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12-2-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-02-1911 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR. Vol. CXXXII., No. 63. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1911. Uj iUU 10 CenU Mouth; Single Copies, S Oolt Bjr Carrier, CO Cent a Monlli. LTY

few nights ago a dynamite explosion convince,! him that the better course as conducted by the state on the 'was for both to plead Multy and take outskirts of the city ln much the their chances on a merciful sentence. BURNS IHlBOMPERS BROTHERS same way that the Times is believed Word that John J. .McNamara was SEES SAYS APPLIGATION OF 0 I 0 LOS ti have been destroyed. Many a coming, caused the first ripple of ex- detail which hitherto would have citement, lie had not visited the been considered itul was fretly talk- court room since October 11, when ed r.bout, but it lost its importance the trials were begun and the case of m view of the confession of guilt in tho McNamaras was severed. When IT THE DOOM S ANGELES the court room today. he entered, it was generally real lied CREDULITY GOLDEN RULE TIMES OUTRAGE Gas and dynamite both played their that the case had reached a climax part, bat dynamite started the trou- Me took his seat behind his brother ble and caused the explonion proper and awaited developments. Between this was Attorney Harrow's expla- two deputies he t chewing gum and nation from his talk with the defend- smiling. Once he turned a flushed OF HY olist-rve- j IMPOSED FULL CONFESSION ants. race toward the crowd and DOCTRINE A summary of day's happenings. it In silence. IS WE the The bailiff rapped louder than Included the following Incidents: ' James I. McNamara pleaded guilty usual when Judge Walter Hordwell H to having placed a dynamite bomh un- mounted the bench. Instant silence der the Los Angeles Times building followed. UPON WORKS OF HORRIBLE DEEDS In October, 1910, causing the death of "The People versus McNamara," re- twenty-on- e court, and Attorney I.e-I'- o ill persons. marked the John J. McNamara, secretary-treasure- r r.pte Davis of the defense arose. of the International I'nion "Your honor," he declared, "the de- of Hriihje and Structural Iron Woik-er- s, fendant is In court. In this case. Peo- Detective Who Worked Up the hl He Ex- brothtr of James 15.. did not ple versus McNamara, that Is now on am Astounded," Principle of Teachings of Christ enter a plea, at this time to the In- trial, may It please the court, after n Case Against McNamaras claims When Associated WHOLESALE MURDER CASE ENDS dictment slm'larly enttred against b'ng consideration of the matter an I Responsible for Remarkable him for the Times explosion, but when final (onsultatlon between counsel for and Arrested Them, Makes Press Man Tells Him Men Ending of Bitter Struggle at he ig arraigned it Is virtually certain the defendant, w have concluded to proceedings aga'nst him for this wltailnw the plea of not guilty and Statement. Have Pleaded Guilty. Los Angeles. WITH DRAMATIC SUDDENNESS charge will be dismissed, as tee state have '.lie defendant enter in thls'ase admits it has no evidence connecting a :4 of guilty; and the like course " 1 John J., directly wKh this particular we Intend to pursue with reference to KNEW THAT ACCUSED DECLARES THEY MUST disaster. J. J. McNamara In the case of the LINCOLN STEFFINS IS 1'eopl'j ugamst It'll, wherein he is MEN John J. McNamara, however, WERE GUILTY HAVE BEEN INSANE BEARER OF OLIVE BRANCH James B. McNamara, Partner of Ortie McManigal, Admits pleaded guilty to the charge of hav- charged with having destroyed the ing caused the explosion ot the Llewellyn Iron Works, or with hav- ing placed dynamite at the Llewellyn Placing Deadly Bomb Which Destroyed Newspaper Build- Llewellyn Iron Works in which no Union Willing Do He fatalities occurred. Iron Wofks.' We have sent for him Radicals to Asked If Desired to Say Theory of Christianity in Poli Attorney John D. Freder- and he probably will be here." Twenty-On- e District Anything to Save Brothers! Anything About Prisoners ing and Wiped Out Innocent Lives; John J. icks will recommend the Imprison- Mr.. Darrow "He is here now." tics Ably Presented to Busi- II, for life Mr. Fredericks "Mr. Clerk, will Bloodshed He ment of James McNamara and Further Was Declined to Add to Their ness Men of California By Fa- McNamara, General Secretary and Treasurer of Interna- and fourteen years for John J. Mc- you let me have the papers In this Namara, Judge Walter Hordwell case? Mr. Clerk, this Is case No. 693!', Imminent. Misery. but - mous Toledo Writer, alone can fix the sentences. is It not'.'" tional Structural Iron Workers' Union, Owns to Having yes, Ortie E. McManigal, who confessed The Clerk "The case at bar, sir." (By Merulug Juiiruul Spn lnl l.rnard Wlr Illy Morning Jimrasl Nprclwl I raotd Win.) having actually blown up the Llew- Itly M.iriiln Juurnsl NpN-lx- l Explosion H, Mc- Chicago, Dec. Alter Mr. Iturns New York, Dec. 1. am us- - l.i.eil Wlre.l Caused Which Destroyed Llewellyn Iron Works ellyn Iron Works in December, Mr. .Fredericks "Mr. J. l. "l here you up, (dense?" had of the action in court, ho tniinded! I am My Los Angeles, Dec. 1. The princi- 1910, at of John J. Mc- Namara, will stand read astounded! the direction raid: credulity has ples of the teachings of Jeiius Christ, Last Christmas Day; After Months of Persistent Attitude Namara, will be brought to trial, but The defendant arose. been Imposed Mr. it, Mc- effect of will be upon. Is a as It Is expected the state will recom- Fredericks "Mr. J. "The this far It bolt out of a clear they were understood by a crowd 1 you reaching. outcome of sky." hard-heade- mend only a light sentence because Namara, have heretofore been think the of d Los Angeles business of Injured Innocence Assassins Decide to Acknowledge Dark arraigned on this Indictment, No. the McNamara case will result tn The exclamations were those he turned state's evidence. men, settled the McNamara to- 6 9 3 1, have entered your plea summary action by body organi- trial and the of of Hamuel Gumpers, president of Nothing Hribery charges against Hert It. you ele- day. else entered In. This , Deeds in Hope of Receiving Merciful Sentence From thereto of not guilty. Do now zed labor by which the radical the Iji- - Court. Franklin, a detective employed by American Federation of wish to withdraw that pie i of not ment, the element Which is allied w In was learned lute tonight from un- the McNamara defense, probably will bor ,i advised tonight of the auilty?" with anarchists, will be suppressed. impeachable con-I'lrin- be dropped now, as Irrelevant to the plus of guilty in the McNamara authority and was The Defendant "Yes, sir." It , I believe, In ending will result, ease. by Clarence H. Darrow, main Issue. Mr. "The prisoner t chief By Morning Journal Special Leaned Wire.. J attorneys said they did not want Fredericks such outrages as the one at Los An- tha This completes the part of the yes. 11. iHN'amura, you of counsel for the defense. I .os Angeles. Dec. 1. James I!. lcr-a- l answers .' geles, j situation ii'jrhl ti.ta It. I ; JUNamara pleaded guilty to murder taU of i'.ulll'ornia in the aflatr, but have heretoore ben arraigned on men ns Mitchell will Unf-d- ll .v!leirctiM. o rru ,'nlne w rit- knew nothing o it ." "Such John Mr,' (lumpers on his way from until after it District Attorney Fredericks declar- this as stated before and er ami Mndent ,, polllleal in the first degree In Judge Walter Indictment control the policies of organized la- Washington, was .Inning In a I'lilluiiin affairs, if States w ed tonight that the Tnlted you have Ithdrnwn your plea ot not Nine-tenth- brought from the Golden Uule town BurilweU's court today. Ills brother, A telegram bor In the future. s of the car on the I'eiinsylvania company's from Darrow to Andrew government Instituted any investiga- entered. Do you of Toledo, ()., a theory of John J. McNamara, secretary of t ho guilty heretofore total membership of the labor body Congressional Limited, when he was Christian- Gallasher, a t!nn Francisco labor tion concerning alleged unlawful wish not to dead at time'."' ity In politics which was presented to International Association nf Bridge leader, this in this country were absolutely out suddenly awakened at a New Jersey confirmed this declaration. transportation of dynamite, or if au- Mr. Davis "At this time, yes sir." leaders in Los Angeles business lire, and Structural Workers, entered a plea j of sympathy with opposed to the station by an rep- A brotherly affection, bordering on thorities elsewhere in the United and Associated Press discussed finally adopted of guilty to having dynaniLed the Mr. Fredericks "To this Indict- course of action pursued by tho resentative. and by them, worship, it became known tonight, States wished to delve into causes of ment, No. J9.19, charging you with the by linrrow as counsel for tlni'Mc-Naiimru- Llewellyn Iron Works In Lob Angel, 11. He retired to the rear of the cur brought about James McNamara's explosions where labor was Involved. crime of murder, do yu plead guilty and finally by the prosecu- cn 1910. longer dele-Kal- es where was a light Christmas day, confession. A desire to ids It was a matter in which he had no "No will the heads and there convenient tion. sae or not guilty?" and fully James I!. MoNnmnra's confession brother from the necessity of confess- further concern, though any Informa- "Guilty." of labor unions, disregarding lead can the accounts of The Defendant tile Los The plan whs first broached to one clears tip absolutely the tragedy of ing anything day af- tion his disposal would be given to the rank and file, uhc their power re. sensational dcu lopmeuts at at all held back at Mr. Fredericks "Guilty, your hon Angeles. or two men; these Hounded others, the explosion and fire which at 1:07 ter day the word that would end the the proper authorities desiring it. rnnlleSB of the best Interests of tin or. Do the court and counsel for the The labor was visib- and In tl nil the great Influences oV'lork on the morning of October 1, trial. The scene in the court today was unions nnd the people at large to fur- veteran leader defense wish to take up the other ly affected as he read how behind the business and political life 1910, wrecked the plant of the I.os " 'Joe' Isn't in on this deal," the one of protracted tension. nish selfish, personal etuis. thencn case '.'" plea th, In whose defense he had spoken nnd of California and of the state ac- Angeles Times, Broad- pale-face- d man In- Sensation followed sensation with "The of guilty entered by at First and reiterated with M cepted It. The Court "I will dispose of this today worked so nut indly, had admitted way, and caused the death of twenty-on- e sistence born of one Idea. "1 such rapidity that the gaping crowd JleNamara brothers does not Rieat matter and fix the time for sentence. their guilt. Tears caine into his eves For ibis reason, It was declared person. For nineteen of theso don't care what happens to me." hardly realized wlnlt happened ln close up the case, In my opinion. It proced- What Is the number of the section of Is and the band that held the typed the .MeXaiiiura trlul, Instead of iicnthsi the McNamara wen-Indicte- those few minutes of formal merely means that the case elided brothers Ills state of mind was known to the ode with respect to sentence?" pages shook. He said nothing, how- being pushed to a desperate conclu- an, J!. was on ure, ln less than twenty minutes the so far as the McNaniaras are con- J. McNamara District Attornev Fredericks. who Mr. Ford "1191 of the penal ever, until he hud linisluMl the story sion with Inevitable uncertainly, ang- trial specifically I big case was disposed of, but for cerned. There are others involved for the murder of communicated about it iiulctly with he broke er counter-charge- came to I'hprlcs hours previously there had been an code." who may be arrested at any time, and then forth with excla and a J. Haggerty, a machinist Darrow and Darrnw's colleagues. At- Mr. Fredericks "The court can mations of astonishment and Indig- conclusion gladly accepted by the de- whose , uncertain, unsatisfied feeling that "I have absolute information that body was found nearer than torneys l.el'omptu Davl.-- Joseph make the same order with regard to nation. fense, which was nut In a position to that something startling would develop rnilleals In the movement were of any other to the spot when, Scott, Cyrus McNntt of Indianap- labor Is oppose It. and was In- the other case, if you wish to proceed "If this all true, my credulity has the dynamite to In and so closely guarded the willing to do anything to save the was supposed have olis. A solution finally was found with It at this time." been Imposed upon," lie declared, brought Los tat'ti formation that the spectators were McNamara This is what Sleffeiis to Angeles, so placed. Loth men's sentences proposition McXii-mai- a brothers. the that John J. prepared for almost any kind of a The Court "I will make the order "I am ii"tonlshed at tills news. We lie said tonight, an idea Hi, it the were s 5, I Attorney Darrow was concerned about t for December when it Is plead miiliy to the dynamiting In this case and then will take up have hud the gravest assurances giv- government be- scene except the. one presented. , when lie said he feared further svsieiii of which he expected that District Attorney John of the Llewellyn Iron Works, for the The court appoint the en to Us by every one connected with It was not thought that after the other. unless we lieved to have prevailed In (Toledo 0. Fredericks will ask for lifa im- lie anil K. McManigal time for judgment in bloodshed obliterated tho directly or indirectly, which Ortie vigorous battle waged far one pronouncing the Angeles tho trial either under the lute iiiiivor, "Golden Utile' prisonment 15. ths 10 Incident from Los at onre.' n for James McNamara, jointly were indicted. side would lay down its arms so wl'i-ingly- , case at o'clock on Tuesday morn- that these nu were Innocent." Jones" and Mayor lira ltd Whltlock. th" ing, "I was not surprised, particularly, Mr. grent-es- t confessed murder ,and probably All of today's proceedings were so freely and even so happily. the tilth day of December, 1911." (lumpers said with the owed whatever good It maintained to fourteen r when told that the McNamaras hud slightest years in the penitentiary for lumped In a few minutes. At the both prisoners smiled, chewed Mr. Frederlcks-- "Let me have the emphasis, Unit not the the principle of the Golden M For pleaded guilty. Absolutely there brother. The men's lives art) cun-lere- d morning session of court, District At- gum and appeared as they have on papers In the other case. J. J. Mc- Intimation of such a change In the llule, "Whatsoever ye would that ' whs no way out for either of them. saved. torney Fredericks obtained an ad days unconcern- Namara will you stand up. please?" plans of the defense as developed to men hiuild do until you, do ye even other confidently We secured which posi- The journment This was The defendant, J. J. McNamara, had evidence day had been coiniiiuulcutcil to him. so unto them," (treat contention that the I.os until afternoon. ed. every avenue of escape AtiKeh-- arose, tively closed Absolutely the llrst news of the startl Times was not dynamited is considered plausible because of tho Rut though there are many per- Impressed with this bleu, he asketl dir-- und they knew It. ing developments was given him on beyond argu- registration fraud warrants known to had Mr. Fredericks "J. J. McNamara, T. K. Gibson, an attorney resurrection or sons tonight who claim to have "However, It the reports that J. J. tonight, he nnd former ment. be impending in connection with tha yon have heretofore been arraigned the train said. prosecutor, about applying It to Los advance information on the turn McNamara Is to get off with 'i light would anything to T'might coming election. on Indictment No. 6935 In which you Asked if he have Angeles, as the two brothel's sat which affairs took, even the district sentence are true I shall be greatly say about iirlsiiners person, illy, '''Settler be- are charged with the crime of ex- the in the county jail, refusing Faith in this doctrine, however, wa attorney was not sure until Just a "Lubo" Is lit lied here," Hteffens to ploding or attempting to explode disappointed. He descries heavy the labor leader replied: see mlv ,,,, or mae ai,j. statement, jolted when it became known that fore noon that tho end was in sight. Ait lil he tot,'. Gibson In silbstiince, and dynamite, nitro-glyccrln- etc., 'under punishment If any one ever did." "No, I shall not add to their misery n Interest only to occur-- Lawrence. Sullivan, an investigator There were to be developments ln li n second the ' the buildings or near the buildings by condemnation of theiii.'' Inter repented in public speech. rtle lUelf hung about the question employed by the defense, had been the court room, he told his associates, "What are you going to do ubout It? 'th adjacent to the Llewellyn Iron Works. AHKFSTI'.n I'KKsl'M AIH.Y "What effect do you Imagine this reference to James 1!. McNa- In Fredericks' office and that Attor- and all brought their wives and Keep fighting'.' Keep It licked? The mara You have been arraigned on that in- AS S.M IM'U U KKUS will have on labor unions'.'" was "Why did he confess?" neys Darrow and Davis had also been friends. They crowded into the cham- only pence you w ill get here w ill come To big dictment and entered your plea of not Detroit, Mich., 1, When this opposing counsel gave tin) there. ber and even swarmed Into the Dec. from tile Gulden Rule, and that ap- many guilty. Do you wish to withdraw that ii. McNumara and (M'tie Mc- """e answer; court newspaper enclosure, where James To this Mr. (lumpers snapped his plies to tin' McNamara case." At the afternoon session of been by rcoorters idea of not guilty?" Manigal were here on (hfc lingers ejaculated '"e confessed was guil-- at- seats had vacated arrested and Gibbon saw men, because he ' the court room was packed, many d other Including nd who once had been there nnd intead-c- The Defendant "I do." afternoon of April 12, last, the pub- "None." that's all there Is to it," tto-t- ki Harry Chandler, son-in-la- of Gen- taches of Fredericks' office being more Mr. Fredericks "Do you wish now gained no knowledge of the charg- by District to return for developments lic When the fund raised the Amer lliiniMiu Grey Otis, of tho Times, Attorney Fredericks. present. Gray Kay Norton W. .1 Indict-nunc.- ''' eral h and sensational than those of getting nt this time to plead to the es that were held against the prison- ican Federation of Labor for the de was counselled to confess bo two depu- and biter nils, himself, vvii seen, Joseph Ford, of Fredericks' Jury. In the crowd were detectives for , ers and even the Detroit police who fense" of the MeNiimnras was men- that was the could a best thins he ties, wore their best clothing, and sides, many women and even a The Defendant "I do." Chicago detectives in tioned, Mr. Gompers said eonlrlhu-tloii- Lust .Monday gathering of Los ln "ie opinion said both assisted the Angeles 2 of counsel," Mrs. Fredericks hal a seat inside the a whine almost Mr. Fredericks "Mr, J. J. Mc- In to to about business men was held, at Attorney i baby that emitted making the arrests were kept the date amounted iiircep s Darrow, chief nrralgn-e- d which the plan of proposing those rail. James L. McNamara sat next simultaneously with the announce- Namara has heretofore been as any Los Angeles sus- 1 tio.dliil, w hich hud been turned ov- wains, dark, so far v lor the defendants. '1 will to Scott, who slapped him on No. 955. This Is de- developments which ted y now Attorney ment of the pka of Kullty by John J. Indictment picions against the men were con- er to the chief attorney for the that there was no other rea- - on put his arm around the time agreed upon for you to plead go was discussed. 'n w tho back and McNamara. cerned. fense and the collection was still motive fur it. I've studied thi him. to the same, do you want to plead ing on. money To these men simple doctrine ran for Thin brown curtains shaded a hot The two prisoners were hurriedly He added that the the ,- - guilty or not guilty?" of was presented Wan- ' - "When John J. McNamara enter- sunlight from the room. A mass of taken to Chicago, within a few hours probably would be refunded. reconciliation and "Guilty.'' they argued It at bngth. After ed and took a seat beside his brother, heads leaned forward expectantly as The Defendant and It was not until April 27 that the Mr. (lumpers bristled un noticeab- that Harrow's Mr. "Guilty, your hon- by men, Including Attorney Dar-roi- statement was made after vacated for him by Darrow, there the hour for the reconvening of court Fredericks story of their connection with the ly when shown the statement other or.'' William J. I lu rns ut Chicago. were seen, it came to be believed thni ",lmr,,,V the face charges' was small doubt of what would occur. approached. Tensely waiting was a destruction of the Loh Angeles Times ,he "Well, I will appoint by saw facing recent arrest of IT. men no squad of newspaper men who hud The Court In Chica- "I do not wish to mention liurns," those who Darrow that itert The pleadings of the aroused Judg- building was made public the time for pronouncing the " ' decisively, He denied how the great fight with what odd he JiKlin, an investigator employed stir in the court room. waded to no avail through a mass of go. he said, ment In this ease as 10 o'clock a. m., ever, he ever iharged limns saw against him, he would be glad to J defense, and two others with No relative was there to weep or possibilities today to determine the When they were taken from Detroit that had ' December 5, 1911, which Is next the dynamite at Los arrange tils clients the terms "Hk'lu have precipitated a situ-- A civil case reason for the sudden halting of the supposed to be with "planting'' lor ' make a demonstration. Tuesday." they were notorious Angeles, made today, as being better than they thi?1l!nl'nal'lo-BHv- ' confession ot been more quietly morning proceedings. Three little the most could not have the possessing might get any other clrcum-slaiice- s. DMgiiner. boxes concealing telegraph wires were There was a rush for enclosure Itevertlng to the explosion, Mr, under conducted, and no amount of hysteria where the attorneys snt when court remarkable kit of tools ever seen by emphasized or eiiialled prepared for the developments and police. They were reg- Gompers continued: could have word adjourned. A group flocked around the Detroit anxiety, less than two seconds after the .12, like Then came the iiiestlon In point "SSl'rtpd Darrow, and tills the impression of 'tense District Attorney Fredericks to con- istered as orrle McManlgiir, and "We linvc dlseoiil acts c "guilty" had the mouth of each peace-lovin- g whether the prosecution should bo Pre,lllTr"l"r"tpd l'-- pervaded the court room. Om left Kulllvnn, 27, both of Chicago. these. We are patriotic and District Attorney which news was being gratulate him on the way he had Frank regardless. VVe J. P. McNa- detendnnt, the men and we have on v a wish to driven through that VH'('t?' nt one time for a moment, before worked up his case. He smiled In re- deports gained circulation Hint , flashed across the land. Jim ,voiiid confess last Monday. mara stood up to plead, a baby cried. of exultation, but they had been raptured upon the eve call out the best elements in human District Attorney Fredericks was 1 h Attorney turn not a smile Seated with District safe-breaki- must did not." Its startled mother hustled It out ol relief. of Initialing a campaign of nature. These two men have seen, Fredericks, was his entire staff. Fac- crazy. Is net' I con the room and the prisoner did not "I don't want a pound of flesh," he and that they had Just fin- been nil that He and Darrow conferred to belter esi?nW ""n ,!,"nif''' that external ing him was Clarence S. Darrow nnd nil Is In W demn with the lone that 'S ,xt'rtC(1 even look around. de- explained. "I look at this from two ished siiih a campaign in Cliioiuo. result than before. "urc.r from li,l,or associate counsel tor the me."