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County Hall, N. J. FRIZELLE, WEXFORD. Secretary, Wexford County Council.


The Monthly Meeting ot Wexford County Council was held in County Council Chamber, County Hall, Wexford, on lOth August, 1936. present:- Messrs. J. J. Bowe, Patrick Colfer, John Connors, R. Corish, C. CUlleton, John Cummins, John Day, Col. C. M. Gibbon, W. P. Keegan, John P. Kelly, James Lawler,

Thos. McCarthy, T. J. Meyler, Sean O'Byrne, Miss N. OIP~an, Col. R. P. Wemyss QUin, Ml. Redmond, Thos. Redmond, Patrick Ronan, Myles Smyth and James E. Walsh. On the motion ot Col. Quin seconded by Mr. O'Byrne the chair was taken by Col. Gibbon. Atter confirmation ot Minutes Mr. D. Allen, Chairman, attended and presided tor the remainder of the business. The Secretary, County Surveyor, County Solicitor and the tive ASSistant Surveyors were also in attendance. The Minutes of last meeting were confirmed.

PAYMENTS Treasurer's Advice Notes for £18199. 11. 9d were examined and signed.

THE LATE MR. THOMAS CULLIMORE. WEXFORD. The following resolution was adopted on the motion ot

w~. Keegan seconded by the Chairman:- "That we offer our esteemed colleague, Mr. William cullimore, our sincere sympathy in the death of his brother, Mr. T. Cullimore.- The Secretary also expressed hi s sympathy and the resolution was adopted in the usual manner.

THE LATE SIR OSMOND GRATTAN 'ESMONDE , T.D. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. O'Byrne seconded by Mr. McCartby:- "That we otfer our sincere condolence to Sir Laurence Esmonde and other relatives in the tragic death ot Sir

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Osmond Grattan Esmonde, T.D., who represented Wexford in An Dail for many years and who proved at all times that the interests of Wexford County and of Ireland were close to hie heart."

THE lATE REV. THOMAS HORE, P.P. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Kelly seconded by Mr. Cummins:- "That we offer our deepest sympathy to the Rev. David

Hore, P.P., , in the death of his brother, Rev. T. Hore, P.P., , who was a great Churchman beloved by all who had the happiness of hie acqua1ntance." The Secretary expressed his personal sympathy in the death of Fr. Hore who had been Administrator in Wexford town

(where he had made hosts of friends) for many years.

THE lATE MICHAEL KAVANAGH, ROAD GANGER On the motion of Mr. CUlleton, seconded by Miss O'Ryan the following resolution was adopted:- "That we offer our sincere sympathy to the relatives of the late Michael Kavanagh, Barn town , Wexford, Road Ganger, a valued servant of this Council."

DEATH OF COUNTY COUNCIL EMPWYEE Mr. Culleton proposed and Mr. Corish seconded the following resolution which was adopted in the usual manner:- "That this Council offers its dee est sympathy to Mrs. ,.tv Dempsey, wife of the late John Dempsey, Corish's Cross, ~ Kilmore, who died suddenly on 8th August, 1936, leaving his wife and nine children."

CONFIRMATION OF FINANCE, COMMITTEE MINUTES MEETING 3rd JULY 1936:- The follow1ng Minutes of Finance Committee in respect of above meet1ng were submitted:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Th fortnightly m et1ng of the Finance Committee wa h ld in County Council Chamber, County Hall, exford, on 3rd July, 1936• Present:- Kr. D. Allen (Chairman) preSiding; lso, K ssr • Patrick Colfer, W. P. K egan, John P. Kelly, Sean O'B,yrn and iss O'Ryan. The A sistant Secretary, County Surveyor, County Solicitor and Rates Inspector were lso in ttendanc • Th M1nutes of last meeting w re conf1rmed.

PAYMENTS Tre sur rls Advice Note for £4740. 18. 2 as examined and ign d.

PERSONAL BOND, RATE COLLECTOR GANNON Collector Sean Gannon subm1tt d the name of MYles leho , C stle Hill, Enni corthy, as surety in place of Miss K. Gannon, who had be n previously approved. Mr. Elgee stated he bad obtained bank res referenc from Mr . Kehoe.

Mr . Gannon's second surety i Patrick urray, Ballina~ carrig, Gor y. It w s decided, on the mot10n of the Chairman, to accept Mr . yles Kehoe as surety in this case.

SAFE FOR DISTRICT COURT OFFICE, XFORD Th follow1ng requisition from Mr. . J. Dwyer, County Registrar, was read:- "The Di tr1ct Court Clerk, axford, requires a saf for the afe-keeping of h1 books and documents. I am directed by the Mini ter for Justic to requisition same." Th County Surveyor a instructed to advertise for sUitabl safe.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COURTHOUSES AT , AND Th Secretary, Department ot Local Governm nt and publio H alth forward d report received from the Department of Ju tice re tive to Courthou accommodation at Enni - corthy, Gorey and Bunclody. Th report reI ng to Enni corthy Courthou etated: - "In perfect order exoept outside wIle wh10h requ1r pI t r ng. T following is the report r garding Gorey Courthou "Baok w 11 of Court Room and end 11 of D.J.'s room require pIa tering. Gulley r quire looking after, rain leak through." Th report regarding Bunclody Courthou e tated;­ "Th plaoe is tot 11y unfit for a Courthouse, and ne

ocommodation 1 d sir bl. What u ed to be a robing roo for the D.J. i now an Engine ring room for Teohnic 1 Edu­ cation. There are no proper sanitary rrangements, not even wa h-up ba in. There is no offic for the clerk." It was d cided that the County Surveyor carry out th nece ary rep ir in Enni corthy d Gorey Courthou e J t t the memorandum re ding the condition of Bunclody Court ou e be referred to th County Surveyor for report. In vie ot t e fact that Court 1s held at th1s centre only one mont, it as also decided that the County Surveyor scertain it more uitabl prem1ses ere available in Bun­ clody tor us Courthou e.

LICIOUS INJURY APPLICATION Me srs. Huggard, Br nnan and Godfrey, Solicitors, exford, ub itted notic of pplication to Circuit Court for compensation for m 11cious injury to bullock, th ' pro­ perty of 1s Elizabeth A. Poole, Ballyowen Bridg • Gorey, the ount claimed be1ng £30. The following report from Superintendent Garda Siochana, Gorey w s read:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "With reference to the Preliminary Notic of applic - tion for Compen ation to Mi s E. Poole, Ballyowen, Gorey, Co. Wexford. copy of which you r ceived, I have to make th following report for your information:- On the 17th 1n tant iss Poole called to the Garda Station at Gorey and tated that her prize bullock had been shot in th 1 g couple of nights before, and she wanted sever 1 local respect bl farmers arrested for the outrage. When que tion d sh stated that the farmers are 11 I.R.A. men and that if the Gardai did not arrest them they ould shoot her. A Kiss Pool on several occasions made eimilar comp int and th Gardai knowing iss Poole so w 11 he a dvised to sell her bullock and not have it suffering. She refused to do thi but later had it ae troyed and buried. Sh 1nformed the Sergeant i/c t Gorey that r. Ringwood, V.S., of Enni corthy, had inspected the animal and bad given r Certif! te to the effect that it had been badly injured. The Sergeant later got in touch ith Mr. Ringwood and wa informed that the 1 tter found the animal suffering from a broken leg. He also informed the Sergeant that the own r ·lIi s Poole had in i ted that th animal had been shot and that she showed him a hole in the door where th shot had been tired. He had examined the animal but found no marks of ny kind and in his opinion the animal had broken its leg in the field before being put into the house. The Certificat he d given to iss Pool imply st ted that the animal's leg was broken. On receipt of notice t t iss Poole intended making a claim Sergeant KcGe , 1835, Gorey, vi ited iss Poole and enda voured to ob in tatement from her but she refused to ake any statement. S e showed the Serge nt the cow­ houe in which th animal had been put on th 14th inst nt after it had slipped in the field and r 11 on its neck. Sh st ted that ne got help from two local youths nam d Timothy and James Breen to lift the animal and that they had helped her to drive it into the cowhouse. She locked th co house door on onday night th 15th in tant, and during th night she heard a noise which she now believes w s a shot. When he went to the cowhouse door on Tuesday Mornin he found it still locked, but on entering found the bullock unable to rise. Sh then knew that it had been shot during the n1ght nd she howed the Sergeant an air hole 1n the door through which h beli ved the shot had - been tired..

A man nam d Joseph Breen (father of the t 0 youths who helped Miss Pool ith the bullock) ho liv s convenient to Mis Pool- inform d · Serge nt that the Bullock had been going around the fi Id apparently un ell for about six weeks. lIi s Poole has on sever 1 occasions st ted that Bul­ locks her property have been maliciously shot, their necks broken, thro t cut, ston d to death, d so on, but ne er has y examination by aV.S. or other person r vealed oth r th..m natural c us. About 12 months ago she claim d com­ pen atlon i resp ct of Bullock maliciou 1y d stroyed nd the clai wa d1 allowed on the vidence of the V.S. who certified that the animal had died fro Bl ck Murrin. There is no doubt whatever, but that in th present c the nim 1 ccidently brok its leg probably on Sunday t e 14th when it slipped in the field. Statement can b procured if required and the fact that 1 B Poole inform d

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Serg ant J. J. McGee, Gorey, that her Cowhou door wa locked on t e night of th 1St and found lnt ct on tb followin morning wlll prove that no person could inter! r with the Bullock dur1ng the nlght.

Th ferm rs w 0 resld n ar sPool r all respec­ tabl men who would on no oondition 1 tarf re wl~ h r prop ty. lss Poole is mentally un lanced and oaused consider bl annoyanc to the Churc and other Public Bod! and also to pr1vate p rson. She 1s usually to be found making r1d1culou oomplaints. ongst others sbe aooused the 100 1 Station Me ter, Postm ster, Sub-Agent Batik of Ireland and Arc de co illl of tr ud, eto. Tbe local Solic1tors w11l not act tor h r and in thi oa she has gone as tar as ext ord to obtain t s rvic s of a Soli01tor. Her relativ a re~ e to have anything to do wit ere I uggest t t r Solic1tor, • Brennan, informed of her mental oondition ith a v1 w to hav1ng o laim cano 11 d.

Mr. Brennan was informed of fac et out above on 26th June 1936." It s decided that copy of report fro Super1ntend nt urray be furnished • J. Elg e, County Council Solicitor.

UNIVE Mr. rtin J. Doyle, Upper Ro ber on, N w Rosa, who had completed Flr'st Year's Arts a hol r ot University Soholar hip, rote a follows:- "I have decided to relinqui h my cl to til County Oounoil Soholarsldp in xford s I have lately rec ived a post in ngl d to my atiaf c1;lon." No order.

REPORTS OF SHEEP DIPPING INSPECTORS It w decided that Mr. . J. Hennessy, Sb ep Dipping Inspector be ed for an e xplanatlon of his failure to submit ekly reports for t p t thr week.

·LLINGS AagUISIT 0 TS ADVANCE FOR PAUL ODa ENNISCORTHY: Th followlng report from Mr. T. Cull n, Asai tant Surv yor, re peoting application from • Paul Murphy, Bro swood, Ennisoortby, was read:-


I am 1n receip ot your 1 tter of today including copy ot lett r fro r. Jordan, Solioitor. On reo ipt of your instructions in this matter, I 1ntervi w d urphy to in peot Plans and S olficatia.s for v luation purpo e • Ilr. urphy bad no Plan or Speci- fioation, and, accordingly, I could not furnish Certificat of V luatlon until I reoeived sam from him som days ago." oted.

