The Internet football fans: profile, preferences, forecasts Comparison of and Poland Methodology and respondents


CAWI –the Internet interview (online Research method questionnaire)

Sample details Random selection of the Internet sports fans

351 interviews (329 interviews for Sample size 508 interviews gadgets related questions)

Time frame April, 08-22, 2011 July, 06-27, 2011

InPoll Online Research 2 Fan Profile - Gender


Every third UKRAINIAN woman declares a big interest in football compare to only 5,7% of POLISH women.

Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 3 Fan Profile - Age


81,7% 46.1% 54.6% 74,2% 35.6% 19.6% 10.4% 6.5% 16.3% 1.4% 7.5% 2.0%

aged aged aged aged over 55 aged aged aged aged over 60 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59

More that 70% of BOTH POLISH and UKRAINIAN fans are people aged 18-34(39).

Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 4 Interesting Championships


74.6% English 37.3% 60.2% Spanish Primera Division 34.2% Polish 55.3% 42.3% German 14.7% 14.4% Italian 20.8% Ukrainian Premier League 17.5% Brazilian Serie A 5.0%

BOTH POLISH and UKRAINIAN Internet fans find the English and the Spanish championships the most interesting, but, in general, POLES are more active in their preferences.

Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 5 National Team Play Assessment


56,5% 56,5% 38.7% 35.2% 33.9% 25.7% 22.6% 13.4% 13.5% 6.7% 8.5% 0.2% 0.8% 0.8% very good rather good mediocre rather bad than very bad difficult to say than bad good

POLISH fans tend to be more critical in assessment of national team performance: 56,5% said that it is very bad or rather bad than good (compare to 34,2% of UKRAINIANS).

Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 6 Assessment of national team coaches

Franciszek Smuda POLAND Juri Kalitvintsev UKRAINE

43.7% 34.1% 29.2% 23.8% 20.3% 12.8% 13.6% 7.5% 8.8% 2.6%1.4% 2.2%

very good rather good mediocre rather bad very bad difficult to say than bad than good The performance of POLISH national team coach is assessed more negatively than performance of UKRAINIAN coach: good in general 14,2%, bad in general 49,5% compare to UKRAINIAN results 26,4% and 21,2% respectively. Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 7 EURO 2012 Forecast


44.1% get stuck at the stage group 14.0% 46.3% proceed beyond the group stage 66.0% 3.3% reach the semi-final 9.0% 0.6% take the second place 3.0% 1.0% win the Championship 3.0% 4.7% difficult to say 5.0%

UKRAINIAN fans are more optimistic about their national team performance during Euro 2012, only 14% respondents claim that their team get stuck at the stage group, compare to 44,1% of POLISH fans. Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 8 EURO 2012 Souvenirs Football Fan Preferences EURO 2012 Souvenirs Which of the following goods do you think would be interesting for you to buy before a EURO 2012 match? National team uniform 9% 45.5% Football 29%30.1% Headwear with national team symbols 11% 17.9% Scarves with national team symbols 18% 44.1% Sports bags with national team symbols 13%15.7% Football fan horns and rattles 1% 7.5% Key rings 10.8%11% National flag 8% 37.8% National team pennons and small flags 6% 15.2% National team badges, bracelets and pendants 8.7%9% Calendars, posters 11% 16.7% Watches and clocks with national team symbols 7.7%10% Souvenir player figures 4.9% 6% UKRAINE National team books, photo albums and magazines 6% 12.6% Videos featuring the national team 3% 5.7% POLAND Fridge magnet clips 8.7%10% Mugs and beer cups with national team symbols 12% 23.2% Money boxes with national team symbols 2.8%4% Souvenir balls and cups 10% 16.9% Stickers 3% 8.5% Balloons 1.4%2% Beverage coasters 4% 12.2% Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=329 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 InPoll Online Research Data (Ukraine): as of April 20110 1 EURO 2012 Souvenirs


POLISH fans will be more prospective group for Euro 2012 gadgets producers than UKRAINIANS. Regardless of a gadget, POLISH respondents declare to buy more than UKRAINIAN ones.

