IGG update 19 June 2018

 Well done to the 200 IGGIES !  Women in STEM!  Regional Roadshows update  Postage to all Units  New members joined since Census 2018  Ventact bookings now open!  Sangam deadline - 25 June  National Guide Award applications deadline - 30 June  CIGA Environmental Programme Ideas Day - 6 October  Regional Development Officer needed for North East Region  International - Selection Day, Academy and  Taylor Swift!  Reminder about Distribution Centre opening/closing  Happy summer!

Hi Leaders and Senior Branchers,

Well done to the 200 Brownies who took part in the Irish Innovatively Engaging with STEM (IGGIES) project, which culminated in an expo in Dublin City University on Saturday.

The girls really engaged with the project and came up with some amazing solutions to save water using Lego. They well deserved a feature on the Image magazine website! You can see more photos of the expo here.

We will feature in a Women in STEM supplement that will be distributed with tomorrow's Irish Independent, so be sure to get a copy! We will also be sharing #WomenInSTEM posts on social media and we would ask you to share these.

Thanks to all 500 Leaders who attended the Regional Roadshows in April and May! A video of the Roadshow information will be made shortly and made available to other Leaders who didn’t make it as the information is important for all volunteers in IGG. There will also be an update in Autumn Trefoil News. Thanks too to all who facilitated and helped organise the 17 events.

Postage to all Units

IGG will be sending a package to all Unit Contact People in August which will contain new versions of the Code of Ethics book (renamed Safeguarding), the Safety Guidelines book, an Online Guide Manager manual (OGM) and the new version of the Personal Registration Form, which all youth members must complete annually from September 2018. It has the new section on Data Protection for parents/guardians to sign. This form will also be made available on the Leaders' side of the website from the end of June.

We will also be updating the Leader Application Forms with the new GDPR regulations for September.

New members joined since Census 2018

Do you have any new Leaders or Ladybirds/Brownies/Guides/Senior Branch members that have joined your Unit since you submitted your Census and paid membership fees?

If so, you will need to pay membership for them. Log onto OGM and go into the Leaders' Section and click the Census button: it will list any members in your Unit that payment is required for. Just follow the same process as completing your Census.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or phone Vivienne at 01-6683898.

You can now book your place at Ventact! This will be an extra special year as it's the 40th anniversary!

Follow this link to book your place!

Are you thinking of applying to take part in the Senior Branch trip to Sangam World Centre in August 2019? If so, get your application in quick!

The deadline is 25 June.

Find out more here.

REMINDER to Guide Leaders!

The deadline for National Guide Award applications to be in National Office is 30 June! Don't forget they have to be signed by the Regional Commissioner as well.

Please remember that a three-line testimonial about each Guide is also required.

A Council of Irish Guiding Associations (CIGA) Three Association Environmental Programme Ideas Day will take place in the Catholic Guides of Ireland Eastern Region Headquarters, 36 Harrington St, Dublin, on 6 October 2018 from 10.45am - 4pm.

This event is FREE and a light lunch will be provided (unfortunately transport costs cannot be refunded).

This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet Leaders from the other Guide associations in Ireland and to swap ideas for the new Guiding Year.

Facilitators on the day will share their knowledge and insights gained from their participation at the Helen Storrow Seminar in . There will also be a session run by ReCreate, which sources unwanted materials from local businesses for re-use in arts & crafts.

Book your place now!

Closing date: 15 September 2018

Are you enthusiastic about Guiding? Would you like to share your passion with others?

We have a vacancy for a Regional Development Officer for the North East Region.

Details here. Apply ASAP!


1. Save the Date - 21 October Be sure to book this date off! The International Committee will be holding a Selection Day from which panels will be formed to fill future international opportunities that will arise in the next 6 - 9 months. An event not to be missed! All interested Leaders aged over 18 are encouraged to attend. More details will be available in the Autumn Trefoil News, on Facebook and on the website shortly. 2. The Academy This event will be held in Macedonia from 30 October to 3 November (travel may be required a day before or after). IGG plan to send one member to attend this training and networking event. This event is most suitable for Leaders already working at a regional or national level. Read more about the experiences of our last members to attend here. Keep your eye on social media, OGM and the website for details of how to apply. 3. Kusafiri We are awaiting details of the Kusafiri World Centre event that will take place in an African country in December. We will announce details, as soon as we have them, on Facebook, so do keep an eye on the IGG Facebook page (you don't have to be registered with Facebook to see it).

We want to wish 'Bon Voyage' to everyone travelling overseas with IGG this summer, including those heading to Denmark, Georgia and Roverway. Stay tuned to IGG social media for updates! If you, or one of your Guides/Senior Branchers, would like to write a blog post about the trip for the IGG website, simply drop a mail to Fiona at [email protected].

It was great to see over 200 IGG members have a great time at the Taylor Swift gigs! One lucky Leader, Mary O'Connell from Dunshauglin (pictured on the left in this picture) was even chosen to take part in an after-show party with the star herself!

Well done to Rebecca Campbell from Prosperous who brought 17 Guides and Brownies to the Friday night gig and did a great interview with The Times about the experience. You can read the article here.

This is the last email update before the summer break and we hope you have a fabulous summer! Please be assured, though, we're not going anywhere - National Office will remain open throughout the summer months - and you can keep in touch with us via our website and social media.

Distribution Centres - summer opening hours

Dublin: Tuesdays to Fridays, 10am to 4.30pm until 1 September. Closed for two weeks after business on Friday 27 July.

Galway: Closed after end of business, Wed 13 June. Re-opens Wed 12 Sept.

Cork: Closed after end of business, Sat 16 June. Re-opens Tues 4 Sept.

Limerick: Closed after end of business, Wed 30 May. Re-opens Tues 11 Sept. Note: Limerick DC is open 11am to 4pm on Sat 9 June.

Don't forget to send your end of year/camp photos to [email protected]!

Take it easy!!

Yours in Guiding,

Fiona Murdoch

Communications Officer

Irish Girl Guides, 27 Pembroke Park, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6683898/085 8570565 www.irishgirlguides.ie Reg. Charity No. 20006327

This email was sent to support you in your role as a Leader within IGG and provide you with timely information on matters pertaining to the effective Leadership of your IGG Unit. If you no longer wish to receive the IGG weekly email update, simply reply with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subjectline.