It w s deci d, on the co ded by • Kelly, to allooat th first £5,000 of the thir 10 of £10,000 which th Counoil decided to obtain tor the making of advanoes under Small Dw llings Aoquisition Acts. It • s also d cided, on the motion ot the Ch irm n, e onded by . Xelly, to recommend the County Council to add th following oondition to th xi ting Sch me:- . Location of House' must be t least on ile distant fro an Urb n BoUndary. ft 'Person working in an Urban Distriot not to be lig- ibl for 10 n under the Schem w io is to be confined to applicants earn th 11" livelihood in h rural rea ot County xford. 'Location and site ot propo ed house to pproved by th Count Surveyor. ' '8k tc plan show1ng loc t10 of hou to be furni she d by ch pplicant to the County Surveyor." flInt nding borro ers to be informed t t pprov not granted,. for the erection of a house on sit which J 111 ren r ny Looal Authority liable for expenditur

in connection with ras or water supply." It s decided that the question of the amount of

10 to b granted be adjourned Wltl1 reply ha n received fro partment of Local Government and public

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Health a to what they con 1d r ould be r aaonabl sum for t e Co neil to dvanc to pplic nt for loan •

INSU TTERS On the otion of t an, s cond d by • K 11y, th County urv yor s ut oris d to rr ng for cov r in conneot1on ith extension of insuranc polioies on County d A s1 tant Surv yor' otor oar to inolud rrlag ot good oonn ct d with t in of t Couno 1. Th county Surveyor te it was essenti 1 Surveyors' c s should be covered by 01 s 2 policy. At pre ent, 11 th se c rs wer inured by the Burv yora under Clas 1 policy only. T qu etion ot potential li bility policy to cover aamag cau ed by cart r baulin mater! 1 tor t County Council w s -dJourn d until county Surveyor had quot tion from the In ur no Comp ie in t e matter.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Kelly seconded by Mr. Colfer:- "That the Minutes of Finance Committee in respect ot meeting held on 3rd July 1936, be received and considered."

SMALL DWELLINGS ACQUISITION ACTS: The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Miss OIRyan seconded by Mr. Ronan:- "That the recommendations of Finance Committee in respect ot regulations governing advances under Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts be furnished the Department ot Local Government and Public Health for approval and that on receipt of this applica tions tor loans be invited as soon as possible."

The following resolution was adopted on the motion ot Mr. Kelly seconded by Mr. Colfer:- "That the Minutes of Finance Committee in respect of meeting held on 3rd July 1936, be and the same are hereby adopted and approved."

MEETING 17th JULY 1936: The following Minutes of this Meeting were submitted:-


The fortnightly meeting of the Finance Co itt e s held in County Council Chamb r, County Hall, W xford, on 17th July, 1936. Present:- Mr. D. Allen (C irm ) pr id1ng; Iso srs. P trick Colter, • P. K egan, John P. Kelly. Sean O' Byrne nd S OIRy n. The Assistant Seoretary, County Burv yor, County . Solicitor and Rates Inspector w r aloin attendanc •

Tne inutes of 1 t m et1ng were confirmed.

Trea urer' Advice ot tor £5715. 2. 3d as exami ned and signed.


Miss 0' Ryan propo ed nd llr. O' Byrn econded the following resolution:- "That we offer our deep sympathy to our colleague, Alderm n . CUllimore. in the ented death of hi s brother, r. T. Cullimore." T e ot er members and th officials pres nt associ ated themselves with the re olution which p ssed in the u ual manner.


COLLECTIO 1236/37: Th following e rcular I t ter dli'.;t! b en 1ssued to Rat Collector on 7th July 1936, w ubmitt d:- "In connection wit collection of 1936/37 rrants, Collectors are request d to note the followins:- Demand otes should be erved immediately Colleotor has his book . In addition, the aot 1 colleotion should - proceed with all due diligenc from the time Collector t es up his w rrant. It has been noted in the past that c r in Col lectors ade very mall lodgments in the arlY stages of th Collec­ tion nd the Finance Committee consider it s ntlal that e c Collector should make a special effort i n July and August to collect as large an amount of the first moi ty and arrears as possible. Serious notioe ill be t n in © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I( th case of Collectors ho e coll ctions ar backwar d on 31st July and 31st August.

The Finance Committee are nxious that a speci~l effort should be made by the Collectors in the early stag of the pre ent col ection to colleot out tanding ount ln any e se in whioh one half year's r te mined outstanding t t e olose of the 1935/36 rrant. If the outstanding half year's rate ls colleoted early ln July Colleotors should be able to oolleot year' s rate in addition before t e olos of the ourrent warr t, and thus bring the oolleo­ tion for 1936/37 up to date in suoh 0 se. Thi ls a most important matter hlch should rec ive immediate attention fro Colleotor. It was noted last ye r t t many Colleotors did not tak legal steps to reoover the first moiety ln due time. The Finanoe Commltte xpeot the flrst molety to be olosed by the 31st Ootober next. Collector should tak aotive lesal steps on 30Ul September to reoover out tanding items of first mOiety, so that on th 31st October 11 reooverable lte s .111 be lodged. Collectors w111 be called upon on I t e 31st Ootober to g1ve a s ti f ctory xplanat10n ln res­ pect of each item of first moiety outstandlng on that date. It 1s e sential that Collector mak r t lodgments for first and seoo d 9i ies·. In add1 tion, the summary t the back of Abstract Book mu t be kept writt n up. Inspector will cheek the summ ry fortnightly. This form 1 pre orlbed by the Publl0 Bodles Order nd it must b kept written up tor eaoh checking in future. During the 1935/36 Collection the issue of recei pts to ratepay rs aking part p yments wa unduly d lay d in a numb r of distriots. This is most unsatisfactory. The part payment scheme, hieh 1 ppllo bl to exford County , is sanotioned only on the strict understanding that reoeipts will be issued to r t p yer ithout del y. Rat Oolleotors are requ sted to be particularly careful in the m tter during 1936/37. Collectors ho have not yet furnished r new 1 receipts for Fidelity Guar nte Bonds should do so t once. Collec­ ting Books e re dy d w111 be 1 sued a oon as renewal rec ipt have been received. Half the amount of premium ill b r't::t"Und d to Collectors on 1'7th instant, when Poun­ dage Fees ill be p id to CoIl otors provld,d nction 1 r ceived from tlle Local Governm nt D p tment in the meantl a. 1t

Under date 15th July 1936, (G.I09382/36 - Looh G".. ... ·... ""...... ) t e follo ing 1 tter a read from the Department of Local Gov rnment and Public H Ith:- II am lrect d by th 1nister for Looal Government and Public Health to refer to th propo al of the exfor d County Council to c rry .forward for collection with the 1936/37 assessments the rrears ppl1c ble to the immediately pre­ cedin two y ar only nd to t te that an ex inatlon of t e position of tle collection 1n the v ious distriots as isclosed 1n the fin 1 return for 1935/36 raises grave doubt aa to whether the se agation of the collectable rate (en­ tered in Column 18 thereof) into two separ te arrants would

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES serv any us ful purpose. In seven districts the amount in Column 18 referred to represents less than 10 per cent of the tot 1 arrant, and the Minister considers thpt the inclusion of portions ot toe mounts in sep rate warr nts i neither necessary nor desirable. In the remain1ng cases the xces iveness of the amount to be c rried for. rd i ttribut ble as much to the dilatorine s of the Coll ctors to any caUse which t e suggested cre tion of tro arrant 1 t eradicate, ~,d the Minister is not disposed to ccept the Council's propos 1 until it is supported by convincing tate nt 0 how t t t e unsatisfactory st te of the col­ lection ould be t ereby ppreciably remedied. Ttle collectors in have had in recent s the benefit of concession (gr nted s tempor ry e aure only in toot er counties) of being llowed to ccept p rt-payment of rates. It auld be expected in the eirc stances that t e tempor rily uncollect bl rate would be ubstanti lly les ened from ye to ye r, but it is ob- erv d t t, not it t~ldin the 11 round decre se in the 1935-36 r ~ts anu heir issu in July 8 compared with the 1934-35 arrant issued lmost two months later in the f1nancial y ar, the amount carried fo rd from the 1935-36 w r~nts have increased in eleven of the t enty districts. In view of the for oing, the Minister ishes to have precise statements of t pr etical advantag s the Council consider ill accrue from theil' proposal, whether it is d sired to continue t e part- payment system nd, if so, on what conditions and to t extent. T e Council shOUld, at the arne time, indicate w t special steps are to be tak­ en in re rd to the recovery of ra,tes .ppIlcable to 1933-34 and pr vlous years. It houlc1 be cIa 1"ly un erstood thB t in t e event f t e arr ment being sanctioned, the Col­ lectors oul be required to lodge the collectable amount of their main warrants by the 31 t rch, 1937, and that pOWlda 'oul be sa .etioned ' 1 th the str~eteet regard to compli nee it thi condition. The Council should, t the s e t1me, int-\ te if' it is t e inte tior! t t imllar se gatlon auld take place so far as the arre rs at the end of the c r nt and future financial years are concerned~

T e f~llowing resolution was adopte n the motion of

Miss 0" an seconded by r. lly:- "Tn t t inister for 10e 1 Government·- Public

Halt be inlor ed t t, a t' e County Council have c rried fo rd for collection 1936/37 rrarts the full outstanding at the close f t e 1935/36 collection th pro- posal to ~ re te these arrears into two rrants will not be proceded . i th d ring tl e pre ent ye he Council are aware t t in certain collection dis- tricts, a large proportion of t e a1"re rs 1 represented by rate due for number of years on certain holdings. The

Financ Co mittee estimat that 1 approximately, £10,000 of t e t mporarllY uncollectible rat can b regarded


1rrecoverable. T' e Council now propos to obt 1n from

R te Collectors irrecoverable I' te list in respect of I' tes on oldlngs on which Collectors ve found it impossibl to

colI ct arrears it teal of Court decrees and 0 her legal m chinery. The Council intend to hold sp ci 1 me ting of t inane Co 1tt to investigate thes 11sts,

and the Oomm1tte~ ill, after examinin the lists, submit recomm n tions to the County Councl1 as regards the striking

off 0 rre s w ich they lieve cannot oealbly b collected. If this procedure can be do t d the Council believe it ill stre gthen their hands in insisting on Collector

closing their 1'1' ts withln the prescrlbed periods.

The Councl.l 8.re in favour of t e sy tem approved for

the ccept lce of part payments of I' tea 1n respec.t of 1935/36 w rrant being applied to the 1936/37 collection and re uest the iniater to s nction its continuance.

pom DALE : T e followin letter under dete 15th July 1936,

o. ~.13976/36 - Loch arman, w re d from th Department of Local vernment d Publi c alth:- IlAdverting to your letter of the 1st instant on the subject, I am directed by the inister for Local Government and Public Health to st te t t h has anctloned the pay­ m nt of poundage at the rate of 7d, on the second moiety, to e eh Collector ho lodged to the credit of the Council an amount equ1v lent to 87t per cent of the es ment for the flnancla year 193 36, plu t e full arrears applicable to t e f1nancial ye r 1934- 35. I to aad t' t t ca as of any Collectors who do not qualify for poundage 1n aecor nc with th foregOing, thi Departnent, with

5 a Cols. 2 : lodged: percentage and 3. :"· of Col. 4. n •

The following Collectors qualified for p yment at poundage fees 1n accordance with the terms ot the Depart- ment i s communication:-


J. Quirke , W. Doyle, Phili yl, cCrthy, P. olan, Sean nnon ( o. 6), John D ag n, Joseph Cummins, John Flood, etn G nnon (No. 10), J. J. O'Reilly, D. Kenny,

Art nne, J. J. Sinnott, E. J. u by, uriae Kehoe, John Curtis and . Cart

t decided on the mot.on of s -. 0 I Ryan seconded by Ir. K 11y t ,.. t Paying Order for b lance ot poundag on lodgm nta to the clo e of t e warrant be m de to the above­ mentioned Collectors at pr sent eeting 0 t e Committee. It w s alao decided th t the Dep rtment of Local

Government and Public H It b furnish d with the particu­ lar ked for regarding Collectors • Cummin nd M. Murphy who did not qu lify for p yment. The meeting decided to requ st the inlster to sanction' paYment to bo t es Collectors s their lodgments ere very littl under the a ount requir d to qu 11fy for pay­ ment4

Und.er dat 16th

J ly 1936, (G.14573l/36 Loch G rID n) the folIo ing 1 tter wa read from the Department of Local Government and Public Health:- "Adverting to your letter of the 8th instant, on the ubject, I am directed by t e Minister for Loc 1 Government

and Public He Ith to state thr t he a s flationed the appointment of Mr . John Deegan s Poor Rate Collector und.er the exford County Council on th terms nd conditions set out 1n reply to Quar1 a furnished, one oopy of hich is returned erewith.


