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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-7-1907 Albuquerque Citizen, 08-07-1907 Citizen Pub. Co.

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FIZZLE OR A BLOW-UP- ? VALLES CASE ATTRACTS GREAT MILLING. PLAHT CURRY GETS BP j ma mrat BIG CROWD AT IS DESTROYED VAT ON ALL STATES BYHRE 11 LINE Tornado Kills Four Men In Alleged Slayer of Col. Chaves Blaze at Colorado City Causes 1 Iowa and Causes Will Attempt to Prove Damage Exceeding An Alibi. $350,000. Estancla Turns Out Enmasse Great and New Executive Made JUDGE MANN CENSURES Speech. From Pri- MAY CAUSE CLOSING LIGHTNING STRIKES vate Car. W1LLAR0 VENIREMEN OF SEVERAL MINES TWO IN ILLINOIS PROMINENT MEN AND ; Defendant Watches Jury Closely Former Tcllurlde Mill Almost w.v i and Court Room Is Always Completely Ruined Because LADIES IN THE PARTY Southern Minnesota Devastated of Filled With Curious Audi I by Heavy Winds and Rain. Lack of Water and Faclll-- . De- Crops Ruined and Loss Is enceStartling ties -- Insurance Only Covernor Makes All Ladles Aide tails of Killing. Enormous Over Great $700,000. de Camps-Sa- ys He Is For Good Area of Country. Government and Will Act For Estancla, N. M.. August 7. (Sie- - Colorado Springs, Colo., August J. ilal). Domingo Valles is on trial for The Golden Cycle Mining and People-Rea- ch tne assassination of Col. J. Francisco Milling All the Chicago, August 7. Because of e Chaves. company' huge plant at vere Colorado City Is a mass of flames and Today. local storms in various sections The crime was committed on the was practically destroyed. mlU Santa Fe Late of the Mississippi valley during the evening of November 26, 1904, and This last eighteen hours, telegraph (acui- was one of the most dramatic trag- last month handled nearly half the greatly Impaired. At output of ore of the Cripple Creek ties have been edies recorded In the criminal annals district. Over 300 men were employ- Estancla, N. M., August 7. (Sne-.-li- o clock yesterday the Postal lost of New Mexico, The victim was one "I am for good government all its wires north of Chicago and of the leading public spirits of the ed. The loa is approximately $750,-00- 0. ana I will try and be governor for last night during a remarkably se territory and a martyr to the cause all the people of New Mexico Irre- vere storm, which passed over the of good government. It Is believed Hani right. city, Postal The Are originated In the roasting spective of factions and factional The Western Union and that he was killed by an enemy rooms rapidly oth- quarrels," Bald Governor George Cur- lost the greater part of their wires whose vocation had been unlawful and spread to the ry, to west, er buildings, which cover an area of who ppoke from the platform of the southwest and north. 1 and who had suffered from lawful ten acres. Lack of water and inade- the special train which Is bearing This storm was one of the most , ...... - - ' prosecution Invoked through the ef- severe years, In ix quate tire fighting facilities made the lilm to Santa Fe over the Santa Fe of recent the wind ..IIT forts of Colonel Chaves. work of the tirmen very difficult, Central railway, and which reached the southern part of the city attain Following clues which would have It was only by this place at 1:15 o'clock this after- ins a velocity at times of sixty mllea been prompted by such a motive, the and heroic work tnat Much damage to trees, shrubbery and the flames were finally brought under noon. territory believes that It has wound a three-fourt- hs small outhouses was done. net of control after of the Governor Curry was given a rous- STOCK MARKET clmcumstantial evidence plant had been destroyed. Thirty-seve- n ing reception here, entire popula- Today both telegraph companies TWO .KILLED, TWO HURT FRENCH SQUADRON HAS SLUMPS around Domingo Valles that will the are In shape for wires to the freight cars standing on a aid- tion turning out to greet him and bad bring him severe punishment. ing near the plant were also con- many being present from their farms west, southwest and south. Court ltooni Smu sumed. for mllea up and down the valley. Judge Edward A. Mann Is presid The governor's voice was frequent In Minnesota. LANDED MEN IN BUT HAS RAPID ing. The session Is being held be- Old Tcllurlde Mill. ly drowned by applause. Winona. Minn., August 7. A Vlo tween four adobe walls, 40x25 feet. The plant was formerly known as - lent wind and rain storm passed over pulled out. new- These walls are covered by a loft. the Tellurlde mills, owned by New As the train the Southern Minnesota last evening. which In turn Is shaded by a cone York capitalists, and was Involved executive was given a round or buildings In Winona to Scores of frame T M roof of pine boards. Exposed pine In the mill men's strike, which ter cheers. There are In addition the scarcely dim-cuttl- some were wrecked and a shade rarters, supporting the lort, are but minated in the cripple Creek regular residents of Estnncia, tree remains undamaged. Many three feet above the court's head. two hundred people here attending structures were unroofed, and the Shortly court and as court had adjourned The Judge's bench Is a rostrum of after the strike, the mill every fronts of stores blown in. Railroad pine boards twelve Inches above the closed down and were taken over by for the noon hour, one was at traffic to the east is suspended by a J. T. Mllliken, of St. Louis, as- . Steering Gear A. M. Drude and Sol Big Rise and Fall In Prices floor. Judge Mann desk has a and the station two washouts. Three persons were Defective General surface about equal to the top of a sociates, who rebuilt the plant and r The people also gave somewhat of Injured, but none fatally. Agita- sewing machine. The bench occupies added to its capacity. an ovation, to Judge A. B. Fall. of Reports from southern Minnesota Swerved Heavy Car Into diers Now in Charge at Caused Great the west end of the room and faces rne mill has been in operation but El Paso, and Chairman H. O. Hur-su- Indicate enormous damage to crops east. The Jury box has two rows of a few weeks and ia the largest cya of the territorial republican many dispatches telling oi a total Deep Ditch. Casablanca. tion Today. straight back chairs of various shapes nide Iplant in the west. It will prob . central committee, who are members loss. and sixes on the -- right hand of the ably be rebuilt aa soon as possible a of the party escorting the new gov- court. The court reporter leans over It holds large contracts for Crlppl ernor to Santa Fe. Others In the One Killed In Iowa. a table about the sixe of the Judge's Creek ore. party were; Albert Lea. Minn., Aug. 7. A tor OCCUPANTS PINIONED ONLY ONE SAILOR BEARS HARPED ON desk, covered with white oil cloth, The loss la estimated at $750,000 H. B. Holt, of Las Cruces, floor nado swept across Winnebago coun $300,000 Insurance. ty. AGITATION placed directly In front of the Jury with leader of the republican members of Iowa, late yesterday ana ai UNDERNEATH MACHINE WOUNDED SUNDAY GENERAL box. Men Suffocated. the house at the last legislature though reports are connecting It Is The counsel for both the territory Captain Charles Ballard, sheria' of known that one person was Kiiieu in an oblong The plant was running as usuat nos- - village, was destroyed and the defense sit at this morning when the fire broke Chaves county; a. uanooti, Jolce which Milwaukee. Wis.. August 7. For Paris, France. August 7. The gov New York. August 7. Bears fell table toward the east side of the vi ell. banker; Col. V. C. Ureen, W and several Injured. Some reports out, the whole force feeing on duty. aay twenty de mer Alderman Joseph Kuschbeert ernment expects that Rear Admiral on the stock market tooth and nail room. The defendant sits beside his As soon as the blaze waa discovered, A. Hawkins, of El Paso, general at that were killed. The was Greeley Sloan, A. during the noon hour today and attorney, O. A. Larrazolo. The bulky torney the Rock Island; J. VV. of property is very great killed and Horace Philibert's squadron with General the employes made an Ineffectual ef- of struction son of a former Milwaukee Judge, M. Drude, commanding the French swept prices down, violently uncov form of Captain Fred Fornoff, of the to Stockard, of the Roswell-Torranc- e upon a fort extinguish It, the local depart I.iuiitninir Kill Two. "Paddy" Dorrell, fight promoter and expeditionary force on board, which ering extensive selling orders territorial mounted police, occupies ment being called out later. Auto line; W. M. Atkinson, chairman Ross, (. way to cnnsplclnus position at east end county Pana, 111., August 7. A heavy saloonkeeper, and George proceeded from ran, Algeria, at the the down, and 'buying hastily the A number of the men had narrow of the board of commission chauffeur, fatally injured in an auto-mobil- e highest speed, will reach casa uianca take the protlts before the end of the of this table, close to the. prosecuting escapes era of Chaves county; Smith Lea, thunderstorm swept over this section gen consequence slump attorney, F. W. Clancy, near Mr. from falling walls and one S, Lightning killed accident er.riy today at Brook. today. Upon the arrival of the hour. As a the and party or eight, who carried a hose treasurer of Chaves county; K. last niKht. Frank noon port, sub- was by a quick rally. Gen. Fornoff, is George W. Armijo, a Woodruff, former sheriff of Chaves Henderson and Peck Roberts. Two Held Corners. Hoss died at at eral at the Moroccan the followed line Into the center of the plant to were destroyed at Tower Hill a local hospital. sequent action of the French forces eral agitation against the corpora grandson of Col. Chaves, who Is tak- fight the blaze, was suffocated, but county; J. P. Church, member of homea aa-vic- es Catholic church The car overturned In a ditch, pin will be decided upon. umciai tlons waa the principal topic harped ing an active Interest In the prosecu- all will recover. Hoswell city council; J. E. Wharton and at Nokomls the ning the four occupants underneath. estimated the num'ber of Moors on by the sellers of stocks. tion of the case. The clerk of the and Dr. George C. Bryan, prominent was almost demolished. It is supposed that the steering gear killed or wounded during Sunday s After the temporary rally, prices court occupies a high stool at a desk Mine May C'Ionc. residents of Alamogordo; Colonel c 300. slumped again and the previous losses placed along the north wall of tne It la thought that the destruction Hunt, of county; Mark Crini Damuired. became Jammed. bombardment at Casa Blanca at of the mills will result In the clos F. Bernalillo Marshalltown, Iowa, August 7. A StcvrtiiK Gear Jammed. Only one French sailor was seriously were widely extended under a nood court room. The remainder of the B. Thompson, district attorney Dona young Sloan revlv of liquidation. There waa an usual court room Is tilled with chairs and ing of several mines at Cripple Ana countv: Captain P. severe windstorm and hail storm last This afternoon wounded. Creek, thereby throwing hundreds of Garrett night levelled the corn, blew down ed and it is now believed that his Sultan Issues Orders. scramble among the shorts towards Improvised seats made of nail kegs rancher; Felix Martinez, of Las Injuries will prove to be merely Morocco, August 7. Up- the end of the session to take the and kerosene cans, and every avail- men out of employment. Vegas; V. SalTord, territorial loaded fruit trees and aid oiner aaiu Tangier, Charles age vicinity. shock. There is little hoipe, however, on demand of the French charge profits, and some of the weakest able space is filled with curious, traveling auditor; Charles r. luasiey, in this recovery, Torres, one to 2V4 ex eager spectators. A number of wo- Central for Dorrell'a and lions' d'affaires, Mohammed El stocks rallied from the attorney for the Santa Fe Tornado Kills Three. death occurred six hours after the representative of the sultan here, has treme low level. men are present at every session. LINEMAN FELL railway; A. H. Hudspeth, democratic previous- Two open doors, one each of 40 Mason City, Iowa, August 7. accident. reiterated the Instructions . at end member of the house 01 tne last. iei and four Sloan stated this afternoon that ly Issued to assure the safety of Eu- $50,000 Axti-U- Nob.. Fire. the buildings and two deep set win- Lincoln county; W. C Three persons were killed 7. islature from Injured, and thousands of dollars their machine was not running at ropeans at Tangier and other ports Hastings, Neb.. August Fire dows, one directly behind the court McDonald and S. Rose, of Carrlzozo speed, he believed A guard to protect the destroyed albout half of the business and one In. the north wall of the FEET FROM POLE William Riley. of Capltan; H. G damage done through this section of unusual but that and towns. Iowa Tuesday evening py a lornaao the steering gear must have Jammed French consulate will be landed im- section of Ateil, iod., this morning. building, shed an uncertain light over Glunn, secretary to Judge Fall, of El when the chauffeur attempted to turn mediately at Rabat. The damage was 150,000. the scene. Paso. to avoid the ditch. Ross was not Tlio J nr.. Richard Allen, chief telegraph In- Amone the ladies In the party are AS Strangled In I conscious after the accident and could JOIIXSTOV KliECTKl Girl Ohio. The securing of a jury began Mon- spector of the Santa Fe coast lines, Mrs. A. B. Fall, Mrs. C. Ballard LADY GODIVA explain an hTATKS SENATOR. Dayton. O., August 7. Anna who pole se- W. C. Mo WORE not the affair, but examl UMTKD day morning, at the close of the Jap fell from a and was Mrs. J. W. Stockard. Mrs. nation of the wrecked car proved Montgomery, Ala., August 7. In Markowltz, 24 years of age, a pretty Clark case, but not until 10 o'clock verely injured at Gallup yesterday Donald and daughter, Mrs. William that the gear is out of order. The Joint session today the Alabama rr Jewish girl. Is dead, her body bruis Tuesday morning, after a day a was brought to this city last night Riley. - J. cut, bearing of and Curry organized ONLY FEW CLOTHES car belonged to Alderman Kusch- elected former Governor ed and evidences bru night session, and the exhaustion of and was taken to the Santa Fe hos- Governor a staff beert. F. Johi.Jton senator for tal mistreatment. two special Jury venires, was the pan- pital. The patient Is suffering from by Issuing an edict appointing all the expiring In March, 1913. de TT the term el completed. Iiut one English speak- fractures of the right limb and left ladies of the party as his aide He succeeds the late Senator Pettui. ing person was retained on the Jury, fore arm as the result of a forty foot camps'. The edict is entitled "EDICT Coventry. . August 7. though many were summoned and fall. He was brought to this city In M'MBEIt FIVE. EXECUTIVE MAN palfrey Killed Illiiisrlf. 1. Mounted on a white and dec SENATOR BEVERIDGE IS MISSISSIPPI MAY HOLD qualitied. It was apparent through charge of Dr. W. H..Burr, Santa Fe SION. PROVINCE OF SAM A It. P. orously clothed In masses of hair, Olathe. Kan, August 7. H. M. the entire selection of the Jury that surgeon at Gallup. Allen was In- It Is signed GEORGK CLKItY gauze Parer, 4 8 years old and for Beveral governor H. C. Glunn Pink ileshllnes, and clouds of the attorney for the defense, Hon. O, specting some new telephone poles and attested a modern Lady Godlva today gave a years owner of a store In Lenea. this A. Iarrazolo, hopes to win at least when he fell Dr. Cutter of the San- secretary. Rumors political, were ride county, killed himself In the rear of In vicinity of representation of the historic a lenient verdict from the Jury ta Fe hospital said today that the tlying broadcast the the through the city. Coventry has been his store last night. through race prejudice. Fully ten patient is doing well and will re- car but the new executive falls to many any he "Iady Codiva mad for English wpeaklng merchants and far- cover. confirm or deny of them. If months. mers of the valley, many of them did, he could do little else for at procession some one springs When a revival of the ROCKEFELLER WILL having come from the states since the .each Mopping place last witnessed in 1887, was first ELECTION assassination of Colonel Chaves, were a "brand new one on him ana tne many AUTO WRECKED AND governor only pleasantly as mooted, there were who desir excused by the attorney for the de r smiles ed a strict adherence to the tradition fense. The territory exercised all of s me too. lie savs. It news lo even to the nudity of Lady Godlva LHE10 94 YEARS its challenges early and from that The party will reach Santa Fe late anti-nudis- ts but the Insisted on Gov, time on the defense had easy sailing GIRL IS KILLED this evening, barring acciuems. compromise and a vaudeville actress, Miss Katnerlne Eddy of Chi John Sharp Williams and The Jury Is as follows: whose specialty Is to dsplay herself Benito Garcia, Nicolas Baca, Pedro In groups of living statuary, was en- cago Is Indiana Man's ' Cleveland, Ohio, August 7. Vardamah Run Neck Jose Torres, Santiago Archuleta bene- riitifitifiiiritD. Winchester. Va August 7. A log ENROUTE TO CAPITAL gaged to represent the historic That John Rockefeller will Bonifacio Bachicha. Entlmlo Garcia, factress of Coventry. live to be more than 94 years of N. Fellci- - placed over the roadway wrecked an Bride. and Neck. Nicolas Martinez, Alderete. automobile in May age Is the prediction or Dr. H. ano Chaves, Carnilo Aragon, Al Flick-ne- r, which Bushnell. 4 F. Bigger, his family physician. aged 25, and Jaculin Hardesty were Several delegations passed through David Hunches. riding, early night. Miss Bush- Bigger watched Rockefeller AxsuH-diiutlot- i. last Albuquenjue today en route to Santa tT)r. New a., August 7. Dis- 'II id WIFE'S ACTIONS Berlin, Germany, August 7. MIsj play golf yesterday and at the Orleans, Colonel Chaves was nhot In a most nell was thrown out and her skull Fe. There was a party from Silver f - patches from Jackson, Miss., say that crushed. She died soon after being City, one from San Martial, one from Katherlne Eddy, of Chicago, sister of t finish declared that the Stand- gecond Sharp cowardly manner In the house of ard Oil magnate is likely to live a primary for John Juan de Dlas Salas at Plnos Wells, taken to a hospital. San Antonio and one from Socorro. Spencer Eddy, secretary of the Amer cen- - Williams and Governor Vardamuu The log was undoubtedly placed in M ust dele- SHORTEN HIS LIFE more than a quarters of a near I'rogresso. The latter Is a small of the merevbers of these lean embassy here, and Senator Al tury longer. Wm. Rockefeller, for the candidacy for United Stales the road with a view to wrecking the gations went to La my on number 10 senator Is regarded with favor by station on the Santa Fe Central rail early this morning bert J. Beverldge, of Indiana, wen John D.'s f.ither, Is still alive road In Torrance county. He had automobile. and Is 94. many followers of both candidates. gone to on Another delegation will arrive from Chicago, 111., August T. Michae'. married here today. The civil rite, The secrelary of state up to last the house of Salas' the Socorro county In the morning and according to German requirements, philantrophlc mission of delivering MoDonald, formerly '"boss garnster" night, still had ten counties to hea to of family TRAINMEN OFFER will Join the Albuquerque delegation. and prominent politician of this city, cook place nl the registrar's ottice at fiHittutittn the ollkclal returns irom, ana wie the bread maker the Will leave at 7 A. M. noon and a religious ceremony, which up to some pension money, which he nad Is dying in a hospital and physicians count that time showed Will been In securing gov The Albuquerque delegation will he cannot outlive the day. took place half an hour later at th3 TURKISH TROOPS iams. 440 votes In the lead. active from the leave for the Capital City in private declare American embassy, technically within seems ernment. He had arrived at the Salas TERMS TO McDonald 1h the husband of Mrs. A contest over the election early Dleak CSS. cars at i a. m. tomorrow morning. McDonald, who is now await- the American Jurisdiction, was per Inevitable and the ballot boxes are home late. The dusk of a Those desiring to go with this dele- Pora formed by Rev. Thomas C. Hall by sides. November day settled as mpper ivas ing trial for the murder of Webster Ir. PILLAGING PERSIA being watched both The ( gation should be there at least a Sguerl. affair and disclosures formerly pastor of the Fourth Pres fact that second primary must be announced. Colonel haves had been quarter of an hour before time for The byterian church of Chicago. Both governor given a preferred seat at the. supper Denver. Colo., August 7. The brought to light are said to have had held for a candidate for 1 the train to leave the station. services were of the most simple cleared the way for the advocacy table. he table was shoved against terms under which the trainmen a strong Influence In shortening hi ami tow has the wall, beneath a low agree lo call the strike off on Hand Will Attend. life. character, only relatives a r r r c r of another vote for United States sen- window. the The American Lumber company's intimate friends being present. 4 Teheran. Persia. August 7. ator. which extended past the left side of Colorado ami Southern are these: band will accompany this delegation The latest advices from the ttie table tut far that the Colonel' Vice President Parker to put into ami will aid in arousing the late ones frontier say that the Turkish leaned his left arui on the sill. Tne effect al once tin 2 cents differential by playing upon the depot platform, MILITARY CONTROLS 4 troops, which recently crossed 4 assassin slipped up to this window that the men are contending for. liy going to Santa Fe on number 10, PEARY PREPARES 4 the northwe-- t frontier of Persia TWENTY KILLED ON and tired through the glass. The bul Calling of a general conference of tlie Albuquerque delegation can be are inarching on I'rumiah, let, a entered Colonel railroad managers of th- - 'vest at present at the Inauguration cere- STRIKERS 4 burning and devastating the vil- - ('haves' breast just in front of the left Salt l..ike Inside i.f ninety days. monies which take pine at 2 o'clock TO MAKE START lages along the route. The Chris- - GERMAN RAILWAY arm. penetrating the heart. He ex If they agree with the terms de- In the afternoon in the hall of the I in village of Mevau Is reported piled iiMiantly. allet was arresteu manded by the in n and are willing in- - on follow- to 2 of representatives. Belfast. . August 7. Troop 4 shelled and ninety persons, for the crime the Tuesday put it ill effect, that the centi Tln-- e who desire, can then return clu ling worn in and children, : Berlin. August 7. A passenger ing by Richard Huber. then a iiputy granted by the C. and S. be contin- took posscs-Hioi- i i.f the stieets of Bel- to Albuquerque on passenger trams fast this morning and u ng guard New York, August 7. Commander killed. Ten girls were carried train was derailed last night between sheriff of Santa I'e county. ued. 1 years number or number 7. arriving in were posted at the various centers. Hubert E. Peary, the An tic explorer. ntY. Poseii and Thorn. Two engines were Huber had been active seven If the conference of managers and p. bu-sll- demolish- previous men to son agreement, this city at 7:45 and 1:55 in. has here, is y engag The government has been overturned and three cars with Colonel Chaves in come t other Thousands of citizens watched wuh arrived and - an- up a gang The trip to tha capital will be made nixed feeling the Inauguration of mili- ed at Shooter's Island gelling his 4 conferring with foreign repre- ed. The minister of railroads breaking of sheep thieves tlien the trainmen are to abide by in the cool of the morning and tilt tary control in the city as the resu.t lhip. Roosevelt ready for service sentatlves regarding the Turk- - nounced that up to noon today the that had Infested the Espmcia valley. the result, and if a reduction is of strikes and insubordination of Itii H nald that be expected to be ready 4 ish Invasion bodies of twenty have been made the C. an I S. men are to aceopt (Continued on Pae Kiglit.) police. to atari Thursday. iiilHUttlllUH (Continued on Piij;c l.lilit.) the rejaction. PAGIC TWO. