Agenda Item

Executive 16 March 2004

Report of the Director of Environment & Development Services

Development in the Foss Basin – Section 106 Agreement for Transport

Purpose of Report

1 This report discusses the transport implications of development which is currently planned in the Foss Basin and makes appropriate recommendations in relation to a comprehensive transport masterplan for the area and matters that should be included in any Section 106 Agreement to be entered into by any developer bringing forward proposals in the area.

2 There are a number of potential development sites in the Foss Basin area, which when redeveloped will generate additional jobs, homes, leisure and retail opportunities in the area which in turn will generate additional traffic and transport movements. The purpose of this report is to ensure that these development proposals are viewed together and the cumulative impact is considered and a comprehensive package of measures is agreed to accommodate the whole known development aspirations in the area including the creation of additional capacity for cars, priority routes for public transport and strategic schemes to improve walking and cycling in the area.

Executive summary

q There is a significant effect upon the Foss Basin network caused by developments which have been approved/committed but have yet to be implemented.

q Adding to this situation the effects of developments now coming through the Planning process results in severe congestion right across that network and beyond, and an increase in the duration of peak hours

q The implementation of the recommended Masterplan results in conditions which are very close to those which will be experienced when all of the traffic effects of the developments which have been approved/committed in the area but have yet to be implemented, appear on the network.

q The Masterplan is to be funded by a combination of Local Transport Plan and developer contributions to a formula previously agreed by the Planning Committee


Planning Committee: 26 February 2004

3 A report was presented to Planning Committee on 26 February 2004 requesting that Members:-

a) agree a Transport Masterplan for the area

b) adopt a methodology for apportioning developer contributions towards the delivery of this Masterplan

c) adopt a unit rate to be applied to the calculation of such contributions and the general level of contribution for each of a specified development to take place in that area (subject to the grant of Planning consent)

It was further recommended that progress towards the implementation of the Foss Basin Transport Masterplan be regularly reviewed with reports as appropriate being brought forward to allow Members to adjust that plan and/or contributions as necessary.

4 The report was accompanied by a detailed 20 minute Power point presentation explaining:-

· the technical background to the reasons why a Masterplan was required for the area

· an in depth explanation of the measures to be included

· the impact of traffic in the current situation

· the impact of traffic in a situation without the use of measure contained in the Masterplan

· the impact of traffic in a situation with those measures in place.

This presentation was followed by a wide ranging question and answer session in which Members were given further detailed information and a number of points in the presentation were clarified and/or expanded.

The presentation was identical to that presented the previous day to the Shadow Executive following which there was also a very extensive question and answer session.

5 After a period of general debate the Planning Committee resolved the following:-

a) Members advise the Executive to agree the Transport Masterplan set out in Annex 3 (Annex B of this report) b) Members adopt the methodology described in Annex 1 as a basis for apportioning developer contributions concerning development activities in the Foss Basin area

c) Members adopt the unit rates and general levels of contributions arising from the various developments in the Foss Basin area as outlined in Annex 2

d) Progress towards the implementation of the Foss Basin Transport Masterplan is regularly reviewed with reports as appropriate being brought forward to allow Members to adjust that plan and /or contributions as necessary.

6 In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the decision to finally agree the transport masterplan rests with the Executive and hence this report. Recognising that the Executive do not require a presentation on this matter this report encompasses and expands upon the report presented to the Planning Committee. Jacobs Transport Assessment

7 The Foss Basin area of the city is the area focussed upon the Foss Bank and Foss Islands Road area. The key highway links include Lord Mayors Walk, , Heworth Green, Layerthorpe, , Paragon Street and proposals for the James Street link.

8 During 2003 it became apparent to officers that a number of sites would be coming forward for planning permission and/or development in the Foss Basin area over a relatively short period of time and that looking at the individual Transport Assessments for each site would not provide the overview needed to assess the cumulative impact of the total development planned. In July 2003 consultants (Jacobs) were appointed to undertake a transport study of the implications of all the known development proposals in the Foss Basin area.