Un~r te 16th July 1936, th following letter

(G.145730/36 - Loch Garman) 's read from t.he Department ot Looal Government and public He Ith:-


"Adverting to your letter of the 8t instant on the ubJect, I m dlr-ected by the Minister- for Local Government and Public Health to state that pursu nt to Article 92 of th Public odies Order, 1925, ne has senctloned the malga­ m tion of Dlstl'icts Nos . 6 and 10 and the ssignment th reof to Collector J. nnon on t e same te s and conditions on which he holds his ppointl1lent Rate Collector in District

.nou . 6.11

dat 8t July 1936, the following letter (G.l4l277/36 - Loch Garman) w read from the Department of Local Government and

Public He lth:-

It I am directed by the nister for Local Government and Public H alth to ackno ledge th receipt of your letter of the 3rd instant, and to st te that the examination of mploy:. m nt 01 im forms is altooet er tter for the County Coun- cil, who have the responsibility of seeing that relief from rate goes only to thoe land occupiers for hom it is in­ tended. No nart of the Grant has been e rID rked for the payment of rate collectors. 'he rate of remuneration to be allowed to rate collec­ tors for this ork ha not been lteredj in every county it is ithin the imit lald do in Circular Letter of 19th September, 1934, No. 24/18/34."

It was decided on ~ motion of iSB O'Ryan seconded

by • 0' yrn tl~t as a temen forms d already be n verified 'by Collectors, not to,requir qualification certl­ ficat numbers in th present y are

he folIo ing l'eport, under date 8tn J ly 1936 from Mr. J . Elge , County SoliCitor, su itted:- tAs directed, r wrote to srs. Iuggard rennan & Godfr y for the information e t out in your letta , and I thl mOl"nin receive reply from them giving the fol-

10 ~ng particulars, viz:- (a) r. Walker purchased t e lolding trom John Redmond on the 26th May 1936.

( b) le Purchase Prioe aid by 1!'r. aliter S "20.

(c) eQ~ond's Address i 4, Kenm re Terrace,Greyston e~ Co. Wicklo • © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \,, \

( d) a er di c. not pay any Land Purchase Annul ty for the Holding, s t e place was formerly held by John PItt who as Tenant to r. lker. Pitt died on the lIt 1 Janu ry 1930 hen l4r. edmond took over e remises from him.

( ) o rent been paid to ~' . er for t e Holding from t e date of Pitt' de tho I have nothing to Sho what the Poor w Valu tion of the Prem! es i , but if the Holding cam under the S all

Rates Act, ten, r. Wa r auld be liable for B for the fUll te • " It decided th t, a f ~ er ceu ier was ten nt a • Wa aI', the Fi.LlanCe Committee ere not mpo ared to tr e ott as irreeovera e any of the rates on thi holdin which sh uid e oollected from r. Wa eI', th pres nt oooupier.

OVER Under da:t 29t June, 1936, th following 1 tter (G.116671/36 - Looh Garman) w s re d from the Department of Looal Government a.nd blic Health:-

n it refecenoe 0 your letter of the 29t ultimo,I dirdote y the Minister for Local Gover'nment and Publio Health to inform you t t, in pursuance of the Loc 1 Author­ t ties (Temporary Provisions Act, 1921, .s extended, h consented to the extord County Council borrowlng by y of temporary OVerdraft, for the purpose of providing temporar­ ily for current expenses, sum not exceeding in the aggre­ gate tnirty-flve thousand pounds. 1s sanotion extend to the period ending the 31st August 1936.

The enclosed duplic~t of thl letter may be tr ns­ mitted to the re&surer.

\ URB.! . DB

It 'as deold d, o"n th motion of the Chai an, to

request. t Uroan District Councils of Enni earthy, N w Ros nd exford, to 10 e hal nee of Deaand to 31st rch 1 st, before t e date of the n xt meeting of t County Council on 10th Augu t 1936. Th ounts outstanding are as follo s:-


£. s. D. Ennlscort.by 1627. o. 9 (One half).

New ROBS 1491. 10. 3 (On 1t). exford 4028. 6. 5 ( Pive- i ths) • Total £7146. 17. Sd.

PO ACT 1235. he foll0 i116 letter, Wld r date 8th ul , 1936, No.

G.137910/36 - Loch GarmB~, was read from the De artment of

Loc 1 Government n Pub11c Healt :-

"I am rect~d by t ini ter for Local overnment publio Healtt to s te t b n into' ed by the Depar ent of Justice t t the County R.gi tr r for exford iasu d on t e 7th November last a direction to the Council, pursuant to Section 2(1) of the Pounds (Provision d tnt nance) ct, 1935, to provl pound t the follo ing places: - axford, Gorey, clooy a.nd lycullane. Th provls10 of th pounds 1s matter of urgency I am to request you to be good enough to tate th pre ent PQsition in the matter.' h County Surveyor at te t t interv1ewed r. Dyer, County Registrar, La informed hi t t the exford Corpqr tlon ere making rrang m nta to p ovlde pound in exford Town. He (County urv YOI') d adT rtlsed in the

local ne1a~ pera for .otfer tor Poun a in Bunclody nd Ballycullan • lIe would submit sny offers received to next meeti of the County Cou oil.

o El 0, Solicitor, t ted hed not yet obt lned from e sr • Huggard, Brennan and Godfrey, Sollcltors, par-

t~~ular8 ot the title to Gore Pound hich John Valentine,

Courtkeeper, Gorey, c1 to' 0

.I. e .~atter of' th ui tabili ty of GOt ey Pound as referred to Com ittee of me bers for Gorey District,

Committee to eet. on l sd"3', 21st uly 19'36 t 11. 30 m. , and report of Committee to b cu itted to next meet1ng of the inanc Committe. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES /~


Un.der da.te 6t Ju y 1936, the Denartment of Loc 1

Government and ubli c Health (hO de) at (RV/22l/16 - Cir. YT . 246) as follow :-

II am directed by t e 'nister for Lac 1 Government _ bllc He Ith to at te t t 8 t.tention a been drawn the fact that ome off cer employed in the Motor Tax Offices of lac 1 authorit'i B are availing of the knowledge gained by their service in those office to olioit motor vehiole insurance bus ness. The practice 1s ouen to seriou obJ etlon fro evera1 points of vi It is, in tie first pI ce, t in an f ir advanta e of persons hose ma1n livelihood can ist in oting as Insurance Agents . In the second place, t involves, n some oas , the loss of exist busine of ome of the agent , "nd, fin811y, it mu t lead to one r more seriou form of a sea The M1nister has aooo!'dingly d~rected t le.t no offic r of a local uthority - whet er e ployed in the ~ator Tax Offic or not - may carryon the bu iness of geILt for motor vehicle in uranoe, whetAer by 1mself lone or in collabar­ ation wit.l otlers. Serious nlsciplin.-ry ction, including 10 of official e oluments, w1l1 tollo any br ch of thi irectlon.

I to request will be goo enough to ckno- ledge receipt of t circ 1 r and inform the inlster that it been brought to e notice t t e offici Is emp l oyed by your Counc I." It as decided t t c py of th Depart ant' s circular

lett r be furnished to each offici Jf the County Council directed by the Dep tment.

iS8 0' stated t _t I an n'" u.ed J hn Carr, lly- witoh, K1lrane, W ~ anx10 s t! t· sanotion be obt ined to loan provisio.al1y approved for t e ""m 11 e11-

ingc Acquls~vion Acts. ere s om diffioulty title to o r pr'oposes t erect the house.

r. .tl e stated t t tl s was suo-dl laion case and

title c Id not·be certl io unt~l • . K nn n Cooper , Mr. Carr's solicitor, nado e consent of th Land Co ls on to t, e sub- v1sion. It as dee . Elge " ve p rt cular of the case to t e no. Alderman Corish v-ho auld i ntervie

the Land Co mis ion n t e m tt r . Unde d t 3ra. July 1936 t e following letter (H . 126

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 415/36 - c11 n) '8 read fr'om tl e Dep r·tment of Local vernment nd Fu 1io Haaltl :- "it r terenoe to your letter of the 12th ultimo rela­ tive to the amount ot dvances under ~e Sm 11 Dw 111ngs Aequl l t ion Aots, I 1reated by e in tar tor Local Government an Public Health to st te that he considers that the dv'nce hould be limite to a figure hieh would r qui re pplicant to b ar a re sona 1 propor t i on of the cost ot t pro arty. The dvance propooed plus t he Govvrnment grant s ould, therefore, be les than the st m­ ated value of the house ( ~cluaing ite v lue) . u fter discussion it w s ' ecided, on t e motion of the Chai rma.n econdea. by JUss O'.Ryan, to reque t the lni ster for Local Government an Public ri alt h to anction the fol lo 1n proposal 1n ille oa e of ous valued up to £200:- e County Council to be uthorised to advanc 90 per oent of the value of the OUBe xcluding valu of site, l ess

If t e o~~t of the Gov rnment r nt) th t i , for a v lu d at £200 pre for hie Governmen Grant of £70 p y.bl , the amount of t loan rom the County Council would be £145, 1.e. , 90 per cent of £200 = £180; £180 mi nus £35 (lB.lf overnmeut Gr nt) :;; £145. This l'ran ment, anct oned, to be embodi ed in propo ad new SCleme.

The follGwing report under date 10 July, 1936, from Mr . J . Elgea, County Council Solicito!', s read:-

I ~ in receipt of yours of yest r y, nd now enclose copy of letter w..uich I r ce1ved from .!r . .R ngwood as to t16 Sample of Powder obt ined by tIe Inspector f rom No. 4

District, from io you will see, t ~t he states i t does not comply . t the Order (he does n t y in what respect) and e fm't e1' st tea, t t the Powder ad from

r . hornton, C em1st, _rmiscort y . II The follo ing 1s copy of r . Ringwood's 1 tter:-

"In r ply to yours of 4t instant the po del' 1n qu etion wa given to me on June 12th by . Br;1en (Inspe c-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES )0 tor). It do s not comp tle 0 e1' see pag II

Artiole 2 . ! sent t e po del' to t e Secret,l"Y of th Oounty Counoil, It was purc sed by _. asterson, rry- brlt, Ferns fro J. ornton, C em at, nniscorthy.1t

It w s deci ed t~ t r. El ee oart in th on whl0 t is powder as urchaued b a tel' on, rrybrit, an repoI'~ to _text ee tlulb of tJ.le 'ina ce Co 1 tte e to

VI ether the sale too pao suosequ.ent to t data on which llornto md pr"viousl lE'l.-ne by 1gee in resp ct f a '~ vio c mpla t from . I'.

1 folIo repo ts e 'e s b itted:-

';=:::"':::':'::::--:::~,::,;:,:"",~--=:,==,::::",::==",*-..;.V.:..' .:::8..:,. ~.~WE~X:.;.F.;:::;O.::.:RD::::; : 11 In rep 1y to yo llr ( 'rbl Fly Or (leI') t e ork under Was to my entire e tlsfactlon by the e Inspect s ( e s • Dr' JaIl, -.0 s ter and oods). At th~ stoc owners w re r ther dubiou of the re ult of t e ct, but, fter seOOll dressin pract1cally all owners were loud in t ell' PI' i c of t e benet t to the stock and no objections ere offered to c rryin out the work,.

Of course, as usual, m 1 y negligent owners failed to carry out th orders an the ~ns ectors and yeelf had to p y frequent vis~t to these cople to try nd get them to do t e ork.

If t e ct is to e orked . in next ye r, the Insp c­ tors no knoling tle own rs 0 caus d tro ble this year snould p y speciel attention to t e same 0 rs n xt ye r. few animals er reported to me s v1ng been injured b the dressing.

One ani tal died t 0 days after dreSSing, and myself and veterinal'y surgeon from t e Depart ent inVestigated the ca e, d I believe the 0 er n t 1 case 111 be compens8,teu. I

~RE~"':£P~O::RT~O~FL..±~~:..!-~""'!!:5!!]~~,~V~• .!:::S~.~.~GO~ F~Y : fI Here 1 th my report on arble Fly Oruer 1n my district (Gorey). rled out to my s tlsfaction. At the out t there see ed to be an icpr sion amongst the f ,ers t t v e Insp 0 ora appoi t d un er the Act should visit t em efore t e dress~n s ere carried out, and tmt t e ' 60til alao carry out t e ~rk in the presenoe of t Inspectors - T is PI" ssion d 1 ycd the rly ·ork­ ing of tile 01' ere Onc this .. '" xpl ined th ork carried out to my sati faction.