POLES declare to buy national team uniforms (45,5%), scarves (44,1%) and national flags (37,8%). UKRAINIANS are more interested in footballs (29%), scarves (18%) and sport bags with national team symbols (13%).

The least attractive goods among both POLISH and UKRAINIAN fans will be balloons (1,4% and 2%) and money boxes (2,8% and 4%).

Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=329 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 11 EURO 2012 Souvenirs BY GENDER Souvenir preferences among men


Football 30% Scarves 19% Headwear 12% Key rings 11% Sports bags 11% Calendars, posters 11% Mugs and beer cups 11% Souvenir balls and cups 11%

Sample N=248 Data: as of July 2011

InPoll Online Research 13 Souvenir preferences among men


National team uniform 46.1% Scarves 44.1% National flag 38.0% Football 29.9% Mugs and beer cups 22.8% Headwear 17.3% Calendars, posters 17.1% Souvenir balls and cups 16.9%

Sample(Poland) N=479 Data: as of April 2011

InPoll Online Research EURO 2012 Souvenirs – preferences among MEN


The nations have different taste in gadgets. POLISH MALE football fan will be interested mostly in national team uniforms (46,1%), scarves (44,1%) and national flags (38%). MAN from UKRAINE declares to buy footballs (30%), headwear (12%) and key rings (12%). UKRAINIANS, similarly to POLES, are also interested in scarves with national team symbols (19%).

Sample(Poland) N=479 Sample(Ukraine) N=248 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 15 Souvenir preferences among women


Football 24% Fridge magnet clips 17% Sports bags 16% Mugs and beer cups 15% Scarves 14% Watches and clocks 12% Key rings 10% Beverage coasters 9%

Sample N=81 Data: as of April 2011

InPoll Online Research 16 Souvenir preferences among women


Scarves 44.8% National team uniforms 34.5% National flag 34.5% Footbal 34.5% Mugs and beer cups 31.0% Headware 27.6% Sports bags 27.6% Fridge magnet clips 24.7%

Sample N=29 Data: as of July 2011

InPoll Online Research 17 EURO 2012 Souvenirs – preferences among WOMEN


WOMEN in POLAND do not share their interest and taste in gadgets with UKRAINIAN WOMEN.

POLISH WOMEN will be buying, similarly to MEN, scarves (44,8%), uniforms (34,5%) and white’n’red flags. UKRAINIAN WOMEN will spend their money on balls (24%), fridge magnet clips (17%) and sport bags (16%).

Sample(Poland) N=29 Sample(Ukraine) N=81 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 18 EURO 2012 Souvenirs BY AGE GROUPS Souvenir preferences in 18-34(40) AGE group


48.4% National team uniform 12% 44.8% Scarves 20% 32.5% Football 37% 40.2% National flag 11% 23.6% Mugs and beer cups 11% 14.9% Sports bags 13% Headwear 17.8% 17.3% Souvenir balls and cups 11%

Sample(Poland) N=415 Sample(Ukraine) N=150 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 20 EURO 2012 Souvenirs: preferences among AGE 18-34(40)


Among POLISH football fans AGED 18-34 national team uniforms (48,4%), scarves (44,8%) and national flags (40,2%) seem to be the most attractive. From this list only scarves are also attractive for UKRAINIANS (20%). Mostly they prefer footballs (37%) and sport bags (13%) instead.

Sample(Poland) N=415 Sample(Ukraine) N=150 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 21 Souvenir preferences among people over 35(40)


National team uniform 32.30% 40.90% Scarves 16% National flag 26.90% 19.40% Football 22% 21.50% Mugs and beer cups 13%

Key rings 15% 18.30% Headwear 13% 19.40% Sports bags 12%

Sample(Poland) N=93 Sample(Ukraine) N=179 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 22 EURO 2012 Souvenirs: preferences among AGE over 35(40)


Elder football fans in POLAND and UKRAINE choose scarf with national team symbols as the most attractive Euro 2012 gadget (40,9% and 16% respectively).

