289 . ~~~Established 1878



ACHES LEAVITT AND Interschoiastics Jerry Klotz Takes 300, With F7 CAPTAIN HOWE LEADS Don Green Close Second; KNIGHIT SKETCH PLANS Mleet starts at 1:30. Student Relay Team Picked '1 " 'c -. POWERFUL P. A. SQUAD athletic tickets will be honored*'-i < nctuary Pond Will Provide only at left-hand entrance of the CAPT. KELSEY WINS DASH ' " Team To Leave For Cambridge Cage'eesetickts illadmit Much Needed Space Cagde tse section directly Harvard, Dartmouth, Andover This Afternoon To Fight __ For TwoRik over te finishes. General admlis- Plan Triangular Meet RdAdGa Sion tickets may lie purchased at Ilsieo h ako usd UPREST O O 'TDENT POLL THURSDAY the door for other sections of the li5)t ftelc fotie~SPOTR OFLO gallery at 50 centS,. Students who competition the races held at te r any Suggestions Presented hax,'e materials in their gymna- CaeMemra Cae at aura-B SoneOS AtinCubl B e To BetterOld Rink situn lockers are urged to remove proved to e a success Due to gen- them over the week-end, It is re- etihaicpgvntohelsr This afternoon the Royal Blue sy Mr. Leavitt and Mr. Knight quested that all student officials lihsotetrctam vrlII andmarhal beon hland prompt- sets were scored. and some of theocetamssoufrCmbig "I pledge that next year we will an mrealsbt eedfae ytert lobtlIe gis h nin e Iy as requested.)etmnwrdeetd1 thi .-. tdoateagisteacetRd 'e adequate hockey- facilities," Iti______nderstudies. A' good niumber of*~J n ryfosfo xtr h id Dr. Fuess to the undergraduate contestants turned out, and the Andover rooters at the Boston on Mwftdaymorning in reply handicaps made tile competition ~~~~~~~~~Skatingclub expect to see a terrific dy onmornng ~zflly inreply ANDOVER FAERMEN TO MEET hadbp aete optto~iattle this afternoon, and hope for a PHILLiPiAN~ editorial of the v erv keen. lIi the 40-yard high atrday before. ' DARTMOUTH FROuS TODAY hcurdles Smith, Hall and Cahlners fll -~avcoytoaeg ''' atya' - Thle Friends of Hockey at An- se inl that order with the best IL OEIeea d~T apthea onethepoeru xer,"'-wvhici- -is--sponsoring--this- Crane,-Carrington-Naugle-Star- -tinae being 5.4 seconds, there beingC\TIN81.1IO'Eew amsieopnt. res o articles o the present As P. A. Swimmers Hold no handhcaps in this race. I the 40- Leads Hockey Teami Today The P'. A. team has- been serious~ kequipment obtained on 'Mon- 3ard lash two trial heats were held. ly handicapped this season by a lack 'the views on that subject from - Inter-Squad Races ()tit of te first group of spriiiters INTERSCHOLASTICS DRAW of good ie7For this and other rea- A. hockey coaches Knight and Kelsey. C-ahners and Case qualified sons the iportant games 'in the avitt.taled othwithenthu- Credited with a victory in their fo h iaswt us.Trc- 16 MASSACHUSETTS TEAMS week preceding the game today had sn of Dr. Fuess' pledge that only meet so far, the Andover morton, and Green out of the to be cancelled. These were import- oing, and agreed wholeheartedly swimming squads held a set of inter- second heat. Despite the hiandicaps, Mechanic Arts, Rindge Tech, ant games wvhich should have got- thuhim that something should be squad medal races o Saturday of reliables Kelsev and Green finished And Lawrence Appear To tenl the Kiightnien up to their first and second, with Tex Furse Be Favorites greatest degree of efficiency. How- ne. ~~~~~~~~~~lastweek. The results of these were close behind. Te time was 4.7 sec- ever, despite these difficulties, the ItherMoieffa orn w nc xelnthe n tem holdbei onds. I the 300-yard run, Jerry The seventeenth-annual Andover team is expected to give Exeter a aryis. apondthee whch the really good shape when it faces Klotz wvas first, followed by Don Interscholastic track meet will be battle royal, with the chances equal ces feel is an excellent location I two hockey rinks. There are Dartmouth today. Green . Miller and Carr tied for held Saturday, February 15, at-1-30- for victory. The team has shown a gsheltering trees around it, un- This inter-squad.competition was (Continued on Page 4) in te Case Memorial Cage. Sixteen tremendous amount of fight and high schools from variou cities i drive in its games thus season, and the present rink which is corn- held for several reasons: to make up -4I~ tely open. The shade will thus for four cancelled meets, to give the VARSITY QUINTET M\assachusetts are represented. -Me- should be more than a match for pthe ice hard, and the players men practice races, and to help to TO ENGAGE TUFTS chanic Arts and Rindge Tech,'win- the Northern opponents. Inot be forced to skate in the prepare for the encounter with i__adruru___h eet nStrayteta hdatl -surface often- found at Dartnyouth7TThe-plan was that each 1.VTem oPlyPnh d State t-rack-nieet,-are heavily favored- by Coach_-Knight, and on Sundayv__ esent. swimmer could enter only one eventem ToPlayPuncard to displace last .y'ear's winner, Law- morning there was an unofficial ent. swiinler cold ente only on event, In Second Tilt At Gym rence High. practice session. The team had a There is a hut next to the pond not counting the relays. Those on the ich is nowv used for ducks. This first team lineup raced one another This Afternoon Due to the present war crisis scrimmage with Medford High aId serve as the tarn room or a for gold, silver, and bronze medals. a-aroisfrely.udby Mnywchhwdget m wbe one bilt. wold haveto- our menparticiated inalmost eturning to action today, P. A.'s schools for track practice, have been provement on the part of the team The ice is not only hard, but is every race. There were also some varsity cagem~en meet the Trufts taken over by the United States as it won this practice session 4-3, (Coninue onPage3).novce" acesin ach ventfor Freshmen after a week and a half Armly. This, unfortunately, has re- whereas they were defeated last