9 Jacobs modelling includes committed and planned development proposals in the Foss Basin area (an area extending from Heworth village in the north east to in the south and Monkgate in the north west). This incorporates sites with planning consent which have not yet been developed (committed development) and potential development sites where there have been pre application discussions with developers or for which actual planning applications had been received.

10 The development sites with planning consent (committed development) in the area include:

· Heworth Green Car Park (residential and offices)

· Foss Islands Depot (retail development)

· Sainsburys redevelopment (supermarket expansion with residential) · Dransfield/Frog Hall site (retail development with fast food outlet)

In addition there are applications pending on the following sites:

· Minster Engineering (residential development)

· Foss Islands Depot (supermarket with retail)

· Sainsburys (further supermarket expansion)

· (residential and offices)

· Barbican (residential, hotel and leisure)

· Unidaire (residential development)

· Navigation Road Depot (residential development)

· Transco (residential development)

· Heworth Croft (residential development)

See plans A and B attached

11 Following detailed investigation it was determined that the effect of development further afield at the University, Metcalf lane (residential development) and Germany Beck (residential development) had no significant (ie less than 5%) impact in the Foss Basin area and could thus be discounted. Similarly the potential impact of development at Central on the area was not statistically significant and also discounted.

12 Jacobs used Saturn to model these development proposals with new roads James Street Phases 1 and 2 in place and concluded that the compound impact of the development proposed in the area will have a substantial impact on highway and junction capacity in the Foss Basin area. (James Street 1 runs from James Street to Layerthorpe and James Street 2 runs from Layerthorpe to Heworth Green). Jacobs also found that whilst the Monks Cross development is outside the core of the study it has a significant impact across the network of the study area.

13 The study showed that:-

· there is a significant effect, not yet apparent on the network, caused by the developments which have been approved/committed but have yet to be implemented (in the peak hour on Foss Islands Road this amounts to an increase of 32% on current levels)

· with that traffic on the network many junctions and many roads in the area were in the peak hour expected to be operating above their practical capacity (85% of theoretical maximum capacity) with many overloaded · in relative terms the traffic impact of new proposals was quite small but sufficient to:-

o extend the duration of the peak hour

o extend the extent of the area where roads and junctions were expected to be operating above their practical or maximum capacities

14 Further work by council officers exploring the conclusions of the study reached the additional conclusions that the impact of the new development proposals in a ‘Do Nothing’ scenario would produce traffic conditions that would have major adverse effects. Broadly these are:-

· very significant delays at the St Maurices Road, , and Fishergate junctions with the Inner Ring Road

· very significant delays at the Heworth Green/Malton Road, East Parade/Melrosegate, Tang Hall Lane/Melrosegate, Lawrence Street/Melrosegate and James Street/Lawrence Street junctions

· heavy congestion on most main and secondary routes in the whole area

Key conclusions of the study (and subsequent work)

15 Key conclusions

q There is a significant effect upon the network caused by developments which have been approved/committed but have yet to be implemented.

q The construction of both the James Street Link phase 1 and James Street Link phase 2 are required to enable the consequences of the proposed developments to be accommodated particularly at the Peasholme Green junction

q Even with these in place the highway network of a very large area around the developments becomes fully saturated in the peaks resulting in peak hour spreading. There is evidence that the geographical area affected by traffic congestion will increase significantly as well. Additional measures are therefore also essential

q Air quality ‘hot spots’ intensify (Foss Islands Road, and Bishopgate Street) and potentially new ones develop on Barbican Road and The Stonebow

q To allow all developments to proceed both in terms of traffic and neutral impact on Air Quality, a full Masterplan is required

16 Masterplan

The key to dealing with the situation is:-

q the recognition that it will not be possible to provide for reasonable travelling conditions for private vehicles on the main network in the future unless radical measures are adopted

q physical control of ‘rat runs’ are essential

The impact of the new developments will affect the area over a period of time allowing measures to be implemented in stages in accordance with the growth of congestion

This means:-

q A requirement for public transport routes that are insulated from the effects of congestion

q A requirement for dedicated cycle routes

q A requirement to facilitate the movement of pedestrians

q A requirement for the plan to recognise the necessity to accommodate a developing situation

Two key consequences flow from the above:-

q The plan must have flexibility

q Priority vehicles ( buses, cycles, powered two wheelers) are of necessity going to impact upon areas which see little of such traffic currently. This indicates that mitigation measures will be required in such areas.

