- 2 - April 22, 2018: Sunday of the Paralytic Man Epistle: Acts 9: 32-42 Gospel: Jn. 5: 1-15

Mon., April 23 8:00 + Joan Turko (Bob & Joan Yeck) Tues., April 24 8:00 Special Intention (Dorothy Zinsky) Wed., April 25 8:00 + Harry & Mary Roman (Legate) Thurs., April 26 8:00 + Bill Davis (Wife, Michaelene Davis) Fri., April 27 8:00 + George & Olga Kropilak (Legate) Sat., April 28 No Morning Divine Liturgy 10:30 Confessions 2:00 pm Confessions 4:00 pm + Mary & George Marushock (Daughter, Ilona) Sun., April 29 9:00 + Claire Cipriani (Leo Danylak) 11:30 For Our Parishioners

Statement by Metropolitan- On Monday, April 16, 2018, the Vat- ican Information Service announced that the Holy Father has accepted the resignation for medical reasons of Most Rev. Stefan Soroka, Archbishop of Phil- adelphia for Ukrainians and Metropoli- tan for the Ukrainian Church in USA. Francis has declared the Archeparchy of Philadelphia as “sede vacante”. Most Rev. has been appointed by as the Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrai- nian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadel- phia until the appointment of the new - 3 -

Archeparch. the Philadelphia Archeparchy. Success Most Rev. Stefan Sorka was appoint- in responding to the varying needs of ed as Metropolitan-Archbishop by His the Archeparchy and its parishes was Holiness, Pope John Paul II on Novem- achieved with the positive and hopeful ber 29th, 2000 and installed on Febru- participation of clergy, religious and laity ary 27th, 2001. Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy enabled by the of God. Most grati- was appointed by Pope Francis as Aux- fying to me was the personal journey of iliary for the Ukrainian Catholic prayer and fraternity experienced with Archeparchy of Philadelphia on August the clergy, religious and faithful of the 8th, 2017. Bishop Andriy, a priest of our Archeparchy. The highlight of my min- Archeparchy, was ordained to the episco- istry in leadership was experienced when pacy by His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shev- amidst parishioners and their ministers chuk in St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic in liturgical celebrations, visits, in Lviv, Ukraine on September pilgrimages, festivals, and in personal 3, 2017. sharing. I was inspired by the dedication Our heartfelt appreciation is extended of the clergy, religious and faithful and to His Holiness, Pope Francis, and to His their love for their Church. Eminence Leonardo Cardinal Sandri, I am also especially grateful for the Prefect of the Congregation for the Ori- fraternity and cooperation shared with ental Churches, and to His Beatitude Svi- my of USA, with whom atoslav Shevchuk for their understanding common needs of clergy, religious and and compassion. We are also grateful to faithful were addressed in our regu- the Holy Father for the confidence he has lar meetings, and in gatherings of our shown in the abilities of Most Rev. An- Church. The Grace of God provided rich- driy Rabiy in appointing him as Apos- ly in our many shared endeavors. tolic Administrator for the interim. The Risen Christ greeted his apostles I take this opportunity to extend my with the words, “Peace be with you!” heartfelt gratitude to the clergy, religious, May the peace offered by the Risen Christ seminarians and laity of the Ukrainian characterize our continued love and ser- Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. vice of our Ukrainian . These past seventeen years have been Let us remember one another in prayer filled with many challenges and bless- as we seek the intercession of the Mother ings, some unique in the experience of of God in this time of transition being ex- - 4 - perienced within the Ukrainian Catholic Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USA. Archeparchy of Philadelphia and in our Christ is Risen! Sunday of the Paralytic The third Sunday after the Feast of day’s Gospel was lying, tormented by Holy Pascha is observed by the Eastern his infirmity of thirty-eight years. When Church as the Sunday of the Paralytic. Christ beheld him, He asked him, “Will The day commemorates the miracle of you be made whole?” And he answered Christ healing a man who had been para- with a quiet and meek voice, “Sir, I have lyzed for thirty-eight years. The biblical no man, when the water is troubled, to story of the event is found in the Gospel put me into the pool.” The Lord said of John 5:1-15. unto him, “Rise, take up your bed, and Close to the Sheep’s Gate in Jerusa- walk.” And straightaway the man was lem, there was a pool, which was called made whole and took up his bed. Walk- the Sheep’s Pool. It had five porches, ing in the presence of all, he departed that is, five sets of pillars supporting a rejoicing to his own house. According to domed roof. Under this roof there lay the expounders of the Gospels, the Lord very many sick people with various Jesus healed this paralytic during the maladies awaiting the moving of the days of the Passover, when He had gone water. The first person to step in after the to Jerusalem for the Feast, and dwelt troubling of the water was healed imme- there teaching and working miracles. diately of whatever malady he had. According to John the Evangelist, It was there that the paralytic of to- this miracle took place on the Sabbath. How to be a Good Godparent Pray for your godchild on his/her names every opportunity, participate in the day, their birthday, and on all major Holy Mystery of Confession, read and feast days of the Church, as well as in study the Holy Scriptures and the writ- your daily prayers. Give spiritual gifts ings of the , and observe to your godchild (icons, religious books, the fasts. Make a commitment to see etc.), let others give the clothes or toys. your godchild regularly, at least once a Be an example of piety for your god- month. Telephone your godchild to talk child. Receive Holy Communion at with him/her about what he/she is learn- - 5 - ing in school. Sunday Religious Educa- take him/her to the Divine Liturgy, or tion Classes as well as regular school. other activity, offer your assistance. If your godchild’s parents are unable to

