Ho* r a i l ,

September 5th 1947»


(Roagarch Office)


n £ 2 2 :1 The above title replacea that of Pro»« Neve Sunauy used in the early mtnbereq £ tUl* ««vies* For oiroul&tion to ibm C o c d M io t u j


SIDflOIg OP EVENTS.. page.

19 EURCDffi • • • • • • • • • • • • 1* lOSCEUANBODS.»« • • • #•• • • • 10.

PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/205e16/ SUMMARY OF EVENTS.

E u R 0 PE t


Confirmation of death aentenoea paasod on Larentsen Group,(sea No* Z Z 7 , p ,1 of this Digest,) Tho Sunday TimoB reportod 2 7 *7 ,4 7 that the Copenhagen Higfi Court had confirmed tho aentoncos of death passed by tho town court last January on 10 mombara of tho Lorenson Group, including a girl, found guilty of 166 war orimes, inoluding10 murders*


Naai War Criminala for Trial.

The Daily Tolograph reported (9*6*47) that two Nazi uor arlninals, General BU3CKHEHN and Major LQDORF, hod left Britain for trial in Baris*

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Reiohhert aontenoed*

Tha Daily Tolegraph reported (23*6*47) that Johann HEICHHBRT, the foraor German public hongooan, who denounced a number of persons, to the . Gestapo and also hanged several, had been sentenced by a de-nazifi- . •ation court to ton years in a labour camp*

Eva Braun's parents to be tried.

An agency message from Munich stated that HTTHSR's parents-in-law, Fritz and Franziaka BRAUN, are to be tried far Nazi activities, Fritz BRAUN is aooused of encouraging the natch between H£TI£R and his daughter and of being a Nasi since1937 *

Fritz Kuhn held for trial, (see No, XXVIH, p*2 of this Digest*)

News of Germany reported from Munioh (2 3 *7 *4 7 ) that Fritz XDHN, formor leader of the German^Amorioan Bund, had been arrested during the previous day by order of a Munioh Spruohfosner and c om it ted to Neudeok prison whore he will be kept until hiB denazification trial begins. It is probable that he will be indicted as a major offender /xooording to a state« zaant by Dr, HERFF, prosecutor with tho Munioh appellate, court* Trial of Ifrau Todt«

Agonqy messages fran Frankfurt dated 1 *9*47 reported that Frau Elaboth' TODT, v/iuA/ of fr it z TODT / hat.1 boon f^un?. ¿guilty of "K azi activ ities txnC. profitooring" by a German denazification tribunal in Munich and sontonood to two yoars "special work" and confiscation of all but£250 of her property*

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Arrest of Erich Hofftaann. !

News* of Gornany reported from Munich25 . (7. 4 7 ) that Erioh HOFFMANN, former oocmndant of the Blochhanaer ooncontration cacç, had "been arroatod by German Police near the Dutoh "border. A few hours "beforo his arrest ho had been sentenced, in absontia, to ten years in a labour camp as a major offender by a Munioh Spruchhanaer. Since1 3 witnesses had attested to his active parti­ cipation in the murder of200 canp innatos, the caso records will be forwarded to the International M ilitary Tribunal in or to a Gorman criminal court,

Trial by a German Court under the Control Council Law»

One of - the fir s t cases to be tried by a Gorman court under tho Control Council Law ftr Crimes agxinst humanity was recently concluded at Aurich in the British zone when Waldemar KABRA was sentenced to six year o' penal servitude on charges of brutal assaults aejxinst tho Jewish population of Leer during tho pogroms in November, 1938.



The Trial of tho 23 Doctors and Scientists. (Case 1.)

This trial which began pn December 9th 1946 ended at Nuremberg on August 19th 1947* The sentences wero as follows:

Karl BRANDT, death. Hermann BECKER-PREYSING, 20 y r3 . , Karl GEBHARDT, death« Her ta OBERHaUSER, 20 y r s .‘ Joachim HHUG03SKY, death. ïïilholm BEIGLBOECK, 15 y r s . Rudolf BRANDT, death. Holmut PQPPENDICK, 10 yrs# Wolfram SIEVERS, death. Viktor BRACK, death. Paul ROSTOCK, acquittod. "ïTaldemar HQVEN, death. Kurt BLOMB, acquitted. Siegfried HANDLOSER, life impr. Siegfried RUPP, acquitted. Oskar SCHRQEDER. life irpr. Hans ïïolfgang ROMBERG, acquitte!. Karl GENZKEN, l i f e icp r. Georg Ü7ELTZ, acquitted. Gerhard ROSE, • l i f impr# Konrad SCHAEFER, acquittod. Fritz FISCHER, l i f e impr# Adolf POKOiîNY, acquittod.