17 Annex A lists in tabular and narrative form the quantative impact of the development of the Foss basin with and without the construction of both phases of the James Street Link. The full impact of the masterplan will be to return conditions to similar levels described under the Base to Base + Committed descriptions. In other words the effect of the full masterplan is that there would be no deterioration in overall levels of congestion as compared to that which will be present purely as a result of the effects of planning consents for which permissions have already been granted.

Air Quality

18 Modelling of the impact on air quality of increased traffic flows in the Foss Basin due to the proposed developments has been undertaken by consultants (CERC). This work was based on the transport network as it exists today, with the addition of one or both phases of the proposed link road in some scenarios. The air quality modelling work was undertaken prior to the development of the Foss Basin Transport Masterplan. Although the study provides information about the impact of the link road it is not indicative of the situation which will exist if other elements of the transport masterplan are put in place.

19 The air quality modelling work undertaken shows that in general the increases in traffic flows as a result of the committed and proposed developments will not be great enough to trigger large increases in pollutant levels in future years. In most cases predicted pollutant concentrations in the Foss Basin for 2005 are less than those for 2002, even when all the additional development traffic is assumed to be in place. The general reduction in pollutant concentrations by 2005 arises because individual vehicles have been assumed to be cleaner by this date. This assumption is made to take account of the continued improvement in vehicle emissions technology and the scheduled introduction of more stringent vehicle emission standards. Whilst this approach to air quality modelling is in accordance with government guidance note LAQM.TG(03) and is recognised as best practice, it should be noted that monitoring undertaken in the Foss Basin to date has not indicated a measurable reduction in pollutant concentrations.

20 Although in general the additional development in the Foss Basin is not expected to give rise to a significant increase in pollutant concentrations, there are a small number of areas where the increase in vehicle numbers are not offset by the reduction in emissions per vehicle. In these cases small increases in pollutant concentrations are predicted to occur as a result of the proposed developments. The two main areas affected are the junction of Hallfield Road/Layerthorpe and Heworth Green. In the first case the annual average nitrogen dioxide concentration is predicted to increase by around 1.4mg/m3 and in the latter case a smaller increase of 0.5mg/m3 is predicted. In both cases concentrations are predicted to remain below the 40ug/m3 objective level.

Proposed Transport Strategy

21 To deal with the assignment of traffic across the wider network as a result of development proposals in the Foss Basin it is suggested that four types of measures are incorporated into an overall strategy for the Foss Basin.

· Public Transport Priority Measures: The city has an extensive bus network including Park and Ride services, with a new Park and Ride facility being build at Monks Cross. These services will suffer from increased congestion in the Foss Basin area. The Foss Basin strategy includes measures to alleviate the impact of congestion on bus service quality and offer travellers an attractive public transport alternative to car use through bus priority measures. · James Street Link: The model results show that this link plays a key role in alleviating congestion on the Inner Ring Road and in providing accessibility to the Foss Basin area. Modelling also shows that the construction of both Phase 1 (James Street to Layerthorpe) and Phase 2 (Layerthorpe to Heworth Green) are required to yield the benefit of the link and that Phase 1 on its own exacerbates congestion at certain key junctions.

· Walking and Cycling: The walking and cycling strategy for the City is an important element of the Local Transport Plan for the City and there is an opportunity to extend the existing Sustrans route into the City centre, via the Foss Basin. Much of this facility will be accommodated within the Foss Islands Depot and Hungate redevelopment proposals , however there are elements of the scheme outside planned development sites which will be included in the Foss Basin Transport Masterplan. In addition the James Street extension will include high quality, continuous cycle provision.

· Foss Basin Residents: A number of the Foss Basin developments include a residential element, typically as flats. The travel requirements of these residents need to be considered, both for their personal accessibility and to minimise their impact on the highway network and the Foss Basin environment. The Foss Basin transport masterplan does not address this in the strategic traffic and transport strategic measures for the Foss Basin, however a package of measures encouraging sustainable travel provision will be negotiated through the Transport Assessments and Travel Plans for individual development sites. This will include a requirement to restrict car parking provision on site, car sharing, pedestrian and cycle parking and route provision and incentives for public transport use.