______those not o the first squad. The 01 idleness- Tufts brings t-tbh' Bor- stilted in a decidedly smaller field of (Continued on Page 4) winners of these received a silver den ymu court a strong--aggrega- contestants this year, although 149 OUTSPLANNED medal' there were no relay awvards. tion that ixill be hard to defeat. Un- p~articipants are entered. GALLERY EXHIBITS FOR MEANS ESSAYS Seea exeln ie ,eer- doubtedly the closest contest of the There are the regular eight mainCA A IN SE S corded, sch as-(arington's 2:11 in court seaso;n xxill take place today. events,.40-yard low httrdles, 40-CA DIN SE S dgsHeaded By Mr, Leavitt; thle 200-yard freestyle and Naugle's A\lthough hopeful of victory, Coach yard dash, 300, 600, and 1000-yard PanieDoeB-esnt Finals27 Februay.26 in te 50-yard fre. The result Di Cementi i working against runs, plus the field events, 12-lb. ainnaD eByPa nt of thefour-mnrela was amost u%erconfidence of the team. shot, standing broad ump, and run- Living In Quebec articpantsinEssa th recor-breaing.Mean aptai. Crae did Rtinning through a heavy scrim- ning high jump. The aftertioon will Ltestwill be ju(Iged in the first a powerful 100-yard freestyle in the mage last Satturday, ~the teaii-t be closed by six relay races, and, as The two rooms in the Art Gal- Outs next wveek. Final coinpe- varsity division, showed little ill effects from its.-. usual, they will afford the most ex- lery of "French Canadian Folk Onbestspeak- amon the eiht he othe times re as fllows: forced idleness. The scrimmage was citement. As an added attraction to Painting," included in the "Region-- choenromthegroup of thirty anl inter-sqtiad one with most of the the mneet, which is open to all highl al Art" exhibit will remain o ex- chosenthe from ~~~Novice-O-yard freestyle. \Von play'ers seeing action. This week schiool contestants- under 21, An- huibition until February 28th. The niore will be held on February bySa.Tm,2.ling-wr doeyFech before an audience and a new b ha.Tm,8.fundami-entals as much as anything (lover's relay team will attempt to P~ai'tn -eedoeb rnh utuittee of judges. Nlarsity-5O-yard freestyle. \Von are being stressed. Pop ush hais repeat last year svictory over 'the Canadian peasants in County irst elimination is made by the by Naugle; second, Thickens. Time, now become playing manager and Yale Freshmen. Running for An- Charlevoi., uebec, encouraged - ter's English teacher, who usu- 26. -works ot regularly with the var- clover wvill be Calder, Don Green, Iy Mlr. and Mrs. Patrick Morgan, and are typical of art which is cre- *tries to allow as many as pos- (Continued on Page 4) (Continued from Page 3) 7 (Continued on Page 3)atdmrbyisnc thnfo le 'to enter the try-out compe- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~outsideinfluence. For this reason Owhich is udged by a comrnh~aeofncsiyprmtv n ttee from the English Depart- Philip Watson, Ace Forwardip On The New York Ranger Hockey Team,,hyaeoMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lackgreat skilleest in perspective,rmtv btn heaedby r.Levit.Mr.HodsReputation As One Of Hoky) Fastest, Toghs Players teyso avidclrsnead gns'and Mr. Leavitt alternate Holds hasof. this judgino' commit- Phil Watson is one of the fastest tions and, defense men. W-atson is series with the Toronto hielp settle the question of whether frmyear to year. Froni te and flashiest skaters in the National reckless as well as fearless. H-1e has Maple Leafs. The Rangers won this or not the region affects the art. kes'in the try-otuts, eight are Hockey League. A graduate of the his Ranger teamn behind him in full. and the championship. Lester Pat- Alfred Dechenes and Adela Har- snto enter the finals, and are Mlontreal amateur ranks, Watson is No htisky- defense men go at WVatson rick says that there is nothing bet- v'ey have te largest number of oil chin te delivery of the serving hig fifth season as a mem- xxuthout caution even though they ter than his-starting the ball rolling f)aiiltigs, exhibited. Unlike all the ehby Mr. Leavitt's committee her of the Rangers' team. A native are out for revenge. If they do, they with a . panig.'otIte nolai several weeks. Final awards of , Phil was born of a wxill find a entire Ranger team One of the toughest spots Watson i watercolior, Mr. Dechenes' works then made.by another judging Scotch father and a French mother. aroused, and this is not the best has ever been in came in te sixth are moie imaginative than mereh init heeiiliRlfiich 1Tall de' [le played -i- first Tockey- with- St. thing for their opponents. - -game of- the St-anley -Cup play-off s (lepictiing -the life-- of the -French-l Ilig room on February 27. Prizes Francis Xavier Juniors in 1932. -More about his fighting later. last spring. For five games the Tor- Can~adiaia easants. I lis ividh olor sense is showvn particularly in Is fve, ten, and twenty dollars are While under the Montreal Royals \-\ atson plays in the same forward onto men had worn out te Rangers. inaishanils Fer, i rdled to te top three speakers.- _he was spotted by Patrick's eye and line wvith and sets up Tfhe Rangers needed one more game whchc ini are lbing on th eeawards are based on' both graduated to the Rangers in 1936. many plays for this big wing to to-win, but it looked as if they were bloomschofdenorou isiesnz andt IPOSitioii and delivery. Phil Watson is knowvn as the make oals ot of. This explains too tired to wviii it. As they wvent into lrksur. AelarH a es an- oert \Villiani Clifford's ess-iNx, spark plug of his team. He loves a why \\-'atson had only eight goals the last part of the game the score 11TO-teohrhn.acprl e littility of Modern Art," wxoni fight. Even though lie is one of the btit tweity-eight assists. Even with wvas 2-0 for oronito. W\ith sonie gdi-thohehad.reJiel Prz ati year's contest. lightest players in professional this small aount of goals, lie sure unknown energy', W\atson spurred scnso eaatlf -Isedo

laudwas irizwardd to ames hockey, he is one of the toughest -does know when to shoot them. It the team o to score two and tie the mkshe annssfe n doYpton, with the essay, "On in the league. Playing forward, was he wvho scored against the game. A-\s they went nto tie over- makres tuife Plus soferecanix rig"anc third prize to John this 155 pound parcel of, dynamite Brumns' crack goalie last springlithe time, both teams were desperate. Irtuoe fieLa \ T i an, eand\ lcRenolds, who wrote "A just asks to be detonated as he Rangers-Bruins play-off series. Wat- \,\atson soon appeared roaring "La VTieille au Lavage." "La Femme (Conltinued on Page 3) skates headlong into deadly situa- son ?Llso scored an-other first in the (Cnine onPg 4) (Continued on Page_3) - - WE~~~~~~~~~~DNESDAY, FEB. 12, 1941 PAGETWO.______THE PHILUPIAN .

