Your Swiss Army Knife 2018

1/7 From with Love Rich multicultural heritage and landmarks that represents Sarajevo.

Solution Beside important landmarks, such as Vijećnica (City Hall), Inat Kuća, Baščaršija's pearl Sebilj, there are beautiful religious monuments that tell a unique story of Sarajevo little European Jerusalem, The Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque, Ashkenazi Synagoguethird, Sacred Heart Cathedral and Orthodox Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos. And of course the story of Sarajevo wouldn’t be the same without its tram. Life in town would also be unthinkable without the 95 trams which run from the early morning hours until midnight. On the other side Sarajevo is famous for its bridges that adorn both banks of river . Every bridge represents one period and how it developed through hisotry, walking by the Miljacka you can see how every bridge has its unique story, I will just name them and let you explore further : Goat's Bridge, Šeher Ćehaja Bridge, , Čobanija Bridge, Festina lente 8

(bridge) and Skenderija Steel Bridge 1 0 2

(Eiffel's Bridge). From Sarajevo with . 6 0

Love . 5 1

: s u t a t S Your Swiss Army Knife 2018

2/7 From Sarajevo with Love Rich multicultural heritage and landmarks that represents Sarajevo.

Which place, city and country is featured in your design? (place/city/country)

Sarajevo Bosnia & Hezegovina 8 1 0 2 . 6 0 . 5 1

: s u t a t S

ID: 60103. Last updated: 27.06.2017 Your Swiss Army Knife 2018

3/7 From Sarajevo with Love Rich multicultural heritage and landmarks that represents Sarajevo.

Describe why you have chosen this place as a visual? What story does your design tell?

Sarajevo is a multicultural mosaic of cultures where diverse places of confessions, cuisines and langugages co-exist harmoniously despite their differences. The general idea was to picture a strong bond through that very cultural diversity, which brings us, human individuals, together. 8 1 0 2 . 6 0 . 5 1

: s u t a t S

ID: 60103. Last updated: 27.06.2017 Your Swiss Army Knife 2018

4/7 From Sarajevo with Love Rich multicultural heritage and landmarks that represents Sarajevo.

To be featured on social media as the Victorinox "Pick of the Day", please write a short statement about yourself (see more details in the brief).

Hello everyone, my name is Andrea Mirnić and I live in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Studying product design I can say you are explorer for life, always looking for new ways, new fields, asking yourself where is the limit. Sarajevo was always an limitless source of inspiration, capturing its beauty on pocket knife was not an easy task, but I think you can all admire enchanting spirit of this place. 8 1 0 2 . 6 0 . 5 1

: s u t a t S

ID: 60103. Last updated: 27.06.2017 Your Swiss Army Knife 2018

5/7 From Sarajevo with Love Rich multicultural heritage and landmarks that represents Sarajevo.

Please make sure you’ve filled out your country of origin in your profile and insert your country of origin here:

Bosnia & Herzegovina 8 1 0 2 . 6 0 . 5 1

: s u t a t S

ID: 60103. Last updated: 27.06.2017 Your Swiss Army Knife 2018

6/7 From Sarajevo with Love Rich multicultural heritage and landmarks that represents Sarajevo.

Have you read the" Guidelines, regulations & comments" section in the brief and is this your original work?

Yes, I did. 8 1 0 2 . 6 0 . 5 1

: s u t a t S

ID: 60103. Last updated: 27.06.2017 Your Swiss Army Knife 2018

7/7 From Sarajevo with Love Rich multicultural heritage and landmarks that represents Sarajevo.

Creative's profile

Andrea Mirnić PRO Designer Sarajevo,

Creative's top 5 skills Graphic Design, Product Design, Interior Design, Textile Design 8 1 0 2 . 6 0 . 5 1

: s u t a t S

ID: 60103. Last updated: 27.06.2017