Foss Basin Transport Masterplan

22 Annex B sets out the full Transport Masterplan for the Foss Basin area. It comprises a comprehensive package of measures to help offset the travel demands of the total amount of the known development aspirations of the Foss Basin area. It also includes a list of indicative costs associated with each of the schemes.

23 The Strategy is divided into two parts, the short to medium term measures which it is anticipated can be achieved over the next 5 years and which will probably contain the developing situation for a further 5 years. The longer term measures are expected to be needed to deal with the cumulative effect of development in the area and will only be necessary beyond about 10 years from now. For this reason some of the long term measures can only be indicative at this stage and may need to be amended depending on the actual impact of the development on congestion in the area.

24 The key elements of the Foss Basin Transport Masterplan are:

· James Street Link Road ( Phases 1 and 2) which will create additional highway and junction capacity, particularly at Peasholme Green. · Measures to insulate public transport routes from the effects of congestion to allow the continuation of efficient and effective bus and Park Ride services into the City at Heworth village, Mill Lane, Foss Islands Road, Layerthorpe and Lawrence Street.

· A safety scheme which will help control traffic at Monkgate roundabout

· Changes to Walmgate Bar to create capacity at the junction, create a bus priority and protect the structure of the Bar. (Options are currently being considered and a separate report will be written on this issue)

· Extending the Sustrans cycle route into the City Centre.

Impact on Traffic Levels of the full Masterplan

25 Saturn modelling was used to assess the impact of the full transport masterplan and shows that it results in significant reductions in traffic levels on the following roads, compared to the do nothing situation:-

· Lawrence Street in both directions between Walmgate Bar and James Street, · Walmgate in both directions inside the Bar, · Foss Islands Road between Layerthorpe and Navigation Road particularly in the southbound direction, · Layerthorpe between the Link road and Foss Islands Road particularly in the westbound direction · Straylands Grove in both directions.

More modest reductions are also predicted for: · Lord Mayors Walk, · Tower Street / Ouse Bridge / Rougier Street, · Bridge, · Melrosegate, · Tang Hall Lane · Hempland Lane.

The master plan also provides a means of buses having some priority through the most heavily congested areas. This results in a predicted time saving for most bus journeys through the area of around 3 minutes compared with the situation without the full masterplan. This will enable bus journey times to be maintained at roughly their current levels in spite of the increased traffic in the area.

Impact on Air Quality

26 As previously stated the impact on air quality of the proposed developments with the full transport masterplan in place has not been modelled. However, a comparison of traffic flows in the Foss Basin with and without the full Masterplan in place has been undertaken. This comparison indicates that the addition of the full transport master plan would not increase traffic flows on any road in the Foss Basin by greater than 25% when compared with the ‘no masterplan’ situation. As an increase in traffic flows of greater than 25% is the threshold above which significant increases in pollutant concentrations can be expected1 then it is considered that although the masterplan has the potential to redistribute pollutants around the Foss Basin it is unlikely to give rise to significant increases in pollutant concentrations on any particular road. To fully understand the impact of the transport masterplan additional air quality modelling would need to be undertaken. To facilitate this the masterplan includes a scheme to monitor air quality in the area.

Delivery of the Masterplan

27 The delivery of this package will need to be apportioned fairly between the various parties involved. These are:-

· The City Council through the Local Transport Plan and

· Developers of the individual sites secured by way of Section 106 Agreements.

28 The Planning Committee agreed a methodology for apportioning developer contributions (see Annex C) The level of contribution anticipated from each of the contributing developments in the area was also agreed but following matters raised by a speaker who made representations to the Committee in connection with this calculation, it has been acknowledge that this has been undertaken incorrectly. Annex D contains the revised figures and Members are requested to approve that Annex as a substitution for Annex 2 of the Planning Committee report.

Financial Implications

29 The Foss Basin area Transport Masterplan is expected to cost approximately £6.9 million, contributions to which are anticipated to be divided between the two funding elements as follows:

· City council ( LTP) £1 million

· Developers £4 million

The balance will be paid from contributions in kind associated with the development of the link road.

