(N.F.), Berlin 8 (2003), Heft 6, S. 633 - 638

Present Knowledge ofDistribution and Status of Barbastellabarbastellus (Schreber, 1774) (Chiroptera: ) on the Balkan Peninsula

Aktueller Kenntnisstand zum Vorkommen und zur Bestandssituation von barbastellus (Schreber, 1774) (Chiroptera: VespertiliOllidae) auf der Balkanhalbinsel Etat des connaissances actuelles sur la repartition et le statut de Barbastellabarbastellus (Schreber, 1774) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) dans les Balkans


Abstract winterndeoder an Höhleneingängen mit Netzen ge­ fangene Individuen erfaßt. Die Lokalitäten liegen The data of the distribution of Barbastella bar­ zwischen 70 m NN (Jugoslawien) und 1533 m NN bastellus on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula (Bulgarien); die meisten befanden sich auf bewal­ (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, deten Hügeln in mittleren Höhenlagen. In den o.g. Greece, Macedonia-FYR, Romania, Slovenia, Ländern gilt Bllrbastella bllrbllstellus als selten Turkey, Yugoslavia) arerepresented. The literature bzw. nicht zahlreich. Die Daten zeigen, daß die and last data collected as the result of fieldwork Anzahl der Exemplare und Fundorte vom westlichen since 1991 have been summarized. Forty-nine (Slowenien, Kroatien) über den zentralen (Jugosla­ localities of Barbastelle are known up to now in the wien) zum östlichen und südöstlichen (Rumänien, investigated area. Single individuals hibernating in Bulgarien, Griechenland) Teil der Halbinsel hin ab­ caves or mist-netted at cave entrances have been nimmt. Die aktuellen Fundorte beschreiben die süd­ mainly recorded. The localities are situated from 70 liche Verbreitungsgrenze der Art in Europa. Aus m a.s.l. (Yugoslavia) to 1533 m a.s.1. (Bulgaria), but einigen Ländernsind keine Daten bekannt bzw. nur most of them in wood hills at middle altitude. It is in geringem Maß vorhanden. Daraus ergibt sich, daß considered that B. barbastellu:� is rare and not zukünftige internationale Forschungs- und Moni­ numerous in the observed countries. The data show toringprogramme für die Art notwendig sind, um slight decreasing in number of specimens and ihre reelle Bestandssituation aufzeigen zu können. localities from western (Slovenia, Croatia), through central (Yugoslavia) to the eastern and southeastern Resume (Romania, Bulgaria, Greece) parts ofthe peninsula. Les donnees sur la repartition de la Barbastelle The present localities describe the south boundary of Barbastella bllrbllstellus dans la peninsule des Bal­ the species in Europe. The absence or very small kans (Albanie, Bulgarie, Bosnie Herzegovine, number of data in some of the Balkan countries is Croatie, Grece, Macedoine, Roumanie, Siovenie. visible. This leads to the conclusion that future inter­ Turquieet Yougoslavie) sont presentees. La litterature national research and monitoring of the species is ne­ et les dernieres donnees du travail de terrain realise cessary to ascertain its real status. depuis 1991 ont ete resumees. 49 localites abritant l' espece sont connues jusqu'a present dans la zone Zusammenfassung etudiee. Ce sont surtout des individus isoles hivernant Es werden Daten zum Vorkommen von Barbastellll dans des grottes ou captures au filet a I' entree. Les barbastellus im Balkangebiet (Albanien, Bulgarien. localites sont dispersees entre 70 m (Yougoslavie) et Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kroatien, Griechenland. 1533 m d'altitude (Bulgarie), mais la plupart des Mazedonien-FYR, Rumänien, Slowenien, Türkei. sites se trouvent sur des pentes boi sees ades altitudes Jugoslawien) vorgestellt. Eine Übersicht der Litera­ moyennes. On considere la Barbastelle comme une tur und die neuesten Daten zu den Ergebnissen der espece rare et peu nombreuse dans les pays bal­ seit 1991 durchgeführten Forschungsarbeiten wer­ kaniques. Les observations montrent une diminution den gegeben. 49 Lokalitäten, an denen Mopsfleder­ progressive des individus et des localites a partir de mäuse vorkommen, sind bis jetzt im Untersuchungs­ l'ouest (Slovenie. Croatie), en passant par le centre gebiet bekannt. Am häufigstenwurden einzeln über- (Yougoslavie), vers l' est et le sudest de la peninsule 634 R. PAUNOVIC u.a.: Vorkommen von Barbastella barbastellus auf der Balkanhalbinsel