- - room, a three I Gen-ftisj- Two above the court As lawyer wanted It was even hinted that they had came today when a"a ""''lHllNt sources, as ht floors view points. a todny'it The climax Junien Tal u fendants. $2,iiiln,(MiO Asked again If lie believed - few minutes after court was adjourn- took these men to plead guilty because designs against the new It, MoNamnrn pleaded gullly to tho , r'rV Otis charged to- James It. McNamara at first developments would Inline the cans.1 1 a formal ed, the office of the district attorney with one they were guilty; because the evidence Michigan Central tunnel under the dynamiting of the Times: his brother '!if statement, or that a seat to one side as usual of labor, tears came into Mr. Com i- with a throng of people-frie- nds guilty Detroit river, but this rumor was to tin- dyiiamiiing of the Llewellyn ""lection to be held next was alive of the deputies, but soon Attorney lie had gathered showed them ters' eyes V, 111 ...1.1 . . . newspaper its he answered: of the prosecutor, Joseph' Scott beckoned to him. The beyond any doubt. Hut as a man, I scouted by .Mulligan Central offici- Iron Works: when all doubt as to tha the i ' Garriman, one "They are not going to do it any l''"'""M men and photographers. The district sat together a few min- want to say that if I can recommend als. cause of tlie tragedy, otherwise mask- fr m ro"ni,l. Is etindidiito two men for good, lint I wiinl to repeat that the w ide the doors a ml the ed In mystery forever, 'wan blown , '"rrl weight. attorney threw utes. Scott's arms were about a less severe punishment than death, "' It (.ovel noi". hi lluffalo Today. cause of labor has been imposed upon iiwny of two ''' tluu Harriman was they trailed In. prisoner's nock and ho counseled or be merelYul In any way, and at the and the destinies the not Dec, by both supposed friends anil enemies. 111 '"T'l 11? i.II In in connection courage supreme crisis. of Its de- Cleveland, I, The western men were placed the bands of the deliberations. Fxhibits of all kinds for the sin. ie time rid union labor 111 mm , , governors to- The men of labor were led believe ,!uiUc tu iii i,,i .. .j conspiciiou. and was James 11. McNamara who use violence to obtain its ends, special left Cleveland Waiter ISordwell be deter ia n ""'I noarse, iiarrlmnii with the case were It sire to Inno-cen- t ' agree- night for lluffalo after a busy day In that the McNaiiuira Iiom vure milled December ft, , n. "sl w" his very steel beam upon which J. had balked at entering Into an I went to do that thing." (,)nri "f office the af- city. nnd they in ted on that belief, I u is, II, shown to have ment to plead guilty if It might this "It simply was tho application of in McNamara was Around Attorney Clarence S, Drir- - tlu-- - lie was, willing to In Ckvelai.d governor's stay rend letters from myself, pro- busi- ""ill has nnthlnir l, .! ni. placed the dynamite bomb that fect his brother. He the the teachings of Christ to the !1 it 's"""." himself, bill Ids was con. luded tonight w ith a bnniiict ness world.' said HlKfens be said. ! was not call- - Times, was exhibited t" sacrifice he wanted tonlil,, 'It. wrecked the attorneys (Contlnued on 1.) (Coiiiiinuii on i')..t., ivii ' ""ler-nc- e oni . broile r to (jo free. Hut the I'ae,?, Coluniu at the L'nlon club. because. thS other .Visitors. it was related that w mm t ri- 1


- 'iniun- on June :7, l7. In ltroit. between socialism and tradc-- s union change their minds a to the justness MAKESWORKEASIER MhhlKan. Where the HuMll Wheel ism and of the confession its. If it G E SAYS HIS ana imiriotism of thl oolicv It is Foundry iiniiiiy "a building, thru In says: , 5 to be hoped It wi'L" n.iirse of eotistrin lion. ws destroyed, 'The result of the conf esylons .f ll skipped from that time until a the .Mi .Nainsr brothers In open court JOHX JHTCHIXL IS ago, I ar when hi was m the Conover Is a great irlumph for truth and law". SHOCKED BV ADMISSIONS AHfqiHTqw woods, Win. P.. Saloy'sl IVrtfJc Are to in ii,.iii. with James It is prcMf.' ,f what we suspsted from AffA CREDULITY Roanoke, W. 1. Va.. Dec. John lj-ar- How It W lne. McNamara, and the latter, he nid, the vutset that this unexampled 15 - Mitchell, vice president of the Ameri- told him having Just prev- ta-li- r. It prettv hard t aiteml to dntie then of crime waa Inspired by organizetl can Federation of Labor former .'U-l- dvnaniiti-- the Times building. and With a constantly hi tiinu lank; or wns done by desperate iiirm-tie- r president of the I'nited Mine Work With annoviiia urinary "We l ft the (ViiotaT woods about f disorder. of orgnlieel labor, who knew IMPOSED UPON ers of America, when told tonight of I I IVan Kidney I'lil have made a ciir ago." (aid M "and 1 that thry would have the GROCERY CO. the confession of the McNamara work easier. went ba. k to my home In Chicago and Svmpathy of their lawless fellow s brothers, said was utterly shocked. !u thousand have gratefully testi iv around thete for a d w day. It he fied Thry re for bad their lawless, not their lawful "I confidently expected that the hark. IV itit.or year, that t re-- . Fancy Head Lettuce They're for rak ki.lne, lt McN'amaras would be clceared." he rKwn-men- d .nid n Liter from Indianapolis, (Continued tYnm lnffe 1.) Albuytleru.ue people gladly declared, It would be shown I . ''siiril "Frank." and Hkiii me to go "and that ritoiixiu WTIOX F by evidence that Times building t U L Prown. 41 W. Cold vc, to that Ity. rneant testing their Innocence. Only last the 'frank" Jamri IIH UOCkl ltS Sir? KNOWN was Clown up by a gas explosion and . Fancv Tomatoes V i, N. M.x., "tiff and ll. McNamara. as he at time used the September I visited them In the Los on for or four yeara: while Clniinnatl. Xv. 1. "rntll the ex GOOD THIiMGSTO EAT not by dynamite. three at name of Frank Sullivan. I went to Angeles jail and they me to de- work there was dull. heavy ache asked "Having been a miner, I have Indianapolis and In John J. ecutive Ix.urds of the International liver to labor Interest a message through my loin. I often frit sharp McX. the some knowledge pf the use of dyna- mam office 1 was givtn liiKtruitiont Association of !!rule and Structural that they Innocent. Yellow Pumpkins twinges when I attempted to stoop were mite. The report of the inspection and more once 1 t,i tv John J. rt'Kiirding the at by than unnhle himsrlf Iron Workers nuet Indianapolis, "The cause of labor cannot win of the building plain- Heading t I ruined showed tralxMrn. 'cans iniittir. He said It hud next I by such not hod? a these men pur-ue- d. Kidney Pills, I procured box anj prolbly within the ten day, ly that the basement was not damag b'en iroui..ed that I'hrisinm ire Damage to property and des- Hubbard Squash I aooit noticed a lnsrked Improve-Itir- nt cannot say what action will be taken ed. Knowing that dynamite always flit was to he sent to !. A UK i lis and life we denounced lHan s Kidney 1'illa removed truction of have blows down, I felt confident it could t that 1 to bring It. by our association In reference to ths and done all In our power prevent. my pains and ache and alo restored hub to not have been used In this case. From my ' 11. 1 went pleas of guilty entered today by the kidnev to a not noil condition." Janus mid l John J.'s Such method a these have got to be the beginning, all the officers and For sale by all dealer. Price f.l aul! on the fifth floor of th Ano rl. McNamara brothers." said 11. S. tamped out. Fresh Peas Kosfer-Milhtir- n Saturday leaders of the the cent Co.. Ituffalo, t "cn lfockln, second and federation asked triil hulMlnic In Imllananolia. "If after It Is known we have been public to withhold Judgment until the New York. ole agent for the 1'nlted lure his nd out acting secretary of the association. Imposed upon, we States, offlies tsiTr took are denounced and McN'amaras had been given a trial. nltro-KbtT(- "Will Nainara bft nam a i use lully iiimle to nirry the .l( brother attacked for supporting; the defense Native Celery Remember the Ioen'i rie by your This comes as a great shock to me." and lake mi other. Th? distii't attorney hu reimdiated organisation ?" of these men, then let them denounce was asked by the Associated Press that mi' in his posioiwlon hire now. and attack. The American Fed era KE1TSKS TO BELIEVE Well, ! i . We correspondent. or i xv -- that was int'cr Special tion Labor a la "biding M XA.MAKAS t.ULTY Spinach hlrt'd a rl; and ilroxe out to Heath The board will hae to decide that St, Louts, Dec. 1. Henry B. Per-ha- (iroie, an lndlitnniolis suhurb, lu re answered Mr. Mr. (Join per GUILTY iuethn." Ilocktn. said he hud known International president e had the explosive u hed. There members have ha J John J. several year. of the "tur alwas the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, sale' er twelve qunrtM there nd w tH'k greatest confidence In brothers, "John J. wa a very Green Lima Beans the tonight he would not believe the Mc ttlil it al leaving two iiity um.s. and have done all in their power ro man with great fund of humor and Namara brothers were guilty "Wp went hark ta J. J.'s "ffh'e and assist them In greatest Tight he was a good fighter," of the COWFESS TIMES the that he added. "I crimes charged against them, even I got limtrut'tlons from J. J, himself has ever confronted world," Prices would never have the lalior suspected him of . though they pleaded guilty. Chili to come to Angt He told me continued,. I had Green he "Only last Tuesday I this. always believed In his inno- wrong to put ls "There is something about four shots tnulrr th I.lewelbn received a letter from John, telling cence, but I would condemn the act this," he said. Iron Works and the linker Iron me he had no These prices e the of even-I- f doubt of the outcome gi: persons in these two men they had Perham declared the investigation OUTRAG works and ti I'e sure to juit otic tinder of the case. r.lways cheer- been to get away Strawberries He wrote able with it without conducted by the Pacific coast labor th Tlmis auxiliary lant, 'So add ful news. In thin letter me terested in swing many a chance being convicted. unexpected he asked This organizations had shown the Los An- lew more to the list.' to care move take of arrangement to to start the month right. The qual- is nothing more than geles Times building was destroyed by I left Chicago on December 12 for his mother to I Angeles so she laiiure or two Individuals to live up ta- gas. l,o Angeles. I Persimmons (Continue! lYi.nt Par-- f had ten quart nf the could be at hla side In time of trouble. ity of our gtmls is absolutely the ttle high principles of organized labor ilo(e In the special carrying I coming here tomorrow to ar- and cannot reflect Just condemnation DID LABOR fiHEAT case hi best the prices the Uneest. row crowd gathered, too. From him and two ijtiarl in my aultcase, range those affairs, hut today I re upon the cause of labor as a whole." IXJl'STICE SAVS KIJXE they wanted to know how It had ' av I"" rn "h I1'" In ceived a telegram from Atlanta, 0a.( Asked Grapes nil l" Qirts what action tb American Chicago. Dec. I holding off happened why. " porter to tnke of, I gave our pros!. lent, M. Hyan Federation ."By and Hnrrow's face iari from Frank 50 lb. bag; R. K. P. or Popular of Labor might take, Mr. for so lojig I consider the McNamara a pal. The long wrinkles In his him a dollar Tor his trouble. asking me to come to (lompera said the new was re- Cincinnati and too have done labor unionism a great In- J net before depot w cent cneek looked even deeper than usual arrhin at the meet him and our delegate ho were Hour $1.55 for him to make any prediction. justice," salj J. W. Kline, president New Oranges a he on I'ecember 15, In Angeles, In talked In a low, husky voice l.of the attendance at the meeting of the 17 "The American Federation of La- of the International Indicated train ran along by Angeles Armour's Hams. lb... l.'V bor only Brotherhood of that great fatigue. the l American Federation of Lbor. closed Its annual meeting uiacksmiths and Helpers. river and I look special notice of yesterday," he 'It Was hi.rd strtmgle to bring the "I had no Intimation of the turn of Heinz Saucr Kraut, 2 qts. added. "Their position right along has been river us a good place to "As to a possible Florida Grape Fruit t thla about, but It wua Hie best thing cache the affairs in the case w hen 1 left Indian- special meeting;, to arouse sympathy and the unions dope. When I got 1 went l, Fancy 6 It Is too that could have happened." he suld. here the apolis and was shocked when I was Dill Pickles for . . . . 10c earlv to say." responded not only with sympathy-tu- t t "1 1 Hotel llosslyn and got a room under s did the Iwst could. confronted with one of the local pa with money. Of course the money-i- the name of T. F. McKee. Then I Kancy Sweet Mix Pickles, pint 20e LEADERS IV Ortle K. McMaiilgnl, the confessed perf, announcing thwt one of the a small part but those who eave It wiht back to the river, hid the stuff WASIIIJiGTOX SILCXT d)nmlter, whose admlsstons are said brothers had plead guilty." 6 Roll Mops, erv fine 2?c win not be pleased at the facts as re. and marked the spot so I could not AVashlngton, Dec. 1. Labor letaerj to have been a big factor In Mr- - Mr. said did not vealed. All labor unionism now cer-- the 1 Hockin that he at the possibly fall to find it when wanted Anchovies, per lb 25c national headqunarters of the talnly will condemn McNamaraic Extra Special for Today .amara leadln. guilty, will go vlr not know what arrangement would American the tually it. Federation of Labor would John Fitspatrlck, president of free tf the plan of the state In not be made for removing Mrs. M 2 Fat Mackerel rot upon the hi "I had been told ly J. H. how to comment tonight the un Chicago Federation of Labor, behalf do not go wrong. Namara to law Angeles, but that he In declin get to the Llewellyn Iron Works. He 1 expected turn affairs in the McNa- would call on her tomorrow morning. Fat Mackerel, extra 35c cd to discuss the case. SUGAR CURED HAMS After court had adjourned this f said to go to the part of the city large, mara case. ternwin Malcolm Mi Mr Kyan and the delegates are ex the Hums where the street bore mime iimtcail 5 lbs. very k--t Walnuts 00 Secretary Frank Morrison refused C. IV. POST detective, who p-- cn pected here some during ...SI. SEES has a dally vial of Just mimbcis, so I located It all time the to discuss the situation. He may tar to McMnnlgal'g night. 5 IX IT BROAD LESSON" AND BACON 141-2- c cell since the right. It look me a few days, though, lbsi very Kt mixed nuts $1.00 make a statement tomorrow. lb. dynamiter was Battle Creek' Mich.. Dec. 1 (". w. brought here lant to find the Haker Iron works. That the temper of the American spring, and hits MOTIIKK TIIKM 2 lbs! Golden Dates 25c head of an organization formed to always spoken In a Thin 1 looked about for the Time llUdKr.S Federation of Labor has not charged , comhat labor unionism, sees a ,,.e prisoner, came auxillar, plant. J. U had told me to INNtMKNT DKM'ITr. I'l.US 2 lbs: Fori j 'Dates .V 25c toward the McNamara case was evi- broad lesson in the outcome McNa- L...vr.c, Attorney rem ricks In ,,U f ,hw MIul ,llllk n Cincinnati. Iec. 1. A bolt from a denced late today when almost simul of the Tllrt P.riHim, mara case. Mr. Port gav out the fol- lhe ...lltorial page and I would find tear sky could not have cast a (kvl medium weicht 35c taneously with the confession of .he accused men, lowing statement tonight in part: There Just one thing wat t to I the adilrcna. 1 did .(, but found lironter shadow over the home if in Los Angeles, there AH Metal W'a-- h Hoards 45c was "It seems incredible afc t.f ytm," r- - James H, and John J. Mx. Namara mailed from Federation lu ad- - that the said McUren tu Fril. only the busine and edit.. rial of- - workingman, quarters s.;m-murlti- even those whn A. li , I did pleas a weekly news nd lhat la that oU d( all you fli cs on prinu street, where the pu than the news of their of Azuni Crab leat. 1 lb. tins, re- - Utter by J. Maloyi guilty. events importance In choke or force are members of can tor I pi r had moved after bciriK blown up of the tha I my buys , labor world during last American Federation of Labor up I at ll,t know are innocent." titireit to the several Freilereiks held his right llMtid IToadwav day would finally decide to be TIIOXE 172. I " wallej Mr, Mary McNamara. their and ridiculing the proceeiMnss affiliated atutrtfica l finally found auxiliary plant. with the crowd which contribu- the Bflcf-str- ken mother. "I am forced i fjutrt jars Preenes . . . .$1.00 In Los Angeles. force i promts. !. ni ,i ni ln They wire setting up a new pr. tions-from the nav power to believe they have pleaded guilty, hard earned for him. He may have to take tin re at the time, 1 had u long talk ' can j,r,Md fruit . . 45c envelopes of honest working men but I know they are Innocent. SAX rilAXUSCO l.AllOll to a mm sentence, put 1 II 1 ,li lhe best I with the wat. hutan. looked th. lbs. LKADEItS ASTOXISHFJ) defend clearly known murderer of can,' place When questioned as to her plan 10 Potatoes 25c men. over and decided It was too well a go to dent of the Boilermakers' union, ...... nd to whether she would San Francisco. Dec. 1. Mayor P. in .mi jianiKal cell, guarded to do Miiythlng there, AIhiuI I 8 lbs. Old day militant unionism said: iier, after .os Angeles to s.'e her boys, she said; Onions 25c H. McCarthy, who also is president the dynamiter had gone 30 the night o XHm ember I plac. begets strikes and surely generates "It is Impossible." Into the :i. "I do not know. In fact I cannot lOOliis. of the State Building Trades' Council, Story il the whole quarts of dope Wheat ...'i $2.00 hate and inflames Mr, Franklin said If the report of the IJeelln Iron V..k rI. twelve decide upon anything now." tonight made the following statement the murderous piosion Christmas, Mr, at the t.lewellyn Works, timing passions of the criminally Inclined were true the labor unions would last McLaren Iron Tear that had been braiely held Hov Fancy Apples concerning the McNamara confes- S 2.25 "Any man denounce told hlni privately of what Fredericks!" explode nt o'clock. back during this Interview, brimmed sion: who assaults or Intlml the McN'amaras. promised. Alioiil I 11) anotner "There la no place in hail According to M latr-e- lhat iilttht took ti the surface and In burst of sor- ancv Dreakiast Dacon .25c "There seems absolutely no doubt uaivs because he works labor unions be should be Imprisoned for murderers or They was greaUy atfei ted when he the Southern I'mlfic valley tram row the aged mother was led into nn about it. I cannot understand it. At and no honest I I working man should be hanged.' learned that the state In. become his north to San Francis, o, where re- room by daughter. Miss first I could not was cares to be known as other her think that it supporter M. Ryan, friend. His ees filled with tears mained tew da and arrived bai k Mary anything a of the criminal or to have F. president of the In. and McNamara. other than political plot. his bl vni.'e choked so that he could in Cliliiigu New Year's day." Mrs. I would have taken my Bible oath earnings filched under orders of ternational Brotherhood of Railway McNamara first learned of the chiefs, Carmen, hardly stammer hu thank. At this point in Mi Manlgal . stors. picas while on n car on that those men had nothing to do the that money to be used to said: street her law-break- lVte An-ge- clear the "It's awful. I must time tn Hefore he heard the news. Mi Man ivr M.l nr. n and ltativ. who way home. She refused to believe It with the destruction of the Los or murderer, have Were Times building. ihiiik it over." illa! had been apprised of the pleas of in sein slopped him, aayitig that until she was apprised of the news nt Thitics like that , never bring good to any one. GOVERNOR MARSHALL the MiA'amaras ami bad s,.i,t a "'' r"'"" ' '" bome. Hhc returned from the I cannot with geU-- Bakery VINDICATE!) were lew to whol, w think what could have made those El'LLY nui aie mat he w .is t,, b-- ar comptii'id the est only a few davs ago. shot of men do number chavu.'.l the M V. j Also anything like that." Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 1. Gover their action, na It confirm d bis as- - aiininst prot.Mtiiic. even in the f lee of INCORPORATE . w Andrew nor -- ..,.., anil ne maia brothers , M. h M. JUw c t be ..iit. .!,.n. Hobert and Mary. J. Gallagher declined tel Marshall received the confessions tlioiinlit the public anv on ne now would regard him dif.erenlly. was said to knowledge. It rot her and of the men. refus-- , iiiaae statement tne subject, t"i .ucvumara brothers as a vln YOUR beyond saying ' ,' not do for to talk too inn. ! to b. Il. ve guilty. that Labor never dicatlon of his course in aiding tha "I suspe. ted something was doing ' them Neither Department 11 . The coiiltsv. d i) i, wrought up over conf"S- - vvnuoiies violence. 'KldnanD ne'' of John J i,. -- .oi l." viuiiiiiii, wild a smile, naintt. limitu i. "a J the BUSINESS an l,is as til i (on Namara at the time of his Utile asked out his oiifoon !,i and while th.v refused to answer arrest here, C. Kanen'g New snapped, J. It. 111. (X)LOKAIK 1 1 governor F. Mexico iii "when h he told nt having been f LA BO CHIEF Marshall said: Hot not go v,.r t malm main i tl,. .pi. Mot,. put to them, Laws, Rule and. Forms, comDil- - court as eariv as to ee ""lhe Chief " tliev Moca , BEIJEVES IT A V1JOX "At all times I have had eon ed to usual this morning. ii! and .' m said they believed their brothers Cake the date. And then when . Denver, Dec. L That the Mc- sciousness that I did my SI liaincd flan, s" m San Frtittctsco b. it mu cin, in a clear, mol nianprr, full duty in J. ws taken over I was positive. I N'amaras should be severely punished A useful guide for corporation of- lore i.iniiiiii to Angclv i n t h Hobert Mi Namara sval ! the matter with respect k tha law could not tell just what I. Lincoln Cake If really guilty, was ficers, attorney and engineers. You had happened. t!