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f Check out some of the candidates' candid quotes. ViLLANOVAN See Pase 21.

Vol.69. No. 16 , VILLANOVA, PA. March 18, 1994 Student government candidates tackle the issues Senatorial Presidential candidates candidates debate present questions platforms NEWS STAFF News Staff

The Student Goernment Asso- The presidential debates were ciation (SGA) Senatorial debate held Tuesday, March 15, in the were held Monday, March 14 in Connelly Center Cinema. The Tolentine Room 215, and began debate was moderated by Robert with an introduction by Stephen Nydick, management professor. Pugliese, moderator of the debate The student panel consisted of and assistant to the Dean of five representatives from various Students for Judicial Affairs. The organizations on campus includ- student panel consisted of a ing WXVU, the Panhellenic Coun- member from each of the following cil, , the Student 4 student organizations: The Vil- Programming Council (SPC) and lanovan, Blue Key Society, Stu- the Black Cultural Society (BCS). dent Nurses Association of Pen- The candidates were Andrew nsylvania (SNAP), the Joint PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN Botwin, present Student Govern- Engineering Council and the Student Government Association (SGA) elections will be held March 22. Running for the position ment Association (SGA) senator Marketing Society. Each candi- are Patrick Kennedy, second from left, and Andrew Hotwin, third from left. Kennedy's running for the college of commerce and date was given a three minute mate is David Greason, on the left and Botwin's running mate is Kelly Croke, on the ritfht. (Continued on page time limit to present his/her 3) platform. There are seven candidates vying for the position of Com- merce and Presidential candidates offer Finance senator, of opinions which three will be elected. There are also seven candidates cam- Both Presidential candidates were tion. It is through this relationship ing long-term planning (such as population as a whole. Kelly and paigning for the position of Liberal asked the same questions by the that, as a whole, the SGA is most the construction of the new athlet- I fit the bill! Through our various Arts senator, of which three will News Staff. effective. ic facility) and daily protocol (such involvements with the school in be elected. There are two candi- as dryers that do nothing but the past, we understand the dates for Engineering senator and 1. How integral a role do you PATRICK KENNEDY: spin). students and their concerns. How also two With regards to policy making, does this quality for Science senator. No feel the SGA plays in the 2. What do you feel is the set us apart? We candidate is campaigning for the policy making and imple- members of the SGA sit on various greatest strength you can believe in working together for the position committees with various objec- greater needs of Nursing senator. One menting processes of the Uni- bring to the office of SGA of the student tives, including Board of Trustees population. It is senator will be elected from each versity and the daily opera- president and how does this this ability to standing of these schools. tions of the University as a committees and the quality set you apart from the work well with and listen openly Thomas Englese, a second whole? Budget Committee, which estab- other candidate? to others that sets us apart from semester sophomore, was the first lishes tuition/room & board rates. the competition. We have the of the eight commerce and finance ANDY BOTWIN: Our role is integral because the ANDY BOTWIN: capability to delegate authority

candidates to offer his ideas which The SGA plays a greater role University is run by "committee The greatest strength that I, as when necessary, yet have the included: extended hours in the in the policy making processes of rule," and we are the official voice SGA president and Kelly as vice- competency to take responsibility Hartley Hall computer lab, cafe the University than most people of the students. president can bring to this school into our own hands and accomp- and library, meal plan equivalency think. As elected student repre- With regards to the general is leadership and a sense of Hsh what must be done. in Bartley Cafe and the Belle Aire sentatives, we as SGA vote on operation of the University, we belonging. What we mean by a Terrace of Connelly Center and actual policy change. We sit on interact each day with anyone and sense of belonging is that we feel PATRICK KENNEDY: tailgating for home football games. various committees ranging from everyone ranging from the direc- that we are on the same level as Experience is our greatest asset. Tailgating will increase ticket Student Life to Academic Affairs. tor of facilities to students and the students. As student leaders, Dave and I have a combined six sales for the University, thus When it comes to the actual daily from vice-presidents to faculty. it is vital that we represent the years of experience with the SGA increasing University profits, said (H>erations of the University as a We discuss many concerns includ- interest and needs of the student (Continued on page 2) Englese. He also spoke about the whole, SGA representatives act as Student Programming Council's liaisons between the student (Continued on page 4) population and the administra- M Pre-registration errors thoroughly explained

By JANE PAPACCIO must have occurred somewhere in added. News Editor this area," she The Master Schedule went to usual, Connor said. The pre-registration master the printer as proofs were then returned schedules for Fall 1994 were The and checked, she added. "We still printed last week. However, the schedules which were printed don't have the final resolution as this happened. Our main contained numerous class time, to how concern was just getting every- instructor and course title errors. thing back to the students," she Due to the endless errors, the said. pre-registration master schedules The cost of printing the Master were reprinted and replaced with I Schedule is "a few thousand a revised pre-registration master dollars a semester," Connor said. schedule. The revised schedules Ten thousand copies of the were released late Friday after- revised master schedule were noon. "We don't know what printed in two days, Connor said. happened," said Catherine Connor They're a good company; they'll of the Registrar's Office. The data work with us," she said. It is not PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN was sent to the printer either on Elections for SGA Senators will be held March 22. The debates were March 14. Senators data a cost issue; it will be worked out, revealed disk or through electric platforms and fielded questions. she added. their transfer, she said. "The error f ij{glV!Si4k«vt>< 'WiiiawiBw*^- .v'J>' HJPPFW.'IV.' •*.jif^1»'Ai^;f'y-e Oi^'^^t^^ "iiSSpCtCKi*^" ?•«*?;

Page 2 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 3 Presidential TfflS WEEK Presidential candidates field questions debate

novans. feel should (opening in August (Continued from page 1) We we attack mitment to a complete collegiate 1994), the Editorials this problem; by providing more athletic plan (intramurals over- 8 and various aspects of the Univer- experience. Catholic means opportunities to involve students universal. haul, ticket plan, and expansion Scope 17 sity. Furthermore, my year as in the decision-making process Villanova's political stance con- of ATRA/weight rooms), visita- president has given me an advan- Features 19 (more committee appointments to cerning the controversial issues is tion modifications (24-hour study tage to accomplish our ambitious interested students); by improving irrelevant. As an intellectual lounges, no-visitation/co-ed Aus- Who knows, agenda for the 1994-95 academic residence halls conditions and community, we must foster intel- tin, St. Rita's and O'Dwyer), year. Being able to begin imme- who cares 23 Student life in general (resurrect- lectual discourse. On issues con- increased visibility (bulletin diately on these goals, without ing the Resident Student Associ- trary to Catholic doctrine it is the boards, SGA Review, Town Meet- Entertainment ...26 any transition period, is a tre- ation), by keeping students student's responsibility to explore ings), on-line registration (drop- mendous advantage. We under- Sports 35 informed and aware (through each issue's morality. Regardless add), diversity initiatives (Council stand what needs to be done and town meetings, the SGA Review, of Villanova's religious or political on Diversity, diversity require- how to go about it. is This what etc.), and finally, by holding character, it is imperative that we ment) and athletic boosters (Mid- sets us apart most from the other faculty and administrators equal- provide such freedom. night Madness, buses to Cross candidates. ly accountable to students for the Country NCAA's, and men's Spec- EDITORIALS Never before has an incumbent well-being of the University 5. In what ways will the SGA, trum games). been given, the opportunity to (improving Fr. Dobbin's visibility under your leadership, The Kennedy/Greason admin- serve the community for a second on campus). improve the quality of life for istration will take the next step An uninformed vote is worse year. In Villanova's current state than no vote at all. University undergraduate forward by expanding the shuttle That's why of change, this is an opportunity this 4. The University may be students? service (for West Campus service), week's Editorial section we cannot afford to miss. In this allows seen as a fairly conservative improving deferred maintenance you to meet the SGA state of change, cannot afford we university in candidates for comparison to ANDY BOTWIN: (demanding quality for quantity president and a two-month transition period. We other colleges and universi- Under our leadership the school of dollars), providing meal plan senator. Also, read two com- must perpetuate this state of ^mentaries ties in the United States. Do will become more of a community, equivalency at Connelly and Har- on the unfolding change by allowing us to continue you feel this conservative yet more diverse. The school will tley (breakfast and late dinner), Whitewater scandal! what we've started. nature regarding many issues extend its horizons so we are no. establishing a syllabus file in the impedes the University's longer sheltered solely in Villa- library (providing reports about 3. What do you feel is the development and improve- nova's environment. courses/teachers), creating a cam- greatest problem/issue con- At the same ment? Do you feel ViUanova time, women's center (for fronting the University and however, the undergraduate pus sexual can feasibly move forward students will come together harassment victims), pursuing a what specific plans do you as a while maintaining its tradi- more united force "Book Swap" program (ending have to solve the problems or making our- tional values? If not, should selves more of the bookstore's monopoly), revo- tackle the issue? a community. Villanova take a more liberal lutionizing the existing recycling stand concerning ANDYBOTWIN: certain PAT KENNEDY: program (investing in receptacles), campus issues? The Kennedy/Bums adminis- the sale of tobacco products in There are many issues that are tration was a step in the right Connelly, and continuing what confronting the University includ- ANDY BOTWIN: direction that provided: the Wild- we've started (serving our peers ing the ideas of free speech and I would agree as to the conser- cat shuttle, a new Nite Club to the best of our ability). now free press on campus and the vative nature of the University current visitation reformation and would say that I do feel that which is ongoing. The University this conservative nature regard- must also contend with the out- ing many issues does in several side community, providing its ways slow its development an4 students with more and better improvement. It is important to social options on campus, diver- distinguish between traditional FEATURES sity, and of course academic values and the traditional views responsibilities. At the core of all of the Church which the Univer- these problems, however, is that sity has had a great deal of of student apathy. This has been This week in Features, check difficulty with. I feel that Villa- discussed time and again, yet with out what the Phi Kappa Phi nova must take a more liberal little resolve. If elected, we feel honor society is all about, see stand which it has begun to do. that it would be our responsibility what the movie, "Some Like It The administration is finally to go out and get the students Hot" is really all about; learn realizing that to remain compet- involved. We plan on doing this how students feel about the itive on the practical level, they by going into the dormitories and hook up scene here at 'Nova must look towards change, such apartments on a consistent basis and find out what typifies us as in revising the visitation policy. (i.e. bi-weekly). If the students get all as generation X. more involved and allow their PATRICK KENNEDY: voices to be heard, we will be a The "conservative" nature does lot stronger and together we'll be not impede Villanova's develop- able to solve and tackle many of ment and improvement. We the above issues and problems. ENTERTAINMENT wouldn't be here today if Villa- PATRICK nova hadn't moved forward in our KENNEDY: ever-changing environment. On PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN Student empowerment is the Who will be the big winners the contrary, our commitment to Presidential candidates Patrick Kennedy, left, and Andy Botwin greatest problem facing Villa- at this year's Academy Catholicism strengthens our com- posed for pictures after the debate March 15. Awards? Find out our take on this matter inside. Also, read the about two thought-provoking plays showing in the Philadel- phia area: "July's People" and VILLANOVAN "Night Sky." Check out the ELIZABETH M. BARSZCZEWSKI & KATHRYN A. SZUMANSKI latest efforts by Soundgarden, EDITORS IN CHIEF and the Levellers. Finally, "Angie" ALEXANDER W. SCOFIELO receives mixed reviews. ASSOCIATE EDITOR


This week in sports, find out what Steve Lappas has to say about an NIT bid. Check out the baseball team and how they did in Florida over spring break. Read about the softball team and their expectations for the upcoming season. .•7'"!fJri"^l.*'*JW*f'''^''' ' . .'^UWA^. '-"'^^>'*'---" ^ ^i.'*-.-!? .li^tlfc^-^ M.. N

Page 4 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 5 Gollymore Senatorial candidates voice concerns stresses

(Continued from page 1) extend library hours. "I trust you said. He discussed short-term, cultural diversity (SPC) budget and his hopes of already know that experience campus'wide and long-term goals. increasing it in order to get "top- does count and persistence does His short-term goals consist of By ALUSON enforcement of recommendations notch entertainment" on campus. win," said Kennedy.' extending the hours of the Bartley POJANOWSKI based on the task force and already An bar is necessary role Staff Reporter oncampus Bob Nashak said that the computer lab and computer class- there is a 30 percent increase in (for those are legal) in order of the senator is to liaison who act as a rooms during finals. His campus- minority interest, Greason said. to keep the students from between the student the The Council for "away body and wide goals consist of the imple- Cultural Diver- "The sky's the limit," he said. the streets and police," he said. administration. "I repres- sity, headed want to mentation of campus wide meal by Edward Collymore "It's getting off the ground that "I have many good, solid ideas ent the students and not cater to plan Ph.D., was established equivalency, 24-hour access as a result is the hard part. But, at least the which can enhance the Villanova the administration," Nashak said. to of a Presidential more money access centers Task Force structure is there for me to accom- community," he added. A definite improvement of on- to (MAC) on campus and the instal- aimed promote campus diver- plish something," he added. As a Prospective Commerce and campus entertainment is needed. lation sity. According of lockers in Donahue Hall. to the published young black man, Greason feels Finance Senator Bill Janci was the Furthermore, he would push for His long-term goals Structure and include the Purpose of the there was "nothing else for [him] next to announce his platform. a meal plan equivalency in Con- formation of a Council, the intent is student corporation to "study to do here" than work to diversify His vision for an improved Uni- nelly Center and Bartley Cafe. He which will consist of a credit diversity, recommend and the University. versity consisted of seven main wants to extend study hours in . . union, a video assist . store and a conven- the University in achiev- "Numbers are important" in points: increased visibility of SGA Bartley Hall and Falvey Library ience store in conjunction with ing its strategic goal of a diverse order to eliminate the isolation senators and members, off hours and also review the commerce and the goals of the University Stra- community." many minorities feel when they meal plan equvalency at Hartley finance curriculum. Nashak also tegic Plan. He also supports Individual committees of both look around and see nothing but Cafe, increased student seating at stressed the importance of voting intramural facilities on campus faculty and students work under white faces, Kennedy said. "The basketball games "to increase in the elections. "With a united and the formulation of a fine arts a steering council in order to University is not the most positive school spirit," sophomore parking, student body, we can convince the plan. "Service to others truly attain the council's goals for campus climate," he added. The more computer space and time University to be more progressive. defines [my] campaign. I have a cultural variety. Committees for council is willing to work to available in Bartley, extended I want to convince the adminis- commitment to others," PHOTO BY Pollock academic programs, support ser- change this, he said. "Villanova SHARON GRIFFIN hours in the Day-Hop with deliv- tration to embrace change, not said. Ron Eckstein, of the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and vices, campus climate and faculty, should mirror society; this is not Homelessness, visited the ery service to compete with nearby avoid it," he added. Last to speak University to discuss volunteer initiatives. from the com- staff and student recruitment and the real world," he added. establishments in an effort "to Patel, Sneha who was next to merce and finance candidates was retention to Panelists Elizabeth Barszczewski and Kevin Haney celebrate after work foster an envir- keep the money within the announce her platform, stressed Veronica Vaiti. "The bottom line the grueling presidential debates. onment suitable for diversity. school," SGA/SPC sponsored the relative unfairness of the is I that want to get involved and Collymore wants to see the convenince and video store offer- extra religion requirement for (Continued on page 6) University enter the 21st century Hunger and homelessness analyzed ing "frozen foods and tobacco commerce and finance students. more diverse. Last year, he rec- products," which would be entire- "I would like to substitute one of ruited various students and By JANE PAPACCIO in need; it also teaches those who more structures tor students to do need. Funds are raised through ly run by students, thus opening the religion requirements with a Health care reform lecture addresses faculty members to sit on various News Editor are performing the volunteer volunteer work and earn money the sponsorship of volunteers. more work-study opportunities. resume writing class," Patel said. committees to work towards the activities. "Sometimes students to pay for their college education," Sponsors contribute certain "It is I, Bill Janci, who will fulfill Patel touched upon the issues of council's goals. David Greason, Ron Eckstein, field organizer lose track of the fact that they're heiadded. amounts for hours worked. your needs and satisfy your free speech oncampus. Her other human values Issues Student Government Association for the National Student Cam- affecting others. It is important Students are great assets to The Hunger Cleanup aids the desires." ideas included the opening of a and medical (SGA) senator, was asked by paign Against Hunger and Home- that students focus on the smal- volunteering. "Stiylents have to hungry and homeless in many Current Commerce and Finance women's crisis center on campus lest part of volunteering: understand that the opportunities different ways. First, it By MELANIE FIORDALISI Weldon said. reform is clearly necessary before Collymore to recruit amongst his lessness (NSCAHH), visited the those educates Senator Alan Kennedy explained and the implementation of a day- they Staff Reporter "The imposing of this series of such goals peers. Those students selected for University March 15 for a lecture who are being helped," he said. have should be used to best both the participants and the his previous can be realized," Wel- how experience with care facility for University stu- meet the needs of unfunded mandates on state don said. committee membership must be entitled "What can I do?" The For effective volunteering, one the commun- contributors about poverty prob- the SGA and University Senate dents, faculty, staff and adminis- there is ity," Eckstein said. lems. It also The University's Department governments and institutions is "Also, many people do willing to dedicate much time and NSCAHH was begun by USA for must make sure a need completes needed will aid him in acting as tration. oppose both a "I would like to make The mission statement of the projects in of Nursing sponsored a lecture impractical and unrealistic. A and fear the prospect of there energy to the council, said Grea- Africa which started immediately in the community, Eckstein said. the communities where "resource and guide for incoming available in SEPTA tokens Con- titled o*f«^ *!,« "117^ A-^ Tu- iir__ij»» group states that "the the volunteer "Health Care Reform: Con- prime example of what results being too much government inter- son. Greason, along with fellow after the "We Are The Worid "We must make sure that the NCSAHH work takes place. senators." He stressed his desire nelly Center," she said. Patel also gressional volunteer experience is works to sustain a coalition of The Hunger Concerns and Political under these circumstances is vention or involvement. Conser- students Ray Chablani, Jill project. "Obviously, students meaning- Cleanup also involves to continue working on the imple- mentioned the need for a book of a Imperatives," one of the programs evidenced by the incident in vative plans rely on the individual Tabachnick and Patrick Kennedy, bought the record ("We Are The ful for both the students and those student/community activists who wide range of students and mentation of the current SGA detailed course descriptions includ- in a continuing series that Ontario, Canada where sits on the student recruitment World") more than anyone else. receiving the assistance," he understand the causes of poverty, neighborhood residents to foster agenda, including hospitals and consumer to independently the Villanova ing syllabi and also the publication and initiate positive addresses health issues and had to shut down for the holidays settle the costs of health care and retention committee. The idea was that if these stu- added. "We volunteer in soup change, community-feeling, spurs con- University Town Meetings, pro- of teacher evaluations which human values, March 14. dents are kitchens because people are hung- through service and action, to tinued community service partic- except in cases of emergency. No insurance," said Weldon. . interested in these gress in the changes of the vis- would reduce the for need drop Guest ry," said. solve the problems of hunger and ipation, speaker Congressman reimbursement is provided and as "We tend to respond to constit- issues, they can do more than just he and builds and streng- itation policy and the oncampus and add. She also stressed the homelessness." Curt Weldon, who is serving his a result, institutions are subject uent interests and the media, VUanowa should mirror buy a record," Eckstein said. "We The largest part of volunteering thens school and community Nite Club. This year, he plans to need for improved recyling facil- fourth in consists of the nationwide Eckstein visited the University relationships. term the Seventh Con- to suit because they are unable to while political process determines (the NSCAHH) were set up to help student work toward the extension of ities on society; this is not campus, especially for gressional the "Right to promote the Tenth Annual "It's District of Pennsylva- comply with these demands of the legislation, specifically through them (students) begin projects movement. now, there are a chance for students hours in the Bartley computer lab, paper in the mail room. "I have nia, moderated a discussion that law," Weldon said. the Energy and real worid. and nationally coordinate their more students volunteering than Hunger Cleanup, scheduled for throughout the country to be a a capital improvement push and practical and tangible ideas that Commerce Com- April 16. The Cleanup is unified debated proposals for the reform mittee and the Ways and Means efforts against hunger and home- »" the history of America," Eck Hunger voice. It's non-partisan. meal equivalency. "I want to will improve life Patrick Kennedy, work everyday on the of said. a work-a-thon which raises national health care. Committee, which deals primarily lessness," he added. stein In the past 10 years, funds No one thinks people should be for expanded use of the Wildcat University campus," she said. student recniitnient "There are five and nationwide for people and organizations in hungry," groups whose with taxes and revenue," said As a field organizer, Eckstein a student movement he said. shuttle," said Kennedy. In addi- Following Patel, Sheldon Pol- Health care reform will retention committee actions have perpetuated the cost Weldon. works with students and helps has become strong, he added. tion, Kennedy said he like lock revealed his would platform. "I of health care to sky-rocket. The happen this year "Health care reform will happen them focus their energies. "I'm Many new programs have been to see Saferides reestablished. On want to give something back to practices of insurance industries, this year because congressional "The mission of the recruitment sort of a consultant. I give stu- organized on college campuses a larger scale, Kennedy hopes to the Villanova community and because congressional doctors, hospital administrators, throughout the nation to aid the elections make it politically feas- and retention committee is to look dents ideas as to how to better formulate a syllabus file and community at large," Pollock pharmaceutical corporations and elections will make it ible," said Weldon. at ways in which to make Villa- their programs. I also help with needy and impoverished, he said. Minority League liolds trial lawyers have contributed to nova a more appealing place for publicity," he said. The Some nationwide student move- politically feasible. "Furthermore, the poorer people NCSAHH the increasing cost of care. ments have health of this country must be empo- persons of color," said Kennedy, is a nationwide organization which become strong Guest spealcer "They need to offer greater assist- Congressman Curt Weldon, The committee is responsible for which works with about 600 in the past 10 years include: the reviews wered by a renewed sense of campus diversity raiiy ance in executing the most prac- Student Coalition for Action seventh district dignity, in order to get them back informing the public of existing schools, he added. "Ninety-five and tical ways to utilize defense med- percent of the schools Literacy Education (SCALE), cam- of on their feet and into the work programs, such as academic diver- are colleges By ERIN O'RORKE changes she feels we are to expect icine, while also containing costs," sity requirements, the Africana or universities, the other five pus chapters of Habitat for Human- University policies force. Simultaneous reform of the StaffReporter in the next few years. Other said Weldon. percent ity and Bread For The World, and welfare and education system Studies Program, the Women's are high schools," he speakers will discuss similar "Basic health care reform is "The inability added. the Campus Outreach Opposition The Minority Student League is By PATTI to fund universal would also bring widespread Studies Program and presidential topics as the participants march TRENCHAK to apply what they have learned estimated at one-seventh of our League health care coverage is clearly benefits. trillion scholarships. Martin Luther King, Student volunteering and being (COOL). "There has been sponsoring a rally promoting Staff Reporter $4.5 dollars has throughout campus. is to receive information and national economy, $9 million thwarted an effective of a real revival of student activism cultural diversity and student by an out of control been spent on warfare, and anoth- Jr. Day, various guest speakers, member the com- Members of the various cultural decide where it fIs into their lives, financed through the federal deficit that is approaching the $5 er trillion and multi-cultural nights are munity are important issues. "I and community services as you rights Wednesday, March 23 from The executive director $6 has gone to welfare," organizations formed the Minority of the she said. Exposure to other ideas government. It can't continue to trillion dollar mark. A process of said Weldon. important events that the com- break volunteering into three can see by the National Commun- 12:15-12:45 p.m. The rally will American Civil Liberties Union Student League this year. The allows the individual to make increase at four times the rate of parts. students ity Service Trust Act, which was at the west of the mittee strives to make known, he The make up the b^n end quad organization is an "outlet for (ACLU) Deborah Leavy addressed decisions for oneself, she added. inflation," Weldon said. The added. middle," Eckstein said. Student enacted by Clinton," Eckstein and process throughout campus. the issue of free speech cultural groups," said Patel. It at the "Belief isn't worth much if the unfortunate reality is that health As of now, the council pushed volunteering not only aids those said. "Essentially, the act sets up University, Friday, March 11. enables the seven cultural groups only reason you believe in some- care reform is not based on logic Arts Senator David Greason Leavy stressed freedom of expres- intercollegiate Forum on campus to join together, share thing is because you haven't been alone, but is also routed through said he hopes the rally serves as their strength and discuss their sion, believing that the best way to else," exposed anything said the politics that any bill must . an "inspiration for the student problems, she added. to apply knowledge learned in Leavy. The group's Students need to have a work itself through, he said. body to become active, involved college is through exposure to new reviews latest projects main objective is to join together choice after being exposed to concerned of the "The Clinton plan has received and members as "one coalition for ideas. ideas unity and many and must use the oiiganizations," Villanova community." Members the most attention since it has said SGA member cooperation," said David Chen, "The reluctance of the Univer- methods they learned in collie promised By JENNIFER TRZASKA King Farris. of the Minority Student League sity to have someone from Planned predetermined health member of the league. for evaluation, she said. Reporter care benefits and coverage to all Staff At the last meeting of the ICF, are hoping for at least 400 partic- Parenthoood come to speak on Senior Honors student Michele Americans," Weldon said. the panel discussed the latest ipants to march throughout cam- campus was a lost opportunity to Rossi said that the University has "Yet the federal bureaucracy The Intercollegiate Forum (ICF) projects and accomplishments of pus singing spirituals, '60s style, tt [the rally] confront an idea that we've been a "narrow and impoverished won't have would employ and oversee net- held a conference Thursday, the SGA, such as Austin and St. Greason said. told is wrong," said Leavy. It was interpretation of Catholicism." works and state agencies across March 10, in Dougherty Hall to Rita Halls becoming co-ed next The Student Government Asso- an impact without a missed educational opportunity She finds that what defines the the country that are discuss various issues concerning year. Also discussed was the ciation's (SGA) chairperson of that is both demeaning and designed to University as Catholic is what it ' student life participation monitor quality control and util- at the University. The "Stand Up for Your Rights Rally" murtI^ulturri7ffairs,"sneha'PaT- frOm thO patronizing, she said. excludes like abortion and contra- ization of financial resources. ICF is a branch of student govern- which is being organized by Jen- el, said she hopes that the rally A graduate of the Yale Univer- ception, she said. However, Rossi ^WucnicfuHfinf OOUymhnHv This method of operation will not ment established by the Student nifer Fenner to be held March 23. will encourage more students to sity School of Law, Leavy emphas- asks why the University does not support the reduction of Government Association (SGA) The march will be held between become involved and voice their ized that informed citizens are costs Snelia Patei, concentrate on the positive issues President Patrick Cliairperson which is so desperately needed," Kennedy, said Sheehan and Vasey Halls and views concerning diversity and essential for a democracy to be such as Catholic aid for the poor of Multicultural Affairs Weldon said. SGA member Mike O'Brien. concerns free speech and diversity freedom of expression on campus. effective and that fundamental and needy. The head of each organization issues on campus. "I hope people will march and rights as citizens cannot be exer- Leavy said that the is "The government claims it will ACLU here on campus is invited to ICF The forum also discussed the stand up for their rights. It [the There are seven cultural groups cised if the government is control- neither liberal nor conservative. provide everything for everyone. meetings which are held every student government elections rally] won't have an impact with- on campus: the Arab ling and Cultural the democracy. College is the The ACLU works to defend the They propose long-term care and month. All organizations do not the senatorial and presidential out participation from the student Society, the Asian Student Asso- safest place to debate and question civil rights of the individual. The full coverage for people, like the attend, added O'Brien. debates which were held March txxiy," Patel said. If the students ciation, Hillel, the Black Cultural issues before the student leaves ACLU focuses on principles, not mentally disabled and cancer The purpose of the forum is to 14 and 15. show support and enthusiasm Society, the South Asian Minority to enter a world where not every- on people, remaining a neutral patients, as well as compensation "provide a liaison between student Habitat for Humanity's Los concerning their rights and cul- Organization of America, the one is the same, Leavy said. Not party. As far as the freedom of for those who suffer catastrophic government and student organi- Angeles Earthquake Relief cele- tural diversity, "the administra- Black Engineers and the Alliance everyone is Catholic, she added. expression on campus is con- illnesses, said Weldon. zations on campus, to remedy bration at Smokey Joe's was also tion will be forced to respond," she of African American Men. Two "Part of the job of a university cerned, the ACLU evaluates cases "The government proposes to problems that may exist between on ICF's agenda. This event, added. representatives from each organ- is not only to teach mathematical involving speech codes, outside fund the implementation of this the groups themselves and any which took place March 15, was PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN SGA President Patrick Kennedy ization and a representative from equations or memorization, but to speakers, sexual harassment plan by cutting MediCare and facet of student life and to provide organized by Rosanna Picillo and days, one March and the will begin the rally by discussing the SGA meet twice a teach students to The and Placement Center sponsored two career 10 month to how think," said cases and school newspapers, she Medicaid budgets by million Career Planning $250 the communication lines between benefitted the earthquake meant to give studento msight mto the available job freedom of expression. Patel will voice their opinions, concerns Leavy. The best way for students other March 17. The career days were and said. over a period of five years," student government and student victims. prospects. .^_^__«^—.^—^—^—^— speak about diversity now and the progress, said Chen. -

