10 ROYAL GAZETTE. [Jan. 6, 1944.}


THE following licences to operate sawmills during the year 1944 have been issued during I>eceIJlber, 1943 :~

Lfrence No. Name and Address of LiceJtsee. 1 ~fessrs. Gordon Grant & Co., Ltd., 6, St. Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain. 2 Messrs. J. N. Harriman & Co., Ltd„ Port-of-Spain. 3 Mr. Charles Netto, 18, \Voodford Street, Arima. 4 Mr. D. Ghouralal, Ganzalcs, Guapo. 5 .Messrs. Furncss Withy & Co„ Ltd„ 84/6 Marine Square, Port-of-Spain. 6 ~Iessrs. Trinidad Industrie:;, Ltd„ 30, St. Vincent Street, Port-ofSpain. 7 Mr. A.]. Watcrman, Quarry, Erin Road, Siparia, 8 Mr. John Valverde, Tabaquite. 9 Mr. C. C. Stollmeyer, 5, Richmond Street, Port-of-Spain. 10 Mr. Egbert S. Hart, San Fernando. 11 Messrs. Alston & Co„ Ltd„ 44, South Quay, Port-oi-Spain. 12 l\iessrs. C. \V. Xanton & Son, Palmyra Village, San Fernando. rn 1\Ir. Bertram Skcrette, Sangre Grande. 14 Mr. Thyab Ramjohn, Penal Rock Roacl. 15 Mr. Gera Olton, Eastern Main Roac.l, Arima. 16 Mr. James Francis, , Sangre Grande. 17 Mr. Ivan Thompson, Brothers Road. 18 Mr. Samoodath 1\fahabir, Pcnal Rock Road.

R. L. BROOKS, Conservator of Fo1ests.




IT is notified for gcncral information that special Air l\Iail Letter Forms ure available at all Post Offices in the Colony for communicating with membcrs of thc Anncd Forces serving overseas. The rate of postage is 12 cents, which must be prepaid. This reducec.l rate of postage applies only to letters writtcn on the spccial a ir letter forms, addresscd to members of the Armcd Forces overseas. The name and address of the sender must be written on the back of the form. ·

No enclosures of a1w kind are prrmittecl. Tf anything is enclosecl thc letter will be sent by ordinary mail. Air Mail Letter Fonns cannot he acccptcd for Registration.

D. M. FRASER, (C.S.O. M.P. 59739) Postma ster~General . GeIJ.eral Post Office, Trinidad, l st Jantta.r.y, 1944. ·. \ 236 .·, rrR.TNIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. [Mn,t>. 2, 1~4}