(Roumanie. Bulgarie. Grece). Les localites connues KRYSTUFEK et al. 1992) the species has not been actuellement dessinent la limite sud de I'aire de recorded. repartition de I'espece en Europe. L'absence ou le Bulgaria: Five localities ofthe species are known petit nombre de donnees dans certains pays des Bal­ from the literature (Table 1). BESHKOV & BERON kans est bien visible. On en conclut que de futures (1962), BERON (1994) and PANDURSKA (1994) recherehes internationales et un sui vi de I' espece sont necessaires pour vraiment estimer son statut actuel. report single hibemating males in caves (Decem­ ber-February, T = I-8°C). Single individuals Key words: Barbastella barbastelllls. Balkan were captured by HEINRICH ( 1936) and HORAcEK Peninsula, distribution. status, habitat and roost preferences et al. (1982) in summer and and subfossil materials were collected by BESHKOV & BERON Introduction ( 1962) and HORAcEK (1974). Fournew localities have been found since 1990. The species is pro­ The Barbastelle Barbastella barbastellus tected by Nature Conservation Law. (Schreber, 1774) is considered as a fairly rare Croatia: KARAMAN (1929) reported the first re­ European species. Its range covers Western cord for the Balkan Peninsula. Up to now there Europe (exc1uding Ireland and most of Scandi­ are 5 records from 4 localities (DJULI 1954, navia), Central Europe, to Crimea, East Cau­ 1959a) (Table 2). The species was considered casus, Morocco and some large Mediterranean rare, as only single specimens were found in islands (CORBET 1978). In the southern and few localities in central, eastem and southwe­ southeastern parts of Europe the range is appa­ stern Croatia. No new specimens have been re­ rently discontinuous (STEBBINGS 1 988). The aim corded recently (DJULI 1989). of the study is to add and summarize the new Greece: The species was reported firstly by data on Barbastelle distribution and status in VOLLETH (1987). Later, v. HELVERSEN & WEID the Balkan countries. It is highly important for (1990) published 2 10calities in Central Greece future research, establishing appropriate pro­ (Table 3). It is not clear, whether the localities tecting measures and its implementation in 14 and 15 (see Map 1.) are different. The Bar­ practice to take into consideration all available bastelle is protected by law and inc1uded in the data from the region, as well as to obtain more Red Data Book. detailed knowledge on the Barbastelle's po­ Macedonia: Only one locality of Barbastelle is pulation ecology, habitat and roost preferences. known from Macedonia (DJULI & MIKUSKA 1966, KRYSTUFEK et al. 1992) (Table 4). Material and methods Romania: The data fromRomania were reported The presented data are from the literature and by DUMITRESCU & TANASACHI ( 1 953), DUMITRES­ our personal fieldwork.In the fieldthe specimens cu & ORGHIDAN (1958), DUMITRESCU et al. (1955, are mostly mist-netted at entrances of caves or 1962/63), V ALENCIUC & ION (1969) and observed during hibernation. V ALENCIUC ( 1994) (Table 5). Most ofthe records The survey covers all Balkan countries, re­ concern single individuals hibernatingin caves gardless of whether the whole oftheir respective from December to April. territories are on the Balkan Peninsula or not, Slovenia: There are 21 records of Barbastelle exc1uding the Asian part of Turkey. (Table 6). Mostofthem are from winter roosts in caves (January); only few findings are from Results the summer period (FRANK 1970). Albania: The species has not been recorded Turkey: The species is not recorded from the (LAMANI 1970, BEGO & GRIFFITHS 1994), but ha­ European part of Turkey (STEINER & GAISLER ving in mind its occurrence in the neighbouring 1994, V. HELVERSEN 1989). regions its presence especially in the mountain Yugoslavia: The species was not found in regions ofNE and E Albania is highly probable Montenegro. There are 1 previous record (UHRIN et al. 1996). (MIRI 1990) and only 2 new records - from Bosnia-Herzegovina: According to literature province of Vojvodina and from East Serbia (BOLKA Y 1926, DJULI 1954, KRYSTUFEK 1984, KARAPANDA & PAU-NOVIC (Table 7). The species R. PAUNOVIC u.a.: Vorkommen von Barbastella barbastellus auf der Balkanhalbinsel 635

