
La u r e a t e s : SCS Pr i z e s a n d SCS Me t t l e r -To l e d o Aw a r d s 2008 CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 5 257 doi:10.2533/chimia.2009.257 Chimia 63 (2009) 257–260 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft by : Why Size Matters

Jeroen A. van Bokhoven§*

§Werner Prize Winner 2008

Abstract: Bulk gold is the most inert metal of all, however, when gold is finely dispersed on a support, it can be a very active catalyst for oxidation and reactions. X-ray absorption spectroscopy showed that the smaller the gold particles are, the shorter the gold–gold bond length is. The smaller particles also have an altered electronic structure, as they undergo less hybridization between the s, p, and d orbitals than the larger particles. The d band narrows and moves closer to the Fermi level. As a result, , , and CO adsorb on the metal surface and the nano-sized metal particles can become catalytic. Keywords: Catalysis by gold · · In situ characterization · X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Jeroen van Bok- heterogeneous catalysts and developing it becomes.[2,10] Similar behavior was ob- hoven has been SNF- advanced tools in X-ray spectroscopy to served in hydrogenation reactions.[8,11] In Professor in Hetero- study the catalyst structure under cata- addition to higher activity with decreasing geneous Catalysis lytic relevant conditions. Their combina- size, smaller particles showed different at the Institute for tion provides insight into the structure and selectivities.[12] For example, the smaller Chemical and Bio- function of the catalytically active sites. the gold particles, the higher the selec- engineering, ETH tivity to hydrogenation of the aldehyde Zürich, since April group in unsaturated aldehydes such as 1st 2006. He was born December 22nd Introduction cinnemaldehyde. This has been ascribed 1971 in Maassluis, The Netherlands. He to the preferred of the alde- completed his studies in 1995 in chemistry Catalysis by gold is a rapidly devel- hyde bond on the highly coordinatively at Utrecht University (NL). He obtained oping field in heterogeneous catalysis.[1] unsaturated atoms in a nano-sized particle. his PhD with distinction in 2000 in inor- Many reactions that are catalyzed by gold The smaller particles have more such sites ganic chemistry and catalysis. From 1999 have the potential to be developed into new and a higher degree of unsaturation.[13] In until 2002 he was head of the XAS (X-ray applications in pollution control, sensors, addition to size effects, the nature of the absorption spectroscopy) users-support chemical processing, and fuel cell technol- support strongly affects the catalytic per- group at Utrecht University. In 2002, he ogy. Gold is active in both oxidation and formance of the nano-sized gold particles. moved to the ETH, where he worked as hydrogenation reactions and often surpris- Various supports actively participate in the senior researcher in the group of Professor es by showing very high activity and selec- catalytic conversion.[14,15] To understand Prins. Van Bokhoven works in the field of tivity. It displays its unique performance the origin of the exceptional performance heterogeneous catalysis and (X-ray) spec- when it is finely dispersed on a support of gold catalysts, we have determined the troscopy. The goal is the determination as (sub)nanometer-sized particles.[2] Gold changes in gold structure as a function of of structure–performance relationships, is appreciated as a precious metal and for its size, the interaction of reactants with the which aid the design and construction of this reason it is used in jewelry. For ex- surface of nano-sized gold, and the struc- better catalysts for cleaner and more ef- ample, the golden mask of Tutankhamun, ture of gold while it performed a reaction. ficient processes. His main interests are the boy-king of Egypt who lived from 1341 In situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy to 1323 BC is still as shiny as it was over (XAS) thus provided insights into particle 3000 years ago, which illustrates the inert- size, electronic structure of gold, and the ness of gold. The reason why gold is the interaction of reactants with the gold cata- most inert metal of all is based on the high lytically active sites. binding energy of its d band, which pre- vents molecules from adsorbing and thus reacting (vide infra).[3] Heterogeneous Catalysis Although the inertness of bulk gold is well understood, the origin of its catalytic A catalytic reaction that occurs on the activity when finely dispersed as nano-par- surface of a heterogeneous catalyst consists ticles over a support is much less known. basically of three fundamental steps (Fig. 1). Over the years, we have studied the cata- The first is adsorption of the reactant(s), *Correspondence: Prof. Dr. J. A. van Bokhoven lytic performance of gold in the oxidation the second is reaction, and the third is de­ ETH Zurich [4–7] Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering of carbon monoxide and in hydrogena- sorption of the product(s). If any of these HCI E127 tion reactions, such as the hydrogenation steps fails, the catalytic cycle is incomplete CH-8093 Zurich of cinnemaldehyde.[8,9] Gold is very ac- and no catalytic reaction takes place. Tel.: +41 44 633 4372 Fax: + 41 44 632 1162 tive in the oxidation of carbon monoxide; When reactants adsorb on metal surfac- E-mail: [email protected] the smaller the particles, the more active es, they form bonding and anti-bonding or- 258 CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 5 La u r e a t e s : SCS Pr i z e s a n d SCS Me t t l e r -To l e d o Aw a r d s 2008

