Mechanical Properties of Zirconium-Tin Alloys

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Mechanical Properties of Zirconium-Tin Alloys ffsN?8S§j& : ->** ... iil.l«lW lflr‘w*' Report No. BMU7^i Metallurgy and Ceramic* Cam ttlk W«Wdi*|*ll % % MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ZIRCONIUM-TIN ALLOYS A. D. Schwopt W. Chubb M « e f A 3 ^ M W I U M c a l J . * - /£ > V ^ M e M e tmm riw O l f l e e e l Tm Im Im I W v i t M U , O . C . December HAT TELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 505 King Avenue Columbus lf Ohio 151 — ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ H TABLX OF CONTENTS Put ABSTRACT....................................................................................................... T * INTRODUCTION. « ..................................... 9 EXPERIMENTAL WORK............................................................... • 9 Fabrication of the Alloy* • . « .....................• •••••• 9 Tensile T e s tin g ................................................................................. 10 Hot-Hardness Data. ................................................. 10 Impact Data ............................................. *9 Corrosion Data ................................................................................ *0 CONCLUSIONS . * ............................................................................ .... 20 LIST OF TABLES Tahiti. Analyst* of Spoof t Zirconium-Tin Alloys • • • • • • • 10 T a h iti. Hardness Data for Spongt 2irco®Jum-Tln Alloy* • . 10 Table J. Tensile Properties of Sponge Zlrconlum-Tin Alloy* • • 11 Table 4. Hot-Hardness of Spongt Zirconium-Tin Alloy*. 16 Table 5. Impact Properties of Sponge Zirconium-Tin Alloys • .19 a * 4* LIST or FIGURES P m Figure 1, Effect of Tin on Tensile Prop*riles of Sponge Zirconium At Room Temperature ,.«•••• 12 figure 2, Effect of Tin on Tensile Properties of Sponge Zirconium at 260 C «•••••• • •••••IS figure S« Effect of Tin on Tensile Properties of Sponge Zirconium at 500 C •••••••• • ••••14 figure 4, Hsrdnese of Induction-Melted Sponge Zirconium Alloys st Elevated Tempersture*.................17 figure 5« Relation Between Hardness and Tensils Strength of Induction-Melted Sponge Zirconium- Tin Alloys Up to 500 C . • , .......................................... IS &£« m m si ? A * The michinlc»lVropfrtl«i and corrosion nsliUnct of induction- melted, aiecoaiom-tin aUo«e l^vjt. been determined, Tht alloy* lnveati- > gaUd contained from aeto to five pe* eeat Wind up to 0, 3 fM deal f i U a, Tht aie& ttem uatd was Unittd State* Bureau of Miaea aponge. aUaenUim* The mechanical propertiea Investigated include the tenailti hot-berdneee, and impact propertiea. ( _ INTRODUCTION Of all the binary aircoalum alloy* that have boon investigated to dale, non# havo shown quit* the immediate promt#* of th« aircoalum-tin alloy*. Tht#a alloy* have the desirable (karMt«ri»Ue« of high strength, excellent corrosion resistance, and good fabrication qualities. A Uff# amount of offort ha* boon expended la developing arc-molted, airconium-tln alloya for at# la tho Navy* a submarine thermal reactor. The arc-melting procoa* baa tho advantage over the laductton-melting proceas of introducing lea# contamination Into the melt. However* tho induction-melting proceia teade to produce more homogtneoue alloy* than the arc-melting proceia, ThU in vet ligation had as tie aim the determination of the mechanical proportion of Induction melted, Bureau of hftoee aponge airconium-tin alloya* Thoae alloy* contain not only the contaminants introduced by thd melting proceae, but alto tbe contaminant* carried in by the aponge air coni urn. A* such, the alloya probably repreaent an ultimate in proceia contamination. EXPERIMENTAL WORK Fabrication of the Alloys The rlrconlum-tln alloya mentioned in thio report were prepared by Induction melting tin and U, 8. Bureau of Mines aponge xircontum. Five- pound heat* were malted in a graphite crueible and poured into a graphite mold to aolldify. The ingot# containing 0* 1* J, 4 and 5 per cent tin were upeet forged and rolled at 1000 C into eheet stock for tenaUe epecimene and into bar atock for impact specimens. The analyses of these ingots are shown In Table l. «r * 10* T A ttU l. ANALYSIS or SPONOL lt*COMt)M"TlN ALLOYS J! 1 i 1 1 a u > e 5 s Ugoc a No. Tin Carbon Nitrogen 41) 0 0. 