December 2013 & January 2014 [Web Edition]

The Magazine of

and Thorner Methodist Church

Oakwood Church Thorner Methodist Church Springwood Road Main Street LS8 2QA Thorner LS14 3BU St John and Roundhay Methodist

The Minister of the The Priest in Charge of Methodist Churches Roundhay St John Revd Dr George Bailey Revd Dr Colin Cheeseman BA 16 Kingswood Gardens 2a Ryder Gardens Leeds LS8 2BT Leeds LS8 1JS Telephone 0113 2662066 Telephone 0113 2669747


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December/January Letter from the Clergy

Dear Friends,

Well, have we reached the end of a journey or the beginning? Roundhay Methodist Church and Roundhay St John have been on the way towards being together for many years, so the 1st December marks the end of a process involving much patient work and effort. Thank you to everyone who has strived for this day over the years. On the other hand, 1st December also marks the beginning of ‘Oakwood Church, A Methodist-Anglican Partnership’. We have been able to plan certain aspects of our life together, and much of the previous two churches lives continues, but there is an unexplored and exciting future waiting for us. Our hope and prayer is that this new united congregation can offer worship to God and service to the community which is a great blessing to the area for the years ahead.

We pray that all of you reading this, and all people who are connected to the life of the church can be inspired by this vision.

Christian faith in our understanding of past, present and future – all are important and are brought together in our faith in Jesus Christ. The anchor of our faith is Jesus, born 2000 years ago in Bethlehem – Christmas is approaching when we celebrate that Jesus is God with us, a light for the world. The Church is the body through which this good news has been passed down through the centuries – the word tradition comes from the Latin verb tradere, meaning to hand over, or deliver. We are all connected by this Christian ‘handing on’ – for everyone in Church there is a way that they heard about Jesus and learnt to follow in his way. The Methodist Church and the Church of have been important in bringing many of us to faith. We cannot, and do not want to, detach ourselves from our traditions. When the new Covenant between Roundhay St John and Roundhay Methodist Church was signed on 14th November, Clive Barrett, from the Ecumenical Council, spoke about our two churches as being like two trees grafted together so that the DNA of both continues. What is so important about this image though, is not just the grafting, but the fruit which the tree produces. Christian faith is rooted in history, but looks always to produce fruit for the future. This is at the heart of the season of Advent – a time of waiting and preparation, not just to celebrate Christmas, but to be ready see the coming realisation of the promises of God for peace and justice in the world. We long for this, and we are ready to work for it into the future.

And so to the present! Rooted in the past and preparing to bear fruit for the future we get on with life in the present, heartened by looking back, and excited by looking forward. We hope that this Christmas time you will have opportunity to do both, and so all the better enjoy the present moments of celebration. We hope to see you at one or other of our Christmas events in Oakwood or in Thorner.

With every blessing,

Colin Cheeseman & George Bailey ______The Walking Group

The next walk is Saturday 28th December (meet Lakeside Cafe 10am for short walk within park – followed by coffee in the cafe) & 25th January - for

more details contact Morris Smith.


Used stamps can help to train these amazing dogs?

Please don't throw them away when they could help improve a deaf person's life. There is a collection envelope at the back of Church. Since 2005, donations of used stamps have helped support the training of 4 hearing dogs. Your stamps will help

train dog number 5! Thank you - Martin Shipley Men's Meeting at The White House

The next meetings will be on Thursday

26th December (Ladies invited too!) & 30th January

We will meet at the usual time of 8.30 pm ‘ish’

Hope you can join us. Please check the notices for updates. Morris Smith – 2651587 ______Thorner News

Many thanks to all who supported us at our Christmas Fayre which took place on Sat Nov 23rd from 10-12 noon and where we served our usual bacon butties and also mince pies, Christmas cakes etc. This event was held for Thorner Church Funds so we thank you all for your generous support !!!

As this Broadcast covers January as well, we hope you'll join us in 2014 for the first of our fund raising event of the year which will take place on Sat Feb 1st and as usual it will be from 10 – 12 noon and will be a 50/50 event in aid of MHA and Action for Children As usual our famous Bacon Butties will be served !!!

Once more we look forward to Carols on the Millennium Green , which will take place this year on Saturday December 14th beginning at 3pm. All are welcome and we'd love you to join us. The format is similar to the Carols at the Oakwood Clock and we have mince pies and mulled wine on the Green to finish off the event . There are soft Drinks available too. It's a great opportunity to meet people , so do come if you can , you'll be made most welcome. We have a collection for The Children's Society, so if you're thinking of coming , please don't forget to bring some money for the collection box !!