terrible condition - ~~~~~~~fieldsto hellp better the present -ri-i LLIE PHI PlAN than these two. What minor improvements have been PI LL PIAN made are the work of Messrs. Braden and Cald- S THE Well. Both will work with the coaches and the other for the H Of hackers of hockey here in forming the plans Member ot Daily rincctui.n Association Both did a wonderful job at St. I P'repaxqtur) School Newspapers new improvements. 0 Mlark's, a'nd Mr:- Braden, who is a P. A. Alumnus, U rleupntdotesame ood Repiresciited by Natioiial Advertising Servi~e, IL. can certainly be

EDY-1TORIAL DEPARTMENT job) here.RT Editor-ins-ChiefT JAMES R. DICKENT Biiswess Maniager RANDOLPH C HARRISON. JR. iEditor 1'hwt.graphiic The hockey team under Captain and is pinning hopes on- Crane, Car. R L 0RDE'N.: "'43 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BillHowe faces a favored Exeter rington, and Farnsworth to eke ot ______The swin. g aggregation.in the Boston Skating an Andover triumph. W. R. MACDON"ALI), 41 EdiorN.ocat BST.'4 ye ad hr- Tingmlit squaid has--alsobenia.a11. D. CHAVCHAVADZR. '42 ~ j.~I1L .Cu.Pnh Dnh Boyleton torby recent ""F U CRANE. '41 '42 reetillness,b E~H. EARLY. '41 R. A. FuIMAN. THIoDtClub shoigDobono expect to capped bythe GaztwAv. '42 been maintained I W. H. HATrH ENAI, '41 J. S deosrt lsyehbtosof conditions have Ri H. JACKsoi,. '41 S. H-OROWITZ. '42 plague has left us, as hoeyonste Exnans. Bxilbon'rqetirasudmesfrqetnraqudmts AM. MCoy, '41 U. D. KITTSSnG3. '42 ]Back to normalcy! The SzAxLz. '42hokytthExnasBilacn E D OsRRUescER, '41 j E. idermnd to get his crack at the Turning to sports outside ~ht B. C EC,'2P. R TooHEy. '42 Dr. Iuess said in chapel Mo1nday morning, and once i eemn D WN. lro%%n.'42 R. 'M. Ames. '42 his wing school, we find that Rhode Island the strains of the Diix61O-gy` spak theearly traditional rivals, from again continues its phenomenal scor. fervor of the Pilgrim Fathers, position, as is Art Coleman, another State 'BUSIN&SS DEPARTMENT morning air with the defeating Maine 9041u neaan amnos noe peer r hom the Exeter ing streak by Circulation Mae h eloftemsinay gai aTheyou Anohr peestr andzelBrownssonr8943. PAT WOLF 8-3byw hdso however jerks open the sleepy under- boys will have to watch very closely arerld STAFF chorus of alarm clocks aervldb usnCle E. Bi T%%olMii. JR. '42 attntoday. face the An- which routed Peterson 'College 132. W T. BACON. '41 graduate eyelids atfive past, i'nstead of tnof. The Tufts Freshmen A. BLUIM, '41 "V B. A. BzixTizyv '42 dover hoopsters today. Leading the 28 last week, 64 field goals aiid four D. VAC. vLAND.14 '2Peabody House stands sad and empty, deserted by MKHouzs '41 ocehedtruh velaaneAdvrqintet will foul shots (one was missed) acn R~.G. NELs. '41 R T. SrLVENS. JR.. '42 temryoung voices that ncecod-hug wl-bacdAdvrqi E VOSE. '42teniryy- C C. PRATT. '41 I.. athsguard cutdfrtesoe oCpan its halls, N longer dotecasattendance blns be Captain-Tim, Dicken NX, B A BF\,TIFN 42 CH PI.NFHi. 3d. '4 N otecasbak ths.cutdfrtesoe I P ORR. 2d '42 SJ1. NORTHROP. '43 while Dick Duden, the high Mlartin and Regenge shared sco. resemble casualty lists. Yes, the ffightmare is over; position, pont ______scorng Lower from Englewood, will ing honors with 42 and 34 and Saturdays feats apiece. Martin made six field gol THE PILLIPIAN4 is published Wednesdays reality has set in. The day after tomorrow, money attempt to repeat his scoring during the schooi year by TilE PHILLIPIAN board in two minutes. The score at iht to pour back into the empty coffers of -'from his forward position. Bob TilE PHILLIPIAN does not necessarily endorse statements wvill begin of us Furman, a much improved center, half was 58-. Dartmouth seemsto Boston and Maine Railroad, and many bewalking away wihthe Eatr THE PHlLrTflAN-is-dtstrituteato-subscTibeatthcommnoithWe thlHlearavirtretnhs h Nni. hne hefellow who can .aer ansd is for sale at the Andover Inn. wvill be .u bwih Advertising rates on application.levn giving relysih'm, and Vin McKer- baskLdl ilwnignltt the term. - grueling experiences of these black months, far. Cornal Terms: Subscription, -$3.50 the fear; $1.25 ol, m, a lefty, round out the-first team. conference games so matter at the post office at Andover, ofcmestontihneinn .~Entered as second ciass be the first ift having won five and lost one L aarmeasuret Today's game will no let- second, followed by Columbia iniii Mffic o punderticatio: Smrch 3.C its., been deprive~d 6f its principal joy, an two weeks for the team, but * Officeof publiation: Sith & Cuti C.Paktre.which has fine ball that third slot. Yale is second from tho A-ndover prom. Back to normalcy is the cry, which up is expected in the Andover, M~ass., February '12, 1941 recently. bottom. High scorers are lBennr~ Iis now being taken up by hundreds of young voices, they have displayed ______Andover star and forwad the Memorial Tower, are Immediately after the basketball a former Editor for this issue: David WV. Brown The mighty words hit on Cornell's quintet, with 75 poiit~ to Samuel Phillips (dodging Day Hall on, game, the Harvard 'Freshmen take ______~~~reflected Cy Carlsdn's grap- Broberg, Dartmouth's captaan, 6? ad ol dwnth vst wthie..at against pointi ______eway Andover squad is expect- points, and Cobb of Yale,-51 announc- tewyanrold nthviawith a booming, plers. 'Pe THE PHILLIPIAN takes great pleasure in 'but is In the Midwest, where the great" stirring roar. Back 'to normalcy, and four weeks ing a very close meet, ing the election of the first member of the Class of of basketball in the world vacation=- strengthened considerably by the re- brand, 1943 to join the Editorial Board: Craig Philip Gil- to go until Spring of Mel Ireland, an experienced played, Wisconsin isg leadingthwins and Y'. ***-turn wrestler of the 175-lb. class . Capt. big ten with a record of 5 bert of \Voodmere, L. I., N. loss; Indiana and Purdue, cut short -- Frank -Slack, McNulty, and, Ireland one ______Last wek, although or efforts wer Tie low closely. We predict a final~I yTeammtncsweprntd ninerie wtha- can be counted on for victories. for Indiana, last year's GoodToLuck The Team ~~~~otherof the strange characters that have been rest of the team, consisting of Howe, tory for only one mn lately. H~e was, you may Moody, Ziegler, and Esmiol, are an tional champions, Today the P. A. winter sports teams- launch their drifting about the Hill el, indefinite quantity, none of these ber of that great team was los campaign against the Red and Gray. As usual, rcladelji uuewrdalhson annual is mer-te. grdaetintyli forwAll-Ameb we thought that a futurist and a reactionary were' Fed raneewillstroe it is the hockey team that leads the rvay; ordinarily to- teams, one of the game's grea enough for one school, but this is before we ,men against Dartmouth Fresh Coach Knight and his men find themselves in the about Nowak of N bar, an extreme day. Coach Dake expects plenty of centers since Paul role, but today sees both teams on an al- met, in a remote corner of the milk underdog competition from the Hanover boys, Dame. most even iooting. -Exeter-haslhad a rather mediocre radical. rganizeiORGANIZE- judging it by the standard of the past few "W 't",rai~ season by way of introduction.E years. Andover, on the other hand, has no brilliant hie said' YL FS us as being rather strange, but we h ~ tih record to back it up either, but fortunately there is This struck it to be ainp tih Y A KO N much more to the team than its performance indi- put it down to experience, diagnosing Called unions and, labor struggles Every year at about this time, the Meet With Exeter cates. Throughout the term it has been hampered off-shoot of the spirit of etAun oa seems to be going on i mrc cdm fMto itr rsT by illness and injury; part of the time it has been and so forth that akofso n5 we became rather intrigued in and Sciences selects the outstand- Bcueo without a capt'ain, and, as recently the case, the these days. In fact, Vfasity snwteam blinked our eyes at him in ing personages of the year in every uraute "xeather has kept the team from carrying out several this individual. 