The City Council contribution for the implementation of the area transport plan is contained in provisions in the approved Local Transport Plan and the next five year Local Transport Plan.

1 Local Air Quality Management Guidance Note LAQM.TG(03) 2003 Conclusion

30 The Foss Basin Transport Masterplan is a comprehensive package of measures needed to help offset the whole of the known development aspirations of the Foss Basin area. Delivery of this package will need to come from a mixture of LTP and contributions from developers. The latter will be secured by way of Section 106 Agreements. Members are asked to agree the package of measures in the Foss Basin Transport Masterplan


31 It is recommended that Members:-

a) agree the Transport Masterplan set out in Annex B

b) adopt Annex D as the level of developer contributions for each development

Contact Details Authors: Chief Officer Responsible for the report: Sue Smales Bill Woolley Principal Development Officer Assistant Director: City Development and Tel: 01904 551408 Transport Peter Evely Head of Network Management Tel: 01904 551414 For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers Planning Committee 31 October 2002 : Development at Monks Cross – Section 106 Agreements Jacobs Consultancy: Foss Basin Transport Implications ( August 2003)

Legal ü Financial ü Human Resources Crime and Disorder Sustainability ANNEX A AM Peak Scenarios

Ratio of TOTAL flow into a junction to capacity (with and without the construction of both phases of the James Street Link)

Junction Base Base Base Base Base Base Network Network + network + network + network + network + committe James St James St James St (1) James St (1) d (1) with (1) + with recent +James recent James St applications+ Street 2 with applications (2) with future recent recent applications applications+ applications future applications James 44% 54% 55% 54% 55% 59% St/Lawrence Street Walmgate Bar 68% 79% 80% 79% 81% 79% Fishergate 54% 58% 61% 60% 63% 60% Gyratory Skeldergate/Tow 74% 77% 79% 77% 79% 77% er Street Peasholme 67% 76% 96% 81% 97% 81% Green Monkgate/Jewbur 52% 70% 70% 70% 71% 70% y Heworth 69% 87% 83% 87% 84% 87% Road/Malton Road Roundabout

NB A ratio of total flow/capacity of more than 50% suggests that not all traffic arriving in one cycle will be able to clear in that cycle. The higher the figure the greater the number and length of queues. In the table below the ratio of actual flow to maximum capacity of a TURN of 85% is used to identify turns where delays will be a regular feature for traffic wanting to make a particular turn. It is possible for one turn in a junction to be heavily overloaded but the whole junction to be well within its maximum capacity due to the way the calculation for the latter is made.

All figures calculated at 120 seconds cycle time.

Junction Base Base Base Base Base Base Network Network + network + network + network + network + committe James St James St James St (1) James St (1) d (1) with (1) + with recent +James recent James St applications+ Street 2 with applications (2) with future recent recent applications applications+ applications future applications James 44% 54% 55% 54% 55% 59% St/Lawrence Street Turns over 85% of Nil Nil 1 1 1 1 capacity Walmgate Bar 68% 79% 80% 79% 81% 79% Turns over 85% of 1 4 4 4 4 4 capacity Fishergate 54% 58% 61% 60% 63% 60% Gyratory Turns over 85% of Nil Nil Nil 2 1 2 capacity Skeldergate/Tower 76% 77% 79% 77% 79% 77% Street Turns over 85% of 5 5 4 4 5 4 capacity Peasholme Green 67% 76% 96% 81% 97% 81% Turns over 85% of Nil 3 9 5 9 5 capacity Monkgate/Jewbury 52% 70% 70% 70% 71% 70% Turns over 85% of 2 7 6 6 7 6 capacity Heworth 69% 87% 83% 87% 84% 87% Road/Malton Road Roundabout Turns over 85% of 4 8 8 8 8 8 capacity

COMMENTARY(with and without the construction of both phases of the James Street Link)

