r Athletics On Years President Draws Fans' Matched In Twosome HOW THEY STAND Rumors And Reality Gathered From Mixed Feelings IN League Bat Champs

Philadelphia, Oct. 6.—(UP). Philadelphia. Pa, Oct 8- —Some fans here nave vent to (UP)—World Series standings: Real Busts In Vl^orld their political feelings yester- Teams W. Ij. Pet. Big This Cardinals .2 1 .867 Sporting President Hoover’s day during visit to the Worl dSorles game. Athletics .1 2 .333 The Grist Of Athletic Contest While strong applause from Results: Games First: Athletic* Cards 2. Three Series the grandstands greeted his en- 8. Second: Cards Athletics 0. trance and departure, boos arose 2, Cards front the bleachers as he en- Third: ft. Athletics 2. L. S. CAMERON BY JOHN A- CLUNEY Schedule By tered and again when the an- (United Press Sports Editor) nouncer asked that all remain Fourth game—At Shlbe Park, ni. 6— on the crest of sented until the president and Philadelphia, to-day. 1:80 p. Philadelphia, Pa, Oct (UP)— Riding his party had left their places Fifth game—At Shlbe Park, two consecutive victories, the St Louis Cardinals played Reflections On The Series and tli grounds. to-morrow 1:30 p. m. Sixth once Athletics in the fourth game of the that game—If needed, Philadelphia’s proud Seems the boys who were rather loud with their opinions Sportsman’s Park, St Louis, Frl- world series to-day. to series are rather day, 1 :S0 p. m«, C. S. T. the A’s were a 3 and 4 to 1 shot take the conspic- Beginning the series on the short end of odds ranging nine uous by their quietude since yesterday’s nightmare. LOCAL K. OF L NET between 4 to 1 and 3 to 1, the Cards now have the A’s on of how it winds the performances of “Wild Regardless up, pitching the run, and holding two victories against one defeat, they Bill” Hallahan last and yesterday will be RESEARCH TEAM Friday TEAMS VICTORIOUS are rated on at least even terms with their over this Hallahan something for the stove leaguers to hash winter, rivals. A’s three hits in nine and shut them out, while a world ser- gave the Even Matters With Hart- CHASE CHAMPIONS This is topsy-turvey Grimes' prospective no-, no-run performance was spoiled in the ies. Before It started Athletics ’ RECORDS who blasted a the and the eighth and ninth by Bing Miller and A1 Simmons, single ford Knights By Win- Vreeland Pitches Club to were given pitching IN SERIES GAMES and homer. And that was the beginning and end of the A’s hitting, hltlng edge with the Cards possess- ning Men and Women ing the greater speed afoot. The while Robert Moses Grove’s left-handed twirling was leathered for 23 8»3 Win Over Rollers in Br United Press tighter defense and stouter fight- Is the pitchers’ in two The Cards have beaten the Athletic aces, Grove Matches Following hits games. Game record for the first three the Playoff ing hearts. games and Earnshaw in three games, which does not look so- good for of the World’s scries: The Waterbury Knights of Lith- Reverse Dope nine of St Uila rest of the Mack mound staff. uania tennis teams scored revenge The research department Now It develops the Cards have