We hold our Covenant Service on the third Sunday in January next year, which will fall on Sun Jan 19th in 2014. This will be ‘Christian Unity Sunday’ and we will be joined by the folk of St. Peter's at Thorner Methodists so they too can make their Covenant promises along with us. We look forward to having a full church and also a Sunday School for any children who may come from St Peter's church to Thorner Methodists on this very special Sunday.

It just remains for me to wish you all, on behalf of all of us here at Thorner Methodists, a very happy and peaceful Christmas and every blessing for 2014. May the love and peace of the Christ Child fill your hearts this Christmas and throughout the coming new year.

Ann Johnson, Senior Church Steward, 0113 289 3532 Thorner, Coffee Morning Saturday February 1st 2014 10.00 am – 12 noon IN AID Of MHA & Action for Children ______

Action for Children's Christmas Concert!

Join us at the Prestigious Royal Hall in on Friday 6th December 2013 for a Night of Festive Fun!!

Get into the Christmas spirit early by joining us for a magical, musical evening, featuring festive choral works and traditional carols for all to sing! With performances by local schools & musical groups!

Proceeds will be donated to Action for Children. Thank you for your support! Starts 7pm Priced £10 for adults & £8 for concessions.

For tickets and further information, please contact the Harrogate Theatre Box Office: 01423 502 116


Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Dear Friends – Oasis 5th/19th December & 2nd/16th January

We wish you the spirit of love and the promise of peace during this special time of year. May your family be blessed with all the joy that life can bring. Oasis starts 9.45am with Communion 10.30am.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

2014 Another year is dawning, Dear Master, let it be, In working, or in waiting, Another year with Thee.

Another year of mercies, Of faithfulness and grace; Another year of gladness In the shining of Thy face.

Another year of progress, Another year of praise, Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

Another year of service, Of witness of Thy love, Another year of training For holier work above.

Another year is dawning, Dear Master, let it be On earth, or else in heaven Another year for Thee.

Francis Ridley Havergal (1874) Facing the Future Smiles from Jack

We see some lines and wrinkles But there’s nothing we can do And yet we’re twenty-one inside Or maybe thirty-two! Some people talk about the past As though it’s filled with gold, We’re still thinking of the future still – So when will we be old?

We find there’s lots to celebrate In spite of all the aches, The sunlight and the blackbird’s song As every morning wakes. The seasons and the joy of life, The stories still untold So tell us, please, quite truthfully: Just when will we be old?

Eight Simple Words There’s coping and living, There’s taking and giving, In which of these four Do you fall? Do you stand tall with hope, Or sit down and mope, Cry, “why me?” And do nothing at all? When life deals its blows And no future you see Repeat these eight simple words, You’re the person that you want to be. DONATIONS DEPOSITED IN THE BIG BLUE BIN DURING DECEMBER will go to CARING FOR LIFE


Both charities need our help so that they can continue the wonderful care they give to the vulnerable people they support.

What We Can Contribute

Caring for Life needs rice, pasta, tinned tomatoes, beans, sugar, flour, tea, coffee and other non-perishable foodstuffs so that they can provide ongoing support to the vulnerable and homeless to whom they provide accommodation, love and friendship.

St George's welcomes donations of food and toiletries - principally non-perishable items eg tins of meat, vegetables, fruit, pasta, rice, tea, coffee, sugar etc. Toiletries are also welcome, especially toothpaste, shower gel, toothbrushes and disposable razors.

Please give generously to these two amazing charities situated in Leeds.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who donated food during 2013! The response to our request for items for the four charities we support (The Meeting Point Cafe, PAFRAS, Caring for Life and St George's Crypt) was phenomenal. This year St George's Crypt and The Meeting Point Cafe additionally benefitted from our harvest collections which were also generously supported. As you can imagine all the charities are extremely grateful for your gifts.

