Barons beat Marina 1n• soccer


THE ORANGE COAST 25CENTS WEDNESDAY., JANUARY 17., 1990 H·B targeted for malathion spraying

lly RO BERT BARKER protest from Huntington Beach Cm acLording 10 Frank Par,<>n' d1rl·l·tor pl..inl '' 111 hi: 111 the l10l' ol firt• Ot ,,... O.-y ,._ StJtfl Counci lman Peter Green. a LOOlogy of the Orangt· ( ount) .\gm:uhurt· Officials r~assur~ S~nat~ pan~/ on malathion saf~ty . .A4 r hl' dl'l 1'1110 t11 l'mharl. 11n d nl' \\ State offic ials targcted a and human ecology teacher at Gold­ Depanmcn1 I ht• intl'r' ah, m..1 ' tx r11und 11 1'l 1..11 hu111h1ng 1:arnl· aftcr e n West College. who said scien11fic 1nneaS4:d a~ 1hc "'-C ~llh a \\Jrm ... hl· 36-mllr area of Orange County, in­ a lcr11k mnlll' ""a' found in a hat ~ said. evid ence suggests that malathion ) .trJ t1r .lll!(l' lrt'l' Ol'Jf 11 Jrhor and cluding a pon1on o f nonh Hunt­ " It 's awful that the state can d t· ­ tht· '>pra)1ng. v.h1ch 1s 'it't w '>tart at ington Beach. for mala1h1o n spray­ may no t be as harmless to humans Parson'> no111icd l0t·c11 nlfi , 1..11, (1JrJ,·n <11'"' hl1ult·l .1rJ, in Coar­ as professed and causes cancer in c1dc to s pra~ poisons on tht' peo p k 9 p m ~ton da) anJ last Jhout thrt'l' ing beginning M o nda) as a result of Tuesda~ that thr nu rthcrn t•dgc 111 dt·n C 1r11' t' ',t\I \\ l•dnl'-.Ja, ~n un­ laborator\ animals. o f Hun11 ng1o n Beac h "'11hou1 con­ hour!> last werk's d1SCOWI) o f a pregnant sultat1nR \\ tth u\. The\ mandatt' .. Hun11 ng1un Beath near Bol'>t· Medfl) 1n c;arden GrO\e. " I find 11 ho mf)tng that the~ can rhe spra)ing should lllnllOUC at cnue and Bol!>d ( hit·a \tn·ct jnJ min'll! "r lkl ' The annuunt·emen1 dre"' a sharp dump poisons on to p o f us." he said. F1H' hehroptcr<. "'Ill be u<.ed 1n thrt· intcn al'> through ~pnl 1ndud1ng the \h Donnt·ll l>11 ue.l..t\ jPtus~ s ~~ MEOFLY / A21 Friends Defense disputes cannot claims mobster explain shot associate

By JAN ET ZI MMERMAN m .1 h "1' .111d 1 11,r·1.1,' 111 11mm11 muhlL 1 I It tJu'' \• 1 't'.tr' t11 li lt' 1n il • '•II\" The a11urnL'' tor .1 rq1utt•d high· pr"Pn ll'1I killings (JI'• II ll'' l ld ihjl 1<11 11tl'llt1 lcH·I moh\tl'r ''° I ut'\d,1' dl\putt·,! rla1m., h" ,J1t·nt pumr'l:d thrt'l' r• ,,, i. d ,, ., ' i- l l .11 •11, ,,·n ll·mrk By 80 8 VAN EYKEN bulkt' 1n 111 thl· ht'Jd 111 .1 hu"n'·" JLJ ''I. l1 fl ;iul 1n ~ 1b1· ''l ~l' f ,.tHI 1 'I!' 1 ' • 1 l H' ..1' Of t r.. O.-y 1"11ot Staff 3'>Sfl<.IJIC during J I 'I ' ~ JllJl" 1n J J I .. "~ ~· ( 0'>13 \k\3 p.1rking gJrJitl ' I ' ... 1, n:.·nd' 'rt· ·l-.11in{ ll.. The man ''ho apparent!~ 'iho t P ruwt u to r, u•ntl'nd \I 1l'I It r·1.J · t1t:1~ t- K.11•11·.11 n ••n Ne\\ port & at h real ec;ta tt• ;igt•nc) 1 .\nthnn' R111 11dl11 h2 ,irt ht'\ILHnl re ··:, • ,~, ... ' "' "lJ11 n~ ltf'l'\"r.J\hlf1 O\\ nl.'r ( rt.•rald1nl' \.1argaret H unt to Jt "• •11.1011 ,,, \ lu,L.Jr.g l uh death and 1hrn ki lled h1m\t'lf "'as a thl' <1ho,"i 11ng J'> pan 111 J ph• t It• µ1r tllO\r,>1 ul !ht• n11\\ ·dl'lunll \I U'-l ..t ng Blol ,1, ·,·n,l 11\ •rn,. \ nth 1n' rrll rt'd 1udgl· from { h1 cago who ma) topk'><. har 1n ..,Jnta \ na Imm ••nc "' Hr" . 1L" ,,,,,. l<,11 ,:l'l.11 J \.in h:l\1: been \uffenng from 'l'\crc dc­ 1 tht' pnman in' l'\lor' \.\ 111 1.1111 < .11 l l'f' ,il\1: I \,111L' ,11 thtn ~ \\ht1k• prc~\ 111n. a friend sa11.l. ... ,,,·r ,lid 11. •l ,11." 1 1 t .1rr, ,)1 Thc bodies o f Hun1 and 72-vear­ ro ll. C arroll ~uf\t\t•d tht· .\pnl ''' ...,, 'tr .1 '1 H I r,.i, tx·t \\ ,:,·n I hl' t" n old k romc <. lad wcrt• found 1 ,l!hl I{ I.' 1 "'''" ,tll f o ~ph to gt·ther 1n H unt's Laguna Niguel 198". ana c ~ . hut \\J<. kft hlind J nd \\Ith l\\O hullc1c, lo ldgt·d 1n hi' hl·ad < 1111 " '' ,, , 11 , ,Ji,, u" lc ~111m Jtl' to wnhoust· \ 1o nda' after a \\Omt'd He fingered R11111l'llo J\ thc mjn hu"n ·" .i, J11n~' JnJ " ''rl' not t' \ · neighbor wniattt·j .rn1ho