FOCUS ON CITIES p.3 LOCAL TALKS p.6 TRENDS p.10 COVENANT OF MAYORS p.13 Cities that are National legislations: Why do the cities from What is positive changes or Central and Eastern Europe showing a new way Grabovo’s secret shocking stagnation? join the Covenant? Brussels Edition 2010

for Central and Eastern European local authorities TIMEto take up new challenges and opportunities!

SStilltill bbehindehind tthehe ““ironiron ccurtain”?urtain”? EDITORIAL " oughts from the New Member States 20 years ago when a wave of historic events overran the European countries lying “behind the iron curtain”, their citizens shared their euphoria with the “Western” journalists. “Ich bin happy.” answered a 40 years old lady in a mix of Deutsch-English as she had learned it at school or from Beatles’ songs. “It will take us up to 5 years to get where you are now...” people thought. When somebody warned that even 20 years might not be enough to obtain the Western living standards, people stood in stunned silence and simply could not believe it. “Waiting for 20 more years?! Gosh, 20 years?!” - it seemed like ages. ©

e all had a clear vision. energy and environment. Not many energy and climate goals... towards Europe and new good Nobody really knew of us know how energy is produced ideas? A matter of courage to how to make it reality. and the idea that we might want to ! ey still seem to be far from learn from others and appre- ButW pushed by reality, we all got save it is completely strange to us. us... meanwhile, their visions ciate what they are doing well? on the “road of change”. And 20 have been changing and their A matter of having long-term years now! And “now” Where are the “Westerners” now? realisation is fast. Are we going to visions, thinking one step forward came faster than we imagined. Are ! e time did not stop for them catch up with them or are we still and keeping an eye on the latest we where we wanted to be? either. ! e same 20 years have staying “behind the iron curtain”? developments around us? passed in the EU-15. Many families IN the former com- Some people argue that in the New Well, this is a very complex issue munist countries bought a ! at in Germany, Austria, France, Scandi- Member States basic needs such as and, for now, these questions will the concrete multi residential houses navian countries are the leaders of infrastructure and stable economy remain rhetorical. Moreover, it is from the 1980s or built their own “green economies”. Germany and need to be ensured # rst. Simply, not very clever to generalise because family houses on the cities’ outs- Spain are the world leaders in solar we need to get richer to a$ ord the everywhere there are people who kirts. We replaced a local bus, tram energy technologies produced and luxury of caring about energy and think one step ahead, who are open or bike with a car (one for mum, one installed. " e United Kingdom climate change. Some people argue and aware that energy number one for dad), getting quickly used to new runs its own national emissions tra- that our mentality is still very di$ e- is the energy produced and used comfort and a certain “status” the car ding scheme with participation of rent from “old member states”. “Oh in a sustainable way. Some of them represented, we started to shop in a local authorities. Organic and local no, you cannot compare us to Aus- have been # ghting for their ideas for number of shopping malls with ab- food markets are ! ourishing. People tria or Germany! " ey are di$ erent.” 20 years now and do not seem to be solutely no architectural charm (nic- switch to bikes and walk, green lanes - I have been told many times. willing to stop. We have the pleasure knamed “shoe boxes”) rather than have been constructed. Municipa- to know them, to support them and small local shops and markets and, lities have been extremely active in But many people are already rich we will introduce them to you on the all in all, we have an impression of European networks and exchange of and, still, they do not care about following pages. living much faster and having much experiences, they eagerly join volun- energy savings. Isn"t it rather a less time for friends and family than tary movements and campaigns and matter of education? A matter Jana Cicmanova, before. Not many of us care about are willing to contribute to European of our ability to open ourselves Project Manager, Energie-Cités

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.2 FOCUS ON CITIES Cities that are showing a new way Some time ago, only few municipalities in the New EU Member States felt responsible for energy management on their territories. ! ere was enough energy, it was cheap and it was rather the state to be in charge of how energy was produced, distributed and used. Step by step, this perception has changed for local decision makers who start to take seriously their new role of energy consumers, energy producers and suppliers, energy planners and developers, advisors and motivators.

As a concrete example, in 2007, 43 pilot cities from the New MODEL Pilot Cities 0 km 300 600 km Member States and Croatia joined the European MODEL project. They were fully aware Jēkabpils (26.000) of the necessity to implement a (19.000) Poland solid local energy management in Valka (7.000) Bielawa (33.000) order to improve quality of life for (28.000) Dzierzoniow (37.000) their more than 2 million citizens. Viļāni (4.000) Therefore they: Elk (54.000) Gorlice (30.000) • Appointed local energy Niepolomnice (22.000) LATVIA managers or set up energy Nowa Deba (11.000) management units employing Poddebice (8.000) LITHUANIA more than one person, Raciechowice (6.000) • Developed long-term municipal energy programmes and Lithuania started to implement their fi rst Czech Republicc Alytus (69.000)) annual action plans, Hlinsko (10.000)) Birstonas (3.000) • Communicated with local Jilemnice (5.800) Kaunas (356.000) stakeholders and citizens and Koprivnice (23.000) Prienai District POLAND involved them in action. Praha –Libus (8.000) (34.000) Vsetin (27.800) In less than 3 years the results are surprising! The newly appointed energy managers now Slovenia CZECH REPUBLIC coordinate systematic collection Cankova (2.150)2 150) of energy consumption data, Gornja Radgona act as an interface between the (12.450) SLOVAKIA municipality, local enterprises and Romania Moravske Toplice citizens, and manage all activities Aiud (29.000) (6.250) related to the development and Baia Mare (150.000) Puconci (6.350) implementation of energy action Brasov (283.000) Velenje (33.400) HUNGARY plans. New local jobs and lower SLOVENIA Bucuresti – sector 1 (229.000) energy bills convinced citizens CROATIA who now continuously support Deva (80.000) their city´s actions in this fi eld. Targoviste (89.000) Most of the cities cannot imagine ROMANIA being without energy managers anymore! They became a good Croatia MODEL for their citizens and Novalja (4.000)4 ) Bulgaria other cities that will follow their Pirovac (3.000) example. Rakovica (2.000) Belene (11.600)) Dobrich (94.000) BULGARIA Gabrovo (70.000) Krivodol (10.700) Lom (31.700) Pazardjik (123.300) Smolyan (44.400) ! e pilot cities count for 2.136.900 inhabitants!!! ©

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.3 FOCUS ON CITIES

What are the MODEL cities proud of?

Numerous successful actions have been kick-started in the 43 pilot cities thanks to their participation in the MODEL project. ! e results are impressive and the cities are rightly proud of what they have achieved.

– 43 political decisions to join the MODEL pro- ject were taken at the top decision level i.e. by the mayors themselves – 176 energy managers or o( cers were trained – 71 municipal intelligent energy days involving more than 64,038 citizens were organised in 2008 and 2009

– 51 cities participated in the European MODEL ©DAn Awards competitions 2008 and 2009 – 20 pilot cities used the # nancial support and mar- ket mechanisms recommended in the MODEL # nancial guide

BULGARIA CROATIA Belene Lom ! Renovated schools and kindergar- ! Established the Energy E( ciency tens, installed solar collectors Information Centre ! Reconstructed street lighting sys- ! Won MODEL Awards 2008 com- tem petition for “" e Best Municipality Dobrich Intelligent Energy Days” ! Was the # rst Bulgarian Municipality ! Converted its district heating sys- tem from coal to gas that signed the Covenant of Mayors in October 2008 ! Established the Energy E( ciency Information Centre Novalja ! Renovated the street lighting sys- ! Refurbished 70 km of public lighting tem ! Implemented energy (solar collectors) Gabrovo and water saving measures in private ! Won MODEL Awards 2008 com- houses and tourist buildings, accom- petition in the category «" e Best panied by communication to building Pilot City 2008» users ! Built an Energy Information Centre Pirovac and raised citizens’ awareness throu- ! Put in place an energy cost management gh Municipal Intelligent Energy scheme in public buildings Days (an original energy days logo Pazardjik ! Developed an educational programme was developed) ! Implemented energy e( ciency pro- aimed to inform citizens on renewable ! Implemented energy e( ciency pro- jects in municipal buildings and energy sources and energy e( ciency is- jects in the # eld of buildings and street lighting sues street lighting ! Opened an Energy E( ciency Infor- Rakovica mation Centre Krivodol ! Refurbished municipal buildings and ! Implemented energy e( ciency pro- Smolyan installed solar collectors jects in municipal buildings ! Renovated its street lighting system ! Renovated public lighting system ! Established permanent cooperation ! Developed a Municipal Energy ! Refurbished its district heating system with local schools and di$ erent Programme 2008 – 2013 using the using biomass municipal departments for the or- MODEL Common Framework ganisation of Municipal Intelligent Methodology (adopted by the City Energy Days Council)

