NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release Office of the Premier 2009PREM0002-000002 June 10, 2009 NEW CABINET FOCUSED ON MOVING FORWARD

VICTORIA – Premier appointed a new cabinet today to build a strong economic future, capitalize on hosting the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and seize emerging global opportunities as Canada’s Pacific Gateway.

“The members of this executive council are proven leaders and, like all of their caucus colleagues, are ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work immediately to build a stronger province,” said Premier Campbell. “Together, we will focus on B.C.’s priorities of building the economy, creating jobs and continuing to enhance critical services like health and education.

“This is an important time in B.C.’s history, filled both with challenges and opportunities. The members of our new cabinet are dedicated to meeting those challenges and seizing those opportunities on behalf of all British Columbians. We will build on the strong foundation we’ve forged together over the last eight years and create an even brighter future.”

The new members of the provincial cabinet are , , Margaret MacDiarmid, Mary McNeil, , , Steve Thomson, and .

Mike de Jong is the Government house leader and George Abbott is the deputy house leader. will be the Government Caucus nominee for Speaker and the nominee for Deputy Speaker.

“We will continue to work with B.C.’s First Nations to strengthen and build on our new relationship, which will create certainty and economic opportunity for Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal British Columbians alike,” said Premier Campbell. “In just 247 days, B.C. and Canada will welcome the world for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. This is an unprecedented opportunity to market our province and its people to the world, and create new growth right here in British Columbia. Our cabinet will work to take advantage of this opportunity and to continue building our province as Canada’s Gateway to the Asia Pacific.”

Premier Campbell also named six MLAs as parliamentary secretaries: , Dave Hayer, , Richard T. Lee, and John Slater.



Premier – Hon. Gordon Campbell Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations – Hon. Naomi Yamamoto

Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation – Hon. George Abbott

Advanced Education and Labour Market Development – Hon. Moira Stilwell

Agriculture and Lands – Hon. Steve Thomson

Attorney General – Hon.

Children and Family Development and Minister Responsible for Child Care – Hon.

Citizens’ Services and Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism and the Public Affairs Bureau – Hon. Ben Stewart

Community and Rural Development – Hon. Bill Bennett

Education and Minister Responsible for Early Learning and Literacy – Hon. Margaret MacDiarmid

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources – Hon.

Minister of State for Mining – Hon. Randy Hawes

Environment – Hon.

Minister of State for Climate Action – Hon. John Yap

Finance and Deputy Premier – Hon.

Forests and Range and Minister Responsible for the Integrated Land Management Bureau – Hon.

Health Services – Hon.

Healthy Living and Sport – Hon.

Minister of State for the Olympics and ActNow BC – Hon. Mary McNeil

Housing and Social Development – Hon.

Labour – Hon.

Public Safety and Solicitor General – Hon. Kash Heed

Small Business, Technology and Economic Development – Hon.

Tourism, Culture and the Arts – Hon.

Transportation and Infrastructure – Hon.

Parliamentary Secretaries

Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia-Pacific Initiative to the Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development - Richard T. Lee Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism to the Minister of Citizens’ Services - Dave Hayer

Parliamentary Secretary for Pine Beetle Community Recovery to the Minister of Community and Rural Development - Donna Barnett

Parliamentary Secretary for the Ranching Task Force to the Minister of Agriculture and Lands - Terry Lake

Parliamentary Secretary for Silviculture to the Minister of Forests and Range - John Rustad

Parliamentary Secretary for Water Supply and Allocation to the Minister of Environment - John Slater

Additional appointments

Government house leader – Hon. Mike de Jong

Government deputy house leader – Hon. George Abbott

Media Contact: Bridgitte Anderson Press Secretary Office of the Premier 604 307-7177

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