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN. Wednesday, afc-vs-t 7. iot. 00OeoeOeO0OeoeO plrltu Fantnn. which means Holv h 00O0OK5DOO Spirit, and as half of him remained JJ iiAixxxixxixxAXxxAixixixixxxxxxxjiAxxixxxxAxumxxTT there he may come out all rlsiht so iiiiinmiiiiiiiiiimm r:ir an nl after llfo Is concerned OPPORTUNITY JUST RECEIVED They entertain srravp, fears, however, for the half that was carried Into the MEN'S SUITS GET other stnte. MARCHING ORDERS w ii:on;E c; (.eneromty A large assortment of In TO MEN IN PRESIDENT ILL IIEAI.TI Our Men's Suits have received orders to move and move grains and Brussels Rugs New York, August 7. The recent they must Win appointment of C. K. Stone as pus We'll make every one of them move and Carpets and a full senger traffic manager of the Mis- at some price. It's good business on our souri Pacific has brought to public part. But, while a loss for us, it's line of Linoleum-Every-thi- ng attention several Instances of gener oslty on the part of George J. Gould to furnish the house toward employes. He has refused to HO A GREAT make any statement regarding them SAVING FOR YOU cases, but there Is a ed story that during the last five If you Clothier, WE CAN'T AND WILL NOT BE UN- years he practically has given men Kansas Senator's Verse Con were a Sir, and had more suits on hand than you could possi- employed on his system an aggregate bly sell this season would you DERSOLD. CASH OR PAYMENT or keep them over until next year and let them get $130,000. One of these Is said tains an Excellent style to have been A. C. Rlrd. vice nresl out of and rusty besides losing the use of the money or sell them now ? , dent of the Gould lines, in charge of Sentiment. traffic: anotner the late Milton Sell themof course you would, so would FUTRELLE FURNITURE CO. Knight, traffic manager of the Wa- any sensible Man. bash. Each of these have been per- West End Viaduct mitted by Mr. Gould to draw large San Antonio, N. M., August 7. salaries for long periods during w hich ' Nrtunity." oK)ooooooooooo ooooooooooooo their health would not permit of Master of human destinies am I, That's Just What We're Going to Do their being of any usefulness to the Fame, love, fortune on my footsteps lines with which they were connect- await. Look over these price II Tf ed. Cities and fields, I walk, cuts and, if ever you expect to buy another Suit of Railroad history does not furnish I penetrate deserts and seas remote, Clothes HOW. It will three such examples of employes And In passing by hovel or palace or buy It be the best investment ever made. whose usefulness was over being per- mart, soon or late, mitted to draw large salaries, and, knock once unbidden at every gate: Indeed, urged to do so Indefinitely. It is the hour of fate that they who SEE PRICES RAILROAD DEPARTMENT The most conspicuous example Is Mr. ioiiow me. IN WINDOWS Hlrd, who for two and one-ha- lf years Reach every mortal wish or desire, has been living on his ranch In But those who doubt or hesitate. southern California, nnd at the sam Condemned to penury, misery and time receiving $20,000 a year, or woe. half pay, from the Gould roads. Seek me not In vain, nor hopelessly of slow & cor- Implore, orders than deal with SEX ELLA IS STATE answer not and return no more." M. oner's jury a Trainmen, after wreck. LINE TERMINUS NOW The above verse was written by a who have no voice in fixing train MANDELL1 MAKES PLEA FOR Clayton, N. M., August 7. A rul- former United States senator, now XXXXXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAXAXXXXXXXtXXZXlXX XXXXTl 1 1 1 .. 1 1 ...... schedules, should not be compelled dead, rTrm to kiss their wives bood-b- y, uncer- ing of the Interstate commerce com- from the Sunflower state and may mission provides all trains, when could be committed to memory with tain of what the parting mean that profit by every Citizen, nor should the traveling public be passing from one state to another, reader of The OVERFLOW ROOM any shall stop at the state line reg- It Is greatly admired by President J. D. Kakln, Prtaidoat deceived as to the condition of and verse Can. Mellnl, Soertjttrr railroad In Missouri. ister. As the state line between Tex- Koosevelt. who had the framed O. Oloml, .Vlc PrMldent. O. !E SAFE as and New Mexico Is one and a and hung over his office door when he BacaecaJ, TrMmrcx Of course, accidents may happen Just - half miles this of C. was police commissioner of New- FOR THIRD WARD on the most perfect track, trains pos- side Texllne the York. hung sibly may go over Imperfect & 8. have erected a 2x4 office where It also over his office tracks all business necessary to meet the door when he was assistant secre Consolidated Liquor Company for weeks and months without harm, tary of navy, when he was gov but when the are sus- requirements of the law will be the BvmeMOrt to tracks under transacted. The name, Sexella, was ernor of New York, and today It oc- St. John's Guild hall on south picion what excuse has the state cupies a prominent place In MCUNI A EAKIN. and lACHECHI A TRACKS when It falls to sound a warning? obtained by spelling backward the his office. Fourth street was leased by the QIOML name of the famous Russian general, News of Sun Antonio, school regular meeting WMt m The truth can do no harm. All I ask Miss gladdened board at its in is that the public know the facts as Allexes. As the road south of the Eva Hilton her Monday night to be used for over- to the condition of road, which New Mexico line Is controlled by the father's heart by returning to her flow purposes at the coming term of this Fort Worth and Denver, be- home here after an absence of four building was Inspected In obedience to a writ- Sexella years, spent school. The Third ward Wines, Liquors and Cigars Chairman Knott Explains His ten complaint. comes the southern terminus of the In school at Long Beach, was overcrowded at the last session C. & 8. Cal. She was accompanied home by of school, hence It was necessary for W kttp vrythlng In stock to outfit tho Texllne and Clayton are not an- her younger brother, Carl. the board to secure the new room. matt fastidious tar oomploto .Call For an TWELVE MILLIONS MORR ticipating any serious rivalry from . M. Read has secured another President R. W. Hopkins and IX STATE ASSESSMENT this new neighbor. large contract of well drilling for the Members F. H. Strong, George V"uVi!.bei7 PP0,nUd xeluslvt agent In th outhw ft. iM Jefferson City, Mo., August 7. Carthage Fuel company. He has Just C. O. Young and J. F. Luthy Wm. Lamp and St Louie A. B. C Brawarhia' Until Attorney General Hadley re- Richard Allen, telegraph Inspector bought a new well rig and can drill attended the meeting. Green Rlv.r, V. H. MeBrayar'a Cedar Brook, turns from Colorado, where has to a depth 1.RO0 con tTSSS ha of the coast lines, while going to his of feet. His O. A. Matson & Co. were awarded roh, and th.P .tand.rd .rand, of whl.kla. numarSu.a m'.n been spending his vacation, no figures hotel, In Gallup, Monday night, fell tracts will occupy his time for six the contract for school supplies for St. Louis, Aug. 7. Chairman will be officially given as to the valu- months. WE Knott of the state board of railroad Into a deep ditch painfully injuring the coming year. A number of cur- ARE N0T COMPOUNDERS), ation of property fixed by the State his left shoulder and hip. He was Dick Towser arrived home this rent bills were paid and the board But aell the atralght article aa received by and warehouse commissioners, who Board of Equalization. Is known, week from Long Cal. Ho tu from y It brought In on No. 8 last night and lleach. has sold a frame house on the ward Distiller... and rote to governor Folk asking In a general way, however, been eight First Brewerle. In Ue United 8Ut .iTtalJU for appointment a that the taken to the Santa Fe hospital. Ills absent months and visited grounds to S. B. Gullio, who will re- Stock and or rlt aTl the of commission total Increase over Inst year's valua-tia- n home Is In Los Angeles. an tne pleasure points on the coaat. move It, giving additional space to th Prle, lor Illuatrated CaUlon, ill IrtaTii 1o Investigate the condition of the will be about $12,000,000. which He does not why so many I laaned to dealer, only. Missouri Pacific between Kan- understand play ground. tracks Is largely due to advancing the valu- J. L. Hlbbnrd, general people go to California In the sum The school buildings have been sas City and St. Louis, wants Gov- ation of railroad properties. superintend- mer, as he was nearly eaten up ernor Folk, John Kennlsh.. assistant ent of the coast lines, and E. J. with cleaned and all furniture atorney general, More than $2,000,000 Increase Gibson, superintendent of the Albu- fleas. In the winter, he found it cold preparatory for the opening of and some private will be shown In the assessment of querque er than New Mexico, owing to damp the term. citizen, preferably a farmer, to com- division, were in the city ness. pose the commission. Mr. Knott's the Vnited Hallways Company of St. yesterday, Inspecting the shops. Louis, which Is exclusive of the re- James Young, an old timer of this action grows out of the railroad com- place, "Regular a the Sun." cently acquired suburban line, and a Hert who came here in 1880, and is Is mission's recent meeting here at handsome German, stenographer for well known at La Luz. Alamosrordo an expression as old as the race. Increase has been made Round House Inspector White-for- d, No which his colleagues; Commissioners on that. Taking the J. R. and Capltan. H In extremelv noor doubt tho rising and setting of W statement which Oglesby and Wightman, refused to was was confined to his home on health. Is an old the sun Is the most regular perform- Paper! made to the Hoard of Equaliza- account of He soldier and hns limit the time schedule of Missouri tion, the t'nlted Railways company, sickness yesterday. enlisted the aid of Delegate Andrews ance In the universe, unless It Is Pacific trains until repairs along the In the action of the liver and bowels exclusive of the Suburban, had out- Robt. Ousler, stenographer to Di- more speedily securing a pension, companies lines had been made. Mr. standing in capital of which he Is much In when regulated with Dr. King's New Knott's lettei to the governor fol- stock and bonded vision Foreman J. P. Peach, returned need. Life Pills. Guaranteed by all drug- debt In June, 1906, when the assess- to Las Vegas yesterday from a trip Patrons of the Citv druir store. gists. low: ment was made, $88,897,000. The to Topeka. while enjoying Ice cream sodas, are 25c. let me pnper and paint your A difference In the Judgment be- Suburban was assessed for 1905, at treated to orlnigal songs by Dr. Jacob house. Satisfaction fruarantecd. tween myself and the other members $2,601,211. This will be Increased, W. J. Daily, clerk at the Las Vegas Diefenbach, the proprietor, who for l'rompt attention to ronil orders. of the board concerning the condi- it will be found, merly sang In opera when the figures are shops, returned from the hospita: Brand at the D. EMMONS, tion of the Missouri Pacific tracks given out, It Is believed, to not less yesterday where he has been confined Kelserlich opera house in Welsbaden, J. successor to Stacy & Go. compels me as a sworn oftlcial of the than $3,000,000. for the past Germany. to appeal to you, If It is in your week. state The assessment of 1905, for the en- Orvllle Dwver is the mall carrier South Stcond and Lead 7. power, to appoint a committee or system Fireman Ackerman, who has been between San Antonio and Carthaae. Indigestion tire street railway of St. Louis commission of well known citizens to was $21,754,93. The bonded debt on the work train at Los Cerrillos He makes the trip In two hours via sro over the track Inspected with two for some time, was in Las Vegas yes- an old time "pony express" expert trackmen, members of the and outstanding capital stock, cover- outfit. ing the property included In this terday. Stomach trouble U but a lymptom of. and not trackmen's union, to ascertain the In ItaeK 2I North assessment, was $100,497,000. The De Witt's true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, First Street. Phone So. 482 real condition of this road. increases made last year were: United Engineer Tom Evans has returned Little Earlv Risers don't Heartburn, and Indigestion at real diseases, yet Ve-ga- sicken or gripe. easy they are symptoms only Offers to Help Pay Expenses. Railways, Jsh3.105.54: Suburban, to work on the 2012 In the Las s Small pills, to of a certain ipecitio yards after laying off for a week. take. Sold by J. H. O" Riellv fn Nerve sickness nothing else. I would suggest, If the railroads St. Louis and Meramec River, De Witt's Carbonized It was this iart that first correctly led Pr. 6hoop $8.0005.11. The Increases year Witch IT:iel in the creation of now very will agree, that your excellency, Gen- this Engineer dis- Salve penetrates the pores that popular Stomach will greatly exceed those In each In- Allison of the first and heals Kemedy Dr. Snoop' Kestorallve. (Jolng direct eral Kennlsh and some well known trict, has been transferred to service quickly. Sold by J. II. O'RIelly & Co. to the stomach nerves, brought farmer compose commission. I stance. on alone that tucoesi that i Unofficially, and yet the figures the third district. and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With, suggest that you be accompanied by out that original and highly vital principle, no can be taken as aproximately correct, fiENKItAL ROI ND-I'- P trackmen simply that they may he Engine 1851 from the Relen cut-o- ff tuch lasting accomplishmoits were ever to be had. able to call your attention to condi- the increase made In the assessment arrived In the city last night. IN .IE.MEZ FOREST Far stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad of the railroads of the state will be Santa Fe. N. M . August 7. is breath and tallow complexion, try Dr. bboop'l tions for your Judgment. If there is $8,01)0,0011. il Kestorstlsw Tablet or Liquid no money In- The aggregate Increase announced that a general round-u- p and tee for your- available for such an on all TAKE IT IV TIME self what l can and will do. Wa tall cheer, spection I will contribute $250 out railroad, telephone nnd tele- of livestock will take place on the luily and graph property In 1906 over 1905 Jemez recommend of my own pocket, if necessary, to was Just as Scores of Albuquerque People national forest reserve In the assist in having this work done. I $10,090,735.62. In 1907 over Have. vicinity of Kl Vada. Gallinas and have no prejudice in this matter. If 1906 there will be a handsome In- CanJIllon. The "rodeo" will be un the track Is safe for the fast service crease. Waiting doesn't pay. der the supervision of an lnsoector now being maintained on the rails If you neglect he aching back. of the Cattle Sanitary hoard, acting Dr. Shoop's such a report will be gratifying to DIVIDED CORPSE HELD BY Urinary troubles, diabetes, surely upon instruction of Forest Supervisor me, as I would not visit any hard- TWO .MEXICAN STATES follov. uoss AicAllllan, and will be held early ships on the road not warranted for One half of a man's body held by Doan5s Kidney Pills relieve back in September. the safety of travel. On the other the authorities of one state and the ache, This general round-u- n has been Restorative Southwestern Brewery A Ice Company. hand, I would not for my right hand, other half held by another state and Cure every kidney 111. called for the purpose of taking up SOLD DY J. . O'RIELlY CO. have the people go over this track, each state refusing to give up the half Albuquerque citizens endorse them. all of the stray horses and cattle now feeding by reason of a report pro- It holds Is a situation now existing Mrs. L. living running at large in the southern rarr J. Curd, at 410 South of the national Torturing eczema spreads Its tjurn-l- n nouncing the track safe by state of- in Mexico, which serves to magnify Third street, Albuquerque. N. M.. forest. The livestock area every day. ficials, when death lurks In many some of the incongruities of the laws will be herded for several davs to en W. E. MAUGEP Doan's Ointment A. E. WALKER, says: "I suffered more or less from able the owners to pick quickly stops Its spreading, instantly places by reason of defects that are of that country. pains in my back for long time, and but their relieves Itching riRB serious. Miguel Martinez, a Cen- a horses and cattle, after which all of the cures it perman- Mexican over-exe- rt my- ently. INSURANCE at times when I would the At any drugr store. - I ask you to read the majority re- tral brakeman, was cut In two at a animals left unclaimed will be WOOL Secretary Motnal Building- Asnociat. In self or take cold. I suffered severely. sold In accordance with law by the Oon. port and form your Judgment even station the state of Zacatecas, half That this trouble was due to kidney with Raube and Mauger Office at 817 West HatlreM from that as to the safety of his body remaining there and the cattle sanitary board. OfHoe, 115 North 8C avenue. of the other half being caught disease I had no doubt; In fact, I be- l ne federal and territorial authori First track. When the foundation under beneath the lieve It was hereditary In my case, as ALBUQUERQUE, N. kC the rails is reported washed out and train and carried to a station In the ties are anxious to have the adjoining state of San Luis Potosl. my father died with Bright' disease. of all interested parties in mak- - banks leaving the track. It seems to p. COAL me The authorities In each took About a year ago Doan's Kidney Pills ng tne ruunu-u- W. that the state should protect the state were brought to my attention, and L. TRIMBLE & CO. people by slow-orde- possession of half the body and each the precaution of a taking them for a short time I was When you want to buy, sell, Bert American Block, per ton. .$6.50 I believe my minority report refuses to turn the half It has over to The Limit of life. Anthracite per Is In every particular correct. It may the other. No official investigation absolutely relieved of the pain In my The most eminent medical sclent- - 'ut, ton $8.60 UVERT, SALE, FEED AND can proceed without a whole corpse back and felt better In every way. rent or exchange Anthracite Stove and Furnace TRANSFER be that on account of the rapid Itsts are unanimous In the conclusion ton STABLES. speed of the Inspection train that the as the basis, hence the authorities are The merits of Doan's Kidney Pills nat tne generally accepted Ilmita-lo- n Per $8.50 exact places are not named, but the at swords' points and the relatives of were so plainly demonstrated to me of human life Is many years be- - Horses and Mules Bought and Ex- general condition, I am sure, I have the dead man are unable to do any- that I can with pleasure and confi- ow the attainment possible with the Household changed. correctly represented. thing. dence recommend them to others." advanced knowledge of which the Goods Martinez went to sleep under one For sale by all dealers. Price 50 race Is now possessed. The critical BEST TOURNOUTS Better Ttmn a Coroner's Jury. Foster-Mllbur- WOOD IN THE CITT of cars n the of his train while it was cents. Co., Buffalo, period, that determines its duration, Keep busy until you find Second Street, between I am not making this request to on-- siding at Ksplrltus Santo, Zaca-teca- s. New to Railroad and throw suspicion on my York, sole agents for the United seems be between 60 and 60; the Copper colleagues. I The train started up and cut States. proper care of the body during this Avenue. give them credit for the same hon- him squarely in two nt the belt, half DRY CEDAR esty I claim myself. Is Remember the name Doan's and decade cannot be too strongly urged; PINION that for It the body rolling to the side of the take no other. No. 22 carelessness then being fatal to long- Star Furniture Co. In no way a personal matter. If I track and the other half becoming AND TORNIIXO. am right, public evity. Nature's best helper after 50 Don't Forget The the ought to know tangled In the brake beam was car- To feel strong, have good appetite is Electric Bittrfrs, the scientific tonic TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It. If the track is safe as they pro- to y 214 W. Gold Ave. ried Salinas, San Luis Potosl, In and digestion, sleep soundly and en-Jo- medicine that revitalizes every organ ALBUQUERQUE nounce it. the public ought to know a sad plight, although they suggest life, use PLANING MILL It. It is better to Burdock Blood Bitters, of tho body. Guaranteed by all drug- take the precaution that as ileuth overtook him in Es- - the great system tonic and builder. gists. EOc. Albuquerque - New Mexic John S. Beaven THE OLDEST MILL IN THE CITY. 602 80UTH FIRST STREET. When In need of aarfi, door, frame L .KlT?'n work lcclalty. 403 Ilrst etreet. Telephone 403 WHEN DRINKING BEER

jwbrf Pre-Eminen- tly Guaranteed Quality and Purity are Important. If You Want A w Under the

AND E3 Plumber j FOOD 3 DRUGS ACT MkiuA Famous St. Louis 1 Telephone No. 61 sW hitZmar l Serla. No. uu u u 6768. fahX The BOHEIVS1ASMi BEEIR Standard Throughout its entire proce? of Lrcwin ami liottliiip, comes in contact only with copor, tin lim ij and enameled surfaces. It is brewed in You Don t Count the Cost Our work is as our name scrupulously clean cpxT ver-scl- then pined through I. look tin pipes to enameled steel tanks where it in aired and lasered fur at least six - implies, and our charges month'; then utrain through I duck tin pi)s to Hir-tii- bottlitiir uuu hiuea, where it U filled otf into thorouplilv cleansed and when eating- our plea, cakes and are neriii.,-- LottleH.iii We use only the Finest Grade cl IMPORTED BOHEMIAN HOPS. Absolutely Free From Adulterants and Preservatives. pastry, for lt'a small in comparison right. with the satisfaction you gain. The Mil day you etart using- - the producta THE AMERICAN BREWING U. S. A. of ill CO., St. Louis, our bakery will be a red letter one on your calendar. Mark it up this CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR COMPANY, Distributors, Albuquerque. day. Standard Plumbing & Heating Co Only at the Otuwery In St. Loulm. Bottled PIONEER BAKERY 207 South First Street. WKDXESDAY, AfGrST 7, 107. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN.