-- --~OLONIAL SECRETAH;,;~FFICF..1 1 TP.[~;~~AD ~ND T~BA,GO. · . 26TH F~; n au ARY, 1944. . Notice of Tran,sfer of L1cence. Hrs ExcELL~: NcY Tirn Gon:it:SOR Alm Ctt.\rnANDEH-e<- j · CmF.F IH\s hecn plcasecl to iippl'Ove of thc p1·omotion to the . Thc L i quol' LicM~C-~ Ordincmee, Ch. J·?. No . lJ. Rn.nk of CA P'l'AINS of tlrn undcrmentiorn!TY OF S·r. PATRICI,, C1rnRoS. cffcct frnm l ·Hh Felwut\ry, 19-H :- 1 Ln:unNAXT "'· G. GRAN'l', ! NOTICE is hcrcby givcn t h:it · ~ notific ,,tion in wrilin0d<> Ll~: U 'CEXA;o; J' ~- s. l\IORTON, lrn.s t his da.y been ludgtd with me t he undcrsignc Clerk o[ thc P eace of the said Dist1·ict by Albert Aquing. By Conunaml, ! o( Iroi" Forcst, C<)dros, thut it 1s his intcntion t.o o,ppl.v A. B. \YRIGH'r, • t o the .i\Ca~istratc at the Ccdros Police Court, on 'l'ui.:;:;n \\' :\I.P. 4B8:l4.- (No. 99) Colonliil Secretary. : Tm; HTH nA'l OF !IIA1tc: n, 1944, for a trnnsfer to him of - --··-·-· ·· ·· ·-- 1 t!1 ~ .:\Ia gistr~.te'K L i~cn c e ;o cr.trt',Y 01; t hc kado o.f tt COLONTAL SECRETAH'i"S OFF_I,CE, ' Spmt P.ct,ulcr hel<1 hy -11tm es Aqumg, for prenuscs 28rH J>'i;;rnWARY, 1944. : oi tuate :it Irol~ .L<'ol'e '~~; Ceck 0s. i1)- thü said District. Uril ExcF.LLf:XCY TlU: GOVRR~On ]ms been plca~e rl to i Da.tcd at thc r,n, ßre'a P olice Court, this 2l'lth tl . ~.Y of a ppr,n ·e the pron1otio11 to the mnk of Su_b· L ieutenant 1 Februa.ry, 1944. with original ~cniority of :.lftth Novemlrnr, l !?41, and to E. A. C. H UNTE, thc rnnk of L icuti>1mnt with scniority of h t F -:ibruar.\' , ! ( 'lerk of the Peticc, 1944, of Aernw Sl!B·LIM:TENANT K. C . •B .i\IES of thc 1· t!tiHut11 of St. 7>atrld~-. Tl'iniclnd Royal :N" anl Voluntcer Rcscrw,. · ·· Ct1lro.<.

· Ry Co1nma.nd 1 1 -·------· ·------,\. 13. WnIGIIT, \ Tr:INIDAD AND TOBAG(J. Colonial Scaefor y . 1 N otice of Transfer ot Li.cence. :\I.P. D3-> 'i" ) - (~o. 103) 1 The L 1'qnor Lfr.e1icr.s (h1linancc, Ch . .n . No. 11.

Post Oftice N otice. Com1n.:0F ST. PATRICK, CEnnos . Muc11rapo Post Office. ! N 0 n c 1~ i~ hereby givcn tlL1.t o. notific:ition in -~-- ~ l writing Im~ t.his ti,·ings Jhnk Bu ~ ines~. 1 iiitention to apply to thc Magistmte at thc Ced1·os Police Com~ on 'l'm.:sn.u 'l'HK 14'tll DA 'l OY l\IARCR, l 9t4, for a J>. l\L !<'RASE R. trimsfor to him of thc l\fag-is trnte's Liccnce to carry ou l'ost11w .~ le>··(hi1•.rn l . 1 thc tr•lf St. P <.1t1·i1;k, NO'l'ICE. . · C(dro.• . 1 • ~-. - · ------· •. _ _ .„ •••. _ . .. • - - --- „ -- -- TACOß n. CnUICKSHANK, f\ D epositor in the Post Ofüce i 'l'RINIDAD ,~ :rn TOBAGO. . . t Savings Bank, having reportcd tlic loss of his 1 Not1ce of' Transfer ot L1cence. S1tvings Bank Po,ss Book No. A:n4'i0, ~otice is i ' l1creby given accm·dingly, a nd any pcrsou into whosc i T he Liquf> r liicences Ordinanca, Oh. 3.?. No. 11. posscssio11 . this Pasfi Book may corr.c is rcqucsted to 1 forwnrd "it' to this Office. COUNTY OF CAP.ONI. If not prodtwcTH F EBRUAR\", 1944. :/!ith F obrual'y, 1944. No T r c E is hercby givcn that the Governor h as anthorised the undersigned Magistrate to hold a Post Office Savings Bank. S1lccial Session, und thc undcrsigned .Magistrate haa appointed W~lDS llR DA Y THE 81'H DAY 01' MARCH , 1944, at !J.öO o'clock in thc forenuon, at Sangre Grande NOTICE. Jlagistra te's Court , ns t he day, hour aml place at which 'i. Special Session will he held for hcaring thc appli­ Cnt.:1rP1m , a Depositar in thc Post Oflicr~ Sn vings Bank, ,,s of her Savings Bank Lee & Co., in rcspect of pn:nniscs s ituate at Bi che, l\iss Book No. Ai157 77 , Sutice is lwrcby givcn nccorcl­ .\m:i,·a, nnd for gmnti11g ;~ I,iccnce as Dealc1·s in in;;ly, ;111il any p erson into whrn;c posse~~ ion thi!< Pass Licern;ablc Producc in the siti