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Page 6 • THE • March 18, 1994 VILLANOVAN March 18. 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Paga 7 Senatorial candidates discuss important campus concerns

(Continued from page 4) importance of meal plan equival- faculty advisors are more "Spring FORWARD" as an acro- sity, responsibility and dedication necessary to make these be a liaison between the students ency in Connelly Center and involved. Curriculum changes are nym. "F" stands for facilities, things a MARCH IS NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH and the administration," Vaiti Bartley Hall. "We need a recrea- also a priority for Malloy, who which he hopes to improve with reality," he added. ilia nova said. Vaiti stressed the need for tional facility. Varsity teams have wants to work for less upper level the addition of more automatic Science senatorial candidate a publication of a list of landlords priority and it gets crowded," requirements and more business teller machines on both main and Jason Miller announced his plat- for those students intending to Kousoulis said. The new facility courses for liberal arts students. south campuses; "0" represents form and indicated his concern Oi© move off-campus. She also pro- would enable more students to A fine arts program is necessary the observations that the only with the science curriculum. He ming motes the extension of the library participate in athletics. He to "cultivate appreciation of the junior senatorial candidate has called for the implementation of hours and computer labs of Har- stressed the need for adjustment arts." Malloy pointed out that made throughout his years as a changes since science students of the liberal arts curriculum. St. inade- are required to complete all of tley Hall and the extension of Vasey and Mary's are student; "W ' indicates the inade- the ervices hours in Connelly Center. She "The shuttle system is effective, quate to serve the needs of the quacy of the weight rooms; "A" liberal arts core curriculum NUTRITION FUELS FITNESS! - EAT RIGHTAMERICA! would like to see more washers but it has flaws. It should be more students. "I will be a voice for stands for the necessity of improv- classes. Miller also proposed 24- and dryers in the residence halls available and more frequent," he your concerns," she added. ing the aerobics program; "R and hour visitation, but with the as well. Vaiti is also concerned said. He also introduoed the idea D' combine to address the need addition of monitors in every J. Paul Vance began his platform Gate of a bus ticket to dorm at all times to enforce with student apathy on campus. the King of speech by explaining that he was to respect diversity. Kilkenny was a sign- Prussia Mall on weekends to in system. "This would Bartley "We need a centralized informa- running for liberal arts senator also supportive of the Student Bill work enable students to shop. Since hand-in-hand with the tion counter where students can because of his "energy." Vance of Rights and freedom of speech student there are no computer facilities for escort service," he said. find out what's goining on," she stressed the importance of an on-campus. Students Th« OoumMl Sandwieh thoppt liberal arts students, could work as said. "I'm approachable and eager overcrowd- for monitors in the increase of opportunities stu- Jeremy Keenan, the first sena- to learn," she added. ing is a problem. Liberal Arts afternoons and add to work-study CAFE BARTLEY DAY HOP dents in the College of Liberal Arts torial candidate from the College CORNER GRILLE The first engineering candidate, students need their own computer possibilities. In addition, Miller to enroll in business courses. of Sciences, stated that the SGA Gina Marie DeRosa, "wants to facility, he added. called for a new south campus Various health issues need to be played an integral and active role OPEN Stacey McArdle has "a new computer lab, possibly OPEN OPEN effectively represent [my] fellow addressed, and efforts made to located in in student life. He discussed the perspective to represent at Villan- Stanford Hall. "I engineers and integrate their ensure more on-campus entertain- want to get need for an improved social life ova." She wants to ensure aca- people involved on this 8:00AM to 8:00PM - 1 1 :00AM to 2:00PM - MON. to FRI. needs with the rest of the Univer- ment, he stated. In addition to the campus," MON. toTHURS. 11:00AM to 8:00PM demic, intellectual on campus, and suggested that sity." She favors the Student Bill and social Nite Club, Vance proposed a he added. more bands become a part of this, MON. to FRI. of Rights and extended visitation improvements. Diversity should After the candidates presented "coffee shop" where students can as well as the Nite Club. Fundrais- 8:00AM to 2:00PM - FRIDAY 4:30PM to 6:30PM - MON. to FRL hours in the residence halls. She be enhanced by inviting interest- their platforms, they were asked lay back, as well as later hours ing could be more effective in wants to work with the new ing guest speakers to the Univer- questions by the student panel for Connelly Center. "Some people cutting costs of these activities for Meal Plan Equivalency telecommunications system to sity and organizing multi-cultural and the audience. Some of the Wildcard and Cash Only Accepted Meal Plan Equivalency may think that these things students through more creative alleviate the overcrowding of programs. Her long-term goals issues that were touched upon Wildcard and Cash Accepted cannot be realized; however, these advertising consist of the development of a campaigns. Improved Wildcard and Cash Accepted computer labs by allowing stu- ideas, through hard work, can be were: The Villanova Quality Featuring weight facilities, fine arts facility on-campus, a room expanded dents to hook into the University realized," Vance added. Improvement (VQI), diversity, a use of the Wildcard, a low cost on- Featuring mainframe. "Through my dili- liberal arts computer facility in fine arts program and facility, Featuring The final candidate to offer a campus video rental store and FRESH MUFFINS & BAGELS gence and dedication, I feel I can the St. Augustine Center for the college curricula, the Student Bill platform for liberal arts senator buses to away games and greater construct a new future," DeRosa Liberal Arts and the opportunity of Rights, the establishment of a was Sean Kilkenny, who began by recycling efforts rounded out CHEESEBURGER said. for liberal arts students to take rape crisis center and the quality PHILLY CHEESESTEAKS DELI MADE SANDWICHES explaining his campaign slogan, Keenan 's platform. "I have inten- William Fischer, also represent- business courses freely. "I know of social life on camous. IN PARADISE ing the School of Engineering, I have the energy needed to get Cooked to Order these goals implemented," she PASTA & GARLIC BREAD discussed the importance of the BEER BATTERED Student Bill of Rights. "If I'm said. VEGETABLE PI2ZA DAILY next Liberal Presidential elected, there's a 99 percent The Arts candi- platforms presented FRESH SALADS CHICKEN FINGERS chance that I'll vote for the date, Michael O'Brien, stressed (Continued from page 3) COLD DELI SANDWICHES student Bill of Rights," Fischer that Villanova is at a "critical The policy of allowing outside two or three more years. King, Jr. Day events, the diversity juncture speakers to present their views at After questions were answered said. He also stressed the impor- in history. It is attempt- requirement and the Africana CHICKEN PARMESAN SANDWICH SUPREME ing to become a national univer- the University was then for the audience, each candidate tance of inviting guest speakers Studies program, minority issues NUTRITIOUS SALADS sity in the truest sense." addressed. The candidates were gave a closing statement. "I'm NACHOS to deliver lectures in specific fields The are surfacing on campus, Kennedy University is achieving this by asked what would they do to get hungry to continue what we've FRESH MADE PIZZA to update on issues uniquely added. SOFT PRETZELS increasing its endowment fund to the speakers onto campus. The started," said Kennedy, "We ask affecting engineers. He also spoke The next question for both FROZEN about the need for more engineer- over $250 million. O'Brien said first draft of the Student Bill of that you vote for us in confidence, candidates had to do with how SOFT-SERVE FROZEN YOGURT that the SGA is a key ally to the Rights has just been completed, faith and hope." Botwin said that SOFT-SERVE FROZEN YOGURT YOGURT oriented projects. "I want to accessible each candidate would administration. He stressed the said Botwin. Other than that, all in past elections the turnout was represent the engineering school, be to the average student. importance of his experience with we can do is keep lobbying the not good. "There is strength in said Fischer. Kennedy answered that he has > » Silvia Hasselt was the first to the SGA, citing that this would administrators. "I think the numbers. Our best strength is to "never failed to meet with stu- speak from the school of Liberal be an asset in accomplishing school sometimes has been getting represent you," he said. dents." He said that he still DOUGHERTY, DONAHUE A ST. MARY'S CASH/WILDCARD PRICES: Arts. Hasselt outlined five main g:oals. As director of Communica- confused" between the Christian maintains involvement in other MONDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY DINING HALL BREAKFAST. $4.50 points of tions, he is responsible for creating traditions and education, he •• 10:45-1 her platform which activities on campus, and even BREAKFAST 7:3O«O0A.M. BREAKFAST 8:00-9:00A.M. BRUNCH :00P.M. LUNCHEON $5.00 LUNCH 11:00A.M. -1:30P.M. LUNCH 11:3QA.M. -1:00P.M. DINNER 4:30P.M. -6:00P.M. were: increased intramural invol- the SGA bulletin boards in Bartley added. Kennedy did not agree that BRUNCH though he is unable to go to DINNER 4:30P.M.-6:30P.M. DINNER 4:30P.M.-6:00P.M. $5.00 vement to include a dance group and Kennedy Halls in addition to the Bill of Rights was very impor- MENU DINNER $8.00 everything, he still tries to "get Nite Club *• Oouohedy hM wf axtwided bTMkfast untU 10:00A.M. which feature the SGA REVIEW. "I want to tant. He said that the Task Force would tap, and updated." Botwin said, "We ballet, help improve the visibility of the report was the most relevant. (Continued from page 3) 24 hour visitation for should stay in touch with the underclassmen on weekends, SGA senators throughout the "The University doesn't necessar- average Villanovan. I think it's added. "Whether the Nite Club SUNDAY 3/20/94 MONDAY 9/21/94 TUESDAY 9/22/94 WEDNESDAY 9/29/94 THURSDAY 9/24/94 FRIDAY 9/28/94 SATURDAY 9/26/94 more entertainment events campus," he said. ily have to retract its values," he on important sometimes that we step will be open daily, is still in BRUNCH Assorted Ceraala Aeeorted Cereals Assortsd Cereeis Assorted Cereals Assorted Cereeis Assortsd Cereeis campus, unlimited business Tara Malloy, a sophomore lib- said. "Catholic means universal," back and remember what we're question," he said. Student Pro- B (Every Meal) (Every MeeO (Every MeaO (Every MeaO (Every MeaO (Every MeaO eral arts candidate, stressed her and this means letting people Assorlwt Cereals minors and the ability to attain here for." follow-up question gramming Council (SPC) will A (Every MmO Scrambled Eggs/ Scrambled Eggs/ Scrambled Eggs/ Scrambled Eggs/ Scrambled Eggs/ Scrambled Eggs/ a dual in the arts past experience as SGA secretary choose for themselves. R degree and was asked for Kennedy regarding provide some daily events, he CtweeeOmem Cheese OmeM Cheeee Omelet Cheeee Omelet Cheese Omelet Cheese Omelet business colleges and the involve- as she "watched the SGA grow The next question directed at SmmbtodEgm/ where he is going with accessibil- added. Likewise, other campus Qriiled Sausage Patty E Cheeee Omewi Scrapple Crisp Bacon Canadian Bacon BreskfastOril ment of students in subcommit- and flourish into a noteworthy the candidates was about their French Toast Stk:k8 ity. He said that there is a bulletin organizations will provide enter- w/Maple Syrup Crisp Bacon Texas French Toast tees of the SGA. "I will work for organization." Her agenda plans to -improve Homecoming A Waffles w/Mapie Syrup Pancakee w/Mapie Syrup Egghkjva Sandwich Belgien Wafflae w/Maple Syrup board in Kennedy Hall which is tainment for the students. Pro- w/Maple Syrup includes ui^ading student com- next year. Kennedy said Self-Serve Waffles you to make you more aware and that one Pencakes w/Mapie Syrup Self-Serve Wafflae Self-Serve Wafflae Self-Serve Waffles his communication center with posed entertainment includes: K Sett-Serve Waffles Self-Serve Wafflae involved," Hasselt said. puter facilities and creating a of his ideas was to start the game Assorted Fruits Juicee the student body. Also, he plans college, local and big-time bands, SeN-SarveWafflee Assortsd Fruits Juioss Assorted A Assorted Fruits A Juicee A Fruits A Juices Assorted Fruits A Juk:ee Pete Kousoulis opened his more productive advisement pro- earlier so that more people will (Every MeeO Assorted Fruits A Juices to do more canvassing by going improv acts, a karaoke bar, open- F (Every MeeO (Every MeeO (Every MeeO (Every MeaO Heeh BroDvned Polatoee (Every MeeO speech with a discussion of the cess in which the students and attend. He also said that there will door-to-door to listen to student mike nights, poetry readings and PewHJt Butter A JeMy Pe«wi Butter A Jelly Peenut Butter A Jelly Peanut Butter A Jelly Peanut Butter A JeHy be more taps A Juioee Peenut Butter A JeHy so the beer line will Asaoiled FruRs A (Every MeeQ (Every MesO (Every MeeO (Every MeaJ) (Every MeaQ concerns. "There's never been a sports programming, Kennedy (Every MeeO be shorter, and there should be (Every MeaO time where I've said 'no I can't said. The projected seating accom- S Breakfast Breads Breeklaat Breads Breakfaet Breads Breakfast Breads Breakfast Breade Villanova more and longer-lasting entertain- Peerwt Butler A JeNy Breakfast Breads Feminist Coalition talk to you,' " he added. modations will be approximately (Every Meal) DougtwHJts Assortsd Doughnuts ment. Botwin said that he's not Assorted Assorted Doughnuts Assorted Doughnuts Assorted Doughnuts 150, he added. T Assorted Doughnuts celebrates The candidate^ were then asked so sure that changing the time of Braakfaet Breads & Rons how they "The keys to the success of the MUmmOM UOMTH would finance all the the game would help, but the beer Soup Du Jour Soup Du Jour Soup Du Jour Soup Du Jour Nite Club are the quality of the Bagels-Engllsh Mufflns YOPLAirYOaURT Soup Du Jour activities they have planned if taps were the number one L ptKmonoM problem Veal Cuttet Sandwtoh French Dip Pori( Ron A Cheeee Pizia National atmosphere and the quality of the Qriiled Cheeea Burgers Women^s there is onsKaiserRoH another cut in the budget. that must be improved upon for w/Tomalo Sauce Soup Du Jour entertainment," said Kennedy. Shredded Mozzerella Botwin said, U SPECIALTY BARS Fried Rtoe QriNed Cheeee A Tomato French Friee "The key is fundrais- next year. This was a "novel vear CtMcen CutM Baked Spaghetti "For this reason, we must allow ing." Then Kennedy asked, "Why for format," Mexican Quiche Turfwy Salad Veggie Pizza Burger History Month Botwin said. urecicen rwi ChkAenSelad NachoBar all organizations to host various N should we have to fundraise?" DONAHUE' We Tuna Salad Maverick After the questions rlonRS ChM ClieeeeBar Beef or Chicken March 18: Golda Mier were asked events," he said. "We are expect- Sleak arxtw Beef or Chicken are paying a lot of money to go S teh Sleek Sandwteh by the panel, C Beef or Ctiidcen Egg Salad Steak Sandwteh the floor was opened ing a good turnout for the Nite DOUQHERTY: Tuna Salad March 19: Sandra Day 0*Connor to this school, he addeid, and Sle^SwKMch Hamburgsn^rankfUtsrs to audience questions. The first Club," he said. "I believe students Pasta Beef or Chicken HamtMjrgers/Frankfurters Hamburgers/Frankfurters students are getting the "prover- H Steak Sandwich Veggie Burgers March 20: Oprah Winfrey question was directed at their Hamburgers/Frantdurters Veggie Burgers bial shaft." Kennedy. would rather stay as close to ST. MARTS: Veggie Burgers Veggie Burger* Botwin said, "There's Hamburgers/Frankfurters Den Ber-Salad Bar He was asked if abortion Veggie Burgers Del Bar-Salad Bar March 2 1 : Jodie Foster counsel- dorms as possible." Many stu- E a lot to do here if people look, but Veggie Burgers DeN Bar-Salad Bar DeU Bar-Salad Bar ing would be provided at Assorted Puddbig A JeNo people the dents feel the party scene can DeH Bv-Saiad Bar March 22: Madonna, Sinead shouldn't have to look so Del Bar-Salad Bar O'Connor, women's center he hopes O Assorted Pudding A JeMo Assorted Pudding A JeNo hard," Botwin added. to create become a bit stale, he added. Freeh FniN-Cookiee DINNER Aaeorted Puddkig A Jelo Freeh FruH-CooMee Aeeorted Puddkig A JeNo PJ Harvey, & Kim Deal on campus. Kennedy said that Questions of the beer and liquor Freeh FmH-CooMee Freeh FnjU-CooMee The next question addressed to this N Frult-Cooidee Freeh FfuM-CooWee March 23: Rosa Parks is a Catholic university, so policy continue to surface. Cur- Soup Du Jour Freeh both candidates was how they "it will be stifled." However, "we rently, no liquor licenses are for Cordon Bleu March 24: Elizabeth Blackwell & saw the role of the vice-president. must give Btfied CNclian MAaren cblebhatiom them the women the sale in this township, Kennedy w/Cranbeny Sauce Salsbury Stesk Spmhsiti . Fridey Nile Pizza Seeame Cfiicken w/Qnvy London BroN Kennedy said the vice-president option," if only Roast Turkey w/Stufllng. Madame Curie by stating that said. As a result of these restric- wf/Tomalo Sauotf Qravy A Cranberry Sauoo WhRe Pizza w/BroccoN BMed Manicotta "should serve as chair of the Planned D Macaroni A Cheeee March 25: Victoria WoodhuU Parenthood is down the tions, alcohol will not be served, Cheeee, Mushroom A Onion Pasta Prtmavsra w/Meal Sauce Senate." The vice-president road. Flounder Tomato fVoe Casserole Cheese Pizza w/Marinara Sauoa he said. Drink before you come if Specialty Bar Specially Bar I March 26: Sojourner Truth should keep in contact with the SpecieilyBar SpedeNy Ber oeKea rouno The next question was about you would like, he added. Breaded SceNqpe WiMRtoe Whipped rntaloes senators and be updated on what WMppedl w/Tartar/CocktaN Sauce March 27: Gloria Steinam what role the SGA will unable to pro- Freeh Asperagus take in "Although we are Fluffy Rhse Quartered Red SMn Polaloes Steamed BrooooM they are doing in their respective N Yeimv Squash promoting AIDS Awareness vide a social setting where alcohol WMsrMixVs Buttered Noodlee March 28: Vegetables Qlezed Baby Carrots colleges. Botwin said the main Autumn Blend Vegetables Country Mix Whole Kernel Com Week. Botwin said he is a no rules that Sugar Snap Pesa member is served, there are CtovsrteafRols Autumn Blend VegetaWee March 29: Billie Jean King function of the vice-president is of the N QreenI Garden Peas Whole Blue Lake Beens AIDS Task Force, so he is say you cannot drink beforehand," Com Bread Assorted Breads support. He added that the vice- very Eastsr Eggs, Cskee A Dunniee Assorted Breads interested in this topic. Aaeorted Dinner Rois Roi Qarite Bread "I he added. Crisp Dmnsr Salad Bw president is also allowed to run think the E SeladB« Please join members of the Villanova Feminist Coalition SGA needs to take a "This is a great step in the right StfadBar for a Senate position, but he and SatadBar SiriadBar Salad Bar greater role. We need to Kennedy. "With Deeeert Buffet each night the stress direction," said Dessert BufM of month of March at 5:05 p.m. in front Kelly agreed that she would not awareness," he added. Kennedy an additional 620 students living R Dessert BufM of Dougherty Hall as they honor the accomplishments do this. This way, she would not said that we need to take aware- on-campus next year, the Univer- and achievements of these extraordinary leaders in have the additional worry of a ness to greater levels because he sity has recognized the need for MmU SUSJECT TO CHANQI Senate seat and it would "free her women's history. doesn't foresee the AIDS quilt more student services, in this * up" to help Botwin. coming back to campus for at least case, a social offering," he added. . .

March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 9


taxi... ,'* ?1«" «x^u;>/Ai*ncy ._ ViLLANOVAN k'^^y IS rv,^, ki>Zi Wor.. . Vi»ita.'^i'«n »* •>^y 201 Dougherty Hall, Vlllanova University, Villanova, Pa. 19085 fc^'** Z^'

ndumC . Elizabeth Barszczewski and Kathryn A. Szumanski Whitewater scandal can no longer ignored in be Editors Chief