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.4 ROMANIA Aiud ! Refurbished public buildings (re- ! De# ned an Energy E( ciency Stra- placing the heating, electricity and tegy and Energy Action Plan appro- window systems) ved by the Municipal Council Brasov ! Started a dialogue with citizens, lo- ! Refurbished 50 residential buil- cal businesses and stakeholders dings Deva ! Implemented a monitoring system for energy use in public buildings Bucuresti, Sector 1 ! Developed an Energy E( ciency LATVIA Strategy and Local Action Plans Jekabpils Valmiera ! Organised awareness raising cam- ! Renovated municipal boiler ! Put in place a tra( c optimi- paigns for citizens and local stake- houses & installed CHP sation program Baia Mare holders within the Municipal Intel- ! Refurbished schools and kin- ! Renovated the city centre and ! Pushed energy on the top of the ligent Energy Days dergartens refurbished municipal boiler agenda of the local administration, ! Cooperates on energy pro- houses (installed CHP) local businesses and citizens jects with Zemgale region ! Established a Housing Consultation Centre Vilani ! Renovated the district hea- POLAND ting system and installed LITHUANIA double glazing windows in municipal buildings ! Organised a “Citizen Educa- tional Campaign” with the Tukums collaboration of private com- ! Renovated district heating panies (biomass fuelled) and street Valka lighting system ! Renovated the city centre Bielawa and heat supply system Kaunas ! Renovated the street lighting ! Built a 4 MW biomass power ! Renovated public lighting of system and reduced the amount plant in the territory of the main pedestrian street. As of energy consumption by over wood-working industry “Vu- a result, costs were reduced by 40%! dlande” 50% and the quality of light was Ełk increased by more than 400% ! Installed solar panels on publicc Prienai buildings ! Refurbished its public library ! Implemented biogas produc- ! Constructed a new bicycle path tion from the wastewater treat- Birštonas ment plant ! Installed CHP in Birštonas boi- Dzierzoniów SLOVENIA ler-house ! Renovated the municipal hea- Cankova Moravske Toplice ! Refurbished Birštonas bowery ting and street lighting system ! Implemented a Public Li- ! Refurbished Prosenjakovci kindergarten-school ! Refurbished municipal buildings ghting Renovation Program primary school ! Renovated the heating system and installed solar collectors in a ! Established a strong working ! Opened a biogas plant in the in Vyturėlis kindergarten Sports and Recreation Centre relationship with the Pomur- village of Motvarjevci je local energy agency Puconci ! Installed PV panels and bio- mass heating system in the CZECH REPUBLIC Puconci primary school Koprivnice Velenje ! De# ned a Municipal Energy Pro- ! Won the 2nd prize in the MO- gram for 2010-2022, adopted by the Jilemnice DEL Award Competition Municipal Council 2008 for “ " e Best Energy ! De# ned a Municipal Energy Pro- ! Developed a Municipal Energy In- Management Unit” gram for 2010-2025 adopted by the Gornja Radgona formation System in cooperation ! Installed photovoltaic public Municipal Council ! with private companies Renovated municipal kin- lighting ! Developed a Municipal Energy In- dergartens and schools and ! Won the MODEL Awards 2008 ! Implemented the “Manage- formation System for “" e Best Energy Management installed solar panels ment of Energy Bookkee- ! Prepared a project for refurbishment ! Unit” Replaced windows in all pu- ping” programme, monito- of the municipal cultural house to blic buildings ring energy consumption of Praha–Libus low energy standards ! Approved a Municipal Energy Pro- 35 public buildings Hlinsko gram for 2010-2020 and Action ! Plan 2010 De# ned a Municipal Energy Pro- gram for 2010-2020, adopted by the ! Implemented Energy Performance Contracting projects for primary Municipal Council schools Vsetín ! Trained an energy team by parti- ! Started a project supported by cipating in an energy management Norwegian funds: “Energy Concep- programme tion of the City of Vsetín

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.5 LOCAL TALKS

What is Gabrovo+s secret? Behind every action... Although cities are keen on networking and ! e MODEL pilot cities take the communication exchanging experience, one can feel there is a bit with their citizens and local actors very seriously. of rivalry among them. ! ey want to be the best ! e bene# ts of communicating actively and openly in the eyes of their citizens! And what feels better are twofold: public promotion of local visions, than being o$ cially recognised and awarded in a plans, concrete actions and success on one hand and prestigious European competition? better involvement and support from citizens and stakeholders in shaping their energy future on the otother.h Bulgaria that implemented a street lighting management system. It transmitted a clear message that the municipality of Gabrovo committed itself to work for sustainability and wise use of energy. We participate in many European projects (e.g. “Buil- ding the Local Capacity for Promo- ting Energy E( ciency in Private and Public Buildings” funded by GEF/ UNDP, EEA, Beautiful Bulgaria) and use the Structural Funds within the “Operational Programme Re-

© gional Development”. As a result we

have refurbished schools, kindergar- ©Desmond Bovey abrovo, a Bulgarian city, tens and other public buildings with enjoyed such a delightful integrated solar technologies. Last moment when awarded the but not least, the enterprises in Ga- G“Best MODEL Pilot City” in the brovo have decided to take measures European MODEL Awards 2008 to improve energy e( ciency in the competition. " e Jury highlighted production of goods and services, ll MODEL pilot cities orga- lent cooperation with the media its excellent work achieved in two mainly due to increased competiti- nised Municipal Intelligent to ensure coverage of local events, categories: «Best Energy Manage- veness. Energy Days and attracted direct involvement of elected mu- ment Unit» and «Best Municipal Athousands of citizens through a wide nicipal representatives (mayor) in Intelligent Energy Days”. What are the biggest obstacles range of original activities. Perfor- the events. you encountered? mance on ecology issues by the local – Large and strategic permanent It is still di( cult to convince hou- theatre in Gornja Radgona (SI), bi- partnerships with di$ erent local What is seholds that every individual has its actors such as private partners, Gabrovo+s responsibility to act. If we all, as in- youth club, senior club, associa- secret? We dividuals, managed to reduce energy tions of tenants, schools and uni- asked Tomislav consumption and increase energy versities, etc. enabling the orga- Donchev, Mayor e( ciency in our homes we could nisation of diverse activities and of Gabrovo. achieve much better results. the participation of various target groups. What is the secret of your success? What are your most ambitious – High diversity of educational ac- One can # nd motivation in every- future projects? tions involving local schools and thing that surrounds us - traditions, Although it might seem very ambi- kindergartens, actions promoting geography, history... If we go back in tious, I would say – photovoltaic and cycle and roller-skating races in Bul- local public transport and involve- the history of Gabrovo we will meet solar technologies will be installed in garian cities, # lm festival presenting ment of municipal council, etc. persons as Minyo Popa and Pencho every school and kindergarten. We movies on energy e( ciency and cli- " ese municipalities have had one Semov who were famous for their also consider the installation of a mate change in Brasov (RO), energy aim: to show that even if we use less frugality, ingenuity and long-term centralized street lighting manage- e( ciency breakfasts for local stake- energy, our quality of life can im- visions. Pragmatism is another ty- ment system. Energy e( cient tech- holders in Lom (BG) and Rakovica prove. pical feature of Gabrovo+s citizens. nologies should be integrated in all (HR)... the list of successful events is Since 15 years we have been working residential and non residential buil- very long! in the # eld of energy e( ciency and dings. In Gabrovo we really dream of I am glad that during my service my a new green economy. But here are 3 tips for your successful team and I have managed to act and Municipal Intelligent Energy Days: contribute to objectives we have set Gabro!o is one of the founders of the – A coherent municipal communi- up in this # eld. So what is the secret Bulgarian Municipal Energy E" - cation strategy ensuring the pro- of our success? I am going to quote ciency Network – EcoEnergy – and motion of energy days through the words on the emblem of Gabro- one of its most active members. It ac- original advertisement and com- vo: «Labor and Perseverance”. commodates one of the # rst “Energy munication tools as well as excel- E" ciency Information Centres” in What are you the most proud of ? Bulgaria, contributing to awareness- Our city was among the # rst ones in raising of its citizens.

