SYDNEY FOOTBALL STADIUM REDEVELOPMENT STATE SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Concept Proposal and Stage 1 Demolition SSDA 9249 APPENDIX N: Environmentally Sustainable Design Strategy and Statement for Demolition Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Environmentally Sustainable Design Strategy Infrastructure NSW Reference: 501857 Revision: 1 11 May 2018 Document control record Document prepared by: Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 Level 5, 116 Military Road Neutral Bay NSW 2089 PO Box 538 Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Australia T +61 2 9465 5599 F +61 2 9465 5598 E
[email protected] W A person using Aurecon documents or data accepts the risk of: a) Using the documents or data in electronic form without requesting and checking them for accuracy against the original hard copy version. b) Using the documents or data for any purpose not agreed to in writing by Aurecon. Document control Report title Environmentally Sustainable Design Strategy Document ID Project number 501857 File path Client Infrastructure NSW Client contact David Riches Client reference Rev Date Revision details/status Author Reviewer Verifier Approver (if required) 0 5 April 2018 DRAFT for comment ZK QJ QJ 1 11 May 2018 Issue to client ZK QJ QJ Current revision 1 Approval Author signature Approver signature Name Zofia Kuypers Name Quentin Jackson Title Senior ESD Consultant Title Associate Project 501857 File 180528 SFS ESD Strategy.docx 11 May 2018 Revision 1 Contents 1 Executive Summary ...........................................................................................................................