'So wve -met allurythVasyskigem scheduled games. Nevertheless, the team has the film industry. During forced to cancel its match a, still pre- a dazed sort of way, -as if to say, "Do go on." He branch of these. difficultieb with a fine spirit which the last week ballots were distribu- Exeter. This informal meet was hope that this spirit will dominate in went on. vails. It is our to a special-results. com- havedownhill, consisted ahslalomind 'of a cross-country, o Bill "WVhat this school needs is an increased exploitedspirit of mitethatted and returned tabulated the today 's game; to Coach Dick Knight, Captain collective bargaining," he began. "The the whole team we 'ish the best of luck, ,Hwand group were wahradteuepce to end the tyranny of the . The first five in every feeling certain that if the will to win has anything proletariat must rise sige uadfo hmoewl tk mosno the nwxoffted the idlover winter organize !" At this point imita- singledoout andtfromntem one wil to do with deciding the outcome,with a victory. -bosses. YOU must the coveted so that the meet had to be cancel sports season will start off ting a recruiting poster, he almost stuck his right be chosen to receive retreated a few 'oscar." For the best men's per- Later meets, including one i FriendsHockeyOf At Andover ~~fore-finger in our face. We tactfully the Andover Alumniatar and allowed him to go on. formance of the year Charlie Chap- _____ ~~~~~~~~steps for today, Brooks Scbr un,Henry Fnda, Raymond Mas-~ scheduledDumnmer, and othersh "I'm an idealist," hq continued. "When I first InHerFoGoar 'Friends of HockeyLatAndover" is a groip of Stu- seLwec lve n ae wI be held-di6Peiidifig on the so the faculty that are interested cam~e to Andover it--was to sti- up the dormant dents and members of Stewart were nominated. None has ______hockey, facilities. This casfeign tetuntbd.Imypropaganda is in expanding the existing see .I mhngpn arud wnapeious Academy award. D.Knovn !group met informally several weeks ago, and'de- clasucceesnyo ill soodnt us all-union Andover. Ahi, then The 'best female actinz of the year D.Knovn cided on the following policy. First, they wanted to here, My ideal is an Cabin LUnch the Golden Age 'come." At this was attributed to Bette Davis, Joan At Log bring the plight of our hockey equipment before and then ofAyWill Gin- look of a visionary came into his eye, and Fontaine, K?.therine Hepburn, the Administration. This-has been successfully done, point the O udy eray9hM. arms and southern European gestures ger Rogers and. Martha Scott. Miss as Dr. Fuess promised publicly to cooperate in wihsepn 1935 and Graha Bunald,braAndover Ic h rsweedind to draw his picture of the ideal An- Davis won tht- award in remedying the present iaion. Second, the group Hepburn mistran hswie ee R )gain in 1938. Katherine accurate ' ure of our preseat doI' wanted a clear, En- carried off the honors in 1933. This atalnhoatheLiCb ' an't you just see Local J of the Union of tip, ideas onl a new set-upa survey on how the honor of Rev. -Agthur Le bo feel towards an glsl Histoy Stuents ickeing teir cass-rom, solving, rector of-the Trinit diii intnbr f the undergraduate on strike for more cuts and shorter assignments. tion of Jimmie Stewart and Kath- expanded hockey equipment. a the first and second erineHpunPrctoUivstywh %n editorial on this matter recently was con- At the same time, perhaps, at the Cochran Chapel a sit-down -in the basement There opens 'this week at the speaker tributed to and published in TIIE PHILLIPIAN. Sub- basses may be having Attending the luncheoi hal.O prasauivsl Riv(5li in New York -a remake of (lay. seqluent reports on this subject will appear.ofteCcrn theingfacuthereo Mr. henrbr decided upon. In' that case, it will Fani Htrt"st'poar novre, To sound public opinion, the group appealed for walk-out will be brotrs. oflatheehon watch the pickets pelt the "Boyac Streeg ararrleslva. d soling letters to the I lockey Inquiry Editor." Some 27 be an inspiring sight to Fllansee, l--l imnported---for- the -ocandMargretfromavn.-A-otheMesss. notes mere received, eight from-licotkey players -who scabs, 1'iincetcn; and 2r.adC with snowballs. Maybe Officer White will vaS--hisheitr an Nanted better equipment; the other nineteen were Dumnmer, for Miss ulaan, Graham. From the student. not, be- have to call for reinforcements in the form of the acting triumph from ho) ~khois wanted to play, but could Piet oynthoshada to keep order. Whole books may drterman ter one. Ia isodeinit inert cause of the lack of facilities. (On Thursday morning Lawrence Militia n er n.I sdfnt- igt rneo h a question sheets. be written about the "Labor Problem in Phillips der there will b~e given -out at assembly picture. In the first to talk with Dr. Kinsolving each Academy." -'Maybe it will be here, in this vy ly an adult's Trhese will try to find out how many boys of (dents who attended were B oppressed proletariat will wi its plclhheecnen it wth play hockey. '-. school, that the tgcromance certainlnoth -Colley-.-Cunn'inghamn- Dexter1 class want to forward'nd tobattle. thik that 11will havecaused it of a story that would be fea- '. JakondNclsn put fowr ate n otikta ilhv asdi l. ty Tlie group's present pians are to at a Kiddie Afternoon. Sec- mn akoadNcosn It will be pre- WVhy, I'm a hero!"' tured constructive programn for next year. the familiar scenes of old on the front With this last remark, spoken in a peculiar awe- ondly, sented in two articles, the first appearing costumes Notie struck tone of voice, he skipped off to get seconds, New York and the quaint page today. and customs -at the turn, of the cien- their suggestions, disguising himself with a pair of glasses he bor- The coaches have put forward apt to iiiiirest the Canvassing. Jor spring of Mr. rowed from the Little Dictator, who,was standing tury are more and all have received the close cooperation older folk than their children, cotat il ei nTh Sam Caldwell. Coach around. George Braden and Mr. they would seem quite out day evening, February 13th, forth more Thus our meeting with the Radical came to an to whom Knight stated, that no two men had put of place. godd, constructive ideas, or done more in their limited end, rather abruptly.- THE PHILLIPIANPAETHE