heavy showers In parts of the EsUn-ci- a valley, hut no general rain. The highest temperature was 90; lowest, A NEW DANGER OF "SCORCHING" C. USUAL SUNSHINE to. rainfall. 0 63 inch. J. BAT.DRIDGE I'oralta. Valencia Co. M. P. Kem-penl- ch DEALER IN NATIVE AND CHICAGO LUMBER The weather has been warm and threatening every day, with gooJ COINQ SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S PAINT Covert more, looks bsst, wears showers on the 2Sth, and a severe IVS OUO CHAP th longest, most economical; full measure. thunderstorm, on the 3d. TO STOP "W J y Ss3 IVEBEEmI BCILDINO PAPER Always In OVER All NEW Rlncon, Rona Ana Co. W. A. Yt stock. Plaster, Lime. Cement. Koote The weather has been partly f Paint Glass, Sash, Doors, Etc. cloudy, with a good shower on the FIRST STREET AXD COAL AVE. AXnCQUERQCE, NEW SfKX. 2d, amounting to 0.29 of an Inch. The highest temperature waa 97; low. est. 65. MEXICO Roclada. San Miguel Co. John A. Rudulph Dally rains occurred dur- ing the week, with uusually heavvy showers on the 30th, 31st and 1st, VIFEV' GsLKeppeler soaking through good oofs, id do- ing other damages. The highest tem- Thunderstorms and Some 317-31- perature was 75; lowest, 47; rainfall, ip 9 S, Second St. Rainfall Over Entire Ter- 1 36 Inches. Rosedale, Socorro Co. W. II. Mar. Phone tin The weather has been partly 967 ritory Past Week. cloudy, with several good showers during the week. The highest tem- perature was 81; lowest, 52; rain- Santa Fe, N. M., August 7. II. M. fall. 1.13 Inches. Hardlnge, section director of tha Santa Fe, Santa Fe Co. U. 3. Albuquerque weather bureau, has Issued the fol- Weather Bureau Dally afternoon lowing past week: showers have been the rule during ibulletin for the the week, with heavy rains In the New Mexico The weather of the past week was mountains. The weather has been cooler and somewhat more cloudy unusually pleasant for this time of than Is usual at this time of the year, year. The highest temperature dally thunderstorms that the with almost was 81 on the 1st; lowest, 52 on the A- brought heavy rains In the more 6th; rainfall, 0.S8 Inch. - C-- BILICRE and JOHN 8. MITCHELL Invite their friends to maka mountainous districts and good show, era elsewhere. Although showers New Mexico headquarters at t were general the rainfall was badly distributed, being particularly heay BASE BALL over the Western Divide, the Sacra- The mento mountains, and In the moun- Hollenhech Hotel tains near the headwaters of the WHERE T11KY PLAY. Lo Angeles, California In middle s Pecos, It was Insufficient National League. eastern localities and In the lower Tour friendship patronage Rio Grande valley. On the whole Boston at St. Louis. and la appreciated. Courtesy and was unusually pleasant, Brooklyn at Cincinnati. HUBBY attention to guests Is a pleasure fc us. Hollenbeck the weather New York Pittsburg. Hotel and Cafe the nights being considerably cooler at better than ever. Location convenient than normal, and the heat of the Phlladekphla at Chicago. SHOULD FODOT and desirable. by a a... Depot and beach lint cars stop at the Hollenbeck door. day being modified the afternoon American League. I3 V HfTWy cloudiness and frequent showers. The rivers and streams are carrying Chicago at Boston. somewhat more water than normal; St. Louis at New York. the Rio Grande being about two feet Detroit at Philadelphia. higher than Is usual at this time. Cleveland at Washington. jr The following notes selected from HOW THEY STAND. the reports received this week, will give the conditions more In detail: National League. Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co. Pitt Won. Lost. Pet. Ross There have been good shower Chicago . 72 25 .742 MALL, lropritttor during the week, with quite pleas- Pittsburg . 57 36 .613 Iron and Brass Castings; Ore, Coal and Lumber Cars: Shaft. ant weather. In the evening of the Philadelphia 50 40 .586 Inga, Pulleys, Grade Bars, Babbit Metal; Columns aad Iroa erf In 65 39 .585 3d 0.40 of an inch rain fell New York 1 ex liealiliUxt mini may to Hud tliut by slow degrees Fronts for Buildings. . 43 "If autonioMlinff Indiilittvl in to cosh tlio eiHt twenty minutes. The Rio Grande is Cincinnati 54 .443 memory Nerve t. Itmomtrm mm tmimlmm mm . . 41 66 .423 his will become defective.'' tatemeiit f Kmlnent in u..,. . carrying about two feet more water Brooklyn uuaur a than Is usual at this time of tha Boston 34 56 .411 oi rauroaa crack. Albuquerque. N. Ml M year. St. Louis 25 .248 Endorsed by tho County. ' Albert, Union Co. H. M. Hanson-Th-ere YOUNG BURGLAR IEXAS MOB LYNCHES "The most popular remedy In Otse- was much promlse of ralu American League. go county, and the best friend of my throughout the week but the show- Won. Lost. Pet. family," writes Wm. M. Diets, editor distributed; Detroit 57 33 .620 and publisher of the Otsego Journal, ers were scant and badly 60 38 .612 CAUGHT IN IRAP NEGRO PRISONER The highest temperature was 93; low- Chicago Gllbertsvllle, N. Y.. "la Dr. King's est, 62; rainfall, 0.70 inch. Philadelphia 55 37 .598 New Discovery. It has proved to be Cleveland 65 42 .567 an Infallible cure for coughs and Albuquerque Lumber Alto, Lincoln Co. J. Stephenson New 44 60 .468 Co. during York Tex., August 7. A special colds, making short work of the We have had fine weather Boston 38 55 .404 Houston, Tex. .August 7. Ernest Houston, worst of them. We always keep a. WHOLESALE AND the week, with sufliclent ralu, St. Louis 38 56 .404 Rarry, aged 14, was caught between to the Chronicle from Rut:ge says: bottle In the house. I believe It to RETAIL amounting to 2.42 Inches. Washington 28 63 .308 the Jaws of a bear trap at 2 o'clock Tom Hall, a negro, agei about 35 be the most valuable prescription Bloomtield, San Juan Co. Fred this morning In a fruit and soda wat- week years, was from the calaboose known for lung and throat diseases." Lumber, Glass, Cement and Rex LeClerc The weather of the Western League. er stand on Main street. It required taken Guaranteed to never disappoint the Flinfkota Roofing was characterized by heavy local Won. Lost. ret. seven men t release him. last night about 10 o'clock by a posse by 50c In vicinity every day. In taker, all druggists. Price and showers the Omaha 61 43 .687 His limb was almost severed from nf citizens and hanged to a tree J1.00. Trial bottle free. The highest temperature was 99; low-ea- t. Des Moines 51 42 .548 his body. front of the Jail door. His body was First and Marquette Altrnqaerqae, New Mexico 65; rainfall, 0.68 inch. Lincoln 55 46 .545 found by the authorities about 11 Cambray, Luna Co. F, S. Chase Denver 61 47 .520 The trap had been set by the pro- o'clock. FORT RATARD, NEW MEXICO, (been partly cloudy, prietor for parties who had burglar- charged The weather has Pueblo 41 65 .427 Hall had been arrested July 22, 1907. Sealed proposals In , with a shower, 0.20 of an inch, on Sioux City 37 63 .370 ized the establishment. with attempted criminal assault up- triplicate for Extension to Water the 28th. on two young white women about 9 System (876 feet 4 Inch pipe) at this IOitiO0ia Carlsbad, Eddy Co. Raymond De-P- YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Eczema. o'clock. post, will be received here until 11 Finesf Whiskies The weather has been quite For the good of those suffering This morning several negroes of the a, m. August 10, 1907, and then The during past week, with St. Elmo pleasant the League. with eczema or other such trouble, I town were rounded up and notified opened. Information furnished on two good showers amounting to 0.65 At Chicago R. H. E. wish to say, my wife had something to leave. The town Is quiet. application. United States reserves Wines, Brandies. Etc. J of an inch. The highest tempera- Chicago 2 4 0 of that kind and after using the doc- right to accept or reject any or all JOSEPH BARNETT, Prop't. ture was 94. New York 0 3 2 tors' remedies for some time con- Doan's Regulets cure constipation, proposals or any part thereof. En- Chama, Rio Arriba Co. George Batteries Brown and Kllng; Tay cluded to try Chamberlain's Salve and tone the stomach, stimulate the liver, velopes containing proposals should AMPLE ANO Huth The weather has been gener-al- y It proved to anything promote digestion appetite and be endorsed "Extension to Water West - lor and Bresnahan. be better than and 20 Railroad Avenue CLUB oloudy and .pleasant, with- a good At Pittsburg R. H. E she had tried. For sale by all drug- easy passages of the bowels. Ask your System" and addressed to Capt. S. ROOM rain on the 2d, amounting to 0.67 of Pittsburg 3 gists. druggist for them. 25c a box. P. Vestal, Q. M. an inch. The highest temperature was Brooklyn . . .16. 7 6 OaOsloaB 82; lowest, 49. Batteries and Gibson; Cloudcroft, Otero Co. John Hei Mclntyre and Bregen. ker The weather has been pleasant, Second game R. H. E. with even temperature and no heavy Pittsburg . 8 11 1 rains. The highest temperature was Brooklyn 84; lowest, 43; rainfall, 0.42 of an Batteries Willis and Phelps;.032Bell inch. and Rltter. El Paso, Texas U. S. Weather At Cincinnati R. H. E. Bureau There have been light thun- Cincinnati 4 C 3 der storms during the week, with Boston 3 6 2 partly cloudy weather. The highe Batteries Ewing and Schlei; Fla temperature was 95; lowest, 67; rain- herty and Needham. fall. 0.11 inch. Second game R. H. E. Eapanola, Rio Arriba Co. Frank Cincinnati 2 7 0 Jj. McBrlde The weather has been Boston 1 5 2 cloudy and showery. The highest tem- Batteries Smith and McLean; perature was 90; lowest, 52; rain, Lindaman and Brown. 0.33 inch. Folsom, Union Co. Jackson Ta American League. hor The weather has been somewhat At New York R. H. E. cool, with thunder storms on the Chicago ! 0 27th and 31st, and on August 1st New York I t 4 and 2d. The rains were much heavier Batteries Smilth and Sullivan; north and south of the station. The Moore, Chertbro and Kllenow. ( JAMESTOWN HAS TWO! WE HAVE ONE! highest temperature was sO; lowest. At Philadelphia R. H. E. 51; rainfall, 0.71 inch. Cleveland 2 10 3 Fort Bayard, Grant Co. Surgeon Philadelphia 4 10 u In Charge The weather has been Batteries Clarkson and Clarke: generally clear, with light showers Dygert and Powers. during the early part of the week At Boston R. IT. K. The highest temperature was 89; low. St. Louis 6 0 2 ent, 57; rainfall, 0.30 inch. Boston 1 4 1 THE BIG FAIR Fort Stanton, Lincoln Co. J. E. Batteries Howell and Spencer; Bergman Cloudy weather with Glaze, Morgan and Shaw. heavy showers has obtained. The Western League. Twenty-Sevent- highest temperature was 81; lowest At Lincoln R. II. E. New Mexico's h Annual 53; rainfall, 2.03 Inches. Lincoln 2 8 3 Iake Valley, Sierra Co. Wm. P, Omaha 1 6 1 Keil The weather continues unset Batteries cicotte and Sullivan; tled and with considerable humidity. Sanders and Gooding. Territorial Fair Association There was a heavy wind storm on At Pueblo R. H. E. the evenin gof the 2d. Tota lpreclpi-tatio- n, Pueblo 1 7 2 0.46 inch. Denver 3 11 2 Las Vegas, San Miguel Co. Dr. Batteries Cruise, Jackson and OCTOBER 7 to 12 William funis Bailey Daily show Drill; Adams and Zalusky. AL15UQUERQUK. INCLUSIVE ers, some of them heavy, have fur At Des Moines: Des Moines-Siou- x NEW MEXICO nished ample moisture. The highest City game postponed; rain. temperature was 84; lowest, 50; rain fall, 2.17 inches. American Association. Up-to-Dat- e! ogan. Quay Co. W. W. Moore At Columibus: First game, Colum- Get Get Off the Earth! Get Up in the Air! The weather has been warm and dry, bus 6, Minneapolis 2; second game, with local showers to the west and Columbus 7. Minneapolis 0. northwest every day. The highest At Indianapolis: First game, In- temperature was 100; lowest, 61. dianapolis 5, Milwaukee 1; second The Mammoth Captive Balloon "Albuquerque" Will Monument. Eddy Co. J. M. Cook game, Indianapolis 7, Milwaukee 3. The weather has been cloudy with At Louisville: Louisville 7, Kan- good show ers, anl a heavyy rain on sas City. 2. Daily and the 28th amounting fo 1.34 Inches. At Toledo: First game, Toledo 2. Carry Passengers Throughout the Week Mountainair. Torrance Co. Mrs. St. Paul 6; second game, ToleJj 1, J. W. Cortiett There have beeo St. Paul 2. No Sport o Sensational, No Pleasure so Rare, Can Compare With Ballooning. The Most Modern of Amusement. P i& At the Close of the Fair Saturday Evening at Sunset AERONAUT NATURE'S BLONDIN will Cut Loose With This Balloon and endeavor to Win TONIC the "AERO CUP" by Breaking Spring; their systems require it. thick and sluggish with the accumulations left in the The World's Long Distance International Rnnnrri ' X unable to tnZ f ' '? "ff "I UVS u.nnatural disordered condition. the b.v'.y w,th the increased amount of nourishment Held by Lieut. Lahm of the U. S. Army. Wr-t-ti- C llfe of Summer, and the ?uT"r.S'r. weakness, nervousness, indigestion, and many other loss of appetite RAILWAY OU unpleasant symptoms of a disordered blood c rculat on! JATJS. HALF FARE BETTER hen run-dow- the system is m this n and disordered condition is 10 it not safe J. A. WEINMAN JAY A. HUBBS take unknown concoctions, sarsaparillas, compounds, etc., because they ROY A. STAMM President Manager Secretary MBiedient, w.ncli acts unfavorably and often dangerously on the depleted tTmtnff ttyS-C,- t!me ,W,K'n U and natural stimulation to J "PU a"J it3K.e ate y VP lo"t enerzv. S. S. S. is appropri- - ca.led.Nature ston.c. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks rehouse of forest and field, selected their purifying and health-restorin- 'reatg fr qualities and as it does not contain the slightest trace of f' olt t,'eJ)1,Kid it of all impurities and poi.vns. and , ,C V''S ItTtr tr,Uve "J so that it is able to supply the ivS tea hful invigorating energy season of ill needed to j.ass the trvinjr year Its action is the most pleasant, t of all tomes j end s.V isfuc'torv and those who feel the need of 1 commence such a n cdi.i ne wi.l do vv to the use of S, S. S. at once. S. S. S. restcm s lost energy, relieves worn-n:- t , .. . the tired. f,. nr ' i,..ta , ... and viVr.f-t-.t- system. "i'i'ewie-- uiud iwgesuon, ami alds tone THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. rorav ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN. rAa WEDNESDAY. AITUUKT 1. I0OT. PEE E, O. PRICE. My name Is Prle E. O. price. I am here to stay. I like the town and THE ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN I like the people. The climate Is the acme of anything and everything de sirable. I have established the E. O. Price Real Estate Agency. My office PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Is 211 South Second street bear that number In mind. 111 South Second -- irV Street. If you have anything In my line to sell see E. O. Price. I will sell ZU By the Citizen Publishing Company of Albuquerque, New Mexico. It for you. If you have anything to rent see E. o. Price. I will rent It for 1HA1 DISCOUNT you. My bread and butter depends upon giving you good and prompt ser vice. Call and see me and lets get acquainted. ALSO APPLIES TO AT T SEE K. O. PRICE. 1 W. S. STRICKLER WILLIAM F. BROGAN CROCKERY AND PRESIDENT MANAGING EDITOR 1 GLASSWARE INTERESTING TREATISE The YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER SlllSdtlPTIOX HATES. 1 1 One year by mnil In advance ...$3.00 ON NATIONAL , Should furnish her closets One month by mail 50 UvT and sideboard One month by carrier within city limits 60 t with china graceful in its lines, beaute- inDO YOUrtttttitiTttiGET THE CITIZEN? Entered a second -- dnss nutter at the rosflofflce of Albuquerque, N. M., FORESTS ous in design, made of such clay and so nder Act of Congress of March S, 1879. Owing to the fact that even the best carrier boys The Citi- baked as to be a model of elegance and zen Is able to secure will now Btandwear strength. Plenty The only Illustrated dally newspaper In New Mexico and the bert and then fail to deliver your pa- of it in our medium of the Southwest. per and also owing to the fact Late Publication Handles Sub- large collection of table and other wear that your neighbor may now TOE CITIZEN IS: ana then unthinkingly approp- - ject in an Interesting for every housekeeper old or young Tlie leading Hepiihlican dally anil weekly newspaper of the Southwest. riate The Citizen left at your in town. door and forget to return It, Tlie advocate of Republican principles and tlto "Square Deal." this paper has arranged with Manner. the Postal Telegraph company THE ALBrQUERQUE CITIZEN HAS: to deliver you an extra copy in Now is the Time to Fill up Your Patterns The finest equlped Job department In New Mexico. the event that yours falls to One of the latest publications Is- The latest report by Associated Press and Auxiliary News Service. reach you. There Is no addition- sued by the United States department s' al expense to you. If your pa- of agriculture in behalf of the forest Strong Block "WE GET THE NEWS FITtST." s' per does not reach you by Teg- service, Is a handsomely Illustrated s' ular carrier call up the Postal book descriptive of the purpose and F. H. Strong S Telegraph company PHONE uses of the national forest reserves. Corner 2d and Copper NUMBER It and tell them. A In a way this book Is a new depar- t messenger boy will supply you ture In government publications, it is e with a copy of The Citizen. In attractively bound which Is a rare this manner, we can also keep thing with government literature s" track of the "misses" of our and it is Illustrated by carefully chos- own carriers and you can get en half tones showing views of the s" llcvD your paper rain or shine. forests under various conditions. - - Support tfie J5cerncr t v-i- t mrv ArV Ardtiv JfcT UJ JLTJTJ JLTJ-r- A. REMEMBER THE NUMBER The text Is not written In the hard Tomorrow afternoon. George Curry late governor of Samar, P. I., will PHONE 36. dry manner peculiar to the usual take up the duties of governor of New Mexico. government report, but Is In a lively, ' In governor object as gov- ItlUtltlltlltlll lucid and attractive manner, which advance the has announced that his prime J. W. Masters, of fit, Louis, was in makes It readable, at the same time ernor will be to act for all the people of this territory and give them the best the city yesterday. Imparting the Information intended government In his power with honest, capable officials. John Orr, Jr., is confined to his to be conveyed. The book treats in Only Thing For a Picnic The new governor has said that he win not cater to or he controlled by bed at the Sturges hotel with a slight a general way of the subjects in the any taction or any factional quarrels." Illness. forest use book, though it does not Charles Chadwlck and family will enter Into minute details. The ob To carry out such a policy. Governor Curry will meet with a good many leave for ' an outing on the Upper ject of the publication is to enlighten obstacles and he will probable be placed In difficult positions on more than Pecos this week, - tne puoiic on the uses or the national The Hawkeye Refrigerator Basket forests. A copy of the will be one occasion. David Combs, wife and baby, re- book ' repub- sent to anyone by Supervisor H. H. The very least therefore, that the people of New Mexico and the turned last night from an outing on Harris, at the N. T. Armljo building lican party in particular, can do, Is to rally to his support and aid him In the upper Pecos. In Albuquerque, upon application. 