Alexander W. Scofieid By JOE PATTERSON Documents regarding White- tunity to Associate Editor contradict itself. After bungled cover-up led to the resig- tions, faulty tax records, unethical water were taken from his room stating emphatically that there nation of Richard Nixon as a interference, contradictory stories Stephanie MacDougall, •\ The Whitewater controversy after his death. Actually, the was nothing improper about the simple break-in turned into a and faulty denials all attract Managing Editor has been relatively ignored for a went as far as to briefings, the White House regret- national concern. This bungled attention to this dubious long time. Recently, however, it prevent the Pages March 18, 1994 FBI and U.S. Park fully admitted only two days later Whitewater affair threatens to situation. has received national attention as Police from looking through Fos- that the meetings were in fact entangle the Clinton Administra- It may be about time for Mr. current developments have cast ter's personal papers. As a matter improper. tion in the same manner. While Clinton to come straight with the 'f> more suspicion toward the Clin- K^^ of fact, William Sessions, the This rank situation just gets claiming to be "open and honest," American people. Legal transac- tons. It is a story that refuses to former FBI director, declared that more and more malodorous. Every the administration continued to tions involving hundreds of thou- go away. It is a story that has Kennedy, Greason ticket the Foster probe was "comprom- day it seems as though a new shred documents, hamper the sands of dollars require detailed serious and significant implica- ised from the beginning" by White contradiction has been discovered. investigation, and deny allega- documents. It should be simple tions. House interference. Nine White House officials have tions that were later proven true. enough for him to prove that he talk The regarding Whitewater In December 1993, it was report- receives Vfllanovan nod been subpoenaed, two of whom Whitewater has come to typify did nothing wrong. It is time to originally began during the 1992 ed that files regarding Whitewater have since resigned under pres- the arrogant use of political power stop the faulty denials and over- Diversity. Nite Club. Apathy. Meal Plan presidential campaigns. Equivalency. The story had indeed been taken from Fos- sure. Instead of clearing things that has become prevalent in worked rhetoric. was dismissed as unimportant, ter's Student Bill of Rights. Abolition of Visitation Hours. Fine room. Faced with the new up, the Clintons have managed to today's government. It typifies a Yes, it is time, Mr. President, even though the rumors Arts Facility. Extended Hartley Cafe and Library Hours. sur- evidence. agreed to make things more complicated. dangerous attitude that elected to come straight with the Amer- rounding the affair were quite Wildcat Shuttle Punctuality. On-Campus Entertainment. 'TUB- cAhJpiDAT turn the Whitewater records over This whole situation is remin- officials are somehow above the ican people. serious. The American public jp*. was to the Justice Department, but iscent of a scandal that also law. Suspicious financial dealings, Joe Patterson is a freshman major- Restoration of Former Intramural Athletic Glory. obviously willing to ignore the warned that it may take several started off harmlessly enough. A questionable campaign contribu- ing in Honors and Liberal Arts list . . And the goes on and on details of the case, and Bill Clinton weeks. If there is nothing incrim- Although the presidential and senatorial candidates' went on to win the November inating in the documents, why election. But platforms seemed identical at times, the Editorial Board the allegations have was there such a long delay? If Does Vie VidwVe A- *f sp;r,«A.U acquired substance Watergateanalogies off- on Uit recently, and there was no wrongdoing, did target of the Villanovan felt that several candidates' platforms v +60+1, ? 1s„'4. why the Clintons' sidestepping has the records take five months to By and-noow piece stood out amidst the sea of cloned promises. ELLEN GOODMAN it's because the original has been verged on the brink of cover-up. . get to the Justice Department? One old Nixon hand even omi- the benchmark for all scandals. For the position of Student Government Association For example, the Clintons des- Furthermore, within the past It happened just in the nick of nously compared the presidents' This is the scandal that brought (SGA) President, the Villanovan endorses the ticket of cribed themselves as "passive few weeks, a revealed time. On Monday morning, the nicknames — Tricky Dick and a president down. Since then, Patrick Kennedy and David Greason. Given shareholders" in the venture. And that the had been the accomp- United States Supreme Court Slick Willie — as if that were every time an investigation erupts yet in Nov. 1989, shredding documents belonging to lishments of the 1993-94 Kennedy/Burns administration, came down unanimously on the evidence in the court of public from Bert Lance to Iran-contra, demanded power of attorney so Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Foster, an side of combined with 's parody. opinion. the easiest to headline Greason tenure as Arts Senator, the that she way get could have full control accusation the White House vehe- justices ruled that 2 Live The This rap on the Clintons was status is by pinning a "gate" on Kennedy/Greason team provides proven leadership and of the venture. Indeed, the Clin- mently denied only a few weeks of classic that Crew's sendup a played against old and resonant it. an impressive track record. Accomplishments including tons' business partner in the ago. In fact, the shredding began turned "Oh, Pretty Woman" into beats. You could hear the refrain Any opponent worth his or her the implementation of a permanent shuttle service, venture, James McDougal, said in 1992 after the Times "Big Hairy Woman" wasn't neces- of "What did he know and when spot on an Enemies List knows that he personally delivered all of reported Bill Clinton's involve- revision of the residence hall visitation policy and sarily an infringement of the did he know it," and the sound the value of fusing Whitewater the Whitewater records to the ment in Whitewater. The shred- publication of a monthly SGA newsletter indicate that copyright laws. of shredding. and Watergate into one image of governor's mansion at the request ding process continued at Mrs. This is an enormous relief to Virtually the only Kennedy is capable of effective leadership that renders people in a presidency brought low. As the of Mrs. Clinton. Furthermore, Clinton's request even after the imitated everyone who has ever Washington to suggest that it was president said, they want to "gin results. Mrs. Clinton was paid $2,000 a Nov. 3 election. This recent devel- or ridiculed somebody else's style. all a bit off-tune were those in the up" the "hysteria" on the issue. Kennedy and Greason give every indication month by McDougal for convinc- opment clearly reveals that the that this But it also must be a great source president's orchestra. It took For the media, I'm afraid the ing state regulators, appointed by president told a blatant lie when effective governance will continue in the future. Proposals of comfort to those creative forces David Gergen to say, "The only lesson of Watergate was that you her husband, that Mr. McDougal's he stated during his campaign for an on-campus night club and student athletic policy in the capital who are busily similarity between Watergate and never get in professional trouble LETTERS savings and loan association was that the records simply "disap- trying to turn Whitewater into changes are Whitewater is that they both start assuming the absolute worst. on the table for the upcoming year. The effort solvent. The savings and loan peared." The most alarming and Watergate. with the same letter." Or contain and initiative already exhibited Watergate produced what the by both of these candidates later failed, costing the taxpayers disturbing fact is that more doc- is begin- This Very Live Crew the same word: water. biologists call imprinting behav- $50 million. reportedly combined with their future aspirations make their ticket uments were shredded ning to sound like a parody of the I hate to •" ruin a good parody, ior. We go after every White House a winning one. A' Additionally, there are ques- Feb. 3, well after Robert Fiske, the original crew that '^vered the although SGA candidates endorsed usually I like my paro- trouble as if it were the big one. tionable loans involved. How was head of the Whitewater inquiry, Representing the arts students, the Villanovan uncopyrighted scandal some 20 dies with a bit more humor to Investigations that are modeled Bill Clinton able to attain $203,000 begain his investigation. Not only years ago. them, but the 10-year-old White- after the Watergate story endorses Tara Malloy, Stacey McArdle and Michael ' have in the form of two loans when he is this unethical, it is illegal. Consider what happened in the water was not a criminal act. And become parodies of it. O'Brien for positions of arts senator. Malloy served did not even offer collateral for one And now there are questions wake of the presidential press the current Whitewater is not a At the journalistic risk of not diligently as the SGA secretary and vowed to continue of them? On top of that, David about Deputy Treasury Secretary conference on Monday afternoon. constitutional crisis. thinking the worst, every time a serving diligently if elected senator. Hale claims that Bill Clinton Robert Altman, a friend of the Every word offered by Bill Clinton irony McArdle, a first-year Botwin brings dedication to job The is that the Clintons leaves, it pressured him into giving McDou- president. He gave three secret set to old tune student offers a fresh twist to the tired political rhetoric, was an Dick Nixon got mixed up in a real estate isn't a Saturday Night Massacre. gal a questionable $300,000 loan briefings to the White House emphasizing the by someone else. development deal that reeks more Every time some papers are miss- development and passage of a Student To the Editor: with projects such as Special a position that requires a great during face-to-face meeting. In a about the investigation into the Did Bill say, "We are not cov- of the Reagan era Bill than the Nixon ing, it isn't an 18-minute gap in of Rights. O'Brien, an SGA veteran, posseses the Olympics, Project Sunshine and deal of devotion and responsibility. fact, the records involved in this affair. brief- Whitewater These ering anything up?" Well, offered era. The doo-wop chorus I writing this letter in here the tapes. Every time someone knowledge of a true insider am Balloon Day, Andy quickly became I feel that Andy Botwin has the venture are suspiciously hapha- ings have many members of Con- who knows what the a colleague, didn't Nixon say, "I sounds more like a beat of support of Andrew Botwin, who ability the '80s bungles, it isn't a to responsibilities involved during his first year to fill this position to the zard and irregular. gress calling for hearings to of a senatorial position entail. am not a crook?" — failed S&Ls, real estate boom obstruct is running for President of the here. The dedication with fullest capacity. His energy and justice. which These questions concerning the determine if the briefings were Did Bill offer a spirited defense The Villanovan endorses Bill Janci, Alan Kennedy Student Government Association. and bust — than the '70s. The attention of a government he became involved was enthusiasm are unparalleled, records of Whitewater point unlawful. liberal-minded Even the of his wife? "Her moral compass What was a dreary and incom- and Sneha Patel for the positions of commerce and finance Andy was my roommate both overwhelming. making him clearly the most and a press corps is being sucked toward the late Vincent Foster. He New York Times, normally a is as strong as anybody's in this freshman and sophomore years prehensible tale about the inces- down the Watergate drain, flush- senators. Janci, another first-year student, aims to convert In his sophomore year, in addi- qualified candidate for the posi- Hillary Clinton's closest Clinton sympathizer, was condemns country." Well, didn't Dick once tuous world of and since that time I have seen wheelers ing away energy and confidence. the Day Hop into a delivery tion to the numerous groups he tion. Andy has the experience and confidant at the Rose Law Firm the Clinton Administration service to rival that of local as mawkishly laud his wife's vir- and dealers, is him grow into one of the now a dreary and So forgive me if I don't share the most was involved with, Andy was also'* dedication to truly make a differ- eateries. Kennedy, a current C F senator, promises in Arkansas. He continued to "easily the most reckless in inter- tues? barely & enthusiastic and responsible comprehensible story about lust for the Nixonese. I was hoping elected Commerce and Finance ence at Villanova. personal finances for the fering with the integrity of Federal to advance handle By midweek virtually every improper briefings the feats of an impressive first year in office. young adults I know. Since the by Treasury for something new in the 1990s, Senator. While in this position, investigative agencies Clintons when they moved to since that Republican, including those who officials in Patel proposes ideas that are both viable and innovative, first day of school Andy has been the incestuous world like say, wrestling with big Andy has made visible contribu- was even of Nixon." The Times went as far Chris Gullotta Washington. Foster now embrace the real Nixon as an of Washington. The phrase most including intent on making a difference here tions to the problems. open publication of teacher and course entire student body. promoted to deputy White House as to call for Altman 's job and President, elder statesman, had darkly often heard about the Clinton folk at Villanova. By getting involved The office Wrestling with Big Problems. evaluations. of SGA President is Society counsel. In July 1993, he commit- urged Fiske to "move swiftly" in Blue Key drawn some Watergate analogy. is naive bungling — not a lyric Hum a few bars and maybe we Jeremy Keenan, candidate for sciences 1995 ted suicide after discovering a few his investigation. Virtually every Washington repor- senator, from Nixon's repertoire. can still play it. months earlier that Whitewater This recent controversy con- promises to increase school spirit and demonstrates ter who had been around 20 years If we have a flock of creative Ellen Goodman is a syndicated had failed to file corporate taxes cerning Altman has given the ago — far too many, by the way competent knowledge on the needs of science students. Kennedy is top choice types doing this parody of Water- columnist whose column appears for a three-year period. White House yet another oppor- — had done an obligatory then- Finally, the ViUanovan supports Gina Marie DeRosa gate for a Whitewater audience, weekly in the Villanovan. for engineering senator. DeRosa understands student life To the Editor: to inform incoming students about racial and gender relations. A full- issues as well as those issues specific to the engineering After listening to both candi- time nurse practitioner will be school. dates, the Villanova Feminist hired for the CAMPUS infirmary to fill ON Coalition strongly endorses Letters prescriptions and provide more Patrick Kennedy and David Grea- accessible medical care. First-year candidates Shine son for 1994-95 Student Govern- We recognize the ment President and Vice Presi- candidates' mtA Skazon ^zlffln contmued effort to at the Villanovan dent. We support them on the abolish resi- We would like to applaud the dence curfews; Policy condition that the goals they have bestowing respon- decision to allow first-year students to run for the sibihty to the students set forward concerning the follow- where it senatorial positions. During the senatorial debate March rightfully belongs. ing issues will be met. woman in history The team of Kennedy The Villanovan will print "Let- What 14, these candidates proved they are more than deserving Kennedy/Greason is in full and Grea- son has five ters to the Editor" received in its of the opportunity to represent their respective collies. support of a women's center with years of combined expenence. office in 201 Dougherty Hall prior a full-time counselor Both made remarkable Candidates Sylvia Hassel, Bill Janci, to address to Stacey McArdle strides m their the Weekly deadline. Tuesday at most sexual harassment, rape and previous terms. do you admire and Sheldon Pollock exhibited a firm grasp of the issues They continually 2 p.m. All letters must be signed sexual stereotyping. They intend challenged the affecting their colleges as well as student life at the administration on and include address, phone number to reestablish "Saferides" to behalf of the University. student body. and social security number. All They did not appear to be intimidated by their ensure the safety of stranded and why? For these reasons, letters must be typed and double upperclass counterparts. students within five miles during the Villanova Feminist Coalition spaced. The Villanovan reserves candidates for student senator have weekend hours. Safety-oriented unanimously "Rosa Parks. Not only was she "Honestly, I appreciate the These four endorses the right to edit all letters. Letters "Mary Magdelan, because she maintenance Patrick Kennedy and a heroine for the Civil Rights contribution of all women in all in involved on campus. Perhaps concerns, especially was the closest apostle to Jesus." wasted no time becoming David Greason as may be sent by mail to the Vil- the "rape" trail and St. Mary's the 1994-95 Movement; she is also a role model times — there is no hierarchy of their energetic leadership is what Villanova needs to Student lanovan, Villanova University, tunnel, will be met with improved Government President for all victims of discrimination." significance." and Vice Villanova, Pa. 19085. improve the overall quality of the University. Many lighting and additional President. call boxes. Ron Nazzaro candidates talked about bringing an end to student apathy. The candidates favor revising Elizabeth Pietanza Kelly Beissel Junior Pollock did much more than the educational aspect of the Soph. Senior Hassel, Janci, McArdle and HiUary Field Philosophy orientation program in Villanova Arts English talk about doing so; their actions spoke for themselves. an effort Feminist Coalition j^l/l'

P«g« 10 • THE ViLLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 Mwch 18, 1994 •THE VHJ-AWOVAN • P«g> 11 Free speech code needed instead of doubletalk STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS rather, a place of political or do as a private institution. The that characterizes any university tees that all have the opportunity By MICHELLE LEE ROSSI indoctrination. heard. religious The lat- issue is whether or not Villanova worthy of the title, I suggest the to listen and to be Presidential ter is perfectly fitting for a cate- Candidates Villanova's mis- As the veteran of more than one is a universjty, in the finest sense following guidelines for the format The success of will chetical center, but not for a freedom of speech skirmish here of the word. of public forums: * sion as a Catholic university members of the university" (America, Nov. 1, at 'Nova, I would Hke to address A university, aside from repres- First, the organizers of an event be evident in the Andy Botwin campus, and will look really good for the When we go to Fr. Dobbin and tell him 1986). some of the issues raised by the enting a four-year hiatus between featuring a speaker or speakers audience who voluntarily demon- University as a whole. We want to continue that the students want a bar on campus, Catholic Legally, as a private institution, cancellation of last semester's high school and employment, or must provide an unrestricted strate their grasp of My name is Andy Botwin and I am with the change in the visitation policy he'll laugh if only 1,000 people vote. But doctrine Villanova can censor. However, it forum featuring representatives graduate and professional train- question-and-answer period after tradition and Church running for student body president along making even more of the dormitories co- if 5,000 students come out and vote he is not required to censor, and it from Planned Parenthood of South- ing, is a place of learning. A the presentation. Those featured while making their arguments with Kelly Croke as my vice-presidential ed and eliminate the visitation policy al- must take us seriously. This way we can presenta- is my position that as a university eastern Pennsylvania. I think it university acts as a special kind in a presentation must agree to and judgements after a running mate. I am a junior accounting together. We have talked with the director make Villanova into the place that we want to the Villanova ought not to censor. On is high time for some principled of community; one in which we field questions, comments and tion. At Villanova, access inajor and Kelly is a junior communication of public safety about the idea of extending it to be, together. So don't forget on the other hand, should the Villan- alternatives to the administrative tolerate inquiry into and the criticisms directly from the Catholic tradition and the teach- arts major. Our combined campus activities parking privileges to sophomores and Tuesday, March 22, to vote and remember is ova community conclude that the drivel and doublespeak that stu- expression of any idea, no matter audience during this time. During ings of the Catholic hierarchy in the past include Commerce & Finance believe that it is very possible. your ABC's — Absolutely Botwin for Catholic nature of the university dents, faculty and other concerned how unpopular. Furthermore, we an event's introduction, the exist- assured through the presence of Senator, Special Olympics, Blue Key We also are planning on a giant annual President and Croke for Vice-President. means using Church doctrines as members of the Villanova com- invite dialogue on every topic and ence and purpose of this question- liturgical celebrations, course Society, membership in both a fraternity carnival. The carnival will be University a justification for stifling or munity repeatedly encounter criticism of any point of view. In and-answer session must be made offerings in religious studies and and sorority, Campus Ministry, Project sponsored and student run. We invite the otherwise controlling the expres- when they attempt to determine particular, as a Catholic univer- clear; audience members should other departments and student Sunshine, AIDS Task Force peer educator, people of Lower Merion and Radnor with a sion of ideas, then that impover- whether or not this University is sity, Villanova should not shrink be made to understand that they organizations which proclaim balloon day volunteers and several other their families to show them that we are •••••••••• ished interpretation of what it committed to the free expression from allowing the members of its are free to use the latter portion specifically Catholic and/or reli- various organizations around campus. about much more than just beer cans along Student Government Associ- prior to matric- means to be Catholic should be and exchange of ideas (for a classic community to be challenged by of '^ the forum as a vehicle for gious focus. Indeed, With all of these combined activities and Sheehan beach on homecoming weekend! ation (SGA) elections for pres- something that Villanova pro- illustration of this doublespeak those who assert that their evi- expressing their thoughts. ulation at Villanova, I'd always our leadership roles within these activities, This will ideally improve upon the poor ident and senators will be held univer- claims clearly, loudly, and phenomenon, I refer readers to the dence and argument lead to con- Audience members should also thought that what made a we have worked for both the present and relations that the university has with the March 22. From 9:30 a.m. to proudly. front page of the March 11 edition clusions contrary to the teaching understand that they are free to sity "Catholic" was what it future good of the University. It is with outside community. We would also like to 4 p.m. students will be able to At that moment, not only would of the Villanovan). What follows of the Catholic hierarchy. As a leave an event at any time if they included, not what it excluded. our activities that we feel we have been see the shuttle expanded and yes, a bar. vote at the Connelly Center Villanova cease to be a university is loosely drawn from statements Villanova student and member of feel uncomfortable. At this point, it may be relevant able able to attain a firm grasp of exactly on campus. This sounds a little impossible mall. In case of inclement Hessburgh, in my eyes, it would cease to be I made on behalf of the Villanova the DSA, I do not regard the Secondly, for the benefit of to quote Theodore what the student concerns are and where for Villanova as we know it, but we feel weather, the voting area will a university in the eyes of the DSA at a forum examining free- Catholic hierarchy's positions on those who are ignorant of the president emeritus of the Univer- they, as future alumni, would like to see it is very possible. These are just a few be moved to the Connelly Cen- wider academic community as dom of speech and freedom of any issue and its justifications for nature of a university, a disclaim- sity of Notre Dame and this the University head in the future. We also of our ideas. ter Lx)bby. Between the hours Catholic educa- well. But at least prospective religion in December. However, advocating those positions to be er which disassociates the univer- century's leading feel that this wide array of involvements We feel that together, Kelly and I can of 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., faculty, and staff would the ideas and opinions voiced here so fragile that they can only be sity from any perceived approval tor. Hessburgh once pointed out: students, will make us more open to different and provide the student population with students will be able to vote in be forewarned of the institution's should be construed as mine defended by stifling, censoring or or endorsement of the ideas "Obviously, if Church or state or new ideas. exactly what it needs. We have University the Connelly Center Lobby, quality, or lack thereof, and would alone. otherwise controlling the presen- expressed during an event must any power can dictate who can Our platform consists of many things Senate experience and a breathe of fresh Dougherty Hall, Donahue Hall free to take their talents and Legally, as a private institution, tation of alternative ideas and be made at the outset. teach and who can learn, the be including a student escort service which air as well, to make us a well balanced and St. Mary's cafeteria. tuition dollars elsewhere. Villanova University possesses arguments. The terms "Catholic" Thirdly, the physical safety of university is not free and, in fact, will provide for more student jobs, a safer team to represent all of Villanova. •••••••••• is the some power to censor. This power and "university" need not be all participants in an event (speak- is not a true university where the Michele Lee Rossi, a senior, may be mitigated by the Univer- mutually exclusive. ers, audience members, modera- truth is sought and taught. It is. former chair of the Villanova DSA. Increased visibility — increased NAFTA debate, off-campus forums, sity's receipt of federal funds for To this end, there should be no tors, etc.) must be preserved. Patrick Kennedy approachability — increased effective- the intercollegiate forum (uniting student financial aid, its support restriction on whom student Finally, those who object to the ness — thanks to Mike O'Brien and organization presidents), student of a ROTC program, and most groups and faculty members can appearance on campus of any says "They put We, Patrick Kennedy and David Greason, Student through our bulletin boards in directories, and expanded use of the notably, the written policies it invite to speak, nor on the content speaker must be free to voice their seek the offices of Student Government Kennedy and Bartley, the SGA Review, Wildcard. This is just the beginning! sets for itself, which is precisely of events open to the Villanova protest at peaceful counterdemon- president and vice-president because of our and town meetings, we have let the Our goals for the 1994-95 Academic Year why the content of any Student community. We must enact pol- strations. a lot of butter on toast" strong desire to improve the quality of students (and faculty and staff) know are: all groups Such an approach does not student life at Villanova. Bill of Rights or policy on speakers icies that apply to earlier in the We have worked By PETER SHAUGER seen your teacher who we are and what we do. • shuttle service — daily equally. In order to insure an restrict the expression of view- diligently this past year to bring Expanded and forums is so important. How- don't like that too about day. They New multi-purpose athletic facility — service, West Campus. ever, for many, the issue is not, environment conducive to the points by any groups or individ- many necessary changes to Villanova much. if you're going to cut I couldn't decide on one partic- And we strongly supported and increased • Facilities-deferred maintenance and really never has been, what freedom of speech, freedom of uals, including adherents to the University. In Villanova's current state of ular topic to write about this class, make sure they don't see the priority of such a facility, which improvements — residence Villanova legally can and cannot inquiry and the exchange of ideas Catholic faith; rather, it guaran- change, experience and leadership are you afterwards. They don't like will become a realty in less than five week, so I thought I'd write about halls. . .demanding quality for quantity essential. The Kennedy/Greason team is some things that have weighed that either. I think they appreciate years, consisting of non-varsity bas- the only ticket that provides six years (of room and board rates). heavily on my mind over the past it when you attend class or ketball and multi-purpose playing • combined previous SGA experience plus an Meal plan equivalency at Connelly four years. Here goes: something. courts, new weight room, racquetball — for Drinkers should show caution incumbent president who understands Center Bartley breakfast and come with every piece of Four hours of couch-sleep is courts, and fitness center. How .Villanova and will not need any transition late dinner. Why was it that the Lower excessive drinking that was not art on campus, the only response equal to two hours of bed-sleep. ^Visitation Modifications — thanks to • Centralized/computerized By MONICA LEAHY period. We ask that you allow us to scheduling Merion Police Department was fathomed by many students — the anyone ever gives to it is "What (Power-naps not included.) the persistence of Dave and Alan continue what we've started. and activity calendar — easier to alerted and the LCB was not death of a peer. Unfortunate and the heck is that?" Why does everybody want an Kennedy, there will be no visitation reserve rooms find daily Sometime around midnight on Accomplishments of the 1993-94 SGA and out about involved? "This department rou- critical events do arise, but we fraternities become so on-campus nightclub? I thought in Austin, St. Rita's and O'Dwyer Thursday, March 10, 10 Lower Have and the Kennedy/Burns Administration: events. tinely checks up on bars for should recognize those events and desperate for pledge tasks that the point of "going out" was to (alternate floor housing). Merion policemen advanced • Wildcat Shuttle Service. • Fine arts — stress program's impor- underaged drinking or for stu- discover what it is that was the they can't think of anything actually go out. Sneak it into your Athletic Boosters — MIDNIGHT through the doors of the York- • Intramurals Overhaul — plans are tance and the dire need for a Fine Arts dents out of control," said Malloy. source and grow from such a better than requiring them to dorms. It's not difficult. MADNESS, trips to X'-Country shire, located on the comer of underway to restore the greatness, facility. "We alert the LCB for further catastrophe. attend the senatorial How come they form a leaf- NCAA's and Men's Spectrum games. Merion and Lancaster. It was SGA better publicity/contact with • Diversity — increase the level of help; they in turn have the power Lieutenant Malloy introduced a clean-up task force if one leaf falls Forum on Free Speech w/DSA — thus those same 10 officers that, debates? captains. awareness and action. according to remove the liquor license from committee labeled "Community How can you have Diversity at to the ground, but when it snows, expanding students' ability to explore • to Lieutenant Malloy of • Recreational athletic plan/comprehen- Recycling — education first, then Merion Police any establishment." Harmony," which was organized a UNIversity? If everybody nobody can find a shovel until it's their own ideas about right and wrong. Lower Department, sive ticket plan — tickets to sporting receptacles. escorted 45 students reportedly The LCB will continue to patrol in the fall of 1993. This organi- becomes diverse, doesn't that half melted anyway? West Campus Apartment Recommen- • events, unrestricted access to a new, More Community Service. the Yorkshire, but with excess zation informs residents sur- The food in the cafeterias really dations — including push for no illegally drinking alcoholic %\xh- defeat the purpose of diversity? improved ATRA and new, improved • and much more including: E-mail for student isn't that the stances out of the building. It was precautions and most likely will rounding local bars and Closed-mindedness and stupidity bad. Stay away from visitation policy. all, library hours, book swap program, weight facilities. . .plus more facility raid Yorkshire again before tenants what is and is not accep- cottage cheese, though, unless Diversity Initiatives — helping the reported that a majority of those the are necessary factors of diversity. improvements. and syllabi on file. minors the end of the year. table. There is an equilibrium that SGA's new favorite word: diver- they just put it out. Even then, Council on Cultural Diversity, sup- were students of • Night Club — major renovations will Villanova. is essential for both communities sity. My favorite new word: lepre- stick your finger in it to make sure porting various multi-cultural groups, be made to the Belle Air Terrace to to run smoothly. "As each day it's been refrigerated properly. "I feel bad for kids," chaun. Whatever happened to founding the Minority Student League, We ask for your vote. . .in those says become a night club by September '94. confidence, as Pat Gillespie, bartender continues we are finding that apathy? It's still here, everybody Get to know people. It's always participating in the Diversity and recognition and in of the PKJe must recall the Entertainment (approx. 8 p.m.- 1:30 faith. On March 22, balance. Arrests are down signfi- handy knowing someone who Martin Luther King, Days. Yorkshire for five just got too lazy to talk about it Jr. please vote . years, "but I a.m.) such as comedians, , Kennedy/Greason. ."Because misfortunes that occur cantly this year," reports Malloy. works in the pool room if you want ...and much more, including the It's would feel even worse if they had anymore. karaoke, and more. Working!" to scrape any one of them off the If we are to conquer the problems Love is a lot like constipation. to play a quick game of pool, or with the Impaued street due to negligence. When that occur because of drinking, (Think about it.) if you want some free ice cream maybe Villanova and surrounding from Campus Confections. I know serving, I cannot be expected to that alcohol You don't need a main lot Senatorial Candidates: Engineering judgement alco- watch over each individual. Those towns should recognize that parking sticker if you only park neither of these are that expen- whom come into a bar should have uifHcts on us. hol and drugs will be a part of this there on really cold days or on sive, but I'd be broke if I paid for Gina De Rosa Bill Fischer a sense of responsibility for them- society as long as adolescents are days when it rains or snows. all that stuff.

selves on this campus. Always make sure you have Chugga-Chugga-Choo-Choo. . .Ahh, the and us — that is why we, Public safety officers are not as Villanovan Engineers, if I am elected as The students arrested are sub- Lieutenant Malloy's last piece ribbon in your word processor or life of engineer. I wish engineering the township, the Liquor Control relentless as mail carriers. On an NOT! Engineering Senator I will implement new advice to the students: "Don't Board, the state and Villanova jected to a fine that is levied by of sunny days you should get up ink in your printer before you print were as simple as driving a train. Many ideas that give Engineers more hands-on judges). over-indulge. There's a balance, a reinforce the age minimum of 21 the District Justices Oocal early, before 9 a.m., and park in out. And never get into the shower people do realize the hard work and experience. New projects that are similar to sense of responsibility that should years. They aren't out to get any The fines usually extend up the SEPTA lot for $.50 a day. while you are printing. And dedication required to fulfill a degree in to the Solar-Cat or the Space Shuttle is prone to be recognized by that minority. one — it's just their job. We have $300. Additionally, one Remember to move your car to the always make sure you bring a engineering (hence the term "enginerd"). project. These projects give engineering his or her license for 30 Injury, loss of life, and arrests are seen too many students killed and loosing main lot overnight so you don't towel with you to the shower. The As a current sophomore chemical engineer- students exciting activities in which we in the state of Pa. results of out-of-control actions seriously hurt to take this days or more pay $80 to get it un-towed. Tickets walk back can be mighty drafts^. ing major, I probably understand this learn practical applications of what we citations neglect to committed when under the influ- lightheartedly." But those for unauthorized parking in the Henry, the guy who's always better than anyone else. have studied in our classes. Over the include the factor of the fake Q). ence that not only affects you, the in selling bas- Pat denounced that three female main lot cost $10. Main lot parking upstairs Connelly I have been involved with various student summer months I plan to start establishing Malloy said, "We must determine school, but your friends and sophomore Villanova students sticker is $75. Even if you get ketball tickets, gets lonely. Don't activities and organizations, such as new endorsers for various new projects. were "shot down" the York- how the id's were manufactured, family. We are here for you, for just buy the ticket and waJk away from seven tickets, you still have a Balloon Day, Special Olympics, and SWE Also I am going to concentrate on getting Villanova's servers just as you would in shire from one of four Possenti where they were produced and the student body's well being, and like do. Talk with him. savings of $5! you always (The Society of Women Engineers). Also, system to aid in correcting the problems more guest speakers for the different any lab. This allows students to use the understand that having brothers. Upon leaving, a police who did so. These fractions are we also Gus and He's from that all students face, Helen who work the Vindnia. I am presently an active sister of the Kappa not only engineers, engineering fields. These speakers will school's programs in their dormitory (i.e., playing is important — officer proceeded to ask for their not to be taken lightly, they are fun and morning/afternoon grill shift They don't change the combi- especially with regard to in Kappa Gamma sorority, where I currently the overcrowding inform and further educate us in our Windows). This networking makes it that ID; those fake ID's were confis- indeed serious fractions that must a drinking is a part of that fun." nations the mailroom. The box Connelly Center are good people. in hold the positions of Greek Week Chair and and lack of accessibility that occurs within respective engineering fields. I also plan much more convenient for engineering cated and the Lower Merion police and will be dealt with. These There are few months remain- in I freshman and sophomore Stop and say hello. They like had Art Director. In addition to these activities, the various computer labs. If the University on continuing Brian Smith's (this year's students who have computers in their term. were alerted. One hour following, particular students will be prose- ing in the 1994 Spring No it years has the same combination. when you ask for the special. I work in the Office of Undergraduate allows for all students on campus to have Engineering Senator) surveying program rooms. This would also solve the problem occurred directly 10 additional officers appeared at cuted with numerous violations deaths have Watch out, they put a lot of The person who has my old the to butter Admissions. opportunity be "hooked" into the that gets your opinion on the Engineering of overcrowded computer laboratories. I including participating in the sale because of alcohol — yet. Hope- mail, the site where the arrests took on the toast. mailbox doesn't get much network from their own rooms, then many College and suggestions. plan to Engineering Senator my goals push and speed up the process of place. of and exhibiting the use of a fake fully we can continue this record. they do get is so If elected Susan B. Anthonys are sHU U.S. and the mail of these problems may be averted. It would I am also going to investigate a plan that completing the networking throughout are I strongly favor a Student the "There are fakes identification card." Whether one is at Smoke's, Kel- hard to reseal as follows: some good and currency. boring. It's very our facilitate E-mail and interdepartmental allows students here at Villanova to dormitories. for it is essential that some bad ones; we're no experts Urinating on the Pike, driving ly's, the Pub, the Yorkshire or at Blood drives are a envelopes. Bill of Rights, great way to and documented. communication, which is greatly needed. purchase personal computers at a lower All these ideas are in the foreseeable in naked — this kind home consuming alcohol, we must rights are clearly defined on id's. We have excellent around a jeep meet people. If you Why doesn't anybody write to I meet someone changes look forward to implementing these ideas cost than retail. For this idea I plan to speak future, some as soon as next year. As that occur I would like to see continued bouncers, but unfortunately, of social behavior exhibited by a recall the misfortunes you're interested in me at the newspaper? I get kmely. also there, >^k for throughout the as a member of the 1994-1995 Student to representatives of Zenith and other Senator I would continue to concentrate it for the rest with the impaired judgement that made in visitation hours there are so many good ID's out select few who "ruin his or her number. It's a 1st easier too. Hatemail is appreciated as Senate. However, goals cannot Extended hours m the my become manufactures that might be interested in my efforts on bettering our Engineering there, k b hard to detect a fake of the significant student body is alcohol inflicts on us. To all of us than kicking weU. various dormitories. through ^he entire a reality unless you, the engineering offering student discounts of this type. College. So vote me. Bill Fischer, into those as in the library and Bartley the from a- real. Villanova is known not acc^table/* says Malloy. attempting to get passed difiBctory Biitr Skngnr it « tmior EngliMk dorms, as well based on the first name. and students, remember to "Construct a New The advent of the networking being Senate seat, and keep engineers a step good luck — I think Hall, increase both individual far haviiv the best ID't around,** Last spring we were fontd to bouncers, Not that I dkl that M^br mko Ifttdb Ikt mk9 would or anythii«. my utilize Future" and vote Gina De Rosa for installed in the dormitories enables stu- ahead. Vote Bill Fischer for Engineering I would like to face a result of unacceptable we*IUieed it for a period d time, ^ group study. Also, Don*t cut dass/vou*v« alrady Engineering Senate. All aboard! dents with computers to access any of Senator. the newly installed telecommunications March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 13 Page 12 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 Senatorial candidates: Sciences Arts senatorial candidates:

Jeremy Keenan Jason Miller Stacey McArdle Michael O'Brien

I am Jason Miller, a sophomore Computer The opportunity given to me, as a I'm Michael O'Brien, candidate for Arts Student the University Science major. I campaigning for your freshman, to run for Senator, is a government and am challenge Senator. Serving as Senator requires Senate hold much power here at Villanova votes to be the representative of the Science I embrace. Representation requires an open experience and a well defined plan. I've to enact change. I beheve that I, Jeremy School in the University Senate. I make mind, focused ideas, and an energy that gained my experience as SGA Director of Keenan, possess the enthusiasm, dedica- a good candidate because I am dedicated will persist. I possess these qualities and Communications, initiating projects as the University. I am hard- am ready to utilize them. tion, and persistence to assist in these to bettering this SGA Review and Kennedy mail room change-making bodies. At Villanova, working, intelligent and enthusiastic My platform consists of we improvements bulletin boards while assisting with need to increase school spirit in all aspects about the prospects of being a leader on on both a University and Arts College level. student directories. Midnight Madness and of campus life. There are several aspects this campus. This is something that I Affecting all Villanovans is the Students' more. Such training allows me to see the of my platform that deal with spirit: believe I can excel at. Bill of Rights. Because the bill is so crucial good and bad of student life and, in turn, — Increase attendance to concerts by I do not want to be a senator for any in clarifying students' rights, I will do develop a comprehensive plan for all Arts getting big-name bands and entertainers other reason that to better this campus and everything in my power to see that it gets students. The O'BRIEN PLAN aims to provide all of us with the best university passed through on campus through the nightclub the Seante. The Bill of strengthen the Villanova community platform has been Rights is vital — lowering the costs of these performers that is possible. My to ensuring the academic, through involvement and awareness, of by f undraising prior to the event clearly defined, with the abolishment intellectual and social freedoms of Villan- improving the daily life of Arts students — rides to away games visitation hours and the changing of the ova students. Bus through necessary changes. Among the — Connelly a true student union, science curriculum as my primary cru- Other university-wide Making improvements I reforms within: first what the people by extending the hours of Connelly, sades, but I want to do would like to see made consist of promoting • FINE ARTS FACILITY enabling students to meet up with each — Increased use of the in who elect me want me to do. This is my diversity through a wider Wildcard vending cultural under- Appointing a Secretary of Fine Arts to other after they go out machines first objective, to find out what the people standing, an effective recycling program, I feel that I can be an excellent leader to take business courses or minor in a C+F advise SGA president while furthering There are also several issues that do not — Video-rental store (to perhaps be used who I represent want. and further reductions in the for this. I need your help, though. Get out visitation concentration without applying separately progress towards a fine arts facility. ing more volunteer opportunities. deal directly with spirit, but with making as a fund-raiser for SGA) My second objective is to get these people policy. and vote March 22 and vote Jason Miller to the business school. • PLEDGE TO STUDENT FREEDOMS • CURRICULUM UPDATING things Villanova a better place to live and work. — Meal plan equivalency in Bartley and involved in campus affairs, the more limits Concentrating on Arts College concerns, for Science Senator. The only that Finally, I know I have the energy needed Will continue, not begin, supporting Courses must reflect student needs By doing this, I believe that Villanova does Connelly that will get accomplished. This is what I would like to see efforts we have are the ones that we put on in improving the to implement these ideas and programs. student freedoms, through work on upon leaving the classroom. (Do we need become more spirited, because people get These issues represent my platform, needs to get done, regardless of whether Fine Arts, through better facilities for ourselves. arts Through working this year on the Liberal Student Life subcommittee responsible two science courses later in life?) excited about the school instead of com- what I feel strongly about and what I will I get elected or not. classes, theater groups, and musical Arts Task Force, I have developed a clear for drafting the Student Bill of Rights. The O'BRIEN PLAN approaches critical plaining about it. Some of these issues: work hard to achieve. I believe that I have groups. I would like to research the vision of the possibilities for greatness that • RECYCLING REFORMS issues facing Villanova with a practical — Extended hours for the library, making the intensity, responsibility and leadership •••••••••••* possibility for creating an Arts computer Villanova holds. It all starts with you. Recycling plan pushing common sense approach. I plan to aggressively pursue the it more accessible to students necessary to make these changes reality facility in the St. Augustine Center, as well Please remember to vote for Stacey McAr- notions previously mentioned matters, listening — Safer and more advanced Jake Nevin at Villanova. Please allow me, Jeremy as create the opportunity for arts students Sean Kilkenny dle this Tuesday, March 22. — paper receptacles in the mail room carefully to students all the while. Sup- weight room; more and better stairmasters Keenan, the opportunity to do so. — - glass recycling in Day-Hop, Corner porting the O'BRIEN PLAN guarantees and bikes in Atra Hellow fellow Villanova students. My Grille, dorms proper representation. Voting O'Brien Arts Paul Vance • INCREASED VOLUNTEERISM Senator means backing for name is Sean Kilkenny and I'm running a leader the the activist provid- for Arts Senator. There are two questions Make SGA an body future of Villanova. When you vote Tuesday, which many people have been asking me March 22, vote for the candidate who will around campus. First, why did you put up work for Arts betterment of the whole those ugly green signs with "forward" school. I, Paul Vance, have the energy, enthusiasm, and Silvia spelled wrong? Second, why do you feel Hasselt persistence to represent the Arts students. Voters will that you would make a good Arts Senator? select the Hello, my name is Silvia Hasselt, and I am not going to speak of my involvement I feel the answer to this question is I would like to be one of your Liberal Arts on campus for one reason. I exhibited in my campaign slogan SPRING am not running Senators. I am running for Senator because because of what I have already done; I am FOWARD. Over the course of my three following I want to give back to the Villanova running for Senate because of what I number of years here at Villanova, it has become can community. Villanova is a wonderful accomplish. There are evident to me that Student Government many issues that is I think need to school, but there always room for Campaigns have focused more on personal be addressed to improve improvement. Villanova University. popularity rather than campus issues. canilidates for Senator While in office, I will work consistently For Arts students, the academic curric- This is the reason why I spelled the word to accomplish the following goals: First, ulum needs to be changed. I FOWARD wrong to focus on the issues that would like to I want to increase involvement in intra- see the science are facing us as Villanova students. Th^ requirement dropped and mural sports. Specifically, I think women replaced with the option of business classes in eacli letter F stands for 'facilities. ' I want to have college: or other should have more intramural options such washers, dryers and change machines electives. Academic advisement events. We must get top-level speakers and as intramural dance (tap, jazz and ballet) for students needs to be improved; need entertainment. As the university 'rightsizes,' it is essential installed in all dorms. I will also push for we Connelly Center can be as well as more aerobic facilities. Second, to be aware of the strong programs that better utilized that the admissions officers recruit and the establishment of 24-hour access ATM with longer hours, and the Arts: I plan to make mobility easier for students. Villanova offers. Too often students have new night club 3 accept a diverse group of students. I also machines on both South and Main Campus. and a store or a coffee shop I hope to make the Wildcat Shuttle services no direction in selecting believe that the Student Bill of Rights The letter stands for 'observation.' I'm classes and have would be nice additions. This campus more organized (to avoid the long wait) and to scramble to meet requirements. doesn't should be a top priority. I am in complete the only junior running and I've lived on Other have to be boring on the weekends; to start a shuttle service to the King of areas of concern are: improving Fine Arts it can support of a speaker's policy which would campus for three years. I've served the be better. Commerce Finance: Prussia Mall on weekends. Third, I want program and facilities, & minority recruit- Villanova also 3 allow all speakers to express their views Villanova community by being a Resident needs now to bolster its to see a student-run convenience store/ ment, dropping core and ideas on our campus. Assistant, a Company Commander in recreational facility to improve the inade- requirements for health-related programs. AIDS education, video rental store on campus. Fourth, I will students with a high for and a rape I want you students to know that I will Army ROTC, helping the downtrodden by quate weight rooms and aerobics facilities. GPA a more crisis/pregnancy center are two work hard to increase visitation.hours for individualized program. main objectives I work for you. My overall goal is to increase working diligently for the Catholic Worker The letters R and D are also linked that have. Sexual issues Engineering: 1 underclassmen. Eventually, I would like Socially, life your awareness and your involvement. I Program in Campus Ministry and helping together. They stand for 'respect for on-campus must improve. tend to be forgotten on a Catholic campus underclassmen to enjoy 24-hour visitation The intramural programs need to and cannot continue to will gladly listen to your concerns and will as an athlete escort for Special Olympics. diversity.' I believe any group regardless be be ignored. To step privileges. Fifth, I plan to increase the to Villanova a overhauled now. Intramurals need to be into the future Villanova needs to continue work persistently make The letter W stands for 'weight rooms' and of race, creed or color should have the number of business minors available to better organized, and female students to change and grow. Sciences: 1 better place for you. Remember to cast your letter stands for 'aerobics.' If There are so many the A elected freedom to speak on campus. Thank you Liberal Arts students. Finally, the issue should be given more opportunities. things that can be changed and improved. vote on March 22 — vote Silvia Hasselt I would begin implementing legislation for for reading my platform and on March 22 of diversity is extremely important to me. for Liberal Arts Senator. the buildine of a multi-purpose student Weight rooms on campus should be I want to work for you, the Arts students SPRING FOWARD and elect Sean Kilken- improved, and more should be installed in of this school. I work; I'll Bill Janci get the job done 1 ny Arts Senator. the residence halls. To be a national Vote Paul Vance on March 22 and just Hello! is Bill I Tara Malloy university, we must improve on-campus watch what will be done!!! My name Janci. am a Peter Kousoulis freshman Finance major from Toronto, Hi! My name is Tara Malloy, and I am Canada, EH? I would like to take some time to tell you about myself. Although this is Allow me to introduce myself. My name running for the position of Arts Senator. Commerce & Finance my freshman year, I have been actively is Peter Kousoulis and I'm running for Arts During the past two years, I have watched involved in many extra-curricular activities Senator. I won't waste time by talking as the Student Government has flourished Tom Englese here at Villanova. Some of these include: about myself. I'll just explain my ideas. into a noteworthy organization. The involvement with both Lectures and Visual First I will address some issues affecting Student Government needs members who For those of you who don't know me, Arts Committees within SPC; being an all Villanova students. Many people would will be strong leaders and are knowledge- Englese, and I want to assistant for three different Senators; like to see meal plan equivalency at able about the issues and concerns of the my name is Tom SGA be your next Commerce and Finance treasurer of the new co-ed service frater- Connelly Center and Bartley. So would I. campus. I believe that with my experience Senator. I'm not going to sit here and tell nity; co-coordinator of the new escort However, I would like to take it one step as Secretary of Student Government, I will most experienced service on campus; participant in the further. During lunch, Dougherty Hall gets be able to fulfill that need. you that I am the candidate running. What I will tell you Villanova AIDS Quilt; current associate extremely crowded. I propose that the As Arts Senator, there are a number of though, is that ideas and determination member of AXA. guest list be shortened even more because issues that I want to address. First of all, my make the best choice for the job. I know Through my experiences at Villanova, I've had people tell me that at times they I would like to see an upgrading of the me and I'm ready to I have met many people. Because of my had to eat standing up. computer facilities, with the opportunity what the students want fight for it. interaction with various students, faculty Secondly, I support the night club idea. for Arts students to have our own computer I think of Villanova, the word and administrators, I have learned what I think it would benefit the entire Villanova lab. We should have a work area that we When mind. 'Nova is Villanova needs and desires. My platform community and allow students to come can call our own. Also, I would like to work potential sticks out in my but I feel that the has been structured to fulfill the needs and ery. Open until midnight during the together on campus and have a good time Finally, I get to the Bill of Rights. The towards making the advisement process a top-notch school, from it. I realize satisfy the desires of our Community. week and 2 a.m. on weekends to keep without venturing off. Bill of Rights is an important issue for the more productive. If we had a better student body wants more to get you what It consists of seven individual ideas: money within the University. The shuttle system that we have is very students. I feel that we must fight to get understanding of our requirements, it may this and I am prepared in the Bartley computer lab, as well as later * Increased visibility of * run convenience/video I I'm of the things I want for SGA Senators SGA & SPC good. However, I feel it can be improved. a Bill of Rights passed and feel that help us to realize that we are getting a you want. Some entertainment. hours in the cafe and library. I want to * Off-hour meal-plan equivalency at store on campus. Students could buy Shuttles, especially on the weekends, need just the person to do it. quality education. At the same time, I us is better on-campus with make sure that the Student Bill of Rights Bartley: 10-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. common goods not offered at the to run more often. This would alleviate Some concerns of liberal arts majors are would like to see changes in the curriculum, With the SPC working hand-in-hand get passes, and freedom of speech is finally * Increased computer space and time in bookstore or ice cream shop (frozen overcrowding and the long wait for as follows: The need for a computer lab, such as less upper-level core requirements the entire community, we will finally ••••• realized throughout campus. In addition to Bartley foods, tobacco products). Educational students. more writing enriched and writing inten- and more business classes available. the big names that we deserve. I also want and meal these, I want to make sure that Villanova * Increase student seating at basketball and newly released videos could be Along the same lines as the shuttle, I sive courses offered, and eliminate the While these are just a few of my 24-hour visitation in all dorms Greek community stays strong and games. No student should be turned rented. Again, this store would keep propose that a bus be available for students science requirement. concerns, I will also be the voice for your plan equivalency in Bartley and Connelly. prospers further on this campus. away from a game. Seating behind the money within the University, while on Saturdays and Sundays for the King These are just some of the things I would concerns. It is important when choosing Two projects that, with hard work, I feel of an As you can see, my ideas are strong and baskets at the Spectrum should be for raising money for SPC & SGA. of Prussia Mall. This bus would leave like to see accomplished. I feel I can achieve your senators that you find them trust- we can accomplish is the formation at the I am fully ready to work for you, the students only! I feel that my platform is very strong around noon and come back around 4 p.m. my goals with perserverance and hard worthy and open to your ideas. I hope that on-campus bar and tailgating far-fetched students of Villanova. So on March 22, get * Introduce sophomore parking. West and will benefit the entire Villanova Right now you have to take a train and work, two things I firmly believe in. I now you will find in me all that you are looking football games. It might seem is ready to vote for your future in Villanova. Campus Apartments will free up Community. On March 22, remember Bill then a bus to get to the King of Prussia ask for your support on March 22 as for. And so, on March 22, 1 hope that you but remember, the only failed attempt and Tom Englese for C+F Senator, ready to get spaces. Janci is the one who will fulfill your needs Mall. With a bus going from campus you Villanova University marches on towards will elect the one with experience and elect no attempt at all. For the Commerce you what you want. * Day-Hop open late-night, with deliv- and satisfy your desires! can get there auickly and efficiently. the 21st century. Tara Malloy for Arts Senator. Thank you. Finance students we need more termmals f

Pay 14 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 15 Commerce and Finance senatorial candidates: Student Programming Council Alan Kennedy BobNashak

My name is Alan Kennedy and I am Alright, I know we're all upset that 'Nova AT THE A currently a Senator from the College of didn't make the NCAA Tournament, but MOVIES: ^uttcifuU ^dm Seme^ Commerce and Finance. I'm proud to say we'll show them next year. My name is D I've played an integral role in what may Bob Nashak and I'm a sophomore account- FRIDAY at 5, 7:30 and 10 p.m. be the most successful Student Govern- ing major. I'm running to become your next m ment Administration ever! We in the SGA, C+F senator. We are fortunate to go to and in the student body, have seen Villanova. However, I think we all recog- I extensive changes for the better. Some of nize the need for changes here. I want to '^TWO THUMBS UP!" IN THE our accomplishments include: the V.U. help lead these changes. My experience in S SinLI i^ (-.hcrt Town Meeting, the Wildcat Shuttle Ser- student organizations and desire to give CONNELLY vice, increased SGA visibility, a compre- back to Villanova gives me the right ' V S \ KO\I im ( Kl AIOKSOI hensive athletic/ticket plan, on-campus combination to be an effective senator. SO IKJOSit KS CENTER Nite Club, and, most significantly, visita- WHAT ABOUT BOB? These are some of I tion changes. the issues that I feel are important. We I'm fully prepared to continue this must: RUOY O progress in the coming year. I have listened • Improve on campus entertainment *:- -^- ^?^_ to much of your feedback and I am once • Have 24-hour visitation in all dorms N again ready to be a voice and a force for Enhance 'Nova's recycling program «:-™-^e^ STAR^ ' you. Some issues I am currently working • Revamp the meal plan by allowing for on and look forward to addressing next higher equivalencies and guest meals March 24, Thurs. a1 6:30 9 year include: tion, library • Increase study hours in Bartley and the and p.m. W extended hours, continued — Bartley computer lab access — there has visitation progress, need for a fine arts library March 25, Fri. at I been initial approval to allow access to facility, recycling improvements, and a • Review the C+F curriculum to allow for 5, 7:30 and 10 p.m. another lab. push to speed up computer main frame more electives — Expansion of shuttle service — west accessibility. • Improve the fine arts and athletic L campus creates a new demand for daily This past year I have gained a wealth facilities progressive. The most important service. of hands-on experience through my work • Overhaul the infirmary thing we L can do is to get involved and vote — Meal plan adaptation — Connelly, guest in the SGA. We have become and will Perhaps the most crucial issue is to next Tuesday. A large turnout sends a meals, meal plan equivalency in Bartley continue to be an extremely effective voice. convince the administration to embrace powerful message to the administration. during off-peak hours. All I ask is that you allow me to once again change; not resist it. It seems that they We can show them that take B — Reestablishment of safe rides program. play a major role in what will prove to be sometimes forget that the students are the we campus issues — Facilities improvements/deferred main- another successful year. most important facet of the University. seriously. . Saturday, March 19 at 7 p.m. March vote for E tenance — includes residence halls, athlet- Vote Alan Kennedy for C&F Senator on Without us, Villanova University would On 22, someone who "SUPPLIES ic, and academic facilities. Tuesday, March 22, because "Experience not exist. I'm confident that we can WHAT 'NOVA DEMANDS." Sunday, March 20 at 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. — And more, including: on-line registra- ." ^convince the University to Vote BOB NASHAK for C+F Senator. Counts and Persistence Wins. . become more $ Monday, March 21 at 7 p.m. 3. Sneha Patel Sheldon Pollock Monday Evening Speaker: $2.50-Students The past week and a half of campaigning Hello, my name is Sneha Patel and I am Ruth Perlmutter $3 -Gen. Aud. and meeting new people has been an a sophomore Management major. I am incredible experience for me. I have learned going to cut through all of the fluff, get a great deal about Villanova and about the right to the point and outline what I want concerns of the whole community, to do for you as C & F Senator. partic- ularly the interests of the students in * Substitute a Resume Writing/Inter- the COUPON OF THE WEEK College of Commerce and Finance. I've WILDCAT view Tips/Interpersonal Communications WEDNESDAY: interacted with POPCORN Class for a Religious Studies requirement a student body that is BUY A proud of its University and in C & F. committed to its continued success GET A SODA * Pre-registration in the summer for and growth. In FREE March 23 at the Corner Grille keeping with that spirit, I incoming freshmen so they can pick times have made the theme of my campaign 'service to others,' for their classes (making it easier for commuters). so. that I can give something back to our A MIME community. * Better computing facilities and use of * As a freshman accounting major, C & F upperclassmen to monitor them More campus phones (in Bartley, I've NIQHT ONLY become involved in fMDM (part of workstudy). Dougherty, etc.). the Blue Key Society, Saturday na.m. -2 p.m. * Allow students to hook-up into Bart- * Recycling in every dorm and in the Sunshine, and Campus Ministry. I've also served this past ley's mainframe with their own personal mailroom. year as a Senate computer. * More student input into the budgeting Assistant, so I have some knowledge of how student government works. * Student Bill of Rights passage (preserve process. The goals I our freedom of expression and establish an * Monthly forums (similar to VU Town would like to see accomp- lished in the upcoming year for CASINO NIGHT... Appeals Board comprised equally of stu- Meetings) dealing solely with social con- C&F include extending the operating hours for dents, faculty, and administration). cerns on campus (racism, sexism, etc.). at other universities, comprised of a credit HYPNOTIST: Bartley's library and * Women's Crisis Center (rape/pregnan- These are practical and tangible ideas classrooms, creating union, a video store, and a convenience a closer Hnk between C&F students cy counseling). that will improve the everyday life of the and store. These establishments would be on March 26 * Villanova Student will the community, and helping to get the Thursday, March 7 Daycare facility on campus for faculty, and have an student-run, from the cashiers and tellers, 24 at p.m. computer classrooms open staff and students. immediate impact on the Villanova Com- as labs around to the CEO's and Presidents and would finals time. at Campuswide, I * Making SEPTA tokens available in munity. I have been very involved in would like to give interested students hands-on training see a meal plan equivalency program Connelly Center so it's cheaper for students Student Government this past semester as in running a business. I'd also like to speed instituted at Connelly Center and Bartley to travel into Philly. Chairperson of Multicultural Affairs and up progress on an Intramural Facility and Donahue DAN LAROSA Cafe during off-peak hours. I * Book of detailed course descriptions so also as a dedicated member of the Student also feel we the development of a Fine Arts program. need more MAC machines on students know exactly what their classes Bill of Rights Committee. I know how campus I encourage people who have any ques- including one that has 24-hour access. In Cafeteria explore your feelings on alcohol will entail (grading, tests, papers, etc.). things work and I want to make them work tions to feel free to get in touch with me. * for and Villanova whole. If addition to these, I would like to see more Teacher and course evaluations made you as a you I live in Corr 215 and my number is 519- would like to on campus recycling, and I think lockers public for students. see these ideas become 2371. Thanks for your time and please $3 admission should be installed at the Spit. * Meal plan equivalency in Bartley and realities, vote for Sneha Patel for C & F remember to get out the vote for Sheldon Long term, I will work for Connelly Center. Senator March 22. the creation Pollock as C&F Senator — "A Commitment of a student corporation similar to those to Others." You could win: Veronica Vaiti TV, Sega

To give you, the voter, a general sense Discmon, etc. of who I am as a person, I would like to TGIFII Elections for SGA begin by stating, "I did not inhale." I have never been arrested, imprisoned — or interrogated by the authorities for connec- president and tion to illegal activities other than that one student time in Waco, Texas. On a more serious of note, I'm currently the a accounting Member sophomore Week: major with a minor in communications. My senators wiii be lieid on activities at Villanova include Special Olympics, the Homeless Committee, Italian Bill Proger is a member of the Arts Club and Intramural Volleyball. Tuesday, il/larcii 22 in I feel there are many reasons why I would serve as an asset to the SGA. First and Leisure Committee and Is In and foremost, I want to get involved! I'm campus, and a centralized information front of Conneily willing and able to devote the time and center where a student could basically the Geography Honor effort needed to address your ideas and obtain the answer to his or her concerns Society. concerns. I feel that I'm approachable and or questions. Also, I fully support extending Center. Tlie Viiianovan can easily relate to my fellow students. I'm the hours of Bartley Hall, library and He also helped a lot with pub- familiar with the basic functions of a computer lab, and reinstating the meal student government system and I am eager plan, during off-peak hours, at Bartley encourages ali students licity and other to learn more about the SGA here, at Cafe. And for those of you who have shared events. Villanova. in the joyful experience of doing laundry Some of my ideas include a publication at Villanova, I know you'll understand to ¥ote. containing a list of prospective landlords when I say we need upgraded washers and Good Job Bill! for those wishing, or having to move off- dryers and more of them. in nn n H IP In •n***

Pag» 16 THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18. 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 17

Villanova University Senior Activities Committee cordially invites you to attend the

Senior Dinner Dance ''Music of the Night" FEATURES Many at the 'Novans are not only looking forward to graduation, but also to pursuing socially responsible Adam's Mark Hotel careers, find out why!

Students City Avenue and Monument Road of the highest scholastic standing are to be inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi honor society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Villanovans share their insights of the Japanese culture. We hope everyone successfully recovered from a Happy St. Patrick's Day! Saturday, April 23, 1994

'» «



CONNELLY CENTER 'The Piano/' "Schindler's List" and "The Remains of the Day" are among the many films vying for (according to the first letter of your LAST name) Oscars at the Academy Awards. The question remains, will Spielberg be denied yet another MARCH 23: L,0,S,U,W,X,Y Oscar? MARCH 24: H,K,P,Q,R,T MARCH 25: A,B,C,D,E,G Superunknown continues in the traditional

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MTMWM. DOES NOT IMPLY '"Angle" (starring Geena Davis), although a heart- VERSITY ENDORSF' warming movie, promises no real emotion to be left with audiences. For more Information call ext. 7280 COURTESY OF CAPITOL RECORDS

Crowded House 'Into the Woods" finds its way onto campus. returns with new , , which may remind audiences of the band's true nature. 5