ie-Dr. '' Fuess Promises NewbeulyiV•a&l vmiiik 8 tings By e1hat1#ii JUIOTRACK TEAM HAS', lr Sain peasants'Form Gallery Show ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~FacilitiesFor 'H-e MIr. George B'raden and (aldwell, who hiad much experience peasantsForm Galiery Show 'INTER-SUAD COMPETITION ThCe'~l et~ ~il eae oky (Continued-fromn Page 1) at Sthi Nlar setecaesel (Continued from Page 1) Pt nBladSbite ns tonight beginning at 6:45 in Bul- so hard that a truck can drieCoil it . aconunittee ought to e ',e~ul to Fain," by M. Cecile Bouchard, Are Outstanding Men fic -al h is eae~il Tis means that te truck canl low\ tud) this Iprolleii. t %%ould 'oll thle alie teX of scene, but it In Handicaps l'rnthiujct "eole, 'iohal thee ihttostrik inulna- off the snow. At present the team tain te coaches, rejpresentative,, of less unity than those of Adele at A- the Junior deiona dees nutysol eThe rienlcls of H~ockey are. One of the best oils o On Saturday afternoon far too much time in shovel-' dover." and the administration. ibo is "Le MNoulin a Cesar," track team held an inter-squad meet, deidby law." Ken Steere and spends ing snow, rather t-han playing If for ome reawon the pond loca- *eonly painting f Y'vonnle 13ol- and nmedals wer'e awarded to the Bill Lamborn will uphold te'af- sfonduutalserl it makes a unified winter irt three nec vn.N n firmative; Dick rossmian and-hokytin seorar eich vent Noone Dick Pac kard will take the nega- Ifterscnuhkom tey.sugg sondav bnute firs_ n -I hr seog omolte sgetos]aebe u owr elfrom a distance, and at close w~as allowed to winl more than one PoIt016 uone can realize the care with olrv1tno~~iail om~of tive. rinks, as- M\r. Leavitt to improve the present condito. iige es ~~~~~~~~ialto pAte7:10JohnoGefenzandipnd for two the pond will serve as the Coach Knight wvould like the hasirtoesbyth itedthe wod the bete mnf ichardl Viney o the affirmative, thinks, l tilhe thereaness nll, te f thewood team. tiandicaps were -,ivei ievrit headquarters for th and(Irst iockey htit painted a light color It thle barn anti coveredl bridge; and neryaleetw imad!e the (n4 George Cooper and Phil teams. The walk to i ~ydr n it o.I' ~etechnique ~Iie has used in, cre- races much more even. The best Drake on the negative~wNill argue junior varsity pond is no longer tha ,that to ofa lack of pa~iit. There hotild be idrestedhill~~eredwitlI performance ot te day wvas it -h- 1 tson'Relvd-Soud the 1 1 il~~~~~~~~ians six hundred. Although lie Congress pass5 the Lep-bLease ow. i te h. The form. - the present rink,'~if one uses the gate electric lighting 'flue watec~l~ris do- exhbitdid not in, he mae up a fity- Bill in its original are already fixed onl the' ntdicap thl llade Iallrto the Sanctuary by Dr. Gallagher's tubes. atdc byaRerto tauhon.t Hi r yar-dd framne. Only the wvires are- needed.I berun tauhoentILie w h ca in firstha and. econ dre house. an may Of I two 'rinks are constructed up Linoleum is needed for the floor. feceni te art.d he bsale f opctive had.in t aoesod re AE RY EI there, the present rink a the half The rough %xood with mrany' nail ii ected in 'Le rto The blessf h1isVusual hadl stoe, an hesoll RAENDRY MUSIXA RECTA dullsulthe skates.es The teaml h~low hii "Leusualgood Reour de essestle, andlie too, RENDRnextICtoRitITwouldt beitturnedbeovered tovitt nowit u roscbplys.T re os tev aeabakordo 1liver" shows that Cauchon has a first in te (alas and the b~roa1dte 11 Program Features thel nuerogusa club players. atere doep ot even hlae A bulackinboard t reiuarkable eye for color, but the jttipl. -Interesting edlshCoihalf )i rink might even be extended' i-, also bardlyvneeded. olor Il fhspitnsi l h ude eehnldvr a-eesbch t Davis. and Iu-liier. AnJiz noawoeoe h em st toio sharply contrasted I w- o\elI by Scott. hl n.Tetaiab-nesbice-0-_ ver te whole effect. of ''Le Mocis- who placed in that order.- Ilime in- AdLstit One of the greatest weaknesses sit on duriig the game-; the preseiit ur" is obtained from its vivid ner's time was 6.2 second.s. N ext Nlr. Felix Fox and fr. J es te present hockey set-up is te ones are broken. The little stands br. "lI.a Chute," by Alf red (, t list was the forty-yard, dash (rx fteAaeymsc ae in idet lack of playing equipment for Ju- from the soccer field might be .arier, amid the two water-colors of Joe Sobinwonethisyithenumeral Lowers. Also many Up- brought up to the rink for te sjec- huihppealtis are eff-ective, for limle of 5.1 sonds. Steven- 1 lmt-anmgpoga i eog niors and pers, who do not have te experi- tators.7Ml-7-niithrs-thinl-f-dlgaout-~ ze sftness rather than the vivid- Parker came i second and third. \shnoiIIAnlst Moia eilt ence to make the J. V'. team, lack the idea of turning the present rink ess of their color. The 300 w~as a very close race. *\ ia'ldoftbCe'nigspr wth enlsh's r- equipment. Coaches Knight and around it a 90 degree angle with -- - ~~~~~~~~Stevernstook a first in this also.foiac Leavitt feel we are not as success- the stands i order to help avoid A. Varsity Basketball Team Farrington and Rains placed in that lid~ ~ ~~Ti rld s ludeiill' fo inior byi aprlliants ful in or games as we might be the sun. ToMeet Tufts Frosh Today order. Stevens' time was 39.4 sec- basic need-'at ~--l---theixiau~.lII thle Wil-l~ c.