

For more information email [email protected] Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC114 Tyers Stream Reserve, Dominant habitat: Forest

Description This site features one large and two small areas of tawa forest, secondary broadleaved forest in Tyers Stream Reserve and supports a diverse range of native plants. Eight indigenous bird species have been reported in the area, including the nationally at-risk red-crowned parakeet.

Four indigenous fsh species can be found in the stream, including the nationally at-risk koaro and longfn eel. You can also see regionally endangered white fuzzweed growing in the reserve.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth..govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC115 Hutt Road coastal escarpment forest between Onslow Road and Jarden Mile Dominant habitat: Forest, scrub and shrubland

Description Description: This coastal escarpment of pohutukawa and mahoe-dominated forest mosaic bufers a local stream, and is part of a network of sites alongside Wellington Harbour. Vegetation includes titoki, kohekohe and mapou. Also includes: • Wharangi • Karaka • Wineberry • Karo and mahoe

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC116 Cashmere Park above Onslow Road, Khandallah Dominant habitat: Forest and scrub

Description This titoki-hinau-kohekohe forest and secondary mahoe forest supports a good diversity of plant life. It is a regionally rare lowland forest that bufers a local stream and is in close proximity to other ecological sites. Vegetation includes titoki, hinau, kohekohe and fuchsia. Also includes: • Ngaio • Mahoe • Mapou • Karaka • Kohuhu • Tarata • Wharangi and mamaku

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC117 Broadleaved forest and scrub above Hutt Road. including Waikiekie Stream and Park Dominant habitat: Forest and scrub

Description This site involves one large and three small areas of forest in an urban environment. Its regionally rare lowland forest is part of a network of sites alongside Wellington Harbour supporting a diverse range of native plants. Vegetation includes hinau, tawa, kohekohe and rewarewa. Also includes: • Puka • Titoki • Wharanga • Mamaku • Karaka and mapou

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC118 Oteranga Bay karaka stands Dominant habitat: Forest and shrubland

Description This site is home to four karaka- dominant stands. Most of these are made up purely of karaka, including very old trees, and one with akiraho and mahoe.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC119 Nikau stand in side gully of Oteranga Stream, Terawhiti Station Dominant habitat: Forest and shrubland

Description This nikau stand is in a side gully of Oteranga Stream. Vegetation includes more than 15 nikau with kaikomako, mahoe, mamaku, karaka, putaputaweta, wharangi and kohuhu.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC120 Nikau and broadleaf forest in side gully of Karori Golf Course Dominant habitat: Forest

Description This site has four patches of forest surrounded by gorse and tauhinu scrub. It is part of a network of remnants in hills west of Makara Stream. At-risk declining regional endemic lacebark has been reported in the area. Other vegetation includes six nikau with mahoe, putaputaweta and mamaku. Waiariki Stream is of cultural signifcance. Also includes: • Puka • Kaikomako • Kohuhu • Porokaiwhiri • Karaka and kiekie

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC121 Tawa forest remnant Karori Golf Course, South Makara Road Dominant habitat: Scrubland

Description Two areas near Karori Golf Course consist of a tawa forest remnant and broadleaved forest/scrub. This site is part of a network of remnants on hills west of Makara Stream and includes tributaries of Karori Stream. Karori Stream and its tributaries are home to several threatened fsh species. Vegetation includes tawa, mapou and mahoe. Also includes: • Putaputaweta • Five-fnger • Puka

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC122 Tongue Point coastal platform Dominant habitat: Rocky habitat

Description This rocky shore platform with one rock stack is home to sparse vegetation, including taupata, mingimingi, coastal spleenwort and silver tussock. It represents an acutely threatened land environment with endangered plant species. Nationally endangered threatened cook’s scurvy grass is reported. The area also provides habitat for seals, lizards and seabirds.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC123 Warrens Bush QEII covenant tawa forest Dominant habitat: Forest

Description Tawa forest remnant which bufers a tributary of Karori Stream. Karori Stream and its tributaries are home to several indigenous at-risk fsh species. You can fnd the at-risk naturally uncommon, greenhood orchid ( and other vegetation, including tawa, hinau, rewarewa and pukatea. At-risk declining koaro is also reported on the site. Also includes: • Rimu • Matai • Nikau • Pukatea • Swamp maire

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC124 Silver Stream broadleaved forest south of South Karori Road Dominant habitat: Forest and shrubland

Description This site features fve areas containing remnants of broadleaved forest that are connected to Zealandia Sanctuary, and several large areas which together form a tract of indigenous vegetation. This is an important site for birds and its tributary of Karori Stream is home to indigenous fsh, including the at- risk declining longfn eel and koaro. Vegetation includes rewarewa with mahoe, wineberry, manuka and mapou. Also includes: • Mamaku • Kanuka • Putaputaweta • Lancewood forest and scrub