-- - the state- If he has pleaded guilty to ....,.,, "Urwellvn Job.' but d't.n'v.- in I don t believe my the charga heed no other. It ha everything In r in. in aomr time brothers are ment made tonight to newspaper men oi sirm tcd bin' to mention no i i v. w nynamtting the Llewellyn Iron one book. when the ncwsho.vs came i. v.tii!t ol the crum s p. i,iv h they have by John Mcl.emon, president of the around the name. That r.t , Cakes Works, then he has pleaded guilty to yourself. lail l!t.iK stateto. .onf. our family received Lacr Colorado Post Avoid ernenslv out M.Xamaras plead - State Federation of Labor. w,t made l .if , . I ... tne crime charged in the requisition mistakes. iilU! Then art the ill ,liltir from Janus dated Novembl" At the same time he expressed M.l,i,i, caine and i w his upon which I Issued All Territorial on classes I. 'Id me o.r dil'f h. ii h wife. Mrs. Vm , m of the warrant,' laws ALL about the proceeding in :l, ho, write favorably Chocolate Potato Cakes belief that the pleas of guilty entered of Corporations; Bankina-- . Building M.'Matiiiial, . a b, f..i , th, mad,- - , , court. if I lb. pr.'iii e. urt. He did this afternoon by the Ir- iourse was surptlse.1. I - McNamaras and Loan, Benevolent, Industrial, Jury hete last somen.- (' I oc v 111 VMOXS WILL XOW nan not expected late ativ tips last letter were part of a plot td Influence rigation, Insurance, Min- them to do It so "I vvu,. Fruit Cake the Mercantile, sou n." haven't s. en ni hik.. licm any we have leiehcd III lhe election next Tuesday in Los Ange- REPVDLTE BROTHERS ing, Railroads, Taxation, etc., with left M, ,t here." v.i.l Vanit bill. I pat. l vf whi,h were filled with les. Kansas City, Dec. 1. Local extensive Citations. "And what next?" be k,.d. p; labor harrow pr. .plsed a ': news. Kck-hof- f, Paste . n, h.r l.v.i heerlng As for Frank Puff All efforts up to midnight tonight leaders received the news Mc The only complete New Mexico ... 4 I IT of the .uppi.Be mine." he she w..nt. 1 iii d..crt nw and he t... believe be know nothing ot to find Charles II. Moyer, president Namara brothers plea of guilty Corporation. Irrigation and Mlnlnl n.wereii. i ought to get I ... with something htm cp. .. p,.. i the case, but ii pretending to In of the Western Code published. - 1 Raisin Pound Cake Federation of Miners, astonishment. Several had dusi re. cr n,i uiat did. I think I might H!ili! M. .Na i .,er Complete Forms and. Ttules for r.i i.tiar to receive n,. t . y for his erv - to obtain a statement from him or turned from Atlanta, where fa) ..,,.,,. ope I the Am drawing filing of co- ,roin jeaf to Thete ouglu i., be a b'g .lei 'inl .,r I. OS. any and ell kinds from officer of the organization erican reiteration of Labor made rporation papers: references, foot them tbo li, xt few d.ivs I huring sis- Cream Puffs as have the interview Hubert's to the McNamara confessions prov plans in convention for notes, s. kb-- S. the defense etc. Territorial Irri He .In,, v ; i. be suggested bis latched to nil, le, tieotge IMll,;, ;' ter, Mary, stood bv. but did not utter ed futile. It could not even be ascer-- of the accused brothers. gation Rules and Forms. own l II I ie pLiiihliKut'i add.-.- l the ;i too. All w t ., ,. aw, to ik.., and to b... rl. With a slight nod of the head Sandwich Bread tained whether or not Mr. Moyer was "I cannot believe it." said John T. Lnited States Law which atJDlv 111 to a , est Mi en. !,ct I . New e'..i'M- i,.t, that be had don't n'i. she coincided wilt, what her brother in the city. Smith, president of the Missouri Mexico: Caree Act. Irrigation, II! ll. I ' Mining, n i..v.r ',ct ).r.T".,.,i anvihlns r,. t!i. .n tr to p. ,,n said, and like him did not seem mov-- Mr. Mover was implicated Railroads. Taxes; Rules i Buns in tho Federation. "But If the McNamaras - what be , t Sandwich Forma for securing- IT. Right bad .1,,,,,.. A 'Hi Wr.-.- that Vlr s;, . t the nra that weuld perhaps I 'ay wood trial years ago blew op r. ' several at the Times building , ,.,. thev Rights of Way, etc c.uanm.u M, s m, Ws tllil. tegtiixtM Ot ., MiHirat. tbe r.if.'iy for vesrs. Boise. Idnho, for the murder of ex- - should be fully punished.-- ' s.lil pr..,.v,se b ' Lseful with or without statehood. that the ot IttMrlcl At- i' .Ii iiomitina iii-u- At the time of the arrent of the .Vienna Roils governor Steunenberg. In trial J. A. Franklin, 1 vol. 92S naves, vornc, that international presi- - hnckram hlndlllt n',,ier,. k, i,.i a'ternoon w her stateni.-nt- to the i n- detev tives of the local po- Clarence S. harrow whs chief counsel tile itereMt i;:t I nnmut.b. The .lete. live Hated tr.,.t il lice force msde a thorough search of Parker Houe Rolls for the defense. C F. KAXEX San; Fe. X. tiiggcsted tor ,Vi. Maliit l a Mrs. M. Manual who cut ft..,,, the McNamara home in this citj. Tbe n t,. tb, m ).ppers ii.i ihiiiis f tti, They found un of wiring, a COXEF-SSIO- latter tie t!,,, ,rx ( nil ex. amount MADE TO $3.50 Recipe . Pl. Free, Ins dMuimitiin vi . . ,. r, , , w sii'iis causHl by her h.tsUnd number of steei saws ahd several dry !lh hll. and lattery Hot Rolls and Fresh Bread at PROTECT HIGHER I'M details about whl, h t. n Hum for him to show to J, .tin tester Dayton, u M Ohio. Dec. 1. "Manifestly Aden. further no. . Jk Namara . as the J ones It. and John J. McNamara r. ssitv f..i i,.,, ,,,, secretar) tr. t. 11 o'clock. the obje t of the confessions is to for Weak Men. l tt. .Mr urer of the Internationa! Asiwh were associate,) with the union i said be mat 1. mi, dvtia- - t:on labor protect the American Federation of "' Uridge and Structural Iron Woik-- . movement In this city for years an.; "higher i t and up" officials ol always foned McManlgal to pra-du.-- e the time of their arrest their tu. s.vera national unions from exposure Send Name K'ain. so. i,. clipping h,. w.-m- nierou personal and Address Today b,,fr friend here scouted the suppression of pay him th Idea of their kuIH. alt the facts. for the Job. l ut in my judgment -- You Can it f thn Blood S well were the men known EXTRA SPECIAL this will fail." Have Free and of,i Humors hi was the comment of J. Kirby. Tint Mm that almost every labor union In Jr.. Commonly cause pimples, ball, hives, tnxMi: this president of the National Association Be Strong and Vigorous. IX U TKITII l i Ity drafted resolution Box H'gema or a!t rheum, or law protestip Marischino Chocolates 20c of n c0m the (. some ether Manufacturers the McNamara I In my n In SKHinst the pledging f . possesstoa rrex-rlptl'-- form of eruption; but someiiuusj tlerurRl Harrison tlray Otis, . and confession tonight. nervewahr oeNllty. f.r Pfactic on ituy r raneial aid during la. k of visor, weakened fond exist In the )s;t'in. Indicated by feel. of The Tim. iued a state- the trial. Thete "Had the trials continued manh.Mvt tailm lr,.mnry and lame back. til Ml..., t ment toi.tght Is no way to f there ronht on bjr unnatural drains, or Jngs of weakiiea. iai guar, loss ef sp. dei'lartng that he bad estimate the amount could have been no tne follies of ...... 17A ' Ve It.' . ..r .1 ...... n onry that was further question .i... petite, or gfioiat debility, without .....on me rijtm hi to collected ln this ciiv as to mn risht la their own laborer the association labor union . rh,.me--with- out nmiw any to be ixct in their defense. ny additional tapper med-o.n.l- A,,'i l tausltif breakii.g out. tii! (he more 1 .t.!.ue with this, the most inhuman t lelne th.nk every man who wi!.het a g; Tory are cxp.-.i.- id tat 8 and ihs who) . leaders .'llni'lli. Socta!! an.l labor fctld diabolkal conspiracy r,,n power nd riniity, quickly knack of of thi or qu mirh tern I reiiovsirt unions Sound ihen.sclv s RESIGNS t'u'"1 " and UM.ned PRESIDENCY at.v other ate determined" to er ' - THE TTI TARS tsitej fcjr and J a of the pr.terip- RinilT KTTP and for ' I fTT ' r chr- - ' piam. ordinary this have been expecting the confes-- 1 'V e!. the on. pointing ln the direction 'j pt,..,rr broiibt upon OF KANSAS COMPANY -- i,.- - .i . . eavehps to rr rein lu will ni un m,t t:,, a.. ,i- i ne noose nas been r ii inn as Hood's men to this store. bak"j e Sarsaparilla confer. tirnwir.g tighter Th.s Bresrripilen omet fr-.- a nhv.lei.n Bread from this ha. ' and tighter, evidence whii Oet 11 tKlav In unviii! liquid fonn or The resu't tiiay be. and ought to Is so hm m.l saeoial sludv 4 men sr., I l like bre4l conclusive and m f..Bvin,,i it the iure-a.-ti- if omt.i-asile- n fcn't the orfilnarr baker's I'e "f gnat service Independence. Kan., 1. it Ihocolatea tablets called laraatabg. to orgamied labor hec. In involving so many prominent f,r the cure of deio-ien- t conformity AfFA labor n.l failure nisutivl It doesn't dry up while 1 ilsetf. which, with (he ,,d with the order of the escape viinr ever pat loirether. ln a little officials, that through per- I think I .. it io m man to I - tHm send monopolistic el.u . limin.u.M. iiite.t States Supreme court, dis- jury. them a rop- in o only , .ht my Intimidation or bribing jurors confidence so thai anv man fit for toast. Our bread tlfl e. on in s cm-- solves the Standard Oil company. A. snvwhere who Is weak nd t goHed r the like ot whi h It seemed impossible. d'.eoirite-- with fresh and Ayer's II Pn4 otir rlntliM to .an ti. achieve C Bedford of New mk. ha reptt fsl ures bit stop druin himself moist long as th. vr ly making luclf an "It has been evident f.r some time witn rmful alenl medlelees. f what Th Duke City Clcanin, ally of violence, sisned the i residency of the ITalrlsi IS t"-- quirtteet-aetlr.- restorative. home made bread. Try a loaf tot I atid i rime," that the defense was planning pre- BPha-.ld- savs "it sn.i t, company, als.. to a remedr erer II Mb l ASK. the statement "With and his GROCERY vent the et being and .v WOT c-- CO. disclosed in esed hunaetf at palette test plice en the fur. .p directorate. It I n- - d-- J Th most tip to-d-tt eisaiv'rf hntuvatett. u,.r,' i iit, trial, nd BWkir Jam me tin bke thit: t.i,,,, !:,.. A. bo-- Me(W whv l.,b..r i.e. i.l 'V r V.V1 t p. ' It K Roein.n. BaiMtn. Ik.. lytntJei i'Kiii!.J max Hoi take a In the company . rhe... Perhaps the developments at t.os Irrft. Mu-- and I will send vja a cope ot pnweditre ve th.i - lh splendid renip in w ol .. ,"t'-'- will cause politician who , di.ii. ain.r. PIONEER BAKERS ' f,ve A r..i'onsihle only to its own cel..,., r..l mmt d,r- - have stood for. anti-iuu- u. r. wwild a I , .. ti,T 31-3- 2 I eh.r.e mrrr;f ones other vicious labor writtM ai .1 i.kt ! -! I Itfutlatloa. Hid it tautij Xrc. 207 South First Street THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL". SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1911. THREE

: AGGIES DEFEAT OF LEGAL NOTICE i 1 w CADETS AT ROSWELL y? must be submitted. Timber upon val- r OVERWHELMING ONE id clalrnj Is exempted from sale. Ths right to waive technical defects in d verttsemer.U and bids and to reject any and all bids is reserved. The tim : Roswell, N. M., Dec. 1. In ber must be rut and removed under i J Same In which they excelled In every regulations, copies of which with fur- p department of football, the eleven of ther information and blank bid form RORTS1 New Mexico College Agricul- msy be : the of obtained from the District ture and Mechanic Arts yesterday de- Forester, Albuquerque, New Mexico, feated the New Mexico Military Insti- the Forester of the Forest Servtc or the language of the football field, tute team hy the one-side- d score of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, "dumped them-- ' easily. His falling on 3 to 0. The Farmer's goal was nev- Washington. D. C. Samuel Adams, the ball was also a feature. er In danger. The AkkIcs made two Acting Secretary of the Interior. W. M. Mudiett, who played for him. touchdowns Id each of the four per- Hays. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. worked hard and well. Mudcett's reg- iods except the evi nd. when one was Sept. 5. 1511. ular place, though, was at left tackle the best they could do. Several field " entry COACH where he played a good game all year. goals were tried by the visitors, one Restoration to of lands in lETlli t HE TO PUT CM National Forest. Notice Is hereby giv- f&J&rZzfr J of which succeeded. en that the land described below, The work of Hill, the Varsity It wa a continuous march towards embracing 85 acres, within the Man-tan- o quarter, was one of the features of Itosw ell's goal from the beginning till National Forest, New Mexico, HUTCHINSON the game. Hill starred in defensive Ihe end of tho gan.e. The Aggies will be subject to settlement and en- woik, his tackling being quick and were in the pink of condition for the try under tho provisions of the home- sure. At returning the ball after a Same, and this, with excellent coach stead laws of the t'nlted States and 11, 19)8, (34 Stat.. punt, he did better work than any ing, greater weight, size and itrength. the act of June of men game. 2 33,) at the I'nited States land office the in the At passing made the defeat overwhelming. The on from the center it has become pro- at Santa Fe, New Mexico Splendii Work He Has Done college eleven never replaced a man January !s, 1912. Any set- verbial at the varsity that Hill never during the game, while the Cadets tler who was actually and In good fumbles. Hill was the smallest man With Football Team Has were forced to change frequently. u- - faith claiming any of said lands for on the field, weighing only 120 agricultural purposes prior to Jan- yet Inr all their available substitutes In abanjoned Made Him Idol of Student pounds, time and again he hurled n uary 1. and has not big effort to hold down the score. How same, lo,a preference right to make himself at the Arizonans and ever, gave up, has Body at Institution. brought them down. In runnipg, his they never and the a homestead entry for the lands ac- game list- dodging wua beautiful. He would was a great contest from the tually occupied. Said lands were s per squirm away from his opponents In tator's standpoint. ed upon the application of the Dolow, wno nave a pea Is great never ad- One thousand cheering people wit- sons mentioned The foolhall son officially shape and failed to preference right subject to the prior post-s'a-io- n re- game, ended, there will be a few vance the bull from where he nessed the the greatest crowd right of any such settler, provided games, but not many, anil as far ceived it. ever to attend a fuotball game In such settler or applicant is qualified as can be found out but two colleges Roswell. The weather was ideal. to make homestead entry and the iiKiigo ia ilay between now and The 1'nlversity of New Mexico foot- Yesterdav's victory gives the Aggies preference right Is exercised prior to local-i- v 19, 1912. on which the Christmas. The season of 1911 ball ;leven averaged this year, not the New Mexico chmnplonship for Junuary date the standpoint of the team, counting the substitutes, 143 pounds, ' 1911. lends will be subject to settlement irom ' qualified person. out by Coach Hutchinson, was and with the subs thrown in, the and entry by any turned The are within sections 24 and , a stanu-poin- l, squad advanced 136. When it is re- lands fucce.-s- but irom financial lltiglicy Jennings lladly Hurt. 6 7 F... X. M. M.. l told no team it played 19. T. 9 N Rs. and the condition cannot be membered that Scranton, Pa., Dec. 1. Hugh Jen- described by metes and bounds as In was so until nil the expense accounts are during the year light as the nings, manager of the Detroit Ameri- follows: Beginning at corner Xo. 1, a jnJ some sort of a balance made. varsity, the work done Is that much cans, ami Ward IJnnett of this city, limestone marked It. 1, whence the more , of It is thought, however, that the ath remarkable. were serloiu ly injured in un automo- quarter corner on the west line 7 K., K. 10 letic association is In debt about $300. bile wreck near C.oublsboro, near this See. 19. T. N., R. bears and Assistant chains; extending thence S. 15 chains; Vitnacer Lemoke RACE RESULTS. city, early this evening. A physician a. liuldt were busy all day yes- - I thence W. 5 chains; thence 20 Manager was Hiimtttoned by telephone to the F.. 6 chains; thence S. terduv netting the final accounts In chains; thence At dual ex. scene. It Is understood Jennings Is 5 chains; thence E. 10 chulns; thence and an adjiistmetit of finances will be Juarez, Dee. 1. Sebago under a badly Injured. X. fi chains; thence K. 10 chains; mnde shortly. Th- - players themselves good rido second in the N. 35 chains: thence W. 20 and choice i , . thence vre all stiff and sore, from the easily disposed of good field to the place of beginning. Var- Thanksg- betting, a rhsln itniiuousncss of the smi on of sprinters in the six furlongs' sprint LEGAL NOTICES iation IS degrees, 80 minutes E. Paid iving day with Arizona, but they at Terrajtas park today. tract was listed upon the application not discouraged at the outcome, of Ponclano Tafolla, of Morlarlty, icri Bnlella, favorite In the second race Washington. D. September 6, 1911. the saliffai tion of having put C, New Mexico; List ran a bad race. Parker, the trainer, Sealed bids marked outside 'Bid for JOHN M'PIIAUL. up a Kami' fiKht aRuinst meat odds. was calbil to the Judge's stand. Start- inem-fo.r- s timber on tntgrraves Apache Na- Acting Assistant Commissioner of ths With the exception of several er Cassldy set down jockey Deny Nineteen More Shopping Days Till Christmas. Approved who will graduate tional Forest, Arizona," and addressed (leneral Land Office. of the team and C. Muller for five days. Results: St, 1911. express In- to Forester, Forest Service. Washing- October next spring, they all their First race, five and a half furlongs: CAR MI A. THOMPSON. returning to university ton. D. C, or "Bid for timber Fori tention of the Great Friar, 12 to 1, won: Marzo, 12 Acting Secretary ot the Interior. year, purpose continui- Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona," next for the of to 1. second; Acguin, 1 to 2. third. JEW SCHOOL U 25; 12 ng football training and es- nd addressed to Commissioner of In their 1:07 5. Hi Time: FRANK BAKER Affairs, Washington. D. pecially if Coach Hutchinson is in Second race, six furlongs: Kootenay dian C. will of the, of the Silver The, Homo-Hu-n be received 12 o'clock Noon, eharrre athletic 5 to 1, won; Golden Ruby, 10 to 1, Slugger of the World's Scrie until S PILLS and lied institution. Eastern time, January 2G, 1912, for CHICHESTER second; ool, & to 1, third. Time: BUILDING FOR IWANU. No more popular coach ever work- (By Frederic I.leh, in Baseball Magazine.) purchase all mer- AM IOC A 5. I ihe and removal of 1:14 i ttWhM-tr'- I a TrlMMmJ ed boys Mexico Into nhnpr Hrid the of New Third race, five furlongs: The Vis- chantable dead timber standing or fal- I'lll in II 4 mi WM irtIIUV He made .e, wltb tUu HilUtt. V than Coach Hutchinson. hus itor, 12 to 1, won; HUl Anderson, 20 len and all the live timber that may lust friends with every member of It is a remarkable story how Baker pelled to absent himself from the be marked cutting by the officer lrnirfit. Ak fr m- - Hr Tr.H to 1, second; Florei.oa Krlpp, 12 to for ip A I,!-- , r the body. and Herzog, the rival in team on several occasions when he MIA Ml! H If nit I'l student 1, third. Time: 1:05 5. third sackers RATON In charge on a designated area of nowu m IW.t, fialtnl Always Keli" , students was most needed. When he did pluy It is understood that ihe Fourth race, six rurlongs: Sebeago, this series, have aiwuys been associat- about 200,000 aci.s located approxl SCI C BY DniTiGISTS LVLRVWHlRE are trying to start a movement of his heart was not In his work, though 5 to 1, first; Lackrose, 12 to 1, sec- ed since they were nothing more than he never lugged, a young mately within Ts. 8, 9, and 10 N., R. ome to the services of hut with sort retain ond: Nimbus, 6 to 5, third. Time: big kids. If the question was asked, wife, hovering life and 23 E.; Ts. 8, 0, and 10 N., R. 24 E.i Jlr, the varsity for the between Hutchinson at 1:14. Who found this brilliant slugger und death, the young man could not bu Ts. 7, 8, 9 and 10 N., R. 25 E.; Ts. est' the" school year us basketball Inflelder. answer f of Fifth race, six furlongs: Flying Baker?" the would expected to be at his best. Board of Education Decides to 7, 8, and 9 N.. It, 28 13.; Ts. 8 and 9 coach. , be In nlnety-ntn- e cases out of a hun- track and baseball Feet, 6 to 1, lirst: Han llonlto, 4 to Never did a voumr slugger live til) N., 27 F... 'and Salt River Me- is un- - dred, Connie Mack. It is true, Con- Erect Handsome Edifice to R. Gila His ability in all three lines 1, second; Tommy Twig, 11 to 5, third. to his reputation more than did by has nie took Frank when he was an un- ridian; and bounded on the west CURES x , At basketball he.', 1:15. Baker in the world's series of; 1910. Juestloned. In Time: cut stone and polished him Into one punish Cost $50,000; Other Colfax tn approximate north and south line of the fastest tejns race, mile: Leopold, even, The Mackmen fsurelv did the he dlseov, Sixth of the most brllllunt Jewels on his sphere most barbarously In... thai extending from the northern limit of It ttl O f"f nnu,'i (he n.sli;S'W track weiV won; Mis Korn, 11 to 1, second; star combination. County News Notes. 