repulsion because of the more extended nature of the 5d orbitals than the 4d orbit- als, which are more extended than the 3d orbitals. Electrons in overlapping orbitals repel each other, which leads to repulsion between the adsorbate and the metal sur- face. Bulk gold is a bad catalyst, because catalyst most reactants do not adsorb on its surface, because the d band of gold is too low in en- 1. Adsorption 2. Reaction 3. Desorption ergy to empty the anti-bonding state and no bond is formed. Thus, one way to increase Fig. 1. A catalytic reaction on the surface of a heterogeneous catalyst generally consists of the reactivity of gold is to move the d band three essential steps: adsorption, reaction, and desorption. If any of these steps does not occur, closer to the Fermi level. there is no catalytic conversion. Massive gold is characterized by a very weak adsorption and is generally inactive because its surface remains empty. Size Effects on Catalytic bitals with the metal. Chemisorption occurs moderately for each metal. The interaction Performance and Structure of Gold when the bonding orbitals are positioned of the adsorbate with the d band is much Catalysts below the Fermi level and the anti-bonding stronger and the bonding and anti-bonding orbitals are depopulated and pushed above states form. From left to right in the peri- Gold can be a very active catalyst when the Fermi level (Fig. 2). A universal model odic table, the d band is increasingly filled finely dispersed on a support. Therefore of adsorbate bonding on transition met- and moves away from the Fermi level (if the particle size and the support strongly als based on the energy position of the d more than half-filled) because of the high- affect its performance. The rate per surface band has been proposed.[16,17] The closer er nuclear charge. As a consequence, the exposed gold atom in the oxidation of CO the d orbital energy is to the Fermi level, anti-bonding state is pulled down as well. increased significantly when the particle the stronger are the bonds. The coupling Going down a row in the periodic table, size decreased below 4–5 nm (Fig. 3).[1] of adsorbates with the metal s states varies from 3d to 4d to 5d, there is increased Pauli Sometimes an optimum in conversion as a function of size was observed.[10] We have systematically investigated the structure of gold catalysts of different size and on various supports using XAS.

XAS at the Au L3 edge provides the empty d density of states and the gold local struc- Fermi level Fermi level ture, such as coordination number, bond length, and Debye-Waller factor. Au L εd 3 edge XAS spectra were recorded on many εd gold catalysts of various particle sizes and using six different supports. The spectra were recorded after reduction at 450 to

Metal d-band Adsorbate level 525 K for 1 h in 4% H2/He. No cationic d10 gold was detected in any of the spectra after this treatment. Fig. 4 shows the av- Fig. 2. Formation of bonding and anti-bonding orbitals after adsorption of an adsorbate on eraged Au–Au bond length as function of the surface of a metal. When the anti-bonding state is pushed above the Fermi level and particle size on various supports.[5] The depopulated, bonding of the adsorbate occurs; if the anti-bonding state is below the Fermi level, particle size was determined from the Au– it is filled and no bonding takes place. Such a model explains why massive gold is inert and for Au coordination number using known rela- example does not react with oxygen and hydrogen. Nano-sized gold particles have depopulated tions. All catalysts followed the same cor- anti-bonding states with hydrogen, oxygen, and CO, which makes them catalytically active (see [18] text). relation equally well. As the dispersion increased to above about 30%, which correlates to particles of about two nm, a noticeable contraction in the metallic bond Oxidation Hydrogenation length occurred. For the smallest particles, 0.15 the contraction was about 0.16 Å, or about 2CO + O2 2CO2 1.0 5.5%. The data agree quantitatively to

o n those obtained from X-ray diffraction data

e a t o m 0.8 0.10 [19]

d a t i on unsupported gold particles. Fig. 4 i f a c x

u r shows a single correlation for all supports, o

0.6 s O which apparently do not affect the relation 0.05

o f C 0.4 between Au–Au coordination number and of Cinnemaldehyde

Rate of Hydrogenation bond length. This suggests that under the R a t e p r 0.2 measurement conditions, there is no varia- 0 0 5 10 15 20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 tion in particle shape over the different Particle Size [nm] Particle Size [nm] supports, which would affect the correla- tion between particle size and coordination Fig. 3. Size-dependent activity of gold catalysts. The left figure shows the increasing rate of number. surface atoms of gold with decreasing particle size in the oxidation of CO;[2] The right figure The white line, which is the first intense shows the rate dependence of hydrogenation of cinnemaldehyde as function of particle size.[8] feature in a spectrum, in L3 absorption edg- La u r e a t e s : SCS Pr i z e s a n d SCS Me t t l e r -To l e d o Aw a r d s 2008 CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 5 259