Page 18 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 19 FEATURES

iety Salsa band that will play a selection of the Villanova Chamt)er best South American music. Villanova March 1 9-21 March 23 cultural clubs will have displays of many By MEUSSA CARBONE Ensemble who have completed or are cultures and countries. Admission is $2 in Special to the Villanovan near impressed with his membership the end of their studies must rank advance, purchased at the International and considered it a sign of his The Villanova Chamber Ensemble is in the top Corr Hall, and 10 percent of all grad- superior capabilities. Student Office, lower level, What links Hillary Clinton, Equestrian Club always looking for more instrumentalists uate students at the University $3 at the door on the night of the event. Jimmy Carter, Merlin Phi Kappa Phi is the largest, the Into the Woods to join up, especially cellists and other Olsen and and must be of fun and dancing. recommended by most respected and the only Join us for lots Jamie Leigh Curtis and approxi- ll/leeting strings. If interested please contact Gary their department chair in order Villanova Student Musical Theatre & ^ mately 300 proud to academic honor society which is Stegall (519-4089). Villanova be invited to membership. Office of Music Activities would like to students? open to students in all academic Current and new members are welcome Admission and to Phi Kappa Phi is disciplines. By commending welcome you to Stephen Sondheim's Well, for starters, it is not an to attend the final Equestrian meeting of by invitation only and requires Jamie Lapine's Tony Award-winning Into Campus Ministry unyielding devotion achievement in all scholastic the school year Wednesday, March 23, at to the Demo- nomination and Into the is a musical that approval by a areas Phi Phi the Woods. Woods Sunshine Day cratic Party, a knack for incurring Kappa undoubtedly 8:30 p.m. in the Bryn Mawr Room, Connelly chapter in accordance with the brings a bunch of fairy tales together. Retreat debt or bad hair. upholds its motto: Philosophia Center. Riding plans for the remainder of The esteemed bylaws of both Volunteers are needed for Sunshine Day, the chapter and the Krateito Photon, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapun- honor that connects these "Let the love of the semester will be discussed, as well as Ministry-sponsored retreat illus- national society. zel. Jack, the Witch, and even more of your A Campus Project Sunshine's annual mini-carnival trious learning rule mankind." nominations for next year's officer posi- individuals is membership will be held during the weekend of March underprivileged children, 3- favorite fairy tale characters will be finding for 150 ages in the interdisciplinary The society strongly believes tions. If you would like more information weekend will be honor their way through the woods. The show 25-27. The theme of this 9. The day of games, rides, and costumed that honoring those students who would like to society of Phi Kappa Phi. Perhaps on the meeting, the club, or — up and let (jod will be March 17, 18 and 19 at 8 p.m. at "Awakenings" Open characters is scheduled for Saturday, April are superior in scholarship and purchase an Equestrian Club T-shirt, the letters of Phi Kappa Phi are change you. Anyone who is interested 16 from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. If you would like Mtembmthlpis character will encourage others Gladwyne Elementary School. There will 520- not the most popular Greek to Villanova University's past and present please contact Colleen (president) at Ministry as soon letters officers of the Phi be buses available for free rides. Tickets please sign up in Campus to help by spending time with a child, worn (Continued on page 23) 1278 or Brenda (advisor — Career Planning or displayed on campus, but •arnMl; It if a Kappa Phi honor society. cost $7 for students and $10 for adults. as possible. running a game, or working behind the and Placement) at X4064. they are by far the most scenes, sign up now in the Project Sunshine Tickets will be sold at the door and distinguished. triM honor.« Connelly Center. For more information, Office, room 4, lower level Vasey. For Phi Kappa Phi is an honor 519-7829. It's call 519-7217. information, call a great day society, not Students United We Stand an honorary society seeic service careers for everyone involved! or fraternity. "Membership March 26 is Meeting Phi Kappa Phi's crite- earned; it is a true honor." America (UWSA) It was ria is often a prelude to future By KRISTIN BERNARDYN looks for "hard-working people Brother John Blazo, director of established in 1897 in order Series to Villanova Feminist to success. Numerous Nobel Prize Staff Reporter who can work in a variety of the Maryknoll Catholic Mission recognize excellence in scholar- winners, presidents, scientists settings with a range of duties." Resource Center in Philadelphia, We are happy to present Mr. Lee Pepper, Dealers Needed ship and integrity of character. Screen Classic Coalition and authors compose the list of Since graduation is less than Students who are not sure of what said that a person volunteering at national college campus coordinator of Phi Kappa Phi awards member- Phi Kappa Phi members and two months away, the question career path is for them can try Maryknoll receives a stipend as at our meeting at 8 p.m. in the The SPC needs students to be dealers Screwbaii Comedy UWSA, ship only to students with the Aveighing Happy Women's History Month! Join us among these celebrated individu- on many seniors' minds volunteering to learn what job is pay. The lifestyle choices offered East Lounge of Dougherty Hall. All are at Casino Night on March 26. No experience highest scholastic standing. every night of the month of March at 5:05 For als stand Kerry Roach and right now is what to do after right for them. Maryknoll of by vary; one may enter Some Like It Hot, Billy Wilder's caper invited to attend and find out about UWSA is needed. Dealers will have a portion seniors to qualify for p.m. in front of Dougherty as we honor membership Anthony Sorrentino. Roach, a college. Indecisive students are For Carolyn Daley, a senior a permanent, religious commit- replete with farce, masquerade and and its campus and national role as an the night to gamble and will receive their their grade point average the accomplishments and achievements of (G.P.A.) senior communications major at investigating all their optjons, and sociology major with a concentra- ment or work as a lay person by impersonation is the next feature in active non-partisan political organization. start up money free. If interested, sign-up must place a few extraordinary leaders of our time. them in the top 10 Villanova, stated that her mem- the "Careers for a Brighter 519-7280. tion in criminal justice, helping contract, and one may work in the Villanova's current Cultural Film & Democracy is not a spectator sport! Get is in the SPC office: percent of their class. VFC meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Individuals bership in Phi Kappa Phi has Future" job fair was a great people through the justice system United States or overseas. Lecture Series, "The Social Vortex." It will involved! in their junior year in the Center for Peace in Justice. Join us must have given her "a great sense of pride opportunity to learn about non- seems like a possible option after Since there are no great finan- be shown four times in the Connelly Center earned a G.P.A. as we plan for upcoming events and chair which places and accomplishment." Sorrentino corporate career paths and graduation. "Courses I've had in cial rewards in human services Cinema: Saturday, March 19 at 7 p.m.; them in the top five percent and HIV elections. Feminists of any gender, race, of claimed that many of his job internships. criminal justice interested me in organizations like there are in the Sunday, March 20 at 3:30 and 7 p.m.; and Women 28 their class. Graduate students March fair party, and opinion are welcome. interviewers were highly The for socially responsible the justice system," said Daley, corporate world, people choose Monday, March 21 at 7 p.m. Tickets are employment, sponsored by the This interest, plus job indecision socially responsible careers general "Women and HIV" will be the topic of $2.50 for students and $3.50 for Center for Peace and a lecture by Ann McCloud Sneath, MSN, Justice, the lead her to look into Probation and because they genuinely desire to admission. Center for Career Planning CNM, on Wednesday, March 23, at 4:30 Poetry Reading and Parole, an organization that reha help make people's lives a little Wilder's film boasts an impressive cast. Peer Counselors Uke it Hot" Placement "Some and the Augustine Center Law School's bilitates people who have been better. Sue lekel of the Franciscan Marilyn Monroe plays the aptly named p.m. in Room 300, St. At 4:30 p.m. Nzadi Keita will read Public Interest Society, was held incarcerated, Volunteer Ministry for the Liberal Arts. This event is cospon- Did you know a visit to the Career explained Sugar Kane, a breathy, buxom, blonde in the Villanova sored by Women's Studies and the College selections from her latest book of poetry. Room of Connelly What students look for and why she yolunteered, "I've been ukelele-playing singer in an all-girl band. Planning and Placement Office can consist Birthmarks. Please join us for this event explores Center, Wednesday, March 9. what organizations need are not given so much. The best of Nursing as one in a series of lectures sexualify thing I of something other than toiling over a Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon (in a role Local, regional health values. in Room 300, St. Augustine Center for the and national agen- always the same. Some of the can do is to turn around and give originally meant for Frank Sinatra!) are on and human major, having your resume looked at, or Liberal Arts. Sponsored by the for cies and organizations spoke with organizations need a part-time to other Center searching endlessly through job binders for people." two musicians on the lam from the mob, interested Peace and Justice Education. students. commitment from an unpaid Senior Spanish major Jennifer who sneak into the group by dressing in part of full time work? It can!! Applications By MELLISSA CARBONE Meterean states that, "the main volunteer, and some will pay a Ancona is uncertain about her drag. are now available for 1994-95 peer coun- Staff Reporter thrust of the film is to go beyond salary for a full-time commitment, employment following graduation. For more mformation, call (610) 519- selors in the CP&P Office. Peer Counselors barriers of popular taste and Diversity and However, people do not choose but shp is sure that helping people 4750. assist fellow students in a variety of areas. Billy Wilder's hilarious comedy undermine prudish attitudes StiidiiMi wtio ore March 30 these career paths to make a lot (Continued on page 20) They critique resumes, give presentations, "Some Like It Hot" elevates cross- about men dressing as women and Student Rights not sure

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21 Page 20 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18. 1994 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page FEATURES FEATURES Students investigate socially responsible careers Post "hook-up" calls distress many students

(Continued from page 19) for bells to ring to their house too. the lives of the less fortunate There are also many guys who feel guys here are "typical Villanova in one should sit and wait for some way is how she would like include applying for a two-year that there is more to life than guys," as well as guys who aren't No either making to focus her career. "Making [a lot teaching position through the senseless one night stands. Junior happy with the opposite sex someone else to call, mood for that of] money doesn't matter; I just Teach For America program. This Mike Armento believes, "You either. Sophomore Seema Bardwaj or breaking your need to day. It is not worth it. be able to support myself," program selects from a competi- shouldn't play games. If you like summed it up saying, "I do think of that Ancona said. Since she is "not tive pool of applicants for the best the girl, go out. If she breaks your Villanova is like every other Instead of thinking nega- interested in corporate America," qualified to teach at financially heart, she breaks your heart. If school, I don't think guys here are silent phone as something Alcona is interested in various disadvantaged schools in poor you play these games you might any different from other places. tive, remember that the person organizations represented at the rural and urban areas. "Maybe lose someone you really care They just don't know what they who is not calling is not worth the fair such as Lynch Homes, Medi- after two years you'd know what PERSON lO PERSON about." want at this age." trouble. Then, when those tinies ation Program of Good Shepherd, you want to do," she said of the Other students claim they So girls, when that phone come when the phone is ringing United Way and Northwest experience. always try to call back. Sophomore doesn't ring, there could be many off the hook, you'll appreciate it Center. Healey is presently hoping to be Bill Tanona said, "I consider reasons behind it. It is the '90s. all the more. senior polit- Deirdre Healey, a accepted to teach in an adult By LIZ WEAVER that there are so many girls who myself elite here at 'Nova because There are guys out there waiting major, describes her ical science literacy program in Africa by the Assistant Features Editor never get a call from that "boy I always call; I make sure to keep social service plans after gradua- International Foundation for Edu- I met last night?" According to good relations with the girls." tion as a way to do something she cation and Self-Help through the senior Mike Young, An Interested service and volunteer careers "If I am not There are those who are in rela- will enjoy that will also help student seeks Information concerning possible International Fellows Program of "Did he call yet?" going to pursue a relationship tionships who believe in staying Did you hear • post graduation. people. Her interests in improving Tuskegee University, Ala. "No." with^ the girl, I wait for her to with one person. Sophomore Scott ©1994 Canon U.S.A., Inc. he will?" are tradt.-narks of Canon Inc. "Think call." One student sees this Feely commented, "I girl- DOS is a registcrd trademark of Microsoft Corporation. StarWriter and Bubble Jet scene have a "Well ...he said he would. insider. There's no getting as being a "catch 22." friend, and I care too "I'm an Junior Matt much about "Idon 7 know ifdrinking beer slowly don 't you wait a few days, after Film "Why Foley said, around it, " Mike O'Brien. "Here at Villanova her to even hookup with someone is a great idea, " Andy Botwin. all you just hooked up last night. there is no neutral zone. If you else."

do hook-up and call the girl, it is Hook-ups often happen at par- "So what about Bob?" Bob Nashak. depicts automatically assumed it means ties or bars. They are sometimes "I'm hungry. " Patrick Kennedy. This conversation may be very a relationship. On the other hand random, other times planned. One

familiar to many people on cam- if you don't call the girl, you're junior believes, "I don't mean to lose . ,. it still Monday? Who did I .,j , , rk ^ *L J "Is Waiting for the considered I particularly hked the wood- pus. phone to ring a "typical Villanova be cynical or pessimistic, but ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ last?"fason cutter, Andy Botwin. ^... gender after a "hook-up" may be one of jerk." alcohol is the root of all evil and the most distressing things in the Now it is not that every guy without it things would probably does not call world. Everytime you hear the a girl back to te a be pretty different. Let's face it "There's too much going on behind sound of bells, you jump. The jerk. There are other reasons. most of the time when you get "I'm going to cut through the fluff closed doors, " Patrick Kennedy. " get to the point, Sneha Patel. roles it and phone could be down three flights Sophomore Mark Viviano together with a girl, is under of stairs, under a blanket, behind believes, "If the girl likes vou she the influence and the reason I (Continued from page 19) the television, yet you hear the should call back. It is the '90s isn't don't call back is because I hon- "It is I, Bill fand, who will fulfiU " wish, " Veronica it? needs arid satisfy your desires, "I have a 4.0... I participate in the ruse is soon ring in the shower. That's if it If girls want equal rights, there estly don't even remember it or your Billjanci. Vaiti. supplanted by admiration for the does ring. are also equal telephone rights." it just didn't mean anything." feminine persona. By attempting Before we move any further, One junior, who did not want her There are some girls who don't to emulate in both walk and let's define a "hook-up." Many name used, said, "Depending on really think about the euv calling "I'manoutsider. way out,"f Paul "W ... weightrooms," Sean back. Junior Foghery said, mannerisms the beautiful Marilyn people have different ideas about the guy, I wait for him to call. I Jenna Vance. Kilkenny. "I I've been lucky so far. Monroe, Lemmon's character this simple, yet complicated don't call them, though. It really guess I wanted to call have, confirms the appeal of the female phrase. Students interviewed did stinks when they don't call. I The guys and those I didn't want to, didn't." "Also, I'mfrom Florida where I was "I trust you already know that nature rather than its implied reach somewhat of a consensus think it's a Villanova thing." taught some standard Catholic experience does count andpersistence inferiority displayed in other films concerning this ambiguous term. Other students, both male and Junior Mike Dunn said, "I think values, " Bill Fischer. does win, "Alan Kennedy. with transvestite themes. There A hook-up can range anywhere female, have confessed to calling when I hook-up, I have some is no hint of condescension or from kissing to perhaps something the significant others and hanging interest and would want to talk "/ want to keep students off the ridicule of women in Wilder's more. It does seem that for the up to see if he or she is home or to her later." Junior Giancarlo "Socially, campus is dead, as my Radnor not. One girl said she would Lanzano echoed Dunn, "I don't streets and away from "Hot" — only enamored imitation most part, a hook-up is not having even arrest record shows, Paul Vance. "J. Police, " Thomas Englese. and eventual understanding. -h sex, but simply "fooling-around." drive by her hook-up's house. hook-up often because I am very Wilder explores the overlapping So back to the issue of "did he It is not that every girl expects picky, so when I do I usually call "male/female" tendencies within or she call yet?" and if not, why? the guy to definitely call back; back." These are just a few quotes which the editorial staff found amusing all of us, a tendency that depends Many students acknowledge however, as senior Kathleen Maz- "Hook-ups," "fooling around," at the senatorial and presidential debates. less on gender than on a reaction that at least once they have zafro commented, "If a guy doesn't "getting together," all these are to a certain partner's personality. hooked-up and never heard from want to call you back, then he not unfamiliar to other college Again the meshing of the male/ that person again. So why is it shouldn't ask for your number." campuses. Many girls feel that the female psyche which has more of a spiritual foundation than a physical one comes into play and this very spirituality gives the characters in "Hot" a new found freedom — allowing them to be VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY who they are rather than being Reasons to bound by social decorum. WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM Return to Long Island We can credit Wilder with being a visionary who allowed females, PRESENTS A as well as female impersonators, : iWi denes "TAPESTRIES" ioeiely^i oodes of itteii ond m^ KATHLEEN L. HARKINS, O.P. it^les cHTKi otiitt to

ilbeiole itt ftom SSSS' "-^ tiieli supeiffdkoil 7 P.M. Right now, our personal word MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1994 University at Stony Brook Summer Session ^ iettrtclluiii liiiil VILLANOVA ROOM, CONNELLY CENTER # 250 courses in 40 subjects # Day and evening classes come wim extra characters, Kathleen Harkins depicts the lives of the following women: Julian of # Low NYS tuition r' Norwich, a 1 4th century mystic who called God "Mother" a limited time, when you buy a Canon StarWriter^" personal I # Register easily by mail or in person For I art disks I ^'^P word processor, you get three free disks filled with more than Th T? Th Th to be viewed on equal footing with Anne IMurrow Lindberg, a contemporary woman who finds solitude in the I worth $40. # Uve on campus or commute I his or her 200 clip art illustrations, holiday art and borders which you can own power and dignity I midst of activity # Two temis: May 23-July 1 ; July 5-Aug.12 I free StarWriter clip separate from their male use for all your very serious projects (yeah, right). To get three art disks, complete I all the information below and mail the completed counterparts. I created Lily Tomlin But, the StarWriter is perfect for producing more impressive Trudy the Bag Lady A fictional character by and Jane I form along with the oripnal StarWriter sales receipt (for StarWriter models 60. 70 "Some Like It Hot" is a brilliant, class assignments, too. It has 5 built-in fonts. And with Canon's I helps us to laugh at the more chaotic moments in our lives. For free bulletin, call 24 hours (516) 632-7070 I or HS\ dated between March 1. 994 and May 31. 1994 and the UPC code from progressive film which should not Wagner. Trudy StarWriter prints on I patented non-impaa Bubble Jet^ printing, the the top of the box to: Canon StarWriter Clip Art Giveaway, PO Box 9346, I be missed! It can be seen on March Catholic Worker muses over the design of plain paper with laser-like quality while hardly making A sound. I Farmingdale, NY 11735-9346 Dorothy Day The founder of the I 18. at 7 p.m., March 19, at 3:30 What's more, the StarWriter 85 and 70 even import DOS* I and 7 p.m. and March 20 at 7 in her life as a peacemaker. I Name. God documents from a PC computer. I p.m. in the Connelly Cinema. I mother of Jesus is an archetype of all men and Check into Canon's StarWriter today. And take advantage of I Address. The Monday showing will be Mary of Nazareth The I I given with the Divine Designer in creating the the free clip art offer by using this coupon. For more information, followed by a lecture by women who have cooperated weave I Phone No. lecture is call 1-800-4321-HOP. I Ruth Perlmutter. The I of their life's tapestry. .State I City .Zip entitled, "WiWer's WUdest Gender StarWriter 60. on StarWriter 85, optional on StarWriter 70 and I ^eet feeder standard Bender." Admission to each screen- I claims must be postmarked and received no later than June 14, 1994. Forms All the Student Programming Council accompanied by required documentation. Please allow 8-10 ing is $2.50 for students with I.D. Cosponsored by I valid only when For locations nearest you, call for all others. Tickets ] weeks for delivery. 1-800-4321-HOP. and $3.50 are available only at the door 15 minutes prior to show time. For more information, call 5194750 on weekdays between 9 a.m. and StarWriter 60 StarWriter 85 Canon 5 p.m. 1 ...

JVLWrrt-^- < v^^h,/ '^X»

Page 22 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN '« Page 23 FEATURES FEATURES Generation X deals Travels enrich shidenis WHO KNOWS, with reality (Contintted/rom page 19) }*®' ^^^ on^V taught me about concerning their experiences, one Topic /^P^"' °"' '"O'"^ . . . importantly underlying — T« ^ , , thought prevailed: partied through °^"",?'' ^° ^^^^"« travdUng to the 1970s and in the way of personal and career r.„I^!^l"«tr fr.'^i^L'^"^^^^^^^ ^a"^^^ JaiSn and living in WHO CARES By one semester in Japan seemed to ideas andTactions." ANNIE BLOCK 1980s, leaving a mess for us to fulfillment. Fortune magazine the culture was a rewarding Staff Reporter agree that the knowledge they've Although all of the clean up. Some of us feel that their reported that one-third of college student experience which enhanced per gained here at Villanova through travelers had different thoughts PROMISES, PROMISES, PROMISES. . . as the candidates sell experimentation with "free love" graduates from the classes of 1990 Straight from the Home Office in 201 Dougherty here are sonal growth their studies of the their souls to the in What exactly is Generation X? Japanese DEVIL exchange for your VOTE. . . that's and with drugs has left our to 2005 will not use to celebrate St. Patrick's Day: the college the Top Ten Traditional Ways a This is a question some of you language was great help in their a pretty HIGH price to pay for MEAL PLAN EQUIVALENCY generation to deal with issues education they have earned in the endeavors. Their in . working use of Connelly. . but what better place to be than in the . . may have asked yourselves repeat- such as AIDS and gang warfare. workforce. C.C.. what edly in the past. Generation X, the language allowed them to with the decorations and lighting for the new NITE CLUB and The fortysomethings believe the We are the generation of dim- Phi Kappa Phi along with baby busters and communicate, which in turn all... watch out KELLY'S... students won't be beating down Xers are too cocky, not respectful inished expectations. Whereas the 10) Bobbing for potatoes. allowed them to like twentysomethings, are phrases experience the YOUR doors they used to. . . not like they did on the night of their elders and not committed baby boomers grew up thinking Japanese culture fully. of the PRESIDENTIAL debate. . . the that have been buzzing around to hard work. Ironically, the anything CROWD that attended was was possible, our view Guessing people at 'Nova are NOT campus lately. of us, 9) how many unlucky This seemed to be a prime goal invites knee-deep in the issues... and knee-deep in OTHER things as Many how- boomers were the generation that is new more realistic 'Novans and pessimistic, of Irish descent. that all of the well. . . boy, ever, do not know what these students set prior they sure can throw IT around. . . we're glad all THREE made rejecting authority popular. sensing that affluence is going to to leaving for Japan. Senior of you brought your hip . . phrases actually mean and whom Xers also Ste- (Continued boots. but enough NIT[wit]-PICKING We have anger be difficult to achieve. from page 19) phen Kazi said, "This [studying on the candidates. . . let's pick on someone they apply to. Ironically, Gener- because we see ourselves as the who might ACTUALLY Generation X is a group of tough • former President Steriing mr« f« fu . , . , Delano, 8) Brag to Italians cool it is to wear green. in Japan] would allow for be able to keep . . ation X was coined by novelist about how a greater up with us. like the BASKETBALL team. . children of America's economic young adults who have seen it all. then . . Douglas Coupland. Coupland's decline. degreeofleamingbecausefwould exc^ ^Te ^^^^^^^ BUT again. they really couldn't keep up with PROVI- The job market has From divorce to deficit, there is W Se'm CoSnf;.^"'^"^^T ^l"^*^' be immersed in the could . . novel is a critical account of the language, as Kappa Phi at VinaTova,V jS^' DENCE, they?. Providence, shmovidence. . . but what we become impenetrable (unless you not much left that our generation 7) Leprechaun hunting. ?r^Tnt^l^^\tt% a'T in previous generation, the baby well as the culture." He went Lynch, maintains. "Whai is unique REALLY want to talk about is. . . how come MENDEL smelled are willing to do a "Mcjob"). This has not witnessed. In a positive NuS pSL^n^FW^^ like on to say that being immersed in about Phi old Amish FARM country. . . the next thing you know. . . Dobbin boomers. Coupland's writing is term was also coined by Coupland; light, Kappa Phi as compared the conflict of our day will Baker ' Biolo^ the will be trading in his intriguing; however, only our Japanese culture was an to the other honor CROWN VIC for a horse and buggy. . . NAH. . it refers to mundane, simplistic breed sensible, hard-nosed adults. societies on experience he'll we're too high generation can make heads or 6) Wake up to kegs and eggs. never forget, and campus is that it is tech and advanced at Villanova for THAT. . . just jobs that most employees are over- Unfortunately, however, many of interdiscipli- tails of his assertions. that alone will help him under- naiy, including the look at registration... and the visitation changes... before you qualified for. These jobs provide us are filled with fear and anger College of Arts This year's inductees will be it. . The current crop of 19-30 stand how Japanese citizens feel and Science, KNOW . Villanova might ACTUALLY adopt a Student Bill year- a small paycheck and little else for the future. Commerce and honored at a banquet to be held of . olds constitutes boiling contest. when they are in Amenca. Finance, Rights. . but even if you have NOTHING to say. . . and don't Generation X. (Xrs 5) Cabbage Nursing, Engineering Sunday, April 10 at 5 p.m. in the care if Junior Fatih Gurkaynak and your right to do so is anyway. . . . are too young to remember JFK's who the Law and Graduate Villanova Room of Connelly Cen- SECURED just remember. — long ". spent his fall semester in Schools." as as you "know your ABCs" and realize . . assassination.) Xrs are considered Japan, ter. The banquet speaker will be Because It's Working! ". . . the second-largest group of young agreed. "I benefited greatly; it was Dr. Who Knows, Who Cares. 4) If you can't get to NYC, check out the parade down Helen K. Lafferty, University adults in U.S. history, the largest a good experience to be immersed This [Edited by a BRUNETTE (sort of Auburn these days) CHATTERBOX who Lancaster to Kelly's. is well illustrated through Vice-President^ m another society. It's is tired, tired of playin' the game and has lost what little faith she had in being those born between 1951- a growing consideration of the prsent and men and the IN 1962 — the core of expenence. CALM THE STORM.] the baby boom. \ past officers of the society: former Our size is not the only aspect Junior Ann Mane Pisano reflect- Treasurer Bob Le Clair ' Finance-' that makes our generation stand ' 3) Jom in a few choruses of "Danny Boy." ed on her experiences not only as out; our style has also made us a student, but also as a teacher. visible. Xers have introduced the Pisano, who taught English con- "grunge" concept. Grunge applies versation to Japanese students, 2) Old people telling about the time they found their to our clothing and music. Grunge own said her students respected her "Pot of Gold" under the high school bleachers. looks like the way it sounds. It very much even though she was is composed of unkempt hair, the same age as many of her ID flannel shirts, baggy or students. She indicated that You ripped as a Know? jeans, student, it was difficult Doc Marten boots or Teva And the number one traditional way to celebrate St. Patrick's at times sandals. We have also adopted Day is: to address a superior because of piercing our noses and bellybut- the highly stylized, polite language The U.S. National Debt is now tons along with getting tattoos. which is used as a sign of respect. more than Our musicians wear similar get- According to Pisano, "The Amer- ups and play meaningful music 1) Throw some U2 on the stereo and remember when you icans in my class practically full of licks: Some of the actually had a little respect for Bono. rebelled against our professor year's Xers' signature bands because in English such a strati- include: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, fication in language is Arrested Development and nonexistent." Smashing Pumpkins. She said her experience in Japan Our attitude and what we stand was a rewarding one. Pisano for have also caused our genera- summed up by discussing how the tion to attract attention. In the friendships she formed in Japan workplace, there is much friction unlocked many doors for her. between the baby boomers and the "These friendships, regardless of baby busters (another term app- the many differences in beliefs lying to many Villanovans). We and attitudes that stood between Generation X has inherited the iegacy of the probiems of the busters resent the boomers previous generation. Growing Nearly One Billion Dollars Every Day. because we see them as having

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Page 26 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18. 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 27 ENTERTAINMENT -ENTERTAINMENT PICTURE THE NOMINEES FOR BEST And the Oscar winners will be . .