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.6 there is communication! Learn everything about the organisation of Municipal Intelligent Energy Days! MODEL pilot cities chare their experiences and give you recommendations on how to organise local energy days. Moreover, you can use their success-proved graphic # les to boost local communication. Documents available for free:! Examples of actions Experiences from Czech cities In Novalja (HR), a lecture on energy Baia-Mare (RO) offered its citizens effi ciency and renewable energy free bus rides (to promote public What was What could sources was held in the kindergar- transport) and organised a “lights tens where children received a book out” event (to promote energy effi - successful be improved «What if there’s no electricity?» ciency). – Activities were organised jointly with the – More public promotion tools prepared In Valka (LV), the Youth Council was Dobrich and Gabrovo (BG), presen- association Healthy Cities Czech Republic (T-Shirts, thermometers) that could have the main organizer of the energy ted movies on energy effi ciency and or with other events such as European been distributed to the participants days. The event was organised wi- climate change. Films such as „An Mobility Week or launching of the DISPLAY – “Celebrities” - famous and locally respected thin the annual «Craftsmen’s and In- Inconvenient Truth“ by Al Gore and campaign people could have been invited to attract novation Fair». «Bioenergy in motion» were shown. – Citizens were informed about the event in more attention to this event advance via the local press, posters and – Potential benefi ts of energy effi cient In Kaunas (LT), several professors of In Bielawa (PL), whole-day tours leafl ets measures for the municipality should be Kaunas University of Technology and to renewable energy sources and – Information point with an energy expert presented more clearly representatives of companies orga- installations (biomass boilers, heat answering questions on energy effi ciency in – More local companies could have been nized a public seminar on buildings pumps, small wind mill, PV and solar the housing sector invited to contribute to and sponsor the renovation and use of renewable installations) were organized for pri- – Media promotion after the event (e.g. Praha- event energy sources. mary school pupils. Libus local magazine or Koprivnice local TV)

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.7 NATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS Working for a good cause is rewarding Most of the national city networks and organisations that promote local sustainable energy use in the New Member States have been active in this # eld for nearly 20 years. During this time they have been striving for better energy management in the cities, speaking to mayors, convincing them by showing arguments and positive results from elsewhere in Europe.

very day they have been assis- Bulgaria: Croatia: ting and helping them to im- Bulgarian Municipal Local authorities plement the right strategies andE projects, promoting best practi- Energy E( ciency become a new market ces and celebrating the # rst smaller Network (EcoEnergy) for the Energy Institute or bigger successes...while, someti- and EnE$ ect push the Hrvoje Pozar mes, # ghting for their own existence Since 2007, when and defending their conviction that new energy e( ciency Croatia became eligi- this is the right way to go. law ble for di$ erent EU programmes, the Moreover, they showed open- Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar EcoEnergy has been mindedness and joined European (EIHP) started to act as a national teaching municipali- networks and projects, o$ ering their energy agency; however, it conti- ties how to manage own experiences and hoping for new nued to deal mainly with businesses their energy issues for inspiration from people with the and industries. MODEL is the insti- 13 years now and about 250 munici- same goals. tute+s # rst project dealing with local pal experts from more than 100 mu- authorities thus opening a new mar- nicipalities were trained. Since 2008, " ey were also the ones who opened ket. EIHP is also building bridges the 2nd energy e( ciency law came the “iron curtain” that separated ci- between local demand side and na- into operation making the appoint- ties in Central and Eastern Europe tional supply side management as it ment of local energy managers obli- for new experiences, new ideas and deals with energy projects at all le- gatory in all local authorities. EcoE- networking opportunities in the vels - local, regional and national. # eld of sustainable energy. In 2007 nergy and EnE$ ect experts they became national coordinators participated in the ad hoc working of the MODEL project and esta- group. blished privileged relations with Furthermore, a long practice in the Czech Republic: MODEL pilot cities to which they # eld of energy management, capaci- have been providing their valuable ty building and development of local Porsenna, o.p.s. helps assistance and expertise. energy plans allowed EcoEnergy to become a Covenant of Mayors Sup- cities save energy with By taking over these challenges they porting Structure in Bulgaria. user-friendly tools created and improved their relations with local authorities, their own Porsenna, a human capacities and internal orga- small non-pro- nisation. Nowadays they in! uence # t organisation, national legislations; they help inte- convinced local grate EU energy objectives at natio- decision ma- nal and local level and much more. kers that strate- gic energy planning is more bene# - Here are their highlights! cial than short-term visions. A special 40 hours training course for munici- pal energy managers was designed. " e course is accredited by the Mi- nistry of Interior of the Czech Repu- blic as suitable for education of pu- blic administration representatives. " e attractive practical guide accom- panying the course and the so, ware developed for this target group de# - nitely encouraged cities to act.

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.8 pated in over 40 national and inter- Latvia: national projects, organised over 80 Estonia: Social Economic Fund seminars, trainings, study tours and Regional Energy conferences and trained over 3000 helps mayors overcome representatives of local authorities. Centre motivates # rst barriers Moreover, PNEC became the # rst the city of Rakvere Covenant of Mayors Supporting Structure in Poland! " e good structure of Although they are the MODEL Munici- only an observer par- pal Energy Program- tner the Regional me convinced new Energy Centre moti- municipal teams (including newly Romania: vated the Estonian city of Rakvere to elected mayors) of the necessity to Orase Energie follow the objectives of the MODEL implement such a programme and Romania proved to project and use its tools and metho- overcome rapidly the main barriers dologies. " is was partly the reason such as shortage of quali# ed sta$ cities that one energy for the city representatives to sign and lack of energy consumption manager is not enough! the Covenant of Mayors and deve- data. lop very quickly their Sustainable Energy Action Plan. MODEL is the # rst “practical exercise” of Ora- Lithuania: se Energie Ro- Kaunas Regional mania network Slovakia: Energy Agency (OER) assisting Citenergo joined forces local authorities with the develop- with new partners and supports Covenant ment of their energy programmes. A cities signi# cant change happened in ci- experts ties’ administrations: having realised the signi# cant workload of an energy " e Slovak association Kaunas Regional manager, cities decided to create of sustainable energy Energy Agency whole energy departments. Later on, cities – Citenergo – is (KREA) has been seeing the work overload, the energy another MODEL ob- supporting Lithua- management was outsourced to pro- server partner and as such established nian cities in their fessional local energy agencies. Still close cooperation with new partners Covenant of Mayors commitments more cities are joining the OER at national and European level with by providing them with the latest in- network and it is highly respected by the aim to provide high quality ex- formation on the development of national authorities (e.g. National pertise and assistance to local autho- the initiative, organising meetings at Agency for Energy Conservation). rities interested in energy issues. As a national level and supporting cities OER is also a Covenant of Mayors result, cities could bene# t from MO- in practical terms. It brought 7 Li- Supporting Structure! DEL tools and methodologies, ener- thuanian cities to the 1st Covenant gy audits of pubic lighting, awareness of Mayors ceremony in February raising events and consultancy servi- 2009 in Brussels. During the semi- ces. Cities of Presov and Kosice pro- nars and local energy days it is Slovenia: vide free energy advisory services to constantly convincing cities about their citizens; the city of Nitra joined the necessity of sustainable energy Sinergija Development the Covenant of Mayors and set up a planning. Agency turns local energy agency, several cities in- theoretical action plans vested in e( cient public lighting etc. into reality Poland: Viewpoints of the European coordinator Polish Network “" eoretical” muni- cipal energy action New Member States get fully involved in Energie-Cités “Energie-Cités” has plans (required by Energie-Cités has been coordinating the MODEL project which is one of trained 3000 city law in Slovenia) are the main outcomes of its initiative called BISE (Better Integration of Sus- representatives turned into real ac- tainable Energy) launched in 2004 in order to help local authorities in New tion and municipalities set sustaina- Member States, Western Balkans and Ukraine reduce the energy gap ble energy development as their between them and their fellow municipalities of the EU-15. Both initiatives Since 1994 the Polish number one priority. " ey realise set the basis for the development of strong long-term relations between Network Energie-Ci- that it+s a unique economic opportu- Energie-Cités, national coordinators and cities and reinforced networ- tés (PNEC) has been nity for their communities. Involve- king and transfer of know-how in both directions. They helped improve promoting energy e( - ment of citizens and the concept of Energie-Cités’ knowledge on local energy management, communication ciency, the use of renewable energy MIED were integrated in their local and networking in Central and Eastern Europe. For instance, within the resources and structural funds to strategies and the new EU energy MODEL project, two Energie-Cités members – Leicester (UK) and Kirklees municipalities. " ey were conti- projects. " e Operation Programme (UK) – hosted participants from Bulgaria and Czech Republic for a mee- nuously helping them to # nd par- Regional Development (Structural ting of several days. tners and # nancing for their energy- funds) integrates energy e( ciency related projects. During its 16 years and renewable energy measures in In the framework of the CIUDAD programme launched by EuropeAid, a of existence, the association partici- rural areas. new MODEL project with similar objectives is about to start. It is coor- © dinated by the City of Lviv (UA) and Energie-Cités and involves partners from Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova as well as private partners.