The I.G.Farbon Trial. (Case No. 6) ( see XXXI, p. 3 of this Digest)

A special release, No. 138 of 8.8.47 stated that throe more judges had been apointod and would constituto Tribunal No, 6, which texl boon tentatively scheduled to.hoar the I.G.Farbon Caso. Thoy wore Judgo Curtis SRiXE (P resid en t), Judgo James MORRIS and Judge Paul HEBERT.

The trial opened at Nuremberg on 2 8 ,8 .4 7 * Tho indiotanont comprised 3 Counts, v iz., Count I , Planning and preparing invasions and wars of aggrossioni Count II, plunder and spoliation; Count III, slavery and mss murders.

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Tho I.G.Farbon T r ia l. (Cont)

All of tho defendants, oxcopt LAUNTQiSCHIAEGER, who was ebaont at tho time , had pleaded not guilty at thair arraigranont on August15th. IAUTEN- SCHLAEGER was now present and added his plea of not guilty.

At tho opening of tho procoactings the Presidentannouncod that tho dafonoe*s request for a six months’ postponement had beenrojectod, as had been defenco objections concerning the legality of tho indictment.

The opening statement for tho prosecution wasmade by General , U.S.Chiof of Counsol, and Major D.A.SPHECHER, Thestatement aqphosizod that the crimes alleged wore oom itted by tho defendants withtho utmost delibe­ ration, tho purpose being to turn the Gorman nation intoa machine of destruc­ tion so formidable that Germany could, by brutal threats,and by «or if neoouoxy, imposo her w ill on Europo ,and la tor on other nations»

After outlining tho rise of the I.G.Farben system fromsmall a groiqp of chemical plants till it bocano HITlER's largest souroeB of ammunitionand explosives the prosecution alluded summarily to tho seizure by I.G.Rigbon of chemical industries in Austria anil CzoohoslovrJda,

Under Count II a briof sucrnry was given of evidencein connection with tho spoliation of Poland, France and tho Soviet Union* Fartherevidsnco in regird to Norway, and would, it was stated,bo presented during the trial*

Under Count H I the prosecution allogod that tho defendantshad known, and aggressively participated in the employment of foreigi labourin tho I.G.J&rben plants, notably in the Buna plant at Auschwitz where so many thousands had died as a rosult of inhumane troatraent; and theyhad also partici­ pated in criminal medical experiments, conducted at I.G.Firben’s requestIn Buohonwald and othor concentration carps.

In concluding tho prosecution omphasized that the defendants were not charged solely in thoir capacity as I.G.Farbon officials, but wero res­ ponsible for their acts in whatever capacity those were undertaken.

Tho Ministry of juatioo Trial. (Case No. 2) (a0e No. XXVI, p*4‘of this Digoat)

An a ^ n q y message (2 5 *8 .4 7 ) stated that D r. Carl ROTHENBERGKR, 51 years old former Deputy President of tho Aoadeqy of Nazi Germanlaw, now on trial with other Nazi lawyers for crinos agxinst humanity, attemptedcooait to suicide in his coll in Nuremberg prison. He was rushed to hospital and later was reported to bo out of danger.

The "Hostages" Trial. (Case No* 7)(300 No. XXXI, p.4 of this Digest)

Reuter announced (29*8.47) that tho prosocution had ended its case, and that tho court had adjourned until Sopteribor 1 2th, 1947«

The "Einsatzftruppon" Trial, (Caso No. 9) soo No. XXXI, p*6 of this Digost.

A special roloaso, No. 137 of 28*7*47, stated that six names of high ranking S3 officers had been added to tho list of defendants, who will now nuribor 23* The six now defendants aroj- Eugpn STEIMLE, Warner BRAUNE, Walter


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Tho "Ein3atzgruppenM Trial. (Cant)

HAENSCH, Eduard STRAUCH, Waldemar KLINGELHQEFER and T7alderaar von RADETZKY. STEH£L£, BRAUNE, HAENSCH and KLINGELHQEFER wore all in British custocty until recently* STRAUCH, according to tho spocial release No* 137, was formerly coxaaaiidant of the Socurity Police in Lié go.