7 iulUm mat lain. Tex event, and Baker was one of the yellow pine through Porter Mountain f irrtitiilatiBsohrui,or ttioartstinna ot u (red and developed the famous 30 Time: so Keep Moving, to 1,. third. But, who found the rough stone'' stalwarts hitting the Cub boxmen for Blue Ridge to the rim of Cordu- niucuua utembrauaa. J'ainlaaa. Ramadan, who has lately won and Oum-ant- Urtotur 1:40 3r5. , Who gave the tough stone an average .409. not Io any laurel ' at ' Write "and abroad. its lirhl of roy Canyon; thence SB to Cooley Pratnt eont&jUtfii Tomorrow's entries follow: chance to develop? The answer to Baker Is a quiet, retiring kind of a (Special Corrauiimli-n- f Io Muriiin Journal Mold hy Hutchinson coached Uamsdell for the Mountain and East along the rim of lrafftt.t race, purse, five furlongs: this question Is no other than Charley citizen, who prefers his country homo Raton, N. M., Dec. 1. a meet- or in plain wraitr 1CTB' "the" First At of White River and priid, on mrni-- ot II.IW, Wires at Jamestown exposition Herzog, th North Fork Tfc Homesick, Booger Battle, Flying the rival third sucker on the to city life. He passed tip the 500 ing of the board of education held or th rw tmt taa, 'i first on-publte notice by Gnnke Creek Cunyon to the boundary on when he D'Or, Morallght, Hazel C., 107; Black Giants. Buck In 1906, Herzog man- that went with the trip to Cuba last this week, tho board decided to at Uirctuar Mut ra(juu , an National Forest; thence his sprinting. aged independent team in the fall, preferring to spend the time with once a of the Apache iui vaua. uuwumu j Bonta, Lake Tuhoe, 110. I take steps for the erection of At baseball. Ills ability Is better Cumberland valley. Charley was al- Mrs. Baker and his baby girl. He NK including the timber west and O. Second race, selling, seven furlongs. new high school building. The edifice CINCINNATI, than at football. Hutchinson It was ways a financier, and never slipped devotedly fond of his home, and nev- north of Sheep Springs and north of M. V. . jfV. 102; hddie-nu- n, ,up will cost In the neighborhood of J50, who turned out a team from the Tex, ll,osworth, Travis on a money proposition. er happier than when playing "horsy" Apache Ranger 8latlon and Fish Virgin- season, 000 and will be one of the finest as University that beat Dallas, Tex., Bushwacker, Allenfearn, He had played with Baker when for his little daughter. I'Last steep slope the Philadelphia Invariably buildings for educational purposes in Creek to the top of the pennant winners, three games out of ia Lindsay, 107; Kiddy Lee, 110, Zulu, they were younger, and Frank signed scribes extending th up with him as pitcher. Now Spoke of Frank as "Papa" Baker. the new state, It Is proposed to make facing northeast toward four several years ago. 112. a north- comes the part that Herzog had In Like most ball players, he Is fond the structure practically fire proof. Little Colorado River; thence Third race, selling, seven furlongs. out-do- "10 MQTIUH AHU CHILD, developing for Connie Mack one of of all or sports, being especiall- west along the top of this slope to ST AJtll KEAUH Bell Cliti, Bob Farley, 102; Wicket, V b..A NOTES OF THK THANKSGIVING the best third sackers the country y' adept with the fishing rod and the the Cerro Trlgo Range, to the north- I ,. Winu.w tkMvrmno Bvst r Hnnnis, Sir Angus, Bar- gun. country comes Telephone Uno Sold. MJTV VKAHB by MI X N GAME. 102; Gellco, has ever known. Frank was not a shot The ho from ern limit of yellow pine and west to d:rovt OU1.0KKN WHI,R good he A sale the Johnson's Mesa Tele- OT)ll'.l.S l"i clinr ney Oldl'teld, 107; Dactylis, 112. bad pitcher, but an inspiration seem- abounds in duck shooting and of point starting, within the (V.KTHtMl, with 1'KRI HCT MTClisS ' Ir always glad to of phone to the of tli interesting things Fourth race, handicap, six furlongs. ed to strike Herzog that Baker was is conduct parties company property the For- SUOTHl'S thpCKU.D. SOI TKNH J.bMa One of the most and Apache National KMH WINDCUMC. Win- never cut out for a (linger. "How'd White Elephants, who take kindly to Mountain .States Telegraph and Tele- XtAVhsll I AIN, CI at Traction park turkey day, was Oxer, 03; Quartermaster, 102; For or UlAKKHU-A- Il H you like to try the Infield " asked this particular brand of gunning. phone company has Just been effect- ests, hereinafter cal'ed National U the best rrinnly lnn' the presence of a bis dog on the ning Widow, 105; Rev .Hindoo, 108; his of part of the hannltM. Be ""u J Charley of Frank one day. , Frank Baker is most popular with ed. By the terms of this sule the lat- ests, and portions that fcmlhlng Hvrap," nd 09 othti Held During second 120. Winlc'w of , play. the Injury, Is an idol in eyes with- s declare,) It suited him to a tee, and teammates, and the ter company takes possession of all Fort Apache Indian Reservation Uul' t wtulv-BViu- buuls quarter dog hunt? around the edne race, purse, five furlongs. Her-sog- 's Philadelphia fandom. Though he in- the Fifth from that time on. Maker become of lines, telephones and other property in the Hltgroavea National Forest of the scrimmage, being nlmost as Modern rrisollla, Amuhalkn, Billy third baseman. He could hit was sulked by Cobb a few seasons Proclama- Cy- at and tributary to Raton as fur as dicated in the President's much Interested as the spectators. Possum, 107; Raquette, Robert, Er- them a mile, and wus a fancy fielder, airo. Buker Is one of the Royston Aug. 24 In Norman's ranch, and tributary to tions of March 2. 1909, and ror, 110; Kkillute, 115. though still a little uncouth. clone's most ardent admirers. this respect he is not unlike his tal- Folsom as far as Young's ranch. The 1910, hereinafter called Indian Reser The High School and V. 8. Indian Sixth race, selling, seven furlongs, Let us hark back to Baker again, to be approximate- BALDRIDGE review early life. He ented teammate, Kddie" Collins, who remainder of the company's holdings, vation, estimated ichool were enthusiastic rooters for McGce, 102; G. Lotta, and Frank's a- Anne Emma saw day In ibelieves that Ty Is complete ball tributary to Bell and as far west as ly 575,000,000 feet if western yellow LUMBER COMPANY the New Mexico Varsity all through Frog, 107; Jane, first the light of Trappe, Cheer, Romple, Little Md., March 1886. Trappe Is team in himself. Norman's ranch, have been sold to pine, 15,006,000 fet Douglas fir, the game. 1. play-In- ir Apprentice allowance. some twenty miles to the west of Baker's batting records since Fulghiim and company. The free use feet white fir, 1,600,000 feet Paints, Glass, Cement, Roofing Baltimore, and is an agricultural professional baseball are as fol- of the later lines has been given to Englemann Spruce, 1,000,000 feet At Columbia. community, Its line peaches lows: noted for Ave. William Floyd until December Slst, Mexican white pine, and 1,000,000 and Builder's Supplies. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 1. Only an and tanteloupes. Among its. finest Year Games Hits tlmo 190S 1 19 135 .2911 in the hope that before that foot blue spruce and cork bark fir ordinary race card was offered to- peaches were those plucked by Man- mesa will ar- 1909 1 48 1G5 .305 the people of Johnson board measure of saw and tie timber fair-size- agers McGilllcuddy and MeGrnw. day. A d crowd was out and range among themselves for some ono was a tiller of the soil, 1910 146 159 ,U3 Ion scale more or less, In npproxl speculation was brisk. The fourth Baker's father 1910 5 9 .409 to over the Bell swllchhourd and zona was a typical country boy. take mately equal amounts on ths National Dolly Bultmun, who Frank 1 race was won by ,He attended district public 1911x 148 98 .33 line and give the mesa people service Indian Reservation foundry & heavily bacKeu tho World's series. xNot complete. Forests and the i National easily defeated the 'schools, and his life was that of the on a satisfactory basis. Separate bids and contracts must b even money favorite, Nadzu. Average rural youth until his ball upon the race, six furlongs: Mason, atten- mnrie for the timber X First playing began to attract public ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL I'lre at Yankee- Camp. and upon th Machine Co. won; RoBe, second; Leon B., third. National Forests that Joe tion. At about 3 o'clock this morning, Reservation, maximum 1:16 his team down TO LAURELS Indian The Time: When Mack took ADDS ITS (Wednesday) the old tipple at Yankee contract shall be ten 8econd race, five furlongs: Surg In the spring of 1909, the ac- period of each General Foundry Work, south was found to bo on fire and notwlth cut-tin- - ves- were st after beginning of the Kirk, won; Steel Cliffe, secona; counts sent up about Baker vigorous were made yiarj the too good to be true. It had not standing efforts period os provided for in the reg- Iron and Brass Castings. pers, third. Time: 1:03 (Xpwlid CorrepondH'f to Morning Journal extinguish the bluzo, the greater race, furlongs: Dominica, 'taken the youngster long to show h to ulations. No bids of loss thnn two do- Third five itmgfln Artesla, N. M Dec. 1. The Ros- portion of the structure was destroy iiuyn-bur- Jlo hammered those conU per thousand feel BABBITT METAL. won; Teddy Bear, second; uiuy every subdued. llars and fifty lrlves all over the south, and well High school added another vic- ed before tho flames were for the first five year third. Time: 1:02 homer, In the scale board measure New Mexico. day his hitting crop Included a tory to Its string for the 1911 foot- The lire evidently started dollars per Albuquerque, Fourth race, mile and an elgntn: a few other that of each contract and three second; sandwiched between ball season when it defeated the house. The tipple boss is certain meusure" for th Dolly Bultman, won; Nadzu, lengthy clouts. were extinguished about the thousand feet board Western college of Artesla, by a score all fires each contract wilt Duke of Brldegwater, third, lime. Baker was not able tn start tne tipple before leaving, and second five yenrs of 21 a last nltfht be sub- 1:57. season of 1909 with the Athletics, the of to 0. Four touchdowns and to be no explanation of be considered. Each bid must Oakley, plonec,r of goal gave there seems bid Fifth race, six furlongs: day that Shlbe Park, the in the first two periods origin of tho fire, The scale house mitted In duplicate. With each third. .'modern structures, was game. the a de- won; Bertls, second; Kaufman, baseball Koswell the Tho last half was was destroyed, as well as nearly all for timber on National Forests thrown open. must be Time: 1:15 an Interesting contest, both teams the trestle, and it is foarod tho screens posit of five tnousiinrt dollars Elks' Theatre purse $250, five and a However, when ho did stnrt, he unable Bank of Sixth race, fighting desperately but being are ho badly damaged as to render mndo with the First National futlongs: Union Jack, won; Ab- surely made the fur fly. They had to score. Mexico, and with Saturday, Dec. 2 half he could them useless. It Is particularly unfor- Albuquerque, New second; Elizabeth Howard, .aid down in the south that High on rasion, bat, and he Surely lived up to tnoso In the evening the Roswell tunate that the tire should huvc come each bid for timber the Indian third. Time: 1:07 5. nice words. school girls tackled the Artesla Highs at ihe beginning of cold weather, as Reservation certified check on a sol- J - I In a game of basketball, which the some time to get in shape Bank In the sum of five ? ' )v W , ' , His fielding also was soon to attract it will take vent National FORMEOEltCTIVE" attention. At first he was likely io Roswell misses claim In have won by to resume delivery of fuel to the city. thousand dollars und drawn in favoi The Insert a faulty throw when It hurl, tho score of 6 to 5. The local girls Commissioner of Indian Affairs OF FORGERY whip of the ACCUSED but the unrulv tendencies of his declare the game was a tin, 5 to 6. Raton Wants Moomii Home. Aden, regular who was un-t- o by center, were finally thoroughly cured ,1 - helng made to play on Injury. coaching by Mack and Cap Active efforts are Traveling account of un El I'aso, Tex., Dec. 1. M. L. Grosh, careful splendid nation- ""Ml, 1 league, Wrestlers Matched. secure for Raton the assistant manager It 1, and ago tain Davis, in the American Probable who came here about ten days of Lord may not agree Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 1. Henry al home that is to lie built somewhere FRENCH rtlHALt student manager 1912 foot- was a Friends llarrv fl m fall team. from Pueblo, Colo., and who with me In this statement, but though Ordemann of Minneapolis and Jesse In the west for tho aged, Infirm, and secret service officer on the Denver there is little to choose between tho Remler of Ds Molnts, Iowa, Jinve the orphan children of the great ord- ..nUPILLS. far MiwwriTwiif. Salesman. ne of railway, on the Green stars, I think Baker Is entitled of Moose, an organization now i a... lli in ftwMn Forbes.) tho drawbacks to the work & Rio Grande two been matched for a finish wrestling er rr - (Hy Jnnics In field- or rvfi MOWS TO Mtt. H"'' S"' Si1''1 s'i- the Vursitv in Mm unme was the division, last summer, is under to the benefit of the doubt. go here the night of December 14. numbering nearly a half million River la to choose. Lord Is NKW VOKK AXD aliEen. l'e of on a charge of passing ing there little been best men of this country. The 11.00 Whln.llln.ualtl.l,l" DIRECT I Hon Allen, vthc regular center, arrest here on nins. and though For a year attempts have made the ,ibo. lfh' from about $500. a little faster his proposes to spend 1250,000 in r lb CHICAGO. lorged checks aggregating I think that to arrange a match between the tw order have llirw rwl " Pa. also a wonderful hitter. establishing of Institution, viartiee on Monday last and was His mother resides in Pottstown, long are Inserted ut men. the this UNITIOMIOIC up new line of Slir'd Baker's wallons in the cap of Will open a brand to Htay in bed for two days. He more tlmelv moments. and It will be a feather managed the locality gets It. The matter Fresh and to get out to see the game Deserved Sucreos. In the heated struggle between Only One "I5ROMO QUININE." whatever Sold In Albucucrquo by tlio i. H. mi cni;i..r 190lt pulling vigorously for It was taken for his comrades. Klein's great play "The Tigers and Athletics for the U. LAXATIVE BROMO QUI-- of O'Uiclly Co. SCINTILLA NT WIT AND IICMOU Charles centre figure That up special meeting of tho com- Allen la a game who gonfalon. Baker was the . at a little center, and the Mouse," richly deserves con-- , NINK. Look for the signature of Ml igled With. n,l a Lion great Cobb-Bak- er f piking lub and steps were taken knack of holding the line when success has followed In the W. world over to mercial the great that resulted in the GROVE. Used the to Raton MI'-Ull- necessary and of breaking through performance. troversv that almost to call a special attention MIIU'IIITL, MAKING It ever since Its Initial Tv Ravrocnd's being mobbed Cure a Cold In One Day. ::o for tho proposed home, that Is the Al- - has famous as the place to Cause, With Each Sal ni thing to do. No play in tho last fifty years hv a bunch of rabid riilllie rooters. Mogollon Guaranteed '""UKn not ns lnr II u nnv nf the so deeply as In Tlgersvllle. the A TIIOI SAND LAICIIS set people to thinking In a warm contest Continues to Improve, inters he has played against this Rovston terror slid Into Frank feet TRANSPORT BUFFALO Wolgust has this one. 1. Stage and Auto Line -- hilling In Trappee citizen was Angeles, Deo. Reports, them low he has first, and the TO FOR CHINA Los A Cotorl of Congenial Companions 13' badly cut up. SAIL from the hospital tonight were to the champion IOXCKIT SUNDAY. Headed By In 1910 Mack's youngsters Col- effect that Ad Wnlgast, DAILY lins, Bakor and Barrv worked bet- - lightweight pugilist of the world, was Leav Silver City, 7 a. m. DON MAOHLLION and . , , 1. were virtually 4 yer Ask Your Doctor fer than ever, and the crarty ivew Vallejo. Cal., Dec. Orders Improving steadily and ho Arrive Mogollon, p. ni. DOKtn ilY GREY s not flag. to- Sarsaparilla Is a tonic It does not stimulate. It does tfnirlRndcr walked awav with the received at Maro Island navy yard passed the crisis resulting from tho Leave Mogollon, 7 a. m. Will Assist "one you teel better one day, bad as ever the next. 1 nere Baker hart been marled In the fall of day to prepare the transport Buffalo operation. His complete recovery Is Arrive Bllver City, 4 p. m. then as to his sweetheart of childhood on THE TIUVEUNO SALESMAN is not ! '1909 to depart for the Ar.latic station on request. a drop of in have the steady, even gain ...... i iL,m r.nm Trn nun Tn... forecasted. Special cars alcohol it. You nays a rum, uiipi i,v,i December 15. Khe will take large cs all this. Mm. Baker wn In - Cull or address C. W. Marriott, Trop. Tn. rom a strong tonic v Ask your doctor about the unrin of 1910. draft of men for service on the ves- Seats at Matson's " J 0. ArerOo.. it a great effect From Journal Want Ads City, N. M. . i-- mm Tuny, aiway8 says. nnnr health, and had water Results Bllver and d0 he on the voung slugger. He was coin- - sels now in Asiatic SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1911. FOUR THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL.

TXl-- :: .1 1 S 0 WORLD V; :;iv.ww 8 : AMEHIGA IS HEADY

i roo .r ifi

' iT ' '"' -- a 4 SECRETARY MEYER 31 it URGES BIG NAVY Von Need 2 -r ',r V TV "vX.-- - ;,SV Vitatity, In Annual Report to Congress He Asks for Additional War- Strength, ships and Pleads for Contin- THE Force. ued Efficiency. you Weak, If are IBr MuralPC Journal Hp. UI l awd Wir I o MM E F000 Waahinittoii. Iee. 1. With H pi. a Nerveless, Bloodless, dii-Tea- that there hall he no in the wnyBrooj bound, effective trenuth of the I'nlted SU.t your arms are navy, George von I Meyer, 'WHISKEY of the navy In hl annual report to your energies paralyzed. rt.niirea ilei tare mat wntle ee. kinK Whskey peaee and playliiK a leadlDR part ir the movement for general arliltration -J-SUIECUCND treatle the yvofld liuiKt iinderMan ' t JwtMf BNOOK Dl3TtllW. SoasWs that Amerhan "Is prepared for war. r.Tiwi The (.hurt life of a arhip for lir.t lit or neennd line or ilerenae approxi- mately twenty year ha the EmimllGiomi eeretary to ak more chip thi year. not to Increaae the navy hut to main- 1? ,4 . ORDER THROUGH is the tain It at Ite rxl-vtln- Thin Vitalizerand strenKth, he nay In lielns (!lniliilh"il your opportunity. lV the elimination from active cervlie CO. of the haltlehlp first fiintriieted for THE MEYERS the "new navy." ALL DRUGGISTS v . ALHU()l!liIU)Ui:, N. M. 11- -4 The rei nnimenilatinn," he ii o.i is silvi::: avk "for a continuing naval policy which ysill ive u the fleet delred Is mad" with a due reward for the almost t. ii ti n nl landmark. Pointing to world-wid- e tnovenietit for the settle-men- ! of hotiia and Nevada will each have but desiyn. The first 4 of these ships tree, ("apt. I.-- a e of International dispute hy CARLSBAD OUT th's Mlcal inn one smoke pipe, thus clearing the should be replaced Immediately, since CAPITAL IS FM Mi'iiy ii t Uln In the In whlih movement our MORQGCAPJ DiSPUTEFPERSIA'S sial time hine upper deck and Improving the arc of in armament, protection, speed and lu'lti r ni ('iittnnwiiiiil ami pump- - i ountrv has taken a foremost pari. .hat train of the turr.-ts- other qualities they are not fit to take il liii'l.-- my r In-.- t History nf kinds, Includmn the iroin Windiest, at a'! At the close of last year S!) ships a place In line of t attle. All 12 ships who v. r coming the present, shows the futility ainl damti-- ar from head from battleships to colli- - r were tied should lie replaced by und since NEW NORMAL of Fiuinj.- - nml to l nl tho of trustiiiK to the oi.d will and fair OVEBHUN WITH . river trlnK up at navy yarls under repair. As a regular nnd uniform program of IS FIR F u- - deallnn or even to t!i most solemnly ti.ok I'rntii mrrul, which toinl lit a result of the new policy, by next coiistru. tion is v. ry desirable, these th- ntt hlndlng treutle between nation for pi r nt of f''nnnylvnli Manh every one of them will bo leplaceiii.-nt- should be effected ry Li-- the protection of u nation' aoverelKr. Sptuklng further, fait. ready for active service. , the construction of 2 battleships pel-ye- km hi: I rlsht and Interest, nnd without SCHOOL "I nn't know thut cvrr hit an K r. I h The aecretary regards it as SETTLED ASSASSINS , 1ml 1 havu ilrlvon them back douht, the tints ."emote when imliun, waste of money to endeavor to Im- "The policy of replacing our old ivii'iy a !iiu from tha'l tree." t uriiparallvely unarmed and helpless nation may be reasonably safe from prove ul ships and bring them up to battleships at the rate of 2 each year, give attack hy ambitious, well armed, pow-r- s, date and he cited a case of ttie New if continued Indefinitely, will us Ito-Hi- ll K.IUk to llolil IjxIjjc of Kr especially In a commercial ace York, now the Saratoga where 51 per eventually though not us soon aa is Citizens Organize to Secure Similar. a 40 France Denies Rumors That Prominent Reactionary Mur- tint (uih as t lie present, The economical cent of her original cost wa spent to he desired, total of battle- Location of Proposed Institu- Hotmell lo.lm No. 99, H. V. t. Klkii system of a (treat comnier lal nation on alteration w ithout making the ship ships, of which 21) lefs than 10 years is Take Strong dered Attempts Made on In a o line and She About to and h:n Iniiucd hnntlnoni lnvltutlun for It; o delicately balanced that even equal value to modern vessel old would constitute the first in Roswell type. remaining 10 20 tion Eddy County; their annual memorial aervlrra, or a threat of war I very disturbing and light the and Diplomatic Measures Against Lives of Others; Body Guard p of Sol row," to v held Huiiduy a any other report some length years old would be available foKthe News Notes, harmful, while war with The dwells at for Sinister. afternoort at the Armory In Itowill. ureal power would cause inenlculabH upon the successful results attiilned in second line. Spain. W. (. Ileli! hi ii J. M. tVMrien are to da mane, and It i more necessary now the experimental work for the le "A total of 40 battleships, with a I ,. thr older of the iluy, Uoawell than ever before that We should tie vclopment of aviation In the nnvy proportional number of other fight- (qwrlsl furmiMadmr Journal Six-cl- I.y .Morning Siirclnl Leasrd Wire.! Mrnlf ImU" h.i m vhh il,'iarti'il brothera. fully and every other ntid especially In the direction of the ing and auxiliary vessels, is the leant (! Miming Journal if used Hire.l Journal prepared that epi- . JUwwnll.X. V., Nov. So. A Junket-lu- power should understand that, while production of aeroplanes fitted for that will place our country on a nafe IJuris, fjc'C. 1. Tht! report that Teheran, Dec. 1. There !s an demic of Mushlr-ed-l)owie- committee of pi prominent 'arl. l'npoliir V(iiiiii A itliled. seeking peace wo are prepared use from shipboard. It Is the purpose buel In its relations with other world France has decided to take strong dip- assassination here. lor a prominvnt reactionary, b.-l- (itheti Was 1 t today luyliiK John Kino itml ,MIn VhImih I'eiklnK. war." to lasue a few of tlivse machines to powers. Wlille ut hast two other lomatic measure against Spain in or attempt Meyer a they has been murdered and an T popular mielely jutiliK peopli', were The t'nited Htatcs, Secretary the fleet euon as have been powers have more ambitious bulldint wire tn get Ihi' support i Ohav.s der to force the settlement of Spain's JWas made on the life of Mushlre-es- - nmrrlei) toiiiKht. say, la rnr In th rear or me leamni; sufficiently ulevelopia!. ., plans, t I I'elicvod that if we main- count repr. m in ntxt here Is denied by Sultaneh. former premier and minis iitiitlvm the naval power In projected naval con Pealing- buijilinir pro- tain an efficient fleet of the 'slue status in Morocco, the with foreign ' ter of t'-i- interior during the realms legixhtt iifi' in landing fur M tsiiail, Auto Line, even on of two Em-hin- ebovie mentioned bo Rife from foreign office. Trepasid mi struction, the basis gram the report says that wtiwlll ol the Mohammed Minea. - wllf is now engaged pourpar- It enKtu money to drive an auto new battleship a year. laying- that our country be France in Miishlre-es-siiiltane- Hi,. Normal, by the t.rm" in ilouif four iuitllephii.s und attack and h was shot in the l.ui',1, Meyer for to Us In peace lers (Hi the of l. 'As " over Hi" Uu.oiUm pvdtuy, Mr. submit estimate one cruiser, dcrmany Hire free work out destiny lt--vt i to tirmoreu krf and his eo.ichmnn killed. 4f" (h'" "Mule constitution, it In- onty. recom- soon an these ure completed the o in il iniil ii' llie UoKWell Auto two battleship and two colliers battleship und one ainiorej cr.liser, end without hindrance. The The guerd that Is protecting: tlio - . Sll .if ifml Jiiipii-iiKe- sev- uimia.