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.9 TRENDS National legislations: positive changes or shocking stagnation? National legislation can either become an important accelerator of the local sustainable energy policies or block them for a long time. It is o% en used as an argument or an excuse when things are not moving in the good direction. What signi# cant changes in the national (regional/local) legislations have occurred in the last years in the New Member States and Croatia? Are these changes positive or do we just observe a shocking stagnation?

Slovenia makes the “Local Energy systems, development and imple- Concept” obligatory and checks mentation of municipal energy pro- its implementation! grammes and annual action plans are Slovenian Energy Law obli- obligatory in all local authorities. ges all municipalities to re- gularly prepare a “Local Romania gets building managers Energy Concept” for a period of 5 on board years and implement it. " e energy " e Governmental Decree manager or unit is supposed to be on energy e( ciency and the appointed for this purpose. " e Mi- promotion of renewable nistry of the Environment and Spa- energy sources at the end users’ level tial Planning is monitoring on an states that all consumers that use annual basis the coherence and im- more than 1.000 toe/year or any mu- plementation of the energy concepts nicipality that has more than 20.000 with the National Energy Program- inhabitants must appoint an energy me. manager and develop short, medium and long term energy e( ciency pro- Latvia will focus on the house- grammes. Public building managers holds must act to improve energy systems Latvia+s long-term vision of and keep track of the energy its national energy policy is consumption. featured in the Guidelines for Energy Sector Development in Polish Government is working 2007-2016 which includes a # rm on the implementation of EU commitment to promote energy e( - directives ciency. " e # rst National Energy Ef- Poland is currently working # ciency Action Plan for 2008-2010 on the transposition of the also includes energy e( ciency Directive 2006/32/EC on measures in di$ erent sectors and end-use energy e( ciency and energy most importantly in the household services into the national law. " e sector. Polish Act on Energy E( ciency will de# ne energy-related responsibilities Croatia displays energy certi# ca- of the public sector units (incl. mu- tes on public buildings nicipal units) and will introduce new " e EU Candidate Country tools and mechanisms supporting obliges the public sector to the increase of energy e( ciency. display energy certi# cates on all public buildings by June Lithuania supports cogeneration 2012. and use of biofuels for transport Directives 2001/77/EC Bulgaria needs energy managers! “Promotion of cogenera- " e 2nd energy e( ciency tion based on a useful heat law came into operation in demand in the internal energy mar- Bulgaria in November ket” and 2003/30/EC “Promotion 2008. " e appointment of local of the use of biofuels or other re- energy managers and the creation of newable fuels for transport” were energy management units, the set up transposed into the Lithuanian of municipal energy information Energy Law.

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.10 Examples that should not be followed? You certainly told yourself a couple of times: “! is is incredible! It can only happen in this country!” We assure you, controversial, “illogical” or unsustainable actions going against the common interest can occur everywhere.

hat we need to do is to keep pointing them out and take it as Lack of awareness and long-term visions a challenge for coming years. Perhaps we do not need to go far A lack of communication and a low awareness of the necessity of long-term away to get solutions for existing problems? O, en it+s our neigh- municipal energy planning regularly prevent the cities to implement concre- bourW who has them. What challenges and opportunities will the local autho- te actions to raise awareness among the citizens (such as the organisation of rities face in the next 20 years? important events such as municipal intelligent energy days). Huge heat losses due to obsolete district heating District heating systems are sometimes very obsolete and ine( cient. " e- refore, as the cost of space heating is so high,a renovation should become inevitable.

My & at – your & at: we are next-door but have nothing in common On the picture you can see a prefabricated building in a Romanian city. Looking more into details some peculiarities can be discovered. " e guy in the upper le, corner made a decision to insulate the walls of his ! at. For the moment he is the only one in this part of the house. " e colour became pink and the design of the facade panel has gone – but at least he sits in a bit warmer ! at… Some other owners are also active. On the right hand side, just behind the corner you can see white pipes standing out of the wall. " e families in these ! ats decided to quit dis- trict heating. Not having a chimney in the house, they bought gas ovens and punched out their walls for the installation of their individual, ho- rizontal chimneys. " e deterioration of the central heating building (not visible) clearly shows the lack of any investments in district heating during the last de- cade. A, er full privatisation of ! ats, families are very active and want to improve their quality of life. Some of them invest in insulation, others © to introduce individual heating. However, these individual e$ orts

prove to be counter-productive. " e pipes deliver CO2 directly in the Not without my car! air (towards the ! at above) and air quality on the housing estate dete- In many small municipalities the lack of public transport linking rural areas riorates dramatically. With each „deserting” family the district heating to the neighbour big city pushes the majority of local inhabitants to use in- system becomes more expensive for the remaining users and will soon dividual cars for their everyday mobility needs while the urban and the rural collapse totally. Besides, the privately installed gas ovens increase the authorities could re! ect on some public transport alternative. risk of gas explosion in large buildings. To handle the problems of the Even worse, in some urban cities, the council decides to remove tramway heating systems on large housing estates is one of the big challenges for lines and to give preference to individual means of transportation as it was Eastern European cities for the next 20 years. recently seen in Poland. Iván Tosics, Managing Director, Metropolitan Research Institute, Bu- dapest (HU) No energy consumption monitoring = no energy savings In most of the Eastern cities many blocks of ! ats still do not have energy meters in each apartment which makes the individual calculation of energy consumption for heating impossible and o, en leads to wasting lots of energy. Elections hindering actions? O, en, many di$ erent elections are organized within a short time period as it was the case for example in Romania where 7 elections have been held between 2007 and 2010. " is situation (incl. change in leadership) negati- vely a$ ects the overall implementation of activities in the # eld of sustainable energy in the pilot cities. Adoption of a long-term Local Energy Strategy and annual Action Plans, as well as assuring a su( cient autonomy for energy ma- ©Ivan Tosics nagers (energy management units) could help to overcome this barrier.