Start! is a six-session introduction to the Christian faith which has been running at church for the first time through October and November. The sessions assume no previous knowledge of anything Christian, so have been appreciated by some people who would simply like to know more about Christian faith. For others who are already involved with church life it has been a valued opportunity to refresh and rethink questions of life and faith. The course uses a mixture of DVD input, time to chat, simple discussion activities and space for reflection. We have shared a lot, made some discoveries about ourselves, opened the Bible, made lego models, drunk much tea and enjoyed getting to know each other. Eight people have been to the sessions this time – here are some of the things they have said about the course:

“Really thought provoking”

“I've been a Christian for a long time, but it's really good to go back to basics and recap... it helps you rethink things”

“It’s been good to hear other people's reactions, which then make you look again at what you had felt”

“I like the structure and the different activities”

We will be running the START! course again soon, so look out for the dates if you are interested. If you want to know more or talk about the course then please get in touch with me.

George Bailey, tel. 266 2066 Mums the word!

We gave ourselves the night off in October at Care for the Family’s 'Mum’s the Word' event in York for a fun and insightful evening designed especially for mums.

Mothers are so often unsung heroes, and this special evening was about recognising and affirming our role in society. But that’s not all. We were also brought encouragement, support and fresh inspiration!

We had an amazing evening together discovering our children’s love languages, thinking about which battles we wanted to fight and about setting ourselves and our children healthy boundaries. We also kicked into touch the myth of the ‘supermum’ and thought about how best to give our children roots and wings.

We look forward to our new parenting groups for parents of children of all ages here at Oakwood Church in the New Year. Watch this space for more details.

Church Family News from Roundhay

The service on 14th November and signing of the new covenant, with Rt. Rev’d John Packer, the Bishop of Ripon and Leeds and Rev’d Dr. Liz Smith, Chair of the Methodist District, and other guests was a very happy occasion. Following the signing of the Covenant, the first event of the new Oakwood Church was the licensing of Paul Spencer as Lay Reader in the parish, who has moved to the area from Blackburn Diocese.

Left to right: Church Wardens - Miss Anne Bond and Mrs. Brigid Jones; Area Dean of Allerton Deanery - Rev’d David Stevens; Superintendent of Leeds North and East Circuit - Rev’d Robert Creamer; Rev’d Dr. Colin Cheeseman; Bishop of Ripon and Leeds - Rt. Rev’d John Packer; Chair of Leeds Methodist District - Rev’d Dr. Liz Smith; Rev’d Dr. George Bailey; Methodist Stewards - Mrs. Linda Holden and Mr. John Barker; Lay Reader - Mr. Paul Spencer.

Many thanks to all involved in the organization, refreshments etc, and to David Donaldson who took the photographs that may be viewed on the church website. We also look forward to the opening celebratory service of Oakwood Church on 1st December. Hope to see you there.

We are very sorry to learn Kathleen Horne has died. We give thanks for her life and send our sympathy to her relatives and friends.

Our thoughts and prayers during the festive season are for friends who are unwell and those who are unable to attend our church services. We remember especially Colin Simpson, Martin Shipley, Muriel and John Mee, and all friends in need, in hospital, a nursing home, or at home.

We wish a happy day to all who celebrate their birthday in December or January, and a very happy Christmas and good New Year to everybody.

Winter blues?

Why not...

Stay and Play

Oakwood Church will be running ‘a stay and play session' for 0 – 7[ish] year olds and their adult carers this Christmas holiday.

There will be crafts, games, toys, Christmas songs and stories, pool, table tennis a chill out coffee zone for parents and carers… and much much more.

Running from 9.30am until midday Monday 23rd December

£2 per family

Help yourself brews, home-made cakes available to buy. (please note: parents or carers need to stay with their children for these sessions)

No need to book – just turn up! For more information, call Fran or George on 0113 266 2066 Find us on Facebook

Events in December

1st Sunday in Advent – 1st December 10.15am – Morning Worship – celebration for the start of Oakwood Church, followed by lunch

2nd Sunday in Advent – 8th December 8.45am – Holy Communion 10.15am – Parade and TOY SERVICE (toys collected for families in need in the local area)

3rd Sunday in Advent – 15th December 10.15am – Holy Communion 3.00pm – CAROLS ROUND THE TREE AT OAKWOOD CLOCK – ALL WELCOME followed by refreshments at Oakwood Church

4th Sunday in Advent – 22nd December 10.15am – Nativity Service 4.00pm – Carol Service

CHRISTMAS EVE – 24th December 4.00pm – Christingle Service 11.30pm – Midnight Communion

CHRISTMAS DAY 10.15am – Celebration Service for All Ages

Sunday 29th December 8.45am – Holy Communion 10.15am – Morning Worship

______Saturdays 4pm-5.30pm For children and adults together Creative fun and crafts exploring a Christian theme, time of gathering and celebration, shared tea. Please bring something to share for tea if you can. For more info, contact George Bailey, 266 2066

Upcoming Dates: Saturdays... 7th December, 25th January, 1st March Friday Toddler Group

We are a lively and friendly group that meets every Friday during term time from 10am to 11.30am.