Table I - 7. The records of Barbastel/a � IDaU Ipt 1:- ILocaIltJ 14(111)1Mct. IRderaIca I barbastelllls from Balkan countries I 16 1aDc'lS 3 V-. 150 HeiJ:Iricb 1936 - [ 811 Kamldlija mu (2f prq) Tab. I 7. Erfassung von Barba­ 2 Tc:bcrDi OlIm. 1300 sub[ 1962 2I AIIg � Y. BdI;gv 4Bcnm �udI.lCuIm:IIlJza. NoJ stel/a barbastelllls auf dem Balkan r. QVC 3 17 DCIc'61 I l'IDrdlik. v. VetiDpd. LqJcDitu 1500 1962 111. lId � Bdkov4 Bcnm gn,-c Tableau I 07. Les observations de � 31 July71 I SIDO\jID.LccIaIlua v.GdL 1.538 �Cla1. I97� 111. 811 CIIVC nd Barbastel/a bllrbastelllls dans les S - 0 0 Softa. KartukrNo. 350 szzb( �1982 v. _ pays des Balkans � 19 1 00Ij:maZdjazna. TopIja 19901 lall '92 111. lId l.cM:Ccb.v. �50 obi. 2 I fP=dursbPIIIIcIunb Fc:b'97 lII. ad CII\'C 4 h"IDCMI inprint 7 I Bov 19901 30 lall '94 111. 811 ,Sofia.g. MddIaraJ)ulIk@_CIl\'C 1000 obi. BcnmP. 8 12 0c1'96 2 VmIzII.v. Gema 111. 811 Bja\A RddIlaI. mlIIc 670 nd. PiuIdIIßkaIwnova 4 26 0c1'96 1 lII. ad inllriD1 9 21 I Softa. Ka:wulka MIy'97 lII. ad v. LiJIIIIIZII.CIl\'C 700 lId. PBIIdIInbol1 wnova in llrill1 - BIdpria BuIpjcu BlIIpric TdIIe I. I I

I KaIaman 1929 10 1200cI '08 m 00Ipit a.J. 11 26 I - �I� Apr'30 VUIb:J\'Ci � 27 May'3O� r 12 3ONcw'S3 I � GcrcMb Rdm I� m QVC CIOI. DjgIlt 13 3ODCIc'.56 I VCCUIIica 19.59a r CII\'C.Zqrdt � DjuüC Table 2. -CIUdia I Kra:dXD ICra:Iic

I� I Vollab 1987 '1.5 r R...... hk c:al IS IJauc'1.5 I VboIl. 1990 r SpcrdIciosf .• nd HcIvcna10l Weid Eag &um KaracDisi 16 9 AIIg '88 v. � Ka1IvoIroD. 1990 3Jl mtr ItiML. - DCt ißchUllCllolWeid QVC CIIUlUICC 3. T&bIc -an-: I aricdICIIImll on.cc

17 6 1 - disascd 1 0cI '6.5 Kapip(atificial tuDCI) 966 1 1 1 1 lDcmir 1- 4 Mikusb TobIc�.- MIcabIiII(f. Y.R.) I Mucdoaic:a It.bctdoiDc ICXII. IQiuIit I