[April 13, 1944.] TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZE11rr:E. 411 .:...._._ ___ ------~ --...:. ------· ------·------·- - - - CO'LONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. 12TH APRIL, 1944.

LAND A~QUISITION ORDINANCE, 1941. THE Notice under Section 3 of the Land Acquisition Ordinance, 1941. dated 6th day of April, 1944, relating to approximately 10,000 s. feet of land situate at Point Cumana, in the Ward of Diego Martin, likely tobe needed for the public purpose of improving a comer on the Western Main Road, which was published in the Royal Gazette dated 6th April. 1944, is hereby amended by substituting in the second line of the Schedule thernto the figures 300 in lieu of the figures 500 occurring therein. By Command, A. B. WRIGHT, (M.P. 47581)-(No. 179) Colonial Secreta,y.

COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, C'OJ,ONIAL SRCRETARY'S OFFICE, 5TH APRIL, 1944. 12TH APRIL, 19'4. Hts ExcELL.E~cv THK Go''KRNOR AND fJOMMANDElt-IN· I His ExoELLKNcv THE Gov1111 NOR bas accepted the CurEF has been pleased to gt-ant. R Commission in resignation of CAPTAIN \V. F. 'VA'l'SON, o.B.B., from 1 the rank of 2nd Lieutenant t.o No. 119 A/R.Q.M.S. tbe Trinidad Social Welfare Committee with effect from • PHILL TP SYDNEY LAZZARI, '!.nd Bat.talion, Trinidn.d the llth April. Volunteers, with cffect fron1 the l st rifarch, 1944. 1 By Command, · ll) Command, 1 A. H. WRIGHT, A. B. WRIGHT, Colonial Secretary. (M.P. No. 52137/9)-(No. 180) Oolonial 8scrstarv. (No.1%) -·-····------„··----- ··--- -

COLONCAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, COLONIAL SECR.ETARY'S OFFICE, 11 TB Ä.PRIL, 1944. 6rR APRIL, 19H, UNDF.R Section lll (2) of the Provident Fund Ordi­ lt1s ExcxLLl!N c ~· THI! GovERNOR has bcen pleaseu to uance, Ch. 9, No. 9, the Governor in Executive a ppoint MR- W. A. CU THBERTSON un~er the. provi­ Council, with the sanction of the Secretary of State, s ions of ijection 4 (2) of t he Poor Rehef OrdJ11ance, has approved of the First Scbedule to tbe Ordinance Ch. 13. No. 1, to be a me111ber of the Central Poo1· being amended by adding thereto the Office of Purser, Relief Bonrd during the Governor's pleRsure and f" r a Pol't aod Marine Depe.rtment. period of n ot more t.han thrne years witb effect from the 6tb Apri 1, 194 . By Comman

COLONIAL SEOHETARY'S OFFICE, COLONIAL SECRETARY'S · OFFICE, ] lTH APRIL, 1944. 11 TH AI'HIL, 1944. UNDl!R the provisions of section 2 (1) of t he Boxing Con trol Ordinance, Ch. 30. No. Jl, the Governor Hrn ExcELLENCY TH!! GovERNOR, under the authority he.s been pJeased to e.ppoint Lieutene.nt-Colonel of Section 4 of the Summary Courts Ordinance, R. A. ERSKINE-LINDOP, to act as Obairme.n of the Ch. 3. No. 4, has issued a Warrant 1mder his hand Hoxing Roard of Contra! during the 1.bsence on le11.ve of removiug MR. RICHARD BERTRA:\f .EDGRILL Colonel \V. A. MuLLJIR. froru t be office of .Tustice of thc Peacc for the County of ::lt. George. By C-ommand, By Command, A. B. WRIGHT, (l\l.P. 394511- (No. 176) A. B. WRIGHT, OoloniaJ Secreta.1'11. Colo11i

COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Charlotteville Post Office, Toba.g'o. 12TH APRIL, 1944.