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.11 COVENANT OF MAYORS

MODEL helps the Covenant of Mayors’ signatories from New Member States to achieve their objectives ! e Covenant of Mayors is the most ambitious initiative engaging signatory cities to go beyond the EU"s energy and climate goals and curb their CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020 via energy e$ ciency and renewable energy actions.

ithin the year following " e Covenant of Mayors O( ce, set adhesion to the Cove- up by the European Commission, is Covenant nant, the signatories led by Energie-Cités in cooperation of Mayors’ MODEL’s response prepareW Baseline Emissions Invento- with Climate Alliance, Eurocities, ries for their territories and develop CEMR, Fedarene and Pracsis. commitments Sustainable Energy Action Plans Signature of the Covenant of Political decision by a mayor and (SEAP) describing how they intend Methodologies and tools developed Mayors by a mayor, endorsed by city council to reach the objectives. " ey organi- by MODEL partners and tested by municipal council se local energy days and involve their pilot cities, such as the Municipal citizens and local actors in diverse Energy Planning Guide, can help Adequate administrative Energy manager/Energy actions. any Covenant signatory to achieve structures Management Unit its goals. " ey are particularly adap- Baseline Emissions Inventory Municipal Energy Database/ A dedicated team of professionals ted for cities from New Member and Sustainable Energy Action Municipal Energy Programme / is ready to provide signatory cities States. Plan Action Plan / Investment Plan with technical support (preparation Municipal Intelligent Energy and monitoring of the SEAPs) and Materials downloadable in 8 lan- Local Energy Days Days facilitates exchange of experiences guages (bg, cs, en, hr, lt, lv, ro, si) and promotion of their local actions. at

Covenant of Mayors Supporting Structures

" ey are the European Commission´s o( cial partners for the promotion of the Covenant of Mayors. Energie-Cités, Polish Network “Energie-Cités”, Orase Energie Romania and EcoEnergy Bul- garia are 4 associations of municipalities – and MODEL partners – who became Covenant supporting structures.

Since the initiative was launched in 2009, they have been continuously provi- ding support to their member cities, signatories of the Covenant of Mayors, helping them to achieve their commitments. A great e$ ort to promote the initiative and get more cities on board was also done by Kaunas Regional Energy Agency (Lithuania), Citenergo – association of energy e( cient cities (Slovakia) or Regional Energy Centre (Estonia).

Further information on the Covenant of Mayors:

Zbigniew Michniowski, Deputy-Mayor of Bielsko-Biala, President of PNEC and Vice-President of Energie-Cités at the Covenant of Mayors Ceremony 2009

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.12 Why do the cities from Central and Eastern Europe join the Covenant?

Dobrich, Bulgaria Lom, Bulgaria “Dobrich is one of the “Lom was the # rst Bul- founders of the Bulga- garian city to join this rian Municipal Energy European initiative. E( ciency Network We have managed to (EcoEnergy) and one of its most ac- get to the “golden ambiance” and tive members. Recently the Energy # nd the balance between our roles of Program 2008-2013 has been adop- energy consumer, energy producer, ted by the City Council in order to investor and regulator. " at+s how strengthen our role in the # eld of we attract external assistance and sustainable energy. We decided to implement activities related to the express our strong political will to management of energy e( ciency realise the EU+s 3x20 objectives by projects. " anks to MODEL Project signing up the Covenant of Mayors we have started to use innovative so- and continue realisation of projects lutions and good practices. Current- such as replacement of the base fuel ly we are working on the # nal version in all municipal facilities (coal to of the Municipal Energy Programme Anna Jaskula, PNEC, and Gérard Magnin, Energie-Cités, at a Covenant of Mayors event in Krakow, May 2009 gas) which has signi# cantly increased – the heart of our actions within the the living comfort and reduced run- energy e( ciency # eld. " e prize we ning costs for heating in municipal received in the European MODEL buildings, which represent a major Awards 2008 competition for the cost in the municipal budget”. Best Municipal Intelligent Energy 56 Covenant of Mayors signatories Ms. Detelina Nikolo!a, Mayor Days motivated and obliged us to go come from Central and even further. An innovative ap- Eastern European countries proach was used for raising the awa- Tukums, Latvia reness of the population on energy Bulgaria (6) Burgas, Dobrich* Lom*, Plovdiv, Targovishte, “One of the main tasks issues: projection of animation # lms Varna of Tukums municipali- on climate change, mitigation and ty is to get real data on Croatia (7) Duga-Resa, Ivanic-Grad, Klanjec, Ozalj, energy conservation, as well as dis- our energy consump- Pregrada, Rijeka, Zagreb cussions with children, interactive tion. Nowadays the municipality is games, roller-skates and bicycles Estonia (3) Kuressaare, Rakvere*, Tallinn paying great attention to energy e( - were organised”. ciency questions and can be proud of Hungary (3) Biharkeresztes, Budapest, Tata Ms.Penka Penko!a, Mayor its biomass heating and the recons- Latvia (5) Jekabpils*, Jelgava, Riga, Tukums*, Valmiera* truction of its street lighting system. Lithuania (7) Anykšciai, Kaunas*, Pakruojis, Panevežys, One of the major steps was signing Niepołomice, Šilale, Silutes, Vilkaviškis the Covenant of Mayors. Exchan- ging experience and best practices Poland Poland (6) Bielsko-Biala, Dzierzoniów*, Lubianka, “Niepołomice joined among municipalities is essential for Niepolomnice*, Raciechowice*, Warsaw the Covenant of the development. Moreover it raises Mayors in 2009. We Romania (15) Aiud*, Avrig, Baia Mare*, Bistrita, Brasov*, awareness of the citizens and in- managed to install 15 Bucharest Sector 1*, Craiova, Giurgiu, Mizil, creases municipality contribution in solar installations in municipal buil- Râmnicu Vâlcea, Resita, Slobozia, Targoviste*, the # ght with global warming”. dings (kindergartens, sport halls, Târgu Jiu, Vaslui Mr. Juris Sulcs, Mayor schools) and started to replace old Slovakia (2) Nitra, Moldava nad Bodvou ine( cient boilers. We are planning Burgas, Bulgaria lots of activities such as complex mo- Slovenia (1) Ljubljana “Burgas is among the dernization of street lighting and February 2010 * 14 MODEL pilot cities # rst municipalities in monitoring of resources use in mu- Bulgaria which signed nicipal buildings.” the Covenant. Cur- Mr. Roman Ptak, Mayor rently we have started to prepare a long-term local energy plan. Meanwhile we do not stop imple- menting foreseen energy projects. " e most signi# cant achievements our city is proud of are improved energy e( ciency in schools and conversion to gas fuel in public and residential buildings. Mr.Dimitar Nikolo!, Mayor

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.13 ANALYSIS

Two friends, one ambition: Visions on ... energy policies now 20 years ago and... How has the situation changed in the new Member States and Croatia in the last 20 years from the perspective of local sustainable energy development?