The group has been going for many years and provides an informal meeting place for parents/carers and their children, from babies up to 4 years. We are a diverse group, with Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Childminders and Nannies all coming along with their young children. Some live locally, and some travel from other parts of Leeds, and even Harrogate to come along on a Friday.

Each week we have a variety of toys set out – home corner, craft table, slide, mini trampoline, baby corner, tricycles, cars, books and dressing up! The group offers the chance for children to play together, and alongside each other, and for parents/carers to chat over a cup of tea (or coffee!) and support each other with any parenting concerns they may have.

Coming up in December is our Christmas Party, a highlight of the year, with a present from Santa for each child as well as a bouncy castle and party food. If you ever fancy dropping in for a cuppa and to see what goes on, you would be very welcome! Or if you fancy helping in any way, with craft activities, singing or just chatting to people that would be great. We are very grateful to the church volunteers who come along and prepare the refreshments in the kitchen every week, do see Molly Stallworthy if you would be interested in helping occasionally.

Hannah Laycock A Splash of Colour in the Darkness

The darkness of a November afternoon is gathering: an unavoidable reminder that days are shortening and temperatures dropping. Thankfully there have been some bright sunny days to compensate, but there is a new chill in the air. Christmas lights have appeared, and today I noticed the Christmas Market in Millennium Square. The commercial countdown to Christmas has begun, even though bonfires and fireworks are only just behind us. In churches the official watching and waiting will begin on Advent Sunday. Many churches will mark the moment with the lighting of a candle – the first of four to mark our journey towards the lighting of the fifth on Christmas Day. Sunday by Sunday, what other thoughts will the candles prompt and provoke within us? The Advent ring can look a bit like a giant birthday cake, reminding us that we do indeed await the birth of the Messiah within and among us. We might also remember that each of the candles will be lit to remind us of other people, past and present who have watched and waited in faith. Each candle will also be lit in some measure as a protest against the darkness – symbolism that is perhaps lost if we light them in morning worship under the glare of fluorescent lighting. Each candle brings light, colour and comfort in a world that can feel dark, dreary and threatening for many people as we approach Christmas.

Last December I photographed the Advent Candles in Wakefield Cathedral. They were shining against colourful boarding that hid the renovation work taking place in the nave. They were a reminder of the constancy of the Church’s seasonal rhythms against the backdrop of change and uncertainty; a splash of colour in the darkness, heralding the coming good news; a touch of light, of glitter and evergreen branches calling us to celebrate being alive now, today, as well as cherishing the longings that we share for tomorrow.

Perhaps the lighting of Advent candles this year can be a reminder to us of all those people, near and far, who are hungry, who lack shelter, who live with mounting debts, who are struggling with ill-health, who are lonely: may we be ready to welcome the dawn from on high, the Light of the World, who will guide our feet in the paths of peace.

Liz Smith Chair of Leeds Methodist District Nostalgia Spoken history group

5 & 19 December then 16 January 2014

We won’t meet on 2 January 2014.

The group is thriving and we met for the third time on 7th November. We all enjoyed our attempt at reminiscing about Shopping. Most people agreed they liked the way we used to shop - with social interaction and personal service.

At the time of writing we plan to meet on 21st November to reminisce about and share our personal memories of Roundhay Park, events attended there such as Children’s Day and going to the Swimming Pool.

Participation is free and everyone is welcome. Refreshments are available for a small donation.

If you are able to bring along materials such as old books, menus, adverts, postcards, photographs, letters, maps, newspaper cuttings, objects and so on to inspire our reminiscing, that would be wonderful.

Or simply come along, enjoy the company, ask and listen. You don’t have to contribute if you don’t want to.

Elaine Pye and I look forward to seeing you there.

We plan to continue to meeting in the New Room on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 13.15 until 14.45 during the winter months from October until Easter.

Finally, do look at where you will find images and sound recordings!