--oe~ h ~~t\e lsh because %%e lack players w~ho have However, the a-t-e-ttreyas.-xp~tr- ne uemr lyn 1) ners came n as they start-ed. fi Il hti+- Otro~son ,sli 1. to secremeplyg ha1bu) 5-a hndcpad ever wrote, the combination oLthe (Continued from Page feaprsntinas The coaches hope to set up a surface for the use f the unior squad.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~adaot 0yrdhnicpad to akga and propoe lbtas was not far behind with wmaigsfnealrentint"egunwhcbosfvrsity tan . isqa.The eam is well coor- Ballard - of Johann Sebastian Blach's :').Iidge -l a u , i w ch b y of v rp sd l b matedan i winits plyo- andabo t a 40-ard' h ad star. Finm mentioned abox e fro scrt.ata th avn Haydn's A-ndante zcith /'Iariatlions the unior class and others would The improvements natinits heyandsu alw t started boys of their own size, - are of secondary importance and dn-- plays the hasubalta strefr srt.Ashywnt followed, a rather clever piece of- play against' prob- yif it not iittogetilot h rmtc and receive somne of the excellent not solve the existing basic expected, of it. - 'into the last leg all-hree were now given to the varsity. lerms; they onlN improve the present Keing pace with the Varsity, more than five yards apart. Thle ansiinFmn:ofCpnws coaching p a thwetmuie.cnrsig el Tecahsfe hs~ould greatl difficulties. e V.'s, jealous of the Varsity s handhicappe-I men had saved [here will lbe givemi (juit onl Ihurs- the 1ex~t otatn ' wel imre toahes pel thisa ,asmay J;vcoy eod have been little more Wid for the sprint than asembly- lhckev they ended thev with te arig alet music frm priviiep ergrna the mntx~o `- avrnin - a orin uiosya toteord bulPhe-uitlik the rc-ilitiman had.t anclalrad imn 'lcl.% rGa ne i afo - have no opportunity i vesinto es into astiongBallrd, uit and like heiti race-Hll,1. beiz's powr- lowerclasses t lear' tetronesand s alldaareareqequested fullv' and accurately. minute and, 26.8 h rga ihAbnzspxe- loe lse olanterls n to fill these out arsity. Last Saturdays-game-With The time was one hs *~as no 1000-yard ful Triaina. - get coached. - geswt entral Cahlcwsa-elere erdns. Theie Captain HoN' gee ih hs The results of this poll will appear 32 vCtocfwor th wells.ei- race ir. Fox then played, offering if we build up a Inl ne2xt\eesasPTILP.. Today,. thei- In the fielffr-~veiits there was noth- first Bach's Prelude in B ininor. One and he thinks theat old waschigh sorer.e reserve sstemn, e players will 's ighm eet Tuncadi the ottadn. o xo h of Mozart's four fantasies, the D during their forya eIoatP , orden Gym followving the Vriy high jump with 5 feet 11 inches. 111nor) was then heard, exhibiting a leadesi - - e.fo Gametime the fist en- ains an Berghinm placed. The m-ore dramatic quality4han is A. uinder Knight's wvon by Scott, who, usually found in MIozart's works. A become really good players.r ounterfor is 2:15.high caled jump was t did five feet one inch. Hudner and magnificent performance o iz' o"h red fHce E r pond, idea D)rake tied for second with five Etude in D flat major was followed Andover" the sanctuary F m u o Miller's -Shoe Store feet. by Debussy's Gardens it the Rain, seems very sound. It must, however,fo Expert Shoe Repairing This afternoon the Juniors may plye it real French subtlety, -______loods I ~~~~~~~~rGoodachieved LUMBER FOR SLOID WORKCad 4#Main Street Tel. And. 53 have a mneet with Lowell. TH'; dle- an accomplishment rarely. Mr. Fox executed PAINT -~ BRUSHES Cade ' -nenson w'hetller the H-arvard meet in this country. Agent on the Hill pre- I - .ROSEI-,Hardy is2eko-nt.three of Chopin's twenty-four W.JAE~- uNt ______hTes- wtih-real- ;se-padended-te--]---Ei--YA- &- Toilet AIrtic Mechanic Arts And Rindge Tech evening performance with Allegro 1 3 Pr tet e.Ad CARL E. ELANDER Tops In Interscholastic Meet con fitoco (Celtic Sonata) by Mac I1 oext.N evening-oda the adult______Ciar TAILOR - HABERDASHER .M RSEYGift Boxes 'Free Collection and Delivery (cotinue from Page 1) - exMody vnigteautw Iwhile the ale Freshmen educational group and such mem- W.JMO RSE ' odr ild hpet Kelsey, wieteYlFrsmn wise enough to attend, will be priv- Baggage Trandefr ~ Coles, star and il~ged inl hearing Gerard Haft, dis- 'aiParkStiledreetmnt are headed by Bill captaintrack teamof the Andover Park StreetTel. And. W16* throutghout the wor'ld. We rc em tnguisbed Dutch 'cellist, now pro- pytewieecwwo A Treadzma Innt cati fteAdoe orders to Andover. Ask of .Mu- ______$8.00 last year. f-e5,-ir at the Longy school frorctlge ANDOVER INN The meet promises to be very in- .scin B~oston. His recital should- not DINNERSi.OO ~~teresting, for -such stars as \Vat- hesl sd following is the' Monday eve-NAI ALPE C ETUC 7c kins, teclrdspeedster fro Xe-1 The program: 'ANDOVER DAINAANK So SeP E C CON TEA______a chanic Arts, Kennedy, a 600 man ning AFTERNOON_____ E minor Mende-lssohn ______fromn Rindge Tech~and Lewis, a Preltide in Lowe& Co., Inc Ii ~~high-juniper from the same school, \nidante with Variations Haydn -BSO minor,. Chopin ______Lowe& Co., Inc. are slated to perform- - Fantasy, in F "Where Pharmacy Isa Proessuion" judges To Hold MWans Essay BaltMsc GrmAlcsatde s Competition Next Week TrinartTravelerSens-~ ITryout . 16 Man Street Tri-anraray Albeniz urT a e r (Coatinued from Page 1) Prelude, iii B flat minor Bach KEN FRANK

