June/July 2014 GREY MATTERS U3A Network Bi-monthly E-News


Congratulations to Julie Porteous and the team from Redlands for hosting another great Qld State Event. The Conference was interesting, entertaining, informative while allowing ample time for catching up with U3A friends. To all of the delegates of U3As represented, you are all wonderful ambassadors for U3A around our state. The rapport and camaraderie that is growing each year is the underlying ethos of U3A and as Network President I am greatly encouraged. An added delight was to see that several U3A groups have encouraged many more members to participate in the State Conference which is open to all members not just management committees. While we still have a few asking the selfish and self- centred question of Network “what is in it for me” they are in the minority and sadly they are missing out.

We could as a state body lament the lack of government funding, or we can move forward building on what we have already achieved. Several years ago a small government grant was obtained to assist with starting up three new U3As around the state. They are all flourishing today and Network is pleased with that outcome. Equally important, perhaps more important, is the fact that without government fund- ing, three additional groups have also commenced. This has occurred because most of us believe in helping our neighbour. The long distances between our towns is not a stumbling block, just another challenge to be met to ensure a positive outcome. I applaud those people who have the foresight to look at the big picture and appreciate that U3A has expanded across the world only by co-operation and collaboration.

Earlier this month I had the great honour of representing you and our wonderful state at the 40th Anniversary International Conference in the French city of Toulouse. Toulouse University is where U3A began in 1974, commenced by forward thinking Professor Pierre Vellas. Speakers from 32 countries were represented at this conference and it was apparent that regardless of where in the world you live, and regardless of your cultural background, education, gender, life experiences and economic status organisations such as U3A and Lifelong Learning are crucial to the positive ageing outcomes for seniors.

As I announced at Redlands, our conference in 2015 will be U3A Network Qld and U3A Asia Pacific International Conference to be held at City Hall on May 28th & 29th. The conference theme will be Cherish Today – Challenge Tomorrow. International speakers, future technology, and U3A topics will be included in the conference. Saturday May 30th will be the Network AGM and the Inaugural Presidents’ Council meeting. This will be for Qld members only and will be hosted by Brisbane U3A.

As I commence my third and final year as your State President, I look forward to strengthening friendships already formed and to visiting those of you who have invited me to your events.

Together we are making a difference. Rhonda Weston

IN THIS ISSUE U3A Network Contacts

President’s Report ...... 1

News from Around the State ...... 2 President - Rhonda Weston Conference Reports ...... 3 Secretary - Adrienne Brougham Brisbane Winter School ...... 4 Treasurer - Alan Williams Network Committee 2014 ...... 4 email - [email protected] Network QLD Facebook ...... 5 http://www.u3aqld.org.au Network NSW Conference ...... 5

News from Around the State



Our one day get together will be billed as the Beaudesert "Showcase" Country Conference, as it will coincide with our local Beaudesert Show, which is a two-day affair, listed for Friday and Saturday, 5th and 6th of September.

As we expect that some attendees will be travelling from a little distance away, those involved may wish to seek overnight accommodation, either on the evening prior to the Conference, or the evening afterwards, (or perhaps both).

Our conference is deliberately timed to coincide with our local Show so that visitors can take the opportunity to visit the show grounds after the conference on the Friday for the show evening session, or stay over and attend the main day on the Saturday.

Details will be in the next issue of Grey Matters


With the second term end fast approaching, it is pleasing to report that growth of the U3A North Gold Coast has progressed in an impressive and satisfying manner. Balanced growth is always good to see, and our growth has included an increasing number of members, now past 480: an increased number of courses to 50+: and an increase in the physical space occupied by our Branch of U3A. Our courses continue to be associated with The Griffith University, and the “Seachange” over 50’s Village, where we take advantage of their excellent Library, Movie Theatre, and Art facilities.

Away from ‘”home”, there were some other notable activities to include our own U3A Choir (pictured) who performed at a recent “Biggest Morning Tea” function at The Paradise Point Community Hall. Another group enjoyed a train outing to Brisbane to view the re-development of the Brisbane City Hall, and afterward enjoyed a trip down memory lane with some refreshments at a reproduced , one of the very first Tea and Coffee haunts of the young of Brisbane of fifty years ago.