Enquiries: Sharon Donaldson, Tel. 0113 232 3565 [email protected] Oakwood Church Logo

On 1 December we became Oakwood Church. This provided us with a timely opportunity to refresh our ‘image’ (and to launch our new Web Site

In September we invited everyone of all ages to join in by attempting to design a new logo for use on our new Church Sign, the new Web Site, The Broadcast, Headed Notepaper, Notices, PowerPoint presentations, Orders of Service, etc.

We were looking for inspired ideas, not perfectly finished art work – so that anyone with a blunt pencil or a box of coloured crayons could have a go on an equal footing with the artists in our church community.

You responded magnificently and we received more than 50 designs – from six year olds right through to those who are so old they no longer have to pay for their TV Licence......

A group of three ordinary members of the church community – aged about 20, 40 and 60 – were invited to represent everyman/woman. Together they reviewed all of your proposals for visual and emotional impact, not artistic ability. They also identified from every entry the themes that were being expressed.

By far the most frequently occurring themes were:

 A diverse band of happy people holding hands, looking outward  The cross  The Methodist and Church of England symbols  Oakleaves (maturity, constant renewal, Oakwood?)  Acorns (DNA, growth, future promise?)

The group decided that elements from several different designs should be combined and visually simplified. They produced a rough sketch.

They also agreed that to fit all the different purposes we needed a simple logo and some separate words that could be used independently or combined in different configurations.

These ideas were then ‘visualised’ by our own in-house professional artist, approved by both the Church of England Parochial Church Council and by the Methodist Church Council then ‘realised’ by a professional graphic designer.

I am proud to say that we, the whole church community, did it together. Though there were some conflicting opinions we achieved it consensually, professionally and quickly. Thanks to the goodwill and generosity of everyone involved, it didn’t cost us a penny.

At www.oakwoodchurch/logo you can see the full range of configurations. These may be downloaded for use by individuals or groups at Oakwood Church in the context of Oakwood Church activities.

Finally, this wasn’t billed as a competition and no prizes were promised except for the pleasure of taking part and the satisfaction many of you will now feel seeing that your ideas contributed to the final design.

I am very pleased to declare that the winner is ---- Oakwood Church.

David Donaldson ______

Pauline Banham – Funeral Service

I wish to thank everybody, who attended Pauline’s funeral service on Friday 11th October, for paying their respects.

I would especially like to thank those directly involved with organising and undertaking the service – with particular gratitude to Dr. George Bailey, Joyce Kilvington, Linda Holden, Philip Rayner, Roger Hartley and Anne Kirkland. I apologise if I missed anyone out.

Your generosity has led to over £850 being raised in donations to St Gemma’s Hospice. Pauline would have been thrilled with this. She would also have been touched and humbled to know she was so well regarded.

Again, I give a very big thank you to everyone

God bless you all

Don Banham

Our Digital Age group Oakwood Church

Wed 22nd January 2014, 7.30 - 9.00 pm Upstairs Meeting Room

Making the most of our new website

 Our website provides a wonderful new opportunity for individuals and groups to communicate with their audience, publicise their plans and celebrate their successes

 Whatever part you play in Church Life - Brownie Leader, Steward or Luncheon Club organiser - please come along and discover how simple it is for you and your group to benefit

All welcome. Please bring friends and questions.

Enquiries: David Donaldson 0113 232 3565 [email protected] or Morris Smith 0113 265 1587

______The deadline for each edition of The Broadcast is the 2nd Sunday of the preceding month. Please choose one of the following to submit your item: Put in The Broadcast Plastic Pocket (by the pigeonholes), phone me on 2738930 or email me at [email protected] (preferred!) Thanks - Pete Oldfield ______LADIES' EVENING CLUB

We meet once a month on the second Wednesday at 8.00 pm. Please come along, you'll be made very welcome.

Next meetings 11th December – Christmas Evening 8th January – Rev’d Colin Cheeseman

The Deadlines for the Weekly Notices For items to be included, please telephone me on 0113 8085703 or email me at [email protected] by the preceding Wednesday.

Please note that space is limited on the notice sheets but items can be useful to remind people of information in The Broadcast and to publicise last minute arrangements. ______

Can you help?

