The Cultural Centre has received exceptional support for all facets of the project from the Government as Presenting Partner, through the Office of Aboriginal and Islander Partnerships, Department of Communities; Trade and Investment Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation; and Arts Queensland’s Backing Indigenous Arts program, which includes the Indigenous Art Fair and the Queensland Indigenous Arts Marketing and Export Agency (QIAMEA). Sincere gratitude is extended to these agencies and the many individuals involved.



1 July – 23 October 2011

Cover: George Nona / Kala Lagaw Ya people / Ceremonial dhoeri 2008 / Purchased 2008. The Queensland Government’s Gallery of Modern Art Acquisitions Fund / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery Welcome to The : A Celebration

From 1 July to 23 October 2011, Queensland’s major arts organisations at the Cultural Centre, South Bank, will join forces to present The Torres Strait Islands: A Celebration, showcasing the diverse arts and vibrant cultures of the Torres Strait Islands.

The Torres Strait is a vast region of Australia that is still largely unknown to the majority of Australians. Located between the northern tip of Cape York and Papua New Guinea, the Torres Strait comprises over 270 islands. Of these, 17 are inhabited by Torres Strait Island peoples – whose cultures are very different from mainland Australian Aboriginal cultures.

The opening of this collaborative project coincides with the 140th anniversary of the culturally significant ‘Coming of the Light’, which marks the arrival of the London Missionary Society at Erub Island in the eastern Torres Strait on 1 July, 1871. A special service is being held to commemorate this event at 10.00am, Friday 1 July, St John’s Cathedral, 373 Ann Street, Brisbane.

2 3 The Torres Strait Islands: OPENING WEEKEND A Celebration encompasses: CELEBRATIONS

Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 July The Torres Strait Islands: A Celebration opening weekend centres around a coming together of local and visiting communities to enjoy performances, music, exhibitions, talks, activities, and food – including a large kupmauri (earth oven) – highlighting the rich traditions and contemporary culture of the Torres Strait.

An unprecedented program of events is presented at multiple venues across the Cultural Centre precinct, offering access to the dynamic art and culture of the Torres Strait region for all visitors to enjoy.

• ‘Coming of the light’ Special service, 10:00am, Friday 1 July, Gallery of Kurilpa Bridge St Johns Cathedral, Ann Street, Brisbane; Modern Art

Brisbane River

State • Opening Celebrations, a weekend of spectacular Torres Strait Maiwar Library of GreenQueensland Islander performances, workshops, exhibitions, food, dance

and music, 2–3 July, 2011; Montague Rd Stanley Place Grey St

• ‘Land, Sea and Sky: Contemporary Art of the Torres Strait Queensland Victoria Bridge Islands’, an exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art including Art Gallery Queensland more than 40 artists, 1 July–9 October 2011; Peel St Museum

• ‘Strait Home’ will bring the State Library of Queensland’s Queensland Performing significant collections to life, through exhibitions, special events Arts Centre and activities, 1 July–23 October 2011;

Melbourne St • ‘Awakening: Stories from the Torres Strait’ features striking ceremonial masks, hand-crafted tools of daily life and internationally significant archaeological findings at Queensland Museum South Bank, 25 June–2 October, 2011; The Cultural Centre is an innovative arts precinct located • A new work by the Bangarra Dance Theatre, 1–9 July, 2011; on Brisbane’s South Bank, opposite the city centre. It’s a and the Mabo Oration, with speaker Terri Janke, 3 July 2011, one-stop destination for people of all ages to enjoy creativity at QPAC. and culture.

Keriba Mabaigal dancers performing at the Kozan Community Day / Gallery of Modern Art, August 2008 / Photograph: J Bell

