Pregnant Natalie Portman Gives Tearful Tribute to New Fiance

Black Swan actress Natalie Portman appeared to having nothing, but love to express for her fiancé, dancer/choreographer Benjamin Millepied, while accepting the Desert Palm Achievement Award at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. Portman and Millepied met while filmingBlack Swan, reports “[The filming] was seductive to watch…there was no way the attraction could be missed,” said an insider. Portman is now three months pregnant with Millepied’s child. While on stage, the actress thanked the man who “…partnered me in the movie and who now partners me in life.”

What are some ways to thank your partner for being there for you?

Cupid’s Advice: You may not get a chance to express your love toward your partner all that frequently, but every once in a while it’s important to convey your gratitude. Here are a few little ways to show you care:

1. Write a note: Try writing a heartfelt message on a scrap of paper, and then stick the note into your partner’s briefcase or bag. This little action is sure to brighten his day at work.

2. Put effort into dinner: Spend an afternoon in the kitchen and prepare your partner’s favorite meal, complete with a setting at the dining room table. If cooking’s not your thing, then get some of his favorite takeout and make a joke out of eating it on your finest dinnerware.

3. Use your TiVo: Go through the TV listings and record his favorite shows or sports games that to which he’s looking forward. When he has time to relax, he’ll be pleasantly surprised!

’ Season 15, Episode 2: The Claws Are Out! By Krissy Dolor

We knew the niceties would only last so long.

Last night’s second episode of ABC’s The Bachelor brought all the makings of good reality TV: drama, tears and of course, a few make-out sessions. But what really stole the show was the on-going fight between Melissa and Raichel. But let’s get to that later.

Bubbly Ashley H. was the lucky girl who snagged Brad Womack’s first solo date – and the first rose. He took her to a brightly-lit carnival filled with fun rides, games and mmm, cotton candy. “I feel like I’m a kid again,” she exclaimed.

Despite the playful and casual setting, something about Ashley H. got Brad to open up. Her difficult past is strikingly similar to Brad’s (absent father, raised by their mothers, trust issues), which made it easy for him to confide in her. “Three years ago, I would not have answered these questions,” he said. “I feel like I can breathe.”

The date included the obligatory Ferris wheel ride, where the two showed each other just how connected they felt with a few steamy kisses. Brad made a smart choice in picking Ashley H. as his first date. Their connection was obvious, and his ability to share something personal straight off the bat was a good sign. However, Ashley H. wasn’t the only one who got some alone time with the bachelor. Jackie, the artist from Rhode Island, received the best date ever known to mankind (guys, are you listening?): an entire day with Brad, which started off with a trip to the spa (complete with white, plushy robes); a full makeover, including a brand new sparkly dress, shoes – oh, and hair and makeup, too; and dinner at a completely empty Hollywood Bowl, with a sign at the entrance that said, “For Jackie, Love Brad.”

I know what you’re all thinking – isn’t it a bit early to be throwing that word around? I thought that too, but let’s not forget that this is reality TV and Brad pretty much needs to fall in love with someone this season (and says he already has – SPOILER ALERT!). But what really got to me (and made me jealous as hell) was when Train came out and serenaded them with a private concert. Swoon much? The couple slow danced to “Marry Me” under the dim, cool-blue lights of the stage. Could the song choice be a sign? Or is Train coming out with a new single?

But the scene-stealers of last night’s episode were drama- mamas Raichel, Melissa and Michelle. Melissa’s scene-stealing kiss during the group date while filming the public service announcement for the American Red Cross, and her constant back-and-forth with Melissa, not only affected them, but the entire house as well. In addition, Melissa’s declaration that she bought new clothes and quit her job to be on the show, while probably isn’t uncommon in the grand scheme of Bachelor history, was a little unnerving to hear. And because the two women were being immature (which Brad, the whole house, and even and Roberto Martinez, who came back to help Brad, saw), they both failed to receive a rose.

However, the most annoying woman (even though she acted more like a whiny teen) of the night was Michelle. She turned 30 on the day of the group date with 14 other women, and she was not happy about it – and definitely wasn’t afraid to let everyone know. Not only did she stalk off set during filming, causing Brad to chase after her, she also grabbed him for some one-on-one time before the rose ceremony – even though already got a rose. While you have to admire any woman who knows exactly what she wants, there’s something about Michelle (who I admit, had liked initially) that’s off-putting. The sad part is that Brad can’t seem to see that (at least, not yet), and so she remains in the competition. Let’s see how long it takes for Michelle’s nastiness to make an appearance in front of Brad, who is still enamored by her silky hair and toned arms.

Last night we also said good-bye to an early favorite, Keltie, but Emily is still in the game, as is Madison (still waiting to see what the hype is about this one). Next week’s episode looks even more dramatic than last night’s, if possible – including a possible bachelorette walk-off. Needless to say, we can’t wait! Remember to visit us each week for Bachelor coverage. Until next time, keep those claws in!

Kevin Spacey Doesn’t Need an American Beauty By Jenna Barbieri

This weekend at The Times Center in , famous legends of film, theater, music and dance will join together to express their shared love for the arts at the 10th Anniversary of Arts & Leisure Weekend. Kicking off the spectacular event tonight will be none other than two-time Academy Award-winning actor-director-producer, Kevin Spacey.

Though currently starring as disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff in Casino Jack, Spacey has a much bigger responsibility serving as creative director of The Old Vic theater in London for the last seven years. So what makes it so easy for Spacey to drop what he’s doing and hop an eight- hour flight to New York? Perhaps it’s because he has no “ball and chain” to hold him back.

That’s right, the 51-year-old film legend’s ring finger bares no band. In fact, it never has! Yet Spacey continues to squeeze out every ounce of creative energy he has in him year after year. Which begs me to question, can being married to the arts act as a healthy alternative to being married to a significant other?

