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Ohe Magic 'Encycbpexa Volume Cfrio Ohe Magic 'EncycbpeXa Volume Cfrio Design/Compilation: Connie Rae and Slade Henson Editing: Skip Williams Cover Painting: Fred Fields Interior Art: David Zenz Typography: Gaye O'Keefe Production: Paul Hanchette Graphic Design: Sara Feggestad and Angelika Lokotz AGENT 13 is a trademark owned by Flint Dille and Dave Marconi, and used under license by TSR, Inc. AVENGERS, DR. DOOM, FANTASTIC FOUR, MARVEL SUPER HEROES, MARVEL UNIVERSE, SPIDER MAN, and X-MEN are trademarks owned by Marvel Entertainment Group Inc, and used under license by TSR, Inc. All Marvel characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. BUCK ROGERS is a registered trademark owned by The Dille Family Trust, and used under license by TSR, Inc. CONAN is a registered trademark owned by Conan Properties Inc. FAFHRD, GREY MOUSER, LANKHMAR, NEHWON are trademarks owned by Fritz Leiber, and used under license by TSR, Inc. INDIANA JONES, TEMPLE OF DOOM, and the names and likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. LAZER TAG, STARBELT, STARCAP, STARLYTE, STARSENSOR, and the WORLDS OF WONDER logo are trademarks owned by Worlds of Wonder, Inc. RED SONJA is a registered trademark owned by Red Sonja Corp. SNARFQUEST is a trademark owned by Larry Elmore. ELIXIR and WEB OF GOLD are trademarks of Three Wishes Ltd. XXVc is a trademark owned by The Dille Family Trust, and used under license by TSR, Inc. AD&D, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AMAZING, BLACKMOOR, BOOT HILL, CATACOMBS, D&D, DRAGON, DRAGONLANCE, DRAGONQUEST, DUNGEON, DUNGEON!, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, FANTASY FOREST, FIEND FOLIO, FORGOTTEN REALMS, GAMMA WORLD, GEN CON, GREYHAWK, HOLLOW WORLD, POLYHEDRON, RAVENLOFT, SPELLJAMMER, STAR FRONTIERS, RPGA, the RPGA Logo, TOP SECRET, and WORLD OF GREYHAWK are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. ADVENTURE FOLD-UP, AL-QADIM, BATTLESYSTEM, CREATURE CRUCIBLESample, DARK SUN, DM, DUNGEOfileN MASTER, DEITIES & DEMIGODS, DUNGEON!, GAMMARAUDERS, GANGBUSTERS, IMAGINE, MAGE STONES, MAGIC VIEWER, MERTWIG'S MAZE, QUEST FOR THE DUNGEON MASTER, RAVENS BLUFF, TOP SECRET/S.I., the TSR Logo, are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. This accessory is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or art work printed herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Inc. TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. P.O. Box 756 120 Church End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton WI 53147 Cambridge, CBI 3LB U.S.A. United Kingdom ®1993, TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America. Volume 1 Oable of Contents Introduction 06 Berry 31 Cheese 42 Blanket 31 Chess Set 43 Chemcheaux 08 Blouse 31 Chest 43 Blowgun 31 Chime 43 Product List 14 Boat 32 Circlet 43 Bola 32 Claw 43 Magical Items 19 Bolt 32 Cleat 43 Bomb 32 Cloak 44 A Bombard 32 Cloak Clasp 44 Bone 32 Cloaking Device 44 Abacus 19 Bonnet 33 Cloth 44 Accelerator 19 Book 33 Clothing 44 Acorn 19 Boomerang 33 Clover 45 Aid, Barber 19 Boot 33 Club 45 Amulet 19 Borer 34 Coal 45 Anchor 20 Bottle 34 Coat 45 Ankh 20 Bow 34 Coffin 45 Anklet 20 Bowl 34 Coin 45 Antennae 20 Box 35 Collar 45 Anvil 21 Bracelet 35 Comb 46 Apparatus 21 Bracer 35 Compass 46 Apple 21 Brand 35 Container 46 Apron 21 Brazier 35 Contract 46 