4 5 SatURDAY 2 JulY 2011 SUNDAY 3 JULY 2011

10.30AM – 12.30PM OFFICIAL OPENING 10.00AM

The Hon. Rachel Nolan, MP, Minister for Finance and WORKSHOP Urab Dancers (Poruma) SPECIAL EVENT The Arts and special guests 10.30AM 12.45PM PERFORMANCE Saam Karem Ira Kodo Mer Dance Troop (Erub) PERFORMANCE Keriba Mabaigal (representing Erub) 11.00AM 1.00PM ARTIST TALK Segar Passi PERFORMANCE Thaiwa Dancers ceremony (Iama) PERFORMANCE Urab Dancers (Poruma) PERFORMANCE Urab Dancers (Poruma) 11.15AM PERFORMANCE Malu Kiai Mura Buai (representing Boigu) PERFORMANCE Brisbane Saibai Group (representing Saibai) 1.30PM 11.30AM Deepen the conversation: Elma Kris and Peggy CONVERSATION The spoken word: Journey of the Light DISCUSSION Missi (Bangarra Dance Theatre) Our story your story – Awakening: Stories from the CURATOR’S TALK Our story your story – Awakening: Stories from the Torres Strait CURATOR’S TALK Torres Strait 11.45AM 1.45PM PERFORMANCE Gold Coast Dance (representing Badu) PERFORMANCE Zillmere Warriors Choral Group 12.00NOON 2.00PM ARTIST TALK Rosie Barkus PERFORMANCE Kalmel Buai (representing Saibai Is) Dr Anita Herle (University of Cambridge): Legacies of CURATOR’S TALK PERFORMANCE Urab Dancers (Poruma) the Alfred Haddon Collections from the Torres Strait PERFORMANCE Malu Kiai Mura Buai (junior group) 12.30PM ARTIST TALK Segar Passi MUSIC Gina Ruben & Danielle Ruben 2.30PM 12.45PM PERFORMANCE Wagga Dance Group ARTIST TALK Solomon Booth PERFORMANCE MDW Maiso Dance Group (Mer, St Paul’s Villiage, Moa) 1.00PM 3.00PM PERFORMANCE MDW Maiso Dance Group (Mer) Mainland’ featuring Destiny Deacon, Douglas PERFORMANCE Urab Dancers (Poruma) DISCUSSION Watkin, Kevin O’Brien and Ricardo Idagi 1.30PM 3.15PM ARTIST TALK Ken Thaiday PERFORMANCE Seaman Dan (Waiben; Cairns) EVENT Queensland Indigenous Sports Hall of Fame induction PERFORMANCE Saam Karem Ira Kodo Mer Dance Troop (Erub) Our story your story – Awakening: Stories from the CURATOR’S TALK 3.45PM Torres Strait PERFORMANCE Urab Dancers (Poruma) 1:45PM PERFORMANCE Malu Kiai Mura Buai (junior group) MUSIC Getano Bann 4.00PM 2.00PM PERFORMANCE Komet Kus Island Dancers (Mer) WORKSHOP Urab Dancers (Poruma) PERFORMANCE Thaiwa Dancers (Iama) MUSIC Maisor Singers (Mer) 4.15PM 2.15PM PERFORMANCE Saam Karem Ira Kodo Mer Dance Troop (Erub) ARTIST TALK Alick Tipoti 4.45PM 2.45PM MUSIC Busby Marou (Cairns) MUSIC Cygnet Repu and Basala Ya Kwaya () 5.30PM PERFORMANCE Komet Kus Island Dancers (Mer) MUSIC Voices for the Light choir 3.00PM PERFORMANCE Thaiwa Dancers (Iama) CONVERSATION The spoken word: Torres Strait tomorrow 6.15PM 3.30PM PERFORMANCE Getano Bann MUSIC Busby Marou (Cairns) 7.30PM PERFORMANCE MDW Maiso Dance Group (Mer) EVENT Bangarra Dance Theatre: Belong (tickets required) 4.15PM MUSIC Rupert and Thomas MAIWAR GREEN - BACKING INDIGENOUS ARTS STAGE MUSIC Cygnet Repu and Basala Ya Kwaya (Mabuiag) GALLERY OF MODERN ART 5.00PM STATE LIBRARY OF QUEENSLAND QUEENSLAND PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE TALK The Mabo Oration 2011 (tickets required) QUEENSLAND MUSEUM SOUTH BANK 6 7 OPENING WEEKEND OPENING WEEKEND

The Cultural Centre, South Bank precinct partners extend URAB DANCERS (PORUMA) sincere thanks to all of the artists, performers, local and visiting Torres Strait Islander community members for their valued The Urab dancers support and contributions, which helped to develop the opening of Poruma Island weekend program. showcase traditional dance and songs THAIWA DANCERS (IAMA) unique to Poruma and include an opportunity Dance is a primary form to learn some of these of artistic expression in dances. Be a part of this the Torres Strait Islands. amazing performance Zamiyakal (dance as you experience the objects) are made to diversity and unique accompany performers culture of the Torres in their enactments of Strait Islands. important stories. They The Urab Dancers perform at 1.00pm and 2.00pm Saturday are articulated through the (Queensland Museum), 3.45pm Saturday (Maiwar Green - dancers manipulating a Backing Indigenous Arts Stage), and 10.00am, 11.00am, 1.00pm system of string pulleys to animate their narratives, adding visual and 2.00pm Sunday (Queensland Museum) excitement to already compelling performances. The Thaiwa Dancers perform at 1.00pm Saturday (GoMA SAAM KAREM IRA KODO MER and Maiwar Green - Backing Indigenous Arts Stage), 4.00pm Saturday (Queensland Museum), and 5.30pm Saturday (QPAC) DANCE TROOP (ERUB)