Change Key implications Base to Base + Committed Delays at Walmgate Bar increase Delays in Fishergate Gyratory increase significantly Very significant extra delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Delays at Peasholme Green become a regular feature Significant delays at Monkgate/Jewbury Base + Committed with all recent Delays at Walmgate Bar increase significantly with extra delays on Foss Islands Road applications + James Street Link Delays in Fishergate Gyratory noticeably above Base + Committed level (1) Very significant increased delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Peasholme Green very serious delays on all approaches Worsening of situation for delays at Monkgate/Jewbury Significant diversion of traffic to use Melrosegate Serious delays at Heworth Road/Malton Road Diversion to A64 apparent, extra traffic at Hopgrove Roundabout Rat runs well developed though Hopgrove, Stockton lane, Westlands Grove and Mill Lane Base + Committed with all recent Significant delays at Walmgate Bar applications + James Street Link Delays in Fishergate Gyratory noticeably above Base + Committed level (1) and (2) Very significant increased delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Peasholme Green significant delays Significant delays at Monkgate/Jewbury at about Base + Committed levels Heavy diversion of traffic to use Melrosegate Increase delays at Heworth Road/Malton Road Rat runs well developed though Hopgrove, Stockton Lane, Westlands Grove and Mill Lane Base + Committed with all recent Delays at Walmgate Bar noticeably above Base + Committed and future applications + James St Delays in Fishergate Gyratory increased above Base + Committed level link (1) Increased delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Peasholme Green serious increase in delays Delays at Monkgate/Jewbury at about Base + Committed levels Significant diversion of traffic to use Melrosegate Very significant delays at Heworth Road/Malton Road Diversion to A64 apparent at increased levels Rat runs well developed though Hopgrove, Stockton Lane, Westlands Grove and Mill Lane

PM Peak Scenarios

Ratio of TOTAL flow into a junction to capacity (with and without the construction of both phases of the James Street Link)

Junction Base Base Base Base Base Base Network Network + network + network + network + network + committe James St James St James St (1) James St (1) d (1) with (1) + with recent +James recent James St applications+ Street 2 with applications (2) with future recent recent applications applications+ applications future applications James 41% 47% 55% 54% 55% 54% St/Lawrence Street Walmgate Bar 73% 77% 74% 81% 76% 82% Fishergate 71% 75% 77% 78% 77% 78% Gyratory Skeldergate/Tow 76% 84% 86% 86% 86% 87% er Street Peasholme 66% 75% 93% 86% 94% 75% Green Monkgate/Jewbur 66% 70% 71% 70% 72% 70% y Heworth 55% 73% 90% 76% 83% 76% Road/Malton Road Roundabout

Junction Base Base Base Base Base Base Network Network + network + network + network + network + committe James St James St James St James St (1) d (1) with (1) + James (1) with +James recent St (2) with recent Street 2 with applications recent applications recent applications + future applications+ applications future applications James 41% 47% 55% 54% 55% 54% St/Lawrence Street Turns over 85% of Nil Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil capacity Walmgate Bar 73% 77% 74% 81% 76% 82% Turns over 85% of 3 5 4 3 5 4 capacity Fishergate 71% 75% 77% 78% 77% 78% Gyratory Turns over 85% of Nil 2 1 1 1 2 capacity Skeldergate/Tower 76% 84% 86% 86% 86% 87% Street Turns over 85% of 1 4 4 5 4 4 capacity Peasholme Green 66% 75% 93% 86% 94% 75% Turns over 85% of 2 3 7 6 7 4 capacity Monkgate/Jewbury 66% 70% 71% 70% 72% 70% Turns over 85% of 4 6 6 5 6 5 capacity Heworth 55% 73% 90% 76% 83% 76% Road/Malton Road Roundabout Turns over 85% of Nil Nil 2 Nil 4 Nil capacity COMMENTARY (with and without the construction of both phases of the James Street Link)