Very fa 'I exceptions or 0 j otions to the carrying out of t e Or r occurred, and i. t ese fe cases, when such persons ar infoI~ed of t eir respons1bilitles in the matt r tley cqules d and carried out the ord •


s tim progressed the ork of the In pectors became more d tiuul~, t is was du to t~ tact ~ t 1n some cases c ttle er sent to grass distance from their owners ' p ce all of'ten J.nto anot r "lspector's district. 1th fe exceptions, I found the f r er's re dj Lnd i1ling to co-operate 'i u ru and t e In pectors in the carrying out of their Qutiee. In ccorda.nce it the Order I d ~ 11y report fro the various Inspectors ~ my istrict, and also m de per10dic vis t to ~l re t ey ere c rrying out the1r duties. In 11 ca.ses I found til8.t t ~ Inspeotors osrried out t eir 701' ~ to my ent1re s tisfaction :In evezlY detail.'

order w under or. On rc 16t, I nter vl w... d the Ins ctors, and expl ined t e Order to them and gav det i1 d in tr'Uctions ae reg rde squ ezln out the rbl Fly larv e and prepar­ ation of t e Cattle ashes, also the cleric 1 work in oonnection 1th the Order. in t first ye r the Order a in force there wa some -fiiculty.and Qel y t first in ett ng 0 ttle dr ss d but it. r liz d by t th t 1t got to be done fter t. first e k, ~ ·orkin of t Ora r s being f otor1ly c rried out.

I nad not to serve t e tentlon J otlce on any owner. Early in April as the re ult of my examination of om an Is t t had been dre sed, I form d the opinion that too trong br h bing used by some peo Ie; or t t the bru h s being used it too much force (this had the effect 0 eni g the in and makin t 1 back tender). The In p ctor ere notif! d by me to lain th1s fact to owne sad c rrled out.

J. 1 d to infor the Inspectors t t t J. two .uethods of trea nt should not be carried out on the sam day on sam animal, i.e., either queeze out 11 the rblos • .Q!: apply the ash and it as recomm nd d t.nat un1 ss .n animal had v,ry fe bles 1 it as better to ap.. ly the ash.

A co plaint .QS t eash was t e caus of de tll of two 1mal d l1Ines of third. I vi 1 ted 1S f I'm nd reported. to the Counts Council and Department of" icul'",ure. Tie latter t len investigated th matter.

one nims.l became very ill ai t hours nd colI p ed, but recovered on treat-

From 6th reh to June 30"(, I rna. e nineteen surpr iee vi its into t e are in hich Ins ectors ers ork1ng,nd generally :found eVe yth ng B tisi'acto1"Y. I also nad numerous interv e s with the In ctors d k t in touch ith t em dUl'ing the period t t th Order a in force . Tle Insp ctors posted the Daily 'ori s e cn ev ning to me d th e er checked blnd posted to the Secret ry, Co ty Council '. onday.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES REPORT OF -oss : " e started the of both form of Th tm-ee lynn, Furlong ere

Th) wor..:.ill· f t e Order; s fF.1rly snt_sfactory. , ny f er rex' ceptlcal at t e out et and there s some diff1culty gettir~g them starte. 'l'lle sre~t rn jorlty ot toe h ar sed re n w sat1sfied tley ve d9ne good . 'ork d the 10. has spread ra.pidly thE t the dressing is effeotive. T ere as, owever, a scare erected by publicity of cattle .1 aving died after dressing, lao scrupulous talk in Dail re same. The effect of this is dying wit out an ef or •

I am convinced t e or~ 11 be done mucn more thor- ou . ly next on.

I QuId say ~h t 6~ t t e cattle rere dressed three or four ti as, 30% twic wld 5 once. It 111 b nece s ry to use hat po er pos ess more strin . ntly n xt ea on nerever caee demand arne, viz., ervl g f et~ntJ.on I'lotlce dIld r' moval of cattle from air an ~ i r-et nen provi ioneo! rder Va not be n comp oed with.

Tit t IO In pector worked under my supervision did their ork very ell • ( ears. F rlong and Carthy)."

. F. J. TAY

27t~ "rch. I pa d a surprise visit to r. J. Fogartyts at llyb no e and found e cattle being treated in satis.lB.otory ariller lust' the supervision of t 1e Local Inspector.

3r d April. Su~~rl v sit to ~rs. Tyndall' 1 Ballyanne . The Inspacto had 1 ft S ortly befor .:Ily rriv 1 and the o ttle d been tre ted correctly.

16t.. 1 AUI'll. Vi it t.olr. S ttonts, T e iodlins. The InspectoI' left, after na ing examined cattle in hich e found. no rble. I examined these cattle and confirmed his Jud ant.

17t Apr 1. ttende at .1'. 1 onan , s, :nockmullen and found tne I. spector having c ttle treateo, a.leo, rent to • iorey's, 'noc~rrullen and saw ~att1e dre sed. 18th Apl." 1. he Looal nspector fin:t.shed his first round J.n' ,yare. on t. e 11th of k I'l l; e.nd now start d on t second I'ound ot ~n pection of dressing the affected o ttle.

30t pril. I ttended the dressing of c ttle t {I'. 1" 1.0 e' of noc 'r'0~ an fOWld everything going on sati _ f ctorl1y unaer the su?ervls10n of the Local Inspector.

3rd y. Called on J. Butler, Newtown, who had dre s~© WEXFORDnis cattle COUNTY for the COUNCILthird time ARCHIVES on the25th ul timo. 11th ay­ C lIed on Jim Roche, Larkin' s 111s, who wa.s dressin t e folIo ,ing day. 28th .;Jay. Atte ded t Nichol s Po er's, ewtown, ho as dressin ja cattle th .t day under upervls10n of the Inspector.

281"n ay_ Attended at far of P. Hickey, Knockmullen, whose catt le ere eing tre ted under- tIle superVl ion of t e In ector. 28t ay_ r8. J.'r ver's, Arnesto m., ho s dres ing her cattl on the fol 0 'ng y.

Thi f1nis e t e second treatment of cattle under the Or er i1 71ya.rea, d 0 f r A.S I can judge the dressing seems to neve very benefic 1 effect 0 f r a the number ot: mat re -'blea i n a.ffected nim Is is gr tly reduced • • he lag ots seem to be rested ~n tie r evelopment.

16th Ju e . Called on the f'ollow~ng fa era in Adamstown 81'ea:- s. ad 1, alace, who s on Y ply t dre ing tty nd in before the end of tne month.

C.JOIllild, 'rem len chro, who s applyln the 0- y. hiru pplication.

P /,'i -It Cloney, Templenac ro 2 who . s a. plying th dressing or t e third ti on ~he next day and again before the end of the month.

J as Whitty, third dr saing today an" again by end of t e montn.

C~oney, Ballagh. lne ta I' dr sing today d n teen of t e onth.

Patrick Delaney, Brocorr The t ird dressing tode.y and a in in the end f the month. ylve tel' Barron, Coonog e, nas dres ed hls cattle three ti as and .ill do t em gain next aek. John ron, Coonogue,has dressed thre times. ill treat a in next ee.

Airuul ~rlon , Coono'u. I c04Iu not ee Mr. Furlong 1ho d only treated llis cattle twice. I left instructions to ve t ... e cat.tle dressed t on .n i 1n end of tm mon~h_

2U~lip ·urp y, Knoo re . (ro. furp!y had dress d his cattle th e times and s lying the fourth dressing today.

ill .on, Oldcourt. • nOIla:.'1. d only treAt once an tv' s not dressing again as tlere wer no rble 1n t e cat Ie.

r . La rence French, Oldco rt. ne e cattle had been dre seu ~l ee ti es nd ill apply the f urt dressing befor t e end of the month.


T_le Lay ...... nspector carri u. 0 this d.uties in very e.tisfactory manner. Tr e princlp 1 difficulty being. to get the 01ll111er .. in a 10ca11 ty to s.ll dress the cat"tle on the ame y. T~li e tailed on t e nspector an unnecess ry amount of trouble ',S e j " d often to ay t ee or four vi 1 ts to a n owner 'Oe ore getting the Order e rrled out. In sp1 te of t 1 difficulty I thinK the re t majority of the cattle 1n t ~ rea ~ve oean tre te to t v four dre sin s as requir­ e d by tne Order.

Imost 'ithout exception tle stock 0 ners ppe r to ap rove of t.he t.re~tUlent ana. try to carry out the regula­ tions to the satisfa,etlon of the Inspector. s to the method of' treatm nt do te by the owners the appllc tion , f an pproved eh universal, a the sq "e2!ing method '~as not found sat· at" ctory and not e sy to carry out."

Unuer da+Je 2nd July 1936 the

Chief uperintendent, Garda ioo na, it! letter No.2988/35

eu i tted requi'" i tion fOl' equl ent for e . t ex-officio Inspector" .

The folIo ing re olution s ~do)ted on the motion of the Chairman: -

" Tnat. re "uls1tion fo . eqUipment. un ~ er _'ood and Drugs

Act submit~ed 'by C 1e Superi tenuent, Garda 5iochana, to

thl eeting, be a re .. to cwld th :t. t € •• ece6 ry equipment

for Inspectors be supplied, le County S oretary to sunpl y from County Council ate any art1cles ir requisition that

may e avail ble, and s 11 'rti les to be purchased ~ly!

TAK In connection ~,i t tho taking of s mples

under Food aid Drugs Acts ~t • s uecided that w. Elgea

interv1e t 1 C iet Superintendent, G rd.9 Sioe la, in con­ nection wit the procedure for the taking of samples.

aport rom t.l1..e Sheep Dipping In pectora for the two weeks e .ded 11th "'uly 1936 ere presented. It as decided to inform w. T. Pranderga t, Knookskl ­ molin, ou a t, t t the uommitte did not consider he 0


crryi g out hi duties in an en rgetic mann l' as they note rus reports t t e visited onIon f rm per day. T e folIo 1n explan tion.. read fro Henne ay, Sh e Dipping Inspector, regar 1 y in submitting wee ly 1'eports:-

II ~n reply to your 1 tter of 23rd une 1 0 your of 11 July, I am very sorry for any troubl I hay cau d you 1'e report forms. I m sorry to s :/ the report forma you

Bent me st t commencam nt ot the ye .r got i laid nd I h d none to rt;port on. T lis i the cue of my not re ort- ing "a re ue ted. 1 am very uch obliged for the suppl of forms you s nt. I m sen ing copy to Veterinary Inspector 10.

Hoping to be pardoned for this ti e."


Tne follo ill l~eport fr m t e Co 1 ty urveyor reg rdl.ng Cliff '0 d. 0 ala.re, VI S sub~ .... tte :-

"It a been reporte to me t t n a.ccident took pIs.ce on the Cl ff 0 d, ssl re J uuI'· g last k , and I 1 ve noti! ea. ten ur nce Co pa.. y re ding m. Up to the pr'esant no claim s been put in, but possibly we may h Ve such later. t "11 be i the no ledg of the Coun­ cil tne very dan 'erous condit on of t us 1'0 d hioh fallen a . y to suen an extent as to be no ss ble for thro traffic. I "'ve, for orne Ll. aintained 1:e.rrleade it a.rning r ... otlee t e oh end, nu th Council

8 m de applic tiol} to the Dap rtment of Local Government and Public Health to ve th ro.d c10"e Thi do not no ppear to be pos lble except as te par ry measur . "

r. El ee st., te e .ne. co unle v ,d -i th th epRrt- me~t of Local Government a.nd PUblic "ealth 1n the year 1935 regarding the elcsi is of thl l"OEH.l and. d been infor ad t teo· er to stop u a road under Sect a 82(2) of the


Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898 as repealed by t h

7th Schofr Ie f t e ca,l 'OVer1 ment. ct, 1925, ~ndJ so far, d not ean rep18.cvc..