Examination of Conscience: How is My Daily Struggle? 1. Did I fail to love God...to pray? Have couraged an abortion or mutilation to I doubted or denied my Faith? Was I avoid children? careless in saying my prayers? Read 6. Was I immodest in dress or behavior? books against the Catholic Faith? Did I read impure books or maga- 2. Did I curse or swear? Did I use God’s zines? Am I guilty of fornication Name in vain: lightly... carelessly? (pre-marital sex), adultery (sex with Do I use profane language? Have I a married person) or birth control? insulted a sacred person? 7. Did I steal? What or how much? Did 3. Have I missed the Divine Liturgy I return it or make equal restitution? through my own fault? On Sundays? Did I waste time at work, in school, Holy Days? Was I late for the Divine at home? Am I stingy? Do I gamble Liturgy or did I leave early without excessively? Neglect to pay my debts a good reason? Allow my children to promptly? Have I supported my miss the Divine Liturgy? Was I eas- Church regularly? ily distracted at the Divine Liturgy? 8. Have I lied, gossiped? Talked about Did I do unnecessary servile work on another behind his/her back? Do I Sunday? always tell the truth? Am I sincere? 4. Did I honor and obey my parents? Did I reveal secrets that should have Others with lawful authority? Have I been kept confidential? Am I critical, talked back? Failed to help at home? negative or uncharitable in my talk? Neglected my children’s religious 9. Have I consented to impure thoughts? education? Failed to take them to the Have I caused them by stares, bad Divine Liturgy? Failed to spend time reading, curiosity or impure conver- with my family? sations? 5. Was I angry... resentful... kept hatred 10. Is my heart greedy? Am I jealous of in my heart? Did I fight... give bad what another has? Am I envious of example or scandal? Permitted or en- him/her because I don’t have what - 6 - they have? Is my heart set on earthly Heaven? possessions or on the true treasures in Kneeling in Our Church The Pastoral Guide of the Ukrainian ance in the Eastern tradition, the faith- Catholic Church in the United States ful should be discouraged from kneeling (the official rule book for our Parishes during the Paschal [Easter] Season and in all four ), states in article all Sundays of the year. 464: “Because kneeling is a sign of pen- Collection for Appeal Financially Benefits Our Archeparchy; Please Be Generous in Your Offerings During Our Parish Collection for Catholic Home Missions The annual collection for the Catholic sum of $125,000 for the year 2018, far in Home Missions Appeal will be taken up in excess of the amount collected from our all parishes of our Philadelphia Archepa- parishes. Your generous support of this rchy the weekend of April 28-29. The re- collection will continue to provide to our sources from this collection provide grants archeparchy much needed resources for our for projects to strengthen the faith of the Seminary, Religious Education, Evangeli- people in the United States. Over forty per- zation, Communication (the museum, The cent of all dioceses in the United States, Way and website), Mission Parishes, and over 80 dioceses, receive Catholic Home Human Life Ministries, and other areas of Missions financial support. Our Ukrainian faith development. Thank you for your fi- Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia will nancial support of the Catholic Home Mis- receive funding from this collection in the sions Appeal. Youth Questionnaire Bishop , CSsR, the delegate their thoughts, needs and aspirations in an of the Ukrainian Catholic Synod of Bish- on-line questionnaire for youth, (https:// ops to the 2018 Papal Synod with the theme www.surveymonkey.com/r/NNDBRYR). “Youth, Faith and Vocational Discern- The deadline for youth participating in ment”, invites the youth of our Ukrainian this survey is May 30th, 2018. Youth are Catholic Church worldwide to contribute encouraged to share your thoughts! Thank - 7 - you for your anticipated participation. Baked Fish Dinner Our fish dinner held on March 23, 2018 also goes out to all who purchased tick- netted a profit of $ 1,164.00. To those ets, gave monetary donations or donated who donated the tickets, rolls and baked their time and efforts in making this goods, we are grateful. A thank you project a success. “Barvinok” Ukrainian Dance Ensemble Scranton’s St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek troupe performs traditional dances from Catholic parish is sponsoring a perfor- various regions of Ukraine while attired mance by the Ukrainian Folkdance group in colorful embroidered costumes. Mr. “Barvinok” [Periwinkle in Ukrainian] on Momot was trained at the Kyiv Cultural Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 4:00 pm at its par- University and danced with the world re- ish center 428 North Seventh Avenue. The nowned Virsky Ukrainian National Dance highly acclaimed dance group which hails Company. His energetic and intricate cho- from the Metropolitan New Jersey/New reography along with beautiful regional York City area has appeared in numerous costumes bring alive the electrifying spirit venues on the East Coast and in Ukraine of Ukrainian dance. Tickets are $10.00 in where they took first place in an inter- advance - $12.00 at the door and can be national folk dance competition. Under purchased by contacting Kristen Waznak the direction of Mr. Gregory Momot, the at 570 241-1223. Collection Processing Team... The Collection Processing Team for the Stecco, and Joe Smagula. month of April 2018 is Team #4: Ed Sunday Collection for April 14 & 15, 2018: Altar Boy and Lector Schedule for April 28 & 29, 2018 Altar Boys Lectors 4:00 pm Nicholas Chylak -- Joseph Chylak Bill Vervan 9:00 am John Nasevich -- Patrick Marcinko Pat Marcinko 11:30 am David Slachtish -- Thomas Radle Frank Lesnefsky - 84 - Ss. Cyril & Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church

135 River St., Olyphant, PA 18447-1435

Telephone: 570-489-2271 Fax: 570-489-6918

Web Site: stcyrils.weconnect.com

E-Mail: [email protected]

Rev. Nestor Iwasiw, Pastor