Sub-National Food Security Cluster Meeting

29th June 2013 & LOCATION

SOMALIA Agenda Standing items 1. Introductions 2. Review and agreement of previous minutes 3. Review/follow-up actions from previous meeting 4. Access constraints 5. Presentation of district level information by response objective, activity and planned versus actual 6. Review of gaps per district and Response Discussion 7. AOB

Access Constraints & Implications on Operations

To be completed for every meeting

SOMALIA Review of FSC Responses for Lower Juba (May 2013)

SOMALIA Cluster Members Responses by Response Priority

Region Improved Livelihood Safety Net Access Investment Responses Lower Juba 22,860 86,472 30,000

SOMALIA District Level Response i) Improved Access to Food & Safety Nets

Region District Improved Safety Net Access Responses Lower Juba 4,860 0 Badhadhe 0 Jamaame 0 0 18,000 30,000

SOMALIA District Level Response Improved Access to Food & Safety Nets Activity Breakdown

Assisted Assisted Assisted with Region District Goods with Cash with Food Vouchers Lower Afmadow 4,860 0 0 0 Juba Badhadhe 0 0 0 0 Jamaame 0 0 0 0 Kismayo 0 0 18,000 0

SOMALIA District Level Response Livelihood Investment

Livelihood Region District investment Lower Juba Afmadow 18,144 Badhadhe 27,714 Jamaame 9,384 Kismayo 31,230

SOMALIA District Level Response ii) Livelihood Investment Activity Breakdown

Asset Seed Animal Region District Training Construction Distribution Treatment

Lower Afmadow 180 6000 0 11964 Juba Badhadhe 1140 3960 0 22614

Jamaame 5400 0 0 3984

Kismayo 6756 0 0 24474

SOMALIA Gap Analysis: Improved Access and Safety Net Afmadow Responses

Legend L . J U B A Jamame Region Capital District Boundary

KISMAAYO Region Boundary Kismayo May Improved Access and Safety Net Percentage 0 to 10 percent

Badhadhe 10 to 25 percent 25 to 50 percent 50 to 75 percent 75+ percent

SOMALIA Gap Analysis:

Afmadow Livelihood

U Investment Assets

L . J U B A Responses

U Legend Jamame Region Capital District Boundary Region Boundary May Livelihood Assets

U KISMAAYO Percentage Kismayo 0 to 10 percent 10 to 25 percent 25 to 50 percent 50 to 75 percent 75+ percent U Badhadhe May Livelihood Assets GAP Gap magnitude U < 20.000 U 20.000 to 100.000 U > 100.000

SOMALIA Gap Analysis: Livelihood Afmadow Investment Inputs’ Responses U Legend L . J U B A Jamame Region Capital District Boundary Region Boundary May Livelihood inputs KISMAAYO Kismayo Pecentage 0 to 10 percent 10 to 25 percent 25 to 50 percent 50 to 75 percent 75+ percent Badhadhe May Livelihood input GAP Gap Magnitude U 0 to 20,000 U 20,000 to 100,000 U >100,000

SOMALIA Any Other Business