-.sad- will be t MiloH.-- with HiTl' fiViiipdny '.I This Is In line with the policy of Japan nrmored cruiHers und mendation for ii continuing policy French at Mu.lrid XV. Morgan Sinister, treasurer-- - and four American, two open negotiation. " school I.iiiiIm and located in our of thi' ulaite line lor unto line nnl. The eral years- slnndhiR- of building one battleship, Pecretary Meyr pro- which will SAC us the licet desired instruited to general, hila been strenathen-cd- . al-ii- ; i il a year. In to Is with a regard the baton d'Kstotirtu'lles do Constant f. following t'.iunvi) .. I'liion. 'Jimy, nnj..iliS !iaiKea fet of Jill in nuke battleship addition thi. pose u new office Urn director of made duo for 1'ihly. or M secretnry Indicates that the navy rec- H'Ji1d-wii1- e mov eiiient for the has Cotitrlbuti d to the hiKtoty of the furry, I'o.tse.clt, Chaves ami the ride tti one of ll mail tar' the navy yards He makes a. strong ' olhi-l- one new type pt Iniernationai. disputes Moroccan crisis by vyritlng an open , .JoV. .11 ha 1'ti.C State Institution,' to run cur of ItKllvlilu.iU over woulj welcome of the ommendation for the. creation o( the !:ett!emi of aa Ureal re- by movement to Caillaux, prqti-.stin- CASCARETS CLEANSE i Military iiirtltiit'i, nriil ihe Carlsbad the riiul. J. , Ulivell tmlny pleaded of battleship cruisers, such rank of vice admiral; the graded arbitration, liijWhich letter rrcmier tretopii:-lli- h:iV-in- tj Mritaln, (Jermany and Japan ore our own country has taken a fore- against the rejiort that the real ob- ' (iiiinltlvi believe Itoswrell i annul KU llj tn oi the line. tirement of enlisted men, the Increase AND BOWELS points out History fill times, in- e ihe, treaty with LIVER ommlHti titly ask lor ih new i html In en liioiixlit Inirt unli t, and any" building. He further that of the enlisted force by ?,mi .and most part, of ject Fram ia makine I deficiency In futil- 1!'04, Fng-ian- d HcaibU'Iic, Sick, Sour t be hauled, Clot I iiinl Ttirtmi-car- l tluir'hiri-nrt- i r he " III pay the loll. there a great the of midshipmen upon cluding the pies, nt, shows the Kngland in was to prevent Xo llllloiisnivsv. 'ri scouts, destroy danger to the yood divide Stomach, Indigestion. Coattxl mm t hi 111; to he th- only number of cruiser, their termination from the academy. ity and of trusting carrying out a scheme to mi' hi Tongue ur ( onstlpation. cnll.-g- i ers, anil ror will denting, or even to the Morocco Spain postaihlc i ntiii "OnniR fur ttir Vaudeville today at the runtime submarines auxiliaries Touching the abolition of navy nnd fair between lieruiany and and protection of solemnly binding tr. a lies, be Bar- to Carlsbad. Thi' Junketing theater. the maintenance yards Secretary Meyer promises to most to th,. exclusion of France. The Furred Tongue; Bad Taste, Indiges- a iiu.-rtit- 11 11 1 the battle fleet. twoen nations for the protection of on argues it Is In committee wan 1 it u( ir. V. V, present the whole matter afresh to that the tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- SAI F.. aux- sovereign rights and inter- ami !oepp, li. M. A. N. ItmiI, A A. ltlV M'l ll. He suggest that all of these congress when he receives the report nation's iif both France and Ureal thi'.t aches come from a torpid liver ( . . l.V once, ests, without doubt, time Is causes your kniNt-r- .M. and S. I. Kob. allf.iriiliisl Itaida rrlis 'Uti. iliaries need not be ordered at of and the the relations bo known. Joseph clogged bowels, which f. Stewart of the Joint board the tirmy and undi- I I Hi- -, I'lllilllM' a comparatively unarm- to become filled with Tii y 'v.te phased Willi the re- llf lut that the appropriation should he navy next January. Meanwhile he remote when Chamberlain did not dream of any stomach fit. Illtt stretcher! over a of year. helpless nation may be reas- ut because gested food, w hich sours and ferments fills n" t h e I" VlKlt. fhav.-- oolllltv number ce no reason to change his views al- ed and such action that time That'll .1 - like garbage in a swill barrel. t id lnu in Aula Central onably safe from attack by ambitious, Will probably snppolt III lf !! sti lleans IHnturlmnee and ready expressed as to the propriety l.reat Hritain was determined not to the, step to untold misery Indi- f well-arme- first ' d powers, in is Claim. tl eiins Dei II. d Hum America, necessitating the protection of closing a nuiiiter of yards or espeiially tllovv Cermany to have evin a gestion, foul ttuseg, bad breath, yellow . t age present. tali ToiniUiii . t an Hie of Interests of this country .also have changing their functions. ommercial such as the In iloro. co ami Mr. Chumber-lai- n skin, mental fears, everything that is .liioe I'eiK tile duiun the need for more light draft The economical nystcin of a great nauseating. A Cascarct Alirli III t iittnlltliHHl I i Hi il In Ijuly The secretary also .lire, ts atten- was one of the hardest workers horrible and lloMrll. -- thorough i I. ( am t In i e . . . Sik- uutil.oats use. commercial nation Is so delicately tonight will ftive you a .in. an n for riser tion to the fart that some provision .or the entente cordiale, you To iiinke loom lor u Hew More nil even a of war cleansing inttide and straighten tl H". t.raiiiilaliil Suitar...... SI. The ecretary declare that ship must be made immediately rnr ac- balanced that threat 4 you 1 IV out by mornlnK. They work while teiiMing for the I'.ei liner Jewel- H u i an- -- V .'0 are obsolete worth-len- s is very disturbing and hnrmtul, while - of Milk years old and cumulating on the Isthmus or Pana- "I em pleased to recommend sleep a box from your drug- I re- - with any power ry iH', u nt kim n today I. II. .I .an ot Dill' Holiday t.eod- - vunlll will tl even for the set nnd line or ma, a sufficient supply of coal to a war other ereat Cough Remedy as gist you feeling good for damage. Chamberlain's the will keep . Inn-tin- H t verve. Mis ItM shows famous ot i would cause incalculable To women tlie man, ii.. Hi ui timu umls that r iiu. the meet the reed of the vessels ustn.--,' best tiling I know of and safest reme- minths. Millions of men and we should keep ekt h'de of Ninth Main Tin: m .i:. Oregon and tier sister buttlerhlps that waterway. avoid war and Insure dy coughs, colds and tu 'e a Cascuret now and then to niiiet. for bronchial rt'u-law- M, Kll-'kl'- us havln he prepared for war. thi.Ir stomach, liver and bowels T-- y. !.i oh. of tile flrM treea fi t nut rroprletor. and Massachusetts In his r commendation mmle or- trouble." writes Mrs. U B. Arnold of I and never know a miserable In ties 'I .j l.t South Street. .ached the fatal period and should "The navy is very deficient in cer- - it re- i. the Jnmih ill der the heading of "Ituihiing Pro Denver, Colo. "We have used mi nient. lton't forget the children . be replaced Immediately, as well as f. 1.. ii : ml !l l.moial the Ions gram. Secretary Meyer lays par- tain classes of vesseis required for peatedly and it has never failed to th. r 'ittle insides need a good, gentle In fact. Secretary Meyer ! JUDGE PORTERFIELD the Iowa. ticular emphasis. To omite from this the maintenance end protection of gtva relief." For sale by all dealer. cleinslnif, too. can v mimes twelve battleships that part of his report: the battle fleet. ess. is fire FOR DR. HYDE no regarded as RULES longer be available "The department submits, In Its battleship cruisers, destroyers, for the first line of battle and which supply, fuel, estimates to congress, provisions lot-tw- submarines, repair, Oil replaced bv lKl'li, Aside Squibb's Olive l.e battleship und two colliers. In and hospital shops, and ten- p v." y I'-'- 1. already Indicated they Katf-a- il . Mo., All from those making 'his recommendation pro- ders to torpedo vessels. A number of r. uardltm the lllnesji ol are the Ke.trsiirse, Kentucky, am- - gunboats and tngi gram, it adhere to what has bet 11 gunboats, river Mms Mattatit S.ope VAiik h.ifliil ania. Illinois, Wisconsin, Malna, also are required for the routine du- pharma-cuitlnil- regarde, as a necsary po'.i. j for Aiiyntie with 1 r. Ii. Hyde. a. Ohio youngest of l Iroin fie trial of f. and Missouri. The years past of building two new ties of neace as well as war.'' knos that the tiuine of rimed .t kilhtiK folotiel Thomas II. these ha eleven years. turned each year to prevent a de- Cti " li rrv . ji ri "f.unriinted Ture Suope, l.v rottertleld today. In "A of forty battleship with .iHt Judxe total crease in the effective ytrcinf.h of Y.'il illll liliv (Mive (lil fliiltl the former trial of the lane an at- n proportional number of other fight- S.lltt.i' our armored fleet. The mo: I' UK. ;(V SI on. tempt .wis made to prove Or. Hyde ing and auxiliary vessels, is the leasi IT and of the fleet demonstrated the . 1 of OLIWTI had potnoiied M Isn Swope Uli that will place our country on a saf more enlisted men. also snia'l-- r vs-eol- Htn.hnliu and i Injeeted typhoid basis In relation with other world tn h as scouts, destroyers, sub- into her urinn. powers," says secretary. WILLIAMS DRUG CO. :ifm the marines, colliers and ummutiiti n Tin .. retary regards the creation DELIGHT not U any ot'i r ships. These smaller vessels require ORPHEDM 117 V. . niral I'll. me TKft "I do believe met of the reserve fleet a a niost Import- '.ic I whoopiim less time to build than a battleship medlrlnn so j;mi fur ant development of the year since it us Cough ltem-eity,- " and some of them may under sruss i.mnh f hamlrlnlu' ill inftire the readiness for war of - ALBUQUERQUE TAXI LINE Turptu, . e acquired by purchase. Make a nicinuraiulum to ave i rnr R'proscnlative call and con- rito Mr. Kranct practically every vi tel of military 7 Oekr), IT..i. Jiimiton t'lty, trc Thin remedy i yalue. "The d. pertinent distinctly r. t ig- ICES . nlmi niiHUi passed eolda roup s- IIEI an end nis, of torpedo a'l.t ItHte nil lla.ka. for The report touches sparingly on the the value crxtl aale l.y all dealer. sul marin. s. It would be glad i.i 1 suit with him on the idea of a sublet t of the eight-hou- r law, reciti- vuii Stand At Sturges Hotel have more them, but it is ot in. ng the experience of the department of I'lu.n. and Joiirn'dt (pinion until more of our oh: m Trv a Want Ad. Results during the past year In placing con- that dlvcrio' Tri e.ii.oiitan siiift- - batti. shlps are replaced it is wis r to The tracts for ships and winding up with ers atij musiciar.s b..v-- taken I 'rphe- - provide for two battleships, tun. i.. illy the statement: "What the effect will by viU, i xi client j sir.-.i-.'t- ni iiudl'nc.s ftorm pro-ylile- .I thin to sacrifice battl.sblp be on the bidding for battleships numbers. Th y are a real Modern Loose LeafSystem f. r vessels military vatu.-- . P.rshal for by the last act ts problemat- of let novelty. and play in;; own "In this connection It may lie sinttltiK their i HEALTHSEEKERS ical." accompaniment at the same time. 4 The pla.-- you have Wen lookltiK 'or. ran. h hoarding houM tor pointed .nit thai foreign tiavns are nf accouiuino-- . Outfits to fit cverv sie lnisincss. It's economy I . personnel, r port declares a fine show on week T pel lent an.) inmilisnil tu! reular Imateil near Silver City, As to the construct itig enormous armored cruis- There is. this fi.Uini f In eaeh aim all educHtloti Orpheum. To u 1. r ov.-- an J .ihltudv feet, hi.iiin rnnki'if. i orehe. fireplace that the of naval ers of liinh speed and heavy arma- at the Kha li- - !ti plenty of no dun; term Write III for full and training Is to produce the sea a h..ur in such n fine where :ro..m, . ment. These vessels have greater a- kir-'- an.l t"r.-- w ships convi-iii- . . for tlie small ctmceru as well tl.o one. er tin 'Is to command and h- cotntort. ni aio! y.r. iy nr. OAK l!VN II, Tyrone, X. M. eed than battleships, me - t.liOM fleet all the co inhalant ei.d njov t ,.i ii a splendid f and that itig as l.ish as 2S knots. sfi;rred. elements aboard ships should lielon with mi.-si-. a I emhel-li- : t li e a ut ii or iza t i.ti of n to the line. Line officers hereafter il.r...ft.r hment t the low admission price paymas- ships w ilj not necessarily mean .: nhoitld perform the duties of i harg.-- Is a that the in. re.ise of the navy as hereto!. ; theater Trust Companv ter and while the present construction g.,er of Albuquerque ate taking ad-v- .. Montezuma sin.-- . ninny of our ships have iter! i urns up of naval wwnijr 1 ' j , u : y Is ALBUQUERQUE, made w h t Mate of. The chorus D NEW MEXICO ... . i ...... a...... tut i re.ic bed the age and condition v;raou.-- niw.-- co.oioor j .ill winning s at evt ry per- - - they may no longer be regarded ; younger may here- ( work, the officers e, the i. r, s a r K ,tt ays Capital and Surplus, $100,000 effective. condition i s ortnani and after perform both line and construe- - j This nt much us to t f;r.e. A banner s' .'r ten lion duty. I due to deterioration ON SAVINGS I INTEREST ALLOWED DEPOSITS fa. t that in the course of hi- p i DO IT NOW The abandonment of the turbine f5L . Ch.iniborlaln' Pton.ach and Liver - J.i v.Mts oiisttu. iiiglne In favor of the old reciprocal- naval and Tablets not si: ken or i,'rl;.c, tion h.iv,. progressed so r.ipi.llv tb do and nig type Is declared to have followxl j may h taken with perfect safety by ships JO years ago ar i an comparison of the two! Ihe t d. li ate woman or exhaustive . ;. Oak and Maple Polislied Flooring kinds ot machinery. It w fou.i l obsii.t,. and practically worth!-- ehlM. The old and feeblt that the reciprocating engine Is Scribe in the ha'tle fleet, evetl m I. will also find th.rn a most suitable on.) br-.- rem...;, ai.iing stieiipth-nin- About 38 per cent mere economical or reserve. f..r and UlHgfMMAlCURIN 0 4 Builders' weakened and foi aV Supplies at cruising speeds than the turbine i The I rst twelve in t!fs tat their dicKtmn 4 tne toweli. Kor a!c by 4 ti-- f .1 ava. and a.t out the same economy el lnuid i n li.i be regard. as a;i rs Albuquerque Lumber Co., 423 N 1st Sf. high speed. As one result of the us able tor the first line, owing ! "i i (f oil burner Instead of coal fur their sue and their great inferior I Results From Journal Want Ads 4--1 n race In th new battleship Okla compared with ships of mor rtn, THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1911. FIVE




Mystery of the Pawnbroker's Advance Sale cf Seats for To- final assault on Office Or What Became of night's Attraction at EUs city successful CREAM Famous -- Lamp Been The 32? Able Clairvoyant and His Theater Has Unusually Two Companions, Heavy, Attack Made From All Skies The part of the day u the evenine, vbeo the v. hole famJy u BalvMMf bt Aided By Bombardment of gathered together around the lamp. i-- evening en v comedy is Phe old cUy oi the unoky ErrpUce Ektcrlcg car.J!e are joce foreveb la utek About a week sko a man giving hi An of able Foits Captured h Piei'mi oil the ladupcnuUe Rays Lamps rive kmve come the convenient Hove tul j name as C. H. appeared in a promised to Alhii.ju, iyue thtuler-- j oi Truss There are to-d- is the Laiied Statts a! wore than 3.000,000 thcae Rajro nary ate. local pawnshop ami secured a small goers tonight when James Forbes' Fkhtin. Is a protection and guarantee lamp, giviaj tbek clear, white light to core than 3,000,000 horn. i Find-- luughnhle comedy. "The Traveling Other Lann cod more, but yoa caanot better lifht thaa the d Ray. loan mi some personal effects. ! Uinp is found in pvem. k haa become to popular wr owy a! moat call k the official of tha iug the pawnbroker good natured the Salesman," will be pr settled at F.lks" Hjr Morning JuurBHl Sp, ial I J Mir I against alum which American family." Nanking, iHv. Nanking j man unburdened himseU' of a hard theater. It being Saturday night the The Rayo U made of to'iid braat, with handsome nukel nih an ornament anywhere. bus t illcli. The entire i ity is cf will not go up till 9 low baking powders. A your drite far a Rayo laa : or write for dncrvux circaW la aaj ataac tha (lurk story which attracted attention curtain occupied by insurgents. the priced Continental Oil Company jeven in the pawnshop where hard o'clock. "The Traveling Salesman" I luck- tales are not exactly unusual. deplrits incidents frnn the daily life of IHv Monilnf Jimrnul KdhUI I at Vlr buying According to Truss, that individual a commercial traveling man. and Mr. Shanghai, Dec. 1. While Nanking To be on the afe tide when quick wo'rk of the tabulation nnd that wn! occupying a well paying pos.tion earl ibis morning still remains in the baking powder, examine the label and by next Saturday at the latest, it will I " ,hA ffV f he county clerk at Posm-- hoi of the imperial forces un J c, made JAFFA CHEERFUL he side to announce the actual result 'nver when his wife induced him to r der nmi'unl of Lieutenant tJetieral take only a brand hown to be up v..-:- , , Wow ( bang, revolution!.-.- of the vote. throw his lob and accompany her ring the on a trip through New ..Mexico and are bombarding the city and knocking from Cream of Tartar. A. P.. MeQuinn of Probate Clerk Arizona with an able clairvoyant. at it four gates, demanding ndmis RETURNS NOT Eddy county, and the democratic Listening to the argument of his sion. It is hi liescd much damage to, county clerk today sent affidavits to better half that he could make more the city has resulted. Large forces of robe! infantry are ready to rush lot board certifying the precinct money on the road with the aide the that the iit if the guns make breaches In 1j, ii(io they seem formed that Yuan Shi Kal intends clairvoyant. Truss yielded, and start- ". '4 men and determined of had not been legally estab- r wiills. the right to Pearl ed south by automobile, first shipping the to take Nanking. oftertng the provincs own including gov- SO RAD lished, and for this reason no provis his household belongings to Albuquer- - Late Fridav afternoon a dt lega- I'ii Kow, across the Yangtsc river elect their officials Nanking. Is garrisoned ernors. This has been one of thu ion could be made for holding nil . mie by freight tion citme outside the city and firitu tram with ceased. It Is rumor, d they carried l.jiMi of Feng's troops. Pu Kow Is revolutionists principal demands. election there. In the recent demo-- ! In the course of the overland journey Foreigners recognize that It was re- proposition to surrender the iieces,-i- t the tn minus of the partly construct- which, course, is southward Trurs had occasion lo vice-to- ry eratie primary, of i ed Tsln-P- u Kow railway. Yuaii necessary for Yuan to obtain a sent what he thought were the undu" for which is now believed to be in Tien Worried Secretary Smiles For not covered by the general election evltable. Shi Kal promised lo send Feng over the revolutionists. Tho fall law, twenty-tw- o attentions paid his w Ife by the clair- if. Yang this precinct returned King, notwithstanding th by this route, but trier of Hang demonstrated this. Since Official votes. voyant. A quarrel resulted, but ap- j tieneial Indicates First Time democratic willlrgness of the viceroy. Chang Jen Is no evidence of their approach. The His subsequent action parently was soon patched up. Is by compromises lie must make. , Chun, and the Tartar gi in ral. to en entire line In Id revolutionists. Canvass of Election Results Arriving; at Albuquerque the trio In an edit t today it wus said il coll It u lute, holds out against such action put up for the night. Awakening In I t it lit ion was proclaimed and the AT and practically has made prisoners CHINA'S Tl ItF. IS ft Started. FREE MATINEE morning made the discov- HI ON firmly lo adhere to the Truss of them and established a lomplct PIINDI'.NT UiW throne Intended gone. Investi- 1. ery that his wife was i military dictatorship. For the last Pekln, Dei. China's future the policy of administrative reform. gating I'urther discovered that the form of government II not her future It whs said that a truce covering a PWpatch to the Morning Journal 1 he two Weeks enteral Fi tig lias defied SiimIi1 clairvoyant was also missing but, history, seems depenedent upon Hu- fortnight wan signed at Hankow to- Fe, X. M., 1. "The re- all efforts of the revolutionists to Santa Pet. E ND ! of Japan. Should prom- day. worst of all, his belongings and house take tlie city. The circumiereme ol ron Coltu his turns, now they are sorted, are ised Francu-Helgla- ii of $;it).000,-00- 0 Several of Munchu princes have that Tl hold effects, shipped from Denver, twenty-tw- o loan the 4 the walled city Is miles. be forthcoming, Yuan Nanking. not so had ns I nt fim thought they had also disappeared. The wall at various places is nine- lTemler left Several local men Interested them- ty high, built of solid masonry Shi Kal probably could utilize the would lie," said Secretary Nathan feet remaining 100,000 selves In the plight of the verdant DOP.OTIIY t.ltr.Y and is thirty feet The four main government's NEW ELECTION IN the GRYSTAL thick. Unit Jaffa today at the conclusion of Denver man and made a fruitless ef- Who Plays Hole of "II, Hi gates at principal points of troops so advantageously the the laliott'' are the agree con- of the official canvassing his faithless compass. Tal Ping Men, country would to u strong JUAREZ PROBABLE sission fort to discover trace of in the "Traveling Salesman." the the monarchy. Inurd that is working to determine partner the handsome clairvoy- north ate, nnd Chuo Yang Men the stitutional and Yuan Is unable to negotiate the Juares, Mex., Dee. 1. The election result of the first state election Then also disappeared. Forbes haa been as successful in pre- east gate, me commanded by Purple "If the ant. Truss loan, inevitable result It Is be- Juan N. Medina, alleged Heylsta, In Id on 7th of last month. was in way to a new welcome Hill, wnich is fortified and overlooks the if the Uncle Joe Provides Usual Sat- The Incident a fair senting and character lieved, will be the neeoslly of a com- as mayor of this city, has been car- said the secretary aVter-noo- n In the entire city. "It is true," being forgotten until yesterday to the stage In this play, as he was promise rebels, owing to the ried before the state legislature a ' of to with the smiling, that there are a number urday Afternoon Treat when Chief of Police McMillin portraying life behind the scenes in Tiger Fort lies outside the wall, government pay opponents. In emissions, Inability of the to the Chihuahua, by his technical irregularities and By received a telegram from the mother hin other greut success. "The Chorus while Lion Fort innlde the wall com- troops purchase ammunition. to the election declared to Little Ones Accompanied or to have but none of them are of a nature of Truss, who wired from Denver Lady." mands the river and Is well fortified. The loan arranged by Huron Cottu Is void, tin the face of the returns wrongdoing." Tiger Fort likewise Is well indicato any intentional Their Mothers or Fathers, that she had received word that her Sales- fortified the only large one possible, Yuan Shi Medina was elected by about SO0 ma- is The story of "The Traveling The canvassing board, which son was stranded in this city. The and equipped. agents having vainly solicited