'rt 1 ecided on e mot ion ()f the Chs trm n, tht't th

Co~~ty Surv yor au 1t r6port to the Uepa tment of Local

enw a~d Pu lie Healt e to the resent osition in

the In tter

T e folIo re ort fro tle COWlty Surveyor regarding

extension 0 nery Y r at nniscortl13 a ubml tted:-

Ve to J.·eport that t epee avail bie 1n the ork­

shop t t rd, nnlsuort 1:3 1s nauf'flclent for

tne pro er. c rryi out of e work t ere. I h v had & d1 it t e n er of t e Co -Ooerative~fro'''~ ,he, ve our PI' ",t:nt pram1 Ie ed 'lth a vie to obt inin furt e area. I do not think t ere 111 b ny diffioul ty bout thi , anu ne rental for any xtra .pr, iae ill be

very all, no ore ~n8,n 2 or £3. I be11 ve. I s 11 be glad for the Council' autlority to make ar a gements rit h

th 00- er .t v oclaty for' t king over dditio 1 premises.

On the otion of the Chairman, 1 t ra, ,;c.:.aed to

reeomm ~d t e Co ~ty Counc11 to gree to t ~ extension

whie t e Cotmty Su veyor consider d nece £3 r' •

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The follow1ng resolution was adopted on the motion of the Chairman seconded by Miss O'Ryan:- "That the Minutes of Finance Comm1ttee Meeting of 17th July 1936 be received and considered."

APPOINTMENT J. DEEGAN J RATE COLLECTOR: Under date 31st July 1936 Collector John Deegan wrote thanking the Council for his apPointment to the position and stating that the only way he could show his gratitude was by carrying out his duties in the future as he bad done while acting as temporary collector for a number of years.

AMALGAMATION OF RATE DISTRICTS NOS. 6 AND 10: Under date 29th July 1936 Rate Collector Gannon wrote expressing his gratitude to the Council for having amalgamated the two districts Nos. 6 and 10 and stating he would endeavour to carry out his duties 1n the future as he had tried to do in the past.

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Colfer seconded by Mr. Corish:- "That the Minutes of Finance Committee meeting held on 17th July 1936, be and the same are hereby confirmed and approved. n

MEETING 31st JULY 1936: Minutes of Finance Committee in respect of above meeting were submitted as follows:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Th fortnightly me ting of Finance Committee wa held in County Council Chamber, County Hall, exford, on 31st July 1936. Present:- Mr. D. All n (Chairman) presiding, also, Me srs. P. Colfer, W. P. Keegan, John P. Kelly, Sean

0' ~rne and S O'Ry n. Tne Secretary, County Surv yor, County Solicitor and Rates Inspector ere in tt ndance. The Minutes of 1 t meeting weI' confirmed.

PAYMENTS Tr sur rls Advio Not for £5029. 18. 8d was examined and signed.

BATE COLLECTION STATE OF: The following how th tate of th Rat Colleotion to date:- D. Kenny 4.2 J. Curtis 3·2 J. J. O'Reilly 3·0 J. Deegan 2.9 J. Cummins 2.9 W. Cummins 2.9 J. Quirke 2.7 S. Gannon 2.2 J. J. Sinnott 2.2 W. Doyle 1.9 A. Dunne 1.7 P. Doyle 1.0 M. urphY .7 J. Flood .2 P. Nolan .1 E. J. Murphy M. McCarthy • Kehoe P. Carty It wa decided to inform Rate Col1eqtors that the Finane Co lttee w111 tak partioul r note of Coll ctors who do not start collection ith a keen peroeption of th ir duties and w1th 'real energy, and that they have deoided that such offici Is w111 not receive any concession in the \ way of extension of time to close their warrants.


SURETIES OF RATE COLLECTOR GANNON : • Elgee, County Council Solioitor, ubmitted letter from Rate Collector .~ Sean nnon t t owing to the illn ss of on of hi sureties p trick Kurray - it had not been possible to have personal bond executed. He aw Mr. urray on Saturda . last and found he was an inv lid confined to ·bed, and therefore eked t t the nam of • Edmund Crean, Ballyeland, D vids- town, should be accepted in substitution for Mr. urray. The following re olution was dopted on th motion of Mr. Kelly econded by Mr. Colfer:- " Tnat Edmund Crean, llyelland, Davidstown, be accepted as personal surety for Rate Collector S an G nnon vic Mr . Patrick Murray provided County Council Solicitor finds that bank r's reference for Mr . Cre n are s tisfac­ tory. "

S LL DWELLINGS ACQUISITION ACTS Under dat 17th July 1936 the Department of Local Go rnment and public Health wrote (H.140613- 1936 exford) approvin of the following dv nces under Small Dwellings Acqui i ti n Acts:- Ed rd Dempsey, Middletown, Riverchapel £117; P ul Murphy, Brownswood, Enniscorthy £140. Und r dat 28th July 1936 the Department of Local Governm nt and Public H alth wrote (H. l5025l- 1936 Loch Garman) approving of loans und r Small Dwelling AcqUisition Acts to the followlng:- John Eustace, Clonleigb, P lace East £100. Mrs . Jlary Murphy, Dranagh, Ca1m £45. John Hempenstall, Island Upper, , Gor y £90. Th folIo ing resolution was dopted on the motion of • O'Byrn seconded by r . Colfer:- " e recommend that in the case of house valued at f]'pm £200 t~£30~e.~eal~ul).t ot Advance ~ C.supty C~il 'fit ~ ~ •.., t::!;:;~.., e&-?" ~ ft::&, ",. 0' ' -t "F~c..- # b~ of ~he valu ~from £300 to £500 the advance b not © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES more than 50 of the valu of house. T t a c1 use to the following effect b in rted in regulation issued to gov rn future dv~ces und r Small Dw llings cqulsition Aots:- Th County Council re erv the rl t to th mselves to r fUse any dvanc in any particular c s in which they liev such ction ir ble, and also to reduce the amount applied for when they are of opinion thi tep i neees ry in view of tt ndant circ stance.

SUDrS UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATIONS Under date 15th July 1936 th follo ing w s read from the Secretary, University College, Dubl1n:- ftThe followina are the results of the recent examin - tiona of Student holding cholarships from your Council in this College in Session 1935-}6:- illiam G. Lambert Rejected at the Firat University E ination in grioultur 1 SCience, Part I. but obtained exemption from further examination in Mathematics and Irish. Johanna I. Cooney Passed In Iri h Sub idiary Subject for the B.Comm. Degree. Further report fter the Autumn Examinations. James J. Donnelly Passed in t ematics Subsidiary SubJeot for the B.A. (Honours) Degre. Further report after the Autumn Examinations. . Thomas Walsh Passed the B.Agr.So. Degree Examin tion Part I. J es M. Kenny ) P s ed the Hi er Diplom in Eduoa­ William A. eyler) tion Examination. John J. rpby Passed the Third University Examina­ tion in Medioine Part II with Second Class Honours , Spring 1936. William A. Completed Part I and passed Part II with Second Class Honours in Zoology and Geology of the First University Examination in Agricultur 1 Scienoe. A r port tor Thomas Cullimore, James G. Delaney and Patrick Doyle will be forwarded in Autumn. Martin J. Doyle ceased to ttend leotures in thi College on t e lOth May 1936 . II


The ction of the Secretary in requ sting Martin J. Doyle to refund amount paid him on foot of his Scholarship fro the te he ce sed to attend lectures, viz., lOth M y 1936 to the end of the Academic Ye r w s pproved. The Secret ry stated t t this student had written quite recently and sub equent to the close of the Academic Ye r that he had secured position in Engl nd. On the motion ot Mr . Colfe seconded by Mr . Kelly, it was deci ed to invite t e observ tions of illi m G. Lambert University student, on the st tement from the Secretary, University College, · , that he had been rejected at the First Univer ity Ex min tion in Agrioultur 1 Scienoe Part I.

HAULAGE WORK ETC. KILLINICK-CARNE ROAD Under date 22nd July 1936 Mr. Nicholas B. Doyle, Ballyfane, Broadway, wrote asking the Finance Committee to receive on half of the Broadway-Tacumshane Fianna F il Cumann a deputation relative to t e ulag ork on Killin­ iok-carn Road nd in respect ot which the Cumann had dopted resolution prot sting gain t the ction of the County Council in giving th haulage contraot to the Gre t South rn Ral1 y Company a th re were ufficient lorries and car ers in the district to do the ork. Th folIo ing attended as the deput tion T cum e Fi na Fail Cumann:- Messrs. N. B. Doyle (Hon. Secret ry) illiam Pierce and James Browne.

Mr . Doyle acted as spokesman and said their contention I was that as loc 1 lorries were vailable the Railway trac­ tors should not have been employed. Also that the road material should not be tarcoated by a Mixer in the quarry but tre te ith tar on the ro d as as done on the section from exford to whi ch had been recondition­ ed. Tee were four local lorries available but he could

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES not s y if the owners ould be able to pl ce these vehicles for an entire defined period at t e ervice of the Council.

T 0 of the lorry own rs, Messrs. Pierce and Parle t ould be able to give the lorries It hole-time" . If these t 0 lor- riee ere employed the County Surveyor c uld al y count on them. The County Surveyor, in reply to Keegan, said the draft in this ca e was six or seven miles hich knocked out horse haula.ge. • Kee considered it unfair that the Rail ay Com- pany should be mployed for haulage ork over local labour. The Comp ny ere doing not ing only bleeding the public by their high fare and freights. The looal man who purcha~ed lorry put s money into it to try and make a living and he should be encouraged and not discouraged by the Council. Th oney paid the Rail ay Company was sent out of the Coun­ ty but when local p opl were mployed the money as spent in exford. he County Surveyor said that if it were hauling ordinary road material a case could be made for the Use of local lorry owners and tb ir 01 ims ould receive favourabl e consider tion trom the Surv y staff but in thi case the stuff was fe to th traotor gon readY mixed in the quarry and thus secured oertain stiffness in transit which made it most suitabl for spr ading. The tractor wagon could be tipped up on to the road t us securing an amount of spreading. To employ local lorries for haulage would mean n extra £3 per week for bour in this instance. r. Birthi tle, A sistant Surveyor for th dis­ trict, said t e local lorry owner were sati f ctory and he would like to employ them, but there as only a small amount allowed for t e ork and in consequence they had to see it was oarried out ith as muc economy a as possible with

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES efficiency. He (Mr. Birthistle) bad been let down before by lorry owners taking up other Jobs and le ving road ork­ en at, standstill. He as on other Job supposed to have t e ervice of four lorrie but in reality had two only.

~ r. Keegan said the Finance Committee recognised that Mr . Birthistle gave all possible work to the local people and to local lorry 0 ers. In this c se it as 1 0 nised that t e local lorries ere not adapted for the pecul­ iar class of ork which was bing carried out. He proposed t t for the coming six months the Survey Staff give all the ork poss1ble to the local' peopl and local lorries. · Kelly seconded the mot10n which s adopted. • Birthistle said that there were two other Jobs to be c rried out in the district which though not as 1mportant as t e ork under discussion would give great deal of e ployment and local lorri s could b employed for them. · Doyle (of t e deputation) thought toe haulag of the 10 er section from t e Cross of Lough to Carne Harbour could b carried out by loc 1 lorries. • B1rt istle said t is could only b done cost for hic money had not been allocated. • Doyle thanked the meeting for the attention w1th wh1ch t e views of the deputation had been considered.

DAMAGE TO BAIL 'lAY COT'l'AGE ET C• Under date 30th July 1936 the Chief Engineer, Great Southern Rail ays, estland ROw, Dublin, rote (p214-55813) it had been reported to him t t on 8th July 1 st the

Company's Cott ge ~o. 2362 t P lace East and their Cattle Truck No . 7700 had been dam ged by blasting operations at Palace Quarry. He ould forward account of cost of repair in fe . days and meantime e wished to know if the Council

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES adopted liability. It was decided to refer this communi- cation to the County Surv yor for report.