gn>nf(««naio«c*rthel)ay my Awards telecast. Again there ing record of ticket sales. James of World War U. repressed feelings for her is Miss of perfect seclusion in the It?"), Tom Hanks ("Philadel- of the Father"), Holly Hunter will be the cliched griping about Ivory's The Remains of the Day," Such an intense lack of emotion Kenton, the housekeeper. Emma acter of Stevens. It captures the phia"), Liam Neeson ("Schindler's ("The Firm"), Winona Ryder •*SchwkBer's Ust" the Academy's treatment of wom- nominated for eight Oscars, can could only be achieved by the Thompson shines in this role, neurotic chaos of being confined List") and Daniel Day-Lewis ("In ("The Age of Innocence"), Anna Laitretic* Fi»hlwtrae, en and minorities, again the i tacky not boast of such a strong perfor- superior acting of Anthony Hop- within the self in the symbol of »t ' the Name of the Father"). Though Paquin ("The Piano") and Rosie nicely juxtaposing Hopkins with Love Got To Do With It "What's production numbers and again the mance at the box office. But the kins, who plays head butler Stev- her sensitivity and integrity. She a fluttering bird, trapped. It also Hanks will win, his performance Perez ("Fearless"). This should be i i r i iii I . < Mu' i W irony of flash-in-the-pan shooting modest, well-executed film should ens. Nominated for Best Actor, earned a nomination for Best captures the lonely beauty of is something of a joke. His role a five-way tie, but, at gunpoint, stars giving awards be recognized at this year's Acade- Hopkins impresses audiences Actress through Miss Kenton's England, tranquil while the rest 0]B$T ACTRESS to geniuses. is short and underwritten, obvious- ifiocNim this critic would acknowledge This year's ceremonies, however, my Awards. with his perfect control — a dynamic struggle to bring Stevens of the world fights a bloody war. mmmm: ly because the filmmakers were Anna Paquin as having the per- may offer a little more class. The slow climb in popularity of control as frighteningly alien to to express his emotions. Viewed at its surface, "Remains Hoiy lfimt«r afraid to present a three- ifiyHHiloi^ccil formance most integral to her 1994 was an unusually "The Remains of the Day" may the viewer as his portrayal of But as a complete filmwork, of the Day" may havg seemed a *Th« Piano" good dimensional gay character to film. Winona Ryder, however, Oi«iii»in« year for movies. There is not one be due to its unique subject matter Hannibal Lechter in "Silence of "Remains of the Day" should slow, eventless love story to some Stockftrd mainstream America. This time, being the critics' darling, will '*$« D(;gr«e$ of Separation" bad entry in the Best Picture and method. Ruth Prawer Jhab- the Lambs." stand as the Best Picture of the of this year's movie-goers. But a in that eternal Hollywood tug-of- probably win. Aiitfdb Bflu»»eti cat^ory. The nominees are "The vala, nominated for Best Screen- As Stevens, however, Hopkins year for its strong themes, com- stronger, even frightening look at war between art and business, the For all their past mistakes, the "What's love Got To Do With It' Fugitive," "The Remains of the play, adapted the novel by Kazuo succeeds in exemplifying the municated through symbolism humanity lies below its surface. victor will be business. Comprom- Oscars have never descended to Etxmta TIk»»i|nsqo Day," "The Piano," Ishiguro. The plot concerns the unceasing work ethic and literary and theatrical exper- "In the Name ise should not be awarded. Day- The Supporting the levels of a popularity contest. and character. The screenplay is The "The Remains of the Day" Actor nominees of the Father" and "Schindler's dedicated and intense lives of dedication-to-task of servants of profound. With its cinemato- tise behind the motion picture DebraWi>»ger Lewis' masterful method acting are John Malkovich ("In the Line If the Academy errs, at least it List." Though it is ludicrous - English servants of an aristocrat the time period. The proud butler graphy and proficient direction by surpasses any other Academy "Shacbwlands" to performance deserves the Oscar. of Fire"), Leonardo DiCaprio does so on the side of compassion. say any one of these films in the 1930s. With limited action would never falter from his pur- Ivory, nominated for Best Direc- Award nominees. is In the Best Actress category, all ("What's Eating Gilbert Grape"), Whatever the outcome, the Oscars "better" than the others, the nominees are solid: Holly Pete Postlethwaite ("In the Name will continue to be a modern "Schindler's List" has the best Hunter ("The Piano"), Stockard of the Father"), Tommy Lee Jones mythological ceremony celebrat- shot surviving at the true test of Channing ("Six Degrees of Sep- ("The Fugitive") and Ralph ing that most religious medium of Piano' classic: 'The a time. It is the 'Schindler's List' boldest aration"), Angela Bassett Fiennes ("Schindler's List"). modern myths — the motion essay yet on this century's darkest ("What's Love Got To Do With Though Fiennes is hauntingly picture. By COLEEN KENIREY her emotions, must be left behind. By WAYNE BREMSER popular film audiences, are nom- Senior Reporter In exchange for the transporta- Assistant Entertainment Editor inated for acting awards. Spiel- tion of her piano, Ada gives berg brings new faces to the 01ST SUFFORtlNG lessons to George Baines (Harvey The Academy Awards are stup- screen; faces which are honest. Critically acclaimed writer/ Keitel) and she is eventually id. Art is not NCAA basket- Fiennes' performance in the film Academy offers director Jane Campion drawn to him. During their scenes ball. This fact will not stop the is the best acting in any film of NOMINEES: deserves to receive mainstream together, the two actors convey Academy from picking a "Best the year. Unlike his other films, recognition March 21 for her the frustration and passion which Picture" and over a billion people Spielberg gives portraits of char- aesthetic and erotic film "The simmer below the surface. from watching. If there has to be acters that are complex and student Awards Wtiiotia Ryder Piano." The award for Best Direc- Campion delivers a well- a Best Picture, a picture that they ambiguous. "The Age of Innoeence" tor has proven to be Hollywood's constructed film and keeps a recommend to the rest of the "Schindler's List" is the most Press Release regional winners. Winning glass ceiling, but if any woman sharp focus on details. She pro- living world, it certainly should important film up for Best Picture films from each of the three Ro«ie V^xi&z has the high-caliber work to break vides her actors with well-written be Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's this year because it documents a BEVERLY HILLS, CaUf. - regional centers will then com- •*F«»rl€«s" tradition, Campion does. The film dialogue and extracts the finest List." historical experience that would Dan Ladely of the University pete as national finalists. succeeds on all levels with excel- performances from them. Hunter, "List" documents one man's otherAvise be deleted from of These films will the Nebraska-Lincoln has been be screened at Anna Paqum lent acting, direction, screenplay nominated for Best Actress, transformation from a conman to memory of television-addicted named the Academy headquarters R^on Two coordi- and "The Piano" and cinematography. expresses more emotion through a savior during the Holocaust in Americans. More importantly, nator for the Academy of voted upon by the Academy Holly Hunter gives a powerful her eyes and body language than Poland. Schindler goes to German- Spielberg presents this experience Motion Picture Arts and Scien- membership. performance as Ada McGrath, a most actors do through dialogue. occupied Poland in hopes of exploit- in an artistically moving manner, ces' 21st Annual Student Acade- National winners will be Emma ThonEips^^i Scottish mute who is betrothed by Visually stunning, "The Piano" ing the cheap Jewish labor. As the in a way that transcends history my Awards. flown to Los Angeles to partic- "In the Name of the Father" her father to a man she has never makes dramatic use of color and war progresses, Schindler and becomes very current and The competition, which is ipate in a week of industry- met (Sam Neill). Ada must move captivates the viewer's eye. The becomes friends with Nazi Kom- meaningful. currently accepting applica- related activities and social to New Zealand where her new excellent cinematography gives madant Amon Goethe. Goethe is The reason why "Schindler's tions, divides the nation into events that will culminate on 'TheFirm*^ husband is attempting to acquire the film an artistic and beautiful a monster who causes Schindler List" will win best picture this three regions. Region Two June 12 with the awards pres- land from the native Maori people. appearance that enhances the to look at his own behavior. year is because it climbs over the includes Alabama, Arizona, entation ceremony at the Acade- MffeMMMMiMftpiM The Maori carry all of Ada's story. With "The Piano," Cam- Schindler is forced to make cho- walls that divide the ideas of love, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecti- my's Samuel Goldwyn belongings from the beach to her pion offers the Academy a high- ices that concern the lives of the misery, God, history and death. cut, Delaware, District of Theater. house, but her beloved piano, caliber masterpiece that should who work for him. "Schindler's List'" provides Columbia, Florida, Jews an Georgia, Students interested in enter- BEST SUPPORTING through which she communicates not be overlooked. Liam Neeson, who plays Oscar experience that is worth getting Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, ing the competition should ACTOR Schindler and Ralph Fiennes, who up off the couch and going to a Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, send their application request, NOMINEES: plays Amon Goethe, unknown to theater for. Maryland, Massachusetts, along with a self-addressed, Michigan, Minnesota, Missis- stamped business-size enve- The Fugitive' sippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New lope, to: 'In the Name of Hampshire, , New Mexico, Carolina, By KAREN GOULART Kimble obeys these commands, The action is fast-paced and North North Academy of Motion ;^iii:iigllive*' Staff Reporter and while his tired face and heart pounding, the script reads Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pen- Pictures Arts and Sciences rasping, heaving breaths give a through like a charm and flows the Father' nsylvania, Rhode Island, South 8949 Wilshire Boulevard Kimble scurries through sort of pitiful look Carolina, South Dakota, Ten- Dr. to the doctor, naturally without any cliches, the strating the tragedy within their Beverly Hills, CA 90211 "InthetiiieafFire" dark, twisting sewer pipes, there is an unmistakable nessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Attn: glimmer cinematography alone keeps the By BARBARA COLE relationship: it is only behind the Student Academy gun in hand, as he searches in Vii^ginia, West Virginia and his eyes. He looks at Gerard viewers on the edge of their seats, Staff Reporter confines of prison bars that Gerry Awards feverishly for a place to hide, Wisconsin. or again, now slowly approaching and the acting is impeccable. As (310- 247-3000, ext. 130) and Guiseppe are finally freed of "Schtftdlers more preferably, a way out. Little him, and then Students submitting films in List* at the swirling always, Harrison Ford turns in a Jim Sheridan's movie. In the their conflict. more than a stone's throw behind. water below. the animation, documentary, Trembling, he takes grand and believable performance, Name of the Father, which As the years flicker by, Pete Deputy U.S. Marshal Sam Gerard a deep dramatic or experimental cate- The Student Academy breath, bends himself and Tommy Lee Jones nearly deals with the turmoil of the Irish Postlethwaite excellently portrays LeiQHdiard DtCftprio squints his way through the forward — gory must first compete at Awards were established by and the real adventure steals the show in his Oscar Republican Army during the 70s the failing health of an aging **Whar*« Eating Gilbert Grape" watery tunnel ready to shoot (and begins. their r^onal level. In April, the Academy in 1972 to support nominated supporting role of has already captivated audiences Guiseppe who, in a complete role- kill) at the first sight of the Two decades, 14 scripts, Kimble's the Academy will host separate and encourage excellence in a dauntless pursuer. and now undoubtedly should reversal, is cared for by his son. escaped Kimble who only awards events in Lx)s Angeles, film making at P#te Po»tlethw»ti^ hours director, a big Hollywood star and A Best Picture Oscar would not capture the Oscar for Best In these touching moments the collegiate earlier had been on his way to face a few film locations Chicago and New York for the level. "In the N^iine (rf the Father" after producer only do justice to "The Fugitive," Picture. between father and son, their execution. Gerard hears footsteps Arnold Kopelson first decided to but it would open the door for The first half of the film is a defenses are put down and the two and quickly darts around a corner make a feature film based on the future films in its genre: films flashback, narrated by Gerry men talk as friends. to find — nothing. Kimble is too smash series, that 1960s "The Fugi- need not be period pieces or Conlon, (played by Daniel Day- Sheridan's masterful direction quick. With marathon-like endu- tive" finally hit the big screen last epic dramas to gain Oscar recog- Lewis) in which he outlines the and the superb acting are both rance, Kimble has eluded his summer. it And what a hit was. nition. It would mean finely events which led him to be wrong- praiseworthy; however, these stalker once again — and now he With Andrew Davis now direct- crafted films that do not need to ly imprisoned under the Preven- qualities alone do not make "In sees a light at the end of this ing, and Harrison Ford once again make the viewers sob through a tion of Terrorism Act. the Name of the Father" worthy tunnel. taking a lead originally intended box of tissues to grab hold of their After days of deprivation and of the Best Picture nomination. With a final burst of adrenaline, for Alec Baldwin, "The Fugitive" emotions — films with the time- physical torment, the hippies, Rather the film's beauty lies in the Kimble sprints toward the pas- not only rated higher than any less appeal of complete, unadul- who days before had preached free simultaneously complex, yet sim- sageway to freedom, but comes to other movie in Warner Brothers terated entertainment. love, finally submit to signing self- plistic theme, revealed in the title a screeching halt when he realizes historv with test audiences, but incriminating statements and are itself. that this escape route involves a it rat^ high with "real" movie- locked behind prison bars. The The father subject entwined several hundred foot free-fall into goers as well, raking in well over BfiST DIRECTOR police seize seven more of Conlon 's throughout the movie, represents a raging river. He turns quickly, $180 million to date. NOMmiES: relatives, including his father, Guiseppe's relationship with Ger- prepared to begin his search So what are the chances of an Guiseppe; leaving the combative ry, as well as symbolizes the again, but it is too late now. At action/suspense thriller actually **$chittjr- A. ' P..

Page 28 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18. 1994 \ March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Paga 29 ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT The Levellers mix punk with Celtic music THE ARTS most popular one By REGGIE BEEHNER Now comes their new album was their thus resisted the temptation of the Staff Reporter along with enough hype to make far, record executives drool in antic- comfortable band wagon and decided to stay with their Celtic The Levellers' newest release, ipation. So is all of this hype just Levellers, is dropping into the some fancy writing on the behalf roots. YankovHz compares stars loaphasiac'slife hands of the public. The Levellers of the promotional department? The result is a wonderful col- are the big rave in Britain, recent- lection of various sounds that By MICHELE CARROLL tries to illustrate the feelings ot Joseph Breen as Daniel, Anna's ly debuting at the combines acoustic , Irish No. 2 position Staff Reporter an aphasia sufferer by asking the boyfriend, gives a good perfor- on the British violin, Clash-styled riffs and even charts. Britain and ^•lyTight Sky," a play by audience to speak backwards. mance as the struggling baritone the United States may have bagpipes. Lyrically The Levellers some L\ Susan Yankowitz, tells Even the simplest task such as singer trying to get on his feet. musical differences, are often similar to that of old but in this IiwV'CHMMmI CIIw the story of Anna, a successful pronouncing one's name becomes Orli Cortel plays Jennifer, Anna's case our foreign Clash without as much of the gun friends might astronomer and professor who a great feat. In this aspect of the high school daughter. Breen, have the jump on us. talk. "Corrupt, corrupt from the The band ftpuiy biMtti of loses her ability to physically play, the audience is allowed to perhaps the most familiar to follows along the lines of bottom to the top/ And you tell similar communicate. She is forced to re- directly relate to Anna and her audiences through his work on dissenting British bands, cNNmhi Qlr In ttto me it's the law." In "100 Years notably evaluate her life and what is frustrations in communication. daytime television, has appeared the Clash. of Solitude" the band sings, important to her. Throughout the Anna's recovery, though slow, in such soaps as "The Guiding The Levellers are "Excuse ma'am for being so a combination me play, the main metaphor relates is contrasted with the develop- Light" and "Loving." Anna's of British Feels like 100 years of punk and Celtic folk rude/ Anna's spaces in her brain and her ment of another aphasic patient, family provides a means of sup- music, which mind is but makes their sudden solitude/ My numb inability to connect and form played by Yusef Bulos, whose film port and comfort, not without any popularity all the more surprising. my mouth's OK/ And you can words to the infinite spaces credits include "Awakenings" complications, but ultimately, it The band, formed in 1988 by listen or walk away." between the stars. "Bad stars," with Robin Williams. Bulos plays is Anna who must recognize her exiting previously Levellers are truly a breath musicians from other The Levellers, who The meaning literally "a disaster," is a much older character than plight. bands, surprised of clean air in the American scene the critics when released a poppy, "oh-boy-we- the cause of Anna's aphasia, or Easterman 's. Their age difference In a moment of intense inner their second album, the unpredictable Levelling the sure-are-having-fun-on-South- where has speechlessness. in the play, is related to the life struggle, Anna is pushed to the Land, eventually went gold. Street" kind of dance song that become so predictable. Anna, wonderfully portrayed cycle of stars. Yankowitz includes edge of her personal limits, almost by Laura Easterman, must devel- various scene changes, constantly a black hole, like that of the op a new means of expression and comparing Anna's condition to the cosmos. Once at this edge, she Crowded House gains assemble a new vocabulary. Most stars. must realize her fate and attempt musical ground of the play revolves around her With monologues by Bill, to overcome it. "Night Sky" is recovery with some moving scenes Anna's colleague, the audience is about language, inner and By MAURA GIBNEY a record contract. The outer (American tracks "Something So from Staff Reporter her hospital bed. In Easter- able to discern the underlying space, a medical condition, a % guitarist-keyboardist Mark Hart Strong" and "Don't Dream It's man's performance, the audience significance of Anna's develop- family's ordeal and an individual's would join the line-up after tour- Over" gave this new modern band can feel her confusion, shame, ment. Creative, yet simple scenery triumph. But most of all, it is Crowded House is one of those ing with the band to promote a listening audience in the United rare pain and loss of self. She knows highlight the New York City about communication. bands that constantly .) States as well. By 1987, Crowded surprises what she wants, but she cannot setting, with beautiful lighting "Night Sky" is playing at the their fans. With four Capital Records signed the trio House became one of the sleeper express it. effects portraying images of scat- Philadelphia Theatre Company under their belt, one and they left their homebase in hits of the year and was listed at In a moment of audience inter- tered and starry darkness, like from March 18 through March 27. might think their "style" would Australia for Los Angeles to the top of many year-end Best have action during the play, the speech that engulfing Anna in her hos- Tickets can be purchased by matured to a point where record their first album. During Album lists. after a therapist, played by Sandra Daley, pital bed. calling (215) 735-0631. few notes the song could their stay in L.A. their house Two years after their successful be identified as being off of one became a stop for an endless debut album, Crowded House of their albums. Thankfully, this procession of visitors, family and released Temple ofLow Men. Even has not been the case. With each friends, hence the name. Crowded though this new record was rather release, Crowded House has con- House. dense and moody, it was received tinued to explore new musical FOCUS: Shident characterizes warmly by fans critics i^Ausicai and alike. Theatre frontiers and to develop a great Crowded House's popular style: Rolling Stone magazine is cited as By TARA BRUNO porary composite of classical fairy element of Act I which range of ends in the sounds which have prov- "The way we make mistakes stating, "If on the first album Assistant Entertainment Editor the tale plots, sewn into a complete actualization of all the characters' en to be popular with both critics together gives us a distinct sound. band could sing joyfully, 'Now musical fabric. The stories of wishes. and the general listening I think a good band is a product We're Getting Somewhere,' Tem- The Student Musical Theater "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Cin- audience. of the members having different ple ofLow Men is the story of what displays a musical combina- derella," "Rapunzel" and "Little In late 1984, New Zealand band perspectives and the tion of blend being happened after they arrived. One comedy and drama with Red Riding Hood" contribute to disbanded and left Neil kind of the out-of-shape, but hopes each successive phase of the production of "Into the the completion of the intricate Finn (guitarist and ) distinctive." Woods" Crowded House journey will prove on March 17, 18 and 19 plot. |iiM»yie woffcing and (drummer) deter- In July 1986, at their debut album so rich a tale." 8 p.m. in the Gladwyne Elemen- The character of the Baker, mined to form a new band. After Crowded House and "distinct "The Crowded House journey" tary School Auditorium in Glad- played by Carlos Lopez, and the %tth ^uctonls who finding bassist at sound" went gold in Australia continued and in June 1991 their wyne. The Student Musical Theat- Witch, Stephanie Mangino, bring a party, the three quickly taped after five months. This newfound third album, Woodface, was er was founded four years ago by the other characters together as araso a number of demos and went off popularity and success was not released. To date, the album has the undergraduate students who they encounter one another in the in search of every band's dream. limited 'to the land Down-under. (Continued on page 31) wanted an independent outlet for woods. Complex plots unfold as their theatrical talents. the descriptive music, written by The Vasey Theater productions Steven Sondheim, tells the intric- ($lcig# Monogwr) are predominantly graduate stu- acies of the story line. THE dent productions, so the under- Commenting on the cast and ARTS graduates, seeking a separate production, stage manager Heath- ^fc ifc

Pay 30 • THE ViLLAMOVAN»lllfcm8,1—4 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT Pag» 31 Deveraux novel entices 'Angle' crtfempts more By ERIC CHEUNG tunately, for most of the charac- circumstances. Entertainment Editor ters involved in this story, Danny Yet there is something to this AHEAD THIS is unforgiving of his it handle murder by than can tale below the surface of insidious __ Karin's hand as well as his sub- revenge, revolting scenes of gore iJobertDeveraux's first novel, sequent burial, for he seeks to By KAREN e and displays of God-like power. GOULART lifelong best friendship. surprisingly scrappy and funny MXJDeadweight, could hardly be return her deed in full, Karin's special life-giving talent WEEK... Staff Reporter However, moments later, Tina Stephen Rea), the Irish lawyer considered a monumental achieve- This is probably where Deve- eventually leads her to regain the is out of the picture, replaced by with a wry sense of humor that ment in the genre of horror. Far raux shows a slight twist on the life she almost had lost for good It is a moving comedy abut two Angie's boyfriend, Vinnie (James she met at the Metropolitan Muse- less aware of elements of suspense basic theme of CHESTNUT CABARET "evil-force-from- because of her victimization. The best friends making the tran- Gandolfini), the sweet um of Art. In keeping with than 38th and Chestnut streets but stupid the Stephen King, with little of grave-on-killing-rampage." Rather sition from message is clear: victims of violent cijildhood to adulthood plumber that she has been togeth- flow of the film, it is not long the erotic appeal of Ann Rice, than staying with the victim's Philadelphia, Pa. crimes will not be able to live in Brooklyn together. It is a tragic er with before Noel is 382-1202 since the ninth ^ade. out of the picture managing less creativity than viewpoint the entire time, Deve- romantic story complete lives until they face and about the loss of When Angie discovers that she is and in and out come Angie's father Clive March 18 — Beausoleil w/ Zydeco a GoGo Barker and offering more raux likes to switch around from a first love finally put their respective pasts and the inability to pregnant, Vinnie is the only one and stepmother, her baby son and base, explicitly graphic details character to character, including March 19 — Shaggy w/ Red Fox behind them. Only then can they replace that love. It is a drama of who seems excited and, contrary her long-lost mother. than a smut-filled paperback, Danny and his newly March 22 — Gato Barbieri warped find peace. a woman discovering the truth to the typical By the time the film March 23 — Private Party scenario, Angie closes, one Z)ga(/M;«^A/ nevertheless draws in understanding of things. Deve- about herself SMALL SCREEN: and her family while decides that she simply cannot is sure that he or she has felt a the reader. raux does a particularly good job March 24 — De La Soul & On March 8, 1994, the 20th trying to raise a handicapped baby fathom the two of them being variety of emotions but each of Deadweight, the latest addition of describing ^what Danny goes on her Annual People's Choice Awards own. Martha Coolidge's married and refuses to wed him them were so brief that they to Dell's Abyss line of horror through when he frees himself CONNELLY CENTER CINEMA proved that there is no shortage "Angie" is all of these things and just because of the baby. hardly left a lasting impression. novels, is both a supernatural tale from his grave, Connelly Center of award shows this time of year. none of them at the same time. The manic scrambling from issue as well as a painfully realistic one. Deveraux also scores points Villanova, Pa. by Strictly an award's presentation This film, starring Geena Davis to issue is supposed to be symbolic Focal character Karin Tanner is giving details 645-7250 to secondary char- show, with no performances what- as the sassy Angie Scaccaipensie- of the craziness of Angie's seem- March 18 — Rudy haunted by the memories of a acters like next-door neighbors, ri, tries to soever, the People's Choice bases be a cinematic "jack ingly average life but it only violent father who raped her and Jimmy and Nona Gallagher. It is March 24 — Carlito's Way IliiifHiiiMhnilp its results on a random sampling of all trades" and ends up being serves to give the movie a disjoint- an ex-husband who abused her as too bad that they appear as unlike- a "master of of "average" people to determine none." b# a <^ii0iiKMe ed soap opera feeling. well. Danny Daniels, attained the able scuzzy people virtually J.CDOBBS with their favorites in music, television When the film opens and young In a role that was originally status of ex-husband when Karin no redeeming Third and South streets qualities. Still, no and movies. Angie is seen playing on the front crafted for Madonna, as Marissa stabbed him in the heart over two one deserves Philadelphia, Pa. the unequivocally Aerosmith managed to take an steps of her Brooklyn home with Tomei would say, (ieena Davis years prior to the story's setting, evil manners in which kills 925-4053 VISTA Danny award for Favorite Rock Group, COURTESY OF BUQNA PICTURES best friend Tina (Aida Turturro) does not exactly "blend" as a as she defended herself from his victims. Fully aware of his March 20 — Dillion Fence the Reba McEntire was proclaimed viewer gets that "Wonder streetsmart Brooklyn girl. She another attack. To this day, sexual appeal for March 23 — Brainiac '^ '•"•^*' '""y situations women and his top Female ""? she has had Years". .«. . ^.sort. ofu. .ccuu^,feeling, withwuu thetuc delivers Country Performer f« 2!. STJI . 2r i*'* her snappy, trashmouth despite her having married Frank own personal attachment to erot- March 27 — The Drovers marriage proposal, opinionated adult voice and Garth Brooks ended up with f« i!r. !!'J?K k5S "r "J^"^"!^ over and period music, lines with ease and spice but the Tanner, her in-laws and the birth of a t>aby. attorney during her icism, Danny exults in his vile "Angle" is playing at local theaters, that this is a trophy for Male Musical Per- going to be a movie This marks the end of Vinnie, far too forced Brooklyn accent is murder trial, guilt and feelings KHYBER PASS PUB of methods of destroying people. All about the trials and joys of a and Angie moves on to Noel former. The top dramatic series (a (Continued on page 33) longing will not allow Karin the the mutilations 56 South Second St. are done with an was "NYPD Blue" and the top freedom from her ex-husband, Philadelphia, Pa. eye towards how much worse comedy was "Home Improve- Much to Frank's dismay, Karin Karin's death will be, when he 440-9683 ment." Tim Allen was cited as the EAST ASIAN STUDIES PROGRAM visits the grave of her ex-husband finally reaches her. March 18 — Zen For Primates, Bulkhead w/ Mother's Garden House People's Choice for Male TV everyday. this is the March 19 — Original Sins w/ Day of Reckoning And perhaps most ^^,,„,„.c,Performer whilewmic Roseanneivuscamic DanBarr (Continued from page 28) 1 IN TOKYO. JAPAN The supernatural aspect of the March 22 — New Bomb Turks w/ Bob Evans engaging part about Deveraux's swiped the Female Performer. TV VILLANOVA - story lies m Kann, herself. With is March 24 — Truman's Water w/ Eric's Trip sold over 1.2 million UNIVERSITY SOPHIA UNIVERSITY writing. Once Danny free from in the area of film, Steven copies world- SUMMER PROGRAM a passionate love for gardening, his grave, about halfway through wide and has landed in the Top Spielberg received a special award SIX WEEKS Karin soon learns that she has the in MAIN LION NIGHT CLUB 20 in eight countries. In the book, he wastes no time in recognition of enormous contri- addition, vibrant power of life flowing 625 W. Lancaster Ave. reaching Karin. The murders are butions. Top comedy movie was the song "" has JULY 8 TO AUGUST 19, 1994 through her fingertips. Dead Wayne, Pa. reached the five in brutal but quick which does "Mrs. Doubtfire," the People's top countries flowers turn beautiful once again 688-2900 PROGRAM nothing to evoke suspense, but at Choice for dramatic movie was like Greece, Holland and South in her hands as does a dead March 18 — Love Seed Mama Jump Africa. Villanova University In cooperation with Sophia University the same time hardly proves "jhe Firm" and "Jurassic Park" offers undergraduate students a six-week Intensive Japanese 19 — ^guage and area studies summer ^ husband six feet under the patch is March Rhythm & Bluefish After program in Tokyo, Japan. Students will be boring. The action direct and took the overall favorite film an 18-month tour for accompanied by Professor Masako Hamada * of ground she visits daily. March 24 — Strange As Angels Department of Modem Languages and Literatures at Villanova University, Unfor- believably thrilling, given the honor. Wood/ace, Crowded House decided for the one-week Orientation. March 25 — Slippery and the Skirt Chasers to regroup at the beach and create The Program begins with a threcKlav stay in Tokyo followed by a three-day field trip to the historic a new album. The result of this cities of Japan The students then return to Tokyo for a five-week area studies program on the Ichigaya Campus'^ of Sophia'^ University. Students THE SPECTRUM endeavor is a record unlike any- ' may enroll In any two (2) classes listed below for six (6) Villanova undergraduate credits. mesnienze Broad and Pattison Place thing they have ever done. Not Philadelphia, Pa. only does it break Crowded House Julvl8toAuimstl81994: "Falling" has an electronic tively as Robert Plant. 336-3600 rules, but it contains sounds never By COLEEN KENIREY 8.30- 11:20 AM ECO The Rise of quality similar to the Yaz sound, Japanese Industry Senior Reporter On "Ode to Boy," possibly the June 19-20 - Phil Collins heard before on a album. modem HIS Development of Japanese but subtle hints of a hip-hop beat, Civilization disc's best song, Moyet's voice Together Alone is a reminder to HIS Contemporary barely audible, Chinese Society and Politics make it interest- achieves the freedom it lacks on THEATRE OF THE LIVING ARTS the public that Crowded House 10:00- 11:20 AM ART Survey of Japanese Art ing. The occasional exotic twang "Rock and Roll." It is 334 South St. less res- can not be easily classified into ECO Comparative Asian Industrial Systems sounds give the song an Eastern trained as she sings in time with Philadelphia, Pa. any musical category, and that it LIT Topics In Japanese Theatre flavor, particularly during its the rapid strumming, with effort- 922-1011 is first and foremost a guitar band. 11:30- 12:50 PM MOT Management In Japan opening. This track reflects less flair. At times she almost March 19 — Rc^er McGuinn The West Coast of Auckland. SOC Japanese Society Essex's attribute of variety. Many sounds like she is talking, giving March 23 — Widespread Panic w/ All Good New Zealand, provided the band JPN Survey of Japanese Literature pop albums contain songs that are "Ode" a rap element. The bongos March 25 — Cassandra Wilson with the necessary change of RST Japanese Religions hardly discernible from one anoth- lurking in the lower musical scenery and pace to produce this LOCATION er, but Essex employs nuances in All classes are on the Ichigaya Campus. Students layers continue to hold listener TOWER THEATER unique record. One finds the local are housed In double occupancy rooms in the Foyer Monet & Musset ri-9-6 each song that make it distinct Kaml-llcebukurao, Toshimaku, Tokyo Is interest. 69th & Ludlow streets culture of Auckland permeating 170) which a student residence center used by Sophia University. While cooking can '^^^^"^^^ center, students from the others. "Satellite" brings Moyet down Upper Darby, Pa. may take their meals in the University cafeteria on the Ichigaya campus, or at local Together Alone. For -instance, on *b5 "" is t^ to the bassline of her range. She 352-0313 the last (and title) track of the available in three versions, the provides deep-throated richness, April 2 — Ramones w/ Frank Black record, the sounds of the poly- OFF-CAMPUS ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Essex cut and the single and stretching the notes until they April 9 — Crowded House w/ Sheryl Crow rhythmic percussion of a troop of .^" cultural movies, receive training In the tea ceremony and flower extended mixes ?i"«f2L* ;f'f,"^ arrangement, and take field trips to the on the CD-5. Essex seem expanded enough to burst. Meljl Shrine, National Diet, Supreme Court of los drummers from Auckland's Justice. Stock Exchange In Tokyo, and to the centers in historical cities of is best known as offers a more subdued "Whisper- Kyoto, Kobe and Nara. She gives each syllable of the title TROCADERO Cook Island community, the Waka it; the vocal powerhouse behind ing" compared to the dance- a deliberate fullness, inflating 1003-05 Arch St. Huia Maori Choir and a bass band '80s synth-based super group Yaz. oriented CD-5 tracks. The single COSTS each one with clear resonance. Philadelphia, Pa. can be detected in the background. Yaz's image centered on its elec- mix is by far the best, and it pe comprehensive program fee of $4,800 Includes Orientation, One very slow song was needed 923-7625 Neil Finn explains the band's tuition, all meals, housing, transfers, field trips and program tronic leaving fees. The cost does not Include music, Moyet in indicates a refreshing direction for balance and of the transpacific roundtrip ticket, optional travel, personal expenses or insurance. "Take Me" fills March 18 — Machines of Loving Grace w/ Punch Drink use of the local culture when he virtual anonymity. Moyet's voice for Moyet which she should have the void. An echo effect is used March 19 — Big Mess Orchestra says, thought it would be EUGIBILTTY rich "We added a dimension to hits like utilized more extensively on Essex. on Moyet's voice, establishing the March 23 — Urge Overkill w/ Eugenius great to get together all these All participants must meet the following "Move Out," balancing the mus- The upbeat qualifications to be considered for the program: rhythm contains ethereal mood of the cut. A liquid March 24 — City • University Paper Fashion Show elements that to us are evocative undergraduate student In good standing (no academic nor disciplinary probationary status) ic's mechanistic rhythms with a shades of various dance music • *- j f j j feeling is created by the dreamy of the South Pacific without A minimum of 2.50 GPA on a 4.0 scale sensuous and soulful quality. genres including an indirect disco guitar as the vocals drift between • Two semesters of college-level Basic Japanese, 23 EAST CABARET trying to be high-minded about it. or the equivalent Moyet followed her stint with quality. The extended mix fea- delicate • Completion of the Villanova and Sophia whispers and husky 23 E. Lancaster Ave. Just have fun and throw them applications Yaz with three solo albums: Hoo- tures a slick, • An official, lengthy intro with tones. Ardmore, Pa. current university or college transcript together." • Return doo, Alf and . "It the repetition of strange echoes. Diverse influences all materials bv April 29. 1994 enter the 896-6420 Although Together Alone occa- Won't Be Long" from Hoodoo The common element of the picture on "Dorothy" and "So Am March 18 — Dynagroove w/ Chef Eddy sionally sounds like a New Age Upon receiving the letter of captured a Grammy nomination three acceptance, all students are asked to send the first payment of $400 within 10 days payable "Whispering" mixes is I." The former song is upbeat with March to 19 ~ Rumple Pie w/ Leggs Akimbo album, the effect is relaxing (not VlUanova University to the Office of International Studies, for Moyet and confirmed her dramatic vocals. Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085. The slow upward touches of Irish folk music fiddles, March 22 - An Acoustic Evening with Kurt Lippe w/ John Vuotto sleep-provoking). Crowded House status as a strong vocalist. The vocal climb to an emotional cres- although Moyet holds PROGRAM SCHEDULE back too March 23 — Spiral Blue w/ Noise Boys has once again achieved the per- British singer's new disc, Essex, cendo is reminiscent of '50s torch much by not unleashing July 8, Friday — Lv. Philadelphia and then Los Angeles her full March 24 - Eddie Kirkland w/ Rock fect blend of soft ballads and follows the release of a Whispering 0-Jets July Saturday Ar. songs. "Whispering" maintains vocal strength. The latter 9. — Tokyo and transfer to city hotel song catchy pop tunes. Together Alone Your which contains July 10. 1 1 12 Sun., Mon. Name CD-5 variety by blending elements of offers a flashback to an early & / & Tues. — Orientation In Tokyo '80s is one of those records one wants two alternate versions of ''''' "Whis- various decades: dramatic vocals predictable pop beat * ~ '^^'^ "^""'P ^^ historic cities combined to have for the summer while i*'7j?'.li * AV*!!'^****'!?"''^ pering Your Name" as well as a of the '50s, disco dance beats from with soulful background vocals. relaxing the beach or during live track on July 16, Saturday — Ar. on Ichigaya Campus, Sophia University and two previously the '70s and an '80s Yaz-like "F.O.S.," included on the CD- MOVIE the colder months to bring hope July 17 to August 18 — Sophia University unreleased recordings, synthesizer base. THEATERS Summer Program is misplaced in 5, this group of that warmer times are ahead. Essex is not a very powerful live The cover of Led Zepplin's songs. It is an unusual piece for Crowded House will be performing August 19, Friday — Lv. Tokyo International Airport album in terms of musicianship, "Rock and Roll" on the is CD-5 a solo vocalist because it is bas- AMC ANTHONY WAYNE THEATER with Sheryl Crow at the Tower Ar. Los Angeles and then Philadelphia International but it is to be heard primarily as unique at best. The sparse sound, ically instrumental. 105 W. Lancaster Ave. Except for Theater on March 23. a vehicle for Moyet's voice. It is consisting only of interaction occasionally blurting "America," Wayne, Pa. PROGRAM INFORMATION such a strong voice that it draws between Moyet's voice and the Moyet is silent on this song. It is 688-0800 All students must contact Professor Masako Hamada for an Initial Interview at in other senses, making guitar, Room 335 St. Augustine Center/Vlllanova the Moyet would be appealing on any an attempt at a postmodern, Unlversl^/Vlltanova, PA 19085-1699/610519-1701. All non-VlIlanova students must aUo contact the Office of International almost seem physically present to other song except this one. It is fractured dance song that is too AMC BRYN MAWR Ontorcitod m woridng for llM fM- Studies for further information at Room St. TWIN THEATER 420 Augustine Center/Vlllanova Univ«rsity/VIUanova, PA 1 9085- 1699/61 19<«4 the listener. overall of unnatural 06 12. The sound and odd for someone self-conscious to succeed. The 8^4 Lancaster Ave. addlpliia Zoo? Oi Maddnc IrowN the albuum is bare and simple, with such a reserved vocal style addition of telephone Bryn Mawr, Pa. for infomulioii (175-3992). NOTE: Villanova University reserves button more the right to modify or cancel the Program If circumstances warrant showcasing her talent in the as Moyet. She is unable to scream sounds and dial tones, combined 525-2662 foreground. "ooh" and "ahh" quite as effec- (Continued on page 33) Pay 32 • THE ViLLANOVAN • March 18. 1994 -ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT March 18, 1994 • THF Vlt LANOVAN • Page 33