£ For tho original li3t of defendants soo Research Circular No* 24*7

Tho indictnent charged tho defendants as participants in nore than 1,000,000 nurders of Jews, gypsies and “other racially inferior or anti-social people". Sihiowill, according to tho speoial release, be tho biggest nurdor case triad at Nurenbergand is expected to 30t a precedent in international law by clarifying tho char go of "".

Tho chief prosecutors will bo Janos McHANEY and Bonjonin FERENCZ.

The Krupp Ca30. (Case No* 1 0)

The indictnent in this caso was filed an 12*8*47• Tho defendants woro '12 leading officials of the Krupp ccncorn, nanoly; - •

A lfried Krupp von BOHLEN und ILtlBACH, Hax IHN, Ewald LCESER, Karl EB3HHARDT, Eduard H3UDREUQNT, Heinrich K0RSCH/»N, Erich ÜUELLSR, Friedrich von BUEL0V7, FTiodrich JANSSEN, Heinrich U2KH\MH, Karl PEER3CH, Hans KUPK3.

According to the sumcary of tho accusation given in Pros3 reloaso No* 139, the indictnent char god tho defendants with having given largo suns of noney to tho Nazi Party; assisted in * ro-

Under deportation, exploitation and use of slave, labour the. indictment included the crines of murder, extermination, torture and othor inhumane aot3 against non, womon and children of occupied territories, concen­ tration canp innates and prisoners of war. At least 5,000,000 workers woro deported to Germany by Hitlor, and tho defendants participated in crinos comitted against hundreds of thousands of those foraign nationals who wore forced to work in tho iron, 3tool and mining industries. It was furthor alio- god that prisoners of war and nationals of foreign countrios wero employed in tho manufacture of armonentB and munitions usod against their own pooplo*

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Tho Krupp Case. (Cont)

Tho indiotnont was propared ty J, KAUiMANN, deputy Chief Counsel, and R. TAYLOR.

^ * I # . It was pointed .out ini the Preos that neither Gustav XRUH* (father of Alfried KRUPP), who w asf ound piysioally unfit to be tried with the major criminals, nor fTits THYSSENj1 who resalutoly. opposed HITI£R and fled from Germaiy in 1939# w re included in' tho indictment* . 1 ' .* * ’ # 4 • Tho Trial of the 23 Dootors and Scientists, (soo.page 2 of this Digost)

jn cantinuaticn of this itea News of Germany, reported (22.8.47) that counsel for aost, of tho 16 convicted Nazi doctors and scientists had announced that they would appeal for review of their cases to the U.S. Suprome Court. How- over they would hold up their applications ponding developments in the oase of Field Marshal Ehard MILCH whose attorney had reported that his application for review had boon rocoived by tho U.S.Court.

Tho convicted defendants also planned an appeal for clemency to General CLAY, according to Dr. Otto NELTE, one of the attorneys. It has erron- boen eousl^reported previously that appeals for -clemency would bo made to the U.S. Supreme Court. It was stated that September 3 was tho deadlino far clemency appeals, and General CLAY would decide an tho time and place of execution o f the seven condemned i f no domenoy was granted«

The Buohenwald Camp Trial, (see No. XXVII, p.4 of this Digest)

The New York Times in a report from Daohau (12.8.47) stated that the 51 defendants in tho Buchexwald concentration camp trial had boon found guilty on all counts cm that day.

Sentences on Daohau Concentration Camp Officials.

An agency message reported that Karl LITTHAN, former S3 offioer, had been sentenced to lifo imprisonment by an Amerioan tribunal in Daohau on charges of ill-treating inmates of Dachau concentration carp. Rudolph SCHKEEDER a former SS man, was sentonoed to 26 months' imprisonment for beating up nary prisoners with his fists. * .

Reutor reported (20.8.47) that an SS man, Petor OTTO, was .sentenced on that day to death by hanging for taking part in the murder of 3# Polish intellectuals in Daohau concentration camp.

Reutor reported (16.8.47) that sentence of death by hanging had beon passed at Daohau on Anton STINGEIi7AG?ER, a former SS offioer, and Reanz MH£NZ,accused of murdering numerous prisoners in the concentration oaqp.