Arm 21 Bridge 35 Cooker 46 Armband 21 Bridle 36 Coracle 46 Armchair 21 Brooch 36 Cord 46 Armet 22 Broom 36 Cordial 47 Armor 22 Brush 36 Coronet 47 Armor Merchant 23 Buckle 36 Cot 47 Arrow 23 Bugle 36 Couch 47 Arrowhead 24 Bullet, Sling 37 Coverlet 47 Astrolabe 25 Bundle 37 Cowl 47 Awl 25 Button 37 Cradle 47 Axe 25 Crescent 47 c Crew 48 B Crook 48 CabineSamplet file 37 Crossbow 48 Backpack 26 Cage 37 Crown 48 Badge 26 Cameo 37 Crucible 49 Bag 26 Can 37 Crystal 49 Bagpipe 26 Canister 37 Cube 49 Balance 27 Candle 38 Cudgel 49 Ball 27 Candle Snuffer 38 Cup 49 Ballista 27 Cane 38 Currach 49 Balloon 27 Cannon 39 Curtain 49 Balm 27 Canoe 39 Cushion 50 Band 28 Canteen 39 Cutlass 50 Banner 28 Canvas 39 Cutlery 50 Barding 28 Cap 39 Cyclocone 50 Barge 28 Cape 39 Cymbal 50 Barrel 29 Card 40 Basin 29 Carpet 40 D Basket 29 Case 40 Bath 29 Cask 40 Dagger 50 Baton 29 Casket 40 Dart 51 Battering Ram 29 Castle 40 Decanter 51 Bauble 29 Catapult 41 Deck 51 Bead 30 Cauldron 41 Delivery Service 52 Beaker 30 Censer 41 Desk 52 Beam 30 Chain 41 Device 52 Bedroll 30 Chair 41 Diadem 52 Bell 30 Chalice 41 Dice 52 Bellows 30 Chamber 42 Dicerion 52 Belt 30 Chaplet 42 Discus 52 Belt Bag 31 Chariot 42 Disposal 53 Bench 31 Charm 42 Door 53 66 -*- Oable of Contents Dragonfly 53 Iron 84 Drawer 53 Volume 2 Item 84 Drum 53 Dust 53 Table of Contents 66 J Introduction 70 Jacinth 84 E Jam 84 Earring 54 Product List 71 Jar 84 Eartrumpet 54 Javelin 85 Egg 54 Magical Items 76 Jellaba 85 Eidolon 55 Jelly 85 Elixir 55 Goggles 76 Jettison 85 Ema 55 Gong : 76 Jewel 85 Eye 55 Goose 76 Jug 86 Eyeglasses 55 Gown 76 Eyepatch 56 Grail 76 K Grain 76 F Grappling Iron 76 Ketchup 86 Gravitic Stabilizer 77 Kettle 86 Falling Softener 56 Guisarme 77 Key 86 Fan 56 Gun 77 Kite 86 Feather 56 Gyregam 77 Knife 86 Quaal's Feather Tokens 56 Knot 87 Feedbag 56 H Figurehead 56 Figurine of Power 57 Halberd 77 L Finger 57 Halting Device 77 Ladder 87 Fire 57 Hammer 77 Ladle 87 Fire Extinguisher 57 Hammock 78 Lamp 87 Firepack 57 Hand 78 Lance 87 Fist 58 Handkerchief 78 Lantern 88 Flag 58 Harness 78 Lanthorn 88 Flagon 58 Harp 78 Larynx 88 Flail 58 Harpoon 79 Leaf 88 Flask 58 Hasp 79 Lens 88 Fluid 59 Hat 79 Lepidoptera 88 Flute 59 HeadbanSampled file 79 Levelmaker 89 Flying Nightmare 59 Heart 79 Libram 89 Font 59 Heater 79 Lighthouse 89 Forge 59 Heel 80 Line Gun 89 Fork 59 Helm 80 Locator 89 Fork, Planar 60 Helm, Spelljamming 80 Lock 89 Fortress 60 Helmet 80 Locker 89 Fountain 60 Helmseeker 80 Locket 90 Fur 60 Hinge 81 Log 90 Hockey Stick 81 Lure 90 Hold 81 Lute 90 G Hole 81 Lyre 90 Gaff 61 Hook 81 Galley 61 Hooves 81 Gas 61 Horn 81 M Gate 61 Horse 82 Mace 90 Gauntlet 61 Horseshoe 82 Machine 91 Gavel 61 Hourglass 82 Magnet 91 Gem 61 Hover-Vessel 82 Mallet 91 Gift 62 Hula-hoop 82 Mantle 91 Girdle 62 Hut 83 Manual 91 Glass 62 Map 92 Glasses 63 / Marble 92 Globe 63 Marker 92 Glove 63 Ichor 83 Mask 92 Glue 63 Icon 83 Mast 92 Glyph 63 Identifier 83 Masthead 93 Goblet 63 Inkwell 83 Match 93 Instrument, Bardic 83 Mattock 93 Ioun Stone 83 Mattress 93 Jhe Magic Encyclopedia -*- 67 Maul 93 Pearl 104 Ring 116 Medallion 93 Pedestal 104 Robe 119 Melon 94 Pegleg 104 Rock 119 Menagerie 94 Pellet 104 Rod 120 Metal 94 Pen 104 Root 120 Military Fork 94 Pendant 104 Rope 120 Military Pick 94 Pennant 105 Rub 121 Mill 94 Penny 105 Rudder 121 Mine, Dimensional 94 Pepper 105 Rug 121 Mirror 94 Periapt 105 Missile 95 Philter 105 Mist 