The Saam Karem Ira Kodo Mer Dance Troop from Erub Island in CYGNET REPU & BASALA YA KWAYA the north eastern Torres Strait draws their name from the dark (MABUIAG) colour of the ocean. Ira Kodo Mer means echoes Cygnet Repu is a singer, from the deep sea, an area performer and community not to be confused with language consultant on the Darnley Deeps. The . Formed in troop perform and promote 2009 as a five-piece acapella dances that are relevant choir, Basala Ya Kwaya to the land, sea and sky explore the rich history of that surrounds the beautiful island of Erub. The Erub colours are traditional and contemporary black and yellow and the troop wears these colours to represent secular and sacred music. their island wherever they go. Cygnet Repu and the Basala Ya Kwaya perform at the Official Opening, 10.30am Saturday (Maiwar Green - Backing The Saam Karem Ira Kodo Mer Dance Troop perform at 3.15pm Indigenous Arts Stage), 5.30pm Saturday (State Library of Saturday (QPAC), 4.15pm (Maiwar Green - Backing Indigenous Queensland), 2.45pm Sunday (Maiwar Green - Backing Arts Stage) and 10.30am Sunday (Maiwar Green - Backing Indigenous Arts Stage), 4.00pm Sunday (Queensland Museum) Indigenous Arts Stage).

and 4.15pm Sunday (QPAC). Caption for Urab dancers?

Patrick Thaiday / Kulkalgaw Ya people / Zugub (Dance machines) 2011 / Purchased 2011 with funds from Saamkarem Era Kodomer’ dance group from Erub (Darnley Island) / ‘Au Seuwiri Ermare’ Canoe Thomas Bradley through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery dance meaning ‘To go out to Seu Reef and spear the biggest silver mullet there’ / Composer, Music, Choreography: Kapua Gutchen Snr. / Performance at Winds of Zenadth Cultural Festival, September 2010 Caption for Cygnet Repu? on / Photograph: Bruce McLean 8 9 OPENING WEEKEND OPENING WEEKEND


Join Torres Strait Islander Elma Kris and Peggy Missi for a discussion around the creative process that is required, to develop a new work with a focus on Torres Strait Island culture, and the access of Torres Strait culture for BUSBY MAROU (CAIRNS) audience members through contemporary and Busby Marou is the work of Thomas Busby and Jeremy Marou, traditional dance forms. combining the melodies of traditional Murray Island songs 1.30pm Saturday (State and dances familiar to Jeremy, along with Thomas’ distinct Library of Queensland). storytelling style. Busby Marou’s debut EP The Blue Road (2007) was recorded with Australian singer-songwriter Pete Murray and SEAMAN DAN (WAIBEN) acclaimed producer Anthony Lycenko. Busby Marou perform at 4.45pm Saturday (QPAC) and 3.30pm Henry Gibson ‘Seaman’ Sunday (Maiwar Green - Backing Indigenous Arts Stage) Dan was born in 1929. His national and international reputation MDW MAISO DANCE GROUP (MER) has earned Seaman Alick Passi and Dalton Cowley have been performing together Dan ARIA Awards for since primary school, appearing at schools and events in Best World Music Album Cairns, accompanied by singers (Perfect Pearl 2004 and John Barsa and Palai Noah. In Sailing Home 2009). the Torres Strait Islands they Seaman Dan performs have performed at the Gab Titui at 10.30am Saturday Cultural Centre and Mabo Week (Maiwar Green - Backing Celebrations on Mer Island. They Indigenous Arts Stage) have also travelled to Brisbane and and 3.15pm Saturday to the Cook Islands in the Pacific. (Maiwar Green - Backing The Maiso Dancers perform at Indigenous Arts Stage) 2.30pm Saturday (Maiwar Green - Backing Indigenous Arts Stage), 1.00pm Sunday (Maiwar Green - Backing Indigenous Arts Stage), and 3.30pm Sunday (QPAC).