18 27JIII '.53 I VIIIccD ,v. ManaIin:aCosIcstI. DuIDiImscu TIIIIUIdIi r 850 obi. 4 Pataa UlIcciIor 1953 IBiitriIa,CöI\'C 19 6Apr'S3 I Va!c:ca.v. CosIcstI. � 850 obi. DumltraaI CI111. QI\'CPaacra U1IcciIat 1962163 DCIc.,3 I IBimtaI,ffuDcIdom. Basorod. 20 10 Y. CIM obi. DIImiI:tsca CIal. CiodDviDD 1962163 PcsIera caÄPo1 21 RisIIov Valca Nov-DClc'� 3/6 �ad , CIM: PataII I!IIl 788 cba. �olOrsb/4m F1u:Ict.:ma 19.58

0 HuDcdoJra. szzb( 22 AIIg ".5-'.56 v. ctmpd l1li Nata. DuIDiImscu CIal. AhmüNcai 1962163 CII\"C l't5IalI dcJa .,7 0 lfIrFIta. v. NI6 sub[ DIImiIrescg 23 Mcrad. CIM CI 111. 1962163 ChcücV UKIIlsuIai 12 Mr1n:b I � U lId Y. Mcrad. CII\'C No2O cba. CI DumiUtsca al. 1962163 '59 C'bciJcVUJdIi5aIIII 2.51�Mmda 0 Qzum VaJeociuc; � CII\'CJFcabal ca olim 1969 '66 26 · - Np.v.�Q1\-C - ValcDciuc; 19901 850 PaIaa CoIIIII dc la SwII:tt ,. R.cmzmia TabIc - I RIIm.talm IRDI1IDIIIic

27 · 0 0 18 aPcmwinlia. I FdJ'57 21 - � Dnjajama DjIIlit 19.59b - 29 29 Jan'57 - Pnxfjama DjuüC1959b '57, 1 - 1970 30 mmmcr Pnxfjama ObI. FmIk '.59 70 31 1 DCIc '68 I - 1984 m Ka"Cfrc CIOI. KMaufek 32 31 J1II 73 0 0 :LabnIk,KmMaGorico 1984 . Knilufct 33 wimcr'8l - I'lalllmlallaIIIII *CXII KniluCc:k1984 '81 0 1984 �1wimcr Kri!Dajama obs. K')"b!ck 3S Iwimer'81 - - l'I:IIoIIaaima ObI. 1KnCtmc:t1984 7Jan78 I l�itllfd,-l984 16 r � 37 111111 78 I 1984 m � p:kIo CIOI. 38 13Jan78 I BiIariIti mbaI KryItIIfdt1984 m c:al n tll 39 19 Jan78 I � IIIIID 1984 m - � nm 3='79 1 1984 m �wacIlcI c:al IJm 17='79 I 1984 m �"iIma � . IJ tII IS '79 1 lDIIMfIa tab:IA 1984 1 Ja m � "tu 319_'79 I � m ..iIma � IJ tII 19M I 1984 104- m � "tu s- o l:zbiaL "tu ÜlliIl. - � � - � DoIcIda.bm:I YIIS, Kckcc; 0 Icc . IYtu inun. - T&bIc6. SIowDia I SIowaIim ISIcIO'CII:ic

1-'7 29 Nov'89 I 450 Mbit 1990 m 811 � lmIbGla\,. BaIiJIa Pc:ak c:al ISM8y'9S 1 &na lD:II1b. Obn:l f'8: (IId Y. 70 lId. �4 1'l11morit Iamsb in llrilll 49 SAu&'96 1 m.IId f'I:tiIg Bc:IDSII1a �50 Q1\'C, &OIECor lId. �olP111zucJvie 16 AIIg '96 2/1 mItDd lSuwi:l rivcr JupIawica inprim .. T&bIc 7. - YupIaYi.o I I Y� 636 R. PAUNOVIC u.a.: Vorkommen von Barbastella barbastellus auf der Balkanhalbinsel


• - hibemacula

o - transitory roosts

o - hiber.ltrans. roosts o - nurseries o - hiber.lnurs. roosts o - unknown type


nO Cl•

• 20 260 .1. Cll 0 .10.9

Carte I. Distribution de la Barbastelle dans les Balkans (voir tableau 1-7 et texte pour les differents symboles)