Spacey has never been known to go out of his way to get serious with another person, but he moved to another country to take the job at the Old Vic theater. When first questioned about his feeling on the big commitment Kevin would say, “I’m living my dream.” Not being married gives him the opportunity to give full attention and devotion to his number one love – the arts. In a way, the the theater plays the role (pun intended) as his wife: a wife whom he is completely passionate, happy and more than content with.

And Kevin Spacey isn’t alone in this category! Among other passionate art lovers who have never walked down the aisle are Diane Keaton, Oprah Winfrey, Al Pacino, Sheryl Crow, Bill Maher and the legendary Coco Chanel. These stars are living proof that something that while some people get married when they’re in love to have someone who will be there to hang out, listen to music and laugh with them for the rest of their lives, others can depend on their stage, their guitar, or their audience to fulfill the same feeling.

Want to read more about Kevin Spacey’s hosting gig? Follow Cupid to The Times Center’s 10th Anniversary of Arts & Leisure Weekend event page.

Most Romantic Movies of 2010 By Erika Mionis

2010 has been a big year for movies. Sequels like Iron Man 2 and Toy Story 3 have ruled at the box office, while animated films like Despicable Me and How to Train Your Dragon have made their marks as well. Those aside, the year was also particularly crammed with many a chick flick. From romantic comedies (When in Rome, Knight and Day) to romantic dramas (Dear John, Remember Me), nearly all of the movies have had easily identifiable themes and laughs that we learned from and enjoyed. Out of all the great romantic movies we have seen this year, the following have had lessons that effortlessly apply in the real world:

Easy A: This romantic comedy had us rolling in the aisles. Emma Stone masterfully portrays Olive Penderghast, the teenage protagonist whose sarcasm is as razor-sharp as it is endearing. After pretending to lose her virginity to help out a friend, Olive’s reputation begins a downward spiral as nasty rumors circulate around her school. Eventually, her childhood crush helps her regain her reputation and her happiness. Though based in high school, the film manages to support an overarching theme; the idea that those who really care about you will stick by you, no matter what.

Blue Valentine: This drama will have you on the edge of your seat. While the basic romance in this film is not immediately detectable, this tale of two troubled lovers is one of the most heart-wrenching films we’ve seen in a while. The film follows the now-broken couple of Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams) over different points in their relationship. MTV’s calls the film, “A meditation on the nature of romantic relationships that’s undeniably depressing yet incredibly insightful.” It’s safe to say that the flick is not a cheerful one, but it does present a viable warning. Be cautious when entering a relationship. Don’t progress too quickly, and thoroughly examine your values before making a serious commitment.

Eclipse: The third installment in the Twilight Saga was also the most successful, both with critics and at the box office. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is forced to choose between her steadfast vampire boyfriend, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), and her best friend-turned-new flame Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). The film gave us an important lesson about the dangers of jealousy (especially if you’re caught in a tumultuous love triangle between a shirtless werewolf and a sparkling vampire). The movie is undeniably entertaining, and the sheer gorgeousness of the cast left us reeling.

Is Your Dating Profile A Movie Trailer or a Cereal Box? I’ve read a metric bazillion dating profiles in my time as an online dating coach and about 90% are yawn-worthy. Do you think you’re part of the other 10%? Think again.

Most people write a dating profile that reads a bit like a cereal box. Have you seen the following claims on a dating profile (maybe yours)?

The Cereal Box Dating Profile

Healthy: “I like to take care of my body and you should, too.” Balanced: “I love to get dressed for a night out or wear PJs for a movie at home.” Wholesome: “Family is really important to me. I don’t know what I’d do without the support and love of my parents and siblings.” Mom-approved: “Best of all, your parents will love me.”

Sure, these are all things that you might value in a date, but we eat cereal every day. It’s not exciting. It’s not unique. It’s not interesting. It’s just… okay. Pair a cereal box profile with photos of a regular Joe (or Jane), and what do you get? Not a whole lot of emails from potential dates, that’s what!

Learn A Lesson From The Movies

The film industry knows what they’re doing. How many times have you seen a trailer and been totally psyched to see the movie? It has your favorite actor, it’s based on your favorite novel or it has lots of explosions. You know in a minute or three whether or not it’s a movie you’d be interested in seeing.

Previews work by showing you snippets of the best parts of the movie. You meet the protagonist, and you get a preview of their story. If it’s going to be a funny movie, there are some quick quips. If it’s going to be a summer blockbuster, there are cars exploding and people leaping away just in the nick of time.

What’s Your Trailer?

Your life may not seem as exciting as a summer blockbuster (and I certainly hope there are fewer explosions!), but it’s interesting and unique. Think about the little things that make you who you are, and write those into your dating profile.

Even little things give a glimpse of your character. When I was dating, my profile described me riding my shopping cart across the parking lot at Publix supermarket (you’re never too old!). Many of the emails I got from men referenced that part of my profile as a reason why they emailed me.

Take your Cereal Box Claims and beef them up with specifics:

Old: “I like to take care of my body and you should, too.” New: “I’m not sure what I like most about my morning run – the heart-pumping exercise or the heart-stoppingly beautiful sunrises.”

Old: “I love to get dressed for a night out or wear PJs for a movie at home.” New: “My best friend knows me better than anyone else. For my birthday last month, she got me tickets to the opera and a new pair of fuzzy bunny slippers.” Old: “Family is really important to me. I don’t know what I’d do without the support and love of my parents and siblings.” New: “Now that we’re adults, my sister and I are best friends. It might also help that our closets are 300 miles apart – she always stole my favorite clothes!”

A Movie Trailer Profile Always Does Its Job

Not every movie trailer is going to thrill you and make you mark opening day on your calendar. If you re-write your dating profile (or have my staff do it for you), it’s not going to magically attract every single on your dating site.