Caption for Busby Caption for Elma William Akee / Meriam Mir people / Beizam tirig 2008 / Purchased 2009. Queensland Art Gallery Caption for Seaman Dan Foundation Grant / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery 10 11 OPENING WEEKEND ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS

VOICES FOR THE LIGHT QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Under the guidance of Choir Master Ruth Ghee, Voices of the Kids meet up! Island style activities Light will perform contemporary and traditional hymns and and workshops music from the Torres Strait in the Knowledge Walk, creating a harmonious landscape of language and music. 10.00am–3.00pm Join Aunty Sarah Wapau and learn how to weave Torres Strait Voices for the Light commences at 5.30pm Saturday, State Island creatures sush as fish and birds from palm leaves. Library of Queensland Discover more about the Torres Strait Islands. Make your own special animal or read stories about these amazing creatures.

STATE LIBRARY OF QUEENSLAND The Corner Goes Strait Home 10.00am–12noon Come on a journey to the far Northern tip of Queensland, jumping off from the Cape into the islands of the Torres Strait. Jump into your tinnie and navigate tropical waters, drift through stories and discover the magic of myths and legends.

For under 8s, their parents, carers and friends

QPAC 1.00pm–3.30pm Smilar Sinak will run a variety of activities for children, including LOCAL PERFORMERS sit down dancing and games. During Brisbane Saibai Group the afternoon, Aunty Getano Bann Edna Billy and Aunty Gina Ruben & Danielle Ruben Sarah Wapau will Gold Coast Dance be demonstrating Kalmel Buai weaving from the Torres Strait and Aunty Babai Nagai and Peter Keriba Mabaigal Nagai (Warrups & Thrums) will be demonstrating drum making. Komet Kus Island Dancers Maisor singers Malu Kiai Mura Buai GALLERY OF MODERN ART Malu Kiai Mura Buai (junior group) Through a companion art trail to the ‘Land, Sea and Sky’ Rupert and Thomas exhibition, children will travel through the islands of the Torres Wagga Dance Group Strait, collecting objects and knowledge as they learn about the Zillmere Warriors diverse traditions and cultural relevance of the land, sea and sky for Torres Strait Islander people.

Children’s Art Centre workshop on Kozan Community Day outside the Gallery of Modern Art, August Ruth Ghee and Luke Captain rehearse for the Voices of the Light Choir 2008. Photographs: Natasha Harth 12 13 PUBLICATION

Accompanying The Torres Strait Islands: A Celebration will The Mabo Oration 2011 be a publication showcasing the outstanding collections and performance programs of the major arts organisations located at Follow the stars: South Bank, Brisbane — a testament to the ongoing significance Indigenous culture, knowledge and of Torres Strait Islander art, culture and history. intellectual property rights Highlights include important Torres Strait Islander material culture Playhouse, QPAC objects from the Queensland Museum; unique watercolours from the Margaret Lawrie Collection of Torres Strait Islands Material 3 July 2011 and previously unpublished photographs from the Dr Wilhelm Tickets $20* Lorenz Rechnitz Papers at the John Oxley Library, State Library Bookings | 136 246 of Queensland; and contemporary and commissioned art works from the Queensland Art Gallery Collection. Torres Strait Islander The Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, with support cultural influences on the acclaimed Bangarra Dance Theatre are from QPAC, presents The Mabo Oration 2011. Join speaker explored in a pictorial essay by Stephen Page and Elma Kris. Terri Janke as she pays tribute to the work of Eddie Koiki Mabo and examines the cultural heritage and rights of Indigenous The Torres Strait Islands encompasses both general and people in protecting their knowledge, arts and cultural heritage. specialist knowledge about the Torres Strait Islands and the cultural achievements of its peoples. The Mabo Oration 2011 includes commentary by Bryan Keon-Cohen QC, and performances by didgeridoo artist David The publication will be available from all Cultural Centre retail Williams, dancer Albert David and award-winning duo, Busby outlets, and online at Marou. RRP $49.95.

This publication has been supported by the Queensland Government, Australia, through the Queensland Indigenous Arts Marketing and Export Agency (QIAMEA), which promotes the Queensland Indigenous Photo of Eddie abo: Jim McEwan arts industry through marketing and export activity internationally and throughout Australia. 14 15 Gallery of Modern Art

‘Land, Sea and Sky: Contemporary Art of the Torres Strait Islands’ 1 July – 9 October 2011

‘Land, Sea and Sky’ embraces the cultural and practical significance of land, sea and sky to Torres Strait Islander people and the influence of these on their art. The exhibition celebrates the distinctive and diverse contemporary art from the Islands and will include dance objects, prints, paintings, film, video, textiles, ceramics and installations drawn from the Queensland Art Gallery’s significant collection of works by Torres Strait Islander artists, as well as key loans and commissioned works.