Hrs ExcELLE.NCV THE GoVERNOR has been pleased t.o IT is notified for general information that Charlotte­ recognise , ::iENOR lJocToR CARLOS JULIO ROJ AS, ville Post Office, Tobago, is now open for tbe trans­ provisionalls as Consul General of the Uuite~ Statee of action of Money Order and Savings Bank business. Veneiuela, peuoing the receipt of mstructwnR from His i\fajesty's Government. D . i\L FRASER, Po1tmaater-Gene·ral. l3,y Command, General Post Office. T rinidad, · A. B. WHIGHT, Ist April, 1944. IM P '>AAO ~ \ [Aug. 31, 1944.] TRINIDAD ROYAlJ GAZl!}'l'T&. 827 ------·------·-·------



\Vmr rdcrl'ncc to the Notice datcd 24th August, 1944, on thc above subject, it is hcrcby notificd t hat liccnce~ will bc granted for such parcels during the month of September, as wcll a' thc months October and November.

L. SPENCE, Sec-relary, Control Board. Old Post Office Buildings , 7, St. Vinccn t Street, Port-of-Spain, 26th August, 1944.



lT is hcrcby notificd that during thc months of Octobcr and November, HH-1-, Export J,iccnces wili bc ;m1ntrd for Gift Parccls addrcsscd to pcrsons scrving in His l\Iaj esty's Armed Forccs, and co11t11ining articles other than those wholly produc-cd in the Colony (e xccpt boots, shoes, or imported foodstuffs) not cxceeding $10.00 in va.lue. P arccls must be clearly marked "Oift" and addres:;cd to persons serving in His Majcsty's Forces, giving Rank, Name of Addrcssee and dcsignation of unit.

L. SPENCE, Secre!ary, C ontrol Board. Old Post Office ßuildip_gs, 7, St. Vincent Street, t Port-of-Spain. )„ 24th August, 1944. 1



h is herchy notificd thal as licenccs have alrcady been granted in excess of the Colony's allocation for 1944 for Rayon Dresses from Canada, no further licences will be granted under quotas allocated for the importation of Rayon Dresses from that source during 1944.

L. SPENCE, Sec-retary, Control Board. Old Post Office Buildiugs, 7, St. Vinccnt Street, Port-of-Spain. 25th August , 1944.

Co:-iTROL B oArm.


Customs Itwi N o. 4:.!4.

IT i„ hcrdJy n(Jtificd that lice11Gcs will now bc i"succl fo r thc impor lation of Rayon Handker~ chids from the lJ11itccl K ingdorn within quotas allotted for Handkrrchiefs. Evidence of a firm offer should be su bmilted with applications for licences.

L. SPENCE, Secretary, Control Board. Old Post Office Buildings, 7, St. Vinccnt Strcet, Port-of-Spain. 29th August, 1944. 942


A. B. WRIGHT. Acting Governor.


[:-; exen:iM! of the power~ Vt•ste1! itl him by Sucticm 4 of the \Var Loan Onlinanr.e, l!HI, and tJf iül otbt!t' powu:s ••nl\hling hi m, aud w ith the adviC!' of tlw Executive Co1mcil, ttw n ' rnr nor lierebv rn:Lk t•!'( the following Regulatirms ;- ' 1. ']'hL·se Regulations niay becitedas tlw War Lo an (Short'J\,rm ) (Anwndmeilt) Rt•gulati·ms, rn44, and snatl. hc: l'

2. Regulatiirn 8 ot' tJ~e Principal Regu1:1tim1 s i.;; hereb y rep t ~:dc · d and replace

~lade hv thf~ A•:ti11;; ili> Vt)!'w'r m Cou11cil thi,; a"cl (l:ty (•f OctuhPr, l$H4'._

W. J. BOOS, (J.I .P. 52896 i II) Clerk. Executivc Council.


Light weight Air Letter Service.