^ «r HOROSCOPES Chainsaw Kittens release energizes^^ By MIKE BECKERICH a.i.., . ^ ^^^antic. Recordso j , By ^ta/f Reporter release probably has WAYNE BREMSER PISCES: Mentally prepare yourself for slow, warm decay; William the most potential In the latest press release, Assistant Entertainment Editor , . for airplay. The slithery T.Rex- Faulkner style. ore violent then a Smashing Tyson Todd Meade, the Kittens inspired "I Ride Pumpkins, more Free," is also a M. brash than lead vocalist, says, "Now that good song. Living Colour, faster than Pearl everyone and their dog are getting The Kittens have some inven- Jam. Look out MTV. It is a harder, LIBRA: While gazing aimlessly at gang we decided to go the other tive basketball on TV, you ponder the ARIES: In of late, great American poet Charles Bukowski, tunes. Organs, gongs and memory of cats with axes. It is a control that God has over dinner way and get real melodic." Tyson other humans. The subject of power and free you drink cheap wine and listen to Wagner. sound effects give off an special at the spit. No, it is the will drifts in your head for 30 continued, "I think the last album eerie seconds and then leaves. You grasp Chainsaw atmosphere. "Soldier On My for Kittens. (Flipped Out in Singapore) the remote next to your leg and switch to "Entertainment Tonight." came Shoulder" is a good example of Fop Stress, the latest release off a little too metalic for us I've this. Tyson sings, "I found myself from the hard rockin* Chainsaw always been into bands that are alone/ Hooked to a telephone/ Like Kittens, IS an imaginative collec- melodic and emotional, like the some demented life-support." tion of songs 12 that range from New York Dolls and early AQUARIUS: Your feelings are hurt by a stray animal that refuses When the Chainsaw Kittens go TAURUS: All these people around you look exactly alike, their faces loud cymbol-crashing rockers to Aerosmith." to let you take care of it. all out with the power and volume moving by slowly. You wonder who is real and who is a ghost. surreal thought-provoking arran- The first couple of songs has a they sound like early Clash, and gements. After a year of steady great deal of radio-hit potential when they turn the amps down touring, including opening for "Loneliest China Place" is a a couple notches, they are com- Public Image Ltd. and Smashing Kinks-style ballad that has just parable to the Replacements. Keep Pumpkins, the Kittens settled the right amount of volume to your eye on MTV for the electri- down to record their Mammoth/ keep it interesting. The title track fying VIRGO: While gazing aimlessly Chainsaw Kittens. at basketball on TV the words "free CANCER: Ah, the Holocaust of the American mind. All of your friends speech" drift in, then out of your realm of focus. You stare down have become shameful television addicts. They do not have an attention at the carpet and then mutter, "Hey, pass the potato chips." span long enough for the Far Side. Garden chimes in, stands apart on the disc. It is not traditional which CRYPTO—LYRICS (Continuedfrom page 27) contributes to the idea that the which has a feel that is more band has become more accessible. Each letter in the Cryptogram atands for another. Each puzzle reminiscent features of early Garden. Next, the lyrics to a popular song followed by artist CAPRICORN: Head out to the highway, get "Black Hole Sun" has the and song title. your motor running. GEMINI: You will find yourself standing naked in your room on When the third track rolls around, feel of a mystical Beatles Do not tailgate that big oil rig. Saturday night, song, dancing to salsa music on jazz 90.1, WRTI. one begins to see that he or she with the unmistakable sound of is witnessing a new side of the Cornell and the chemistry to make band. "Fell YSP'J LF UOQUNY On Black Days" It JS LF is a all work. Yet, once again, this BFUI YSP'J light guitar-driven track, with IS a deviation from Soundgarden's lead Chris Cornell singing lulling- past. Though it works very well. ly into the listener's head. It LF HQSAY LEO: You are a silly, silly person who calls a young astrologer's voice is just strange hearing this side JS LF EJQSPT RAEJ ZSSI SCORPIO: Yes, you conclude on Tuesday, there should be the death The famous Cornell scream is of mail (#86005) at 3 a.m. Instead of saying anything remotely interesting Soundgarden. penalty for people who are boring. They not only take physical pretty absent, and or creative, you BORE, BORE, BORE. up the vocalings This first single, "Spoonman," space and demand aesthetically offensive food and clothing products, of Cornell are put on full display. IS pure Soundgarden, and is a very NPJS but their metaphysical presence is a problem too. "Whatsoever I've feared has XSAQ KFUQJ GX OQNFPY, JKUJ come kickin' song. "All my friends are to life/ Whatsoever I've fought off Indians/ All my friends are became my black life/ Just when every and red, Spoonman/ All my day seemed to greet me with a friends are skeletons/ BNZZ LF JKF QFJAQP SAGITTARIUS: You only listen they beat JS XSAQEFZO to KYW this week. You have sick, smile/ sunspots have faded and the rhythm with their bones, sick fantasies about the methods of punishing Pat Famac for her now I'm doing time/ cause I fell Spoonman." offensive screech. ••••••••••••••••••••• on black days." Cornell does not On the appeal factor, "The Day — FPNTGU (QFJAQP JS NPPSWFPWF) emit the senseless lyrics of I many Tried to Live" is a 10. It has an hard rock bands and his lyrics incredible feel, and is the best Answer to last Issue's 'Nova Crypto-Lyrics: have substance to them. One chance Soundgarden has had yet cannot conclude that this is deep to make an impression on a radio OH BROTHER, ARE YOU GONNA music, but it is not silly either. chart, whichever Avr one it may be. LEAVE "Mailman," the fourth ME WASTIN'AWAY? track, is "Kickstand" reverts to the old pure — BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Sabbath, which is good. school and "Fresh Tendrils" They pick (STREETS OF PHIU^DELPHIA) up the feel of the old manages to accomplish the same days, and incorporate it, again, feat. "4th of July" is a dark song, with success. The sixth track possibly the best track. This is the Extra diverges from the other Extra tracks in song that is going to stick out in that it is written and sung by Ben your mind after listening to the Sheppard. disc. "Pale in the flare light the 5 FREE Soundgarden's spinoff, You are FOOD Hater, sacred light cracks and disappears 5 with Ben Sheppard 2 and Matt and leads the scorched ones here Cameron of 2 the Garden, formed and everywhere no one cares/ The invited to 7 in 1993. Now, on Superunknown, fire is spreading and no one wants 7 Sheppard shows that 3 he has the to speak about it down in the hole goods. This melancholy song, only Jesus tries attend 6 3 to crack a smile beneath becoming abrupt when Cornell another shovel load." 6 Philadelpliia's 6 WEEKNIGHTS ARE 6 'Angle' Moyet EXPO premier (Continuedfrom page (Continued from page AFTER 5 p.m. 31) 30) Professional enough to bring tears to with passing train Career Fair your eyes noises, are too- and blood to your ears. obvious devices. MONDAY TUESDAY If you can stand to listen to her, The mixture of a whispery PHILADELPHIA'S TOP COMPANIES WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Davis puts on a decent perfor- background and more soulful mance that could have used a little vocals gives originality to "Get- ARE LOOKING TO HIRE more support from the rest ting Into Something." of the The piano's IDS Financial/American * * * BUY ONE GET BUY ONE GET Express Modell's Sporting Goods ' Pilney Bowes MONY Fashion BUY ONE GET frequently disappearing cast. slow upward climb BUY The through notes Bug • * * • * ONE GET Comcast Blockbuster Entertainment Family Dollar Stores ATX Telecommunications ONE FREE saddest part about Angie's break during two parts of the song is ONE FREE Mary Kay Cosmetia * * * * * ONE FREE CVS Pharmacy Phoenix Home Life Radio Shock Wawo The ONE FREE up with Noel is that the viewer a nice twist that heightens the * '^'"C'Poj Financial Group ' Last Calll/Neimon Marcus MetUfe ' ' * will no longer be entertained by song's drama. U-Houl Penn Mutual The ' Chubb Institute American Frozen Foods ' Soles Consultants * * MEATBALL Stephen Rea's deadpan quips. Moyet displays a stunning, Liberty Mutual Clement VEAL FARM. SINGLE Communications Prudential * * CHICKEN GARLIC Imbued with good intentions, wide-ranging voice on ' Staples Self-Placement Network... & more. BREAD ^^ Essex and "Angie" simply cannot deliver the Whispering Your Name CD-5. At JOB EXPO you'llfind dozens ofcompanies hiring for hundreds of SANDWICH SANDWICH exciting PARM. everything it promises. Problem Some of her attempts at experi- positions in: Sales, Management, Financial Services, Retail, relationships and internal con- mentation, such as "F.O.S." and Customer Service, Data Processing, and more. Save time, travel & money flicts "Rock in the are resolved with rampant and Roll," are slightly too job hunt by meeting with dozens ofdecision-makers - all in one day. , WE DELIVER ICE CREAM, SODA, CHIPS, FRIES cliches, and the viewer is left ambitious. For the most part she CIGARETTES, BAGS ICE, ' feeling the worst way a movie can selects beats and background Oil: TCCHNICM CABCCA FAIR OF AND MORE!!! make a viewer feel — no different vocals which complement and * The Vanguard Group General Research * National Computer Systems * • than when he or she walked in. direct focus on her incredible Professional Partners Aerotek * XRT * voice. Although she has broken Financial Systems Judge Technical Systems... and more These dynamic technical companies are away from the Yaz style, its hiring now for: computer programmers, network engineers $1.00 OFF system archnecls ' d designers, support and many other $.50 OFF sythesizer impulses still leave staff challenging and rewarding positions. their mark on her sound. Al^rr ORDER OF TUESDAY, 14" OR 18" PIZZA Antiques is a 30 minute radio MAR. 22, 1 994 SUPER FRIES show thatfocuses on the ONLY ONE COUPON PER subject of antiques. The show [The Valley Forge ORDER ONLY ONE wilt include guest antique Convention Center COUPON PER ORDER | specialist/artist/restorers 1 20O First Avenue King of who will center the discussion Prussia, PA Show hours: 9 ojn to 6 |m. Proper business attire is required; - on interesting topics for the bring copies of your rosume 5 2 7 3 6 O 6 WITH Terry Harris Tri County audience. Tune in FIVE DOLLAR ADMISSION toWKST92.1. 6

' a^i>'iii4 i :»"rf

P«9> 34 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994

aji . Marchwaron 18,ib, 1994199A • THEthe VILLANOVANvii • Pagt 35 PERSONALS AND CLASSIFIEDS Women's track struggles at NCAA By PETE Mcdonough not exactly track powerhouses. of 4:41.87, which is about SU^ff Reporter one The distance medley relay team, strong competition Villanova had the best national in all the second slower than her personal composed of Cathalina Staye, time of the season events. this year in the best time of 4:40.78. Spies did Molloy, Spies The Site: The Hoosier Dome in and Woodward, Distance Medley Relay and the Villanova is Help Indianapolis. manage to take third place with finished a very disappointing currently working Wanted For Personals 5000 meters, Rent Personals and yet the Distance her efforts, and to recruit athletes to participate The Event: The 1993-94 Rudolph took first seventh, after posting a time of NCAA Medley team finished seventh in all events Indoor in with a time of 4:37.64. 11:13.22 earlier this season. and to give those Track and Field Indiana This Help with a time 13 seconds events depth. Wanted - Cashier, stock person, sales, Championships. Jen Rhines had the best time in time had been the best in the For Rent ~ 3 bedroom house. 1 labor. Full and part time bath, large Hey Sigma Qamma Alphsl I'm back again, Kala: Thanks for keeping me in line wtien higher than their positions available yard, previous best. the nation this year at the basement Close to shopping and one last tme before The Expected Big nation this year. Two weeks ago, Besides the fact Apply in person to Waterloo the changing of the I needed it Hopefully, our journeys into the Outcome: For the that this season Gardens, 136 fransportatton. The team can look 10-15 minutes from campus. guards. Fear not, because after listening to forward to East Championships in the 5000 the PA or 200 North "Red Zone" have gone undetected thus far. Villanova Women's team to same distance medley relay ended on a somewhat dismal hSSD^^SL ^^^ RS^^' $1,1 do/month plus utilities. Call 543-3^. our constituents, finish a better finish note, Wittord Rd.. Exton. PA. we can't k>sel Smile and I never thought I'd be so dad to be in the outdoor COM- meters just two weeks ago. Her team ran a time of 1 1:22.88, have faithf — Madame in the top five as it has for which there is another piece of sad Sec. ATOSE in my life. I'm glaowe'll t>e in class the season. However, new& the team has time there was 16:02.67. Her time won the together next year — we doni see nearly past seven years. Big East title, but was that hit the Villanova track world not placed higher than seventh in enough of each other. — Your si^ The Result: last week in the same event was a significant decline from thdir in the past A 10th place finish. the outdoor couple of weeks. Marty Help 01' championships in the 16:54.39, placing Wanted — Office Lediee — Sorry I last week her third. One first result in support staff full time missed you Tenth? This year the the event. This time Stern will retire as head position team has past seven years. coach of available. Ansvwing phones, com- Miscelleanous — I'm slacking off. Hope you had an awesome may think that this time seems out, they puter Kevin (2nd paneUat from tha left) had some of its best posted a time of 1 1:26.97. both the men's work, aid week. it Hanay: track perfor- and women's inventory control. Apply in Nat Mar — Thanks for Monday, meant A positive point is that Are you hungry? But I'm not altowed to print everyone a bit slow. The race was inadvert- person to Waterkx) afoti Nk: — I can it alll Smile Had they run as well as Gardens. 136 Lancaster know you do mances in recent years, but once who ran they did teams at the end of the 1994 Ave.. Devon. PA. — and don't forget my daily hugl — T what I'm hungry for. Thanks tor the laughs this year, with the again, the lack of at the Mobil Invitational, they outdoor season. and all the weter. One last thing — ntoe tie. depth plagued exception of Perhaps it was *'*^ senior Emer Molloy, would have S? ^*^.* •mployment guide. them. Individually, two third finished second, trail- the news of this event that the Earn bk) $$$ + travel the will be back next year to try world freel (Carib- place again. A team that dominates ing only the bean. Europe. Hey OanWIe - This one's tor finishes, a fourth, Wolverines of Mich- women had on their minds when Hawaii, Asia!) Hunyl Busy you sweetie! Chrissy Cross-stitoh, and a However, four of Part-time, on-campus thanks for bearing with the eight runners job with the Princeton Spring/Summer seasons approachirKi. Gua- Hope you had a great week, and rm SO proud seventh place igan, who trounced the field with they hit the me. Even though all I do is nx>an and finish are very track in Indianapolis, Review. Are you highly motivated, ranteed of you Congrats groan. who finished ahead of cross country so heavily well success! Call (91 9) 929-4398 Ext 1 — on Sunday. You're the the individ- "That room I time of was so small. wish I was In the respectable, but a 11:08.60. or perhaps it organized and comfortable speaking in front best til' anyone couM fori they do not was simply the lack ask — T cinema" Kate add ual runners will also be of a group? Call 243-1400 back next should be to Although for more infonna- up to more than 19 points. Unfor- aUe beat the team ran well, a of depth that once again made the tlon or to set up year. an inten/iew. $7/hr.+ bonuses. lack of depth tunately, at the Hoosier Dome last lilce plagued them. A season a season full of positives EUROPE this summer? Fly The meet did have its teams Middle — only $1691 Hey Zeta PtiW SMILE! - bad parts, team will XOXO T . you're out of this woridf And if weekend, win a Cross CALIFORNIA - $129 ea way! CARIBBEAN/ even this total was good but the Country and negatives. you won't be dancing the night away women who did run, ran Mexican Coast - $189 r/t AIRTECH 1-800- due to enough Tennessee State. National Championship some unforeseen for only 10th. well. with six 575-TECH. circumstances . . . who Particularly, Tosha Wood- knows, who cares. The meet was filled runners placing in the top 100, with its ward, who ran in Dear Helen and Lois, the Taurus is all the 800 meters. For Rent share of high points provided two or three finish in the wanned up. We shouM all go out for a joy and low She finished fourth, but in the last ently made into 5200 meters. Due top ride some time. Bfow-off for points. High Point: seven. Villanova has been able ACCOUNTING yiliwtpva Is iMeutiful work a couple the competi- lap, SOLUTIONS In the eummert Why Scopes, how intellectoally tough ARE you? she passed three runners and to an error leave? of hours and come out for a spin! Love and by the officials, an to do that in the is growing Take those courses you couW not Ski tion was tough, with over past so they have in leaps and bounds! thanks, Kate and Liz, the 55 fmished with a schedule in the VUlanovan personal best of extra lap was mistakenly fall this summer. Pick up a teams in run by won five straight titles. We are looking for Student summer the field competing with 2:04.87. accounting Registered Apartments - 3 sesskH) schedule in Vasey 107. Becky Spies also ran a the contestants and since an order apartments, 'Nova. Point: In track, things are a little related candidates to each with a big yard, private Low A team that very respectable join our parking To TMrd Floor Katharine, thank you for race in the mile. after 5000 meters in nice residential neighborhood and could not be different. A team really dynamic team in if being such wonderful reskJents. dominates cross country so cannot temp or perm Soopee, toving you is so wrong. I don't want Don't think heav- Running available June 1. One with 3T)ig in the same race determined, bedrooms to right, you ever go unappreciated was the race was left as field living be even N you sound like chewlMcca by me. K. ily should be able competitors in four events opportunities in Delaware room, kitchen, bath, bateony. $860+ to beat teams favorite Amy and and have that gay bird on your hat! Love, Rudolph of Provi- it ended. Rhines finished utiities. The second has 2 third, and expect to win. is Chester bedrooms, living Personals the like Middle Tennessee State and This why counties and in DE. room, kitchen, ENCHANTRESS dence who was fifth individually bath. 2 balconies, very but there's no telling how she big schools like Franoaa, Demi and Dillon Woman — Just Indiana State, who finished eighth Alabama (2nd Summer placement also! To spacious. $650 utilities. Third - effteiency at last fall's NCAA Cross Country would have done with thought I wouto remind you that "the gangster had the race not place) and big windows, spacious, new kitchen, walk and ninth respectively, and are Texas (3rd place) do hear more about avail, opptys, of tove rides again!" Championships. Spies ran tn closet. $350+ utilities. Call 527-1871 a time been botched by the officials. well. or Bryn Mawr, my confktont . . . who has aired They can come call Dianne 525-2585. up with (610) 891-8370. my dirty laundry for all to see. I will gel you. To All Men: It is not always the woman's Miss Fanell. Just kklding, Brynn. Love. Kale fault when thirigs aren't going right If you're ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS unhappy with the way things are going, take A DIVISION a K)ok inside yourself! Just OF THE PLACERS, INC. when you thought that special somebody wasn't here... For Rent — 4 bedroom. 2 bath large house "^j/l- *****^ ^^^*^^^ ^^» you? We missed youM! But not with deck and screened porch on 1 .2 acres even half as much as we bet you missed wooded lot. Students okay. $1 800/month. Call us! We missed your wacky To the 647-2118. Vis. Arts Comm. — Thanks tor your pranks the most! Peekaboo! Better beware time and support I hope to — we II get you see you all at when you least expect it! the movies tonight — — Liz Snerri and Kate Villanova Bigs & Littles EARN MONEY SELLING Student Apartment — Prime location near To the Entire Vlllahovan Staff: Just three PRESENT: May the Kelly's. 2 floors. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored more to go. And then you won't have to put mST KIDSTUFF gtorified. loved with living room. etc. Private parking, big yard, and persen/ed throughout the up Liz's ranting and ravings anymore. worW now and forever. (But we know you'll COUPON SAVIMr,^ patio. $1275+ utilities. Call 527-1871 or 525- St Jude woricer of miss that) Keep up the Computer-Matched miracles, 2585. Available 1. pray for us. Say this great wori( come April 22 and don't Dating June prayer 9X daily screw tor BOOK 94 8 days and your wish will be granted up JERKS. L and K March 18th through March 25th SELL 5 OR MORE BOOKS AND EARN $8 PER BOOK AH you have to do is: SELL 5 BOOKS AND EARN $40... SELL 50 BOOKS AND EAfiHi^Ofl... IT'S 1) Fill in name information, EASY TO SELL TO FAMILY, FRIENDS, Just 2) Answer questions below, NEIGHBORSI BOOK OFFERS HUN- DREDS OF PHILADELPHIA 3) Staple one dollar to form, AREA COUPONSI - 4) Return to: Connelly Center table, NO RISK Attention NO UP FRONT COSTSI Table at Donahue, Dougherty, o^ FOR INFORMATION, CALL St. Mary's, Campus Ministry, or JUST KIDSTUFF Member of Bigs and Littles Program, (215)526-0669 5) Return by March 25th, and 6) Pick'up results between March 28th All Student and March 30th in Campus Ministry Please Help Support the Program Malnim (and maybe find that someone special!) Nightclub Please & Sports Bar Print Clearly: PLEASE STAPLE DOLLAR HERE: NAME: TONIGHT TWO GREAT BANDS Orsanizations Phone (optional): LOVE SEED Please Circle BEST reapon^ of those provided (only ongj) MAMA 1. Where do you spend the most time: JUMP 6. Which cult leader do you find yourself A. Library most susceptible to: and SOLUTION A.D. B. Connelly Center A. David Koresh C. Local Watering The Hole B. Charies Manson deadline to place D. Bathroom SATURDAY advertisements i C. JimBakker 2. Who do you find the most appealing: D. Eddie Vedder RHYTHM A. Father Steele & 7. If you were a tire, which kind would you B. Connelly Center be? Food Workers A. High profile BLUEFISH C. Dr. Food B. Low profile D. Yourself C. All-season THURS., 3. Which do you find the most appealing to D. Studded MARCH 24 the Villanovan your sense of humor: 8 If you came to a fork in the road, would you: STRANGE AS A. Martin Lawrence A. Go back B. Adam Sandler B. Go right ANGELS C. David Letterman C. Go left D. Dennis Miller D. Go both I ways 4. If you encounter a glass filled to half FRI., MARCH 25 capacity, 9. Why did you come to Villanova: you would say: A. An education SLIPPERY is A. It is half empty AND at 4 p.m., Tuesday. B. A wild college life B. It Is half full C. For an extension of high school THE SKIRTCHASERS C. Olcay, who drank this? D. Only place that accepted you D. Ah, shut the *%#$ uplf! 10. Your most important social concern: 5. If stranded on an island with Tonya Harding, A. AIDS TOURNEY TIME! you would bring along: B. Environment A. Semi-automatic firearm C. Homeless See all the games on B. The Club D. Not missing happy hour BIG SCREEN TVs C. A Patriot Missile D. Nothing, you believe her pleading of *Thank you for "I'm Innocent!" your support!!! 625 W. Loncoster Ave., Wayne PA