It Is alleged many man'' concerns Hob Ulake, u drummer ago Kal's jority, but that composed of Governor Mills, Chief message requested that the chief in- A few days the revolutionists money everywhere else. were cast and tha Tiger fraudulent votes Justice Pope and Secretary Jaffa, ad- vestigate and confirm, if possible, the for a cloak and suit house, who 'finds irjptured Fort and since then The premier has been warned that Is a new election. fitfully Lion Idea to have journed at 2 o'clock this afternoon, telegram purporting to come from himself in a small western the hill bus bombarded despite the fact that he has agreed was put tha marooned special damage, but has The matter before nnd t morrow's session is expected to Every boy and girl in Albu- - her son. city on Christmas day. At the depot Fort without to every demand of Cottu's backers, state legislature at the capital today, ac- succeeded in preventing Lion Hill fort Complete the preliminaries to the queniue is Invited to the Crystal The chief Investigated with the re- he Inquires 'front agent. Petit El- the money Is not likely to be forth- but no official action was taken. It - the from seriously Impeding the progress tual counting. and Pastime theaters thisafter- sult that he learned an automo- liott, departure next coming until the provinces are re- Is believed however, that anoth- that about the of the of the rebel troops.. here, It is now considered unlikely thru noon. And, best of all, the shows bile bearing three passengers, one train. Metli answers him and her united. er election will be ordered held with- Absolutely l Feng Inside the city com- any of the election judges will be are free. free. Uncle woman and two men, had left here manner Israuch that Blake Immedi- The correspondent Is reliably in in the next two weeks. Joe, friend, guar- - mands 4,1100 trained and loyal, Shan MSinmoned to Santa Fe, and the board the children's some three days ago for the south. ately falls In love with her. She finds nntees that the shows in both Tung troops and about 2.0C0 old-ht.v- that, with receipt of the It Is believed that Truss anil bis wife out that Blake not had his din- lalieves the houses will be the kind that has Imperial troops. t boxes from the missing prc-riiiit- s. made up their quarrel and decided to ner, and it is too late to dine at the will keep you laughing until clairvoyant. As the revolutionists advanced from it will be In a position to make your sides are sore. And he follow the fortunes of the hotel, she Invites him to share hers. Chin Klatig with 10,000 troops of nil He flint she Is of a only imposes one condition on learns the owner sorts f. net tbld nnd mountain guns, your free admission, and that Is supposedly worthless piece of land Feng manned the forts and guns on that is to bu sold for taxes. In the OK Stops a Deep-Seal- ed that you bring your parents. CHEAPER FUNDS TO Purple Hill. A week ago the main IW IP Kring them both If you can, but second act is shown lJlake's room in body of imperialists concentrated be- wmm in any event, bring either your the hotel and a poker game Is play- hind Purple Hill,' and deployed In a , Cough in a Hurry!': father or your mother. If this ed that Is said to be the funniest ever Kemi-c- ii i le extending from Tiger Hill is impossible, bring your uncle shown on the stage. During the to Yuntl Hill, directly south of the FURNITURE or your aunt or your big brother CROPS ARE game Hob overbears some talk be- city an,) commanding th south gate. Unequalsd Coush HE Wednesday a premature at- A Family Supply of or big sister. At the Crystal the tween a man mimed Hoy,, and Martin Last Remedy tor 50o-Mo- ney Un- show starts at 2:30 nnd at the Druary relative to Iteth Elliott's laud, tack on to gates resulted In the rev- funded If It Fall. Pastime lit 3:31). If you hurry lie learns that the railroad company olutionists securing a temporary foot- you can see both shows for the intends making some Improvements hold but Inter they were repulsed. medicines, as a rule, oontaln a NEEDED was Cough one price if admission, which is and that Heth's land Is wanted. Dru-r- y The Associated Press Informed torte proportion of plain syrup a good in- nothing. do not forget to the gules were opened as a result of one tha anyona can make. rut proposes to Hoyce to buy the prop- gredient, but bring your or your moth-- o trenchi i.v within the city. A of sugar, with X pint father erty In at the tax sale, and Hub de- pint frranulatwl your your aunt, your of warm water, stirred for 2 minutes, gives ei uncle or cides to frustrate their plans. He at- The revolutionists withdrew on you as pood syrup as money can buy. grown brother or sister, or all B. F, Yoakum Banking tends snle pays taxes as Thursday, realizing that full posses- mixed In Says the and the A bottle of Pinex, s of tliom together if you possibly saves sion of Purple Hill must be secured home-mad-e sugar syritp, the representative of Heth end pint bottle with r an. There will be seats enough System of Country Should be lo effect the capture of the city. They of really cough her property. Heth sells the land to gives yon a full pint better show enough fur the last tort on Purple Hill svrupthan you could buy ready mixed for for all and the railroad company, but as she Is later took Revised So As to Provide for und ali'O Yiiioatci, driving Hie lust of There's a clear saving of $2.W. Full nil. under the legal age to execute the "y II AN Ks(.l INti over, now we directions in package. Feng's forces Inside the city, This Necessity. agreement she marries Hob Blake, brl-tm- as And money couldn't buy a quicker, Friday morning, having placed turn our utlciition to ( better reiuiHjv. Takes hold at onoe, gives who as her husband becomes hi-- r le- mountain artillery and heavy guns usually stops gal with full power and the gift iWMclng. The few short almost instant relief, and ATTENTION, ti. A. It. guardian to iniike on Purple Hill, the bombardment of deep-seate- d cough in the most obstinate, (Sptclal Cormpondrar to Morning Journal J the transfer. city began from the northeast and (lavs IhIhccii Thanksgiving and B4 appetite, Is will be a regular meeting o'i the hours. It siimulates the There Chicago, 1. A change In haa a pleasant Usto-child- ren Dec. out The part of Hob Hlake will be play- It Is believed that much damage was i.ailckly. slightly laxative and G. K. Post No. ',, Grand Army flirlstiiui- - pnN Don't put off take it willingly. Splendid for Warren banking and currency system thut ed by Don MiicMillian and Dorothy done there. In the evening the revolu- pains, and other A. O. V. on our i luHiKliig until the last few hoarseness, asthma, chest of the Republic ut the will enable thp banks serving agri- Grey will be seen us Heth Elliott. tionary fire was concentrated the das. throat troubles, and unequuled for prompt ii lid east gates and In- this evening at 7 o'clock. All north rebel 1 hange the plan this year hop results In whooping cough. cultural communities, to obtain funds fantry was held ready to rush to these highly concen- are requested to be present. ItS , i'inex is a special and members on equal with institutions STEEL CORPORATION IsH-ti- -r Norway Visiting com- terms points If breaches in the wall result- curly! joii will get bettor sonici-- trated compound of Imported Election of officers. the big cities, the establishment riuli in gualaool V.y und ed. Scaling ladders with which to sur- White Plue extract, and is rades are Invited to be present. to in WILLING TO COMPLY goods anil txith the sulivNpl and other natural healing pine elements. of a governmental bureau aid mount the wall also were prepared. of M. Custel'R, post commander; hot-I- cr Simply mix it as directed with sugar syrup order jthe marketing of crops are two A few foreigners still remain In- mill yoiir clf u ill be happier nnd Q, Caldwell, adjutant. or strained honey, and it is ready for use. by J. thing. needed to bring prosperity to side N. inking, Including members of U. H aud New York, Dec. 1. for II. Uned in more homes in the the farmers of the country In the The fulled the Ked Cross and the Japanese con- any eongn remeay. corporation joins with Canada thuu other Tow lor Flic It miles. opinion of D. JA Yoakum, halrman States Steel sul and his guards. iin kua nfrun Nion imitated. but never In to In i boo. log gifts for your friends I ' ' of the ITIsco Attorney Wick, rsham a desire ....rn .w.tMnif..- -, ,..-.-ls will lirodtioa , ("lioi beck. Texas. Dec of the board of directors Buiwn 14.. , r.lUl The revolutionists are continually - know It is violating or violat- not si judgment the same results. The genulnn la giiarnti- from to Gros railway rysteni. Mr. Yoakum is now if has men guns. iloc jour gin suggest wowlcr flew o'iV'na anti-tru- being reinforced with and ttcd or money i niU-- , t through the ed the Sherman law, and to give abtsolntesausfuctton i(lfk foitcno biv. on an extended trip south At present their tone approximates something useful as well as orna-iiM-iit- Mundfld. Certificate of guarantee .18 and west and speaks from a personal to that end aid In expediting tiackaee,. 1 our uniggiM, I wraniied in euoh (.bservation. of conditions. the government's dissolution suit souk tiling lie nvlpicnt can oas gos ! fiwx or win ! itid! Want Ads against it. Co Vor Results From Journal past," said Mr. Yoakum, l.iip and enjoy through the ismilug end to The Pinex "In the The corporation's attorneys are "the farmers have allowed Important - now preparing the answer to gov- your- xoiiK'tliing which will recall nati .i.ul legislation affecting their the bill lo lie Tiled early in " w interests to be so shaped, through ernment's lams (be iticniNhip which it'ompttil Us others, January and will not delay the liti- ELKS' THEATER, Dec. 7th political leaders, as to suit giving, and a certain pleasant ClnUt-ma- s without consideration for them. It Is gation. apptur.m .e of the "long to be hoped that in the matter of tha The defendants agic" In the fnittil states court at Trenton to, ft I . rt proposed revision of our finmcial Wc have many Ixviullfiil tilings In system, so vital to their ultimate pros- on Monday, said an official of the corporation, would not Involve gifts-W- e JilUfUIH T" ' I perity, they will take sufficient in- the our Mlorc suitable for jtisl Midi a de- I jf i n to Interests physical appeai'mce of any of the 'It iii'illlilSllSii i terest see to it that their ' urge you to come early and make are safeguarded. fendants, but would be made by id 1lillllHil!iil'''l'l! "There's Something About You Dear That Appeals to Me" "I believe that the provision of counsel. your -- elections while llm M.vk Is new banking facilities better adapted to and the assortment varied. We will Bi&fett Song Hit in Years busi- The the requirements of legitimate MUTINY PLOT FAILS mL I VI If I i A Migg-ih,- iis day day ness than those we h ive at present l If n offer from to in AT LEAVENWORTH PRISON DANIEL V. ARTHUR PrwanU of greater Importance to farming our iidvcrtiscnioiKM which we trust communities generally and to the to w ill he iH lpt'iil in you In making your J south and west in particular than 'anv other interests or sections. Leavenworth. Kas., Dec. 1. The Christmas wbs lloiis. There is no more reason why, under . discovery here today of a dozen re- caps nip- Grace In the Exqalsllcly Beautiful proper financial system .the farmers volvers, dynamite, fuse and sell prod- ped In the bud an intended mutiny of Parisian Comic Opera should be forced to their Bottled at the ) ucts ut an unprofltably low figure or ihe prisoners confined in the federal TUl; PARADISE OF MAHOMET tl to pay exorbitant rates of Interest for penitentiary here, which no doubt brewery. Just Van holding them than should those of have resulted in n wholesale libera- any other Industry. When potion tion of felons. about 100 per growers are forced to pay three-quarte- The confederate of the prisoners cent, perfect pound In Interest, broke through an outside door r of a cent a . storage, Insurance and other charges Wednesday night and lowered the For health's sake have jfnr holding their product this amounts arms and explosives Inside the wn. Siuddiford - IX in your home. Ion a 12,0(10,000 bale crop to 145.00ft.- They were hidden under a pile of (00 and involves a henvy sacrifice to wheelbarrows. The convicts were not y"Alwayt the ama the owners, who In this esse are the allowed in the rd Thursday nor Old "More beautiful than 'The Merry Widow. farmers. Similar conditions apply to Friday and guard found the pack- Good Bltz" crops. A other great agricultural age before the prisoners had a chanfe Ctrn. Hrhlnas Cnmpany Chocolate Soldier ; revision of our banking system thst to get It. The pai kage had been plac- Whmmmm Otilrm "More bewitching than The I1S-1I- will equalize the rates nnd terms ed Inside n length of stovepipe. Kvtrs T W. Ceoner At. lo all banks In all sections Is cartridges and iiise were in the Alboonerqce. Bf. 11. . USt all season. Hia rnemer need and Insofar as package, . c,FURNITURE Nothing finer will be here h, 71 the national reserve association plan provides for this it Is a beneficial Try a Journal Want Ad, Results Prices, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Seats on Sale at Matson's one to our farming Interests.


and th Dam National Rerlamatton WTt WM)li M.UIKLT. loncrw, thua olplng the Irrigation- - li a out at rxltenc a body," Though the aggregate f bunineee THE OLDEST BEARING APPLE lilcrniiio Journal The it?m also quoted Chairman In during the patt seek n smaller imcr on the auject, aa followa: than In thoae preceding the move- IN la waa ateady whole, TREES AMERICA mm (OffMal Know ft Htm Meal) "ll true that the aouthern alalia ment and, on the - iff have amp landa to rniaim and wunt at mtlafactory price. a:va Brad- lrov on Sbue of Muiuano Mountains iu Met-ki- n, con famous Xi to uc the National Irrigation atreeta. Territory wot;,', especially li Monk lit SrvrnM-eutl-i " JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Planted IVamiiaao (cntiiry. Mill - m i" 4f for purpoae or tnrtuenring tapln gMHla, been mure quiet. Yearly rop. Tv- -.- rr.M the have Itrltir to iTuiiUm Its i a:: u, xjr v i- up me- H MAOfHKHtJ.1 1,1,,! the fcuvrrnmcnl to take the work and attention haa leen turned to JAM ICS a. I'l.A. K ... .ktaatM for i,em. They realla the power and dium fleecea. which appear very at Intermountain Fruit Journal. innurnre or ine rongrraa. i ne irnga-lio- n tractive when it ia considered that congreni l glad to am-i- them, Imllar forfign gradea cannot be f. J. AMtl.M.N, hut all the we.tcrn niintxra are a bought for anything llek the prlca The early history of the new state alniost aacred. They will not allow , MarqtHtU) liuibliiic Cuk-afo- DL unit agalnat allowing the to quoted on the domeatlc. Ohio quart of New Mexico ia one lone chapter of 't to be touched. There i little doubt it abounds ie- - te taken to New Orlanand mill re-si- er blood, for Instance, fold thia week romance and adventure: mat with year of scientific Rrpretrntaflvcv In a wealth of car, K.1.1'11 Ml tvery effort to change the name. aa hljih as l.'V, cent, thi quotation In the picturesque and the fruit of these trees tould be It l.UiV, legend absorbing There is IH turn. Sew York. We muat make ture that the next Ir- making a, hiKh record for the year on interest. restored to something of its original Vrk a village or town quality. On Christmas Morning rigation congreaa gora to aome west thia grade of scarce settlement, The variety is not known wool. Other kind have to A - in the region tributary the Rio number of apple experts who KniMv4 MvA4.rlM llr .1 tk ern city and not into the aouth.' not advanced owing- to the uncertain- - all have teffir l A!MijurjM, N. M- ta U Grande which his not its own partlc examined the trees have been of M.rc I, I. The baala tHeae and tha surrounding unable as on any other winter day, vs. A A UunM Hi for feara tiea the tariff aituation. story of those distant day to place them. xv, newa Inaplred by probably ular ttenia them which tend to check buying when when daring couquistadores nnd u hen we visited Aug' you can make your home MOMMNO JOl R'A1. H TH the the tree in THB hat been the energetic efforta made higher price are naked At aame thr-i- toiNQ mi M or rw the the more daring priests found ust, every one was laden with fruit. l ' ri ir i rai mi-cu- more comfortable and cheery mno. (i li iiKiixi rim i by Park of the llllnolt time. It I evident that the clip ia be way into the wilderness, searching Since that time the fruit ha ripened or nut KtrmiMAx to. delegation Itig ALL THE TIM.. AMI IHe MITIIIrnri 1'eiitral have a larxe moved steadily and that the stock for the golden cities of Cibolla, or and much of ;t has been marketed by using a Perfection Smoke- OF THF KHIHIKM IAEII W UEJK from the aouthern atatea at the Chica of wool which will be carried over bearing the messuga of the church. by the villagers in the tlir.T AKk Hlliir. towns along less Heater. go cotigrem. We aent a "reclamation into 1912 will not be burdensome. And of all New Mexico no region has ihe railroad. The mature apple is of jepeciai" val Woolen and womtrd mill are so much of mysterious Interest a medium rlze, a light yellow to Muln. Ik wl. Kiw la throtixh the takliu and of de Knln kw4 ...if U w. ley Ut aummer to grouae Interest In small qimrititlc, as needed, and man- that lying along the eastern and lightful flavor. The apples are knot PERFECTION " " slopes of the rugged Man una ' "or rnwmrnoM." the reclamation work In general, and ufacturer ore receiving; duplicate southern j impertociiy lormea, but are mam xano mountains, which extend along entirely free Vrom worms. fer mail. oa i"ili the rongrea In iwrtlcular, and that order for apring delivery at prices tMiUr. MirMr, M aiuklk work haa been followed by further ef- which seem to Indicate that the move- the Hio Grande for thirty miles or When the Manxano colony was es more south from Albuquerque. It is tablished a little more a century Its genial warmth is quickly at your service, ready (of use in any " T't Morali Jmrwl klcbw rtr forta to iiecure Uclcgatea. ment has not yet been completed. than tm region to which historians ago, were when those ulaiM raitfta mroflr-- mmf poaJtlon "rerlnination-lata- " Is a and these trees bearing Just as emergency. You will need it as a supplementary heater hi AmmrU The of the The Inquiry for foreign wools re Uimr pap m M.W lo archaeologists have given com para they are ut present. That they hod cold will it just the thing for the btm-p- tf . . when their attention la called to ported to be Increasing, and amons,' extra spells come. , Later you find mm KirwWT. tlvely little attention, yet it Is one of food, mature tree for the weetern feara and weetcrn atorlea. the Hle of the week was a block of more than changeable weather of early spting. MW MEXICO the most fruitful fields for research Century before that time there le lit- ia that the Irrigation eongreaa, at It 1 00,000 pound Oeelong 14s on a in all the southwest. tle ground for doubt. With care there The Perfection Heater is light and easily carried. It is safe in lat acmlun In Pueblo, approved a fed acoured basi of not more than 77 I no AM TIIK t)Xtillf:.H At the extreme southern end of the question but that they would the hands of a child the safest and most reliable heater made. nit VtT eral reclamation policy and urged the cents. All primary markets aboard are Man.ano range lies the famous ruin continue to bear for a century to Drums finished either in blue enamel olain steel, with nickel national congreaa to adopt one alml-lu- r firm, but very little Is being taken of Lu Gran Qulvern, a great mass of come. or are trimmings an ornament Irrlirailonl.t all over the et to the federal Irrigation policy. for American account. cruniblln stone, believed to lie the ine wonderful vitality of these to any room. irt-atl- itlrrej by report! of activi- They nay further, that reclamation of original ite of the fabled ' Seven trees; their marvelous stand against A special automatic device ouket imokirg impotsible. All parts essily ties of th kilvui'Mtc of th reclama- wet land la a national and not a ic-tlon- America recommended a financier Cities of Cibolla. It was the tal of time ia one of the convincing light cleaned. Gallon loot ; burnt nine houra. 