Pharmacognostic, Physicochemical and Phytochemical Investigation of Atalantia Monophylla (L.) Correa Leaves P

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Pharmacognostic, Physicochemical and Phytochemical Investigation of Atalantia Monophylla (L.) Correa Leaves P Research article Rapports De Pharmacie Vol.1 (3), 2015, 152-160 ISSN: 2455-0507 PHARMACOGNOSTIC, PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF ATALANTIA MONOPHYLLA (L.) CORREA LEAVES P. Pandian Department of Pharmacy, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002, Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of the present was to investigate the microscopic characteristics of Atalantia Monophylla (L.) correa leaf and to determine the physicochemical and phytochemical parameters. Methods: Microscopic characters of Transverse section of leaf were studied under microscope. The physicochemical properties such as Total ash value, Water soluble ash value, acid insoluble ash value, extractive values and solubility of Atalantia Monophylla (L.) correa leaf were carried out. The presence of phytochemical constituents was studied. Results: The leaf shows abundant sphaeraphides and rhomboidal calcium oxalate crystals. The leaf shows no trichomes. leaf shows a continuous network of veins. Micromorphological studies conducted on the leaf gave value of stomatal index to be 11.48, Vein islet number 15, vein termination number 31and palisade ratio to be 4.94. Phytochemical tests performed indicate the presence of steroids, triterpenoids, carbohydrates, coumarins, flavonoids, phenolics, and alkaloids. Conclusion: The results of this study could be useful in setting some diagnostic indices for identification, authentication and for future investigators in their pharmacological analysis of this species. KEYWORDS: Atalantia monophylla, Indian atalantia, Rutaceae, pharmacognostic, physicochemical, phytochemical INTRODUCTION grows relatively rapidly, forming a dense, much- Atalantia monophylla (L) correa., is commonly branched canopy with a broadly columnar shape. known as Indian atalantia. It is a species in the The trunk is smooth at first, but becomes deeply genus Atalantia, belonging to the family Rutaceae. fluted as the tree matures. The leaves are alternate, Atalantia is a genus with 62 species of flowering elliptical, with obtusely rounded, emarginate plants. The genus Atalantia contains small trees apices. They are 2.8-5.5 inch (7-14 centimeters) somewhat resembling Citrus in general aspect, long and 1.2-2.2 inch (3-5.5 centimeters) wide. bearing fragrant white flowers and globose fruits The leaves are very dark green and glossy on the with the appearance of diminutive greenish-yellow upper surface and pale green on the lower surface. oranges. The pulp-vesicles are, however, The tree is evergreen and individual leaves persist different from those of Citrus in being sessile for around 2 years. Flowers seen small in axillary instead of stalked. The leaves of Atalantia, racemes. Fruits small, round berries contain small although almost always unifoliolate like those seeds[3, 4]. of Citrus, are very different in having much more This plant is widely distributed in India (except in prominent, more numerous lateral veins, and Himalayan region and in Bombay State), Ceylon, veinlets forming reticulations between the lateral Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, North veins. The nomenclature of this species is in a Vietnam, and South Vietnam. In folk medicine, confused state. Limonia monophylla of Linnaeus this plant is used for several medicinal purposes has been assumed by almost all taxonomists to be such as anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, stimulant, this species. However, in the later stage Limonia in hemiplegia and for the treatment of paralysis. monophylla was identified as a synonym of The essential oil from the leaves has been reported Atalantia ceylanica[1, 2]. for antimicrobial and strong inhibitory activities The Indian atalantia is a small tree which reaches against some pathogenic fungi, whereas decoction a height of about 25 feet (7.8 meters) and a spread of the leaves is used for itching and other skin of 12-15 feet (3.7- 4.7 meters) at maturity. The tree complaints [5, 6]. Botanical description Scientific name : Atalantia monophylla (L.) Corr. Serr. Botanical name : Atlantia monophylla Linn. Kingdom : Plantae Phylum : Magnoliophyta Class : Magnoliatae 152 Order : Sapindales Family : Rutaceae Genus : Atalantia subfamily : Aurantioideae Tribe : Aurantieae Subtribe : Citrinae. Plant name in different languages English : Wild lime tree, Wild lemon Hindi : Banjamir nimbu, Bannimbu, Jungli nimbu Sanskrit : Aranyanimbuka, Aranyajambira, Atavi- Jambira Malayalam : Kattunarakam, Kattunaragam, Kattunarenga Tamil : Kattanarangam, kattelumicchai Telugu : Adavi-Nimma Kannada : Kadu Nimbu Marati : Makad Limbu Oriya : Kata narunga, Narguni Trade name : Wild lime Folk : Jungli nimbu Authentication and