And it shouldn’t.

If your dating profile is written like a good trailer, it will intrigue the kind of person who will find you interesting, attractive, and worth getting to know better.

Steps for Success

1. Read your current dating profile and mark the boring cereal box phrases. Make notes on how you can beef them up by being more specific.

2. Find little snippets of your life that show off your character. Write about those.

3. Don’t be afraid to show yourself off. Self-confidence is sexy and will draw in exactly the kind of people that are good matches for you.

Need help? Check out the Geek’s Guide to Online Dating Success on my site for more tips & tricks or hire us to write or re-write your dating profile. Why I’m Rooting For Jennifer Aniston in 2011

By The Single Filez

2010 is drawing to a close, and the new year will soon be upon us. While this is usually exciting for me, I must admit that I’m not looking forward to watching the clock strike midnight this year. Let me explain. I turn 35 next year. If I’m being honest, I’m scared shitless. Luckily, I still feel and (thanks to great genes), look 25. But no matter how young I look, the fact remains the same: next year I will be 35 and still single. I’ll be single with not even a whiff of any potentials and without ever having experienced a long term relationship. The older I get, the more worried I feel about my singledom.

Just like Jennifer Aniston (and many other single women out there), I’m notoriously unlucky in love. Although Jen has the distinct advantage of having been married to Brad Pitt, whereas I have the advantage of still being in my mid-30’s (Aniston is in her 40’s). Either way, I’m rooting for Jen because I’m sick and tired of the reaction in the media to her lack-of-a-man situation. Everything they say about Aniston are the same things my friends, family and co-workers say about me: “but, she‘s gorgeous,” “but she‘s successful” and “why on earth can’t she keep a man?.” It’s frustrating, it’s tiring and it’s just not fair.

At first, I was going to write about why Jennifer Aniston and Halle Berry (another successful hottie who seems to be a serial douche bag dater) scare the hell out of me. I was going to say how nervous I am about still being single when I’m 40, but then I thought, “NO.” Actually, what I want to do is root for Jennifer Aniston in 2011. I want to do for her what I want my folks to do for me. Despite my bad luck with men, I feel confident that I will find the right man eventually. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR Jen! I hope you find a good love in 2011. Enough of the ‘Mr Right Nows,’ like John Mayer, Bradley Cooper, Vince Vaughn and Gerard Butler. Give us singletons the opportunity to look at you and say, “Hey, there’s hope after all. It is possible to find true love after a long bout of bad luck.” But most importantly, do it for yourself. Wouldn’t it be nice to stick your middle finger up and prove to the world that you’re gorgeous, successful and can keep a man?

Go Jen!

Playboy Founder Hugh Hefner is Engaged According to People, Hugh Hefner surprised everyone this holiday season by proposing to girlfriend, Crystal Harris, while exchanging gifts with her on Christmas Eve. The Playboy founder then announced on Twitter that his new fiancé burst into tears when he gave her the ring. To clarify that we was actually engaged, he later tweeted, “Yes, the ring I gave Crystal is an engagement ring. I didn’t mean to make a mystery out of it. A very Merry Christmas to all.” Harris was December 2009’s Playboy Playmate. As Hugh Hefner is 84 and his new fiancé is 24,there is a 60 year age difference between the couple.

Does an age difference matter in a relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Love knows no gender, color, religion or age. However, a large age gap can result in numerous misunderstandings:

1. Different life stages: People tend to want different things out of life at different ages. When you’re in a relationship with someone significantly older or younger, your needs and wants may clash.

2. Energy level: A difference in energy levels can be caused by many factors, but an age difference is probably the most common instigator.

3. Mutual friends: Though you may be an excellent couple, it might be hard to find common ground when it comes to mutual friends.

Is Denise Richards Dating Rocker Nikki Sixx?

Talk about picking the same kind of men. People reports that Denise Richards admitted she had “gone on a couple dates” with rocker and radio host Nikki Sixx, 52. Richards, 39, has had her share of experience with bad boys, including a complicated marriage to Charlie Sheen and a relationship with Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora. With her new bad boy, who recently broke up with Kat Von D, Richards admits, “The God’s honest truth is we’re taking it very slowly.”Why are women attracted to bad boys?

Cupid’s Advice:

Cupid has some ideas on why it’s so hard to stay away from a bad boy:

1. He’s confident: Bad boys attract women because of their rebellious nature and self-confidence. Many women find the combination irresistible. But keep in mind that a guy can be confident and not bad.

2. He needs to be rescued: If you love the idea of a fixer- upper, you may flock to a bad boy because you think he’s damaged and needs to be rescued. That said, it’s not always the best idea for a stable relationship.

3. He doesn’t like commitment: Some women may not be ready for a long-term relationship and will sabotage the relationship from the beginning by dating a heartbreaker. There’s nothing wrong with dating around, but when you’re ready for a relationship, cut it out with the bad boys!

ABC’s Winner David Good Gives Dating Advice to Women in his New Book ‘The Man Code’ “Women have the power to control how men treat them, how we act and how we are in society.”

By Lori Bizzoco

David Good got a bad rap when he appeared on : Season 5 (’ Season) in 2009. Most infamous for his altercation with former contestant Juan Barbieri and the negative way he used the phrase ‘Man Code’, Good had the opportunity to redeem himself earlier this year on the all- star, spin-off competition Bachelor Pad. Not only did Good surface from the show as the house favorite (and leader), he won the grand prize of $250,000 with partner Natalie Getz. Now, the 29-year-old first-time author is using a portion of his winnings to set the record straight about the true meaning of “Man Code” in his new book, The Man Code: A Woman’s Guide to Cracking the Tough Guy.