IT is nut itied for grneral infurm a tiou that a8 fr•m1 T'HU lt:-lD A Y , ;)TH OcTüßER, 1D4·1". speci a l Air Letter Forms will lw avnibble at: Post Offices in tlie Colony for communicat ing witlt C{lUntri1·s in the Bri tish Emrire. 2, l'he i'afr of pu.~t11g1 1 i:; IJ cent.~ whi,~h mu;;t 111' p1'PJWid. 3. This reduced rntc of postage applies 11nly ro lcttprs writ. ten C• U the spcc i ~ll air lctter forms . The name and address of t hc sender rnust be writtt-n •m the hack ot thf.' form. 4. No 1'11closures of any kind arc perrnitted. ff anything· is enclused the letter will Ge sen t by ordinary m~iL il. Air Letter forrns cannot bt~ accepted for Regist.ration. D. M. FRASER. P o.~trn '."f .~f er- Gen e1Y~t. General Post Office. Port-ot-Spain, 'l'rinidr1d. 4th October, 1944.



THE atteution nf Importen; is d ra w11 to paragraph ( ~} ) of UH: Notice publi,; 1ie'I in the Royal Gazette of 2nd December, 194·3, t• • the effect that. Impurt Licence::; nuy be g r;mted fo r articles incluifod in the "List of Prohibitions " in casi·s wher 1· ~lt< ~h 11 rt.icles a re boru1 jide um!Olicited gift::; not t~xct,eding $10.00 in value. ~"r•>m time to time licences have bccH gmntcd iu respect of bona. /ide unsolicit...d '.5· ifts in e~cess of $.IU.00 in value. l.t is, huwever, hereby notifü~Li tbat after 3lst Oct ober, HH<4, licences will detinddy not b1• grartted in respect of :rny gifts excee~ing $10.00 in valuc which a re inclmlecl in the "·List nf Prohibitions". L .. SPENCE, Sectetary, Cf)ntr ot Boan :. Old Po,;t Office Buildings, 7, St. Vincent Street, Port - of-Spain~ 5th üctober, 1'-)44: 942


A. B. WRIGHT. Acting Governor.


[:-; exen:iM! of the power~ Vt•ste1! itl him by Sucticm 4 of the \Var Loan Onlinanr.e, l!HI, and tJf iül otbt!t' powu:s ••nl\hling hi m, aud w ith the adviC!' of tlw Executive Co1mcil, ttw n ' rnr nor lierebv rn:Lk t•!'( the following Regulatirms ;- ' 1. ']'hL·se Regulations niay becitedas tlw War Lo an (Short'J\,rm ) (Anwndmeilt) Rt•gulati·ms, rn44, and snatl. hc: l'

2. Regulatiirn 8 ot' tJ~e Principal Regu1:1tim1 s i.;; hereb y rep t ~:dc · d and replace

~lade hv thf~ A•:ti11;; ili> Vt)!'w'r m Cou11cil thi,; a"cl (l:ty (•f OctuhPr, l$H4'._

W. J. BOOS, (J.I .P. 52896 i II) Clerk. Executivc Council.


Light weight Air Letter Service.