43 H every undertaking for the betterment of territorial government. The report of the appraisers of the What It Is. u ' governor will a number of changes In the per- estate of Paul Massettl, was approved The new doubtless make In the probate court yesterday. The preface In the book explains Compartment for Ice sonnel of territorial officials. exactly the reason for the publica- Keeps He has not announced any of them bul those familiar with conditions Mr. McDermott, proprietor of the tion: Faywood Hot Springs hotel, is in the "Many people do not Temperature Down to 58 and with precedents In the executive office, know that the new governor will city today, en route east. know what policy with for the national forests are. Others have try' and surround himself with men In sympathy with his and Dr. A. of- Degrees In- At J. Reldy will move his heard about them, but have no Idea rood fan for 14 Hours. men who will attend to their duties first above everything else. least fices rooms 23 24 rooms of purpose use. lit- Ly! Curry from and to their true and A Compartment II the new governor should do so and The Citizen believes that Governor 11 and 22, Barnett building today. tle misunderstanding may cause a m , dispensable to Those Who will do so. E. R. Nelson, formerly round house great deal erf dissatisfaction. The na- The republicans of New Mexico and the, people of New Mexico have clerk at San Marclal, has accepted tional forests very closely concern all Have Used It. :: :: :: :: nothing to fear and everything to expect from the Curry administration. a position in the local freight office. the people of the west and, Indeed, In so long of the whole country. They affect, The changes that the new governor will make official circles The Ladles' Aid society of the First directly or indirectly, many great as he appoints good men will undoubtedly meet with general approval. Methodist Episcopal church will business Interests. It Is the object of It Is quite probable, however, that as nearly all the territorial offices are meet at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow after this publication to explain Just what held by Hagerman appointees, who posed as reformers, there will be some- noon in the church parlors. they mean, what they are for, and what of a cry go up when some of these men are replaced. Any protest, Mrs. Mary Reed and son, Tom. wlli how to use theni.M however, will likely come from sources where no heed should be taken by leave tonight for their former home, The plates illustrating the little governor. Toledo, Ohio, where they will make a book are the following: McINTOSH the short Frontispiece. A HARDWARE protests will come those visit. national forest CO. To speak more plainly, about the only from Dr. J. B. Tiffany, from Arizona, which regulates water How, holds the men who desired to gain power In territorial politics by the dirty and under- government Inspector for the bureau soil, and furnishes timber and wood handed method of ruining the republican party and the republican leaders. f animal industry, is In the city on for mining. Plate 1. A forest fire. Albuquerque, New Mex. (I The republican party can not be injured by the appointment of decent, honest official business. The destruction of national wealth. republican officials to offices and it most certainly can not be In- Millions of dollars' worth of timber territorial Otto Dieckman and wife have sold going up In smoke on unprotected jured by the removal of men who aided the late fake reform movement In to Mellton S. Otero, lot 6, block "A," public and 1, domain.. Plate II. Wise use. an effort to disrupt the republican party and ruin Its leaders. The lot block "IV Park addition. The land logged with care and pro- republican papers of New Mexico have been actively declaring that there are Sale recorded today. tected from fire. The timber The Ladles' Aid of and no honest capable men in republican ranks. society the wood keep corning. Plate III. De- BOB BURDETTE GLAD Presbyterian church will meet with structive use. The land This on the face of it Is absurd. No party lines can divide honesty and Mrs. A. Wernlng. skinned, efficiency. It. 614 West Lead burned over, and left a barren waste. avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 Plate IV. Cattle in a national for- The people and the republican leaders of New Mexico know Governor o'clock. est. The range Is protected and TO LIVE IN WEST Curry and know him well. Mrs. R. H. Puckett, who recently wisely used. Plfttt V. Shepp In the They are satisfied that he will try to 'the best of h'U ability to carry but underwent a serious operation at St. national forest. All range Is put to the policy he has announced. Joseph's hospital, has returned to her its best use. Phtte VI. Forest rank- Hubert J. Burdette, the well known The Citizen notes that the. republican press and the republican leaders home and Is now on the road to re er raping his saddle horse. humorist and lecturer, was In Albu- covery. The 'Test. querque today for a few hours, leav generally are recognizing the fact that Governor Curry promises them and all ing on the limited tor the uramt people of a "square sup- A. A. Lemery, an Inspector for the The text treats of a great the the territory deal," and they should rally to his bureau of animal Industry, vaneiy Canyon. He was accompanied by Airs. port and make his task as easy as possible. Curry peo- arrived of subjects In relation to the national is or Governor knows the here last night from Navajo res In- uurdette, who the president the ple of New Mexico; the forests and treats of them in an United Federation of Women's he knows the conditions of New Mexico and he knows ervation where he has been on ont- - teresting manner. One of the least Clubs the Ins and outs of the recent Hagerman fiasco. No man is better suited to clal business. of the United States. understood uses of the forest reserves Mr. and Mrs. hold the executive office under present George Is set- Burdette have been Eclipse Lightning conditions thnn Curry. The deed was filed today In the sale that in regard to homestead visiting relatives In the east, spend- Wind Mills, Hay Presses, Walter A. Wood The Las Vegas Optic, a republican paper, commenting upon the same of a piece of land In precinct 13. by tlement and an extract Is here quoted ing some time in New York, Phila- subject has the following to say: narry u. Whiting and wife to Cur- which explains the attitude of the delphia, Chicago. I'eorla and other Mowers and Binders, Bain and Old Hickory wagons "The coming of Governor Curry, fresh from Inspiring presence of ios B. Romero for $375. forest service on this subject: points in east. the "When a national forest is created the ALL KINDS VEHICLES President Roosevelt, fully imbued with the doctrine of 'A Square Deal,' Lots 1. 2 and 3. block "E," Man-de- ll "1 wouldn t live in the east six 11. the home maker is not Interfered with means great good for New Mexico. Governor Curry knows conditions in and It. addition, have been weeks." Mr. Uurdette stated. "If I sold to C. B. Romero by W. W. in the least. In the first place, be- could live out for six hundred Write hi for the territory better most men who have spent lifetime Is here - than a here. He Strong and wife for a consideration fore the forest created, agricul- years afterwards. We visited a num Catalogue- lUiil Prices J.Korber&Co. knows the people and he knows their needs. He knows the politicians in of 110. Deed filed today. tural lands are carefully excluded ber of cities while on our trip, and Ail? parties. from the boundaries.- - hap- both He will need little of their advice. He will be the leader Esther Otero, daughter of Alfred It often each one was hotter, dustier and had and will be supported by every good citizen. 'I am a Roosevelt man and a pens, however, that there are little more cinders one Otero, who has been attending St. patches of agricultural lo- than the before. Taft man. I will be the governor of all the people, and will fill offices land so We are going to the Grand Canyon the Vincent's convent at Cincinnati, Is cated within the boundaries that It 1 with capable men and will select them from the republican party so long as expected to arrive In Albuquerque Impossible to for a long rest now. In cut them, out.. Such Mrs. Uurdette has the second finest I can find them there!' These are his words, and the men who know a few days to visit her parents. lands are open to settlement. Con- These Are George Cnrry says. gress collection of bells In the world, the know that he means Just what he Marlata Seenora, aged 58 years, has extended the homestead only one superior to tier's being in "Coming to office of chief executive of the territory with this from died at her home north of the" city, law, slightly modified, to the nation- the yesterday Paris, and she stopped over in Al- Carriage hls'own lips is a sufficient guarantee. The time has come for the republican afternoon. The funeral al forests. The homeseeker can buquerque In the hope of securing any was held at her late home today, in- travel all through a forest, pick out press of the territory to drop personal quarrels they may have with y. the old mission bell in the Indian terment In the Santa Barbara ceme-tar- the agricultural land he wants for a room Harvey to other newspapers and devote their energies to a hearty support of the new home, apply for It, have it listed, at the house, add Buying He has much to do If he puts capable men In all the offices upon It to her collection, owing to the size irovernor. Dr. Haynes and Don J. Rankin settle when listed, enter it, of the bell, however, she did not take he will necessarily Incur the enmity of all the Incapables he removes. He coun-ty- build his home, cultivate his fields, will leave tonight for Sandoval r patent it. The bell, by the way, is almost Days will Immediately become the target for villainous attacks from certain news- where Dr. Haynes has a ranch. It, and spend the rest of his priceless, it being one of the finest papers when he begins his campaign of housecleanlng and will need the solid They will take with them a number days there. The only thing he 'must specimens of the old Spanish mission support of the respectable press." of laborers to do some Improvement be careful about Is to obey the law bells, made by the monks, and "Is work. and take the land for a home, and not for other purposes. several hundred years old. Easy Terms Sheriff Charles C. Closson, of San- Speaking of the number of new- An upper on Chautauqua grounds "A national forest, then, does not set of false teeth discovered the Plasa ta Ke, is In Kslancla, where he took In comers in the west, Mr. Burdette and day Hryan party visited resort may or may the least shut out real settlement. he wad making himse.lf the after the of democrats that Gabriel Romero, a convict from the It encourages It. The more settlers, stated that not be significant, says the St. Louis Globe Democrat. Mr. Bryan, we pre- territorial penitentiary, who Is a wit- the more men on hand to fight fires, wealthy by gambling, despite the fact Low Prices filling, ness In the case against Domingo that he is a minister of the gospel. sume, would rather put in a plate than gold though a plate. If it fit the better protection the forest will Do you badly, a greater cross even cross of gold, on Rryan Valles, charged .with killing Colonel get, "When I have otraslon to inquire Intend baying a. vehicle te enjoy the summer montha? If you Is than the which Mr. Chaves. and the better and fuller will a direction." he said. "I wager my- do don't pass us by. We don't urge you to buy an expensive vehicle baa sworn that no man should crucify himself. We are not advised as to be the use of all its resources." we have many good styles range Ambroslo Candelarla, for whom a The closing of self five dollars that the person I ask within the of modest Incomes. the condition of Mr. Bryan's teeth, though recent events have indicated that new paragrahps the book is a stranger, and I have lost only Top Buggies, Runabouts, Stanhopes, Surreys and Spring Wagons of we modern dwelling has been re- voice an appeal for men to enter the away both his eye teeth and his wisdom teeth are missing. Nor are better cently completed in this city. Is now forest service. one bet in eight years." all kinds. Don't stay because you are not rich. Come and see Informed of conditions in the mouths of the gentlemen accompanying him on In Sprlngervllle, Ariz., and will visit After spending some time at the us. that now famous cruise. Our suspicion that the plate belongs to one of the White mountains with his family Men Wanted. Grand Canyon Mr. and Mrs. Burdette party rests wholly upon the evidence that, during on a fishing trip before returning "The national forests need more will return to Pasadena. that circumstantial the men. While the present are Albuquerque Carriage Co. voyage party. In political conference, to Albuquerque. salaries the entire invited a dental dislocation too low In many cases, they are con- bjr biting off more than they could chew. Dr. D. C. Labbe, special represen- stantly being Card signs, "Rooma Tor Bent" Corner TJJeras Road. tative of the Occidental Insurance Increased as funds are "Board," etc.. for sale a the office of First and company, n available. For those who like a hard The Evening Cltlr.en. returned from extended active Ivfe In the open the work is The language is rather crude but thre Is more sense than poetry in the business trip through Arizona last Ideal. The kind of men wanted are following from the Tucumcarl News: "If things don't happen to come your night. He has been away six weeks those who will Albuquerque Council No. 641, and succeeded In writing much new do their work because way. don't sit down like a bullfrog with, the bellyache and blubber about It. company. they like It and will stick to It with KnighU of Columbu9, will meet at Tank off your coat and go to work, and In a short time you won't find any business for the the intention of working up in the their hall on West Gold avenue to- hard times. The world has no use for a croaker anyway. Other men have There Is a persistent rumor abroad service. The chances to go ahead aie morrow, Wednesday, evening at 8 own. want to be burdened with yours. you that a popular clerk In one of the excellent. o'clock. Andrew Jackson Chair troubles of their and don't If local banks Is about to spring a mat- "Supervisors and rangers are ap- are worth three hurrahs In hades stop croaking and get a hustle on, brace up upon rimonial surprise his friends. pointed only after civil service ex- Subscribe The Evening Citlaen. till you show your collar button; be a man; get up and hump yourself with a Whether this Is true or not the aminations. They must be residents for vigorous and unanimous hump, and then when you meet your fellow man. young man has been seen looking at of the state or territory In which the The historical "Old Hick- Instead of pouring out a pitiful tale of woe you can tell him that even if vacant cottages and consulting with national forest s situated and be- you're not getting rich you're at least making an honest living, and are as tradesmen in the housecleanlng line. tween the uses of 21 and 40. The ory" Chair. good a man as he or anyone else. President Ripley, of the Santa Fe, examinations are usually held once Call 597 arrived In the city lust night in hi a year. They are very practical up private car which was attached to The life a man has led. When in need of .anythirig in the Light, The report of Referee C. V. Safford in the Investigation of the accounts irain No. 1. Ford Harvey, general what Is his actual training and ex- comfortable, durable f former Superintendent of Penitentiary Hon H. O. Uursum Is a complete manager of the Harvey system, ac- perience in rough outdoor work in ISAKKRY fig- companied the west, counts for more than any- LINE and esrecia!ly adapted to hard and fair accounting, says the C'lovls News, and shows In unmlstakenble him. The party left for thing Is Mr. terri- the Grand Canyon, where President else. Lumbermen, stockmen, French Bakery Co. 202 E. R.H.Ave. ures that the territory Indebted to Itursum lnsteud of he to the cow-boy- miners, and like are service. tory, as was announced during the Hagerman regime. Traveling Auditor Itiplcy has an appointment to meet the the Secretary of the Interior James Gar- kind wanted. Safford Is an expert accountant, and has no doubt given a fair and Impartial field. "Information about the examina- accounting, therefore the people of the territory who are not prejudiced in Thi Indiana rlub met at the home tions can be obtained only from llie matter are willing to accept his report which is a complete vindication civil service commission, Washington, C. the of Mrs. Charles Palmer on south Arno D. F. Allen of a man who stands high with the people and his party. street, last evening, about fifty mem- C." , ... - bers attending. The lawn was dec- Price . . orated with Japanese lanterns and Galvanized Cornices, Sky ,V$2.75 An Ohio man swore out a writ of habeas corpus to regain possession of the program, consisting of readings his mother-in-la- As Hyron well said: "Truth is strange stranger than from James Whltcomb Riley and to fiction." other Indiana authors, was given, AT Rocker match 3.25 though the light Hhowera caused an j and storage DELAYS TRAINS m i ! Filipinos to adjournment to the pretty parlors of is 1 Archbishop Harty, of Manila, advises the devote themselves the Fulimr home, . Tanks, Hot to "honest, patient, humble labor," and none of them lias yet asked for his Come recall. Word was received today that the Air Furnaces, and see our line of .... committee appointed from Sandoval Owing to a washout on the Ari- county to act in conjunction with the zona division of the Santa Fe, pas- Tin Roofing, OLD HICKORY FURNITURE Senator Tillman will doubtless consider the act of s Michigan lunatic In territorial reception cunimlttte will senger train No. 2. due here this holding up a train with a pitchfork a ruthless Invasion of his personal rights. Join the Albuquerquo de.egatlon here morning at 7 .Zl, will not arrive un- Guttering, etc. tonight and accompur.y it to Santa til late this evening. No. 4. due at Fe tomorrow. The members of the 6:5U, ami No. s, due at till), will also General Jobbing Wm. J. ISryan has announced that he will run for the presidency again, committee are: Ale.iiindro Sandoval, be late tnis evening. ALBERT FABER'S and it must be admitted that there Is no law against such a course. M. C. De llaca, Cgndldo Gonzales, The washout did no great amount t'amlido M. Sandovil, and Bonifacio of damage further than washing Montoya. The committee will be ac- away a large of 308-31- 0 A long as runs Kentucky may ex- amount the roadbet, W. Central Avenue .. Staab Building the democratic party Caleb Powers companied by a delegation of San- which is being tilird in iwJay. .No 305 West Gold pect to serve a life sentence while waiting for a trial. doval county people. unu w as hurt. ALBUQUERQUE UTONISMT. AVf.rVT 7. 1M7. EVEN1K0 CITIZEN.