Change Key implications Base to Base + Committed Delays at Walmgate Bar increase Delays in Fishergate Gyratory increase Significant extra delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Delays at Peasholme Green become a feature Significant delays at Monkgate/Jewbury Base + Committed with all recent Delays at Walmgate Bar at about Base level but extra delays on Foss Islands Road applications + James Street Link Delays in Fishergate Gyratory at about Base + Committed level (1) Increased delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Peasholme Green very significant delays Worsening of situation for delays at Monkgate/Jewbury Significant diversion of traffic to use Melrosegate Significant delays at Heworth Road/Malton Road Diversion to A64 apparent Rat runs well developed though Hopgrove, Stockton lane, Westlands Grove and Mill Lane Base + Committed with all recent Delays at Walmgate Bar at about Base level but extra delays on Foss Islands Road applications + James Street Link Delays in Fishergate Gyratory increased above Base + Committed level (1) - Morrisons Increased delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Peasholme Green very significant delays on all approaches Significant delays at Monkgate/Jewbury but at about Base + Committed levels Diversion of traffic to use Melrosegate Increased delays at Heworth Road/Malton Road compared to Base + Committed levels Rat runs well developed though Hopgrove, Stockton Lane, Westlands Grove and Mill Lane Base + Committed with all recent Significant delays at Walmgate Bar applications + James Street Link Delays in Fishergate Gyratory increased above Base + Committed level (1) and (2) Increased delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Peasholme Green very significant delays Delays at Monkgate/Jewbury at about Base + Committed levels Some diversion of traffic to use Melrosegate Increase delays at Heworth Road/Malton Road but at about Base + Committed levels Rat runs well developed though Hopgrove, Stockton Lane, Westlands Grove and Mill Lane

Base + Committed with all recent Delays at Walmgate Bar at about Base + Committed and future applications + James St Delays in Fishergate Gyratory increased above Base + Committed level link (1) Increased delays at Skeldergate/Tower Street Peasholme Green serious increase in delays Delays at Monkgate/Jewbury at about Base + Committed levels Significant diversion of traffic to use Melrosegate Significant delays at Heworth Road/Malton Road Diversion to A64 apparent at increased levels Rat runs well developed though Hopgrove, Stockton Lane, Westlands Grove and Mill Lane ANNEX C

Foss Basin Development

Apportionment of contributions


1. In line with the aspirations of the Local Transport Plan regarding the division of journey trips by mode of travel, a percentage using cars, using walking and cycling and using public transport (including Park and Ride) is estimated for each site.

2. From a knowledge of the size of each development site (proposed and existing) the number of PEAK HOUR journeys that have to be made by all modes of travel is estimated

3. By simple multiplication of the percentages derived above and the total travel journeys the notional number of actual journeys by each of three modes is determined for each site. These numbers are then summated so as to produce a figure representing the WHOLE development.

4. From a knowledge of the highway works required to accommodate existing travel aspirations to the site, natural growth in that existing demand and that required to accommodate the travel aspirations of the fully developed site (i.e. the Foss Basin Area Transport Plan) a total cost of all physical highway works to serve the fully completed development within the Foss Basin and the immediate area is determined.

5. On a highway improvement scheme by scheme and mode by mode basis the contribution of that particular scheme to overall implementation of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Strategy is assessed and a financial contribution from the LTP assessed.

6. From the derived total cost LESS the total contribution from the LTP , the notional financial amount that has to be contributed by Developers is determined

7. By simple division of step 6 by step 3 a unit rate for travel by each of the modes is determined.

8. On a site by site basis the estimate made of the possible modal split between the three modes relative to that particular site (determined in step 2 and 3) is multiplied by the unit rates so as to produce a single Financial figure representing the amount of money in total that that site needs to contribute towards the achievement of the OVERALL highway improvement plan. ANNEX D


2 Persimmon Homes Residential Office £0Contribution made in kind 3 Transco Residential Office £146,471 4 Dransfield (Frog Hall) Residential £0Contribution made in kind 14 Sainsburys 2 Retail Food £107,570 15 Hungate Residential Office Commercial Leisure £1,654,236 16 FID 2 (Morrisions) Retail Food £1,922,200 18 Barbican Residential Commercial/Leisure £406,290

Total developer contribution required £4,246,768

Total trips to apportion 4,644

Unit rate per trip £914.46

Contributions from LTP £1,004,871 Contributions from CoCY Contributions in kind from developments £1,635,361From Persimmon Homes for Transo site and Frog Hall site both in respect of roads they would have to build to access their sites