POLES over 35 declare that apart from scarves they will be interested in national uniforms (32,3%) and national flags (26,9%). UKRAINIAN fans over 40 are interested, apart from scarves, in footballs (16%) and key rings (15%).

Sample(Poland) N=93 Sample(Ukraine) N=179 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 23 Conclusions (1)


The profile of football fan in POLAND and UKRAINE is similar. In both countries they are usually man, aged 18-39.

The most interesting football leagues in POLAND and UKRAINE are English Premier League (74,6% vs. 37,3%) and Spanish Primera Division (60,2% and 34,3%). POLISH football fans declare bigger interest in their own league – Polish Ekstraklasa. POLES also like German Bundesliga while UKRAINIANS prefer Italian Serie A.

Both, POLES and UKRAINIANS assess their national teams performance as mediocre or rather bad. In addition, POLISH fans more frequently claim their team has been doing very badly.

Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 24 Conclusions (2)


The national team coach form POLAND is assessed more negatively than his UKRAINIAN counterpart. POLISH fans say their coach work is mediocre or rather bad than good. UKRAINIANS claim their coach is doing mediocre or rather good than bad.

The chances for success of POLISH national team during Euro 2012 according to POLISH respondents are rather weak. UKRAINIANS are more optimistic about their team performance during the championships.

POLISH fans will be buying more Euro 2012 related gadgets and their choice will be more diverse. POLES will spend their money mainly on uniforms and scarves with national team symbols and national flags. UKRAINIANS will be buying footballs, scarves with national team symbols and sport bags.

Sample(Poland) N=508 Sample(Ukraine) N=351 Data (Poland): as of July 2011 Data (Ukraine): as of April 2011 InPoll Online Research 25 Companies information Kiev International Institute Of Sociology


• The Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) is the first private Ukrainian research institute (more than 20 years of experience). In 1992 it became American-Ukrainian joint venture. • KIIS is specialized in providing a full scope of services in such directions as: Socioeconomic Research, Political Research, Health Care Research, Marketing Research, Consulting, and Research audit. • For our clients we offer the following types of research: Ad hoc surveys (face-to-face interviews, surveys with self-administered questionnaires, CATI, CAPI, internet & mail surveys); Ukrainian omnibus (2000 face-to-face interviews); Online panel — InPoll project (; Business-to-Business surveys, expert and elite polls; Retail audit, price and distribution checks; Usage Alexander Krasnovsky, and attitude surveys, brand image, concept, and product tests; Qualitative research (focus-groups, in-depth interviews, development manager, ethnography studies, case studies, desk research). InPoll online research project • Collaboration with the National University of “Kiev-Mohyla Academy” [email protected] • KIIS has membership and follows standards of major research associations: ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research), AAPOR and WAPOR. phone/fax +38 044 537-33-76 cell phone 067-278-92-71

InPoll Online Research 27 MANDS


MANDS institute is an independent research centre acting in Polish marketing and social research market since 2005. Previously, from 1998, the company acted under the name M & S Qualitative Research Centre providing quantitative and qualitative research coordination and realization services for the biggest Polish market and social research agencies.

•In MANDS offer there is a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research like CATI, CAWI, PAPI, FGI, IDI, In Hall Test and Mystery Shopping. The company conducts project in Poland and abroad. The MANDS institute executed research projects in Great Britain, Germany and Ukraine. Among institute’s clients there are telecommunication companies, FMCG companies, insurance and banking companies, shop chains, books and newspapers publishers, media. The MANDS institute is also experienced in conducting political pools.

•Research project are carried out by the own net of 400 interviewers Artur Walczak supervised by about 20 coordinators in Poland. Interviewers in Sales Director MANDS act according to international code by ESOMAR and the Quality Control Program (PKJPA) by Polish Association of Public [email protected] Opinion and Marketing Research Firms (OFBOR). tel. +48 500 027 469

InPoll Online Research 28