We are struggling to maintain an active Scout Troop. We need more Scout Leader help. The Troop is a mixed group of ‘adventurous’ young people aged between 10 & 14, who meet each Monday evening (between 8 & 9.15pm when meeting at church). Can you help to make it more fun and less of a struggle for our working leaders? Please contact Scout Leader Jonathan Betts 2329447 or Group Leader Morris Smith 2651587. Thank you. ST JOHN'S PARISH CHURCH

VICAR: Reverend Dr. Colin Cheeseman, BA 2669747 2a Ryder Gardens, Leeds LS8 1JS Churchwardens: Mrs Brigid Jones, 30 Oakwell Mount, LS8 4AD 2400918 Miss Anne Bond, 2 Greenview Court, Davies Avenue, LS8 1LA 2663192


Hon Secretary: Mr Peter Haddleton, 9 Oakwood Green, LS8 2QU 2931524 Hon Electoral Mr Peter Oldfield, 23 Oakwood Green, LS8 2QU 2738930 Roll Officer:


Planned Giving Mr Eric Jones, 30 Oakwell Mount, LS8 4AD 2400918 Scheme: Readers' Rota: Miss Anne Bond, 2 Greenview Court, Davies Avenue, LS8 1LA 2663192


Head Teacher: Mr Andrew Graham School 2658451 ______

Applications for Banns, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals to the Vicar.

ST JOHN’S CHURCH WEBSITE has now been closed – all material is being transferred to ______

Is on winter break – see you in February!

Please support this event by coming along and, perhaps, providing something for the bring and buy table or cake stall (More stock would be appreciated – please contact Jean Lawson - Thanks)

Your help will be much appreciated. All proceeds going to charity.

Oakwood Services – December

1st 10.15 am Morning Worship – Celebration of Oakwood Church - Rev’ds Bailey & Cheeseman 5th 9.45 am Oasis 10.30 am Holy Communion 8th 8.45 am Holy Communion – Rev’d Colin Cheeseman 10.15 am Parade/Toy Service – Mrs. Catherine Frieze 15th 10.15 am Holy Communion – Rev’d Colin Cheeseman 3.00 pm Carols round the Clock 19th 9.30 am Roundhay St John School Christmas Service [No Oasis or Holy Communion] 22nd 10.15 am Nativity Service – Rev’ds Bailey & Cheeseman 4.00 pm Carol Service - Rev’ds Bailey & Cheeseman Christm 4.00 pm Christingle Service - Rev’ds Bailey & Cheeseman as Eve 11.30 pm Midnight Communion - Rev’ds Bailey & Cheeseman 25th 10.15 am Christmas Day - Rev’ds Bailey & Cheeseman 29th 8.45 am Holy Communion – Rev’d George Bailey 10.15 am Rev’d Francesca Rhys

Thorner Services – December

1st 9.30 am Church Anniversary – Mrs. Mary Curl 8th 9.30 am Mrs. Patricia Davies 15th 9.30 am Rev’d George Bailey – Carol Service / HC 22nd 9.30 am Mrs. Sue Mason 25th 9.30 am Christmas Day - Rev’d George Bailey 29th 9.30 am Mrs. Ann Johnson

Roundhay Methodist Church Website – all information is now available and updated at:


Oakwood Services – January

2nd 9.45 am Oasis 10.30 am Holy Communion 5th 10.15 am Covenant Service - Rev’ds Bailey & Cheeseman 4.00 pm Evensong - Rev’d George Bailey 12th 8.45 am Holy Communion - Rev’d George Bailey 10.15 am Parade – Mr. Roger Richardson 4.00 pm Methodist Circuit Service, Rev’d George Bailey 16th 9.45 am Oasis 10.30 am Holy Communion 19th 10.15 am Holy Communion – Rev’d Colin Cheeseman 26th 10.15 am Mr. John Summerwill 4.00 pm Holy Communion - Rev’d George Bailey

Thorner Services – January

5th 9.30 am Mr. John Summerwill 12th 9.30 am Mr. Michael Prince 4.00 pm Circuit Service at Oakwood, Rev’d George Bailey 19th 9.30 pm Covenant Service Rev’d Andrew Nicholson / Rev’d George Bailey 26th 9.30 am Mr. Edward Britton

Note January 19th – Sunday for Christian Unity January 26th – Homelessness Sunday

Roundhay and Thorner Methodist Churches applications for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals to The Minister - Rev’d Dr. George Bailey – 2662066

Church Booking Secretary - Linda Holden 0113 293 1602

Roundhay Week by Week (* non church group)