'Cool ttaadle ; dimpn top. tion of awamp land In th outh. It work, althnush the southern, to Persia. Now Persia auks we these golden cities, carried south by upon the adaptability of the foothill that Dssim mrywhtra ; or wrm lu cWnptive circaiu to any a! da ia aitruJ thiit the aouthernur arc enatern and central atutea are more prevent llussla from undoing the the Indians which Inspired the Span- lands of New Mexico to the culture ifT conquest New. Mexico, Thirty of great planning to kidnap th totigrp, directly Intrrenled In It than In Irri- work of our financier. Of course we ish of the American irttit. The Oil miles to the north arc the ruins of a valley lands of new Continental! Company ihanan lia nnhia and divert It from gation. They dlaclalm any plot to are a world power nd murines to the stute hav lacorMr.t.d) great church In Abo canyon, and a proven Ha original purpot that of placing kidnap the Irrigation t?ongreae, hut do nnd Pernio. themselves already; but the China more bring one to Im- the landli'M man on th manlaa not cny that they expect to aay a few mile the development of the hill lands opens posing Idle of La Guara. This ruin 1 an UihI. That- - thi inov will meet with great real about awamp almost unlimited field.. reclamation It Is cited as a proof of the back- one of th most Imposing in the tha united opposition of th dalrRutoa and dmlnnge and hope to have the China, be- proprty In the suit of wardness of that "Chang whole southwest. It 1 built In the for foreclosure NEGRO SOLDIERS ON wratem e with- aupport a deed from tha alata continued of their weitern heads the relatives of Hliu." Hut whut form of the Cross, of the flat stones of trust brotiKht against James aaylna;. fight B. Mary out anil a blttrr will be brother In the work. is It when the colonel goes for Tuft's which abound in the region; cement- CREDITOR APPEALS and Itutherford, bv I'rank WAY TO PHILIPPINES to tha rongreaa from McKee. trustee, and H. It. Davis, was waxed keep goat or LaFolIette raises an Insur- ed with adobe, Th walls, now rap-Idl- y filed Wednesday uml Sent to golnt to the couth or nut and brine AXDltEW CAHNIXJIK-- "CiUEAT. rection In thi country? falling to ruin, are from four to Santa l'e for Judge Abbott's approval. Tho Twenty-fourt- h regiment converted Into a drainage organiza- MKN." six feet thick and the towers still of tion. The luhtfroni meet December IT standing are more than sixty feet FROM RULING OF The report Sets out that a certain I'nited States ln( inlry, one of the six Kellogg Durland, the Socialist au- piece to at the Auditorium theater In Andrew Carnegie, celebrgtlng hi high. The ruins of a stone wall may of property In the 1'eren addi- negro regiments in the I'nited States thor, commit suicide when his wife to Chicago. seventy-sixt- h be easily traced, surrounding tion the city of Albuqueroue hu birthday, guve out a ues the rarmy, traveling in troop trains,- for divorce. Other husband are teen sold for the sum $400. three Nrw lirnu In a number of weal list of the twenty men who In hi church nd th adjacent (spring and of not driven to desperation on learn- embracing area, probably six Judge passed through Albuquerque yester- em a;er have stimulated tho fear Judgment deserve to be held as great-th- aa of PROBATE JURE E Abbott signed an order ap ing the real opinion entertained of acres. history of proving day. tha "south would kidnap th est of the race. Ids one comment hundred The this the report, which was filed them by their wive. church is doubtful. The generally ac- in the district and them have aroused on them was that all were born poor court. The regiment is en route from cepted theory Is that it was built by weatern Irrlgiitlon and that seven were Is Fackett's Harbor and Oswego, N. T., tha peopla to Hcot. This th Heattlo asked that hi time be Indians under direction of the Fran- necessity of having large dele .list: NOVEMBER WEATHER to the Philippines to do garrison duty the shortened. Hut the meat packer se- ciscan father who were known to James F. Brown Seeks to be gaetlop congress, I Shakespeare: In the Islands. Tho regiment com- at the Arlxona, Morton, discoverer of cure another delay an extension on have gone Into that region In the lat- UNUSUALLY COLD is J Appointed posed of 1,186 men New Mexico, Washington, California ether; Jctiner, discoverer of vacclna-an- d ulno-ye- ter day of the Seventeenth Administrator of and officers and tha period. Is Oregon are all thoroughly wnk'tlon; Nellson. Inventor of hot-blas- Century. under th! command of Col Wllllari Estate of Late Engineer Jas, Paulding, who us a was , to the danger which Lincoln; Burn, the poet; Gutenberg, lieutenant, confronts their The Insintence of o many Investi- Seven mile further north from La The month of November from a ! stationed at fanta Fe years ago. Interests. The J.oa Angeles Tribuns inventor of jirlntlng; Kdlson; Hlem-o- f Guam, and right at the bane of the Englehart, climatic standpoint was not up to gator that , he was "misled" must be oV Nuvemlier H, eontuliis an l j ens, Inventor of water-mete- r; little, The Two the trains passed through nrtli getting persuasive eveu to towering Manxano range is tho standard. month was unusually among semer, Inventor; Mushet, the cold. Tho following In the day time and the third train other thing. ay: Inventor of Colonel. village of Maniano. with Its famous data will be of ; in city 9 "Information ha been received steel prott-g- Columbus; Wntt; Hell, spring and Its more fariious grove of James F. Prown yesterday filed an interest: arrived the shortly alter liern-alill- o'clock last night and 10. by the chamber of commerce) thiit Inventor of telephone; Arkwrlght, apple tree believed to have been appeal in the district court of o Average maximum temuerature. 54 left about Mr. Tuft will settle the peace-ba- n recliiniHtlon In the "i iuthern vehtor of cotton-iiplniin- machinery; planted by the earliest pioneers county against the ruling of the degrees; average minimum, 24.8; A number of the men of the regi- quet controversy so far us he is con- probate on 13, average range, ment are to state I' to I strongly advocated at Kranklin; Mtirdock, first to employ among the Franciscans. Manzano la court Xevcmber when 3.4. anxious again return to cerned by attending ona In hi own I Krank McKee was appointed the Philippines oppor- the cnmlng mectlnif of the Nntlowl oal gas us niumlnant; Hargredves, the Spanish word for Apple, nnd It admin- Highest maximum temperature for because of the town. grove istrator of tho estate of James Engle- tho month, 70 tunity for service In China, in con- Irrigation cotigreiw, and that an ef-- j inventor of aplunlng Jenny: Stephen-for- t from this remarkbl0 that the degrees on November great range tukes hart, deceased. 10; lowest minimum, 1 degrees, on nection with the present revolution. I to be made tu ""hi fynilngton, of rotary mountain its name control the inveritor th of goe The appointment of Mr. McKee was November 29. congrt-- torch Liberty Th village of JMnnxano is typical lireuteKt daily range. ecn to the extent iif,n:lne. '. upon 2 ' out, New York harbor w III have a of New Mexico mountain villages. made the application of Mark degrees, on November 15. Ziiina llombardod. cliangliuj Its name. Thi plan, If suo-- 1 Jn Mr. Carnegie's sluht, the found-Cesef- Knglchart, a brother, as against the mammoth monument to Columbus. Its struggling Una of houses can The total precipitation for the '.Tripoli, Dec. 1. cruis- easily era r rrllglnna, splr-t- o The Italian nitit reault In tha the apostle of be sold to a street. The application of Mr. Urown, who set month was .54 Inches, and great- - hardly form the er Pnrtenople to- of mll of dollar of the gov-jltu- al advancement, Alowes, Muhninct, out that he was u creditor of tho es- twenty-fou- bombarded Zuara Chill is getting Jealous of Argen adobc buildings are one-stor- paint- eat rulni'all for any r hours trnment needed for irrigation 'Ht. Paul, little. tip-I- n tate. was .52 day and silence the Turkish guns funds count for The tine and I'mie Sum mny soon have ed white with high corrugated Iron Inches. that j James Knglehart is Santa Fe California. Th chamber Is ready builder of nations and of clvlllza-t- o an roofs, painted a brilliant red. Against the There were 10 clear days in tha had previously opened fire on tho embarrassment of riches. coast lines engineer who was killed head a campaign against any such Hons, Alexander1, Caesar, Washington, the brilliant green of the. pine chid month, 5 partly cloudy and 6 cloudy.. cruiser. In the wreck near Iiguua, 65 mllei action, which would be a blow to Napoleon, are passed with equal i) la- hill the village may be seen for Women Interested In aviation are west of this city on October 3. In the the welfare of the state, and ha "gard. The inaeter-lhlnke- r or miles and' miles from tho vast forming a society will they ugree in petition the appointment of undertaken to ' and philosophy, plains to the enst. pres- for Frank aasemble the suuli men a air? 'The McKee as trustee, the brother sets force of go Pluto, IUtcon, ent population urc. descended from the itate to to Chicago Newton, Iiarwln, are out that the engineer died Intestate, flcht the plan. The excluded of colonist sent up from Mexico City and chamber's from this list fame. The Mr. is nnd that he Is tho next of kin. He Hockefeller growing polite, 1800. Three of these colonics i perianal repreaenlutlve at the con-- 1 great poet are almost Unrepresented. about live In Missouri and was hence de- attentive and explanatory. were established; Manzano, the It's Baker's and Delioloof C. the It's grrsa will be It. Itootho, George In their stead are written the names barred from serving himself, so d and the Tljique, all along II. Maxwell and W. C. Mendenhall." of Inventor of engines and of Im- Torreon for the appointment of Frank busa of the Manxano range. To A proved processes of the McKee, which Probate Judge Mont. 0 letter from the chamber of com- manufacture. was given a grunt of lund, later Made by a perfect mechanics, Per Imps no two men would agree W TRUNK RULES each Rranted. merce was also published, stating confirmed by the Vnlted States con- substantially same thing. upon a list of twenty great ones. process from high grade cocoa the gress, and now owned by the people Sues for Absolute Divorce. The Fresno Republican, tin No- Most readers of history would Include day of as community grants. The Ilecause, she alleged, kicked her, beans, scientific.!!' hur.d?i, it vember ID, published the following: In inch a list u lurger proportion than ox long gone from the curt since knocked her down and then made Mr. Carnegie docs of louder of SO DRASTIC Man-ean- o is of the finest quality, full "John Falrweather was yester- the these villages. The priest at her obtain by her labors day minds of men. sufficient appointed by the board of super- II and the vlllugo doctor ride money to aupport and two strength and absolutely herself power visor the sole delemite from this through the country in high children, Mr. Cru Haca de Chavei county to the National Irrigation U M III WING 1 TUi: NAVY. automohlles. Saw mills ore hum- yesterday entered suit in the district pure and healthful. AS EXPECTED ming In the mountain canyon and emigres. Yesterday Fulrwealhor re- court for an absolute divorce from her Sold In lb., 1 4 lb., 1 12 lb. and 1 lb. being up. The vast 16 cans ceived a letter from H. A. Fowler, of It cannot be the purpose of the mines are opened husband, Mluel Chuvez. net weight navy tobacco-che- plains once undisputed Phoenix, Ariz, president of the con- - department to uncuurage Eatancla the ThU treatment, according to the ground ress, culling his ef- among the men at train- grazing of these mountuln plaintiff's petition, began soon after Booklet of Choice Recipes Sent Free attention to the 160-aor- ing poople, are now cut into e - fort that It Is understood slat Ions and on board ship, Seven-Fo- their marriage In 1906, and continu- will be Yt ot Baggage Carriers Hut tlll most gum-chew- - Manzano is the ed Intensity made during the coming session to otherwise the abolition of farm. with increasing until a liiK Is picturesque of New Mexico mountain ngo, when ha abandoned her. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. hac the Held of activity of the con- - hard to explain from any point Go Without Excess, Regard- Jenr village. It cannot be robbed of Its. Mrs. Chave allege that he is not ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. gnu moved to tho south, and v"'w r'iatlng to tho discipline and also"" less of Bulk; Some Im- charm so long as tha hill, the great a fit and proper person to havo the to change Its nume to the i "u'r1 'f the service, "National spring and its grove of ancient tree care of the two children, Marie, 5 Congress,'1 In- Man is a ruminant animal to Herlamatlnn with the the portant Changes, However. remain. years, and Manuel, S years of age. extant h Im disposed tention of using It In furtherance of that to substitute There Is no reasonable doubt that Cost of this suit also asked. an rjwaiJAMMipWE3 reclamation projects in the south-Intn- l. artificial cud or the one denied by tho Franciscans planted the Man- nature. Fowler opposed the propo- Whether the end be tobacco The protest of the traveling; public xano grove and that It waa planted Socks to Quiet Title to Uml. sition, saying In or gum, Its chewing soothes the. In the matter of the new and uniform date BRASS his letter, 'I know nerve. before the of the Pueblo Indian W. C. Testrlch, a administrator of GOODS you win " Improve Induces baggage rules adopted by certain a drove never ilan, for this." and Insurrection, which for tlmo the estate of Pluturco I.ueraa, yes- contentment. KuffruRi-tte- western railroad line been ef- Ink Stands Paper Weights An even morn alarming Item ap- are not ha the Spaniards from the country. The terday through A. B. Itobertson, his r. fective. The of trunk that may evidently peared in the Spokane paper on No disturbance to the le site waa selected by the attorney, filed suit to quiet tho title Desk Sets Office Sets state ever grew he checked remain a before, practic- priest because spring. This Novembur . In which the following out of a company of of the to a certain piece of land In Sun Jose tobacco chewcra ally unlimited. The seven-foo- t trunk apring alone is worth a day's journey Candlesticks Book Statements were made: sitting around n goes. precinct, valuad at l00. Racks Clocks hills, although the run 11111V "An organised campaign Ir now be- stove on the America n frontier and into the K. a. Onrcla and company are The new rule went into effect bo made from the railroad In an auto- In Large and Assscrted Varieties. ing made to turn the Notional Irri- spilling at it. The federal prisoner named a the direct plaintiffs be- ' yesterday and apply on the Ssnta Fe in an The Manzano concre-n- , at IJbby were mobile hour. cause they ponesa a quit claim deed gation essentially a west- (he more easily con- a well us other trolled all roads. spring rises almost like an artesian given them by the wife of the deceas- ern organisation, lido the National as they were given the more There are no limit as to bulk. well in the bottom of a sunken crater hi death and without re- Keclumutlon rongress and It tobacco to clu w. No battle has been Ticket ed after O. A. MATSON & direct entitle holders to the same a right at the base of the hill. The course to the proper authority for COMPANY activities tdmost wholly fought in two countries where the before. to the south. flood waters have worn an entrance, permission to make the sale. "This announcement wan to- chew of gum or tobacco ha not play- The made principal changes in the new but on three side the walla of the The administrator sets out In bis day in ed u part In composing s Chimin and Is confirmed bv tho nerves or rub over th,, old ones are a follow- crater rise a hundred feet or more. petition that In order that the estate H ,n ,'ii 1 Insinger, of Spokane, hiilrmnn ri"'1'1K t'ourure of the soldier, retofoi i! tho carrier have not been At period of lowest water there may be settled up as soon as possible, nurKe- liable GERMAN-MILLE- D of the n;illniuil board of control Mf observed tho contrast bet we. mi for more than $100 valuation on alwaya twenty feet or moro of the all the assets should be loll hag gage converted the i rgunltutlon. That attempts nd rhewlng cattle; of the field accompanying a whole ticket, clearest, coldest mountain water In cash ao as to liquidate the debts. For ,hn or J.'.ft for 11 Now a will be mad,, to pack' the next con- - Hn'' tfrastdiopper that made all half ticket. rule the basin of the apring. It flows out this reason he claims title to the pro- - Is provided so can grcss. In Cbl iixo, December e. 5 the noise and mischief, that th carrier for a hundred feet or moro, then dis- perty In San Jose, which was not sold not accept baggage FLOUR- g valued t more appears In a crevice, to re- It was iljapres with delegates The si lence or philosophy of chew-In- natural according to law, alleged. S southern and discour- than $5,000 from any one passenger. appear age western representatives at- In relation to human composure right at the ancient apple Irom Haggage valued at more $5,000 tending, also Is charged. is yet to be written. Hut as a stimu- than grove, six hundred yards below. No Spoolul Master's Report Apjirovod. w ll bp charged at the excess rate, fix- more Ideal site been chos- W. "The thief mover in the new cam- lus thereto the action (, the nnvy could have Tho report of C Ostrich, ed on a percentage averaging 16 2 an priests paign are high may use. en for orchard had the master appointed to sell real ufliUula of the Illinois have Its per cent of the ticket rate. The com the answer Central railraud searched the whole west. Nature had to and the Hnrrlman pany's liability still remains $100 and provided a thoroughly efficient irriga- line whl h tap ex- the south and The big lawyers ay they are $r.n. tion system, with un unfailing water every Baking Problem: tensive properly bolder In the Miss- - to advise their big clients what I'uder the new rule, dogs not In- supply. "Oust Say " Isslppl delta dlMrlct. No so. ret Is made is permitted - tended for exhibition purposes, Firxer,-Whit-er by law and what forbid- and Xiholla, or the Grand Qulvera, Abo It's i ine inn iiiioiis of these men to den. Hultably muzzled and leashed, may bo Thus they confess their Inabil- and l.a Ouara wero destroyed by In- HORLICK'S turn the Chicago a ity carried free ut the owner' risk convention Into to earn the big fees they charge dians and time. But the Indians More Uniform; reclamation congress and to entlrelv bul they speak local point only. Othcrwlno It Maan$ .. . ard with authority to nun spared the apple tree and time, the change the alius of the dogs valued at less than $25, not In organisation. of smaller purses; art thoy paid for protecting mountain and th wonder-ru- t Original and Genulno by tended for exhibition purpose, w ill bo Made LARABEES "The Chicago Hoard of Trade, ap- their doubts? climate of the region have dealt pointed to handle carried at the 160-pou- exces bag- the detail of the gage kindly with them. GERMAN congress rate. Dogs valued at mora than MALTED MILK Famous PROCESS: lilncteenlh thia year, has ; A real Indian chief, rich enough to The popular Impression among $.'5 must go by express. Food-drin- All been more Interested In making aouth-r- n take In w Thi k for Agis. New York, objects to the i those ho have not made the Journey swamp a rogers land the main issue in plays and moving picture show that There ta llttlo danger from a cold to Manxano Is that the Manzano trees More healthful than Tea or Coffee. silverware) lie. ember than in Irrigation, say libel a group coupon the his race. Hut If th children arc or from an attack of th grip except are of four or five gnarled Agrees with the weakest digestion. in everysackJ officer who live In Upokane. At first, tilled with when followed by and barren are, in false tuitions who will pneumonia, and stump. There Delicious, invigorating and nutritious Interpsta represented on the fer? Not the , thi never happen when Cham'.ur-latn'- s fact, some sixty trees, well grown Indian. Rich milk, powder board did tint crltlilJie this, but flow Cough Uemcdy Is used. This vigorous and productive. Tho grove maitci grain, fore GROSS,. KELLY & ,CO, up in remedy has won It g,-e- reputation has been whipped by mountain they are arm, for they believe John t. Kockefellcr he know the A quick lunch prepared in ' and extenalv sals by Its storm of a tree ha a miot (Wholesale plan Is not thing ore-fiel- remarkabl centuries. Not that the merely one to aid or two about d aid Grocers.) I cures of colds and grip and can bo ever been a pruning Take no substitute. AskforllORLlCK the south, bul to give It also the bene- - Mlssabe railways that they touched wltn . Albuquerque, Tucumcarl, K. N. M didn't relied upon with Implicit confldonc hook, for the Mnnxnuo people have a la Veffas, lit of all th Influem t of the congress know down In Judee, recos, Rone, Corona, For sale by all dealers. deep regard for the grove, hlch I Othen are imitations. Trinidad. Colo. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1911. SEVEN

1 iiiiiiMiimtiiiimi mm i FINANCE AND CO M TIERCE (The Joernal Want ColMEmms Llltllll'HMIMUIHIttHIIHmHIHIMHIMHt IF YOU HAVfc- - A WANT TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL Total galea for the day 269.10 Wall Street shares. Bonds were Irregular with some of 1. and Nt, York. Politics the local traction issues again show- . V, r, full I f vtiVoill mil.- ing pronounced strength. Total sales PERSON AL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGE. - rates PROFESSIONAL CARDS . . A Fine . . Wll rrlrUut Tnll par value. $4,293,000. Home sijeration un " MONEY TO IOAV w Vnited States de- 4 were Drwsi " ...Mi 4's registered For 0 rurattar. Ptn' Orn, Hxrwa, For w Sale 1- Rent - congress is to assemble fined mi nd oth Cbsttel.: slM oa Blr-- Tnr sisdtk ptif 14. Th r1if ATTORNEYS. ll- bwause f.n low as and Co. Otfieaa, - money held Dd WarvhouM Hotp. u wrkovM lmprorant Call was still . , (WMt week. ll t and as his a U Loan, ar modern house, on north riwma I nd Ursal Moak. Tklrf K. W. D, nilVAN "figures much above the levels ulcklr mada and .trlctly prlv.l. Tlma n omrsl Irtnut Boston Mining . la High Attorney-at-La- Stocks. Dwellings hi month to on rar (ivaa. Oo-a- to street, east front, lawn god hUh have prevailed for several Oar rat ara Offics In Han Build- days. la your poaMdon porches. Owner Is leaving city and FOR SALE Real Estate. First National months until the last few Loans $25.00 Seven room modern frame, rra,abla. Call aad fca ing. Albuquerque. N. Alloues . SSVi to anda.atram ail must sell. If you are looking for a ,vre placed as high as I per cent large yard, corner. Highlands, close Staam.htp tlokata 7 Amalgamated Copper . 62V rt. of th. world. see llStX received on Wednesd- I. home, this. Can be bought furn- WANTED Houses to rent, also fur- Attorney-at-I- ,he maximum & . 25 in. hoi'8khou rorjrt. Am'n. Zinc Lend Sm. . tub h.ovtekei-Ing- ; 7-19 ay- $25.00 Five room modern brick, Baama Unit, iUC. ished or unfurnished. Price rlht nished rooms for Ihtht Rooms If Cromwell Bids. Arizona Commercial 30 PRIVATB OFKIl'BA"' also houses in the north part of Res. phone 1522 W. office phone H72 Both these Influences were beari- Bos. Cop. . corner, large yard, fourth ward. OrRN BVKNINOS Corb & Sil M rrwtral Ktmn town to selL Money to losn, lire in- speculative sentiment corres-bi1- 1. $12.00 Four room cottage, West Wart UKOUiili K klJiCK sh and Butte Coalition . lVi surance, real estate, Attorney. The Pressure 'hat has been Calumet & Arizona .155 Central. SALE. $5.00 room cottage, near FOR Rooms Stern Block icided asainst the stock market Calumet Sc. Hecla .595 Three MeCl.rfJHAX DEXTER N. M. brewery. $2250 frame, bath, furnish- Fire Insurance Albuquerque, most of he week continued and prices Centennial . 11 SI Central. PonAa, ed, corner good barn. So. Arno. Vt American Surety tuggvd although losses were not Copper Range Con. Co. 51 $5.00 Four room adobe, near lot $1200 frame, good lot, city Loans Mountain Ten-roo- heavy. East Butte Cop. Mine 11 road. $600 cash, bal- FOR SALE m modern brick DENTISTS. SCITABLE FOR LODGING HOUSE. water, N. 8th at time In almost a year Franklin 8 ance 8 per cent dwelling In Helen, N M, Lots 75x for the firit $25.00 rooms, modern, ,own t,ank were extensive Giroux Consolidated Nine .close tSOO Beautiful fouf-roo- modern 142, or will whauge for Albuiuergua out uf in, kecond floor. property. E. Walrath lental Surgeon.' (,f money In- - Granby Consolidated 2$ bungalow, hardwood floors, fira residence U T44. in this market Helen, N. M. Rooms Harnett Hid.. Phene Greene Cananea 8 Rnnchet or residences for sale or places, large good ehada. Arpotntmerts made bv res 11. t,.ricir banks are stronger than local : lot IMe Royalle IS trade: Porterfield Co. InstHuticns whose . resources are (Copper) $1,900 brick and itit kali; Kerr Lake 25 JOnV M. MOORK REALTY CO. 50x142. High- $1,700 modern brtck, $200 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. threatened with further depletion this frame, both on lot Lake Copper 13 FTRE IXSrKANCE. REAL ESTATE, cash; cash; balancs $25.00 per month. eek by reason of the continued overf- lands, closa In; $900 balance 1). 4V LOANS AND ABSTRACTS. 