IT is nut itied for grneral infurm a tiou that a8 fr•m1 T'HU lt:-lD A Y , ;)TH OcTüßER, 1D4·1". speci a l Air Letter Forms will lw avnibble at: Post Offices in tlie Colony for communicat ing witlt C{lUntri1·s in the Bri tish Emrire. 2, l'he i'afr of pu.~t11g1 1 i:; IJ cent.~ whi,~h mu;;t 111' p1'PJWid. 3. This reduced rntc of postage applies 11nly ro lcttprs writ. ten C• U the spcc i ~ll air lctter forms . The name and address of t hc sender rnust be writtt-n •m the hack ot thf.' form. 4. No 1'11closures of any kind arc perrnitted. ff anything· is enclused the letter will Ge sen t by ordinary m~iL il. Air Letter forrns cannot bt~ accepted for Regist.ration. D. M. FRASER. P o.~trn '."f .~f er- Gen e1Y~t. General Post Office. Port-ot-Spain, 'l'rinidr1d. 4th October, 1944.



THE atteution nf Importen; is d ra w11 to paragraph ( ~} ) of UH: Notice publi,; 1ie'I in the Royal Gazette of 2nd December, 194·3, t• • the effect that. Impurt Licence::; nuy be g r;mted fo r articles incluifod in the "List of Prohibitions " in casi·s wher 1· ~lt< ~h 11 rt.icles a re boru1 jide um!Olicited gift::; not t~xct,eding $10.00 in value. ~"r•>m time to time licences have bccH gmntcd iu respect of bona. /ide unsolicit...d '.5· ifts in e~cess of $.IU.00 in value. l.t is, huwever, hereby notifü~Li tbat after 3lst Oct ober, HH<4, licences will detinddy not b1• grartted in respect of :rny gifts excee~ing $10.00 in valuc which a re inclmlecl in the "·List nf Prohibitions". L .. SPENCE, Sectetary, Cf)ntr ot Boan :. Old Po,;t Office Buildings, 7, St. Vincent Street, Port - of-Spain~ 5th üctober, 1'-)44: iö74 GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. (Nov. 18, 1944.)


COUNClL CHAMBER, 13th November, 1944.

Private Bill intituled "An Ordinance for the incorporation of a Board of Trustees consisting of the· Presidents of The Sanatana Dharrna Board of Control, The Hindu Sanatam Dharam Associa­ tion, The Kabir Panthi Association and t.he Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Trinidad and a Chairman· appointed by the said Presidents''.

IN puriuance of directions given by the Select Cornmittee of·the Legislative Council appointed in connection with the above-mcntioned Bill, the attention. of the public is invited to the allega­ tions set forth in the preambles to the Bill and, in particular, to thc allegation in the first preamble to the Bill readiog as follows: "Whereas the said Sanatana Dharma Board of Control, the Hindu Sanatam Dharam Association, the Kabir Panthi Association and thc Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Trinidad are thc permanent ruling bodies in matters pertaining to the welfare, religious and otherwise, of the entire Hindu community in this Colony ;" Any person or body wishing to urge anything in rcgard to the allegation made in the preamble quoted above or in regard to any other fact or allegation set forth in the Bill is invited to do so either in writing or by appearing in person or by Counsel before the Select Cornmittee in the Legislative Council Chamber, Red House, Port-of-Spain, on Monday the 4th December, 1944, at 2 p.m. Written representations should be addressed to the Clerk, Legislative Council, Council Chamber, Red House, Port-of-Spain, and should reach him not later than Saturday the 2nd' December, 1944. 2. Copies of the Bil1 may be purchased from the Government Printer. W. J. BOOS, (4 iRS.} Clerk, Legislative Counc>l.

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. 1 CouNcn CrrAMBER, 15tli Novernbei·, 1944- Bill intituled "An Ordinance to make provieion for the Solemnization and Registration of Hindu Marriages." NoTICF. is hereby given th'lt at the mecting of the Legislative Council held on the 3rd November, 1944, the abovementioned Bill was referred to a Select Committee of the Council for consideration, and that any person or persons wishing to make representations to the Select Committee regarding any provision or provisions of . the Bill may do so either in writing or by a.ppearing in person or by Counsel before the Cornmittec. Written representations should be addresscd to the Clerk , l egislative Council, Council" Chamber, Red House, Port-of-8pain, and shou ld reach bim not later than Sa turday, the 2nd Deccmber, 1\:J44. Any person or pcrsons wishing to appear in person or by Counscl before the Sclcct Committee ~h o uld communicate orally or in writing not bter than Saturday, the 2nd Dccember, 1944, with the Clerk I..egislative Council, who will make the neccssary arrangements. C'opi(•s of the Bill may be purchascd from thc Government Pri:iter.