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Sentences an O ffio ials of Gusen Concentration Canp. (ifeuthflugen)

Reuter reported (13*8*47) that a U.S. Military Court at Daohau had sentenood two former SS. medical orderlies, Hans GIOVANNAZI and Thoo SCOCTTZ, to death for crimes against humanity in Gusen concentration camp. They were found guilty of selecting sick prisoners in the cany for murder "by petrol in­ jections» Heinz WAGNER, charged with sotting dogs on the Russian prisoners and watohing them torn to pie cos, was sentenced to life imprisonment and. HLorian STUET, who boat Polish prisoners to death, was sentenced to thirty years' imprisonment whilst Alois PANHANS, a "brutal beater0 received a sentonco of 20 years' imprisonment.

Trial of Otto Skorzoryy. (see No. XXXI, p .7 of this Digest.)

The fi.U.F. Agency reported from Dachau (27.8.47) that a charge of killing U.S. prisoners of war during the "Battle of the Bulge" %h- in 1 had boon withdrawn on that day against Otto SKORZHiY (former SS Colonel whef rescuec? Mussolini) and nine of his fellow offioors.

Dora-Nor dhausen Concentration Canp Trial,

The Dora-tfardhauson Concentration Camp trial opened on 31st Ju ly , 1947, before a General Military Government Court at Dachau* The trial is considered to be of international importance bocauso of tho fact that the inmates and victims of the Nordhauson Canoentration Camp included nationals of most of tho United Nations. Twenty two acauscd are charged with having participated , pursuant to a cannon design, in mass canp atrocities.


The Stalag Luft III Trial, (see No. XXXI, p. 8 of this Dig»st)

Evidence was given on behalf of the prosecution robutting the allegations made by some of the defondants that they had been sub¿ectod to pressure or violan» to induce them to make statements. Colonel SCOTXAND, in charge of the London "Cage" declarod the allegations to be "ontiroly untrue".

The trial of the 18 defendants, which began an July 1 st, ended on September 2nd when the Court declarod the findings.

According to tho report sent by the SpeoialCorrespondent of tho "Times" (3*9.47) .17 out of the 18 defendants wore found not guilty of two general charges proforred against them, but each was found guilty of a specific charge of being concerned in the killing of Royal Air Force or Dominion Air Ebrce officors who had boon rocaptured after having escaped from the «any at Sagrn, in S ile s ia , in March, 19W-* Tho oighteonth nan, head of tho criminal police in Breslau, was found* guilty of the two general chargos which wore tho only chargos brought against him.

Tho two general charges brought against a ll tho accusod but of whi-v

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Tho Stalag Luft H I T rial. (Cont)

cnly Max WIEISi, head of tho Criminal Police In Breslau and a lawyer by pro­ fession, «as found guilty, were that they were concerned together, with tho head of the Gestapo, the head of the criminal Police, and others in the killing of prisoners of war who had escaped free Stalag Luft III; and that they aided and abotted other persons in carrying out orders whioh were contrary to the laws and usages of war.

The case for the prosecution was that the officers, who were shot within the area of Broslau, could not have been killed in the way it happened without the ooqporaticn of the criminal Police and of WIEIEN, who was res­ ponsible for security in Stalag Luft III.

The Judge Advooate, in summing up, emphasized that the officers,as prisoners of war, wore only doing their duty in trying to escape, and by ail rules and usages of war prisoners of war mist be protected. Tne charges brought in the trial reforred to the shooting of only12 o ffice rs.

There was a ocanon theme in the pleas which the defending counsel made for m it i^ t ic n of sentences - that i n Germany in 1944 i t was impossible for any olio to. act' otherwise than as the accused had dene when confronted with an order ocodng from HITLER, to disobey whioh was to risk death personally» and, under tho Nazi practice of collective responsibility, to incur reprisals on near relatives.

On September 3rd the sentences were announced:

Emil SCHULZ, death* Johann SCHNEIDER, death* Alfred SCHBJMEL, death. Johannes POST, death* Josef GMEINER, death. Walter JACOBS, death* Walter HBRBSRG. death* Erich ZACHARIAS, death* Otto FREISS, ' death* Heinrich BOSCHERT, death* Max WIELEN, life imprisonment, Emil WEIL, death* Walter BBEITHAUPT, life iaprisonaent. Eduard GBITfi, death. Itons KAHLER, death. Artur DENKMANN, 10 years* Oskar SCHMIDT, death. Wilhelm STRUVE, 10 years*

The sentenoos were subject to confirmation by the Commander in Chief of the Rhino Aray.

