1  What is Sports ?  Some well known examples  5 main areas of  Prazdroj and sports marketing  Gambrinus  Pilsner Urquell  Radegast  Why do we do sports marketing?  10 things worth remembering

1 Footnote SOURCE: Source

2 3 Asset or property Sponsor

Real Madrid 140 M Euros Adidas (10 year contract) Man. United 98 M Euros Adidas Bayern 80 M Euros Adidas Barcelona 158 M Euros Nike Formula 1 50 M Euros Heineken

Other top sports marketers are Red Bull, CEZ, Skoda, Samsung, McDonalds, Coca Cola etc

4 Support for position • McDonalds sponsors athletes to support new healthy option

Brand exposure • BT sponsors a high profile sport to show their brand on TV or launch a new brand

CSR • Lidl builds playgrounds as they seek to be seen supporting positive causes as a way of managing their brand profile in the market

Increased access to target audience • Prazdroj sponsors a popular sport because the demographics of the sport match the target audience and the sport provides us opportunities to interact with that demographic Employee engagement

5 6 7 Football with passion: Grassroots We will strengthen the emotional bond with beer drinkers and drive through amateur football activation

C16 C17 C18


POSITIVE emotions NATIONAL TEAM RESEARCH connected with AMATEUR football




What are grassroots? Leveraging assets from the league & building awareness of Gambrinus at grassroots level

• BUILDING STRONG OWNERSHIP OF AMATEUR FOOTBALL Football with passion > Grassroots 3.0 We will strengthen the emotional bond with beer drinkers and drive sales through amateur football activation

. Restore emotional bond with Gambrinus consumers and drive sales through amateur football activation . Become TOM brand in connection with amateur football


. IDEA: It is never too late to play football for the joy of the game! . To create even stronger emotions and connection with TA, we introduce MATCHES WITH LEGENDS as Grassroots Main . Match takes part at regional league pitch and fans are brought by VIP bus . ON trade activation near the stadium to promote match and attract fans . Communication through all communication channels: TVC tag-on, digital, PR, POSM

Football with passion: Grassroots Execution of the strategy


. TVC to build awareness around connection . POSM primary and secondary placement . Acquisition programme of GA with amateur football . Collecting coins for GA10 and GA12 (4+1) . Digital for additional reach . Prizes for consumers and amateur . PR to amplify the joy of our exit from football teams BUY KEGs FROM YOUR partnership and transition to amateur NEAREST WHS (4+1) football . GRANT PROGRAMME – shift of sponsorhip from institutions to REAL football with joy of AND USE YOUR GRASROOTS LOYAL CARD the game . Shared services for football clubs (e.g. lawn movers to lend, human resources)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt02RYh5BVU National Pride

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyFVDHWJlCM Celebrating Brand Values Hockey numbers

5,6 MIL PEOPLE = BEER POPULATION (18+,beer once a month)

350 ths unique 2,1 mil watch stadium visitors ELH 1x month

3,7 mil CZ people are interested in Potential of 1,6 mio 1 mil ELH hockey (77% M) active fans people interested in (watch every hockey. week) Why hockey?

• Ice hockey is the most watched sport league in the country

• Hockey ideally fits brand image perception „ right bitter beer for real men“.

warrior tough resolute resilient Finding role of Radegast

RADEGAST Life is bitter thank God Why is bitter good? Explain to whole nation

HOCKEY values and platform on which we can explain it

ELH (media channel) Players ELH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJJeZnr_j2w Integrated communication

RA INDEX DIGITAL PR Credibility Credibility builder Trainings for journalists, builder core fans non core fans RI auctions



Explication of bitterness

ON TRADE OFF TRADE VIZIBILITY STADIUMS Any proposal must show a clear for money

Must be a unique or distinctive opportunity

A clear fit between the brand and the sports asset or property

18 Story telling Never forget, this is a business transaction You must have your own brand POV – track your ROI and KPIs

Let it live Support from opinion makers is key, even Fans keep it alive with content celebrities, even popular public figures can make a difference Visual identity Creative must be ready in advance to be able to Implementation is everything react and do quick posts Great well put together execution across all channels especially trade The planning is everything Long term. Have a back up plan in place, live The strategy must be distinctive and uniquely the game, be a part of it. More than just a yours. often have same goals – the logo secret is in the execution

Great content is king Behind the scenes, emotions. Connect fans to Integrate sports across all marketing channels the athletes – TV, events, Digital, PR, On and Off trade, employee engagement - sports

19 Deliver growth, margins?


Drive awareness?