'W dedy eray1 ANDOVER ART STUDIO Defense of Witch-Burning." lBill Fantasy, in D minor Mozart eray1 Portraitsand Groups Spenger is the only one of last Etude, in D fiat major Liszt W d edy noe r tdo anSre Snapshot Finishing year's eight speakers who is still Gresi h an Dbsya ,M in tet Picture framing and repairing at An-dover. With his experience Three Preludes Chopin.aAnoeArStd 123 Main StreetTel. 1011 as Mleans contestant and Varsit\ Allegro conl fuioco (Celtic Sonata) 123 Min SreetTel'loll debater;, he will probably have an MacDowell wt even better chance this year. Lst Mr. Fox DR. ADELBERT FERNALD) year'sORTHODONT18T Dr.jtmdges Arthur were D.Mr. DarlingStott, Frederic and~~complete ranges of exclusively TI S ORTHODONTIST Stot-Dr. ArthuriB.CDarlingwand P R-E-SCRIP ON confined J.-PkESS iprain will be- at-tI4-ahamf infirmaryx- -- r ltn-hsi-ihMr orton every Friday where he will special- Leonard presiding. This y'ear tIhiy HAT U PAR CYi

H. Po'ni- HRAYo ize in the straightening of teeth. will be NMr. Stott, Mfr. M. TEHRIA o Office hours 9:00 to 4:80. Boston Avith -Main at Chestnut- office, 29 Commonwealth Avenue. ter, and Dr. Mviles M.\alone. Furnishings, Hats, Hand-woven Shetlands Kenmore 6275. Dr. Fuess reiigWoolens, Ready-to-Wear Specialties ______~~~~~~~~~~~~~and' JOHN H. GRECOE Don't Forget WATCHMAKER -JEWELER OPTICIANVae tn s Pull LUne;Of QimilY i1I Schoo Jeweiry FEB10RUARY 14 Tel. And.830-R ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gentlemen'sTailor adFmihr "The Bigg &t Lsttle jewelry Stor w k t r PAGE FOUR THE PEILI1PIAN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12, 1941f

WOOI~~~WORKING CLUB ~~ Phil Watson, New York Ranger NoieHandicap Medal Competitio P.. A. Pucksters To Meet Exet, Hockey Star, Relates His Life Reveals, New SfLa -rcmnIn Season'sFiaeI HAS ODD PROJECTS- (Continued from Page 1) r.GogWetzfClae.(ninued ) (otne fo ae1 University will be at the school (oii(otne from P e rmPg ) Steam EngrneAarlane~ot OF downthe' CE -behind Te1oront'o- Saturday morning, Flebruary 15. -time.r TheaceThe-tiwerea'toldsec- Are Being Developed net. To big players were waiting ByinestdnCogeshud onds.-The 600 was won by N. Cal- tm.Te o~wr odt In Workshop there for him, make appointments to see Mr. der with Siegel and W. Ross second of h orsadt epi As these big huskies waited for Werntz through the Registrar's and. third. Ross's actual time was dition.. If there were no Ihe \Voodworkinc, Club has been Watson, they did not see Bryan 1Office. slightly better than t6iegel's, but he. running up and, down stairs

