Committee Minutes

COMMITTEE: Primary and Secondary Education CHAIRPERSON: DATE: April 13, 2021 TIME: 4:00 PM ROOM: Room 116

Chairwoman Manning called the meeting of the House Primary & Secondary Education Committee to order at 4:05 p.m. on April 13, 2021. The Clerk called the roll. With a quorum present, the committee proceeded as a full committee.

The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved without objection.

At 4:07 p.m., Chairwoman Manning called House Bill 34 up for its fourth hearing.

Ms. Corrinne Vidales, Esq., Assistant Director of the Ohio Christian Education Network, provided written opponent testimony. There were no questions from committee members.

Representative Fowler Arthur moved to amend with AM_134_0091. Representative Fowler Arthur provided a brief summary of the amendment and responded to a question from Representative Ingram. The Clerk called the roll, and by a vote of 3-11, the motion failed.

Representative Ingram moved to favorably report House Bill 34 to the Committee on Rules and Reference. The Clerk called the roll, and by a vote of 11-3, the bill was favorably reported.

The Chair announced Representative Fowler Arthur removed her name from the title.

At 4:13 p.m., Chairwoman Manning called House Bill 205 up for its first hearing.

Representative and Representative provided sponsor testimony. Reps. Sheehy and Ghanbari responded to questions from committee members.

The first hearing of House Bill 205 was concluded at 4:41 p.m.

Cc: House Clerk Committee Members Committee Clerk Speaker's Office Assistant Majority Floor Leader's Office Caucus Staff Bill Sponsor Legislative Information Systems LSC Press Room Minority Leader's Office At 4:13 p.m., Chairwoman Manning called House Bill 105 up for its first hearing.

Representative and Representative provided sponsor testimony. Reps. Lipps and Kelly responded to questions from committee members.

The first hearing of House Bill 105 was concluded at 4:57 p.m.

At 4:57 p.m., Chairwoman Manning called House Bill 200 up for its second hearing.

Dr. Reva Crosby, Superintendent of Trotwood-Madison City Schools, provided proponent testimony. Dr. Crosby responded to questions asked by the committee members.

Dr. Cameron Ryba, Citizen of Ohio, provided proponent testimony. Dr. Ryba responded to questions asked by the committee members.

BASA, OSBA, OASBO, OASSA, and OAESA submitted joint proponent testimony. Mr. Kevin Miller, Director of Governmental Relations for the Buckeye Association of School Administrators, and Ms. Barbara Shaner of the Ohio Association of Secondary School Adminstrators spoke on their behalf and responded to questions asked by the committee members.

Mr. Jeff Wensing, Vice President of the Ohio Education Association, provided interested party testimony. Mr. Wensing responded to questions asked by the committee members.

Ms. Joan Spoerl, Citizen of Ohio, submitted written proponent testimony. There were no questions from committee members.

The second hearing of House Bill 200 was concluded at 6:09 p.m.

With no further business before the committee, the House Primary & Secondary Education Committee adjourned at 6:09 p.m.

Gayle Manning, Chair

Committee Secretary

Cc: House Clerk Committee Members Committee Clerk Speaker's Office Assistant Majority Floor Leader's Office Caucus Staff Bill Sponsor Legislative Information Systems LSC Press Room Minority Leader's Office Cc: House Clerk Committee Members Committee Clerk Speaker's Office Assistant Majority Floor Leader's Office Caucus Staff Bill Sponsor Legislative Information Systems LSC Press Room Minority Leader's Office