Good gave Cupid a view of his softer side, while opening up about his country boy roots in West Alexandria, Ohio, and the importance of bringing back more of what he calls the “John Wayne” types. Of course the interview wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t ask about his relationship status, too. So, here’s what he had to say:

What was your objective for writing “The Man Code”?

The whole point of the book is for women to realize how much power they have over how men in our country act. We conform to act the way you want us to in order to get your attention. Think about this: 80% of women get the children after a divorce, so there is a high percentage of single women raising sons. Women have control right from the beginning.

What is one way a woman can tell if she’s with a “Man Code” man? Honesty and truth. A Man Code man will start out a relationship with nothing, but honesty. He won’t lie about anything. Nothing. There’s no reason to. If a guy’s lying to you from the beginning, ditch him. It’s fine not to disclose your deepest thoughts and secrets right away. But when those things do come up, it’s important to be honest.

How can a woman break down the wall of a tough guy? Don’t break his trust. If a guy opens up to you and he confides in you and you run and tell your friend that he shed a tear or got emotional about something and it gets back to his buddies and they laugh at him, he’s going to emotionally shut down from you for a long time. Once he confides in you, you don’t want to embarrass him or break his trust. If your guy is finally opening up to you and showing his sensitive side and you run and tell your friends that he was crying in your bedroom and he hears that, he will not open up to you for years to come.

When you used the term “Man Code” on the show, what did the other men think? A lot of them thought I meant the whole “Bros before Ho’s” thing. That’s the other side of it. I did use it in that way when Juan was changing his clothes and being fake and not doing a shot. But, when they made a mockery of it, that’s when I was like, that’s not what Man Code is really about. Where I’m from in the heartland of America, it’s a very serious subject. Men take their work and the way they treat women seriously. They take pride in what they do. That’s what provoked me to write the book, because it was taken all out of proportion.

How did the “Man Code” originate? It started when I was 23 and working with my father. I was in a grocery store in a small town where I’m from. I saw a guy who was manhandling his wife out loud and in front of other men in the store. Nobody was doing anything. So, I walked over to this guy and just decleated the guy right off his feet. The lady that he had pushed down on the ground got up and started screaming at ME. I was so surprised, I didn’t know what was going on. So, I left my groceries because I didn’t want to get in trouble, and I walked out. I told my dad what had happened, and somehow we started talking about Man Code. And that’s kind of how it all originated. We would always kid around about writing a book about it.

We understand that some of the proceeds from the book are going to cancer research. Is there a reason you chose that cause? Yes. Last year, I was at my best (girl) friend’s house on vacation, and I was asleep when she woke me up because her doctor just called saying that she had cancer. She was only 29 (she’s 30 now), and to go through that experience with her really hit home. Then a few weeks ago, my grandfather was diagnosed with stage III cancer. A percentage of every book sold will go to cancer research.

The question we all want to know David is are you with Natalie? Were you ever with Natalie? Natalie and I had a great run on the show, and we were good friends before the show, but no, we aren’t together. I would never say that we were necessarily boyfriend/girlfriend, but we were put in a very unique situation. It’s reality TV, but there’s not a lot of reality about flying in private jets, staying in villas and driving Lamborgini’s around. It’s hard not to fall into all of that. I really like and respect her. Obviously, she’s beautiful, but I live 2,000 miles away from her. We’re great friends still, and we still talk, but “no” we’re not in a relationship.

Good is about to embark on a 120+ city tour. Dates and locations are still being determined.

Wedding Rumors: Nicole Richie and Joel Madden

After four years, two kids, and a 10-month engagement, Nicole Richie and Joel Madden may finally be ready to set a wedding date. Although the couple have been very secretive about the details of their wedding, Us Weekly reports that Richie had a bachelorette party in September with Christina Aguilera and a few of her other girlfriends. Richie isn’t the only one being secretive about the details. At the Oscar pre-show, Madden said, “We’re kind of doing it at our own pace. We have no idea right now.”

What’s the benefit of keeping your wedding date a secret?

Cupid’s Advice:

Once you set the date for your big day, your first instinct may be to send out that “save the date” to let everyone know. But Cupid has some advantages to keeping your wedding date a secret for a while:

1. You can make wedding decisions alone: When people don’t know your wedding date, they aren’t able to insert themselves into wedding plans. You’ll be able to have the wedding you want without any unnecessary input.

2. You can keep it exclusive: If your wedding date is under wraps, you’re able to keep the guest list more intimate and exclusive without feeling obligated to send out extra invites.

3. You can stay true to your personalities: Some brides dream of a huge wedding and others just want a few of their close family and friends to be there. If you’re the latter of the two, announcing your wedding date may not coincide with your dream wedding plans.

Chad Ochocinco is Engaged to Girlfriend Evelyn Lozada

NFL player and Dancing with the Stars alum Chad Ochocinco surprised his girlfriend, Evelyn Lozada, by proposing to her on November 16th in their Cincinnati home. Lozada, a and Basketball Wives star, told Us Weekly, “He had a jeweler come to the house… [It was] a total surprise! We sat there and picked out the ring.” Ochocinco offered his input on the diamond. The couple have not yet picked a date because, according to Lozada, “We’re waiting on the show and football season to end so we can start focusing on the next stage of our lives.”What are some unique proposal locations?

Cupid’s Advice:

Many proposal locations are overdone. The romantic candlelight dinner is somewhat predictable, as is the flowers- and-ring routine. Couples looking for a more unique experience may like these ideas:

1. Return to the place of your first date: Going back to the place of your first date is both romantic and fun. 2. Take a trip: Surprise your partner with a trip to a resort in one of your favorite areas. Try the Bahamas if the two of you like beaches, or Europe if you love sight-seeing. The vacation will be one that your partner always remembers.