Monday 9.00 am Rhythm Time * 9.15-10.15am Dance Fit * 6.30 pm 2nd Roundhay Brownies 6.30 pm Beaver Scouts 7.00 pm Men's Fellowship (Snooker) 8.00 pm Scouts Tuesday 9.45-11.30am Babies and Toddlers 9am-4pm Little Stars 5.45 pm 2nd Roundhay Rainbows 6,00 pm Zumba * 7.00 pm 2nd Roundhay Guides 7.30 pm Yoga Class * Wednesday 9.30 – 10.30 am Pilates* 10.00 am Indoor Bowling 2.00 pm Men's Fellowship (Bowls) 3.30 – 6pm First Class Learning * 6.30 pm 10th Roundhay Brownies 6.30 pm Cub Scouts (Powell Pack) Thursday 12.00 noon Luncheon Club 6.00 pm 10th Roundhay Rainbows 6.15 pm 5th Roundhay Brownies 7.30 pm 5th Roundhay Guides Friday 10.15 am Toddlers 2.15 pm Yoga (people with movement difficulties) * 6.00pm Friday Nite Live [children in years 4,5,6] 6.30 pm Ju-Jitsu * 7.30 pm The Art Group Saturday 9.00am-Noon Fun Spanish for age 2-7* Sunday 10.15am Junior Church and Crèche 8pm SYNC [young people in school years 7-13] Monthly

1st/3rd Wednesday 8.00 pm Scottish Dancing 2nd Wednesday 8.00 pm Ladies' Evening Club (not Holy Week) 3rd Wednesday 10.00 am-11.30 am Coffee Morning - Parochial Hall 4th Wednesday 7.30 pm Digital Age Club 1st/3rd Thursday 9.45am / 10.30 am Oasis / Holy Communion 2nd/4th Thursday 1.00pm Stroke Association * Last Thursday 8.30 pm ‘ish’ Men’s Meeting at The White House Last Saturday 9.30 am Walkers

Group Contact Names and Telephone Numbers Monday 2nd Roundhay Brownies Anne Kirkland 2947249 Beaver Scouts Liz O'Sullivan 2405283 Men's Fellowship (Snooker) Ian Kilvington 2651582 Scouts Jonathan Betts 2329447 Dance Fit Sonja Harper 07956637375

Tuesday Toddlers Jeanette Shipley 2650883 Little Stars Sarah Turner 245 6533 2nd Roundhay Rainbows Debra Cooper 2400884 2nd Roundhay Guides Carol Massey 2823651 Yoga Class (also Friday) Kath Morgan-Thompson 07742008950 Zumba Keanda Shepherd 07904228915

Wednesday Pilates Karen Brown 2932507 First Class Learning Dawn Scargill 07946854408 Indoor Bowling Philip Rayner 2658599 Men's Fellowship Ian Kilvington 2651582 10th Roundhay Brownies Deborah Padgett 2788476 Cub Scouts (Powell Pack) Jane Whittingham 2680922 Ladies' Evening Club Joyce Kilvington 2651582 Scottish Dancing Dorothy Bampton 2667826 Our Digital Age Group David Donaldson 2323565

Thursday Luncheon Club Jeanette Padgett 2655707 10th Rainbow Guides Fiona Lewis 07939572467 5th Roundhay Brownies Janette Handyside 2940586 5th Roundhay Guides Lois Manning 2936585 Men's Meeting at White House Morris Smith 2651587

Friday Friday Nite Live Fran Bailey 2662066 Ju-Jitsu Sean 07979658747 Toddlers Hannah Laycock 2664756 The Art Group Barry Claughton 2667062

Saturday Church Walkers Morris Smith 2651587 Spanish for Fidgets

Sunday - Junior Church Debra Cooper 2400884 SYNC George Bailey 2662066

Kingswood House Group Every Wednesday 9.30-11am Venue – 16 Kingswood Gardens Contact – Fran Bailey on 2662066

Oakwood Park House Group Tuesdays as arranged at 7.00 pm Venue – 13 Oakwood Park Contact - Joyce Kilvington on 2651582

Red Hall House Group Fridays (monthly) at 7.30 pm Dates as announced in weekly notices Venue as announced in weekly notices Contact – Roger Hartley on 2933077

St Catherine’s House Group Thursdays (2 per month – as arranged) at 7.30 pm Venue - 1 St Catherine's Walk (usually) Contact – Susan Howdle on 2667822 or Sue Noble on 01937 849679

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