standardization are depending upon the anatomical details to be prerequisite steps especially for herbal drugs and brought out. The sections were photographed their formulations in traditional systems of under a Leitz Meopta research microscope using medicine. Hence, the present investigation of Leica asahi pentax 35mm slr spotmatic 11 camera Atalantia monophylla (L) correa leaves was taken and Konica color film (SR100ASA). up to establish pharmacognostic profile which will Micromorphology help in crude drug identification as well as Fresh leaves were washed and small fragments of standardization of the quality and purity of the leaves were taken from the middle region of the drug in crude form. The present study comprises lamina of mature leaves. For anatomical studies, the microscopical, physicochemical and sections of 10-12 µm thick were prepared by phytochemical analysis of the leaves of Atalantia double staining using Safranine (0.5% in water) monophylla (L) correa, since no proper report is and fast green (0.25%) and then mounted in 50% available on the pharmacognosy and anatomy of xylol. All the slides after staining with safranine the leaf of this plant. were dehydrated by employing graded series of MATERIALS AND METHOD ethyl alcohol (30%,50%,70%,90% and absolute The plant specimens for the study were collected alcohol) and stained with fast green in clove oil in the month of February-2013 from Nilgiri hills, and xylol-alcohol(50-50) and passed through Tamil Nadu, India at an altitude of 1800 m and xylol. Clearing of leaf was done by using 5% authenticated as Atalantia monophylla (L) correa sodium hydroxide along with chlorinated soda by Dr.V.Chelladurai, Ex. Professor (Botany), solution supplemented with gentle heat. The Siddha, Government of India. A voucher specimen margins of the cover slips were sealed with DPX, (M) has been deposited at the Museum of the and the slides were observed under the Department of Pharmacy, Annamalai University, microscope. Stomatal index, Stomatal number, Annamali Nagar, Tamilnadu, India. The shade vein islet number, vein termination number and dried leaves were powdered for physicochemical palisade ratio were then calculated using standard and phytochemical analysis. Fresh leaves were procedures [7, 8]. used for micromorphological and anatomical Physicochemical Analysis studies. Physicochemical parameters such as ash values, Pharmacognostic analysis extractive values and solubility were performed as Anatomy per the official standard procedures [9, 10]. Sections of fresh leaf were subjected to double Fluorescence analysis staining using Safranine (0.5% in water) and Fast Fluorescence analysis of dried and powdered leaf green (0.25%). The slides were then mounted and and extract were carried out according to the sealed using DPX. The slides were then observed procedure described elsewhere by using the under the microscope at different magnifications, reagents and viewed in day light and ultraviolet 153 radiations. The colours and fluorescence (if any) of collenchymas cells are seen below the upper observed by application of different reagents in epidermis. In the centre a large vascular bundle is different radiations were recorded [11, 12]. seen which the sclerenchyma fibers surround. The Preliminary photochemical screening rest of the portion is filled with parenchymatous The crude powder of Atalatia Monophylla leaves cells. Some of these cells contain prismatic was subjected to qualitative phytochemical analysis [13]. calcium oxalate crystals (Figure-1D, 1E). Thin layer chromatography The Epidermis in surface view Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was employed The ad axial foliar epidermis is composed of penta- in the qualitative analysis of organic extracts of the hexagonal cells with straight walls (Figure-2J, powdered leaves. The plant material was extracted 2K). Stomata are totally absent. The ad axial foliar successively with hexane and Chloroform between epidermal cells have wavy margins. It is profusely intervals of 24 hours. The extracts were spotted on perforated by diacytic stomata (Figure-2L, 2M). activated silica gel plates. Two solvent systems of Hex-Benzene(1:1) and Chloroform-Benzene (1:1) Micromorphology were used for development of the plates. Spots As a part of quantitative microscopy stomatal were detected on TLC plates by spraying with index, stomatal number, palisade ratio, vein islet sulphuric acid, followed by charring at 110°C for number and vein termination number were 10 minutes in an oven. The retention factor (Rf) for determined by using fresh leaves of the plant. each spot was calculated using the formula: Mean value, were calculated and recorded (Table Rf = Distance moved by solute /Distance moved No. 1-5) by solvent RESULTS Physicochemical Parameters Pharmacognostic analysis Physicochemical characterization of powder of Anatomy Atalantia Monophylla leaf is shown in Table 6.
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