We invite you to visit our home page at www.u3anorthgc.com for other details of our activities, including our current class timetable.


Roma U3A have now received three computers from the Broadband for Seniors, organised by the Federal Government. Recently, they also received a grant of $2,000. funding (through BFS) and have decided to use this money to support their members with a training day. The day will include some computer training, sessions on how adults learn, how to plan a lesson, risk management and how to keep safe, as well as a report on the recent Network Conference. It will conclude with a social dinner at the local Bowls Club. Roma members will use the expertise of visiting U3A Toowoomba members to run the day. More on this after the event.

This group of Roma U3A members attended "The Phantom of the Opera" at Toowoomba's Empire Theatre recently. They drove in a minibus from Roma (4hours drive), enjoyed some shopping, dinner at a nice restaurant and the theatre. After staying over at a local motel, they visited the famous PCYC Markets in Toowoomba before their drive home on the Sunday.

The trip was so successful, it was repeated for the "Ten Tenors" a few weeks later. More trips are being planned. (Thanks to Roma member David Bowden for the photo.) HOWARD

Thanks to funding from COTA, the Howard District Inc U3A has arranged a comprehensive program of events for Seniors Week 2014, 15 to 24 August. They aim to demonstrate that Seniors can thrive in a small town. For a small group who have only just achieved incorporation, Howard are powering ahead and are to be commended for their enthusiasm.



A delegation of 12 members from U3A Brisbane attended the State conference of U3As held at the Redlands Community Centre and aptly named “Redlands Rendezvous” on 17th & 18th June and all were thrilled with professionalism and content presented over these two exciting days. Speakers on a diverse range of subjects affecting seniors and their lifestyle kept the audience of around 150 enthralled and informed whilst being interspersed with delicious food. There was even a speaker regaling the audience on memories of and other facets of growing up in Brisbane during the 50s and 60s. A fantastic conference dinner was held on the Tuesday evening at the famous Old Court House Restaurant in Cleveland and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all who attended.

A highlight of the conference was the announcement by the President of U3A Network Queensland of obtaining the rights to host the Asia Pacific Alliance International Conference in May 2015. This conference is to be held in Brisbane’s newly renovated City Hall and around 200 delegates are expected to attend this major event in the U3A calendar from countries as far away as Japan, India and Singapore. All Queensland members are invited to join in this conference.

The delegates of U3A Brisbane left this conference with renewed vigour and enthusiasm, not only for the future of U3A Brisbane, but with the knowledge that the future of the U3A in general is in the good and capable hands of Network Queens- land.

A special mention must be made of Julie Porteous and her team for organising what was not only a great conference, but also an extremely well organised event.


The seven delegates from Toowoomba who attended the U3A Network Qld Conference at Redlands have been telling those who didn’t attend what they missed. It was an exciting and exhausting three days - a lovely first day touring the Redland Bay area followed by speakers who informed and entertained us over the two days of the conference.

Julie Porteous, President of Redlands U3A, and her team are to be commended for a professional and informative conference. We look forward to the Asia Pacific Alliance International Conference in May 2015.

Leonie Cusack and Trudy Graham, in Toowoomba’s distinctive blue shirts, catching up with friends from previous conferences, and making new contacts.

U3A in Toowoomba’s members Margaret Walker and Beverly Grenfell, who enjoyed the conference so much that they have already booked their accommodation for 2015

It’s all about networking, and what Leonie Cusack, Irene Bridgeman and Trudy better way to learn how other Graham with Network QLD and Australian U3As do what they do! Alliance President, Rhonda Weston BRISBANE




U3A Brisbane’s Winter School is nearly here again. For those who have attended in years past, you will know what a great week of speakers this entails but for 2014, this major event has been taken to a new level. Not only are there more speakers covering more subjects but the highlight of the week should be the keynote address by that famous ABC presenter on languages, Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex. Roly is a world renowned expert on languages who he speaks 6 languages fluently and is competent in at least 4 more so this event should be a major treat for all who attend. To do justice to this presentation, we have been fortunate to acquire the State Library Auditorium which has a capacity of 260 people. Roly is a great presenter for those who have heard him on the ABC so this should be an enthralling afternoon.