es of transition metals reflect the number of ten and varies only slightly as a function of although bulk gold is inert towards oxygen, holes in the d band. The more intense, the size, the narrowing of the band means that nano-sized gold supported on alumina larger the number of holes in the d band. it will shift up in energy. Such behavior has partially oxidizes. Such oxidation was ob- [23] The L3 edge of bulk gold shows a small been shown by full multiple scattering served for particles that were supported on white line, which originates from hybrid- and DFT[13] calculations. This makes the alumina and titania, the two supports that ization of s, p, and d orbitals, which pushes d band in nano-sized gold particles more were investigated, however, only when the some d density of states to above the Fermi reactive. Such higher reactivity is shown particles were smaller than about two nm. level.[20–22] This is shown in Fig. 5a which by the interaction with reactants such as No interaction with oxygen was observed [6] [4,5,7] [8] shows the L3 edge absorption near-edges of CO, O2, and H2. We showed that for larger particles. This indicates that sup- bulk gold and that of gold particles of iden- hydrogen chemisorbs on gold, provided ported nano-sized gold particles activate tical size (1.1 nm) on varying supports. The that the particles are nano-sized.[24] The oxygen. Exposing such partially oxidized spectrum of bulk gold showed the small gold–hydrogen bond was weak, however particles to CO re-reduced the gold and white line intensity. All near-edge spectra the anti-bonding state could be observed formed CO2, which completes a catalytic of the nano-sized particles were identical in the L3 edge XAS spectrum. Fig. 6 shows cycle. Under a mixture of CO and O2, no within the limits of accuracy and had much the L3 absorption near-edges of nano-sized oxidation of gold was observed, because lower white line intensity. Fig. 5b shows gold measured under an inert gas after re- the CO kept the particle reduced.[4,6] Any the difference in white line intensity of duction and under oxygen. The spectrum activated oxygen will be directly converted all samples compared with that of bulk after reduction is typical of fully reduced to CO2 with the CO that co-adsorbs on the catalysts that were represented in Fig. 4. gold (Fig. 5); that taken under oxygen surface. Recent theoretical calculations The smaller the particles are the lower the showed a small white line and decreased have confirmed that such a cycle, in which white line intensity. As expected, the larg- intensity at energies directly above the a short-lived activated oxidized gold is an est particles had white line intensity equal white line, which is indicative of about intermediate, can occur catalytically over to that of bulk gold. The number of holes 10–15% oxidic gold in the sample.[6] Thus, supported nano-sized gold particles.[25] in the d band thus decreased with particle size, caused by decreased s, p, and d hy- bridization in the smaller particles, which was corroborated by theoretical multiple scattering calculations.[23] Interestingly, the electronic structure of the particles var- a) ied with size, but no visible variation with White line support occurred. 0.8 Single atoms have atomic orbitals of distinct energy. Bulk metals have bands in which the energy levels of the orbitals Au/ZrO show very little variation. The more atoms 2 Au/Al O 0.6 2 3 present in the metal, the more orbitals con- Au/TiO tribute to the band and the larger the band 2 Au/Al2O3 width becomes. Because the number of Bulk Gold electrons in the d band for gold is close to Normalized Absorption

0.4 11.92 11.93 Energy [keV]

b) 2.88 0.60

0.45 2.84

0.30 Au/Al O Al2O3 2 3 Bulk 2.80 TiO2 Au/ZrO2 SiO 2 0.15 CeO Nb O 2 2 5 SiO ZrO 2 2.76 2 Difference in WL Intensity Nb2O5

Au-Au Distance CeO2 0.00 TiO2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2.72 Au-Au Coordination Number 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Fig. 5. a) L3 near-edge X-ray absorption spectra of 1.1 nm particles on Particle Size [Å] various supports compared to that of massive gold (light blue); b) Difference of white line intensity of all catalysts that were presented in Fig. 4. Averaged Au–Au bond length as function of particle size. The Fig. 4 compared to that of bulk gold. Larger differences indicate a lower particle size and Au–Au bond length are strongly correlated. The number of holes in the d band that originate from hybridization of the s, support did not show a noticeable effect. The particle size was derived p, and d bands. The change in structure correlates to particle size via from the Au–Au coordination number determined by EXAFS analysis. the gold–gold coordination number. 260 CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 5 La u r e a t e s : SCS Pr i z e s a n d SCS Me t t l e r -To l e d o Aw a r d s 2008

Fig. 6. In situ Au L [4] N. Weiher, E. Bus, R. Prins, L. Delannoy, 3 near-edge spectra of C. Louis, C., D. E. Ramaker, J. T. Miller, J. A. van Bokhoven, J. Catal. 2006, 240, 100. 1.0 a 1.3 wt% Au/Al2O3 catalyst after reduction [5] J. T. Miller, A. J. Kropf, Y. Zha, J. R. Regalbuto, (black) and after L. Delannoy, C. Louis, E. Bus, N. Weiher, J. A. van Bokhoven, J. Catal. 2006, 240, 222. 0.8 exposure to oxygen [6] J. A. van Bokhoven, C. Louis, J. T. Miller, at room temperature M. Tromp, O. V. Safonova, P. Glatzel, P., Angew. (red) and 225 ºC (blue). Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 4651. 0.6 The differences in the [7] N. Weiher, A. M. Beesley, N. Tsapatsaris, spectra originate from L., Delannoy, C. Louis, J. A. van Bokhoven,

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