14 0.004 414 1.0 0.10 0.00) 41) 1.0 0.19 0 .0 0 ) 414 4.0 0.11 0.004 417 1.0 0.1S 0.001 The hoi- rolled ih iit •lock v u cleaned by fandbiaeUng, arm cold roiled from i thlckM«« of approximately 0 .1 inch b» I IhlckMH of M ?tf lock. Thl* roiling earned severe edge crocking of oil olioy» except Cho aircooium blank. The cold-rolled alloys were annealed In a straightening proof for one boor at 700 C, oad furnace cooled to room temperature. Tbi» material woo cleaned by surface grinding lo * thickness of 0.06 loch end col into •beet tensile specimens. Hardness dale obtained during the fabrication off Ihlc theft are shown in Table 1. T i t l t HAAOHtU DATA fOI WONOI UfCOfttUM TW ALLOY I * n e r A f C a tt Mm - O d d - i n i l p A e a lf th . H fid ata i, M l* 4 f o l k 4 . ftiinnkrf Am o ate # w eight • r ta .ll M tid n sn , War P a n , H ardest!, C ia la M « a . «** *«*•« n< V * 4 ** •“ a g g m 41 m M 0 .0 8 * u s ID « i t M 0 .0 1 0 L a i f ^ U f 14 i a m o.oao 4 . 0 H i n M 10 n 0 .0 1 0 1 . 0 t i ltO 41 u §• 0 . 0 U T ulls Testing The tensile epeclmene prepared from these ailoya were six inchoe long and 3/4 Inch wide end 0.06 inch thick. Tho reduced section of each tpocimen wot ) inckot long and l/l Inch wide. AU apeclmtna we re cut \ . parallel U the roiling direction. TtiU were run M room temperature end •I 160 C in air* and at 300 C In nn argon atmeephere. Tbe epeed of travel of the Head of the teetmg machine wae O.Oi lath per minute. An «kUM»m^ •t<r with a 1-tmch m « length and a eeneltivlly of plua or mtnue 0,0001 inch per took woo need to meaeurt fiduttM i. Thlo eaWneomeier wo» of tho clip-on typo uUllalng 3**4 gagee with elide bora emending out of the heeled »rot around tho epeclmen. Duplicate toata wore run at each temperature on each alloy. Tht rtitiUa of thaco teete have been averaged and appear in Table 1. Data eelecUd from Table I have boon plotted In Figuree l, 1. and I. Uniform elongation ha a been plotted aa a bettor m ettutc of ductility and working charade rietice than total elongation or reduction of area* YAiua. Ttxuum)mTiwor worn* iv c x m u u 'T W allot e ***1 M l UUlauw tewi AMlydi, TON ■ OfMl n«ak IMIm* W m ptttm , wtlgM Tarapaoaee, Oi K*4*, f t w t C " » 7 - io*H f t COM l a • la. f t aaai « la A T, OM M .4 10 M M M0 11.1 M l t) M 44 MO M i l l II •1 •4 I t 8b * T. 4 M « .t 1 U M MO 10.4 M.O 10 M 40 •00 im •0 ,? 10 01 40 1.0 n IT, wo •0.4 10 M 01 Me W.t ftO.I 0 to 41 M0 18.1 MM 10 M 4T M * t . T. 04.0 01.1 0 IT M M0 N.O 4 1 0 1 14 01 ftoo 81.1 M.O 1ft 14 01 M l i 0. T. n.i M .0 10 10 01 MO 4 1 M.O 0 10 ^ 00 100 •• 57.1 M 1 1 1 * I i i :i I. EFFECT OF TIN on ten sile pr o per ties of spo n g e zirconium at room TEMPERATURE * • • , • * I % » « ' • f FIGURE 2. EFFECT OF TIN ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SPONGE ZIRCONIUM AT 260 C A -4 0 M a ! ■ 1 tre p g § JM. i « | • ■ ■ ' i f e r s § f $ : - - Y I p ; M W ....... ; - V II Mi- ’ J f • ' ■ 'l l & i v^SItes :.smm » mm ■ ......... B l i M-iW%iimmmm f . • & ■ 'M W ••lv: $>**# Although the date ere somewhat erratic, there is a definite trend showing that tin strengthens induction melted, Bureau of Mines sponge sirconium. The effect of temperature upon the uniform elongation of the five per cent tin alloy is surprising. The decrease in uniform elonga­ tion with increasin', temperature is probably related to the strength of the zirconium-tin inter metallic compound present in this alloy. Hot-Hardness Data Diamond pyramid hardnesses of the alloys were obtained at elevated temperatures by means of a vacuum, hot-hardness machine. The vacuum chamber contains a stationary diamond indenter mounted over a hydraulically ope rated i ceramic stage. The indenter, specimen, and stage are heated by open-wire heating coils immediately surrounding them, A thermocouple mounted in the center of the stage records the temperature of the specimen. The specimen which may be about one inch square and 0.1 inch thick can be moved across the stage by an indexing mechanism. Indentations are made by raising the hydraulic stage and specimen into contact with the diamond indenter. The indenter load of 500 grams is applied and measured hydrau­ lically. A cycle from "no load" to "full load" to "no load" requires about 30 seconds, so that the full load is applied for about 10 seconds. In the course of a test on a single specimen, at least four indentations are made at each temperature up to, and including, 48Z C (900 F). Three indentations are made at each temperature above 48Z C (900 V). The hard­ ness numbers obtained from the indentations at each temperature are averaged and are shown in Table 4 and Figure 4.
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