TiTiiiTiixxxirxxxrxninit LINE WILL KENNEL CLUB GIVE AUTO STAGE TO ENGINEER ARRESTED WE FILL 0 B. RUPPE AT VALLEY RANCH PRESCRIPTIONS RIGHT BENCH SHOW EOR BLOCKING At Consistent 203 WEST RAILROAD AVE- The Valley ranch on the Pecos has NUE NEXT TO BANK OF become a famous place for spending Prices COMMERCE. AT FAIR CROSSING the summer and hundreds of people have enjoyed the Meal climate, fine fishing and other sports and the first class accommodations afforded 5 there. The following are now at the Three Big Machines Will Be Organization Was Perfected Central Avenue Closed For lanch: E. S. Kates, Rochester. X. T.: Pnr-n- n Gallons Purchased From New Last Night and Many 33 Atlnutes by Big F. Marschall, Germany; Mrs. J. J. Where to Dtne Well Hauckett, Sheboygan, Wis.; John York. Plans Adopted. Locomotive. Hauchett. Sheboygan, Wis.; Alexia - of Durant. Minneapolis, Minn.; A. H. Santa Fe Restaurant Quetschke. Toledo, O. ; T. L. Rosseau, W, M.; C, Open Day and Night. (( X. M., response to Issued by Engineer M. Riley, of A. Rosseau. Estancia, X. A. X. Garrett, Estancia. In the call the Santa H. Vose. Portland, Me.; Mrs. C. A. GASSOLINE oif promoters of the stage Col. D. K. 11. Dr. Fe, will be arraigned one the Selleia and James this afternoon (low, Miss Daisy Huntzinger, Mrs. Meals at all Hours. First Class Service Private line from this city to Estancia and H. Wroth, a number of local busi- before Justice of the Peace George M.; men, Craig 6 on Arthur Welnzer, Albuquerque, X. WlJlard. said this morning tuat tne ness owners of valuable dog, at o'clock the charge of Ivicland Singleton, Cocoa, Fla.; S. W. Dining Rooms in Connection. Fresh Lobsters ' for new company Is desirous of carrying met last night at Dr. Wroth's oftice blocking a pttbllc thoroughfare with A, Cope, Albuquerque, the mail belwen the cities and that in the Barnett building and organized his engine. The complaint made Is Wemhauner, and Blue Point Oysters Received Daijy. Riley N. M.; J. H. Dressel. Kane, III.; Miss , Col. iuncan McGllvray, a member the Albuquerque Kennel club, Dr. that kept engine No. Dremel, Kane, III.; Miss of the company, who is now serving Wroth being elected president and standing on the tracks on Centraltill Adelaide tol will r p. yes- Florence Lelddlgh, Spearvllle, Kan.; Savoy on a jury at Estancia, leave I Col. Sellers, secretary. avenue from 3:10 to 3:45 m. Mrs. E. A. N. Under $1.35 soon as blocking thirty-f- Nothumb, Albuquerque, New York as released fiom The following are objects for terday, thus traffic for M.; B. Putney, Albuquerque, X. Jury duty to buy three big stace auto- - the ive minutes. I. C. E. SUNTAAGG, Proprictof which club la organized; M.; Mr. Mrs. H. Fes-sende-n At mkbilea for use on the route from liis the A business man who lives In tho and J. city to Estancia. Mr. McGllvray is To stand by all owners of good Highlands, said today: and family, Tampa, Fla.; Dr. and an automobile expert and ne win dogs. "Complaints against the blocking Mrs. F. B. Porter, New Windsor, visit New York In order to person- To prosecute any party, or parties, of this crossing by Santa Fe trains Colo.; Miss Elva Moorman, Albuquer- MALOY'S que, See-mull- ally Inspect the various makes anJ who place poison In their own as well have been so numerous for many X. M.; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. decide on the best. as othfr perrons' yards, thereby caus- years that It la only In extraordinary Albuquerque, X. M.; James odccooccccoc Reed, Santa Fe; Mr. Mrs. A. He will follow the autos to Albu ing the death of dogs. cases, or where the person making and T. To provide a means of' destroying the complaint Is more than usually Hayden and family, Santa Fe, X. M.; querque In order to see that they Xolan Williams, Albuquerque, M. come straight through, as the com all unlicensed dogs. exasperated by long waits, that action X. Convenience - Comfort - Security pany wants to begin operations by Not to raise the dog licenses, but ta taken. The police force would to employ a competent peundmaster ordinarily be compelled to arrest the opening of the territorial fair. to catch unlicensed dogs and to ccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccooyzo new company will be all bout forty train and englnemen a The known protect licensed dogs from death at day If the complaints against them telephone makes TIm telephone as the AlbuquerqueEstancIa Auto- unscrupulous persons. . The the company, will supply the hands of for blocking this crossing an unrea- M. L. SCHUTT mobile and it To ask the city council to establish sonable length of time were all con- .datlee lighter, the oaree lees yonr prolongs Ufa Its passengers with the best service a higher tax on 219 Sooth health, jrour ftTTTTTTTTTTTTMTTTTTTTTTT possible, increasing 'ail female, dogs. sidered. 2nd Stnat accommodations To arange for a bench show at "Central avenue Is the Drlnelnnl and the worries fewer. and protects your boioe. OCOOC)OCXXXXXXXOW300CXXXXOt ai rapidly as circumstances permit. the territorial fair. thoroughfare into the east part of Real Loans White the machine are oeing select Upon Maynard a city Is say Etate and B X ed, the road through Tijeras canyon motion of Gunsul the and It safe to that It ' commltte of three consisting of M. Is used more than any other street Agent for will be cleared and levelled. E--. Hlckeye Roy Stamns and Dr. J. H in the city except possibly Second and TOU Et. A TELEPnO.VK IX TOUR HOMfc Each of the new . machines will Wroth waa appointed to- up part or lying ' 1 carry passengers they draw' a the Central between Travelers' Insurance Co., seven and .will set by-la- 250 of for the club. First and Third. . be in charge of an expert chauffeur. I Corn- - THE COLORADO TELEPHONE CO. 5 X Another committee . of three waa "People who desire to cross the tttent. Pleased People Mail Contract, appointed to draft an ordinance cov- tracks must make allowance for at Life and Accident, OSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSl 5 o The promoters are desirous of se ering the matter of dog poisoning, to least ten minutes delay there, as a Every Day at curing a mail contract to handle the be submitted to the city council at rule, for It Is seldom that a train Is The Str ongest Company malls from this city to Esmncia, wu-lar- d ita next meeting. This committee was not switching or moving there. It Writing Insur- R and other valley towns and as also Instructed to name a responsi seems to be a rule that all south Acc'dent Ua the time will be greatly shortened ble poundmaster, suggest a means of bound freights shall stop when about ance in the World. by means of this route over the pres- disposing of worthless dogs and oth- nan tneir lengths cross the street, 8 ent mail route, there is little doubt er ma'tarj of importance. thus blocking the crossing for some UCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) FLF SCREENS Columbus but that the business men of thlj Ilench Show. minutes. Its time something was .' to secure mall done to stop the nuisance. I don't 8 city will be able the The project of having a bench show Door screens as strong as an ordinary door at prices that efy j service when the line starts, opera- blame this engineer more than oth- eastern-mad- a screen doors In both strength price. Motel' at the territorial fair was discussed ers probably did blocking and Window tions. with Interest by the persons present and he the P. screens that are as strong as a door at 7 cents per foot at the 290 Sold. because ms work compelled him to Matteucci Ticket. at the meeting jam night. There are but the railroad should make other There was no difficulty at all In about fifty hlgh-re- d dogs here own- arrangements. by FIRST CLASS SHOEMAKER securing the sale of more tickets than ed citizens of Albuquerque "Thlch j SUPERIOR PINNING MIli7 SOCORRO DELEGATION the company asked. have been offered as a starter on the A NO REPAIRER REE OUR NEW BRICK BUILDING dog show at fair. A" number, Five hundred pieces of The following is the list of those the of new outing pretty who tickets and tne out or town dog fanciers have ex- flannel, patterns. OffsTsTM tOS l0"COeCOOeXDsOeDe subscribed for pressed best 12 he quality, to be on sale Fri- MONT, North rirot IN CITY TODAY number taken: their desire to enter blooded day, AugU'1 p. 1; A. Hubbs, animals In the show and when the 9th, at 2:30 m.. at the Harry T. Johnson, J. price 9 cents per 3: H. E. Sherman, 2; Nick Bbbetts, matter Is given sufficient publicity no low of yard. Gol 2; W. It. Held, 2; Thelln Bros., z; doubt a large number of exhibitors den Rule Dry Goods Co. Eastman Kodaks I Kiilliu-tlu.-rt- 2; would e Supplies Finishing for Amateurs, Fifty lc IVtofilc Went to Benham Indian Trading company, attracted. HENRY'S Perfecto ArmiJo. sheriff. 2; W. H. J. W. Brauer, who will be the li loan Kodaks free. Santu I'e lYoni That County Cobb, 2; Arthur Everltt, 2; Dr. John censed horse starter at the fair, will Highland Livery to See Gov. Curry F. Pearce, 2; Dr. C. W. Taylor Gooi-ma- n, bright eight or ten, thoroughbred reg- HAWLEY 2; Dr. WMlliam Belcher, 2; A- istered Boston terriers and Scotch - collies to On the Corner Cleaning Pressing lbright and Anderson, 2: W. P. Mel- exhibit at the show, but not Saddle horses a specialty. Best Leading and Works The Socorro county delegation to calf, 2: W. P. Johnson, 2: Jaffa Gro- to compete for .prizes. Mr. Brauer drivers In the city. Proprietors of The Stationer. wil two the inauguration arrived In this city cery company, 2; Nash Electric Sup offer handsome cups as prizes "Sadie," the plcnio wagon. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothes, Cleaned, ply company. 2; John . biKes, i. for the best Boston terrier and Scotch this morning' on train No. 10 at 6:30 Standard Plumbing and Heating come owned by New Mexicans, ex BAMBROOK BROS. TTTX xixxxixxrxxxxxximux Pressed and Repaired. Goods Called for Wag- hiblted B9& 112 C o'clock, and after breakfasting at the company, 2; J. W. Palmer, 2; at the fair. Phone .lohn Street Tne Par Ulan Out-of-tow- Alvarado, proceeded on north to the ner Hardware company, 2; E. C. But F. N. McCloskey, of Estancia, who and Delivered. n Orders Given ler, 2: A. Borders, I; L,evy Brothers, attended the meeting last night, of- capital. There were fifty peo Prompt s- -t about 2; J. M. Ortega, 4; Frank H. Strong, fered to enter his pedigreed Pitt bull Wm. Wallace McClellan Beauty Parlors ttention ple In the party, including the most 2; George K. Neher, 2; J. Moore dog and puppies for the bench shnur representative of 2; The meeting was adjourned 120 men and women Healty company United States to meet Justice of Peace, Precinct No. 12 South Fourth St. LET US CALL FOR YOUR CLOTHES that county. Socorro furnished the marshal's oliice. 10: H. Yanow, 5: Saturday evening in the tnrrltnrial party H. C. Paulsen, 6; Moore ticket of- fair association rooms over the Zelger ALBUQUCRQUC, N. M. Hair Dressing Fclal Masaj larger number but in the were fice, 5; 60; Mc cafe to hear the reports com MRS. ROSE HENRY, Albuquerque, N. Mex. representatives of San Marclal, Mag- - First National bank, of the Notary Public Shampooing Electroloeli intosh Hardware .company, 5; Dye mittees. Scalp Trcitment I09-11- 1 W. Silver, Rear Savoy dalena and Ban Antonio, and Kaseman, 5; Whitney company, Manicuring Hotel. Tel. 480 la the party . vre, J..S. Fullerton, - . Collections made at Korber Building 124 Children's Hair Catting former captain of the moiinted po- 10; Learnard and- lilnrtemanti, 5: Fuller-ton- , Ernest Myers & Co.t 10; Bank of MONEY FOR .N. Second Street From 9 to 12 a. m. lice, and his brother, W. K. 1; ARMORY We a JSi Commerce, 80; B. Ruppe, J. F. manufacture all kinds well known rancher; J. Sulzer, 1; Blanchard Meat and Supply and 2 to 4 p. m. of Ladies' Hair Goods. Com- Torres, Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Martin, company plete line Pompa- Mr. Mrs. J. K. Griffith, Mr. anil and San Jose Market, 5; of Switches, and Blttner--tam- m company, B; E". SHE IS AVAILABLE dour?, Wigs, C. T. Noble, of Fruit Residence 723 N. rourth St. Puffs, etc. Mrs. Brown, Prof. L. Washburn company, 6; Morning We carry a complete line the School of Mines, and his son; of C. O Journal. 5; F. E. Sturgess, 5; Simon Alleen Berg's Celebrated Mrs. F. Blackington, Mrs. H. Ci- Creams Bursum, wife of the mayor of So Stern, 5; Uothenberg and Sohloss In the matter of purchasing the and Tonics, which are corro; Baca, a well gar company, 5; Occidental Life In- site for the proposed 7.600 armory Consult a Reliable Dentist especially prepared for this Leanuro known company, 6: climate. patronage re- officer; E. E. Baoa. Estavan Baca, surance State National iur mo jocai companies ox the New Tour Is 11 bank, lo; Montezuma Trust com- Mexico national guard It was misr- - spectfully solicited. W. F. Fullerton. E. H. Sweet. pany, 15. Full Set of Teeth California Ureyfus, 1). Buca, A. E. Green, Jose gested today by Major Ruppe that 1" The following, one ticket each: $2,250 be taken from the fund mih- - Gold Filling $1.50 up Garcia, A. C. and Abran Abeyta, M. A. Mr. Sanchez, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ortega, F. Lvon. F. R. Wendell, scribed by the citizens for a smelter Gold $0 and Mrs, James Slaughter, E. A. Drake, editur of the Socorro Fleischer, Williams Druir Co., M. P. site, am used for the purchase of $8 A. M. A. Painless Extracting,. .50o Chieftain: A. C. Caugote, and A. H Sawtelle. B. Stroup, Ross, F. me tnree lots on Silver avenue and Proprietors H. Mitchell. J. H. Cox, J. W. Ander- Fifth street, the site decided upon Hilton and wife, the latter coupie GCAR-AM'EE- "XiriXXXXXXTTTTTTTTTTTT being son. Maynard Gunsul, J. T. ny tne armory site committee. This AlXi WORK AHKOHTKLY from San Antonio. Hev. W. W. Havens, John would do away Excursions It was an enthusiastic delegation with the necessity of every one of the party being a hearty Borradalle, T. C. De Shon, F. J. canvassing the city for additional Every Tuesday, Thurs- Curry supporter and all eager to see Houston company and E. C. Whit-so- n. suosoriptlons and would hasten mat- Yctir Credit is Good him Inaugurated. ters In regard to the erection of the day and Saturday during armory considerably. with Special: Five hundred pieces of June, July, August new outing flannel, pretty patterns, Itl'Cl TALK. E. MAHARAM FINED FOR JUMPING best 12'4c quality, to be on sale Fri- Clothe your family on and September :: day, August Sth. at 2:30 p. m., at the Everybody buys rugs. But do you $1.00 low price of 9 cents per yard. Gol- buy a seamless? Futrelle Furniture TRS. COPP and PETTIT. per week ON AND OFF GARS den Uulu Dry Goods Co. company. IIOOM 12, N. T. AltMIJO UI.IKl. Return Limit Nov. e ate Woot Control 30 Polishes and dressings for black, Bring us your jotj --ryont. Prices Telesfor Chavez, an employe of the tan, brown, white. plnK, blue and the very lowest and the work will Extremely Low Rates Alvarado lunch room, was arraigned gray shoes at C. May's Shoe store, stand Inspection anywhere. Business before Police Judge Craig this morn 314 West Central avenue. j and calling cards a specialty. ing on the charge of Jumping on and Los Angeles and Return $35 oft the cars In front of the Alvarado. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced San Diego, Coronado and JlH to pay a tine of $5 or serve live days Return . In jail. The sentence was suspended University of New Mexico I $35 during good behavior. THE VALLEY RANCH San Francisco and Return $45 4 DEEDS FILED FOR If ytta want to get to a cool place In a Inirry, wire us at Glor-let- a, X. M., telling us what train you will take and conic on up. COLLEGE, ENGINEERING. NORMAL PRE-- Our wagon will meet yon. I I RECORD TUESDAY TIo round trip fare to Glorletu lt $5.60: the Mage fare to the PARATORY ranch fet $1 and the rate at the ranch is $H per week. AND COMMERCIAL COURSES I w see you good I William Farr and wife to Charles We ill try to that have a time. The is Chess, lot 3, block 16, Hunlng'i good,. HiKhiand addition, $850. 8 1 Tomas Garcia y Candelarla to To mas y Sanchez, piece of land THE VALLEY RANCH Pecos, New Mexico (nw N- R.T liarcla 0 Nn Tuition . - . C..J . D J i in precinct No. 4, liitia. tt wiuucuu. ooara ana David Esperidior Salaz and wife to a Poslta De lilassis de Martin, piece Room on the College Campus. Term Begins Mon- - of land In old Albuaueruue, 90. Get Ftill rom Clara Alexander and husband to m day, August 19, 1907. Particulars Entimio Mares, piece of land lying 1. T. E. PURDY, Agent norm or the city or Albuquerque, tit.Clara Alexander and husband to 4 Cecilia Baca de Arniljo. piece of land north of City of Albuquerque, ISO t PROF. HARRY ARCHER W. G. TIGHT, President Safety of the Checking Account CRYSTAL THEATRE In When you pay your bills by check, you carry no muney Cor. Stcoad St. and Load Avo. Dare-Dev- on your person, it is net necessary. Your money is safe in il Acts On the Bank. Roller Skates You can write out a check for the ! amount you wish to MOVING PICTURES and ILIUS REMEMBER pay you check against your money in the Hank. TRATED SONGS Your book is Thursday, I Guarantee every check of no value to anyone The checks pair you issue are good only to the party to whom they are made. M: Friday, of GLASSES I Fit to be We offer exceptional facilities for both large and small Views of TarR accounts. . Saturday Cor-lmi-'s ItaiiKlitt-r- We solicit your account. Ixe Ixtter. and Sunday Nighti ABSOLUTELY CORRECT llerrlnff I to. THE BANK OF Golden hut C. M. COMMERCE Admission, lO Cts CARNES, O. D. 1I.H-.T- H MTU --.OVf.t Hi! Albuquerque, New Mexico. M.M Skates, - 23 Cts At YANOWS, II4W. Central My Irl-J- i Id." CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $200,000 I-- r Olil Wile," "ol and Comfortable. I'k-nt- of W. PATTERSON 45 Minutes of AiiiuxiiK-iit- . I i verv' BtjfirtUnLr fcit-c- - t I - 311-31- nnd 3 WeM illr Avenue, TtU plK.ue 57. lOu A I rniHwion lUo AI.KlVl tltQl i:, XEW MEXICO. Citizen Vant Ads for Results TV

ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN. PAGE SIX. WEDXFRDAV. AIT.rsT T, 1W. SHEEP RECEIPTS THIS FAMOUS PRIMA DONNA CAN Territorial r SING ONLY WHEN SISTER IS NEAR Topics MONTEZUMA TRUST CO. EXCEEDINGLY New Tork, August 7. Strange Is ALBUQUERQUE - the slory of the Abbott sisters of Burglar are neiln playing pranks nsw Mexico Iji.'sie, the famous young soprano about Raton residences. wlih the Metropolitan opera coni-- I unj'i and ct her twin sister, Jessie. A new bottling plant has been es- SMALL ItefSie Abbott, whose success as a tablished at Raton, N. M. It occu- Capital and Surplus. i. Hum doinj has stirred the musical pies a two-stor- y brick building. $iou,ooo world to the Intensest admiration, ad- W mits that she Is a Trilby In real life, i' The new $40,000 theater nt Daw- pres- Is It open- uid that without the immediate I. son completed and will be Both Beef and Mutton Short ence and Inspiration of her sister she 3 N ed on August 25, by the Wolfe Stock c.ipiioi strip. company. Kansas City This Maiepunt was occasioned by at the fact that Jessie Abbott was re- Typhoid cases are Increasing In . INTEREST ALLOWED ON ported as engaged to marry James G. :.; i j 1 4T Thy Hlshee. Arizona, as the rainy season SAVINGS DEPOSITS Stockyard. Ulalne HI. is progresses and it seems probable that "1 believe It the proper thing for this season will produce the usual a singer to be a married woman," number of cases. Kansas City, Mo.. August 7. A said the prima donna, whose age Is large reduction in cuttle receipts last 22, and who alternates with Mme. ?h . 4 A Michigan scientist wants a sup- week. as compared with the previous Sembrlch, "for without marriage Bhe y ply of sheep fleas for experimental QleMMMBMBMMriMajsiiliii .q week, enabled salesmen to secure ad- will not be able to acquire the purposes. He offered $3 per 100 for vances on all kinds, ranging from 10 broadest view of lite. Hut 1 don't them In Arlzon and was nearly bank to 25 cents. The supply Is 15.000 to- want Jessio to get married. My suc- rupted Inside of an hour. day, several thousand less than was cess is half hers, and without her expected, and the market Is firm. A undivided sympathy 1 can have none Ambrosio Lecanna, the man want- feature lately Is the strong demand at all. - ed for the murder of a Mexican girl FIRST NATIONAL BANK for country grades, this class show- Sister Always Pn-weii- t. : In the mountains near the Coronado ing most advance last week, and sup- "From my tirst appearance on the mine In Graham county, Arizona, on ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO plies below actual requirements. One stage Jessie has always been in the m July 19, Is reported In custody at train of medium class Colorado audience. Even if I uid not see her 1 Globe. stackers came in last week, and sold knew that she was there. I knew orriCKR and Dimmcronm every sang. I at 13.85, but the movement from the she followed note I Juan Mendoza, a native at Tucson, JOSHUA 8. RATNOLD8 west Is not started as yet. A train of knew she would help ine whenever .Vav. . Arizona, was riding In his wagon at Prealdamt the Parsons beef steers are expected there came a difficult passage of ! V. Vr MWX v.,- V '. 'AW .u that place Monday when lightning M. W. FLOURNOY vie Prldnt today or tomorrow, which will give a which 1 might be the least bit struck and killed his mules and so FRANK UcKBI Caahlar pretty good line on the market as afraid." stunned Mendoza that he Is still In a R. compared with last year: they are And then the brilliant young so- comatose condition. A. FROST AaaUUnt Caahler expected to sell at $4.75 to 5.00, if prano, blooming with health and H. F. RATNOLDI Director as represented. Top fed steers today spirits and the Joy of life, admitted Louis Basurtz and Miss Hannah sold at $7.15 and bulk of grass cattle with engaging frankness that she King were married at Phoenix. Ari- u. m' from native territory brought $4.60 herself is to be married this fall, but zona, Sunday night, the ceremony omomiTtmrr to $5.60, native feeders up to $5.75. the name of the husband-elec- t she MIsm ncaslo Abbott. Who Is L! was very quiet, hut later the groom's Antnorlied Capital tGO6,0W.M bulk of stockers and feeders $3.75 would not disclose. Trilby. friends contributed - most unusual Paid Up Capital, Sarpluj aod Profits to $5.15. grass cows $2.65 to $4.25. And what does the other sister say lot of noise to the affair. $25,000.H to strange psycho- heifers up to $4.75. bulls $2.60 of this problem in to Deaesltory Atchlsaa, Topeka 4 Santa Fa hallway Cemsaiy $3.50, veal calves 25 to" 50 cents logy? the psychic sympathy of her d At Prescott, Arizona, the second fr higher than a week ago, at $4.50 to Proud of SlsU-r- . voted sister? victim of the dangerous hydrophobia $6.25. Receipts from quarantine terri- Does she realize the influence Those who watched Bessie Abb skunk within two months, J. H. Lee, tory one as heavy sister, says is exerted over sing during In- are only about half which her the late season of the JpSHtC Is now speeding to the Pasteur as during July and volume of supply her? Metropolitan Opera company may not Ml AI)lMtt, WIlOMP Ir'sciux! stitute at Chicago In hopes of coun- from that section will continue mod- "It is not enough that Bessie Is have observed the fact, but every KucrclHes .Such a Itt'inarkiiblo teracting the deadly tetanus germs. erate till the close of the season, in successful," declares Jessie Abbott. night the young prima donna was Influence on Her Famous October. "1 want her to be great. When she billed to sing a girl sat In an incon- Sister. The DuQuesne Mining company, Sliwp Receipts Small. is singing I think and think, and spicuous piace near the stage. which Is doing business in Pima Sheep receipts are extremely somehow, I don't know how, I can't This was Jessie Abbott. With county, Arizona, at what Is known a small, only 14.000 head here last help knowing in advance when any- burning eyes she gazed upon the Robert McOovern and Cort Washington camp, has seemingly A BANK FOR week, and 2500 here today. The thing is to be hard for her. I feel beautiful young sister whenever she Qulckel In feats of long and high gotten Itself Into a peck of trouble market made gains at the close of and know when anything is wrong appeared, her hands clasped In front jumping on roller skates at rink by Importing Mexican laborers under last week and Is firm today, top and then all my sympathy for her of her, her face Immovable, watching Tuesday night. Admission, includ contract to work its mining claims. lambs $7.65, Colorado spring lambs goes out. Perhaps she sees it in my every note that fell from the singer's lng skates, 20c; ladies free. today at $7.60, Colorado ewes $5.20, eyes. But I think It Is because she lips. ' S. C. Pandolfo. well known In the top Is so I native ewes $5.50, wethers worth unselfish and wishes that had It was her alter ego, ever faithful, We always Keep up the highest Mesllla valley, and a few years ago up to $5.85. and yearlings $6.25. A become as great as she Is that she ever sympathetic, ever potent. principal of the Las Cruces public ALL THE PEOPLE In gives me her standard in quality, style and finish bad break eastern mutton markets credit for success." In appearance the sisters are much in our root wear and give values that schools, has been appointed superin- last week was almost unobserved Bessie Abbott has sung before alike, but in temperament of agents for the western de- kings queens as far will appeal to you. We are offering tendent here, as the outlet to other sections and and has been dec- separated as the poles. Bessie is setter shoes for the same money than partment for the Missouri State Life ALL THE TIME from this point has been sufficient to orated by potentates. Best of all, vivacious, full of life, spirits, energy you can buy from others, not the Insurance company. absorb all that came at strong prices. she has won from Prof. Oallhard the and thirst for achievement. Jessie Is same shoes for less money, as our A few Arlzonaa were Included last greatest honor of all a declaration quiet, abnormally timid, shy State of Ohio, city or Toledo, na- Is greatest and shoes have distinctive features that week, but supplies were mostly that she the operatic Juliet shrinking from all contact with the will make them comfortable fitters Lucas County. sa. tives. There is a strong Inquiry for the world has ever known, world. Music her only passion that and substantial wearers. Give them a Frank J. Chenney makes oath that he stock and breeding stuff, and this All to Her. and the Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. 0vr musical success of her trial. C. May's shoe store, 314 West Cheney ft Co., doing business In the would sell almost on the same basis How much of this success was due i STATE as mutton grades. central avenue. City of Toledo, County and State afore- NATIONAL BANK said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each ALBUQUERQUE HAlIt DRESSER ATO CHIROPO and every case of Catarrh that cannot ASKS FOR DIVORCE APPROVAL OF NEW LARGE PROPERTY be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh 2nd and Cold DIST. Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. 2nd and Cold Mrs. Bambini, at her parlors oppo- Sworn to before me and subscribed in site the Alvarado and next door to my presence, this 6th day of December, SOON AFTER WEDDING FORM OF LEASES INVOLVED IN WILL Sturges' cafe, is prepared to give a. j. m thorough scalp treatment, do hair A. W. OLE A BON, dressing, treat corns, bunions and In- (Seal.) Notary Public. 7. Santa Fe, N. M., August 7. Com- growing massage Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally Santa Fe, N. M., August The will of Henry I. Llndemann, nails. She gives and acts directly on the blood and mu- Drunkenness and abuse are the alle- missioner of Public Lditids Robert P. deceased, was approved by treatment and manicuring. Mrs. cous surfaces of the system. Send for GROSS, KELLY gations set forth in the bill of par- Ervlen has been notified of the ap- Probate Bambini s own preparation of com testimonials free. & CO., INC. ticulars in a divorce case brought by proval by the department of the in- Judge Jesus Romero yesterday and plexlon cream builds up the skin and F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Props., Mrs. Belle Hutchln Blackmer against terior of the new blank forms of Mrs. Frieda Scottl. widow de- Improves the complexion, Is Toledo, Ohio. of the and Take Hall's Family Pills for her husband, Frank W. Blaokmer, leases for territorial lands which ceased, was appointed executrix. She guaranteed not to be Injurious. She docketed In the district court of San were prepared about three months prepares a cures filed her Inventory of estate to- also hair tonic that Juan county. Attorney E. S. White- ago during the Incumbency of Com- the and prevents dandruff and hair fall- head of Aztec, appears as counsel for missioner of Public Lands A. A. day and In behalf of Hortense Llnde- ing out; restores life to dead hair; plaintiff. Keen. The territorial land office has mann, Wholesale Grocers the Attorney S. Burkhart filed an removes moles, warts and superfluous Mrs. Blackmer In addition to a been practically tied up during the objection, hair. Massage treatment by THE of the marriage seeks the Interim as nothing could be done rel- stating that $12,000 worth vibrator to of shares In the machines. For any blemish of the restoration of her former name of ative the leasing of public lands Blanke Tea and face, call and consult Mrs. Bambini Mrs. Belle Hutchln. She was mar- belonging to the territory pending Coffee company should have been in- Wool. Hide and Pelt Dealers ried once before, her first husband the approval or disapproval of the cluded In the Inventory. As riled the Mexican Central having According to com- new lease blanks. Inventory Included a half interest In Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's died. the the The plaint Mrs. Hutchln and Mr. Black- Mr. Ervlen states that he has re- Learnard and Llndemann muBic "Health Coffee" at our store. If real mer were married at Aztec, on March ceived a large number of applications store and other property making a coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Standard Railway of Mexico 21, this year. Soon after their mar- for leases of grazing and agricultural total of $5,700 valuation. The defend- Heart or Kidneys, then try this clever ALBUQUERQUE AND LAS riage the wife avers that her husband lands, especially in the eastern part ant, Mrs. Scottl, proved to the satis- Coffee Imitation. Dr. Shoop has Traverses the Republic VEGAS became abusive, using vile language of New Mexico. Where there Is a faction of the probate Judge that the closely matched Old Java and Moch In the presence of herself and her heavy demand for the land the rent- shares in question had been legally Coffee In flavor and taste, yet It has From the north to the south children by husband, transferred to her personally before It, and with its branch lines reach- her first and al Is five cents an acre for grazing not a single grain of real Coffee In es otherwise made cohabitation with land and ten cents an acre for agri- the death of her former husband. Ac- Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation the most important cities, him unbearable. cultural land. cordingly her bond was placed at is made from pure toasted grains or such as Chihuahua, Torreon, GROSS, KELLY & CO., INC. $11,000. By the terms of the Llnde- cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made Zacatecas, Aguascailentes, San There's nothing so good for a sore mann will if the widow married In a minute. No Louis. Potosl, Tampico, Irapua-t- o, Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup again the estate, which was be- tedious wait. Tou Guadalajara, throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. acts gently upon will surely like It. ""'4 by C. U. Cures it In a few hours. Relieves any the bowels and queathed to her, would go to the Brigham. pain in any part. clears the whole system of coughs daughter, hence the objection to the The City of Mexico and colds. It promptly relieves In- Inventory filed. Hickey and Moore Whose Fault Is flammation of allays attorneys and many other places worth It? CTtro-- n the throat and were the for the defend- DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pills seeing. The plan your Subscribe for The and gel Irritation. Sold by J. H. O'Rlelly & ant. H. J, Stone and B. Ruppe were of new house may the news. are best for backache and weak kid- The Richest Mining, Lumber be correct, you Co. appointed as appraisers. neys. Sold by J. H. O'Rlelly & Co. but unless have good and Cattle Producing Lands building you're Made Accesaihlo by Tills material going to be Great System. disappointed "That's What!" "It's up to you" to Insist that every atlck TOURISTS of lumber that goes Into your house Can learn of much that la comes from this house then you'll Intensely interesting and create get the right thing at the right price a desire to visit tha every time. LAND OF THE MONTEZUMAS RIO GRANDE LUMBER GO. Lunpnalna by obtaining a map folder of th g Mexican Central Railway, as in Piooe It are to be found brief sketch- Corner Third and Marquette in highest es of plaois and things In Mex- Found its and most effective form in ico that, for grandeur, antiquity and historical value, have no equal in the world. .- Folders, rates and all Infor- "OLD RELIABLE)- ESTABLISHED 1171. Saazer Hops mation furnished on application K0 grown in La Bm ! the Province of Saaz, Bohemia, is creating C. F. BERNA PUTNEY ((ml a great stir in the medical world because of its tonic Commercial Agent and curative properties for stomach disorders. EL PASO, TEXAS. THE WHOLESALE CROCER W. D. MURDOCH, Passenger Traffic Manager. FLOUR, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS H J. C. MclKXALD, pHEUSER-BJSC- f i Genl. Pass. Agent. Carries the largest and Most Exclusive Stock of Staple Groceries U S i CITY OF MEXICO. MEXICO. In the Southwest. FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS

RAILROAD AVENUE. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. A good appelate goes with owoevexsw a pood digestion. A gentle Ot0oo0ooo At this .sett hi in we should eat spar- stimulant like Pabst Blue ing properly. diges-- and We should also F. Ribbon Beer aids the ln-l- the stomach as much as pos- Thos. Keleher w the appetite fLk' oc- tion and hets P sible by the use of a little Kojol DEVOES READY PAINT KaKSlv SPARKLING is prepared exclusively from these Hops it is both food and uriiik.f" fl casionally. Kodol for Indigestion and One Gallon , Saazer Dyspepsia will rest the stomach hy Covers 600 Square Fee. and the very highest grade of Barley It actually digestion of the food itself. PALMETTO HOOP rAIXT Malt Sold by J. H. O'Klelly & Co. Stops Leaks, Lasts Five Years. is a real Malt Extract containing over 14 per JAP-A-LA- C. 1. I'll stop your pain free. To show cent, of extractive matter and you first before you spend a penny 408 Wait Railroad Avonuo m less than 2 per Pabst can do, I what my Pink Tain Tablets cent, of alcohol. will mall you free, a Trial Package of TOTI ORADI them Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. t BlueRibbon Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Pe- Dealers In Groceries, Provisions, Baa, Positively Non-Intoxicatin- g. The Beer of Quality riod palna, etc., are due alon to blood Grain and Fuel. congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headacha Fine Line Imported Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing of Wines Liquors 1;ll""i!l,!'ii!,J, away the unnatural blood pressure. and Cigars. Place your orders fe should be served at meals That Is all. Address Dr. Shoop, ha-cin- e, this line with us. IIS-m-J1- For 12 tops ol Red Maul caps Anheuser-Busc- h and 'tween menla. It will Wis. Sold by all dealers. 7 NORTH TH ?.D BT. St. Louis, Mo o from Largs c (lollies help your digestion, build up nth Gold (rum Life Insurance. TraoVsurk or 24 Brewers of the your strength, renew your twenty-fiv- e cents you can now '-i- For THIRD Sl :lh Plsrar Trsrla MirIt appetite and drive away all Insure yourself and family ugaiust STREET and 15c lur poatag'e.wa will send dyspeptic tendencies. any bad results from an attack of on ol our Vienna An Plates ta Famous Budweiser Beer colic or diarrhoea during the sum- Meat any addrma in lb United Stalea. mer months. Thut Is the price of a Market bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol- AU Kinds or - era and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medi- Fresh and Salt at TlfT Ernest Meyers & Co., cine that has never been known to Steam Sausage Factory. 116U8 W. Silver Ave.. Albuquerque fall. Buy It now. It may save lire. EM IL KI.IKWVOirv Phone 12a. For sale by all druggists. Masonic Building, North T- - d Itx. VEDN Y. AVC VST 7. 1007. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN. PAGE SEVET. BLIND MEN SEE Enslaved by a Pirate breaking Or, Robert Itendravon With tln Hod. Handed Itnvcr. FUEL COMPANY in Hy t W. HHimfr-r- . ArivRrtiRRmnntsii needed WITH THEIR CARES FOR . RlRRRifiRrl