Say something about the brand?

20 Be present in the moment, be around at the most exciting time. Become a part of that memory when the fans feel really alive.

21 Background: Radegast which is very dominant in the north Moravian region, currently sponsors the EHL. Recent studies, however, have shown we are losing the emotional bond with our hockey customers

Objectives: Restore Radegast brand pride in the home region

Strategy: Leverage the passion of ice hockey fans and Radegast beer drinkers and get behind the core brand idea of “The bitter beer for real men”.

The challenge: to come up with a brilliant concept which will stretch across key channels and engage a “specific“ target audience

The task: Please create a plan to revive the Radegast brand with a new, exciting sports marketing activation. It should be fully integrated with Digital, Stadium and Instore as the main communication channels. Think emotional content and how to let it loose among the fans. How to build their engagement so they talk about it, send it to each other and “feed” the activation themselves. The instore? How can you connect it to what the fans see in the Stadium or online?

The Radegast target audience: Northern Moravia – tonality: terse and straight to the point. No frills approach to life; ice hockey, rock and metal music features vividly. Strong in home region where they are very proud of themselves and resist the influence of the rest of the country (notably Prague and Brno is often dismissed). People like to be associated with the brand archetype of warrior: resolute, resilient and rugged. The measure of this man, is how he faces up to the challenges life sends his way. How will the TA talk about this? “Radegast is suddenly doing amazing things at the game, or really cool things online which bring me closer to my team”. “I get more fun out of the hockey game and going along to support with my friends thanks to Radegast” . “Morava forever”

Mandatories: It must be a concept which would not anger the Czech part of the population - no antagonism. Margin must be protected – no discounts involved.

22 Background: Gambrinus has been sponsoring the top Czech football league. The number of scandals and corruption affairs in the league has made us leave as we do not want the brand associated with these kinds of issues. Objectives: 1. We want to remain in “football” as it has a high affinity to our target group, we share the same demographics and we would be building on the football platform which already exists anyway for our brand. 2. We need to reassure our customers of our integrity; Gambrinus stands (up) for common sense. Strategy: the brand intends to move into sponsoring amateur football as popularized by the sitcom Okresni Prebor in order to strengthen the emotional bond with customers: fans and players. Current tactics: Matches with legends, VIP buses for fans, a so-called Grant system of shared services for football clubs (lawn mowers etc) The challenge: to make this transition correctly and set up a relevant, actionable Grant system from the very beginning

The task: please propose a complex Grant system and the instore sales activation to go with that, which will enable us to “own” this category. A Grant system means the system of benefits which would be attractive for clubs. Instore sales activations should not include discounts

The Gambrinus target audience: the man in the street. Demo group B, C, D. The regular guy who although he doesn’t realize it, is quite easily swayed and led. In the amateur clubs, there are opinion makers and decision makers. Sometime it is the coach making the decisions, sometimes the manager. It may also be the local mayor in a small community if he has done a lot for developing football in the village i.e. spent budget money on football. Sometimes there are long term locals and football enthusiasts who sway opinions or local entrepreneurs who are a part of the community and know everyone around football. These people and their opinions are accorded respect because they have built up businesses and represent the local success stories. What will the TA say about this? “Thanks to Gambrinus, we can enjoy our football even more”

Mandatories: It must be a program which would be difficult to copy and must not affect the quality perception of Gambrinus. Margin must be protected.