95 Phylactery 105 S Mist Maker 95 Pick 106 Sabre 121 Moat 95 Pickaxe 106 Sack 121 Moccasins 95 Pie 106 Saddle 121 Money 95 Pigment 106 Safe 122 Morning Star 96 Pill 106 Sail 122 Mortar 96 Pillow 106 Salt 122 Mouthpick 96 Pin 106 Salve 122 Mower 96 Pipe 106 Sandal 122 Muffler 96 Pipeweed 107 Satchel 122 Mug 96 Pitcher 107 Saw 122 Mushroom 97 Pitchfork 107 Scabbard 123 Musk 97 Placard 107 Scarab 123 Muskmelon 97 Plank 107 Scarf 123 Mustard 97 Plant 107 Scepter 123 Muzzle 97 Plate 108 Scimitar 123 Pluma- 108 Scope 124 Poker 108 Scroll 124 N Pole 108 Sculpture 125 Nail 97 Polearm 108 Scythe 125 Necklace 97 Portmanteau 108 Seal 125 Necklace of Prayer Beads 98 Portrait 108 Seat 126 Needle 98 Pot 109 Seed 126 Net 98 Potion 109 Serpent 126 Net Thrower 98 Pouch 112 Servant 126 Nightcap 99 PowderSample file 112 Shade 126 Nightingale 99 Printing Press 113 Shaker 126 Noisome 99 Prism 113 Shard 126 Nunchaku 99 Prison 113 Sheath 126 Prosthesis 113 Sheet 127 Pump 113 Shell 127 0 Purse 113 Shield 127 Oar 99 Ship 128 Odor 99 Shirt 128 Odrovir 99 Q Shoe 128 Oil 99 Quarrel 114 Shot 128 Ointment 101 Quarterstaff 114 Shovel 128 Omelet 101 Quill 114 Shrine 129 Oracle 101 Quiver 114 Sickle 129 Orb 102 Sighting System 129 Organ 102 Sign 129 Ornothopter 102 R Simulacrum 129 Oven 102 Rack 114 Skates 129 Rag 115 Skin 129 P Rainmaker 115 Skull 130 Rake 115 Skyhook 130 Paddleboard 102 Ram 115 Slate 130 Paint 102 Ranger Fooler 115 Sling 130 Painting 103 Rations 115 Slipper 130 Palette 103 Rattle 115 Snare 130 Pan 103 Recorder 116 Snuffer 131 Paper 103 Reflector 116 Soap 131 Parchment 103 Repellent 116 Sock 131 Parrot 103 Repository 116 Solution 131 Peanut 103 Ride 116 Solvent 131 68 * CJahle of Contents Soup 131 Tathlum 141 Spade 131 Tea Set 141 w Spear 131 Teleport Pad, Chemcheaux 141 Wakizashi 147 Spectacle 132 Telescope 141 Wand 147 Speculum 132 Tent 141 Warrior 148 Spelljamming Detector 132 Thorn 142 Watch 149 Sphere 132 Thread 142 Watershoe 149 Spider 132 Throne 142 Wax 149 Spiderwalker 133 Tightrope 142 Weapon, Intelligent 149 Spike 133 Timeglass 142 Weed 149 Sponge 133 Tome 142 Well 149 Spoon 133 Tool 143 Wheel 149 Spore 133 Tooth 143 Whip 150 Spray 133 Tbothpick 143 Whistle 150 Spy 133 Tore 144 Wife 150 Staff 133 Torque 144 Winch 150 Stair 134 Tbrch 144 Window 150 Standard 135 Totem 144 Wine 151 Star 135 Towel 144 Wing 151 Statue 135 Transforming Gargantoid 144 Wool 151 Stick 135 Tray 144 Wristband 151 Stirrup 135 Treatise 144 Writing Set 151 Stocking 135 Tree 144 Stone 136 Trident 145 X String 136 Trumpet 145 Strongbox 136 Tub 145 Xanthippe 151 Stylus 136 Tube 145 Xebec 151 Suite 137 Tun 145 Xylograph 151 Sundial 137 Turban 146 Sweatsuit 137 Turret 146 Sweeper 137 Twine 146 Y Sword 137 Yo-Yo 152 Symbol 139 u Yoke 152 T Urn 146 z Tabard 139 Sample file Zither 152 Table 139 V Zoster 152 Tablecloth 139 Vacuum 146 Zwieback 152 Tablet 140 Vane 146 Tableware 140 Veil 146 Randomizing Charts 152 Tail 140 Vessel 147 Starting Table 152 Talisman 140 Vest 147 Magical Item Tables 153 Talon 140 Vestment 147 Tapestry 140 Vial 147 Tarot 141 Violin 147 Tart 141 She Magic 'Encyclopedia -#- 69 Introduction The Magic Encyclopedia Volume Two is the paigns where magic is rare or the gold piece one of the specific categories in tables A second and last of two volumes listing the is very common, the DUNGEON MASTER™ through S.
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