W. J. BOOS, (M.P. 28866.)- (4 ins.) Clerk, Le{!,islative Council.



IT IS hereby notified for general information that, in future, Light Weight Air L etter Furms will only be issued to the publ:c when a twelve ccnt stamp for each form is purchased.

D. M:. FRA8ER, P ostmaste1·- Gem'rlrl. General Poet Office, Port~of~Spain. · 14th November, 1941-. 19U

Tll.INIDAD .t.NI> 'h:>BAGO

l'R!NTll:ll AND PDBLISHtD BT T lllC GOT IC!\N.MICNT 1PR!NTl!':R. [Deo. 7, 1944.) TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. 1138 „, !·.· POLICE NOTICE. , Motor Vehicles e.nd Road Traftic Ordinance, Gha.pter 16. No. 3, Section 78. . „. ·. Order as to the route to be observed by Vehicles travelling in Observatory Street, Port-of-Spain

1, WALTER ANGUS MuLLER, Commissioner of Police for the Colony of Trinidad and 'robago, in exercist> of the powcrs conforred on me by Sectior. 78 of the Motor Vehicles anJ Road Tra.ffic Ordinance, Chapter 16. No. 3, and with a view to preventlng obstruction in Obse'rvatory Street do hercby or

Police Headquarters, 2nd December, 1944. '

POLICE NOTICE. ORDERS FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC, TRINIDAD TURF CLUB RACES. Section 78, Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordinance. Christmas M;eeting, December 26th and 30th, 1944, January lst and 6th, 1946.

All vehicles rnust approach the savannah by v. ay of Dund.)nald Street, or any other street west of that street, and will enter the borse-shoe road by thc Dundonald Street gate. Cars will be parked or the s'l.vannah as

W. A. MULLER, Commissioner of Police. Police Headquarters, Port-of-Spain, lst December, 1944.

(No. 165)


h is notiticd for gencral information that the Post Office Savings Bank will bc closed to the public on the 2nd, 3rd and ·'i

D. M. FRA8ER, PostmaBter-General, General Post Office, Port-of·Spain. 5th Deccmber, 1944. 1150 GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. [Deo. 9,-1914.J



SE~OR DocrnR CARLOS J. RoJAS, Consul-General of Venezuela, has notified the Government

that he would be leaving thc Colo:1y for Caracas on the 2nd Dece mber on leave granted by bis

Govc;·nment and that

in charge of the atfairs of the Consulate-General of Venezuela.

\. By Command,

ERROL L. DOS SANTOS, A.ceing Colonial SeC1'elary.

(M.P. 62100)-(No. 698)


'-~ ~· Air Mail Service to Jamaica. -~. ... ~ · l'r is noÜfied for general iuformation that Mails will be closed at the General Post Office at

B.00 p.m. ou Thursdays for despatch by British West Indian Airways plane to Jamaica.

2. The Rate of Pos tage will be five cents per half ounce·

3. Correspondence posted for the first despatch which will be closed at the General Post

Office at 3.00 p·m· on 'J1hursday 14th December will bear an impression " First Flight B.W.I.

Airways Trinidad--Jamaica" ·

D. M· :t!U.S:ER; PosimaitBt\5enera1. General Post Office, 'frinidad. 8th December, l!JH. ·

_...; . •


TRI.NIOAD AND TOB.\GO, PtttNTED AND PuBLlSHl!D BY nn; GoVBRNMirn'l' l'Rn?rl;;tt.