Karte I. Verbreitung von Barbastella barbastella auf der Balkanhalbinsel (Ziffernsiehe Tab. 1-7 und Text)

Map I. Distribution of Barbastella barbastellus on the Balkan Peninsula (see table 1-7 and text)

Legende I Legende I Legend: • quartiers d'hiver I Winterquartiere I winter roosts

o gites temporaires I Zwischenquartiere I intermediate roosts o quartiers d'hiver el giles temporaires I Winter- und ZwischenquartiereI winter and intermediale roosts o colonies de reproduction I Wochenstuben I nursery roosts o quartiers d'hiver el coloniesl Winter- und WochenstubenquartiereI winter and nursery roosts o type inconnu I Quartiere unbekannter Art I unknown roosts R. PAUNOVIC u.a.: Vorkommen von Barbastella barbastellus auf der Balkanhalbinsel 637 is protected by law. According to SAVI et al. ofthe species, as weil as the high habitatdiversity (1995) the category of the species is .,data ofthe Balkan Peninsula the scarce findings may deficient" . be explained also by the lack of appropriate in­ vestigations. Discussion and conclusions The increasing of data on the biology and ecology of Barbastelle requires more intensive On the Balkan Peninsula Barbastelle was found research on all tree-dwelling bat species on the at 49 Iocalities with over 60 individuals, almost Balkan Peninsula, which are verypoor in data. males. Although the species has not been con­ Rising know ledge on these species (Barbastelle sidered as numerous, the above presented re­ included) is very important for establishing and cords make a clear picture of its basic ecologi­ implementation of real and adequate protective cal preferences. and conservation measures, so desperately Ouring winter, Barbastelle hibernatesat middle needed in Balkan countries. (500 - 1000 m a.s.l.) and high altitudes (over 1000 m) in caves (100%), individually or by References forming small clusters (up to 6 inds.). In the transitory periods (between nursing and AELLEN, V. (1983): Migrations des chauves-souris. Bonn. zoo!. Beitr., Bonn .• 34: 1-3. hibernating)it was recorded in caves (57%), in H. Rl T BEGo, F. & G fFl HS (1994): Preliminary data on the forests (22%), in old mines (14%) or in artificial (Mammalia, Chiroptera)of Albania. Stud. Speleo!., 9: tunnels (7%). In the nursing period it mostly 21-25. prefers riparian forests, marshes or deciduous BERON, P. (1994): Resultats des recherehes biospeleolo­ giques en Bulgarie de 1971 a 1994 et liste des animaux forests at low altitudes (Kamtchia, Bulgaria - cavemieoles bulgares. Serie Tranleeva- I. ed. FBS, Sofia, 150 m a.s.1., and Obedska Bara, Yugoslavia - 137 p. 70 m a.s.1.). BESHKOV, V. & P. BERON ( 1962): Notizen über die Verbrei­ It is known that in Westernand Central Europe tung und die Biologie einiger seltener Fledermäuse in Bul­ garien. BuH. Inst. Zoo!., Sofia, 12: 35-39. the Barbastelle is migrant on small distances BOLKA Y, S. (1926): Additions to the Mammalian fauna of (AELLEN 1983, SPITZENBERGER 1993). Bearing the Balkan Peninsula. Glasn. Zem. muz. BiH, Srajevo. 38: this in mind, as weIl as the high diversity and 159- 1 79. CORBET, G. B. ( 1978): The of the Palaearctie Re­ mosaic distributionof different habitats on the gion: a taxonomie review. Brit. Mus (Nat. Hist.), ComeH Balkan Peninsula, there is no doubt that the Bar­ University Press., London. 314 p. bastelle may find appropriate roosts during the DJULI. B. (1954): Prilog poznavanju vrste Barbastella bar­ hole year. bastelllls (Schreber. 1774) u naöim krajevima. "Speleo­ log", Zagreb, 2: 32-37. The absence of data in Albania and Bosnia­ DJULI. B. (1959a): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der geografischen Herzegovina, a single old record from Mace­ Verbreitung der Chiropteren Kroatiens. Glasnik Prirodn­ donia FYR and a few old records from Croatia jackog Muzej a. B14: 67- 1 12. DJULI, B. ( 1959b): 0 öiömiöima iz nekih pereina Siovenije. are visible on Map 1. In Yugoslavia the records Naöe jame. Lj ubljana. I: 10-17. derived from the beginning of this decade, and DJULI. B. (1989): Bats in the Red Data List ofCroatia (Yu­ they are the result of the long-term stationary goslavia). In: European Bat Research 1987. V. HANAK. I. HORAcEK. J. GAISI.ER (eds.), Charles Univ. Press. Praha: fieldwork in some regions. The same can be 389-392. mentioned for Bulgaria and Rumania, although DJULI. B. & J. Mikuska (1966): Two new species of bats there were a couple of previous records. The (Mammalia, Chiroptera) from Macedonia with notes on Barbastelle ,,richest" country is Slovenia, which some other bats occurring in this territory. Fragmenla bal­ canica, Skopje. 6 ( 136): 1-13. is placed at the natural north border of the DUMITRESCU, M. & T. ORGHIDAN (1958): Pestera din Valea Balkan Peninsula and is under the influence of Fundata (Risnov). Anuarul Comitetului Geologie, Bucuresti, Middle Europe climate, relief and other factors. 31: 421 -459. DUMITRESCU. M.&J. TANASACHI ( 1953): Barbastella barba­ It is also the most intensively investigated stellllschiropternou pentru R.P.R. Rev. Universitatii Parhon. country. Bucuresti. 3: 185- 193. The Barbastelle is considered as a rare or very DUMITRESCU. M. J. TANASACHI & T. ORGHIDAN ( 1955): Con­ tributii la studiul biologiei chiroplerelor. Dinamica si hi­ rare species on the whole investigated territory. bematiachiropterelordin peste ra Liliecilorde la manastirea