3. Go on a fun date: Instead of proposing over dinner, try proposing in a hot air balloon. How many people can say they got engaged while overlooking the countryside from a floating basket?

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal Go on Another Coffee Date

Stock up, Starbucks! Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift have been spotted grabbing coffee together again, this time in Nashville, according to People. The new potential couple made their second stop in a week at the Frothy Monkey for a cup of java. Gyllenhaal and Swift were also seen increasing their caffeine intake at Nashville’s Crema on Monday and Fido last Saturday. All these coffee breaks haven’t left these two strapped for cash, as it’s been rumored that the duo tip well.What’s the advantage of a coffee date over dinner?

Cupid’s Advice:

If a dinner date has you panicked with thoughts of stuffy restaurants and a laundry list of table etiquette to remember, a laid-back afternoon coffee date may be right up your alley:

1. Keep it casual: Coffee dates are notoriously casual. You don’t have to dress up, and you aren’t pressured to order a smaller size with non-fat milk instead of your usual venti with a double shot of espresso.

2. You have an out: By scheduling a coffee date in the afternoon, you eliminate the awkward “end of the night kiss” scenario. You have the opportunity to arrive and leave separately, and the stiff car conversation will never take place.

3. Price point: If nothing else, grabbing a cup of joe to-go is a lot cheaper than dinner for two. So if you’d like to impress on a budget, schedule an afternoon caffeine break coupled with a stroll in the park — the perfect fall date.

Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough’s Romantic Paris Holiday

What is the most romantic city in the world? Paris, of course! Ryan Seacrest had the right idea by taking his sweetheart, Julianne Hough there with his family over Thanksgiving. The group took advantage of the the City of Light by visiting a selection art galleries, shops and the best restuarants Paris has to offer. According to People, Hough and Seacrest also found some alone time on their balconied terrace and couldnt keep their hands off each other! Nothing says “je t’aime” like a nice romantic vacation.What are the best cities for a romantic getaway?

Cupid’s Advice:

Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough aren’t the only ones who want to spend some quality vacation time together. Cupid came up with a few great cities for a romantic getaway:

1. Venice: Complete with it’s unique canals, bridges, and historical buildings, Venice, Italy, is guaranteed to melt your heart. A gondola ride with your special someone will make you fall in love all over again! 2. London: Get a view of one of the most extravagant cities from above by taking a flight on the London Eye. Take a romantic stroll with your partner along one of the many beautiful rivers. No matter where you go, you’re guarenteed to have a wonderful time.

3. : Even the Big Apple has many romantic options. From the bright neon lights of Times Square to the spotlights on Broadway, there’s always a feeling of excitement in the air. Go on a carriage ride through Central Park or ice skating at Rockefeller Center. The city that never sleeps offers amazing opportunities for lovers 24/7!

Michael Phelps is Dating a New Woman!

It looks like even the busiest Olympic athletes are finding time for some romance these days! Olympic gold medalist, Michael Phelps, has been spotted around town with jewelry designer and reality TV star, Brittny Gastineau. According to, a the duo appear to be in the early stages of their relationship. This seemingly unlikely pair have more in common than just their good looks. Gastineau’s father is former Jet’s play Marcus Gastineau, which allows her to understand Phelps’ athletic background. However, sources say that Gastineau has been in long-term relationships her whole life and is just looking to have a little fun.

Is it okay to date only for fun?

Cupid’s Advice:

We all know how amazing it is to be in love. But sometimes you might just want to play the dating game without all the extra responsibility. Here are sometimes when that’s okay:

1. When you’re young: You have your whole life to be tied down, and once you find Mr. Right, he’ll probably be around for a while. Get a feel for what’s out there before you make a decision.

2. You just got out of a relationship: If you just called it quits on a serious relationship, take some time to have a little fun. See what else is out there!

3. When you’re figuring yourself out: Sometimes we have so much going on in our lives that the last thing we need is another obligation. It’s perfectly fine to go out, let loose, and have some fun on the dating scene without all the pressure. Did Heidi Montag Have a Crush on her Plastic Surgeon?

Heidi Montag says she’s madly in love with her husband, Spencer Pratt, but did she have eyes for someone else? According to RadarOnline, the former Hills star may have had a secret crush on her plastic surgeon, Dr. Frank Ryan, who recently died in a car accident. In fact, sources say that the crush bordered on obsession. Montag tried to see Frank as much as possible, going so far as to get ten plastic surgeries in a single day. “I believe she was romantically obsessed with him … She saw him as a night in shining armor,” says Dr. Ryan’s close friend, Dawn DaLuise. However, Montag claims that it was Dr. Ryan who wanted her to be his “barbie doll.”

How can you tell if your partner is obsessive?

Cupid’s Advice:

Though Heidi Montag and Dr. Frank Ryan weren’t dating, many relationships can go sour due to an obsessive partner. Cupid has some tips on how to tell if your partner’s too into you:

1. He checks in constantly: There’s nothing wrong with the occasional text or phone call when you and your partner are apart. But if your special someone is constantly bugging you about where you are and who you’re with, maybe they shouldn’t have your number!

2. He’s overly jealous: Jealousy is inevitable in any relationship, but if your partner is questioning you about every friend you’re texting and wincing when you talk to a member of the opposite sex, he may be confusing love with infatuation.

3. He shows up uninvited: It’s one thing if your boyfriend graces your workplace to give you flowers on a special occasion and quite another if he’s constantly showing up uninvited. You may want to have a serious talk about boundaries.

Miley Cyrus Caught with New Guy at Birthday Bash Miley Cyrus definitely had fun at her birthday party last weekend. The teen star and fellow teenage actor, Avan Jogia were getting cozy at Trousdale nightclub, reports Us Weekly. Jogia, an actor for the Nickelodeon show Victorious, was seen nuzzling the neck of a very scantily-clad Miley Cyrus. As Cyrus turns 18 on Tuesday, she says that her birthday celebrations will continue indefinitely. “I have a birthday month,” she explained. “I do the whole month of November. Thanksgiving, cake — [it’s] all about me on Thanksgiving!”