ROAD Under date 21st July 1936 the Department of Local Government and Public Health (Ro ds) ote (S.G.P-20l-36) that a sum of £11064 had been provisionally allocated to Council for 1936-31 from the Road Improvement Grant as tollo s:- £. 1. T.8 Enniscortny-Wexford - Road diversion and concrete surface. 1,500 2. L. 29 Gorey- exford - Tree Sections strengthen and surface in bitumastic macadam. 4,014 3. L·30 Enniscorthy-Kiltealy. Strengthen and surface in bitumastlc m c dam . 1,000 4 . L128 Br1dgetown-Bald instown - Widen; strengt en and surf ce in b1tumastic maoadam 1,564 5. Ll59A Ne Ross-Fet rd - Widen, strengthen and surface in bitum stlc macadam. 1,900 6. L159 Wexford Urban District - Surface in bitumastic macadam. 1,000 7. ilway Bridge o. 373 - Contribution towards cost of reconstruction. 86 £11,064. Con itlons as to supply of tar and bitumen, payment of Grant, and employment were set out in this letter. In connection wit ork No. 7 in the above List:- Repair of il y Bridge No. 373 Rat urtin, amount £86, letter under date 9th July 1936 (P. 470/27037) as read fro~ t e Chief Engineer, Great Southern Rail ays, stating the Department of Local Government and PUblic Health (Roads) agre d in their letter of 26th February 1936 (TR/96) to provide th cost of reconstruction on the same lines as had been carried out at Sparrowsland Railway Bridge ten years ago. Tne following resolution was adopted on the motion of the Cnairman seconded by w. Keegan:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES T t request teD part ent of Looal Government and Publi0 He lth to t e step to ende your to be in a po ition to notify County Council early 1n th Y ar of the

mount ic they can count on as gr t for Ro d Improv

CLIFF OAD, ROSSLARE STRAl~D Under date 21st July 1936 t e follo ing as read from the County Surveyor:- II be to report, for the information of the County Council, that this road ay is no lmost entirely carried aw So e time ago a plicatlon was made to the Local Governm nt Dep rtment for permission to abandon this road, but there ppears to be some dl fflculty in re rd to am .

The road ha no practically cased to exist for lars portion along t e Cllff, nd I hav perm nent fences put up at each end of this very dangerous pl ce - closing completely to traffio. Some tim ago (at each end of this section) I ereoted barrlcade and notices stating the road-

BY as olosed, and put up al 0 at barricades reflectlng signs. I llowed a narro pas y for such loc 1 traffio as might require to use portion of the road,but the centre part wa not oompletely fenoed off which I am no doin • I consi r t t lt w11l be well no for the County Council to consider the dvisabili ty of c rryins out some 01010 ork on the fores or so s to prevent further w stage of the COB.st, and subse u nt damage to Vill e. I a putting Notice 1n the loc 1 p pers regarding pe anent fencing of t e ro d." Th County Surveyor called ttention to 1 tter received by 1m from County Co ncil Solicitor under date 29th Novem- . ber 1935 in whic it w s st ted t t the latter had been dvise by th Department of Loc 1 Government and Publio

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Health (Roads) that the po er to stop up a road under Section 82(2) ot the Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898 been repealed by the Sev nth Schedule of the Local Govern­ ment Act 1925 and, so tar, had not been replaced. The tollo ing resolution was adopted on the mot1on ot Mr . O'Byrne seconded by Mr . Colfer: - uThat we approve ot the ction of the County Surveyor in a ttin off from traffic (0 ing to it dangerous con- dition) ot ROBslare Strand Cliff Road. And that applica- tion be made to the Department of Local Government and public Health for Relief Grant of £500 in order to con- truct and lay groins on the foreshore to arrest further erosion on t is part of exford coast, County Surveyor to supply engineering details to accompany application. "

LORRIES PASSING, OVER WEXFORD B IDGE T e County Surveyor su i tted report from Chief Super- intendent, Garda Siochana, Wexford under te 31st July 1936 as to t 0 over- eight motor lorries crossing Wextord Bridge - on the property ot eaars. J. J. Stafford and Sons, Paul

Quay, ~xtord, and the second 0 ned by Mic el O' Gorman,

Tomhaggard. . In regard to f1rst mentioned lorry, the driver, James Byrne, 4 Upper King Street, Wexford, when informed by

Garda P. Qu1n that e culd be reported lett the bridge and I turned the lorry on the 'main road to Gorey and Enniscor- . thy. Th following resolution as adopted on the motion of Mr . O' Byrne seconded by Mr. Kelly:- MThat report of Cni f Superintendent, Garda Siocbana, Wexford, as to overweight lorries crossing exford Bridge be referred to Mr. Elgee, County Solicitor, to furnish advice as to the prob ble succ sa of the Council should they decide to institute proceedings a . inst the t 0 lorry o~ers con- cerned.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ISCORTHY The County Surveyor su itted under dat 29th July 1936 offer from Enniscortby Co-Opel' tive Society to 1 t t ground floor of their bu11ding t bac of forge 1n Sawmill premises, Enniscorthy with em 11 annexe to provide an exten­ sion for County Co ncil's machinery yard t £3 per annum. The following re olution as adopted on the motion of . Kelly seconded by r. O'Byrn :- "That as advised by County Surveyor the County Council be recommended to rent dditional pre ises for machinery yard t nniscort lY t £3 per annum in ccordance 1 th quotation from nager, Co-Operative Agricultur 1 Soc1ety, Enniscorthy, under date 29th July 1936." , gUALIFICATION C TIFlCATE NO 10RKYEN Under date 25th July 1936, the Dep rtment of Industry and Commerc ot (E. B.199659) that this Dep rtment could not undertake to verify whet er or not a person had been in receipt of Unemployment Assistanc during ny particular p riod unless the qualification certific te number of the person to w om the enquiry related s m de v iIable for reference n the first instance. The examination of th records of any particular Local Office of the De rtment coulu not be reg rded s reli ble

mean of a certaini~g info ation in respect of any p rticu­ lar person inasmuch a it occur t t the person mention­ ed y have registered at a Loc 1 Office other than that at wh ch the examination of records was made. In such an instance t e examination of th records ould not alone be futile and ste of tim but ould 1so t end to be m1s-

lea ng. Having regard to this it S regr tted that the request of the County Council could not be cceded to. No order as it had been decided the inform tion referred to was not needed for t e present ye r.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES w. Doy e, Dr inagb , exford, ro d- workman, rot oom­ plaining he «een dis issed from t e services of th Council wit out adequ te cause. ' r . Birthistl , Assist nt Surveyor for the di tr1ct, st ted h d one very carefully into the circumstances and a quite sati·sfied this man' s discharge from vrk s quite JU tified. o order.

he County Surveyor, a s reg rds t e establishment of Pound in 1 ycullane su itted the follo ing proposal under te 29th Ju y 1936 from triok Power, llyoullane, nd

ioh e l"ecommended S Quld be ocepte :- • 'ith regard to our r ecent ntervlew in B llyoullane r Pound I am prep red to ereot ultable one alongsid

Oour~ouse with pIe supp of water in same t year ly rent of ~en Pounds(£lO). t

• ~olrer proposed and • Kelly seconded the follo .ins resolut10n hich was adopted:- e recommend the County Counci to aocept the offer of r . Patr1ck Power, llyoullane, to erect and maint in Pound at Ballyoullane (inoludi ng tle provision of an adequate w ter supply) t £10 per annum . "

In oonnection ith Gorey ound, • ~ l ee, Solicitor, r ported that, so f r , . Valentine ho claim d to be the owner of Gorey Live Stoo Pound had not furnished title to s e . embers of the Commi ttee poi nted out that thi s Pound had b en erected by t e Grand Jury and n"itier Mr . Valentine nor is fat her, both of whom M.d aoted B pound keepers had any legal claim to th premises. Th fol Io ing otion as dopted pn the motion of the

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES C irm seconded by • Xee :- e reco en t e County Council to instruct the Oount Surv yor to t possession of Gorey Pound and carry out such re irs to sme s y be required. "

Copy of Analyst' s aport for quarter nded 30th June

1936 was ubm i tted n from wnioh ppe 1'*e t t the tot I n b r ot an ly e w s 278, v Z., 209 oods, 66 Drugs nd

3 atel's. Te 5 pIe of new milk er found to be ao.ul t r ted.

SHEEP DI PING ORDER 1915 eports of six She p Dippi ng Inspectors for fortni ght

nd d 25th July 1936 ere au itted and re oonsidered satisi' otory.

terr1n to t I' port of 11" . nnessy, Inspeotor for

Ne Ros d1strict, Mr . LYnch, V. S. , rote: - 11 In gre t m ny areas there are no ervices of t e w t rin c I' requi itioned. Public b ths in suit­ ble pI ce auld e t e fir t e senti 1 if there i to be efficient dipping. " It as dec ded to t e Instructor in griculture i f he ould inquire in districts in hich sheep re generally k pt, from s it ble f mers,if they ould be prepared to

rect permanent concrete sw b ths under She p Dippi ng

Order prov ded t County Council would provide a subsidy

for erection of b the d fix re so~abl charge for use

s • c

ppli on tor co for -·50 tor lleged mal~c- lous i Jury dfurnture received fro C rlstop er 00 louse, 0 farney, Bree, and referred to Mr . 1 e, County olicitor.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 1936 'ne folIo ing resolution was adopted on the motion of • O' Byrn seconded by Yr . Kelly:- "That t e request of County Registrar for the use of County Council Chambe for Counting of Votes re bove Election and for the use of Rate Clerks' Office for prep r tion ot Ballot Boxe be gr'anted. fI


The tollowing resolution was adopted on the motion ot Mr. Kelly seconded by Miss O'Ryan:- "That the Minutes ot Finance Committee Meeting ot 31st July 1936 be received and considered."

PERSONAL SECURITY OF RATE COLLECTOR GANNON: Under date 4th August, 1936, the Manager, National Bank, Wextord, wrote as regards the tinancial standing of Mr. Edmund Crean, Bally­ eland, Davidstown (proposed by Mr. Gannon as one of his personal sureties) that he would be seriously embarrassed it he had to meet the liability under perso~al bond. In view ot statement in letter trom Bank as to position ot Mr. Edmond Crean, Ballyeland, Davidstown, proposed per­ sonal surety for Rate Collector Gannon, it was decided that the matter be referred back to the Finance Committee.

HAULAGE KILLINICK-CARNE ROAD: The following resolution was read trom Ballymore Branch of Irish Labour Party:- "That we desire to enter our strongest protest against the action of the Wextord County Council in giving the haul­ age on the Killinick-Carne Road to a big wealthy Company while there are adequate means of transport ava1lable in the dletrict, thereby depriving the lorry owners, and the workers of the district as well, of a share ot the money wh1ch we understood was to help to relieve depression in the d1s~t:

UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME: University Authorities, Cork University, reported that Miss Nora O'Sullivan had passed in second Arts with First Class Honours in Irish, and Second Class Honours in English.

SHEEP DIPPING ORDER: Under date 5th August, 1936, the Department of Agriculture wrote (E.61ll-35) reterring to the existing Sheep Dipping and market periods, and pointed out it had been suggested to the Minister it would be desirable


to modify the existing regulations by replacing the two prescribed dipping periods by one double-dipping period extending from 1st July to 15th November in each year, and substituting for the present "market periods" one period extending from 1st August to 15th November. It was con­ sidered that this suggested change might generally operate to the greater convenience of the different classes of sheep owners and lead to a more extensive and willing com­ pliance with the legal requirements in regard to dipping.

It was proposed to include in the new Order provisions empowering Local Authorities to take special measures when considered necessary as regards the dipping of sheep in particular areas in their districts. Mr. Meyler proposed and Col. Quin seconded the following resolution which was passed nem. con.:- "That in the opinion of this Council it is undesirable to make any change in the present regulations governing the dipping and marketing of sheep."

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Michael Redmond seconded by Mr. Kelly:- "That the Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting of 31st July 1936, be and the same are hereby confirmed and approved."