Having in mind the habitat and roost preferences Bistrita. Bu!. stiint. sect. stiint. biolog .• agr., geolog. geogr., 638 R. PAUNOVIC u.a.: Vorkommen von Barbastella barbastellus auf der Balkanhalbinsel

7 (2): 317-357. present status of Barha.'Itella harhastellus (Schreber, 1 774) DUMITREScu, M, J. TANASACHI & T. ORGHIDAN (1962/63): in Bulgaria. Workshop "On the situation ofthe Barhastella Raspindirea chiropterelor in R.P. Romina. Lucr. institut. barbastelllls", Mansfeld, September 1997. speo!... Ernil Racovita", Bucuresti. 112: 509-575. SAVI. I., M. PAUNOVIC, M. MILENKOVI & S. STAMENKOVI FRANK, H. (1970): Beobachtung an Aedermauswinter­ ( 1995): Diverzitet faune sisara (Mammalia) Jugoslavije, sa schlafplätzen in einigen Höhlen Sloweniens. Naöe jame, preg-Iedom vrsta od medjunarodnog znaeaja. - In: STEVA­ Lj ubljana, 12: 57-62. :-iOVIIE, V., VASIIE. V. (eds.): Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije sa HEINRICH, G. (1936): Über die von mir im Jahre 1935 in pregledom vrstaod medjunarodnog znacaja. Bioloöki fakul­ Bulgarien gesammelten Säugetiere. BuH. Naturalhist. Inst., tet i Ecolibri, Beograd. Sofia, 9: 33-48. SPITZENBERGER,F. ( 1993): Die Mopsfledermaus(Barbastel­ v. HELVERSEN, O. ( 1989): New records ofbats (Chiroptera) la barbastelllls Schreber, 1774) in Österreich. Mammalia from Turkey. Zool. Middle East, 3: 5-18. Austriaca 20. Myotis, Bonn, 31: 1 1 1-153. v. HELVERSEN, O. & R. WEID (1990): Die Verbreitung eini­ STEBBINGS, R. E. (1988): The conservation of European ger Aedermausarten in Griechenland. Bonn. Zool. Beitr., bats. Pub!. Christopher Helm, London. 246 p. 41: 9-22. STEINER, H. M. & J. GAISLER (1994): On a coHection ofbats HORACEK, I. ( 1982): K poznani glacialnich pomeruv krasu (Chiroptera) from NE Turkey and N Iran. Acta Sc. Nat. severnihoBulh arska. Cs. kras, Praha, 32: 95-103. Brno,28 (1): 1-37. HORACEK, I.,J. Eerveny, A. Tauöl, D.Vitec (l974): Noteson UHRIN, M., I. HORACEK, J. ÄIBL & F. BEGO ( 1996): On the bats the fa una of Bulgaria (lnsectivora, Chiroptera, (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of Albania: survey of the recent Rodentia).Vest. Cs. spol. zoo!., Praha, 38 (1): 19-31. records. Acta Soc. Zoo!. Bohem., 60: 63-71. KARAMAN, S. ( 1929): 0 slepim miöevimaJugoslavije.Glasn. VALENCIUC, N. (1994): The