tl-.e enter of unusual activity ti Hextall followving down the ice. It - was nosed out by a handicap. a good way to strengthen the h~. lerm. Radoasthe and Brd 'lan notkeget therve on Watiso AovriSimesTo-ngg The last race was finished with portant leg muscles, they were to!t[ terni.Bad- a tilenot Rdioet theirrevengeon andBird Watsn AndovBloodmeNicholsgaand WoerenicbreakingerenbTheinteamte aswellweasastheesuppooe iug clubs, as well as the regular after all. With deadly accuracy he Dartmouth Frosh Here Todaiy the tape in that order. Time, 2 min. ers, will go to Camrdeat club memrbers. have been wvorking shot the puck into H-extall's stick, 33 2-5 sec. lunch in buses to see the lts ih there Thle club's new lathe and who in turn, shot it uito the net for (Continued from Page 1) The only other running event of in the long rivalry of the Rj tool calbinets are now being used, a goal. This not only meant the - the day was an, impromptu .300 in Blue versus the Red and Gray on and sevealproje~s-ioa'v---been Cup but also Watson's escape from Novice-75-yard breast stroke, which "Tanker" Townsend nosed the ice. individualboys. being cut down. -\obyPre.Tm,6;out Don Green with the'astoundig- There is a movement under iiay started 1w ~~~~~~~~Nowin the middle of another Vast-0-ad bessrk.time of about 60 seconds fat. df the hockey team, backed by THE Thie new lathe Xm'as obtained lI~v season, WVatson is just as tough and WVon by Palitz; second, Sheft; Because of a very generous handi- PHILLIPIAN and, other persons in. tile club last term., but has only' re- much more dangerous. This speed third, Crawford. Time, 1.11 3-5. cap against him Co-Captain Jack terested, to have improvemnent, centlvuse.It ben putwill nto demon o skates ecomes ore and Novice-200-yard freestyle~--Von Fisher was-nosed out of the compe- made in the hockey facilities so h hi agreat- help to the work of the more dangerous as -each season byPc.Tm,22 tition in the shot put. a~n nnx ersta n usq~ regularmembers clb nd others passes. All last summer he practiced Varsity-200-yard freestyle. W~on Hartman tied for first in thi- event teaiis will not be handicaped ht~ walking on his hands to strengthen byCrigo;scnSeia; with' Burns next. In the broad who would like to use it. Th ey his wrists. This was to make his third, Dunlap. Time, 2:11 -5. '--Scotty Royce, VZon adjump ar lanckeprpe equpeMnyD r have already begun several oet sotigas godas his sigand Novice - 75-yard backstroke. getfinished in Wedelr.Thadisr-,anucd htnxin chae Monlda seorn. this term. Somne of the boys are his ability to make plays. At timnes \V on by Pen dergrass. Time, 54 3-5. gnent a 1 ftha2 rin. Th dsn thatolneee nextovyears woud see th4 making tables and, bookcases, one hie would practice for an hour at a Varsity-100-yard --backstroke. vault McCarter was first, second hie wvould promise the student bdy hasa teamengie~ben 'uildng tie. 'ow h is oe ofthe ost Won by Fallon; second, Hallett; and third places being,. taken by ththem has -N,beenow buildinghe is one a steamof the engine, most time. that the iniprvereotve-ment dd. andw~rki~ one s on an irplane dangerous shooters on his team, third, Burns. Time, 1 :08 2-5. Rockwvell and Bancker. With the made. The only time he is not on the ice Nve-0yrdfesl.Xon handicap the best height was 1 ft.______motor. is wvhen he is in the box. He by Harvey. Time, 65 2-5. 8 in. Unofficially,. Dick 'Sheridan did The Radio lub and the iIepn i eodo aigmoe Vriy40yr retl.Wn Iid1 ft. 8 in. without a handicap, but TML' U - kanding __'tiub have both-been fights than anyone else. It was be- by C) Crane; second, Jarnwort4h as-- itwshstidatmt tWa ''PRAL'HNG ~uigthe wvorkshop in the base- cause of Watson mainly that the. third, Searle. Time, 57 ,3-5. not counted. Victor. Dca and Brunswick mient of Mlorse Hall. Since mutch, new"rule, that a twenty-five dollar Varsity Diving=;-.Von by Cuth- As is shown, owing to the handi- Study AmP2. Etc. of the RadioClub's equipment was fine must be paid by anyone statn beto; second, Nicholson; third, cpgieinomoftevnsa 6 anSretAndof

h)ought last fall, wvith the Head- a fight, wvas put into effect, Without WVorthen. good number of the best men~were ______master's help, they have had a lot these fights the Rangers wouldno Thle probable lineup for today is unable to place, and many new Student Lamps, EectrJ~ltra -of--work-gettingi--i'n-shapeFo,.--'-e the-great-teaim'that'theT-are.-i'is 50-yard reestyle: Famorw~ rinnies1 enteredl int0_ thC- winning9 -A~arm-canks--urtan Rods, Pic. this thex' have been fortunate to be manager thinks he fights too much, Naugle. -column. The team is in good shape ture Wire. able to use the drills of the W'ood- but he realizes that this is what wins 100-yard breaststroke: Palitz and as a whole. warkic,"The Clb.shool llia the ame.Shitt. As for the relay next Saturday, .R.H L workingschdol Club. has *' Thethe game. ~~~~~200-yard freestyle: Carrington and the four men that Andover will en- 45 Main Street Tel. And. 102 built an entirely new shack for the If Watson has as good a scoring Sheridan or Dunlap. tra emwl rbbyD Bird Banding Club. headed by ack punch at the end f this season as 1O0-ard ~backstroke: Fallon, and tra em wl rbbyb ______Ravimrond and, aided b MAr. Boyle he had at the end of last' season Hallett. .Bruce Calder_ Don Green, Harvey and Dr. Gratwick. They are at when he scored three goals and had Diving: Cuthber'tsn and Nicholson: Kelsey and Chan Hall. L-E 0 N-' S'- present lining the inside' wValls with six assists to - be high scorer, the Medley relay: Hallett, PalItt, and There will be-no meet this after- 20ardot raThikes.lii~ on u ragua etwt cellutex, and' are building equipment Rangers should come out on toponFutrntranglarmeetwir Th o Godckenwch.odSnwce before they begin trapping and with fighting Phil WVatson. Keep -Naugle, 'Phickens, Carrington, Shel: Harvard and Dartmouth is planned Sodas and Ice-Cream banding birds, fighting, Phil. We are with you. dan, Crane, and Far~nsworth. ta take place soon. THE SMOKt O SiA)WER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU AXRAMILDNESS, JYXTIL COOLESS, EXTRA FAVOB ANID

Flash from Sun Valleyl


____ thsa thrill in every click of

-"A Camel tastes so-good-they have so much more flavor," says

MissDoman. Butmore flavorha th aergeofth 4oterlaget-elin onlyone of the "extras" yotuidepndntlabraor tstsofthgsmkeitel

slower-bumingCamLWE-URIGeAELlsSine.a tl yuCaes r soerbrnn Ti soe

-antheavtageo you soerurgCamels-ext4n freedom froed.ioiesis thenanm oke he.acrdn try slowper-nng amels.orSmok o e csmforeyouself.

IFA SKTEAL the youknow plais. "he sowerburIng ciAret-ae Focnvninc -ATEor uchoo moebu als thogetb cron.a thatis noctting as siple prett as figur-givesme theextrarildnesaI wat."e flavo ynidzmildness-you , Wgetcnit smokeiein orhe n prett Evelnmaes Domnitappea. Be Slowr-bu~nTHE ostliR tobaccoS Yeisefshesoe',h ti

------hind-her-seemingly-efforeless-graceareiioucersabamnlnare tosdwyor slowes-givengyouhasfuller

She takes. .her. heray skating excessiheat.ansextra seriously mildness, mextraocoolnessor smokingtoo.god deal, "Ishe moke ex- a extra flvor-and essanicoine thetesmokke

BYBUNING25% LOWERthanthe verag of e 4othe l Rths e ndpnet et eore bvetsso selling thantbrandsanyand ofst tested-slower f ythem-Camelsmokalsohtgowveryouhom

smokingthe averageTryslowr plustoningCa5esEXTRAe equal, on SMOthKEScsPER yPACK!f 7WE~ ~ ~ ~~elrseeyhr etreCml tatatiecro rcs thtcdtigapetIFYUKTEAiueiAL oheyuko ssml apan. gvsm Te hlwe-uinxr idesIwn. igrtt-amlFr0oveinc-o eoom -uyCmlsb-tecatn