PAYMENT OF RATE COLLECTORS The following motion of which he had given previous notice was moved by Mr. McCarthy:- "That the present system of remunerating Rate Collec­ tors be altered and that a Scheme be formulated whereby a sum as annual salary payable in monthly instalments be fixed, said sum to be in addltion to a maximum poundage payable in the event of a full collection within the dates

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES laid down, the combined total salary and poundage to be based on average earnings of the past three years. 1I In moving his motion, Mr. McCarthy said that Collectors had a grievance in the matter of remuneration a8 they re­ ceived only two payments in the year and as long as nine months intervened between one payment and another. This fact did not tend to improve the Collection particularly in cases in which Collectors had no other source of income. It was very trying on Collectors to wait such long periods for payment and was to an extent putting a premium on dishonesty. The Minister for Local Government and Public Health writing to Killarney Urban Council had said that the system which he would favour would be to fix a sum as annual salary payable in monthly instalments, an additional fixed sum to be regard­ ed as the maximum poundage payable in the event of a full collection within the various dates prescribed by the Public Bodies Orders. Where the collection fell short of the maximum the latter sum would be correspondingly reduced and the inducement to efficient collection would thus be pres­ erved.

Col. Gibbon, in seconding, said that the Local Govern­ ment Department should let the Council have a copy of the . Scheme in accordance with the suggestions of Mr. McCa.rtby, and which would meet with their wishes. Mr. McCarthy said he was in favour of 60% of the remuneration being paid by way of salary and the balance as poundage fees, the actual amount to be determined by the manner in which the warrant had been closed. The Chairman, who strongly supported the proposal, said that it would be advisable for the Finance Committee to con­ sider the proposal and go into the matter with the Rate Collectors. The payment of remuneration as arranged at present was unsatisfactory and unfair. But the Council had

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES really no facts and figures before that day's meeting. It would be well that the scheme should be considered in detail and the views of the Rate Collectors could be put forward through a small deputation. He moved a resolution to this effect which was seconded by Mr. Corish. This was passed, Mr. McCarthy agreeing that action n his motion be deferred for the present.

ROAD IMPROVEMENT The following motion,of which he had given previous notice, was moved by Mr. Kelly:- "That about six miles of r Cld from Tomnafinchogue turn to Gorey Main Road at CastleEllis through Ballagh be recon­ structed at a cost of £6,000 half to be provided by State Grant and the second moiety to be borrowed by the County Council. "

He understood that the motion would have to be consid­ ered at annual meeting at which Road Works Scheme would be dealt with, and he proposed that the motion be referred to that meeting~ Mr. Corish seconded and the motion was passed. The Chairman said that in his opinion the main road from Castle Ellis Cross to Blackwater was in a worse condit­ ion than the portion referred to in Mr. Kelly's motion. The County Surveyor said that if one considered endings and twists and turns the Chairman's statement was correct, but the surface was not so bad as the road from Tomnafin­ chogue referred to in Mr. Kelly's motion. Both roads needed improvement. The Chairman said that at the Annual Roads Meeting something should be done to provide money for the improve­ ment of the road to which he had referred.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES THE POSITION OF COUNTY MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH Under date 7th August, 1936, the following letter (P.H.151906/36 - Looh Garman Ae) was read from the Depart­ ment of Looal Government and Publio Health:- "With referenoe to previous oorrespondenoe relative to the grant by the Wexford County Counoil on the 30th June last of two months' leave of absenoe to Dr. C. Bastible, County Medioal Offioer of Health, in v1ew of his being med10ally certified as suffering from Nervous Debility, I am directed by the Minister for Looal Government and Publio Health to state for your information, that Dr. Bastible visited this Office on yesterday evening, the 6th instant, and made a verbal statement in reply to a oommunioation addressed to him on the lOth June last, regarding a routine matter in conneotion with a oase of Puerperal Sepsis whioh ooourred in Gorey. In view of Dr. Bastible's aotion in attending at this Office for the abovementioned purpose, the Minister would be glad to be furnished at the earliest possible moment with particulars of the present position regarding the question of the discharge by Dr. Bastible of the duties of County Medioal Offioer of Health." After a long disoussion in Comm1ttee the following resolut1on was adopted on the motion of Mr. " O'Byrne seconded by Mr. Miohael Redmond:- "That 1n reply to the1r letter of 7th August, 1936, (P.H.151906-36 - Looh Garman (Ae)), the Department of Looal Government and Pub110 Health be informed that Dr. Bastible, County Medical Officer of Health, was granted two months' eick leave on medical oertifioate furnished by Dr. O'Sulli­ van that he was suffering from nervous debi11ty. The Council understood that Dr. Bastible's relatives were arranging for his treatment in a nursing home. Before the expiration of the period for whioh leave was granted, Dr. Bastible attended at the Offices of the County

Board of Health for the purpose,he state~,of resuming duty. The Counoil wish to point out that Dr. Bast1ble did not give any prior notioe that he intended to resume duty before the expiration of the period for whioh Dr. O'Sullivan oertified that leave was neoessary. In view of the fact that Dr. Bastible acoording to medioal oertif10ate would require two months' leave in order © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES to recover, the Council are of opinion that he should avail of the full period of leave unless a certificate be furnish­ ed that he 1s fit to resume duty. That the return of County Medical Officer of Health to duty be subject to Departmental sanction. That the Department of Local Government and Public Health be asked, if, in view of all the Circumstances, they are of opinion a medical certifioate as to the fitness of the County Medical Officer of Health to return to duty should be furnished. That the Department be asked for a reply to this reso­ lution as soon as possible as the leave of County Medical Officer of Health will expire on 27th August, 1936."

DRAINAGE RATES KIWANNOCK: The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Thomas Redmond seconded by Mr. Colfer:- "We hereby strike rate for Kilmannock Drainage Area in respect of year ending 1st March, 1937, in accordance with amounts entered on Charging Order of Commissioners of Public Works, dated 19th January, 1927, as amended by said Commis­ sioners of Public Works under date 16th May, 1934, No. 9/94/34, amount £83. 7. 10, said amount to be levied on the persons named in the Charging Order as amended, or their Successors in title."

SOW: The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Thomas Redmond seconded by Mr. Colfer:- ·We hereby strike rate for Sow Drainage Area for year ending 1st March, 1937, in accordance with Charging Order of Commissioners of public Works, dated 16th January, 1929, and amended by said Commissioners of Public Works under date 22nd March, 1933, No. 4672.31, amount £263· 4. 4d to be

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES levied on the persons named in Charging Order, or their successors in title. In addition, that a sum of £120 be raised towards cost of maintenance of Sow Drainage Area,said amount to be levied on the persons named in the abovemen­ tioned Charging Order or their successors in title, in the same proportions as the amounts leviable under the Charging Order. " Under date 24th June 1936, the Department of Local Government and Public Health wrote (F.130103/36 Wexford Co.) that the Minister would not raise any objection to the pro­ posals of the County Council with respect to the collection of the annuity payable under the Charging Order for Kilman­ nock Drainage District regarding the "spread-over" of arrears on the understandlng that the swns due and paid the Commissioners of Public Works out of County Fund would be collected in full and lodged to credit. The Secretary stated that the Minister had consented to a similar arrangement for Sow Drainage District.

AUDIT COUNTY WEXFORD VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE Under date 17th July 1936, the Department of Local Government and Public Health (A.13714-36) forwarded report of their Auditor on his report of accounts of above Committee for year ended 31st March 1936 with copies of attested abstracts of accounts. No order.

MILK FATS AND MILK SOLIDS The Regulations of Milk (Percentage of Milk-fat and Milk Solids) 1936 which accompanied the letter of Department of Local Government and Public Health under date 8th July 1936 (p.H.Circ.89/36) were explained to the meeting by the Secretary.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES TEMPORARY CLDSING OF ROAD Under date 4th July 1936 the Department of Local Government and Publio Health (Roads) forwarded (T.R./l07/1) Sealed Order authorising the closing of road No. 504 from main road at Edermine to the turn at Borrmount Bridge to enable repairs to be oarried out at Edermine Bridge.

FOOD AND DRUGS ACTS - BUTTER S~~PLES Under date 27th July 1936 the Department of Agriculture wrote (G.3637-35) that 12 samples of butter taken up - 4 at Enniscorthy, 4 at Bunclody and 4 at Gorey - were certified by County Analyst to be genuine.

HOLIDAYS OF MR. LYNCH, M.R.C.V.S. Under date, 15th July 1936, the Department of Agricul­ ture wrote (E.580436) that no objection would be offered to the temporary employment of Mr. F. W. Taylor, M.R.C.V.S., as Veterinary Inspector in South District during the absence of Mr. Lynch from 1st to 12th July provided the rate of remuneration allowed to him will not exceed that normally payable to Mr. Lynch. Approved.

SECONDARY AND VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME 1931 Under date 8th July, 1936, (Trg.2/45474) the following waS read from the Department of National Education:- HWith reference to your letter of the 16th ultimo, in which you referred to the proposal that marks for one option­ al subject only should be counted in respect of the exam1na­ tion for the award of Scholarships, I am directed to state that the Department has given careful cons1deration to the question and regrets that it is not in a position to modify the arrangements introduced for 1936. Having regard to the course which successful candidates will normally follow in Secondary Schools, it would be undes­ irable to limit the scope of the examination by restr1cting

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES candidates to one optional subject. If the Council wish to make special provision for the pupils of the smaller schools, it is open to them to submit proposals for the insertion in " their scheme of a clause reserving an equitable number of , scholarships for such schools; the Department has always been favourable to a proposal of this kind and is, if desired, willing to assist the Council in the formulation of a suitable clause." The following resolution was adopted on the motion ot Mr. Corish seconded by Miss O'Ryan:- "That the Department of Education be requested in accordance with the terms of their letter of 8th July 1936 (Trg.2/45474) to submit draft clause to this County Council and which would have the effect of reserving a number of scholarships for smaller schools which are at present unduly handicapped. The Council would be prepared to consider this draft at an early date and to notify their decision as to its acceptance by them or otherwise, without delay.n The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Miss O'Ryan seconded by Mr. Corish:- "Tqat in accordance with results of examination of 1936 furnished by Department of Education, Scholarships under Secondary & Vocational Scheme be awarded the following:- 1. John Albert O'Brien, Bally cowan , Tagoat (856 marks). 2. William F. Doyle Drimmagh, Rosslare (746). 3. Elizabeth Devereux, Grange, Broadway (686). Annie Foley, Rathimney, Gusserane (682). 5. Peter Lawless, Camolin (654). 6. Maire O'Brien, Ballymoney, Gorey (640)., and also that Bursaries be awarded the following:- 1. Samuel Jordan, Market Square, Enniscorthy (844 marks).

~--~2. Thomas P. Cullen, 61 South Main Street, Wexford (706). 3. Edward Rutledge, 5 Parnell Street, Wexford (668). ___ 4. Maurice Tracey, 2 Cathedral street, Enniscorthy (660). © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 5· Michael A. o 'Hanlon , 7 Friary Place, Enniscorthy (642). 6. Timothy T. O'Leary, 31 st. Enda's Terrace, Wexford(636)~ In reply to query the Secretary stated that of the 47 applicants declared by the County Council eligible to compete under the Scheme, 23 passed examination; 18 failed and 6 did not present themselves for examination. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Corish seconded by Miss OtRyan:- ftTbat continuing scholarships for academic year be awarded (subject to the approval of Department of Education) to the following under Secondary and Vocational Scholarships Scheme:- SCHOLARSHIPS:-

~ John K. O'Leary, Ballyboro, . _ Laurence Jordan, Ballyvelig, . ~ Elizabe~h Carty, Donard, Clonroche. Mary A. Carroll, Streamstown, Tagoat. --Margaret 0' Leary, Lady's Island. ~ Mary Anne O'Neill, Bushville, Tagoat. Mary T. Mulligan, Craan, Craanford. Bridget T. Doyle, Drimmagh, Rosslare. Patrick Cousins, St. Iberius, Broadway. dward Kavangh, Ballane, Broadway. Edwin F. Todd, The Bungalow, Kilrane. Gerald W. Fenelon, Church View, Tagoat. -----*Katherine O'Regan, Ballybro, Tagoat. Eily O'Neill, Bushville, Tagoat. ----Thomas Butler, Mountainmuck, Glynn. "--' Patrick Doyle, DriIllIJ1agh, Rosslare. ~lice M. Devereux, Grange, Broadway. BURSARIES:- --..Tames A. Leeson, Parnell Street, Wexford • ..~ tichard McConville, Station House, Enniscorthy. Matthew Tracey, Cathedral Street, Enniscorthy. dward Carty, Bride Street, Wexford. ohn Breen, Coolishal, Gorey. Margaret Donovan, High Street, Wexford. atrick J. Byrne, 12 Pearse Street, Gorey. Joseph Finn, 16 Main Street, Gorey. James P. Brennan, 3 Pearse Street, Gorey. --~dward Kelly, 10 Grattan Terrace, Gorey. --6Hubert Sheil, 5 Pearse Street, Gorey. Peter Doran, 73 Main Street, Gorey. James Doran, do. do. do.