The exhibition will reinforce cultural knowledge for Islanders as well as present their rich and complex cultures to a broader audience through performance and oral history. Representing different island groups, as well as mainland and urban artists, ‘Land, Sea and Sky’ will include works by more than 40 artists, including major commissions of exciting new works, and loans from both important public and private collections across Australia, will be shown. This will be the largest exhibition to date of contemporary art by Torres Strait Islander artists.

Opening Hours 10.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturday I Sunday I Public Holidays

Supported by

Left: Alick Tipoti / Kala Lagaw Ya people / Apu kaz 2010 / Purchased 2010. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery 16 17 State Library of Queensland

‘Strait Home’ 1 July – 23 October 2011

‘Strait Home’ at the State Library of Queensland will allow visitors to hear, experience and share stories from the Torres Strait Islands. The State Library holds some of the most significant Torres Strait Islander documentary material in Australia. The treasures in the State Library’s collection have inspired interactive exhibitions, conversations, installations and performances, creating opportunities to learn about the people, history and culture of the Torres Strait Islands.

‘Strait Home’ brings together three exhibitions, each offering a unique experience. The centrepiece is an immersive digital installation in the slq Gallery, where material from the State Library’s collection provides a rich experience of Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage, through sight and sound.

An extraordinary watercolour collection by Torres Strait Islander artists in the Philip Bacon Heritage Gallery will be exhibited as a group for the first time. These works are significant in tracing the development of Torres Strait Islander contemporary art. The watercolours were commissioned as illustrations for Margaret Lawrie’s 1970 landmark book, Myths and Legends of the Torres Strait, and form part of the Margaret Lawrie Collection of Torres Strait Islands material, which is listed on the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register.

The kuril dhagun Indigenous Knowledge Centre will also showcase the iconic Dhoeri (or Dari) headdress. The Dhoeri is the most recognisable symbol of the Torres Strait and forms the centrepiece of the Torres Strait flag.

‘Strait Home’ invites visitors to keep culture strong by connecting with this integral part of Queensland’s and Australia’s Indigenous heritage.

Opening Hours 10.00am – 5.00pm daily

Right: Kala Waia / Kala Kawaw Ya people / Gaizu an[d] the girls on Aka’s back (detail) 1971 / TR1791/334 / Margaret Lawrie Collection of Works on Paper, John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland 18 19 Queensland Museum South Bank

‘Awakening: Stories from the Torres Strait’ 25 June – 2 October 2011

Torres Strait Islanders believe that objects are pervaded by the spirits of our ancestors and the natural world. ‘Awakening’ is the act of reconnecting that stirs the spirit between the people and the object.

The exhibition will light a path through life, culture and custom, showcasing objects of extraordinary beauty and significance from Queensland Museum’s extensive Torres Strait collection.

This collection features ceremonial masks, objects collected by pioneering anthropologist AC Haddon as well as internationally recognised archaeological findings, all of which connect to the land, the sea, the song and the story of Torres Strait Island kastom.

At its core, the exhibition ‘Awakening’ will explore why and how museums collect cultural objects and stories, and will illustrate that objects do not stand on their own but are enmeshed in a web of cultural meaning. With this understanding, ‘Awakening’ will provide a unique insight to the rich culture of the Torres Strait Islands.

Opening Hours 10.00am – 5.00pm daily

Supported by

Fish scoop / Bamboo, plant fibre, Matchbox bean (Entada phaseoloides) seeds and ochre / Mer / E260 / Collected by John Bruce from Mer, 1913 / Collection: Queensland Museum 20 21 QPAC

Bangarra Dance Theatre Belong Playhouse, QPAC 1–9 July 2011 Tickets $29–$59* Bookings | 136 246

Bangarra Dance Theatre and QPAC, in association with Musgrave Park Cultural Centre, present Belong, featuring two new dance theatre works: ID by Bangarra’s Artistic Director, Stephen Page, and About by dancer and choreographer Elma Kris.

Stephen Page investigates what it means to be Aboriginal in the twenty-first century, asking important questions of identity. Based on personal observations of people tracing their bloodlines and reconnecting with traditional culture, ID provokes perceptions in contemporary society.

Torres Strait Islander Elma Kris is inspired by customs passed down through families for generations. Reflecting the strong links between communities and their natural environment, About explores the mood of the winds as they move across land, sea and sky, signifying key moments in time.

Visit for performance times

Left: Bangarra dancers Daniel Riley McKinley (left) and Waangenga Blanco / Photograph: Jason Capobianco 22 23 24 25