IIFXP WANTED. Every Sound of Street Has N. M.. Is Being EOrNTt. Dawson. Built HKLP WANTED If that Is your ""OUND Through crying need, want ad In The the want column Meaning For Person a of The Evening CltUen, Just what For Their Pleasure Evening Citizen's want column will you have assure you of plenty of employes. been looking for. An Without Sight. advertising source sure to bring re- and Profit. WANTED, turns for small expenditure. Try a wsnt ad and be convince.!. WANTED Names and addresses of W the ocfnjP' To hear nil the nolcen of the city, all members of Modern Woodmen PEKSONAti PROPERTT LOANS Dawson, N. M-- , August 7. (Spw the Rtreet cars, the many vehicles company, of America in city. Chas. Palmer, The flexible sole Red Crosa that come and go, the fire wattons, uu.) The Dawson r uel a 715 South Arno street. the horses' hoofs, Phelps-Dodg- e Interest, of this place Shoe is the footsteps of Is Just completing a serin of build WANTED Ladles desiring Millineiy MONEY comfortable from men and women as they hurry along, at less than cost to call on Miss to LOAN 'he but to cee nothing, absolutely noth- ings here which are designed wholly start. fwr the ethical and esthetical culti- Crane, B12 North Second street. On Furniture, ing. This Is the experience of a Millinery and dressmaking parlors. Planoa, Organs The burnint? da vation of five thousand em and blind man who sits all day on a var-an- their also apprentices wanted Horses, Wagons and other Chattel achin c In city. of ployes. also on SALARIES this A multitude It is the policy of the company to WANTED A competent bookkeeper AND WARS Caused by stiff soles and the Hounds on a dark night; this Is the B, Citi- HOUSE RECEIPTS, aa low blind day In city. allow no other interest than its own and oolector. Address care u n. evils of thin soles man's time the to hold or control any property with- zen o III re, stating experience, and and aa high aa $100. Loan ar are pre- But these noises mean more to in the limits of their large holdings, enclosing proof: quickly made and strictly prtrate vented bv the Red Cross. It him than to persona who can see. which comprise a scope of country Time: One Those eyes do not pay WANTED To buy all kinds of month to one year given enables who have and nearly sixty miles square, and so no furniture. Scheer & Warllck, Good remain In your poesa a woman to be on her much attention to the ordinary church or may be establish Ion Bounds of the city unless they are un- theatre 205 East Central avenue. Our ratee are reasonable. Call feet for hours at a time with ed here which would be outside of A good" anf " usually loud and harsh. But the the control of the company. WANTED delivery horse. ee ne before borrowing. :omfort. blind man takes notice of them all SclHKtl Hj'HtClll. Scheer ft Warllck. The New Furni- THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. from very faintest to the loudest. ture Store, 206 East Central ave- the But the company is not neglectful nue. Steamship ticket to and from a A stylish He has them all classified In his mind of the moral, mental or physical wel- part and Is very skillful In determining .WANTED Car carpenters, re- of tba world. fare of its employes and so It has es- car Room I and 4, the source whence they come. tablished here a splendid school sys- pairers, laborers, needed at Albu- Grant Bldg shoe thafs "I want to know," the blind man querque shops. Confer with Master 80SH West Railroad Are. says, people." tem for which it has erected at its PRIVATE the same as other own cost, three large school build- Mechanic for details. OFFICES. absolutely A blind person can feel his way LET DRIVE HIS RIGHT. ings, WANTED People some- Open Evening. home, can feel the face of his watch "SPAT!" ROBERT a hospital, an Immense opera who want CHAPTER III. "Kn-n-no- ck off If you ain't a house, and the latest to be construct thing, to advertise In The Citizen's comfortable to tell the time, can dress and un- it want A SALESMEN trouble, can go "Let me auk you. What kind of a 'frald cat." ed Is a protectant church building. A column. few lines cost but WANTED? dress without much anyhow?" aeked Robert, Robert stepped up and pushed It Catholic building has already been few cents but bring returns an from room to room In his house pirate is this hundred fold. and find the things he wants but he Indignantly, turning to Col. Crust. off the burly shoulder of the sea built and Is In use. can't feel everything that goes by "Isn't there going to be any gJre, or rover. New t'lmrvli. PROFESSIONAL CARDS massacre, or sitting on a fieai man's '.MUTINY! MUTINY!" bellowed The new church building Is to be MEN WANTED. him In the street. He must learn occupied by Presbyterian VIKN WANTED Somewhere every by they chest?" Col. Crust. , "Up men and at him!" the denomi- what they are the sounds our murmured. nation, and only one prolestant day. If you arf looking for a Job LAWTEBJl. Nothing move on the my halyards, we "Oh, fiddle!" hero put a In Cltl-en- 'a make. that "Dowse but ain't 17 at is allowed on the field. want ad The Evening Is absolutely noiseless, not even on Spanish yet, ' Col. With a roar, pirates came church I earth the main Crust him. Then they right round The church building is a commo- want column and will do Ira VL Bond. gtZ W. 8t, KJ Otm the smallest Insects. It is the fault said. "Walt till we get an the Span- turned the rest. ATTORNEY AT of the ear If the sounds are not and came away again. They could dious affair and will seat a congrega- LAW, It F.Bt ish Main." not (bear Robert's flashing eye. He tion of five hundred people. A min- N. W.. Washington. D. C. heard. "I believe I've been stung," said FOR KENT. Penelon Uio ItolU. made it flash till they were thorough- ister's house la also built In con- land patents, copyright. caveat He Known our frowning. lured me junction well-fu- man Is familiar with hero "You've ly cowed. with the church bulldlne. FOit KENT Light. airy r letter patent, trade The blind away your troup of amphi-theat- er mark, claim )xfords, ring In from home with "Shucks," the pirate chief said In The lange which is nlshed rooms for rooming or light all the different bells that the s, spoiled my designed It-- W. IV city and ha can dlatlngulsh them and a vexed tone of voice. for the entertainment of housekeeping. All rooms opening Rn.n $3.5o bright future as the town mischief. 4pat! Robert let drive his right uawson will have an immense audi on the outside. Price, $1 per we-?- A'XTORNE r AT LAW, Albuquer afar off; the street car bells, the bells got up. que. de- I've a mind to bat you in the and struck Col. Crust a stunning torium seating 2.000 people. The and Mlnueapilh Il.uise, 524 N. M. Office. Flrrt Nation ligh Shoes, on the ambulances, and the fire Prc-prleto- partment wagons. From the sounds nose." blow. Col. Crust tottered, looked stage aione wit iseat 6H0 and will be South Second. A. T. Djvjie, r. Bank building. 1. "Don't you dare," replied the pi- about him speculatively, and fell arranged a a dance Moor also. $4.00 i that the different vehicles make he E. W. Dobeon. can determine whether they are bug- rate, drawing back his hand as if to heavily into a Morris chair. Hall for Lodges. FOU KENT Any number of rooms give Robert slap. "Now look what you've done," he A special hall will ibe set aside as a furnished to ATTORNET AT LAW. Offle Zet us gies, carriages, loaded wagons or a sharp meeting suit tenant. Also five fit you, motor cars. Robert doubled up fists, said. "Ain't you sorry?" place for the various orders. room cottage nicely furnished, wllh Cromwell block, Albuquerque. N. M his which "Forgive For each lodge meeting a iplano. '"" He pays particular attention to the were each the size of a hen's egg, me," said Robert. "I did there Is Apply 110 East Coal ave- DENTISTS. footfall of the persons who pass on and made dangerous not mean to kill you." dressing room, and lockers will be nue. WFJI. CHAPLIN motions with provided, is ac- the sidewalk, and he knows from me them, as boys do when they are be- "Oh, don't mention It," said the and there sufficient FOR RENT Pleasant, well furnish- pirate gloomily. "Don't mind ME." commodation for eight lodges. DR. J. E. KRAFT, 121 patter of the feet whether they are ginning to get ready to commence a A splendid ed front rooms, near business cen- Dental Surgeon. Railroad Araaaa children or grown-u- p people and tierce combat. Robert was equal to the mergeney. Dark for base hall on.l ter; rates reasonable. other outdoor sportd Corner Roome S 8. whether they are large or email, men pirate was game. "Well, I wasn't going to, you know." has been laid Sixth and Railroad. Apply at rear. and Barnett bulldlu or women. He hears the Uigglng The He put a out anu a grand stand built to seat over O'Rlelly' drug tore. Phon. chip on his shoulder. (Continued ) over a thousand people, beside FOR RENT A few nicely furnished No. 744. steps and the ones that hurries by. liberal rooms, with use of bath, very rea- Appointment made by mat. The drunkard Is knov.n by his un- WOULD HE I.SK1LL. accommodation for the bleachers IT CfcliTAlNLY The interest taken in wlnl sonable: no Invalids. Hotel Cralgo, 1HL C. A. ELLEIt, steady walk and the proud man by the Kllver avenue, EXCURSION the way he puts down his foot. welfare of the many thousands of between First and wniist. employes is a splendid endorsement Second streets. N. T. Armljo Building. Phone 89. Tho Voices of the Crowd. YOUNQ XSO TH of the liberal and lartrp h FOR RENT Several small cottager, Edmund J. Alger, D. D. The iuc?t interesting that CxTk'? . YEAR of 8. he hears are the voices of the pass- the superintendent, E. L. Carpen- all nicely furnished for housekeep- No. 806 Pallroad avenue. Offlr ..T-O- ter, i ing crowd. From morning until who has choree also if fho ing. J. B. Block, Jemes Hot hour, a. m., to 11:80 p. lumber Springs. M. t m.: 1:8 night he catches broken fragments interests of the company at N. p. m. to I p. m. Both phonea "crazy quilt" of Alamopordo, which employs upwards At of conversations, a a. polntment made bjr talk, now then a complete sentence, ' V'"" wi muusanu men. EMPLOYMENT. mall. IT V0UL0 you ' Colorado but generally a few words only. HAVEa EMPLOYMENT If need work W. H. SHERIDAN, M. D. These are the words the blind man I will mall you Tree, to prove The Citizen's want column will fur Homeopathlo says he hears the most: "Fine day," merit nish you a quick and ready means Physician and Sorgeoa And Principal Eastern Points MELONS VMOULP KEEP Occidental Life "horrid weather," lots Ec&s would be or MVe. And m V nn or securing it at a minimum ex- Building. Tel ASSORTED PATES penditure. Put a want ad in phone 888. Albuquerque, N. M. of fun," "handsome clothes," "cows," sia, The Heart or The Kidneys. The e "good-by.- " Citizen today and be at tomor- It- - Troubles of the Stomach. or work Dlt. 1IITHT "I sit here all day and listen," the Kidneys are merely Heart row. Physician and Surgeon. man morning. is nrinninmi 6 On Sale Daily blind said this "It deeper ailment. Don't make the FOK SALE, Rooms & 8. N. T. Armljo Build Ing. only a world of sound to me, but I cuu.mon DItS. HK6.NSON am familiar with every noise and to error or treating symptoms FOR SALE Special low rates. To & BUONSON: nly. Symptom Homeopathic Snr-geon- s. 1st me one has a meaning." treatment Is treating Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas Physician and June to Sept. 30th each ... ui your aument, Over Vann'a Drug Store. "I have made a special study of the ir.uncause. and not City. One way or round trip tic- l'hone. Office the voice I can Wnnir fitnmanv. - kets furnished in any part of the anil Residency. 2H. human tell from the fhe Inside nerves mean Stomici. Dlt. C. A. sound of the voices whether the per- .. I'nlted States. Low rates to Cali- FRANK. sons are happy or sad. And I can iyj. Atia the Heart fornia. See us 1H U buy. Moore's Physician nnd Surgeon. via age and Kidneys as well, have con Ticket Ofllce. 113 Rooms 4 and 6. Barnett bldg. Of- judge a person's from the sound their Central avenue. fice 8 of the voice, I can generally guess MAY BE THE trolling or Inside nerves. Weaken Member American Ticket Brokers' hour to 18 and 2 to 6, 7 to 8 me-- - nerves, p. m. within a year and have done so many ES ana you inevitably have Association. MUrAW Weak- Vltnl . U i , . times. is easy enough to distin- nriran. in wnere six-roo- m EKJEXE PRO M. I). It U&E0 IT Dr. s iicie FOR SALE One house, VINES. guish the voices of children. An Snoop Hestoratlve has made Its furnished. Apply at Mann Sad- - Specialist: Eye, Ear and Throat. old man's voice trembles. A middle- uuier remeay even claims dleryCo. 114 North Second street. Late assistant to chair of diseases of -aged speaks to treat the eye. ear and In Hospital Col- business mi'ii with 'inside nerves." Also FOR SALE Half "interest In estab- lege throat precision and firmness. WHISKERS for bloating, biliousness, bad breath of Medicine, Louisville, Ky. . lished poultry business. Bred-to-La- y "A young man twenty-on- e uae KC- - Kyes properly tested for glasses. of about DON'T lJrt snoop 1 Poultry J. years old talks with confidence. storatlve. Write me today sam- Yards. T. Harger. Rooms 6 and 8, N. T. Armljo build- NEED IT. ple for prop., 12th street and Mountain ing. Ten years later he will speak with and free Book. Dr. shoop, lu-cln- e. road. more hesitation. Girls and young Wis. The Restorative is sold by women voices, gen- II have 'sweet' but IT KMfSXS dealers erally a little harshness begins to UNDERTAKER come In a woman's voice when she is PECAY I r on Impaired Appetite. 25 years old, but if she is made hap- To Improve BORDERS py the appetite and her voice will mellow with age. strengthen the digestion try a few Kennedy's Sorrow takes the melody out of wo- doses of Chamberlain's men's voices." Liver Stomach and ARCHITECTS Low rate, long limit, ticket ac- Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of De- cepted on Limited troit, Mich., says: "They mv and all other restored F. W. Spencer. Roome 48-4- 7 Bar trains. Call at ticket office and w "Everybody Should Know." appetite when impaired, relieved me Laxative will your says G. Hays, busi- nett building, Albuquerque, M plan trip back aaat. Wa G. a prominent of a bloated feeling and caused a N. are all going. ness man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck-len- 's Pleasant and satisfactory movement Both phones. Wax not oat Arnica Salve is the quickest of the bowels." -- Price 25 cents. Sam- NOT and surest healing salve ever applied - si ples free. All druggists. Cough ART PCKLIC. "X3 to a sore, burn or wound, or to a WSvfc Syrup case of pile. I've used It and know KL Tho. K. D. Maddlnon. I'ASO IlKl lx; ATION CONTAINS H0UEY ASD TAR Office T. E. PURDY, Agent what I'm talking about." Guaranteed An w IcntlMt JO with W. B. Chllder. 2 Italian Is Mild to linve discovered a compound that arresU IXAl GCHATIOX. Ill by all druggists. Sc. dis-ay- . Relieve Cold by working West Gold avenue. El Paso, Tex., August ?. A num- them out of A. T. & S. F. RY. ber of prominent citizens of El Paso the yttem through a coplou and btalthy will I action of Ui bowel. attend the .. uuuii f ernor George Curry, of New Mexico,iiuv FelisT Cough by cleaning th at Santa Fe Thursday afternoon. mucout membrane of the throat chest V1 burn's CT. A. SLEYSTER jney ieri over the El Paso and and bronchial tube. Employment Agency Southwestern li, th. ....I...... 109 Went silver Ave. l'hone 480 Anumada and Alamogordo at 6:20 MAa pleasant to the taste INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE o'elcx-- last evening, meeting Gover- aa Mapla Sugar" nor Currv Hi Tnrm NOTART PUBLIC. morning. Governor Curry is now Room 11 and 14 Cromwell on his way from Chlvago to New Children Like Block, M ex too. At Torrance Governor Curry It Albuquvrque. Telephone Ne. lie. will be met by the Bl Pasoans and 'for BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try several prominent citizens of New Di Witt's Kldne; aid Bladder Pilli-- Sur ind Sfi Mexico and make the trip to Kama He. on a special train over the Santa Fe Central railroad. Every Woman ! uia tuonid know Subscribe for The Citizen and get REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 'rout tlr Wclllicrful the news. MARVELWhirlingSprey FOK SALE. t t. It cltftiia 9 Four room adobe Iiouhc iiiftUtuily mid about ari acre of SLEEPLESSNESS line garden land, W. if 1.6 miri"! lui i'i avenue It V K l.t .pt no $ 800 vjtiwr, hut fiid (anil) f.rf Has been the cause of much unt.ilJ TIire riKim hour, four lUiutntc't It iHt ana misery and many failures in life. lots North fourth iiiu i'rxifiamr . nirmt irv Nature t l.ti.-- Mun ll. i . rviilres restful sluiiilx r in or- stnvt 1,000 4A iMi litel tlre-i- , M.W OliW. der to strengthen and renew the en- llircu room house ami tire system. A had "nso of nerve" an acre of land, three or a disordered liesl(,n may Dl. tlle mill's north of town.. 400 cause, and if so Three room house, fur- nished complete, two good liorxs, KirliiK KILLthe COUGH Hostetter's Wn and one acre AND CURE the LUNGS of land S00 Stomach Six room Iioum-- , West Now York avenue... 2,500 WITH Bitters Six room house. Went Dr. King's Don't Ruin Your Best Horse Going for a Doctor im. Murqufite avenue . , . 1,800 is what you FOK HE N'T. need MEN AND at once. Six room brick house, WOMEN. Nev Bowel less It has I'm Bif U for Discovery complaints are always more or prevalent during the Summer 1 1 & X nnotarftl K in made thousands bath, ccllur, oiirtti la la dltu6rgf.tAflBUUtUa.tluO0, rd $20.00 liiimlni IrritAtioo or PRICH months, and many a has ruined his best horse for a t uktiitium FflR Ca. a. i wi man going doctor people well Apartments in Jloo lints, tf uucooi niuibtu, OQUCHS during two Mx rooms, Paiuim, ni not Mtrm taw OLDS Trial Bottle Free when some of his family was suffering from cramp colic or cholera the past to mod- rMf Evans CwEwtcAi Oo. Ut ttLiliuiniiiia conveiilciK-es- , or ANDALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. ern (10 to 20.00 CIMCIMUTI. morbus. Be for such an ur and room . old bj brufftjtftU, prepared emergency. 4 since we guarun-- lour brick house, r at ift pUio OUARANTEJEO " bath, cellar, 1'oiirth ward 23.00 Ml. br tprtm. prttiid,wiKr,tut satisfacxokv It pure y.iu Sccn room brick house, 00. or S ImU1-- .' 75. Oa MONET REFUNDED. need not modern, f iirnlxhcd or Circular Mol ua .iiNt, In close In. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy trying l,,,;. Tlin-- room for llhthouse-- WllliumK-India- "e. It wures. ket'plui;, MOTT'S PENNYROYAL Dr. P1W close in 15.00 PILLS ' iintmeiifMll cre Blind fclerpli room FS iiitn:.M Aii.i I. ..I. I. , '"sucks, live liouse, South Ttit-- ovt ivome Waicu-- - - , Second HJ (Jtiikli-!,,U- . m Ap ii.-- strwt 15.00 niy Ireit-H,- U.U NIL. Is the most successful medicine for these diseases , room frame, mj b till lab Mii4 nn i ..j't ti e lu uinx t (m, r yet produced and can Ilariii(M-a-l'r lite H i " 1 m a n. I ...... ward !irl l.rjr Art . H, ui bei it. '... 20.00 tuyirlact ftuiMatnli""' ntjin J r. l : 11, I rwi .. n I,. . always be depended upon. No doctor can prescribe a better medicine. linllyv-ii.,!- !, j Hi' - llsi WIM-M- . 4J It nf It is almost certain to be needed before the Summer is over. Buy it now. CMi v kirn Jo tiirtu- - We b ihr prlvuta pirtu Ke.y bol a A. Montoya UTIH k'l-- ysiM-p-l- I ..jri.inr'. HI Um'l 1,11 or .v umll. tl''tiKafl(MT bI MnLarutl) I't 215 Gold ite. ter tOM AJtX BT ANN bOM. I OK BALE BT 8. YANN A tOf. PAGE EIGIIT. ALBUQUERQUE Et ENINO CITIZEN. wniJEnAr. avc.vt 1 mr.