What are the benefits of dating around?

Cupid’s Advice:

While avoiding relationships and constantly dating new guys can be controversial, dating around does have some benefits. Here are a few advantages:

1. You have extra time: When you’re in a serious relationship, a large amount of your time is given to your boyfriend. By having casual flings instead, you have spare time to devote to your career and hobbies.

2. You find out what you want: Especially when you’re young, you may not know what kind of partner you need in. By dating around, you discover certain personality traits you prefer and other’s you don’t.

3. Mistakes are less tragic: Everyone makes mistakes. However, they’re easier to recover from in a casual relationship. The absence of pressure makes it easier to move on and to learn from your blunders more gracefully.

Pink is Pregnant with Husband, Carey Hart

In a black Janey Lopaty Vintage Couture dress, Pink graced the red carpet at the American Music Awards over the weekend, right after announcing her pregnancy on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. Standing with husband, Carey Hart who lovingly patted her growing bump, it’s evident that the couple is overjoyed with the news, according to Us Weekly. Pink told reporters, “I’m feeling great! Hungry!” But before you contemplate the possibility of a surprise pregnancy, Pink clarified saying, “I worked for it. It was not an ‘Oops.”

What are unique ways to celebrate your pregnancy? Cupid’s Advice:

With only nine months to enjoy pregnancy, here are some ways to commemorate this special time:

1. B is for belly: Alanis Morissette shared a way to remember her pregnancy by tweeting a picture of her henna-covered baby bump. Other bump-related ways to remember include a belly cast, nude professional photos or belly painting.

2. V is for videotape: A beautiful gift that can one day be shared with your baby is a recording, which follows your pregnancy from start to finish. Document the growth of your bump, how you and your partner are feeling and hopes and expectations!

3. S is for surprise: A way to let friends and family know your exciting news is to gather them around for a group photo. Ask everyone to say, “Jenny’s pregnant!” for the camera, and the stunned faces will last for years.

Gwyneth Paltrow Slams Celebrity Couples Who Teach Important Relationship Lessons

By Jessica DeRubbo

Recent Glee guest Gwyneth Paltrow is making headlines lately. Even though she’s part of a high-profile celebrity relationship herself, she is speaking out against “unnecessary” celebrity couples. In fact, she went so far as to tell CNN, “It’s just unnecessary to be a public couple, and to have your couple-dom or whatever be its own entity. It doesn’t make sense to have that in the public world.”

Alright, Gwyneth, I see your point. There are definitely famous couples who live for the spotlight, which is pathetic. One obvious example is former Hills stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt.

I don’t know about you, but I’m under the impression that their every move is to garnish media coverage. And then there’s LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian. Has anyone else noticed their everyday presence in tabloids lately? They cheated on their respective spouses with each other and then they spend months defending their indiscretion to the media. Is that necessary?

Even Taylor Swift is becoming a constant presence in the celebrity relationship world. While she doesn’t currently have an ‘other-half,’ I’d be shocked to see someone who doesn’t know that Taylor Swift is single and loving it. I’ve read at least three interviews in the last month where she refers to her singleness. Okay, we get it already!

Yes, I see Gwyneth Paltrow’s point. She even refers to her own relationship, saying, “When I see high-profile relationships now, I think, ‘Oh my God’ even though I’m technically in one. But we sort of don’t do anything public, we try to keep it behind the scenes as possible (sic). Because it just generates more interest…it just undermines the quality of your life.” That being said, there’s certainly a lot to learn from those high-profile pairs that Gwyneth Paltrow speaks about. Celebrity couples can teach us about our own personal relationships. Consider the following:

1. Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: You may roll your eyes at their publicity stunts, but through that negativity you realize that you want to avoid being like them in your own life. They convince you that it’s probably best not to discuss every detail of your relationship to anyone who will listen.

2. LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian: This singer and actor duo made the mistake of cheating on their significant others and then defended their decision to do so, even though many would agree that infidelity is morally wrong. LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian help you realize that if you find yourself falling in love with someone who isn’t your current partner, you should call it quits and come clean about any wrong doings. Apologize and move on. And whatever you do, don’t rehash the past in public! 3. Taylor Swift: She’s not only been linked to John Mayer, Taylor Lautner, Joe Jonas and Jake Gyllenhaal, but she’s turned around and written songs about it. And right now, Taylor Swift is embracing the single life, calling it “wonderful.” What have we learned from her? Being single is okay! Dating is okay! Instead of sulking in a dark corner and lamenting your current solo status, enjoy the experience while it lasts. If Taylor Swift can do it, so can you.

Gwyneth Paltrow may make a valid point in her rant on high- profile celebrity couples, but I highly doubt those who crave the limelight will leave the tabloids anytime soon. As long as they exist, we can use these stories to gain insight into the multifaceted world of dating and relationships.

‘Hills’ Couple Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to Renew Vows Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are making headlines once again. TheHills couple are now planning to renew their vows. “I feel like our first [wedding] was an elopement and we had so many margaritas and it was such a crazy time…and then the second one wasn’t our wedding. It was just a Hills wedding, and it was for all the people there, and it was about everyone else,” said Heidi Montag, according to Us Weekly. The couple’s marriage has had its fair share of ups and downs so far, including short- lived divorce proceedings. Heidi Montag explained, saying, ” We had just gone through so much crazy stuff personally and through our jobs and everything, so for me this feels like our first real marriage. Like our first restart. We deserve a second chance at our marriage and really having this moment and not being robbed of this.”

What are some creative ways to renew your vows?

