New Germany Elementary School Free Store Popular Essentials – Non Perishables Food Items Children’s Lunch Box/After School Snacks Dried Crackers (Goldfish crackers are very popular items) Pasta Sauce Cheese/Cracker or Peanut /Cracker Packs Sidekicks (packaged noodles) Nutri Grain Bars (Breakfast Bars) Kraft Dinner Granola Bars Pizza Kits Dried Fruit Taco Kits Nuts/Seeds Instant Rice (Boxed) Juice Boxes Rice Side Dish Packages Popcorn (microwaveable) Instant Mashed Potatoes Fruit, Pudding, Applesauce(individual serving cups) Stuffing Mixes Rice Krispie Cereal & Marshmallows(allows families Chicken/Vegetable Broth to bake together) Sandwich Bags Biscuit Mix Muffin Mix Cake Mix, Icing, Candles (for special events) Household Items Jello/Instant Pudding Dish Soap Cereal Laundry Soap(smaller bottles to send home with Instant Oatmeal children) Pancake Mix & Syrup Fabric Softener Sheets Hairbrushes/Combes/Hair Elastics Condiments Body Wash Ketchup Shampoo Mustard Conditioner Mayonnaise Shaving Cream Tea Bags/Instant Coffee Soap Peanut Butter Garbage Bags Fruit Spread/Jam/Jelly Toilet Paper Juice (canned/boxed – shelf stable) Kleenex Evaporated Teen Feminine Hygiene Items (regular Powdered Milk tampons/slender pads) Salad Dressing Toothpaste Cooking Oil Toothbrushes Salt/Pepper Baby Items Baby Food Canned Items Diapers Tuna, Salmon, Chicken, etc Wipes Beans Baby Shampoo Vegetables Baby Body Wash Soup Stew Gravy Cranberry Sauce Fruit