Gérard: Twenty years is not so much Zdravko: Despite the spectacular 2004 the # rst Energy E( ciency Act time in the history although it is a ra- debates about climate change and was approved in Bulgaria, by which ther long time in a human life… Yes, energy e( ciency, the majority of the local energy planning was made the situation has changed in a politi- countries in Central and Eastern Eu- mandatory for every municipality, Zdravko Genchev, cal and institutional way, in the peo- rope still focus much more on ener- about 40 Bulgarian municipalities Executive Director of EcoEnergy ples’ daily life, but not enough from gy supply than on e( cient energy had already their own energy plans. (Municipal Energy E" ciency the perspective of sustainable energy use. Even the latest gas crisis at the It may be said that the experience Network, Bulgaria) policy which is still o, en conside- beginning of 2009 did not cause any and initiative of the local authorities red as a concern of richer countries. substantial change in the rhetoric. were and continue to be the decisive However, it is the opposite. In 2008 A number of practices from the time driving power for the development we saw that the inevitable increase of of the centrally planned economy, of the modern legislative framework energy prices in the future will make such as complex socio-economic concerning energy e( ciency. less wealthycountries and poor peo- planning, were discarded and dis- ple very vulnerable! On the other continued planning and manage- At the early 1990’s the majority of the hand, the possible crisis of traditio- ment had been simply ceased and energy e( ciency projects were not nal energy supply asks for more de- stigmatised. Institutions dealing with bankable and the # nancial resour- Gérard Magnin, centralised renewable energy sour- these matters were closed down and ces were too costly. For that reason Executive Director of Energie-Cités ces. highly estimated and skilled person- a handful of enthusiasts were trying (European association of nel lost its faith and were dispersed. in vain to convince the mayors of the municipalities promoting local " e challenge for new Member It was only in the # rst years of this bene# ts of energy e( ciency. " ey al- sustainable energy policies) States and candidate countries is to millennium that the governments most begged them to host some spo- radic attractive grant-based projects Two men - two friends. build and develop energy e( ciency began to painstakingly recognise and programmes. Successful imple- Each of them has measures upon a past in which the that sustainable development might mentations were rather exceptions been promoting local supply side was one of the main prio- be achieved only through reasona- than mass practice. In recent years sustainable energy rities. Just remember the pictures ble planning and management of the picture has undergone a radical policies and getting on the Romanian ! ag: all of them resources. " at is one of the most change and local thousands of cities concerned energy. Due to this it is valuable lessons authorities became on board for nearly 20 not so easy to accept the idea that we learned from the Most of the driving force of years. In the beginning can improve quality of life by using course of deve- these e$ orts in the - each on “his side of less energy. Energy is the life! Using lopment during the energy public sector. As a the iron curtain”. less energy seems to be a frustration! the past two de- consequence of the Later on - together: But that+s wrong. cades. " is new e( ciency increased energy Zdravko Genchev understanding projects became prices and the drop and Gérard Magnin. Furthermore, nowadays in the EU, has gradually in the prices of ma- What are their sustainable energy has become a cru- rehabilitate d cost-e$ ective. terials and equip- viewpoints on how cial point in a # ght against climate planning itself, ment related to energy e( ciency, the the situation has change which is a priority of the EU as well as some gravely or entirely majority of the energy e( ciency pro- changed in the Central agenda. A part of the EU+s 3x20 ob- neglected policies, such as regional jective is to reduce CO emissions by development, housing policy or the jects became cost-e$ ective, attracting and Eastern European 2 banks (prior to the beginning of the countries in the last 20% till 2020. " is is an additional use of natural resources. global # nancial crisis), energy servi- 20 years? reason for working together much better and exchange knowledge While at the central (governmental) ces companies, traders and consul- and experience between cities from level energy e( ciency is o, en pro- tants. Even individual households old, new and future Member States moted mainly verbally, at the local joined the race with their private regarding renewable and energy ef- level (in municipalities) this subject money or through bank loans. " at # ciency, which means also, urban is an integral part of the e$ orts for is a real change, which took place planning, transport policies, etc. survival. Local authorities in gene- within a very short historical period ral have recognised the real bene# ts and created the unique energy e( - from energy e( ciency. " e less deve- ciency market. If in the majority of loped the cities are, the earlier they the developed European states the realise that wasting of energy is a ma- energy e( ciency market has solid jor barrier to development and that grounds for development, in the new energy e( ciency is a valuable energy Member States it still needs solid do- resource. As a consequence, when in mestic and international support.

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.14 Can you see any di' erences in mentality and approach to the question of sustainable local energy use in the “Western” and “Eastern” European countries? Is the current development in the # eld of energy of the municipalities from the new Member States comparable to what happened in the EU-15 in the past?

Gérard: Climate chan- Zdravko: In the majority of the # cant di$ erences between the “old” di$ erent on the issue of labour costs © ge and energy issues are EU-15 countries there exist long- and the “new” EU Member States in joint international projects, which in practice largely sha- standing and rich traditions in the is rooted in the people+s mentality. turn out products for the common ping the future. " e- domains of local self-governance " ere is an opinion that the Scandi- European market. " e objective unit refore, the main ques- and protection of the environment, navian people are much more sensi- measure of the labour cost in these tion is whether our and in particular of climate. Such tive to environmental protection and projects should be based on the va- consumption societies traditions exist also in some of the feel more responsible with respect to lue and the quality of the products will start to be more EU-12 countries, while in others lo- climate chan- of this labour. Re- aware of the necessity cal self-governance is the o$ spring of ge. " at might gretfully, as yet no to use less energy. the latest democratic changes of the be the result of Unfortunately, su( ciently objec- late 1980s. All in all, for local autho- the objective tive and e$ ective to- Since a long time, ‘’Eas- rities in the EU-12 countries, oppor- dependence of changing ols have been found tern’’ countries have tunities for economic initiatives and the people in people+s for determining been trying to catch up self-# nancing are still more limited. these countries the value of these by following the “model” of Western Municipalities in Western Europe on climate and awareness is the products and the European countries. Is this “model” have more extensive experience energy or to reference to local a right road to follow? A, er having in studying and mobilising public particularities hardest and the (national) practices dreamed for decades about such opinion, in involving a variety of of their histo- slowest part of is frequently un- a lifestyle, it is not so simple to ac- actors in the processes of public re- rical develop- just and inaccurate. cept that Western countries are now sources planning and management, ment. Whate- the period of Conditions are crea- changing – sometimes dramatically - in making good use of the tool kit ver the reasons ted for attributing the way they were following. for raising public awareness. " ese for that public transition in di$ erent costs to di$ erences leave their footprint on awareness, it the work of ex- For instance, in the 50s, many lo- the e$ ectiveness of the policies and may obviously Central and perts from di$ erent cal authorities in France and Swit- practices in the # eld of sustainable serve as a mo- Eastern Europe. countries put in one zerland destroyed their tramway development as well. del for the rest and the same joint networks because they were consi- of the European countries. Unfortu- product, depending on the country dered to be an obstacle for cars that " ere is no doubt that the EU-12 nately, changing people+s awareness of origin of these experts. A more were synonyms of freedom! Now, we countries undergo development is the hardest and the slowest part accurate and more equitable system are building tramways again in order phases similar to those undergone of the period of transition in Cen- for de# ning the labour costs of par- to avoid circulation of cars and res- by the EU-15 in the past. However, tral and Eastern Europe. And what ticipants in international projects tore the cities as the best places for certain signi# cant di$ erences in the is really annoying is that the need of should be based on the understan- living. I can give you similar exam- pace and e$ ectiveness of the actions such change is gravely underestima- ding that the labour market for hi- ples for district heating. Sometimes are observed as well. For instance, ted by both governments and local ghly skilled professionals and for people replaced it with individual the changes in the legislation of the authorities. " at is the reason why the products of this labour is an in- boilers. But, how can we use biomass EU-12 countries are made under certain well established in Western ternational market, rather than a na- at a large scale or recover waste ener- pressure from the European institu- Europe activities for the research on tional one. Underestimation of the gy with individual gas boilers? Ano- tions and build on the and the mobilisation labour of the experts from Central ther example: twenty years ago in lessons learned from of the public opi- and Eastern Europe has since long Bulgaria there were no plastic bags, such amendments in “Eastern” nion (information been the reason for the brain-drain nowadays they are being used in all the EU-15 states. " is countries campaigns, public from the East to the West. " at, in stores. In case of France and other creates conditions for debates, surveys, the- turn, is a serious barrier to the acce- Western European countries it is the acceleration of change have been matic days or weeks) leration of the development of the end of the « plastic bags era », as it and for avoidance of are o, en treated new Member States and contributes has become well known that they are errors made in the trying to with indi$ erence to further aggravation of the dispa- harmful to the environment. past. In Bulgaria this and skepticism and rities between them and the “old” played a leading role catch up by hence conducted in members. E$ orts for diminishing Having this in mind, yes there still in making the chan- following a formal and ine$ ec- these disparities should be made by might be some di$ erences in men- ges a fact. Regretfully, tive way. " is hinders both sides and should be supported tality between our countries. What however, the results the “model” the accumulation of by all the European governments Eastern European countries can do is from the application skills and experience and above all should be promoted to try to follow a more energy sustai- of the new laws and of Western in public communi- by the European Commission in the nable “model” to which we are closer standards are yet quite cation, which in turn joint European projects. " at would at the present, not the one from the modest. Despite the European is a barrier to the contribute to sustainable and balan- past. In this way they can avoid ma- fact that the potential countries. quicker involvement ced growth of the European labour king the same costly mistakes! for energy e( ciency of the population in market, which in turn is a prerequi- improvement in the EU-12 coun- decision-making on matters of im- site for the overall sustainable deve- tries is still signi# cantly higher than portance for the development of the lopment of the Eastern economies. in the EU-15 countries, it is being local communities. tapped slower than initially anticipa- ted. It is obvious that the new regula- It is a well-known fact that the labour tory framework cannot by itself lead costs on the national markets of the to energy e( ciency improvement if EU-15 and the EU-12 countries are no reliable tools foster it in practice di$ erent. On a national scale these – based on powerful economic and di$ erences are understandable, since moral incentives, strict control and they are predetermined by the Gross high responsibilities. Domestic Product of each indivi- dual country and the potential of It seems that one of the most signi- the local companies. " ings are little

