
© UN Photo / Eskinder Debebe EQUALITY: WHY IT MATTERS In 2019, women What’s the goal here? a disproportionate share of unpaid domestic work. To achieve gender only held equality and empower Inequalities faced by all women and girls. can begin right at birth 28 per cent and follow them all their Why? lives. In some countries, of managerial girls are deprived of access Women and girls represent to health care or proper half of the world’s popu- positions nutrition, leading to a lation and therefore also higher mortality rate. half of its potential. But, worldwide today How much persists everywhere and stagnates social prog- have we made? ress. Women continue to International commitments be underrepresented at to advance gender equal- all levels of political lead- ity have brought about ership. Across the globe, improvements in some women and girls perform areas: and genital mutilation experienced physical and/ well-being of girls (FGM) have declined in or sexual intimate partner and boys. recent years, and wom- or non-partner en’s representation in the . 1 in 3 girls What can we do to political arena is higher aged 15-19 have experi- fix these issues? than ever before. But the enced some form of female If you are a , you promise of a world in which genital mutilation/cutting can stay in school, help every and girl in the 30 countries in Africa empower your female enjoys full , and the Middle East, where classmates to do the same and where all legal, social the harmful practice is and fight for your right to and economic barriers to most common with a high access sexual and repro- their have of prolonged bleeding, ductive health services. If been removed, remains infection (including HIV), you are a woman, you can unfulfilled. In fact, that complications, address unconscious biases goal is probably even infertility and . and implicit associations more distant than before, The COVID-19 lockdown that form an unintended since women and girls further caused domes- and often an invisible bar- are being hit hard by the tic violence to increase rier to . COVID-19 pandemic. in many countries, show- If you are a or a How does gender inequality ing the critical impor- , you can work along- affect women? tance of social protection side women and girls to for women and girls. achieve gender equality Disadvantages in edu- and embrace healthy, cation translate into lack The Spotlight Initative, an respectful relationships. of access to skills and EU/UN partnership, is a You can fund educa- limited opportunities global, multi-year initiative tion campaigns to curb in the labour market. focused on eliminating all cultural practices like forms of ’s and girls’ female genital mutila- women and girls (VAWG). empowerment is essen- tion and change harmful tial to expand economic But, why should gender laws that limit the growth and promote matter to me? of women and girls and development. The full prevent them from achiev- Regardless of where you participation of women in ing their full potential. labour forces would add live in, gender equality is a To find out more percentage points to most fundamental right. about Goal #5 and national growth rates— Advancing gender equal- other Sustainable double digits in ity is critical to all areas Development Goals, visit: many cases. of a healthy society, from reducing to pro- http://www.un.org/ Are there any other gender- moting the health, educa- sustainabledevelopment related challenges? tion, protection and the Yes. Worldwide, 35 per cent of women between 15-49 years of age have