216 West Gold $650.00 modern frame, $5C V. U. SILDlt.ClL M. to Canada and Pacific coast. La Salle Copper S per cent. low the 1A. cash, balance $10.00 per month, Specialist Eye, Far, Nose and Throat Miami Copper 22 4 Wet Gold Atb. Pbon -- bungalow, The movement continued today with tl 14000 room. $450.00 Small house, furnished, Oxer Walton's drug store. Phone 1171 Mohawk 44 Vi porch, bardwood YS. the shipment of $500,000 to Snn sleeping floor. YXltrl;ilT HIMS!;llT. $300 cash, balance, anv terms, Nevada Consolidated 18' 75; calves, 7.25; bulls, stags, N. Uth A. 41. M. 1. frnn'-iiK'n- bringing up the total loss $3.25f St Four years sgo the writer was tiVitCLE l'KAK, Nipisslng Mines 7 etc., frame, lawn tree. In Practice Limited to iurinir the recent outflow to 117,270,-W- $3.00 4.90. tl00 urged to buy some lota on North 204 AVest tlold, rhoneSSS. North Butte 22 Hogs Highlands, on car line. Tuberculosis. Known movements of money for , Receipts, 5.200; market residence, 12th street at $200 eech. FOlt SALE Corner lot 60x142 (eel Hours, 9 to 11. North Lack 6 14500 atucco week indicate a cash loss by 5c higher. Heavy. $6.05iSi 6.20; mix- lot 75x141, Lots In this vicinity have since gold In Highlands; 3 rooms, well and city !24H W, Central Ave. the the Old Dominion 44' modern, ateam heat of between $5,000,000 ed, $5.95i 6.05; light, $5.65riT 6.10; at $500 each , thereby showing a stable. Easy Over Walton's Drug Ptore. hanks and Osceola 95 lawn, good outbulldinra, cloie la. water; sewv connection, 000,000. pigs, $4.50i 5.75; bulk of sales, $5.90 profit of 150 percent. desired, pke All for Parrot t (Silver & Cop.) 11 MOXGY TO MN terms if rent W M. MIEIUOAX. M. IV-t- cu 6.10. I no. B, on 13th, 1 Northern Pacific was the conspicu- Quincy 64 Iiirg' lHs till S50. J. E. Elder, 208 tlold ave. Practlce Limited to Sheep Receipts, 5,000; market 15th Ktivcti are today cheaper (li'iilto-Ertnar- jr ous weak issue of the list, at one time 9 A. ami IMsranr, Shannon 10 to 20c higher. Yearlings. $3.85' FLEISCHER by comparison, than the 12th street ERI'IT TAHMa Noguchl ruling two points below the previous Superior 25 FOK HALE Two farma, 110 The WasBermsnn and Tests 4.50; wethers, $3.25 P 3.75; ewes, $2. lit South Fourth Street were four years ago, and the ad- fruit Palvarsan "908" Administered, elope. Trading was chiefly in the Superior & Boston Min Next to New IVwtofflce lots and 47 acrea, respectively. Title U. S'i 8503.50;: lambs, $5.00f 5.85. thone 671. vance should be more rapid. State National Hank Hulldlng. railroad stocks and the pressure Tamarack 25 S. patent and lrrlgstlon right Eully Terms easy and to suit Y'OU. Altuiqueniue. N. M. against them was during V. S. Sm. Ref. & Min S4 nipped with heating system. Eot insistent the Chicago Livestock. us show you," w. m. morning, although losses In most do. pfjl 47M: HELP WANTEDMale. "Let particulars address E. U Walrath, it, prn:its)N, i. Chicago, Dec. 1 Cattle Receipts TIIA.YTOX & CO. "elen. N. M. Diseases of women and Obstetrics. cases did not exceed a point The I'tah Consolidated 15 131 PLOY MKXT Drug 6,500; market steady to 10c higher. UOBEY'S 211 W. Gold. Phone 657. Kttll 8AI.K A ranch 4 mile Over Walton's Store copper phares were strong at the Vtah Copper Co 50 tfl W. Silver. riiono 54 Beeves, 9.10; Texas steers, $4.-7- 0 from town; good Improvements. m. opening on the advance of copper Winona $4.60 if WANTED Teamsters, laborers, lvdy soijomox n m rtox, d. 5.75; western steers, $4.06 di 7.15; Call 717 8. 4th. stucks in London and the sharp de- Wolverine 8 solicitor to travel; woman cook; Thyslolnn and Burgeon. Blockers and feeders, $3.00 $f 5.15; Suite 9, Psrnett Ml- d- crease In the supply of metal abroad, foreman for rock work. IYK SALE FOR SALE HOUSES as shown by the fortnightly reports. cows and heifers, $1.90(ii),90; calves, ixsntAxciv Chicago Board of Trade. $5.508.25. 8ALKKM AN to aid us supply the Bargain in farm lands and The European visible supply is now brisk demand for our goods, aome city property. 1X)K SALE. Annirn walkek at lowest Way, of 1909. Hogs Iefceipts, 21,000; market Fire Insurance, Kecreir Mutua the point since Chicago, Dec. 1. the word's vacant territory yet In every stut. With slow mid higher. Light, $5.50 Iff 1 3 nulldlng Association. Phone $9t Closing stocks: le west of Mississippi; ca.nh weekly KKNT. 21 S. High $750 crop estimated at 104.000,000 : the 117 Central Avenue wheat 6.30: mixed, $5.85 6.45 heavy, Capital City Nursery Co. Halem. Ore Itl 4 Wwl Allis Chalmers pfd , 1! bushels less than last year, the mar- 6.50; rough, gtod roomed house, $20 per 1322 S. Hill .' 1,000 Amalgamated Copper 62 $5.0ri10; month. CHlttOI'ODlST. i ket for wheat today took a decided to choice, heavy, $6. 1 0 r 6.5 0 ; pigs. "HELP WMTED Female"." WtiODSOX, Specialist, American Agricultural 64 924 N. Eighth 1.60 J. It. Foot upward twist. Prices at the clos $4.15 5.60; sales, $6.10f6.-35- . rxciiAxc.E. corns, bunions, Ingrowing American Beet Sugar S3H bulk of ixn treats nails showed a half cent net advance all WANTED Experienced sales ladles fov city property. S. : all 11S9. 10 American Can 1 1 " Farm lands Ml High M00 and foot ailments. Phone around. .Corn made a rise of Sheep Receipts, 20,000; market Apply Mandel), Mc. er. Spanish City property lands. a. m, to 7 p. Office, 11$ Tljeras American & Foundry 53 V4 for farm in. Car .... and oats a shade to Native, speaking preferred. 215 8. Walter 3.500 American Cotton Oil 44 steady. $2,501'? 4.00; western, Income property for residence. Ave. gain. The of the day left ho,r (!? & end $2.75 4.00: yearlings, $4.00 it 5.25; WANTED Two imiluy school NKW STATU KKALTY CO-I)- American Hide Leather, pfd. 21 ! 615 E. Central 5,000 VETERINARIANS. products at 5 to 12ft 12 decline. iambs, native, ji or Interested American Ice Securities 19 M $4.00 6.00; western, teachers other church I'llOMlT lUOSl'LW I Firmness in the wheat pit late in 6.10. ladles visiting homes Sun- American Linseed $4.00 0 for the of Suite S, X. T. Arniljo Wdg. 1104 W, Central 6,000 V. R. 9'i ithe day received additional Impetus day school pupHs. Salary $40 per V. U. UAItlt, 1. American 35 ' l'hoiie 717. Veterinary Kurjreon. Locomotive owing to gossip that the government month. ' Address- "Worker,"; care All HnrgaliM. American Smelting & Eef'g. .. 72 s Graduate Chicago Vet College, report on Dun's Weekly Review. Journal. t ;c ; ltlt do. pfd 103 growing wheat would not W. 1 METCALE, ft ik Agent Office and Hospital, cor. First and cnly figure out a very low percent. WANTKIi-Salelidl- ts at Ferguson Phone 777. day and night. Am. Steel Foundries ...... 33 Va Mnmoette. age I ' i 321 (jold Ave. American Sugar Heflnlng ....116 on condition, but would exhibit New York, Dec. 1. It. C. Dun and Colllster'S. F0RJEI a drop year In -- American Tel. A Tel '...138 material from last the company's Weekly Review of Trade vVWXYKP A competent woman for FOR Sanltnry modern FOK HALE At a ImrKHln, six room FOR RENT Rooms with Board acreage seed. Between RENT and house, two American Tobacco pfd 99 H total of under tomorrow will sny; cooking' and W'neral housework. Itio Grande, 619 W. Central, modurn frame blocks May rang- - roois, from line. and Nicely American Woolen . 26',, thn opening and the close Not only has the recent Increased Apply1' 'mornings,'' Mrs. J.' K, Pcarce, cer Irgo front back FOR KENT furnished front 4 c, ' ' EOH KENT rooms; mod- screen porches and screeiu'd sleeplhR room bitard. cooking. Anaconda Mining Co 38 H ed from 98 fi 98 8 to 99 activity In the leading industries niul 7'H feritraia "' Eurniahed with Home West 1 Centra) 1 Ait fiflH2, chicken house, N F.illth. closing half up at 99 1 -- 2 ti 99 been Is ern; no sick. Apply 608 W tiiirch. barn Applyjinj j Atchison 105i trades maintained but there WAN'fKI TpCompii'MH woman to do coal shed, etc. A rare opportunity .to ,v; good eastern de- - tt Foil KENT- - Furnished rooms, with do. pfd. . ios Small stocks and distinct Improvement In business general housework and cooking. FOtt HKN'T Large room for house- own your own home. Suitable for one to ' or without board. Bll 8, Broadway. Atlahtic Coast Line ...135H niand combined cause nn advance confidence, both east and west Apply, Mrs. N. T. Armljo, 623 W. keeping. I'nvate entrance. 70S W or two families. Only $ 1,800 3ff Kiiltimore & Ohio ...... 1024 In corn. May fluctuated from 64 4 There ara signs of some disposition Copper. ' Ilnma. ciu:h; balance ensv terms. Call 412 "PERSONAL. to 64 with close at 64 c, to South High Phone 1227 W. licthlehem Steel 29 'a the anticipate the future instead of WANTKD A young between FOK RENT Rooms for light house. st' Brooklyn Rapid 77 a net gain of c. Cash grades wc'in Transit confining purchases to Immediate lie 20 fiiid.'SO yeari'of age to go In keeping; alno rooms with sleeping EOK.8ALK Olt EXCHANGE For WANTED Nursing; Canadian 2407H were firm. No. 2 yellow was quoted Pacific .... j cessities. Taking everything Into Apply Las porches. S! i R Arno. small neiit' city. Pcven-roo- goliiff out of city. 72W73e, training for nurse. at ranch Central Leather 21V, at consideration November was the best Vegas Hospital, East Las Vegiis, New house nnd listh, hcnrly new; 611 8, Broadway. do. pfd 03 Oats hud a strong undertone, High year. copper mar ' ' ' FOIt KKNT One furnished room for month of the The Mexico. shd(i and fruit trees, 'chicken houses LOAN Central of New Jersey ..2985( 320 and low prices touched for the May ket continues strong. Estimates of housekeeping; $3 per month, tlh MONEY TO '''' ' ' and yards. Lot Bflxll2 feed. Vrlce Chesapeake & 7 4 Vi delivery were 49 4 49 W. Coal. Ohio ..; with the November business In Iron and FOR SALE Miscellaneous. $3,400. ItKiulre. B04 West Marble MONEY TO Chicago & Alton 24 30 Inst 49 8 49 a gain Ul sales ot steel run high and Include nearly FOK KENT Kooms In private house. ave. ' $1,000.00 "at S per cent, J. E. El- - Chicago Cireat "Western 20 a shade over 48 hours before. 50,000 cars and about 230 locomo TVPKWRITKK. for saW or rent modern, well furnished with board, ler, 209 Gold avenue. do. pfd ; 38 Provisions sagged owing to predic- tives. was also Underwood Typewriter Co. 321 W no sick. Phone 1599 W FOR HALlv Four-roo- house, six Other equipment 50 142 deep, Highlands; Chicago & North Western . ...142H tions be a heavy run of Ocld nvc. Phone 144 ft. lots, tt. there would freely taken and rail sales were much FOlt RENT Kooms with board. 221 cost owner $1,700. Himny shelt- DweJHngs Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul . ..,10 and F0RJOT were cut all around pork 10c, lard greater than In the preceding month FOK SALE An open South Edith. ered. First offer of $1,000 takes It C, C. & St. Louis tit B t' hogs next week. As a result prices Structural material was In brisk de grate stove. Inquire Phone 261, W. P. Melcalf, 321 Gold ave, FOR RENT 1004 Forester avenue, Colorado Fuel & Iron 27 5 to 7 and ribs 7 to 12 mand, construction of bridges and or 415 S. Walter St. FOn WELL PEOPLE Sunny cham room brick house, with largs & SI " FOlt SALE residence In Colorado Southern .... 45 49 c. bers, well furnished. 4 24 8. Edith sleeping porch. Inquire Edward buildings calling for approximately 10 pounds honuy for to line Consolidated Gas 138 Mi FOlt 8ALN II Highlands, convenient car 135,000 tons. Guy Sumner, Bo 65. st Frank, et 814 N. 11th st Corn 11 delivered. and school. Front ami hack porches, "Four-roo- Products sleep-In- g FOlf KENT modern The Metal Jobbers still buy fine goods cautl or phone 1658 W. Ff)U RENT Furnished rooms, cellar, hard wood 'floors, large lot, A Delaware & Hudson 166 Markets. N- - ously, but merchants generally look Cheap set, porches, In all parts of the clt modern bouse, 417 7th, Apply Denver & Rio 22 Foil SALE Dinner bargain at 1 1,500. A portion of pur Grande for increased purchasing within the sewing machine, Inquire end prices. Cull Roy Wright, Goldan Rule. do. pfd 46V, bonks, at all at .Roomers' chase will lie carried. J. E. Elder, New York, Dec. 1. Standard cop- netx two weeks. In wool duplicating 321 ft Wb Iter. Exchange, 207 W. Gold Ave; Several new, nlodern Distillers' Securities 31 ,i per, quiet; 20!l Gold Hve. Full RENT rpot, December and Jan- of spring goods continues nml several Kailiant houses. Heated. Oas ranges Erie 3 1 'A EOU SALE $60 full nhiiel . uary, $12.75il3.07 February, large mills are assured of steady work BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Whole, or part ten lots, In kitchens; furnished or unfurnish-ed- do. 1st. pfd 52 '4 Homo buseliurncr, $20, at 114 Wcsi three-foo- $12.S0f!f 13.10; March, $12.85Si '18.10. all through the winter months, hew house, sleeping Apply A. W. Anson. 823 North pfd. . . 42 Gold. Sundays. 2nd. Lcndon, steady, spot, 59, Is, 3d. Fu- OIJ O'tabllahml drug porch. Easy walking distance. Ideal Fourth street. Open 152 FUR SALE Central Electric tures, 59, lGs, 3di Custom house re FOK SALE A $1,000 first mort- store. On Invoice for cash only. for health seeker 1402 N,rth Sec 126 """FOR SALE-Furnit- ure. Croat Northern pfd turns show exports of 28,431 tons for gage bearing 10 per cent Hecurlly Write Box 558.. P O , City. ond. . Circa t Ctfs 42 Northern Ore the month of November. Lake cop- REGISTERED STOCK A 1. E. Elder, 209 Gold ave. ' J. to $1,000 to. FOR SALE Four-roo- house, FOK SALE Two rook stoves, two Illinois Central 14214 per, electrolytic, WANTED Purty Invest $13.12 13.25; 1 In city. 1002 N. stoves, tables, bathtub, Intcrborough-Me- t 15 FOR SALE Automobile cheap be used building new machine biggest bargain heating 2. $13.12 13.25; casting, $12.62 2 lie 4th SI, Phone 1104. baby bed. 118 West Gold.f do. pfd 47 horse-powe- r. L. tj, Rioa, Harnett which will patented, half Interest couch and 12.87 Riven, Address 8M., Journal office. Inter 104 Vi bidg.' FOR SALE Finn residence, one Harvester Lead, easy; $4.45 4.50 New York; Inter-Marin- e FOR NEW MEXICO block 'from Central ave., on Edllh pfd. 17 60-l- 4.35 Lon- EXTRACTED HONKV, can fol FOR SALE The Home Restaurant 9 $4.27 East lt. Louis. st. Six rooms, cellar, sunny location, International Paper 10-l- oilier busi- Met-cal- don, 15, 15s, sales 500.000 pounds $5; rail for $1; beeswax, 85c The reason for selling, recently built. $.1,500. W. P. f, International Pump 32 M ft lb, O. Box 202; phone 1287J. W. ness No. 205 West Gold. spot East St. Louis at $4.30(W r" B.-00- 0 r. interests. 321 Gold nve. Hudson for Signs Iowa Central 16 P. Allen, Albunnerriiie N M pounds St. Louis December Kansas City Southern 28 East RANCH 11.25 PER WORD Inserting classified $4.35. Spelter, nominal; $6.70 (f FOK SALE OK KENT part of each ads In $i leading papers In the do. pfd , . . . . . at 64fr67 day, fine driving horse, buggy and II. 8. Send for The Daks Ad- Laclede Gas 102 H 6.90 New Y'ork; $6,701 6,90 Tast St. list 27. harness; price reasonable. No. 4 IS H. vertising Agency, 43$ Main St., Los FOK SALE Fine young turkeys, ut Wall Paper & Louis. London, Louisville Nashville ...... 155 Angeles, or 12 Uoary Bun Fran- 1104 283. sliver, 65 c; Mexicun dol- Arno. St. Wllllanu PJione1 Minneapolis & St. Louis .. 32 0 35 liar cisco. c. Buys fTTTHALK Horse, buggy and har- Minn., St. P. & Ste. M. ..134 lars, 46 Adams Cattle Company Sault ness, $50. Inquire at once, 508 N. Missouri, Kansas & Texas .... 30 Herd of Hereford Bulls for JrVANTED HUDSON Fourth do. pfd. K8 St. LoiiIh Spelter. W. A. OOFP Walter. repaired at Jos Richards S CLICAMNO. Missouri 38 , St Louis, Dec. 1. Lead, firm; Purpose of Improving Breed riPES CARPET Foil SALE Good utility K. I. Red for Picture Street and Pacific Cigar Store, 113 1- W. Cer.tral. s Phone 608, 205 K. Central Ann National Biscuit ...139Va $4.87 spelter, strong, $G.65. t pullets, hatched February and 1018 W. Central, National Lead 49 of Cattle, WANTED Mm e property for rent March. "I'tlllly," Avi. phono lois. Frames Copper N'U'l. Rys. of Mexico 2d. pfd. 33 , St. Louis Wool. listed with me. More applications MVEU 1U.GUATOIL El XYAI8 FOR SALE Team of heavy draught New York Central 105 rmrmpolNlrnre to Morning Jnurniill than can be accommodated. J. E. Dry form, Is a reliable remedy for ' horsoB, with wagons nnd harness New W 1. eOfl Gold ave. York, Ontario & West 39 St. Louis, Dec, 1, Wool, steady; Kansas City, llo Dec. H. W. der. biliousness, constipation, sick head- complete. Albuquerque Foundry and Norfolk & 108 Adama company, one of the 5 8 Western medium grades, combing and cloth- Cattle WANTED Driving horse, to ache, Indigestion and torpidity of the Machine Works. DAILY MAIL SERVICE AXI) STAGE North American 73 largest outfits in the range country, years old. 1.000 to 1,200 lbs. Well A good In malarial con- ing, 21?21 light, fine, irW19c; liver. laxative SALIC Fine, large bay horse, tor the famous Hot Springs of Northern Pacific Utb 27 whoso ranch comprising about 600,-00- 0 broken, Hupt. pueblo Agency, 508 W. 25c, or by mall, 30e in FOR femes, N. M. heavy, fine, 13 0 15c; tub washed, ditions. Price cheap sold soon, 909 N. 1 1 tit St. Leaves Albuquerqut Pacific Mail 30 acres of hind, Is located In Colfu Silver ave. stamps. All Nyal Family Remedies are if P. O. every morning nt 6 a. m. Tick- SOc. Phono 10HH. Pennsylvania 121 county, N. M,, Is here buying a string for salP by John .7. Hamilton, druggist ets sold nt Vajo Bros., 307 North First Peoples' Gas 105 Of registered Hereford bulls to take WANTED Positions. 901 S, Sil St.. Albuquerque. N.'M. SADDLE HORSE Five years old, street, UAVIXO GARCIA, propriety nnd Rog 64 Pittsburg, C, C. & St. Louis ... 95 The Livestock Markets. to the ranch. This ranch is one ff perfectly sound nnd gentle, flood mail contractor. P. U. i.aleress, 212 Tljeras. is 1402 S, Broadway. 1S4S W. Pittsburg Coal I 1 the best rattle properties is one of the Fl color, well galled, city uroKe, Phone Phone 1139. Mrs, Woodson. FOR RENT Apartments. C. ('., Pressed Steel Car 33 Kansas City Livestock. best cattle properties In the whole Journal. Pullman . 158 by experienced - Palace Car Kansas City, Dec. 1. Cattle Re- range territory. It lies along the WANTED Position rooms In Urant building F' K HALE One 4 full blood Jcr- Hallway SI Vi young bookkeeper and sten OFFICE SANTA FE TIME TABLE. Steel Spring 4,500, including 1,000 south- northern ot that stnte, right at insn Apply D. A. Mncpherson. Journal. sey bull cnlf, five months old, at Heading 149 ceipts, border ographer. Good reference. V. It. M., erns; market strong to higher. the Colorado line. Itecently the com- J. P. Jacolison's ranch, 4 miles north Pepublic 22 lo Journal, FOR RENT Modern furnished and Albuquerque. Steel steers, $5.00Jf9.00; southern pany bought an addition to the ranch rooms, week or of do. pfd 82 Native housekeeping cows 70,000 acres of land, A COMPETENT, reliable and honest Phone 1073. PALE 1000 one and two year Hock 25 steers, $4.006.50;; southern comprising month. Westminster. FOR Island Co lil-tl- the of 1 4.40; cows stocking tip a o office man with best rcfcr old Shropshire rnnis, all A No. do. 49V4 and heifers, $3.00 U native which necessitates KENT Four completely fur- pfd.; ... - ences to tioiicMy nnd ability to fill Foil O, E. '""'l,'v.J!nrinfjr'-N- M' and heifers, $2.75 7.00; stocers and more. its nished rooms for housekeeping at stock. ;. ft Louis & San Fran. 2nd. pfd. 41 position. A man feeders, $3.75n5.75;; bulls, $.'!.40W That section of the country has not liny office married ,118 S, Fourth St. Call at :)08 S. 4th. t't. Louis Southwestern, ...... 31 family tind a long time resident calves, $3,76 7.00; western made any In Irrigation, with 8 room, apart- (Id. pfd. , . 70 4.75; advancements Full KENT Choice cows, gone In. of Albuquerque It Is Imperative that Sines 44 V. steers, $4.00 6.50; western and the settlers havo not This ments; slrlctly modern; steam TUBE KCI'LA KH Inken in n private Sheff Steelld. & Iron 41(3 ho obtain (,nip)oymenl Immediately. 1 year on was raised Opposite park. Paul Teutsch. best of care, good Southern Pacific tl $3.006.O0. the .ranch there accept any heat. sanitarium, the Effective November 12th, 1011. 1 Is witling to office posi eat, Inquire Bungalow Southern Railway 29 UoffS Hecelpls, 1,000; market without any Irrigation 30,000 bushels .1. Grant Block. things lo st Westbound, tion that will (liable him to provide 'wo Mlllliiefv 1Hh Moitnlajn Road. do. pfd 70 strong to 5c higher. Hulk of sales, of onts, besides hsy and other feed rooms V urnlehed sin Arrives. Departs. ' his family. Address "Office," . heavy, $6.80ft.40; plnce. Feed Is pro- for 1 7;20p S:10p Tennessee Copper i..-- 36 Vi $5.806.3O;; for stock on the completely for light housekeeping; WANTED --To Buy No. Cal Express 0 rp 6.35; Morning Journal. Texas & Pacific 24 packers and butchers, $6.1 vided for cows and young stock, and bath. 210 N. 4th. No. 3, Cal. Limited . . .10:55a 11:25a iff 5.25. Mex.-Ca- Toledo, & 17', 4 lights,. $5.75?f'6.20; pigs, $4.00 all other stock, rhould the weather be by young good No. 7 l. Exp,..10:10p ll:05p St. Louis West. WANTED Position iiinn FOR KENT Two light housekeeping WANTED TO.BL'V horse and do. pfd 41V4 Sheep Receipts, 4,000; market severe, them from getting 6 In pa Apply No. 9 Cal. Fast Mull.. . 11 :G0p 12:45a preventing With years experience wall rooms with range; modern; also buggy; must be reasonable. Vnlon Muttons, $2,756 3.75; lambs, 2 Pacific 172 strong. sufficient range feed. per business In eastern cities; iiIho 411 N. nth St. 516 E. Central, Room 4, before II year- smith sleeping moms. No. 2 Exp S:5Bp 4:!0p do. pfd 92 $4.0065.75; range wethers and "We have had a most successful yenrs experience In drugs. Can give n m, and after 3 p. in. Tour. l range ewes, $2.00 It"" RENT 4 room furnished No, 4 Limited B:85p :0rp ulled States Realty 67 Vi lings, $3.00f? 4.50; year throughout," said Mr. Adams, of reference, Address E. W FO FEMALE HELP I best bath, $ nited Slates Rubber 4i ft 4.00. "The rnngp feed has been Very plen- rooms, ground floor, 'wnler No. East Enp D:D5p 7:25p are Journal, J. E. Elder, 8;35a I'nited tSates Steel 82 tiful, snd wp are In nice shape to go paid, close In. $24.00. LOST No. 10 overland Exp.. 8;00a 1). 2011 ave. Pnso Trains, pfd 108 Livestock. through th winter, We uro raising Gold II South Oniahn WANTED Rooms. TXiST Eiliili or Houlh Av-n- o, 800 Mex. Exp 13:20a I'tah Copper 50 a class of cattle that have no super- un South No. Virginia Omaha, Nob!; Dec. I. Cat- ,pli.t mo Sorority pin, set 815 El Paso . 8:30a Carolina Chemical ... 52 South we We WANTED Parties with lurrilHhe FOR SALE MACHINERY. Mi Gem No. Pass. strong iors In quality, and feel that A 5 Hecelpts, 100; market us, ami torqiiols. Initial No. 810 K. C. Chi.. .. 6:00a Wabash .. ."i 9 tle this, as cattle, mat-ter- g rohms for rent M ml them with with pearls steers, $4.60 will ba repaid for No. 816 K. C. ft 6:20p lo. pfd, j. Vi to 10c higher. Native you Small saw mill carriage, It." on back. Reward for return Chi... 20 seem to be looking up, I sm here We will Send you the very people FOR SALE "L. Western 7.00; cows heifers, $3.00(3 6.26; of R oswell, ClovU and Aniarlllo. Maryland 61 and best I can desire. Call at Roomers' Exchange, husk, rolls and edger for mill to Journal office. Westm-ihous- ' Texas to take out the bulls that ' 811 Vftl. .' V4 western steers. $3.75'.60:1 - dully capacity. No. Pecos Ex. liUp Electric 64 find, of the ?07 W. Gnl,t Ave. 8 lo 12 thousand range cows and , 1 No. 813 Allntq. Exp., . . Western Vnlon 77 Vi steers, $3.6075.30; t..... 'I Untt't't.r Pink itmti 'Cll :lp cann-rs- , $3.75 (lass." Kansas City Driver's Try Journal Want Ad, Results J. JOUXSON, Agent. Wheeling & Lake j.;re j heifer. $3.0004.85; Results From Journal Want Ads Santa Fe N. 'cx. a i Lehigh Valley 178 ',4 3.50; Btockers and feeders, $3.23 I.. UZHT THE JLSUCUESCUE UZWIM JDUR'iiL JU17.2IT. ZZZZVzZZ Z 1SI 1.