Novel O-Glycan Arrays to Characterize Human Cancer-Associated Epithelial Antigens

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Novel O-Glycan Arrays to Characterize Human Cancer-Associated Epithelial Antigens Novel O-glycan arrays to characterize human cancer-associated epithelial antigens A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Imperial College London by Chao Gao Glycosciences Laboratory Division of Immunology and Inflammation Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Imperial College London February 2015 ABSTRACT Aberrantly expressed carbohydrates occur on cancer cells and are antigenic. This thesis is focused on studies to elucidate two elusive hybridoma-defined, cancer- associated carbohydrate antigens: a prostate cancer-associated antigen F77 and a broadly distributed epithelial cancer-associated antigen AE3. The key experiments performed are microarray analyses with mucin-type glycoproteins and generation of designer arrays, multidimensional chromatographies and mass spectrometry of O-glycomes. Antigen-positive sequences assigned are corroborated with focused arrays of natural and chemically synthetized oligosaccharides or glycolipids and products of glycosidase treatments. The F77 antigen is assigned as blood group H type 2 on a 6-linked branch of a poly- N-acetyllactosamine backbone (structure a). This sequence is shown to occur on O- glycans and on glycolipids. The F77 antibody can bind, with lower intensities, to the blood group A and B analogues of structure a. The minimum F77 antigenic sequence is shown to be a pentasaccharide (underlined in structure a). The close association of F77 antigen with prostate cancer is proposed to be a consequence of up- regulation of branching enzymes together with persistent expression of H antigen. This may account for the prevalence of F77 antigen in prostate cancers irrespective of the patients‘ ABO blood group status. There appear to be two distinct forms of AE3 antigen as evidenced by the ability of AE3 antibody to bind: (i) the O-glycan structure b, known as T antigen, which is joined by α-linkage to serine on mucin-type glycoproteins, and (ii) a sulphated glycolipid known as SM1a (structure c) in which ―T‖ sequence is joined by β-linkage to galactose. An O-glycan analogue of structure c (structure d), has not been 2 reported so far. Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of structure d will shortly be attempted for antigenic analysis. With knowledge of details of these two antigens, the biosynthetic pathways, the biological functions and clinical applications can now be rationally pursued. 3 DECARATION OF ORIGINALITY I, Chao Gao, hereby declare that the work presented in this thesis is my own work. Where I have used materials and results from other sources, this is clearly stated. This thesis has not been submitted for a degree to any other academic institution. Most of the results in Chapter 3 of this thesis have been published in the two papers below. Gao, C., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Fukuda, M. N., Palma, A. S., Kozak, R. P., Childs, R. A., Nonaka, M., Li, Z., Siegel, D. L., Hanfland, P., Peehl, D. M., Chai, W., Greene, M. I., and Feizi, T. (2014) Carbohydrate Sequence of the Prostate Cancer- associated Antigen F77 Assigned by a Mucin O-Glycome Designer Array. J Biol Chem 289, 16462-16477 Nonaka, M., Fukuda, M. N., Gao, C., Li, Z., Zhang, H., Greene, M. I., Peehl, D. M., Feizi, T., and Fukuda, M. (2014) Determination of Carbohydrate Structure Recognized by Prostate-specific F77 Monoclonal Antibody through Expression Analysis of Glycosyltransferase Genes. J Biol Chem 289, 16478-16486 The work described in Section 3.8 has been presented at the 2014 Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology and the abstract has been published as below. Gao, C., Imamura, A., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Chai, W., Kiso, M., Greene, M., and Feizi, T. (2014) Clinching the elusive prostate cancer antigen F77. in 2014 Joint Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology and the Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research, Glycobiology 24, 1195 Chao Gao 4 COPYRIGHT DECLARATION The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license. Researchers are free to copy, distribute or transmit the thesis on the condition that they attribute it, that they do not use it for commercial purposes and that they do not alter, transform or build upon it. For any reuse or redistribution, researchers must make clear to others the license terms of this work. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my supervisor Professor Ten Feizi for her constant patience and guidance in so many aspects of my study at Imperial College. She led me to into the field of glycobiology, which is a fast growing area with great potential opportunities. Her broad knowledge of carbohydrate sequences and functions is of great value to a PhD student who is starting and willing to devote himself to this field. Professor Feizi is also a good model of scientist, always energetic, sharp and enthusiastic in addressing scientific problems and observations. More importantly, Professor Feizi spends time with her students. My whole PhD progressed with valuable discussions with her on writing reports, manuscripts and my thesis, and in preparing presentations. Her mentoring was remarkable and I have benefited a lot from her training. I would take this opportunity also to thank Dr Wengang Chai, who introduced me to the Glycosciences Laboratory at the very beginning. A short conversation in China opened a brand new avenue to me in 2010. Dr Chai is an excellent scientist with strong determination. He is very well organised and he always thinks ahead of time. I have received tremendously valuable advice from him on how to perform good experiments and how to organise my tasks in the most efficient way. He generously shared with me his great experience in experimental procedures, especially in O- glycan release, oligosaccharide fractionation, all steps in making neoglycolipids and performing analyses by mass spectrometry (MS). I appreciate his comments and suggestions. Dr Yan Liu is a great scientist I admire very much. She is a good teacher and has offered great help and guidance in my microarray experiments, from the planning, the probe preparation to arraying, binding experiments and data analysis. She started the F77 project and made a great contribution throughout the project. She has also guided me in my writing and presentations. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Liu (who is now a great mother as well as a scientist). 6 Special thanks to Dr Yibing Zhang. He helped me to do the MS analysis each time, and I ―happened to‖ have so many samples every time. I was always eager to know the results and he was always so prompt in running my samples. Dr Zhang is a great friend. He walked me through in each step when I met problems. I would like to thank my colleagues who provided teaching and help during my studies in the Glycosciences Laboratory, Dr Robert A Childs, Dr Mark S Stoll, Dr Colin Herbert and Dr Barbara Molloy. I should particularly thank Dr Angelina Palma, who prepared the first mucin array and gave me important advice on the design of microarray experiments. She initiated the AE3 project. Dr. Juthathip Mongkolsapaya has special thanks from me for resurrecting the AE3 hybridoma clone received from venerable Dr. John Codington, and providing no less than 1 litre of potent culture supernatant. This was most welcome at a time when the AE3 antibody had become scarce. Many thanks go to the PhD students in the laboratory, Frederick Gyapon Quast and Zhen Li. I would like to thank our external collaborators who generously provided precious antibodies, glycolipids, oligosaccharides and enzymes, and contributed to the discussions in the course of my PhD project. Due to the space limit, I am only able to list their names here: Drs. Mark Greene, Hongtao Zhang, Don Siegel, Nonaka Motohiro, Michiko Fukuda, Minoru Fukuda, Donna Peehl, Peter Hanfland, Radoslaw P. Kozak, Makoto Kiso, Akihiro Imamura, Ando Hiromune, Susann Teneberg, Henrik Clausen, Ola Blixt, Joy Burchell and Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou. I would like to thank my parents for being tolerant and patient although they are not scientists. They are the best parents one could ever have. They have, with their love, built the warmest and coziest home, where I dream of going back to, almost every day. It is a shelter where I can go whenever I have troubles and difficulties. I love my parents. When I look back at these four years, I feel so lucky to have made so many good friends from every corner of the world. I should thank my dearest friends for their great support and advice on all aspects of my PhD studies: Drs Yaozu Xiang, Hua Zhang, Jiaying Tang, Bo Han, Yichen Xu, Chuncheng Guo, Yuepeng Wang, Wei Dai, 7 Hongbo Zhou, Lan Wei, Xue Yang, Zhongping Xiao, Chuncui Huang and Hongtao Zhang; Lei Cheng Lit, Lei Wang, Chenjing Shang, Qize Ding, Nan Jia, Qiushi Chen, Ningyu Xiao, Chengli Zong, Fan Zhang, Xiangpeng Li and Xia Wu. I also want to give my special thanks to my flatmate Jin Ma. I will never forget the delicious meals you cooked at home and the fancy restaurants we went to together. More importantly, I will remember forever the days and nights we spent together studying at home. I overcame my laziness each time I saw how diligent and focused you were during your studying. My gratitude is to all my teachers and colleagues at Ocean University of China, especially my forever mentor Professor Huashi Guan for his support and encouragement since my master‘s studies. Also I want to thank my teachers Professors Guangli Yu, Hongbing Liu and Chunxia Li, and my colleagues and friends in Ocean University of China. Last but not least, I would like to thank the China Scholarship Council, the Henry Lester Trust, and Professor Ten Feizi for supporting my studies at Imperial College and making all of the above-mentioned stories possible.
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