CURRY GETS BIG PERSONAL. VALLES CASE ATTRACTS . ALONG LINE PAR AG KAPIIS BIG CROWD AT HAT SALE rage M. Straus wilt leave for Chicago (Continued from One.) Saturdny. ESTANCIA We have placed on sale for this week only t'. 8. Marshal Foraker left this returg In the cool of the evening. morning for Santa Fe. Hnnta I'e In Gain Attire. about ten dozen of fine, nobby up to date Robert Silverburg, of El Paso, was Reports from Santa Fe are to the In city yesterday. effect that the city Is rapidly filling Our Oxfords Make the Feet Easy the (Continued I'nso One.) up wtth visitors and the crowd will Hats at greatly reduced prices to close out C. M. Sandoval, sheriff of Sando- be the largest on record for any In- val county, is In the city today. auguration in this territory. and quote the following prices Deputy V. S. Marshal Forbes will With the knowl.'.liff he Rained at that Thursday evening the big public There are still months' of hot weather leave for Santa Fg tomorrow morn- time he hud little trouble In securing reception and ball will take place at ing. a elue, which with the "t the Palace hotel and It will be the at- blood houmlH, fastened a tronn web event of the social season in Santa ahead of us, and you owe it to yourself to make E. L. Medler. assistant U. S. of clrcutriRtHntliil evidence around torney. Is in Santa Fe to see the new Fe. Those from this city who desire $5.00 Knox Telescope Hats at $2.90 your feet comfortable. Our Low Shoes do governor. Oonilngo Valles. This evidence was to remain for the big ball can return Kuftlclently atronir to warrant the ar- following morning, -- Delegate W. H. In the leaving Santa 4.50 Stetson Hats at 2.90 this to perfection. Andrews arrived rest of Valles and later was found Fe. at 8 a. m. Santa Fe Monday evening to attend sufficient for the Krand Jury to return Half Fare. 3.50 Beacon Hats at 1.90 snappy the inauguration. an Indictment against him. The one' half fare 13.45 made We have a dainty assortment of Elfego Hucn Joined the Socorro Domingo Vallcn. by the Santa Fe for the round trip, 3.00 Tiger Hats at X.90 county delegation this morning, en Domingo Valles, the defendant, wiH toe good for return until Satur- styles from the cool Canvas to the Full Dress Fe. was born at l'aral, ft'exlco, but has route for Santa day. , 3.00 Assoned Nobby Hats at J.90 Mr. and Mrs. David Comers and been livid In New Mexico for the Those who desire to remain In the Patent Kid Oxfords for Men, Women and daughter, Marguerite, returned last jawt fifteen or twenty years. He is capital longer than Thursday may evening from the Upper I'ecos. small of utaturc. and swarthy of com- therefor return at their leisure. Children. Our Prices are Very Reasonable. plexion. He Is probably 35 years of G. Town, who will have charge of All these goods are the season's styles. They uge. and Is married. A. G. Wells, general manager of the the Standard OH interests at Silver His face Is a cast of clear cut fea- City, was in the city yesterday. ex- Santa Fe coast llns, who recently simply lines de- tures, almost entirely devoid of underwent a dangerous operation lor represent broken which we Men's Oxfords, GO Major B. Ruppe left this morning pression. Ills eyes, a pair of coal appendicitis Is recovering rapidly. Mr. Canvas SI. for Santa Fe, where he will attenu black orbs glitter and snap, how- sire to clean before the end of the -- that Wells has many friends In this c'ly up season Men's Vici Kid Oxfords, S1.65 to 3.00 the Inauguration of Governor Curry. ever, are busy at all times. Not a who will be glad to learn that he will C. S. Hartman, buyer for Grace movement in the court room escapes make a rapid recovery. Men's Velour Calf Oxfords, 2. SO to Pasadena, Cal., them. He sits at the riKht of his I 3.00 Nicholson art store of Jury, Men's Patent Colt Oxford, -- was a business visitor to the city counsel, facing the and when GOODS THE PEOPLE NEED. AXD 3.00 to 4.00 yesterday. not busy watching what is taking forget to RIGHT "IKJ-IX- O Don't those Fancy Hose Women's Canvas Oxfords, night on offi- place in the court room his right riUCES MAKES 1.50 to 2.25 H. H. Harris left last or left, Intently Into the faces HVSIXHKS" -- cial, In the reserves Kaes EASY. Women's Vici Kid Oxfords, 1 to forest business nf the jurvmen. When not in court, which we are selling at 50 3.00 under his charge. He will return In over on August 12. Valles Is confined the loft the fry'rig pans . . 7c Women's Patent Kid Oxfords, 2.50 to 3.G0 court room under guard night and frying pans 12c Captain W. H. Cook, of Silver City, day. frying pans 18c 2 pair for 25 cts. is here todav, en route to Santa Fe. The Fvfclenro. frying pans will the Inaugura- 27c where he attend The first witness was pat on Uie 11- - Inch heavy cast skillet 35c They are worth much tion tomorrow. stand at 1:16 o'clock TucsUay after- 12- - Inch heavy cast skillet 45c more than that. Arthur Fourshee, wife and sister noon. The territory will have prob- Waftle Irons $1.00 of Phoenix, Ariz., are the guests of ably 25 witnesses and the defense spirit level 15c Also bear in mind that what is left of our their uncle and aunt In Las Vegas, fully half as many. The defense, It 24-in- spirit level 70c Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Taylor. Is understood will endeavor to prove 42lnch masons' level $1.65 stock of Summer Clothing goes regardless Dr and Mrs. McLandress and fam- an alibi. 7 grade Dlston saws 1.60 If in Need of Fixtures ily have returned to Albuquerque "The evidence of the prosecution Maydole hammers, 8!cand .... 7oc of value or cost. after spending three weeks at the will be purely circumstantial, but Heavy cast letter boxes 85c Valley on the Pecos. will be of such a direct nature and Bench screws "65c Call on Ranch so complete that It is more than like- A. W. Pollard and J. A. Mahoney, ly a verdict of conviction will of Deming, are among those who vis- that THE MAZE. be reached. KIEKE, ited the city today en route to attend The territory has witnesses who Win. lToprietor. SIMON STERN SiSSSu- Reliance Electric Co. the Inauguration at Santa Fe. will testify that Valles threatened to - William A. Raer. secretary to kill Chaves previous to the murder, Economy and satisfaction are Delegate W. H. Andrews, went to and according to Deputy Sheriff Hu-be- r, found in our Black Cat stockings tor Cor. 5th St and Central Ave. Santa Fe yesterday to attend the in-- J Valles snld himself that Chaves men, women children. auguration and other arralrs. was shot with a gun, and and Prices deadly rangeflrran to 60o. C. May's E. H. Fickford, manager of the the bullet that did the work Saoe ifrore, S1412rWest Central avenue. Mlmlbres Irrigation company of Lake was a The territory will BENNETT'S CURIO STORE Valley. Is In Santa Fe, where he went also attempt to show that Valles had " 109 North We Have the Largest Stock of to meet his brother and sister, trouble with Chaves. WANTED. First St. The blood-staine- d suit of 'clothes - A COMPETENT HOOK KEEPER. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cowan, who shot; All Kinds of Indian and Mexican Good. The Cheapest visiting in Fo for that Colonel Chaves wore when AND COLLKCTOIt. ADDKESS It, have been Santa by e. to boy Navajo three weeks, have returned to thli will be offered the territory as CAKE CITIZEN OFFICE, STATING Place Blankets and Mexican Drawn Work Fixtures Ever Seen in the City Califor- EXPERIENCE, AND ENCLOSING city to prepare for a trip to Wilt He Nil Hanging. pnoor. Mail Ordora Carefully ana Promptly Filled. fc 1 nia. Although the territory could pro- Attorney Charles F. Easley, of San- duce no end of convicting evidence. ta Fe, went to Roswell Tuesday, to It would not be possible to secure a meet Captain Curry and he will be verdict ot murder in the first de- MILLINERY one of the party escorting the new gree. Albert Klkkner, the only Eng- DIAMONDS ARE TRUMPS governor to Santa Ke. lish speaking person on the Jury, who was after the prosecution had During the month of August all Miss O'Brien, sister of Mrs. D. J. chosen millinery be Leahy, afternoon for her exhausted all Its challenges, told the suinmcr will closed out, left this court he didn't believe In capital regardless of cost. ALL THE TIME HARDWARE GO. home at Raton after visiting in Las that LUTZ, COAL THE WAGNER punishment anil that he did not MISS FOR CASH ONLY Vegas for some time. She was ver- 208 Street. ' accompanied by Mr. Leahy. think that he could find euch a South Second dict under any circumstances. The INCREASING IN VALUE STEAD- Charles Wey, the chef at the Claire counsel for the defense took advan-- . Piles get qulc and certain relief ILY, 15 TO 20 PMt CENT. WE American Block per ton $8.50 321-32- resigned by Cerrlllos Lump . , 6.50 3 W.R.R.Ave. hotel In Santa Fe, has his tnge of this sentiment displayed from Dr. Snoop's Magio Ointment. HAVE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Plumbers Tinners position and with his wife, has gone Fllckner and permitted the rule Please note It Is made alone for WORTH OP SMALL STONES WE Anthracite Nut 8.50 to the Valley Ranch, where he has adopted to keep English speaking Piles, and Its action is positive and WILL SELL AT IOWER PRICES Anthracite Mixed 9.00 been employed for the season. persons off the Jury to be broken in certain. Itching, painful, protruding TILN THEY CAN BE BOUGHT AT Anthracite, furnace sizes 9.50 Manager Graham, of the Albuquer- his case. or blind piles disappear like magic by WHOLESALE. Clean Gas Coke 6.00 Judrco Mann Talks lMnlnly. nickel-cappe- VANN Smithing Coal. Alaska Refrigerators que branch of the Colorado Tele- Jurymen Its use. Large d glass JEWELRY CO. phone company, will go to Santa Fe On account of Beveral Jars GO cents. Sold by all dealers. One Door South of Drug Storp. tomorrow to witness the Inauguration from Willard not qualifying under Our Savin ceremonies of Governor Curry. circumstances aggravating to the Subscribe for Tlie Cttrwn and get Kodot for Indigestion and Dyspep- court. Judge Mann administered a Uie news. sia Is a preparation of vegetable acids Line of Ice Pads J. H. Frewsnden, of Tampa. Fla., severe rebuke to a livery stable keep- and contains fhe same Juices found who Is at the Valley Ranch with his er of Willard by the name of Lutz. in a healthy stomach. It digests family, caught the ibanner fish yes- "Are you one of the Willard busi- ATLAS EMPLOYMENT what you eat. Sold by J. H. O'Rlel-l- y wotoo White terday, an eastern brook trout 18 ness men who have friends on both & Co. LUMBER. MILL WOOD. Refrig- Inches long and weighing 2 pounds. sides of this case and for that reason ' Green ;.. $3.50 don't care to serve on the Jury," said BUREAU To save money anl darning try Factory Government Chinese Inspector the court. "I suppose that you talke l style 15 for the boy and style 10 for 8.35 erators Ice Green took two Chinamen off the over as you came up on the train how 206 8. Second the girl of our Black Cat stockings. train this morning. They will be you would get out or serving. 1 Street guarantee satisfactory held here pending Investigations as Price 25c. We 1. want to say that your conduct was wear. C. May's Shoe store, 314 West W. H, HAHN GO. to to Wanted-Fem- Cream their right enter the United vePtf ntihpr'iiminir nn.l I have a mind ale Cook and Houst keeper Central avenue. & is the States. to line every one of you for contempt 7i-A- f AMrAn M Sunohei assistant of court. You ought to have known most Freezers superintendent of public instruction, better. You must have known that complete Is In Ias Vegas from his home In it was Improper." Santa Fe, and will give an address Luts was one of the last of the in the city this evening to the teachers attenu- - i first special venire to be summoned. lng the institute. Regular convocation of Rio Gran- de Chapter No. , R. A. M., Thursday iirmtYiiiiiittif Merchants of Albuquerque. Water Water evening, August. 8. Work In M. M. .HP I degree. Visiting companions cordially All the business men of Albu- - 115-11- Em 7 NORTH FIRST STREET Coolers Filters welcome. Ry order of H. P. Harry querque can assist materially in 4 Hrown, acting secretary. advertising the big fair, by Between Railroad and Cvppor Ave.? Tel. 74 bringing to The Citizen office t Rev. Father H. Le Gulllou, of Las their business envelopes and 4 Vegas, left for Watrous today, where having an advertisement printed t Just Arrived he will be the guest of Father A. M. upon the reverse side. The fair Refrigerators, Garden Hose, Garden Tools Oiler of that place. The reverend association will pay all charges, gentlemmen were schoolmates In und the management urges all t' A new supply of Garden Hose, both in cotton France during their boyhood days. who are Interested In Its success ' t Hose Reels, Lawn Mowers, Alamo Hive No. 1, L. O. T. M.. is to avail themselves of tnls and rubber. making preparations to give its mem- means of rendering assistance. WATER HIGH GRADE LAWN Catchers. Our prices lowest bers an enjoyable time Tuesday, Au- Grass the gust 13. Arrangements are about ill completed for a idcnlc at Rear can Under the Japanese lanterns the COOLERS ENAMELWARE MOWERS yon. All members desiring to go will Epworth League will give One of notify Lady Gertie Thomas, 509 South their famous social evenings at tho Second street, on or before Friday First Methodist church Thursday evening. night, ice cream and cake, 15c. TREE PRUNERS mm THE When you desire Absolute Diamond Palace Comfort In Properly Fitted McCormick Harvesters and Mowers EVEI Glasses Consult us. None Better RAILROAD AVE. BEBBER OPTICAL CO. Exclusive Ootldem Diamond, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Clus. Clocks, SiWerware. We lnrlte 1 1 done on Prernis s jour trade and guarantee A SQUAIIK DEAL. 0 S. Second St. Lense Grinding s Shaw's Bakery 80sSsSs5sSeesssssWMHTMEY CORfllPAMY It's the talk of the town, those Wholesale and Retail Hardware P"till Dress pies like mother (in law) made. Stit Phone 1056 We Carry All Sizes in the Celebrated and have one delivered. Alaska Refrigerators Stein-Bloc- h Dress Suits. These are MlIvUlNIiRY He HfitM 4) Up-to-Dat- e. Trimmed Silk Lined and Strictly t For the Next Ten Days Gream At Le4 Than CoKt to Clow Out White Mountain Ice Freezers .summer Stock. 0 A MISS C. i. t'KAXK, Millinery ami O Dressmaking I'arlors, 512 Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers Price, $45.00 orth Second St. o FANCY DRY GOODS We Also Have Several Good Stylish Plumbing Hercules Powder Mine and Mill o Stainln Pone to Order. 0 Dress Suits for Rent. ot ot Material for and and 0 & FANCY WOKK High Explosives Supplies 0 MAIL ORDKlvS PROMPTLY FILLIP) I Mrs. M. C Wilson 224 W, Gold 0 COMPANY TICKETS BOUGHT. SOLO Mail Orders Solicited- - E. L. WASHBURN AND EXCHANGED 0 Atseoletlon Office 122 S, Second-1- 19 W. Gold R.R. I IS, IIS, 1IT. mouth Flrmt Btreet 0 Tiensectlons 401, Otroot Albuquerque, Nev Mexico Guarantees 40, North rtrot 0 IRQSENFIEIU'S, IIBW.R, R.Ate LJ