North Cerney Legend Ablington Cotswold Water Park Designated Boundary A429

Bibury Cotswold Water Park Functional Boundary Bagendon Arlington

Duntisbourne Rouse National Trail

Right of Way Daglingworth Coln St Aldwyns Eastleach Martin Barnsley Hatherop (Note: no rights of way available for Oxfordshire)

Baunton Filkins National Cycle Route Fyfield A417 Broughton Poggs National Cycle Network Link

Southrop Stratton Regional Cycle Route Langford Ampney Crucis Main Visitor Attraction Ampney St Mary k A Lower Moor / WWT B Friday Island C Neigh Bridge Country Park 19 Ampney St Peter D Keynes Country Park & Associated Attractions J Little Faringdon Poulton k E Butts Farm Rare Breeds Preston F Gateway Centre G Paintball Harnhill 16 17 H North Meadow NNR I Town Museum Horcott 18 J St Mary's Church Siddington ON THAMES Water Skiing Driffield Kelmscott 1, 2, 3, 10, 16, 17, 19 Whelford Sailing / Boating E k 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18 21 )" Water Skiing & Sailing / Boating

Ewen Dunfield Buscot 6, 7 Kemble Down Ampney F Water Skiing & Canoe / Kayaking 13 k South Cerney 12 12 11 Shorncote 14 Sailing / Boating & Canoe / Kayaking 4 15 Upper Inglesham 5 9 10 D 8 Cerney Wick Ski Tow k Latton 5 14 Poole Keynes 2 3 B G Golf Club k C 1 k Hannington Wick k H )" 20 Golf Club k 21 South Cerney Golf Club 7 6 )"20 Oaksey kA Coleshill CRICKLkADE T 01865 887050 Hannington


Upper n Minety o Purton Stoke i Broad Blunsdon Stanton Fitzwarren t Sevenhampton a e r c e R d n Watchfield a e r Blunsdon St Andrew Cotswold Water Park u s i e L

_ Landscape Character Assessment 0 1 0 0 _ Haydon Wick Shrivenham O L 4

7 Figure 10: Leisure and Recreation

6 A420 2 \ s t

c South Marston e j o r

P Purton \ s i g 8 \ k Stratton St Margaret r Bourton a P r e t a DATE MARCH 2009 DRAWN DL W d l

o Green Hill w s t SCALE 1:85,000 at A3 CHECKED IH o C

_ Lydiard Millicent SWINDON 4 7 6 2


S 0 2,500m B O J \ :

X DWG.NO. 2674LO/0010 No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. All dimensions are to be checked on site. Area measurements for indicative purposes only. © LDA Design Consulting LLP. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2000 This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023746. 2007 Source: Ordnance Survey © Sustrans 2008, Natural England 2008