Cupid’s Advice:

Renewing your vows is a great way to strengthen your marriage. Here a few ways to keep the ceremony intriguing:

1. Go back to the original venue: Try going back to the place you were originally married. While it may be easier to revisit a church than a beach in Hawaii, it will be fun to return to a place with so many memories. 2. Celebrate with new friends: You and your husband have inevitably made some new friends since your wedding. Invite your new pals as well as the old so that they can add some new life to the occasion!

3. Incorporate your children: If you have had children since your wedding, make sure that they can be a part of the ceremony as well. If you haven’t been blessed with children yet, bring along your pets. A dog ring bearer is always a crowd pleaser.

Victoria’s Secret Model Doutzen Kroes Marries Sunnery James

Over the weekend, surrounded by 30 of their closest friends and family members, Victoria’s Secret model Doutzen Kroes and producer and DJ, Sunnery James were wed. According to The Hollywood Gossip, the couple were married “in a small, private ceremony in her Dutch hometown of Eastermar.” Pregnancy didn’t stop Doutzen Kroes from donning a dress created by Spanish designer Pronovias or taking a honeymoon “on an island just north of Madagascar.” They better enjoy their vacation, too; their baby boy is expected in January.

How can you plan a wedding with a baby on the way?

Cupid’s Advice:

A pregnant bride doesn’t have to sacrifice her wedding dreams. Cupid’s got some things to consider:

1. White wedding: Be sure to take into account your growing belly and schedule dress fittings more frequently as the special day nears. When it comes to shoes, try a low, chunky heel for the ceremony and consider bringing an alternative shoe for the reception. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be joining everyone on the dance floor!

2. Wining and dining: Planning the reception menu for your guests doesn’t mean you have to throw prenatal care out the window. Consider choosing healthy foods and nonalcoholic alternatives to champagne. And stay hydrated with water and slices of lemon, limes, or strawberries.

3. The Honeymooners: Don’t be afraid to jet set to the romantic destination you and your partner have had in mind, if your pregnancy is in its early stages. With pregnancies nearing the end, it’s best not to stray too far! This doesn’t mean your getaway plans are ruined; there are plenty of places to stay in the USA. Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt Reunite at Halloween

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt graced the red carpet on Saturday in Las Vegas for Pure nightclub’s Halloween Haunt. Pratt dressed as an alien, while Montag opted for a gold mini-dress. Former Hills star Montag, who recently caused controversy by having ten plastic surgery procedures performed in a single day, told Us Weekly, “I’m good. I’m just trying to focus on other things, not focus so much on my body.” The couple, who have reunited after filing for divorce, are “…enjoying [their] relationship,” said Montag. “I had so much going on before, I didn’t have a chance to enjoy being a newlywed.”

If you get back together with an ex, what are some good ways to break the news?

Cupid’s Advice:

On again, off again relationships can be a drag for all of those involved. To keep your friends from rolling their eyes, try a few of these tips:

1. Some privacy: Don’t share everything about your relationship with your pals. This way, when there is some major news, they will be more interested. If you flap your lips constantly about your beau, it can get old very fast!

2. Laid-back: When you do feel the need to vent about your beau, try not to be overdramatic or complain. Your friends will be more likely to help you if you don’t irritate them.

3. Be refreshing: When you have news about your relationship, try breaking it in different ways. Instead of constantly complaining, try making the story humorous. If it’s entertaining instead of annoying, your friends will laugh along with you and will be more receptive to helping out.

Are Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal a Couple? Country crooner Taylor Swift and hunky actor Jake Gyllenhaal are the center of many celeb relationship rumors as of late. The pair have been spotted together multiple times around New York City, reports E! Online. The duo was first seen flirting backstage at Saturday Night Live, which Swift’s pal Emma Stone was hosting. The weekend continued with a romantic stroll through Brooklyn’s Park Slope area, and they were later spotted doing lunch with Stone at Al Di La restaurant. At lunch, Swift was uncomfortable and spoke rarely. Gyllenhaal, however, was beaming, talking to waiters and cracking jokes. The pair seems to be sending mixed signals. Is this a PR stunt or real infatuation?

What are some signs that you are more than just friends?

Cupid’s Advice:

When dealing with insecurity and stress, it’s hard to cross the friend boundary. To help ease your worries, here a few tips to help you decide when the time is right to take the plunge:

1. Physical attraction: If you and your “friend” find yourselves hugging more than usual and holding hands when usually you only pat each other on the back, then something has probably changed in your relationship. Friendship with active physical attraction is on its way to more than that. 2. Discomfort: Hanging with your pal should be fun and easy. If you catch yourself worrying over your makeup and an outfit, then chances are you have some hidden feelings for your friend.

3. Frequent calls/texts: If you and your friend talk or text constantly, then you are both thinking of each other a lot. Your pal is constantly on your mind and vice versa. This could mean that the two of you care more for each other than you initially thought.

Wendy Shaker Talks ‘Are You My Guru?’

By Veronica LaRoque

What do medicine, meditation and Madonna all have in common? For author Wendy Shanker, they were all supposed to be cures for a rare autoimmune disease that struck her right when she was at the top of her game. Shanker, who had given advice to thousands of women in her hugely successful first book The Fat Girl’s Guide to Life, was now searching for someone to help her with the difficulties of dealing with a chronic illness.

In her new book, Are You My Guru? How Medicine, Meditation and Madonna Saved My Life, Shanker tells the story of her disease. With humor and hope, she chronicles her search to find one person who has all the answers not knowing if that person even exists.

What can you do when life takes a turn for the worse?

Cupid’s Advice:

We all know what it’s like to be on top of the world one evening, and under mountains of stress the next morning. But Cupid got tons of advice on how to deal with life’s letdowns from Wendy Shanker. Check out the author’s thoughts on taking life’s lemons and turning them into one hilarious and good- for-you lemonade.

