REHEARSAL PARTY Details For The News-Reporter, P.O. Box 340, Washington, Georgia 30673 – 706-678-2636 Hosts ______Susan Pope, Personalities editor Location and time ______Weddings, like other events, are only news if reported in a timely manner. Therefore, we urge you to return this form at ______least one week prior to your wedding. Also, please get a suitable photograph to us as soon as possible. Wedding write-ups must be received within one month of the date of the wedding. There will be no exceptions. Table decorations ______For all persons named in the write-up, be sure to include a listing of their relationships to the and bridegroom. Married couples or individuals may be listed by their given names or by the ’s name (i.e. John and Mary Smith, Mr. ______and Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. John Smith, or John Smith) but the chosen style must be consistent throughout the write-up. List all out-of-town addresses (city and state) of any wedding guests named in the write-up. If the bride and/or ______bridegroom are not from Wilkes County, list their connection to Washington-Wilkes. Those without sufficient local connec- ______tions will not be considered for publication. The News-Reporter will edit, condense, and/or correct all write-ups submitted for style or space limitations. There is no Bride’s , accessories, flowers ______charge for the publication of a photograph, headline, and up to 1,000 words in the wedding story. Words in excess of 1,000 will be charged at the rate of $15.00 per 100 or portion thereof and payment must be made in advance. Under no circum- ______stanced will a wedding story be allowed to occupy more than one-half of a newspaper page. If necessary, the type size will be reduced to fit. Photographs may be picked up at The News-Reporter following publication or they may be returned by mail if ______a self-addressed, stamped enveloped of sufficient size is provided. This form is made to serve as a guide for your convenience. Feel free to use it or to use your own paper as needed. If you ______need additional information, please call Susan Pope at The News-Reporter on Mondays, 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., or on Tuesdays, 9 a.m. until noon, at 706-678-2636. The fax number is 706-678-3857. Any other details ______

______Full name of bride ______Address of bride ______Name of bride’s parents ______Address of bride’s parents ______Full name of bridegroom ______Address of bridegroom ______

Name of bridegroom’s parents ______

Address of bridegroom’s parents ______

Date and hour of wedding ______

Place and city of wedding______

Officiating minister and city of residence ______

Decorations ______




______Name, address, email, phone number of contact person ______Candle lighters ______Wedding music (organist, pianist) ______Vocalist(s) ______Bridegroom’s mother’s dress, accessories, flowers ______

Best man’s name and city of residence ______

Ushers/groomsmen (city and relation to bride or groom) ______

______Bride’s going away outfit, corsage ______


Flower girl ______

Her flowers and dress ______Wedding trip to ______

______Residence and plans following wedding ______

Ring bearer ______

Maid or Matron of Honor ______RECEPTION

Her dress, flowers, headpiece ______Hosts ______

______Where given ______

______Bride’s table (include cloth, cake, flowers, candles, or other appointments) ______

Bridesmaids ______



Their , flowers, headpieces ______


Bride given in by ______

Bride’s gown, headpiece ______Any other table for serving ______


______Who kept the bride’s book? ______

______Who cut the cake? ______

______Servers ______

Bride’s bouquet ______


Any ornament or item of sentimental value ______



Bride’s mother’s dress, accessories, flowers ______Other information ______


______Vocalist(s) ______Bridegroom’s mother’s dress, accessories, flowers ______

Best man’s name and city of residence ______

Ushers/groomsmen (city and relation to bride or groom) ______

______Bride’s going away outfit, corsage ______


Flower girl ______

Her flowers and dress ______Wedding trip to ______

______Residence and plans following wedding ______

Ring bearer ______

Maid or Matron of Honor ______RECEPTION

Her dress, flowers, headpiece ______Hosts ______

______Where given ______

______Bride’s table (include cloth, cake, flowers, candles, or other appointments) ______

Bridesmaids ______



Their dresses, flowers, headpieces ______


Bride given in marriage by ______

Bride’s gown, headpiece ______Any other table for serving ______


______Who kept the bride’s book? ______

______Who cut the cake? ______

______Servers ______

Bride’s bouquet ______


Any ornament or item of sentimental value ______



Bride’s mother’s dress, accessories, flowers ______Other information ______


______REHEARSAL PARTY Wedding Details For The News-Reporter, P.O. Box 340, Washington, Georgia 30673 – 706-678-2636 Hosts ______Susan Pope, Personalities editor Location and time ______Weddings, like other events, are only news if reported in a timely manner. Therefore, we urge you to return this form at ______least one week prior to your wedding. Also, please get a suitable photograph to us as soon as possible. Wedding write-ups must be received within one month of the date of the wedding. There will be no exceptions. Table decorations ______For all persons named in the write-up, be sure to include a listing of their relationships to the bride and bridegroom. Married couples or individuals may be listed by their given names or by the husband’s name (i.e. John and Mary Smith, Mr. ______and Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. John Smith, or John Smith) but the chosen style must be consistent throughout the write-up. List all out-of-town addresses (city and state) of any wedding guests named in the write-up. If the bride and/or ______bridegroom are not from Wilkes County, list their connection to Washington-Wilkes. Those without sufficient local connec- ______tions will not be considered for publication. The News-Reporter will edit, condense, and/or correct all write-ups submitted for style or space limitations. There is no Bride’s dress, accessories, flowers ______charge for the publication of a photograph, headline, and up to 1,000 words in the wedding story. Words in excess of 1,000 will be charged at the rate of $15.00 per 100 or portion thereof and payment must be made in advance. Under no circum- ______stanced will a wedding story be allowed to occupy more than one-half of a newspaper page. If necessary, the type size will be reduced to fit. Photographs may be picked up at The News-Reporter following publication or they may be returned by mail if ______a self-addressed, stamped enveloped of sufficient size is provided. This form is made to serve as a guide for your convenience. Feel free to use it or to use your own paper as needed. If you ______need additional information, please call Susan Pope at The News-Reporter on Mondays, 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., or on Tuesdays, 9 a.m. until noon, at 706-678-2636. The fax number is 706-678-3857. Any other details ______

______Full name of bride ______Address of bride ______Name of bride’s parents ______Address of bride’s parents ______Full name of bridegroom ______Address of bridegroom ______

Name of bridegroom’s parents ______

Address of bridegroom’s parents ______

Date and hour of wedding ______

Place and city of wedding______

Officiating minister and city of residence ______

Decorations ______




______Name, address, email, phone number of contact person ______Candle lighters ______Wedding music (organist, pianist) ______