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC125 Long Gully QEII covenant and surrounds Dominant habitat: Forest and shrubland

Description One large and one small area of indigenous forest and scrub feature in Long Gully, which sits just outside the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. The site includes 12 forest remnants supporting a diverse range of native plants. It is also closely connected to Zealandia, the Outer Green Belt and includes tributary of Karori Stream. Twelve indigenous bird species have been seen there, including North Island kaka, North Island saddleback, bush falcon, North Island robin, and the whitehead. Vegetation includes titoki, kamahi, rimu and miro. Also includes: • Porokaiwhiri • Rangiora • Lancewood • Nikau • Heketara • Mahoe • Rimu These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC126 Long Gully Silver Stream broadleaved forest and scrub Dominant habitat: Shrubland and forest

Description This area is part of a local network of sites, which together form a large tract of indigenous vegetation that includes Zealandia and the Outer Green belt. There are 11 small areas of broadleaved forest mostly on the northwest side of Ridge Road, and one remnant on the southeast side. The site includes headwater tributaries of Silver Stream, which is a tributary of Karori Stream. Karori Stream and its tributaries are home to several at-risk fsh species. Six indigenous bird species have been reported in the area including at-risk North Island saddleback. Vegetation includes rewarewa, karaka, mapou and mamaku. Also includes: • Kaikomako • Utaputaweta • Porokaiwhiri • Kiekie • Griselinia • Heketara These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. • Lacebark If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC127 South Karori Road QEII covenant Dominant habitat: Forest

Description This area is part of a local network of sites, which together form a large tract of indigenous vegetation that includes Zealandia and the Outer Green belt.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC129 Wrights Hill forest, scrub and shrubland Dominant habitat: Forest and shrubland

Description This site features nine areas of kamahi, rewarewa, tawa, kohekohe and hinau-dominated forests, and mahoe-dominated scrub and shrubland on Wrights Hill. The site is connected with several large areas of indigenous vegetation, including Zealandia Sand the Outer Green Belt, and supports a diverse range of plant life. It is home to rare native birds and fsh including the North Island kaka, bush falcon and North Island saddleback. Also includes: • North Island robin • Whitehead • Inanga • Koaro • Longfn eel

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC130 Karori Wildlife Sanctuary and Reservoir forest and scrub Dominant habitat: Forest and scrub

Description This area features one large and four small areas of forested gully that includes a primary forest remnant, wetland, riparian vegetation and mahoe-dominant scrub. It provides habitat for a range of re-introduced threatened, at risk and regionally endangered fauna. The site has an important role in protecting the reservoir and downstream ecological values, and is home to dozens of rare plants, birds and spiders,such as the huttonia. You can fnd the little spotted moa, grey duck and stitchbird, among others. Vegetation includes tawa, hinau and kohekohe. Also includes: • Pukatea • Karaka • Swamp maire • Wharangi • Kohuhu • Fuchsia • Kamahi These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC131 Karori urban forest remnants below Wrights Hill Dominant habitat: Forest

Description This site features urban forest remnants that support a good diversity of plant species. Vegetation includes kaikomako, hinau, tawa, lacebark, kohekohe and putaputaweta. North Island kaka have also been reported in the area. Also includes: • Supplejack • Karaka • Cabbage tree • Rimu • Ngaio • Mamaku • Fuschia and pate

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC132 Long Gully orest and scrub east of slipway Dominant habitat: Forest and scrub

Description Primary and secondary forest and scrub remnant can be found here, an area likely to be home to birds, lizards and invertebrates. It is part of series of coastal and semi-coastal ecological sites and is connected with Karori Wildlife Sanctuary and other large areas of the Outer Green Belt. Several indigenous bird species have been seen there, including the at-risk North Island kaka and saddleback. Vegetation includes mahoe, mapou, putaputaweta, lancewood and rewarewa. Also includes: • Porokaiwhiri • Kamahi • Nikau • Wineberry • Pate • Heketara • Hinau • Matai and karaka These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC133 Waimapihi Bush Dominant habitat: Forest and shrubland

Description One large and one small area of indigenous forest and scrub can be found in Polhill Reserve and George Denton Park. This area is important for connectivity and its contribution to ecological networks as it adjoins Karori Wildlife Reserve and is connected with the Outer Green Belt. Streams running through the site provide habitat for indigenous fsh. At-risk species of birds and lizards have been reported in the area.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC134 urban forest remnants Dominant habitat: Forest and shrubland