How would you describe your journey, and how does it compare to “The Fat Girl’s Guide to Life?”

The journey in Are You My Guru? is much different than the story of the first book. “The Fat Girl’s Guide” was almost a manifesto — a way to fight back against the pressure to lose weight and look a certain way. I really thought I had it all figured out — I could be fit, fat and healthy, and still feel good about myself! Just as that book was published, the “healthy” part got knocked out of the equation. I got so sick with this rare autoimmune disease, Wegener’s granulomatosis. I’d actually been diagnosed years before, but it wasn’t until “The Fat Girl’s Guide” was published that it really invaded my life – actually pulled me out of my life. That was in 2004. So the story of “Guru” is about being in this happy place, feeling secure in my body, looking forward to whatever was next in work, love, life…and then…buh-bye. A whole new body battle to fight.

How have you maintained a sense of humor and a universality throughout both of these books?

I don’t know any other way to do it. I couldn’t help but find the funny, even in the worst of it. You know, I’d gotten bad news from doctors who unfortunately had limited resources to treat me. So I started exploring alternative methods of treatment…and I’m like, “Someone is dripping oil on my forehead and rolling me in chickpea flour like an enchilada! Someone is shining colored lights on my body and poking needles all over me! Someone is telling me to dialogue with my liver!” How could I not find it hilarious? That’s just my coping mechanism, but I find that it’s a really good way to help other people relate to my situation. Even if you don’t have my problems, or haven’t tried this particular treatment, there’s sort of a universality feeling exposed in these ways.

Over the course of writing both these books, what have you discovered about romantic relationships?

In the first book, I spent so much time feeling insecure about my body that I really held myself back from relationships. There were some good ones, some bad ones, but I didn’t feel like I could handle real intimacy until I figured out how to love and respect myself. So voila, I’m ready! And that’s right when I got sick. Bad timing, because it meant going through the worst of the worst on my own. I’m really lucky that I have a lot of amazing friends and family, and there was no shortage of people around when I wanted them there (I’m one of those people who tends to shoo everyone away when I don’t feel well). But during those long dark nights, there are these moments of “Where the f#*k is he? The guy who is supposed to be stroking my hair right now?” Um, well, he wasn’t there. In a way, it’s kind of empowering to go through a challenge like that as a single person. It makes you realize you can get through anything as long as you have some support in your life; it doesn’t have to be romantic love. There’s no reason to settle. But now that I’m feeling strong and healthy again, I’m excited to meet someone special.

How has your illness affected your body image and your idea of yourself

Aside from the physical, that’s the biggest challenge I faced. This disease, and the treatment of this disease (chemo, steroids), dramatically changed my body. Weight gain, weight loss, hair loss, skin damage, scars from procedures and surgeries. I lost all the cartilage in my nose and had to have surgical reconstruction. This amazing surgeon took a rib out of my ribcage (just like Cher!) and used it to create a new nose for me. You’d never even know by looking. That’s a helluva lot for a body to go through, and there are plenty of people who’ve gone through a lot worse. I have to give my body a lot of respect. Literally think about it, organ by organ, and say, “Hey, skin, it’s amazing the way you regenerated. Thank you. Hey kidneys, it takes a lot of effort to filter all that, but you’re doing a great job. Much appreciated.” You have to offer lots of props to your body when it takes a licking and keeps on kicking.

What do you feel is the most important thing you learned on your journey?

I was so sure that I was going to find the The Guy who was going to fix me. The guru with the treatment or doctor with a trick up his sleeve who would say, “Take this pill and see you never.” Not the case. I learned that there is no one person with all the answers. If anything, the closest person who fits that bill is you. You are the expert on you. No one knows your body better than you do. Your job is to find the collaborators who are willing to pool their expertise with yours to help you feel better. In other words, you are your own guru. Cupid sincerely thanks Wendy Shanker for her time! To purchase Are You My Guru?, follow Cupid to

Katy Perry’s Pre-Wedding Excitement

Katy Perry is enjoying her final days as a single woman. Following her performance on Britain’s The X-Factor, Perry and fiancé Russell Brand talked to judge Simon Cowell backstage. A source tells Us Magazine, “She had so much fun with Simon, and Russell was chatting with him too. Katy was hugging Russell a lot after her performance. She kept asking him, ‘Was I OK?’ ‘Was it OK?’, but he was nothing but supportive. He was stroking her bum in her catsuit. He couldn’t keep his hands off her, actually.” The engaged pair also went to a private screening of The Social Network on Monday. On Tuesday, Perry and Brand intend to fly to India for their extravagant 6-day wedding celebration. The few guests, including Rihanna, will stay in “pimped out” tents and are to be flown in on private jets. Despite the extravagance, Brand seemed uneager to talk about the celebration. “I’m trying to preserve it, to keep it a beautiful thing,” Brand explained. “I think people get the wrong idea on how we want the wedding to play out. Love between two people is the most spectacular yet ordinary thing in the world.”

What are some things to be careful about before your wedding?

Cupid’s Advice:

The days before your wedding are nerve-wracking, exciting, and unlike anything you have ever experienced. While you should enjoy these last few days to the best of your ability, here a few things of which to beware:

1. Too much talk: No matter how excited you are, talking about your wedding too much may ruin the big day. By talking about the big day, you raise expectations. Hold disappointment at bay, and keep at least some of your excitement to yourself.

2. Stress: Wedding planning is stressful. You want the best day possible, but by accepting the fact that no wedding is absolutely perfect, you will be able to relax and really enjoy the day without worrying about minor things.

3. Too many nerves: Chances are, before your wedding you are feeling excited and nervous. While it is good to share your nerves, make sure you do so in a healthy way so you don’t give your friends and family the wrong idea.