ACCOUNTANTS & REFEREES-continued. Wa.rnm Thomas, 22 Buckingham street WC A.nsell Charles, jun. to National Life, 2 King ShawHugoh Robinson, 24 E C Ward&Wilding,Bloomsbury mnsn.HartstWC William street E C Sha.w John Alexander Ja.s. 80 Coleman st E C Ward Robt. James, 2 Aberdeen park road N fBadcn .A.ndrew, to Imperial Life, 1 Ol.d Broad •Shearer John Ronald, 10 Basinghall st E C rwarwick Fretlerick, 21\ Bncklersbnry E C street, City E C Sheriff Edmund, 35 Gt. Marylebone street W Waters Frdk. 3 Storey's gate, Westminster SW fBailey Arthur Hntcheson, to Londnn Auur­ :j:Shippcy Arthur & Co. 13 & 14 King strcetE C Watkins Chas. S. C. 46 Queen Victoria st E C ance Corporation, 7 Royal Exchange E C Shirley .Tames Henry, 67 Gresham street E C Watling Joseph, 57 Coleman street E C £Berridge George William, to Equity&: Law ~Shubrook J. & Co. 9 E C Webb Charles Stacey, 33 Gerrard st. Soho W LifP A.1.1urance&ciety, 18 Lincln. 's inn flds WC Simmons John, Bicker-Ca.arten & Co. 28 Webber Henry John, :l4A.rundel st.Strand WC Bowser Wilfred A.rthur, to Colonial, 110 Can­ Budge row E C rwebsterHume,Hoare&Co.25AbchurchlaE C non street E C Sirnrnons Mark, 26 pavement E C Wen horn Fred. Moore, 81 NP-w Xorth road N fBrowne Thos. G. C. to Gun.rdian Fire &: Life Simpson Zephaniah, 22 Paternoster row E C Wen born George Fredk. 16 Water lane E C Assurance Society, 11 Lombarrl street E C fSingleton Charles .Tames, 8 Staple inn WC fWenham, Angus & Co. 43 Finsbury circusE C fHumsted David Alcx.. nder, 5 Whitehall SW Sladden, Son & Turner (medical), 3 Duke rw estcott W illiam & Co. 35 Coleman street E C IJ3unyon Charles John, :M • .A.. to Norwich Union street, Adelphi WC Whadcoat.Tim.Hy.Crown bldgs.O.BroadstE C LifP., 1\0 E C 'hSladeAlfd.Thos.6Grocers' hall ct.Poultry E C Whiffen Henry James, 9 King Edward st E C rclirehugh Wm. Palin, F.S.S. to London &: Slater Samuel & Son, 32 Qnccn Victoria st E C fWhiffin Georgc, 8 Old Jewry E C Lancashire Life, 66 & 67 Cornhill E C •Smallfield Edgar & Co. 45 King William stE C fWhinney Fredk. (Harding, Whinney & Co.), rcurtis F . .Allan, to Gresham Life, St. ~m­ fSmart Fdk. Bertram & Co. 53 Cannon st E C 8 Old Jewry E C dred's house, Poultry E C •Smart Wm. F. & aSon, 16 Ba.singhall st E C Whit by E.&Son,St.Bene't chbs.Fnchrch stE C routbush Edward, to Westminster Jc General fSma.rt John, 118 Cannon street E C • Whi tcom be & Emson, 1 G re sham buildings E C Life, 28 King street, Covent garden WC fSmith (Everingham)& Co. 34 Clement's laE C White Henry Geo. 70 Finsbnry pavement E C rcutdiJie George, to Clerical, MedicalJcGeneral •Smith Wootlley & •Ansell, 25 BucklrsbryE C fWiltle Edwtl.Thos.Rodncy,51 st E C Life, 13 St. James' square SW Smith (Henley) & Co. 121 Chcapside E C fWilliams W., •Heynolds & Co.lil & 14 King st. Davies Griffith, to Law Life, Ul7 Fleet st E C 'lffSmith (Sydney) & Co. St. Michacl's house Cheapside E C £Duncan John, F.I.A. Edinburgh Life Assur­ Church alley, Basinghall street E C ' Williams William, 4 st. wthn E C ance Co. 11 King William street E C Smith Thomas & Co. 61 Mark lane E C Williams Wm.Hole,l2Bishopsgate Rt.wthn E C fFinlaison Alexander John, to National J)ebt Smith llredk. Wm. Bond et. ho. E C Wills & Perkins, 6 Grocers' hall et. PoultryE C Office, 19 Old Jewry E C fSmith Frederick Williarn, 76 Cheapside E C Wilson, Jenner & Co. 1 & 2 Chiswell st E C Fisher Richard Charleg, to Eco1Wmic Life, 6 & 20 Bucklersbury E C Wilson & Co. 11 Poultry E C New street E C •Smith H. Newson, 37Walbrook E C •Wilson Alexa.nder,90ld Jewry chambers E C £Hardy Ralph Price, to London &: Provincial Smith .Tesse, 2 Gtlilrlhall chambers E C !tWilson Charles, 122 Kentish town road NW Law, 21 Fleet street E C fSmith John (Harding, Whinney & Co.), 8 £Wilson EdwardP.11 Old Jewry chambersE C lffelder Stewart, to Clergy Mutual .Assuranu Old Jewry E C Wilson Henry, 53 Old E C &ciety, 1 & 2 The Sanctuary SW Smith Philip Sidney B. 67 Berners street W ll