte. Copy along with copy of advertisement forwarded to the D.l.P.R.O, Kaldhamal, Phulbani for information arrd co-ordinate the above matter. l, (, , , $!frFjl@*i'nari' ' ^rl ll . ' irli''. oaQa ardq t6'q, olo6al , 6nr- ooctte ASIQQ tr6or nger6e, gov 6etG aroc -2004 ( a'66tqo atae -2016) <ogrer qs{srlrod ac,6r6 6ose eora 6aroraa6 60, 6,$qrn 6nt aegio orra6ar aa'Qn e, rd! taq aqas 8o nq tOa E or aa 96o s edar fr6' q6g 6oc,r 6ose aqo ar6 q,06rg 6eeroe org arqra aerro aa6 I e,ro oC .(er a6,qre aqaE" fra oqora oar e,r6erq or{o6 , eosq, 6firr website: 60 aofiq aee 6qr qflg ordqoeqeer 6q qroerorertq'orcivrmQeer sq 6fr66 sorerreo16r a6oreree t oq'Qnore, eraGar i : :oq":lP ,t., rgs,q8&flgtFBr ,'-n i,t Dt 1At",iA I.
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