Description This site includes four urban forest areas containing three forest remnants in Aro Valley that are important for connecting nearby native areas. At-risk birds and lizards, including the North Island kaka, bush falcon and the ornate skink have been seen in the area. Vegetation includes mahoe, rangiora, fve-fnger and manuka. Also includes: • Mamaku • Northern rata • Rewarewa • Hinau • Kamahi

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC135 Carey Gully scrub and shrubland, South Coast Dominant habitat: Scrub and shrubland

Description This site consists of one large area, and 12 smaller patches of mostly indigenous semi-coastal scrub and shrubland surrounding the Southern Landfll, and southwest of Ashton Fitchett Drive. It contains a good diversity of semi-coastal species and is well connected to other sites, including Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. It is home to rare plants including white fuzzweed, tararua type lacebark, cordyline banksia and grassland greenhood orchid. Rare native birds and fsh live in the area, including the North Island kaka and longfn eel. Also includes: • North Island saddleback • Whitehead • North Island robin • Shortjaw kokopu • Koaro • Redfn bully

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC136 Titoki forest Laura Street, Mitchelltown/Brooklyn Dominant habitat: Forest remnant

Description This titoki forest remnant includes mahoe, mamaku and muehlenbeckia. The at-risk recovering North Island kaka has been reported in the area. Lowland forest like this is regionally rare.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC137 Forest and scrub either side of Coolidge Street, Brooklyn Dominant habitat: Forest and scrub

Description This area features a small remnant of titoki surrounded by mahoe and exotics, and mahoe-mamaku forest. The site is sectioned into three areas by Coolidge Street, Brooklyn. Vegetation includes rewarewa, whau, red mapou and ngaio. The at-risk North Island kaka and North Island saddleback are reported in the area.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC138 Mahoe scrub on western side of Ohiro Road, Brooklyn Dominant habitat: Scrub and shrubland

Description This site features fve areas of mahoe scrub on the western side of Ohiro Road, Brooklyn. The north end of the site includes a forest remnant. Vegetation includes karaka surrounded by mahoe-dominated mosaic with rangiora, veronica parvifora, karaka and cabbage trees.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC139 Vogeltown urban forest remnants Dominant habitat: Forest

Description This area features two forest remnants with kamahi, hinau and mahoe. The nationally threatened North Island kaka and at-risk brown skink have been reported nearby. Also includes: • Mamaku • Five-fnger • Tarata • Lancewood

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC140 Tawatawa Ridge forest and mahoe scrub Dominant habitat: Coastal forest and scrub

Description This site consists of fve areas of regenerating inland coastal forest, surrounded by broadleaved indigenous scrub and a small, highly modifed wetland area. It is part of a network of sites in the Happy Valley area and includes a signifcant population of melicope ternata (wharangi) which is uncommon in Wellington city, and regarded as regionally signifcant. The area is home to the at-risk bush falcon and pipit. Freshwater wetlands are a nationally reduced habitat type. Also includes: • Kohekohe • Ngaio • Kanuka • Mamaku

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC141 Spooky Gully coastal mahoe scrub and shrubland Dominant habitat: Forest and scrub

Description This area includes one large and nine small areas of coastal grey scrub, faxland and mahoe scrub and shrubland in Spooky Gully. It is one of a number of coastal and semi- coastal sites which, in combination, include a range of habitats and promote connectivity between ecological areas. It is a known habitat for birds and a likely home for lizards and invertebrates. Rare shore puha, coastal mahoe, white fuzzweed and shore stonecrop are reported in the area.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC142 Hawkins Hill coastal mahoe scrub and shrubland Dominant habitat: Shrubland

Description This site is made up of six areas of indigenous shrubland on north- west facing slopes below Hawkins Hill - Te Kopahou. Some of the more open grassy areas are habitat for regionally vulnerable speargrass and regionally endangered speargrass weevil. It bufers two other Signifcant Natural Area sites nearby.

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga Signifcant Natural Area Habitat with important indigenous value

WC143 Te Kopahou, Waipapa Stream coastal scrub and shrubland Dominant habitat: Coastal shrubland

Description This is a large site consisting of coastal hills and valleys with diverse vegetation. It is one of a number of coastal and semi-coastal sites which, in combination, include a range of habitats and connect ecological areas. Rare and threatened plants, birds, fsh and invertebrates are known to live here. It is also a likely home for lizards. Vegetation includes mahoe, kanuka, kohekohe, kanuka and manuka. Also includes: • Kirk’s crassula • Cook Strait kowhai • Grassland greenhood orchid • Speargrass • Speargrass weevil

These maps are draft. Some boundaries may change based on feedback and further assessment. If you would like help to read them please call us on 021 952 836. Email [email protected] For more information go to planningforgrowth.wellington.govt.nz

Planning for Growth Backyard Tāonga