Trial of Otto Maurer: Murder of. Airmen.

A Router message from (2 8 .7 .4 7 ) stated that Otto MAURER was sentenced to 15 yoars' imprisonment by a British Military Court far taking part in the killin g of two B ritish airmen near Etankfurt on November 2 1 , 1 Three other Germans received sentences of 1 2 , 5 7 years and respectively. The sentenoos were subject to confirmation*

The Puhlsbuettol Case.

In this case,which ‘was triod by a military court at Hamburg from 3rd to 27 August 1947« tho aocused wore charged with being concerned in the irnung and ill-treatment of allied nationals at Puhlsbuottel. Graf von


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Tha Fuhlsbuottol^xso (Cent)

BASSEi7ITZ-BEHR was found not guilty; TESSMANN was aaatonced to 7 years* inprisonnent and STANCE to 5 yeara'. The aentencea wore aubjoot to canfir* nation. BASSEI7ITZ-BEHR was tha aonior SS and Police loader of tho Y/ehr- kreia X*

Forthccciing T rials»

The C omission was inf orood of the following:

The Altonau Case.

Thia trial ia to be held at Hanburg on Soptenber 17th, 1947» Tho accused Otto FRICKE, Christophe K-iRT*7IG and Friedrich PFEIFFER are charged with being concerned in the killing of Canadian priaanera of war at Altenau on or about 16 th Horch 1945*

Spaniol Caso.

This trial was to be held at Hanburg on Soptenber 4th 1947* The accused,Gerhard SPANIOL, ia charged with boing concerned in the ill-treatnont of Britiah priaoners of war at Beuthen between May 1941 and March 1944 when he was an official at the Hohenzollom Mine. ' / i The Brauweiler Case.

This trial was to be held at Brunswick on Septenber 3rd,1947* The accused, »iolter HIHSCHIEID and Joaef SCHIFFER, are charged.with being concerned in the killing of two fenale Russian nationals at Brauwoiler on or about February 15th 1945»

The Pantko Case.

This trial is to be held at Hanburg cn Septenber 10th, 1947* FTitz PANTKE is charged w ith being concerned in the k illin g of two neribers of the Palestinian Auxilaiy Pi one or Corps, at Schcober in or about Hay ,1944*

Decision to reloase suspects.

The Times announced (19.8.47) that tho British authorities had decided to submit to the nations concernod tho names of persons detained in tho B ritish zone of Germany for allogod war crimes against a llie d c o u n tries If the auspecta were not claimed by October 1at, they would either be dis- charged or classified for denazification provided they wore not required by the B ritish authorities. Tho action was taken to clear out tho German intern­ ment camp3 and the war crimes holding centras in tho zone*

Denazification Courts in tho British Zone»

Reuter reported ( 1 .8 .4 7 ) from Germany that seven special tribunals and a court of appeal in tho British zone had begun proceedings against about 19,000 members of Nazi organisations described as "criminal" by tho Nuromberg international tribunal last y oar. The organisations woro tho Nazi Leadership Corpo, tho SS, and tho Gestapo and SD (Security Sorvice)

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Russian Zono Order*

The Tinea oorrospanctent in a report from Berlin dated August 17 t h , said ; "An ordar by Marshal SOKOLOVSKY published to-day lays down in ­ structions for the treatment to be accorded i n the Russian sans of Germany to those Ibzis who ware only "nominal and non-active fascist" and who can be weanad from fascist ideology and allowed to take part in tho construction of a peace* fu l, democratic Gornaqy*

"Such former members of the Nazi party as are innocont of crimes against the peace and security of other nations and of crimes a^inst the German people are to be allowed not only to vote in elections but to stand as candidates* At the same time it is deareod that former active fascists and militarists must be dismissed within the next three months from official posts and Aren corresponding posts in important private business* ”


Appeal for Marcy made by Schubert, (see No* XX, p*6 of this Digest)

The Daily Telegraph reported (7-8*47) that Eranz SCHUBERT, the " hangpan o f Crete" who was sentenced to death 27 times by a Greek war crimes court for mass murders, had appealed for mercy*


Recapture af escaped Quislings.