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.15 EUROPE European policies and instruments: will they help local authorities to face the future challenges? Roman Doubrava, Administrator in the Directorate General Energy of the European Commis- sion, co-responsible for the Covenant of Mayors initiative, has a long work experience within the energy # eld. We asked him to share his viewpoints on the main challenges the new Member States are and will be facing in the future and mention the instruments the European Commission put in place to help local authorities to face them.

ince 2004, when the new Member States joined the EU, many changes have Soccurred in the European and national legislations in the # eld of sustainable energy use and new initiatives appeared. One of them is the Covenant of Mayors with more than 1200 signatories. However, less than 10% of them come from the new Member States, Western Balkans and Ukraine. Why, do you think, is this number rather low? Do not local authorities from these countries share the common EU visions and objectives or are they reluctant to any changes in this # eld?

First of all, we are very glad to see the shi, in paradigm as regards local energy management in Europe and corresponding energy policy. More than 1200 Covenant signatories is a solid proof, that local and regional authorities take the issues of local energy consumption patterns and corresponding greenhouse gas emis- sions seriously. Cities and regions are best placed to tackle our dependence on energy imports, bring innovations and more environmentally friendly solutions into practical life. " ey © have not only the mandate, but the duty to # ght for the interests of their citizens. " e Covenant of Mayors is a bottom-up initiative with local and regional authorities being its prin- cipal owner, committed and imple- practically functioning channels this group, I am convinced that there Member States. What is needed is menting parties, according to their between national and local actors. will be more cities and regions from to focus on practical aspects of the local needs and conditions. " e Co- I would not say that nearly 100 si- those countries that will join the Co- Covenant implementation, to tackle venant fully respects the diversity of gnatories from New Member States, venant in the near future. the existing barriers (which are not local governance. " is is well re! ec- Western Balkans and Ukraine is low. exclusive for EU-12). Among these, ted in the population of signatories On the contrary, these are front-lea- Could you say what barriers still I would mention the following: within the Covenant across di$ erent ders with a very strong commitment, remain in these countries? corners of Europe, i.e. there are more paving the way for others to follow. " is being said, it is clear that the – Although there is an experience in signatories in Member states with a Taking into account that there are Covenant has much larger growth energy planning, the broader, ho- strong local governance history and capitals of 8 countries represented in potential particularly in the New listic approach is not widely used

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.16 ERDF regulation brings an opportunity for all Member states to use up to 4% of their respective ERDF allocation for building sector renovations.

the results achieved so far, instead targeted to local and regional public of producing another overlapping authorities. ELENA will facilitate theoretical brochure. " e whole bridging the project development Covenant technical, monitoring phase with actual investment, ena- and reporting framework is, natu- bling project promoters better access rally, being developed and accep- to # nancing of their investments. ted by cities themselves, in close So far, we have received very posi- co-operation with the European tive feedback on ELENA and I hope Commission. that with this very practical tool we © will see more signatories joining the in the planning exercise. " is leads vestment) engineering and good – Replication of results and lessons Covenant from countries where lack to partial, (even though techni- communication plan towards the learned is not as easy as it seems. of technical and # nancial capacity cally correct) and overlapping citizens. Signi# cant progress has " e Covenant+s Benchmarks of is a key barrier for development on concepts, plans and strategies, of- been achieved in many European excellence concept directly pro- local level. ten valid only for the period of a cities and regions in the last de- vides an opportunity to signato- given electorate. Energy is a long- cade, nevertheless this barrier re- ries to upload and promote their As regards the # nancing, last year+s term cross-cutting issue that must mains the main area to be tackled. own achievements towards a wide amendment to ERDF regulation be incorporated in di$ erent policy audience and own citizens. Signa- brings an opportunity for all Mem- areas, in an integrated manner. Does the European Commission tories are invited to use the prac- ber states to use up to 4% of their put in place any policies and tical experience of other cities or respective ERDF allocation for buil- – Greenhouse gas emissions reduc- instruments helping to overcome regions to # nd inspiration. Nume- ding sector renovations. 8 billion tion is not the ‘ hottest’ item on a them? rous Covenant events are targeted Euros, which could be re-channelled local and regional political agen- " e Covenant of Mayors is provi- to serve the purpose of e( cient via this amended regulation, would da. " e main misconception is of- ding a platform for helping to tackle networking and better replication bene# t especially the local authori- ten that ‘climate change is not our these challenges, through: of proved solutions. ties, as responsible parties for most business’. " is might look correct, of the public building stock. Regio- at # rst sight. However, if we have a – " e Covenant of Mayors O( ce, What about funding? nal and local authorities have a good look from a di$ erent perspective, that provides day to day coordi- We have put recently into operation, opportunity for discussing with their energy consumption in buildings nation, networking and support in joint co-operation with the EIB, respective structural funds managing and transport is the main contri- to the signatory cities. " e o( ce a new technical assistance # nancing authorities to arrange the necessary butor to air pollu- is managed by facility ELENA (European Local amendments to existing operational tion in urban areas. an experienced Energy Assistance). " e facility is programmes. As well, costs for Although team of experts meant to tackle the lack of technical Within the research and technology meeting the local there is an from major Eu- and # nancial engineering capacity development area, the Commission energy needs re- ropean networks for urban sustainable energy pro- has recently adopted the Smart ci- present a relevant experience of cities, regions jects. Up to 90% of eligible costs for ties initiative as part of the EU SET part of the budgets and energy agen- technical assistance needed for the plan. " is initiative, currently under of local and regio- in energy cies. development of bankable investment development, shall focus on suppor- nal authorities. planning, the programmes, or bundled investment ting the technology innovation in " erefore, these – Provi- projects can be covered by the fa- cities, through European Research authorities are best broader, ho- ding the metho- cility. " e assistance is speci# cally Framework Programme. suited to look for dology and tech- more e( cient so- listic approach nical help desk lutions while posi- for the signato- tively in! uencing is not yet ries. Within the the environment. widely used. Covenant hel- pdesk, on-line – Lack of technical and # nancial direct help, comprehensive gui- capacity, especially in smaller ci- delines and a Sustainable energy ties and municipalities. To have action plan template, as well as a good, integrated, realistic and an online interactive tool, have

successful energy plan for a given been developed and are accessible © territory, one has to combine a to all Covenant signatories. All multi-technology technical expe- guidance is being developed with rience, knowledge on collection close involvement of municipal and interpretation of data, politi- experts, cities and their networks, cal vision, skills with # nancial (in- in order to respect and replicate

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.17 VISIONS

What will the future bring? Nobody knows what to expect from the coming years but for sure we never stop dreaming, imagining, planning... What are the visions and expectations of the partners who participated in the European MODEL projectproject fforor tthe,he, lletet"s sasay,y, next twenttwentyy yyears?ears?