UNlVERSITM SaaOLARSHIPS SCHEME The following resolution was adapted on the motion of

Miss OtRyan seconded by I~. Corish:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "That Continuing Scholarships under University Scholar- ship Scheme for 1936-37 be awarded the following:­ W. A. Murphy, Coolhull,. Norah O'Sullivan, Camolin. Thomas Cullimore, Wexford. James G. Delaney, Parnell Street, Wextord. William J. Lambert, Sunnyside, Broadway, provided he submits satisfactory explanation in connection with his failure to pass his examination for Agricultural Science." The Secretary stated that the County Council, at their meeting on 11th May, 1936, had agreed to extend University Scholarship awarded to Miss Johanna Cooney for a fourth year to enable her to secure the Higher Diploma in Education provided she furnished evidence of having secured the degree of B.~.

KILUORE LIFE BOAT STATION Under date 6th August 1936 the Assistant Secretary, Royal National Life Boat Institution, Life Boat House, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.l, wrote (FG.T/S) that the Committee of Management of the Institution had decided to provide a 35 foot 6 inch Motor Lite Boat for Kilmore station and asked the consent of the Council to put in hands the work at the harbour which was necessary for the efficient handling of the Boat. A drawing showing what they desired to carry out was enclosed. The County Surveyor said that the proposed work would not interfere with naVigation of the harbour in any way. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Cummins seconded by Mr. Colfer:-

"That, in view of the recommendation of County Surveyo~ the request of Royal National Lite Boat Institution to carry out work as set out on drawing which accompanied their ot 6th August 1936 (FG.T/S) in connection with the installa-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES _____ ------_----'--~~k~

tion of Motor Life Boat for Kilmore station be agreed to, work to be carried out to the satisfaction of the County Surveyor. 1t

UNEMPLOYMENT GRANT Under date 4th August, 1936 (RW/203) the Department of Local Government and public Health wrote that provided a scheme to meet the approval of the Department of Local Government and Public Health was formulated a Grant of £460 would be available for works for relief of unemployment in New Ross Urban District if a second £460 was contributed from local funds. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Redmond seconded by Mr. Cummins:- "That in the event of New Ross Urban District Council agreeing to raise £420 for the relief of unemployment in said district, the County Council will be prepared to direct the County Surveyor to submit a Scheme for the expenditure of £920 to the Department of Local Government and Public Health for approval. That the New Ross Urban Council be requested to offer recommendations to the County Surveyor as to what reconstructi on work they desire to see carried ou,t. It Mr. Thomas Redmond said the New Ross Urban Council would, at their meeting to be held during the 'week, consider the question of raising the £420 by way of loan and it was almost certain the necessary resolution to do so would be adopted.

NEW ROSS UNEMPLOYED Under date 25th July 1936, representations as to work for Unemployed in New Ross Urban District at Road Work in the town were received. There were roughly 200 men out of work in the district and only seven were employed on the £4000 improvement Job. They considered this was neither © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES fair nor Just and asked the CountyI Council to direct the County Surveyor to push forward the work. They believed that the work of obtain1ng material in the quarry was at a stand-still. They could not see why townsmen were not employed at the quarry as the town was putting up £2000 of the oost of the reconstruction. They claimed the work as their right and that single men should get equal share with the married, as in some cases, single men had as many depen- dante as married men. They also asked for a fortnight's shift which was the only way most of the unemployed could secure a share of the work. The manner in which it was being carried out at present was in their opinion, a waste of public money as having no material ready for finishing, the bottoming with the traffic would break up. They strongly obJeoted to have the road metalling tarred in the quarry and then brought to the town, as neither labourers 10r carters in the Urban District would get a day's work. Mr. Corish oontended that as New Ross Urban Council were putting up the money for the road improvement, men from the Urban District should be employed in the quarry, and that the material should be mixed with tar on the road and not in the quarry. The estimate for this work was prepared by Mr. Shortall, Town Surveyor, and it should be assumed he cODtemplated employing urban labour. The County Surveyor said if the request regarding the material was agreed to it would mean double handling of all the material and increased cost for cartage. Mr. Walsh did not like to intervene as he had voted against New Ross Urban Council handing over to the County Council the maintenance and improvement_ of their streets, but, at the same time, he considered it only Just that the labourers in New Ross should get at least as much work as if the Urban Council was still in control see1ng that the

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Council had to provide £2000 of the money. Mr. T. Redmond said that New Ross Urban they were unable to put the streets in proper condition, asked for a Grant for the purpose. They were told if they were not able to deal with their streets they should hand them over to the County Council. There was no Urban Coun­ cillor in favour of that step. A deputation from the Urban Council went to the Department of Local Government and Public Health and were told that unless the Roads were under the supervision of the County Surveyor they would get no Grant. Up to that pOint the Urban Council had not done anything relative to preparing a Scheme. The Town Surveyor then pared a Schem"e for £5600, but the Department would have nothing to say to it unless the work was under the control of the County Surveyor. When final word came from the Department they were informed that a Grant of £2000 would be forthcoming provided the Urban Council would put up a similar amount and were prepared to hand over the management of all the streets to the County Surveyor. Faced with this alter­ native, the Urban Council, with the exception of Mr. Walsh, agreed to hand over the streets to the County Surveyor and to raise the money. This being the situation, he did not see how anyone could now interfere with the County Surveyor in the matter. There was no use now in bringing in new conditions and new matters. With regard to the objection as to the manner in which the work was carried out, where in the past did the material come from for the Urban Council:­ from County Wicklow, Ballykelly and Carrigbyrne. No one regretted more than he (Mr. Redmond) that there was a single unemployed man in New Ross town, but, once the work was hand­ ed over to the County Surveyor he questioned any interference with him by New Ross Urban Councilor anyone else. serious matter if the County Surveyor considered that the employment of extra men or changing the procedure ot carrying

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES out the work would mean waste of money. The County Surveyor agreed with the statement of Mr. Redmond. In the past the Urban District Council obtained their road material from Balleece in County Wicklow and from Ballykelly and Carrigbyrne in County Wexford. He (County Surveyor) was obtain1ng the bottoming from Ballykelly and the surfacing material from Carrigbyrne, as these were the only suitable quarries within reasonable range of the worL If, as he explained, the mixing with tar was to be carried out on road it would mean double handling and extra charge for cartage. This would run to an increase of 1/- per yard

or l~ in the cost of the material. He joined issue with the last paragraph in the letter. If they did the work piece meal it would cost a great deal more. There were eight or nine men and five carters employed and he contended that the manner in which the work was belng dealt with at present was the most efficient and most economical. He also pointed out that when New Ross Urban Council employed a Contractor to provide material from Carrigbyrne, he (County Surveyor) hired the County Council road plant to him in order to fac­ ilitate the Urban Council. The proposed fortnight's shift would add to the cost and the work would not be as efficient. After further discussion, Col. Quin proposed and Mr. MI. Redmond seconded the following:- "That in the opinion of the County Counc11, the County Surveyor is carrying out the Road Work in New Ross Urban district to the best advantage, and is exercising all le economy coupled with efficiency in this matter." Mr. Corish proposed and Mr. Kelly seoonded the following which was subsequently withdrawn:- "That road material for repair of New Ross streets be carted to New Ross town and there mixed with tar." The County Surveyor in reply to the Chairman said if this proposal was adopted the amount of work would have to

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES be curtailed by one-eighth. The resolution of Col. Quin was then put and passed.


Mr. Michael J. Fortune, Chairman Fethard Fianna Fail Cumann wrote calling attention to the discontent existing amongst ratepayers and the public in general owing to the neglect of the County Council to keep the roads in Slade and Fethard Districts in a better condition. They were a mass of potholes and covered with loose stones and the Cumann requested surface repair should be carried out with as delay as possible. The road from Campile to the Hook be seen to first as it was in a shocking state particularly the Hook end. Every other area in the County was tar ahead as regards having good road conditions. The Cumann also called attention to the bad state of the Harbours at and Slade and suggested that the time was opportune to apply to the Government for a grant for, them. The County Surveyor said he was doing all that could be done for these roads with allocation given for them. The Fetbard end had been done and a further extension would be dealt with when another improvement grant was available.

The only way to carry out satisfactory improv~ment was by a special proposal in the Road Works Scheme for next financial year. The question of repair of harbours at Slade and Fethard was referred to the Finance Committee.

CAMPILE TO HOOK ROAD Mr. Thomas Redmond complained of the condition ot the road through Campile to Ramsgrange and on to the Hook. It had to carry heavier lorry and general motor traftic than many main roads and it was most essential that, - in the interests of the travelling public - it should be improved. It was decided that the repair ot this road be the sub-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Jeot of a speoial proposal in next Road Works Soheme.


Mr. P. Sullivan and 12 other res1dents of Dun 0 ann on wrote asking that the road lead1ng along the Strand from

Heery's Corner 1n Dun0 ann on to Ballystraw Hill be put into proper repair and the approaoh from the village to strand oleaned up, also the road from Garda Barraoks to the Strand so that visitors and tourists m1ght have a favourable 1mpres­ sion of an out-of-the-way seas1de resort 1n Ireland. It was four years sinoe they had asked any repairs to be done. The County Surveyor sa1d he was d01ng what was poss1ble with the money available for the repair of the roads 1n ques­ t10n. If improvement was to be made an 1noreased allooation should be provided next year.

ROADWAY TO KILLILLA GRAVEYARD The Blaokwater Branoh of Fine Gael wrote ask1ng the County Counoil to have the right-of-way to Killil1& graveyard put in suoh a way that the relatives of deoeased persons about to be interred there would have a decent road to the graveyard, as at present people had to walk kneedeep in mud and vehioles could be brought only a oertain distanoe. The outlay would not be great and it would re11eve unemployment. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. O'Byrne seconded by Mr. Keegan:- "That provided the County Counc11 are legally empowered the repair of laneway at Killil1& graveyard be soheduled under Minor Relief Sohemes Vote when money beoomes available. And that copy of letter relative to this matter be the County Board of Health for the1r consideration."

BALLYGOMAN () LANE Seven ratepayers wrote applying for the rapa1r of about quarter of a m11e of laneway at Ballygoman, Barn town , under

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Minor Relief Schemes Vote. The following resolution was adopted on the motion ot Miss O'Ryan seconded by Mr. Corish:- "That application for repair of Ballygoman Lane, Barn­ town, be scheduled for repair under Minor Relief Schemes Vote when money is available."

ROADS ETC. IN BALLYMORE DISTRICT Under ' date 26th July, 1936, the Secretary of Ballymore branch of the Irish Labour Party called attention to the dangerous state of some of the roads of the district, and also asking for some improvement to be made at the corners of Yoletown and Montfield. It was decided to point out that no money was available for improvement of corners at the moment and to reter the complaint as to roads to the County Surveyor.

BALLYRANNELL LANE A memorial numerously signed was submitted by Mr. John Cullen, Ballyrannell, Glenbrien, for repair of Ballyrannell Lane, which leads from one public road to another, Mr. Cullen described as the worst in the County. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr. Keegan:- "That Ballyrannell Lane be scheduled for repair under Minor Relief Schemes Vote when money becomes available."

PROPOSED MOTOR PARKING PLAQE AT BALLYMONEY, GOREY. Mr. Richard O'Brien, Hon. Secretary to Association ot Residents and visitors to Ballymoney Sea-side resort torward­ ed representations to convert an unused strip of commonage into a turning and parking place for Motor cars. The memorialists also mentioned the desirability of providing some rough shelter on the strand. The Secretary pOinted out that the County Council had