Ten prominent members of tho Norwegian Nasi underground movement, who had broken out of jail at Bergen and escaped in a yacht across the Atlantic, were recaptured about the end of August when they landed for food and water on the island of Noranha, used as a prison by the Brasilian author-* itie s*


Stutthof Concentration Camp Trial, (see No* XV, p .9 of this Digest)

The Cocnlsslon was inforood by the Polish Camnisaioner that the trial of a number of tho Stutthof Concentration Camp porsonnel took place before the Polish Special Court at Gdansk in April and May 1946* Eleven of tho accused woro sentenced to death, one to five year a and one to three years* imprisonment. Two defendants were found not guiliy*

/ Trials

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POLAND. (Cont)

Trials In Poland»

* r The Coaaisaion was informed by tho Polish Cancdssioner on August 15th, 1947 that P0L2HAUSEN, responsible for the concentration camp in Rado- goazoz;and KUCZYNSKY, responsible for m ss nurder of the civilian population in Silesia were, at present, boing tried in Poland and that the trial of Gauleiter F0RS2ER would begin in the early autunn» This trial would bo. fo il ewe d by the trial of Joseph BUEHLER and a part of tho OSwigcin ap oa personnel»

List of war criminals tried in Poland»

The. Cooaisaion reooived from the Polish Cannissioner on 18.8.47 a list of 227 war criminals who have boen tried by the courts at IttLcz, Piotrkoe, Kielce, Prudnik, Olesnica and Grudzi^dz. (see Weekly Bulletin No. 1 0 4 ).


The Crime of Genocide»

The New York Times in on editorial dated 12»8»47 said; The Social and Economic Council has just finished considering an international treaty, drafted with the assistance of Professor IEMKIN, defining genocide as "a criminal a c t ," empowering thou .N . to intervene to stop it, providing punishment for offenders, establishing an international court to try the criminals» Member governments have been asked for their ooraaents.

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The Trial of the Ha.ior War Criainals.

The Tiiaoa Correspondent in a report from Tokyo dated August 4th, 1947, said: Tho International Military Tribunal for the Far East was re­ convened to-day after six weeks' recess. The president, Sir William HEBB, ocmaented from tho bench on tho "unfavourable comparisons be Ween tho Tokyo trial and Nuremberg*" “Hitler's -war," Sir William pointed out, "was started in 1939 # whilo tho vara with which wo arc dealing hero began1 1 yoars earlior*" He made it dear that ho did not hold tho defence rosponsiblo for the length of the Tokyo trial, m*7 in its fourteenth month*

Tho Japanese counsel for the defence qpenod tho "pacific phaso" of their case. Afivai\oing arguncr.bs cinilar to tho general defence oase put for- wajd last February, counsel claii?cCL that tho "unyielding dictate of tho Uni tod States" (tho American Note of Havener 26, 1941) forced Japan into the war, and that, blockaded by tho United States, Britain, the Netherlands and China, japan "merely struck firsto" Acceptance of theAmerican conditions, counsel said, would have meant literally tho disappearanco of Japan as a military, industrial and coouorcdal Pc^r« It appears as though, rather than attempting to rebut tho prosecution13 cvidenco with regard to Japanese plans to acquire domination over all oast Asia, tho defence intends simply to ignaro it, and to submit a wholly now boity of ovidonco.


Sentt. ces on Japanese 0fj’icor3 for ill-troatnent of prisoners of war* -

Tho Times rep or tod29 ( . 7*47) that Colonel NAKANO, Captain IMAMURA and Lieutenant WAXAT2UGI were sentenced to imprisonment fbr 20 y o15 ars, years and 1 year respectively at a war crimes trial which ended at Hongkong on that day. Thoy had boon found guilty of ill-treating prisoners of war in carps in Formosa*

The Tines also reportod that C?ptain USHIYAMA, of tho Japanese gendarmerio, had boon sontonced to death for the ill-treatment of prisoners of war and causing tho deaths of somo of thorn*

Execution of Inouyo.» (see No. XXI, p.15 of this Digost)

Router reported,that7 rf.ee t tried and twice sentoncod to death, Kanao INOUYE, Canadian bom Japanese interpreter, was hanged at Hongkong on August 26th 1947-

Japanese Nationalise in_Brai.xl.

The Tol^o news agency reportod the widespread b e lie f among Japanese colonists in San Paulo that Japan, far fron having lost tho war, was in full ccntrol of the Pacific and had held a victory parade in Washington* Such reports, prepay tod by on ul Inra-nationalistic organisation, woro said to have led to many* fatol casualibies in "pitched battles" with the "opposition cam p.'

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