SSlovenialove Romania “In t twenty years in Slovenia we “In 20 years sustainable management wwouldoul like 90% of kindergartens, of local resources will reshape the schoschoolso and other public buildings role of local authorities. Emerging to bbee renovated in energy e( ciency and expensive technologies will be- stanstandard.d 80% of local authorities come mainstream and a$ ordable for wwouldoul participate in projects co-fun- both private and public use. Recy- ded bby the EU, national, regional or cling, sustainable mobility, rational privatepriva sources.” use of resources will become a norm for all municipalities.” LarisaLar Lovrencec, ProjectPr Manager, Sinergija Deve- Camelia Rata, OER (RO) lopmentlop Agency (SI) Poland CroatiaC “To keep going” is our message for “Future“F is unpredictable and eve- the future. We must continue and rryy city must take its responsibility follow the good examples given by andan act in a way to reduce energy MODEL pilot cities and especially consumptionco and costs. In the to engage more cities in the pro- nextnex four years, we are expecting cess of municipal energy planning. mostmo of the Croatian municipalities Only like this we can reduce energy toto hhavea put in place a quality energy consumption and improve the qua- programmeprogr and action plan. Othe- lity of life of our citizens.” rwise,rwise they will not be able to develop Maria Stankiewicz, andand ccatch up with the technologies.” Executive Director, Polish Network ©Diane Morel ©Diane FilipFilip Prebeg, “Energie-Cités” EnergyEnerg Institute Hrvoje Pozar (HR) Lithuania nantnant of CzechCzec Republic “In twenty years, we would like MayorsMayors to “Our“Our vision concerns the future Municipal Energy Programmes to whichwhich EnerEner-- energyenerg mix and the use of various be implemented in all municipali- ggie-Citésie-Cités is a supsup-- renewablerenew energy sources. Let+s say ties, all schools and kindergartens iir r sst t poportingrting structure as wewellll as inin 22020,0 all municipalities should to be renovated and energy certi- off all,ll theh current the leader of the consortium promo- use 57% of gas, 20% of biomass, 19% # ed, CO emissions to be reduced ‘’new’’F Member States will disappear 2 ting the Covenant all over Europe of solar energy, 15 % of nuclear and by 20 %.” as ‘’new’’ because they are becoming (see p.12 and 13). " e commitments 12% of coal energy.” Feliksas Zinevicius, ‘’old’’ members… are not just empty words. It is all " e main priority of Energie-Cités Jaromir Ctrnacty, Executive Director, Kaunas Regional about strategy and practical actions. Porsenna, o.p.s. (CZ) Energy Agency for the following years is to help Eu- Hence, the local authorities must set ropean cities to invent their future the tone, be exemplary, point out the where quality of life for all goes hand path to take, catalyse, engage local in hand with low energy consump- stakeholders and rely on the most tion. Indeed, energy is an issue of dynamic ones to build policies and society before being a mere techni- implement change-inducing measu- cal issue. A city with 80% less CO 2 res. It was the topic of the MODEL emissions in 2050 will be very di$ e- project. rent from the city we know today. By the end of March 2010, more Energie-Cités promotes the idea that than 1300 mayors were committed a local authority is like a “conductor to the Covenant. Among them, less in the orchestra’’, trying to harmoni- than 100 are from the new Member se the performing of town planners, States, Western Balkans and Ukrai- architects, companies, stakeholders, ne. So, some work remains to do, transport o( cers, housing mana- don+t you think so? And we can do gers, energy specialists and last but it together!” not least the citizens. For example, one of the most impor- Gérard Magnin, tant “pieces of music” is the Cove- Executive Director, Energie-Cités

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.18 DISPLAY

15 MODEL pilot cities ahead of the times with the Display® Campaign!

Signifi cant imple gestures a andnd behabeha-- amounts viour change are not trivialtrivial.. of energy As soon as peopleple realisrealisee consumed what a great di$ eerencerence they in buildings canS make to # nal energy and watwaterer can be saved consumption, they will alsolso see ththatat through not only they can save money! " e eyy will bebe-- investments come a “magic key” to hugeuge enerenergygy but even soft savings in European buildings.ildings. 1155 measures! MODEL pilot cities werere temptedtempted Switching to take on this challenge and get alalll off the lights, those people on board - ttheyhey jjoinedoined computers the DISPLAY® Campaign.n. and other appliances DISPLAY® is a European-wide-wide comcom-- when leaving munication campaign launchedunched iinn the room, 2004 and coordinated b byy EnerEnergie-gie- closing the Cités. Its strongest communicationmunication water taps tools are the DISPLAY®Y® postepostersrs when not using hung in highly visible placeslaces in ci-ci- them...does it ties’ public buildings. " e eyy are very seem too trivial similar to those for householdsehold aap-p-

to you? pliances and show the energy,nergy, CCOO2 and water performance of p publicublic buildings. " ey are so simple,mple, cleclearar and eye-catching that onee ddoesoes nnotot need to be an engineerngineer ttoo 400 municipalities are understand them.. AnAndd thithiss is the secret behindnd over 404000 displaying the posters municipalities displayingplaying ththee posters on 12.0000 bbuildingsuildings on 12.000 buildings all around Europe.e. " ese cici-- all around Europe ties are ahead of the timetimes,s, already using a common Eu- 15 MODEL pilot cities also participate in the DISPLAY® Campaign ropean certi# cate that will be introduced with the recast of the Eu- Bulgaria: Lithuania: ropean Public Buildings Directive Belene, Dobrich, Gabrovo, Kaunas (EPBD) in 2012. Krivodol, Lom, Smolyan Romania: Czech Republic: Brasov MODEL pilot cities thus enlarged Kopřivnice, Praha-Libuš Slovenia: the New Member States´ part in Latvia: Cankova, Moravske Toplice, the big DISPLAY® family where, for Jekabpils Puconci, Velenje the moment, countries like France, United Kingdom, Switzerland or Ukraine are the leaders considering the number of posters displayed.

More information on Display and the new campaign video at ©City of Zurich

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.19 GAME Do Spot the difference Find the 5 differences between not these two MIED logos as quickly as miss... possible. ! “How does the European Regional Development Fund fi nance Once you MY energy effi ciency and renewable investments in the housing are done, IS MY sector in Bulgaria, Poland and Romania?” you can " e report gives an overview and draws a real picture of the housing check the sector in Eastern Europe. It aims to show how structural funds are being correct used for refurbishment, retro# tting and energy e( ciency measures in Bulgaria, Poland and Romania. answers below the Municipal Energy planning guide second Guide for municipal decision makers and experts. " e guide is a tool logo. which leads you in all phases of your local energy management strategy… from preparation and design phases to practical implementation and evaluation. MODEL review of # nancial schemes: to help you identify ! and use existing # nancial support for your energy projects. Last but not MY at least you can use on-line tools that were tested by MODEL pilot ci- IS YOUR

ties. " ey will help you to easily carry out similar actions in your city.

Downloadable in 8 languages (bg, cs, en, hr, lt, lv, ro, si) from www.ener- windows 5) mill wind 4) model your 3) smile 2) bird 1) answers: 5 – difference the Spot

All outcomes of the MODEL project on one CD-ROM! " e CD-ROM contains: • Information about the MODEL pilot cities • Municipal Energy Planning Guide and other recommendation tools • Shining Examples • Examples of Municipal Intelligent Energy Days • Information on MODEL Awards competition • Contact details of MODEL Partners for Central and Eastern European local authorities TIMEto take up new challenges and opportunities! Editor: Energie-Cités | Secretariat 2, chemin de Palente F- 25000 Besançon

Energie-Cités | Brussels Offi ce National coordinators 1, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Bruxelles Technical expert European coordinator TIME Journal Newsroom: Jana CICMANOVA, Miriam EISERMANN, Anna FILIPOVA, Christophe FRERING, Gérard MAGNIN.

With the support of: Observer partners March 2010 The sole responsibility for the content of this magazine lies with the authors. It does not Graphic Design: necessarily refl ect the opinion of the European Photos: cover page: City of Växjö (photo of the city), Miriam Eisermann Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the (photo of the Berlin wall) information contained therein. Printer: Imprimerie Simon

The MODEL project is also supported by ADEME, the French Agency for the Environment and Energy management.

TIME I Brussels Edition 2010 I p.20