There will be speakers on just about every subject you can think of from ethics to the environment, the constitution to Chinese women of Destiny and much, much more so, as you can see, there is literally something for everyone.

To add to this already full program for the week, there will be tours of the State Library and the conducted by experts in their field but that’s not all, U3A Brisbane now has two convenient locations located in the Brisbane CBD: the head office at 97 Creek Street and 344 Queen Street which is approxi- mately a 100 metre walk around the corner so there is now ample space to for even more presentations to be held in comfort. Winter School this year will be held from Monday 7th July to Friday 11th July.

For more details of Winter School, check our website at: www.u3abrisbane.org.au


This hard-working organisation is entirely run by volunteers who must raise funds to maintain the high standard of its numerous classes, courses and social activities for the over 50s who wish to discover new talents, new languages, new interests and continue the love of life-long learning.

The annual garage sale is a major project towards having a lift installed. This is an urgent concern as many members are unable to access the upper storey of U3A House where Art, Languages, card games and many other classes take place. Last year’s garage Sale proved an outstanding start for U3A’s Lift Fund with most buyers taking home bargains galore.


President Rhonda Weston Toowoomba Vice President Julie Porteous Redlands Secretary Adrienne Brougham North Gold Coast Treasurer Alan Williams Townsville Committee Maria Licence Brisbane Greg Doolan Brisbane Carol Elgayar Maryborough Janet Behan Roma Andrew Bode Broadbeach

Welcome back to those re-elected and a special welcome to our new members Janet and Andrew. We are confident that you will bring your special gifts to our committee. The Network Committee Executive is aware of the importance of representation from across our state wherever possible.

A special thank you to retiring Vice President Jim Hales. Jim was the Foundation President of U3A Network Qld Inc and it is due to his passion and forbearance that the Qld Network commenced. Jim had fulfilled his three year term as President and then stayed on as Vice President for a further two years. Jim you can look back with pride on your accomplishments and look forward with confidence knowing that Qld Network will continue to grow and provide support and encouragement for U3A groups around our State.

Rhonda Weston FEEDBACK

We encourage your comments about or suggestions for our newsletter. Did you enjoy a particular article or do you need more information? - just let us know. Email us at [email protected].


Network Queensland has now launched its new facebook page which can be found on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/u3anetworkqld?ref=hl

This page will not only contain posts relating to U3A Network business, it will also be used as an information source for all member U3As throughout the State. For example, there are some changes coming to the pension rules commencing 1st January 2015 and an information link will be provided for people who require further information. These links should be up very soon.

This is YOUR facebook page so, if you have anything to say about your home U3A or just have some interesting news, just let us know and we will make it available to other members.

To submit information to this page, contact either:

Rhonda Weston – [email protected] or Greg Doolan – [email protected]

Report on U3A Network NSW Conference Armidale NSW 7, 8 and 9 May 2014

Prior to the conference, I joined the Large U3As and Regional Representatives two hour meeting held at Australian Seniors Citizens Association (ASCA) House, 166 Barney St Armidale where U3A Armidale has a permanent home for a tiny rent.

Chaired by Network President Alan Haggarty and supported by Network Secretary, Jean de Hossan, participants were asked to give a brief presentation on membership, size, achievements and major issues. I was unexpectedly invited to contribute, which was a great opportunity to promote U3A Network Qld achievements in our short five- year history.

All U3As wrestle with the same issues, the need for suitable venues, more tutors/ group leaders and committee members and it was informative to hear how other U3As deal with these.

A series of speakers over the following days informed, enlightened and entertained us, and the opportunities I had to network were invaluable to U3A Network Qld. It was a very interesting conference indeed with many helpful resources offered to U3A Network Qld.

A big thank you to the Management Committee of U3A North Gold Coast Inc for your support enabling me to attend.

Adrienne Brougham, State Secretary U3A Network Queensland and National Secretary U3A Alliance Australia

This official e-news of U3A Network Qld is issued bi-monthly.

Send submissions to: [email protected]

Deadlines: 15th in alternate months, Feb; April; June; August; October

Please limit submissions to 100 -150 words. Your article may be edited, depending on space available. We publish photographs where possible.

Disclaimer - While we carefully monitor the content in this e-news, you may sometimes find out-of-date information or broken links.