distribution of some species of Skop. nauc. dr., Skopje, 6 (2): 217-221. Chiroptera- Farn. Vespertilionidae - in Romania and their KARAPANDA, B. & M. PAUNOVIC (in print): New records of representation in the U.T.M. system. Analale stiintifice ale Universitatii Al.I. Cuza" din lasi, S. Biologie animala, 90: Barbastella barbastelllls (Schreber, 1774) in Serbia. Proc. " of fauna of Serbia, SANU, Belgrade. 45-70. KRYSTUFEK, B. (1984): New and rare bats (Chiroptera, VALENCIUC, N., I. Ion (1969): Date noi privind raspindirea Mammalia) in the Siovene Fauna. Bio!. Vestn., Lj ubljana, chiropterelor in Romania. Analeie stiint. universit. "AU. " 32 (I): 45-54. Cuza , lasi, I: 135- 138. KRYSTUFEK, B. (1989): Distribution of bats in Siovenia VOLLETH, M. ( 1987): Differences in the location ofnuc1eolus (Yugoslavia). In: European Bat Research 1987 .V. HANAK, organizer regions in European vespertilionid bats.Cytogenet I. HORACEK, J. GAISLER (eds.). Charles Univ. Press, Praha: CeH Genet, 44: 186- 197. 393-397. KRYSTUFEK, B. (199 1): Sesalci Siovenije. Prirodoslovni mu­ Authors' addresses: zej Siovenije, Lj ubljana: 104- 105. MILAN PAUNOVIC KRYSTUFEK, B., V. VOHRAlIK, J. FLOUSEK & S. PETKOVSKI Natural History Museum, Njegoöeva 51, 1 1000 Belgrade, ( 1992): Bats(Mammalia: Chiroptera)ofMacedonia, Yugo­ YUGOSLAVIA slavia. Prague Studies in Mammalogy, I. HORACEK, V., VOHRAlIK (eds.), Charles Univ. Press, Praha: 93-11 1. RUMIANA PANDURSKA LAMANI, F. (1970): NouveHes especes de chauves-souris Institute of Zoology, Tzar Osvoboditel I, 1000 Sofia, dans notre pays. Buletini I Shkencave Natyrore, 2: 143-1 50. BULGARIA MIRI, DJ. ( 1990): Barbastella barbastelllls (Schreber, 1774) TEoDORA lvANovA (Chiroptera, Mammalia) - a new species in the fauna of National Museum of Natural History , Tzar Osvoboditel I, Serbia. BuH. Nat. Hist. Mus., Belgrade, B 45: 171-172. 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA PANDURSKA, R. ( 1994): Distribution and biology (foraging, hibernation,repro duction) of cave-dwelling bats (Chiro­ BRANKO KARAPANDA ptera) in Bulgaria. PhD thesis, Sofia, 174 p. (in Bulgarian). Biological Research Society ,Josif Pancie", PANDURSKA, R. & T. IVANOVA (in print): Distribution and . Studentski trg 16, 1 1000 Belgrade, YUGOSLAVIA