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Page 36 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 March 18, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN Page 37 Softball begins regular season with a 5-4 record Wolfman's Views from the Cheap Seats By ERIC BEGG in Villanova's attempt to replace a team dominated by freshmen. Most hurt by the lack of hitting pitching staff. With the potential Staff Reporter By JONATHAN PASSMAN tan. I count seven: Hofstra, Man- Meisinger, who pitched over 100 In their five wins in Florida, the last season was returning sopho- exhibited by the younger players, Bulls each sold sold sideline seats for $13 and lousy for a fan Sta^ Reporter box seats for $12 base as dedicated innings last year. the consensus around hattan, Fordham, St. John's, Long Curly, who Wildcats appeared to haVe no more pitcher Tina Sabunas, who the team in 1982, $75 in 1994 ($100 for the endzone seats for $9 back then. as Eagles fans supposedly are. Although snow remains 1-1 Island University, Rutgers and on the went down in Florida, started problem pushing runs across the had an outstanding rookie season seems to be that the more they Today, those seats go for at least And the Fox Network People have been bids nearly field, the Villanova Softball team a game and pitched in plate. play the better coming up to Seton Hall. Of those teams, only rehef for In four of their wins, the as she went 10-11 with a 1.71 together, they will $30. The Chicago White Sox had $400 million for the rights to me all week, saying Seton Hall has already amassed a 5-4 record. the Wildcats. It appears as Wildcats become. something could be considered for ticket though pummeled their oppo- E.R.A. Sabunas, who set a school a range of $4-$9, which have televise NFL games, which is along the lines of, "Didn't Villan- an invitation to the The Wildcats made a barnstorm- the Wildcats will rotate both nents by scoring 44 times. with 128 last "We graduated five players NCAA Tour- escalated to a nice bargain $8-$20. The record for strikeouts ova quickly becoming the most boring ing tour of Florida over spring Martin get (unfairly passed over)?" nament. Since they have to get the and Curly in the number wins included two home runs by year, went 3-3 on the southern from last year," said Sabunas. The worst seats in the house are of professional sports. The money break, leaving the sunshine state My answer has been unvariably, "part-time" fans to watch some- two pitching slot. Dunn and Howarth. This total trip. "We are a very young team. now 3.7 times as expensive as in is getting out "No." Fifteen-12 of hand. with more than a decent record; "Curly pitched is just not a how, they put a New York team real well down exceeded their 1993 total by one. "Sabunas did very well last Florida was beneficial because it 1984, the best seats are 3.4 times I think everybody could learn a suitable record for the Big in the they left with a better understand- there," said Martin, who won her gave the team a chance Dance, market. A New York team as expensive. year," said Martin. "It was a little to get out and anybody lesson from the Philadelphia ing of their team and its who watched last means more ratings and advertis- chances first game in two years in Florida. surprising to see a freshman come on the field and play together. We all know that salaries have Wings. The Wings Friday's debacle only play six this season. We hawe a special against Provi- ing dollars then say Brigham risen. "She was composed on the mound. team. in and do as well as she did. Her This season we have to play smart About five years ago, the games a season, have regular jobs The '93 Wildcats finished 20-20 dence would realize that we are Young, in the miniscule Provo, We lost more than Meisinger, record have been better, and aggressively to win. We have average baseball salary was $1 during We may be a little would just the week and are paid a while placing second in the Big though, not ready for the NCAA Utah television market. This we lost around five star- but we didn't come through for alot of talent, but we really need million. Now, I could make $2 small fee for their games. Tournament. Of course, The East. Led by seniors Sharon ters from last young, but all the sub- means CBS Sports still has a year's team and we we are her in some key at bats in some to play more as a team." million as a n^ediocre utility games are occasionally televised Palmieri and Christine Kolatac, ject kept turning to Seton Hall, reason to exist after losing the have to get out there and play of her games." infielder. Even Jack Clark, sorry on tape delay on ESPN2, friemis on and off tbe who at 17-12, deserves and who batted .366 and .349 respec- together to get on paper NFL to the Fox TV network. It Eric, a better idea on The key for the Wildcats this Playing together as a team is nicked $3 mil a couple of ESPN2 didn't pay a $1/2 billion to make it, but tively, the Wildcats outhit their how we are going to field. anybody who saw may not be fair, it may not be do this year." season is the performance of their one of the intangibles in sports years back for a stellar .187 to televise them. It is sports as them this year knows they aren't right, but it is the opponents by over 40 points. Amy The Wildcats did not lose all American Way. season. Sophomort Tina SalNinas newest members. The play of that cannot be measured by any they were meant to be played — Meisinger anchored a pitching nearly as good as their record The whole money effect their stars from last year's squad. freshman Rafalski, Briget Money rules sports today. Col- for excitement Kim statistic. Individuals may post indicates. and entertainment staff that The conspiracy-oriented reminds me of a book I found in had a staff E.R.A. of Senior outfielder Sheri Howarth Baxter, Natalie lege basketball players think they — not as a business. Black and sopho- great numbers, but if the team mind of 1.87, while shutting out their and the Wolfman never rests, my basement back home a few junior first baseman Carrie In their losses, the Cats found more transfer Andrea Ciconte does not get along, their chances should get paid. Larry Johnson opponents eight times. Those and here's why the Pirates are in weeks ago. It was full of things Dunn return for another season. life a little less rewarding as they make the veteran members think of success are slim. will collect nearly $70 million March Madness — money. for families to in players are lost due to graduation, Howarth and Dunn, who batted were only able to score a total of do my hometown, dollars over the next that the team's transition will not "We have a special team," said decade to NCAA Final Four picks are Follow me for a moment, if Chicago, and in their place are eight fresh- .319 and .291 respectively in '93, five runs in their four you in 1982. The most inter- miss 30 games a defeats. be that painful. Sabunas, expressing a sentiment year with chronic passe; here is will. The New York City esting my NIT Final Four: men who must learn by fire how are expected to lead This is media feature was the ticket back the team not unlike last year's Rafalski showed promise as a shared by the other members of trouble. A family of four has Georgia Tech, Villanova, market is the largest in the prices for the Oklaho- to play at the Division 1 level. offensively. With the loss of their squad, who managed to score only United professional sports' to shell out about hitter by driving home six runs, the squad. "We may be a little $200 to go to ma and Mississippi States. Now, name the Division teams in Chicago. Bulls). Second St. The Vil- Freshman Melissa Curly joins top hitters from last season, the 24 runs in their 20 losses, a mark The rise in balcony seats, up an NFL game. The Eagles sold while Black and Ciconte emerged young, but we are all friends on out lanova pick is biased, and I basketball teams within a 20- ticket prices was astounding. in the rafters sold for the senior co-captain Michele Martin Wildcats will need this pair to lead that included nine shut outs. The $4 in 1984, just two home last as the new battery mates for the and off the field. games year Georgia Tech pick is mile radius of midtown Manhat- Chicago Blackhawks $20 in 1992. contingent and Chicago The Chicago Bears because of risincf costs — pretty on its better half showing up. NCAA Tourney region by region preview

By ED FITZPATRICK by leading Purdue to the Final Staff Reporter Four as the nation's leading scorer. The key question regard- Even without Villanova in this ing Purdue is not how good Robin- year's field of 64, there is still son is but how far can he carry ELECTION plenty of excitement, agony and them? "Big Dog" definitely has heartache to go around. Last the talent to single-handedly carry week, seven teams from the top the Big 10 Champs to Charlotte, 10 were upset. If that is any but lack of support and a difficult indication of how the tournament route may be Purdue's downfall. will run, we could be in for one In the second round, they could of the wildest and wackiest tour- get a scare from the determined naments since our very own and streaking Providence Friars, Wildcats won the National Cham- winners of eight straight includ- pionship ! in 1985. ing the Big East tournament. CONFERENCE PREVIEWS: DAY! In the bottom bracket, a Duke- EAST Kentucky rematch would be a dream come true. Kentucky would Favorite: North Carolina try to exploit Duke's young back- Sleepers: Temple, Alabama- court with Birmingham a barage of three- pointers from gunners Travis Best Possible Matchup: UNC vs. Ford, Tony Delk and Jeff Brassow. Temple, sweet 16 Coach K would counter with Possible Upset: UAB over Connec- tough defense and a controlled ticut, second round offense. Nonetheless, Kentucky Outlook: Somebody on the selec- FILE PHOTO seems to its Exercise be at peak at the right Candidate for National CoUege Your Right tion committee does not want Player of the Year Glen Robinson hopes to lead Purdue through time and should squeak by Duke the Southeastern North Carolina to repeat as bracket. in one of the best games of the national champs. Not only is the tournament, and then drop top- East bracket loaded with powerful ranked Purdue two days later. WEST teams, but they are all strategi- Prediction: Kentucky Bickford resigns cally placed to make the Tarheels to Favorite: Missouri By SEAN KELLY Vote! route to Charlotte a living night- Sleepers: Cincinnati, Syracuse, Sports Editor mare. Possible opponents include many as the leading candidate tor MIDWEST Louisville As if last the Boston College, Temple, Indiana, weekend's perfor- head cross country coach's Best . Possible Matchup: Louisville Florida mance at the NCAA Indoor Track position once Stern retires. In his and Connecticut, but the Favorite: Arkansas vs. Arizona, sweet 16 and Field Championships short stay Tarheels are more than ready for was not at Villanova, the former Sleeper: St. Louis Possible Upset: Cincinnati over discomforting the challenge. Freshmen phenoms enough for the Wildcat assistant managed to Best Possible Matchup: Michigan Missouri, second round Villanova track gain Rasheed Wallace and Jerry Stack- program, the a tremendous amount of vs. UMass, sweet 16 Outlook: The wild, wild west untimely resignation of first respect and house fit in perfectly with the year esteem from the Possible Upset: UCLA over Okla- should be just that in the '94 defending champs. assistant coach Bruce Bickford athletes under him. homa St., second round NCAA tournament. In the weak- made the dismal March The have the situation even "I think it's a shame that we're est of the four brackets, the west worse. The relationship losing not only experience and the weapons to between an excellent coach Outlook: Are the Arkansas Razor- seems to be a five team race Head Coach with reach the Final Four, but the East Marty Stern and quality credentials, but a backs as good as their 25-3 record between top-seeded Missouri, Bickford is now in friend that all is just too tough. Although great question we looked up to, and number one billing? Probably perennial powers Arizona and because the early departure of the admired and could relate Donyell Marshall is ready to make to," said not, but they are the best in the Louisville and contenders Syra- young and popular assistant senior Carole Zajac. a run, Connecticut's weak out-of- was Midwest bracket. According to the cuse and Californisr. definitely a Until Stern is available conference schedule and best wins mutual decision. for USA Today's Computer Rankings, Rarely has a number one seed Stern, who was comments regarding this affair coming against Texas and Virgi- unavailable for Arkansas had the weakest sched- received such little respect. And comment earlier this and his own somewhat nia, could prove costly against the week, will premature cule in the Top 25, but to their for what? An undefeated Big Eight be retiring in August. retirement in the summer, there likes of North Carolina, Florida This has erty, Conference credit, they did breeze through it. record and a 14 game forced some to speculate whether will certainly be a multitude of and red-hot UAB. I like UNC to The Razorbacks' strengths are winning streak to close the regular or not Stem's questionable retire- around the sneak Charlotte and capture questions simmering into season? their great depth, 10 players Missouri is for real, but ment had anything to do with the doors of the track office. its second-straight national title. a lack Mary averaging at least 10 minutes a of tournament experience joint decision for Bickford to "In my past four years here, I've Prediction: North Carolina game and their run-and-gun style should keep them out of Charlotte leave. gone through so many assistant of play. Scotty Thurman and Alex this year. Arizona is the only team "I can't see that being the case," coaches," said Zajac. "It just SOUTHEAST in the Dillard are lethal from the three- bracket with enough con- said Bickford during a phone seems like there is some under- Favorite: Purdue point line; both are shooting over sistency to make the Final Four. conversation earlier this week. lining reason for Sleepers: Wake Forest, that." 43 percent from long range. The Gunners Khalid Reeves and Dam- "We've had our different philos- Until the rubbish Providence gets sorted only challenge for Arkansas might on Stoudamire are the main rea- ophies and that's all I can say. I from this increasingly disastrous Best Possible Matchup: Duke vs. sons come in the Elite eight from either the Wildcats averaged over don't want to slam anyone or do month in track, it is Kentucky, 16 difficult to sweet points Michigan or Massachusetts. I like 90 a game. If Louisville, anything. That's the reason I'm say whether Bickford will ever Possible Upset: Providence over UMass to defeat the fading "Fab Syracuse or California put togeth- leaving. It's just that we clashed come back to coach at Purdue, second round Villanova. 4" and challenge Arkansas for the er a few wins, one of them could in too many ways. It's not com- As qualified The Future Glenn Robin- as he is for the future Is Outlook: Purdue's Now! conference title. also take this rather weak fortable for him and it's not opening in the position, certain son, a.k.a. "Big Dog," sets out to Prediction: Arkansas conference. comfortable for me." powers may make NCAA tournament history prevent him from Prediction: Arizona Bickford was considered by getting his warranted return. •IBP****'" * " ~

>• 38 • THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994 Cats earn NIT bid (Continued from pager 40) would hold a double-digit lead for nova's frontcourt was containing the remainder of the game. Smith, who was floating along the "The last time we held [our own baseline with the greatest of ease, fate] in our hands was about two scoring many of his 13 points hours ago," said Lappas at the under the basket and absolutely game's conclusion. "It's out of our uncontested. hands now." "I give Michael Smith a lot of Unfortunately, the NCAA Tour- credit," said Lawson. "He's a nament Selection Committee in great player, and plays very Kansas City did not accommodate aggressively all the 'Nova's desires. After coming so time... Today he came out, close, it is easy to forget what a played hard, and did the things triumph this season has been for that it took." the Cats. Every major preseason For a few minutes into the publication, from Street and second half, 'Nova appeared deter- Smith's to The Sporting News, mined to get back into the game. picked the Cats to finish last in Sophomore Kerry Kittles provided the Big East. Instead, 'Nova the 'Nova fans with their first finished the regular season as the genuine opportunity to cheer fifth-place team in the conference. when he slammed home a vicious Their imorovement from 3-15 in dunk on a fast break. Minutes the 1992-93 season is the largest later, junior Jonathan Haynes hit in Big East history. Even after the a trey from the left side, and the disappointing performance in the Cats only trailed by eight points, conference tournament, Lappas 44-36. could see a silver lining. But once again, it was Providen- "I think [the players] have a lot rnv^lWDTPHOTO BY JILL UIDCHAMUIWDIBERARDINO _j 1 IT ce's big men who re-established to be proud of," said Lappas. control of the game. Powerful "Today was not a day about buckets scored by Smith and yelling or screaming or anything senior Dickey Simpkins ignited a else; it was about what we've done 10-2 streak for PC, and the Friars this year." Veterans lead Baseball opens season at 6-5 (Continued from page 40) added another run in the top of men's tennis Falk then singled home Mariniello the ninth to make the score 8-5. Pepkowski pitched six and one to give the Cats a 9-7 lead. Head Hunt pitched the final inning and third innings, giving up just one Also returning By JOE PATTERSON to the Coach (ieorge Bennett again called a third for another save. run before giving way to Hunt. experience-rich squad are juniors on Hunt to close the game. He set The Cats returned With Assistant Sports Editor home before one out, runners on second Bob Elliott (5-7), Andy (10- Frick down the Golden Panthers in travelling south to D.C. to play and third and 'Nova up 3-2, Hunt 2), Brendan Farley (9-1) and Alfre- order in the ninth to give the Cats George Washington in a three coaxed two ground balls out of The Villanova men's tennis do Maduro (1-2). Returning also is the victory. game set. In the first game, G.W. G.W. hitters to preserve the team optimistically anticipates a junior Sanjo Shatley who saw That same night, 'Nova faced took a 2-0 lead in the fourth inning victory for the Cats, earning his competitive season. After finish- limited doubles action last season. Florida Atlantic once more. Ben- on a hit combined with two walks fifth save. ing 10-6 last season, the Wildcats In fact, the only singles player not nett again sent Herr to the mound. and a hit batter. The Cats picked In the night-cap, the 'Nova bats return all but one singles player returning is Mark Macler who This time Herr responded with up one run in the sixth when went back to hibernation. In the from last year's squad. The vete- factored into only two matches in nine strong innings of three-hit Young singled, Mariniello walked, seven inning ballgame, the Cats ran corps will provide stability as singles competition last year. ball to shut out F.A.U. Offensively, Cassesa grounded out and Falk managed six hits but failed to get 'Nova welcomes a new coach to Understandably, Batman emphas- it was McGinty again going 2-for- singled. The score remained 2-1 any across as the Colonials shut the program, Bob Batman. izes that the team will be 4 in the lead off spot. Tom Koerick until the top of the ninth. 'Nova the Cats out, 3-0. Falk and out- Prior to accepting the head post experienced. went 2-for-5 with two RBIs and scored five runs on just three hits fielderJim McCarthy both chipped at Villanova, Batman was an "We're expecting to be a very Massella also chipped in two hits. courtesy of three walks. in assistant Matt two hits apiece in the loss. at the University of veteran team," Batman said. Bowness did well out of the DH Neyland doubled to lead off the After their first 11 games, the Redlands and helped guide both Nevertheless, 'Nova will be "look- spot, going 2-for-4 with a run and inning. McGinty walked, as did Cats stand at 6-5. Despite the the men and women's teams to ing for help from the freshman an RBI. Young. Mariniello then doubled in losses, Head Coach George Ben- Divison III top 25 rankings. He has class as well." In the Cats' final game in two runs to give the Cats the lead, nett expects his team to do well held numerous jobs as a tennis The Villanova tennis team is a Florida, they took on Barry Uni- 3-2. Cassesa brought in another as the season progresses. instructor throughout the United member of the Big East. Although versity once again. Pepkowski run on a groundout and later "We've been inside a gym for States and even served a stint as most of their regular season returned to the hill for the Cats, scored on a wild the pitch. The five the first two months while the Head Tennis Pro at the Got- matches will be out of conference, but this time enjoyed less success. run inning gave the Cats the 6- schools in Florida have been tingen Tennis Center in West the Wildcats do play Seton Hall, Barry scored two runs on two hits 2 win. Herr Germany. pitched seven strong playing outside," he said. Georgetown and St. John's in dual in the top of the first. 'Nova innings, giving up five hits and Still the coach did sight two Anchoring Batman's team is matches this season. In late April, answered with one in the third on striking out four. returning Justin Smith parts of his team's game that need number one man, senior the team will then travel to Miami a wild pitch. B.U. then scored a pitched an inning of middle relief improvement. Tom Boutrous. He posted an 11- for the Big East Championships. run on a double and a fielder's and Hunt closed it out for his "Since we don't have much 5 record in singles play last Last season, Miami ran away with choice. With the score 4-1, the Cat fourth save. power," he said, "we're g;oing to season. The economics major has the title while St. John's pulled off offense awakened in the top of the been have to be scrappy to win ball- a solid contributor since his a strong second place finish. fifth. Singles by Chris Rascher games. So far, we haven't run the sophomore season when he went Villanova flnished seventh in the and McGinty set the stage for a bases 16-4 as 'Nova's No. well and we've struck out 2 player. Championships last season, but two-run double by Steve Young. This team is ve/y too much. We need to be more The remaining spots will be looks to move up in the standings Young finished the game with five aggressive on the bases." shared by the other returning this tesilient Tliey liawe a season. hits in five at bats, including two players. Seniors Coach Bennett also praised his Michael Flaherty The Wildcats showed they were doubles and three RBIs. Mariniello great attitude and tliey team for its and Andy Sullivan played positive attitude. in a a team with potential in 1993, followed with a double to bring "This team is very resilient," combined 26 matches last laiow tliey can win. season winning their final six regular home another Cat runner and and both 3-4 said Bennett. "They have a great posted records at the season matches. This season Cassesa singled home still another Head Coach Seorge Bennett attitude and they know they can No. 3 slot. As a sophomore, Sul- 'Nova is hoping that the combi- run giving V.U. a 6-3 lead after win." livan showed great promise, going nation of an experienced team and four and a half innings. score The Perhaps the best part of this 16-4 at the No. 4 and No. 5 spots. a new head coach will provide the remained unchanged until the V.U. returned to the field Sun- top team is its depth. Junior Bryan Cavalier will also spark As many as needed to turn some heads of the eighth when Larry Kleinz day, March 13, for a twin bill with be a factor three to four players are compet- in singles play. He was in the Big East. singled the Colonials. In and later scored on a game one, the ing 'Nova's No. 2 singles at various positions including player for 10 The team will play two home groundout by Koerick. Cats took an early 1-0 lead on a the outfield, out of 16 matches last season. the catching slot and matches this week. Tomorrow, Barry mounted some offense in McGinty single, a Young fielder's The commerce and finance spots on the rotation. major 'Nova faces Queens College at 1 the bottom of the inning on three choice arid a Cassesa sacrifice. In from Latham, "We're very flexible," said NY, has posted an p.m. On Sunday, the Wildcats walks, a single the top of the sixth, 'Nova and a double, added Bennett. impressive collegiate career record host "We should be able to use New York University at which amounted to two runs to two more on a walk by Young and of 24-11. noon. certain players interchangably bring the score to 7-5. The Cats a two-run shot from Mariniello. without losing too much ability."


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bcrfttJIPiilMid! P*9» 40 » THE VILLANOVAN • March 18, 1994

Cats eliminated by Friars. looJc to NIT

Michael Smith dominates in P.C. victory

tv" By ALEX SCOFIELD when Providence took an early Associate Editor lead, and the lackluster Wildcat squad never amounted a signifi- By now, the Providence College cant effort to claim the game. players may have already forgot- "We probably played one of our ten most details of their first- worst games of the year," said round game of the Big East Tour- Lappas. "They played very, very nament. Storming their way to physical ... and we didn't respond the tourney's championship game, to it that well." the fourth-seeded Friars encoun- Nobody on the court played tered little resistance from Villan- more physically than Friar for- ova in the opening frame, squash- ward Michael Smith, who hauled ing the Cats 77-66 on March 11. down 12 rebounds to complement a 25-point performance. After The game was a crossroads for playing 'two undistinguished two teams headed for different regular-season games destinations. PC (23-9, 13-8 Big against 'Nova, Smith clearly saved his East) would go on to shock top- best for this seeded Connecticut and then crucial contest. And while Smith was dominat- knxx:k off Georgetown to win its ing the inside first-ever Big East Championship. game, the Wildcats were never able The Friars' performance earned to pose any substantial threat from the them an eighth seed in the South- perime- ter. 'Nova's three-point east bracket of the NCAA Tour- attack, among the best in the Big nament. This left the Wildcats' East, was nonexistant on this day, as 1^: fate in the hands of the NCAA the Cats shot only 4-for-17 selection committee, whose tele- from three-point vised verdict was handed down land. This was partial- ly due to the fact that sophomore two days later. Several games at Eric Eberz, one of a time, the NCAA pairings were 'Nova's premier three-point threats, got into announced. Villanova (15-12, 10- early foul trouble. After 9 Big East) was not among them. scoring the game's first field goal and putting Instead, 'Nova will have to 'Nova up 2-0, Eberz racked up a settle for an NIT Tournament bid, lightning -quick pair of fouls. which it received only hours after Midway through being snubbed by the NCAA's. the first half, Eberz was called for a reach-in, The first game was played last and had to watch the night (after press time) against remainder of the half on the bench. the Canisius Golden Griffins (22- At this point, foul trouble com- 6, 12-2 Metro Atlantic) at the pounded an duPont Pavilion. Head Coach already dire situation for the Wildcats. Providence led Steve Lappas was clearly upset at 16-6, courtesy of a 16-2 Friar run missing out on his first NCAA after 'Nova's opening basket. Not invitation. Still, the Cats' mentor only was PC scoring, it was doing welcomed the opportunity for his so in convincing fashion, as team to prove its mettle in the Smith NIT. outmuscled the Cats in the paint and outran 'Nova on the fast "A post-season bid is impor- break. Also pitching in for the tant," said Lappas. "I think it's Providence cause was Wildcat positive for these guys, and we're nemesis Eric Williams, who had looking forward to it." scored 29 points against 'Nova one 'Nova will not lose any of its week earlier. This time, he did scholarship players this spring. In most of his damage early, as he this respect, it is an ideal team wowed the Madison Square for the NIT Tournament, which Garden crowd with a breakaway often serves as a showcase for dunk and a towering hook shot. aspiring young teams looking for By the time the first half had bigger and better seasons the ended. Providence held a 40-23 following year. lead, and 'Nova had not shown But going into New York City any signs that it might whittle to meet the Friars a week ago, the away the scoring deficit. Fresh- Cats still had a solid opportunity man Jason Lawson had eight PHOTO BY JILL rk •* XL J. . . . DJBERARDINO to bypass the NIT phase of a points, but only two had come Despite the disappointing ending, the 'Nova basketball team played way above preseason rebuilding program. However, from the field. Nobody in Villa- Jason Lawson '''^J«>«>.an was an integral part of that success and was named to these hopes quickly tnefhiTii^RT^-All-Big East Rookie team. evaporated (Continued on page 38) Hetr, McGinty lead baseball

By TODD LESKANIC the hill for 'Nova. The game opposite of the first three games. Sports Editor remained scoreless as Pepkowski The offense pounded out 13 hits threw six no-hit innings. Still, the and 11 runs only to fall 18-11. The 1994 Villanova baseball Cat offense continued to slumber 'Nova used five pitchers but found team opened its season in Florida until the top of the eighth inning. none to be effective on over spring this day. break Feb. 27-March With the game still scoreless and Walks proved to be a particular 8. After eight games in the sun- one out, consecutive singles by problem as Cat hurlers combined shine state, the Cats travelled to Chris Massella and Mariniello put to walk 14 opponents. Offensively, Washington, D.C. to take on runners on first and third. sophomore outfielder Jim George Washington in a three McGinty then singled home the McCarthy went 2-for-5 with two game series. first 'Nova run. First baseman singles and an RBI. Bowness The opening game pitted the Steve Young doubled home anoth- reappeared at the designated Cats against Barry University. er run. Cassesa singled to bring hitter position B.U. and went 3-for-5 jumped all over right-hander in the final two 'Nova runs. Senior including a solo home run. Short- David Herr for three quick runs right-hander Dave Hunt pitched stop Larry Kleinz reached base in the first inning. A hit batsman, two strong I- innings in relief to seal three times and scored three two doubles and a single runs. provided the 4-1 win for the Cats. the Barry runs. Next on tap were the Golden That was all The Cats then took on Florida Fathers of Florida Barry would need, as it shut out Atlantic International University on March 1. 'Nova, 4-0. Herr recovered University. The Cats were finally to pitch 'Nova sent junior right-hander able to combine eight innings giving up six hits Brian Bowness both pitching and to the. mound. offense and striking out five. The offense to produce an 8-7 win. Bowness lasted five innings giving pounded out nine hits but failed McGinty continued to hit, going up eight hits and three runs. to push any of them across the 2-for-4. Young and senior out- Despite the decent performance of plate. Leftfielder Ryan McGinty fielder Brian Faulk also had two the pitching staff, the offense went 3-for-5 in the leadoff hits apiece, but the star of the spot. continued to sputter as F.A.U Dan Mariniello and Jason game was Massella, who went 4- Cassesa took the game, 4-0. McGinty both had two singles for-4, with three singles apiece but continued to roll and a on offense for double. ^^JLI to no avail. 'Nova stranded all of Tied 7-7 going into the Nova, going 3-for-4 with a double its 11 baserunners. ninth inning, the Cats to provide the Cats got a single FILE PHOTO with their only from McGinty The following day, the Cats three hits. to lead off the Despite being restricted to practicing indoors, the Villanova baseball took the field against inning. After Young struck Barry, After a day off, out, team made a good showing in Florida and took the Cats two of three from attempting to avenge their open- Mariniello doubled home the go- returned to the diamond to George Washington. face ahead run. j^g jgy defeat. Freshman right- St. Cassesa walked and Thomas on March 3. The hander Trevor Pepkowski took scenario turned out to be the total (Continued on page 38)